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Mueller Following Clinton’s Lead a |
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Hillary Clinton’s Sex Scandals |
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Multiple Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Will Testify “Explosive” Allegations to Come… |
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Stay Positive: Bill Clinton’s Message to Aid Groups at InterAction Forum 2017 |
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Now as we can now plainly see neither Clinton nor Obama were up to the task with either their answers or their judgements! |
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Bill Clinton Plays Sax on ‘Arsenio Hall Show’ |
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George Clinton ジョージ・クリントン of Montreal の奇才、ケビン・バーンズ GO! / フューチャー」を FLAKE RECORDS The Voidz、最新アルバムから「Pink Ocean」のMV公開! |
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Clinton Ocean Series Exam Room Signs |
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Click here if you want to be notified when the site has been updated This website is dedicated to the abolition of the death penalty in the USA It is not run by an organization just by me and I hope that you will find it useful and that it will provide you some food for thought even if you are a proponent for the death penalty or you oppose it like I do Anyway: Welcome and enjoy the stay here Niels Graverholt How would you react if somebody raped and murdered your child I have often been asked this question by supporters of the death penalty and my answer is: My first reaction would probably be a strong wish to cut the balls off the bastard to tear him apart and kill him But my next reaction would hopefully be gratitude for living in a constitutional state where the principle of personal revenge has been replaced by societies obligation to administer an appropriate punishment and give me the necessary support to get a decent life in spite of my loss Another frequent question: Why don’t you care about the victims and their relatives There are four answers to that: 1 The victims are dead and no execution will make them alive 2 I’ve heard many relatives say that they could hardly wait to gain closure by the execution of the murderer – but I have never heard any of them say years later that they really found this closure 3 If the dp-proponents really care so much about these relatives I do not understand why the funding for psychological support for them is so embarrassing low or missing 4 How about the relatives of the person being executed Why don’t anybody care about them Is it civilized to regard them as outcasts too Q : How can you feel sympathy for those monsters on death row Answer: I don’t feel any special sympathy for murderers or rapists but although I am not a Christian as many dp proponents claim to be I believe that all human beings deserve forgiveness even if they have committed terrible crimes otherwise the christian term forgiveness does not make any sense And although it is not at all an excuse a majority of the death row inhabitants had a terrible childhood – and as it seems that society did nothing to support them at that time one could consider at least to treat them like human beings now Q : What would you do if the streets were as unsafe in your country as they are in many parts of the US It is understandable that many Americans feel that something drastic has to be done by the violence But the dp is definitely not the answer If all the money that is being spent on the dp were used instead for better child care education etc this would provide more safe streets than prisons and the needle do But we are talking about a vicious circle which could eventually lead to the incarceration of the majority of Americans How about starting to fight the reasons for the crime instead of fighting the criminals Q : What right do you have to interfere in the way we solve our problems in America Human rights and dignity is not merely a national issue The dp is an obvious violation of international law and treaties most of which have also been signed by the US How can we persuade third world countries to respect human rights as long as ‘The Worlds Policeman’ violates them Besides the US has on several occasions violently gained control over sovereign nations with the alleged aim to guarantee human rights there so the argument seems rather hypocritical Luckily it seems that an increasing number of American citizens realize that the principle of revenge and the legal killing of human beings is not consistent with a modern civilized society But unfortunately they are being betrayed by unscrupulous politicians who care more about their personal career and power than about the safety of their constituents and therefore make themselves popular by providing populistic ‘solutions’ to the problems – like stronger penalties more death penalties faster executions etc – initiatives which are not only ineffective but cost a lot of the tax-payers money By doing so they neglect the numerous surveys showing that the death penalty does not have a greater deterrent effect than for instance the LWOP Life sentence without the possibility of parole And apparently they also ignore their own police chiefs whos belief in the effect of the death penalty is rather limited Being ‘tough-on-crime’ has become one of the favourite ways for the American politicians to demonstrate that they are energetic and resolute and in case their voters should realize the lack of deterrence of the death penalty many of the politicians pretend that it is necessary to provide closure for the families and relatives of the victims quite an astonishing interpretation of the bible which indicates that these politicians have heard only about the Old Testament I think it is embarrassing to watch how cynical politicians abuse the fear among their fellow citizens by using the death penalty in their campaigns and thereby sacrificing human lives in their struggle to gain political power like when governor Bill Clinton during his primaries campaign in New Hampshire in 1992 announced that he had to go back home to Arkansas to be there at the execution of Rickey Ray Rector a black inmate who was so retarded that he asked the staff on death row to put the dessert from his last meal aside so that he could have it after his execution And Rector is only one of many mentally retarded who have been sentenced to death Not to speak of the mentally ill Emile Duhamel a severely mentally ill death row inmate died in the beginning of July 1998 on Texas death row Duhamel could not understand where he was or what it meant to be executed An inmates whos mentally illnes makes it unconstitutional to kill them are being medicated by force so that their mind can be clear long enough for them to understand what the hangman is doing to them One thing is that American politicians – in spite of all international laws and treaties and critics from the UN – claim the right to kill their fellow citizens It is also done without much effort to guarantee a fair trial for the defendant Unless you are an OJ Simpson and have the money to hire a dream-team you are in deep trouble if you are being charged with a capital crime as your risk of having an ineffective defense counsel is quite considerable And with new rules for review of death penalty cases the politicians have minimized your chances to have your sentence overthrown even if you are able to provide new evidence demonstrating your innocence But not only money beats justice in the American court rooms The colour of skin also does both the colour of the defendant and the skin of the victim Talking about racism in the judicial system is no exaggeration and polls also show that about 49 of the Americans believe that blacks are more likely than whites to receive the dp for the same crime The same seems to be the case for homosexuals And if insufficient funding and racism is not enough to ensure a death penalty verdict there are other ways There are numerous examples of miscarriage of justice where police and prosecutors produce false evidence suppress evidence in favor of the defendant and provide perjured testimony not to mention purchase of evidence from so-called expert witnesses Of course this special kind of justice has sent a considerable number of persons to death row in spite of their innocence and since 1976 75 inmates have been released from death row after it was shown that they had been wrongfully convicted Proponents of the death penalty claim that this only demonstrates that the systems works But the truth is that many of these releases are not due to the efficiency of the judicial system but to the intervention of law students journalists and others who care more than those who are supposed to defend the rights of the inmates And the rest of the 4000 inmates on death row do not have big chances to leave it alive In recent years more and more has been done to deprive the inmates of their constitutional right to a fair appeal or review of their case and in some states not even new evidence of innocence is enough to cancel their appointment with the executioner For those inmates who are not so lucky to get off the death row the time until their execution is a life like human garbage where they are deprived of the most fundamental human rights and being subject to brutal treatment no matter how humane it seems on paper And to fulfill this degradation of human life many states invite the relatives of the victim – whom many politicians and prosecutors try to convey the delusion that the execution will bring them closure – to come and witness and celebrate the execution a perversion which the USA shares only with countries like China and a few Arabic nations As mentioned above it seems like the politicians find that promising people more killings and tougher penalties is the best way of earning votes But if the problem is the violence in society and murders one would think that finding solutions to these problems would be better for a political campaign But you cannot be elected for anything in the USA if you do not support the death penalty is a common statement Maybe this is right but the fact is that polls show that there is a majority against the death penalty among the American population if they get the option of LWOP instead It is a small majority but it is there and apparently it is growing But many right wing politicians do what they can to prevent the introduction of the LWOP in different states probably because if would deprive them of one of their favourite tools in their campaigns You’re not going to find 12 people back-to-back on the same jury that are going to kill somebody when the alternative is throwing away the key Former Harris County District Attorney John Holmes But if there should still be a few decent individuals among the American politicians they ought to have a fair chance to start fighting the problems instead of making a living of the national fear for violence For a start they could suggest a reduction of the completely insane number of private owned firing arm which is an important factor in the numerous number of homicides For the next step they could listen to people like Wayne Scott head of the correctional system in Texas: If you want to address the crime problem in the long term it gets around to looking at at-risk children and identifying those individuals very early on and trying to influence them in a positive direction I think you have to look at pre-kindergarten kindergarten first grade You really have to put a lot of emphasis on children Those are the formative years You have to catch them before they hit that point and try to resurrect their lives If the politicians should prefer to deal with the causes instead of the symptoms they could consider if there is a connexion between the high crime rates in the USA and the dramatic lack of sufficient health care social security after school programs support for single parents cultural offers for the indigent psychiatric help etc etc Sincerely Niels Graverholt You are very welcome to leave your public comments which will be published here – see top of this page Or click here for private mail to me I am not convinced that capital punishment in and of itself is a deterrent to crime because most people do not think about the death penalty before they commit a violent or capital crime Willie L Williams Police Chief Los Angeles CA The Constitution says everyone’s entitled to the attorney of their choice The Constitution doesn’t say the lawyer has to be awake Judge Doug Shaver presiding over the trial of McFarland who is now on Tx Death Row after a trial where his attorney fell asleep several times You always lose some soldiers in any war Sen David Jaye R-Washington Township commenting on the risk of executing an innocent In February 2003 a Scripps Howard Poll of 1000 Texans showed that 76 support the death penalty even though 69 believe the system has executed an innocent persons The needle is not better Who made up this mythIt’s peaceful for the exterminators but not for their victim Richard HalperinSouthern Methodist University in Dallas Executions in USA statistics etc Death Row inmates looking for pen-pals USA Death Row addresses Articles books and film reviews Comments from visitors International condemnationof the American death penalty Living conditions on Death Row Links to other DP related websites The death assembly line:Texas Dept of Criminal Justice The Anti-DP Movement Has Failed Strategies in the anti-dp work Seniortimen Homepage for Martin A Draughon inmate on Texas Death Row Updated August 25 Martin’s getting off Death Row One of those who are subject to USA’s outdated method of ‘solving’ crime problems is Martin A Draughon who has been on death row in Texas since July 31 1987 convicted for murderIt is absolutely not my intention to apologize for what Martin has done According to the sentence he committed a heinous crime and no matter how bad his background might be there is no excuse for that but he is still a human being and deserves to be treated as suchI have been corresponding with Martin since autumn 1995 and offered to create a homepage for him where his writings can be published and he can communicate with people from the outside If the death penalty really is such a deterrent then why not use it much more effectively Click here to see how Recent articles and news Snitches’ testimony undermines justice Record numbers in prison and on parole Democrats no longer back death penalty Conditions on Death Row Many Denied Right to Counsel Executing the mentally ill: Compassion in the Great Republic of Texas Dr Death is ded Nun tells of her mission against death penalty Texas authorities putting US citizens at risk Money matters in death penalty defense ‘Expert witnesses’ are wrong 95 of the time Kerry a firm foe of death penalty Utah eliminates firing squad executions More Than 2/3 of Americans Continue toSupport the Death Penalty Torturing people to death Why suspects offer false confessions Bringing grieving families together Journalist professor saving people from death row The death penalty inhibits the war on terrorism Pity defender of Texas justice Abusing inmates with gas Hate is a useless emotion Forgiveness can have the power to heal Number of executions dropping in US Juries increasingly looking at other sentencing options US has the highest percentage of citizens behind bars Federal judge states that 1’st amendmentapplies also for death row inmates Why an innocent person will confess Tx Senate insist on killing Executing the innocent is OKwith Supreme Court justice Scalia Shock and awe Execution of the mental ill Partisan judicial elections are hurting Texas We fill our juvenile and death row cells with lost childhoods Executions in Texas about politics not justice Texas ‘Prison Show’ links familiar voices worlds away Deadly decisionsAbout problems with juries The life of TJ Jones was over long before his execution August 14 Texas: Sleeping defense attorneys are OK When we kill somebody legally what we are saying is that God cannot change a person’s life And I don’t believe in that God can do what God wants to do And even the worst person in the world doesn’t deserve to be executed Rev Jacqueline Means director of prison ministries for the Episcopal Church I’m not only saddened but disappointed that a system that is supposed to protect and uphold what is just and right can be so much like me when I made the same shameful mistake Napoleon Beazley murdered by the people of texas on May 28 2002 sentenced to death by an all white jury for a murder that he committed as a juvenile My personal belief is that there’s no hope for morality in the state of Illinois as long as we have the death penalty It’s morally wrong Despite the courts’ efforts to fashion a death penalty scheme that is just fair and reliable the system is not working Innocent people are being sentenced to death Moses Harrison II Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court on his last day on the bench What happened can be better understood if he’s alive and lives out his life on this earth But to put him to death is to diminish us and to diminish our own ability to be human which is to have empathy and compassion for other human beings Richard Burr defense attorney for McVeigh In 1993 the US Supreme Court held that the Constitution does not protect prisoners from execution even if there is new evidence of innocence Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote the opinion which rejected federal protections because of the very disruptive effect that entertaining claims of actual innocence would have on the need for finality in capital cases I really don’t have a problem seeing it It’s more like watching an animal die Kimberly Runnels waiting to wittness the execution of her fathers murderer It’s a weak nation that finds it appropriate to execute its own citizens to uphold moral Lars von Trier Danish film director Executions do not have to cost that much We could hang them and re-use the rope No cost! Or we could use firing squads and ask for volunteer firing squad members who would provide their own guns and ammunition Again no cost Chris Clem Tennessee House Representative R In my own experience I know of four persons convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death who were later found to be innocent long after the appellate process had been exhausted Harry Fogle Chief Judge of VI Judicial Circuit Florida I have yet to see a death case among the dozens coming to the Supreme Court on eve-of-execution stay applications in which the defendant was well represented at trial Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg 3 of 4 Texans support the death penalty 65 believe the state has executed innocent people Scripps Howard Texas Poll Jan-Febr 2001 Pleasedon’t kill me George W Bush his lips pursed in mock desperation openly mocking Karla Faye Tucker’s pleas for clemency in an interview with Talk magazine I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death Republican Candidate Gary Bauer about Bush He’s the world champion executioner He is a horrible symbol of your mania for the death penalty Former French justice minister Robert Badinter What we know about the new president is just two things He is the son of President Bush and he has sent 150 people to their death in Texas including the mentally ill Claudia Roth German member of Parliament Evidence of innocence is irrelevant Mary Sue Terry Att General Virginia 1986-94 replying to an appeal to introduce new evidence from a prisoner sentenced to death If jurors had to draw straws to see who was going to pull the switch or start the lethal injection there wouldn’t be as many executions Jim Willett warden at The Walls prison Huntsville There’s no question in my mind that someone has slipped through the cracks and that an innocent person has been executed Former Harris County criminal court judge Jay Burnett You can find Labradors that are wiser than some of the inmates who have been executed in Texas Molly Ivins Fort Worth Star Telegram The system is not workingInnocent people are being sentenced to death Illinois Supreme Court Justice Moses Harrison II We have an obligation to provide the victim’s family with every opportunity to gain closure to their horrible ordeal R Sen Norman Robertson NJ arguing for the right of victims relatives to watch executions The desire to achieve a capital murder conviction at any cost frequently results in proceedings where a reliable determination of guilt or innocence is not likely Bryan Stevenson Director of Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama Awarded the Olof Palme Prize 2000 With an execution everyone is a victim I never believed that crap about closure Larry Fitzgerald spokesman for Texas Department of Criminal Justice to the Dallas Observer July 29 2000 It is abundantly clear that the Texas clemency procedure is extremely poor and certainly minimalA flip of the coin would be more merciful than these votesUS District Judge Sam Sparks about the secretive clemency process in The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles The cop paused and stared at the two of them the black man in his white T-shirt and shabby jeans the little white man with the thick glasses and the ballooning belly One of you two is gonna hang for this said the cop Then he turned to Brandley Since you’re the nigger you’re elected Nick Davies in White Lies quoting testimony leading to Clarence Brandley’s release |
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255 Clinton Road Brookline MA 02445 |
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It’s Really Happening: GOP Demanding Special Prosecutor for Obama Clinton and Comey! |
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If I converted to Buddhism does that make me Chinese If I converted to Hinduism does that make me Indian When Khazarians Mongol Turks converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Negro Hebrew identity and turned them into slaves did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew Well the Jew World Order seems to think so They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing themThe invention of the Muslim Terrorist is the latest invention by the Jews to spread fear and dismantle governments that are not yet puppets of the Jewsor have decided to stop serving the Jews justifying raping the World and slaughtering billions of innocent genuine semite and gentile families in every country for power and control under the illusion of Freedom and Democracy Jewish Rabbi claims Islam is Israel’s broomWe control Islam and we’ll use it to destroy the west Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The War On Drugs hoax The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The real enemy is at home The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The Satanic Cult that rules the world Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Jews behind every Terrorist Attack and Fake Muslim Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Jews behind every Terrorist Attack and Fake Muslim Groups ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ ✝ Mexican governor amp senator killed in helicopter crash on Christmas eve December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The governor of the Mexican state of Puebla and her husband a former governor and senator died in a helicopter crash on Christmas eve Mexican authorities have confirmed Governor Martha Erika Alonso and Senator Rafael Moreno died when their helicopter went down outside of Puebla on Monday President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed reports of the tragedy “Terrible news” said Senate leader Ricardo Monreal Avila “We are in sadness and pain after this tragedy” There is no information yet what might have caused the crash which took place near the town of Santa María Coronango Alonso had been in office for only 10 days She won the election in July to become the first female governor in the history of Puebla and was sworn in on December 14 Moreno had served as governor between 2011 and January 2017 and was a member of the Mexican Senate Both he and Alonso were members of the conservative National Action Party Partido Accion Nacional PAN Party leader Marko Cortes expressed condolences over the deaths of Alonso Moreno and others on board the helicopter Puebla is one of 31 Mexican states located due east of Mexico City It has an estimated population of over 6 million residents Source Article from Watch as Yellow Vest protesters chase away Paris cop pointing gun December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ A video showing police in Paris being chased away by angry Yellow Vest demonstrators has caught the attention of the French public Authorities lambasted the protesters for their actions while some said the story has a flip side This Saturday marked the sixth round of the Yellow Vests rallies Though the last demonstrations in the capital remained relatively calm some scuffles between police and protesters still popped up One video captured a standoff near the Champs-Elysees an iconic spot which turned into a true ‘battlefield’ between law enforcement and protesters The latest footage shows several officers blocking the road to the avenue using their motorbikes Around a dozen ‘Yellow Vests’ are seen hurling stones and other objects at the officers who respond with shots of pepper spray At some point the confrontation gets so tense that one policeman pulls a gun as protesters approach Yet in the face of the overwhelming number of the demonstrators police opted to flee One cop even jumps on his colleagues’ bike making a last minute escape and leaving his motorcycle behind The footage didn’t go unnoticed by some of France’s top officials Prime Minister Edouard Philippe slammed the “incredible violence towards the police” “So ‘we’ lynch the police… ‘we’ behead the effigy of the President…Stop” government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux tweeted He was also referring to the incident on Saturday when Yellow Vest protesters beheaded an effigy of Emmanuel Macron with an axe put its “head” on a stake and danced in the town of Angouleme south-western France Many politicians from right and left also denounced the aggression French National Assembly member from the Republicans Eric Ciotti called the incident “unacceptable” Twitterati however were divided over the case While some backed the criticism of ‘Yellow Vests’ others noted that there was another video capturing the scenes before the attack It apparently showed these very officers throwing stun grenades at the protesters “Nothing justifies the attack on police officers but perhaps they made a mistake when started throwing grenades” one person wrote Several users also reminded others that scores of protesters were injured some severely during police crackdowns in previous rounds of unrest The violence also did not spare journalists who were covering the events Comment: Macron admits “we didn’t listen”: 7 dead hundreds injured and thousands detained over 5 weeks of Yellow Vests protests The Yellow Vest protests which kicked off in mid-November polarized French society What began as rallies against fuel-price hikes soon rose to nationwide rallies against government policies Authorities have since abandoned the fuel hikes plans but people continued to demand more concessions including lower taxes and even the resignation of Emmanuel Macron via GIPHY Source Article from Sometimes it’s better to deflect those awkward Christmas conversations December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ Christmas would be great if we just agreed not to talk at all Christmas holidays can be wonderful – time off work eating yourself into a stupor drinking for no reason – but it’s also when you’re most likely to run into awkward conversations about politics your love life or everything in between “Everyone is tired and it’s the end of the year and we’re quite emotional” says clinical psychologist and columnist Linda Blair “If you’re spending the holidays with people you’re related to – you know you can love people without liking them – and it’s busy and you’re travelling everything can just get aggravated” It may sound dire and very familiar and sometimes you just want to avoid the questions but there are a couple of key tricks that you can use to keep conversation from going downhill too rapidly So avoid another long argument about whether millenials are selfish or whether Brexit is good for the country with our expert Christmas conversation tips Accept that you will be lucky to have a very conflict free holiday season Fundamentally you will be around people who disagree with more during the holiday season That is simply because you can’t choose your family Cory Clark a social psychology professor at Durham University says that the holidays are uncomfortable because we’re not used to those situations “In our everyday lives we tend to surround ourselves with friends and colleagues who are similar to us and who often share our values and political views” she says “But we don’t have that type of control over the values and views of our family members” So the sooner you recognise it’s unlikely to be smooth sailing the better That being said there are still a couple of options left It’s unlikely that an hour of conversation over dinner will help you swing your pious aunt into atheism or vice versa So if you can avoid starting conversations on topics that you know could lead to controversy The holidays might be the best time to plead ignorance “Political issues are often very complex and even experts don’t have all the answers so humility is always a defensible position” says Clark If things really aren’t going your way it’s probably best just to point out you don’t disagree and then try and move things on If they keep going just ask them about their views or ask them what they think This might not always work – if you have a racist family member you’re unlikely to want them to go on ranting about their prejudice – but if the disagreement is more benign asking questions about why they have a certain opinion could be more helpful “It sounds counterintuitive but people like to talk about themselves” says Blair “So nine times out of ten you can just nod along and listen” Neutrality is good The best deflection tactic is always to ask about something neutral or something that only they would know about Ask about their book club or their job or what the holidays were like when they were kids For some older relatives this will mean a trip down memory lane which could make your life significantly easier for a while But this isn’t foolproof “If somebody is determined to get onto a religious or political platform then even topics which appear neutral might not be safe” adds Blair Find some common ground Deflection is a worthwhile tactic and if you’re subtle about it they might not even realise what you’re doing But if your aunt uncle or really nosy cousin is determined to hammer home a point then you might have to try and find some common ground and milk it for all its worth “If it’s just that you like the mashed potatoes too that will have to do” says Liz Joyner who runs The Village Square an institute aimed at improving civil discourse “People are reciprocal so they might return the favour and that could get the ball rolling in a better direction” You could even surprise yourself – your grandma’s newly anointed gardening habit could give you a couple of tips on how to stop killing the potted plants in your flat Drastic times call for drastic measures To do this you need to have a few other things in place first – you need to be at a big gathering preferably somewhere with a few rooms or a confusing layout But if nothing else seems to be working and a relative has latched onto the current state of the Labour party you could politely excuse yourself “It’s not a bad idea to go outside or go for a little walk if you can” says Blair “If you come back 20 minutes later feeling refreshed you might be able to handle everything going on a little bit more easily” If you’re feeling lucky “Rather than treating family gatherings as opportunities to challenge your relatives’ political views we can treat these as opportunities to engage with people who might have different information and ideas” says Clark “Try to learn from them and understand their perspective – but don’t expect them to return the favour” Perhaps you’re meeting new family members or you’ve changed your mind about something recently – you can indulge that optimism for a little while If you assume that people have good intentions and like you want to avoid an argument you might be able to have a somewhat intellectual or an enriching conversation Perhaps this is best left as a distant possibility Source Article from Bring the troops home and while you’re at it also stop the bombing December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ As our nation debates the merits of President Trump’s call for withdrawing US troops from Syria and Afghanistan absent from the debate is the more pernicious aspect of US military involvement overseas: its air wars Trump’s announcement and General Mattis’ resignation should unleash a national discussion about US involvement in overseas conflicts but no evaluation can be meaningful without a clear understanding of the violence that US air wars have unleashed on the rest of the world for the past 17 years By our calculations in this “war on terror” the US and its allies have dropped a staggering 291880 bombs and missiles on other countries-and that is just a minimum number of confirmed strikes As we contemplate that overwhelming number let’s keep in mind that these strikes represent lives snuffed out people maimed for life families torn apart homes and infrastructure demolished taxpayer money squandered and resentment that only engenders more violence After the horrific crimes of September 11th 2001 Congress was quick to pass a sweeping Authorization for the Use of Military Force AUMF While three presidents have claimed that the 2001 AUMF legally justifies these endless wars as a response to the crimes of 9/11 no serious reading of the Authorization could interpret it that way What it actually says is: “That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations organizations or persons he determines planned authorized committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11 2001 or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations organizations or persons” As former Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz told NPR a week after 9/11 “It is never a legitimate response to punish people who are not responsible for the wrong done… We must make a distinction between punishing the guilty and punishing others If you simply retaliate en masse by bombing Afghanistan let us say or the Taliban you will kill many people who don’t believe in what has happened who don’t approve of what has happened” And yet here we are 17 years later mired in wars in which we are bombing ever more “nations organizations and persons” who had absolutely nothing to do with the crimes committed on September 11th We don’t have a single real or lasting success we can point to in 17 years of war in 7 countries and “counter-insurgency” operations in a dozen more Every country the US has attacked or invaded remains trapped in intractable violence and chaos Please look at this chart and take a few moments to reflect on the mass destruction it represents: These figures are an absolute minimum of confirmed strikes based on US Airpower Summaries for Afghanistan Iraq and Syria the Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s count of confirmed drone strikes in Pakistan Somalia and Yemen the Yemen Data Project‘s count of Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen and other published statistics Figures for 2018 are through October for Iraq Syria and Afghanistan through November for Yemen and incomplete for other countries There are several categories of airstrikes that are not included on this chart so the real total is certainly much higher These are: – Helicopter strikes: Military Times published an article in February 2017titled “The US military’s stats on deadly airstrikes are wrong Thousands have gone unreported” The largest pool of airstrikes not included in US Airpower Summaries are strikes by attack helicopters The US Army told the authors its helicopters had conducted 456 otherwise unreported airstrikes in Afghanistan in 2016 The authors explained that the non-reporting of helicopter strikes runs throughout the post-9/11 wars and they still did not know how many actual missiles were used in those 456 attacks in Afghanistan in 2016 – AC-130 gunships: The airstrike that destroyed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan in 2015 was not conducted with bombs or missiles but by a Lockheed-Boeing AC-130 gunship These machines of mass destruction usually flown by US Air Force special operations forces are designed to circle a target on the ground pouring howitzer shells and cannon fire into it often until it is completely destroyed The US has used AC-130s in Afghanistan Iraq Libya Somalia and Syria – Strafing runs: US airpower summaries for 2004-2007 include a note that their tally of “strikes with munitions dropped… does not include 20mm and 30mm cannon or rockets” But the 30mm cannons on A-10 Warthogs and other ground attack planes are powerful weapons originally designed to destroy Soviet tanks They fire up to 65 shells per second and can blanket a large area with deadly and indiscriminate fire but that does not count as a “weapons release” in US airpower summaries – Yemen: Journalist Iona Craig who has reported from Yemen for many years and manages the Yemen Data Project YDP told us she doesn’t know what proportion of actual airstrikes its data represents and that the number of bombs or missiles recorded in each “air raid” in the YDP’s data is only a minimum confirmed number Whatever fraction of total air raids YDP’s data represents the actual number of bombs dropped on Yemen is certainly higher than these figures YDP just doesn’t know how much higher – The US and allies conducting “counter-insurgency” operations in West Africa and other regions The US public soon lost its appetite for sending our own sons and daughters to fight and die in all these wars So like Nixon with Vietnam our leaders reverted to bombing bombing and more bombing while small deployments of US special operations forces and larger numbers of foreign proxies do most of the real fighting on the ground Our enemies call us cowards especially when we use drones to kill by remote control but more importantly we are behaving like arrogant fools Our country is acting as an aggressor and a bull in a china shop at a critical moment in history when neither we nor the rest of the world can afford such dangerous and destabilizing behavior from a hyper-militarized aggressive imperial power After US-led bombing artillery and rocket fire destroyed two major cities in 2017 Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria the US and its allies conducted fewer airstrikes in 2018 but actually increased the number of strikes in Afghanistan We are heading into 2019 with new initiatives to reduce US military involvement overseas In Yemen that initiative is the result of massive grassroots pressure on Congress and is being done in opposition to Trump’s continued support for Saudi aggression in Yemen In the case of Syria and Afghanistan it is coming from Trump himself with broad popular support but bipartisan opposition from Congress and DC elites Those who are part of the bipartisan war consensus should reflect on the growing public awareness of the murderous futility of US overseas wars A survey by the Committee for a Responsible Foreign Policy revealed “a national voter population that is largely skeptical of the practicality or benefits of military intervention overseas” Donald Trump seems to realize this public disdain for endless war but we shouldn’t let him get away with reducing US troop presence but continuing – and in some cases escalating – the devastating air wars A good New Year’s resolution for the United States would be to put an end to the wars we have been engaged in for the past 17 years and to make sure we do not allow the same military madness that got us into this mess to sucker us into new wars on North Korea Iran Venezuela or other countries Yes let’s bring the troops home but let’s also stop the bombing Sustained advocacy toward the Trump administration and the new Congress by peace-loving Americans will be critical if we are to fulfill this resolution Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace and author of several books including Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi Connection Nicolas J S Davies is a writer for Consortium News and a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq Source Article from Analysis: The fall of the House of Clinton may trigger domino effect worldwide December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ Over the past two decades the Clintons have created nothing short of a global network consisting of influential foreign politicians oligarchs and royalty exercising what Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel called “the cult of unregulated globalism” The fall of the House of Clinton may bring an end to this globalist structure he told Sputnik “The Clintons – and the Bushes and Obamas – have embraced the cult of unregulated ‘globalism’ wherein a small band of cronies drawn from the billionaire class multinational companies international nonprofits academia and media swarm around the world trying to dominate the political agenda as they move financial markets and put deals together” Charles Ortel a Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist told Sputnik According to the analyst this approach gained momentum starting around 1988 and allowed globalist elites to build even greater fortunes out of being able to control any national government Over the past two decades the Clintons have managed to create a sort of a global network involving prominent foreign politicians tycoons and powerful clans Many of them have long been generous donors to the Clinton Foundation dubbed by Ortel who has been conducting a private inquiry into the entity for the last few years the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted” Given the changing political landscape in the US it is possible that the Clintons will be finally subjected to thorough scrutiny Ortel believes that “closing the chapter on Clintonism likely will also close the chapter on unregulated globalism” ”Everybody is asking why the Justice Department and FBI isn’t looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary amp the Dems New Donna B Brazile book says she paid for and stole the Dem Primary What about the deleted E-mails Uranium deal Podesta the Server plus plus” US President Donald Trump tweeted on November 3 Will the fall of the House of Clinton trigger the domino effect affecting their longstanding cronies worldwide According to the Wall Street analyst it is quite probable Saudi Arabia: Is Crown Prince Getting Rid of the Clintons’ Cronies Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who presides over the newly created anti-corruption committee arrested 11 princes including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal one of the world’s richest people who is known to be a Clinton Foundation donor and Trump’s antagonist On December 2015 the prince tweeted: “realDonaldTrump You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America Withdraw from the US presidential race as you will never win” “Under US laws I believe that foreign governments are barred from interfering to support or to oppose candidates for political office” Ortel said “One potential way to attempt hiding such support is for foreign governments or foreign nationals to contribute to ‘charities’ connected to officeholders or to candidates” However from October 23 1997 through December 31 2016 the Clinton Foundation have not made proper disclosures so it was hard for US authorities to identify suspicious contributions by foreign entities he stressed “The sweeping moves by Saudi Arabia are quite encouraging Members of the government and business leaders backed by their government likely have extensive information that will help flesh out how much money may have been sent towards the Clinton Foundation by what means and to which bank accounts and offices” he suggested adding that “other nations may already be following Saudi Arabia’s example or start doing so in the coming days weeks and months” Viktor Pinchuk: the Clintons’ Close Ally in Ukraine The Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk a son-in-law of former Ukrainian President Kuchma may also be brought into spotlight “The Clinton Foundation began working inside Ukraine with Victor Pinchuk and with his wife Elena Pinchuk around 2004 or 2005 yet never validly has accounted for its activities inside that nation or explained where it may have sourced medicine and test kits that “Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative” “Old CHAI” used in theory to “fight HIV/AIDS” Ortel remarked Besides Pinchuk’s generous donations to the Clintons have repeatedly prompted suspicions about the potential conflict of interest In 2011 the oligarch hired Doug Schoen “a top Democratic pollster who helped engineer President Bill Clinton’s reelection in 1996” to help “share Pinchuk’s views on democratization in Ukraine and European integration and to solicit the views of American policy makers on those subjects” as The Hill reported In September 2013 just two months before the beginning of the Euromaidan Revolution in Ukraine the 10th Yalta Annual Meeting organized by Pinchuk took place in Crimea The forum was entitled “Changing Ukraine in a Changing World: Factors of Success” Ex-President Bill Clinton was among the forum’s special guests A year after the February 2014 coup in Kiev Pinchuk who was “feeling a great degree of pressure and pain for his many years of nurturing stronger ties with the West” “relentlessly” sought to meet Bill Clinton wanting him to “show support for Ukraine” as one of the Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks indicated It appears that currently Pinchuk is trying to establish close ties with the US right-wing bloc by hiring conservative commentator Monica Crowley as his lobbyist in March 2017 However according to Ortel that won’t help the oligarch or the Clintons to keep the alleged conflict of interest and mismanagement of funds under the rug Canada: The Trudeaus and the Clintons Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is yet another prominent politician with ties to the Clintons: “My sources confirm that the Trudeaus have long been close to the Clintons – in fact there is a Trudeau Foundation in Canada perhaps modeled in recent years on the Clinton Foundation that has grown much larger as Justin emerged and assumed power as Prime Minister” the Wall Street analyst pointed out Ortel underscored that although the Canadian government entities have supported the Clinton charities from 2002 onwards these entities “so far refuse to provide details concerning the amounts sent towards the Clinton charities and concerning their intended purposes” “Canadian citizens need to ask their government to account for taxpayer funded contributions to these false-front Clinton ‘charities’” the analyst noted Comment: Apparently Trudeau fils has been taking notes: Trudeau’s cash-for-access is pay-to-play Canadian style French Gov’t Turned a Blind Eye to the CHAI Controversy Similarly the investigative journalist raises questions why under Presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy “so much money would have flowed from France into UNITAID a global health initiative and then from UNITAID to the illegally organized and operated Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative Inc ‘Old CHAI’ from late 2006 through December 2009 even though Old CHAI had its operating authority revoked involuntarily a serious problem by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on March 31 2008 with effect from December 31 2007” “Curiously the French government funded Old CHAI and Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc ‘New CHAI’ via UNITAID to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars without seeming to care about how little of these sums may actually have achieved intended purposes of fighting HIV/AIDS involving children and involving persons who needed ‘second-line’ HIV/AIDS drugs to treat more difficult cases” Ortel highlighted Indian Elites: Rajat Gupta and Ranbaxy Laboratories As for Indian elites “too many persons connected to the Clinton Foundation and to American India Foundation with Bill Clinton as its Honorary Chairman sadly seem to be tied to actual or alleged frauds” the Wall Street analyst noted adding that “a former icon of the India-American community Rajat Gupta worked closely with Bill Clinton and with Bill Gates in ‘charitable’ activities around the world” In 2012 former Goldman Sachs Director Rajat Gupta was convicted of insider trading in the US and later ordered to pay a 139 million civil penalty Commenting on the proven and alleged deceit cases Ortel referred to Indian firm Ranbaxy and “other Indian vendors of generic HIV/AIDS medicine that the Clinton Foundation selected as suppliers to its various health initiatives deserve careful scrutiny” In May 2013 Ranbaxy Laboratories LTD was found guilty of selling ineffective adulterated drugs to HIV/AIDS sufferers “The facts are out there” Ortel said “the chief question is when will government authorities dig in to ferret out how much fraud may have been committed in the guise of charity” “Across the political spectrum and around the world only the worst sort of person is in favor of charity fraud And only the meanest among us divert funds intended for deserving victims for their personal enrichment or for their political advancement” the Wall Street analyst concluded Source Article from Chris Pirnak — Banksters Manufacture Financial Crisis for Gain December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ December 25 2018 Indeed the money printed will be used to prop up this system but it also will be used by the elites to surreptitiously buy up the planet I can imagine a world where the central banks acquire stocks corporate bonds our mortgages real estate mining and production interests skyscrapers bridges shipping infrastructure and toll roads There is no need for this system to collapse just the fear of collapse will allow these elites to conjure up a series of seemingly ad-hoc programs that will get their desired black horse of Revelation in place All the while the alt-financial media will look to the central banks as being run by a bunch of idiots Source Article from Judge Orders North Korea To Pay 501 Million In Damages For Otto Warmbier’s Death December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ In what will only be a symbolic victory over North Korea this Christmas Eve US District Judge Beryl Howell awarded the parents of Otto Warmbier a 500 million default judgmentagainst North Korea – amounting to roughly 08 of the country’s GDP – for the death of their son The judge also penned a scathing opinion to back up the decision calling North Korea the “most advanced most perfected totalitarian state in world history” She went on to write: “Moreover North Korea is ‘unprecedented’ in its state sponsorship of ‘elicit sic activities like proliferation of weapons of mass destruction counterfeiting US dollars and the production and sale of drugs like opium heroin and methamphetamines Indeed North Korea is the world’s ‘leading’ and ‘best qualified candidate for indictment’ at the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity” She then slapped the country with the judgement stating: “North Korea never entered an appearance in or defended against this action and the plaintiffs now move for default judgment for the damage caused by North Korea to Otto and his parents For the reasons discussed below default judgment is granted and Otto and his parents are awarded damages totaling 50113468380” The judge then took the time to unpack Warmbier’s entire supposed “confession” that was made in North Korea: Examples of the many untruths in the purported “confession” include: 1 Otto called his father’s company “Finishing Cincinnati Black Oxide” but that company in fact is called “Finishing Technology” 2 Otto said he practiced for his alleged crime by stealing street signs at the University of Virginia and storing the stolen signs under his bed yet his father never found any such stolen signs let alone under Otto’s bed at Otto’s apartment 3 Otto said he conspired with the Friendship United Methodist Church which had assets of 42 million even though Otto had no relationship with that church was not Methodist and the church has no such extensive assets Otto said he agreed to take the poster because he “‘desperately’ needed a car” and 200000 to fund his two siblings’ college tuition when Otto “had his own car and was never expected or asked to pay for his siblings’ tuition” and Otto said he conspired with “the Z Society” but had no connection to any such organization In addition to these false statements in his “confession” Otto spoke with “unnatural” language that sounded as if he had “been forced to memorize” the words Otto for instance said “I came to commit this crime task” “the United States administration already knows about my act through the CIA which is closely linked to the Z Society and connived at my crime” “this was a very foolish aim” “this made an innocent-minded adventurous young man like myself want to show my bravery to improve my reputation and show a Western victory of the DPR Korea” and “I intentionally packed my quietest boots the best for sneaking I knew that I would wear them during my crime commitment” Otto’s “strange phrases” such as the references to the “US administration” “DPR Korea instead of DPRK” and his “quietest boots for sneaking” were “clumsy” North Korean “stock phrases” that provide “no doubt that this was a coerced confession under great duress” Moreover Otto’s reference to “hostile US policy” three times and the notion that Otto as the oldest child would need to subsidize his younger siblings’ college tuition—an expectation of the eldest son in Korean culture—are reflective of “Korean connotation” further indicating North Korea “imposed” this material in Otto’s confession She ultimately concluded that North Korea was: “liable for the torture hostage taking and extrajudicial killing of Otto Warmbier and the injuries to his mother and father Fred and Cindy Warmbier” The family which lives in Wyoming Ohio filed the lawsuit in federal court last April North Korean authorities had arrested their son in January 2016 for attempting to steal a propaganda poster He was later sentenced to 15 years in prison and subsequently died last year days after he was released from North Korea to the United States in a coma He had been tortured and in captivity in a North Korean labor camp for more than 17 months Recall we wrote just days ago that the family was suing North Korea for 15 billion or 25 of the country’s total GDP You can read the entire judgement here: Related Articles: The US Treasury has imposed new sanctions on three top North Korean officials including a close aide to North Korean leader Kim Jong-unChoe Ryong Hae the Director of the Workers’ Party of Korea Jong Kyong Thaek the North Korean Minister of State Security and Pak Kwang Ho the director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department for the Worker’s Party have all been added to the sanctions list The parents of Otto Warmbier have sued North Korea on the day the key peninsular summit accusing the nation of torturing their son to death Earlier medical reports said no signs of torture were found during autopsy Otto Warmbier was arrested during a tourist trip to North Korea in December 2015 and detained in prison His health deteriorated while in custody and he was released home in a coma before dying days later Cindy and Fred Warmbier filed a civil suit at Washington District Court on Thursday alleging that their son was tortured and killed by the North Korean government Despite the bombastic rhetoric exchanged between North Korean and American leaders this week the Trump administration has been quietly engaged in back-channel diplomacy with North Korea for several months according to a source familiar with the negotiations The ongoing talks which were first reported by The Associated Press included discussions about US-North Korean relations and Americans imprisoned in North Korea the source said Dennis Rodman will be disappointed to learn that the US is set to ban all citizens from traveling to North Korea according to two agencies that operate tours there Koryo Tours and Young Pioneer Tours said the ban would be announced on 27 July to come into effect 30 days later the BBC reported “After the 30-day grace period any US national that travels to North Korea will have their passport invalidated by their government” The ban comes one month after US student Otto Warmbier died following his imprisonment by the Kim regime North Korea’s highest court sentenced an American tourist to 15 years in prison with hard labor for subversion on Wednesday weeks after authorities presented him to media and he tearfully confessed that he had tried to steal a propaganda banner Source Article from Mexican governor senator killed in helicopter crash December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ MEXICO CITY Reuters – A Mexican governor and her senator husband were killed in a helicopter crash in the center of the country on Monday the government said Martha Erika Alonso a senior opposition figure and new governor of the central state of Puebla died with Rafael Moreno a senator and the former governor of the same state when their helicopter came down not far from the state capital of Puebla city local media reported “I said hello to Moreno in the Senate just a few days ago Those of us who had the opportunity to know them are sad and troubled” Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on Twitter confirming the deaths of the couple President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Twitter that his government would investigate the accident It was unclear if the pilot died or what had caused the crash Read More… Source Article from Islamic State issues drone bomb warning following London airport chaos December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ On the heels of chaotic scenes at Britain’s Gatwick Airport which remained closed for three days due to reported sightings of drones the Islamic State has released images on social media showing drones carrying packages to large Western cities The images which appear to be PhotoShopped have reignited concerns that the group may be close to launching attacks on civilian targets around the world using drones Known formally as unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs drones have become increasingly accessible to private consumers in recent years They range from miniature toy models that can be controlled via smartphone applications to highly sophisticated models that can carry significant loads to high altitudes In recent years it has been reported that several militant groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Pakistan have made use of drone technology for surveillance and combat purposes But observers believe that the Islamic State may have the most advanced drone arsenal of any non-state group in the world The militant Sunni-Muslim organization launched an experimental armed drone campaign in Iraq in 2016 A year earlier Islamic State fighters had been seen making use of commercially purchased drones for surveillance purposes in the battlefields of Iraq and Syria In 2016 the Islamic State built several workshops to modify commercially purchased drones and eventually to build its own models In January 2017 the group announced the establishment of a new unit called “Unmanned Aircraft of the Mujahideen” which operated a sizeable fleet of modified combat drones The following month the Islamic State claimed to have killed with the use of drones nearly 40 Iraqi soldiers in a single week The militant group said it did so by using drones to drop three-pound mortar shells on Iraqi troop positions Counterterrorism specialists are concerned about what they see as the Islamic State’s “growing ambition” to use drones in the battlefield But they doubt that the use of drones can by itself affect the outcome of battles A much larger concern is the possibility that the Islamic State could transfer its drone knowledge outside the battlefield It has long been confirmed that Islamic State militants have systematically discussed the possibility of deploying drones in civilian areas to drop explosives or even weaponized chemical substances In October of this year Federal Bureau of Investigation director Christopher Wray told the United States Congress that the threat of the use of drones by a group like the Islamic State against American tarets was “steadily escalating” Wray said that the FBI assessed drones “will be used to facilitate an attack in the United States against a vulnerable target such as a mass gathering” He added that his assessment was based on several factors such as the retail availability of the devices the “lack of verified identification requirement to procure” drones their ease of use as well as the experience in the use of drones that militant groups have been amassing abroad Read More… Source Article from Top Trump official calls bankers will convene ‘Plunge Protection Team’ December 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ US President Donald Trump’s Treasury secretary called top US bankers on Sunday amid an ongoing rout on Wall Street and made plans to convene a group of officials known as the “Plunge Protection Team” US stocks have fallen sharply in recent weeks on concerns over slowing economic growth with the SampP 500 index SPX on pace for its biggest percentage decline in December since the Great Depression “Today I convened individual calls with the CEOs of the nation’s six largest banks” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Twitter shortly before financial markets were due to open in Asia … The Treasury said in a statement that Mnuchin talked with the chief executives of Bank of America BACN Citi CN Goldman Sachs GSN JP Morgan Chase JPMN Morgan Stanley MSN and Wells Fargo WFCN “The CEOs confirmed that they have ample liquidity available for lending” the Treasury said Mnuchin “also confirmed that they have not experienced any clearance or margin issues and that the markets continue to function properly” the Treasury said Read More… Source Article from « Older Entries |
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Divorce triggers male suicide and crystal clear Buchanan Galleries becoming the number one choice for suicidal men in Glasgow Our 2015 FOI challenge to the National Lottery over their millionaire draw seems to have worked DuckDuckGo: Search engines and jewish control Julian Assange’s health Freemasons controlling our supposed democracy So what exactly do British cops do most of the time When crooks are left in charge of what is law then you have tyranny The Law of the Jungle Why cops wont stop crime Email to Murdoch’s ‘The Sun’ about the legal mafia cc’d to all the Holyrood mafia The bitch who deflects her own mass murder on to Russians The barbaric treatment of Melanie Shaw at HMP Styal The British legal system run by dangerous madmen English football and the royal parasite Beechwood a cesspit of depravity whose stench still lingers A challenge to the Freedom in the World 2018 UK assessment The BBC are arrogant enough to believe they can rebuild trust David Dimbleby the public schoolboy twatty that props up the BBC’s establishment agenda Eton directly connected to 33 degree freemasons at 10 Duke Street St James London How safe is flying today The BBC’s dire attempt at understanding the complexities of divorce that is killing men in droves BBC and media have been marginalizing heterosexual men Lunatic BBC make extraordinary analysis of English local elections 2018 When freemasons control cops you get utter tyranny Westminster and Holyrood’s lying thieving bastards Gutter press glowing obituaries but only for jewish homosexuals Thug raises his hand a 20 fine Father raises his voice loses his life The story so far: How to keep an evil murderous government in power Proof the Israeli mafia are manipulating the world’s political systems Gutter press gangsters fucking with the sheeple Satanic cults control America and the world Bullshit response to our FOI request to the Equality and Human Rights Commission on freemasonry More and more of the world’s citizens are being isolated from the grid Equality and Human Rights Commission FOI on freemasonry conflict of interest Scotland has a feminist lawyer MAN hater Nicola Sturgeon running the show Heterosexual men the new black in Apartheid Scotland Victim culture lets feminists and lesbians homosexuals and zionists get away with murder Fraternity More like vast skullduggery Will 2018 be better than 2017 Illuminati slaughter in Las Vegas Gangs of freemason racists in the London judiciary and cops targeting black victims Freemason judges the ultimate child abusing scum Crown lackey lawyer feminist Alison Saunders new HATE crimes or just trying to protect jewish criminals Why do the public eventually HATE every single political leader since Thatcher When HATE is maybe warranted UK councils and government murdering for the British state Good to see the tory government have got their priorities right Right wing press barons turn on May after election failure What is the best form of defence against a terror attack British establishments dirty murderous tricks Aren’t MI5 supposed to protect UK citizens from attacks Scottish Parliament instigate more bullshit about reform QUIETLY Are the lunatics running the asylum or those who vote for them Amelia Fawcett rich bitch witch who fills the Guardian / Observer with mountains of man hating feminazi shit One BIG advantage about the EU that is seldom mentioned over Brexit Judge a country’s success not by how well the rich are doing but how well the poorest are doing Westminster attack distracts from Israeli jew behind global bomb threats Why do the mass media constantly rant about property prices Is the Royal parasite dying No immigration issues when the British Empire was being built Homelessness the face of a selfish society Feminist psychopath tory May and her rabid DV claims of concern The law’s an ass when judeo/freemasons are writing it Where you are most likely to see men suffering from PTSD Law Society the biggest gang stalker on the planet Anti Trump women marches show how organised rabid feminists have become Trump brings the lunatic feminazi out on to the streets Divorce parasites How governments disarm a population A select few have tax free status Australian senator Rod Culleton awaits the verdict NOT of a jury but a judicial mafia Zionist Hollywood’s sick minds Hillary Clinton the faker who rants about ‘fake’ news No government is better than zionist masonic run governments VIDEO Divorce is the biggest government tax grab EVER VIDEO War criminal Tony Blair’s hypocrite lawyer wife on domestic abuse Further to the death of activist Patrick Cullinane Royal parasites on the benefit scrounging again into the millions 1984 London Style Is there any political hand globally that is not being greased by zionist money Have freemasons abandoned their Masonic Child Identification Programs Lawyer Clinton’s dirty tricks didn’t work as zionist leaning Trump wins the Presidency There’s the zionist world and then there’s the rest Be afraid be very afraid as the Met turn London into a military zone Rebuilding Hillary Clinton’s face Neither Clinton or Trump are fit to run America As more and more heterosexuals are being jailed homosexuals are being pardoned ABC Australia SMEAR elderly activist as a terror threat Why are innocent fathers rotting in jail while criminals and murderers roam the streets Restraining orders used to feed the legal perverts Theresa May: Judge a person by the company they keep Want to know what a living hell is like get divorced How freemason cops keep themselves in employment Blinded by the masonic light of darkness and lies Capitalism and a man digging holes Lawyers and judges behind the psychological murder of men across the globe America left to vote for two old pensioners Heterophobia rife at the BBC and the global media The royal hand picked to push domestic violence scams globally Being unable to sue a lawyer ensures they continue to provide stolen children to their paedo pals Lawyers the child procurers for paedo’s Freemasons behind the biggest child abuse network on the planet Wars are triggered by the greed of the über rich The political mafia condone the homosexual agenda to feed their own vile perversions There is only one thing certain about government that it ain’t there for our benefit Divorcing men in a police state Brexit exposes power struggles of the elite Proud to be a heterosexual male and father Freemason judicial mafia still the biggest threat to heterosexual men globally Why are there 70000 children in care homes in the UK Domestic violence cries a means to an end BBC promoting the feminazi latest HATE agenda MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Vicious hate campaigns against heterosexual men Why do people back NASTY Family courts where freemasons destroy men not part of their creepy agenda Scottish Elections 2016: Disturbing imbalance in the heterosexuals leading main political parties Hillsborough exposes freemasons behind cover up of 96 deaths Royal parasites induce Stockholm Syndrome to ensure peasant loyalty British judges are pure evil hand picked by the royalist bitch who oversees their criminality Is Britain’s murderous tory leader about to be forced to resign Panama Papers: What the compliant media isn’t telling us Tory’s murderous rottweiller IDS finally quits over vile welfare cuts to the most vulnerable Tory corruption potential for a nuclear disaster BBC Bray Leino and Refuge stage massive domestic abuse propaganda ruse Did the stasi use the threat of terrorism to justify their evil spying Everywhere there is a masonic lodge there is tyranny and oppression What really is the LAW The GREAT cancer scandal Sanctioning a zionist / freemason tool to force compliance with their evil agenda The enormous hypocrisy of the UK’s murderous tory government The war on men erupts every Christmas Judicial tyranny still the biggest killer before pseudo terror French attack leads to mass hypocrisy of two western leaders Masonic / zionist terrorism still alive and kicking despite major smokescreens Britain’s evil bastards Why are we being told so many lies Fear of homelessness: How freemasons control Masonic met in multiple cover ups of establishment homopaedo’s VIDEO Tough decisions How Britain’s vile political mafia put the peasants in their place Tory scum’s ‘Benefit sanctions harmed my mental health’VIDEO STOP THE WAR ON DADS RCJ LONDON |
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Trump and Clinton: Censoring the unpalatable |
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– Treason Pedophilia Subversion Military Trial for White House Bush Clinton Obama amp Deep State Q Anon News 03:06 |
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Treason: Obama Admin Used Clinton Advisor to Spy on Trump! |
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Connecting some dots: I am passing this on from someone who’s connecting some dots with input from sources he cannot reveal Here’s what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together It smells like conspiracy and treason Everyone needs to read this Slowly and patiently because it’s very important From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation A Grand Jury had been impanelled Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity” Yet from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out Read More HERE |
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Fotógrafo de Schwarzenegger e Clinton é cotado para a foto de Wilson LEIA MAIS |
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Chia Hillary Clinton |
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Shooting the Sht on Israel Right vs Left Wing amp Hilary Clinton |
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Clinton Township |
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Adair County Missouri Andrew County Missouri Atchison County Missouri Audrain County Missouri Barry County Missouri Barton County Missouri Bates County Missouri Benton County Missouri Boone County Missouri Buchanan County Missouri Caldwell County Missouri Callaway County Missouri Camden County Missouri Carroll County Missouri Cass County Missouri Cedar County Missouri Chariton County Missouri Clark County Missouri Clay County Missouri Clinton County Missouri Cole County Missouri Cooper County Missouri Crawford County Missouri Dade County Missouri Dallas County Missouri Daviess County Missouri DeKalb County Missouri Dent County Missouri Franklin County Missouri Gasconade County Missouri Gentry County Missouri Greene County Missouri Grundy County Missouri Harrison County Missouri Henry County Missouri Hickory County Missouri Holt County Missouri Howard County Missouri Jackson County Missouri Jasper County Missouri Jefferson County Missouri Johnson County Missouri Knox County Missouri Laclede County Missouri Lafayette County Missouri Lawrence County Missouri Lewis County Missouri Lincoln County Missouri Linn County Missouri Livingston County Missouri Macon County Missouri Maries County Missouri Marion County Missouri McDonald County Missouri Mercer County Missouri Miller County Missouri Moniteau County Missouri Monroe County Missouri Montgomery County Missouri Morgan County Missouri Newton County Missouri Nodaway County Missouri Osage County Missouri Pettis County Missouri Phelps County Missouri Pike County Missouri Platte County Missouri Polk County Missouri Pulaski County Missouri Putnam County Missouri Ralls County Missouri Randolph County Missouri Ray County Missouri Saline County Missouri St Charles County Missouri St Clair County Missouri St Louis County Missouri Schuyler County Missouri Scotland County Missouri Shelby County Missouri Sullivan County Missouri Texas County Missouri Vernon County Missouri Warren County Missouri Washington County Missouri Webster County Missouri Worth County Missouri Wright County Missouri Multi-County Missouri |
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Clinton Green joins Currie amp Brown UK as director of healthcare advisory services |
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Ride the Katy Trail – Clinton to St Louis MO |
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Hillary Clinton 2008 Hodari PT Brown 2024 |
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Trillary Clinton Partners with Dope Boy Rapper Pusha T for Black |
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NBC Suggests Jill Stein Played A Part In A Russian Conspiracy To Beat Clinton |
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Clinton Harvey of Odessa TX: The Healing Power of Reiki |
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Clinton Hotel |
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Hillary Clinton Expresses Interest In Ch |
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In Wake Of Kavanaugh Inquisition Bill Clinton Launches Massive Campaign To |
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Clinton Harvey of Odessa TX: Healing Arts Practitioner |
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Inauthentic: Hillary Clinton at a campaign stop at the Union Diner in Laconia New Hampshire September 17 2015 Photo by Faith Ninivaggi/Reuters via MSNBC |
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Mueller Following Clinton’s Lead and Destroy |
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PEINLICH-VIDEO vom Mainstream VERSCHWIEGEN: Mächtigster Mann der EU amp seine AUFNAHMEN: Ex-First-Lady HILLARY CLINTON und Skull amp Bones-Mann JOHN KERRY bei „irrem“ G JAKUBA: Skandal – LINKE-Politikerin ruft zu SOLIDARITÄT mit KRIMINELLEN FLÜCHTLINGEN auf die Polizisten angegriffen haben! |
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How Come Bill Clinton Didn’t Award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Elvis |
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“Former President George W Bush President Trump and former Presidents Obama Clinton and Carter and others look on during a funeral service for former President George HW Bush at Washington National Cathedral on Wednesday” Photo by Matt McClain courtesy of the Washington Post via the Los Angeles Times |
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Trump/Clinton Effortlessly Merge Into One Giant Gay-Affirming Candidate |
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It’s 3 am Madam Secretary Clinton! You failed with the “Phone Call”! |
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To say nothing is happening in Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation investigation is false Documents from active court cases |
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Clinton Harvey of Odessa TX: How Does Whole Body Detox Work |
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Clinton Dale Harvey of Odessa Texas |
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Petition: Clinton County States Attorney to Allow Gun Sanctuary |
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Why I have no choice but to vote for Hillary Clinton |
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Bill Clinton: “Se fossimo già stati visitati dagli Alieni non ne sarei sorpreso” |
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Clinton Harvey of Odessa TX: What is Dream Yoga |
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Clinton Double Horizontal Wire Glove Box Holder |
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“The Clinton Affair” premieres Sunday night on AampE |
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Residencias de Obama y de Hillary Clinton cercadas por amenazas de bomba también evacuan sede de CNN |
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Assange: Hillary Clinton voulait l’anéantissement de la Libye |
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Hillary Clinton’s ‘Fight Song’ is driving some people nuts |
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Imagine if A Republican Said This! Is Hillary Clinton a Racist |
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4 Driver Job Opportunities – Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc “CHAI” |
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Clinton Harvey of Odessa Texas: The Value of Meditation |
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Ali-Inoki and Clinton-Trump: Same Ring Different Game |
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In Wake Of Kavanaugh Inquisition Bill Clinton Launches Massive Campaign To Destroy All Evidence Of His High School Life |
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Chelsea Clinton Wedding Gown |
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Hillary Clinton Bollywood stars in Udaipur for Isha Ambani’s wedding celebrations |
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Clinton Crimes |
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President Clinton Visits Akshaya Patra in India |
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Cựu tổng thống Bill Clinton là nguyên nhân khiến làn sóng chế nhạo Ripple nổi dậy |
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Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party platform follies |
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Russia REN TV: Clinton’s Paedophile Pals |
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– Stephen Clinton – |
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Clinton from Brisbane |
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Christopher Steele Says He Was Hired to Write Dossier to Help Clinton Challenge Election Results |
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Clinton Man Dies from Burn Injuries |
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Fotógrafo de Schwarzenegger e Clinton é cotado para a foto de Wilson |
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Bill Clinton Supporters Act Like Harvey Weinstein Is Bad For Some |
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Clinton Presidential Center |
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Port Clinton Walleye Drop 2018 |
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Glitter Clinton |
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Clinton Harvey enjoys living and working in the Odessa TX community Clinton Dale Harvey of Odessa Texas is a natural health consultant |
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Hillary Clinton Toilet Paper |
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Trump Clinton Supporters Differ on How Media Should Cover Controversial Statements |
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Clinton’s Fever Dream |
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Pundits to Clinton |
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Carlos Danger Accidentally Torpedoes Hillary Clinton |
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Godfrey Clinton |
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C train to Clinton WashingtonG train to Classon Hours |
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Client Booked Event – CLINTON IA |
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Why Hillary Clinton doesn’t represent me and neither does Madeleine Albright |
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Die Clinton-Stiftung ein “Ausländischer Landtag verabschiedet neues Polizeigesetz |
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Clinton Friedman-Natural Curiosities Bath Towel |
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You Will Not Believe What Hillary Clinton Just Said About Sore Loser Democrat who Refuses to Accept Election Result |
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WATCH An Angry Hillary Clinton Snub Melania Trump at Bush’s Funeral |
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Bill Clinton 1996 Immigration Law |
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The Battery Conservancy was created in 1994 as a 501c3 not-for-profit educational corporation to rebuild and revitalize The Battery the 25-acre public park at the southern tip of Manhattan and its major landmark Castle Clinton National Monument The Conservancy spearheads this dramatic transformation in partnership with City State and Federal governments and with individuals corporations and foundations in the private sector 100 of The Battery Conservancy’s annual budget is generated by gifts from the private sector |
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Welcome to the Clinton Hotel |
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Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele |
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Enviaron una bomba a la casa de Bill y Hillary Clinton y otra a la oficina de Barack Obama |
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GOP Launches New Effort to Expose the Clinton Foundation |
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OUTRAGEOUS–DOJ amp State Dept Coordinating with Clinton Email Scandal Witnesses |
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Site List Adams County Bedford County Berks County Bradford County Bucks County Carbon County Chester County Clearfield County Clinton County Columbia County Cumberland County Dauphin County Erie County Franklin County Greene County Huntingdon County Indiana County Juniata County Lancaster County Lawrence County Lehigh County Luzerne County Lycoming County Mercer County Northampton County Northumberland County Perry County Philadelphia County Schuykill County Snyder County Somerset County Sullivan County Washington County Westmoreland County |
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Clinton Double Vertical Wire Glove Box Holder |
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Irwin’s Triple-double Paces Marauders To Win Over Clinton |
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JUDICIAL WATCH: How Obama amp Hillary Clinton Influenced the Ongoing Crisis in Syria |
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Clinton Urgent Care |
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Larry Summers – 71st Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton and the Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama |
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AUDIO: Hillary Clinton Speaks of Defense of Child Rapist in Newly Unearthed Tapes |
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Clinton Harvey Odessa TX: Ways to Live a More Holistic Lifestyle |
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Clinton Fair Trade Shop lists January hours |
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Clinton Campaign Manager Regrets “Not Sacrificing A Few More Chickens To Moloch” |
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Research on Bill Clinton Speech |
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Clinton Street Theater |
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Clinton Guardianile: Euroopa peab sisserände kontrolli alla saama 4 |
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Contact Clinton Square Rochester NY 14604 |
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1: Clinton Boomer |
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Clinton Sparks ft Macklemore 2 Chainz amp DA – Gold Rush |
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Trump Promises Frustrated Fans That He Will Literally Disembowel Clinton In Next Debate |
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Assange on Hillary Clinton |
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US Presidents 8 Inch Action Figures Series: Bill Clinton Gray Suit Variant |
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Written By: Bill Clinton James Patterson Narrated By: Dennis Quaid Publisher: Hachette Book Group USA Date: June 2018 Duration: 13 hours 12 minutes |
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Trump’s jewish lawyer blames ‘blind loyalty’ for covering up his dirty deeds Michael Cohen as he is jailed for 3 years Exposes the massive underbelly of corruption ALL lawyers globally operate under protecting the rich while thieving on the grandest of scales from hard working men during divorce See BBC’s Jimmy Savile for proof of how Britain’s worst paedophile got away with murder for decades thanks to lawyers threatening his victims National Enquirer admits paying hush money to Playboy model over Trump ‘affair’ Congress reacts to memo’s implicating Trump in federal crime VIDEO Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump lawyers 29305233 in legal fees What exactly do the legal mafia do to justify extortionVIDEO Trump’s former jewish lawyer Michael Cohen’s tweet about feminist lawyer Hillary Clinton going to prison has not aged well Judeo / masonic lawyers now being exposed manipulating behind the scenes America’s political charade |
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Hillary Clinton A Dangerous Foe |
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By Country Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Antarctica Arctic Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Bosnia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Croatia Cyprus Denmark Dominica Dubai Ecuador Egypt England Ethiopia Finland France Gaza Georgia Germany Greece Guatemala Haiti Holland Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kenya Korea Lebanon Libya Luxembourg Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Mali Mexico Morocco Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Pakistan Palestine Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia Singapore Somalia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine UAE USA Vatican Venezuela Vietnam Wales Yemen Zimbabwe Divorce triggers male suicide and crystal clear Buchanan Galleries becoming the number one choice for suicidal men in Glasgow Our 2015 FOI challenge to the National Lottery over their millionaire draw seems to have worked DuckDuckGo: Search engines and jewish control Julian Assange’s health Freemasons controlling our supposed democracy So what exactly do British cops do most of the time When crooks are left in charge of what is law then you have tyranny The Law of the Jungle Why cops wont stop crime Email to Murdoch’s ‘The Sun’ about the legal mafia cc’d to all the Holyrood mafia The bitch who deflects her own mass murder on to Russians The barbaric treatment of Melanie Shaw at HMP Styal The British legal system run by dangerous madmen English football and the royal parasite Beechwood a cesspit of depravity whose stench still lingers A challenge to the Freedom in the World 2018 UK assessment The BBC are arrogant enough to believe they can rebuild trust David Dimbleby the public schoolboy twatty that props up the BBC’s establishment agenda Eton directly connected to 33 degree freemasons at 10 Duke Street St James London How safe is flying today The BBC’s dire attempt at understanding the complexities of divorce that is killing men in droves BBC and media have been marginalizing heterosexual men Lunatic BBC make extraordinary analysis of English local elections 2018 When freemasons control cops you get utter tyranny Westminster and Holyrood’s lying thieving bastards Gutter press glowing obituaries but only for jewish homosexuals Thug raises his hand a 20 fine Father raises his voice loses his life The story so far: How to keep an evil murderous government in power Proof the Israeli mafia are manipulating the world’s political systems Gutter press gangsters fucking with the sheeple Satanic cults control America and the world Bullshit response to our FOI request to the Equality and Human Rights Commission on freemasonry More and more of the world’s citizens are being isolated from the grid Equality and Human Rights Commission FOI on freemasonry conflict of interest Scotland has a feminist lawyer MAN hater Nicola Sturgeon running the show Heterosexual men the new black in Apartheid Scotland Victim culture lets feminists and lesbians homosexuals and zionists get away with murder Fraternity More like vast skullduggery Will 2018 be better than 2017 Illuminati slaughter in Las Vegas Gangs of freemason racists in the London judiciary and cops targeting black victims Freemason judges the ultimate child abusing scum Crown lackey lawyer feminist Alison Saunders new HATE crimes or just trying to protect jewish criminals Why do the public eventually HATE every single political leader since Thatcher When HATE is maybe warranted UK councils and government murdering for the British state Good to see the tory government have got their priorities right Right wing press barons turn on May after election failure What is the best form of defence against a terror attack British establishments dirty murderous tricks Aren’t MI5 supposed to protect UK citizens from attacks Scottish Parliament instigate more bullshit about reform QUIETLY Are the lunatics running the asylum or those who vote for them Amelia Fawcett rich bitch witch who fills the Guardian / Observer with mountains of man hating feminazi shit One BIG advantage about the EU that is seldom mentioned over Brexit Judge a country’s success not by how well the rich are doing but how well the poorest are doing Westminster attack distracts from Israeli jew behind global bomb threats Why do the mass media constantly rant about property prices Is the Royal parasite dying No immigration issues when the British Empire was being built Homelessness the face of a selfish society Feminist psychopath tory May and her rabid DV claims of concern The law’s an ass when judeo/freemasons are writing it Where you are most likely to see men suffering from PTSD Law Society the biggest gang stalker on the planet Anti Trump women marches show how organised rabid feminists have become Trump brings the lunatic feminazi out on to the streets Divorce parasites How governments disarm a population A select few have tax free status Australian senator Rod Culleton awaits the verdict NOT of a jury but a judicial mafia Zionist Hollywood’s sick minds Hillary Clinton the faker who rants about ‘fake’ news No government is better than zionist masonic run governments VIDEO Divorce is the biggest government tax grab EVER VIDEO War criminal Tony Blair’s hypocrite lawyer wife on domestic abuse Further to the death of activist Patrick Cullinane Royal parasites on the benefit scrounging again into the millions 1984 London Style Is there any political hand globally that is not being greased by zionist money Have freemasons abandoned their Masonic Child Identification Programs Lawyer Clinton’s dirty tricks didn’t work as zionist leaning Trump wins the Presidency There’s the zionist world and then there’s the rest Be afraid be very afraid as the Met turn London into a military zone Rebuilding Hillary Clinton’s face Neither Clinton or Trump are fit to run America As more and more heterosexuals are being jailed homosexuals are being pardoned ABC Australia SMEAR elderly activist as a terror threat Why are innocent fathers rotting in jail while criminals and murderers roam the streets Restraining orders used to feed the legal perverts Theresa May: Judge a person by the company they keep Want to know what a living hell is like get divorced How freemason cops keep themselves in employment Blinded by the masonic light of darkness and lies Capitalism and a man digging holes Lawyers and judges behind the psychological murder of men across the globe America left to vote for two old pensioners Heterophobia rife at the BBC and the global media The royal hand picked to push domestic violence scams globally Being unable to sue a lawyer ensures they continue to provide stolen children to their paedo pals Lawyers the child procurers for paedo’s Freemasons behind the biggest child abuse network on the planet Wars are triggered by the greed of the über rich The political mafia condone the homosexual agenda to feed their own vile perversions There is only one thing certain about government that it ain’t there for our benefit Divorcing men in a police state Brexit exposes power struggles of the elite Proud to be a heterosexual male and father Freemason judicial mafia still the biggest threat to heterosexual men globally Why are there 70000 children in care homes in the UK Domestic violence cries a means to an end BBC promoting the feminazi latest HATE agenda MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Vicious hate campaigns against heterosexual men Why do people back NASTY Family courts where freemasons destroy men not part of their creepy agenda Scottish Elections 2016: Disturbing imbalance in the heterosexuals leading main political parties Hillsborough exposes freemasons behind cover up of 96 deaths Royal parasites induce Stockholm Syndrome to ensure peasant loyalty British judges are pure evil hand picked by the royalist bitch who oversees their criminality Is Britain’s murderous tory leader about to be forced to resign Panama Papers: What the compliant media isn’t telling us Tory’s murderous rottweiller IDS finally quits over vile welfare cuts to the most vulnerable Tory corruption potential for a nuclear disaster BBC Bray Leino and Refuge stage massive domestic abuse propaganda ruse Did the stasi use the threat of terrorism to justify their evil spying Everywhere there is a masonic lodge there is tyranny and oppression What really is the LAW The GREAT cancer scandal Sanctioning a zionist / freemason tool to force compliance with their evil agenda The enormous hypocrisy of the UK’s murderous tory government The war on men erupts every Christmas Judicial tyranny still the biggest killer before pseudo terror French attack leads to mass hypocrisy of two western leaders Masonic / zionist terrorism still alive and kicking despite major smokescreens Britain’s evil bastards Why are we being told so many lies Fear of homelessness: How freemasons control Masonic met in multiple cover ups of establishment homopaedo’s VIDEO Tough decisions How Britain’s vile political mafia put the peasants in their place Tory scum’s ‘Benefit sanctions harmed my mental health’VIDEO STOP THE WAR ON DADS RCJ LONDON |
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Kyker Dennis Clinton |
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Dr Shershah Syed Clinton Global… |
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Buhari donated about N150Billion to Clinton’s campaign US Group Reveals |
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American Christians Pray For Trump To Massacre Clinton In Debate |
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US Presidents 8 Inch Action Figures Series: Bill Clinton Black Suit |
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Clinton Single Horizontal Wire Glove Box Holder |
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Bill Clinton And Bill Cosby To Co-Author Book On Respecting And/Or |
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Why Does Hillary Clinton Get A Pass For Her Racism |
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VIDEO: Judicial Watch Gives Testimony on Capitol Hill about Clinton Foundation |
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Clinton Treadway |
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Hillary Clinton Praises ‘Activist Bitches Supporting Bitches’ in Video |
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Clinton Twelve Restaurant amp Bar |
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Hillary Clinton Warns America Not To Tolerate Sexual Predators Not Named |
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OBITUARY: Alex Badeh the dexterous chief air marshal who flew Bill Clinton Jimmy Carter |
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Clinton Inc |
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Traffic UpdateHit amp Run With Vehicle Left Behind Near Clinton Rd / Butte Mountain Rd |
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Demolition of DeWitt Clinton Elementary |
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Lewinsky affair wasn’t Bill Clinton’s first major scandal |
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George Clinton ジョージ・クリントン Corners 空中泥棒 に改めセカンドアルバム『Crumbling』を 12/4 リリース! |
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– President Bill Clinton |
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Ames Cedar Rapids Clinton City Davenport Dubuque City Iowa City Mason City Sioux City Ames Cedar Rapids Clinton City Davenport Dubuque City Iowa City Mason City Sioux City By Vanguard Appraisals Inc |
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Clinton Victims’ MeToo Campaigns Ignored By Mainstream Media For Some Weird |
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Clinton 3 Seat Modular with Corner Terminal |
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Hillary Clinton PowerPoint Template |
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Bklyner: First Bite: Guinness Stew And Soda Bread At Hartley’s In Clinton Hill |
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Hillary Clinton – Apple Inc Multinational Technology Company Story |
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Analysis: The fall of the House of Clinton may trigger domino effect worldwide |
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Fort Wayne – Clinton Street Office |
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La Clinton Road au loc fenomene paranormale |
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Serving Bond Clinton Effingham Fayette Jefferson Jersey Macoupin Madison Marion Monroe Montgomery Shelby St Clair counties in Illinois and St Louis and St Louis county in Missouri |
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37150 S Gratiot Ave Clinton Twp 48036 |
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Hillary Clinton hacks and wheezes her way through her bash Trump road show |
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Frank Hawkins at American Thinker: Bongino’s Spygate: Exposing the Obama/Clinton Deep State Criminality |
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Hillary Clinton en Donald Trump zingen “Baby it’s Cold Outside” |
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Derecho Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton issues endorsements in key governor races |
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