WATCH: Clinton Paul Sings Inside A Church For Heavenly New Music Video |
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Le discours d’Hillary Clinton dans l’Iowa perturbé par Sticker Kid |
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PEINLICH-VIDEO vom Mainstream VERSCHWIEGEN: Mächtigster Mann der EU amp seine AUFNAHMEN: Ex-First-Lady HILLARY CLINTON und Skull amp Bones-Mann JOHN KERRY bei „irrem“ Tanz! |
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Hillary Clinton Childhood Story Plus Untold Biography Facts |
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Hillary Clinton Offers Encouragement To Third-Grader Who Lost School Election |
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“I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” – Hillary Clinton Song |
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Hillary Clinton amp James Comey – What Difference Does It Make |
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Trump asks if ‘SNL’ is legal day after skit that imagines Clinton won US election |
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UPDATE: Fire destroys house in Clinton Township |
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FBI-Chef Comey bewahrte Akten über Kindesmissbrauch Clinton amp 9/11 im Büro auf |
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Clinton Hall FiDi |
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Hillary Clinton after bomb scare: Vote for candidates who will ‘bring our country together’ |
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Clinton Hall Bronx |
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Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email |
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Clinton Sends Letter To Third-Grade Girl Who Lost Class President Election To A Boy |
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Clinton Hall Williamsburg |
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Hillary Clinton Just Got Devastating News About Her Future |
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Clinton Administration Could Pave Way for More Environmental Jobs |
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Hillary Clinton Barack Obama and CNN Offices Are Sent Pipe Bombs |
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Facts Come Down Hard on Ocasio-Cortez After She Blasted Graham in Failed Comparison of Clinton Trump |
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GOP Launches New Effort to Expose the Clinton Foundation |
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2 Sea Prince Circuit Clinton 4680 |
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Phoney Trump-Russia dossier was funded by Clinton camp and DNC |
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Clinton Hall 51 |
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Hillary Clinton files new answers under oath about private email system explains why she used it |
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George Clinton amp Parliament Funkadelic |
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Die Clinton-Stiftung ein “Ausländischer Landtag verabschiedet neues Polizeigesetz |
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CIA Whistleblower: Hillary Clinton Ran the ‘Most Extensive Global Crime Syndicate in History’ amp She Will FINALLY Pay For It Because Trump Can’t Be Bought! |
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‘I’m Sorry’ Are Two Very Powerful Words lewinsky clinton |
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Clinton Hall 36 |
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Former Hillary Clinton Aide on Bomb Threats: ‘It’s Almost Like They’re Following Donald Trump’s Twitter Feed’ |
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What Hillary Clinton wrote in a letter to an 8-year-old who lost her bid for class president |
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Dixville Notch New Hampshire Votes for Clinton 4 Trump 2 |
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Hillary Clinton still clueless as to how she lost the election |
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Naledi Brown amp Clinton X – Ndize Final Mix 2o18 Gqom DOWNLOAD MP3 |
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Located in central Michigan between the communities of St Johns and Fowler we are a rural township comprised mostly of farmland Major crops include corn soybeans wheat and mint Clinton County is the third largest mint-producer in the United States Several family-owned dairy farms and commercial enterprises have made their home in Bengal Township |
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Electoral College Chooses Trump Clinton Loses Votes |
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Ken Starr investigator of Bill Clinton praises Robert Mueller’s investigation at stop in Tyler |
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Bà Clinton thu được nhiều tiền hơn ông Trump VOA60 |
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George Clinton amp Parliament Presents Punch Brothers with special guest Gabriel with Jay Som |
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Written By: Bill Clinton James Patterson Narrated By: Dennis Quaid Publisher: Hachette Book Group USA Date: June 2018 Duration: 13 hours 12 minutes |
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Hillary Clinton Income Taxes |
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Die Clinton-Stiftung ein “Ausländischer Agent“ |
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HYPOCRITES! Obama Biden Clinton Schumer Pelosi And Others ALL Approved Of A 700-Mile-Long Steel Barrier Along US-Mexico Border In 2006 |
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Hillary Clinton Pens Letter To 8-Year-Old Who Lost Class President Bid |
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State Führerin Hillary Clinton begann einen Putsch gegen Trump mit einem gefälschten Dokument namens Russia-Trump Dossier dessen Schöpfer der britische MI6-Agent Christopher Steele gerade unter Eid zugab dass er von Clinton bezahlt wurde um diese Lügen wiedergutzumachen damit sie sie sie als Mittel benutzen konnte um ihren Wahlverlust gegen Trump anzufechten |
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HILLARY CLINTON for 45th President of the United States 2016 Presidential 1 Golden Dollar Coin |
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Bill Clinton – James Patterson: AZ ELNÖK ELTŰNT könyvkritika |
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Clinton Campaign Manager Says Trump Might Be Putin ‘Puppet’ |
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Item of the Day: An Answer to the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton 1783 |
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Bob Livingston: Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server hacked by Chinese |
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‘Unregistered foreign agent’: Clinton Foundation oversight panel hears explosive testimony Submitted By Dennis Kaiser 5 |
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A Conversation with Clinton Sandifer AKA ShowYouSuck |
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Clinton Beats Trump At His Own Covfefe |
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If I converted to Buddhism does that make me Chinese If I converted to Hinduism does that make me Indian When Khazarians Mongol Turks converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Negro Hebrew identity and turned them into slaves did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew Well the Jew World Order seems to think so They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing themThe invention of the Muslim Terrorist is the latest invention by the Jews to spread fear and dismantle governments that are not yet puppets of the Jewsor have decided to stop serving the Jews justifying raping the World and slaughtering billions of innocent genuine semite and gentile families in every country for power and control under the illusion of Freedom and Democracy Jewish Rabbi claims Islam is Israel’s broomWe control Islam and we’ll use it to destroy the west Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ The War On Drugs hoax The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ The real enemy is at home The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ The Satanic Cult that rules the world Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Jews behind every Terrorist Attack and Fake Muslim Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ Jews behind every Terrorist Attack and Fake Muslim Groups ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ Russian Tu-160 vs US bombers: The White Swan is still in its prime December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ First let’s talk about the two Russian bombers that went to Venezuela last week These were the ‘Nikolay Kuznetsov’ and the ‘Vasily Reshetnikov’ Tu-160 White Swan jets The Nikolay Kuznetsov jet was manufactured on December 29 1990 and was accepted into service by the 184th heavy bomber aviation regiment of the Soviet long-range air force Priluki Ukraine In 1999 it was given to Russia as payment for natural gas and went to the Engels air base in November of that year In 2008 it underwent maintenance and servicing at Kazan Aircraft Production Association KAPO The Vasily Reshetnikov bomber was accepted into service by the air force in April-May 1992 From July 2008-December 2009 it underwent maintenance and servicing at KAPO and was upgraded in August-September 2017 Power projection or experimental flight What Russian Tu-160 bombers actually did in Venezuela So one of the strategic bombers is 28 years old the other one is 26 Is it too old First let’s clarify that all aircraft fall into two categories: fit for flying or not fit for flying There are no other degrees of aircraft operational ability And now let’s take a closer look at the B-52 strategic bomber the staple of the US strategic air force It’s one of the few jets that have been operated for over 50 years The US began to develop the B-52 strategic bomber back in 1948 The first test flight of the XB-52 prototype took place on April 15 1952 744 B-52 bombers have been manufactured since 71 of them were decommissioned after flight incidents The last B-52 bomber was produced in June 1962 In other words every B-52 bomber that exists today is over half a century old The US plans to keep the B-52H flying until the 2040s when the bombers turn 83 and exhaust their lifespan According to some sources the aircraft has a chance to become the first machine of its kind to remain in service for over a century As of today there are just over 70 operational B-52 units in the US Air Force The B-52 is being continuously modernized its avionics system constantly upgraded hence you could hardly argue that the bomber is obsolete So any given B-52 is at least 28 years older than the Nikolay Kuznetsov bomber and 30 years older than the Vasily Reshetnikov jet In view of this calling our Tu-160 strategic bombers ‘museum exhibits’ is at the very least disrespectful Most likely US Ambassador to Colombia Kevin Whitaker is simply not aware of these facts And why would he deliver all these hostile remarks in Colombia of all places Could it be because of its geographical proximity to Venezuela Could there be some other reasons that has to do with Colombia itself Also on rtcom Russian Su-57 v US F-35: Which is better Now let’s take a look at another US Air Force strategic bomber known as B-1B Lancer It is believed that the creation of the new Soviet Tu-160 bomber was driven by the US’ decision to develop a promising new aircraft as part of its AMSA Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft project which later became the Rockwell B-1 Lancer In other words the Tu-160 was the response of the Soviet aviation industry to the American B-1 bomber They even look similar in some respects The B-1 Lancer bomber was developed in the 1970s and 1980s by Rockwell International It has been in service with the US Air Force since July 27 1985 All of the B-1 bombers were produced between 1974 and 1988 with a total of about 100 units commissioned It is worth noting however that even the most recently produced B-1B bomber is still two years older compared to the oldest of the two Russian Tu-160 aircraft the Nikolay Kuznetsov to be precise that flew over Venezuela Moreover almost all of our remaining Tu-160 bombers were produced either in same time-frame as the B-1B or later As for the third strategic bomber used by the US Air Force – the B-2 Spirit – it was produced in a very small quantity only 21 units at 2 billion apiece in the period between 1988 and 1999 – meaning that even the ‘youngest’ B-2 Spirit is almost 20 years old Spot on: Russia to track future US missiles with upgraded over-the-horizon radar However time is not an issue for this class of aircraft It’s not a rare thing to see them in operation for decades Thus Russia’s Tupolev Tu-95 went on its first mission in 1952 and its latest modification Tupolev Tu-95MS was produced in the early 1980s Long-range aircraft are usually operated for as long as their frame is good and it is usually good for a very long time Of course the aircraft are serviced maintained and upgraded They get fitted with new modern avionics and air-launched weapons Tu-95MS for one got upgraded to carry new cruise missiles with an increased range of over 5000 kilometers according to some reports Also Russia is working on its next-generation strategic bomber Tupolev PAK DA and the Tupolev Tu-160’s upgraded version Tupolev Тu-160М2 Basically this means that the Tupolev Tu-160’s framework is fitted with a completely new set of equipment including new radars cockpit equipment and systems and all of that increases the plane’s combat power enormously The new White Swan will not only have increased combat capacities but also feature boosted defenses that will include a new-generation electronic warfare system Tupolev Тu-160М2 will be protected from any surface-to-air and air-to-air strikes And that’s just a normal upgrade process that Russian strategic bombers go through getting better and better We only hope that US Ambassador to Colombia Kevin Whitaker who is just over 60 will live to see Tupolev Тu-160М2 and Tupolev PAK DA bombers patrolling the airspace of Venezuela By Mikhail Khodarenok military commenter for Gazetaru Bio: Mikhail Khodarenok is a retired colonel He graduated from the Minsk Higher Engineering School of Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense 1976 and the Command Academy of the Air Defense Forces 1986Commanding officer of the S-75 AA missile battalion 1980-1983Deputy commanding officer of a SAM regiment 1986-1988Senior officer at the High Command of the Air Defense Forces 1988–1992Officer at the main operational directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces1992–2000Graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 1998Worked as an analyst at Nezavisimaya Gazeta 2000-2003 and editor-in-chief of Voyenno-Promyshlennyi Kuriyer 2010-2015 Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from Kosovo’s army causes a split in the West but who’s to blame December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ It’s got a flag It’s got its own FIFA-recognised football team It’s in negotiations to join the Eurovision Song Contest And now Kosovo has set out plans to have its own army This week the parliament in Pristina voted to transform the light-armed crisis-responsive ‘Kosovo Security Force’ FSK into a proper army with 5000 active soldiers and 3000 reservists Kosovo’s US-backed army: ‘A nominal claim to statehood amp revenge on EU’ As you might have expected the development has been met with an angry response from neighbouring Serbia which still regards Kosovo as its own territory and is concerned that the new army despite Pristina’s assurances it would be multi-ethnic might be used against the Serbian minority living there What is really interesting though is the response from NATO The military alliance which let’s not forget carried out a 78-day bombing campaign against the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 ostensibly to protect Kosovan Albanians and which led to Kosovo’s separation from Serbia has criticized the move with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg expressing his ‘regret’ Stoltenberg said that the North Atlantic Council would have to re-examine the level of NATO’s engagement with the Kosovo Security Force Which is ironic when we consider how the FSK came into being It was set up almost ten years ago as the successor to the Kosovo Protection Corps KPC Which itself was established ten years earlier in September 1999 as the successor to the western-backed Kosovo Liberation Army Some might say that having supported the KLA in its campaign of violence against the Yugoslav state authorities it’s hypocritical of NATO to oppose the setting up of a Kosovan army now Certainly we wouldn’t be in this situation had NATO opted for a different approach twenty years ago Spain backs down on Kosovo stance after IOC warning The EU which also backed secessionist movements in the region in the 1990s has expressed its concern too about Pristina’s latest move A statement from them said that the status of the current Security Force “should only be changed through an inclusive and gradual process in accordance with the Kosovo Constitution” The stance of NATO and the EU needs to be contrasted with that of the US Philip Kosnett the US Ambassador to Kosovo called the formation of a Kosovan Army “a positive step” In fact the reaction of the EU and NATO is indicative of the differing views there are to the status of Kosovo among their member states Four NATO states and five EU members including Spain which has serious separatist issues of its own still do not recognize Kosovo as an independent country As in 1999 it’s been the US which has been the most hard-core supporter of the cause It’s not hard to work out why Sponsoring Kosovo ‘independence’ and sabotaging any hopes of a peaceful solution to the dispute with the Belgrade authorities in the 1990s was a key part of the US strategy to break-up the rump Yugoslavia and incorporate the newly-created statelets into its expanding global empire Kosovo may be smaller than the English county of Yorkshire but it’s a prize well worth having For there’s gold in them hills Not just gold but chrome nickel aluminium copper iron metals and lead-zinc Kosovo possesses the world’s fifth-largest proven reserves of lignite In fact when you read about Kosovo’s wealth you can understand why the province/country take your pick has been so coveted ‘Humanitarian’ concerns do tend to have a habit of being invoked by the US when there’s plenty of oil or minerals around don’t they Also on rtcom US amp Serbian flags color opposite sides of Mitrovica as Kosovo votes to create army PHOTO After 1999 and the removal of Yugoslav forces from Kosovo the US didn‘t waste much time in moving in An enormous military base Camp Bondsteel was constructed from scratch in the east of Kosovo Today the US has around 600 soldiers in Kosovo as part of a 4600 NATO force Serbia has threatened military intervention in response to Pristina’s vote but let’s be honest with NATO having such a presence there it isn’t going to happen In any case Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic a former nationalist is now pursuing EU membership He said in September that he wanted an EU membership guarantee for his country as part of any deal with Kosovo It’s the desire to incorporate Serbia into the EU which explains the current western split on the Kosovo army issue NATO and the EU prefer the carrot approach to Serbia and that means occasionally telling Kosovo off: the US prefers the stick It wants Belgrade to make a clean break with Russia and unequivocally throw its lot in with the west Last year a US State Department official told Serbia that it “cannot sit on two chairs at the same time especially if they are that far apart” ‘Pandora’s box’ opened by Kosovo recognition not by attempt to mend ties – Serbia’s president to RT Vucic criticised that and said later that his country would never join NATO But this September he told the BBC that it was time for Serbs to re-examine its negative feelings about the military alliance which bombed their towns and cities less than 20 years earlier Such a Janus-like stance shouldn’t surprise us Serbia’s president is trying to keep in with Russia but also curry favour with the west On Kosovo Vucic has said he favors a partition along ethnic lines with Serb-populated areas returning to Serbia Meanwhile Milorad Dodik leader of the Bosnian-Serbs has said he would seek independence too from Bosnia-Herzegovina if Kosovo achieved full UN recognition The west wouldn’t want that but that’s the thing about self-determination You can’t unless you specialise in double standards support it for one group of people Kosovan Albanians but deny it to others And vice versa Whichever way you look at it the Balkans is in a mess ever since the ‘Pandora’s Box’ of nationalism was opened in the ‘90s A South Slav union always made more sense as I argued here and it still does today But while nostalgia for Yugoslavia is understandable and completely warranted where does it leave the seemingly intractable problem of Kosovo regarded by Serbs as the cradle of their civilisation but where over 90 percent of the population are ethnic Albanians who don‘t wish to be part of Serbia It’s unlikely that the formation of a Kosovan army will bring us closer to finding a solution But it will no doubt provide more arms sales for Uncle Sam the main beneficiary of the instability Like this story Share it with a friend! Source Article from Dead end: UK’s Theresa May has led her party amp country into an impasse December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ She achieved high office Home Secretary thanks to David Cameron who failed to gain a majority in Parliament at the 2010 election in spite of the fact that Labour had been in power since 1997 and that the outgoing prime minister Gordon Brown was deeply unpopular Cameron had to govern in coalition with the Liberals Theresa May then became Prime Minister in 2016 after Cameron resigned having been defeated like her in the referendum on Brexit She and her boss had campaigned for Remain Also on rtcom ‘Not open for renegotiation’: EU stands by Brexit deal offers few extra reassurances to May She then led her party into a catastrophic election in 2017 in which the Conservatives lost the 20-seat majority they had won in 2015 and ended up nine seats short of a majority This was in spite of the fact that the Conservatives faced a Labour opposition in deep disarray with a leader Jeremy Corbyn who many had thought was unelectable Since last year May has clung on to power only thanks to the support of the Ulster Unionists Without them she could not govern Theresa May’s latest election the one held on December 12 by her fellow Conservative Members of Parliament was also a sort of defeat True she won by two-thirds: 200 votes for her 117 against But out of the 200 votes there are more than 150 MPs who belong to the government either as ministers deputy ministers or private parliamentary secretaries These people have to vote with the government or they lose their government job and any chance of future preferment In other words over half of the Tory backbenchers voted against May Moreover her re-election as leader has not answered any of the questions which led to the vote in the first place in particular what to do given that there is no majority in the House of Commons for the deal she has agreed with the EU Indeed there is no majority in the House of Commons for any option at all She has led her party and her country into an impasse Her only tactic is to turn this weakness into a strength: like Madame de Pompadour Theresa May says it is either her or chaos Après moi le déluge Unfortunately the tactic of turning defeat into victory has –as was inevitable– ultimately created the conditions for defeat This is because the deal that she has negotiated with the EU creates precisely the conditions which guarantee that her objective of a free trade deal with the EU first stated in January 2017 and repeated on many subsequent occasions cannot be achieved According to the terms of the agreement –which is in fact only an agreement to continue negotiating– Britain and the EU will seek to sign a free trade deal by the end of the transition period in 2020 But the famous ‘Irish border backstop’ ensures that the EU has no interest in agreeing to anything Also on rtcom Corbyn plots no-confidence motion with DUP in May’s Tory govt before Christmas – reports If there is no free trade agreement by the end of 2020 according to the terms of the deal she negotiated in November the whole of the United Kingdom will remain in the EU customs union It will not be able to leave it until a new agreement is reached Britain will therefore be in a uniquely weak position and the EU has every interest in getting it there London would have to accede to a long shopping list of individual demands from EU states –from the French on fishing from the Spanish on Gibraltar and so on– in order to break free from the backstop It is more difficult to leave the backstop than it is to leave the EU and May’s deal is therefore the longest suicide note in history The fact is that Britain and the EU have been negotiating for two years with radically different objectives Theresa May does not seem to have realized this London was trying to have the benefits of EU membership a free trade agreement without the costs Brussels was determined to show that you cannot have the benefits without the costs London wanted to prosper outside the EU Brussels is determined to show that you cannot prosper outside the EU for fear that other EU member states might start trying to follow Britain Theresa May was determined to succeed whereas the EU’s priority has been to ensure that she fails The EU’s strategy has therefore been to create a situation in Britain which is untenable with the openly admitted goal of getting the British one way or another to reverse Brexit This is but a variant of the tactic the EU has deployed many times in the past when it has lost other referendums – in Denmark in 1992 in Ireland in 2001 and 2008 in France and the Netherlands in 2005 and in the Netherlands again in 2016 in a vote on the Association Agreement with Ukraine which was widely seen as being against the EU in general Also on rtcom Chancellor Hammond labels Rees-Mogg Boris amp co ‘extremists’ as Tory civil war gets ugly On each occasion the EU simply decided to ignore the vote either it pressed ahead with ratification in other states so that the countries in question were forced to vote a second time Denmark and Ireland or the same legislation was passed by the political class in their respective national parliaments France and the Netherlands and against the people’s wishes The same thing is now happening against Britain and we are now witnessing in real time a sixth attempt to strangle democracy By running down the clock Prime Minister May hopes that her deal will be accepted as the only way of preventing no deal or no Brexit That is why it is essential for MPs to adopt the opposite logic from hers and vote for no deal Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from E Michael Jones on The Avalon Podcast December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ Online researcher and columnist Staś View all posts by Staś Source Article from Roche Trap: A Tribalist Lets Slip the Truth December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ by Tobias Langdon Published on The Occidental Observer December 13 2018 with an endnote here by Lasha Darkmoon Tobias Langdon explains how Britain has been flooded with low-IQ immigrants from the Third World in order to make life easier for Jews A Spectre is haunting the Unz Review — the spectre of a highly ethnocentric Jewish commenter called Tyrion 2 He possesses all of Kevin MacDonald’s “background traits for Jewish activism” from ethnocentrism and intelligence to aggressiveness and psychological intensity With shameless disregard for facts and logic he assails any criticism of Jews at the Unz Review arguing aggressively and incessantly that no Jew anywhere has ever done or said anything harmful to non-Jewish interests Trap for a Tribalist As you might expect Tyrion 2 has been busy on re-prints of my own articles at the Unz Review For example he denies that the Jewish immigration minister Barbara Roche had any true responsibility for the massive increase in Third-World immigration under Tony Blair’s New Labour government Here is his defence of Roche: “She was a junior minister in a government naturally dominated by Gentiles and only holding the relevant brief for 2 years As to her motivations in upholding the party line of Gentiles Blair Brown and Prescott I don’t know upholding the party line as a junior minister keeping her job” Anyone who reads my article “Roche Motel Revisited: The Comfort of an Atomized Society” will learn how far Tyrion 2’s assertions are from the truth However I thought that he wouldn’t bother attacking the re-print of my article “Liberals vs Mother Nature” at the Unz Review After all the article is about India Freddie Mercury and AIDS not about the Jewish corruption of Western politics I was wrong Tyrion 2 seized on one small reference to Jews in the article – and entered a Roche trap: Yes both Jews and Parsis have been overachievers and yes as you point out Parsis were not as singled out for dislike as Jews were but Parsis lived in super diverse India and Jews lived in much more homogenous sic Europe Commentof 8th December 2018 on the re-print of “Liberals vs Mother Nature” at the Unz Review Diversity is Good for Jews Tyrion 2 is making the classic Jewish argument that racially and religiously mixed societies are safer for Jews than homogeneous ones According to him in “super diverse India” in fact not-so diverse Gujarat Parsis didn’t stand out and so didn’t suffer persecution and expulsions as Jews did in “much more homogenous Europe” And guess what Tyrion 2 is thinking exactly like Barbara Roche: Friday rush hour Euston station in London Who’s here Who isn’t A kaleidoscope of skin colours The world in one terminus Barbara Roche can see it over the rim of her cup of Americano coffee “I love the diversity of London” she tells me “I just feel comfortable” Hideously Diverse Britain: The immigration ‘conspiracy’ The Guardian 2nd March 2011 Roche wasn’t acting on her own when she became immigration minister and opened Britain’s borders to Somalis and other low-IQ high-criminality Third-Worlders She was collaborating with other Jews to make Britain a more “comfortable” place for Jews And since she left office she has continued to campaign for open borders and for more anti-White bureaucracy: Tony Blair should promote the benefits of legal immigration to Britain and “not back off” from plans to create a super equalities commission Barbara Roche the former equalities minister has urged … The child of a Polish-Russian Ashkenazi father and a Sephardic Spanish-Portuguese mother Ms Roche has reason for her feelings on immigration “My being Jewish informs me totally informs my politics I understand the otherness of ethnic groups The Americans are ahead of us on things like multiple identity I’m Jewish but I’m also a Londoner I’m English but also British” Roche urges Labour to promote the benefits of legal migration The Independent 24th June 2003 Migration maniac Barbara Roche In fact Barbara Roche is neither English nor British How could she be when “being Jewish informs her totally” For her and for other powerful Jews in the West a term like “British” or “French” or “American” is merely geographic That’s why she was so eager to flood Britain with low-IQ Third-Worlders re-shaping its demographics in a way that while inflicting huge harm and expense on native British Whites allowed her to “feel comfortable” while sipping “her cup of Americano coffee” at Euston station Asking the Eternal Question After all if the flooding of Britain with Third-Worlders goes wrong for the Tribe Roche and other Jews will simply do what Jews have done throughout history: leave the scene of their crimes Nowadays they have a nation of their own waiting for them on the sunny shores of the Mediterranean Israel has been shielded from diversity by “xenophobic” policies on immigration asylum and citizenship for exactly the same reason as Britain France and America have been flooded with diversity Israel’s anti-diversity policies make Jews “feel comfortable” too You can understand this Jewish behaviour very easily It’s governed by the eternal question: What’s good for Jews Whites on the other hand are addicted perhaps terminally so to principles whatever the cost to Whites as a group For Barbara Roche it was good for Jews to open Britain’s borders to the Third World For Tyrion 2 it’s good for Jews to pretend that Barbara Roche was merely “upholding the party line of Gentiles Blair Brown and Prescott” In fact New Labour was controlled by Jews not by “Gentiles” Tony Blair was a dim narcissist funded and controlled by Lord Levy Gordon Brown was a psychologically disturbed homosexual funded and controlled by Ronald Cohen and John Prescott was a lecherous non-entity who left office as a laughing-stock New Labour’s underhanded and evil immigration policies had “MADE IN JUDAEA” stamped all over them Endnote by LD I’d like to add that the iniquitous immigration policies set in motion by the mendacious war criminal Tony Blair— ie flooding the UK with dangerous low-IQ criminal types from the Third World with the full backing of British Jewry — has continued unabated under successive Tory governments There was no attempt to rein in mass immigration under the Cameron government in which the present incumbent of 10 Downing Street Theresa May was serving then as Home Secretary Since that time May has done everything in her power to promote the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan of multiculturalism and mongrelisaion that is enshrined within EU legislation Her shameless betrayal of the British people over immigration only equalled by her cynical contempt for democracy in foisting a fake Brexit on her country that is the exact opposite of what 174 million Brits voted for in June 2016 clearly demonstrates this lady’s staggering unfitness to rule Blair Merkel May and other zealots of their kind all extremists masquerading as moderates truly belong in a psychiatric unit of their own In a just world — dare I say it — they would all be put in front of a firing squad For treason After a fair trial of course Like this Share it now Source Article from Trump blasts shuttering Weekly Standard as ‘pathetic and dishonest’ rips NeoCon editor William Kristol December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email Join 6008 other followers Source Article from Corporate Welfare is Small-Scale Central Planning December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ By Patrick Tyrrell and Amanda Snell Amazon’s long search for its second headquarters has ended New York and Virginia outlasted the competing cities Twenty cities were finalists in the running to be the location of Amazon’s second headquarters when the company’s search began over a year ago HQ2 will be an additional source of Amazon investment in the economy and innovation for its customers The company’s tactics have come under scrutiny over the past week because the locations Arlington Virginia and New York’s Long Island City will heavily subsidize the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos and his company with billions of New York and Virginia taxpayer dollars The system that allows—and even encourages—this form of government theft and rewards Amazon’s taxpayer bidding-war robs those taxpayers of the economic freedom to choose what to do with their paychecks Lobbying for Jobs Virginia and New York are not just getting a free reward in jobs and economic activity coming to their areas from Amazon’s move—combined they promised Amazon around 2 billion in subsidies Politicians competed for jobs and economic growth for their constituents but with taxpayer money This 2 billion subsidy comes in many forms Amazon describes them as “performance-based incentives” as much of the money depends on Amazon’s quantitative investment such as the number of new hires amount of their yearly salaries or their building square footage The public and private sector will combine to invest in millions in infrastructure Though big business and the discounts it brings can be great for consumers big business as a direct result of government favoritism creates relatively few big winners and harms many more taxpayers who the government makes pay for big projects that do not benefit them Regarding Amazon’s tax incentives and subsidies Jared Walczack from the Center for State Tax Policy at the Tax Foundation said “Taxpayers should be very skeptical that incentives like these will ever pay for themselves” How for example do the potential taxpayer-subsidized helipads near each new headquarter benefit anyone not flying into Amazon Headquarters in a helicopter Is It Worth It When the government picks winners taxpayers lose There are multitudes of examples of taxpayer-funded government handouts to big businesses grants for Yankee stadium tax breaks for Facebook and agriculture subsidies to corporate mega-farms Do You Want to Learn How to Become Financially Independent Make a Living Without a Traditional Job amp Finally Live Free Download Your Free Copy of Counter Markets Government subsidies are a zero-sum economic game: one business or sector benefits at the expense of taxpayers Such programs should not exist because they are not fair and only reward those with the best government connections Implications on Economic Freedom A government determined to pick winners and losers “for the benefit of all” is a detriment to the economic freedom of the people who elected it which interferes with the ability of anyone who pays taxes to innovate and compete fairly in the marketplace In contrast tax breaks that aren’t company-specific benefit every business and increase economic freedom for the respective city state or nation The Heritage Foundation explains that economic freedom is contingent upon governments that “allow labor capital and goods to move freely and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty…” Business and government are both to blame in a scenario that rewards businesses’ lobbying techniques with taxpayer dollars Avoiding The Eye – Ships Free Today! Walczack at the Tax Foundation continues: When states pick a particular company and throw money at them someone has to pay for that and you’re foregoing other opportunities… If you focused on creating a more competitive business tax environment rather than targeting one white whale you would have a much better system overall… Corporate welfare is worse than government programs that subsidize able-bodied poor people primarily because poor welfare recipients usually are lacking basic needs like shelter and winter clothing Jeff Bezos does not fit that category and can afford his own food Patrick Tyrrell is a research coordinator in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis Amanda Snell is a member of the Young Leaders Program at the Heritage Foundation This article was sourced from FEEorg Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Source Article from Lady Justice Please Take Off That Blindfold December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ By Catherine J Frompovich When I studied law Certified Paralegal I remember the night in class when the attorney prof was making a verbal legal point of law illustration that prompted my automatic-reflex-reaction vocal blurt out “So that’s why Justice is blindfolded!” The entire class was stunned as was the prof but after a minute or so he looked directly at me and said “Yes Catherine that’s why” I was dumbfounded that he would agree with me but his candor made up my mind I would not go on to law school as I had planned even though I earned the course Scholarly Award I could not look the other way regarding what’s supposed to be “justice” as often is the case in US law in particular when prominent politicians either can “buy their way” or are “too prominent in their fields so that the ‘splash back’ on to their associates would implicate higher-ups” That seems to be the “currency of politics” not only in the United States but globally Some refer to it as the “old boys’ network” Well it’s not legally correct and more than often the little folk of the world are the ones who pay the “legal price” for far lesser crimes than what ‘top dog’ politicians have been able to get away with for decades One prime example is the legal shenanigans of Bill and Hillary Clinton In December 2018 there was a House of Representatives Subcommittee hearing regarding the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation which I reported about here If anything Congress and any Attorney General of the US should be more than curious as to whether there was a “quid pro quo” or “pay to play” ‘agreement’ with foreign countries during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State Why the foot-dragging However a rather interesting recent report indicates the Clinton Foundation has lost a tremendous sum of monetary donations during 2017 since Hillary lost the 2016 presidential election I wonder why Was Hillary working two jobs as Secretary of State ie ‘pimping’ for the Clinton Foundation and also working as Secretary of State who just happened to sell between 10 to 20 of US uranium to Russia 2 with current investigator then FBI Director Robert Mueller as Hillary’s personal ‘envoy’ in delivering a sample of highly-enriched uranium on April 27 2009 per WikiLeaks documentation Can we trust The Washington Post is reporting factual information Furthermore why must “The FBI claims it must keep the memos secret from the public” 1 Are we the “useless eaters” too damn dumb to understand what’s going on It’s quite apparent from Hillary’s personal email servers and her destroying thousands upon thousands of emails someone doesn’t want us to know or Justice to see what’s going on with high-profile politicians unless of course it’s Donald J Trump! That’s something I can’t seem to fathom: Take off the blindfold and put on the ‘gloves’ to get Trump but by all means leave the Clintons and their Foundation ALONE! Where’s transparency and fairness What cracks in US laws are being overworked But most of all Where’s Justice By the way if President Trump is guilty of crimes then the Clintons really should be especially Hillary who sold US uranium to Russia whereas Trump apparently was discussing building a Trump Tower there The likely legal difference: Wasn’t Trump a businessman then not a member of the US government sworn to maintain specific principles! That’s the difference but not for poor losers ie the Democrats and Leftists or so it seems Do You Want to Learn How to Become Financially Independent Make a Living Without a Traditional Job amp Finally Live Free Download Your Free Copy of Counter Markets According to this report the Clinton Foundation took in 240 MILLION in 2009 but only 38 Million in 2017 63 times Less the revenue than when Hillary was Secretary of State 2009 to 2013 Lady Justice I have questions for you “Why won’t the Democrats go after the Clintons as they are doggedly pursuing President Trump” Survival Solar Battery Charger – Free Today! “If Justice represents the personification of the differences between the USA and some other countries ie a supposed Constitutional Republic grounded in LAW then what’s wrong with the legal system” Who will force Lady Justice to no longer play the “old boys’ networks” games and remove the blindfold Source References: 1 2 Catherine J Frompovich website is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians nurses and holistic healthcare professionals She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting Catherine’s latest book published October 4 2013 is Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines available on Amazoncom Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer Holistic BREAST Cancer Management A Guide to Effective amp Non-Toxic Treatments is available on Amazoncom and as a Kindle eBook Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazoncom are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick 2009 and Lord How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process 2008 Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Next post Source Article from Current FCC “Safety” Guidelines Were Written “When Cell Phones Were The Size of a Brick” They Don’t Apply to 5G or Other Newer Tech December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ December 16 2018 By BN Frank Current US “safety” guidelines were written over 20 years ago when “a cell phone was the size of a brick and there was no Wi-Fi at the coffee shop” so they don’t apply to how we use and are exposed to technology today Maybe that’s why – for many years already – Silicon Valley parents have been limiting their own kids’ use and exposure to it Recently it’s been reported that they are going to even more extreme measures to shield their children ie spying on their nannies Insurance companies aren’t covering wireless radiation exposure anymore either Regardless because of these outdated federal guidelines it still seems to be perfectly legal for new and risky technology to be forced on communities by elected officials and government agencies through campaigns like the “Race to 5G” “Smart Cities” “Internet of Things IoT” utility “Smart” Meters and more Thanks to EHTrustorg for thoroughly explaining these Outdated FCC “Safety” Standards: When these guidelines were developed a cell phone was the size of a brick and there was no Wi-Fi at the coffee shop Times have changed The laws have not Fact: There Are No Safety Standards Currently there are no national or international “standards” for safe levels of the radiation emitted by wireless or microwave devices Instead the US government adopted “guidelines” developed by industry based on decades old research Guidelines have a much lower certainty than a “standard” as proper long term safety testing was not done to ensure the public was protected from all possible harm In fact no “safe” level has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women Therefore the claim that a device “meets government standards” or that radiation levels are “FCC compliant” gives a false impression of safety The FCC guidelines rest on five fallacies false assumptions and therefore renders FCC guidelines obsolete Compliance with “federal safety standards” does not assure your nor your family’s safety In fact our federal safety limits are in essence meaningless when it comes to our health Do You Want to Learn How to Become Financially Independent Make a Living Without a Traditional Job amp Finally Live Free Download Your Free Copy of Counter Markets Outdated and insufficient FCC guidelines have been argued and by experts before as well as covered by the media More details are provided by EHTrustorg In regard to personal wireless devices it’s up to all of us how much we want to reduce our own use and exposure as well that of our children and our pets Unfortunately due to state and federal campaigns and legislation we will have to fight to keep cell towers and other wireless infrastructure from being installed near our homes as well as on our homes ie utility “Smart” Meters While President Trump was campaigning he said many times “If you don’t like the laws change them” Those who are complaining are making a difference for themselves and their communities Squeaky wheel gets the grease y’all Action Alert: Stop Congress and the FCC from Installing 5G Next to Homes Hospitals Schools etc Online Petition Requests Changes to FCC Guidelines for Cell Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation International Appeal and Petition: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space Survival Solar Battery Charger – Free Today! For more information visit the following links: Wireless Information Network Americans for Responsible Technology Center For Safer Wireless Center For Electrosmog Prevention Citizens for Safe Technology Clear Light Ventures Ecological Options Network ElectromagneticHealth EMF Safety Network Environmental Health Trust Generation Zapped In Power Movement Last Tree Laws My Street My Choice National Association for Children and Safe Technology Our Town Our Choice Parents for Safe Technology Physicians for Safe Technology SaferEMR SafeTechForSchools Scientists for Wired Tech StopSmartMetersorg Take Back Your Power TelecomPowerGraborg We Are The Evidence Whatis5GInfo Wireless Right to Know Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Next post Daily Newsletter Must See Videos December 16 2018 What’s Dark Fiber 5G December 15 2018 Action Alert: Stop Congress and the FCC from Installing 5G Next to Homes Hospitals Schools etc December 15 2018 “Organized Crime Bosses Ruling Us By Fear…” December 14 2018 History Is Written By The Winners December 14 2018 “Tens of Thousands” of Police Prepare for Act 5 of Yellow Vest Protests Most Viewed Articles of the Week CDC Finally Admits What Anti-vaxxers Say About The… December 13 2018 WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Examined By Doctors… December 14 2018 Five Things NOT To Gift To A Loved One This Holiday… December 12 2018 Move Over Facial Recognition Tech They’re Now Data… December 15 2018 How School Districts Weaponize Child Protection… December 13 2018 Source Article from What’s Dark Fiber 5G December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ By Catherine J Frompovich The dramatic unrelenting push for 5G implementation has an “unknown” infrastructure called “Dark Fiber” as explained in the following video Since I’m not familiar with Dark Fiber I am leaving it up to readers to take seriously plus investigate what’s said by the researcher who produced the video 5G has one thousand 1000 times the capacity of 4G which was never studied for adverse health reactions or effects! Dark Fiber 5G……Burying the Evidence for Mass Control of Humanity 19:22 minutes California is on the “cutting edge” of implementing the 5G infrastructure Did the recent ‘forest’ fires there have a role to play in the clearing of personal domestic homes with a resulting “edict” that the area cannot be rebuilt Here’s an informational video regarding 5G implementation of what’s going on in the United Kingdom UK It will give you more of what to expect from an untested upgrade to the wireless world What will the future of 5G bring – BBC Click 24:28 minutes Are we really ready for the many unknowns of 5G Catherine J Frompovich website is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians nurses and holistic healthcare professionals She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting Catherine’s latest book published October 4 2013 is Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines available on Amazoncom Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer Holistic BREAST Cancer Management A Guide to Effective amp Non-Toxic Treatments is available on Amazoncom and as a Kindle eBook Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazoncom are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick 2009 and Lord How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process 2008 Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available Image credit Source Article from « Older Entries |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2017 |
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Bjørn Lystaal on 17 Dez in: Die Clinton-Stiftung ein ”Ausländischer Agent” |
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New Ford Focus Clinton IL 61727 |
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Clinton regionals 10-29 |
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BILL BROWDER: Hillary’s bagman and ex-American oligarch wanted by Russia for stolen ‘400 million that went to Clinton campaign’ Updated |
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The Trump/Clinton Popular/Electoral Issue |
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OOPS: Clinton Foundation Admits They Took 1 MILLION BRIBE From Qatar And ‘Forgot’ To Tell The Government |
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What Happened To The Stock Market When Bill Clinton Was Impeached |
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Jets privados 5 días de fiesta y 5 mil invitados: cómo es la boda del siglo en India a la que viajaron Beyoncé y Hillary Clinton |
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“Bringing Back the Funk with P-Funk Legend George Clinton” |
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BOMBSHELL: Clinton Foundation Acted As Agents Of Foreign Govts ‘Throughout Its Existence’ |
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Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George HW Bush’s Funeral… |
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Congressman “Demands Answers” in Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Scheme |
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Bill Clinton 1996 Immigration Law |
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Trump Obama Clinton y Carter en la misma banca para honrar a Bush |
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The Obama-Clinton Democrats and the Future of the Democratic Party |
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Google colluded with Clinton campaign with ‘silent donations’ |
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Clinton Cash Official Film |
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Let it go: Hillary Clinton wrote a letter to an 8-year-old girl who lost her class election |
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Forensic Investigators Reveal Clinton Foundation Should Have Been Registered as Foreign Investigators Reveal Clinton Foundation Should Have Been Registered as Foreign Agent |
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Bay Ridge Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11209 Bedford-Stuyvesant BrooklynNY Zip Codes: 11205 11206 11216 11221 11233 Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11204 11214 Bath Beach Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11214 Boerum Hill Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11201 11217 Borough Park Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11219 Brighton Beach Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11235 Brooklyn College Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11210 Brooklyn Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11201 Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11205-1080 Brower Park Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11213 Brownsville Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11212 Bushwick Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11221 11237 Canarsie Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11236 Carroll Gardens Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11231 Clinton Hill Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11205 Cobble Hill Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11201 Columbia Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11231 Coney Island Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11224 Crown Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11225 11213 Cypress Hills Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11208 Ditmas Park Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11218 Downtown Brooklyn Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11201 DUMBO Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11201 Dyker Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11228 East Flatbush Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11203 11212 East New York Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11207 Flatbush Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11226 11210 Flatlands Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11234 Fort Greene Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11205 Fort Hamilton Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11209 Gowanus Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11217 Gravesend Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11223 Greenpoint Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11222 Greenwood Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11232 Homecrest Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11223 11229 Industry City/Bush Terminal Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11232 Jamaica Bay Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11236 Kensington Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 1121811223 11229 Kings Highway Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11229 Kings Plaza Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11234 Madison Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11229 Manhattan BeachBrooklynNY Zip Code: 11235 Marine Park BrooklynNY Zip Code: 11234 Midwood Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11230 Mill Basin Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11234 Park Slope Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11215 11217 Parkville Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11204 Prospect Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11238 Prospect Lefferts Gardens Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11225 Prospect Park Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11215 Prospect Park South Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11226 Red Hook Zip Brooklyn NY Code: 11231 Sea Gate Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11224 Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11235 Starrett City Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11239 Stuyvesant Heights Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11233 Sunset Park Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11220 11232 Vanderveer Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11210 Vinegar Hill Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11201 Weeksville Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11213 Williamsburg Brooklyn NY Zip Codes: 11206 11211 11249 Windsor Terrace Brooklyn NY Zip Code: 11215 |
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The Trump-iest and Clinton-est Sentences and Phrases from the 2016 Campaign: |
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Clinton Wikileaks |
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A Conversation with Funk Legend George Clinton |
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Vidya Balan shares ‘precious picture’ with Hillary Clinton from Isha Ambani party |
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Two Differences Between a Clinton Administration and a Trump Administration |
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Clinton The Musical 2015 Off Bwdy Kerry Butler |
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Welcome to the Office ofHillary Rodham Clinton |
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D 16 Dezember 2018 Clinton bezahlte Steele um Lügen über Trump auszugleichen also konnte sie sie sie als Mittel benutzen um ihre Wahlniederlage gegen Trump zu bestreiten: |
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Trump has made the 2016 run for the White House all about immigration What is more his hardline views on what today is American and what is un-American are gaining ground as the election campaign nears its end Polls show that Trump is neck and neck with Clinton And it very much appears that the mainstream US media is trying not to provoke Trump’s obsession with immigration |
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Hillary Clinton Had An Uplifting Response To An 8-Year-Old Losing Her School Election |
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Hillary Clinton writes to girl who lost school election |
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If you live in a swing state vote for Hillary Clinton please |
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– Stephen Clinton – |
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„Hillary Clinton: Europa muss die Einwanderung einschränken um Rechtspopulisten zu stoppen“ |
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Hillary Clinton DNC Smacked With Lawsuit In 84 Million Dollar ‘Money Laundering Scheme’ |
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Manafort indictment also implicates Tony Podesta the Clinton-connected superlobbyist |
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Ha Ha Clinton-Dix: Not A Student Of The Game |
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Sailor on 16 Dez in: Die Clinton-Stiftung ein ”Ausländischer Agent” |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2018 |
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Obama or Clinton Who Has the Better Warrior Posture |
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Central Harlem Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10026 10027 10030 10037 10039 Chelsea and Clinton Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10001 10011 10018 10019 10020 10036 East Harlem Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10029 10035 Gramercy Park and Murray Hill Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10010 10016 10017 10022 Greenwich Village and Soho Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10012 10013 10014 Lower Manhattan Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10004 10005 10006 10007 10038 10280 Lower East Side Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10002 10003 10009 Upper East Side Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10021 10028 10044 10065 10075 10128 Upper West Side Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10023 10024 10025 Inwood and Washington Heights Manhattan NY Zip Codes: 10031 10032 10033 10034 10040 |
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2016 Presidential 1 Dollar Colorized 2-Sided 5-Coin Set Living President Series – Carter HW Bush Clinton Bush Obama |
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Clinton IA 52732 |
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Beyoncé y Hillary Clinton estuvieron en el casamiento más costoso de India |
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Congress Holds Hearing on the Clinton Foundation |
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Nawaz Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton |
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Clinton Clinton Obama amp Lynch Attorneys for Jihadists at Law |
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Clinton vs North Scott regionals 10-23-18 |
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AREA ROUNDUP: Bulldogs’ Pantoja Granados place 2nd at Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton writes letter to 8-year-old girl who lost bid for class president |
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Trump Models His War on Bank Regulators on Bill Clinton and W’s Disastrous Wars |
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Clinton desktops |
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Car Locksmith Clinton MI – Auto Keys |
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Αιτήσεις για τις υποτροφίες Αγγελοπούλου-Clinton σε φοιτητές |
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Clinton R Rockwell |
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Hillary Rodham Clinton Just Wrote A Letter |
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Clinton Comey Mueller Rosenstein Barsoomian: The Whole Conspiracy Unravels |
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Clinton Foundation Under Investigation |
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Bà Hillary Clinton bất ngờ đóng phim truyền hình |
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’90 Day Fiance’: Colt Confesses Cheating on Larissa – Compares Himself to Bill Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton |
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Bill Black — Trump Models His War on Bank Regulators on Bill Clinton and W’s Disastrous Wars |
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Usa A proposito dei conflitti di interesse ma quelli della Fondazione Clinton |
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Clinton R E McGinn |
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VIDEO: Judicial Watch Gives Testimony on Capitol Hill about Clinton Foundation |
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Hillary Clinton Explains Her Controversial Statement About Women Voters |
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Hillary Clinton in Udaipur for Isha Ambani’s wedding |
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hillary clinton |
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The Clinton International Summer School |
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What Hillary Clinton wrote in a letter to an 8-year-old who lost her bid for class president – CNN |
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Clinton Backpack – Custom Builder |
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CXN 12131813 966 Có chạy thoát hay không Nếu chạy thoát Phú Trọng thì có chạy thoát CP Hậu CS hay không Theo CXN thấy thì không tài nào được Những thằng ngu ngốc này không có tầm nhìn của những ng sinh sống ở Phương Tây Ở Phương Tây không ai dám nghĩ rằng một ng nào đó có thể nắm quyền lực cho tới ngày xuống lỗ Khi tham nhũng và làm điều bất chính để có tài sản khổng lồ cho con cái cháu chắt của mình để làm gì rồi mình chết nhục nhã thảm não trong tù Nhìn Clinton Obama Bush Cha và Con Bill Gates Malcolm Frazer John Howards Magaret Thatcher vv có ai đi tù cuối đời hay ko có thể bà Hillary Clinton nha Những ng tay nhúng chàm 94 triệu ĐV đều nhúng chàm cả thì hãy tìm đường tháo chạy tẩu tán tài sản bây giờ đi vì nếu thoát dc Trọng Lú thì sẽ chắc chắn ko thoát CP Hậu CS đâu điều này tôi biết chắc chắn 100 và tôi gần như không bao giờ dự đoán sai freezing assets of TB Hà thinking about TBHà DLT electricity and petrol taxes to increase CPI’s the final collapse system crumple the economy is ceasing to operate bế tắc KT idiotic PM 2016-2020 restructuring bell tolled: Trước ngày bị bă’t Trần Bắc Hà đã chuyển toàn bộ tài sản tham nhũng sang vợ con người thân: Phong tỏa tài sản của ông Trần Bắc Hà |
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LKr2 on 16 Dez in: Die Clinton-Stiftung ein ”Ausländischer Agent” |
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Acorn Montessori School Clinton Township NJ |
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Senator Hillary Clinton was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation two weeks ago in upper New York State She spoke for almost an hour on her future plans for increasing every Native American’s present standard of living should she one day become the first female President She referred to her career as a New York Senator how she had signed YES for every Indian issue that came to her desk for approval |
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Fox News’ Shepard Smith Offers Full-Throated Defense of Hillary Clinton |
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The French Hillary Clinton and the American Marine Le Pen |
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Ride the Katy Trail – Clinton to St Louis MO |
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Hillary Clinton Pens Heartfelt Letter To 8-Year-Old Girl Who Lost Her Class Election By One Vote |
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2016 Vs 2012: How Trump’s Win And Clinton’s Votes Stack Up To Romney And Obama |
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2019/2020 AIF William J Clinton Fellowship for Service in India Fully Funded |
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La serie que ha unido a Hillary Clinton y Steven Spielberg |
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Petit rappel sur Hillary Clinton et le bain de sang en Syrie |
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Hillary Clinton Just Received DISASTROUS News Concerning Her Future… |
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Federal Judge Suspects State Dept is Still Covering for Hillary Clinton |
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Item of the Day: Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton 1783 |
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Ndize Final Mix – Naledi Brown Ft Clinton X |
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Frases célebres Hillary Clinton |
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The Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc CHAI was founded in 2002 with a transformational goal: help save the lives of millions living with HIV/AIDS in the developing world |
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Lewinsky affair wasn’t Bill Clinton’s first major scandal |
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Chelsea Clinton |
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President Clinton’s United Nations Office for Tsunami Recovery |
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Help save the YWCA Clinton pool |
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Is Bernie Sanders a Single-Issue Candidate Populism Hillary Clinton and the Balance of Class Forces |
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Por qué la Justicia de EEUU desaconsejó a Donald Trump el procesamiento Hillary Clinton y James Comey |
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George Clinton Joins the HARMAN Professional Solutions Ambassadors Program |
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Port Clinton Store Hours |
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Donald Trump Trumps Clinton: Next President Of USA |
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2018 Clinton County Voter’s Guide |
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Orgogliosa di te Clinton scrive alla bimba che ha perso le elezioni di rappresentante di classe per un voto |
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Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Support Children Youth and Adults Living with Autism and their Families |
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Hillary Clinton levelet írt egy nyolcéves kislánynak aki elvesztette az iskolai elnökválasztást |
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Entre controversias Hillary Clinton Primer Mujer Nominada a la Presidencia de EU |
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It’s not easy: Hillary Clinton comforts 8-year-old election loser |
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Item of the Day: Sir Henry Clinton’s Observations on the Answer of Cornwallis 1783 |
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2010 NFL RB Clinton Portis Charity Weekend |
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The Combustible Arrogance of Hillary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton nombra a un misionero jesuita para su en el canal El Sendero Oculto |
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The Clinton Foundation Racket |
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ZACH GALIFIANAKIS – Between Two Ferns – Hillary Clinton 2016 |
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«Haiti trou de merde» Bill Clinton repond: Haïti n’est pas le |
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Hillary Clinton writes letter to 8-year-old who lost her bid for class president |
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Oak Harbor Golf Club is near the Lakeside Marblehead Port Clinton amp Fremont Oak Harbor Golf Club is also near East Harbor and Maumee Bay State Parks |
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Just in time for Christmas: Clinton County Banquet Tix |
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Follow Clinton |
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Sore Loser Hillary Clinton Works to Block President Trump’s Next Supreme Court Nominee |
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Welcome to Clinton County |
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Panorama Clinton schreibt an 8-Jährige Für ein Amt kandidiert das nur von Jungs angestrebt wird |
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Abysmal Ticket Sales for Clinton Tour Prices Drop Off a Cliff |
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How Bill Clinton and Vietnam Changed the Web |
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Trump asks if ‘SNL’ is legal day after skit that imagines Clinton won US election |
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Lo que no sabias sobre Hillary Clinton |
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Never Trump Votes for Clinton are Really Votes for Paul Ryan |
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Hillary Clinton Scores 55 Million of New Zealand Taxpayers’ Money |
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Hillary Clinton should already be Investigated and Serving Time |
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Trump’s Risk For A Cardiac Event Is Seven Times Hilary Clinton’s Risk |
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George Clinton Curates for Experience Vinyl in May |
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Inbox Zero: Why Hillary Clinton’s Email Mess Isn’t Over |
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Clinton: Can a Muslim be President Yes |
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Clinton County District Court Activity |
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Why Hillary Clinton Lost |
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Jackson police investigating Clinton Blvd business robbery |
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The unlikely resurrection of “The Darkness” an obscure ’60s heavy-psych single from Clinton Missouri |
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Hillary Clinton writes letter consoling 8-year-old girl who ran for class president and lost |
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Hillary Clinton Net Worth |
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Naledi Brown amp Clinton X – Ndize Final Mix |
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Elizabeth Clinton |
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Americanii aleg: Cel de-al 45-lea președinte al SUA va fi votat la alegerile din 8 noiembrie Hillary Clinton sau Donald Trump |
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‘Unregistered foreign agent’: Clinton Foundation oversight panel hears explosive testimony |
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Hillary Clinton: OK for Bill to Get Blow Jobs From Intern |
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Hillary Clinton: Why I would hate to be Hillary Clinton right now |
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Clinton Animal Shepherd RR |
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Hillary Clinton le escribe conmovedora carta a estudiante de 8 años que perdió elección escolar |
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Criminal Clinton Cabal Crumbles – The Real Russian Hoax Exposed As Democrats Ironically Caught Colluding With Russia |
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Brooklyn Zip Codes: 11205 11206 11216 11221 11233 Neighborhood: Bensonhurst Brooklyn Zip Codes: 11204 11214 Neighborhood: Bath Beach Brooklyn Zip Code: 11214 Neighborhood: Boerum Hill Brooklyn Zip Codes: 11201 11217 Neighborhood: Borough Park Brooklyn Zip Code: 11219 Neighborhood: Brighton Beach Brooklyn Zip Code: 11235 Neighborhood: Brooklyn College Brooklyn Zip Code: 11210 Neighborhood: Brooklyn Heights Brooklyn Zip Code: 11201 Neighborhood: Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn Zip Code: 11205-1080 Neighborhood: Brower Park Brooklyn Zip Code: 11213 Neighborhood: Brownsville Brooklyn Zip Code: 11212 Neighborhood: Bushwick Brooklyn Zip Codes: 11221 11237 Neighborhood: Canarsie Brooklyn Zip Code: 11236 Neighborhood: Carroll Gardens Brooklyn Zip Code: 11231 Neighborhood: Clinton Hill Brooklyn Zip Code: 11205 Neighborhood: Cobble Hill Brooklyn Zip Code: 11201 Neighborhood: Columbia Heights Brooklyn Zip Code: 11231 Neighborhood: Coney Island Brooklyn Zip Code: 11224 Neighborhood: Crown Heights Brooklyn Zip Codes: 11225 874-0011 |
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Verstörende Bilder: Ex-First-Lady Hillary Clinton und Skull amp Bones-Mann John Kerry bei „irrem“ Tanz! Video |
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Trump Obama Clinton y Carter en la misma banca para honrar |
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Why a Trump Presidency is better than a Clinton Presidency |
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Clinton Street House |
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Hillary Clinton Suffers 2nd Degree Burns After Iphone Explodes |
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Visit Port Clinton Store |
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Bà Clinton gửi thư động viên bé gái 8 tuổi |
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Is Hillary Clinton a Basic Bitch |
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Una mujer lanza un zapato a Hillary Clinton en Las Vegas |
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Naledi Brown amp Clinton X |
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Castro’s free throws key Clinton win over Bronx Science |
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Update: Clinton Global Initiative Closing Its Doors |
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Uranium One: Shady Money and the Clinton Foundation |
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Charles Ortel explains the US Congressional hearing on The Clinton Foundation |
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British Court Proves Hillary Clinton Created Russia Hoax Scheme To Overthrow Trump |
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Clinton’s State Department |
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NY Times Bombshell: Clinton amp Soros Paid Women To Accuse Trump Of Sexual email protected |
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Adi Godrej conferred Clinton Global Citizen Award |
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Just Messing: Twitter outrage at actress casting Bernie Sanders as a JUDAS to Hillary ‘Jesus’ Clinton |
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Ocasio-Cortez Goes After Lindsey Graham Sucker Punches Clinton Instead |
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The differences in Trump’s emails and Clinton’s: an explanation |
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Fred Fixler 1941 Dewitt Clinton High School Yearbook Photo |
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Hillary Clinton New Under Oath Answers To Email Scandal! |
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September 11 2001 – A well orchestrated mass murderous Terrorist attack- resulting in the deaths of 2996 known people and the injuries of 6000 – masterminded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in 1996 under then President Bill Clinton garnered 19 Muslim Highhackers who ended their lives so as to destroy the West in the name of Islam and Allah 2015 – According to CNN while whites make up 64 of the population they are on par for the of mass shootings committed 64 |
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Tobias on 16 Dez in: Die Clinton-Stiftung ein ”Ausländischer Agent” |
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La campaña de Clinton para participar en los esfuerzos de recuento |
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What is Clinton County Regional Educational Service Agency CCRESA |
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