Hillary Clinton Wades Into Impeachment Controversy |
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State Department ratchets up Clinton email probe: report |
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Hillary Clinton in white pantsuit for Trump inauguration |
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Clinton Shorter |
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Hillary Clinton says staying married was ‘gutsiest’ moment |
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Why To Visit Your Family Dentist Clinton MD for Dental Check Ups |
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State Department ramps up Clinton private email investigation as communications are recategorized as “classified” |
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It’s on: Media begin campaign to make Chelsea Clinton president |
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Hillary Clinton through the years |
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Hillary Clinton says she lost the election because of ‘many funny things’ that happened |
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Hillary Clinton’s Answer to GMA Question Stuns Chelsea |
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Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel |
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Clinton County Law Enforcement Center |
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Meet South Africa with Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton says staying married to Bill was the ‘gutsiest thing’ she’s ever done |
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Hillary and Chelsea Clinton: The Gutsy Women Tour |
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Hillary Clinton tells Stephen Colbert why she supports the Trump impeachment inquiry zings Giuliani |
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‘Trump’s Trade War Steps Can Have A Huge Reflection On His Reelection’ Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton Says Gutsiest Thing She Ever Did Was Stay In Her Marriage |
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Hillary Clinton’s ‘Gutsiest’ Decision: Staying in Politically Convenient Marriage to Powerful Perv |
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Hillary Clinton says Trump poses an unprecedented threat to abortion in America |
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16-year-old wins Clinton’s Got Talent |
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Hillary says staying married to Bill Clinton after the Lewinsky affair was the ‘gutsiest’ personal decision she has ever made |
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Stephen Colbert 2019 09 30 Hillary Rodham Clinton iNTERNAL AAC M… 21 58 |
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Clinton Family Dentistry Shares Valuable Information on Teeth Whitening |
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Hillary Clinton’s Emails Are a Trump Scandal Now |
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1995-09-20 / 2Pac in Clinton Correctional Facility Rare Photo |
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Member of BiH Presidency met with Bill Clinton in France |
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Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Coup Against the Presidency |
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IG Horowitz Refused To Dig Into Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting – Failed To Interview Lynch Clinton Protective Detail |
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Clinton Emailers Rattled After State Department Fires Off ‘Culpability Letters’ For |
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Chelsea Clinton shows off slim figure in form-fitting sheath dress just two months after giving birth to third child |
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Trump Transcript Links Clinton to Ukraine |
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Devin Nunes Links Joe Biden Directly to Clinton-Ukraine |
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USA : quand Clinton compare l’administration Obama à celle de Trump |
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Tables turn on Trump as audience chants ‘lock him up’ while Hillary Clinton talks impeachment on Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ |
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Hillary Clinton Shades Donald Trump: I Never Had To Warn Obama Not To Extort Foreign Countries |
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Clinton IA 52732 |
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Hillary Clinton: The Bible is ‘the biggest influence on my thinking’ |
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bill clinton cyber fusion gps independent news james comey paul manafort peter strzok robert muller russia investigation trump pardon unfilter podcast |
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Hillary Clinton in Deep Mess over new Federal Court Order |
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Clinton Township guardianship company disputes Attorney General’s intervention in probate case |
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Trump’s Impeachment Strategy Is Opposite of Clinton’s |
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Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s Book of Gutsy Women is a love letter t Books |
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Más de la mitad de los presidentes eran masones Estos incluyen Washington Madison Adams Jefferson Monroe Jackson Van Buren Tyler Polk Taylor Pierce Buchanan Johnson Garfield McKinley TR Taft Harding FDR Truman LBJ Ford Reagan Clinton Bush I y II Obama y Trump |
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FORBES – Secretary Clinton: Oppose Amendment 69 The “Leave Work in Colorado” Plan |
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Bill Clinton Warns on Rising Nationalism |
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Hillary Clinton Talks Mike Pompeo amp Rudy Giuliani On Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2018 |
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Proudly Serving Oak Ridge Clinton Oliver Springs and Surrounding areas |
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Chủ tịch Hạ viện Hoa Kỳ bà Nancy Pelosi hôm 24/9 loan báo Đảng Dân chủ đã bắt đầu chính thức điều tra luận tội Tổng thống Donald Trump về những cáo buộc rằng ông cố gắng gây áp lực với Tổng thống Ukraine để điều tra ông Joe Biden một ứng cử viên Tổng thống 2020 bên Đảng Dân chủ Trước đó nhiều nhân vật bên Đảng Dân chủ từng kêu gọi xúc tiến tiến trình luận tội Tổng thống Cộng hòa Donald Trump sau khi báo cáo điều tra của Công tố viên Đặc biệt Robert Mueller dùkhông kết luận rằng ông Trump đã phạm tội cản trở công lý nhưng không minh oan cho ông Trump về tội danh này Tuy nhiên các lãnh đạo Dân chủ đã không đáp ứng lời kêu gọi lúc đó vì những rủi ro tiềm tàng đối với họ trong mùa bầu cử sắp tới ‘Cực chẳng đã’ Lần này Đảng Dân chủ theo đuổi luận tội ông Trump vì bị buộc vào thế ‘cực chẳng đã’ theo bà Ông Thụy Như Ngọc Tiến sĩ Chính trị học và hiện là chủ nhiệm tờ báo Viet Tide ở tiểu bang California “Nếu họ không luận tội thì họ sẽ bị cho là tiếp tục bao che cho các hành vi không trong sáng của ông Trump vì đã có người trong nội bộ tố cáo ra” bà Ngọc nói và nhắc lại rằng lâu nay Đảng Dân chủ vì lo ngại hậu quả chính trị nên không thực hiện đàn hặc ông Trump vì họ biết là ‘kết quả sẽ không đi đến đâu’ “Từ đầu đến giờ Đảng Dân chủ đã rất do dự nhưng nếu chiếu theo những gì đã trưng ra trong bản báo cáo thì họ cũng không còn cách nào khác” bà giải thích “Đã là đảng đối lập thì phải soi mói từng chút một đảng cầm quyền” “Biết là rủi ro nhưng họ vẫn phải làm vì đó là nhiệm vụ của họ trong một đất nước có thể chế dân chủ kiểm soát lẫn nhau” bà nói thêm Quyết định của Đảng Dân chủ có thể bị phe Cộng hòa cáo buộc là ‘bôi nhọ ông Trump để giành lợi thế trong kỳ bầu cử sắp tới’ nhưng ‘nhìn chung ông Trump sẽ không bị ảnh hưởng bao nhiêu từ việc luận tội này trừ phi bị truất phế’ Tiến sĩ Ngọc nói về tác động đối với ông Trump “Điều này không làm suy suyển sự ủng hộ trong nhóm cử tri của Trump mà chỉ làm họ ủng hộ thêm thôi” Tuy nhiên trong nền chính trị Mỹ khi mà các cử tri luôn có xu hướng bầu cử theo đảng phái bất kể ứng viên hay vấn đề gì tức là khối Dân chủ luôn bầu cho Dân chủ còn khối Cộng hòa luôn bầu cho Cộng hòa thì việc luận tội này có thể lay động khối cử tri trung dung vốn đóng vai trò quyết định trong bất cứ kỳ bầu cử Tổng thống nào Tiến sĩ Ông Thụy Như Ngọc phân tích thêm và cho rằng quá trình luận tội cũng có thể có lợi cho một số vị dân cử của Đảng Dân chủ đại diện cho những địa phương mà cử tri ở đó có tiếng nói mạnh mẽ đòi luận tội Nên hay không nên luận tội Trên trang mạng news24 Timothy J Lynch Phó Giáo sư về Chính trị Mỹ tại Đại học Melbourne Úc đưa ra 8 lý do không nên và 3 lý do Đảng Dân chủ nên luận tội ông Trump Luận tội Trump vẫn còn đầy rủi ro đối với Đảng Dân chủ Hạ bệ một Tổng thống đương nhiệm cũng giống như là quả bom hạt nhân trong chính trị Mỹ ông Lynch nhận định Dưới đây là tám rủi ro mà Đảng Dân chủ không nên luận tội Tổng thống Trump theo phân tích của Phó Giáo sư Lynch: 1 Sẽ không thành Có đủ đảng viên Dân chủ tại Hạ viện để bỏ phiếu yêu cầu luận tội của Trump Chỉ cần một đa số tối thiểu là cần thiết để bắt đầu quy trình luận tội và hiện có 225 dân biểu Dân chủ trong Hạ viện gồm 435 ghế Tuy nhiên Đảng Dân chủ không có đủ ghế ở Thượng viện để phán quyết rằng ông Trump có tội Phải cần đến 2/3 trong số 100 thượng nghị sĩ hoặc 67 vị tức ‘siêu đa số’ bỏ phiếu là Trump có tội để truất phế ông – nhưng chỉ có 46 Thượng nghị sỹ Dân chủThậm chí nếu như một số Thượng nghị sỹ Cộng hòa cũng về phe Dân chủ thì lợi thế về số phiếu vẫn đứng về phía Trump Thách thức lớn nhất đối với đảng Dân chủ là liệu một Thượng viện không thiên vị về tư pháp có thể hành động mà không quan tâm đến lợi ích đảng phái hay không Có rất ít bằng chứng trong lịch đương đại hoặc trong lịch sử Mỹ cho thấy điều đó 2 Trump đã miễn dịch Ông Trump đã phạm rất nhiều lỗi lầm nhỏ đến mức không tội lỗi lớn nào chạm đến ông được Ông đã trở nên lão luyện trong việc né tránh các cáo buộc hình sự đồng thời gọi chúng là một phần của cuộc săn phù thủy tức truy bức chính trị của Đảng Dân chủ Khoảng thời gian và sức lực lớn bỏ vào cuộc điều tra của Công tố viên Đặc biệt Robert Mueller đã thất bại trong việc đưa ra một trọng tội mà bà Pelosi tự tin là đáp ứng được yêu cầu của Hiến pháp về luận tội Diễn biến Ukraine thật ra có thể là một bước ngoặt nhưng cho đến khi xảy ra vụ Ukraine chưa có vi phạm nào của ông Trump có thể dẫn đến luận tội 3 Chưa phải là hành vi đáng để luận tội rõ ràng Theo Hiến pháp Mỹ hành vi đáng để luận tội là: “Tổng thống Phó Tổng thống và tất cả các viên chức dân sự của Hoa Kỳ sẽ bị cách hết chức trách nếu bị luận tội và kết tội về các tội: phản quốc hối lộ hoặc các tội và hành vi sai trái nghiêm trọng khác Điều II Mục 4” Các luật sư của Trump sẽ thách thức mọi nỗ lực nhằm khắc họa ‘biện pháp ngoại giao’ của Trump với nhà lãnh đạo Ukraine là đã đến ngưỡng ‘các tội và hành vi sai trái nghiêm trọng’ 4 Giúp Trump tái sinh Nếu nỗ lực luận tội của đảng Dân chủ dẫn đến kết quả là ông Trump được tha bổng tại Thượng viện kết quả cho Đảng của bà Pelosi sẽ không phải là một Tổng thống suy yếu mà trái lại là một Tổng thống thêm mạnh bạo Khi Hạ viện của Đảng Cộng hòa luận tội Tổng thống Bill Clinton hồi năm 1998 ngay sau đó ông được Thượng viện phán xử là không có tội Hai năm tại vị cuối cùng của ông bất chấp sự xấu hổ của vụ bê bối Monica Lewinsky lại là khoảng thời gian ấn tượng nhất của ông Ông đã giải phóng Kosovo khỏi người Serbia và được cho là có công làm kinh tế Mỹ bùng nổ Khi rời chức ông ấy là một trong những Tổng thống được lòng dân nhất trong lịch sử Mỹ 5 Nhớ đến Brexit Nước Anh hiện đang bế tắc bởi vì ý chí dân chủ của đa số cử tri đang bị thể chế chính trị vốn không thích cách họ bỏ phiếu từ chối thực hiện Không khó tưởng tượng sự tương đồng này ở Mỹ: nếu giới tinh hoa chính trị ở Washington loại bỏ thành công một Tổng thống Mỹ được bầu hợp pháp nó sẽ thúc đẩy một quốc gia đã bị phân cực thành quốc gia hướng đến cuộc chiến văn hóa Sẽ tốt hơn cho Đảng Dân chủ nếu họ tìm cách đánh bại ông Trump ở phòng phiếu vào năm 2020 Nếu Trump rời khỏi Nhà Trắng theo con đường bình thường này những người ủng hộ ông sẽ không thể lập luận ông ấy đã bị lật đổ bằng các biện pháp chính trị-tư pháp mà là quá tiến trình dân chủ lập hiến thông thường 6 Đảng Dân chủ cần lập lại trật tự trong chiến lược bầu cử Thay vì tiến hành một cuộc chiến luận tội Đảng Dân chủ nên giải quyết các vấn đề giúp cho Trump vươn đến quyền lực ngay từ đầu Ông ấy chỉ là triệu chứng chứ không phải nguyên nhân của sự bất mãn văn hóa của những người Mỹ da trắng vốn là dân lao động vốn cảm thấy bị Đảng Dân chủ bỏ rơi Việc luận tội sẽ làm tăng sự bất mãn đó Ông Trump sẽ mạnh mẽ tuyên bố rằng đó là bằng chứng cho thấy Đảng Dân chủ không còn quan tâm gì đến các cử tri lao động nữa 7 Luận tội không được lòng dân Vẫn chưa có sự đồng thuận mạnh mẽ trong nước rằng luận tội là điều đúng đắn Điều này có thể thay đổi khi giờ đây người Mỹ đã được thấy bản ghi về cuộc điện đàm của ông Trump với Tổng thống Ukraine Nhưng trước khi Quốc hội chắc chắn có sự đồng thuận quốc gia như vậy họ cần phải thận trọng 8 Trump thích so găng Ông Trump vững vàng bằng cách khiêu khích các kẻ thù Và ông ấy sẽ tiếp tục tận hưởng những đặc quyền của một Tổng thống ngay cả khi chiếc lưới luận tội đang siết chặt xung quanh ông Ông sẽ đề ra nghị trình và đóng vai nạn nhân Ông ấy là bậc thầy về điều này Đảng Dân chủ ngay cả khi họ nắm trong tay đạo đức và luật pháp có thể không kham nổi công việc này Luận tội là điều ông Trump muốn đảng Dân chủ làm Nó sẽ giúp cho chính quyền thường xuyên hỗn loạn và lộn xộn của ông ấy có trọng tâm và mục đích Về 3 lý do Đảng Dân chủ nên luận tội ông Trump theo Phó Giáo sư về Chính trị Mỹ Timothy Lynch: 1 Đúng về mặt đạo đức Trong cuộc gọi điện đàm ông Trump đã làm mờ đi ranh giới giữa lợi ích quốc gia và lợi ích của riêng ông trong cuộc bầu cử Yêu cầu một nhà lãnh đạo nước ngoài bôi bẩn đối thủ chính trị của mình có thể đáng bị khiển trách và có thể bị luận tội 2 Về mặt pháp lý đây là yêu cầu của nền pháp trị Elijah Cummings Chủ tịch Ủy ban Giám sát Hạ viện đã trình bày quan điểm này hồi tháng Tư rằng: “Ngay cả khi chúng ta không thắng tôi nghĩ rằng lịch sử sẽ mỉm cười với chúng ta vì đã đứng lên bảo vệ Hiến pháp” 3 Nó có ý nghĩa về mặt chính trị Ngay cả khi Trump không bị cách chức sau khi bị luận tội quá trình này sẽ khiến ông khốn khổ trong thời gian còn lại của nhiệm kỳ Ông ấy sẽ không thể theo đuổi các chính sách mà từ lâu Đảng Dân chủ đã không thích Do đó là chiến lược bầu cử luận tội có thể mang lại lợi ích nào đó cho Đảng Dân chủ Đến tháng 11 năm 2020 cử tri có thể đã quá mệt mỏi với toàn bộ sự việc nên họ sẽ bỏ phiếu để thay đổi – và khiến cho một số ứng viên Cộng hòa phải ra đi Nó cũng sẽ tiếp sức cho khối cử tri Dân chủ và giúp cho Đảng này có sự tập trung mà nhờ đó họ có thể tránh làm tổn thương lẫn nhau Theo: VOA |
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America did not vote for Trump they voted against Hilary Clinton |
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Tin ảnh Ý bà Clinton là sao |
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Mau Kursus SEO bersama Elmail Clinton KLIK DISINI |
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Bill Clinton supports Muslims Interfaith communities! Watch him as he points out Imam Azhar Subedar in the crowd! |
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Shah Rukh Khan Bauua Singh Salman Khan Salman Khan Katrina Kaif Babita Kumari Anushka Sharma Aafia Yusufzai Bhinder Sridevi Abhay Deol Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub Guddu Sophia Arrington Party Goer Talley LaFlamme Space Program Trainer Ava Connolly Adya Brandon Laabs Groom R Bhakti Klein Flight Director Justine Renee Trainer Spencer Allport Street Urchin Derek Alan Applegate Street Urchin Bill Billions NSAR Security Chief Larry Walter Angie Slaughter Hannah Maria Missy Hargrove Receptionist Egypt Taylor Space Program Candidate Laura Cianciolo Bar Patron Ryan C Joseph Astronaut Trainer 1 as Ryan Colby Joseph Brian Nathan Cap Com Officer Juan Netts Paparazzi / Party Goer BobAndrew Speirs Dancer at Masquerade Party Florentina Kleiner Gypsy Dancer Tatiana Beauchamp Drunk girl / party guest Diego Jorge Rodriguez Street Urchin Bryan Benfield Space Program Candidate Ireland Frost Escort Faith Monique Senior Scientist Leili Molzan Party Guest Tammy Perks Trainer Ron Harris Scientist Rick Walters Driver Babu Ravi Srini’s Father Jude Biancone Truck Driver Juakee Moore Senior Scientist Ben Rodriguez Street Urchin Denise J Ellis Scientist Ryan Utterback Street Musician Savannah Chappell Space Program Candidate Dustin Lamb Space Program Candidate Jermaine Boswell NSAR Security Deputy Tyler Watts Connell Morrissey Head Technician Haley Flanagan Space Program Candidate Hugh Clinton Street Musician Saul Cancel Trainer Cliff Craig Scientist Matthew Tidmore Scientist O’Harold Williams Space Program Counsellor James E Zielinski Scientist Camille Scales Senior Scientist as Cam Scales Ashley Formen Scientist Zacharia Haji Street Musician N Barry Carver American Scientist Abigail Morrison Bride Jossette McCausland Birthday Girl William Mathews Top Senior Scientist NSAR Joseph Isaac Rowan Scientist Jose Polo-Cuerto Street Musician Pedro Espada Rockit Fly Band – Vocals Todd Gibson Street Musician Robin Taylor Top Space Scientist Donald L Hall Scientist NSAR Jeffrey Laroche Rockit Fly Band – Guitar Alan McCrispin NSAR Security Guard Jason Lewing Trainer Malcolm Rice Space Program Candidate Pete Mangum Trainer Brad Lepp Rockit Fly Band – Bass Anja Conklin Street Musician Juan Netts Jr Street Urchin Emmett Hart Rockit Fly Band – Drums Kasey A Brown Restaurant patron uncredited Sidney Grace Culwell Restaurant Patron uncredited Cody Gibson Aaron Ghale uncredited Karen B Greer Restaurant Patron uncredited Ty Hill Security uncredited Brendan Alexander Morris Party Boy / Concertgoer uncredited James Tilley Camaro Driver uncredited |
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Should Hillary Clinton Run in 2020 |
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Clinton ABS Self-Locking Building Blocks Figure |
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Women TRASH New Hillary Clinton Book… Here’s |
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Clinton Ave School Makes Time For Reading |
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Top 10 of the “Clinton Body Count” |
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From the president of Harvard to the “PayPal Mafia” National Venture Capital Association In-Q-Tel DARPA NSA CIA DIA to the worst patent thieves in America: James Chandler Hillary Clinton David Kappos Robert Mueller and the rest of the Big-Tech group Mark is just like the other fake front-men chosen to represent the numerous other social media companies |
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Hillary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton Makes It Clear: People Need to “Get Over” Biden’s History of Touching Women Girls |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2017 |
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‘Diarrhoea Volcano’: Hillary Clinton Gets an Earful After Calling Trump ‘Corrupt Human Tornado’ |
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Hillary Clinton’s big comeback begins today |
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Hillary Clinton Talks Impeachment ‘Lock Him Up’ On Colbert |
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3 Techniques Bill Clinton Uses To Wow An Audience |
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What We Do and How We Do Rodham Clinton to Deliver Keynote at Heartland Alliance International’s Power of Healing Benefit |
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Clinton Patrick ‘Skip’ Walchli: Farewell to a watermelon king |
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Video: Clinton Township – City of the Week |
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16 Interesting Facts About Hillary Clinton |
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By Hillary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton Subpoenaed by State Department over Newly released Bombshell |
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Hillary Clinton: I Never Had To Warn Obama Not To Extort |
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President Bill Clinton signing ESIGN Act using E-Lock product |
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Bill Clinton Painting Artist: Petrina Ryan-Kleid Biography Wiki Age Family Net Worth Twitter Instagram Facebook Fast Facts You Need to Know |
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Steve Bannon: Hillary Clinton Is Going to Run Again in 2020 |
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Hillary Clinton Running For President Again See What The Failed Presidential Candidate Just Said |
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Putin Clinton and other leaders pay tribute to Chirac |
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Hillary Clinton Has a Message for Anyone Concerned about Biden’s Treatment of Women: ‘Get Over It’ |
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Edward Clinton Smith MD |
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‘She’s Running’: Former Political Insider Steve Bannon Reveals Exclusive Insights Into Hillary Clinton’s 2020 Plans |
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Hillary Clinton visits exhibition in DESPAR store in Venice |
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Clinton |
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Will Clinton Democrats Vote for a Progressive Against Trump |
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Hillary Clinton says the gutsiest decision she ever made was to stay in her marriage to Bill |
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6 Hillary Clinton Talks Mike Pompeo amp Rudy Giuliani On… |
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World News Sept 29 2019 EDN: Clinton Emailers Rattled After State Department Fires Off ‘Culpability Letters’ For Homebrew Server Messages – After Trump Accused Of Cover-Up Susan Rice Admits Obama Put Transcripts On Top Secret Server Too – Intel Community Quietly Scrapped Requirement For “First-Hand Knowledge” Before CIA ‘Rumorblower’ Relied On Hearsay – Here is the dirt Trump wanted from Zelensky about the Bidens and why Zelensky doesn’t want to give it to him… hidden by rampant falsehoods in the press – VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe Full Documentary – Greta Thunberg To Poor Countries: Drop Dead – We’re In The Middle Of “A Cold Civil War” – Stunning Clip Shows Billions In Gold Cash Hidden In Chinese City Mayor’s Secret Basement… The Official Will Be Executed – Chaos Continues In Hong Kong Undercover Cops Pull Guns Amid ‘Aggressive Clearance Operation’ – Is This How GOP Will Answer Pelosi’s Pre-Planned Lawfare-Assisted Impeachment Plan – NATO Rejects Putin’s Request To Ban Missile Deployments In Europe – Final Collapse Is Inexorable – Quid Pro Nope: Ukraine Reportedly Had No Idea About Trump Withholding 400 Million Until Month After Call – Israel Believed Behind Overnight Attack On Iran’s ‘Land Bridge’ From Iraq To Syria – US Troops Tanks Headed To Lithuania For “Extended Mission” Meant To “Deter Russia” – Erdogan: “Impossible” For Turkey To Stop Its Iranian Oil amp Gas Imports – China Unveils “Super Surveillance Camera” That Can Link To Its Social Credit System – Physicists Are Creating Lasers Powerful Enough To Rip Holes In The Fabric Of Reality – Saudi Army Suffers Major Defeat by Invading Yemeni Tribesmen beware graphic video – 5 Stories the Media Ignored While Dividing the Country With Greta Thunberg – New Amazon Alexa Spy Products Include Glasses Rings And Earbuds Bezos Wants To Write Facial Recognition Laws – 3 Saudi brigades destroyed scores of mercs captured in Najran offensive: Yemeni Army spox – Turkey plans construction project worth 27 billion in Syria ‘safe zone’: TRT – Nestle Steps Up Testing After Finding High Levels Of Dangerous Weedkiller In Coffee Beans – New Netflix movie fantasizes about time-traveling liberals carrying out the “pre-crime” murder of patriots to prevent an American uprising against globalism – Nine hikers found crushed to death in Russian mountains were ‘killed by a yeti’ – Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden’s Ukraine story |
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Stephen Colbert 2019 09 30 Hillary Rodham Clinton 1080p HDTV x264-TWERK |
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President Clinton 1M Hult Prize |
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Emil Constantinescu prezent alături de Bill Clinton la funeraliile lui Jacques Chirac |
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Stephen Colbert Starts ‘Lock Him Up!’ Chant in Interview With Hillary and Chelsea Clinton |
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Kavanaugh Accuser’s an Obama Donor Clinton Lawyer and Kavanaugh Competitor |
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Hillary Clinton Visits PanXchange During First Week of US Feed Grains Trading at PanXchange |
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Hillary Clinton Promotes Another Book Criticizes Pompeo In ‘Late Show’ Appearance |
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Kursus SEO bersama Elmail Clinton |
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Joaquin Phoenix y Todd Phillips aclaran dudas sobre Clinton escriben |
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Hillary Clinton Tells Victims Of Creepy Joe Biden’s Inappropriate Touching To ‘Get Over It’ |
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Gamblers Betting on Hillary Clinton to Win Democratic Nomination |
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Corrupt Clinton Foundation ‘charity’ received massive donations when she was running for president and then they plummeted when she lost She wasn’t selling influence or anything – that’s just an ugly rumour |
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Mengapa harus kursus SEO dengan Elmail Clinton |
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Cameroun/Russie – Football: Auteur de performances médiocres depuis le début du championnat russe Clinton Njié se fait sévèrement «tacler» par un ex-entraîneur du Dynamo Moscou |
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Stephen Colbert Asks Hillary Clinton Whether It’s Time To Lock Trump Up |
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Did Hillary Clinton just joke that all Blacks look alike Video |
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Hillary And Chelsea Clinton: The Gutsy Women Tour |
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Clinton: Pompeo should have corrected Trump |
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Hillary Clinton questions Trump’s decision to use secure server to store |
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Election Blacklist: YouTube Buries Viral Video of Hillary Clinton Lying For 13 Minutes Straight |
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What happened when Bill Hilary Clinton visited Morocco |
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Interview with Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas |
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Hillary Clinton Talks President Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Deems Phone Call With Ukraine ‘Embarrassing’ |
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Leaked Clinton Emails Show Devotion To This Anti-Gun Measure |
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Clinton Crest Manor |
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Sore Loser Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Illegitimate… |
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FACT CHECK: Politifact Gives Hillary Clinton ‘Pants on Fire’ Rating on Part of Recent Speech |
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Clinton Boys |
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Hillary Clinton says she admires Eleanor Roosevelt for sticking by FDR after his affair |
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State Dept reignites probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server controversy |
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Simon Marshall – Aniwa Ani Clinton Trooper Richards |
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The Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc CHAI was founded in 2002 with a transformational goal: help save the lives of millions living with HIV/AIDS in the developing world |
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Clinton half-marathon |
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George Clinton Takes Paris Fashion Week and Brings It Under A Groove |
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Top bets from Clinton Payne for Kensington Wednesday |
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Hillary Clinton: I Never Had To Warn Obama Not To Extort… |
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How Hillary Clinton’s Loss Helped the MeToo and GreatAwakening Movements |
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Would Hillary Clinton be running for president today if she werent married to former president Bill Clinton |
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Jimmy Kimmel Jay Leno Taylor Switft JoJo Wright Warren Olney Gary Moore and Queen’s Brian May Yo! Yolanda’s Versatile and Eclectic Life October 1 2019 One of the fun parts of LARadio is updating the stories about those personalities we used to listen to find out what they’ve been up to or perhaps you are relatively new to the website but had heard them on your radio To be part of the Talk scene during the nineties you undoubtedly listened to Yolanda Gaskins She was on KABC and KMPC/KTZN Yolanda is an attorney and the first African American woman talk show host on KABC She left the station to become the midday host on KLIF-Dallas on January 6 1999 In 2003 Yolanda moved to Washington DC and began hosting a show Love amp Money on XM satellite radio She left XM in 2006 to start Gaskins Media Works a strategic communications firm Yolanda is an honors graduate of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania and Georgetown University Law School In a profile in the LA Times Yolanda related how she became interested in broadcasting It was when she was 7 on the back porch of her grandmother’s house in Washington where she grew up She was inspired seeing Leslie Uggams one of the first African American woman on tv Yolanda was also profiled in O Magazine April 2005 Yolanda began work in television as co-host of PM Magazine on the Fox station in Washington then became talent/senior producer for Black Entertainment Television She later moved to Miami to become Entertainment Reporter for the NBC affiliate in Miami While at KABC Yolanda began making appearances on CNN as a commentator and in 1993 became the first African American woman to become a show host/news anchor on a cable news network She is also an actress known for Lois amp Clark: The New Adventures of Superman in 1993 The System in 2003 and The Wire in 2002 Hear Ache Congratulation to Lynda Clayton celebrating 29 years of marriage over the weekend … Steve Kamer ex-KHTZ is the new imaging voice for WGN-Chicago …John Sebastian former pd at KTWV has signed his first station KOAI 951/949-Phoenix to launch a format designed for the Baby Boomers and 45 Gen Xers Good luck … iHeart sent a press release announcing the addition of Tessa Barrera to mornings at KTBZ 945 The Buzz in Houston She spent the last year as a news anchor at KFI … Power 106 tops 1 million YouTube subscribers in 2019 “Power 106 is now the most followed radio station west of the Mississippi” commented Meruelo Media vp/digital Jeffrey Thacker KRLA’s Jennifer Horn and Brian Whitman were featured in a segment at Spectrum News 1 Al Franken Chooses Radio SiriusXM for His Comeback September 30 2019 Al Franken is trying to make a comeback The former Saturday Night Live writer and performer was forced to give up his US Senate seat in 2017 after allegations of sexual misconduct Now the former Minnesota Senator is reemerging on Sirius XM every Saturday morning Franken’s political career collapsed by the MeToo movement after KABC’s Leeann Tweeden r was one of seven women who came forward to accuse Franken of inappropriate touching He has apologized for some of the behavior he was accused of yet has not ruled out another run for office He has said he regrets his decision to resign from the Senate and wishes he had appeared before a Senate Ethics Committee hearing The former Senator will feature conversations with figures in the political entertainment media and technology industries His first guest Saturday was comedian Chris Rock who was on SNL with Franken when both were cast members in the early 1990s Regardless of what this means for Franken’s image the move is likely to pay off for SiriusXM Michael Harrison publisher of TALKERS told CNN Business Franken “will probably be very successful within the structure of SiriusXM because they’re free of a lot of restraints and obstacles facing terrestrial radio” SiriusXM carried Franken’s Air America Radio show before he entered politics from 2004 until he announced his candidacy for the US Senate on the show in 2007 His show arguably gave Franken the platform he needed to run successfully for the Senate Harrison added Many considered Franken the face of the short-lived Air America Progressive radio network which never escaped the reality of a lack of money Within 30 days of their debut the new network was expressing financial woes Bankruptcy was filed shortly after launching the network From 2004-06 Air America captured headlines mostly negative In 2006 when they started laying employees off they were told there would be no severance without capital infusion or bankruptcy When Franken left it was speculated that he was owned 300000 Al told Radar at the time “We do know that there have been cash-flow problems I haven’t been paid in a while Like there’s no cash flowing to me” Air America first aired in 2004 on KBLA 1580 AM Hoping to get sued for the resultant publicity Al originally called his show “The O’Franken Factor” as a tongue-in-cheek homage to Bill O’Reilly Franken was the first hire “I’m so happy that Air America Radio will be on in three battleground states New York Illinois and California… no wait…those aren’t the battleground states What the hell are we doing” said Franken KBLA had a less-than-desirable signal translate it couldn’t be heard in much of the Southland Clear Channel now iHeart Media took on some of the network in January 2005 on KTLK 1150 AM Others heard on KTLK included: Ed Shultz Randi Rhodes and Janeane Garofalo Back in 2005 the annual LARP survey of the top midday showed Al’s show came in 5th beaten by The Triplets on KLSX KFI’s Rush Limbaugh Dennis Prager on KRLA and Sean Hannity at KABC Al did beat Dan Patrick KSPN Dr Laura Schlessinger KFI Steve Jones Indie 1031/fm Bob McCormick KNX and Jim Rome XTRA Sports Rush Limbaugh scored a 44 share 12 on KFI in the Spring ’05 Arbitron while Al had a share of 12 at KTLK Franken was born in New York City but grew up in the Minneapolis suburb of St Louis Park He graduated from Harvard University in 1973 then in 1975 he and writing partner Tom Davis joined the writing staff of Saturday Night Live during its first season They soon started appearing in sketches and Franken remained a fixture on the show well into the 1990s At LARadio the trajectory of the new network was frequently mentioned in various ways: In the summer of 2005 Bobby Ocean ex-KHJ participated in what summer books LARPs were reading “Just finished Liesand the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken Thought it wouldn’t have much shelf life after the elections but it’s fabulous!” Tom Leykis offered his criticism of Air America “The incredible Randi Rhodes is most definitely a broadcaster – her show is compelling informative and entertaining Of course she was doing radio long before Air America came about Air America’s biggest mistake was in not making Randi the centerpiece of their programming and not pairing Al Franken with a compelling broadcaster to shape and direct his show Franken as a guest or a sidekick on a show is great but Franken in the driver’s seat just doesn’t work” In February 2005 LARadio interviewed Franken at the Magic Castle where he was doing a meet and greet with the advertising community Some highlights from the LARadio interview: ∙ So much of Al’s career was scripted or written out for him he was one of the original writers on SNL in the mid-70s All of a sudden he would be faced with a blank canvas of three hours on the radio to fill on a daily basis Did he ever have any doubts that he could do it “We did two weeks of shows as rehearsal” remembered Al “and the show has not changed all that much from the early rehearsals I thought I would do regular features as they come up I wanted to have interviews with people I respect and who I can learn from and the audience can learn from And I want to do some of my own ranting every once in a while and I want some comedy that’s wittier We just had the same kind of mix the whole time I felt like I couldn’t bloviate for three hours” ∙ Air America was forced to purchase the air time in order to get on radio stations in Los Angeles and Chicago Air America worked out a deal with the owner of 1580 AM Bob Vistocky was hired to spearhead the sales operation Within three weeks bills weren’t being paid by Air America and the plug had been pulled at KBLA 1580 AM ∙ “What happened was the original chairman led people to believe there was more money than there was” remembered Al When the house of Air America began to collapse Al knew it was unacceptable to leave “It was within my rights to leave My contract was immediately being violated I became an involuntary investor but I thought the thing was too important and there were people coming to save it I felt the best thing I could do was just keep my head down and work on the show to make it the best I could and try to get ratings I knew that would ultimately determine if we were going to sink or swim” ∙ Al didn’t get involved with the financial side of things during the tenuous times He knew that pulling out was not an option “It would have sunk the thing” said Al “It would have proven once and for all that it doesn’t work and there is no liberal audience but I knew that liberal radio would work All that I knew at that time was liberal radio didn’t have the capital” He said that FOX News Channel lost 130 million in its first two years “It’s all about having enough money to keep going until you start making a profit” When LA and Chicago dropped Air America Al didn’t feel the loss within his show because he takes very few phone calls but he was thrilled to be back on in LA Actors Meg Ryan and Rob Reiner made in-person appearances Monday morning at the Magic Castle “He also had LA Times editorial page director Michael Kinsley and West Wing writer Lawrence O’Donnell on the show” added KTLK station manager John Quinlan The room was filled to capacity Monday “We actually had to turn away at least a hundred or so more listeners who wanted in” said John Al Franken’s weekly show airs at 7 am Saturday mornings on the SiriusXM Progress Channel Sunday Nostalgia – 9 Years Ago Today John amp Ken Voted 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 September 29 2010 The KFI afternoon drive giants John amp Ken three-peat at 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 No one catches the local lightning in the jar topic juggernaut better than John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou The afternoon duo has been at KFI since 1992 except for a year doing morning drive at KABC in 1999 Their ability to loudly create headlines from their afternoon show was acknowledged and admired in our annual poll drawing from scores of active and working Los Angeles Radio People managers talent engineering traffic and marketing/promotion people who voted this year A cross section of station groups and independents each nominated five LARP currently on the air plus five off-air people presently working for a Southland radio station The afternooners demonstrate that seamless mixture of news headlines and their pursuit of causes and ongoing activism On the drive home from work the listener has a chance to hear the pair go after institutions or miscreant politicians who stray from the narrow path We become riveted to what John amp Ken bring to light not unlike the traffic accident that we slow down for on the freeway They love to read tabloids and memos that expose the rich and powerful They love when phonies are exposed They speak for the working class With a new election right around the corner John amp Ken are in the middle of the gubernatorial race They invited Meg Whitman to join them in-studio and she agreed It will probably be the last time she ever accepts an invitation from them John amp Ken first teamed in 1988 at WOND-Atlantic City Ken born in 1956 graduated from State University of New York at Buffalo After graduation he worked as a CPA for a health company John spent a year of college at Seton Hall and then worked as a sportswriter His first radio job was at WKAD in Canton PA in 1983 He met Ken at WKAD and eventually the two moved on to Elmira NY John did mornings at WENY while Ken was part of a competing morning team at WELM The pair worked at WKXW-Trenton before arriving at KFI In 1995 their relentless coverage made the pair synonymous with the OJ Simpson trial 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 KFI’s John amp Ken Some of the comments from those voting for John amp Ken: “They never fail to make my heart palpitate when I listen to them because I’m convinced that the world is ending Entertaining and informative and all over whatever the big story is” “Certainly it’s partly an act but they are willing to say what their audience would say if they had the guts” “Almost no radio show is able to ‘stir the pot’ and garner publicity the way the John amp Ken show does John amp Ken are brilliant at finding articles in the newspaper on page B-5 and turning the buried piece into front page outrage John being the son of immigrants with thick accents who didn’t ‘fit in’ will burn in hell for his mocking of immigrants with thick accents who don’t fit in Nevertheless this list is about the best of the best in LARadio and John amp Ken sure are that” “No one and I mean no one gets their listeners more riled up than John amp Ken When they ask their listeners to take action they do … from toilet brushes to ‘heads on a stick’ the ‘mob’ is in full effect and it’s so much fun to listen to!” “From immigration to oil spills no talk personalities in America know how to insert themselves into the headlines like John amp Ken” “The junkyard dogs are tenacious and consistently entertaining” “If there’s a news story with any hint of controversy these guys can be counted on to fan the flames These ‘muckrakers’ are at their best when they’re slamming wayward elected officials And just when you thought they couldn’t get better Arizona’s governor signed AB 1070 in law One of the few personalities I will actually listen to in my home” “No one makes Los Angeles aware of the issues better than John amp Ken” “Who knows how to put their finger on the pulse of the city better than John amp Ken They find the right issue and drive it like nobody else” “I hardly ever agree with them but they make me laugh every time I listen” “So topical they often become a topic themselves’ “The best local show I’ve ever heard Outrageous and relevant They really cover California and speak for the voiceless taxpayer” “Totally on top of local and national political issues” “I appreciate their coverage of local issues their chemistry and their style” “The fact that all politicians hate them is reason alone to be a big fan” “Give us all a voice in our frustration over the ‘Golden’ state” “They come as a pair kind of like peanut butter and chocolate Both equally good but complement each other well Always make for compelling radio live and local” LARP Photo Gallery – 1977 Thanks to Rick Scarry Gilmore Dies Art Gilmore radio announcer and voiceover artist for decades died September 25 of natural causes He was 98 After a stint in Washington State’s radio station KWSC Gilmore worked at Seattle’s KOL By the ’30s he was a staff announcer for KFWB in Hollywood He started as a radio announcer for such shows as Amos ‘n’ Andy The Sears Radio Theater and Red Ryder before seguing to tv lending his voice to programs including The George Gobel Show An Evening With Fred Astaire and Highway Patrol In film he was the voice heard in trailers and documentaries throughout the ’50s and ’60s including It’s a Wonderful Life Rear Window Vertigo War of the Worlds Bye Bye Birdie and White Christmas Gilmore served as the national president of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists from 1961 to 1963 and helped found the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters He taught announcing at the University of Southern California and co-authored Television and Radio Announcing 12 Days Bob Moore responded to the Open Email about the state of KABC His email was swift and curt: “Don mark down today’s date 714 and call me in 90 days That’s when you will say what a difference KABC has made” LARP Rewind: September 30 1960 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Pete Best and Stu Sutcliffe perform at the Indra club in Hamburg Germany After a series of names—Quarrymen Beatals Johnny amp the Moondogs Long John amp the Silver Beetles—the group is now known as the Beatles Due to complaints about noise the Indra would close five days later and the Beatles would begin playing at the Kaiserkeller nightclub Also on September 30 1960 ABC/tv debuts The Flintstones the first animated series in prime time Produced by Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera and set in the Stone Age the series focused on Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their neighbors Barney and Betty Rubble Fred was voiced by radio/tv actor Alan Reed The Flintstones ran for six years On the Hot 100 number one was My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own by Connie Francis biggest jumper was Yes Sir That’s My Baby by Ricky Nelson moving from 80 to 43 and highest debut was Let’s Go Let’s Go Let’s Go by Hank Ballard amp the Midnighters at 87 Born on September 30: Jenna Elfman 1971 Goo Goo Dolls bassist Robby Takac 1964 Crystal Bernard 1961 country singer Marty Stuart 1958 Fran Drescher 1957 Chiffons vocalist Sylvia Peterson 1946 Marilyn McCoo 1943 Frankie Lymon 1942 Buffalo Springfield drummer Dewey Martin 1940 blues singer/guitarist ZZ Hill born Arzel Hill 1935 Johnny Mathis 1935 Cissy Houston 1933 Angie Dickinson 1931 author Truman Capote born Truman Persons 1924 Deborah Kerr 1921 LARP Rewind prepared by Steve Thompson KABC Travel Host Wins Peter Greenberg former host of a weekend travel show at KABC was honored with a News amp Documentary Emmy Award this week as part of the Dateline NBC team for outstanding coverage of a breaking news story in a news magazine This marks the second Emmy Award in his longstanding career as America’s most recognized honored and respected front-line travel news journalist Greenberg served as Correspondent for the award-winning Miracle on the Hudson coverage along with NBC’s Chris Hansen Hoda Kotb and Dennis Murphy Hear Ache The Sound 1003 spotlights a day of Alphabet Soup starting at 8 am this morning “Every song title must start with the last letter of the previous song title” emailed pd Dave Beasing … Is there a more interesting character on tv than Don Draper K-EARTH’s Lisa Stanley revealed that Katy Perry’s wardrobe that got her thrown off Sesame Street was provided by the show “Who do you think is responsible” asked Lisa Gary Bryan quickly answered: “Big Bird He’s a perve For years I’ve wondered about him” Jimmy Kimmel put together a blistering piece on Jeff Zucker’s departure from NBC: Fuller Biography Tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm there will be a one-hour biography of the life of Charles E Fuller pioneer radio evangelist on Mutual and ABC and America’s first syndicator You can listen at: Radio broadcaster Charles E Fuller started on one radio station in Orange County in the 1920’s During the 1940’s and 50’s more than twenty million listeners tuned into The Old Fashioned Revival Hour each week During his radio work of more than 40 years Charles Fuller lifted up Christ He was a pastor to pastors and spiritual counselor to millions around the globe He never spoke of himself The show is hosted by Joe Cosgrove Overheard “Johnny Mathis turns 75 today Chances are Wonderful! Wonderful!” Ira David Sternberg “The George Lopez split with Ann is described as amicable Remember when George needed a kidney and his wife turned out to be a match She gave him a kidney I could just see Ann going into court ‘Your honor it wasn’t a gift it was a loan Give it back” Bean KROQ “Hi Jack it’s Jessica from Burbank I really had a good time last night Give me a call soon Bye” JACK/fm liner “All boys in the Daly Download top five except at 1 Katy Perry and Teenage Dream” Carson Daly AMP RADIO “We got the second child to give the first one a companion What we actually got was a sparring partner” Bill Carroll KFI “I have a phone but I don’t have voicemail” Ryan Seacrest KIIS “Know what Attila the Hun’s problem was Not enough breast milk when he was in kindergarten” Stephanie Miller KTLK “Nick Cannon is the host of America’s Got Talent and he’s a monumental waste of time He sucks He’s really bad” Bill Handel KFI “It is the biggest rich-poor gap since they started counting that Twenty percent of the people have 50 of the income” Doc on the ROQ KROQ “The good news and I know it bugs everyone when we say it it’s a dry heat” Josh Rubenstein KNX “The Oprah Winfrey Show which by the way is in its painful last year The other day she said she was in the final season and I thought holy hell this is going on for a year” Tim Conway Jr KFI KKGO’s Paul Freeman and Tammy Trujillo welcomed Disney sketch artist Stacia during a broadcast from Disneyland last Monday It was 111 degrees emailed Paul Hottest broadcast I’ve ever done Funnie How hot is it It’s so hot Lindsay Lohan is now in rehab for being addicted to air conditioning! Richard Turnage LARPs: What are your favorite films of all time … and why Cynthia Fox: 1 To Kill a Mockingbird – it’s a treasure of a book and a beautiful adaptation as a movie Gregory Peck as the wise moral leader a criminal defense attorney asked to defend an man unjustly accused A profound performanceand we like the feisty Scout too! My daughters and I had the honor to meet Gregory Peck in person and thank him for his work at the Los Angeles Library’s Main Branch in downtown Los Angeles He spent his later years as a enthusiastic supporter of the Los Angeles Library – even inviting his friends to do special readings and performances 2 The Shawshank Redemption – ever since Bob Coburn recommended this to meit’s been a favorite for what it teaches us all about hope and friendshipand how to conduct ourselves in harsh and cruel situations 3 It’s a Wonderful Life – Frank Capra has to be on this listbecause he reminded us through his films about the magnificent potential of our country and the magnificent potential within each individual 4 Groundhog Day – Cmon we gotta have some laughs! and there is wisdom here tooas we watch Bill Murray evolve from a snide and arrogant jerk to a man who finally repects everyone around him 5 Run Lola Run – a story with a lot of depth There are 3 runswhat makes the difference in the 3rd run Again there’s wisdom here Email We GET Email… CBS/LA Open Email “What a well thought out fact laden letter to Mr Carver As an outsider to the industry I find your insights illuminating timely and factual and something that casual listeners to the fare offered on the airwaves would never think about Thank you for being you and trying to keep the airwaves in Los Angeles the best that they can be in this trying economy” – Bill Mann South Pasadena Zorn’s Re-Birth “I don’t know how you did it but the response from LARPs to Carolynn’s invitation to my surprise 5th ‘re-birth’ day was overwhelming From longtime friends and colleagues to listeners I’ve never met I spent most of the day reading emails and answering phone calls Somehow you two managed to get the word out without me knowing – not the slightest suspicion Amazing Now I must get busy and answer each and every one I promise! Thanks again and thanks to all who still remember me and care enough to drop me a line” – Dave Zorn Audio Recordings Fading Fast “This is really strange because just this morning I planned on asking you if you knew of anyone who sold or traded 4 track pre recorded 75 ips tapes I’m looking for music from the 30’s and 40’s Reel size is not important either 7 or 10 inch would be ok” – Richard Schwartz Santa Clarita richs11sbcglobalnet Email Saturday 9282019 Rona Barrett Entertainment “That picture of Rona Barrett flashed my memory Back in about 1979 doing ABC News ‘bureau duty’ in Hollywood I was sent to fill in from my Atlanta bureau I was visiting with Rona in her office She was exceptionally kind to me Before leaving Rona said ‘I have a gift for you’ She handed me a license plate frame reading ‘ABC TV HOLLYWOOD’ Since then that frame has appeared on every vehicle I’ve owned Even cops have admired it!” – Bob Sirkin Chronology Special Found and Delivered “I wanted to provide you an update on my quest to find a copy of ‘A Chronology of American Music’ I’m happy to say that because of the exposure in your column a few weeks back I was not only able to locate but obtain a copy of this extremely well done and apparently rare radio special I want to thank you for your assistance this would not have taken place without your help As it turns out a gentleman by the name of William Earl responded most graciously to my search and sent me the original recordings from his private collection The records he had – since this special took place long before CDs – were in pristine condition and sound incredible I’m so grateful for his generosity and that he was willing to part with these Definitely a story that ended well I appreciate the efforts of both you and William in seeing a bucket list item fulfilled” – Bob Balestieri Humble’s Intern “Thank you very much for updating my bio featured on Los Angeles Radio People the intern’s story! My Internship at K-Earth 101 began with Humble Harve I was excited yet all nervous that first day One of the first things he asked me was ‘can you make a good cup of coffee’ Harve always kindly took the time to share insights and tips it was the best of times! Someday Oldies Radio needs to come back to Los Angeles airwaves! Here’s my tribute to Humble Harve” – Jaime Barragan Desert News “Read with deep gushing sobs about Gene Nichols’ revelations on desert radio news coverage or lack thereof I remember working as a writer and newscaster at 1270 KGUY Newsradio in 1977 The sad part is that the station no longer exists nor does anyone remember it As for Scott Lowe on working for a phone company: ‘I think it would be cool to have a company van filled with parts and other gadgets’ I actually did that I worked as a prem tech for ATampT It was the worst experience of my life Dealing with dogs screaming kids houses and apartments packed full by hoarders chewing gum in the carpet clients unplugging your test equipmentthe list is endless Cool! The grass is always greener on the other side” – Bill Schwarz Ontario Tessa’s Hug “Thanks for the word on where KFI’s Tessa Barrera is headed to in Houston Bill Handel took her to Brent’s for lunch with his wife Marjorie Tessa finally got to hug Bill” – Mike Seeman New Look for Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters September 27 2019 The Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters has been in existence since 1966 Their activities revolve around paying tribute to celebrities at a luncheon eight or nine times a year Now the PPB is no longer and is being renamed Hollywood Media Professionals Recent honorees include: Engelburt Humperdinck Mike Love Fritz Coleman Art Laboe Patrick Duffy Loni Anderson Rich Little and Joan Collins “We’re an organization with a rich history of honoring professionals at our luncheons in Broadcasting which includes Television Radio Recording and Film” said Shotgun Tom Kelly president of HMP “We’re very proud of what we have done in the past 50 years when the organization elected its first founding president Art Gilmore We’re not abandoning our rich history We just want to make it better” Kelly concluded: “We’re just updating our name to Hollywood Media Professionals to include and honor at our luncheons more people who have done great things in entertainment communication and in the digital media” You can join the new HMP at: Golden Mikes The RTNA Radio and Television News Association of Southern California is planning a special event in January as the group celebrates its 70th Golden Mikes award show They are looking for photos from past dinners the older the better The pics will be included in a special awards souvenir book Send submissions to wwwrtnaorg and be sure to ID who’s in the picture and a date when the photo was taken Hear Ache Karen Harlow ex-KNX is now doing afternoon drive at KFMB 1007 in San Diego … Congratulations to Larry Gifford on celebrating 20 years of marriage … Ian Whitcomb formerly with KIEV KROQ KCRW and KPCC had his big toe plus the one next to it right foot amputated on Tuesday “They were gangrenous from the lack of circulation caused by the blood clot Yesterday his foot checked out healthy That’s good” wrote his wife Lillie Langtry “Today Ian sounds determined to do the work to get securely back on his feet He loves to receive cards and letters He re-reads his cards several times It warms his heart Address to PO Box 451 Altadena CA 91003 I’ll deliver them wherever he is” … KRLA’s Larry Elder suddenly lost his big brother Larry wrote a tender memory of Kirk here Written by Hettie Lynne Hurtes KPCC midday news anchor Where Have All the VJs Gone September 26 2019 When MTV replaced American Bandstand teens and young adults made the 24/7 channel a must-see to watch the latest video or hear breaking news about their favorite artists The 24 hours of nonstop music videos eventually gave way to reality shows video music countdowns and talk shows The music was the driving force behind MTV but the heart of the channel was the station’s television personalities Brenda Alexander has written an update in Showbiz CheatSheet to the personalities who made the shows a success Carson Daly MTV 1998-2003 was the first-ever host of MTV’s Total Request Live TRL The show was filmed in front of a live studio audience with Times Square serving as the backdrop TRL played the top 10 music videos across all genres that viewers voted for and featured celebrity interviews Daly hosted the show until 2003 He went on to host The Voice and Last Call With Carson Daly Carson was the morning drive host at Top 40 KAMP AMP Radio until last year He can currently be seen on The Today Show on NBC Photo credit of Carson with Britney Spears Frank Micelotta Lala MTV 2001-03 worked in radio KKBT 1999-2002 before landing a gig at MTV in 2001 She had no tv experience prior but quickly became a fan favorite Lala was co-host of both Direct Effect and TRL where she landed exclusive in-depth interviews with the biggest names in rampb and hip-hop music She later transitioned into a career in acting She now stars as Keisha on the hit Starz drama Power was recently cast as a recurring character on Showtime’s The Chi Photo credit: LaLa with Jay Z Michael LoccisanoAnanda Lewis MTV 1993-2001 hosted a variety of MTV shows including MTV Jams True Life and Total Request Live TRL Ananda hosted the morning show at The BEAT KKBT 2005-06 with John Salley MTV called upon Lewis to cover more serious topics such as the Columbine High School massacre She won an NAACP Image Award in 1997 for an interview with future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that she did during her time as host of Teen Summit on BET Her impact was so huge that she went on to host her own talk show The Ananda Lewis Show from 2001-02 which would be compared to the Oprah Winfrey talk show She then disappeared from television Shondalandcom caught up with the former VJ in 2018 and found that she was a boss babe in the male-dominated world of construction She told the digital publication that she left the industry after years of having an unsuccessful work-life balance which led to her unhappiness These days you’ll find Lewis with her son Langston while she also tends to her construction business Photo credit Ananda Lewis interviewings Macy Gray Laura WaltersThanks to Hollywood CheatSheetcom for the LARP updates Shot Out of a Cannon Nick Cannon mornings at KPWR Power 106 is shifting from primetime to daytime as host of a new nationally syndicated daytime talk show in 2020 He subbed for Wendy Williams earlier this year Nick said: “After leaving America’s Got Talent I wanted to focus on developing my own talk show I’ve always dreamed of a platform where I can speak to America and discuss pop culture as well as the topics on everyone’s minds” said Cannon “When I had the opportunity to guest host at my good friend Wendy Williams’ show this year I experienced the energy and excitement of a daytime talk show and instantly knew I found my audience” K-FROG Welcomes Bugenske September 25 2019 David Bugenske joins Country KFRG K-FROG in the Inland Empire for mornings He most recently was with Country KKGO David joins Kelli “Green” Barajas and another KKGO veteran Ginny Harman “We are so excited to welcome a champion for country music and country radio to the K-FROG family” said Michael Valenzuela svp/market manager for Entercom Riverside “David’s remarkable personality presence on social media and love for serving the Southern California community is a natural fit for a heritage station such as K-FROG We look forward to creating great content with David” “K-FROG is not only giving me the opportunity to work with some of the most talented and funniest people I’ve ever met but they’re also keeping me in the SoCal country family that I’ve fallen in love with” said Bugenske “K-FROG is the definition of California’s country family They work hard and they are there for each other and the community We’re going to have a lot of fun together” With 18 years of experience in the radio industry Bugenske worked for Premiere Networks Florida Gators Radio Network WFLA-Tampa and WXXL-Tavares Florida as well as Go Country Glory Road Finds Home Anita Garner former afternooner at KBIG has just sold publishing rights for The Glory Road to the University of Alabama Press “It feels exactly right to have our family’s deeply Southern stories published by an outstanding University in the Deep South” Here’s a quote about the Press from Authors Guild and BuzzFeed last week: “University presses have long been key in the literary ecosystem when it comes to issuing original risky work and ’Bama’s is one of the most innovative” Anita will update publish details as date of release once it is determined “My editor Pete has as Daddy would say ‘a heart for the piece’ He’s part of a team who respect the material and are excited about introducing The Glory Road to readers all over the world” “Gratitude for saints and angels who steer a writer’s projects in the right direction” said an enthused Garner Follow the progress of book publication at her tasty website by clicking the artwork : Hear Ache Gene Sandbloom a 25-year veteran with KROQ has joined Alpha Media as operations director of the company’s flagship cluster in Portland and pd of heritage Triple A KINK/fm The other stations include: News/Talk KXL FM 101 Top 40 KBFF LIVE 955 Country KUPL 987 The Bull Rhythmic KWEE WE 1029 Sports-Talk KXTG 750 The Game and Talk KUFO Freedom 970 “Talk about a match made in heaven I get to work for the world-class KINK/fm and one of the smartest radio groups in the most progressive city in the US” said Sandbloom in a station press release Ryan Seacrest will return to American Idol as host for the upcoming third season of the singing competition series on ABC his 18th season overall “American Idol has been my home for 17 seasons and I can’t wait to return to the stage” said Seacrest “It’s the greatest gift to be able to play a part in discovering new talent with a franchise that has been such a relevant part of American culture for so many years” State of News Radio in the Desert September 24 2019 What radio people do when the radio gig ends For over twenty years LARadiocom has been tracking the jet stream of great personalities It has been fun tracking their next move when the plane lands It has also been heartbreaking tracking their next move How healthy is a career in radio My father never understood how I could make a living doing something I loved so much He would dismissively say “Radio is not a career” When I was making 95 a week at my first job at KNEZ-Lompoc it was always the hope that a bigger market would be around the corner And then what Once someone made it to the Los Angeles radio market eventually the gig ended Where to now Some returned to an earlier market but opportunities soon shrank with the economy and stations consolidating A decade ago I spent a few days in Palm Springs interviewing personalities for a series ‘LARPs in the Desert’ Dave Hull voted one of the Top 10 personalities between 1957 and 1999 was now living and working in the desert Elliot Field the last dj alive from the iconic days of the ‘Seven Swingin’ Gentlemen’ of Top 40 KFWB was working in radio owned an advertising agency and was the Mayor of the desert community for a time There were others Gene Nichols worked in the news department at KFI and he moved to the desert in 1998 to start a new radio life A few years back he spoke to the local Kiwanis group about radio the role it played in the past and the current role in the Palm Springs market “None of the people I started with are working with me anymore About five of us were let go in 2016” Gene signaled the beginning of the end of local news radio to 2008 “There was a change in the way content and news is delivered and received and our owners got very old When you get north of 90 years of age you’re way too old to be in radio They thought they didn’t need a news department or public affairs department anymore Two weeks after the firings the R amp R radio stations were sold to Alpha Media which owned 252 radio stations at the time They are a big player They are corporate out of Portland Anything you want to do including inhaling and exhaling has to be approved through corporate They didn’t want the AM stations” Gene said “I mention the fact that nobody really wants AM stations It is indictment of what’s happening to news and public affairs in smaller markets Only the bigger markets can afford news/talk like KFI and KNX in Los Angeles” When the tragic shooting happened in San Bernardino where 14 were killed the Palm Springs outlet would normally send news people to cover the event They had no department There was no one to send Since KPSI was a CBS affiliate for seven hours they simulcast KNX The world of radio has changed because of the way America gets its news “Older people may still want to read a newspaper” said Nichols “Younger people not so much They get everything they need from the device in their hand Radio has seen its advertising drop off The stations no longer have too many things like they had years ago to pay a staff to cover events” Gene discussed what has been done to his AM stations when R amp R sold them “KPSI News Talk 920 has been a heritage station in the desert for a long time” said Gene “It is now being operated as a non-profit” The station has since been sold for 375000 with new call letters KKGX “KPTR 1450 has been donated to the College of the Desert to be used as a training station” Nichols asked rhetorically “What are we going to train people to do Train people in college To do what We’re not recommending people to go into the business as a career because it will probably be a dead-end for anyone under 60” Gene concluded his talk “Shy away from news or the information business” Angels Announcer Rushed to Hospital September 23 2019 Mark Langston veteran of the Los Angeles Angels radio group since 2012 and former four-time All-Star pitcher was taken to a hospital Friday night in Houston because of a medical emergency Angels tv broadcaster Victor Rojas shared an update on Langston from the hospital around midnight Friday and Astros broadcaster Robert Ford described the scene in the Angels’ radio booth Scary sight tonight watching things unfold in the booth two doors down from us Currently sitting with Langer in ER and he’s doing well sharing some laughs about his pizza intake in NYC this week Rojas tweeted Keep Mark in your prayers as they continue to run through protocols Langston had just finished his pregame segment and turned the broadcast over to his partner Terry Smith for the first pitch He collapsed moments later and medics were summoned into the booth where he received CPR before being moved He will remain in Houston for several more days while he recovers according to the LA Times He was resting comfortably but still being evaluated the Angels announced Saturday A four-time American League All-Star Langston won 179 games in 16 seasons He pitched for seven teams spending eight seasons with the Angels and six with the Mariners Langston and Mike Witt combined to pitch the eighth no-hitter in Angels history on April 11 1990 Mark led the American League in strikeouts as a rookie in 1984 and again in 1985 and ’86 He became head baseball coach at Orange Lutheran High School Calif after his retirement in 1999 and guided the Lancers to a playoff berth in 2002 He was inducted into the San Jose Sports Hall of Fame in 2018 KBIG ad from LA Times on September 21 1969 from Dave Grudt’s personal collection Casey’s Saga Is Up to Number 13 On Our Countdown September 20 2019 Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 is alive and well on SiriusXM Whotta’ treat to hear his countdown show and the delicious tidbits about the songs and/or the artists I think about how blessed we were to have had him our lives A true pioneer As one of the initial stations to air AT40 on July 4 1970 I’ve always felt a special connection to the show and more importantly to Casey when I was general manager at W4-Detroit We met on the phone just before the debut of AT40 He was so thrilled that his parents living in Detroit would get to hear what he was doing in Los Angeles He just wanted to say thank you His tragic death with Lewy Body Dementia in June 2014 at the age of 82 was bad enough but the aftermath has all the overtones of unbelievability Now the most recent chapter of this bizarre tale is another head scratcher The widow of Casey Jean Kasem 65 was allegedly attacked by her business manager John Gressy He apparently became enraged because she was giving money to her daughter according to DailyMailcom Gressy allegedly became furious because Jean was giving money to Liberty 29 her daughter she shared with Casey law enforcement sources told TMZ The outlet reported that Gressy threw dishes and a vase at Jean She was allegedly hit at least once and was taken to hospital for treatment to minor injuries It was reported that he threatened to kill Jean her attorney and Liberty who was present at the time of the incident and called 911 Police later arrived and arrested Gressy He now faces charges for felony criminal threats He had reportedly locked himself in a room before police arrived Jean Kasem’s representative Edward Lozzi told TMZ there was no truth to speculation that Gressy and Jean were in an ‘intimate or personal relationship’ But Casey’s daughter Kerri Kasem told DailyMailcom that the pair are romantically involved and he lives with her and drives her father’s old car “We have multiple amounts of evidence that this is her boyfriend There is no business manager” said Kerri “This is the reason why it happened it had nothing to do with giving her daughter Liberty money” Harcourt Milestone Internationally known radio dj Nic Harcourt heard on 885/fm Southern California will celebrate his 2000th show on the LA-based Triple-A rock station next Tuesday during his morning drive show 885/fm general manager Patrick Osburn said “Nic is truly a national treasure to the broadcast community as well as Los Angeles and CSUN is proud to have him starting off our day on the station” Many artists have credited Harcourt for putting them on the map and helping them achieve stardom including Adele Coldplay Death Cab for Cutie KT Tunstall Interpol Lana Del Rey The Record Company Florence The Machine and countless others “I’ve been so fortunate in my career” Harcourt said “From my early days as a part-time overnight DJ at WDST to a decade at KCRW and the last seven years at KCSN 885 FM my career has been about discovery and the passion for sharing that with the audience Hitting 2000 shows at KCSN is a milestone and I’m so happy that the station has chosen to celebrate it with the audience” Hear Ache RJ Curtis former pd at Country KZLA loves the Ken Burns documentary on Country music “This film is another masterpiece from Ken Burns as he points his camera on Country music and the leading role that radio played along the way” said RJ a Country Radio Broadcasters executive Noah Eagle 22 New Clippers Radio Guy September 19 2019 Noah Eagle is the new Clippers radio announcer following the retirement of Ralph Lawler who had a 40-year run with the NBA team Brian Sieman now moves from radio to tv Noah recently graduated from Syracuse University and is the son of CBS NFL and TNT NBA play-by-play announcer Ian Eagle Tom Hoffarth devoted a half-page in the LA Times to the complicated challenges that confronted the Clippers organization while satisfying the demands of Prime Ticket ESPN KLAC and Fox Sports West Additionally Noah had been working on NBATV’s summer league Hoffarth called the Eagle hire “a low-risk high-reward opportunity for both parties that could cultivate another franchise voice in the coming decade” “I’m thrilled to be joining the LA Clippers a first-class organization There’s so much excitement building with this franchise and I can’t wait to provide the soundtrack for Clippers fans worldwide” said Noah Hear Ache Salem Media Group owners of “The Answer” KRLA “The Fish” KFSH and KKLA shrinks their Board to reduce costs Four members are gone … Former HOT 923 morning man Victor Zaragoza is now a sports anchor and traffic reporter for all-news KCBS/KFRC-San Francisco … Ian Whitcomb receives surgical thrombectomy today A GoFundMe page has been created on his behalf “There have been many complications since Ian had the stroke in 2012 He hasn’t worked and I’ve been his full-time care-giver” wrote Lillie Langtry “No income for 7 years Now we must ask for your help Any amount Ian’s recovery and rehabilitation will be long and expensive Left to what Medicare covers he will not improve Once home we’ll need skilled help here We humbly ask for your help at: Ian sang the mid-60s hit You Turn Me On and has worked at KIEV KROQ KCRW and KPCC Job Opening KFI news anchor Tessa Barrera is leaving her part-time gig to go to Houston as a morning show sidekick at 945 The Buzz which creates a need for a new part-timer at KFI Send a recent 2-minute MP3 news demo to Chrislittleiheartmediacom or you can go here to fill out an application: https://bitly/2kPezeg Photo: Chris Little Tessa Barrera Books written by Los Angeles Radio People: Archives Fall 2019 : Passing Parade: Phil Jennrich Howard Lapides Gene Brodeur Lucky Pierre Bob Bunnell New night show at KRRL Real 923 Tribute for Joe McDonnell on his anniversary Lisa Bloom off the Rose New Cali Reggatae morning show Entercom explores mental health Roger Nadel has news Lisa Bowman is a sport Archives 1st Quarter 2019: Passing Parade: Sylvia Chase Eva Ross Kilgore David Horowitz Richard Kimball Super Dave Osborne Harvey Mednick Bruce Williams Let’s Go Trippin’ with Dick Dale Larry Van Nuys jumps into the KSurf KABC shuffles line-up LARP who died in 2018 Art Laboe set for PPB honor luncheon Jaime Jarrin honored Marketing lesson from Fiji Water Girl Cindy Dole out styling Saul Levine essay on his 1051/fm beginnings How will a recession hurt the radio biz Update on KFI reporter Hanna Scott Series to preserve radio archives Golden Night 1000 homes on site of KLOS/KABC Video in cars Jimmy Steal to Chicago New head of Southern California Public Radio Celebrating Scott St James Laughs are on Phil Hendrie Afternooner like no other Art Laboe honored by Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters Wendy Williams show postponed indefinitely KNX vet Diane Thompson set to retire Delilah tells all Motown at 60 Martoni’s Steve Harvey and Mo’nique in kerfuffle It’s news to Steve Gregory Auspicious start for 885/fm Triplets 10-year anniversary How Pete Weber made the hockey team We Will Rock You Randy Keith is the piano man Triplets partner in hope History of Gary Theroux New news from Diane Thompson John Batchelor reveals he has cancer Bean announces in leaving KROQ morning show Actor Sal Mineo was a LARP Sky Daniels retires from 885/fm Ask Dr Ruth USC broadcast rights Buzzards return to Hinckley Ohio Nancy Plum’s new book Elaine Perkins perks up the news Podcast with Passion Archives 4th Quarter 2018: Classic win for K-EARTH Ellen K doubles down Rachel Maddow profile Imus lawsuit thrown out Jeff Baugh’s book Gary Thompson was at right place at the right time Don Elliot reports from NAB/RAB Radio Show Rocio Rivera gets more time at KFI Johnny Gunn’s new book gets dressed down New life for KNX/fm Passing Parade: Scott St James Hal Pickens Ed Crook John Lyle Campbell Mike Parker Dave Roberts Bill Dudley plays a record Invisible LARP RJ Curtis hits jackpot LA Times beats up Charley Steiner KBIG begins with Poole 93/KHJ gets benched Allie MacKay’s Journey Al Wisked Away by DallasWhat did music stations talk about during World Series Heaven is in Your Mind Brother John source material Gary Moore stands up for cancer Jillian Barberie diagnosed with breast cancer What’s in your berry bag Wolfman Flash! Bohemian Rhapsody is a Smash! Mornings growing at 870/KRLA Another Southern California Inferno Ingraham transitions to podcasting Nobody knows anything Casey Kasem counts backwards to 48 Hours Jim Hawthorne would have been 100 Best Broadcaster ever! Wink a heavenly treasure 2018 rearview review Scott St James remembered Bob Cole to hell and back VO artists sing for kids KLAC raises 1/4 Highest paid radio people Doug McIntyre is set to leave KABC after 22 years Wally Clark falls Vic the Brick feelin’ you KABC By George Green Art Vuolo’s farewell party Archives Summer 2019: Passing Parade: Humble Harve Reb Foster Gregg Hunter Roger Carroll Bo Leibowitz Cheryl Whitaker Dwight Case Murray Westgate Jim Newman Revenue changes for LA stations Jhani Kaye get MVP for May ratings leaders Radio Hall of Fame nominees Phrase that Pays NY Times word usage Buckets of Money Ashley Paige syndicates The Ranch Nick Cannon joins mornings at Power 106 Alan Oda to Japan LARPs in Heavy Hundred Gayle King new Queen of CBS Dave Beasing Has Another Sound in Him CorporateFM is a Must-See documentary Muhammad takes over programming at KJLH Osburn new boss at 885/fm Michael Jackson breaks up fight at 30000 feet Podcasting challenges Is KABC next to be sold Franken is frank Bob Ray inducted into Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame Takes a bunch to tango these days Hollywood landscape on up and up Chris Hughes Out Earthquake king Popejoy is remembered Mookie Kaczor new pd at 885/fm Radio Hall of Fame voting begins David G Hall celebrates 30-years in business Andy Chanley new md at 885/fm Reggae and Mas moving to 939 KGIL reunion Kevin James’ internal Quiet Storm Carlucci on the move Dennis Prager lead story in LA Times Sluggo now at bat for KLOS Purely personal Archives April/May 2019: Passing Parade: Chuck Cecil Brad Messer LARPs win AllAccess Awards Series on Podcasting Bob McCormick exits California Bob Eubanks dazzles telling Beatles stories Ken Levine on podcasting Mark amp Brian reunite Past and present music intersect Mighty 1090 not so mighty Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Radio Station – Nothing J Cruz cruises to iHeart KLOS sold to Meruelo Ralph Lawler signing off Talaya’s Last Ride on The WAVE Looney thoughts on LARadio Steve Swenson to Tennessee NPR New days for KCRW Charlie Van Dyke reflections Dave Hull returns to radio Mark amp Brian reunite Money winners for 2018 Kat Corbett exits KROQ Jim Rondeau to Northwest Uncle Russ Perry Michael Simon’s essay on weekend news coverage Dan Patrick health scare Kevin Klein joins KROQ Fight on for ‘ol SC Emily Valdez new KNX anchor Erica Farber Woman of the Year Rick Dees’ cookbook Tim Conway Jr loses his father Thom Tran to MC Army event Dave Zorn’s book will make your heart go pitter-patt KXOS Movin’ to Meruelo George Green looks in rearview mirror Howard Stern doing what he does best Melinda Lee out of the kitchen and busier than ever Nathan Roberts comes out of retirement to join KNX K-SURF flashes back to the 80s Radio Santa Ana on the Air Gamble for New York Radio Personalities |
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Sunday Nostalgia – 9 Years Ago Today John amp Ken Voted 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 September 29 2010 The KFI afternoon drive giants John amp Ken three-peat at 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 No one catches the local lightning in the jar topic juggernaut better than John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou The afternoon duo has been at KFI since 1992 except for a year doing morning drive at KABC in 1999 Their ability to loudly create headlines from their afternoon show was acknowledged and admired in our annual poll drawing from scores of active and working Los Angeles Radio People managers talent engineering traffic and marketing/promotion people who voted this year A cross section of station groups and independents each nominated five LARP currently on the air plus five off-air people presently working for a Southland radio station The afternooners demonstrate that seamless mixture of news headlines and their pursuit of causes and ongoing activism On the drive home from work the listener has a chance to hear the pair go after institutions or miscreant politicians who stray from the narrow path We become riveted to what John amp Ken bring to light not unlike the traffic accident that we slow down for on the freeway They love to read tabloids and memos that expose the rich and powerful They love when phonies are exposed They speak for the working class With a new election right around the corner John amp Ken are in the middle of the gubernatorial race They invited Meg Whitman to join them in-studio and she agreed It will probably be the last time she ever accepts an invitation from them John amp Ken first teamed in 1988 at WOND-Atlantic City Ken born in 1956 graduated from State University of New York at Buffalo After graduation he worked as a CPA for a health company John spent a year of college at Seton Hall and then worked as a sportswriter His first radio job was at WKAD in Canton PA in 1983 He met Ken at WKAD and eventually the two moved on to Elmira NY John did mornings at WENY while Ken was part of a competing morning team at WELM The pair worked at WKXW-Trenton before arriving at KFI In 1995 their relentless coverage made the pair synonymous with the OJ Simpson trial 1 Best On-Air LARP of 2010 KFI’s John amp Ken Some of the comments from those voting for John amp Ken: “They never fail to make my heart palpitate when I listen to them because I’m convinced that the world is ending Entertaining and informative and all over whatever the big story is” “Certainly it’s partly an act but they are willing to say what their audience would say if they had the guts” “Almost no radio show is able to ‘stir the pot’ and garner publicity the way the John amp Ken show does John amp Ken are brilliant at finding articles in the newspaper on page B-5 and turning the buried piece into front page outrage John being the son of immigrants with thick accents who didn’t ‘fit in’ will burn in hell for his mocking of immigrants with thick accents who don’t fit in Nevertheless this list is about the best of the best in LARadio and John amp Ken sure are that” “No one and I mean no one gets their listeners more riled up than John amp Ken When they ask their listeners to take action they do … from toilet brushes to ‘heads on a stick’ the ‘mob’ is in full effect and it’s so much fun to listen to!” “From immigration to oil spills no talk personalities in America know how to insert themselves into the headlines like John amp Ken” “The junkyard dogs are tenacious and consistently entertaining” “If there’s a news story with any hint of controversy these guys can be counted on to fan the flames These ‘muckrakers’ are at their best when they’re slamming wayward elected officials And just when you thought they couldn’t get better Arizona’s governor signed AB 1070 in law One of the few personalities I will actually listen to in my home” “No one makes Los Angeles aware of the issues better than John amp Ken” “Who knows how to put their finger on the pulse of the city better than John amp Ken They find the right issue and drive it like nobody else” “I hardly ever agree with them but they make me laugh every time I listen” “So topical they often become a topic themselves’ “The best local show I’ve ever heard Outrageous and relevant They really cover California and speak for the voiceless taxpayer” “Totally on top of local and national political issues” “I appreciate their coverage of local issues their chemistry and their style” “The fact that all politicians hate them is reason alone to be a big fan” “Give us all a voice in our frustration over the ‘Golden’ state” “They come as a pair kind of like peanut butter and chocolate Both equally good but complement each other well Always make for compelling radio live and local” LARP Photo Gallery – 1977 Thanks to Rick Scarry Gilmore Dies Art Gilmore radio announcer and voiceover artist for decades died September 25 of natural causes He was 98 After a stint in Washington State’s radio station KWSC Gilmore worked at Seattle’s KOL By the ’30s he was a staff announcer for KFWB in Hollywood He started as a radio announcer for such shows as Amos ‘n’ Andy The Sears Radio Theater and Red Ryder before seguing to tv lending his voice to programs including The George Gobel Show An Evening With Fred Astaire and Highway Patrol In film he was the voice heard in trailers and documentaries throughout the ’50s and ’60s including It’s a Wonderful Life Rear Window Vertigo War of the Worlds Bye Bye Birdie and White Christmas Gilmore served as the national president of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists from 1961 to 1963 and helped found the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters He taught announcing at the University of Southern California and co-authored Television and Radio Announcing 12 Days Bob Moore responded to the Open Email about the state of KABC His email was swift and curt: “Don mark down today’s date 714 and call me in 90 days That’s when you will say what a difference KABC has made” LARP Rewind: September 30 1960 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Pete Best and Stu Sutcliffe perform at the Indra club in Hamburg Germany After a series of names—Quarrymen Beatals Johnny amp the Moondogs Long John amp the Silver Beetles—the group is now known as the Beatles Due to complaints about noise the Indra would close five days later and the Beatles would begin playing at the Kaiserkeller nightclub Also on September 30 1960 ABC/tv debuts The Flintstones the first animated series in prime time Produced by Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera and set in the Stone Age the series focused on Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their neighbors Barney and Betty Rubble Fred was voiced by radio/tv actor Alan Reed The Flintstones ran for six years On the Hot 100 number one was My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own by Connie Francis biggest jumper was Yes Sir That’s My Baby by Ricky Nelson moving from 80 to 43 and highest debut was Let’s Go Let’s Go Let’s Go by Hank Ballard amp the Midnighters at 87 Born on September 30: Jenna Elfman 1971 Goo Goo Dolls bassist Robby Takac 1964 Crystal Bernard 1961 country singer Marty Stuart 1958 Fran Drescher 1957 Chiffons vocalist Sylvia Peterson 1946 Marilyn McCoo 1943 Frankie Lymon 1942 Buffalo Springfield drummer Dewey Martin 1940 blues singer/guitarist ZZ Hill born Arzel Hill 1935 Johnny Mathis 1935 Cissy Houston 1933 Angie Dickinson 1931 author Truman Capote born Truman Persons 1924 Deborah Kerr 1921 LARP Rewind prepared by Steve Thompson KABC Travel Host Wins Peter Greenberg former host of a weekend travel show at KABC was honored with a News amp Documentary Emmy Award this week as part of the Dateline NBC team for outstanding coverage of a breaking news story in a news magazine This marks the second Emmy Award in his longstanding career as America’s most recognized honored and respected front-line travel news journalist Greenberg served as Correspondent for the award-winning Miracle on the Hudson coverage along with NBC’s Chris Hansen Hoda Kotb and Dennis Murphy Hear Ache The Sound 1003 spotlights a day of Alphabet Soup starting at 8 am this morning “Every song title must start with the last letter of the previous song title” emailed pd Dave Beasing … Is there a more interesting character on tv than Don Draper K-EARTH’s Lisa Stanley revealed that Katy Perry’s wardrobe that got her thrown off Sesame Street was provided by the show “Who do you think is responsible” asked Lisa Gary Bryan quickly answered: “Big Bird He’s a perve For years I’ve wondered about him” Jimmy Kimmel put together a blistering piece on Jeff Zucker’s departure from NBC: Fuller Biography Tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm there will be a one-hour biography of the life of Charles E Fuller pioneer radio evangelist on Mutual and ABC and America’s first syndicator You can listen at: Radio broadcaster Charles E Fuller started on one radio station in Orange County in the 1920’s During the 1940’s and 50’s more than twenty million listeners tuned into The Old Fashioned Revival Hour each week During his radio work of more than 40 years Charles Fuller lifted up Christ He was a pastor to pastors and spiritual counselor to millions around the globe He never spoke of himself The show is hosted by Joe Cosgrove Overheard “Johnny Mathis turns 75 today Chances are Wonderful! Wonderful!” Ira David Sternberg “The George Lopez split with Ann is described as amicable Remember when George needed a kidney and his wife turned out to be a match She gave him a kidney I could just see Ann going into court ‘Your honor it wasn’t a gift it was a loan Give it back” Bean KROQ “Hi Jack it’s Jessica from Burbank I really had a good time last night Give me a call soon Bye” JACK/fm liner “All boys in the Daly Download top five except at 1 Katy Perry and Teenage Dream” Carson Daly AMP RADIO “We got the second child to give the first one a companion What we actually got was a sparring partner” Bill Carroll KFI “I have a phone but I don’t have voicemail” Ryan Seacrest KIIS “Know what Attila the Hun’s problem was Not enough breast milk when he was in kindergarten” Stephanie Miller KTLK “Nick Cannon is the host of America’s Got Talent and he’s a monumental waste of time He sucks He’s really bad” Bill Handel KFI “It is the biggest rich-poor gap since they started counting that Twenty percent of the people have 50 of the income” Doc on the ROQ KROQ “The good news and I know it bugs everyone when we say it it’s a dry heat” Josh Rubenstein KNX “The Oprah Winfrey Show which by the way is in its painful last year The other day she said she was in the final season and I thought holy hell this is going on for a year” Tim Conway Jr KFI KKGO’s Paul Freeman and Tammy Trujillo welcomed Disney sketch artist Stacia during a broadcast from Disneyland last Monday It was 111 degrees emailed Paul Hottest broadcast I’ve ever done Funnie How hot is it It’s so hot Lindsay Lohan is now in rehab for being addicted to air conditioning! Richard Turnage LARPs: What are your favorite films of all time … and why Cynthia Fox: 1 To Kill a Mockingbird – it’s a treasure of a book and a beautiful adaptation as a movie Gregory Peck as the wise moral leader a criminal defense attorney asked to defend an man unjustly accused A profound performanceand we like the feisty Scout too! My daughters and I had the honor to meet Gregory Peck in person and thank him for his work at the Los Angeles Library’s Main Branch in downtown Los Angeles He spent his later years as a enthusiastic supporter of the Los Angeles Library – even inviting his friends to do special readings and performances 2 The Shawshank Redemption – ever since Bob Coburn recommended this to meit’s been a favorite for what it teaches us all about hope and friendshipand how to conduct ourselves in harsh and cruel situations 3 It’s a Wonderful Life – Frank Capra has to be on this listbecause he reminded us through his films about the magnificent potential of our country and the magnificent potential within each individual 4 Groundhog Day – Cmon we gotta have some laughs! and there is wisdom here tooas we watch Bill Murray evolve from a snide and arrogant jerk to a man who finally repects everyone around him 5 Run Lola Run – a story with a lot of depth There are 3 runswhat makes the difference in the 3rd run Again there’s wisdom here Email We GET Email… CBS/LA Open Email “What a well thought out fact laden letter to Mr Carver As an outsider to the industry I find your insights illuminating timely and factual and something that casual listeners to the fare offered on the airwaves would never think about Thank you for being you and trying to keep the airwaves in Los Angeles the best that they can be in this trying economy” – Bill Mann South Pasadena Zorn’s Re-Birth “I don’t know how you did it but the response from LARPs to Carolynn’s invitation to my surprise 5th ‘re-birth’ day was overwhelming From longtime friends and colleagues to listeners I’ve never met I spent most of the day reading emails and answering phone calls Somehow you two managed to get the word out without me knowing – not the slightest suspicion Amazing Now I must get busy and answer each and every one I promise! Thanks again and thanks to all who still remember me and care enough to drop me a line” – Dave Zorn Audio Recordings Fading Fast “This is really strange because just this morning I planned on asking you if you knew of anyone who sold or traded 4 track pre recorded 75 ips tapes I’m looking for music from the 30’s and 40’s Reel size is not important either 7 or 10 inch would be ok” – Richard Schwartz Santa Clarita richs11sbcglobalnet Email Saturday 9282019 Rona Barrett Entertainment “That picture of Rona Barrett flashed my memory Back in about 1979 doing ABC News ‘bureau duty’ in Hollywood I was sent to fill in from my Atlanta bureau I was visiting with Rona in her office She was exceptionally kind to me Before leaving Rona said ‘I have a gift for you’ She handed me a license plate frame reading ‘ABC TV HOLLYWOOD’ Since then that frame has appeared on every vehicle I’ve owned Even cops have admired it!” – Bob Sirkin Chronology Special Found and Delivered “I wanted to provide you an update on my quest to find a copy of ‘A Chronology of American Music’ I’m happy to say that because of the exposure in your column a few weeks back I was not only able to locate but obtain a copy of this extremely well done and apparently rare radio special I want to thank you for your assistance this would not have taken place without your help As it turns out a gentleman by the name of William Earl responded most graciously to my search and sent me the original recordings from his private collection The records he had – since this special took place long before CDs – were in pristine condition and sound incredible I’m so grateful for his generosity and that he was willing to part with these Definitely a story that ended well I appreciate the efforts of both you and William in seeing a bucket list item fulfilled” – Bob Balestieri Humble’s Intern “Thank you very much for updating my bio featured on Los Angeles Radio People the intern’s story! My Internship at K-Earth 101 began with Humble Harve I was excited yet all nervous that first day One of the first things he asked me was ‘can you make a good cup of coffee’ Harve always kindly took the time to share insights and tips it was the best of times! Someday Oldies Radio needs to come back to Los Angeles airwaves! Here’s my tribute to Humble Harve” – Jaime Barragan Desert News “Read with deep gushing sobs about Gene Nichols’ revelations on desert radio news coverage or lack thereof I remember working as a writer and newscaster at 1270 KGUY Newsradio in 1977 The sad part is that the station no longer exists nor does anyone remember it As for Scott Lowe on working for a phone company: ‘I think it would be cool to have a company van filled with parts and other gadgets’ I actually did that I worked as a prem tech for ATampT It was the worst experience of my life Dealing with dogs screaming kids houses and apartments packed full by hoarders chewing gum in the carpet clients unplugging your test equipmentthe list is endless Cool! The grass is always greener on the other side” – Bill Schwarz Ontario Tessa’s Hug “Thanks for the word on where KFI’s Tessa Barrera is headed to in Houston Bill Handel took her to Brent’s for lunch with his wife Marjorie Tessa finally got to hug Bill” – Mike Seeman New Look for Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters September 27 2019 The Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters has been in existence since 1966 Their activities revolve around paying tribute to celebrities at a luncheon eight or nine times a year Now the PPB is no longer and is being renamed Hollywood Media Professionals Recent honorees include: Engelburt Humperdinck Mike Love Fritz Coleman Art Laboe Patrick Duffy Loni Anderson Rich Little and Joan Collins “We’re an organization with a rich history of honoring professionals at our luncheons in Broadcasting which includes Television Radio Recording and Film” said Shotgun Tom Kelly president of HMP “We’re very proud of what we have done in the past 50 years when the organization elected its first founding president Art Gilmore We’re not abandoning our rich history We just want to make it better” Kelly concluded: “We’re just updating our name to Hollywood Media Professionals to include and honor at our luncheons more people who have done great things in entertainment communication and in the digital media” You can join the new HMP at: Golden Mikes The RTNA Radio and Television News Association of Southern California is planning a special event in January as the group celebrates its 70th Golden Mikes award show They are looking for photos from past dinners the older the better The pics will be included in a special awards souvenir book Send submissions to wwwrtnaorg and be sure to ID who’s in the picture and a date when the photo was taken Hear Ache Karen Harlow ex-KNX is now doing afternoon drive at KFMB 1007 in San Diego … Congratulations to Larry Gifford on celebrating 20 years of marriage … Ian Whitcomb formerly with KIEV KROQ KCRW and KPCC had his big toe plus the one next to it right foot amputated on Tuesday “They were gangrenous from the lack of circulation caused by the blood clot Yesterday his foot checked out healthy That’s good” wrote his wife Lillie Langtry “Today Ian sounds determined to do the work to get securely back on his feet He loves to receive cards and letters He re-reads his cards several times It warms his heart Address to PO Box 451 Altadena CA 91003 I’ll deliver them wherever he is” … KRLA’s Larry Elder suddenly lost his big brother Larry wrote a tender memory of Kirk here Written by Hettie Lynne Hurtes KPCC midday news anchor Where Have All the VJs Gone September 26 2019 When MTV replaced American Bandstand teens and young adults made the 24/7 channel a must-see to watch the latest video or hear breaking news about their favorite artists The 24 hours of nonstop music videos eventually gave way to reality shows video music countdowns and talk shows The music was the driving force behind MTV but the heart of the channel was the station’s television personalities Brenda Alexander has written an update in Showbiz CheatSheet to the personalities who made the shows a success Carson Daly MTV 1998-2003 was the first-ever host of MTV’s Total Request Live TRL The show was filmed in front of a live studio audience with Times Square serving as the backdrop TRL played the top 10 music videos across all genres that viewers voted for and featured celebrity interviews Daly hosted the show until 2003 He went on to host The Voice and Last Call With Carson Daly Carson was the morning drive host at Top 40 KAMP AMP Radio until last year He can currently be seen on The Today Show on NBC Photo credit of Carson with Britney Spears Frank Micelotta Lala MTV 2001-03 worked in radio KKBT 1999-2002 before landing a gig at MTV in 2001 She had no tv experience prior but quickly became a fan favorite Lala was co-host of both Direct Effect and TRL where she landed exclusive in-depth interviews with the biggest names in rampb and hip-hop music She later transitioned into a career in acting She now stars as Keisha on the hit Starz drama Power was recently cast as a recurring character on Showtime’s The Chi Photo credit: LaLa with Jay Z Michael LoccisanoAnanda Lewis MTV 1993-2001 hosted a variety of MTV shows including MTV Jams True Life and Total Request Live TRL Ananda hosted the morning show at The BEAT KKBT 2005-06 with John Salley MTV called upon Lewis to cover more serious topics such as the Columbine High School massacre She won an NAACP Image Award in 1997 for an interview with future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that she did during her time as host of Teen Summit on BET Her impact was so huge that she went on to host her own talk show The Ananda Lewis Show from 2001-02 which would be compared to the Oprah Winfrey talk show She then disappeared from television Shondalandcom caught up with the former VJ in 2018 and found that she was a boss babe in the male-dominated world of construction She told the digital publication that she left the industry after years of having an unsuccessful work-life balance which led to her unhappiness These days you’ll find Lewis with her son Langston while she also tends to her construction business Photo credit Ananda Lewis interviewings Macy Gray Laura WaltersThanks to Hollywood CheatSheetcom for the LARP updates Shot Out of a Cannon Nick Cannon mornings at KPWR Power 106 is shifting from primetime to daytime as host of a new nationally syndicated daytime talk show in 2020 He subbed for Wendy Williams earlier this year Nick said: “After leaving America’s Got Talent I wanted to focus on developing my own talk show I’ve always dreamed of a platform where I can speak to America and discuss pop culture as well as the topics on everyone’s minds” said Cannon “When I had the opportunity to guest host at my good friend Wendy Williams’ show this year I experienced the energy and excitement of a daytime talk show and instantly knew I found my audience” K-FROG Welcomes Bugenske September 25 2019 David Bugenske joins Country KFRG K-FROG in the Inland Empire for mornings He most recently was with Country KKGO David joins Kelli “Green” Barajas and another KKGO veteran Ginny Harman “We are so excited to welcome a champion for country music and country radio to the K-FROG family” said Michael Valenzuela svp/market manager for Entercom Riverside “David’s remarkable personality presence on social media and love for serving the Southern California community is a natural fit for a heritage station such as K-FROG We look forward to creating great content with David” “K-FROG is not only giving me the opportunity to work with some of the most talented and funniest people I’ve ever met but they’re also keeping me in the SoCal country family that I’ve fallen in love with” said Bugenske “K-FROG is the definition of California’s country family They work hard and they are there for each other and the community We’re going to have a lot of fun together” With 18 years of experience in the radio industry Bugenske worked for Premiere Networks Florida Gators Radio Network WFLA-Tampa and WXXL-Tavares Florida as well as Go Country Glory Road Finds Home Anita Garner former afternooner at KBIG has just sold publishing rights for The Glory Road to the University of Alabama Press “It feels exactly right to have our family’s deeply Southern stories published by an outstanding University in the Deep South” Here’s a quote about the Press from Authors Guild and BuzzFeed last week: “University presses have long been key in the literary ecosystem when it comes to issuing original risky work and ’Bama’s is one of the most innovative” Anita will update publish details as date of release once it is determined “My editor Pete has as Daddy would say ‘a heart for the piece’ He’s part of a team who respect the material and are excited about introducing The Glory Road to readers all over the world” “Gratitude for saints and angels who steer a writer’s projects in the right direction” said an enthused Garner Follow the progress of book publication at her tasty website by clicking the artwork : Hear Ache Gene Sandbloom a 25-year veteran with KROQ has joined Alpha Media as operations director of the company’s flagship cluster in Portland and pd of heritage Triple A KINK/fm The other stations include: News/Talk KXL FM 101 Top 40 KBFF LIVE 955 Country KUPL 987 The Bull Rhythmic KWEE WE 1029 Sports-Talk KXTG 750 The Game and Talk KUFO Freedom 970 “Talk about a match made in heaven I get to work for the world-class KINK/fm and one of the smartest radio groups in the most progressive city in the US” said Sandbloom in a station press release Ryan Seacrest will return to American Idol as host for the upcoming third season of the singing competition series on ABC his 18th season overall “American Idol has been my home for 17 seasons and I can’t wait to return to the stage” said Seacrest “It’s the greatest gift to be able to play a part in discovering new talent with a franchise that has been such a relevant part of American culture for so many years” State of News Radio in the Desert September 24 2019 What radio people do when the radio gig ends For over twenty years LARadiocom has been tracking the jet stream of great personalities It has been fun tracking their next move when the plane lands It has also been heartbreaking tracking their next move How healthy is a career in radio My father never understood how I could make a living doing something I loved so much He would dismissively say “Radio is not a career” When I was making 95 a week at my first job at KNEZ-Lompoc it was always the hope that a bigger market would be around the corner And then what Once someone made it to the Los Angeles radio market eventually the gig ended Where to now Some returned to an earlier market but opportunities soon shrank with the economy and stations consolidating A decade ago I spent a few days in Palm Springs interviewing personalities for a series ‘LARPs in the Desert’ Dave Hull voted one of the Top 10 personalities between 1957 and 1999 was now living and working in the desert Elliot Field the last dj alive from the iconic days of the ‘Seven Swingin’ Gentlemen’ of Top 40 KFWB was working in radio owned an advertising agency and was the Mayor of the desert community for a time There were others Gene Nichols worked in the news department at KFI and he moved to the desert in 1998 to start a new radio life A few years back he spoke to the local Kiwanis group about radio the role it played in the past and the current role in the Palm Springs market “None of the people I started with are working with me anymore About five of us were let go in 2016” Gene signaled the beginning of the end of local news radio to 2008 “There was a change in the way content and news is delivered and received and our owners got very old When you get north of 90 years of age you’re way too old to be in radio They thought they didn’t need a news department or public affairs department anymore Two weeks after the firings the R amp R radio stations were sold to Alpha Media which owned 252 radio stations at the time They are a big player They are corporate out of Portland Anything you want to do including inhaling and exhaling has to be approved through corporate They didn’t want the AM stations” Gene said “I mention the fact that nobody really wants AM stations It is indictment of what’s happening to news and public affairs in smaller markets Only the bigger markets can afford news/talk like KFI and KNX in Los Angeles” When the tragic shooting happened in San Bernardino where 14 were killed the Palm Springs outlet would normally send news people to cover the event They had no department There was no one to send Since KPSI was a CBS affiliate for seven hours they simulcast KNX The world of radio has changed because of the way America gets its news “Older people may still want to read a newspaper” said Nichols “Younger people not so much They get everything they need from the device in their hand Radio has seen its advertising drop off The stations no longer have too many things like they had years ago to pay a staff to cover events” Gene discussed what has been done to his AM stations when R amp R sold them “KPSI News Talk 920 has been a heritage station in the desert for a long time” said Gene “It is now being operated as a non-profit” The station has since been sold for 375000 with new call letters KKGX “KPTR 1450 has been donated to the College of the Desert to be used as a training station” Nichols asked rhetorically “What are we going to train people to do Train people in college To do what We’re not recommending people to go into the business as a career because it will probably be a dead-end for anyone under 60” Gene concluded his talk “Shy away from news or the information business” Angels Announcer Rushed to Hospital September 23 2019 Mark Langston veteran of the Los Angeles Angels radio group since 2012 and former four-time All-Star pitcher was taken to a hospital Friday night in Houston because of a medical emergency Angels tv broadcaster Victor Rojas shared an update on Langston from the hospital around midnight Friday and Astros broadcaster Robert Ford described the scene in the Angels’ radio booth Scary sight tonight watching things unfold in the booth two doors down from us Currently sitting with Langer in ER and he’s doing well sharing some laughs about his pizza intake in NYC this week Rojas tweeted Keep Mark in your prayers as they continue to run through protocols Langston had just finished his pregame segment and turned the broadcast over to his partner Terry Smith for the first pitch He collapsed moments later and medics were summoned into the booth where he received CPR before being moved He will remain in Houston for several more days while he recovers according to the LA Times He was resting comfortably but still being evaluated the Angels announced Saturday A four-time American League All-Star Langston won 179 games in 16 seasons He pitched for seven teams spending eight seasons with the Angels and six with the Mariners Langston and Mike Witt combined to pitch the eighth no-hitter in Angels history on April 11 1990 Mark led the American League in strikeouts as a rookie in 1984 and again in 1985 and ’86 He became head baseball coach at Orange Lutheran High School Calif after his retirement in 1999 and guided the Lancers to a playoff berth in 2002 He was inducted into the San Jose Sports Hall of Fame in 2018 KBIG ad from LA Times on September 21 1969 from Dave Grudt’s personal collection Casey’s Saga Is Up to Number 13 On Our Countdown September 20 2019 Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 is alive and well on SiriusXM Whotta’ treat to hear his countdown show and the delicious tidbits about the songs and/or the artists I think about how blessed we were to have had him our lives A true pioneer As one of the initial stations to air AT40 on July 4 1970 I’ve always felt a special connection to the show and more importantly to Casey when I was general manager at W4-Detroit We met on the phone just before the debut of AT40 He was so thrilled that his parents living in Detroit would get to hear what he was doing in Los Angeles He just wanted to say thank you His tragic death with Lewy Body Dementia in June 2014 at the age of 82 was bad enough but the aftermath has all the overtones of unbelievability Now the most recent chapter of this bizarre tale is another head scratcher The widow of Casey Jean Kasem 65 was allegedly attacked by her business manager John Gressy He apparently became enraged because she was giving money to her daughter according to DailyMailcom Gressy allegedly became furious because Jean was giving money to Liberty 29 her daughter she shared with Casey law enforcement sources told TMZ The outlet reported that Gressy threw dishes and a vase at Jean She was allegedly hit at least once and was taken to hospital for treatment to minor injuries It was reported that he threatened to kill Jean her attorney and Liberty who was present at the time of the incident and called 911 Police later arrived and arrested Gressy He now faces charges for felony criminal threats He had reportedly locked himself in a room before police arrived Jean Kasem’s representative Edward Lozzi told TMZ there was no truth to speculation that Gressy and Jean were in an ‘intimate or personal relationship’ But Casey’s daughter Kerri Kasem told DailyMailcom that the pair are romantically involved and he lives with her and drives her father’s old car “We have multiple amounts of evidence that this is her boyfriend There is no business manager” said Kerri “This is the reason why it happened it had nothing to do with giving her daughter Liberty money” Harcourt Milestone Internationally known radio dj Nic Harcourt heard on 885/fm Southern California will celebrate his 2000th show on the LA-based Triple-A rock station next Tuesday during his morning drive show 885/fm general manager Patrick Osburn said “Nic is truly a national treasure to the broadcast community as well as Los Angeles and CSUN is proud to have him starting off our day on the station” Many artists have credited Harcourt for putting them on the map and helping them achieve stardom including Adele Coldplay Death Cab for Cutie KT Tunstall Interpol Lana Del Rey The Record Company Florence The Machine and countless others “I’ve been so fortunate in my career” Harcourt said “From my early days as a part-time overnight DJ at WDST to a decade at KCRW and the last seven years at KCSN 885 FM my career has been about discovery and the passion for sharing that with the audience Hitting 2000 shows at KCSN is a milestone and I’m so happy that the station has chosen to celebrate it with the audience” Hear Ache RJ Curtis former pd at Country KZLA loves the Ken Burns documentary on Country music “This film is another masterpiece from Ken Burns as he points his camera on Country music and the leading role that radio played along the way” said RJ a Country Radio Broadcasters executive Noah Eagle 22 New Clippers Radio Guy September 19 2019 Noah Eagle is the new Clippers radio announcer following the retirement of Ralph Lawler who had a 40-year run with the NBA team Brian Sieman now moves from radio to tv Noah recently graduated from Syracuse University and is the son of CBS NFL and TNT NBA play-by-play announcer Ian Eagle Tom Hoffarth devoted a half-page in the LA Times to the complicated challenges that confronted the Clippers organization while satisfying the demands of Prime Ticket ESPN KLAC and Fox Sports West Additionally Noah had been working on NBATV’s summer league Hoffarth called the Eagle hire “a low-risk high-reward opportunity for both parties that could cultivate another franchise voice in the coming decade” “I’m thrilled to be joining the LA Clippers a first-class organization There’s so much excitement building with this franchise and I can’t wait to provide the soundtrack for Clippers fans worldwide” said Noah Hear Ache Salem Media Group owners of “The Answer” KRLA “The Fish” KFSH and KKLA shrinks their Board to reduce costs Four members are gone … Former HOT 923 morning man Victor Zaragoza is now a sports anchor and traffic reporter for all-news KCBS/KFRC-San Francisco … Ian Whitcomb receives surgical thrombectomy today A GoFundMe page has been created on his behalf “There have been many complications since Ian had the stroke in 2012 He hasn’t worked and I’ve been his full-time care-giver” wrote Lillie Langtry “No income for 7 years Now we must ask for your help Any amount Ian’s recovery and rehabilitation will be long and expensive Left to what Medicare covers he will not improve Once home we’ll need skilled help here We humbly ask for your help at: Ian sang the mid-60s hit You Turn Me On and has worked at KIEV KROQ KCRW and KPCC Job Opening KFI news anchor Tessa Barrera is leaving her part-time gig to go to Houston as a morning show sidekick at 945 The Buzz which creates a need for a new part-timer at KFI Send a recent 2-minute MP3 news demo to Chrislittleiheartmediacom or you can go here to fill out an application: https://bitly/2kPezeg Photo: Chris Little Tessa Barrera Books written by Los Angeles Radio People: Archives Fall 2019 : Passing Parade: Phil Jennrich Howard Lapides Gene Brodeur Lucky Pierre Bob Bunnell New night show at KRRL Real 923 Tribute for Joe McDonnell on his anniversary Lisa Bloom off the Rose New Cali Reggatae morning show Entercom explores mental health Roger Nadel has news Lisa Bowman is a sport Archives 1st Quarter 2019: Passing Parade: Sylvia Chase Eva Ross Kilgore David Horowitz Richard Kimball Super Dave Osborne Harvey Mednick Bruce Williams Let’s Go Trippin’ with Dick Dale Larry Van Nuys jumps into the KSurf KABC shuffles line-up LARP who died in 2018 Art Laboe set for PPB honor luncheon Jaime Jarrin honored Marketing lesson from Fiji Water Girl Cindy Dole out styling Saul Levine essay on his 1051/fm beginnings How will a recession hurt the radio biz Update on KFI reporter Hanna Scott Series to preserve radio archives Golden Night 1000 homes on site of KLOS/KABC Video in cars Jimmy Steal to Chicago New head of Southern California Public Radio Celebrating Scott St James Laughs are on Phil Hendrie Afternooner like no other Art Laboe honored by Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters Wendy Williams show postponed indefinitely KNX vet Diane Thompson set to retire Delilah tells all Motown at 60 Martoni’s Steve Harvey and Mo’nique in kerfuffle It’s news to Steve Gregory Auspicious start for 885/fm Triplets 10-year anniversary How Pete Weber made the hockey team We Will Rock You Randy Keith is the piano man Triplets partner in hope History of Gary Theroux New news from Diane Thompson John Batchelor reveals he has cancer Bean announces in leaving KROQ morning show Actor Sal Mineo was a LARP Sky Daniels retires from 885/fm Ask Dr Ruth USC broadcast rights Buzzards return to Hinckley Ohio Nancy Plum’s new book Elaine Perkins perks up the news Podcast with Passion Archives 4th Quarter 2018: Classic win for K-EARTH Ellen K doubles down Rachel Maddow profile Imus lawsuit thrown out Jeff Baugh’s book Gary Thompson was at right place at the right time Don Elliot reports from NAB/RAB Radio Show Rocio Rivera gets more time at KFI Johnny Gunn’s new book gets dressed down New life for KNX/fm Passing Parade: Scott St James Hal Pickens Ed Crook John Lyle Campbell Mike Parker Dave Roberts Bill Dudley plays a record Invisible LARP RJ Curtis hits jackpot LA Times beats up Charley Steiner KBIG begins with Poole 93/KHJ gets benched Allie MacKay’s Journey Al Wisked Away by DallasWhat did music stations talk about during World Series Heaven is in Your Mind Brother John source material Gary Moore stands up for cancer Jillian Barberie diagnosed with breast cancer What’s in your berry bag Wolfman Flash! Bohemian Rhapsody is a Smash! Mornings growing at 870/KRLA Another Southern California Inferno Ingraham transitions to podcasting Nobody knows anything Casey Kasem counts backwards to 48 Hours Jim Hawthorne would have been 100 Best Broadcaster ever! Wink a heavenly treasure 2018 rearview review Scott St James remembered Bob Cole to hell and back VO artists sing for kids KLAC raises 1/4 Highest paid radio people Doug McIntyre is set to leave KABC after 22 years Wally Clark falls Vic the Brick feelin’ you KABC By George Green Art Vuolo’s farewell party Archives Summer 2019: Passing Parade: Humble Harve Reb Foster Gregg Hunter Roger Carroll Bo Leibowitz Cheryl Whitaker Dwight Case Murray Westgate Jim Newman Revenue changes for LA stations Jhani Kaye get MVP for May ratings leaders Radio Hall of Fame nominees Phrase that Pays NY Times word usage Buckets of Money Ashley Paige syndicates The Ranch Nick Cannon joins mornings at Power 106 Alan Oda to Japan LARPs in Heavy Hundred Gayle King new Queen of CBS Dave Beasing Has Another Sound in Him CorporateFM is a Must-See documentary Muhammad takes over programming at KJLH Osburn new boss at 885/fm Michael Jackson breaks up fight at 30000 feet Podcasting challenges Is KABC next to be sold Franken is frank Bob Ray inducted into Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame Takes a bunch to tango these days Hollywood landscape on up and up Chris Hughes Out Earthquake king Popejoy is remembered Mookie Kaczor new pd at 885/fm Radio Hall of Fame voting begins David G Hall celebrates 30-years in business Andy Chanley new md at 885/fm Reggae and Mas moving to 939 KGIL reunion Kevin James’ internal Quiet Storm Carlucci on the move Dennis Prager lead story in LA Times Sluggo now at bat for KLOS Purely personal Archives April/May 2019: Passing Parade: Chuck Cecil Brad Messer LARPs win AllAccess Awards Series on Podcasting Bob McCormick exits California Bob Eubanks dazzles telling Beatles stories Ken Levine on podcasting Mark amp Brian reunite Past and present music intersect Mighty 1090 not so mighty Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Radio Station – Nothing J Cruz cruises to iHeart KLOS sold to Meruelo Ralph Lawler signing off Talaya’s Last Ride on The WAVE Looney thoughts on LARadio Steve Swenson to Tennessee NPR New days for KCRW Charlie Van Dyke reflections Dave Hull returns to radio Mark amp Brian reunite Money winners for 2018 Kat Corbett exits KROQ Jim Rondeau to Northwest Uncle Russ Perry Michael Simon’s essay on weekend news coverage Dan Patrick health scare Kevin Klein joins KROQ Fight on for ‘ol SC Emily Valdez new KNX anchor Erica Farber Woman of the Year Rick Dees’ cookbook Tim Conway Jr loses his father Thom Tran to MC Army event Dave Zorn’s book will make your heart go pitter-patt KXOS Movin’ to Meruelo George Green looks in rearview mirror Howard Stern doing what he does best Melinda Lee out of the kitchen and busier than ever Nathan Roberts comes out of retirement to join KNX K-SURF flashes back to the 80s Radio Santa Ana on the Air Gamble for New York Radio Personalities |
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CNN Panel Bashes Hillary Clinton |
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Vimeo and Chelsea Clinton Remove Public Interest Videos |
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Hillary Clinton says the gutsiest issues she’s ever performed are ‘keep in my marriage’ and ‘run for president’ |
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Spokesman: Bill Clinton ‘knows nothing’ about ‘terrible crimes’ alleged against Epstein |
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Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to Speak in Minneapolis |
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Clinton nebo Albrightová Nová kniha představuje Václava Havla očima Američanů |
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State Department Restarts Hillary Clinton Email Investigation |
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Flint Tap Water Rated More Trustworthy than Hillary Clinton |
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Chronique : Clinton Fearon – Goodness |
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A Truth Journal: Hillary Clinton: Favorite Chew Toy of Press Political Enemies Deleted Emails: Asked Answered FBI Investigated |
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GALLERY: LeAnn Rimes From President Clinton To Hallmark |
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Clinton Fearon – History Say 2019 |
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Putin Clinton among mourners as France says adieu to Chirac |
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Held at the Clinton County Fairgrounds – Wilmington Ohio |
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Clinton Senkow |
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Hillary Clinton really really likes that ‘corrupt human tornado’ line Here it is again |
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Hillary Clinton Running From Justice amp For 2020 Election At The Same Time |
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With Biden Damaged And Warren Surging Could Hillary Clinton Still Enter The Presidential Race |
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BREAKING – Hillary Clinton Plans on Running For President Again! |
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Hillary Clinton Meltdown in an interview over Trump Dilemma |
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Clinton Cider Mill opens early |
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Clinton Says Gutsiest Thing She’s Done Is Stay Married |
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If Hillary Clinton’s sweating renewed scrutiny of her emails you wouldn’t know it from this tweet |
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Stephen Colbert 20190930 Hillary Rodham Clinton HDTV x264 MEGA |
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Happy Fishing Port Clinton Ohio |
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Hillary Clinton: This Falls Right Into The Definition Of Impeachable Offense |
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The 12 Funniest Pictures Of Hillary Clinton |
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Was Clinton Ally Blumenthal Involved In FISA Court Deception |
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An Exclusive Message from Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton |
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She’s Baaack! Hillary Clinton Makes Her Move for |
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The Latest Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton News |
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A Truth Journal: Full Transcript Video: President Bill Clinton: 2016 Democrat Convention Speech: Let Me Tell You About The Real Hillary Not the Cartoon Version the Republicans Sell |
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Colony South – Clinton Maryland |
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Hillary Clinton 2016 Blog Ad |
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Clinton Twp |
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Clinton Township Man Charged For Wife’s Death |
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Clinton Hill |
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16/10 Last Week’s 2nd Presidential Debate – Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton Election 2016 |
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GOP Senators Urge Probe of Clinton and Ukraine |
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Hillary Rodham Clinton Impeachment Memo Again Relevant |
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The Eerie Experiences at New Jerseys Clinton Road |
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Chelsea Clinton shows off her slim physique in a figure-hugging dress two months after giving birth – as she gushes about how ‘proud’ she is of her ‘precocious’ daughter Charlotte |
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‘The View’ Bungles History Blames Clinton Impeachment On Linda Tripp And The Blue Dress |
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Qué significan Clinton y Trump para los mercados mundiales |
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Putin Clinton among mourners as France says adieu to Chirac! |
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mengenai Radhit Clinton dan Fatah |
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Clinton calls for caution on impeachment tells Democrats not to ‘jump to any conclusions’ click to see stats |
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Kelly Clinton Holmes |
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Ancheta privind emailurile lui Hillary Clinton a fost reluata |
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Ratings: Clinton Helps Colbert Hit High |
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Hillary Clinton Mocks Giuliani Defends Whistleblower on Colbert: ‘Has a Depth of Understanding’ We Should Take Seriously |
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Hillary Clinton claims Joe Biden is for Goodness sake a |
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Clinton Township Factoids – CSX City of the Week |
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Hommage à Jacques Chirac : Il va me manquer vraiment confie Bill Clinton |
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Hillary Rodham Clinton amp Chelsea Clinton |
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Westmoreland-Oriskany falls Clinton wins on gridiron |
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Hillary Clinton uses Late Show appearance to slam Mike Pompeo for not intervening during Trump’s conversation with Ukraine president – hours after it was revealed the Secretary of State was ON the infamous call |
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Clinton Lee |
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Clinton on Women Uncomfortable With Biden Touching Them: ‘Get Over It’ |
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City of the Week in Clinton Township |
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Hillary Clinton questions Trump’s decision to use secure server to store his calls |
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‘Biden is a predator’ protester harkens back to 2016 ‘Bill Clinton is a rapist’ disruptors |
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JUST IN: Republican Senators Tell DOJ To Probe Clinton and Ukraine! |
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Ride the Katy Trail – Clinton to St Louis MO |
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Adair County Missouri Andrew County Missouri Atchison County Missouri Audrain County Missouri Barry County Missouri Barton County Missouri Bates County Missouri Benton County Missouri Boone County Missouri Buchanan County Missouri Caldwell County Missouri Callaway County Missouri Camden County Missouri Carroll County Missouri Cass County Missouri Cedar County Missouri Chariton County Missouri Clark County Missouri Clay County Missouri Clinton County Missouri Cole County Missouri Cooper County Missouri Crawford County Missouri Dade County Missouri Dallas County Missouri Daviess County Missouri DeKalb County Missouri Dent County Missouri Franklin County Missouri Gasconade County Missouri Gentry County Missouri Greene County Missouri Grundy County Missouri Harrison County Missouri Henry County Missouri Hickory County Missouri Holt County Missouri Howard County Missouri Jackson County Missouri Jasper County Missouri Jefferson County Missouri Johnson County Missouri Knox County Missouri Laclede County Missouri Lafayette County Missouri Lawrence County Missouri Lewis County Missouri Lincoln County Missouri Linn County Missouri Livingston County Missouri Macon County Missouri Maries County Missouri Marion County Missouri McDonald County Missouri Mercer County Missouri Miller County Missouri Moniteau County Missouri Monroe County Missouri Montgomery County Missouri Morgan County Missouri Newton County Missouri Nodaway County Missouri Osage County Missouri Pettis County Missouri Phelps County Missouri Pike County Missouri Platte County Missouri Polk County Missouri Pulaski County Missouri Putnam County Missouri Ralls County Missouri Randolph County Missouri Ray County Missouri Saline County Missouri St Charles County Missouri St Clair County Missouri St Louis County Missouri Schuyler County Missouri Scotland County Missouri Shelby County Missouri Sullivan County Missouri Texas County Missouri Vernon County Missouri Warren County Missouri Washington County Missouri Webster County Missouri Worth County Missouri Wright County Missouri Multi-County Missouri |
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WashPost Tries Very Hard to Make Clinton Email Probe Seem Crooked |
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Watch: Steve Bannon Says Hillary Clinton Is ‘Running’ for President In 2020 |
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2019 Clinton Herald Boat Giveaway |
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Sapato Masculino New Old Derby Clinton Blue |
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Mark Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton Blasts Mike Pompeo Rudy Giuliani on ‘Colbert’ for Aiding Trump’s Alleged Crimes |
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2016 Revisited: Electronic Balloting Favored Clinton Paper Balloting Sanders |
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Rahul Gandhi’s Trump card Sanjay Jha’s cat amp Hillary Clinton’s ‘corrupt human tornado’ |
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A thank you to Bill Clinton |
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Colbert to Hillary Clinton on Trump: ‘Lock him up’ |
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Hommage Chirac : Clinton et Sarkozy arrivent à Saint-Sulpice |
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Do the math: Epstein’s 65 million Google vote flip from Trump to Clinton |
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Clinton Herald Athlete Profiles |
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Clinton Visitor and Newcomer Guide 2019 |
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Top 10 Best Hillary Clinton Quotes |
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USA Trump: “Più uniti di Clinton scoperto da Hillary mentre osserva Ivanka Trump |
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Hillary Clinton says the ‘gutsiest’ decision she’s ever made was to stay in her marriage to Bill Clinton after his cheating scandal |
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Hilary Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton aurait vendu des technologies secrètes du SSP à la Chine |
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Dentist Clinton Can Advise on Whether to Go For Dentures or Dental Implants |
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