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Americans Applauding After Hillary Clinton Throws Shade At Donald Trump |
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Americans Cheering After Hillary Clinton Throws Shade At Donald Trump |
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Strzok explains how anti–Trump dossier made its way from Clinton camp to eager FBI |
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“Foreign entity NOT RUSSIA” hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails Video |
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Clinton Fourth of July parade |
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Former CIA Officer: Clinton “Involved In Biggest Treason In History” |
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US Strikes Kill Civilians Russian Fear-Mongering IRS Restricts Travel amp Clinton Emails Ignored |
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Bombshell Bourdain interview is published one month after his suicide: Celebrity chef unloads on ‘rapey gropey and disgusting Bill Clinton and hopes Weinstein is ‘beaten to death in jail’ |
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Hillary Clinton impliquée dans la plus grande trahison de l’histoire |
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Clinton police searching for wanted suspect |
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Hillary Clinton Most Treasonous Leader In US History – CIA Insider |
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REAL Story of Why Bill and Hillary Clinton Flew Commercial |
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Clinton police search for owner of boat that broke free of mooring |
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Anthony Bourdain slammed Hillary Clinton and ‘gropey disgusting’ Bill Clinton in newly released interview |
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Le discours d’Hillary Clinton dans l’Iowa perturbé par Sticker Kid |
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What Brings Bill Clinton Tony Blair and Frank McKenna Together In Small Town Nova Scotia |
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Clinton R Rockwell |
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Hillary Clinton Human Rights Campaign Troll Trump Ahead of Putin Meeting |
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Bourdain calls Bill Clinton “entitled rapey gropey grabby disgusting” in new interview conducted months before his death |
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READ: Hillary Clinton Tweets to Donald Trump: ‘Do You Know Which Team You Play For’ |
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Communiqué – Affaire Clinton… |
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Hillary Clinton in a Blender |
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At the Clinton County amp 4-H Fair |
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Foundation Complicates Clinton’s Bid |
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JUST RELEASED: EXPLOSIVE ANTHONY BOURDAIN Interview…Bill Clinton Is “a piece of st entitled rapey gropey grabby disgusting”…Hillary “Destroyed” Women Who Came Forward |
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Hillary Clinton atac la Donald Trump Motivul Cupa Mondială din Rusia |
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Bill Clinton’ın Kuran’dan Ne Kadar Etkilendiğini Anlatan Konuşması |
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‘Do you know which team you play for’ Hillary Clinton trolls Trump before his summit meeting with Putin |
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Putin Gives Trump Shocking Evidence That Obama-Clinton CIA Director John Brennan Is Longtime Russian Spy |
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Hillary Clinton châm chọc ông Trump trước thượng đỉnh Mỹ – Nga |
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February Interview: Bourdain Blasted ‘Gropey’ and ‘Disgusting’ Bill Clinton Condemned Hillary for Destroying Accusers |
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SOS de un avión en México a causa de en la Administración Clinton |
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Clinton trolls Trump ahead of Putin summit with World Cup tweet |
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Secretary Clinton Awarded Anti-Second Amendment Consolation Prize |
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Trump’s Goal: Stay on Script About Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton goes after al-Assad Putin |
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Here’s the OIG report on FBI/DOJ mishandling of Hillary Clinton email case |
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US Federal Witness Due To Testify Against Hillary Clinton For Drug Crimes Killed In Massive Explosion |
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Clinton County Fair hosting all-male revue |
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CIA Agent: Hillary Clinton ‘Involved in Biggest Treason in US History’ |
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Hillary Clinton the Wannabe President! |
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Hillary Clinton impliquée dans la plus grande trahison de l’histoire Usawatchdog |
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Clinton will present |
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By AARON KENNEDY – akennedyftimescom The Frankfort football team has spent the summer preparing for the upcoming season in its second year under head coach Eric Davis On Thursday while many players were away for the Clinton County 4-H Fair or on vacation with t more » |
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Woman bludgeons dad to death thinking he was Bill Clinton ‘rapey gropey may punish incorrect use of gender pronouns |
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Anthony Bourdain castigated Bill Hillary Clinton in final interview before his untimely death |
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Clinton trolls Trump ahead of Putin summit with World Cup tweet – Stats |
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Hillary Clinton begins speech: “I’m so tired I can barely stand” |
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Sore loser Hillary Clinton trolls Trump questions loyalty to US on eve of Putin summit |
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Nancy B Clinton NC US 25 |
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Port Clinton Lift Bridge won’t open to v… |
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Clinton |
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Clinton vs Calamus-Wheatland 6-15-18 |
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Hillary Clinton: ‘Trump Is Ripping The Heart Out Of America’ |
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Hillary Clinton trolls Trump with a World Cup tweet |
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Clinton Square Suites |
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Una mujer lanza un zapato a Hillary Clinton en Las Vegas |
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Netflix And Hill Parody Hillary Clinton And Chill Trending For President Campaign T Shirt |
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On the Number of Segments that Rachel Maddow and the Rest of Those Mentally Deranged Partisan Slants Over at MSBNC Did On the Numerous Haitian Protests Pertaining to the Clinton Foundation as In Where In the Fuck Did That 10000000000 Bankroll Vanish to |
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Larry Nichols – Clinton Insider – Plans for Saving our Country |
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SAD: George W Bush Swipes At Trump’s Immigration Policy While Overseas With Bill Clinton |
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HILLARY CLINTON for 45th President of the United States 2016 Presidential 1 Golden Dollar Coin |
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Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton Were They Listening |
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Hillary Clinton Says Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Could Bring Back Slavery |
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Hilarious! Candace Owens CRUSHES Hillary ROTTEN Clinton amp All Of Her DEEP STATE CRONY’S |
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by ill Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton’s Testimony on Benghazi! |
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Bill Clinton’s Son Speaks Out! |
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Trump aplica la ley de inmigración de Clinton anteriormente aplicada por Obama |
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Anthony Bourdain Committed Suicide AFTER Slamming Rapey Bill Clinton And Women Destroyer Hillary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton 2016 Blog Ad |
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BOB BARR: Unseal the Clinton impeachment files now |
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FBI agent Peter Strzok looked possessed wiggles like a snake like Hillary Clinton |
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“I can absolutely see Bill Clinton doing this then not now and not even thinking of it as rape but thinking of it as dominant alpha sex” Schoenkopf writes “I can see a LOT of men doing that during that time period before we started telling them in the ’80s ‘hey that is rape do not do that’ I can see YOUR NICE GRANDPA doing that back then” |
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¿Quién ha tratado peor a las mujeres: Donald Trump o ¿Bill Clinton |
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Bill Clinton |
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HILLARY amp BILL CLINTON Democrat Presidential Campaign Official US 2016 JFK Kennedy Half Dollar Coin |
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Warrensburg IL Shumway IL Teutopolis IL Vincennes Twp IN Edgewood IL Atlantic Highlands First Aid NJ Atlantic Highlands NJ Petersburg IL Long Creek IL Burlington IN East Dubuque IL Epworth IA WoodCrest OK Peru IL Mico TX Clinton IL Blue Mound IL Milton Fire amp Rescue KY Hoffman IL |
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12 Russian Intelligence Officers Indicted in Hacking Tied to the Clinton Campaign |
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Bill Clinton en James Patterson |
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Wide and Deep: The Strzok – Obama – Clinton Family Connections |
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Ce qui vient de se passer avec Trump c’est comme avec le vote en faveur du Brexit récemment au Royaume-Uni l’expression de toute une partie des électeurs des citoyens contre des élites contre un «système» politique économique et médiatique qu’ils estiment les tenir à l’écart dont ils pensent qu’ils les ont «abandonnés» selon le mot qui revient souvent dans les enquêtes d’opinion Cette partie «abandonnée» «invisible» de nos sociétés démocratiques se rebiffe en quelque sorte en votant pour des leaders et des formations qui clament leur opposition à ce système ou qui prétendent être leur porte-voix contre celui-ci Peu importe qu’ils soient eux-mêmes issus du système d’ailleurs On peut constater que les critiques sociales sur la fortune d’un Trump ou le mode de vie d’une Le Pen n’ont aucune incidence sur leur électorat Il ne s’agit plus d’un combat politique traditionnel articulé autour d’une vision de classe C’est l’erreur de toute une partie de la gauche aujourd’hui qui continue de penser que les catégories populaires sont réductibles à la classe ouvrière d’antan et qu’elles devraient donc voter massivement pour leurs légitimes représentants On a ainsi vu fleurir depuis la victoire de Trump chez certains responsables de gauche en France notamment l’idée que Bernie Sanders aurait battu Trump lui s’il avait été le candidat du parti démocrate plutôt que Clinton! L’illusion continue de fonctionner à plein alors que les cols-bleus de la Rust Belt anciens états industriels du nord des États-Unis ont massivement voté pour Trump et non pour Sanders aux primaires démocrates … Attention d’abord à cette idée d’un «baroud d’honneur» de «petits blancs» face au caractère inexorable du projet multiculturaliste on distingue bien ici le multiculturalisme de fait qui touche toutes les sociétés ouvertes aujourd’hui et le multiculturalisme normatif comme projet politique bien représenté aujourd’hui par les discours d’un Justin Trudeau Premier ministre canadien par exemple Il n’est pas du tout certain en effet que l’on assiste à une montée en puissance sûre et certaine du projet politique multiculturaliste dans les années qui viennent face aux réactions des populations auxquelles il est plus souvent imposé que proposé par une partie de leurs dirigeants des médias etc Je dirais plutôt que les réactions que l’on constate aujourd’hui dans de nombreux pays contre un tel projet en démontrent le caractère forcé et contraire à la volonté de pans entiers sinon de la majorité de la population dans les pays concernés À la fois et indissociablement comme on le comprend mieux maintenant visiblement pour des raisons économiques et identitaires La réaction immédiate est évidemment portée par les leaders et les formations populistes mais dans le temps elle peut être plus profonde et entraîner des modifications importantes du paysage politique au sein duquel le clivage autour du «commun» de ce qui fait et tient ensemble nos sociétés devient un enjeu majeur du débat politique renvoyant aux marges à la fois la réaction populiste et les promoteurs du multiculturalisme normatif … Cette forme d’inquiétude globale sur son propre devenir et sur le devenir de la société dans laquelle on vit mêlant étroitement des éléments économiques sociaux culturels que j’ai essayés avec d’autres de repérer et de préciser sous le terme d’insécurité culturelle est en effet devenue un élément déterminant du comportement politique électoral notamment d’une partie croissante de la population de nos vieilles démocraties Pour une double raison simple à comprendre même si elle est encore inaudible visiblement pour tout un tas d’observateurs et d’acteurs politiques: le sentiment d’abandon de la part des élites de pans entiers de la population et de territoires le mépris ostensiblement affiché par ces élites vis-à-vis de ces populations et évidemment durement ressenti par celles-ci Nombre de nos concitoyens vivent aujourd’hui au quotidien cet abandon et ce mépris et depuis de longues années Ils ont pu à un moment continuer d’avoir espoir dans tel ou tel parti classique du jeu politique Ils ont pu aussi cesser de participer à la vie politique l’augmentation tendancielle des taux d’abstention dans les démocraties se vérifie partout désormais comme l’a bien montré ma collègue Pippa Norris notamment Et évidemment ils ont commencé aussi à voter pour des leaders et des formations populistes qui mettent en scène cette insécurité culturelle qui s’en font les champions en quelque sorte Nous en sommes aujourd’hui à une sorte de point de rupture électoral que l’on voit arriver depuis des années – et à propos duquel nous sommes un certain nombre à avoir alerté en vain -: l’accès au pouvoir local et national de leaders et formations populistes L’insécurité culturelle n’est plus ni un fantasme ni une construction médiatique c’est devenu une réalité politique aux conséquences aussi tangibles qu’incertaines … Le remplacement stratégique de ces catégories populaires par une coalition de groupes minoritaires souvent désignés par un critère spécifique de leur identité culturelle femmes homosexuels jeunes issus de l’immigration… ne suffit pas à garantir la victoire de cette gauche qui se dit «progressiste» D’autant que son programme économique et social n’est plus principalement dirigé vers les catégories populaires mais plutôt vers des catégories sociales supérieures diplômées vivant dans les métropoles profitant de la mondialisation et de l’ouverture des frontières Si bien que le clivage économique classique n’est plus opérationnel pour cette gauche puisqu’il s’est en quelque sorte inversé tandis qu’elle rejetait dans le même temps toute pertinence des interrogations «identitaires» ou culturelles de ces mêmes catégories populaires Aujourd’hui l’électorat de la gauche de gouvernement s’est donc considérablement réduit et cette réduction la prive de toute perspective de pouvoir dans les années qui viennent … Le fait de ne pas ou plus vouloir réfléchir à certains enjeux de disqualifier a priori certaines préoccupations et de ne plus se poser de questions par rapport à la réalité de l’évolution des relations internationales ou de l’économie a privé la gauche dans son ensemble d’une grande partie de sa capacité d’action Et nos concitoyens l’ont parfaitement compris D’autres forces politiques aussi notamment chez les populistes qui ont repris des thèmes autrefois chers à la gauche comme ceux que vous mentionnez mais aussi comme le patriotisme ou l’attachement à la souveraineté du peuple On l’a particulièrement éprouvé ces dernières décennies avec la construction européenne Par dogmatisme et par aveuglement idéologique la gauche a très largement contribué à bâtir un monstre bureaucratique aussi inefficace qu’illégitime politiquement La question européenne est devenue le Nœud Gordien de la gauche européenne contemporaine Si elle ne parvient pas à le trancher elle ne pourra retrouver son rôle historique d’émancipation collective des populations des pays européens Celles-ci allant chercher les voies et moyens de cette émancipation ailleurs souvent pour le pire … Surtout si l’on considère la vision très largement répandue d’un multiculturaliste normatif au sein de cette gauche On y rencontre parfois même aujourd’hui certains élus certaines organisations très favorables à l’islam politique et à une critique très virulente de tout ce qui peut constituer notre commun … Nous entrons pour la gauche dans son ensemble partout dans les démocraties libérales dans une phase de refondation indispensable Et pour ce faire il lui faudra quitter nombre des vieux habits endossés pendant des décennies en veillant à ne pas tout oublier de ce qui fonde son origine Laurent Bouvet |
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Avondale Students Assess the Health Of The Clinton River |
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Hillary Clinton: Kavanaugh Will Bring America Back to the Times of Clinton: Kavanaugh Will Bring America Back to the Times of Slavery |
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Dick Brewer shaped Lahaina Clinton B model 7’2 1968 replica |
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2016 election: Trump vs Clinton |
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Majority Of Clinton Emails Funneled To “Foreign Entity” When IG Told Peter Strzok – He Completely Ignored |
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Nigerians Have Lost Confidence In Buhari – Ballot Snatching Voter Inducement Mar Peaceful Poll — Clinton Most Treasonous Leader In US History – CIA Insider |
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Looks like George has been hangin’ with Bill Clinton! |
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Family of 5 homeless after Clinton fire |
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Clinton Heylin’s REVOLUTION IN THE AIR – Oh No – not another unneeded Dylan™ book! |
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12 agentes rusos acusados por hackear la campaña de Clinton |
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George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Hollywood Gaming at Dayton Raceway Thursday! |
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A Conversation with Clinton Sandifer AKA ShowYouSuck |
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Hillary Clinton Implies Kavanaugh Will Lead to Return of Slavery in America |
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Kriegstreiber Paul Wolfowitz will für Kriegstreiberin Clinton stimmen |
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Flint Tap Water Rated More Trustworthy than Hillary Clinton |
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5 Hillary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton hindi essay हिलेरी क्लिंटन |
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Former Presidents George W Bush Bill Clinton Jimmy Carter Honor Zell Miller at Funeral |
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What Is ‘Spirit Cooking’ and What Does It Have to Do with Hillary Clinton |
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Why Putin chose Trump to get even with Clinton |
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It’s Obama vs Clinton in New Jersey’s 9th CD |
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Hillary Clinton cuestiona la lealtad de Trump a EEUU en un explosivo tweet |
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Meet Clinton’s Performance Horses |
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Hillary Clinton Trolls Trump Prior To Putin Meeting Like A Champ amp Goes Viral Instantly |
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Much has been written — some of it either inaccurate or designed to obfuscate the issue ahead of the midterms for political purposes — about the border fiasco and the unfortunate separation of children from parents … The media outrage usually does not include examination of why the Trump administration is enforcing existing laws that it inherited from the Bush and Obama administrations that at any time could have been changed by both Democratic and Republican majorities in Congress of the use of often dubious asylum claims as a way of obtaining entry otherwise denied to those without legal authorization — a gambit that injures or at least hampers thousands with legitimate claims of political persecution of the seeming unconcern for the safety of children by some would-be asylum seekers who illegally cross the border rather than first applying legally at a US consulate abroad of the fact that many children are deliberately sent ahead unescorted on such dangerous treks to help facilitate their own parents’ later entrance of the cynicism of the cartels that urge and facilitate such mass rushes to the border to overwhelm general enforcement and of the selective outrage of the media in 2018 in a fashion not known under similar policies and detentions of the past In 2014 during a similar rush both Barack Obama “Do not send your children to the borders If they do make it they’ll get sent back” and Hillary Clinton “We have to send a clear message just because your child gets across the border that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay So we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey” warned — again to current media silence — would-be asylum seekers not to use children as levers to enter the US … Mexico is the recipient of about 30 billion in annual remittances aside from perhaps more than 20 billion annually sent to Central America from mostly illegal aliens within the US It is the beneficiary of an annual 71 billion trade surplus with the US And it is mostly culpable for once again using illegal immigration and the lives of its own citizens — and allowing Central Americans unfettered transit through its country — as cynical tools of domestic and foreign policy Illegal immigration increasingly of mostly indigenous peoples ensures an often racist Mexico City a steady stream of remittances now its greatest source of foreign exchange without much worry about how its indigent abroad can scrimp to send such massive sums back to Mexico Facilitating illegal immigration also establishes and fosters a favorable expatriate demographic inside the US that helps to recalibrate US policy favorably toward Mexico And Mexico City also uses immigration as a policy irritant to the US that can be magnified or lessened depending on Mexico’s own particular foreign-policy goals and moods at any given time All of the above call into question whether Mexico is a NAFTA ally a neutral or a belligerent a status that may become perhaps clearer during its upcoming presidential elections So far it assumes that the optics of this human tragedy facilitate its own political agendas but it may be just as likely that its cynicism could fuel renewed calls for a wall and reexamination of the entire Mexican–US relationship and indeed NAFTA Victor Davis Hanson |
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George Clinton shoots straight |
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Drain the Swamp! – Hillary Clinton |
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What was your favorite part of the Clinton Fourth of July festival |
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Hillary Clinton aprovechó el Mundial para tirarle una chicana a Donald Trump: “¿Para cuál equipo jugás” |
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Congress Blindsides Democrats: Clinton Comey And 4 Others Face Criminal Charges |
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Modder Spotlight: Richard Clinton 8-Bit Builder |
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He remembers when as recently as 2016 feminists thought even his rapes were okay Wonkette feminist writer Rebecca Schoenkopf thinks Bill Clinton probably raped Juanita Broaddrick back in 1978 — but that doesn’t make him a bad person |
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Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton |
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Will Hillary Clinton be Indicted |
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Ticket Giveaway: Roots to Branches Tour featuring The Movement Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad Clinton Fearon |
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Majority Of Clinton Emails Funneled To Foreign Entity When IG Told Strzok – He Completely Ignored |
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ill Clinton Presents: Vol 2 |
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Clinton’s the problem LES locals tell DOT about bridge-traffic hell |
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12 Russian Intelligence Officers Indicted in DCCC DNC and Clinton Campaign Hack |
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South Clinton home spared worse damage |
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Hillary Clinton’s e-mails attorney discipline and the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals – Attorney Grievance Commission v Clevenger |
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Clinton Taunts Trump Before Summit With Putin Twitter Fires Back at ‘Crooked Hillary’ |
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Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge UFO Email Warning to Clinton Adviser |
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Hillary Clinton hits Trump over Putin summit with a World Cup reference – Stats |
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Soros-Linked Nonprofit Led By Clinton amp Obama Alum Spending Millions To Stop Kavanaugh |
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Congressman: Peter Strzok Knew ‘Foreign Entity’ – Not Russia – Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Emails – Did Nothing |
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Clinton trolls Trump ahead of Putin summit with World Cup tweet click to see stats |
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Hillary Clinton is not credible: Mike Huckabee |
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Encuentro entre Trump y Putin revive críticas de Hillary Clinton |
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The Clinton StreetNew York NY 10002212-920-4485 |
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Neocons und Clinton-Demokraten : gemeinsam gegen Rußland |
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FOX Anchor Tweets Birther Post Suggesting Obama Threatened To Kill Chelsea Clinton |
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Clinton Hotel |
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The Hillary Clinton Scandals |
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How Hillary Clinton lost the Respect of the People and the Election |
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Clinton man charged with shooting at police |
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Former Clinton Attorney Hopes Hillary Won’t Run For President in 2020 |
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Hillary Rodham Clinton: What Every American Should Know |
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A Hillary Clinton é racista! |
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Chelsea Clinton: Satanism Is A Religion That Deserves Respect |
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And how did they go from admitting Clinton’s rapes were okay to falsely accusing Trump of rape |
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GOP Midterm Victory Would Threaten Health Insurance For 21 Million Agents Acted On Trump’s Demand To Hack Clinton — The Same Day |
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Judge Joe Brown Talks R-Word amp Hillary ClINton |
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Shocking News Story: Aliens Invade the White House Article says that Clinton lost the election to the Aliens! For the proof that is not a fake news story see the accompanying real newspaper article clipping scan Aliens Invade White House Details! |
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Anthony Bourdain Slammed Bill Clinton amp Harvey Weinstein In One Of His Last Interviews |
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Anthony Bourdain Spoke of Clinton and Weinstein in Interview published one month after his suicide |
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Trump son met Russian who promised material on Clinton |
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Clinton Township |
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Former Clinton Staffer Says: Tempting To Beat The Crap Out Of Rand Paul |
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Two Prominent Anti-Clinton Activists Found Dead in Two Days Mainstream Media Blackout |
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Bà Clinton hỏi ông Trump chơi cho đội nào – 9 phút trước |
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Clinton Chamber News more articles |
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Are we going to see Hillary Clinton run again in 2020 |
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Top CIA Officer Linked To Hillary Clinton Hit Team Thrown In Mental Ward By Trump Loyalists |
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Trump’s Risk For A Cardiac Event Is Seven Times Hilary Clinton’s Risk |
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Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul |
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This Video Will Make Hillary Clinton Lose the Election Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity Video |
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The Clinton-Bush Criminal Deep State is on the Ropes! — Ole Dammegard |
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Trump says he takes Putin’s word on Russian interference brings up Hillary Clinton |
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Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search |
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The Conspiracy Guy 22 The Clinton Book |
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Charla Dr Bernardo Useche con Amanda Clinton – Parte 2 |
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Russian 2016 Hack of DNC/Clinton Campaign |
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The Problem With The Bourgeois Feminist Defense Of Hillary Clinton |
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Majority of voters don’t want Trump or Clinton what other choice do they have Video |
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Clinton vs Linn-Mar baseball 6-6-18 |
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8 Marcus Clinton |
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Bourdain slammed Hillary ‘disgusting’ Bill Clinton in newly-surfaced interview |
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Clinton man facing several charges for allegedly firing gun at police during standoff |
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Trump ja Putin sivusivat urheiluakin – Clinton vinoili |
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Will You Donate To The Clinton Foundation |
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Former Clinton White House Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting to Beat the Crap |
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Assange Truth Bomb: Hillary Clinton And ISIS Are Funded By The Same Money |
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Bill Clinton ‘rapey gropey disgusting’: Late chef Bourdain |
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Hillary Clinton A minha história Dom Quixote Lisboa 2003 Ver mais |
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Professional Criticism or Professional Sexism The Medias Representation of Hillary Clinton |
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Anthony Bourdain slammed Weinstein Bill Clinton for sexual misconduct in final all Puma |
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Clinton Involved in Biggest Treason in History |
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Clinton vs Trump: Globalismo Continentalismo y Crisis |
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Bill Clinton opposed illegal immigration Bill Clinton made citizenship a question on the census questionnaire Both things Democrats scream against now And now… |
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‘Disgraceful’: Trump asked to condemn Putin rants instead about the FBI and Hillary Clinton |
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Americans Derelict for Allowing the Clinton Crime Family |
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Q Anon Bill amp Hillary Clinton Dyncorp Etc |
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Episode 133 : How Deep Was Moscow Into Hillary Clinton! |
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Former Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Escapes Charges For Lying To FBI Agents |
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Why Was Orlando Shooter’s Father Sitting Behind Hillary Clinton |
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The Wall Street Journal: New GOP Groups Taking Aim at Hillary Clinton October 27 2015 |
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LEAKED The Campaign Ad Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Want You To See |
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We’re still better off with Trump than Clinton |
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Russel Clinton |
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Clinton R E McGinn |
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Clinton Should Be Resisting Prison Guards Not President Trump! |
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Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept Overlap |
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Foot Cameroun : Clinton Njie couche avec 2 filles la fédération se fâche ! |
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Maybe Donald Trumps should have canceled his meeting with Vladimir Putin after all First Hillary Clinton mocked Trump over playing for the Russians and then Vlad decided to keep Donny waiting! |
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A Hillary Clinton era como o Donald Trump no que diz respeito à imigração ilegal |
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The real hypocrisy is even worse They believe Bill Clinton should not be impeached for adultery he committed while in office but Trump should be impeached for adultery 12 years before he was in office |
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Mike Huckabee Destroys Hillary Clinton For Hypocrisy About Russia With Fire Tweet |
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Clinton captains reminisce look forward as season winds down |
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Anthony Bourdain Illuminati Special: Clinton Pizza and Kate Spade on CTAUC Podcast with Isaac! |
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Get Over Yourself and Support Hillary Clinton |
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Former CIA Officer: Clinton Involved In Biggest Treason In History |
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for your Clinton-Macomb Public |
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Client Booked Event – CLINTON IA |
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Snarling ‘Trump baby’ blimp could soon fly in US: Bourdain Interview:’ rapey gropey and disgusting Bill Clinton and hopes Weinstein is ‘beaten to death in jail’ |
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The Woodward scholarship awarded to Alexis Bailey is a four year renewable scholarship for 500 each year Alexis will be attending Eastern Michigan University to study nursing She is the daughter of Jennifer O’Brien and the late Tony Bailey This scholarship honors Clinton residents Carl and Suzy Woodward who were co-chairs of the festival in 1985 They were long time supporters of the festival and of the entire community of Clinton This scholarship is awarded to a CHS senior who best demonstrates a commitment to the Clinton Fall Festival and/or the Clinton community |
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Hillary Clinton atac la Donald Trump Motivul Cupa Mondiala din Rusia |
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Former Clinton White House Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting to Beat the Crap out of Rand Paul’ Townhall |
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Clinton A Great Place to Start |
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Welcome to the Clinton Hotel |
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Hillary Clinton hits Trump over Putin summit with a World Cup reference click to see stats |
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Godfrey Clinton |
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Thank you Hillary! Secretary Clinton’s ‘emailgate’ revelations about Algerian state crimes |
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CNN’s Anderson Cooper Compares Trump to Autistic ‘Rain Man’ Over Obsession With Hillary Clinton’s Emails |
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The Kemner scholarship awarded to Noel Scott IV is a four year renewable scholarship for 1000 each year Noel will be attending Western Michigan University to study engineering He is the son of Mimi and Noel Scott III The Kemner scholarship honors the memory of Eric Kemner who was a graduate of Clinton High School and an all state performer on the CHS cross-country and track teams This scholarship is awarded to a local student who intends to pursue a degree in a scientific field and who demonstrates high academic and athletic achievement |
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While President Trump Meets With Putin Hillary Clinton Somehow Makes The World Cup Into A Trump Insult |
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Hillary Clinton ne divulguera rien de plus que les autres Présidents |
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Hillary Clinton nu s-a putut abține și l-a atacat pe Donald Trump: ‘S-a întâlnit cu Putin am o întrebare – Știi cu ce echipă ai ținut’ |
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Hillary Clinton issues sad World Cup tweet to troll Trump as he gets ready for meeting with Putin |
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First Debate Between Trump and Clinton! |
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BOURDAIN: Bill Clinton ‘rapey gropey disgusting’ |
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Hillary Clinton Says Kavanaugh Will Bring Back Slavery |
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Hillary Clinton Caught Sending Classified Emails to a ‘Foreign Entity’ |
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Is Hillary Clinton taking money from the Russians We’ll never know |
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Clinton Fire Dept swearing in ceremony 6-14-18 |
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Learn With Clinton Ranch Clinics |
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Clinton’s plans |
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All 30000 of the Clinton e-mails went automatically to a foreign country – not Russia |
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Clinton – Falling Behind |
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Clinton Fearon and the Boogie Brown Band Coming to Wild Buffalo on August 31st |
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Clinton vs Northeast softball 6-6-18 |
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What Hillary Clinton Just Said About Brett Kavanaugh Has Many Seriously Questioning Her Sanity |
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Hillary Clinton and Thomas Alfred Taylor’s Underpants: It Takes a Village to Rape a Child |
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I don’t believe Christians who support Trump will give him a pass if he behaves like say…Bill Clinton Let me prove it to you in a way that some will hate me for: look at what happened in Alabama Even if you believe that Judge Roy Moore was railroaded—and there is evidence of that—many Christians could not vote for him because of the moral shadow cast on him |
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Will Hillary Clinton be the Next President |
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12 Russians indicted in Mueller investigation accused of hacking Clinton campaign |
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FBI Caught Red Handed: Set Up Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting According to |
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Senate Must Reject Kavanaugh as Dangerous Ideologue for “Unitary Executive” with Dictatorial President Main Selling Point with Beleaguered Trump Was 2008 Orwellian Speech Arguing That Incumbent President Is Above Law Immune to Investigation Civil Subpoena and Criminal Indictment In 1998 Kavanaugh Had Acted as Attack Dog for Ken Starr Witch Hunt Against Bill Clinton Publicizing Multitudes of Lewd Details Long Paper Trail Will Facilitate His Borking as McConnell Warned |
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¿No sabes si ir a la Marcha del Orgullo LGTB Este spot de Hillary Clinton te convencerá |
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Hello dictator! Frente a las cámaras el presidente de la Comisión Europea recibía de esta forma en un ambiente de buen humor al primer ministro húngaro en la cumbre de Riga del 22 de mayo de 2015 Unos meses atrás sin embargo el senador John McCain provocó un incidente diplomático al calificar a Viktor Orbán de dictador néofascista En cambio en esta ocasión Jean Claude Juncker retomaba este término con tono travieso acompañándolo de una afectuosa palmada en la mejilla El contraste con los dictados que estaban siendo impuestos en aquel mismo momento a Grecia por parte del Eurogrupo era sobrecogedor: sobre este último punto el ambiente no estaba para bromas Como se recordará por el ministro de finanzas alemán Wolfgang Schauble los Estados tienen compromisos y unas nuevas elecciones no cambian nada En definitiva en Europa no se bromea con el neoliberalismo: la economía es demasiado importante como para confiársela a los pueblos En cambio de la democracia de ella sí es posible reírse La escena burlesca de Letonia nos recuerda de hecho a otra escena En El gran dictador de Charlie Chaplin Mussolini saluda a Hitler con una palmada en la espalda exclamando: ¡Mi hermano dictador! ¿NO DEBERÍAMOS MÁS BIEN HABLAR DE UN MOMENTO NEOFASCISTA ¿Cómo pensar de manera conjunta el auge de la extrema derecha y la deriva autoritaria del neoliberalismo Por una parte tenemos el supremacismo blanco con la elección de Donald Trump y en Europa la xenofobia política de Viktor Orbán o de Matteo Salvini así como el censo de personas investigadoras en temas de género y homosexualidad que se ha puesto en marcha en Hungría o el de la población romaní en Italia por poner solo algunos ejemplos Por otra parte tenemos aquello que podemos calificar de golpes de Estado democráticos: no es necesario enviar el ejército contra Grecia Bancos no tanques ni contra Brasil Votos y no botas -aunque los defensores del neoliberalismo como es el caso en Francia no dudan en recurrir a la violencia policial para reprimir aquellos movimientos sociales que les plantan cara Tanto en un lado como en el otro las libertades públicas retroceden Además ambos fenómenos no son en absoluto incompatibles Hoy Europa convive bien con la extrema derecha en el poder: mientras que en 2000 imponía sanciones a la Austria de Jorg Haider en 2018 ésta va a asumir la presidencia europea con Sebastian Kurz La Unión de hecho no titubea al subcontratar a Turquía para la gestión de los migrantes cerrando los ojos frente a la deriva dictatorial del régimen de Recep Tayyip Erdogan -por no hablar de los acuerdos cerrados con una mafiosa Libia Y si Emmanuel Macron considera que Donald Trump ha adoptado la decisión correcta al renunciar a separar a los migrantes de sus hijos cabe señalar que los Estados Unidos se disponen a seguir de ahora en adelante el ejemplo francésencerrándolos a todos juntos El presidente de la República bien puede denunciar en Quimper la expansión de la lepra con la llegada de la Liga al poder pero no puede hacer olvidar que en 2017 una Italia capitaneada por el Partido demócrata ya llevaba ante la justicia a aquellas ONG que rescataban personas migrantes en el mar Europa era ya cómplice Sobre todo sería actuar como si la justicia francesa no persiguiera a delincuentes solidarios como en el caso de Cédric Herrou Tanto en la frontera francoitaliana como en el Mediterráneo las milicias de Generación Identitaria actúan ilegalmente pero cuentan con la bendición de autoridades francesas y europeas Al final de este discurso el presidente de la República se indigna frente a aquellos que traicionan incluso el asilo en un momento en que el Senado examina la Ley de Asilo e Inmigración Al mismo tiempo fustiga a todos aquellos aleccionadores que reivindicando la solidaridad querrían todo y cualquier cosa ¡Mirad a vuestro alrededor! les increpa Poco después junto a Pedro Sánchez presidente del Gobierno español que acaba de acoger el Aquarius propone sin reírse sanciones en caso de insolidaridad como si Francia cuyos puertos -después de los italianos- eran los más próximos no fuera la primera concernida -antes de asumir el discurso de Matteo Salvini sobre las ONG en el que las acusa de hacer el juego a los traficantes- Pese a los bellos discursos la tentación iliberal no se reduce exclusivamente a la extrema derecha eurófoba: pende igualmente sobre dirigentes eurófilos El propio Emmanuel Macron encarna ese neoliberalismo iliberal que pretende salvarnos de la extrema derecha imitando su política Se encuentra pues en una buena posición para concluir: En este tema nuestras élites económicas periodísticas políticas poseen una responsabilidad inmensa -¡Inmensa! ¿Cómo designar esta lepra No basta con evocar un momento populista Si Chantal Mouffe rechaza hablar de extrema derecha prefiriendo la expresión populismo de derecha esta filosofía aboga por un populismo de izquierdas: ambos tendrían en común un núcleo democrático puesto que hacen visibles ofreciéndoles claro está respuestas distintas las reivindicaciones de categorías populares es decir de los perdedores de la globalización neoliberal Sin embargo no solo los dirigentes neoliberales no dudan en movilizar un populismo xenófobo sino que a su vez también los líderes populistas de Trump a Orbán pasando por Erdogan promueven políticas neoliberales Resulta pues dudoso atribuir al voto favorable de los segundos la expresión de resistencias a la condición posdemocrática engendrada por treinta años de hegemonía neoliberal EL PROPIO EMMANUEL MACRON ENCARNA ESE NEOLIBERALISMO ILIBERAL QUE PRETENDE SALVARNOS DE LA EXTREMA DERECHA IMITANDO SU POLÍTICA ¿No deberíamos más bien hablar de un momento neofascista Como ocurre en el fascismo histórico encontramos efectivamente hoy en día los componentes de racismo y xenofobia la difusión de fronteras entre izquierda y derecha la veneración del líder carismático y la celebración de la nación el odio hacia las élites y la exaltación del pueblo el menosprecio hacia el Estado de derecho y la apología de la violencia etc Para explicar el resurgir de estos elementos en el momento de la elección de Donald Trump el filósofo Cornel West ha atribuido claramente la responsabilidad a las políticas defendidas por los Clinton y Barack Obama: En Estados Unidos la era neoliberal acaba de culminar con una explosión neofascista Desde entonces sin embargo resulta evidente que la segunda no ha destruido la primera ¿Deberíamos entonces hacer caso a Wendy Brown quien a la inversa privilegia la lectura neoliberal y rechaza la comparación histórica con el fascismo Para esta teórica política que analiza la revolución furtiva del neoliberalismo que consigue deshacer el demos pese a ciertos ecos de los años 1930 la paradójica combinación entre Estatismo y Desregulación de Trump cierto autoritarismo libertario supone una nueva forma de política que es efecto colateral de la racionalidad neoliberal No sabríamos pues reducirla a las antiguas figuras del fascismo o del populismo Su crítica se suma a la de Robert Paxton: si bien es cierto que encontramos en este presidente varios patrones típicamente fascistas para el historiador de Vichy la etiqueta fascista oculta el libertarismo económico y social de Trump Podríamos sin embargo preguntarnos: ¿acaso no es el principio mismo de un concepto o de un tipo ideal weberiano el reagrupar bajo una misma etiqueta ejemplos diferentes tomados prestados de distintos contextos históricos Se da ciertamente fascismo pero también populismo y neoliberalismo Así tal y como lo subraya Wendy Brown el proteccionismo de Trump no es sino una nueva declinación de este último mientras que el ordoliberalismo alemán constituye una variante que no se confunde mucho más con la ideología del FMI: a pesar de esto no debemos renunciar a analizar el neoliberalismo bajo todas sus formas Según esta misma lógica podemos hablar de neofascismo como forma de pensar en su especificidad histórica sobre este momento fascista del neoliberalismo NO SOLO LOS DIRIGENTES NEOLIBERALES NO DUDAN EN MOVILIZAR UN POPULISMO XENÓFOBO SINO QUE A SU VEZ TAMBIÉN LOS LÍDERES POPULISTAS DE TRUMP A ORBÁN PASANDO POR ERDOGAN No se trata de sugerir que en su mismo principio el neoliberalismo esté condenado al fascismo Cierto es que el neoliberalismo no está orientado hacia la democracia como parecía tras la caída del Muro de Berlín pero que ya no es posible creer No obstante los dirigentes que han reconvertido la socialdemocracia en Europa Tony Blair y José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero lejos de surfear la ola xenófoba reivindicaron la apertura de sus países a los migrantes económicos En cuanto a la canciller alemana ¿acaso no pasó de ser Kaiser Merkel en Europa meses después de la crisis griega a ser Mutti Angela durante la crisis del asilo de 2015 Sin embargo estos momentos pertenecen ya al pasado Por eso hoy es importante llamar gato a un gato: negarse a nombrar este neofascismo autoriza a quedarse de brazos cruzados El rigor intelectual escrupuloso de algunos sirve como pretexto para la tibia cobardía política de muchos Los eufemismos impiden así la movilización de un antifascismo que lejos de ser el respaldo democrático de las políticas económicas actuales designaría la responsabilidad del neoliberalismo respecto del auge del neofascismo: no hay ninguna necesidad de dejarse llevar por la ilusión de que el populismo que es el síntoma podría ser el remedio En definitiva cantar el Bella Ciao no tiene nada de anacrónico -no solo contra Matteo Salvini o su predecesor demócrata en Interior Marco Minniti y también contra su homólogo Gérard Collomb incluso si ya está un poco cansado de que le tomen por el facha de turno Éric Fassin es sociólogo Universidad Paris-8 Su última obra publicada es Populisme: le grand ressentiment Populismo: El gran resentimiento Textuel 2017 Traducción de Andrea Sancho |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2018 |
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Sen Jeff Sessions on WikiLeaks Revelation of Hillary Clinton’s Support for ‘Open Borders’: ‘It’s a Smoking Gun’ |
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Village of Clinton Administration |
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Donna Brazile Reveals Hillary Clinton Controlled DNC – LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE |
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Moscú hackeó a Clinton el día que Trump pidió a Rusia buscar sus correos desaparecidos |
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The couple who are both journalists fell in love over ‘late night margaritas’ while working in war-torn SarajevoThey tied the knot in a swanky wedding ceremony in 1998 in Italy attended by John F Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn diplomat Richard Holbrooke Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal and former Deputy National Security Adviser James SteinbergCNN host Christiane Amanpour and husband Jamie Rubin are divorcing after 20 years of marriage according to a friendThe couple who are both journalists fell in love over ‘late night margaritas’ while working in war-torn SarajevoThey tied the knot in a swanky wedding ceremony in 1998 in Italy attended by John F Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn diplomat Richard Holbrooke Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal and former Deputy National Security Adviser James SteinbergA source told Page Six the pair ‘are still really good friends’ |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2017 |
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VIDEO Rubber Ducks take the falls in Clinton again for charity |
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2020 visions This NY Post piece would be considered satire if it was about ANYONE other than Hillary Clinton |
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Obama Tops Public’s List of Best President in Lifetime Followed by Clinton Reagan |
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Visit To Packwood House amp Baddesley Clinton |
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A Lawsuit that can sink up Clinton Story of a Mother who lost her son |
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Hillary Clinton To Trump Ahead Of Putin Summit: ‘Do You Know Which Team You |
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Anthony Bourdain goes off on ‘rapey’ Bill Clinton |
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Japanese Web: Find Hilary Clinton’s Photo Similar To Social Game Idols |
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Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul |
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Hillary Clinton nombra a un misionero jesuita para su en el canal El Sendero Oculto |
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Clinton Foundation Hillary’s Emails Outrageous Lies and More! |
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BOCORR!!! Hillary Clinton Akui ISIS Ciptaan AS untuk Pecah Belah Negara ISLAM!!! |
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Why Kids Like Clinton Need Mentors › |
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Russian Agents Acted On Trump’s Demand To Hack Clinton — The Same Day |
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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump visible competitors but in the fact they are employee and employer |
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Death by Leaks: Russian Hacking Helped Sink Clinton 2016 Campaign |
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Hillary Clinton goes after Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin |
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Clinton: ‘I know nothing’ about Ambassador Stevens’ meeting with Al-Qaeda affiliate |
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Hillary Clinton hits Trump over Putin summit with a World Cup reference |
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2016 Presidential 1 Dollar Colorized 2-Sided 5-Coin Set Living President Series – Carter HW Bush Clinton Bush Obama |
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Buhari donated about N150Billion to Clinton’s campaign US Group Reveals |
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Clinton IA 52732 |
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The Conspiracy Guy 21 Jim Fetzer Clinton book: Shattered |
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Hillary Clinton on AI risk |
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Bourdain Slammed Clinton In Final Interview |
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President Hillary Clinton: Is She Fit For The Title |
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Clinton Involved in Biggest Treason in History Video |
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Welcome To The Village Of Clinton |
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Clinton Lewis |
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Trump and Putin’s love-in: Russian strongman says ‘Da’ I wanted Trump and claims money moved out of Russia illegally went to Hillary Clinton – while US president boasts of his ‘brilliant’ election campaign |
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Hillary clinton behind racist – deportracisim / Deport racisim 2016 website – tries to frame bernie sanders |
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Clinton – 116 Warner Ct Clinton IL 61727 |
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‘The Haight’ proves Jim Marshall was more than a legendary rock Clinton on cutthroat music biz highs and lows of being P-Funk Duane Allman kicks off Monday |
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Charla Dr Bernardo Useche con Amanda Clinton – Parte 1 |
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The Next President of United States – Hillary Clinton! |
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Village of Clinton |
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Bottomline: The Democrats vehemently defended adultery because it could keep Clinton in office They only found morality to get Trump out of office |
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There are sort of these weird connections to everything going on in the political sphere in our country which I think is interesting because when I was reporting the book out it was mostly before the election It was a time when Christopher Steele’s name didn’t mean anything But what I figured out over time is that this had nothing to do with sour grapes and the FBI agents who opened the case didn’t really care about losing the World Cup The theory was that the US investigation was started because the US lost to Qatar and Bill Clinton or Eric Holder or Barack Obama or somebody ordered up an investigation What happened was that the investigation began in July or August 2010 four or five months before the vote happened It starts because this FBI agent who’s a long-term Genovese crime squad guy gets a new squad ― the Eurasian Organized Crime Squad ― which is primarily focused on Russian stuff It’s a squad that’s squeezed of resources and not doing much because under Robert Mueller who was the FBI director at the time the FBI was not interested in traditional crime-fighting They were interested in what Mueller called transnational crime So this agent looked for cases that he thought would score points with Mueller And one of the cases they’re doing involves the Trump Tower It’s this illegal poker game and sports book that’s partially run out of the Trump Tower The main guy was a Russian mobster and the FBI agent had gone to London ― that’s how he met Steele ― to learn about this guy Steele told him what he knew and they parted amicably and the parting shot was “Listen if you have any other interesting leads in the future let me know” Steele had already been hired by the English bid for the 2018 World Cup at that point What Chris Steele starts seeing on behalf of the English bid is the Russians doing as it’s described in the book sort of strange and questionable stuff It looks funny and it’s setting off alarm bells for Steele So he calls the FBI agent back and says “You should look into what’s happening with the World Cup bid » … It’s tempting to look at this as a reflection of the general US writ large obsession with Russia which certainly exists but it’s also a different era This was 2009 2010 This was during the Russian reset It was Obama’s first two years in office He’s hugging Putin and talking about how they’re going to make things work Russia is playing nice-nice …That’s what I find interesting about this case is that what we see in Russia’s attempt to win the World Cup by any means is the first sort of sign of the Russia we now understand exists which is kind of a Machiavellian Russia that will do anything to get what it wants and doesn’t care how it does it It was like a dress rehearsal for that … It’s one of these things that looks like an accident but so much of world history depends on these accidents Chris Steele when he was still at MI-6 investigated the death of Alexander Litvinenko who was the Russian spy poisoned with polonium It was Steele who ran that investigation and determined that Putin probably ordered it And then Steele gets hired because of his expertise in Russia by the English bid and he becomes the canary in the coal mine saying “Uh oh guys it’s not going to be that easy and things are looking pretty grim for you” … I don’t know if that would have affected whether or not Chris Steele later gets hired by Fusion GPS to put together the Trump dossier But it’s certain that the relationship he built because of the FIFA case meant that the FBI took it more seriously … I think FIFA vice president Jérôme Valcke and others were recognizing this increasingly brazen attitude of the criminality within FIFA They had gone from an organization where people were getting bribes and doing dirty stuff but doing it very carefully behind closed doors And it was transitioning to one where the impunity was so rampant that people thought they could do anything And I think in his mind awarding the World Cup to Russia under very suspicious circumstances and also awarding it to Qatar which by any definition has no right to host this tournament it felt to him and others like a step too far I don’t think he had any advance knowledge that the US was poking around on it but he recognized that it was getting out of hand People were handing out cash bribes in practically broad daylight and as corrupt as these people were they didn’t tend to do that … The FIFA culture we know today didn’t start yesterday It started in 1974 when this guy gets elected and within a couple years the corruption starts And it starts with one bribe to Havelange or one idea that he should be bribed And it starts a whole culture and the people all sort of learn from that same model The dominoes fell over time It’s not a new model and things were getting more and more out of hand over time FIFA had been able to successfully bat these challenges down over the years There’s an attempted revolt in FIFA in 2001 or 2002 that Blatter completely shut down The general secretary of FIFA was accusing Blatter and other people of either being involved in corruption or permitting corruption and there’s a moment where it seems like the Executive Committee was going to turn against Blatter and vote him out and change everything But they all blinked and Blatter dispensed his own justice by getting rid of his No 2 and putting in people who were going to be loyal to him The effect of those things was more brazen behavior … It was an open secret I think it’s because soccer’s just too big and important in all these other countries I think other countries have just never been able to figure out how to deal with it The best you’d get was a few members of Parliament in England holding outraged press conferences or a few hearings but nothing ever came of it It’s just too much of a political hot potato because soccer elsewhere is so much more important than it is the US People are terrified of offending the FIFA gods There’s a story about how Andrew Jennings this British journalist wanted to broadcast a documentary detailing FIFA corruption just a week or so before the 2010 vote and when the British bid and the British government got a hold of it they tried really hard to stifle the press They begged the BBC not to air the documentary until after the vote because they were terrified of FIFA That’s reflective of the kind of attitudes that all these countries have … it reminds me of questions about Chuck Blazer Is he all bad or all good He’s a little bit of both The US women’s national team probably wouldn’t exist without him The Women’s World Cup probably wouldn’t either Major League Soccer got its first revenue-positive TV deal because of Chuck Blazer … At the same time he was a corrupt crook that stole a lot of money that could’ve gone to the game And so is he good or bad Probably more bad than good but he’s not all bad That applies to the Gold Cup The Gold Cup is a totally artificial thing that was made up ultimately as a money-making scheme for Blazer but in the end it’s probably benefited soccer in this country So it’s clearly not all bad … The money stolen from the sport isn’t just the bribes Let’s say I’m a sports marketing firm and I bribe you a million dollars to sign over a rights contract to me The first piece of it is that million dollars that could have gone to the sport But it’s also the opportunity cost: What would the value of those rights have been if it was taken to the free market instead of a bribe All that money is taken away from the sport And the second thing was traveling to South America and seeing the conditions of soccer for fans for kids and for women That was really eye-opening There are stadiums in Argentina and Brazil that are absolutely decrepit And people would explain the money that was supposed to come to these clubs never comes You have kids still playing with the proverbial ball made of rags and duct tape and little girls who can’t play because there are no facilities or leagues for women at all When you see that and then you see dudes making millions in bribes and also marketing guys making far more from paying the bribes I started to get indignant about it FIFA always ties itself to children and the good of the game But it’s absurd when you see how they operate The money doesn’t go to kids It goes to making soccer officials rich … When massive amounts of money mixes with a massively popular cultural phenomenon is it ever going to be clean I wish it would be different but it seems kind of hopeless How do you regulate soccer and who can oversee this to make sure that people behave in an ethical clean and fair way that benefits everyone else It’s not an accident that every single international sports organization is based in Switzerland The answer is because the Swiss not only do they offer them a huge tax break they also basically say “You can do whatever you want and we’re not going to bother you” That’s exactly what these groups want Well how do you regulate that I don’t think the US went in saying “We’re going to regulate soccer” I think they thought if we can give soccer a huge kick in the ass if we can create so much public and political pressure on them that sponsors will run away they’ll feel they have no option but to react and clean up their act It’s sort of kick ’em where it hurts … But also the annoying but true reality of FIFA is that when the World Cup is happening all the soccer fans around the world forget all their anger and just want to watch the tournament For three and a half years everyone bitches about what a mess FIFA is and then during the World Cup everyone just wants to watch soccer There could be some reinvigoration in the next few months when the next stupid scandal appears And I do think Qatar could reinvigorate more of that There’s a tiny piece of me that thinks we could still see Qatar stripped of the World Cup That would certainly spur a lot of conversation about this Ken Bensinger |
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Soros-Linked Nonprofit Led By Clinton amp Obama Alum Spending Millions To “Stop” Kavanaugh |
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Clinton Hill Historic Homes History Landmarks Preservation LGBT groups push Landmarks to designate Walt Whitman’s Clinton Hill home |
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FEDS DROP BOMBSHELL: Comey amp Lynch Colluded with Clinton Campaign to Entrap Wiretap Trump Illegal Scheme Involved Entire US Intel Community |
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Anthony Bourdain slammed Hillary Clinton and ‘gropey disgusting’ Bill Clinton in newly released |
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Welcome to the Village of Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton in a Blender is Com |
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SICK: Former Clinton White House Staffer Threatens To ‘Beat Up’ Rand Paul |
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President Clinton Funpass Story |
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The Real Deal: Secret Service Agent Outs Hillary Clinton |
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Trump Son Said to Have Met Russian Lawyer to Talk Clinton |
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2018 Clinton County Fair Guide |
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Trump-Putin Presser: Clinton Emails Pee Tape Denial More |
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Bombshell Bourdain interview is published one month after his suicide: Celebrity chef unloads on ‘rapey gropey and disgusting Bill Clinton and hopes Weinstein is ‘beaten to death in jail’ |
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Because he is a billboard for liberal hypocrisy Bill Clinton is scurrying away hoping you won’t see him He remembers when Democrats defended him for current adultery not something that happened 12 years previous He remembers when the New York Times screamed that it was no one’s business when consenting adults have sex |
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DOJ reportedly launches new probe into Clinton Foundation |
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Clinton B Edwards MD |
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Clinton Street Commons |
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Third Debate Between Trump and Clinton! |
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Clinton County District Court Activity |
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Justice Department Orders FBI to Explain Evidence on the Clinton-Obama Uranium One Scam |
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Larry Clinton |
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Was an “informant” tasked to probe Clinton campaigners too |
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