Embraer e Boeing acertam termos de parceria |
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Boeing controlará y gestionará Embraer aviones comerciales |
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Embraer y Boeing acuerdan términos de alianza |
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Primer Boeing fabricado en China en plena guerra comercial con EEUU |
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Boeing ha entregado a la OTAN el último AWACS modernizado |
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‘Acordo entre Embraer e Boeing fere lei e entrega patrimônio nacional’ alertam sindicatos |
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WestJet’s first Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner almost ready for delivery |
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Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress New |
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Boeing entrega el primer 737 MAX 8 construido en la planta de Zhoushan China |
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Emirates ha recibido el último Boeing 777-300ER de su cartera de pedidos |
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Boeing und Embraer einigen sich auf millliardenschwere Zusammenarbeit |
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Boeing compra participación mayoritaria de aerolínea Embraer |
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Boeing delivers 787th 787 |
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Emirates Nachricht: Emirates nimmt letzte Boeing 777-300ER in stockt nach Merkels G20-Pannenflug auf |
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Boeing: Στα 526 δισ δολ η αξία της μονάδας αεροσκαφών Embraer |
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Jeff Bezos Boeing and Elon Musk may happen to fly to space today |
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Boeing gana el concurso de la Xunta de Galicia sobre UAV |
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El futuro de Embraer y Boeing converge con nuevas colaboraciones empresariales |
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Boeing ha entregado el 787º 787 Dreamliner que ha salido de la línea de producción |
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Boeing leverer B787 Dreamliner nummer 787 |
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Boeing Delivered The 787th 787 Dreamliner |
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Embraer e Boeing aprovam termos de joint venture e já projetam uma nova parceria |
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Inside Boeing’s computerized production network turnaround |
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Jetliner Boeing |
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Embraer e Boeing aprovam parceria para criar empresa de US 526 bilhões |
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BTG reforça rating de compra para Embraer após aprovação de acordo com Boeing |
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Tập đoàn Mỹ Boeing cho xuất xưởng phi cơ đầu tiên lắp ráp ở Trung Quốc |
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Embraer and Boeing Approved the Terms of Strategic Aerospace Partnership |
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Boeing et Embraer finalisent leur rapprochement pour lutter contre Airbus – Boeing entend couvrir toute la gamme d’avions commerciaux allant des avions régionaux de 70 sièges aux très gros-porteurs de 450 sièges |
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Blue Panorama inaugura l’unico collegamento diretto da Milano Malpensa per Santo Domingo con un Boeing 767/300 |
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Embraer Boeing e os mitos do negócio Por Míriam Leitão |
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Embraer’in net karı daha yüksek fiyatlara rağmen Boeing anlaşmasından aynı şekilde devam ediyor |
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Boeing agrees terms with Embraer for strategic partnership |
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Bordado Boeing 767 |
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Acordo com a Boeing soa mais promissor para Embraer que negócio entre Airbus e Bombardier |
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Boeing and JampJ Both Offer New Incentives for Investors After Big Losses |
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Air Europa to move to all-Boeing fleet phase out E195s from 2021 |
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Boeing ELG Carbon Fibre Find New Life for Airplane Structure Material in Groundbreaking Partnership |
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Air Vanuatu Welkams it’s new Boeing 737-800 Feb 1 2016 |
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Embraer EMBR3 – Aprovação da fusão da Boeing |
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Aeromexico Boeing 737-800 hits drone during approach damage to nose cone and radome |
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Boeing 737 Type Rating for aircraft maintenance technician |
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Boeing vai pagar US 42 bi por 80 da aviação comercial da Embraer |
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Sức mạnh siêu trực thăng vận tải Boeing MH-47 của Mỹ |
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Mourão propõe aval conjunto de Temer e Bolsonaro para aprovar acordo Embraer-Boeing |
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Boeing Northrop Grumman Longbow General Electric Deal |
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Wall Street – Dividend geeft Boeing rugwind |
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Trip report: Thai Airways Boeing 747 First Class Bangkok to Munich |
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18 de dezembro de 2018 Acordo com a Boeing soa mais promissor para Embraer que negócio entre Airbus e Bombardier |
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Acordo entre Embraer e Boeing espera aval do governo em 2019 |
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Boeing Engineering Jobs 61 |
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Bremont Boeing |
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Boeing lance le BBJ 777X un appareil capable de parcourir la moitié de la Terre sans s’arrêter |
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Bremont Boeing Model 1 |
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Embraer e Boeing firmam parceria para acelerar crescimento |
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Boeing Bill For Embraer Commercial Business Rises To 42 Billion |
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Rolls-Royce And Boeing Invest In UK Space Engine |
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Boeing B-17G Bombardiere |
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Embraer e Boeing aprovam termos de acordo |
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Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress |
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AIRPORT Air and Boeing Are Heading Into a 22 Billion Feud |
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Boeing delivers first 737 MAX completed at Zhoushan China plant |
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Embraer y Boeing aprobaron los términos de un avión con matrícula argentina estará volando en Chile |
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Boeing Logo Design Free Vector File |
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Joint Venture: Boeing und Embraer sind fast am Ziel |
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Boeing to acquire stakes in Embraer operations for 42 billion |
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Last ordered Boeing 777-300ER flies into Emirates fleet |
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Life Inside Boeing’s Everett Factory the Biggest Building in the World |
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Boeing issues 737 Max fleet bulletin on AoA warning after Lion Air crash |
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Boeing delays call to discuss issues with its newest plane |
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Mourão propõe que Temer decida acordo da Embraer e Boeing com Jair Bolsonaro |
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Mysterious Abandoned Boeing 737 Turns Into a Tourist Attraction In Bali |
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Boeing fabricará el nuevo Air Force One |
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Como a Embraer foi da quase falência ao acordo bilionário com a Boeing |
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Um hotel a bordo do mais novo avião da Boeing |
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Corendon Airlines Boeing 747-400 PH-BFB |
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Embraer и Boeing согласовали условия стратегического партнерства в аэрокосмической сфере |
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Military Connection: Boeing to Develop Plasma “Force |
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Boeing Debuts New Analytics MRO Capabilities at MRO Americas |
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Primeiro H160 de série ganha o céu com decoração e Boeing aprovam parceria estratégica aeroespacial KC390 mantém controle brasileiro |
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Aktier: Boeing og Oracle stryger frem i USA efter gode nyheder |
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Empresário ameaça cancelar encomenda de US 22 bi com Boeing |
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Now as an independent subsidiary of Boeing Aurora’s innovation is combined with Boeing’s size and strength creating an unprecedented opportunity to disrupt the future of aerospace |
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Review: ANA Boeing 777-300ER Business Class Los Angeles to Narita – All Nippon Airways |
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Embraer e Boeing fecham acordo para criação de nova empresa |
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KW 72069 Boeing B29 |
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Boeing B-17G Bomber reelaborado |
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Tuifly bekommt 2019 sechs Boeing 737 Max |
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Boeing Pilot Jobs 234 |
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Embraer aprova venda de ativos para a Boeing |
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Στα 526 δισ η αξία της μονάδας εμπορικών αεροσκαφών της Embraer σύμφωνα με τη Boeing |
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Første Boeing-737 ruller ut fra kinesisk fabrikk Det er bare starten |
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Boeing et Embraer finalisent leur liaisonRSS |
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Boeing sigla accordo con Embraer del valore di 42 mld di dollari |
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Recent the origins of Boeing’s ‘Diamond’ from Apollo to NMA |
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Cláusula que pode dar à Boeing 100 do negócio gera incômodo |
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Boeing 737-800 sofre excursão de pista durante pouso em na Rússia veja imagens |
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acordo de Embraer e Boeing |
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18-12-2018 Boeing ha entregado a la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte OTAN en Manching… |
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Aviones y Misiles Boeing |
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Cockpit View From Boeing’s Paris Air Show Flight |
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S7 Airlines Boeing 737-800 VP-BLD |
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Boeing 737-800 TAM – GTA SA |
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Tar opp kampen med Boeing om sin egen milliardordre |
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Boeing shares fall for a third straight session on Monday Embraer finalizes terms of proposed deal with US plane maker |
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Boeing and Thermwood Partnership to Demonstrate New 3D Printing Technology |
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Milestone: Boeing delivers its 787th 787 Dreamliner 3 days ago |
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Тяжeлый военно-транспортный вертолeт Boeing CH-47F I Chinook ВВС Индии в полете |
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CNBC: Boeing raises its dividend 20 boosts buyback plan to 20 billion reaffirming its bullish outlook |
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Somos Todos Embraer: Entrevista de Dennis Muilenburg CEO da Boeing para a revista Veja |
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Boeing 747 se aposenta nas cores da United confira as imagens de seu último voo |
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Boeing: Dividend Growth Takes Flight |
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The Legendary Boeing-Stearman Model 75 Biplane |
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3D ocelová skládačka Boeing 747 3D ocelová skládačka Boeing 747 |
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Die Boeing Company weiß mit Sicherheit dass der Flug JT610 aus der Ferne entführt wurde Die Veröffentlichung der Wahrheit wird die Luftfahrtindustrie in die Knie zwingen Die zionistische Kabale kann nicht zulassen dass die Wahrheit zum Vorschein kommt |
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787 Month End report – Boeing Delivers 12 787s in October and 10 in November |
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Boeing e Embraer: para sindicatos união contraria a Lei das SAs |
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GOL apresenta novo Boeing 737 MAX 8 em São Paulo |
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Boeing C-17A Globemaster |
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Royal Air Maroc recibe su primer Boeing 787-9 |
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Катастрофа Boeing 737: громадян України не було на борту… |
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Emirates dévoile les toutes nouvelles cabines de ses Boeing 777 |
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Fernando Alonso de Airbus: “Está claro que Boeing nos quiere quitar del negocio” |
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Boeing puts resources into 3D-printed parts in wake of provider shortages |
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Boeing ugovorio prvi EMD posao sa svojim partnerom SAAB-om na projektu T-X vrijedan 117 milijuna USD |
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Bloodworks Northwest gets a boost from Boeing |
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Acordo entre Boeing e Embraer fere lei e representa entrega de patrimônio SINDICAL |
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Why not Terraform Earth on the other hand Boeing… |
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Nos Estados Unidos a American Airlines e a Allied Pilots Association APA começaram a trabalhar na viabilidade do uso de Tablets como EFB – Eletronic Flight Bag em junho de 2010 sendo a 1ª companhia aérea comercial a receber aprovação da FAA em dezembro de 2011 para uso de tablets durante todas as fases do voo em sua frota de Boeing 777 |
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Embraer et Boeing ont finalisé les termes de leur accord en vue de l’acquisition par l’avionneur américain d’une participation de 80 dans la division d’aviation civile du groupe brésilien dont la valeur a été relevée à 526 milliards de dollars |
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Lion Air passengers’ families sue Boeing over aircraft sensors |
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Boeing 737-800 sofre excursão de pista durante pouso em na Rússia… |
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Boeing Commercial Airplanes |
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Caneta Boeing Cromada |
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Boeing to pay 42 billion for Embraer commercial business |
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A suspicious “civilian” cargo flight QFZ9950 Qeshm Fars Air Boeing 747 took off today from Tehran to Damascus |
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Acordo entre Embraer e Boeing fere lei e entrega patrimônio nacional |
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Boeing Delivery Center |
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Austrália recebe dois Boeing 737 AEWampC |
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Boeing GBU-39 Small-Diameter Bomb |
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Boeing 777 er blevet et privatfly: Kan flyve nonstop mellem alle byer på kloden |
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2 x four-celled Boeing Harpoon anti-ship missile systems |
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Caso é investigado Drone pode ter furado bico de Boeing 737 em colisão no México |
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A tendência atual na aviação comercial como os motores se tornaram mais potentes confiáveis e econômicos é a diminuição do número de motores Os Boeings 757 767 777 787 e alguns aviões da Airbus Industry ilustram isso Essas aeronaves bimotoras modernas seguras e eficientes voam rotas intercontinentais enquanto o antecessor imediato o Boeing 747 usava quatro motores |
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The man taking on Boeing with a 22 billion jet order at stake |
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Boeing 737-essel ütközött egy drón |
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Boeing aventaja a Airbus en 57 pedidos hasta septiembre |
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What Boeing’s Dividend Hike Means |
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Bell Boeing V-22 Rebranding amp Posters |
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Stocks making the biggest moves after hours: Oracle Boeing and more |
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Пассажирский Boeing 737 разбился после вылета из Джакарты |
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Embraer e Boeing aprovam aliança de US53 bi em aviação comercial |
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What is the Boeing 737 Max Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System |
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Boeing Hits Milestone with Delivery of Dreamliner No 787 |
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Aeronave Boeing 737-200 adquirida para treinamento prático nos cursos de comissário e mecânico em manutenção de aeronaves |
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В Индонезии через несколько минут после вылета рухнул в море пассажирский Boeing Никто не выжил |
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CSA Czech Airlines Boeing 737-800 OK-TST |
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Embraer e Boeing approvano i termini della partnership strategica sull’aerospazio in attesa dell’approvazione del governo brasiliano |
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Acordo entre Boeing e Embraer afeta a soberania nacional afirma sindicato |
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Airline Review: Swiss Business Class Boeing 777 |
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Boeing announces new Aerospace amp Autonomy Center operated by Aurora Flight Sciences |
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Boeing to acquire Liquid Robotics to enhance autonomous seabed-to-space information services |
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Annual awards program recognizes suppliers for value creation exceeding customer expectations TRIVAD is honored to receive the Boeing Performance Excellence Award 2 straight years in a row |
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O Boeing 737 da Vasp já chegou em Araraquara-SP |
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Entenda-se aqui como “ilusão de ótica” a percepção de algo diferente de sua aparência real Isso nada tem a ver com imagens elaboradas por alucinações nem tampouco com irregularidades e sim com interpretações lógicas do que realmente observa um piloto explicadas e previstas por conceitos de engenharia E essa afirmação foi publicada em um estudo da Boeing |
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Official Boeing Merchandise |
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50-Year-Old Man Lifts Boeing 737 in 3 Minutes of Training |
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CEO and chairman The Boeing Company |
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Embraer Boeing approve terms of strategic aerospace partnership |
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15-12-2018 Emirates ha celebrado un hito importante en su flota con la entrega del último Boeing 777… |
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Page Annexe : Cette Page Economie USA CIA TRUMP POMPEO: Crash Boeing737-MAX 01112018 |
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Juneyao Airlines Boeing 787-9 neste no Facebook |
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Boeing CEO disputes MCAS details “intentionally withheld” from airlines |
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The twelve pages of this site contain trail and off-trail hiking information for accessing all the named lakes in the Ruby Mountain range and the adjoining East Humboldt range in Northeastern Nevada 25 lakes total if the three double named lakes Cold Hidden and Dollar are considered as one each and the Soldier Lake ponds are considered as just one A chart in Part 6 outlines the relative hiking difficulties from easy to very difficult to the various destinations The more difficult ratings usually refer to destinations without trails where steepness loose footing rocky terrain and dwarf willows describe the trail of the day Most trail destinations are certainly within the capability of the average hiker Many of the images display the copyright symbol © but these can be disregarded and permission without asking is granted to use any of the photos on the site Note that postcards can be made from any of the site’s photos or from your own digital photos For information go to: Hiking Right Fork Canyon–Convert Photos to Postcards The two mountain ranges the Rubies and East Humboldts are separated by a mountain pass Secret Pass and it is customary to think of the entire range as being the Ruby Mountains only Whenever possible with the exceptions of some trails over privately owned lands explicit directions are furnished for locating the access roads and trails that lead to these destinations Comments are made on the fishing potential for each lake Information for any particular lake is not necessarily confined to a single page but may exist on two or three pages Part 2 Supplement Other Wilderness Areas contains a Lake Name Directory chart that identifies the pages where information can be found for most of the named lakes Rock climbers using ropes and pitons have been observed dangling from shear cliffs in Lamoille Canyon but the entire area is primarily a hiker’s paradise Most hikes would be considered moderate in difficulty requiring only average hiking ability and round trip distances are roughly in the vicinity of three to eighteen miles The classic hike over Liberty Pass is on a well maintained trail and is easier than many of the other hikes but there won’t be any need for fixed ropes Click on the image icons for expanded views Part 1 Trail to Liberty Pass and Beyond This is the current page and beginning with the section entitled Lamoille Canyon the first seven miles of the Ruby Crest trail from the parking lot in Lamoille Canyon to North Furlong Lake are described in some detail The first five miles of the trail passing Dollar and Lamoille lakes continuing over Liberty Pass and then down to Liberty Favre and Castle lakes but not all the way to N Furlong is the most popular hiking area in the entire mountain range and should be the primary consideration for anyone making a first time trip to the area The only other destination included in Part 1 is to Island Lake also a good first time destination Lamoille Canyon however due to popularity and easy access is the one area where you cannot go to completely escape civilization Depending on the day and weather cars may be parked most anywhere along the 12 mile stretch of canyon road and there could be 50 or more cars parked at the end of the canyon Some people will just be taking in the scenery others fishing Lamoille Creek while most of the others will be on the trail to Island Lake or going the other direction towards Liberty Pass and beyond © Steepled Presbyterian Church at Lamoille Ruby Mountains in Background Above Photo Courtesy of Susan Zerga Photography PO Box 281327 Lamoille NV 89828 Susan Zerga photography can be viewed and purchased at the Northeastern Nevada Museum and other Elko locations The Rural Gothic style steepled church at Lamoille some 20 miles from Elko has the reputation of being the most photographed building in Nevada Construction was started in 1905 and continued with periodic remodeling and expansion Part 2 Other Wilderness Areas Photos and Information Hiking destinations in Part 2 include Angel Winchell Smith Greys Boulder Steele and Birdeye lakes in the East Humboldt range and Robinson Soldier Hidden Cold Verdi Overland Echo Seitz and Griswold lakes in the Ruby range Contact information is provided for five major horse Outfitters in the area in case you would rather ride than walk Part 2 Supplement Other Wilderness Areas Photos and Information Part 2 supplement provides additional hiking information and photos for Robinson Soldier Hidden Seitz Griswold Lost and Winchell lakes Information and photos are also presented on the unofficially named Box Lake and Snow Lake located in Box Canyon over the west side of the ridge above Lamoille Lake Part 3 Outfitters Pack Trips and Backpacking Guide ServiceThis section provides pack trip information and photos with several outfitters to Hidden Robinson Soldier Seitz Boulder Steele and Cold lakes Reservation information is provided for the Thomas Canyon campground just off Lamoille Canyon and the Angel Lake and Angel Creek campgrounds in the East Humboldts the only three major campgrounds in the Rubies and East Humboldts Part 3 Supplement Outfitters Pack Trips Thomas Canyon Right Fork Canyon and Ruby ValleyThis page provides information on a few of the more unusual and less visited destinations and the outfitters who can get you there These include Echo Lake Verdi Lake Lost Lake Greys Lake Hole in the Mountain Goat Lake Right Fork Canyon and hiking information for Thomas Canyon Part 4 Hiking the Ruby Crest Trail with Lynda Mellows and Rosanne Baker This is a very inspiring account of a four day hike over the 42 mile Ruby Crest Trail starting at Lamoille Canyon by two ladies from Minden Nevada that is told by Lynda Mellows After reading this section and you feel that you might want to hike the trail it is likely that you will need assistance for spotting your own vehicle at the end of the hike and taking shuttle transportation to the beginning For this purpose consult Cowboy John Tours in the Outfitters Section of Part 2 of this site Part 2 Other Wilderness Areas Photos and Information Part 5 Birdeye Lake Overland Lake Abbreviated Ruby Crest Trail Hike Lake Peak Smith Lake Clover Valley and Cave Creek This section presents additional horse trip information to Birdeye Lost Verdi Overland and North Furlong lakes and to Lake Peak Smith Lake and the Cave Creek cave are also covered Cave Creek emerges from a granite wall within the Ruby Mountains and in 1865 a soldier intent on exploring the cave met a disasterous end Read about the two conversations in the cave between the ghost soldier and an individual who assures us he is completely sane Ruby Crest Trail information is presented along with an abbreviated trail route that passes all the same lakes along the full length trail but reduces the distance from 42 miles to 30 miles Part 6 Hiking Difficulty Comparison Chart This section displays a chart with numerical ratings indicating a difficulty factor from easy to very difficult for hikes to all the named lakes and a few other destinations Most destintions can be reached by horse and outfitters are identified who can provide horse transportation to the areas A Summary of Hiking Destinations following the chart recommends the two hikes that should be undertaken as first time hikes what destinations are available for later hikes without encountering private land and what destinations are primarily recommended with an outfitter due to trail difficulty or the necessity to cross private land Consult this section when considering a hiking or horse trip Part 7 C-47 and B-17 Military Aircraft Crash in the East Humboldt Mountain Range A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress crashed in the East Humboldts during the early 1940’s and a C-47 crashed about five miles away in the early 1950’s Return to top of Page or scroll to next section NEVADA’S SWISS ALPS Nevada’s Swiss Alps the Ruby Mountains Wilderness and East Humboldt Wilderness are centrally located 20 miles south of Elko Nevada near the ranching community of Lamoille in Northeastern Nevada The mountain range is within the Humboldt National Forest and is approximately 90 miles in length and a dozen or so miles in width The northernmost 70 miles extending from Angel Lake in the East Humboldts to Harrison Pass in the Rubies account for 99 percent of the recreational activity The range runs approximately in a north-south direction and Secret Pass one of two road passes that traverse the range separates the East Humboldt section of the range to the north from the Ruby Mountains section of the range to the south The mountain range is gently sloping on the west side and steep on the east side The elevation is in the 10000 to 11000 foot range not particularly high but the range is formed by a single 5000 to 6000 foot rise rather than by a series of foothills The elevation of nearby Elko is over 5000 feet and the Ruby Crest trailhead elevation at the head of Lamoille Canyon is around 8800 feet The 42 mile Ruby Crest Harrison-Lamoille trail extending north to south in the Rubies is the longest trail in the two mountain ranges The narrowness of the mountains ten to twelve miles provides a wide variety of shorter trails three to eighteen miles round trip to the various lakes or other destinations With an early enough start most of these round trip destinations can be accomplished in one day Twenty-five named lakes or 28 depending on your counting method and a number of small unnamed lakes or large ponds are scattered throughout the length of the range Most of the named lakes are stocked with various species of trout primarily cutthroat brook and mackinaw the latter in only two lakes Trail maintenance by the Forest Service is sometimes lacking but the Sierra Club operating with the Forest Service occasionally conducts trail reconstruction in limited areas For summer 2007 trail maintenance was scheduled from August 4th through the 12th for trail or trails leading into the Boulders area in the East Humboldt range a continuation of the Ruby Mountains range The fee was shown as 595 and the Sierra Club announcement states: Our base camp will be in an aspen forest next to a creek and about a half mile from Boulder Lake at an elevation of 9039 feet However as often happens there were insufficient sign-ups to proceed The above trail location refers to the trail into the Boulders area via Pole Canyon on the Clover Valley east side of the range This trail crosses private property and is not available for general access At the time there was consideration by the Forest Service to purchase the necessary land for access but excessive cost of the land overruled Accordingly it is probably just as well that the trail maintenance did not proceed See Parts 2 and 3 of this site for Boulder and Steele lakes information and the current state of the existing or more precisely non-existing trail via Third Boulder Creek Canyon from the west side of the range One topic of irritation concerns the lack of general public access to some trails and canyons that are bordered by privately owned property where Forest Service easements could not be obtained These restricted areas are mostly on the west side of the mountain range Outfitters however usually have agreements with the land owners to take clients into these areas There are no access restrictions in the Lamoille Canyon area and beyond Return to top of Page or scroll to next section AREA MAP Map Displaying Lake Locations and Other Geographic Features Click the map image to expand to full size file size is 279k so loading time may be slow The map will show the locations of many features mentioned on these pages Included are the communities of Elko Wells Deeth Jiggs Lee Lamoille and Spring Creek Some geographic features shown are Ruby Valley Secret Pass Harrison Pass the Ruby Marshes Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge and Lamoille Canyon Locations of a few other major canyons are shown along with the relative positions of all named lakes in the Ruby Mountains and East Humboldts To prevent over-crowding the distances apart for some of the lakes are not exactly to scale The hikes described in PART 1 to Island Lake and going the other direction to Liberty Favre Castle and North Furlong lakes can easily be undertaken without the aid of a map The driving and hiking instructions to destinations described in PARTS 2 3 and 5 along with the supplement pages should be sufficiently explicit but it still might be advisable to obtain wilderness maps During the week you can purchase separate or combined Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Wilderness maps from the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest office in Elko at 2035 Last Chance Road 775-738-5171 From Idaho Street go south on 12th Street until you make a left turn onto the Lamoille highway Pass Dale White Automotive on the left and Last Chance Road is on the left immediately after passing the dealership Return to top of Page or scroll to next section LAMOILLE CANYON Ruby Mountains The most popular access to the area is from the trailhead at the end of Lamoille canyon about a 30 mile drive from Elko Short hikes over part of the Ruby Crest trail can be made from this location Avoid excessive snow by planning your hikes at the end of June or later The elevation at the trailhead is around 8800 feet © View of Ruby Mountains Between Spring Creek and Lamoille Lamoille Canyon is the large canyon about one-quarter of the distance in from the left edge of the photo Adjacent canyons to the right are Seitz and Hennen canyons Hennen Canyon is the most common way of accessing Ruby Dome the highest peak in the Ruby Range at 11387 feet in elevation which is the rounded peak to the right of the pyramid looking peak To reach Lamoille Canyon from Idaho street the main east-west street through Elko turn south towards the Ruby Mountains on either 5th or 12th street and make a left turn onto the Lamoille highway SR227 A couple miles later at the top of Lamoille Summit the Ruby Mountains will first come into good view The above photo takes in two or three miles of the central mountain range A mile or two later at the intersection of the Lamoille Highway and SR228 to Lee Jiggs Harrison Pass and Ruby Valley the highway passes through the community of Spring Creek Observe the 55 MPH speed limit or 45 MPH when lights are flashing when passing through this area Several miles later the highway will turn left paralleling the Ruby Mountains Less than a mile before reaching the rustic community of Lamoille make a right turn onto the paved Lamoille Canyon road to begin the drive up majestic glacier carved Lamoille Canyon There is usually a Lamoille Canyon Recreation Area sign at the intersection identifying the road to the canyon It may come as a complete surprise to discover that the Silver and Sagebrush State is not all brown mountains and sagebrush © Trailhead Sign to Lakes © Hiker Trail/Stock Trail Sign It is a 12 mile drive from the mouth of Lamoille Canyon to the parking lot at Road’s End The Trailhead sign at the far end of the parking lot gives the mileage and estimated hiking times along the Ruby Crest Trail to Lamoille Lake 2 miles Liberty Pass 3 miles Liberty Lake 4 miles Favre Lake 5 miles and N Furlong Lake 7 miles The indicated distance to Island Lake that uses a different trail starting at the entrance end of the parking lot is 2 miles ISLAND LAKE An easy beginning hike from the parking lot at the end of Lamoille Canyon is to Island Lake a round trip distance of about 35 miles The climb is gradual with switchbacks along the trail and hiking time to the lake is usually an hour or less With a little encouragment younger children should be able to make this hike with little difficulty The lake sustains a population of Brook trout but fishing is usually not good © Island Lake Trailhead © Short Distance up the Island Lake Trail © Bridge over Creek Draining Island Lake now replaced with a more modern bridge © Wildlife Blocking Trail Island Lake and cliff photos Left photo shows cliffs where goats can often be seen Next photo to the right shows cliffs where snowcocks can be found A mountain goat is actually visible but not recognizable in the extreme right photo Expand this photo and find the rock projection that looks like a profile of a face with a flat head Then find the white spot right where the downward sloping top of the head profile meets the upward sloping cliff This is a large mountain goat that was plainly visible through binoculars © Sign Referencing Himalayan Snowcocks and Mountain Goats The above sign placed at Island Lake during August 2005 contains the following inscription: TRANSPLANTED RESIDENTS HIMALAYAN SNOWCOCKS Himalayan Snowcocks are native to mountain ranges in central Asia They were introduced into Nevada between 1963 and 1979 The Ruby Mountains and the East Humboldt Range are the only places in the US where Himalyan Snowcocks have become established in the wild The glacially carved cirque provides typical snowcock habitat They prefer alpine meadows and open rocky slopes like you see here Nesting occurs in April and May Eggs are laid in a scratched hollow on the ground and by June chicks can be observed with adults Snowcocks fly down slope early in the day feeding uphill while clucking and cackling constantly They remain at high elevation habitat all year where winter winds keep ridges open MOUNTAIN GOAT Mountain goats are native to parts of Canada and the northwestern US They were introduced into the Ruby Mountains during the 1960’s Mountain goat habitat includes rocky cliffs and ledges like you can see in the surrounding landscape Mountain goat hooves are adapted for this rocky habitat Their hooves have an outer edge that is sharp and a rubbery sole that provides traction Breeding occurs in late fall and kids are born in May or June During the summer nannies with kids can be found in alpine meadows above 9500 feet During the winter the goats prefer rocky areas that shed snow they can often be seen from the road in Lamoille Canyon Today species are introduced into new areas only after careful research People have learned that sometimes these aliens can disrupt the natural balance of native species But the presence of snowcocks and mountain goats does not appear to have had any detrimental effect on the native plants and animals here Both these species were introduced as game but today they are more likely to be hunted by birders and wildlife photographers For more information on these speciescontact the local office of the Nevada Department of Wildlife Return to top of Page or scroll to next section DOLLAR LAKES/LAMOILLE LAKE © Beginning of Hiker Trail-Liberty Pass in Background © Lamoille Creek at Parking Lot Going the other direction from the parking lot along the Ruby Crest trail towards Lamoille Lake there are two trails leading to the lake before merging to a single trail that continues up Liberty Pass a Hiker trail and a Stock trail for horse traffic Hikers can use the Stock trail but horses and riders should not use the Hiker trail The Hiker trail the more scenic of the two starts up the center of the canyon is in the shade much of the way while threading its way through the pines crosses Lamoille Creek a couple times and eventually works its way up the left side of the canyon below the cliffs right before approaching Dollar Lakes and then Lamoille Lake There are no fish in the shallow Dollar Lakes Lamoille Lake just a little farther up the trail furnishes the first fishing opportunity The Stock trail merges with the Hiker trail right before Lamoille Lake © Lamoille Creek © Lower Dollar Lake © Upper Dollar Lake The hiking time to Lamoille Lake from the parking lot can be stretched to two hours at a comfortable leisurely pace For many day hikers Lamoille lake is the final destination for the day The lake is well stocked with Brook trout but fishing is usually not that good © Lamoille Lake Lamoille Lake from Liberty Pass Trail For SUPURB photos of Lamoille Lake and the Lamoille Canyon area link to web site A Hike in Lamoille Canyon by Abe van Luik © Challenge Yourself to Stay on the Main Trail © Take a Step in the Right Direction There are numerous switchbacks along the trail and there may be a strong tendency to cut across the switchbacks There are signs along the way admonishing hikers to stay on the trail and an ingenious way has been devised to discourage switchback cutting The following photo shows large tree branches placed horizontally between the trail sections that should provide incentive to stay on the main trail and you never know when trail police might be lurking among the trees © Discouraging Switchback Cutting The Stock trail is somewhat shorter than the Hiker trail and starts to gain altitude immediately and proceeds out in the open along the steep wall on the right side of the canyon again with numerous switchbacks © Liberty Pass Viewed from the Stock Trail Other than being a little shorter and providing some diversity from the Hiker trail about the only other practical reason for taking the Stock trail would be if the destination is the ridge between Lamoille Lake and Box Canyon and some have used this approach to attempt the difficult off-trail route to Echo Lake which for many is the most prized destination in the Rubies and one of the most difficult But the moderately difficult climb just to the ridge is an excellent and unusual destination in itself For Box Canyon Ridge information go to Part 2 Supplement and link to the Box Canyon section The following two paragraphs present just a brief introduction to Echo Lake Using the route via the ridge the Stock trail would put the hiker in a better position at a higher elevation to start the off-trail ascent to the ridge overlooking Box Canyon The sidehilling should be started some distance before Lamoille Lake comes into view And from the ridge overlooking Box Canyon it gets more difficult continuing on to Echo Lake through steep and loose terrain The lake’s location is not obvious and this route only gets more difficult © Above Lamoille Lake–Ridge Separating Box Canyon There are at least four very difficult off-trail routes to Echo Lake However there is a fairly easy way that even has a trail but is somewhat complicated due to the necessity of crossing Indian land to Echo Canyon and paying a modest fee See the Echo Lake section at Part 2 of this site Other Wilderness Areas Photos and Information for informatiton on arranging access to Echo Canyon through the Indian Travel Office at Lee With Echo Canyon available there is no need to torture yourself with any of the off-trail routes More information on Echo Lake is available in Part 3 Supplement Outfitters Pack Trips Thomas Canyon Right Fork Canyon and Ruby Valley The mountains abound with dwarf willow bushes These thick entanglements are anywhere from one to six or seven feet tall and are prevalent in lush canyons and hillsides along creeks and around much of the shoreline of some of the lakes If you are making an off-trail climb and encounter a large willow patch try to go around rather than through if it is much over one to two feet in height Willow patches found around creeks can be over your head and fighting your way through this is anything but fun These willow bushes are the ultimate in trip-wire design and unexpected falls are to be expected that could terminate on sharp rocks or several feet down into unseen spring drainages Hiking shorts might be stylish but they are not at all recommended for off-trail encounters with willow patches and sharp rocks Knee protection should be a must and this requires heavy duty full length pants with even knee pads underneath Don’t overlook the usefullness of a sturdy trekking pole or preferably two especially when taking off-trail climbs up steep and rocky hillsides Return to top of Page or scroll to next section TRAIL TO LIBERTY PASS © Trail to Liberty Pass © View from Liberty Pass Trail towards Lamoille Canyon The trail from Lamoille Lake continues on up to Liberty Pass The distance is indicated as one mile it is moderately steep but the numerous switchbacks along the trail make it quite manageable You may encounter some snow along the way and the hiking time shouldn’t be much more than 45 minutes Several times I have been coming back down the pass during late afternoon and have met hikers coming up the pass with the intention of continuing to Liberty Lake to fish and then returning to the parking lot This could be cutting the time a little close before darkness sets in Have a flashlight along if this might be you © Rocky Section of Trail Approaching Liberty Pass The Liberty Pass sign near the bottom of the V is visible in the above photo © Liberty Pass 10450 ft © Champagne Break at Liberty Pass BYOB © Descending from Liberty Pass Towards Liberty Lake Return to top of Page or scroll to next section BEYOND LIBERTY PASS TO LIBERTY LAKE Continuing down the far side of Liberty Pass is a pleasure and Liberty Lake will come into view after walking a short ways down the trail You will be high above the lake at this point and if you look off into the distance on the far side of Liberty Lake you can see Castle Lake hidden away in its basin Castle Lake is above Favre Lake but Favre will not come into view until you start to descend from Liberty towards Favre The trail from the pass will make its way around to the far side of Liberty Lake where you can set up camp near a large rock Fishing for Brook trout is usually good The lake also contains some large Mackinaw lake trout but catching one is a rarity The fish in Liberty are under a sheet of ice longer than most lakes during the winter and with little food available it is not very sporting to fish the lake early in the season The fish are starved and extremely thin with the result that their heads are disproportunately large At this stage they will bite at anything so try your fishing skills towards the end of July or later after they have put on some weight For an unusual July view of Liberty Lake with the ice just starting to thaw around the edges see photo Ice Covered Liberty Lake During July 1995 Lake Peak is the highest peak to the left of center and the partially snow covered mountain just to the right of center in the background is Wines Peak And the same view a month later: Liberty Lake as you Would Usually See it During July Castle Lake can be seen in the basin right below Wines Peak The above two images are from the National Weather Service Elko NV photo gallery web page The following reference to Liberty Lake and the Ruby Mountains is an excerpt from Nevada Wilderness Areas and Great Basin National Park by Michael C White: Liberty is the quintessential classic mountain lake with splendid scenery and great views Cradled in a steep-walled rock basin perched high above the surrounding canyon you can appreciate the relative popularity of this lake Travelers along Interstate 80 a mere thirty miles away race past the range completely unaware of this tremendous beauty assuming that Nevada is nothing more than endless sagebrush and brown mountains © Liberty Lake TROLLING LIBERTY LAKE On a few occasions we packed a five man rubber life boat complete with oars and a large inflation pump to Liberty Lake Rolled tightly enough the boat would just fit into a steel frame WWII army knapsack Trolling Liberty Lake with colorful metalic spoons was very productive and resulted in catching larger fish than what you would normally catch from the shore but the elusive 10 lb Mackinaw lake trout remained elusive © Camping Area Far Side of Liberty Lake © Creek Draining Liberty Lake Return to top of Page or scroll to next section FAVRE/CASTLE LAKES Favre Lake has Brook trout and fishing at Favre is almost always good During early season Favre is usually completely thawed while Liberty is still frozen over By following the more obvious trail from Liberty Lake to Favre the trail cuts back to the right and makes one long switchback which makes the distance seem a little long You could make an off-trail beeline from Liberty straight down to Favre by fighting patches of willows which is the way we used to do it before we knew that the trail actually went down there © Favre Lake © Favre Lake © Favre Lake with Castle Lake Barely Visible in Background At this stage of the hike the round trip distance from the trailhead is about 10 miles At altitude on a lazy warm afternoon you probably won’t feel like going much farther But as long as you’re there take a short but steep climb from Favre Lake up to Castle Lake Not many hikers actually do this There is no trail but the way up is obvious Castle Lake is unusual since it is very shallow not more than three to five feet deep all the way across There are no fish in the lake which may almost turn into a solid block of ice in the winter © Castle Lake © Castle Lake However if you know ahead of time that you want to make it to Castle Lake do not follow the more obvious trail to the right from the sign post near Liberty which will take you down to the right end of Favre Lake From that point there is little choice other than making the fairly steep and hard climb to Castle Instead another trail continues from Liberty Lake which will skirt the left end of Favre Lake and will continue about half way up to Castle From there it is a much easier climb the rest of the way to Castle If you intend to camp for several nights there are better and more private camping areas at Castle Lake than there are at either Liberty or Favre To find this trail around the left end of Favre continue on the main trail to Liberty like you were going to the camping area near the large rock and 50 yards or so before the camping area watch for a trail leading off to the right Actually there will be two parallel trails separated by only a few feet Take the trail on the right and you are on your way If you just want to go to Favre only it doesn’t matter which of the two trails to take they are both easy and about the same length The hike to Favre and to Castle if inclined is usually the upper limit for a day hike or fishing trip For best fishing results get an early start With a full moon on a clear night you can easily follow the trail without the aid of a flashlight On one trip we started at 3:00 am with flashlights and extra batteries and were at Liberty Pass by 6:00 am The only reason we can say that we were the fastest hikers on the trail on this hike is because there was no one else on the trail at that hour Otherwise three hours to Liberty Pass is certainly not a particularly good time Usually the pass can be reached in just a little over two hours However when hiking during daylight take time for some good photography along the way rather than trying for a record breaking hiking performance to the pass Return to top of Page or scroll to next section NORTH FURLONG LAKE If you are camping overnight at Liberty Favre or Castle or having started hiking at 3:00 am and just want to extend your day hike the next and last lake in the vicinity is the mystic sounding North Furlong Looking up from Favre Lake to Castle North Furlong is some distance beyond the rugged looking peaks behind Castle Continue on the trail from Favre Lake as it crosses Kleckner Canyon creek draining Favre and works its way around to the small canyon on the left The hiking is easy for a ways before coming to a steep but low pass with numerous switchbacks From here start looking for Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goats After scaling the pass Wines Peak will be up ahead and the off-trail scramble to Lake Peak will be ahead and up to the left See Part 5 of this site Birdeye Lake Lake Peak Smith Lake Clover Valley and Cave Creek for Lake Peak information The trail levels out and a short distance later a trail leading down to North Furlong Lake will branch off to the right of the main trail It is then about a half mile down to the lake The extra distance from Favre to North Furlong will add an additional four moderate hiking miles to the round trip This unusual lake which may seem out of place does not contain fish © North Furlong Lake © Wines Peak © North Furlong Lake North Furlong is the last lake in this cluster of lakes The hike to Liberty and Favre lakes is a great experience especially for the first time and the scenery is superb The hike takes you up Liberty Pass and then down to the lakes After relaxing or fishing at Favre you may not be looking forward to the uphill two mile portion of the return trip to Liberty Pass But it is all downhill from there and when you return to the parking lot you can impress the non-hikers by pointing back to that big V in the mountain and telling them you were on the far side of Liberty Pass Returning to the parking lot from Liberty Lake When people say they have been to the Ruby lakes they are usually referring to Lamoille Liberty and Favre lakes the most popular and well known lakes in the mountain range Return to top of Page or scroll to next section HIKING THE RUBY CREST TRAIL The Ruby Crest trail also called the Harrison-Lamoille trail runs between Lamoille Canyon and Harrison Pass near the southern part of the Ruby range passing by or close to the above mentioned Dollar Lamoille Liberty Favre Castle and North Furlong lakes during the first seven miles Beyond North Furlong Lake the trail passes only one additional lake Overland that is about 15 miles from North Furlong Starting from Lamoille Canyon Overland Lake is about two or three miles passed the half way point of the 42 mile trail The crow flying distance for the trail is about 20 miles but the distance for those who have to follow all the turns and switchbacks along the trail is over twice that GPS measurements indicate the distance from Harrison Pass to Lamoille Canyon as 42 miles By driving up the 4-WD trail access road from Harrison Pass as far as the road will go the hiking distance is reduced to about 38 miles The hike can be made from either direction but the most popular way is from Harrison Pass to Lamoille Canyon This way you will descend into civilization at the parking lot and an abundance of water will be available at the latter stages of the trip Water is unavailable for the first six miles starting from Harrison Pass and again for about 12 miles between Overland Creek Basin and North Furlong Lake But by pushing ahead another 15 downhill miles rather than taking the detour down to North Furlong Lake convenient water will be available at Kleckner Creek draining Favre Lake Either way you will first have to spot a vehicle for your return trip at the end or have someone pick you up and someone will then have to drop you off at the beginning For assistance in spotting your own vehicle at the end of the hike and taking shuttle transportation to the beginning consult Cowboy John Tours in the Outfitters Section of Part 2 of this site Part 2 Other Wilderness Areas Photos and Information It is safer to have a vehicle spotted at the Lamoille Canyon parking lot rather than at the more remote Harrison Pass area When starting the hike at Harrison Pass a vehicle can travel some distance up the access road/trail which will dispose of some initial dry and dusty hiking During August 2004 Robert Johnson US Forest Service office at Wells starting at 4:00am completed the entire 42 mile hike in about 15 hours Typically most hikers spend three nights along the trail Starting from Harrison Pass the first night is usually around the McCucheon Creek area the second night at Overland Lake and the third night at either North Furlong or Favre Lake For additional information on hiking the Ruby Crest trail see Web site Hiking the Entire Ruby Mountains Crest Trail Part 5 of this site Birdeye Lake Overland Lake Lake Peak Smith Lake Clover Valley and Cave Creek describes an abbreviated Ruby Crest Trail hike starting from Lamoille Canyon continuing to Overland Lake but then descending to the Overland Lake trailhead in Ruby Valley This reduces the distance from 42 miles to 30 miles Before undertaking the trail hike consider acquiring the combined Ruby Mountains Wilderness and East Humboldt Wilderness map or just the separate Ruby Mountains Wilderness map from the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest office in Elko Cost of the combined map had been 4 and the map can be sent to you by calling the forest service office at 775-738-5171 There aren’t many side trails leading off the main trail but the map could help prevent making a wrong detour along the way Four by four posts however are usually at trail intersections that will define the trail For an inspiring account of conquering the Trail requiring considerable effort and determination and accompanied by agony and suffering Hiking the Ruby Crest Trail with Lynda Mellows and Rosanne Baker is a Must Read Lynda Mellows is 40 years of age and her mother Rosanne Baker is 64 years of age If they can do it you and I should be able to do it also Wellmaybe © Lynda Mellows and Rosanne Baker Departing for Elko and the Ruby Mountains They hiked from Lamoille Canyon to Harrison Pass which I consider to be the hard way By going the other direction you will get the long dry loneliest stretch out of the way first while you are still fresh and there will be plenty of water available down the home stretch Other hikers will be encountered during the last seven miles or so which will provide the relief of finally getting out of the woods Author Lynda Mellows’ vivid description let’s you experience almost first hand the agony and glory of conquering the trail Undecided trail hikers will quickly come to one of two conclusions: 1 ‘I can’t wait to get started’ or 2 ‘For now I’ll just be satisfied with a hike to Island Lake’ Return to top of Page or scroll to next section WALKING THE LAMOILLE CANYON FLUME A powerhouse for the Elko-Lamoille Power Company had been constructed around 1913 at the entrance to Lamoille Canyon to supply electricity to Elko and Lamoille It burned down during 1971 leaving only the concrete foundation The powerhouse was located alongside Lamoille Creek but water pressure at that point was not strong enough to power the turbines Some three miles up the canyon water from Lamoille creek was diverted to a flume that carried water down the canyon to the powerhouse and gravity flow reaching 180 MPH solved the power problem Trellis Section with Open Pipe The most visible part of the flume was in the lower part of the canyon and was built some distance up the hillside on the left as you were traveling up the canyon Much of the flume was built across trellises spanning the vertical ridges projecting down the canyon wall Part of the flume consisted of iron piping some 12 in diameter that was enclosed within a wooden frame on three sides with the top left open while other sections of pipe were only supported on the bottom with no frame enclosure whatsoever Other parts of the flume consisted of just the solid wooden frame without piping and it was common to see water leaking sometimes pouring from these wooden sections It naturally followed that walking the flume became a popular activity It was easy to do especially where the frame completely surrounded the pipe or flow of water but you couldn’t really call it a hike However over sections of pipe that were not covered on top walking had to be done on the curved iron pipe Some of the trellises were rather high off the ground and care had to be exercised when traversing those sections that were open I’m not aware of anyone who fell and was injured but the possibility of falling was an accepted risk These flume walkers are on a stretch of open pipe top photo with no framing on the top or sides Poor quality images are the result of prints having been made from videotape which in turn was produced from Super 8 movie film The trellises added an unusual and interesting feature to the canyon wall but the flume has now been disassembled and only parts of the wooden framing and hardware can be found along the hillside The picnic grounds located close to the powerhouse retain the Powerhouse name Miscellaneous planking cables and cement block foundations can be found some distance up the hillside Return to top of Page or scroll to next section KNIFE EDGE RIDGES © Ridge Above Lamoille Canyon Parking Lot On one side excursion hoping unrealisticly to find an undiscovered lake on the other side I climbed the ridge directly to the left of the Lamoille Canyon parking lot The above photo taken from the Island Lake trail shows the canyon wall and ridge in full view The parking lot is out of view to the lower right The first part of the climb was easy enough but the second part was through the treeless beige colored terrain near the center of the photo which is loose rock and shale The best way to traverse this turned out to be on all fours hand over foot Scaling the ridge near the low point of the saddle the ridge was only inches wide and it was difficult to safely traverse the ridge line for more than several feet in either direction Your left foot is on the left side of the ridge and your right foot is on the right side The drop off on the far side was steep enough to discourage any thoughts of descending into the adjoining canyon You are actually looking out at Ruby Valley from this viewpoint but if there would have been a lake down there it would have just had to have stayed there by itself Return to top of Page or scroll to next section INSIGHTS TO FISHING Lake fishing is open year around 24 hours a day Lake fishing is unpredictable but chances are greatly improved by being there early Early refers to both early in the season June or July and early in the morning or early evening The best fishing lakes considering fish quality are Boulder and Steele in the East Humboldt range and these are early morning lakes at the extreme They are also difficult to get to At Boulder great fishing from the first signs of daybreak may last for only an hour and then abruptly end until evening The fish at Steele Lake are more cooperative and will continue to hit for a while longer The predominate fish in most lakes are Brook trout with colorful markings They are often on the small side ranging from seven to ten inches The notable exceptions for Brooks are at Boulder and Steele lakes with sizes extending to 12 inches and these Clydesdales are proportionally heavier than usual The next most common species is Cutthroats and these can be quite large up to 18 inches in length Hidden Lakes Smith Lake and Greys Lake are good Cutthroat lakes Other trout species that might be encountered are Rainbow Golden Mackinaw and Tiger Tigers sometimes found in Angel Lake are a hybrid of female Brown and male Brook but normally cannot reproduce Tiger trout have tiger like markings are more ferocious than either of their parents and have been know to reach 20 inches in length Lake trout Mackinaws are known to exist in only two lakes Echo and Liberty the two largest and deepest lakes in the range They can be well over 20 inches in length and up to 10 pounds I have seen Mackinaws in both Echo and Liberty lakes but have never caught one Attempts have been made to stock Golden trout in Cold lakes but they failed to survive Smith Lake is also to have been stocked with Goldens but fishing reports on this lake are so sketchy that their survival status is unknown Some insight into a lake’s fishing potential is included with the hiking information for that lake But in each case timing is important Echo Lake for example due to its inaccessibility generally provides superb fishing but during an August heat wave you may hardly catch a thing Several lakes are small in size three to five acres or less and these can be great fishing Severe winters however can be unforgiving on small lakes and winterkill may almost wipe out the entire population Small or shallow lakes that usually or always have fish are Greys Smith Robinson Hidden and possibly Winchell Other small or very shallow lakes that do not have fish are Birdeye Dollar Castle and Seitz Return to top of Page or scroll to next section LAKE CHART OF THE RUBY MOUNTAINS RANGER DISTRICT The following chart with the exception of the elevation figures shown in parenthesis and brackets is reproduced from a similar chart prepared by the US Forest Service that had been available as a web page LAKES OF THE RUBY MOUNTAINS RANGER DISTRICT Lake Name Elevation Acres Depth Fish/Trout Angel 8400 8373 8382 13 29 rainbow brook tiger Birdeye 9300 9363 9404 4 none Boulder 9500 9534 9509 105 105 brook Castle 9800 9806 9737 14 5 none Cold 1 9900 9951 9867 37 28 brook Cold 2 9900 9951 9867 18 brook Dollar 1 amp 2 9600 9619 9623 3 none Echo 9820 9823 9813 29 155 brook mackinaw Favre 9500 9511 9494 19 45 brook Greys 8600 8756 8725 49 15 cutthroat Griswold 9200 9239 9226 17 20 cutthroat Hidden 1 9500 9472 9482 61 32 cutthroat Hidden 2 9500 9472 9482 28 9 cutthroat Island 9800 9731 9654 75 22 brook Lamoille 9700 9770 9734 136 20 brook Liberty 9700 10095 10028 21 108 brook mackinaw N Furlong 9600 9636 9575 16 20 none Overland 9000 9459 9456 15 brook Robinson 9000 9104 9086 174 45 brook Seitz 9000 9009 8947 17 20 none Smith 9100 9111 9081 4 cutthroat Soldier 9100 9124 9100 6 14 none Steele 9500 9544 9535 10 48 brook Verdi 10150 10321 10181 6 86 cutthroat Winchell 8200 8625 8610 6 The initial elevation figures are those previously shown by the US Forest Service table The elevation figures in parenthesis are those that are available from GNIS–USGS Geographic Names Information System In most cases the US Forest Service elevations are rounded to the nearest hundred feet from the GNIS elevations The elevation figures shown in brackets are derived approximations from Google Earth Mapping that uses GPS satellite imagery Google Earth can be downloaded from Google Earth Download Using Google Earth is kind of a guessing process just where exactly do you place the mouse pointer for the most accurate reading but most of the GNIS and Google Earth figures do compare favorably The USFS elevations for Liberty Winchell and Overland lakes show 300 to 400 foot differences from the GNIS and Google Mapping figures Considering Favre Lake at 9500 it seems more likely that Liberty Lake would be closer to the 10000 foot figure rather than the USFS 9700 foot figure Return to top of Page or scroll to next section AND DOGS Be aware of the possibility of wet weather Drenching downpours can occur when least expected but sometimes they pass over as quickly as they appear Especially during July mid to late afternoon showers and heavy rain moving throughout various parts of the mountains can occur almost on a daily basis During late July 2006 showers started about 3:00pm at Lamoille Lake and hikers were drenched all the way back to the parking lot During the hike down considerable lightning could be seen further down Lamoille Canyon indicating heavier than usual rainfall This rain resulted in two rockslides that closed the road between the parking lot and Thomas Canyon It was a Saturday so there were more hikers than usual in the canyon and no one especially wanted to spend the night at the parking lot So with about 50 able bodied men women and kids throwing and rolling rocks or just standing around in about an hour we were able to clear enough of a path through the lower end of the two sldes to allow all vehicles to pass through © Rock Slides Closing the Lamoille Canyon Road Road equipment didn’t arrive in the area until the following day to completely open the road © Depth of Rock Slide After Clearing the Road © Origin of Rock Slide The gorge in the right photo the origin of the rock slide is located right acrosss the road from the Nature Trail Late night and pre-dawn temperatures during July and August can be in the 30’s and 40’s at the higher elevations Hiking conditions will generally be more on the warm side than on the cool side A light or medium jacket is usually necessary for a pre-dawn or early morning start but it won’t be long until the jacket is relegated to the knapsack or tied around the waist Creek runoff during June and July is high making it necessary to wade many of the creek crossings The exceptions are the crossings on the way to Lamoille Lake where foot bridges have been constructed What to wear Hiking shorts seem to be taking over the Ruby Crest trail but they just seem out of place This trail however is a good wide open trail but shorts are certainly not recommended for other more rugged trails like Soldier Canyon or any off trail hiking and climbing Bring your dogs along if they want to come there are no dog restrictions They will have a lot of fun chasing ground squirrels that they won’t catch but if their feet are not conditioned to long trail walking and running the pads of their feet could come loose Have some emergency dog socks available Several different berries might be encountered along the way If you can recognize currants or chokecherries these are OK to eat But if in doubt DON’T Some berries are poisonous and sampling some could ruin the whole day The baneberry is an extremely poisonous berry that is dark red and grows in clusters at the end of the stem Eating just a few could at least result in stomach cramps and vomiting The individual berry stems protrude at a rather distinctive 90 degree angle from the main stem © Baneberry Cluster There is also a white variety with a black dot in the center that is called dolls’ eyes since they look exactly like that A rule of thumb for berries goes like this: If they’re blue they’re good for you If they’re red use your head If they’re white do not bite Firewood in the mountains is generally scarce You may come across a downed dried-up tree but firewood is otherwise limited to just small pieces of tree limbs scattered here and there A camp stove or small backpacking stove is the only reliable means for heating and cooking Fishing licenses can be obtained from several sources in Elko One convenient location is the Sav-On-Drug store located near the west end of town at 550 W Idaho Street near the junction of the Mountain City highway The fee for out-of-state licenses is 12 for one day and an additional 4 for each consecutive day thereafter Some useful addreses and telephone numbers: Humboldt National Forest Service Office: 2035 Last Chance Rd Elko 775-738-5171 Ruby Mountains Ranger District Wells: 775-752-3357 Nevada Division of Wildlife NDOW: 60 Youth Center Rd Elko 775-777-2300 Youth Center Rd does not seem to appear on any Elko street map To find this location drive east on Idaho St pass the Nevada Dept of Vehicles on the right and about one mile later take a left turn under I-80 to enter the complex Elko Chamber of Commerce: 1601 Idaho Street Elko 775-738-7135 Northeast Nevada Museum: 1515 Idaho Street Elko 775-738-3418 Western Folklife Center: 501 Railroad Street Elko 775-738-7508 When making day trips getting to a lake or other destination is only half the battle and if you do not have flashlights you also have to get back while it’s still daylight If necessary turn back without reaching your destination and get an earlier start next time A rescue due to injury or getting lost would be very embarrassing uncomfortable and could even be costly AVOID HAVING A CANYON NAMED IN YOUR BEHALF Violent and unseasonal storms can hit the mountains Thomas Canyon a fork off Lamoille Canyon that is mentioned several times throughout these pages is named after Raymond Thomas a former Elko school teacher who died in 1916 after he and other hikers were caught in a sudden October snowstorm In a much more recent tragedy during March 2001 a 22 year old man from Twin Falls Idaho and his nine year old half-sister from Elko died after falling 60 feet from a ledge in Lamoille Canyon The location was near the branch to Right Fork Canyon The report indicates that they had taken a shortcut over some bluffs and fell as a result of slipping on snow A newspaper article dated May 31 2004 states that an eleven year girl from Sparks Nevada died in the Ruby Mountains after apparently falling some 75 feet down a cliff It was not mentioned if snow was present that could have contributed to the fall but she and her party had been camping at the Thomas Canyon Campground and there still could have been patches of snow in that area The mountains hardly have a dangerous reputation but unreported non-fatal incidents close to the ones described above probably occur with some frequency due to carelessness not being properly equipped or overestimating one’s ability Others like the following are less predictable A snowmobiler at Lamoille Lake was caught in a mild avalanche which swept the snowmobile and driver onto the frozen lake breaking through the ice and neither was recovered until the following summer Snow still abounds until June or July and many off-trail areas can be dangerous without snow Play it smart and avoid becomming a statistic by paying attention to and respecting the elements Return to top of Page or scroll to next section HIKING SEASON The recommended hiking season for the Lamoille Canyon area is about four months long from July through October However the Thomas Canyon campground located eight miles up Lamoille Canyon usually opens late May around the Memorial Day weekend and attracts a few campers that may result in some early season hiking activity See Part 3 Outfitters Pack Trips and Backpacking Guide Service for campground reservation information for Thomas Canyon as well as the Angel Lake campground From the Thomas Canyon campground the Lamoille Canyon road extends four more miles up the canyon to the parking lot at road’s end During early June unless the last quarter to half mile of road has been plowed it is not always possible to drive all the way to the parking lot And from road’s end there are still several feet of snow farther up the canyon that makes the trail to Lamoille Lake impossible to follow As an alternate hike the snow is usually gone from the trail to Island Lake that begins from the parking lot but extends in the opposite direction from the trail to Lamoille Lake Other early season hikes are Thomas Canyon from the campground and Right Fork Canyon a few miles back down the road See Part 3 Supplement Outfitters Pack Trips Thomas Canyon Right Fork Canyon and Ruby Valley for Thomas Canyon and Right Fork Canyon hiking information When considering a trip during late May or early June call the US Forest Service office at 1-775-752-3357 for snow and road conditions or link to Ruby Mountains Road and Snow Report that usually contains updated road conditions in the canyon But just because the road is open doesn’t mean that the trail is open By early July most of the snow has melted and the trail is open to Lamoille Lake and on up to Liberty Pass and over On one trip we did go to Favre Lake on June 1st We were able to drive up Lamoille Canyon to the parking lot but there was the usual early season snow from there on in to Lamoille Lake and beyond The trail was completely hidden so the only alternative was just to pick your way through the rocks snow and brush the best you could By staying high and to the right of Lamoille Creek you can avoid much of the ever-present thick brush and willows that will only be partially covered with snow and difficult to traverse We wore hip boots to make our way through the one to two feet of slushy snow to Lamoille Lake When approaching the lake using this route it is necessary to wade Lamoille Creek on the left Going up Liberty Pass was not too difficult There was snow about all the way but you could follow the trail reasonably well Much of the snow on the other side of the pass was gone and it was easy to find a dry spot above Liberty Lake to spend the night Liberty Lake was completely frozen over Favre Lake was clear except for some snow banks around the edges and the fish were in good condition and fishing was exceptional SKI TRIP TO LIBERTY PASS On another occasion in April we were able to drive up Lamoille Canyon almost to the Thomas Canyon campgrounds before snow blocked the road We then donned skis with moleskins and trudged our way up to Lamoille Lake again staying high and to the right of Lamoille creek when passing the snow covered parking lot This added five miles to the one-way trip but the going was easier than the June trip since the snow was hard packed and deep which covered most of the brush Approaching Lamoille Lake and wearing skis we crossed Lamoille Creek on a snow bridge without caving in This was a two night outing and it was our original intention to stop at Lamoille Lake However Liberty Pass didn’t look impossible except on skis so we threw the skis over our shoulders and started through the snow to the pass on foot but put the skis back on towards the top where it made the going easier © Liberty Pass Under Snow © View Towards Castle Lake from Liberty Pass Getting to the pass required considerable effort and there was some concern that once we got there the Liberty Pass sign would be buried under the snow We could follow the trail switchbacks during the lower portion of the climb but after that there was little choice other than pointing the skis straight upward in a beeline direction towards the top The moleskins on the bottom of the skis prevented back-sliding Return to top of Page or scroll to next section NATIVE INHABITANTS Rattlesnakes are residents of the area very prevalent in Ruby Valley but I have only seen one in Lamoille Canyon During mid-day a large rattler was shading himself beneath a sagebrush on the hillside to the left of the powerhouse right after entering the canyon It is not likely that you will encounter one but they rate the usual precaution–don’t reach anywhere you can’t see The most likely area to find one is around the Powerhouse Picnic Grounds There are some friendly porcupines It is more likely that a chance meeting with one would occur at night rather than during the day since they seem to prefer the coolness of the evening Porcupines are generally in no hurry to get somewhere but they can run quite fast if need be and they are also good tree climbers Porcupine Mountain lion sightings are few and far between but there are quite a few around They will see you more often than you will see them I have seen one in Lamoille Canyon but this was at night A second sighting but in a completely different location north of Elko also occurred at night Night sightings are up close but do not provide good viewing since the silhouettes quickly disappear into the darkness Mountain Lion While there are various reports of mountain lion attacks on sheep or other livestock in the Ruby Mountains there are no known reports of mountain lion attacks on people When hiking stay together as a group rather than stringing out individually along the trail Safety exists in size and numbers Mountain lions have been known to attack groups but by far most attacks are against individuals If an attack seems imminent do NOT play dead Lions kill for food rather than from a belief they are threatened Instead resist with whatever means are available–make noise shout throw rocks wave a hiking pole or other object raise your arms to look larger anything to make the lion think it better look for easier prey Running can trigger the chase instinct so do not run unless you can quickly get somewhere for protection before the lion gets there Give the lion an easy avenue of escape if available and if the lion has seen you do not crouch or bend over since this could give the impression that you are a small animal of prey Bears I would like to think so but bear reports in the area at least within the past 100 years or so are unknown On one excursion we had to pitch a tent at the Lamoille Canyon parking lot because of a very heavy and long lasting downpour during the night Groceries were left in an ice chest outside the tent and during the night some noisy foraging occurred just on the other side of the tent wall I lacked the desire to go out in the rain and confront whatever it was Come morning it was discovered that the culprit had gained access to the ice chest and had completely devoured a whole berry pie and other food items leaving only the aluminum pie plate This sounds like typical bear-like activity but a badger was probably responsible Badger Coyotes are common to the area I don’t think a coyote was responsible for the above incident since coyotes tend to be rather messy Whatever raided the ice chest was very tidy and didn’t leave any mess to clean up A howling pack of coyotes can be frightening especially at night We know one individual who became disoriented at Favre Lake and took the path of least resistance in the opposite direction down Kleckner Canyon–at night without a flashlight Not a comfortable position to be in He reported that he was constantly plagued by nearby howling coyotes all night long You don’t hear very much about wolves but we did see one as we were returning down the road from Soldier Canyon during daylight This fellow was dark grey in color almost black and half again the size of the usual coyote It ran across the road in front of the car stopped in the sagebrush briefly to look back and then disappeared The mountains are also home to bighorn sheep mountain goats elk and mule deer Bighorn sheep and mountain goat sightings are quite common but most of the times they are at some distance away For a totally unexpected deer encounter a young doe calmly walked up to within arm’s length like she wanted to be petted Thinking better of this since an extended hand might be just the thing for lunch we just had a staredown until she slowly turned around and walked away Bighorn Sheep above Smith Lake East Humboldts The upper left insert image shows two mountain goats above Boulder Lake and the lower right insert image shows two large bighorn sheep in the Echo Lake area expand image for better viewing There are beaver dams along Lamoille Creek and along other creeks in other canyons and beavers to go along with them With some luck I was able to release a young beaver that had been caught in a leg hold trap Fortunately it was trying to pull away in the opposite direction which made the release possible A full grown beaver probably thinking that I was responsible for his situation may not have been so accommodating and might have put up a fight There are skunks bobcats and weasels that are only rarely seen Mink and muskrats probably live around the beaver ponds the trap holding the beaver was most likely intended for mink Numerous mink and muskrats and some beaver do make their homes in the Humboldt river just a few miles away Grouse sage hen and chukar partridges are common and the area boasts that it is home to the only band of Himalayan Snow Partridges commonly called Himalayan Snowcocks in North America Muskrat Web site shows an excellent photo of a snowcock The bird is quite large primarily white and brown with some black streaks Return to top of Page or scroll to next section DRINKING WATER Water is usually plentiful in the forms of creek water snow runoff and springs that is usually safe for drinking especially from springs but be aware that there is a constant threat of giardiasis parasite caused intestinal sickness in western streams These natural sources should ideally be purified or filtered A good practice is to carry one or two plastic containers of bottled water and replinish from springs when they can be found Small trickletts of water coming down hillsides are quite often from springs LINKS TO OTHER RUBY MOUNTAINS HIKING GUIDES AND AND OTHER OUTDOOR RELATED SITES My Ruby Mountains Discover natural areas that can be owned by learning everything possible about them You can own sites in the beautiful Lamoille Canyon a major canyon of the Ruby Mountains located in Northeastern Nevada Site Author Larry Hyslop has several books published two of which relate to the Ruby Mountains Visitor’s Guide to the Ruby Mountains and Hiker’s Guide to the Ruby Mountains A complete list of books can be found at Gray Jay Press Ruby Mountains Visitors Guide Hiking in San Diego provides timely hiking backpacking or trekking your choice of terminology tips that can benefit even the seasoned hiker Hiking gear is covered extensively and includes the admonishment not to over pack The most experienced hikers can usually be identified by the lightness of their packs Some California hiking areas are introduced Grand Canyon Tourist Find information about the Grand Canyon in Arizona Resources and information can be located on hotels and tours for hikers and travelers to make the most of their time and money during their visit to the Grand Canyon From Ontario Canada Camp Pathfinder is a classic and historic boys’ camp offering summers of adventure for ages 7-16 Located on Pathfinder Island Source Lake in world-famous Algonquin Provincial Park Pathfinder is all about exciting sports awesome canoe trips terrific counselors and great friends! Camp Pathfinder for Canoe Trips Archery Rope Climbing and Worlds of Adventures One of Canada’s best since 1914 Owners: Glenn and Heidi Arthurs Michael and Leslie Sladden Director/Contact: Michael Sladden E-mail: redcanoes09gmailcom Winter contact: 35 Park Lane Rochester NY 14625 USA Phone/Fax 585 249-0716 Summer contact: Source Lake Algonquin Park PO Box 10006 Huntsville ON P1H 2H1 Canada Phone 705 633-5553 Fax 705 633-5500 Looking for new hiking biking or horse trek areas visit Hiking with Darin A Guide to Hiking in the Portland Area And for those who don’t get far out of southern California locations include Orange Los Angeles and San Diego counties Particular attention is given to the Santa Monica mountains For Extreme Sports enthusiasts pick out your favorites at Extreme Sports Galore for 19 pages some 25 categories per page of everything imaginable including hiking water rafting kick boxing freeskiing surfing mountain climbing paraglyding scuba diving and numerous others–where to do it programs fees if any etc Arrange your tour of the Grand Canyon by helicopter through Serenity Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours A variety of Las Vegas–Grand Canyon helicopter tours and private charters will uncover the magic of one of the most magnificent places on planet earth Experience the rugged beauty of nature’s grand sculpture carved out by the mighty Colorado River over billions of years Allow Serenity to transport you there During your next visit to New Zealand be sure to take along your mountain bike bungee jumping equipment and cave abseiling lantern and link to Extreme New Zealand for locations where equipment can be used Top Biking Trails for information on the Top 10 Biking Trails in the USA located in only four states: Colorado Georgia North Carolina and Utah So You Think You Can Ski Are You Good Enough For The European Alps Map of the European Alps 4Vall’ees Ski Area Pacific Northwest Hikes–Washington State: This site presents approximately 150 hiking trails to destinations within Washington State Included with each destination are: Type such as lake view etc Length in Miles Approximate Hiking Time Difficulty 1 to 5 Rating up to 10–apparently refers to scenic quality or hiking recommendation and Altitude Gain Trail maps and Google Earth maps are shown in addition to directions to trailheads seasonal or monthly accessibility fees if any general description of hikes and contacts for additional information Grand Canyon: If you are planning a hiking vacation consider a trip to the Grand Canyon There is plenty of places for great hiking at the Grand Canyon and plenty of Grand Canyon lodging locations You can also visit the new Grand Canyon skywalk while you are there NevadAdventureS presents a collage of topics associated with the Elko area and other rural Nevada locations Topics include hunting fishing and camping information outfitter information locations of Nevada ghost towns where to go in and around Elko and much more Cruise Nevada provides links to informative Nevada web pages which include such topics as culture government education regions environment travel and tourism recreation and sports business and economy and others Backpacking the Ruby Mountains contains some extraordinary photos of bighorn sheep mountains goats deer and other wildlife that make their homes in the Ruby Mountains Some excellent lake photos are also provided along with trail information to many of the lakes Contact the Elko Convention amp Visitors’ Authority for setting up meetings workshops conferences reunions and conventions The staff can suggest recreational musical historic cultural touring and other unique components that harvest memorable events Elko Convention amp Visitors Authority 700 Moren Way Elko NV 89801 775 738-4091 or 800 248-ELKO Fax: 775 738-2420 Lowell Prunty Jarbidge Backpacking and Outfitters Jarbidge is located in Nevada about 100 miles north of the Rubies and just south of the Idaho border The Rubies and East Humboldts can’t claim all the majestic Nevada landscape there’s plenty more to be had around Jarbidge Gray Jay Press is located in Elko Nevada near the Ruby Mountains This small press offers nature books on Zion Arches and Canyonlands National Parks along with guide books including hike descriptions for the Ruby Mountains and East Humboldts as well as the California Trail Rock Climbing Headquarters Everything Rock Climbing from A to Z from Adam Ehrlich Rock Climbing to Zion Rock Climbing Discover Nevada Trip June 99 good photos and fishing information for Lamoille Canyon Wildhorse Reservoir north of Elko and Angel Lake The date is early June which accounts for all the snow still remaining in Lamoille Canyon and the accompanying grayish-brown bleak landscape The author makes the following statement about the canyon: This place had been lifted out of the Canadian Rockies and placed in Nevada Taiga Works Outdoor Gear and Clothing Store TAIGA’s outdoor clothing amp active wear including equipment for adventure travel amp trekking hiking backpacking amp mountain equipment survival gear amp ski wear cycle shells amp boating wear are legendary for quality and superb performance in expeditions around the world Vacationing in Canada: Hike Chilliwack British Columbia hiking club offers day hikes for people of all ages and fitness levels throughout the Fraser Valley including Chilliwack and Vancouver BC with photos trail descriptions maps hiking photos and hiker profiles Ruby Mountains Mountain Biker Blog by John Shafer Review photos and post your own mountain biker notes for trails and destinations in the Ruby Mountains My Ruby Mountains NevadAdventureS Cruise Nevada Backpacking the Ruby Mountains Elko Convention amp Visitors’ Authority Lowell Prunty Jarbidge Backpacking and Outfitters Grand Canyon Adventures Gray Jay Press Rock Climbing Headquarters Pacific Northwest Hikes–Washington State Map of the European Alps 4Vall’ees Ski Area SLIDE SHOWS Additional photos can be viewed at Hidden Lakes and Verdi Lake Photo Albums Currently 400 additional photos are available as 18 photos per page view default or switched to View by Slideshow for individual larger photos The photo locations however are not identified They display more or less in sequence along the routes to various destinations which may result in little variation between some photo sequences It is not necessary to select an individual album since photos from both are combined Two hundred photos from the Hidden Lakes album provide photos of Hidden Lakes North Furlong Liberty Lamoille Greys Overland Dollar and Island lakes Two hundred photos from the Verdi Lake album provide photos of Verdi Lost Echo Liberty Favre Island Boulder Steele Cold and Overland lakes and Liberty Pass Return to top of Page Email correspondence to Ruby Mountains Express I respond to all emails George Sheaks Ventura CA Elko native The idea for the construction of this site was provided by my wife Jean Marie Bennett Sheaks Search This Site With: wwwatomzcom to Identify Pages that Contain Subject Matter of Interest Use of the Exact Phrase option is usually recommended in order to avoid most non-relevant hits Set Within: to ‘Anywhere’ in order to also include text captions on photos Hits on the search terms will provide links to the pages where the text is located along with text summaries The summaries should help identify the pages with the desired information The search engine identifies exact text or almost exact text and not concepts For example to find photos of North Furlong Lake or anything else do not search for ‘photos of North Furlong Lake’ Instead search for ‘North Furlong Lake’ which will identify pages containing that text and most or all identified pages will usually have the related photos Search For: Match: Any word All words Exact phrase Within: Anywhere Title Description Keywords Body Alternate text URL Target Show: 5 10 25 50 100 results with without summaries Sort by: score date Return to top of Page Part 2 Other Wilderness AreasPart 2 Supplement Other Wilderness Areas Photos and InformationPart 3 Outfitters and Pack TripsPart 3 Supplement Outfitters Pack Trips Thomas Canyon Right Fork Canyon and Ruby ValleyPart 4 Hiking the Ruby Crest Trail with Lynda Mellows and Rosanne BakerPhoto Page Hole in the Mountain–East HumboldtsPart 5 Birdeye Lake Overland Lake Lake Peak Smith Lake Clover Valley and Cave Creek Part 6 Hiking Difficulty Comparison ChartPart 7 C-47 and B-17 Military Aircraft Crash in the East Humboldt Mountain Range |
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Lou Drendel Boeing B-52 Stratofortress – Walk Around No 6 Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB |
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Novo governo dará palavra final sobre Embraer e Boeing |
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Boeing Announces Nearly a Quarter-Billion Dollars in Corporate Giving in 2018 |
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Boeing Delivers First 787-9 Dreamliner for Royal Air Maroc |
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Emirates takes delivery of its last Boeing 777-300ER aircraft |
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Boeing 747 da Fly US – GTA SA |
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Boeing y Embraer acuerdan crear una empresa conjunta para el KC-390 |
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Bên trong ngôi nhà lớn nhất thế giới của Boeing |
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Embraer e Boeing chegam a acordo e esperam decisão do governo |
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Boeing delivered the final AWACS aircraft to NATO |
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Outro aspecto interessante que destacamos do estudo da Boeing: “ em aproximações noturnas com baixa visibilidade e iluminação o piloto é levado a acreditar que está mais alto e mais distante do que realmente está…“ E aí podemos ser induzidos a um pouso bem duro a nossa velha e indesejada “placada“ |
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Boeing BBJ 777X è l’aereo che permette di viaggiare senza scalo in tutto il mondo |
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Jeff Bezos Boeing and Elon Musk may happen to fly to |
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Boeing Capital Corporation |
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Embraer-Boeing: chama o irmão mais velho que a briga é global |
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Bordado Boeing asa |
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Livro A Brief History of the Boeing Company 6h Edition |
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Έτσι είναι από μέσα το Boeing των εμίρηδων Πάρτε μάτι γιατί δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να 80 στα ξενοδοχεία για Χριστούγεννα και Πρωτοχρονιά |
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Sobre el FDR del Informe Preliminar accidente JT610/Boeing 737 MAX 8 |
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Boeing i Embraer potwierdzają szczegóły transakcji |
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Musk Bezos Boeing y franceses viajarán al espacio el martes |
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Mourão propõe aval de Temer e Bolsonaro a acordo de Embraer e Boeing |
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Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Boeing and the French may all fly to space today |
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Boeing 737 comemora 50 anos |
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Boeing 747 at 50 years |
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Boeing ALC and EVA Celebrate 787-9 Dreamliner Beats Earnings Estimates in Q3 |
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El CEO de Boeing desmiente que se haya ocultado información sobre |
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Boeing schiet van landingsbaan op luchthaven Guyana |
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Embraer and Boeing approved the Terms of Strategic Aerospace Partnership seek Brazilian Government approval |
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Boeing BA hikes dividend 20 increases share buyback |
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Wall Street rebondit à l’ouverture aidée par Boeing et Oracle |
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L’américain Boeing livre son premier avion assemblé en Chine |
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Latest Jobs at Boeing 2018 |
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Boeing Delivers The 787th 787 Dreamliner |
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Boeing cumpără 80 din Embraer pentru a lupta împotriva concurenței Airbus-Bombardier |
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Boeing Performance Excellence Award |
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Letecký simulátor Boeing 737 Brno |
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Boeing lanza el BBJ 777X |
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Boeing ugovorio prvi EMD posao sa svojim partnerom SAAB-om na projektu… |
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What Boeing’s Dividend Hike Means |
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Boeing Embraer agree to KC-390 joint venture – DefenseNewscom |
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El adiós del Boeing 727 de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana |
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United CEO: No more pilot training needed on new Boeing jet |
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El Boeing 787 número 787 de la historia |
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Boeing Defense Space amp Security |
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Boeing Embraer forge unique tie-up |
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Trump to meet heads of Boeing Lockheed Northrop at Arizona air base |
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Boeing GBU-39 GPS-guided 113kg 250lb small diameter bomb |
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Boeing 737-NG Flightsimulator |
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Frota de Boeing 747-8 da Lufthansa / Lufthansa Boeing 747-8 Fleet |
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AAA is also corporated with some world–class simulator training centerswhich providing Airbus or Boeing Type RatingMulti-Crew Cooperation CourseJet Orientation TrainingCrew Resource ManagementATR72-600 Type RatingA320 Type Rating |
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Case Study: Boeing amp BaoTi Titanium |
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Boeing 757-200 / Delta Airlines |
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Boeing HorizonX India Innovation Challenge 10 |
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Envolez-vous aux commandes d’un Boeing 737-800 à l’European Flight Simulator |
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Boeing opens production facility in China |
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Boeing Diminta Bantu Temukan Jasad Korban Lion |
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Boeing Türkiye’deki ilk Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Merkezi’ni Açtı |
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Boeing 777 |
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Boeing – Adding an edge to the Indian Navy |
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El nuevo Boeing TX |
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Boeing Icosahedral Opus 747 |
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New Boeing 787-9 joins Oman Air fleet |
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Happy 50th Anniversary Boeing 747 Queen of the Skies by SpeedbirdHD |
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Boeing details terms of 42B Embraer deal giving Brazil a voice in venture |
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Boeing compra 80 de la aerolínea Embraer |
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Stocks Surge At Starting Bell Boeing Lifts Dow Jones |
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Με ακύρωση παραγγελίας 22 δισ δολ απειλεί η Lion Air την Boeing |
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President El Sisi Meets the President of Boeing International |
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La propuesta de Boeing gana el concurso T-X |
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Embraer Boeing Approve Terms Of Strategic Aerospace Partnership |
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Embraer e Boeing aprovam termos para fusão das empresas |
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Boeing In India |
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La prise de contrôle d’Embraer par Boeing en marche |
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Разгерметизация Boeing 737 |
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В Одессе открыли единственный в Украине симулятор Boeing |
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Boeing/SAAB dobio ugovor vrijedan 92 mlrd USD za proizvodnju najmanje 351 |
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Boeing 737-800 sofre excursão de pista durante pouso em na Rússia |
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La FAA aprueba el diseño de los wingtip plegables del Boeing… |
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Boeing ugovorio prvi EMD posao sa svojim partnerom SAAB-om na projektu |
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El futuro de Embraer y Boeing converge con nuevas colaboraciones sólo incorporó 13 trabajadores de 2009 a 2018 |
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Boeing 777X – Απίστευτη χλιδή σε ένα αεροσκάφος για σεΐχηδες |
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Robinson R22 / Cessna 172 / Boeing 737-800 NG |
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Indian Navy Plans for 10 Additional Boeing P-8I Aircraft |
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60 anos do Boeing 707 da PAN AM NYC/Paris |
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Boeing buying stake in Embraer operations for 42 billion 1 day ago |
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15-12-2018 Boeing ha hecho entrega del primer avión del nuevo Centro de Entrega y Terminación 737 en… |
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309 Boeing 747s |
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Boeing otwiera centrum dostaw samolotów w Chinach |
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De opbouw van een Boeing Flightsimulator meer… |
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Como Embraer foi da quase falência a acordo bilionário com a gigante americana Boeing |
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Jak nietrudno się domyślić auto ma sportowe osiągi W moim mieście jest to jeden z szybszych wozów zagrozić mi może tylko Skoda Felicia Przyspieszenie jest sprawą odczuwaną subiektywnie ale moim zdaniem start Boeinga 737 w konfrontacji z moim Golfem to ledwie spacer Moment w którym strzelam ze sprzęgła ruszając Golfa z miejsca spoczynku jest niczym heroinowy orgazm Wataha wściekłych koni mechanicznych rozbija się o asfalt powodując przyklejenie głowy do zagłówka Wskazówka prędkościomierza szybuje ku górze niczym sekundnik w analogowym zegarku Każde muśnięcie pedału gazu uwalnia kolejne pokłady adrenaliny… Choć jest to auto sportowe można się nim przemieszczać z gracją rozkoszując się flegmatycznym rytuałem motoryzacyjnej uczty |
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Conflict Assessment Report Between The Boeing Company and The International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers IAM: Negotiation and Conflict Management |
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Boeing Shares Cruise Higher After Quarterly Dividend Buyback Boost |
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Boeing’s 777X jetliner comes together |
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Boeing Pulled out of two Canadian Aircraft Factories |
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Українська авіакомпанія SkyUp Airlines і корпорація Boeing підписали контра |
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Acordo Boeing-Embraer na mão do governo |
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A única escola do país com um boeing de verdade |
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Boeing relève la valeur des avions civils d’Embraer à 526 milliards de dollars |
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Boeing : Relèvement de dividendes et rachats d’actions |
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Boeing Vancouver |
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Boeing Vancouver named one of BC’s Top Employers for 2018 |
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