In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 1 day ago |
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Bill Clinton: romans z Lewinsky był sposobem “radzenia sobie z niepokojami” |
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Hillary Clinton EXPLODES On Live Air |
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Forbes-Smith Panelist at Clinton Foundation Event |
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James Woods predicts Hillary “Nuclear Cockroach” Clinton will become President |
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Bill Clinton opens up on why he cheated on his wife with his secretary |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 3 hours ago |
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DECADES LATER: Bill Clinton EXPOSES Monica Lewinsky |
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Bill Clinton claims Monica Lewinsky affair was to ‘help anxieities’ |
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Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair was to ‘manage anxieties’ |
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Bill Clinton says affair with Monica Lewinsky was to ‘manage my anxieties’ |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 21 hours ago |
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They’re With Her: “Drag Race” All-Stars Pay Tribute to Hillary Clinton |
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Bill Clinton dice que tuvo el affaire con Lewinsky para manejar la “ansiedad” |
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Girls Varsity Softball at Clinton High School |
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Judge Orders Hillary Clinton To Appear For Deposition As Part Of Judicial Watch Lawsuit |
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Mantan Presiden AS Bill Clinton Akui Selingkuh untuk Atasi Tekanan Pekerjaan |
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Bill Clinton reveals why he cheated with Monica Lewinsky |
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Meet South Africa with Clinton |
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Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair was to ‘manage anxieties’ |
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Top der Corona-Infizierten steigt dramatisch: So reagieren Brother-Überraschung: Es zieht auch ein Promi im Pizza-Karton: Lieferservice vermittelt Displays und Co: Die Handys der Zukunft Ein Viertel hält Frauenschlagen für Von diesen Regionen rät das Auswärtige Amt Trumps Ratschläge sorgen für belasten selbst durch Anwesenheit Clinton und Monika Lewinsky: Neue Details zur LKW-Fahrer wird aus brennendem Truck Mann besprüht Passagier mit Lombardi: Macht er hiermit Beziehung Deutsche haben wenig Angst vor dem nehmen weniger CO2 auf als vor 30 finden Millionen Jahre alte Corona-Maßnahme: Experte fordert Auftritt nach Royal-Rücktritt: Meghan im hautengen Etuikleid |
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Congressional panel says Boeing has ‘culture of Clinton explains Monica Lewinsky affair as ‘managing my anxieties’ |
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Watch Hillary Clinton Perfectly Deliver Her ‘Real Housewives’ Tagline |
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Hillary Clinton And The Vendetta By Conservative Democrats Against Bernie Sanders |
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Feds Just Rocked the Clinton’s WorldMakes Move Against HRC on Email Scandal |
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REPORT: Bill Clinton Says Cheating On Hillary Helped ‘Manage My Anxieties’ |
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Bill Clinton dice que tuvo el affaire con Lewinsky para manejar ansiedades |
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Two swing states show why Clinton lost |
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Clinton Shorter |
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Hillary Clinton Takes Cheap Shot At First Lady Melania amp Her Initiative: “I Think She Should Look Closer To Home” |
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Bill Clinton Bicara Soal Perselingkuhannya Katanya untuk Atasi Tekanan Pekerjaan |
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ZDA Bill Clinton: Z Monico sem zdravil svojo tesnobnost |
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Bill Clinton admits to having had relationships with Monica Lewinsky: I |
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WTH Hillary Clinton Comes Unglued In Mini-Series “I’M MOST INNOCENT PERSON IN AMERICA” |
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Madison Barker amp Clinton Freeman: A |
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Piąty przypadek zarażenia koronawirusem w Illinois odpowiada na zagrożenie Clinton: romans z Lewinsky był sposobem “radzenia sobie |
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Hillary Clinton: Biden Building ‘Broad-Based Coalition’ |
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Here’s What Hulu’s New Hillary Clinton Docuseries Missed About Her Famous ‘Bake Cookies’ Line |
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Stream It Or Skip It: ‘Hillary’ On Hulu Where Hillary Clinton Examines Her Life And Why She’s So Damn Divisive |
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Clinton County Fairgrounds |
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Shockers stun SMU with remarkable comeback win Clinton says affair with Monica Lewinsky was to ‘manage my anxieties’ |
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Late Night Lately: Coronavirus Thoughts Hillary Clinton on Super Tuesday Ben Affleck’s Birthday Surprise |
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Bill Clinton Says Affair With Monica Lewinski Helped Manage My Anxieties |
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Bill Clinton Claims He Had An Affair With Monica Lewinsky To Calm Down ”Presidential Pressure” |
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Bill Clinton svela perchè tradì la moglie con Monica Lewinsky: Quello che ho fatto è orribile |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 5 hours ago |
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FBI Agent Explains Why He Thinks Comey Moved the Clinton Investigation to FBI HQs |
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New Hampshire: so much for live free or die NH Prefers AOC to clinton New hampshire advantage for trusts |
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Clinton Township MI 48038 |
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Washington Post Reporter Philip Rucker to Talk Trump in Clinton School Lecture |
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Ratcliffe Leading Charge to Demand Answers About Comey’s Clinton Email Investigation |
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President George HW Bush’s death – GHWB got us to where we are today – Trump Obama Bush Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton: Biden Building ‘Broad-Based Coalition’ – Sanders Not ‘Our Strongest Nominee’ |
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Clinton Campaign Jilted amp Search Emails |
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Hillary Clinton Zings Melania Trump ‘Be Best’ Campaign: ‘I Think She Should Look Closer to Home’ |
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Hillary Clinton whose husband got BJ’s from an intern to soothe his anxiety praises Pelosi for ripping SOTU speech |
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Bombs found in mail sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton |
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Clinton County cabin break-ins under investigation |
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Bill Clinton explains Lewinsky affair as ‘managing my anxieties’ |
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今晚選一部看!4 Bill Clinton 3 家懷舊風 Cafe:用一杯咖啡的時間,品舊香港風情 |
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Bill Clinton Says He Made Love With Monica Lewinsky ‘To Relieve Pressures Of The Job’ |
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In private conference call top Clinton aide says Trump is ‘tripping on himself’ |
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Former Clinton adviser: Sanders has ‘gotten off the hook’ for his supporters’ behavior |
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Tertipu kenalan dari facebook yg bernama alias Zhao Ng Clinton |
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Jelang Pemilu AS Clinton Emosional soal Skandal Seks Menghancurkan |
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Bill Clinton accuser reacts to his dismissive excuses in Hulu documentary |
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Hillary Clinton on How Democrats Can Defeat Trump time-clock Created with Sketch 8:59AM PST |
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Lewinsky affair was to manage anxieties claims Bill Clinton |
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Clinton Cerejo Bianca Gomes’ debut live gig as Shor Police band |
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I had affair with Lewinsky to manage my anxieties: Bill Clinton |
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Clinton Academy Hosts Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition: Explore Water’s Environmental and Cultural Impact in Water/Ways |
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Bill Clinton Makes Shocking Admission About Affair |
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A touching photo shows an elderly woman talking through a window to her quarantined Clinton says affair with Monica Lewinsky was to ‘manage my anxieties’ |
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Bill Clinton justificó el sexo oral con Monica Lewinsky: “Lo hice para controlar mis ansiedades |
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Ginger Bee Sting Allergy Chelsea Clinton Shits On Kirk Minihane After He Announces He’s Getting Help For Suicidal Thoughts |
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Trump’s representatives in the impeachment case will be the Clinton prosecutors |
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Bill Clinton dice que su relación con Lewinski fue para gestionar su ansiedad |
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Bill Clinton says he had extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky to manage his anxieties |
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Hillary Clinton is Sweating Bullets |
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ទីបំផុត លោក Bill Clinton សារភាពថារួមភេទជាមួយនាង Monica Lewinsky នៅសេតវិមាន COVID-19 ១៩៧ Lexus 400h Madrid Guardiola: នៅមិនទាន់ច្បាស់ថា Kevin De Man Ronaldinho Luiz អបអរកីឡាករ Pablo Mari ជាដៃគូការពារថ្មី |
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Η γελοία εξήγηση του Bill Clinton για τη σεξουαλική σχέση με τη Monica Lewinsky |
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Clinton: Razmerje z Moniko je bil moj način za soočanje s tesnobo |
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Bill Clinton claims Monica Lewinsky affair was to ‘help anxieties’ |
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FBI Agent: Comey and His Inexperienced ‘Boys’ Deliberately Bungled the Hillary Clinton ‘Matter’ |
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Major Networks Ignore Donna Brazile Claim that DNC Rigged 2016 Primary for Clinton |
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Bill Clinton y su idilio con Mónica Lewinsky: ‘Lo hice para controlar la ansiedad’ |
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Bill Clinton impacta al decir que tuvo affaire con Lewinsky para “manejar de teleasistencia para adulto mayores ya opera en Las Condes y Ñuñoa |
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Bill Clinton Explains He Banged Monica Lewinsky To Relieve Stress |
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virginia clinton |
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Bill Clinton v dokumentarnem filmu o razmerju z Monico Lewinsky |
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If Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner then Hillary Clinton is president |
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Hillary Clinton em E-mail: “Destruir a Síria é a melhor maneira de ajudar de controle: Corrupção do feminino meninas transformadas em derrete sob as altas temperaturas dos dias mais quentes já – Anunnaki: Enuma Elish – A Epopeia Babilônica da e Curadores’ estão sendo possuídos por seres disfarçados de ETs e/ou de outras ‘dimensões’ avançados como uma aproximação de na China estaria vinculado ao lançamento 5G e à guerra biológica |
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Bill Clinton Claims He Violated Monica Lewinsky With Cigar To ‘Manage My Anxieties’ |
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Bill Clinton revela que tuvo romance con Lewinsky para manejar el estrés |
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Video of Man Asking Chelsea Clinton If Dad ‘Targe |
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Women’s Rights Are Human Rights†: An Ode To Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Pink Suit |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 6 hours ago |
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Bill Clinton: “Mijn overspel kwam door stress” |
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Hillary Clinton Declares Victory in Iowa Caucus |
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Bill Clinton végre kibökte mi vitte rá hogy Monica Lewinskyvel bujálkodjon |
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Bill Clinton confiesa que su affair con Monica Lewinsky fue por ansiedad |
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Bill Clinton’s Predatory “Anxiety Management”: A Mental Health Professional’s View |
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‘I did it to manage my anxieties’ Bill Clinton tells Hillary Hulu documentary that he had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky to ease the pressures of the job |
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Clinton e lo scandalo Lewinsky: «Fui infedele per gestire l’ansia» |
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Hillary Clinton Takes Heat on Social Media After Dissing Trump During Cummings’ Euology |
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Lady Hawks claim Class III bowling state title over Clinton |
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BILL CLINTON: Sex w/ Lewinsky Was to ‘Manage My Anxieties’ |
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Morning Round-Up: “Schitt’s Creek” tour Hillary Clinton “Pose” cast Scott Piercy “Hocus Pocus 2″ |
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BREAKING: Bloomberg Plan to Avoid Being Suicided with Hillary Clinton as Running Mate Leaked |
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Bill Clinton justificó su affaire con Mónica Lewinsky: «Lo hice para manejar mis el Angelus del Papa y las misas de casi toda Italia se celebran on line |
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Línurnar eru að skýrast í forvali Demókrataflokksins fyrir komandi forsetakosningar og ljóst er að enn og aftur er það hvítur karlmaður í eldri kantinum sem verður fyrir valinu Þrátt fyrir að nokkrar frambærilegar konur hafi gefið kost á sér virtust þær aldrei eiga möguleika og fengu takmarkaða athygli fjölmiðla Deilt er um hvaða áhrif ósigur Hillary Clinton gegn Donald Trump hafi haft á stöðu kvenna í flokknum |
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Donald John Trump d 14 Haziran 1946 Amerikalı iş adamı siyasetçi ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin günümüzdeki başkanı 8 Kasım 2016 tarihinde yapılan 2016 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanlık seçimlerine Cumhuriyetçi Parti’nin adayı olarak girmiş Hillary Clinton’ı geçerek Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin 45 devlet başkanı seçilmiştir Seçildiğinde 70 yaşında olması sebebiyle seçilen en yaşlı ABD başkanıdır Donald Trump 1960’lı yıllarda çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı liseyi terk etmek durumunda kaldı Sonraki süreçte askeri akademi ile Pensilvanya’da bulunan Wharton Institute’de eğitim gördü Üniversite yılları sonrasında babası Fred Trump’ın emlak ve inşaat firmasında görev almaya başladı 1971’de babasının şirketlerinde imtiyaz sahibi olup kontrolü ele aldı Şirkete Trump Organizasyon adını vererek merkezini Manhattan bölgesine taşıdı Kısa sürede yaptırdığı otellerle adını duyurdu 1999 yılında babasını kaybetti 2000’de yapılan seçimlere Reform Partisi başkan adayı olarak katıldı fakat kısa süre sonra adaylıktan çekildi 2001 yılında bu partiden ayrıldı 2004 yılında NBC kanalında “Çırak” The Apprentice programını hazırlayarak şov dünyasına adım attı Bazı söylemleri nedeniyle Nobel Barış Ödülü’ne aday gösterildi fakat kazanamadı 2016 yılındaki seçim sürecinde İslamofobik söylemleri ve seçim vaatleriyle eleştirildi Forbes’in 2016 yılındaki dünyanın en zengin 400 kişisi listesinde yer aldı 2016 yılındaki seçimleri kazanmasıyla birlikte ABD tarihinin en yaşlı başkanı oldu |
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Clinton and Trump: Who leads in Google Searches |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 23 hours ago |
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GALLERY: Meridian vs Clinton Girls in the MHSAA Class 6A Semifinals |
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Grey Clinton Agụ |
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Bill amp Hillary Clinton Open Up About Keeping Their Marriage After The Former President’s Infamous Affair With White House Intern Monica Lewinsky |
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Bill Clinton justificó el sexo oral con Monica Lewinsky: “Lo hice para controlar mis que hice es inexcusable” Pocas veces Bill Clinton aceptó manifestarse públicamente sobre el escandaloso affaire que mantuvo con Monica Lewinsky |
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Hillary Clinton Loved Moment Pelosi Shred SOTU Speech – Showed Trump Is ‘Untethered From Reality’ |
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UPDATE 1 – Bombs found in mail sent to Obama Clinton and other Democrats |
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‘I’m the most investigated innocent person in America!’ Hillary Clinton snaps back in new doc |
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Clinton Road |
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Affaire Monica Lewinsky : mea culpa de Bill Clinton qui lie cela à l’anxiété |
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Bill Clinton: «tuve sexo con Monica Lewinsky para manejar mis ansiedades» |
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今晚選一部看!4 Bill Clinton 3 家懷舊風 Sayuri World 即將在 3 月底推出露營體驗 |
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Hillary Clinton Denies Throwing A Lamp At Her Hubby Bill |
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George Clinton/ジョージ・クリントン |
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Clinton Institute |
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In new documentary Bill Clinton says Lewinsky affair took his mind off being president 14 hours ago |
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Pse Hillary Clinton nuk thotë kurrë emrin e Donald Trump gjatë intervistave apo fjalimeve |
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Hillary Clinton: Elizabeth Warren Lost Because of Unconscious Bias |
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Here are some highlights from Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live” |
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‘Time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton’: Court orders deposition on emails Benghazi attack records |
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Hillary Clinton “I’m Most Innocent Person In America” |
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Why I Cheated On My Wife With My Secretary – Former US President Bill Clinton Finally Opens Up |
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Bill Clinton spune că aventura cu Monica Lewinsky l-a făcut să scape de grijile de președinte al SUA |
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WATCH: Clinton Rape Accuser Speaks Out on Bill’s Hulu Doc Infidelity Excuses |
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Bloomberg Drops Out Of 2020 Presidential Race Endorses Candidate Joe Clinton Claims He Violated Monica Lewinsky With Cigar To ‘Manage My Anxieties’ |
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Bill Clinton Finally Opens Up On Why He Cheated On His Wife With His Secretary |
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Bill Clinton dice que tuvo el affaire con Lewinsky para “manejar ansiedades” |
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Bill Clinton: ‘Tôi ngoại tình với Monica Lewinsky để bớt lo âu’ |
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Inbox Zero: Why Hillary Clinton’s Email Mess Isn’t Over |
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Annie M Snyder the artist from Clinton County PA |
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Elizabeth Clinton |
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Hillary Clinton Net Worth |
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Screw The News Let’s Watch Hillary Clinton And Andy Cohen Gossip! |
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Hillary Clinton Leads by 7 Points in Pennsylvania Poll |
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Consejería bíblica 5: Manual de consulta sobre sexualidad y relaciones Clinton Tim |
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19 IHOP’s Anti-Hillary Clinton Retweet |
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