Despite detente sanctions on North Korea fan TB epidemic |
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Donald Trump Tweets “Very Nice Note” from North Korea |
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Yongusil 94: Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands |
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Mass Dance Pyongyang North Korea Travel |
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North Korea Pictures That You Have Never Seen |
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Warm words from North Korea on Cold… |
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Australian Perceptions of the North Korean Crisis and the Pacific Rim |
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Escaped Christian Describes North Korea Labor Camp |
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China’s June trade with North Korea falls by more than half |
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North Korea Accuses US Using ‘Gangster-Like’ Tactics Mike Pompeo Pushes Back |
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Reading North Korea by Chosun: A Roundtable Review |
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US ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions on North Korea keep medical care from thousands of patients |
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WP: “Trump Should Learn to Live with a Nuclear North Korea” |
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Pompeo preaches prosperity to North Korea via… |
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US Accuses North KOREA OF Breaching UN Sanctions |
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An empty wooden ship washed up in Japan – and it looks like another mysterious North Korean ‘ghost ship’ |
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Missionaries at Border Spread Christianity to North Korea |
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is a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Meis the pox on yer lips The Book ov LevIt A Kisslive performed out loud After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is the book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretold along with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scripture Due Turn On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Living Torah being given live whirled wide what The Television Scripture The Book ov Lev foretells Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television Scripture From the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacewhirled pizzaevery buddy Getz a slicein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundpart of our Public Domain A few years back there was an article Bloomberg Business Weekabout Rolls Royce in England developing Lev clipper ship idea With rotational masts to catch every gust Rolls doesn’t have solar voltaic sailsI have been preaching this idea we build Hybrid clipper ships wherever there is water and people need work since my first presidential write-in campaign in 1980 I talked up my clipper ship idea in New Hampshire primary on NHPTV in 1988 Also in numerous 1500 character comments in The New York Slimes during 2012 election Mark today the dayYou too proclaimed your spirit’s independence The thin skin Russian money laundromat Don el Dough Trump must be dumped! Impeached!D Chief Liar Thief evicted from our fief I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me! Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narratives fun to listen to Decide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace The Government In Exile with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants shall be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Join ! Become member Get Television Scripture Follow lev01833076 JOINThe Government In Exile Renew our democracy Follow lev01833076 Sea Poet Prophet for yourselfDo you have a smart TV with ROKU Sign up for Youtube via ROKU Type in Michael Levinson into YouTube Search Sea view play LEV videos on your big TV screen This next video here is a mini-masterpiece of spontaneous speech The camera person was / is an anti Semite anti-Levinson person That is why two black bars top and bottom and on your computer monitor the distance from camera to poet to diminish the contents besides some crappy opening music instead of Here Comes The Chief The anti-Lev person ripped Lev off for hundreds of dollars and then refused to hand over broadcast quality tape So Lev bought his own camera All the other videos you see are single-handed selfie the anti-Semite camera person the tape below is spectaclar on the big TV screen! This tape begins with Adman and Even shows one prophetic passage from the Television Scripture then a full explanantion of the Lev Mortgage Program where every house is savedthen the Clipper Ship Building Jobs Program how every home can become an energy incubator the Lev Health Care package and moreOne spontaneous must-see spontaneous masterpiece I speak we win The White House is my stepping stone to deliver World PeaceI bring to the political table innovative economic growth plans Michael Levinson on Late Nite Broadcast TelevisionThis video has had more than 3000 views on YouTube Had our nation seen this 13 minute video below had you heard Lev Health Care Assurance that will cost less than half of Obama Care and covers our whole country in sixteen weeks time without a website or bureaucracy only a one line change in the tax code and Uncle Sam Shazam a giant money-making fresh revenue stream for the betterment of our country that eliminates public debt Lev might’ve been elected president in 2012! The 12 minute video below was recorded audio aired and video on WMNF 885 FM website Deciding for Lev Grab a pen practice write his full name Michael Levinson three times and you are good to go Do not forget to bring your own pen Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s eye maintainson my life and times The corral around my right to public speech say as a candidate is actively in placeDon’t hold your breath waiting to hear or see this poet prophetI am a poet prophet author of prophetic works on your local TV or on any broadcast or cable TV ShowMy emails and postings are regularly sniffedand where I may surf tracked Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIEDThis web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where you can download a readable copy of the Church Committee ReportsGoogle Church Committee Reports and find that for yourself! Upon election first thing I am going to do isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into a single agencyIn that way civil or criminal domestic or foreign All intelligence gathering is conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference in anyones domestic life whether political or private unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activitiesthen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab themafter they purchase a pressure cooker etc In the land of the blind the one-eye man is kingUpon election to the presidency I will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakened our countryand to this day keep our citizenry afraid and unsafe Detroit should become a major hybrid clipper ship building port The Lev deal for all who read this page and cough up bucks for his campaign:You get buttons and cards via US mail WEAR MY BUTTON / SAVE LEV CARD! You will be on the first come first serve list for White House lunch Lev plans on feeding two hundred people every day He says we lunch in the East Room at noonThen we come back after 6:00 PMAs we are going to be the audienceFor the Lev After Dinner United Family Talk showLIVE AT THE WHITE HOUSEThat’s his dough nation deal for all Lev for president supportersGoScroll the whole pageSee which innovative common sense solutions you favor A question occurs when you quest your chin and take it all inWhere it says below underlined in red An essay Circa 1999 2000 about hemp and gasp marijuana that is where you click An essayCirca 1999-2000 about hemp and gasp marijuana50000 shops more than a half million jobsRead marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important Support my son’s campaign Upon election one free lunch But you have to bring his campaign card or your White House lunch is dutch treat!Order a Lev 4 president T-shirt I Lev Mom shall arrange you get desert! I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev webmaster inspiring from uh pin Heaven VOTE FOR MY SON! Send my son an emailJoin my son’s campaign!Send 10 for 20 buttons 20 cards print our campaign page todecorate your neighbor’s door Enlist your friends and we the people win! A question occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in Ask Here is Lev New Hampshire Public Television 1988 running in the New Hampshire presidential primary In the event you cannot see the youtube screen fear not ! Click below on Here is Part 2 You get all three ten minute parts right from Youtube Here is Part 2 Here is Part 3 Find in full view up and down this page doable innovative solutionsfor every issue facing our nation I bring to our political table more than myTelevision Scripture to perform as old blind Homerdusk until dawnon worldwide Radio and TV rivaling Dante of Divine Comedic fame I explain my Health Care plan to cover more than 41 million people without bureaucracy or website My Flood Insurance FEMA reform was plagiarized by another candidate for Congress My Mortgage program is worthy of a Nobel Prize for economics Upon my Gulf of Mexico Oil for Peace Plan we cancel the BP oil leases They can pump our oil at cost plusWe use our oil money to clean the Gulf pay all residential real estate taxes nationwide fund free college for all who qualify Include my Clipper Ship Building program online for years adapted by the Rolls Royce Company See Bloomberg News link Supra Scroll down to the full cover of New World Hors D’oeuvres the Lev prophetic satire of current events Click for your own pre-pub desk top copy free Along the way see my Fresh Revenue Streams to improve our livesBookmark this page and return grow and learn absorb my political plan all the reasons why to support Michael S Levinson for world leaderinstead of checking a box Stop right here to see and hear my inspired retelling of your creationFrum The Book ov Lev It A Kiss Adman and Even in Gar Den ov Edum I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on all the television channels and all of our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem I am the poet inspired in the ocean wilderness 40 days and 40 nights given the work of prophetic artThe Book ov Lev It A Kiss hand lettered in double columns to perform on Whirled Wide Television for all the worlds’ peoples at onceWords world orders and word hors d’oeuvresA new word order for world renewalWorld Peace is going to take hold on good ship Mother Earth Beginning with a sing-you-learn peacefulwhirled wide TV night! I seek the nomination of ALL political parties So we present a united face to the world!Do not fill in a box for more political gridlockskip their equal two evils Clinton Trump plotuse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael S Levinson for President! In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidate in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Vote LEV! We are one TV Show away from World PeaceTweet Beneath the check-off boxes for the printed names on your paper ballot there’s a placefor you to vote for who you want November 8 2016 was an opportunity to write-inMichael S LevinsonLEV is the three letter nickname thatcountsas a write-in vote forMichael S Levinsonbut only in FloridaEverywhere else you mustwrite-inMichael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right thisminuteLets do wit You with pen and papercan break the two party lock on our national politics Write-inMichael S Levinson for US President!2020 Michael S LevinsonEvery general election ballot has a slot to write me in your choice A question is when you quest your chin and take it all in The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house20 – 30 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floods hurricanes tornadoes and more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine20 – 30 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be just public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy should be done away with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency money from the Treasury to begin repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminate FEMA’s bureaucracy and the calamity jobs shall get doneThe required20 – 30 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers all private homes and businesses20 – 30 bucks a month per every household does it!FEMA money without FEMA bureaucracy shall repair the grid Oil Is The National Security IssueWe need to nationalize our Gulf oil fieldsThe BP Gulf of Mexico oil spillForetold explicitly in The Book ov Lev It A Kiss c 1971Click on line above to see the prophetic passageBlew out oil at 6000 pounds per square inch pressureB-ritish P-etrolium tapped into the deep sea oilall the Gulf oil drillers were afterThe seam of oilbeneath our deepest seasthat runs the girth of good ship Mother Earth!There is as much oil in that Gulf of Mexico seamas all the oil pumped the last 70 years in Saudi Arabia with a couple hundred more years to goshhh same seam same quality As long as the Saudis nationalized their oil wells why can’t we nationalize ours Every country runs their own oil except USAA simple lease cancellation and nationalization is a done dealThen we are the world’s largest oil producerWe decide who we are selling our oil to and for how much ducats not Amoco or BP OIL FOR PEACE!Then we tell Iran: develop nuclearand USA will undersell our oil to all your customersIran will not be able to sell a single barrel of oilWe explain the cost of continuing to develop nuclear is to be put out of the oil businessExpect riots as Iran cannot even purchase food without oil revenue National Security is the issueI am going to state the case for Gulf of Mexico oil nationalizationto all the American people The Fresh Revenue Stream shall repair the ecological damage to our Gulf of Mexico eliminate all real estate taxeseliminate income taxes on hourly wages eliminate our national debt and more Every Florida House an Energy Incubator Every Florida house houses everywhere where the sun shines can be reroofed with solar voltaic shingles a passive panal running the roof line to heat water hot and a pair of residential wind turbines one at each sidewallgenerating electricity 24 hours a day whether you are home at work or playThe utiity can underwrite the incubator loansThe payment can be geared to the energy saved off the utility billDuke Energy short sighted will be opposed to our saving moneyWe the people by virtue of our government shall purchase all Duke Energy stock and turn Duke EnergyAnd all our utilities nationwide Into cooperatives similar to our Federal Credit UnionsOur utility will be owned by we the usersUpon that we will all save tons of money Duke’s 8 million dollar a year CEO will be collecting unemploymentThe Lev energy incubator program will also generate thousands of long term Florida jobs and jobs in every state where the sun shines Break the two party lock on our national politics! WORLD WIDE INDUSTRIAL HEMP for all the world’s paper plastics cardboard clothing food and lotionswill trap billions of carbon dioxide tons in our atmoesphereSave Good Ship Mother Earth |
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North Korea Calls Denuclearization Talks with US |
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Media On North Korea: Easier To Demonize Than Try To Understand |
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Steve Mnuchin is defying Congress amp undermining the President’s North Korea policy |
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Cars of the DPRK North Korea |
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Tue 22nd Sep 2015 09:04 Travels in North Korea Part 5 |
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North Korea amp WMD: How to Think About the Unthinkable |
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The North Korean leader cites “epochal progress” but leaves out… |
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Có thật sự Kim Jung Un/North Korea sẽ chấp nhận giải giáp vũ khí hạt nhân Denuclearization |
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Julia on 20 Jun in: Rejuvenating the North Korean dictatorship |
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North Korea rights abuses ‘matter of discussion’ by US: official |
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Dennis Rodman takes credit for Otto Warmbier’s release: NBA star returns from North Korea claiming he got ‘tortured’ American freed and ‘didn’t know the fatally-ill student was sick’ |
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DPRK Map |
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President Trump Speaks to North Koreans through Voice of America |
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Why Trump can’t lift North Korea sanctions unilaterally |
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Southern Africa is Full of North Korean Monuments |
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As Pompeo heads to North Korea State Department |
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China North Korea trade much lower in June this year than same month in 2017 |
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6– “Gangsterism” or “Progress” Examining North Korea’s Latest Statement on Denuclearization |
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US campaigns for regime change characteristically focus on the “madness” of the “dictators” to be toppled In the case of North Korea the narrative is spiced by the country’s developing nuclear capabilities — which North Korea views as its main line of defense against regime change |
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Why a Trump deal with North Korea is bad news for Iran |
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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST-Z/W Richard Blade Harold Austin Casey Kasem Leon Kaplan the Motor Man and Jim Carson Email Saturday 7142018 KABC Essay from 2010 “Your points are well taken here Don even eight years later It has been so long since KABC had a meaningful presence here that the call letters if they mean anything at all stand for an era that has passed Heritage call letters are only useful when they have had years of active relevance KIIS KFI even KABC’s sister station KLOS have a positive ongoing recognition factor KABC does not And the funny thing is that I still think of 870 as KIEV even though Salem replaced those calls way back on January 1 2001 If the program schedule in 2010 seemed like a ‘work in progress’ that got halted for some reason and then never resumed then it looks now like the entire project was abandoned Perhaps Cumulus was so focused on their bankruptcy that they didn’t notice Bob Moore was sitting on his hands over in the corner I think that if Cumulus can’t make KABC work they should either sell it LMA it to an ethnic broadcaster or – if they’re intent on keeping this now-inferior AM signal – simulcast with KLOS until they come up with a workable game plan Because the plan they’ve had for the past decade ain’t workin’” – KM Richards KABC Ratings “I just can’t believe what has happened to KABC” – Allen Mclean More Ratings“I remember when KABC was 1 for all those years So sad! Good for KPCC 10!! YEA!” – Alan F Ross KPCC vs KNX “I suppose that listeners are saying that they’d rather sit through pledge drives than 22 minutes an hour of spots Not to mention real content” – Douglas Brown Boss Radio Insight “I recently received a sizeable collection of original memos that were written by Paul Drew while he was the program director at KHJ As many of you who worked with him know he was very detail oriented” – Jeffrey Leonard Ciji Ware “I worked with Ciji Ware for a few months in 1971-72 when I joined KNBC as the Dayside Assignment Editor and she was our consumer reporter who went by Ciji Ware Billet What I wish I’d known back then was that her dad wrote for One Man’s Family It was created and produced by Carlton E Morse who with his wife Pat was a lifelong friend of my parents My mom and Morse worked together on the San Francisco Evening Bulletin before he hit it big in network radio drama My parents wedding was held in Pat and Carlton’s SF apartment So much for nostalgia My entire LA experience was in tv but I have known a lot of the radio people just because we’re all broadcasters” – Warren Cereghino Pacific Palisades Vidal Memories “I attended broadcasting school at Career Academy in 1970 One of my classmates was Bruce Vidal It was a small class but he shined Most of us were there to learn how to become a deejay But Bruce already had a natural sound voice and personality that transcended the training He was a ‘natural’ We all enjoyed each other and we had a bond but after we graduated we all went our separate ways Later on it was great when I heard Bruce got the gig on KIIS and I bragged to my friends that we went to school together I did run into him in around 1992 when I co-owned a Pioneer Chicken in Canoga Park He stopped in one day when I was there and I recognized him immediately We said our hi’s and caught up a bit He lived in the area and according to my workers he came in often It’s funny how things come back around and reconnect in life I hadn’t thought of him for a while and looked him up last night only to find his obituary Just had to add my little story to his legacy” – Alan Sims Radio Streams “Entercom stations are announcing the only way to listen to stations on the go is to download the radiocom app For those that do not want app overload on their mobile device – still as of today one can enter web address playerradiocom and access all Entercom stations Did you happen to hear the interview with Chuck Martin done by Richard Wagoner and Mike Stark – posted by LA Radio Studios It’s over 2 hours long but well worth the time” – Greg Wood West Hills KRLA Mailer The padded package on the left arrived in the mail this week in 2002 Inside a bag of MampM’s wrapped with a promotional message Marcellus Wiley Jumps Teams July 13 2018 After 11 years with ESPN the last seven locally with KSPN Marcellus Wiley has his final show today “It has been amazing years filled w/laughs debates amp even tears” he wrote on Twitter “My gratitude runs deep for every executive co-host co-worker amp fan on this journey Going to miss it all but I am so excited to create many more media memories!” Word is Marcellus will join Fox SportsThe former NFL star and ESPN analyst joined Max Kellerman to form the “Max amp Marcellus” show in early 2011 Previously he has been paired with various personalities most recently Roger Lodge A native of Southern California Wiley attended St Monica High in Santa Monica where he was an academically and athletically honored student Wiley is a graduate of Columbia University A 10-year NFL veteran Wiley played for four teams during his career including the Buffalo Bills 1997-2000 San Diego Chargers 2001-03 Dallas Cowboys 2004 and Jacksonville Jaguars 2005-06 He had his best years with the Bills and the Chargers Wiley was also voted to the Pro Bowl in 2001 and was named one of Pro Football Weekly’s Top 50 Players in the NFL After the NFL Wiley turned to broadcasting as an NFL commentator for ESPN In other news: Saul Levine is prepping for a “grand celebration” in February 2019 “KBCA went on the air the night of February 18 1959 from temporary studios on top of Mount Wilson on a cold and stormy night with immediate listener calls from all over Southern California” emailed Saul … KUSC’s Rich Capparela just returned from the Galapagos Islands “It was a mind-blowing trip Whoa” declared Rich … Tom Joyner’s Foundation presents “Fantastic Voyage” a cruise that supports Historically Black College and University scholars This year’s offering sold out faster than any of the eight before it The cruise departs next spring from Miami with port stops in San Juan St Thomas and Grand Turk … K-EARTH’s Larry Morgan posted on Facebook that he has been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo “The doc gave me the Epley Maneuver a series of positional changes to realign these rascal crystals in my inner ear back to their normal place The positions basically bring on the vertigo which is not pleasant but by design Not fun But necessary” It all started with a fall that knocked him unconscious … Morning KOST star Ellen K got pulled over by the LAPD the other night Window tinting was too dark She got off … MY/fm’s Lisa Foxx has lost 40 pounds in six months thanks to the Orbera Weight Loss Balloon “I turn 48 on the 28th and already feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD!” enthused Lisa With the balloon out she has vowed to lose another 20 pounds by the end of the year through healthy eating and exercising … Mark Elliot former operations head at Gold Coast Broadcasting in Ventura is now the Group Program Director for Cherry Creek Media in Denver Cherry Creek Media owns and operates 46 stations in Washington Utah Montana Arizona Colorado and North Dakota … Manny the on-the-street reporter for KIIS’ Ryan Seacrest was laid off Call Letter Longevity by KM Richards Someone who read that old post I did on FM call letters history on the occasion of KRTH/KHJ-FM/K45LA’s 70th anniversary of continuous operation back in 2011 asked me what the records are in LA for FMs keeping the same call letters So I put together a list and offer it to you for whatever use you may find for it I set a minimum of 20 years holding a call sign for inclusion Currently held call letters: 1 KOST/1035 – from KADS 1967 51 years 2 KRTH/1011 – from KHJ-FM 1972 46 years 3 KROQ-FM/1067 – from KPPC-FM 1973 45 years 4 KBIG/1043 – from KXTZ 1974 44 years also see below 5 KLVE/1075 – from KEZM 1974 44 years 6 KIIS-FM/1027 – from KKDJ 1975 43 years 7 KLOS/955 – from KABC-FM 1971 37 years 8 KKLA/995 – from KHOF-FM 1985 33 years 9 KPWR/1059 – from KMGG 1986 32 years 10 KTWV/947 – from KMET 1987 31 years includes 280 days as KTMV-FM 11 KCBS-FM/931 – from KODJ 1991 27 years 12 KLAX-FM/979 – from KSKQ-FM 1992 26 years 13 KYSR/987 – from KXEZ 1992 26 years 14 KSCA/1019 – from KLIT 1994 23 years Ties were broken based on the month of the year that the new calls were granted – I’ve counted KKLA because as shown in the records it was a relicensing of the KHOF-FM facilities after the FCC revoked its license Some may disagree with that but it still shows the longevity of the KKLA calls – My understanding is that the KTMV calls were used only on an interim basis while the FCC recovered the KTWV calls from a marine vessel Call letters held before changing: 1 KFAC-FM/923 – to KKBT 40 years 1948-1989 2 KFSG/963 – to KXOL 31 years 1970-2001 3 KNOB/979 – to KSKQ-FM 30 years 1958-1988 4 KHOF-FM/995 – license revoked 29 years 1956-1985 5 KZLA/939 – to KMVN 28 years 1978-2006 6 KUTE/1019 – to KMPC-FM 25 years 1952-1987 7 KNX-FM/931 – to KKHR 25 years 1948-1983 8 KLSX/971 – to KAMP 23 years 1986-2009 9 KKGO/1051 – to KMZT 22 years 1978-2000 10 KBIG/1043 – to KXTZ 22 years 1959-1971 11 KPOL-FM/939 – to KZLA 21 years 1957-1978 Ties broken based on recentness of change – If the years KNOB was on 1031 1949-1958 the total would be 39 years and ranked 2 – If one adds the return to KNX-FM pre-KODJ 1986-1989 the total would be 28 years and ranked 5 KPPC’s Rita Pardue is a Beauty July 12 2018 KPCC’s production manager Rita Pardue was crowned as this year’s Ms Senior California during the annual pageant at the University of San Diego’s Joan Croc Institute for Peace and Justice Theater “In October I go to Atlantic City to compete in the national Ms Senior America pageant” emailed Rita “What an honor to represent our great state of California This pageant is for women over 60 who have reached ‘The Age of Elegance’” Her responsibilities this year include appearances speaking engagements entertaining and encouraging everyone regardless of age to live life to the fullest every day “My first official appearance was appearing in the Coronado Island Fourth of July parade How fun” The annual pageant shows off singing and dancing talents evening gown modeling and the wisdom of women ages 60 and older according to a story in Pasadena Now Five judges evaluate the contestants on talent a statement on their philosophy of life and other criteria Pardue 66 was chosen out of eight talented women who competed during the pageant last month where she sang I’ve Got the Music in Me In April Rita was crowned Ms Senior Ventura County before going on to the state competition Pardue has over 20 years of experience in radio and has expertise in fundraising writing presentation production and media campaign expertise Before coming to KPCC she was KKLA’s Midday LA host from 1998 to 2004 Her assignments have taken her to China Indonesia Japan and North Korea where she was a guest of the state Born in Indiana she grew up in St Louis “I started singing at 16 years old and toured across the country performing at major hotels and supper clubs” said Rita “I opened for name acts including Harry Blackstone Jr George Burns and Pia Zadora Also did some acting in film and television work too I sang with the original cast of ‘Jubilee’ at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas in 1981” Rita started her next career in radio working at KORK-Las Vegas as a news reporter while returning to college at the University of Las Vegas Simultaneously she was hosting a talk show Paying Dues at KUNV- Las Vegas “At that time my faith walk became very important in my life” continued Rita “I rededicated my life and moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams in children’s radio” She also does freelance work doing voiceovers teaching audio production and vocal coaching As a community volunteer she has been working with the Lake Avenue Community Foundation in Pasadena for six years helping in a mentoring program where she’s paired with a young Latina girl who had just completed her first year of college She has also committed to reading before school children doing Saturday morning sessions in Pasadena and Altadena Rita tells the children her story of growing up in the Midwest and moving to California later in life Pardue is also an actor musician and vocalist Her credits include the CBS film When the Circus Came to Town PBS Math Facts and WB’s Unhappily Ever After to mention a few In the 1990s she was the voice of Mrs Aahs and a host of other characters on Children’s Broadcasting Corporation’s “Radio Aahs” Pardue is the author of the children’s book The Nothing-To-Do Funshop and a narrator for several of the popular Hello Kitty children’s books She has also performed with the Hollywood Bowl Easter Choir from 2008 to 2011 The Cold Dose of Radio Reality by Jason Barrett BSM Media July 11 2011 It’s hard sometimes not to become jaded if you work in the radio business The more time you spend time in it the more you discover that it’s not just about watching and talking about sports The newspapers and industry trades at times paint a gloomy picture of what’s happening leaving you to wonder about the stability of your career Then as you improve at your craft and command more respect and warrant higher compensation you learn why the word ‘business’ is included in your industry’s profile description One of the most common mistakes people make in radio is believing that their contributions to a company entitles them to something greater Managers believe the brands they run are ‘their radio stations’ and the hosts producers and contributing members all feel their presence and value to a brand is vital and difficult to replace Their contributions certainly do matter especially to those they work with but in the grand scheme of everything we’re all still replaceable parts Some may have greater value but none of us are irreplaceable How many times have you heard someone who’s young and on the way up in their career complain about the money long hours and lack of attention they receive from their employer There’s this belief that their hard work should be recognized radio should reward its people better and more TLC should be provided by bosses Read complete story by clicking the artwork Vic the Brick is Feeling You July 11 2018 Fans of KLAC’s Vic the Brick Jacobs can rejoice as Chachi’s Benztown Branding is syndicating Vic in a new 30-second daily feature This Day in Sports History A native of Queens NY Jacobs has been a sports broadcaster since 1979 working in Austin Fresno Phoenix and most notably Los Angeles where he landed in the early ’90s as a sports anchor on KCOP/Channel 13 and for Rick Dees on KIIS In 1997 he helped launch the new Sports-Talk format on KXTA now KEIB as the midday host He later went on to co-host with NBA superstar Karl Malone and NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw Tony Valdez wrote on Facebook: “What’s gone wrong at Los Angeles’ all-News radio station A story running today about a primary source of water for Los Angeles calls the lake ‘mono’ as in the opposite of stereo The name is correctly pronounced ‘MO-no’ with two long ‘o’s Making matters worse in a sound bite we hear an official pronouncing ‘Mono Lake’ correctly Like ‘Cahuenga’ and ‘Lompoc’ Mono Lake is a place Los Angeles newscasters are supposed to know how to pronounce But today a reporter several anchors a writer a producer and maybe even the news director didn’t know any better Tuning to KPPC-FM right now” In other news: Bill Seward is part of the NBC Sports team covering the 2018 Rugby World Cup Sevens from San Francisco later this month … Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy KRRL’s Big Boy is headed to television via Fuse Media A syndicated show will be based on “Big Boy’s Neighborhood” beginning July 30 … Longtime Emmis chairman/ceo and founder 1980 Jeff Smulyan has his contract extended into 2022 He will be paid 1025000 during the first year of his new contract with 25000 increases over the next three years ending up at 1100000 for the fourth year He received a signing bonus of 1M … Yvette Nicole Brown has been chosen by AMC to step in and moderate The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead panels at Comic-Con later this month The decision to select Yvette is in response to accusations of misconduct by longtime host Chris Hardwick … Alt 98-7 adds Tamo Sein to middays She is on her way here from WEND-Charlotte “In the words of my family and friends ‘We totally thought you were pregnant but OH MY GOD THIS MAY BE EVEN MORE EXCITING NEWS!’” She replaces Marty Whitney who continues at KIOZ-San Diego Ratings Steady as They Go July 10 2018 Very little major movement with the top stations in the just-released June ’18 PPM 6 Mon-Sun 6a-mid KBIG MY/fm remains on top followed by KOST K-EARTH and KTWV the WAVE KIIS once market leader but still revenue leader continues in a downward cycle Pasadena City College’s KPCC moves into the Top 10 while KABC falls out of the Top 40 tied at 41st with Oldies KSUR1 KBIG MY/fm 57 – 582 KOST AC 56 – 563 KRTH Classic Hits 50 – 514 KTWV the WAVE 48 – 45 5 KIIS Top 40/M 45 – 436 KCBS JACK/fm 42 – 41 KFI Talk 44 – 418 KLVE Spanish Contemporary 37 – 359 KYSR Alternative 32 – 2810 KAMP Top 40/M 27 – 27 KPCC News/Talk 27 – 27 12 KLOS Classic Rock 27 – 26 KNX News 27 – 26 KPWR Top 40/R 24 – 26 KRRL Urban 27 – 26 KXOL Spanish AC 27 – 26 17 KROQ Alternative 24 – 2518 KLAX Regional Mexican 27 – 24 KRCD Spanish Adult Hits 26 – 2420 KKGO Country 21 – 2321 KBUE Regional Mexican 19 – 2222 KSCA Regional Mexican 26 – 2123 KXOS Regional Mexican 18 – 2024 KUSC Classical 16 – 1725 KDAY Rhythmic AC 14 – 1526 KJLH Urban AC 17 – 1427 KCRW Variety 13 – 13 KSSE Spanish Oldies 12 – 1329 KRLA Talk 09 – 11 KSPN Sports 10 – 1131 KLAC Sports 09 – 10 KLYY Spanish Adult Hits 07 – 1033 KEIB Talk 08 – 09 KKJZ Jazz 08 – 0935 KFSH Christian Contemporary 07 – 08 36 KFWB Regional Mexican 08 – 07 KKLQ Christian Contemporary 08 – 0738 KDLD Regional Mexican 04 – 06 KWIZ Spanish Variety 06 – 0640 KYLA Christian Contemporary 06 – 05 Michael Savage to the Supremes July 10 2018 Back in 2013 Mary Ann Sause of Louisburg Kansas was listening to Westwood One’s syndicated The Michael Savage Show when the police came to her door over a complaint that her radio was playing too loud The retired nurse eventually opened the door to the police they said she would go to jail and then Sause a devout Catholic asked to pray They ordered her to stop After the incident she tried to get an apology from the Louisburg Police department to no avail She went to court claiming violation of her constitutional rights and a legal saga ensued The case went all the way to the Supreme Court who ruled on behalf of Ms Sause on June 28th … a precedent that all started with Michael Savage You can read more here in The Hutchinson News One-of-a-Kind LARPs by Mike Hagerty July 10 2018 When we asked readers to suggest one-of-a-kind personalities in the history of LARadio most zeroed on one character who would stand alone never to be duplicated Some couldn’t decide on one LARP but mentioned many Our contributor this morning iHeartMedia’s Mike Hagerty has a strong list LARadio has had several one-of-a-kind personalities There was no Art Laboe clone before or since anywhere in America The sophisticated wit and astonishing vocabulary of Bill Ballance was not going to be found anywhere other than with Bill himself Bob Crane was to radio what Ernie Kovacs was to tv but in his own unique way Find me a jock who was ‘just like Bob Crane’ Johnny Magnus – ain’t nobody better than he a line he once used about Wes Montgomery when it comes to knowing the music and sharing that knowledge which he still does every Saturday and Sunday morning on 881 The Real Don Steele spawned a host of imitators all doomed to fail because as Robert W Morgan arguably another original said if you try to sound like him you just end up sounding like an idiot B Mitchel Reed pioneered the concept of an FM album rock jock and proved you didn’t have to sound or be stoned to do it Jimmy Rabbitt often was or sounded stoned when he did it sometimes on the same station as BMR but he’s an original too There was only one Wolfman Jack Or Frazer Smith for that matter I never heard anybody do radio the way Lee Baby Simms did it Or Bobby Ocean And how about Phil Hendrie I’m sure I’m leaving out names I hope other readers fill the blanks I’m unintentionally leaving Bottom line – the ranks of LARPs includes a whole host of originals which is probably how they made it to – and made it in – Los Angeles A New Role for Kelli Gates July 9 2018 I love stories of revival resurrection renaissance and rejuvenation And this is one of them We all know that our radio job is going to end But this should not be the end of the story What we do with the rest of our lives is the real story Kelli Gates was one of the forgotten soldiers in the midst of the dissolution of the KLOS Mark amp Brian Show in 2012 Since 1998 Kelli had been the third important voice on the morning show Equal parts contributor by giving news that was relatable to the audience plus laughing at all of their jokes – the funny ones and the ones that went flat She dazzled them with very personal stories which included playing in the World Series of Poker a few years ago We seemed to care as much about Kelli’s life as we did the two boys Virtually overnight Kelli went from playing a key role on a coveted morning show to unemployment “I thought the company was going to continue with Brian Phelps after Mark retired” said Kelli She spoke the day after the massive firings of everyone connected with the morning show except for the Skylord Scott Reiff and sports guy Todd Donoho Kelli thought she would be part of the reconstructed morning show But with the snap of a finger and without warning Brian announced that he too was leaving Kelli grew up in Dearborn Heights Michigan and moved to Kentucky in the 11th grade Kelli graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1987 She worked at WKQQ-Lexington as half of Kruser and Kelli’s morning show From there KOMP-Las Vegas then back to the Midwest at “97X” Oxford Ohio “Maybe you remember Dustin Hoffman chanting ‘97X The Future of Rock and Roll’ in the movie Rainman” she said in recounting her journey Her big break came at WWCD-Columbus Ohio in 1990 “I’m really proud of the fact that I was pd and drive-time talent for two start-up stations that are still very successful Some of the talent hired on the small budgets provided were green You can always teach formatics but you can’t teach people personality Her radio path changed course in 1993 “I married a guy that I met only because he was in love with my voice and came to a live remote to meet me He was a tall dark medical student Unfortunately he lived in Toledo She began working in markets all over Southern California her ultimate radio goal Kelli worked in the Inland Empire at KCXX and KCAL and in San Diego at KGB During a stint as radio coordinator for the Museum of Television amp Radio she infused a much-needed shot of awareness into the radio activities of Southern California “The Museum job was very exciting especially since I was able to meet all of the key radio people in town past and present” Single again she got a weekend job at “Y107” before landing a job at KLOS which led to being a part of the morning show with Mark amp Brian On one of her stops after KLOS she did mornings in Santa Rosa And then silence She called old bosses and friends Nothing led to a job Kelli then an idea She decided to go home despite Thomas Wolfe’s proclamation “I really am excited to back in Lexington” wrote Kelli recently “It’s brought a sense of calm and inner peace I haven’t felt in a long time Little did I know that I was going to really need support from my family in a big way after a major health scare I guess intuition said to get back to where I would be near in proximity to those closest to me” As we all age it is incumbent that we pay attention to our bodies A year ago Kelli noticed her energy level and ‘lust for life’ had taken a real dive She saw a doctor who said her iron levels were low and suggested she take an over the counter prescription to help and eat more iron-rich foods “I did but it didn’t seem to get any better I ended up chalking it up to a combination of depression in not finding job I was out of work due to a combination of station budget cuts and the economy” At the same time her sister in Kentucky was terminally ill “The silver lining there was that I was able to spend some beautiful quality time with her and was with her when she passed” Kelli chalked up her lethargy and depression to getting older and that this was the “New normal” for her She returned to familiar territory in Northern California to look for a job back on the air and a place to live both unsuccessfully “The housing market was tight already then came the devastating fires in Santa Rosa which really diminished the possibilities of even finding a place even if I was employed So I decided to go to Reno for a while where there was a radio job that was looking like a real possibility The initial interview and feedback was all positive so I thought I would wait it out and stay in cheap hotels and use my poker skills to make some cash When I was too tired to even just sit and play poker which is one of my favorite things to do I knew something was really wrong Kelli made a snap decision jumped in her car and drove the 33 hours back to Kentucky where she could feel at least feel centered with family around “I went to a health clinic and had some lab work done and the next day while interviewing for a local radio gig I got a frantic phone call from the nurse at the clinic who told me to get to the emergency room right away My red blood cell count was at 39 The normal is in the 13-15 range! I wasn’t getting oxygen to my heart muscles or even hardly my brain No wonder I felt so crappy! Kelli saw a battery of doctors and nurses who all said they had never seen levels so low in someone that was actually up and walking around “I was admitted to the ICU immediately and had a blood transfusion 4 units! My idol Keith Richards would be proud! They kept me for five days and did a series of exploratory procedures but couldn’t find anything abnormal or figure out where the bleeding was coming from So I’ve been taking a heavier dosage of iron pills and vitamin C and will swallow a nifty pill with a camera in it next week to further explore possibilities of where the problem might stem from” The story is still in process but Kelli is feeling very optimistic “I can honestly say I am a brand-new person I have energy again I don’t look like a zombie and feel positive about what’s to come” And Kelli landed the radio job! With her medical and mental challenges behind her she encourages other to seek help if things are quite right “Thank goodness I sought medical help when I did and I’m so grateful for the care I received And for my family who gave me a safe place to come back to! So if you find yourself not feeling right listen to your body and take the steps to get things checked out Don’t take as long as I did thinking it will just pass” You can reach out to Kelli at: kelligates66gmailcom Nostalgia Sunday – 8 Years Ago Today Open Email to Bob Moore President/General Manager at KABC July 8 2010 Well it took a while to begin assembling your trusted team from FM Talk Radio KLSX First it was Frosty/Heidi amp Frank for middays Recently you brought in long-time CBS sales exec Dave Severino and your programming partner Jack Silver is now in place Whoopee! Big deal So now what KABC needs a new coat of paint This is 2010 Trying to capture the glory years of KABC from the 70s and 80s would be a terrible mistake This is 2010 almost 2011 in radio days Hopefully your goal or mission statement is to beat KFI So often victory is defined in constrained terms of “We made budget” or “We’re up a notch in the PPM” Instead I’m talking about an all-out assault to beat KFI The 50000 watt station was an also-ran for decades save mornings with Lohman amp Barkley It wasn’t until the focus became winning the whole enchilada with aggressive programming that was consistently compelling stimulating and on target did they achieve major market superstar status KABC is a currently a mish-mash of various formats –syndication local baseball infomercials and network news And right-wing radio is dead Do you have the power to blow up afternoons and drop Sean Hannity and Mark Levin Face it they’re never going to improve only stay stagnant and continue declining Their brand of Talk radio belongs in a previous decade The constant drone of far right politics from Hannity is causing even the most loyal conservatives to get glassy-eyed and fall into a stupor The KABC call letters are no longer 2010 Time to abandon them Blow them up They have a musty image They’ve ended up like the passe Oldsmobile They are associated with a station that has long since lost its charm or relevance When the KMPC call letters were taken over by 1540AM a sports station the call letters meant nothing Ditto for the Top 40 giant KRLA the station that brought the Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl Never understood why the call letters were obtained by Salem for its brand of right-wing radio at 870AM You’re considered one of the best radio sales people ever to work in Los Angeles Your past stations have been among the Top 10 billers in the entire country generating incredible revenue If your mission is to regain that revenue position with no regard for the programming then this note is for naught If victory means making budget then this note is for naught You’re at a crossroads You have an opportunity to set a new course in LA It will probably take all your salesmanship to dump your network programming but the sad fact is that you can’t win with it KFI has found a way to be a huge revenue producer for Clear Channel with provocative programming and NO infomercials so we know that it can be done Perhaps you Jack and Dave can sit over a long meal at The Palm and carve out a mission statement that results in victory – not only a programming success at 790AM but a revenue leader Good luck! Email Saturday 772018 Firecracker AT 40 “I worked briefly for Casey Kasem around the time of the Bicentennial I was part of the team Paul Grein Sandy Stert Benjamin and Nikki Wine that came up with the idea of ‘The 4th of July’s Greatest Hits’ It went pretty much as you’d expect Starting with 1976 we went back 40 years and did the AT40 treatment to as many of the hits that fell on that day as possible Amazingly Casey and Don Bustany went along with the idea I salute them for that It worked out pretty well Casey never did fit 40 records into the program generally eliminating a few selections on the way down Of course I can’t remember the entire list but we had a good Beatles record a good Stones record and so on And it may have been the strangest AT40 show ever” – Todd Everett Casey’s Characters “I loved your story about Casey Kasem and AT 40 I bet I know which show Casey was shooting at Warner Bros It may have been the Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew series He played a character actor who imitates Peter Falk as Columbo but ends up being the villain He was really good at it Casey was also good with his voiceover work on Scooby-Doo and Superman-Batman Hour and Super Friends I had the pleasure of playing a trivia contest hosted by Bill and Sylvia of KBIG during the 90’s at the LA County Fair where Casey gave the questions and he was so nice A true gentleman Hope you stay cool during this awful heat!” – Julie Byers Record Lady “My AT40 story When the show began the Live Earl Jive Vaughn Filkins was in charge of obtaining the music from the record companies When he departed about 18 months later he set me up with his gig It was very part-time I had no office space but the most important part was to have copies of all possible 45’s on hand as there was no time to shag singles after the fact When the Billboard Hot 100 was released to us every Tuesday I had a big cardboard box in my car containing pretty much the whole Hot 100 Sometimes records warped in the heat I had the job from 1971 until AT40 and ACC was moved to Texas in 1995 Fabulous part-time work Working for Casey Kasem and Tom Rounds was a real blessing I miss TR to this day” – Ann Beebe Radio in a Comic Strip “Do you happen to remember the name of the comic strip that was set in a radio station that appeared in newspapers years ago I’ve been looking online and can’t find it anywhere I remember seeing it I think in the 1990s in either the Times or the OC Register One strip in particular that I cut out one day showed the overnight guy with an intravenous bag of Java I was working overnights at the time and so it resonated ” – Brian Perez Progressive Talker Ed Schultz Dies July 6 2018 Back in the 2000s Ed Schultz was thought to be the Progressive Talk show answer to King of the Talkers Rush Limbaugh The former syndicated host who was heard locally on KTLK then-1150 AM and KGIL has died of natural causes He was 64 Ed played football at Minnesota State University/Moorhead eventually becoming the play-by-play announcer for North Dakota State “In college I had an opportunity to do a little sports show in Moorhead Minnesota on KQWB That was my first shot” said Ed in a 2011 interview Schultz began his media career working as a radio and television host in the Fargo market Schultz started his broadcast career working in sports on tv He served as the sports director at WDAY/TV-Fargo during the 1980s Schultz had an uncanny similar presentation as Limbaugh despite their opposite political views Ed opened his show with “From the heart of America the nation’s 1 Progressive voice where truth and common-sense rule” From 2009 to 2015 he hosted a daytime news and opinion program on MSNBC called The Ed Show He was a controversial presence At MSNBC Ed attacked Laura Ingraham once telling his listeners: President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin Missouri on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about like this right-wing slut what’s her name Laura Ingraham Yeah she’s a talk slut You see she was back in the day praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas But now that Obama’s doing it they’re working him over Ed was heard for three years on LA Radio first at Progressive Talk KTLK from 2005-08 then on KGIL when Saul Levine briefly went all-Talk with his AM station The trade newspapers had a field day covering Schultz’ colorful language on his syndicated radio show One time he tore into a caller telling him to “get the fuck out of here” before fretting over whether the radio producers had managed to hit the delay censor button And somehow audio of the incident flew under-the-radar for a whole week according to a story at Radiate Ed exited KTLK in 2008 due to the show being tape delayed “In this current explosive political environment KTLK cannot afford to be tape delayed” explained then-KTLK program director Don Martin “There is too much breaking all the time” At one point when the media talked about Progressive radio Ed was always in the same breath as Keith Olbermann Stephanie Miller and Rachel Maddow At the peak of his radio and tv career he said “I’ve wanted this for a long time You’ve got to have some talent but you’ve got to be lucky too” July 4th Anniversary of AT40 July 5 2018 Yesterday marked the anniversary of the launch of American Top 40 And I was there In the late spring of 1970 I was general manager of WWWW W4 in Detroit We were the nation’s first 24/7 live Oldies radio station on fm Out of the blue one morning I received a phone call from Tom Rounds of Watermark He was launching a new syndicated countdown show called American Top 40 hosted by Casey Kasem I had heard of Tom from his success at KFRC-San Francisco Despite the fact that there were a handful of Top 40 stations in the market no one wanted this new syndicated offering He turned to W4 out of desperation because he wanted the show to be heard in Casey’s hometown since Casey grew up in Detroit and went to Wayne State University I remember being reluctant Didn’t want to interrupt the 24/7 Oldies format and told Tom so He promised to never charge for the show and would help me with any customizing that I needed The clincher was “why don’t you give the Oldies a rest on the weekends and you have a ton of inventory you can sell at a premium” W4 became one of the seven stations that launched the show on July 4 1970 Watermark took out a full-page in Billboard thanking us The following week a phone call came from Casey My assistant put him right through It was that unmistakable voice from years of listening to him in San Francisco and 1110/KRLA He wanted to personally thank me for carrying the show He said his parents never quite understood what he was doing in California Now they could listen to their son every weekend Eventually I left radio and got into the motion picture marketing business My first job was at Columbia Pictures in 1976 We shared the Burbank lot with Warner Bros and the facility was called The Burbank Studio Our marketing department was the first building on the right as you entered the Pass Avenue gate Across the street was Malpaso Clint Eastwood’s production offices One day as I was leaving our Technicolor Building there was commotion on the roof of the Malpaso Building The perpetrator was Casey Kasem running around with a gun He was a guest detective in some tv show shooting on the roof I waited for a break in the shooting to join Casey We reminisced about the enormous success of AT40 and the embryonic days of the countdown show Casey always wanted to be an actor but that was about the only career that didn’t work out for him Isn’t it ironic that Tom Rounds and Casey Kasem die within days of each other Decades later when LARadio was born Casey joined a panel of other early personality giants for LARadio Day at the Museum of Radio amp TV He was very generous with his time We had another conversation when Casey was dropped as host of AT40 to make the way for Ryan Seacrest to take over If he was bitter he never let on Casey was so praiseworthy of Tom Rounds and Premiere Radio Networks for carrying the show He got a laugh when I reminded him of a Howard Stern observation that Casey became a multi-millionaire by counting backwards LARadio is on Hiatus From the creators of Inside Psycho and Inside the Exorcist comes a new story about a classic movie and its inspirations A tale of a modest thriller that became an ordeal and then a disaster and then a phenomenon and then a classic A story of one man a fresh-faced inexperienced director who nearly wrecked his promising career and became the most important filmmaker of our era This is Inside JAWS Click artwork to begin the journey National Radio Hall of Fame Set to Induct LARPs June 27 2018 Stories galore with the announcement of the National Radio Hall of Fame Class of 2018 Jonathon Brandmeier c who took Chicago by storm at WLUP Loop for decades as well as trying to duplicate his success at KLSX was elected on the first public vote ballot Johnny B was among 11 broadcasters to be elected Other Los Angeles Radio People voted in by the public include Mark Levin r the talk radio conservative fire brand whose syndicated program was first heard locally on KABC and now afternoons at 870/KRLA In addition the sports duo of Mike Golic amp Mike Greenberg and Dr Laura Schlesinger were voted in by the industry panel “It’s our mission to recognize the most impactful personalities and individuals to our medium and honor them” Hall of Fame chairman Kraig T Kitchen said in a statement “We’re proud to induct these individuals for their contributions into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2018 our 30th year” Nominated LARPs who will have to wait until next year include: George Noory Jim Rome John Tesh and Ellen K Kitchin said over 500000 votes were cast in the two listener-chosen categories Dave Armstrong is one of those who understands the synergy between programming and sales He was in charge of the Salem / LA cluster for many years He’s now working with the Diocese of Orange to create The Southern California Catholic Network The new venture includes KHJ-Los Angeles and KCEO-Vista “The network covers nearly 7 million Catholics from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border and the stations were recently converted to commercial” emailed Armstrong “I will be developing the sales function with the programming coming from Relevant Radio This is an exciting new adventure and I look forward to helping them increase their revenue” In other news: Ira Lawson loved the great reminisce of Jim Healy He sent a site link that contains a boatload of Healy sound bites: Congrats to Ken Jeffries and his wife Stephanie Yellin-Mednick on 35 years of wedded bliss … Bon voyage to Steve Kindred who is taking his first cruise which includes stops in Greece and Croatia with his new galpal I’m also a blood ambassador for the Red Cross and volunteer at the Burbank Temporary Aid Center I’m in good health and seeking some part-time work I’d also consider a return to full-time work if the offer was right emailed Steve … KRRL’s Big Boy served as one of the team coaches for the 2018 BET Experience Celebrity Basketball Game … Some called Dan Ingram the greatest Top 40 jock ever Those who worked with the New York personality at WABC and WCBS/fm sent their praises on social media this week Ingram died on Sunday at the age of 83 Howard Hoffman created an audio history of Ingram at: Hiatus LARadio will be on hiatus while Cherie and I travel to Naples to visit my oldest son We go from one beautiful beach Avila across the country to another Sand is never too far away from our livesThen on Monday we drive to Key West for Cherie’s birthday I haven’t been there since the late ‘80s when we had a huge James Bond press event complete with a lush setting a Bond look-a-like jumping out of the 007 helicopter into our lawn party with a satchel containing ten car keys One of the keys started an Aston Martin A key was given to 10 contest winners from tv promotions all over the country The winner got to drive it home For desert we presented a 20-foot key lime pie that was lighted by 007 himself Timothy Dalton Email Wednesday Ingram’s Passing “Big Dan Ingram’s boast that he was ‘number 13 in Pittsburgh’ is probably quite modest Back in the mid-’60s KQV was Pittsburgh’s only 24-hour per day full-time Rock AM station and its nighttime signal was very weak We lived just 8 miles from downtown Pittsburgh and due to the ’Burgh’s hills and ravines it would fade while driving just a mile from our house once the sun went down As a result I had WABC WLS and WCFL marked on the dial of my bedroom radio Once I had my own car I set 3 pushbuttons for those stations on the auto’s AM dial From December through February when darkness would set in around 5 pm I’d move the needle over to WABC to catch the last 30-60 minutes of Big Dan Ingram KDKA was middle-of-the-road music from morning until Clark Race’s rock show from 4 to 8 pm WAMO was rampb most of the time but was daylight only on AM WEEP was a rare 50 kW daylight only station and had Dick Biondi’s live syndicated show from 6 pm until sign-off in the spring and summer of 1965 Dan Ingram did have one marvelous set of pipes” – Robert O’Brien One-Of-a-Kind Jim Healy “Only one Jim Healy and there will always be just one Jim Healy Can you imagine if Jim was doing his thing now with all the social media Healy by himself would double the ratings on whatever station he was doing his thing” – Fred Wallin Sports Byline Arnie Memories “My folks moved to Anaheim in 1970 and that’s when I discovered KEZY who OWNED Orange County’s AM Airwaves It was everything that OC was in those days – fresh and new wholesome and fun I remember going out to meet the KEZY Beach Van on its weekend coastal cruises and listening to this high momentum format they used to jingle before EVERY record! I was hired by Mark Denis in late 1974 and never worked for Arnie McClatchey but he was a class act both on and off the air A true professional and a great leader” – Mike Wagner KEZY 1974-76 KIIS/fm 1976-82 KRLA 1982-95 photo: Julie Frey Mike Wagner Bruce Chandler Paul Freeman Arnie McClatchey Dave Sebastian Williams Arnie’s Wife “Thank you so much Don Arnie would have been humbled by your article” – Pam McClatchey Freeman on Arnie “I was working in Salt Lake City with Dave Sebastian at The Big 1280 KNAK in 1970 when I was hired by Arnie McClatchey who was the program director to do 7p to midnight on The Mighty 1190 KEZY Orange County’s Monster Station The almost 6 years I spent at KEZY working with Arnie and Mark Denis and the rest of the great staff was a wonderful learning experience not to mention all the FUN we had Rocking Orange County Arnie was always so easy to work with and truly one of the nicest people I’ve ever known Arnie was a real gentleman My condolences to his wife Pam and his family and friends He will be missed by all who knew him” – Paul Freeman Appreciates LARadio “Thanks for the recent LA Radio blurb featuring my face along with a few others I always appreciate your thoughts/mentions/and exposure You are a legend in the radio industry Such an amazing ability to track all the radio talent of today and yesterday We all owe you a debt of gratitude Thank you for all you do!” – Kris Erik Stevens Who Goofed I’ve Got to Know Jim Healy is One-of-a-Kind by David Alpern Long Beach June 26 2018 This is the second installment in the summer series of you saluting those LARP who were absolutely unduplicatable and truly stand out as one-of-a-kindWho Goofed I’ve Got To Know Not LARadiocom by being sure to honor one of the most original broadcasters ever to grace the LA airwaves Jim Healy I knew him just from his KMPC days while others benefitted from enjoying his craft dating back to his time at KLAC Jim Healy was a gifted radio talent who combined being a connector/consumer of all media/lover of celebrity/mocker/punster Dateline: Los Angeles – Jim Healy was appointment radio to the extent that such listening doesn’t much exist anymore outside of perhaps some NPR programming and morning drive If it was 5:30 pm on any LA freeway far and away more buttons were being punched yes back then we pressed a physical haptic button to AM 710 to hear the wonderful soundbite fest that was Jim Healy’s short but marvelous sportscast So compelling was his show and his time slot that KMPC programmed around him with the afternoon host vacating the air at 5:30 pm and returning only some minutes after “the dreaded six-o’clock tone” So sit down and have dinner with Pearl Harbor and think of Howard Cosell while you admire Kurt Bevacqua and contemplate what Tom Lasorda thinks today of Dave Kingman’s performance IS IT TRUE that any of the references in that last sentence brought a smile to your face If yes then you like me have not gone “the Leonard Tose route” and as such are lucky to have caught a chance to admire one of the finest talents ever to grace the airwaves here in the city of the angels Some memorable quotes played ad nausea on Jim Healey’s show: Benoit Benjamin saying I don’t give a about the fans The World Champion – how Jim labeled the LA Times Sports section which hopefully can reclaim that title under new owner Patrick Soon-Shiong Ed Bieler’s geographical claim that the San Antonio River goes right through the heart of downtown Los Angeles Lawrence Welk impersonation that simply sums up what Jim’s show was: A Wun’erful A Wun’erful The Face/Voice of OC Radio Arnie McClatchey Dies June 25 2018 Newer listeners to Southern California radio may have a tough time understanding that at one time there was radio exclusively for Orange County As the population of the Southland began to spread low powered AM station originating from LA had a hard time reaching the OC Three of the leading OC stations in the 1960s and ‘70s had Arnie McClatchey as a common denominator He was an innovator programmer and talent The well-liked leader of OC Radio died June 20 2018 after a long illness He was 76 Arnie was born June 14 1942 in Vancouver Washington and raised in Camus Washington He started his radio career at the age of 15 at KVAN-Portland After serving in the Army he relocated to Orange County where he worked in local radio for almost two decades Arnie was pd at KEZY from 1967–74 until he was succeeded by Mark Denis Arnie transformed the station from an easy-listening station to “The Mighty 1190” A number of djs who later became prominent in LA – Mike Wagner Paul Freeman Bruce Chandler among others – worked with Arnie to create a Top 40 station which dominated the OC airwaves KEZY even had a following into the Los Angeles market despite the fading signal at night when the station reduced power Recalled Arnie: Mark helped me a lot with the programming we would get in my office and brain storm to come up with our one liners and contests We did not know it at the time but we were doing some of the best radio ever In March of 1975 Arnie started a new venture on the fm dial “I became general manager of KYMS in Santa Ana and put on the first Contemporary Christian Music station in the nation he said in a 1995 interview for Los Angeles Radio People from his home in El Paso He eventually bought KYMS along with stations in Phoenix and Denver and kept them until 1983 I took some time off and then I bought KELP/AM in El Paso in 1984 and I commuted from Southern California to El Paso for eight years until we moved here permanently in the early 1990s” Arnie continued to do commercials and voice work for The Word for Today a national radio ministry heard on 200 radio stations daily and Horizon Radio another nationally syndicated program His wife of 49 years Pam said the Lord called her husband home last week “He was a kind loving gentle man who loved and served the Lord for many years and will be missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him” said Pam Bruce Chandler wrote that Arnie was “always so mild mannered and genuinely nice He hired me in the fall of 1973 for weekends at KEZY while I was working full time at KFXM-San Bernardino A few months of that and then when Mark Denis took over as pd Mark hired me full time in February 1974 I did every day shift” There will be a memorial service for Arnie at Fairhaven Memorial Chapel in Santa Ana on Friday July 6 at 2:30 pm In other news: After two seasons Nick Hardwick will not be heard as color analyst on KFI for the LA Chargers Greg Tantum pd at all-News KFWB in the ’90s celebrates his 40th wedding anniversary Nick Tyler and KJazz 881 FM will once again broadcast from the 39th Montreal International Jazz Festival midday this Thursday Friday and Saturday This is our 8th year covering one of the largest music festivals in world said the all-Jazz outlet Dave Skyler celebrates 10 years with K-EARTH Congratulations to Leslie Marshall on her 22nd wedding anniversary Another anniversary – Tom Watson ex-KKDJ is celebrating 11 years of wedded bliss Happy 91st birthday to KFWB/Color Radio’s last man standing Elliot Field After an assault claim by ex-girlfriend Chloe Dykstra Chris Hardwick ex-KROQ and founder of Nerdist sees his talk show pulled by AMC as NBC mulls what to with his game show The Wall He’s now married to Lydia nee Hearst the daughter of Patty Hearst Sunday Nostalgia – 14 Years Ago Today “Rita Wilde is a Player’s Coach” The Wilde Pitch June 24 2004 Rita Wilde was honored last night with the prestigious Genii Award from the American Women in Radio and Television The evening kicked off the beginning of the RampR Convention at the Beverly Hilton Hotel John Davison the gm of the ABC/LA cluster was one of the presenters “I love Rita’s compassion for the station She’s dedicated and she’s competitive” said John Because of Rita’s obsession with the Angels long before ABC took over broadcast rights many sports metaphor’s were used to describe Rita “She’s a player’s coach” said Davison “She’s been a player and now she’s a coach She relates fabulously well with her staff She gives out just the proper amount of tough love to handle a job that’s very demanding” Early in the introductions the KLOS programming staff put together an audio greeting that was played for the audience in the Versailles Room “She is a human being who cares about her staff first and being program director second and a damn fine one as well” enthused KLOS afternooner Gary Moore Pictured: Cynthia Fox Nora and Jeff Gonzer Cynthia Tony Scott and Ray Kalusa John Davison KLOS middayer Cynthia Fox said that she was proud to be part of Rita’s team “You’ve got a great heart and great compassion You demonstrate time and time again the depth of your commitment plus you’ve created a community at KLOS said Cynthia Desiree Vanderwal left president of the AWRT said there weren’t many women role models when she was a youngster “Rita Wilde was an example of who I wanted to be when I grew up She has inspired and broken ground for many women Rita is being recognized for her pioneering efforts and her dedicated leadership” said Desiree A theme that went through many of the speakers was acknowledging Rita’s modesty “She told me earlier today she was embarrassed by it all” said Davison “But I think it altogether appropriate that we make her embarrassed” John touted Rita’s incredible knowledge of Rock music He thought if there was a Name That Tune program for Rock music Rita would win millions of dollars “She understands the music better than anyone I know” said Davison Jim Ladd said that in all the time they’ve worked together he’s never heard Rita raise her voice “I’m used to confrontation” said Jim “I’m not used to this subversive tactic of support and creative cooperation People actually like her Not just the normal people but the abnormal people as well – the air staff The KLOS air staff actually speaks in glowing terms about their so-called Boss even when she’s not in the room Ladd Wilde Davison Ladd continued: This flies in the face of the time honored tradition of ruling by intimidation She does not rule by intimation – something even more devious She leads by example and because of this I find myself in the unusual position of respecting my boss You can see my problem Rita Wilde is not only someone I respect she’s a person whom I trust A funny thing happens you find yourself wanting to work harder than you ever worked before because the thought of disappointing Rita Wilde is more intimating to me than anything else” Ladd praised Rita for supporting him even in the face of enormous pressure “For that she has earned something more valuable than my trust Rita Wilde has earned my respect” Many of the KLOS personalities including the gm talked of Rita beyond just being the boss “Over the years Rita Wilde has been responsible for raising literally tens of millions of dollars for everything from 9-11 Relief Fun for military families who cannot afford to make ends meet and year after year she is responsible for the largest blood drive in the entire United States of America She has contributed to countless other causes by focusing the power of KLOS where it belongs – in the service of the community And doing all this while rocking Southern California into the 21st century” said Ladd In accepting the Genii Award she said it was her first award since she was 13 and living in Georgia when she won the Best School Crossing Guard award “I take things with a lot of modesty” said Rita “but this truly means a lot to me” She thanked Tommy Hadges for hiring her at KLOS as a jock in 1983 She also thanked Bill Sommers for allowing her to continuing working at the station “And to John Davison I continue to learn from you every day” She thanked Sam Bellamy for “blazing the trail” and being one of the first women program directors Rita praised her mother who was sitting in the front row as the strongest person she knows “Last year she was in the hospital for three months and after eight days she was going in for her third operation I was amazed how great she did I said to myself if I ever doubt doing anything I’m just going to remember looking at you and what you got through I love you mom!” During her closing Rita got choked up when she thought of Dave Forman pd at KEZY in the 1970s “There’s one guy who I was hoping would be here but he died two weeks ago He was someone who believed in me before I believed in myself He taught me that if you dream it you can do it I just hope that someday I can inspire somebody like he inspired me” The evening so well orchestrated by Sheri Tobin and her staff was connected with a panel of distinguished LA program directors Their thoughts on the current state of radio excessive commercial loads where the next generation of talent will come from and satellite radio will be discussed in a later edition of LARadiocom Email Saturday 62318 Duncan Meets the Wolfman “Something many people don’t know about me: Two weeks after coming to LA to join Radio amp Records newspaper as a columnist and story writer thank you Bob Wilson! I was taking a tinkle in a restroom in the 6430 Sunset Blvd building when Wolfman Jack walked in and stood next to me to do the same A little sidebar: The first voice I ever heard on the transistor radio my dad brought home from Tokyo while in the submarine service was Wolfman Jack on XERB It was then a 14-year-old changed his life’s course from medical doctor to disc jockey Standing nervously next to Wolfman I barely got out the words: ‘Hello Mr Wolfman’ He laughed and said: ‘Hey man you’ve got a great voice! How would you like to be Wolfman’s announcer’ Of course I said yes! He told me come into the RampR studio when I was done to cut some tracks The rest is history ‘Live from Hollywood it’s Wolfman Jack!’” – Jim Duncan When Is an Oldies an Oldie “An oldie for me is a car that has knobs and push buttons Go ’57 Chev!” – Stan White Seattle One-0f-a-Kind Picking is Tough “There’s no way I can pick one supreme air personality in Southern California radio It is impossible! With all the talent and radio genres over the years it’s comparing apples to oranges What I will concede is that it takes time creativity guts a huge ego and lots of support personnel to create a true superstar But there will be many bodies strewn about along the way to ratings and public glory Some people are not willing to sacrifice their loved ones co-workers and friends to reach the pinnacle I think anyone who has been hired in the Los Angeles radio market and survived is a superstar” – Diane Thompson Memory of Arnie McClatchey “It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of Arnie McClatchy Arnie for some reason hired me to do weekends and vacation relief at KEZY on March 15 1969 which was my 20th birthday I was still pretty green but he always encouraged me and made me a better air talent Saw him at a KEZY reunion a couple of years ago and I asked him why he ever hired me He told me that he thought with a little guidance I could be a good air talent He and Mark Denis were big influences in my radio career and in life” – Jim Shannon Mack Attack “Thanks for posting my old Boss 30 today It’s nice to see my picture sans wrinkles I’m still kickin’ in Florida – God’s waiting room Hope you’re well Maybe we can outlive ’em all” – Gary Mack Voice Concerns “Your relaying the story about a mid-show substitution for the Frankie Valli character in the performance of Jersey Boys shows respect for the dedication some vocal performers bring to their gigs It’s something few audience members have ever thought about When the amazing Mel Blanc was required to voice the WB cartoon character Yosemite Sam the abuse to his throat was well known Recording Sam’s lines was always reserved for Friday afternoons so that Mel had time to recover over the weekend In his advanced years when re-creating many of the characters he had voiced decades earlier for the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit Mel was unable to do justice to the role Sam was later dubbed by another animation voicer When I subbed for Rod Roddy at The Price is Right I finally understood the difficulty he encountered taping as many as six one-hour episodes over three days The studio was so loud with 300 audience members cheering and yelling prices through the reams of copy that the gig called for Consequently after projecting to such an extent that by the end of the work week whoever was behind that mic frequently ended up with a raw throat and a voice that could easily crack uncontrollably On my first day I understood something Rod rarely spoke about – the lengths he often went to in order to resuscitate his voice Picture yourself opening your mouth as wide as possible while a doctor reaches deep with a long hypodermic needle to inject several doses of cortisone into your vocal chords Rod did that countless times over his 17 years on the show There’s lots to respect in the lesser-known trials and tribulations of vocal performers Only recently has SAG-AFTRA started to explore bringing sanity to the abuse that some members face recording for video games” – Randy West Live Performances “Thanks for sharing your experience with the real world of live theatre! Although I’ve never seen a performance have to stop and an understudy come on that was handled just right by SLO/Cal Poly I almost got to go to SLO for college but costs dictated Pomona for PR in the Media Good experience but not the same If you would like to read a good honest bio I can heartily recommend the new book My Girls-A lifetime with Carrie and Debbie by Todd Fisher Having read both the last biography of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher’s Princess Diarist it is a great look at a remarkable family and one which is really touching I know how hard it is to live with an aging parent and disabled sibling but how one deals with it under a public spotlight and a financial quagmire is almost impossible It is very hard not to read it at one sitting but at the same time I rationed myself to three chapters a night just so I could handle literally! the range of emotions And having visited Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Casino and Hotel the first year it was open it’s heartbreaking to read how such a dream could go down in flames It’s a great read” – Julie Byers Hip Hop Hit “Your cartoon on June 20 is totally relevant today! Substitute ‘high pitched tone’ with too much bass and you have a hip hop hit! I knowI knowget off my lawntake care!” – Mike Nolan Funnie Gone to the Dogs “I just looked at today’s funnie and I wonder if the sign is to make hot dogs” – Sterrett Harper Fascinating Interview with LARP Icon Rita Wilde Hear Ache June 22 2018 The New Mexico Broadcaster Association has awarded Bryan Simmons former KOSTer Best Metro Market Radio-Public Service Announcement “I recorded VO for a charity golf tournament” emailed Bryan “I’ve never submitted any of my work before so it was a surprise and very nice that my market manager submitted it” … Arnie McClatchey OC Radio veteran has died Rich Marotta Hall of Famer and former sports guy on KFI returned to fill in this week “Bill Handel is still insufferable Wouldn’t want it any other way” said Rich … Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight … Scott Shurian veteran of XTRA and 710/KMPC sent a strange email this week “I have been advised that I have 90 to 140 days left to wander the streets of Utah ’til my demise Medical conditions and my age 86 say it is a time to move to the big broadcast studios in the sky” You never know about these kinds of notes Were there medical issues prompting his writing “The ‘note’ is prompted by a convergence of advanced COPD stenosis of the trachea and residual radiation from two earlier bouts of vocal cord cancerand of course the advancing years brought all that together” Scott said there will be NO funeral and NO services “I have been told that there may be some folks out there who would say a word about memories of times we’ve spent together or near together Please feel free to contact me at: scottvoscottcom and I will collect them as the final pages of the last chapter of my book “Me Myself and I” Wanna see a really cool house Jim Ladd has lived there since 1974 and it is now up for sale Here’s the video listing site … Speaking of Ladd Rich Piombino kicked of our summer series by putting a spotlight on Jim as a one-of-a-kind broadcaster in the history of LARadio Our second spotlight is set for Monday By the way if you want to select someone you think was unique and unduplicatable send a note to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom along with the reasons why your candidate was so special … After 16 years with Entercom/CBS cluster in LA John Michael has resigned He held a number of positions including music director apd and talent at KROQ JACK/fm and AMP Radio … Howard Lapides sent a note about the passing of Billy Sammeth manager of Cher and Joan Rivers “He was always a great friend to LARadio He operated with hurricane force but always was a gentle friend” … Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane is making a 2 million donation to NPR and 500000 to Los Angeles’ NPR membership station KPCC … Remember when Wolfman Jack used to pitch a pill called Florex which was supposed to enhance one’s sex drive “Some zing for your ling nuts” the Wolfman would say Oh What a Night June 21 2018 Since moving to the Central Coast a year or so ago Cherie and I have supported the Cal Poly/SLO theatre group Jersey Boys was performed the other night where something happened that was a first for both of us There is a scene when the bad guys come to collect owed gambling debts from a member of the Four Seasons All of a sudden an announcement over the loud speaker “Will all actors please exit the stage and will the audience remain seated” All actors scurried off the stage Lights were dimmed on stage and we all sat in the dark for 10 minutes And then another announcement “Jersey Boys will now continue” Actors came back on stage and resumed the action where they left off but it was clear that all was not right As soon as the Frankie Valli character sang his next song we knew they had made a change Not only was he taller and stockier but his falsetto range was limited and not as strong The audience began to buzz about the change Recognizing that something happened to the original character playing Frankie the audience embraced the change and gave the new actor a rousing applause and cheering at the end of his first song The play stopped for a moment while the audience continued to applaud the replacement actor/singer You could tell he was moved as he bowed and patted his heart with a thank you Yesterday we received the following email: “Thank you so much for joining Cal Poly Arts for a fabulous performance of Jersey Boys on Tuesday evening at the Performing Arts Center During Act II a replacement was made due to a minor injury For the remainder of the performance the role of Frankie Valli was played by Ben Bogen” At dinner before the performance we marveled at how many “Frankie Valli’s” there must be to cover for the damage done to the voice singing the falsetto night after night We guessed before the play resumed that the loss of Frankie’s voice was the reason for the change And the show must go on and it did The kid was a real trooper Batter Up June 20 2018 TALKERS’ editor Mike Kinosian takes a look at flagship baseball affiliations The following April 2018 scoreboards are for an MLB team’s English-language Nielsen Audio subscribing key station Specifically information for the flagships of the Mets WOR and Yankees WFAN is limited to their home market – New York City – even though they may appear as well in Nassau-Suffolk Long Island and Middlesex-Somerset-Union Key stations for the two Bay Area teams – the San Francisco Giants KNBR and Oakland A’s KGMZ – have San Francisco ratings info only not San Jose Things though admittedly get especially thorny for ratings stats of the primary flagship for the Los Angeles Angels as KLAA is unlisted April 2018 in both the Los Angeles and Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario reports Therefore “NA” Not Available is frequently displayed next to KLAA throughout this entire overview Is the Bloom Off the Rose June 20 2018 Lisa Bloom was featured in a massive eight-page story in Los Angeles Magazine The title of the piece was The Trials of Lisa Bloom Some highlights from the Bryan Smith story: The legal pundit and civil rights attorney made a name of herself taking on powerful men on behalf of her female clients Then she came out defending Harvey Weinstein last fall and all hell broke loose She anchored her own show on truTV Lisa Bloom: Open Court for eight years and had parlayed appearances as a legal analyst on cable news and entertainment show into a career as the go-to pundit on CNN MSNBC CBS News Dr Phil Dr Drew KABC and the Joy Behar Show Her reputation ignited when it was learned that Lisa represented Harvey Weinstein How could she of all people She didn’t just work with him She defended him Lisa received death threats and rape threats against her and her daughter To make matters worse word surfaced that Bloom in the course of her work with Weinstein had struck a deal for his production company and the rapper Jay-Z to make a docuseries based on a book she had written about the Trayvon Martin case “It was probably one of the worst times that I’ve ever seen for her or at least that I’ve witnessed” says Bloom’s daughter Sarah an attorney who joined her mother’s shop The central rule in most crisis management is not to make matters worse In the Weinstein case however Bloom didn’t just breach that rule she trampled it tore it up and turned it into confetti Even she admits that she stumbled in those first fraught days At 56 Bloom is lean and fit She works at a stand-up desk with a treadmill and characteristically Type A about how she spends her off-hours she’s summited Mount Kilimanjaro backpacked both the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire and the Inca Trail in Peru completed the New York City marathon and visited more than 40 countries from Cambodia to Costa Rica Law school wasn’t part of the plan early into Bloom’s days at UCLA Like her daughter Gloria Allred didn’t set out to become a lawyer at first Bloom worked for her mother’s firm for nine years after graduating from Yale Law There was an early marriage though Bloom talks little of it You can read the complete story at: Fox 11’s Good Day LA Reunion June 19 2018 Whotta’ fun reunion at KABC the other day when the longtime hosts of Good Day LA got together on the John Phillips and Jillian Barberie show “It was wonderful” enthused Phillips It was the first time the three of them have done a broadcast together since Dorothy Lucey left the show They talked they interacted they laughed and they talked over each other just like they did for 20 years doing the Fox 11 Morning Show Steve said he felt like a referee There were times over two decades when Jillian and Dorothy didn’t like each other but they were unable to explain why Later Steve remembered what happened after 9/11 happened “The tenor of our shows changed for the next six months” He was hopeful that it would be a more peaceful period in our society but he said it didn’t last that long He addressed the issue of polarization “Fox and CNN can be talking about the same story yet they speak a different language” When GDLA started in 1995 Steve said there were five morning shows “and we were in 12th place on local tv” Steve didn’t talk about the circumstances regarding why he left the Fox show It would fun to have three of the together again They were unpredictable and fun to listen to In other news: former KNAC dj Diana DeVille has joined middays for at 991/The Ranch KWSV-LP – Simi Valley Our listeners are a very vibrant and involved community of Country music fans and I’m really looking forward to entertaining them through their workdays said Diana KPFK’s Bill Gardner host of Saturday’s Rhapsody in Black participated in a documentary on Sam Cooke one of the best Top 40/rampb singers If you loved Sam’s music it is a fascinating story Jim Ladd is One-of-a-Kind By Rich Piombino RD Music amp Marketing I was fortunate enough to work at KMET from 1983 – 1986 Having previously worked with some amazing air personalities on previous occasions I was especially proud to share space at The Mighty Met with Cynthia Fox Pat “Paraquat” Kelley Jeff Gonzer and a man who I feel is the best rock dj of all time Jim Ladd Honestly I didn’t meet him for a full three months after I started at KMET on June 6 1983 One Friday night on the way out I stuck my head in the studio said hello he nodded and shook my hand I spent many “late hour” evenings at the station so I was in a position to be an average listener with the distinct advantage of being 15 feet from the studio What I remember most and what makes Jim the “essential” rock jock is based on his overwhelming knowledge of the artists and the music much of it based on personal relationships with many of them Second are the narratives — if you’ve ever seen heard Bruce Springsteen at shows we all know the kind of intros Bruce makes as lead up to the songs Jim is amazing there – I always remember best how he intro’d Panama from Van Halen any number of Pink Floyd and Doors tracks As a matter of fact hearing Jim’s intro of LA Woman sealed my respect for ‘both’ Jim’s the Doors were the second and third concerts I ever saw in the late 60’s at Madison Square Garden and the Felt Forum in NYC Jim Ladd and I did a promotion together when Elektra released Dance On Fire the first Doors video compilation We gathered fans and listeners for a “Dinner with the Doors” including Robbie John and Ray – it’s no coincidence that it was Jim Ladd who rounded out that foursome After I left The Met I went to work for Norm Pattiz Thom Ferro and Brian Heimerl at Westwood One We were assigned to tape one of Roger Waters’ early Radio KAOS shows at Great Woods outside of Boston Roger had handpicked Jim to “narrate’”the dj parts on that record thus capping an amazing era and close-up opportunity to work with one of the all-time greats These memories are sealed forever Nostalgia Father’s Day – 6 Years Ago Today Vin Scully Honors His Father June 17 2012 A few years back the LA Times published a Father’s Day feature titled “Honor Thy Father” which featured some of our sports legends like John Wooden Arte Moreno and Anita DeFrantz Vin Scully was also featured and here are some highlights from that piece: “Dad was working late as usual finishing up a 14-hour shift at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Vin Scully had finished his homework and was getting sleepy Although something was on his mind he couldn’t wait up so he wrote a note and put it on his dad’s breakfast plate before going to bed It was 1943 and Vin was 15 His stepfather Allan Reeve left for work each morning at 4:30 riding buses and subways to the shipyard often not returning home until after nightfall Reeve had an opportunity take a civilian job on a ship headed to the combat zone in Europe The money would be good maybe even enough to get the family out of the 40-a-month fifth-story walk-up apartment in Washington Heights Vin had only a hazy memory of his biological father dying of pneumonia 11 years earlier but he knew the toll it had taken on his mother Bridget The thought of losing Reeve a reserved pipe-smoking Englishman who had brought stability and love to the household terrified him So in the note Vin asked his dad to turn down the job ‘I was afraid he might be put in harm’s way’ Vin said ‘I didn’t want him to risk the family to make a few more dollars’ Vin remembers his father a silk salesman at an upscale clothing store from a few grainy photos After he died Bridget took 4-year-old Vin to Ireland to spend time with her family ‘My mother told me later that when we came back I had a brogue you could cut with a knife’ he said ‘My ache now is all the things I missed because of my job’ he said ‘Mother’s Day Father’s Day birthdays anniversaries graduations you name it It has been a series of misses And it had made my heart ache Baseball just devours you Allan Reeve read Vin’s note at breakfast and did not take the job that would have sent him overseas His relationship with his stepson continued to grow over the years ‘To me he was Dad’ Vin said ‘I never thought of him as a stepdad I had an ache because I never knew my father and it was washed away by my dad’” Email Saturday 61618 Listening to Cousin Duffy “I remember listening to Warren Duffy when he was ‘Cousin Duffy’ with WMEX – one of the two leading AM Top 40 station in my hometown Boston I would visit the station’s lobby where the public was allowed to come in and watch the djs working through a large picture window on the left as you entered the building On one visit Duffy came out to say hi to me and my friends I think one of us asked him how he decided what songs to play His answer was he didn’t ‘I don’t even know what I’m playing now’ he said with irritation I looked at the 45 spinning on the turntable through the window behind him and wondered how anyone could be unhappy in such a job It was obvious that he was very passionate about music and that he was frustrated there He was a wonderful dj though” – Sandy Wells Duffy’s Full Life “I listened to Warren Duffy quite often in the 1990s I’m sorry to hear of his passing Here is a page with dozens of his airchecks newscasts promos and commercials plus several photos and Duffy’s essay about his early years in radio by clicking Warren’s photo” – Steve Thompson Ratings “Twenty years after all of us are long over the mountain whoever takes over this site will STILL be reporting KRTH at 3 behind those other two! What d’ya wanna bet Been goin’ on for decades Why not a couple more As they say some things never seem to change” – Rich Brother Robbin Non-Com in the Race “I believe that one of the most interesting things about the ratings over the last several months is the slow but steady rise of KPCC Here is a listener supported station that is doing what KQED another listener supported station in the San Francisco Bay Area has done I haven’t heard much talk about how KPCC has done this but kudos to them KPCC has now cracked the Top Ten Maybe some of the other news/talk stations should take a few KPCC classes” – Sterrett Harper Burbank Red Ryder Collection “I really enjoyed the re-cap of Frank Bresee’s life When I was 10 years old I had the complete collection of Red Ryder figures Now I know that I was not the only Red Ryder voice I recall one time that Irv Ivers and myself were at the Malibu Colony and we had the rare opportunity to see Paul Newman’s 944 Porsche Whotta’ treat” – Stan White Seattle Bresee Memory “I got to know Frank Bresee from his association with Roger Carroll while I was at KMPC as apd from 1972 – 75 When Frank found out I loved the radio Gunsmoke show with William Conrad as Matt Dillon US Marshall – ‘the first one they look for and the last they want to meet it’s a chancy job and a little lonely’ – he gave me a carton of tapes of the show Sorry indeed to hear it is gone” – Eric Norberg Portland Oregon More Bresee “Frank Bresee started Golden Days of Radio on my KMPC show It was on for years at 7 pm with 5 or 10 minutes of old shows I just talked with his wife and she doesn’t sound well I introduced Frank to Bobbie years ago” – Roger Carroll Wall of Fame “I read of Frank Bresee’s passing and the story of the autograph wall in his basement theater I’m happy to report that the wall is intact and restored The house was purchased a few years ago by Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne who asked my company to do some lighting and hardware work We are friendly with them and they asked us to take a look at the theater I knew a bunch of the names other than the obvious ones on the wall and explained who they were They wondered if they were real so we called a friend who is an autograph expert and he came over and authenticated them all That is when Sharon decided to restore the wall as there was some water damage The attached photos are from before the restoration Once they started restoring the wall they found out about Frank Bresee and contacted him He remembered all the stories behind each of the names including the circumstances of each signing He told them about the beginnings of Let’s Make a Deal as well as the signatures of Elvis and Natalie Wood It seems they were there together and wound up having an argument which continued right out into the street” – Gary Gibson One is a Lonely Number “I love the K-Earth promotion and how great is it to see Jerry Mathers : As for your question about one LARP that is one of a kind That’s a tough one There are so many great ones I idolized Robert W Morgan until I met him The Real Don Steele was of course a tremendous talent and unique Casey Kasem started something special with American Top 40 and was a very nice as well Sadly though we have all been replaced at one time or another” – Mike Butts One Perspective “To my way of thinking — the LA radio personalities who broke thru barriers are the unduplicatable ones as the barriers are no longer there to break and as such cannot ever be duplicated” – Roy Laughlin LARadio Newsletter “John Newton forwarded a copy of your newsletter I worked with John and Mark Morris at KKLA back in the 80’s Can’t believe what a service you are providing What a wealth of radio history you have put at people’s fingertips So many names popped up that I recall Thank you so much for doing this Could I possibly be put on your email list It would be such a pleasure to receive Thanks so much” – Joseph Roth Mentions About Mary Lyon and Gene Weed “1 On people leaving California I realize it isn’t what it once was but I moved to Oregon for nine months in 1973 The summer was almost ‘dream like’ but when the reality of the cold and gray and rain of the Pacific Northwest kicked in at the end of summer I asked myself ‘what have I done’ By November of ’73 I became a permanent resident of California and have never considered moving away again 2 On Gene Weed he had a show on Los Angeles TV on Saturday night’s in ’65 and ’66 called Shivaree One Saturday night while living in Lompoc and working with ‘YOU’ Don Barrett I was watching Gene’s show and his guests that night were The Righteous Brothers and Stevie Wonder At the end of the show Gene thanked his guests and invited us to tune in ‘next Saturday night when our guests will be Len Barry and The New Beats’ Gene says ‘Goodnight’ and then he Bill and Bobby of The Righteous Brothers and Stevie start waving goodnite to the camera except Gene and The Brothers are facing the camera and Stevie is facing left and waving to the side and back stage area and Gene suddenly realized this and quickly grabs Stevie by the shoulders and turns him about 45 degrees towards the camera True story” – Joe Collins K-EARTH Locks Up Perfect Promotion June 15 2018 K-EARTH ran a near-perfect sales/programming promotion the “Locks of Love Week” for the eighth year The morning team of Gary Bryan and Lisa Stanley were the face of the promotion along with Supercuts Paul Mitchell and the Girl Scouts This past Monday Gary and Lisa were at Universal CityWalk 5 Towers stage where 101 listeners and Girl Scouts got their haircut by Supercuts stylists The first 50 donors each received a pair of tickets to Universal Studios Locks of Love provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children with medical hair loss Last year 1208 people participated donating more than 12500 inches of hair Everyone wins The station received high visibility at the event and at Supercuts And ultimately it is for a great cause Congratulations In other news Entercom is returning Kevin Weatherly to the programming post at AMP Radio He will continue as pd at KROQ and JACK/fm At the same time former AMP and current K-EARTH pd Chris Ebbott has added operations manager duties for Radiocom in Los Angeles “We are proud to cultivate our existing talent at Entercom/Los Angeles” said Jeff Federman svp/market manager “Kevin was the original architect of AMP almost 10 years ago He was successful at creating a format lane that was duplicated across the country With Chris focused on Radiocom in Los Angeles we are guaranteed compelling creative and innovative ideas that will lead to growth in our consumer base and expand our relationships with our clients” Hear Ache People are still buzzing how iHeart ceo Bob Pittman could make another 104 million under iHeart’s “incentive plan for insiders” During iHeart’s bankruptcy Pittman whose regular deal includes access to a Dassault-Breguet Mystere Falcon 900 aircraft has a “target award” of nearly 7 million this year He could make another 50 above that depending on the metrics and that would equal 10462500 … Not everything is a sure thing Didja know that 20th Century Fox slated Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel a week after they released Avatar as insurance due to fears that Avatar could bomb according to Stan White “20th called it their ‘secret weapon’ … Earlier this week 870/KRLA afternooner Mark Levin was honored with a “Speaker of Truth” Award at the Endowment for Middle East Truth’s “Rays of Light in the Darkness” dinner in Washington DC … Loving Channel 4 at SiriusXM All Beach Boys music this summer with some wonderful and insightful vignettes from all of the living Beach Boys A true surfin’ safari all summer long Also my favorite daughter picked a Beach Boys song for the father of the bride dance … Brad Chambers is celebrating “Mother Miriam’s 80th Birthday Bash” at a Martini In the Morning event at Catalina Jazz Club on June 25 Performing is Dave Damiami and the No Vacancy Orchestra along with Johnny Blue Gloria Loring Deana Martin Jane Monheit among others My Heart at iHeart/SF Many familiar LARP names are reemerging in the San Francisco market iHeartMedia is bringing Progressive Talk back to the Bay Area at Real Talk 910 KKSF replacing ESPN Deportes The station features a line-up led by Stephanie Miller formerly heard on KFI KABC KTLK Thom Hartman ex-KTLK along with KEIB consumer expert Clark Howard One is a Lonely Number Have you figured out the personality who was a one-of-a-kind on LARadio The person who jumped out of the radio every day probably still resonates with you today If you want to share your fan fave be sure to include all the reasons they were so unique We’ll start revealing your favorites next week Send your one-of-a-kind to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom Warren Duffy Has Died June 14 2018 Warren Duffy veteran of KMET 1970 – 71 KDAY 1973 – 1974 and KKLA 1994 – 2004 died June 13 2018 He was 80 Warren was prominent on the Los Angeles airwaves as both an original voice of progressive rock and as a longtime host on Christian talk radio He began his career as a singer on the radio before he started in a weekly television show at age 10 After graduating from high school at the age of 15 Warren started his long and varied career in broadcasting including Washington DC where “I literally ruled the roost” Warren helped launch the legendary progressive rocker KMET “The station was a melting pot for some pretty talented people To give us some validity with ad agencies when we were but a fledgling operation unable to afford 24-hour-a-day jocks we were one of the first ‘automated’ music stations in the country” recalled Warren “We hired B Mitchel Reed to host our afternoon drive-time show so the agencies would recognize us” After time at KDAY Warren left radio to become the national album promotion director for 20th Century Fox records Within a year he was promotion director for the Beach Boys putting together the group’s worldwide tour celebrating their 15th anniversary Warren soon found himself with a serious drug problem He started his recovery in the late 1970s leading to his religious conversion and renewing his faith through Robert Schuller Ministries In the early 1980s Warren joined the staff of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove where he served as executive administrative assistant to Dr Schuller Warren later moved to Kauai Hawaii to serve as a church pastor “I feel that everything I have gone through from being a child prodigy to overcoming drug addiction to pastoring a church has contributed to my ability to relate to people on a ‘heart’ level” said Warren After stepping down from the pastorate Warren created his own marketing and consultancy agency One of his clients was Salem Communications which at that time owned 30 Christian radio stations nationally It led to his afternoon drive program “Duffy and Company – Live from LA” on Salem-owned KKLA Warren declared his program was a home for the “Not-so-Silent Majority” He left KKLA on January 4 2004 the tenth anniversary of his talk show Warren’s friend John Loftus shared details of his passing: Pam Warren’s wife called to share the news that our beloved brother Duffy left us this morning of June 13 2018 and is now in the arms of Jesus She was at his side during his final days giving comfort and tender care and receiving the blessing of his inimitable smile I know that each of us has been touched in special ways by Duffy’s life and have fond memories of this dear man God used him mightily for His kingdom and is now partaking face to face of Duffy’s most radiant smile yet! In April 2016 Warren was diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer In spite of his situation Warren remained joyful and valiant I cherish the many ways Duffy has touched my life From when I first heard him over the airwaves on KKLA to my riveting initial phone conversation with him that occurred completely by chance err that is by God’s providence! to his deep care for my youngest son Jason during his teen years and ultimately officiating his wedding to standing by me in some of my darkest times Duffy has left an indelible impression on my life Pam and I both express our heartfelt thanks for your prayers remembrances and financial support during these past months You helped ensure that Duffy received exceptional care and that his wishes will be carried out for his final arrangements Though a memorial celebration is planned the Duffy family depleted their personal funds because of the prolonged cancer fight plus the expenses of assisted living and funeral costs Loftus established a GoFundMe page to assist the Duffys Donations will be administered by Warren’s widow Pam Duffy Photo: Warren and Pam Duffy Do We Have One-Of-A-Kind LARPs June 13 2018 I came late to the Anthony Bourdain party I hate to admit I thought it was one of those tacky food shows that CNN threw in when there was not a catastrophic news calamity to cover My family only watches 60 – 90 minutes of tv each evening We have to make choices with our limited time in front of the screen About a year ago I was probably watching some news event on CNN and Parts Unknown came on I watched and after the first viewing I was hooked OMG Where had I been I recorded everything and relished each viewing I thrive on storytelling and Bourdain had such a strong knack to do just that And the way he would weave in pop culture to a program was masterful Anthony Bourdain was truly one-of-kind In local media we’ve had a few Ralph Story was one of the best storytellers You would also have to include PBS’ Huell Howser Golleeeeeee But have we had a real original in LARadio Who would you think was truly a one-of-kind personality and why Send your suggestion to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom Archives 2nd Quarter 2018: Michael Benner’s new book Brian Beirne in concert KNX celebrates 50 years Uncle Joe to Townsquare Amp says Yes to Yesi Click and Clack to automotive Hall of Fame When is an Oldie Not an Oldie Passing Parade – Mark Morris Bill Watson Dex Allen Dick Orkin Don Bustany Mark Morris Roger Collins Art Bell Mike Walker Frank Bresee John Mack Flanagan 3 LA stations in revenue Top 10 NAB nominations and voting Kimmel in People Ted Leitner diagnosed with cancer PPM re-issue issue Lady LARPs of Grace Dick Biondi out of WLS after six decades 6-minute commercial load too much Purely Personal with son’s graduation and daughter’s marriage Len Chandler songs for Credibility Gap Alfonzo Ortiz KNX THR award to Harvey Stern cut and he’s not happy 2 LARPs on Time list of 2018 Most Influential Ladd is back and Tribe thrilled Larry Gifford diagnosed with Parkinson’s Is Savage being set-up Walker needed for pd Good Time Steve Mitchell to Georgia HOF LARPs nominated for HOF Marriage of Alexandra Barrett Lyon Queen David Viscott king of psych Talker Debunking myths of a dj New day for Sue Fruend Adam Carolla is driven to buy Paul Newman’s cars About the Publisher of LARadiocom Don Barrett As publisher of LARadiocom Don Barrett chronicles radio news and lists 6000 people in Los Angeles who work or have worked in radio in the past 60 years Barrett is a historian of contemporary Los Angeles radio history and author of Los Angeles Radio People published in 1994 He published a second volume of the book a year later along with the launch of a daily website column In 2013 he started as the radio columnist for the Orange County Register Barrett’s Southern California roots Santa Monica include a bachelor’s degree from Chapman University He also earned a master’s in psychology He spent 10 years in radio working as a disc jockey program director and general manager W4-Detroit and WDRQ-Detroit He launched KIQQ K-100 Los Angeles in the early 1970s In the mid-1970s Don joined the motion picture business working as a marketing executive at Columbia Universal and MGM/UA Barrett was part of the marketing team that released ET Close Encounters of the Third Kind Back to the Future Thelma and Louise Rocky and James Bond movies He also represented a number of films at the Cannes Film Festival He was the first recipient of TALKERS Magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award Don has been honored with an honorary Golden Mike and Special Recognition from the Society of Professional Journalists Send mail to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom with questions or comments about this website Copyright © 1997-2018 – Los Angeles Radio PeoplePO Box 2670 Avila Beach CA 93424 Last modified: July 14 2018 |
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North Korea carried out massive cyberattack |
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After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is the book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretold along with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scripture Due Turn On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Living Torah being given live whirled wide what The Television Scripture The Book ov Lev foretells Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television Scripture From the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacewhirled pizzaevery buddy Getz a slicein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundpart of our Public Domain A few years back there was an article Bloomberg Business Weekabout Rolls Royce in England developing Lev clipper ship idea With rotational masts to catch every gust Rolls doesn’t have solar voltaic sailsI have been preaching this idea we build Hybrid clipper ships wherever there is water and people need work since my first presidential write-in campaign in 1980 I talked up my clipper ship idea in New Hampshire primary on NHPTV in 1988 Also in numerous 1500 character comments in The New York Slimes during 2012 election Mark today the dayYou too proclaimed your spirit’s independence The thin skin Russian money laundromat Don el Dough Trump must be dumped! Impeached!D Chief Liar Thief evicted from our fief I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me! Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narratives fun to listen to Decide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace The Government In Exile with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants shall be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Join ! Become member Get Television Scripture Follow lev01833076 JOINThe Government In Exile Renew our democracy Follow lev01833076 Sea Poet Prophet for yourselfDo you have a smart TV with ROKU Sign up for Youtube via ROKU Type in Michael Levinson into YouTube Search Sea view play LEV videos on your big TV screen This next video here is a mini-masterpiece of spontaneous speech The camera person was / is an anti Semite anti-Levinson person That is why two black bars top and bottom and on your computer monitor the distance from camera to poet to diminish the contents besides some crappy opening music instead of Here Comes The Chief The anti-Lev person ripped Lev off for hundreds of dollars and then refused to hand over broadcast quality tape So Lev bought his own camera All the other videos you see are single-handed selfie the anti-Semite camera person the tape below is spectaclar on the big TV screen! This tape begins with Adman and Even shows one prophetic passage from the Television Scripture then a full explanantion of the Lev Mortgage Program where every house is savedthen the Clipper Ship Building Jobs Program how every home can become an energy incubator the Lev Health Care package and moreOne spontaneous must-see spontaneous masterpiece |
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Tom on 05 Jun in: Rejuvenating the North Korean dictatorship |
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Oliver Wainwright의 평양유람기 ‘Inside North Korea’ |
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DHS: North Korea’s Risk Oct 12 2017 |
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North Korean Propaganda Poster 1950 |
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Richard Blade Harold Austin Casey Kasem Leon Kaplan the Motor Man and Jim Carson Email Saturday 7142018 KABC Essay from 2010 “Your points are well taken here Don even eight years later It has been so long since KABC had a meaningful presence here that the call letters if they mean anything at all stand for an era that has passed Heritage call letters are only useful when they have had years of active relevance KIIS KFI even KABC’s sister station KLOS have a positive ongoing recognition factor KABC does not And the funny thing is that I still think of 870 as KIEV even though Salem replaced those calls way back on January 1 2001 If the program schedule in 2010 seemed like a ‘work in progress’ that got halted for some reason and then never resumed then it looks now like the entire project was abandoned Perhaps Cumulus was so focused on their bankruptcy that they didn’t notice Bob Moore was sitting on his hands over in the corner I think that if Cumulus can’t make KABC work they should either sell it LMA it to an ethnic broadcaster or – if they’re intent on keeping this now-inferior AM signal – simulcast with KLOS until they come up with a workable game plan Because the plan they’ve had for the past decade ain’t workin’” – KM Richards KABC Ratings “I just can’t believe what has happened to KABC” – Allen Mclean More Ratings“I remember when KABC was 1 for all those years So sad! Good for KPCC 10!! YEA!” – Alan F Ross KPCC vs KNX “I suppose that listeners are saying that they’d rather sit through pledge drives than 22 minutes an hour of spots Not to mention real content” – Douglas Brown Boss Radio Insight “I recently received a sizeable collection of original memos that were written by Paul Drew while he was the program director at KHJ As many of you who worked with him know he was very detail oriented” – Jeffrey Leonard Ciji Ware “I worked with Ciji Ware for a few months in 1971-72 when I joined KNBC as the Dayside Assignment Editor and she was our consumer reporter who went by Ciji Ware Billet What I wish I’d known back then was that her dad wrote for One Man’s Family It was created and produced by Carlton E Morse who with his wife Pat was a lifelong friend of my parents My mom and Morse worked together on the San Francisco Evening Bulletin before he hit it big in network radio drama My parents wedding was held in Pat and Carlton’s SF apartment So much for nostalgia My entire LA experience was in tv but I have known a lot of the radio people just because we’re all broadcasters” – Warren Cereghino Pacific Palisades Vidal Memories “I attended broadcasting school at Career Academy in 1970 One of my classmates was Bruce Vidal It was a small class but he shined Most of us were there to learn how to become a deejay But Bruce already had a natural sound voice and personality that transcended the training He was a ‘natural’ We all enjoyed each other and we had a bond but after we graduated we all went our separate ways Later on it was great when I heard Bruce got the gig on KIIS and I bragged to my friends that we went to school together I did run into him in around 1992 when I co-owned a Pioneer Chicken in Canoga Park He stopped in one day when I was there and I recognized him immediately We said our hi’s and caught up a bit He lived in the area and according to my workers he came in often It’s funny how things come back around and reconnect in life I hadn’t thought of him for a while and looked him up last night only to find his obituary Just had to add my little story to his legacy” – Alan Sims Radio Streams “Entercom stations are announcing the only way to listen to stations on the go is to download the radiocom app For those that do not want app overload on their mobile device – still as of today one can enter web address playerradiocom and access all Entercom stations Did you happen to hear the interview with Chuck Martin done by Richard Wagoner and Mike Stark – posted by LA Radio Studios It’s over 2 hours long but well worth the time” – Greg Wood West Hills KRLA Mailer The padded package on the left arrived in the mail this week in 2002 Inside a bag of MampM’s wrapped with a promotional message Marcellus Wiley Jumps Teams July 13 2018 After 11 years with ESPN the last seven locally with KSPN Marcellus Wiley has his final show today “It has been amazing years filled w/laughs debates amp even tears” he wrote on Twitter “My gratitude runs deep for every executive co-host co-worker amp fan on this journey Going to miss it all but I am so excited to create many more media memories!” Word is Marcellus will join Fox SportsThe former NFL star and ESPN analyst joined Max Kellerman to form the “Max amp Marcellus” show in early 2011 Previously he has been paired with various personalities most recently Roger Lodge A native of Southern California Wiley attended St Monica High in Santa Monica where he was an academically and athletically honored student Wiley is a graduate of Columbia University A 10-year NFL veteran Wiley played for four teams during his career including the Buffalo Bills 1997-2000 San Diego Chargers 2001-03 Dallas Cowboys 2004 and Jacksonville Jaguars 2005-06 He had his best years with the Bills and the Chargers Wiley was also voted to the Pro Bowl in 2001 and was named one of Pro Football Weekly’s Top 50 Players in the NFL After the NFL Wiley turned to broadcasting as an NFL commentator for ESPN In other news: Saul Levine is prepping for a “grand celebration” in February 2019 “KBCA went on the air the night of February 18 1959 from temporary studios on top of Mount Wilson on a cold and stormy night with immediate listener calls from all over Southern California” emailed Saul … KUSC’s Rich Capparela just returned from the Galapagos Islands “It was a mind-blowing trip Whoa” declared Rich … Tom Joyner’s Foundation presents “Fantastic Voyage” a cruise that supports Historically Black College and University scholars This year’s offering sold out faster than any of the eight before it The cruise departs next spring from Miami with port stops in San Juan St Thomas and Grand Turk … K-EARTH’s Larry Morgan posted on Facebook that he has been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo “The doc gave me the Epley Maneuver a series of positional changes to realign these rascal crystals in my inner ear back to their normal place The positions basically bring on the vertigo which is not pleasant but by design Not fun But necessary” It all started with a fall that knocked him unconscious … Morning KOST star Ellen K got pulled over by the LAPD the other night Window tinting was too dark She got off … MY/fm’s Lisa Foxx has lost 40 pounds in six months thanks to the Orbera Weight Loss Balloon “I turn 48 on the 28th and already feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD!” enthused Lisa With the balloon out she has vowed to lose another 20 pounds by the end of the year through healthy eating and exercising … Mark Elliot former operations head at Gold Coast Broadcasting in Ventura is now the Group Program Director for Cherry Creek Media in Denver Cherry Creek Media owns and operates 46 stations in Washington Utah Montana Arizona Colorado and North Dakota … Manny the on-the-street reporter for KIIS’ Ryan Seacrest was laid off Call Letter Longevity by KM Richards Someone who read that old post I did on FM call letters history on the occasion of KRTH/KHJ-FM/K45LA’s 70th anniversary of continuous operation back in 2011 asked me what the records are in LA for FMs keeping the same call letters So I put together a list and offer it to you for whatever use you may find for it I set a minimum of 20 years holding a call sign for inclusion Currently held call letters: 1 KOST/1035 – from KADS 1967 51 years 2 KRTH/1011 – from KHJ-FM 1972 46 years 3 KROQ-FM/1067 – from KPPC-FM 1973 45 years 4 KBIG/1043 – from KXTZ 1974 44 years also see below 5 KLVE/1075 – from KEZM 1974 44 years 6 KIIS-FM/1027 – from KKDJ 1975 43 years 7 KLOS/955 – from KABC-FM 1971 37 years 8 KKLA/995 – from KHOF-FM 1985 33 years 9 KPWR/1059 – from KMGG 1986 32 years 10 KTWV/947 – from KMET 1987 31 years includes 280 days as KTMV-FM 11 KCBS-FM/931 – from KODJ 1991 27 years 12 KLAX-FM/979 – from KSKQ-FM 1992 26 years 13 KYSR/987 – from KXEZ 1992 26 years 14 KSCA/1019 – from KLIT 1994 23 years Ties were broken based on the month of the year that the new calls were granted – I’ve counted KKLA because as shown in the records it was a relicensing of the KHOF-FM facilities after the FCC revoked its license Some may disagree with that but it still shows the longevity of the KKLA calls – My understanding is that the KTMV calls were used only on an interim basis while the FCC recovered the KTWV calls from a marine vessel Call letters held before changing: 1 KFAC-FM/923 – to KKBT 40 years 1948-1989 2 KFSG/963 – to KXOL 31 years 1970-2001 3 KNOB/979 – to KSKQ-FM 30 years 1958-1988 4 KHOF-FM/995 – license revoked 29 years 1956-1985 5 KZLA/939 – to KMVN 28 years 1978-2006 6 KUTE/1019 – to KMPC-FM 25 years 1952-1987 7 KNX-FM/931 – to KKHR 25 years 1948-1983 8 KLSX/971 – to KAMP 23 years 1986-2009 9 KKGO/1051 – to KMZT 22 years 1978-2000 10 KBIG/1043 – to KXTZ 22 years 1959-1971 11 KPOL-FM/939 – to KZLA 21 years 1957-1978 Ties broken based on recentness of change – If the years KNOB was on 1031 1949-1958 the total would be 39 years and ranked 2 – If one adds the return to KNX-FM pre-KODJ 1986-1989 the total would be 28 years and ranked 5 KPPC’s Rita Pardue is a Beauty July 12 2018 KPCC’s production manager Rita Pardue was crowned as this year’s Ms Senior California during the annual pageant at the University of San Diego’s Joan Croc Institute for Peace and Justice Theater “In October I go to Atlantic City to compete in the national Ms Senior America pageant” emailed Rita “What an honor to represent our great state of California This pageant is for women over 60 who have reached ‘The Age of Elegance’” Her responsibilities this year include appearances speaking engagements entertaining and encouraging everyone regardless of age to live life to the fullest every day “My first official appearance was appearing in the Coronado Island Fourth of July parade How fun” The annual pageant shows off singing and dancing talents evening gown modeling and the wisdom of women ages 60 and older according to a story in Pasadena Now Five judges evaluate the contestants on talent a statement on their philosophy of life and other criteria Pardue 66 was chosen out of eight talented women who competed during the pageant last month where she sang I’ve Got the Music in Me In April Rita was crowned Ms Senior Ventura County before going on to the state competition Pardue has over 20 years of experience in radio and has expertise in fundraising writing presentation production and media campaign expertise Before coming to KPCC she was KKLA’s Midday LA host from 1998 to 2004 Her assignments have taken her to China Indonesia Japan and North Korea where she was a guest of the state Born in Indiana she grew up in St Louis “I started singing at 16 years old and toured across the country performing at major hotels and supper clubs” said Rita “I opened for name acts including Harry Blackstone Jr George Burns and Pia Zadora Also did some acting in film and television work too I sang with the original cast of ‘Jubilee’ at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas in 1981” Rita started her next career in radio working at KORK-Las Vegas as a news reporter while returning to college at the University of Las Vegas Simultaneously she was hosting a talk show Paying Dues at KUNV- Las Vegas “At that time my faith walk became very important in my life” continued Rita “I rededicated my life and moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams in children’s radio” She also does freelance work doing voiceovers teaching audio production and vocal coaching As a community volunteer she has been working with the Lake Avenue Community Foundation in Pasadena for six years helping in a mentoring program where she’s paired with a young Latina girl who had just completed her first year of college She has also committed to reading before school children doing Saturday morning sessions in Pasadena and Altadena Rita tells the children her story of growing up in the Midwest and moving to California later in life Pardue is also an actor musician and vocalist Her credits include the CBS film When the Circus Came to Town PBS Math Facts and WB’s Unhappily Ever After to mention a few In the 1990s she was the voice of Mrs Aahs and a host of other characters on Children’s Broadcasting Corporation’s “Radio Aahs” Pardue is the author of the children’s book The Nothing-To-Do Funshop and a narrator for several of the popular Hello Kitty children’s books She has also performed with the Hollywood Bowl Easter Choir from 2008 to 2011 The Cold Dose of Radio Reality by Jason Barrett BSM Media July 11 2011 It’s hard sometimes not to become jaded if you work in the radio business The more time you spend time in it the more you discover that it’s not just about watching and talking about sports The newspapers and industry trades at times paint a gloomy picture of what’s happening leaving you to wonder about the stability of your career Then as you improve at your craft and command more respect and warrant higher compensation you learn why the word ‘business’ is included in your industry’s profile description One of the most common mistakes people make in radio is believing that their contributions to a company entitles them to something greater Managers believe the brands they run are ‘their radio stations’ and the hosts producers and contributing members all feel their presence and value to a brand is vital and difficult to replace Their contributions certainly do matter especially to those they work with but in the grand scheme of everything we’re all still replaceable parts Some may have greater value but none of us are irreplaceable How many times have you heard someone who’s young and on the way up in their career complain about the money long hours and lack of attention they receive from their employer There’s this belief that their hard work should be recognized radio should reward its people better and more TLC should be provided by bosses Read complete story by clicking the artwork Vic the Brick is Feeling You July 11 2018 Fans of KLAC’s Vic the Brick Jacobs can rejoice as Chachi’s Benztown Branding is syndicating Vic in a new 30-second daily feature This Day in Sports History A native of Queens NY Jacobs has been a sports broadcaster since 1979 working in Austin Fresno Phoenix and most notably Los Angeles where he landed in the early ’90s as a sports anchor on KCOP/Channel 13 and for Rick Dees on KIIS In 1997 he helped launch the new Sports-Talk format on KXTA now KEIB as the midday host He later went on to co-host with NBA superstar Karl Malone and NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw Tony Valdez wrote on Facebook: “What’s gone wrong at Los Angeles’ all-News radio station A story running today about a primary source of water for Los Angeles calls the lake ‘mono’ as in the opposite of stereo The name is correctly pronounced ‘MO-no’ with two long ‘o’s Making matters worse in a sound bite we hear an official pronouncing ‘Mono Lake’ correctly Like ‘Cahuenga’ and ‘Lompoc’ Mono Lake is a place Los Angeles newscasters are supposed to know how to pronounce But today a reporter several anchors a writer a producer and maybe even the news director didn’t know any better Tuning to KPPC-FM right now” In other news: Bill Seward is part of the NBC Sports team covering the 2018 Rugby World Cup Sevens from San Francisco later this month … Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy KRRL’s Big Boy is headed to television via Fuse Media A syndicated show will be based on “Big Boy’s Neighborhood” beginning July 30 … Longtime Emmis chairman/ceo and founder 1980 Jeff Smulyan has his contract extended into 2022 He will be paid 1025000 during the first year of his new contract with 25000 increases over the next three years ending up at 1100000 for the fourth year He received a signing bonus of 1M … Yvette Nicole Brown has been chosen by AMC to step in and moderate The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead panels at Comic-Con later this month The decision to select Yvette is in response to accusations of misconduct by longtime host Chris Hardwick … Alt 98-7 adds Tamo Sein to middays She is on her way here from WEND-Charlotte “In the words of my family and friends ‘We totally thought you were pregnant but OH MY GOD THIS MAY BE EVEN MORE EXCITING NEWS!’” She replaces Marty Whitney who continues at KIOZ-San Diego Ratings Steady as They Go July 10 2018 Very little major movement with the top stations in the just-released June ’18 PPM 6 Mon-Sun 6a-mid KBIG MY/fm remains on top followed by KOST K-EARTH and KTWV the WAVE KIIS once market leader but still revenue leader continues in a downward cycle Pasadena City College’s KPCC moves into the Top 10 while KABC falls out of the Top 40 tied at 41st with Oldies KSUR1 KBIG MY/fm 57 – 582 KOST AC 56 – 563 KRTH Classic Hits 50 – 514 KTWV the WAVE 48 – 45 5 KIIS Top 40/M 45 – 436 KCBS JACK/fm 42 – 41 KFI Talk 44 – 418 KLVE Spanish Contemporary 37 – 359 KYSR Alternative 32 – 2810 KAMP Top 40/M 27 – 27 KPCC News/Talk 27 – 27 12 KLOS Classic Rock 27 – 26 KNX News 27 – 26 KPWR Top 40/R 24 – 26 KRRL Urban 27 – 26 KXOL Spanish AC 27 – 26 17 KROQ Alternative 24 – 2518 KLAX Regional Mexican 27 – 24 KRCD Spanish Adult Hits 26 – 2420 KKGO Country 21 – 2321 KBUE Regional Mexican 19 – 2222 KSCA Regional Mexican 26 – 2123 KXOS Regional Mexican 18 – 2024 KUSC Classical 16 – 1725 KDAY Rhythmic AC 14 – 1526 KJLH Urban AC 17 – 1427 KCRW Variety 13 – 13 KSSE Spanish Oldies 12 – 1329 KRLA Talk 09 – 11 KSPN Sports 10 – 1131 KLAC Sports 09 – 10 KLYY Spanish Adult Hits 07 – 1033 KEIB Talk 08 – 09 KKJZ Jazz 08 – 0935 KFSH Christian Contemporary 07 – 08 36 KFWB Regional Mexican 08 – 07 KKLQ Christian Contemporary 08 – 0738 KDLD Regional Mexican 04 – 06 KWIZ Spanish Variety 06 – 0640 KYLA Christian Contemporary 06 – 05 Michael Savage to the Supremes July 10 2018 Back in 2013 Mary Ann Sause of Louisburg Kansas was listening to Westwood One’s syndicated The Michael Savage Show when the police came to her door over a complaint that her radio was playing too loud The retired nurse eventually opened the door to the police they said she would go to jail and then Sause a devout Catholic asked to pray They ordered her to stop After the incident she tried to get an apology from the Louisburg Police department to no avail She went to court claiming violation of her constitutional rights and a legal saga ensued The case went all the way to the Supreme Court who ruled on behalf of Ms Sause on June 28th … a precedent that all started with Michael Savage You can read more here in The Hutchinson News One-of-a-Kind LARPs by Mike Hagerty July 10 2018 When we asked readers to suggest one-of-a-kind personalities in the history of LARadio most zeroed on one character who would stand alone never to be duplicated Some couldn’t decide on one LARP but mentioned many Our contributor this morning iHeartMedia’s Mike Hagerty has a strong list LARadio has had several one-of-a-kind personalities There was no Art Laboe clone before or since anywhere in America The sophisticated wit and astonishing vocabulary of Bill Ballance was not going to be found anywhere other than with Bill himself Bob Crane was to radio what Ernie Kovacs was to tv but in his own unique way Find me a jock who was ‘just like Bob Crane’ Johnny Magnus – ain’t nobody better than he a line he once used about Wes Montgomery when it comes to knowing the music and sharing that knowledge which he still does every Saturday and Sunday morning on 881 The Real Don Steele spawned a host of imitators all doomed to fail because as Robert W Morgan arguably another original said if you try to sound like him you just end up sounding like an idiot B Mitchel Reed pioneered the concept of an FM album rock jock and proved you didn’t have to sound or be stoned to do it Jimmy Rabbitt often was or sounded stoned when he did it sometimes on the same station as BMR but he’s an original too There was only one Wolfman Jack Or Frazer Smith for that matter I never heard anybody do radio the way Lee Baby Simms did it Or Bobby Ocean And how about Phil Hendrie I’m sure I’m leaving out names I hope other readers fill the blanks I’m unintentionally leaving Bottom line – the ranks of LARPs includes a whole host of originals which is probably how they made it to – and made it in – Los Angeles A New Role for Kelli Gates July 9 2018 I love stories of revival resurrection renaissance and rejuvenation And this is one of them We all know that our radio job is going to end But this should not be the end of the story What we do with the rest of our lives is the real story Kelli Gates was one of the forgotten soldiers in the midst of the dissolution of the KLOS Mark amp Brian Show in 2012 Since 1998 Kelli had been the third important voice on the morning show Equal parts contributor by giving news that was relatable to the audience plus laughing at all of their jokes – the funny ones and the ones that went flat She dazzled them with very personal stories which included playing in the World Series of Poker a few years ago We seemed to care as much about Kelli’s life as we did the two boys Virtually overnight Kelli went from playing a key role on a coveted morning show to unemployment “I thought the company was going to continue with Brian Phelps after Mark retired” said Kelli She spoke the day after the massive firings of everyone connected with the morning show except for the Skylord Scott Reiff and sports guy Todd Donoho Kelli thought she would be part of the reconstructed morning show But with the snap of a finger and without warning Brian announced that he too was leaving Kelli grew up in Dearborn Heights Michigan and moved to Kentucky in the 11th grade Kelli graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1987 She worked at WKQQ-Lexington as half of Kruser and Kelli’s morning show From there KOMP-Las Vegas then back to the Midwest at “97X” Oxford Ohio “Maybe you remember Dustin Hoffman chanting ‘97X The Future of Rock and Roll’ in the movie Rainman” she said in recounting her journey Her big break came at WWCD-Columbus Ohio in 1990 “I’m really proud of the fact that I was pd and drive-time talent for two start-up stations that are still very successful Some of the talent hired on the small budgets provided were green You can always teach formatics but you can’t teach people personality Her radio path changed course in 1993 “I married a guy that I met only because he was in love with my voice and came to a live remote to meet me He was a tall dark medical student Unfortunately he lived in Toledo She began working in markets all over Southern California her ultimate radio goal Kelli worked in the Inland Empire at KCXX and KCAL and in San Diego at KGB During a stint as radio coordinator for the Museum of Television amp Radio she infused a much-needed shot of awareness into the radio activities of Southern California “The Museum job was very exciting especially since I was able to meet all of the key radio people in town past and present” Single again she got a weekend job at “Y107” before landing a job at KLOS which led to being a part of the morning show with Mark amp Brian On one of her stops after KLOS she did mornings in Santa Rosa And then silence She called old bosses and friends Nothing led to a job Kelli then an idea She decided to go home despite Thomas Wolfe’s proclamation “I really am excited to back in Lexington” wrote Kelli recently “It’s brought a sense of calm and inner peace I haven’t felt in a long time Little did I know that I was going to really need support from my family in a big way after a major health scare I guess intuition said to get back to where I would be near in proximity to those closest to me” As we all age it is incumbent that we pay attention to our bodies A year ago Kelli noticed her energy level and ‘lust for life’ had taken a real dive She saw a doctor who said her iron levels were low and suggested she take an over the counter prescription to help and eat more iron-rich foods “I did but it didn’t seem to get any better I ended up chalking it up to a combination of depression in not finding job I was out of work due to a combination of station budget cuts and the economy” At the same time her sister in Kentucky was terminally ill “The silver lining there was that I was able to spend some beautiful quality time with her and was with her when she passed” Kelli chalked up her lethargy and depression to getting older and that this was the “New normal” for her She returned to familiar territory in Northern California to look for a job back on the air and a place to live both unsuccessfully “The housing market was tight already then came the devastating fires in Santa Rosa which really diminished the possibilities of even finding a place even if I was employed So I decided to go to Reno for a while where there was a radio job that was looking like a real possibility The initial interview and feedback was all positive so I thought I would wait it out and stay in cheap hotels and use my poker skills to make some cash When I was too tired to even just sit and play poker which is one of my favorite things to do I knew something was really wrong Kelli made a snap decision jumped in her car and drove the 33 hours back to Kentucky where she could feel at least feel centered with family around “I went to a health clinic and had some lab work done and the next day while interviewing for a local radio gig I got a frantic phone call from the nurse at the clinic who told me to get to the emergency room right away My red blood cell count was at 39 The normal is in the 13-15 range! I wasn’t getting oxygen to my heart muscles or even hardly my brain No wonder I felt so crappy! Kelli saw a battery of doctors and nurses who all said they had never seen levels so low in someone that was actually up and walking around “I was admitted to the ICU immediately and had a blood transfusion 4 units! My idol Keith Richards would be proud! They kept me for five days and did a series of exploratory procedures but couldn’t find anything abnormal or figure out where the bleeding was coming from So I’ve been taking a heavier dosage of iron pills and vitamin C and will swallow a nifty pill with a camera in it next week to further explore possibilities of where the problem might stem from” The story is still in process but Kelli is feeling very optimistic “I can honestly say I am a brand-new person I have energy again I don’t look like a zombie and feel positive about what’s to come” And Kelli landed the radio job! With her medical and mental challenges behind her she encourages other to seek help if things are quite right “Thank goodness I sought medical help when I did and I’m so grateful for the care I received And for my family who gave me a safe place to come back to! So if you find yourself not feeling right listen to your body and take the steps to get things checked out Don’t take as long as I did thinking it will just pass” You can reach out to Kelli at: kelligates66gmailcom Nostalgia Sunday – 8 Years Ago Today Open Email to Bob Moore President/General Manager at KABC July 8 2010 Well it took a while to begin assembling your trusted team from FM Talk Radio KLSX First it was Frosty/Heidi amp Frank for middays Recently you brought in long-time CBS sales exec Dave Severino and your programming partner Jack Silver is now in place Whoopee! Big deal So now what KABC needs a new coat of paint This is 2010 Trying to capture the glory years of KABC from the 70s and 80s would be a terrible mistake This is 2010 almost 2011 in radio days Hopefully your goal or mission statement is to beat KFI So often victory is defined in constrained terms of “We made budget” or “We’re up a notch in the PPM” Instead I’m talking about an all-out assault to beat KFI The 50000 watt station was an also-ran for decades save mornings with Lohman amp Barkley It wasn’t until the focus became winning the whole enchilada with aggressive programming that was consistently compelling stimulating and on target did they achieve major market superstar status KABC is a currently a mish-mash of various formats –syndication local baseball infomercials and network news And right-wing radio is dead Do you have the power to blow up afternoons and drop Sean Hannity and Mark Levin Face it they’re never going to improve only stay stagnant and continue declining Their brand of Talk radio belongs in a previous decade The constant drone of far right politics from Hannity is causing even the most loyal conservatives to get glassy-eyed and fall into a stupor The KABC call letters are no longer 2010 Time to abandon them Blow them up They have a musty image They’ve ended up like the passe Oldsmobile They are associated with a station that has long since lost its charm or relevance When the KMPC call letters were taken over by 1540AM a sports station the call letters meant nothing Ditto for the Top 40 giant KRLA the station that brought the Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl Never understood why the call letters were obtained by Salem for its brand of right-wing radio at 870AM You’re considered one of the best radio sales people ever to work in Los Angeles Your past stations have been among the Top 10 billers in the entire country generating incredible revenue If your mission is to regain that revenue position with no regard for the programming then this note is for naught If victory means making budget then this note is for naught You’re at a crossroads You have an opportunity to set a new course in LA It will probably take all your salesmanship to dump your network programming but the sad fact is that you can’t win with it KFI has found a way to be a huge revenue producer for Clear Channel with provocative programming and NO infomercials so we know that it can be done Perhaps you Jack and Dave can sit over a long meal at The Palm and carve out a mission statement that results in victory – not only a programming success at 790AM but a revenue leader Good luck! Email Saturday 772018 Firecracker AT 40 “I worked briefly for Casey Kasem around the time of the Bicentennial I was part of the team Paul Grein Sandy Stert Benjamin and Nikki Wine that came up with the idea of ‘The 4th of July’s Greatest Hits’ It went pretty much as you’d expect Starting with 1976 we went back 40 years and did the AT40 treatment to as many of the hits that fell on that day as possible Amazingly Casey and Don Bustany went along with the idea I salute them for that It worked out pretty well Casey never did fit 40 records into the program generally eliminating a few selections on the way down Of course I can’t remember the entire list but we had a good Beatles record a good Stones record and so on And it may have been the strangest AT40 show ever” – Todd Everett Casey’s Characters “I loved your story about Casey Kasem and AT 40 I bet I know which show Casey was shooting at Warner Bros It may have been the Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew series He played a character actor who imitates Peter Falk as Columbo but ends up being the villain He was really good at it Casey was also good with his voiceover work on Scooby-Doo and Superman-Batman Hour and Super Friends I had the pleasure of playing a trivia contest hosted by Bill and Sylvia of KBIG during the 90’s at the LA County Fair where Casey gave the questions and he was so nice A true gentleman Hope you stay cool during this awful heat!” – Julie Byers Record Lady “My AT40 story When the show began the Live Earl Jive Vaughn Filkins was in charge of obtaining the music from the record companies When he departed about 18 months later he set me up with his gig It was very part-time I had no office space but the most important part was to have copies of all possible 45’s on hand as there was no time to shag singles after the fact When the Billboard Hot 100 was released to us every Tuesday I had a big cardboard box in my car containing pretty much the whole Hot 100 Sometimes records warped in the heat I had the job from 1971 until AT40 and ACC was moved to Texas in 1995 Fabulous part-time work Working for Casey Kasem and Tom Rounds was a real blessing I miss TR to this day” – Ann Beebe Radio in a Comic Strip “Do you happen to remember the name of the comic strip that was set in a radio station that appeared in newspapers years ago I’ve been looking online and can’t find it anywhere I remember seeing it I think in the 1990s in either the Times or the OC Register One strip in particular that I cut out one day showed the overnight guy with an intravenous bag of Java I was working overnights at the time and so it resonated ” – Brian Perez Progressive Talker Ed Schultz Dies July 6 2018 Back in the 2000s Ed Schultz was thought to be the Progressive Talk show answer to King of the Talkers Rush Limbaugh The former syndicated host who was heard locally on KTLK then-1150 AM and KGIL has died of natural causes He was 64 Ed played football at Minnesota State University/Moorhead eventually becoming the play-by-play announcer for North Dakota State “In college I had an opportunity to do a little sports show in Moorhead Minnesota on KQWB That was my first shot” said Ed in a 2011 interview Schultz began his media career working as a radio and television host in the Fargo market Schultz started his broadcast career working in sports on tv He served as the sports director at WDAY/TV-Fargo during the 1980s Schultz had an uncanny similar presentation as Limbaugh despite their opposite political views Ed opened his show with “From the heart of America the nation’s 1 Progressive voice where truth and common-sense rule” From 2009 to 2015 he hosted a daytime news and opinion program on MSNBC called The Ed Show He was a controversial presence At MSNBC Ed attacked Laura Ingraham once telling his listeners: President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin Missouri on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about like this right-wing slut what’s her name Laura Ingraham Yeah she’s a talk slut You see she was back in the day praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas But now that Obama’s doing it they’re working him over Ed was heard for three years on LA Radio first at Progressive Talk KTLK from 2005-08 then on KGIL when Saul Levine briefly went all-Talk with his AM station The trade newspapers had a field day covering Schultz’ colorful language on his syndicated radio show One time he tore into a caller telling him to “get the fuck out of here” before fretting over whether the radio producers had managed to hit the delay censor button And somehow audio of the incident flew under-the-radar for a whole week according to a story at Radiate Ed exited KTLK in 2008 due to the show being tape delayed “In this current explosive political environment KTLK cannot afford to be tape delayed” explained then-KTLK program director Don Martin “There is too much breaking all the time” At one point when the media talked about Progressive radio Ed was always in the same breath as Keith Olbermann Stephanie Miller and Rachel Maddow At the peak of his radio and tv career he said “I’ve wanted this for a long time You’ve got to have some talent but you’ve got to be lucky too” July 4th Anniversary of AT40 July 5 2018 Yesterday marked the anniversary of the launch of American Top 40 And I was there In the late spring of 1970 I was general manager of WWWW W4 in Detroit We were the nation’s first 24/7 live Oldies radio station on fm Out of the blue one morning I received a phone call from Tom Rounds of Watermark He was launching a new syndicated countdown show called American Top 40 hosted by Casey Kasem I had heard of Tom from his success at KFRC-San Francisco Despite the fact that there were a handful of Top 40 stations in the market no one wanted this new syndicated offering He turned to W4 out of desperation because he wanted the show to be heard in Casey’s hometown since Casey grew up in Detroit and went to Wayne State University I remember being reluctant Didn’t want to interrupt the 24/7 Oldies format and told Tom so He promised to never charge for the show and would help me with any customizing that I needed The clincher was “why don’t you give the Oldies a rest on the weekends and you have a ton of inventory you can sell at a premium” W4 became one of the seven stations that launched the show on July 4 1970 Watermark took out a full-page in Billboard thanking us The following week a phone call came from Casey My assistant put him right through It was that unmistakable voice from years of listening to him in San Francisco and 1110/KRLA He wanted to personally thank me for carrying the show He said his parents never quite understood what he was doing in California Now they could listen to their son every weekend Eventually I left radio and got into the motion picture marketing business My first job was at Columbia Pictures in 1976 We shared the Burbank lot with Warner Bros and the facility was called The Burbank Studio Our marketing department was the first building on the right as you entered the Pass Avenue gate Across the street was Malpaso Clint Eastwood’s production offices One day as I was leaving our Technicolor Building there was commotion on the roof of the Malpaso Building The perpetrator was Casey Kasem running around with a gun He was a guest detective in some tv show shooting on the roof I waited for a break in the shooting to join Casey We reminisced about the enormous success of AT40 and the embryonic days of the countdown show Casey always wanted to be an actor but that was about the only career that didn’t work out for him Isn’t it ironic that Tom Rounds and Casey Kasem die within days of each other Decades later when LARadio was born Casey joined a panel of other early personality giants for LARadio Day at the Museum of Radio amp TV He was very generous with his time We had another conversation when Casey was dropped as host of AT40 to make the way for Ryan Seacrest to take over If he was bitter he never let on Casey was so praiseworthy of Tom Rounds and Premiere Radio Networks for carrying the show He got a laugh when I reminded him of a Howard Stern observation that Casey became a multi-millionaire by counting backwards LARadio is on Hiatus From the creators of Inside Psycho and Inside the Exorcist comes a new story about a classic movie and its inspirations A tale of a modest thriller that became an ordeal and then a disaster and then a phenomenon and then a classic A story of one man a fresh-faced inexperienced director who nearly wrecked his promising career and became the most important filmmaker of our era This is Inside JAWS Click artwork to begin the journey National Radio Hall of Fame Set to Induct LARPs June 27 2018 Stories galore with the announcement of the National Radio Hall of Fame Class of 2018 Jonathon Brandmeier c who took Chicago by storm at WLUP Loop for decades as well as trying to duplicate his success at KLSX was elected on the first public vote ballot Johnny B was among 11 broadcasters to be elected Other Los Angeles Radio People voted in by the public include Mark Levin r the talk radio conservative fire brand whose syndicated program was first heard locally on KABC and now afternoons at 870/KRLA In addition the sports duo of Mike Golic amp Mike Greenberg and Dr Laura Schlesinger were voted in by the industry panel “It’s our mission to recognize the most impactful personalities and individuals to our medium and honor them” Hall of Fame chairman Kraig T Kitchen said in a statement “We’re proud to induct these individuals for their contributions into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2018 our 30th year” Nominated LARPs who will have to wait until next year include: George Noory Jim Rome John Tesh and Ellen K Kitchin said over 500000 votes were cast in the two listener-chosen categories Dave Armstrong is one of those who understands the synergy between programming and sales He was in charge of the Salem / LA cluster for many years He’s now working with the Diocese of Orange to create The Southern California Catholic Network The new venture includes KHJ-Los Angeles and KCEO-Vista “The network covers nearly 7 million Catholics from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border and the stations were recently converted to commercial” emailed Armstrong “I will be developing the sales function with the programming coming from Relevant Radio This is an exciting new adventure and I look forward to helping them increase their revenue” In other news: Ira Lawson loved the great reminisce of Jim Healy He sent a site link that contains a boatload of Healy sound bites: Congrats to Ken Jeffries and his wife Stephanie Yellin-Mednick on 35 years of wedded bliss … Bon voyage to Steve Kindred who is taking his first cruise which includes stops in Greece and Croatia with his new galpal I’m also a blood ambassador for the Red Cross and volunteer at the Burbank Temporary Aid Center I’m in good health and seeking some part-time work I’d also consider a return to full-time work if the offer was right emailed Steve … KRRL’s Big Boy served as one of the team coaches for the 2018 BET Experience Celebrity Basketball Game … Some called Dan Ingram the greatest Top 40 jock ever Those who worked with the New York personality at WABC and WCBS/fm sent their praises on social media this week Ingram died on Sunday at the age of 83 Howard Hoffman created an audio history of Ingram at: Hiatus LARadio will be on hiatus while Cherie and I travel to Naples to visit my oldest son We go from one beautiful beach Avila across the country to another Sand is never too far away from our livesThen on Monday we drive to Key West for Cherie’s birthday I haven’t been there since the late ‘80s when we had a huge James Bond press event complete with a lush setting a Bond look-a-like jumping out of the 007 helicopter into our lawn party with a satchel containing ten car keys One of the keys started an Aston Martin A key was given to 10 contest winners from tv promotions all over the country The winner got to drive it home For desert we presented a 20-foot key lime pie that was lighted by 007 himself Timothy Dalton Email Wednesday Ingram’s Passing “Big Dan Ingram’s boast that he was ‘number 13 in Pittsburgh’ is probably quite modest Back in the mid-’60s KQV was Pittsburgh’s only 24-hour per day full-time Rock AM station and its nighttime signal was very weak We lived just 8 miles from downtown Pittsburgh and due to the ’Burgh’s hills and ravines it would fade while driving just a mile from our house once the sun went down As a result I had WABC WLS and WCFL marked on the dial of my bedroom radio Once I had my own car I set 3 pushbuttons for those stations on the auto’s AM dial From December through February when darkness would set in around 5 pm I’d move the needle over to WABC to catch the last 30-60 minutes of Big Dan Ingram KDKA was middle-of-the-road music from morning until Clark Race’s rock show from 4 to 8 pm WAMO was rampb most of the time but was daylight only on AM WEEP was a rare 50 kW daylight only station and had Dick Biondi’s live syndicated show from 6 pm until sign-off in the spring and summer of 1965 Dan Ingram did have one marvelous set of pipes” – Robert O’Brien One-Of-a-Kind Jim Healy “Only one Jim Healy and there will always be just one Jim Healy Can you imagine if Jim was doing his thing now with all the social media Healy by himself would double the ratings on whatever station he was doing his thing” – Fred Wallin Sports Byline Arnie Memories “My folks moved to Anaheim in 1970 and that’s when I discovered KEZY who OWNED Orange County’s AM Airwaves It was everything that OC was in those days – fresh and new wholesome and fun I remember going out to meet the KEZY Beach Van on its weekend coastal cruises and listening to this high momentum format they used to jingle before EVERY record! I was hired by Mark Denis in late 1974 and never worked for Arnie McClatchey but he was a class act both on and off the air A true professional and a great leader” – Mike Wagner KEZY 1974-76 KIIS/fm 1976-82 KRLA 1982-95 photo: Julie Frey Mike Wagner Bruce Chandler Paul Freeman Arnie McClatchey Dave Sebastian Williams Arnie’s Wife “Thank you so much Don Arnie would have been humbled by your article” – Pam McClatchey Freeman on Arnie “I was working in Salt Lake City with Dave Sebastian at The Big 1280 KNAK in 1970 when I was hired by Arnie McClatchey who was the program director to do 7p to midnight on The Mighty 1190 KEZY Orange County’s Monster Station The almost 6 years I spent at KEZY working with Arnie and Mark Denis and the rest of the great staff was a wonderful learning experience not to mention all the FUN we had Rocking Orange County Arnie was always so easy to work with and truly one of the nicest people I’ve ever known Arnie was a real gentleman My condolences to his wife Pam and his family and friends He will be missed by all who knew him” – Paul Freeman Appreciates LARadio “Thanks for the recent LA Radio blurb featuring my face along with a few others I always appreciate your thoughts/mentions/and exposure You are a legend in the radio industry Such an amazing ability to track all the radio talent of today and yesterday We all owe you a debt of gratitude Thank you for all you do!” – Kris Erik Stevens Who Goofed I’ve Got to Know Jim Healy is One-of-a-Kind by David Alpern Long Beach June 26 2018 This is the second installment in the summer series of you saluting those LARP who were absolutely unduplicatable and truly stand out as one-of-a-kindWho Goofed I’ve Got To Know Not LARadiocom by being sure to honor one of the most original broadcasters ever to grace the LA airwaves Jim Healy I knew him just from his KMPC days while others benefitted from enjoying his craft dating back to his time at KLAC Jim Healy was a gifted radio talent who combined being a connector/consumer of all media/lover of celebrity/mocker/punster Dateline: Los Angeles – Jim Healy was appointment radio to the extent that such listening doesn’t much exist anymore outside of perhaps some NPR programming and morning drive If it was 5:30 pm on any LA freeway far and away more buttons were being punched yes back then we pressed a physical haptic button to AM 710 to hear the wonderful soundbite fest that was Jim Healy’s short but marvelous sportscast So compelling was his show and his time slot that KMPC programmed around him with the afternoon host vacating the air at 5:30 pm and returning only some minutes after “the dreaded six-o’clock tone” So sit down and have dinner with Pearl Harbor and think of Howard Cosell while you admire Kurt Bevacqua and contemplate what Tom Lasorda thinks today of Dave Kingman’s performance IS IT TRUE that any of the references in that last sentence brought a smile to your face If yes then you like me have not gone “the Leonard Tose route” and as such are lucky to have caught a chance to admire one of the finest talents ever to grace the airwaves here in the city of the angels Some memorable quotes played ad nausea on Jim Healey’s show: Benoit Benjamin saying I don’t give a about the fans The World Champion – how Jim labeled the LA Times Sports section which hopefully can reclaim that title under new owner Patrick Soon-Shiong Ed Bieler’s geographical claim that the San Antonio River goes right through the heart of downtown Los Angeles Lawrence Welk impersonation that simply sums up what Jim’s show was: A Wun’erful A Wun’erful The Face/Voice of OC Radio Arnie McClatchey Dies June 25 2018 Newer listeners to Southern California radio may have a tough time understanding that at one time there was radio exclusively for Orange County As the population of the Southland began to spread low powered AM station originating from LA had a hard time reaching the OC Three of the leading OC stations in the 1960s and ‘70s had Arnie McClatchey as a common denominator He was an innovator programmer and talent The well-liked leader of OC Radio died June 20 2018 after a long illness He was 76 Arnie was born June 14 1942 in Vancouver Washington and raised in Camus Washington He started his radio career at the age of 15 at KVAN-Portland After serving in the Army he relocated to Orange County where he worked in local radio for almost two decades Arnie was pd at KEZY from 1967–74 until he was succeeded by Mark Denis Arnie transformed the station from an easy-listening station to “The Mighty 1190” A number of djs who later became prominent in LA – Mike Wagner Paul Freeman Bruce Chandler among others – worked with Arnie to create a Top 40 station which dominated the OC airwaves KEZY even had a following into the Los Angeles market despite the fading signal at night when the station reduced power Recalled Arnie: Mark helped me a lot with the programming we would get in my office and brain storm to come up with our one liners and contests We did not know it at the time but we were doing some of the best radio ever In March of 1975 Arnie started a new venture on the fm dial “I became general manager of KYMS in Santa Ana and put on the first Contemporary Christian Music station in the nation he said in a 1995 interview for Los Angeles Radio People from his home in El Paso He eventually bought KYMS along with stations in Phoenix and Denver and kept them until 1983 I took some time off and then I bought KELP/AM in El Paso in 1984 and I commuted from Southern California to El Paso for eight years until we moved here permanently in the early 1990s” Arnie continued to do commercials and voice work for The Word for Today a national radio ministry heard on 200 radio stations daily and Horizon Radio another nationally syndicated program His wife of 49 years Pam said the Lord called her husband home last week “He was a kind loving gentle man who loved and served the Lord for many years and will be missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him” said Pam Bruce Chandler wrote that Arnie was “always so mild mannered and genuinely nice He hired me in the fall of 1973 for weekends at KEZY while I was working full time at KFXM-San Bernardino A few months of that and then when Mark Denis took over as pd Mark hired me full time in February 1974 I did every day shift” There will be a memorial service for Arnie at Fairhaven Memorial Chapel in Santa Ana on Friday July 6 at 2:30 pm In other news: After two seasons Nick Hardwick will not be heard as color analyst on KFI for the LA Chargers Greg Tantum pd at all-News KFWB in the ’90s celebrates his 40th wedding anniversary Nick Tyler and KJazz 881 FM will once again broadcast from the 39th Montreal International Jazz Festival midday this Thursday Friday and Saturday This is our 8th year covering one of the largest music festivals in world said the all-Jazz outlet Dave Skyler celebrates 10 years with K-EARTH Congratulations to Leslie Marshall on her 22nd wedding anniversary Another anniversary – Tom Watson ex-KKDJ is celebrating 11 years of wedded bliss Happy 91st birthday to KFWB/Color Radio’s last man standing Elliot Field After an assault claim by ex-girlfriend Chloe Dykstra Chris Hardwick ex-KROQ and founder of Nerdist sees his talk show pulled by AMC as NBC mulls what to with his game show The Wall He’s now married to Lydia nee Hearst the daughter of Patty Hearst Sunday Nostalgia – 14 Years Ago Today “Rita Wilde is a Player’s Coach” The Wilde Pitch June 24 2004 Rita Wilde was honored last night with the prestigious Genii Award from the American Women in Radio and Television The evening kicked off the beginning of the RampR Convention at the Beverly Hilton Hotel John Davison the gm of the ABC/LA cluster was one of the presenters “I love Rita’s compassion for the station She’s dedicated and she’s competitive” said John Because of Rita’s obsession with the Angels long before ABC took over broadcast rights many sports metaphor’s were used to describe Rita “She’s a player’s coach” said Davison “She’s been a player and now she’s a coach She relates fabulously well with her staff She gives out just the proper amount of tough love to handle a job that’s very demanding” Early in the introductions the KLOS programming staff put together an audio greeting that was played for the audience in the Versailles Room “She is a human being who cares about her staff first and being program director second and a damn fine one as well” enthused KLOS afternooner Gary Moore Pictured: Cynthia Fox Nora and Jeff Gonzer Cynthia Tony Scott and Ray Kalusa John Davison KLOS middayer Cynthia Fox said that she was proud to be part of Rita’s team “You’ve got a great heart and great compassion You demonstrate time and time again the depth of your commitment plus you’ve created a community at KLOS said Cynthia Desiree Vanderwal left president of the AWRT said there weren’t many women role models when she was a youngster “Rita Wilde was an example of who I wanted to be when I grew up She has inspired and broken ground for many women Rita is being recognized for her pioneering efforts and her dedicated leadership” said Desiree A theme that went through many of the speakers was acknowledging Rita’s modesty “She told me earlier today she was embarrassed by it all” said Davison “But I think it altogether appropriate that we make her embarrassed” John touted Rita’s incredible knowledge of Rock music He thought if there was a Name That Tune program for Rock music Rita would win millions of dollars “She understands the music better than anyone I know” said Davison Jim Ladd said that in all the time they’ve worked together he’s never heard Rita raise her voice “I’m used to confrontation” said Jim “I’m not used to this subversive tactic of support and creative cooperation People actually like her Not just the normal people but the abnormal people as well – the air staff The KLOS air staff actually speaks in glowing terms about their so-called Boss even when she’s not in the room Ladd Wilde Davison Ladd continued: This flies in the face of the time honored tradition of ruling by intimidation She does not rule by intimation – something even more devious She leads by example and because of this I find myself in the unusual position of respecting my boss You can see my problem Rita Wilde is not only someone I respect she’s a person whom I trust A funny thing happens you find yourself wanting to work harder than you ever worked before because the thought of disappointing Rita Wilde is more intimating to me than anything else” Ladd praised Rita for supporting him even in the face of enormous pressure “For that she has earned something more valuable than my trust Rita Wilde has earned my respect” Many of the KLOS personalities including the gm talked of Rita beyond just being the boss “Over the years Rita Wilde has been responsible for raising literally tens of millions of dollars for everything from 9-11 Relief Fun for military families who cannot afford to make ends meet and year after year she is responsible for the largest blood drive in the entire United States of America She has contributed to countless other causes by focusing the power of KLOS where it belongs – in the service of the community And doing all this while rocking Southern California into the 21st century” said Ladd In accepting the Genii Award she said it was her first award since she was 13 and living in Georgia when she won the Best School Crossing Guard award “I take things with a lot of modesty” said Rita “but this truly means a lot to me” She thanked Tommy Hadges for hiring her at KLOS as a jock in 1983 She also thanked Bill Sommers for allowing her to continuing working at the station “And to John Davison I continue to learn from you every day” She thanked Sam Bellamy for “blazing the trail” and being one of the first women program directors Rita praised her mother who was sitting in the front row as the strongest person she knows “Last year she was in the hospital for three months and after eight days she was going in for her third operation I was amazed how great she did I said to myself if I ever doubt doing anything I’m just going to remember looking at you and what you got through I love you mom!” During her closing Rita got choked up when she thought of Dave Forman pd at KEZY in the 1970s “There’s one guy who I was hoping would be here but he died two weeks ago He was someone who believed in me before I believed in myself He taught me that if you dream it you can do it I just hope that someday I can inspire somebody like he inspired me” The evening so well orchestrated by Sheri Tobin and her staff was connected with a panel of distinguished LA program directors Their thoughts on the current state of radio excessive commercial loads where the next generation of talent will come from and satellite radio will be discussed in a later edition of LARadiocom Email Saturday 62318 Duncan Meets the Wolfman “Something many people don’t know about me: Two weeks after coming to LA to join Radio amp Records newspaper as a columnist and story writer thank you Bob Wilson! I was taking a tinkle in a restroom in the 6430 Sunset Blvd building when Wolfman Jack walked in and stood next to me to do the same A little sidebar: The first voice I ever heard on the transistor radio my dad brought home from Tokyo while in the submarine service was Wolfman Jack on XERB It was then a 14-year-old changed his life’s course from medical doctor to disc jockey Standing nervously next to Wolfman I barely got out the words: ‘Hello Mr Wolfman’ He laughed and said: ‘Hey man you’ve got a great voice! How would you like to be Wolfman’s announcer’ Of course I said yes! He told me come into the RampR studio when I was done to cut some tracks The rest is history ‘Live from Hollywood it’s Wolfman Jack!’” – Jim Duncan When Is an Oldies an Oldie “An oldie for me is a car that has knobs and push buttons Go ’57 Chev!” – Stan White Seattle One-0f-a-Kind Picking is Tough “There’s no way I can pick one supreme air personality in Southern California radio It is impossible! With all the talent and radio genres over the years it’s comparing apples to oranges What I will concede is that it takes time creativity guts a huge ego and lots of support personnel to create a true superstar But there will be many bodies strewn about along the way to ratings and public glory Some people are not willing to sacrifice their loved ones co-workers and friends to reach the pinnacle I think anyone who has been hired in the Los Angeles radio market and survived is a superstar” – Diane Thompson Memory of Arnie McClatchey “It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of Arnie McClatchy Arnie for some reason hired me to do weekends and vacation relief at KEZY on March 15 1969 which was my 20th birthday I was still pretty green but he always encouraged me and made me a better air talent Saw him at a KEZY reunion a couple of years ago and I asked him why he ever hired me He told me that he thought with a little guidance I could be a good air talent He and Mark Denis were big influences in my radio career and in life” – Jim Shannon Mack Attack “Thanks for posting my old Boss 30 today It’s nice to see my picture sans wrinkles I’m still kickin’ in Florida – God’s waiting room Hope you’re well Maybe we can outlive ’em all” – Gary Mack Voice Concerns “Your relaying the story about a mid-show substitution for the Frankie Valli character in the performance of Jersey Boys shows respect for the dedication some vocal performers bring to their gigs It’s something few audience members have ever thought about When the amazing Mel Blanc was required to voice the WB cartoon character Yosemite Sam the abuse to his throat was well known Recording Sam’s lines was always reserved for Friday afternoons so that Mel had time to recover over the weekend In his advanced years when re-creating many of the characters he had voiced decades earlier for the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit Mel was unable to do justice to the role Sam was later dubbed by another animation voicer When I subbed for Rod Roddy at The Price is Right I finally understood the difficulty he encountered taping as many as six one-hour episodes over three days The studio was so loud with 300 audience members cheering and yelling prices through the reams of copy that the gig called for Consequently after projecting to such an extent that by the end of the work week whoever was behind that mic frequently ended up with a raw throat and a voice that could easily crack uncontrollably On my first day I understood something Rod rarely spoke about – the lengths he often went to in order to resuscitate his voice Picture yourself opening your mouth as wide as possible while a doctor reaches deep with a long hypodermic needle to inject several doses of cortisone into your vocal chords Rod did that countless times over his 17 years on the show There’s lots to respect in the lesser-known trials and tribulations of vocal performers Only recently has SAG-AFTRA started to explore bringing sanity to the abuse that some members face recording for video games” – Randy West Live Performances “Thanks for sharing your experience with the real world of live theatre! Although I’ve never seen a performance have to stop and an understudy come on that was handled just right by SLO/Cal Poly I almost got to go to SLO for college but costs dictated Pomona for PR in the Media Good experience but not the same If you would like to read a good honest bio I can heartily recommend the new book My Girls-A lifetime with Carrie and Debbie by Todd Fisher Having read both the last biography of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher’s Princess Diarist it is a great look at a remarkable family and one which is really touching I know how hard it is to live with an aging parent and disabled sibling but how one deals with it under a public spotlight and a financial quagmire is almost impossible It is very hard not to read it at one sitting but at the same time I rationed myself to three chapters a night just so I could handle literally! the range of emotions And having visited Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Casino and Hotel the first year it was open it’s heartbreaking to read how such a dream could go down in flames It’s a great read” – Julie Byers Hip Hop Hit “Your cartoon on June 20 is totally relevant today! Substitute ‘high pitched tone’ with too much bass and you have a hip hop hit! I knowI knowget off my lawntake care!” – Mike Nolan Funnie Gone to the Dogs “I just looked at today’s funnie and I wonder if the sign is to make hot dogs” – Sterrett Harper Fascinating Interview with LARP Icon Rita Wilde Hear Ache June 22 2018 The New Mexico Broadcaster Association has awarded Bryan Simmons former KOSTer Best Metro Market Radio-Public Service Announcement “I recorded VO for a charity golf tournament” emailed Bryan “I’ve never submitted any of my work before so it was a surprise and very nice that my market manager submitted it” … Arnie McClatchey OC Radio veteran has died Rich Marotta Hall of Famer and former sports guy on KFI returned to fill in this week “Bill Handel is still insufferable Wouldn’t want it any other way” said Rich … Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight … Scott Shurian veteran of XTRA and 710/KMPC sent a strange email this week “I have been advised that I have 90 to 140 days left to wander the streets of Utah ’til my demise Medical conditions and my age 86 say it is a time to move to the big broadcast studios in the sky” You never know about these kinds of notes Were there medical issues prompting his writing “The ‘note’ is prompted by a convergence of advanced COPD stenosis of the trachea and residual radiation from two earlier bouts of vocal cord cancerand of course the advancing years brought all that together” Scott said there will be NO funeral and NO services “I have been told that there may be some folks out there who would say a word about memories of times we’ve spent together or near together Please feel free to contact me at: scottvoscottcom and I will collect them as the final pages of the last chapter of my book “Me Myself and I” Wanna see a really cool house Jim Ladd has lived there since 1974 and it is now up for sale Here’s the video listing site … Speaking of Ladd Rich Piombino kicked of our summer series by putting a spotlight on Jim as a one-of-a-kind broadcaster in the history of LARadio Our second spotlight is set for Monday By the way if you want to select someone you think was unique and unduplicatable send a note to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom along with the reasons why your candidate was so special … After 16 years with Entercom/CBS cluster in LA John Michael has resigned He held a number of positions including music director apd and talent at KROQ JACK/fm and AMP Radio … Howard Lapides sent a note about the passing of Billy Sammeth manager of Cher and Joan Rivers “He was always a great friend to LARadio He operated with hurricane force but always was a gentle friend” … Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane is making a 2 million donation to NPR and 500000 to Los Angeles’ NPR membership station KPCC … Remember when Wolfman Jack used to pitch a pill called Florex which was supposed to enhance one’s sex drive “Some zing for your ling nuts” the Wolfman would say Oh What a Night June 21 2018 Since moving to the Central Coast a year or so ago Cherie and I have supported the Cal Poly/SLO theatre group Jersey Boys was performed the other night where something happened that was a first for both of us There is a scene when the bad guys come to collect owed gambling debts from a member of the Four Seasons All of a sudden an announcement over the loud speaker “Will all actors please exit the stage and will the audience remain seated” All actors scurried off the stage Lights were dimmed on stage and we all sat in the dark for 10 minutes And then another announcement “Jersey Boys will now continue” Actors came back on stage and resumed the action where they left off but it was clear that all was not right As soon as the Frankie Valli character sang his next song we knew they had made a change Not only was he taller and stockier but his falsetto range was limited and not as strong The audience began to buzz about the change Recognizing that something happened to the original character playing Frankie the audience embraced the change and gave the new actor a rousing applause and cheering at the end of his first song The play stopped for a moment while the audience continued to applaud the replacement actor/singer You could tell he was moved as he bowed and patted his heart with a thank you Yesterday we received the following email: “Thank you so much for joining Cal Poly Arts for a fabulous performance of Jersey Boys on Tuesday evening at the Performing Arts Center During Act II a replacement was made due to a minor injury For the remainder of the performance the role of Frankie Valli was played by Ben Bogen” At dinner before the performance we marveled at how many “Frankie Valli’s” there must be to cover for the damage done to the voice singing the falsetto night after night We guessed before the play resumed that the loss of Frankie’s voice was the reason for the change And the show must go on and it did The kid was a real trooper Batter Up June 20 2018 TALKERS’ editor Mike Kinosian takes a look at flagship baseball affiliations The following April 2018 scoreboards are for an MLB team’s English-language Nielsen Audio subscribing key station Specifically information for the flagships of the Mets WOR and Yankees WFAN is limited to their home market – New York City – even though they may appear as well in Nassau-Suffolk Long Island and Middlesex-Somerset-Union Key stations for the two Bay Area teams – the San Francisco Giants KNBR and Oakland A’s KGMZ – have San Francisco ratings info only not San Jose Things though admittedly get especially thorny for ratings stats of the primary flagship for the Los Angeles Angels as KLAA is unlisted April 2018 in both the Los Angeles and Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario reports Therefore “NA” Not Available is frequently displayed next to KLAA throughout this entire overview Is the Bloom Off the Rose June 20 2018 Lisa Bloom was featured in a massive eight-page story in Los Angeles Magazine The title of the piece was The Trials of Lisa Bloom Some highlights from the Bryan Smith story: The legal pundit and civil rights attorney made a name of herself taking on powerful men on behalf of her female clients Then she came out defending Harvey Weinstein last fall and all hell broke loose She anchored her own show on truTV Lisa Bloom: Open Court for eight years and had parlayed appearances as a legal analyst on cable news and entertainment show into a career as the go-to pundit on CNN MSNBC CBS News Dr Phil Dr Drew KABC and the Joy Behar Show Her reputation ignited when it was learned that Lisa represented Harvey Weinstein How could she of all people She didn’t just work with him She defended him Lisa received death threats and rape threats against her and her daughter To make matters worse word surfaced that Bloom in the course of her work with Weinstein had struck a deal for his production company and the rapper Jay-Z to make a docuseries based on a book she had written about the Trayvon Martin case “It was probably one of the worst times that I’ve ever seen for her or at least that I’ve witnessed” says Bloom’s daughter Sarah an attorney who joined her mother’s shop The central rule in most crisis management is not to make matters worse In the Weinstein case however Bloom didn’t just breach that rule she trampled it tore it up and turned it into confetti Even she admits that she stumbled in those first fraught days At 56 Bloom is lean and fit She works at a stand-up desk with a treadmill and characteristically Type A about how she spends her off-hours she’s summited Mount Kilimanjaro backpacked both the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire and the Inca Trail in Peru completed the New York City marathon and visited more than 40 countries from Cambodia to Costa Rica Law school wasn’t part of the plan early into Bloom’s days at UCLA Like her daughter Gloria Allred didn’t set out to become a lawyer at first Bloom worked for her mother’s firm for nine years after graduating from Yale Law There was an early marriage though Bloom talks little of it You can read the complete story at: Fox 11’s Good Day LA Reunion June 19 2018 Whotta’ fun reunion at KABC the other day when the longtime hosts of Good Day LA got together on the John Phillips and Jillian Barberie show “It was wonderful” enthused Phillips It was the first time the three of them have done a broadcast together since Dorothy Lucey left the show They talked they interacted they laughed and they talked over each other just like they did for 20 years doing the Fox 11 Morning Show Steve said he felt like a referee There were times over two decades when Jillian and Dorothy didn’t like each other but they were unable to explain why Later Steve remembered what happened after 9/11 happened “The tenor of our shows changed for the next six months” He was hopeful that it would be a more peaceful period in our society but he said it didn’t last that long He addressed the issue of polarization “Fox and CNN can be talking about the same story yet they speak a different language” When GDLA started in 1995 Steve said there were five morning shows “and we were in 12th place on local tv” Steve didn’t talk about the circumstances regarding why he left the Fox show It would fun to have three of the together again They were unpredictable and fun to listen to In other news: former KNAC dj Diana DeVille has joined middays for at 991/The Ranch KWSV-LP – Simi Valley Our listeners are a very vibrant and involved community of Country music fans and I’m really looking forward to entertaining them through their workdays said Diana KPFK’s Bill Gardner host of Saturday’s Rhapsody in Black participated in a documentary on Sam Cooke one of the best Top 40/rampb singers If you loved Sam’s music it is a fascinating story Jim Ladd is One-of-a-Kind By Rich Piombino RD Music amp Marketing I was fortunate enough to work at KMET from 1983 – 1986 Having previously worked with some amazing air personalities on previous occasions I was especially proud to share space at The Mighty Met with Cynthia Fox Pat “Paraquat” Kelley Jeff Gonzer and a man who I feel is the best rock dj of all time Jim Ladd Honestly I didn’t meet him for a full three months after I started at KMET on June 6 1983 One Friday night on the way out I stuck my head in the studio said hello he nodded and shook my hand I spent many “late hour” evenings at the station so I was in a position to be an average listener with the distinct advantage of being 15 feet from the studio What I remember most and what makes Jim the “essential” rock jock is based on his overwhelming knowledge of the artists and the music much of it based on personal relationships with many of them Second are the narratives — if you’ve ever seen heard Bruce Springsteen at shows we all know the kind of intros Bruce makes as lead up to the songs Jim is amazing there – I always remember best how he intro’d Panama from Van Halen any number of Pink Floyd and Doors tracks As a matter of fact hearing Jim’s intro of LA Woman sealed my respect for ‘both’ Jim’s the Doors were the second and third concerts I ever saw in the late 60’s at Madison Square Garden and the Felt Forum in NYC Jim Ladd and I did a promotion together when Elektra released Dance On Fire the first Doors video compilation We gathered fans and listeners for a “Dinner with the Doors” including Robbie John and Ray – it’s no coincidence that it was Jim Ladd who rounded out that foursome After I left The Met I went to work for Norm Pattiz Thom Ferro and Brian Heimerl at Westwood One We were assigned to tape one of Roger Waters’ early Radio KAOS shows at Great Woods outside of Boston Roger had handpicked Jim to “narrate’”the dj parts on that record thus capping an amazing era and close-up opportunity to work with one of the all-time greats These memories are sealed forever Nostalgia Father’s Day – 6 Years Ago Today Vin Scully Honors His Father June 17 2012 A few years back the LA Times published a Father’s Day feature titled “Honor Thy Father” which featured some of our sports legends like John Wooden Arte Moreno and Anita DeFrantz Vin Scully was also featured and here are some highlights from that piece: “Dad was working late as usual finishing up a 14-hour shift at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Vin Scully had finished his homework and was getting sleepy Although something was on his mind he couldn’t wait up so he wrote a note and put it on his dad’s breakfast plate before going to bed It was 1943 and Vin was 15 His stepfather Allan Reeve left for work each morning at 4:30 riding buses and subways to the shipyard often not returning home until after nightfall Reeve had an opportunity take a civilian job on a ship headed to the combat zone in Europe The money would be good maybe even enough to get the family out of the 40-a-month fifth-story walk-up apartment in Washington Heights Vin had only a hazy memory of his biological father dying of pneumonia 11 years earlier but he knew the toll it had taken on his mother Bridget The thought of losing Reeve a reserved pipe-smoking Englishman who had brought stability and love to the household terrified him So in the note Vin asked his dad to turn down the job ‘I was afraid he might be put in harm’s way’ Vin said ‘I didn’t want him to risk the family to make a few more dollars’ Vin remembers his father a silk salesman at an upscale clothing store from a few grainy photos After he died Bridget took 4-year-old Vin to Ireland to spend time with her family ‘My mother told me later that when we came back I had a brogue you could cut with a knife’ he said ‘My ache now is all the things I missed because of my job’ he said ‘Mother’s Day Father’s Day birthdays anniversaries graduations you name it It has been a series of misses And it had made my heart ache Baseball just devours you Allan Reeve read Vin’s note at breakfast and did not take the job that would have sent him overseas His relationship with his stepson continued to grow over the years ‘To me he was Dad’ Vin said ‘I never thought of him as a stepdad I had an ache because I never knew my father and it was washed away by my dad’” Email Saturday 61618 Listening to Cousin Duffy “I remember listening to Warren Duffy when he was ‘Cousin Duffy’ with WMEX – one of the two leading AM Top 40 station in my hometown Boston I would visit the station’s lobby where the public was allowed to come in and watch the djs working through a large picture window on the left as you entered the building On one visit Duffy came out to say hi to me and my friends I think one of us asked him how he decided what songs to play His answer was he didn’t ‘I don’t even know what I’m playing now’ he said with irritation I looked at the 45 spinning on the turntable through the window behind him and wondered how anyone could be unhappy in such a job It was obvious that he was very passionate about music and that he was frustrated there He was a wonderful dj though” – Sandy Wells Duffy’s Full Life “I listened to Warren Duffy quite often in the 1990s I’m sorry to hear of his passing Here is a page with dozens of his airchecks newscasts promos and commercials plus several photos and Duffy’s essay about his early years in radio by clicking Warren’s photo” – Steve Thompson Ratings “Twenty years after all of us are long over the mountain whoever takes over this site will STILL be reporting KRTH at 3 behind those other two! What d’ya wanna bet Been goin’ on for decades Why not a couple more As they say some things never seem to change” – Rich Brother Robbin Non-Com in the Race “I believe that one of the most interesting things about the ratings over the last several months is the slow but steady rise of KPCC Here is a listener supported station that is doing what KQED another listener supported station in the San Francisco Bay Area has done I haven’t heard much talk about how KPCC has done this but kudos to them KPCC has now cracked the Top Ten Maybe some of the other news/talk stations should take a few KPCC classes” – Sterrett Harper Burbank Red Ryder Collection “I really enjoyed the re-cap of Frank Bresee’s life When I was 10 years old I had the complete collection of Red Ryder figures Now I know that I was not the only Red Ryder voice I recall one time that Irv Ivers and myself were at the Malibu Colony and we had the rare opportunity to see Paul Newman’s 944 Porsche Whotta’ treat” – Stan White Seattle Bresee Memory “I got to know Frank Bresee from his association with Roger Carroll while I was at KMPC as apd from 1972 – 75 When Frank found out I loved the radio Gunsmoke show with William Conrad as Matt Dillon US Marshall – ‘the first one they look for and the last they want to meet it’s a chancy job and a little lonely’ – he gave me a carton of tapes of the show Sorry indeed to hear it is gone” – Eric Norberg Portland Oregon More Bresee “Frank Bresee started Golden Days of Radio on my KMPC show It was on for years at 7 pm with 5 or 10 minutes of old shows I just talked with his wife and she doesn’t sound well I introduced Frank to Bobbie years ago” – Roger Carroll Wall of Fame “I read of Frank Bresee’s passing and the story of the autograph wall in his basement theater I’m happy to report that the wall is intact and restored The house was purchased a few years ago by Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne who asked my company to do some lighting and hardware work We are friendly with them and they asked us to take a look at the theater I knew a bunch of the names other than the obvious ones on the wall and explained who they were They wondered if they were real so we called a friend who is an autograph expert and he came over and authenticated them all That is when Sharon decided to restore the wall as there was some water damage The attached photos are from before the restoration Once they started restoring the wall they found out about Frank Bresee and contacted him He remembered all the stories behind each of the names including the circumstances of each signing He told them about the beginnings of Let’s Make a Deal as well as the signatures of Elvis and Natalie Wood It seems they were there together and wound up having an argument which continued right out into the street” – Gary Gibson One is a Lonely Number “I love the K-Earth promotion and how great is it to see Jerry Mathers : As for your question about one LARP that is one of a kind That’s a tough one There are so many great ones I idolized Robert W Morgan until I met him The Real Don Steele was of course a tremendous talent and unique Casey Kasem started something special with American Top 40 and was a very nice as well Sadly though we have all been replaced at one time or another” – Mike Butts One Perspective “To my way of thinking — the LA radio personalities who broke thru barriers are the unduplicatable ones as the barriers are no longer there to break and as such cannot ever be duplicated” – Roy Laughlin LARadio Newsletter “John Newton forwarded a copy of your newsletter I worked with John and Mark Morris at KKLA back in the 80’s Can’t believe what a service you are providing What a wealth of radio history you have put at people’s fingertips So many names popped up that I recall Thank you so much for doing this Could I possibly be put on your email list It would be such a pleasure to receive Thanks so much” – Joseph Roth Mentions About Mary Lyon and Gene Weed “1 On people leaving California I realize it isn’t what it once was but I moved to Oregon for nine months in 1973 The summer was almost ‘dream like’ but when the reality of the cold and gray and rain of the Pacific Northwest kicked in at the end of summer I asked myself ‘what have I done’ By November of ’73 I became a permanent resident of California and have never considered moving away again 2 On Gene Weed he had a show on Los Angeles TV on Saturday night’s in ’65 and ’66 called Shivaree One Saturday night while living in Lompoc and working with ‘YOU’ Don Barrett I was watching Gene’s show and his guests that night were The Righteous Brothers and Stevie Wonder At the end of the show Gene thanked his guests and invited us to tune in ‘next Saturday night when our guests will be Len Barry and The New Beats’ Gene says ‘Goodnight’ and then he Bill and Bobby of The Righteous Brothers and Stevie start waving goodnite to the camera except Gene and The Brothers are facing the camera and Stevie is facing left and waving to the side and back stage area and Gene suddenly realized this and quickly grabs Stevie by the shoulders and turns him about 45 degrees towards the camera True story” – Joe Collins K-EARTH Locks Up Perfect Promotion June 15 2018 K-EARTH ran a near-perfect sales/programming promotion the “Locks of Love Week” for the eighth year The morning team of Gary Bryan and Lisa Stanley were the face of the promotion along with Supercuts Paul Mitchell and the Girl Scouts This past Monday Gary and Lisa were at Universal CityWalk 5 Towers stage where 101 listeners and Girl Scouts got their haircut by Supercuts stylists The first 50 donors each received a pair of tickets to Universal Studios Locks of Love provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children with medical hair loss Last year 1208 people participated donating more than 12500 inches of hair Everyone wins The station received high visibility at the event and at Supercuts And ultimately it is for a great cause Congratulations In other news Entercom is returning Kevin Weatherly to the programming post at AMP Radio He will continue as pd at KROQ and JACK/fm At the same time former AMP and current K-EARTH pd Chris Ebbott has added operations manager duties for Radiocom in Los Angeles “We are proud to cultivate our existing talent at Entercom/Los Angeles” said Jeff Federman svp/market manager “Kevin was the original architect of AMP almost 10 years ago He was successful at creating a format lane that was duplicated across the country With Chris focused on Radiocom in Los Angeles we are guaranteed compelling creative and innovative ideas that will lead to growth in our consumer base and expand our relationships with our clients” Hear Ache People are still buzzing how iHeart ceo Bob Pittman could make another 104 million under iHeart’s “incentive plan for insiders” During iHeart’s bankruptcy Pittman whose regular deal includes access to a Dassault-Breguet Mystere Falcon 900 aircraft has a “target award” of nearly 7 million this year He could make another 50 above that depending on the metrics and that would equal 10462500 … Not everything is a sure thing Didja know that 20th Century Fox slated Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel a week after they released Avatar as insurance due to fears that Avatar could bomb according to Stan White “20th called it their ‘secret weapon’ … Earlier this week 870/KRLA afternooner Mark Levin was honored with a “Speaker of Truth” Award at the Endowment for Middle East Truth’s “Rays of Light in the Darkness” dinner in Washington DC … Loving Channel 4 at SiriusXM All Beach Boys music this summer with some wonderful and insightful vignettes from all of the living Beach Boys A true surfin’ safari all summer long Also my favorite daughter picked a Beach Boys song for the father of the bride dance … Brad Chambers is celebrating “Mother Miriam’s 80th Birthday Bash” at a Martini In the Morning event at Catalina Jazz Club on June 25 Performing is Dave Damiami and the No Vacancy Orchestra along with Johnny Blue Gloria Loring Deana Martin Jane Monheit among others My Heart at iHeart/SF Many familiar LARP names are reemerging in the San Francisco market iHeartMedia is bringing Progressive Talk back to the Bay Area at Real Talk 910 KKSF replacing ESPN Deportes The station features a line-up led by Stephanie Miller formerly heard on KFI KABC KTLK Thom Hartman ex-KTLK along with KEIB consumer expert Clark Howard One is a Lonely Number Have you figured out the personality who was a one-of-a-kind on LARadio The person who jumped out of the radio every day probably still resonates with you today If you want to share your fan fave be sure to include all the reasons they were so unique We’ll start revealing your favorites next week Send your one-of-a-kind to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom Warren Duffy Has Died June 14 2018 Warren Duffy veteran of KMET 1970 – 71 KDAY 1973 – 1974 and KKLA 1994 – 2004 died June 13 2018 He was 80 Warren was prominent on the Los Angeles airwaves as both an original voice of progressive rock and as a longtime host on Christian talk radio He began his career as a singer on the radio before he started in a weekly television show at age 10 After graduating from high school at the age of 15 Warren started his long and varied career in broadcasting including Washington DC where “I literally ruled the roost” Warren helped launch the legendary progressive rocker KMET “The station was a melting pot for some pretty talented people To give us some validity with ad agencies when we were but a fledgling operation unable to afford 24-hour-a-day jocks we were one of the first ‘automated’ music stations in the country” recalled Warren “We hired B Mitchel Reed to host our afternoon drive-time show so the agencies would recognize us” After time at KDAY Warren left radio to become the national album promotion director for 20th Century Fox records Within a year he was promotion director for the Beach Boys putting together the group’s worldwide tour celebrating their 15th anniversary Warren soon found himself with a serious drug problem He started his recovery in the late 1970s leading to his religious conversion and renewing his faith through Robert Schuller Ministries In the early 1980s Warren joined the staff of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove where he served as executive administrative assistant to Dr Schuller Warren later moved to Kauai Hawaii to serve as a church pastor “I feel that everything I have gone through from being a child prodigy to overcoming drug addiction to pastoring a church has contributed to my ability to relate to people on a ‘heart’ level” said Warren After stepping down from the pastorate Warren created his own marketing and consultancy agency One of his clients was Salem Communications which at that time owned 30 Christian radio stations nationally It led to his afternoon drive program “Duffy and Company – Live from LA” on Salem-owned KKLA Warren declared his program was a home for the “Not-so-Silent Majority” He left KKLA on January 4 2004 the tenth anniversary of his talk show Warren’s friend John Loftus shared details of his passing: Pam Warren’s wife called to share the news that our beloved brother Duffy left us this morning of June 13 2018 and is now in the arms of Jesus She was at his side during his final days giving comfort and tender care and receiving the blessing of his inimitable smile I know that each of us has been touched in special ways by Duffy’s life and have fond memories of this dear man God used him mightily for His kingdom and is now partaking face to face of Duffy’s most radiant smile yet! In April 2016 Warren was diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer In spite of his situation Warren remained joyful and valiant I cherish the many ways Duffy has touched my life From when I first heard him over the airwaves on KKLA to my riveting initial phone conversation with him that occurred completely by chance err that is by God’s providence! to his deep care for my youngest son Jason during his teen years and ultimately officiating his wedding to standing by me in some of my darkest times Duffy has left an indelible impression on my life Pam and I both express our heartfelt thanks for your prayers remembrances and financial support during these past months You helped ensure that Duffy received exceptional care and that his wishes will be carried out for his final arrangements Though a memorial celebration is planned the Duffy family depleted their personal funds because of the prolonged cancer fight plus the expenses of assisted living and funeral costs Loftus established a GoFundMe page to assist the Duffys Donations will be administered by Warren’s widow Pam Duffy Photo: Warren and Pam Duffy Do We Have One-Of-A-Kind LARPs June 13 2018 I came late to the Anthony Bourdain party I hate to admit I thought it was one of those tacky food shows that CNN threw in when there was not a catastrophic news calamity to cover My family only watches 60 – 90 minutes of tv each evening We have to make choices with our limited time in front of the screen About a year ago I was probably watching some news event on CNN and Parts Unknown came on I watched and after the first viewing I was hooked OMG Where had I been I recorded everything and relished each viewing I thrive on storytelling and Bourdain had such a strong knack to do just that And the way he would weave in pop culture to a program was masterful Anthony Bourdain was truly one-of-kind In local media we’ve had a few Ralph Story was one of the best storytellers You would also have to include PBS’ Huell Howser Golleeeeeee But have we had a real original in LARadio Who would you think was truly a one-of-kind personality and why Send your suggestion to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom Archives 2nd Quarter 2018: Michael Benner’s new book Brian Beirne in concert KNX celebrates 50 years Uncle Joe to Townsquare Amp says Yes to Yesi Click and Clack to automotive Hall of Fame When is an Oldie Not an Oldie Passing Parade – Mark Morris Bill Watson Dex Allen Dick Orkin Don Bustany Mark Morris Roger Collins Art Bell Mike Walker Frank Bresee John Mack Flanagan 3 LA stations in revenue Top 10 NAB nominations and voting Kimmel in People Ted Leitner diagnosed with cancer PPM re-issue issue Lady LARPs of Grace Dick Biondi out of WLS after six decades 6-minute commercial load too much Purely Personal with son’s graduation and daughter’s marriage Len Chandler songs for Credibility Gap Alfonzo Ortiz KNX THR award to Harvey Stern cut and he’s not happy 2 LARPs on Time list of 2018 Most Influential Ladd is back and Tribe thrilled Larry Gifford diagnosed with Parkinson’s Is Savage being set-up Walker needed for pd Good Time Steve Mitchell to Georgia HOF LARPs nominated for HOF Marriage of Alexandra Barrett Lyon Queen David Viscott king of psych Talker Debunking myths of a dj New day for Sue Fruend Adam Carolla is driven to buy Paul Newman’s cars About the Publisher of LARadiocom Don Barrett As publisher of LARadiocom Don Barrett chronicles radio news and lists 6000 people in Los Angeles who work or have worked in radio in the past 60 years Barrett is a historian of contemporary Los Angeles radio history and author of Los Angeles Radio People published in 1994 He published a second volume of the book a year later along with the launch of a daily website column In 2013 he started as the radio columnist for the Orange County Register Barrett’s Southern California roots Santa Monica include a bachelor’s degree from Chapman University He also earned a master’s in psychology He spent 10 years in radio working as a disc jockey program director and general manager W4-Detroit and WDRQ-Detroit He launched KIQQ K-100 Los Angeles in the early 1970s In the mid-1970s Don joined the motion picture business working as a marketing executive at Columbia Universal and MGM/UA Barrett was part of the marketing team that released ET Close Encounters of the Third Kind Back to the Future Thelma and Louise Rocky and James Bond movies He also represented a number of films at the Cannes Film Festival He was the first recipient of TALKERS Magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award Don has been honored with an honorary Golden Mike and Special Recognition from the Society of Professional Journalists Send mail to: AvilaBeachdbgmailcom with questions or comments about this website Copyright © 1997-2018 – Los Angeles Radio PeoplePO Box 2670 Avila Beach CA 93424 Last modified: July 14 2018 |
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The Road to Pyongyang II: Inter-Korean Summits and North Korean Media |
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Rep Barr Questions Secretary Mnuchin on Trade and North Korea |
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Understanding North Korea: The First Step Towards Sharing the Gospel There |
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One click turns the page!Read how we the exiled can end the pharma-created narco-opiate crisis in USA originally writ down 1972 Or scroll for innovations below See the stepping stonefor world peace and food chain harmonythat ends North Korea’s missiles as tools of warWhat follows are a couple Lev innovative financial instruments: Fresh Revenue Streams LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith approximately 3 of 51 million monthly house paymentsgoing to pay down our national debt Uncle Sam Shazam |
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ICAN 5-step plan for next move in North Korea |
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Takeo Harada: A Future Scenario for East Asia beyond North Korea Crisis |
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The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Tuesday July 10th 2018 – John W Spring Putin and NATO Meetings North Korea Buildup of Nukes and Missiles Putin Crimes and Downed Aircraft Lists Coming Red Wave 2018 Kavanaugh Originalist Supreme Court Nominee |
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North Korea Hasn’t Stopped Launching Cyberattacks Amid Peace Talks |
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Mon 14th Sep 2015 14:30 Travels in North Korea Part 4 |
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The Left Desperately Wants Trump to Fail on North Korea |
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Junk Explained: What The Hell Is Happening With North Korea |
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What North Korean films tell us about the Trump-Kim summit |
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Acid Test: All that Matters from All These North Korean Summits are the Concessions They Offer |
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Podcast: North Korea’s Tactics with “Gangster-Like” Trump Administration |
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North Korea’s New Old Enrichment Site: Kangson |
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SPECIAL North Korea Builds Prison for Children of Defectors |
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China’s exports of fuel to North Korea below UN sanctions ceiling |
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on Negotiations With North Korea |
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Trump Signals North Korea Summit Could Still Happen |
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All’s not well between North Korea and US |
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Does the Trump-Kim summit and declaration mean anything for the North Korean economy |
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All’s Not Well Between North Korea and US By Imran Jan |
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North Korea Nuclear Test Tunnels ‘destroyed’ |
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Jim Rogers: North Korea Making Very Dramatic Changes |
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Japan exploring tougher options on North Korea nuclear inspections |
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KCN-eh June’s other North Korea Developments |
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North Korea 8 Years Apart |
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Is there really no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea |
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North Korea False Flag: Guam Could Become Second Pearl Harbor |
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Pompeo Visit Shows Breadth of US-North Korea Divide |
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An empty wooden ship washed up in Japan — and it looks like another mysterious North Korean ‘ghost ship’ |
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Guest Post: Irrational Exuberance Redux: North Korea and its nuclear weapons goals and intentions |
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The Iranian-North Korean Nexus After the Singapore |
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US ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions on North Korea keep medical care from thousands of patients |
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No Motherland Without: The DPRK vs the West |
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North Korea asked Israel for 1 billion to stop giving missile technology to Iran |
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North Korea: Trump cancels summit or not |
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Nikki Haley Drops the Hammer on North Korea |
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45 North Korea |
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3–After nuclear talks North Korea denounces Washington’s “gangster-like” demands |
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White House Believe Pompeo’s North Korea Visit |
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Amiruzzahri Dilantik Jadi Anggota DPRK Aceh Timur |
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North Korean army getting funky |
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Reaching Out To North Korea |
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Pompeo’s Visit To North Korea Reveals The Failures Of The Trump-Kim Summit |
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Victor Cha: What Could Happen Next with North Korea |
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America’s Moment of Truth With North Korea Is Coming |
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Shockingly China’s sanctions enforcement on North Korea eases after the summit |
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50 North Korea |
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US-North Korea Talks Stumble as Pyongyang Knocks |
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Sun 16th Aug 2015 19:17 Travels in North Korea Part 1 |
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I could have been early Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online ! The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Meis the pox on yer lips The Book ov LevIt A Kisslive performed out loud After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is the book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretold along with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scripture Due Turn On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Living Torah being given live whirled wide what The Television Scripture The Book ov Lev foretells Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television Scripture From the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacewhirled pizzaevery buddy Getz a slicein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundpart of our Public Domain A few years back there was an article Bloomberg Business Weekabout Rolls Royce in England developing Lev clipper ship idea With rotational masts to catch every gust Rolls doesn’t have solar voltaic sailsI have been preaching this idea we build Hybrid clipper ships wherever there is water and people need work since my first presidential write-in campaign in 1980 I talked up my clipper ship idea in New Hampshire primary on NHPTV in 1988 Also in numerous 1500 character comments in The New York Slimes during 2012 election Mark today the dayYou too proclaimed your spirit’s independence The thin skin Russian money laundromat Don el Dough Trump must be dumped! Impeached!D Chief Liar Thief evicted from our fief I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me! Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narratives fun to listen to Decide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace The Government In Exile with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants shall be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Join ! Become member Get Television Scripture Follow lev01833076 JOINThe Government In Exile Renew our democracy Follow lev01833076 Sea Poet Prophet for yourselfDo you have a smart TV with ROKU Sign up for Youtube via ROKU Type in Michael Levinson into YouTube Search Sea view play LEV videos on your big TV screen This next video here is a mini-masterpiece of spontaneous speech The camera person was / is an anti Semite anti-Levinson person That is why two black bars top and bottom and on your computer monitor the distance from camera to poet to diminish the contents besides some crappy opening music instead of Here Comes The Chief The anti-Lev person ripped Lev off for hundreds of dollars and then refused to hand over broadcast quality tape So Lev bought his own camera All the other videos you see are single-handed selfie the anti-Semite camera person the tape below is spectaclar on the big TV screen! This tape begins with Adman and Even shows one prophetic passage from the Television Scripture then a full explanantion of the Lev Mortgage Program where every house is savedthen the Clipper Ship Building Jobs Program how every home can become an energy incubator the Lev Health Care package and moreOne spontaneous must-see spontaneous masterpiece I speak we win The White House is my stepping stone to deliver World PeaceI bring to the political table innovative economic growth plans Michael Levinson on Late Nite Broadcast TelevisionThis video has had more than 3000 views on YouTube Had our nation seen this 13 minute video below had you heard Lev Health Care Assurance that will cost less than half of Obama Care and covers our whole country in sixteen weeks time without a website or bureaucracy only a one line change in the tax code and Uncle Sam Shazam a giant money-making fresh revenue stream for the betterment of our country that eliminates public debt Lev might’ve been elected president in 2012! The 12 minute video below was recorded audio aired and video on WMNF 885 FM website Deciding for Lev Grab a pen practice write his full name Michael Levinson three times and you are good to go Do not forget to bring your own pen Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s eye maintainson my life and times The corral around my right to public speech say as a candidate is actively in placeDon’t hold your breath waiting to hear or see this poet prophetI am a poet prophet author of prophetic works on your local TV or on any broadcast or cable TV ShowMy emails and postings are regularly sniffedand where I may surf tracked Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIEDThis web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where you can download a readable copy of the Church Committee ReportsGoogle Church Committee Reports and find that for yourself! Upon election first thing I am going to do isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into a single agencyIn that way civil or criminal domestic or foreign All intelligence gathering is conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference in anyones domestic life whether political or private unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activitiesthen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab themafter they purchase a pressure cooker etc In the land of the blind the one-eye man is kingUpon election to the presidency I will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakened our countryand to this day keep our citizenry afraid and unsafe Detroit should become a major hybrid clipper ship building port The Lev deal for all who read this page and cough up bucks for his campaign:You get buttons and cards via US mail WEAR MY BUTTON / SAVE LEV CARD! You will be on the first come first serve list for White House lunch Lev plans on feeding two hundred people every day He says we lunch in the East Room at noonThen we come back after 6:00 PMAs we are going to be the audienceFor the Lev After Dinner United Family Talk showLIVE AT THE WHITE HOUSEThat’s his dough nation deal for all Lev for president supportersGoScroll the whole pageSee which innovative common sense solutions you favor A question occurs when you quest your chin and take it all inWhere it says below underlined in red An essay Circa 1999 2000 about hemp and gasp marijuana that is where you click An essayCirca 1999-2000 about hemp and gasp marijuana50000 shops more than a half million jobsRead marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important Support my son’s campaign Upon election one free lunch But you have to bring his campaign card or your White House lunch is dutch treat!Order a Lev 4 president T-shirt I Lev Mom shall arrange you get desert! I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev webmaster inspiring from uh pin Heaven VOTE FOR MY SON! Send my son an emailJoin my son’s campaign!Send 10 for 20 buttons 20 cards print our campaign page todecorate your neighbor’s door Enlist your friends and we the people win! A question occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in Ask Here is Lev New Hampshire Public Television 1988 running in the New Hampshire presidential primary In the event you cannot see the youtube screen fear not ! Click below on Here is Part 2 You get all three ten minute parts right from Youtube Here is Part 2 Here is Part 3 Find in full view up and down this page doable innovative solutionsfor every issue facing our nation I bring to our political table more than myTelevision Scripture to perform as old blind Homerdusk until dawnon worldwide Radio and TV rivaling Dante of Divine Comedic fame I explain my Health Care plan to cover more than 41 million people without bureaucracy or website My Flood Insurance FEMA reform was plagiarized by another candidate for Congress My Mortgage program is worthy of a Nobel Prize for economics Upon my Gulf of Mexico Oil for Peace Plan we cancel the BP oil leases They can pump our oil at cost plusWe use our oil money to clean the Gulf pay all residential real estate taxes nationwide fund free college for all who qualify Include my Clipper Ship Building program online for years adapted by the Rolls Royce Company See Bloomberg News link Supra Scroll down to the full cover of New World Hors D’oeuvres the Lev prophetic satire of current events Click for your own pre-pub desk top copy free Along the way see my Fresh Revenue Streams to improve our livesBookmark this page and return grow and learn absorb my political plan all the reasons why to support Michael S Levinson for world leaderinstead of checking a box Stop right here to see and hear my inspired retelling of your creationFrum The Book ov Lev It A Kiss Adman and Even in Gar Den ov Edum I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on all the television channels and all of our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem I am the poet inspired in the ocean wilderness 40 days and 40 nights given the work of prophetic artThe Book ov Lev It A Kiss hand lettered in double columns to perform on Whirled Wide Television for all the worlds’ peoples at onceWords world orders and word hors d’oeuvresA new word order for world renewalWorld Peace is going to take hold on good ship Mother Earth Beginning with a sing-you-learn peacefulwhirled wide TV night! I seek the nomination of ALL political parties So we present a united face to the world!Do not fill in a box for more political gridlockskip their equal two evils Clinton Trump plotuse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael S Levinson for President! In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidate in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Vote LEV! We are one TV Show away from World PeaceTweet Beneath the check-off boxes for the printed names on your paper ballot there’s a placefor you to vote for who you want November 8 2016 was an opportunity to write-inMichael S LevinsonLEV is the three letter nickname thatcountsas a write-in vote forMichael S Levinsonbut only in FloridaEverywhere else you mustwrite-inMichael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right thisminuteLets do wit You with pen and papercan break the two party lock on our national politics Write-inMichael S Levinson for US President!2020 Michael S LevinsonEvery general election ballot has a slot to write me in your choice A question is when you quest your chin and take it all in The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house20 – 30 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floods hurricanes tornadoes and more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine20 – 30 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be just public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy should be done away with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency money from the Treasury to begin repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminate FEMA’s bureaucracy and the calamity jobs shall get doneThe required20 – 30 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers all private homes and businesses20 – 30 bucks a month per every household does it!FEMA money without FEMA bureaucracy shall repair the grid Oil Is The National Security IssueWe need to nationalize our Gulf oil fieldsThe BP Gulf of Mexico oil spillForetold explicitly in The Book ov Lev It A Kiss c 1971Click on line above to see the prophetic passageBlew out oil at 6000 pounds per square inch pressureB-ritish P-etrolium tapped into the deep sea oilall the Gulf oil drillers were afterThe seam of oilbeneath our deepest seasthat runs the girth of good ship Mother Earth!There is as much oil in that Gulf of Mexico seamas all the oil pumped the last 70 years in Saudi Arabia with a couple hundred more years to goshhh same seam same quality As long as the Saudis nationalized their oil wells why can’t we nationalize ours Every country runs their own oil except USAA simple lease cancellation and nationalization is a done dealThen we are the world’s largest oil producerWe decide who we are selling our oil to and for how much ducats not Amoco or BP OIL FOR PEACE!Then we tell Iran: develop nuclearand USA will undersell our oil to all your customersIran will not be able to sell a single barrel of oilWe explain the cost of continuing to develop nuclear is to be put out of the oil businessExpect riots as Iran cannot even purchase food without oil revenue National Security is the issueI am going to state the case for Gulf of Mexico oil nationalizationto all the American people The Fresh Revenue Stream shall repair the ecological damage to our Gulf of Mexico eliminate all real estate taxeseliminate income taxes on hourly wages eliminate our national debt and more Every Florida House an Energy Incubator Every Florida house houses everywhere where the sun shines can be reroofed with solar voltaic shingles a passive panal running the roof line to heat water hot and a pair of residential wind turbines one at each sidewallgenerating electricity 24 hours a day whether you are home at work or playThe utiity can underwrite the incubator loansThe payment can be geared to the energy saved off the utility billDuke Energy short sighted will be opposed to our saving moneyWe the people by virtue of our government shall purchase all Duke Energy stock and turn Duke EnergyAnd all our utilities nationwide Into cooperatives similar to our Federal Credit UnionsOur utility will be owned by we the usersUpon that we will all save tons of money Duke’s 8 million dollar a year CEO will be collecting unemploymentThe Lev energy incubator program will also generate thousands of long term Florida jobs and jobs in every state where the sun shines Break the two party lock on our national politics! WORLD WIDE INDUSTRIAL HEMP for all the world’s paper plastics cardboard clothing food and lotionswill trap billions of carbon dioxide tons in our atmoesphereSave Good Ship Mother Earth Yes! Hemp Cannabis Sativa has been a valuable commodity throughout the history of man Far more important than the intoxicant aspect of cannabis flowers commonly called by the Mexican slang term Marijuana is the full economic synergy harvested with every legal cannabis plant View Short Video The video is ten minutes long and will knock your sock off! An acre of hemp produces as much paper pulp as 4 acres of old growth forest Hemp fibers are being used in Europe as a lower cost stronger lightweight safer substitute for fiberglass and carbon fiber Hemp is better for car’s and truck’s body panels Hemp seed oil is a biodieselfirst fuel ever used by Henry Ford Hemp produces 40 more ethanol per acre than corn Hemp grows on marginal landsPesticides and fertilizers are KNOT! required Growing hemp actually improves soil conditions Rotated properly hemp can add millions of acres of marginal farmlands into food production Hemp makes very good quality paper and clothmore than twice the usable fiber for textiles as cotton Cotton consumes most of the pesticides and fertilizers used in America only slightly less than corn and soy We can move away from foreign petrochemical dependence when we end this unrealistic prohibition on a plant that has throughout the history of man been one of our most valuable commodities Every part of the plant is useful The stalk produces a long strong fiber for cordage and textiles The branches and leaves are excellent high cellulose biomass for energy production Hemp seeds are as close as you can get to a perfect sustenance food with highly digestible simple proteins and a perfect balance of Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids which makes hemp seed oil even healthier than extra virgin olive oil or hemp can be used as biodiesel Learn more by watching the Story of Jack Herer the unlikely Emperor of Hemp Industrial Hemp Means Thousands of Jobs! Were we planting industrial hemp on just 6 of American lands we could regenerate our industrial base create 100 of our energy needs here in local factories employing millions of Americans producing advanced biofuels biomass electrical energy hemp cordage and textiles hemp fiber building materials hemp paper and card stock hempcrete and hemp biodegradable plastics only a few of the 25000 goods we can make from hemp We don’t need to use anywhere near the barrels of petroleum we currently consume As hemp grows it sequesters carbon out of the atmosphere and releases it back when the hemp is burntWe can trap the hemp squestered carbonin paper plastic cardboard and cloth Petroleum carbon was sequestered millions of years ago When it is burnt the petroleum carbon is also released into our environment Using hemp to replace wood for paper and building materials would significantly reduce deforestation and reduce green house gases in our atmosphere Yes Jack Herer was right Cannabis can save the world We don’t need one more drop of stinking fossil fuels Hemp seed oil is an excellent biodiesel Hemp produces far less harmful pollution 80 less carbon dioxide close to zero sulfur emissions Hemp produces 40 more ethanol than corn per acre Hemp grows in marginal soils actually improving soil quality especially when planted as rotation crop Hemp requires near zero fertilizer zero pesticides compared to corn Corn is our top consumer of chemical fertilizers and pesticides Industrial hemp grows quickly matures in as little as 100 days produces a cash crop three times a year enough biomass to produce all our surface transportation fuels all our electrical generation needs with far less pollution with industry creating additional beneficial byproductsThe University of Missouri estimates an average-size metropolitan area production of 100 million gallons of biodiesel fuel could generate 834 million in personal income and 6000 temporary and permanent jobs Hemp Facts Until 1883 75-90 of all our paper was made with hemp Hemp seed was the 1-selling bird feed 4 million pounds were sold in the US in 1937 In the mid-to-late 1800’s the 2nd amp 3rd most commonly used medications were concentrated cannabis extracts and resins also known as hashish A bridge in the south of France dated at 500-700 AD was built with a mixture of hemp In 1941 Henry Ford built a car with a plastic made from hemp and wheat straw Until 1937 70-90 of all rope and twine was made with hemp George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp on their plantations In 1850 the US Census reported 8327 hemp plantations of at least 2000 acres in size Not counted were thousands of smaller crops The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp In 1942 the US government strongly encouraged hemp cultivation to help with the war effort going so far as to produce a film entitled Hemp For Victory The version of the Declaration of Independence released on July 4 1776 was written on hemp paper The entire hemp plant is usefulHemp can replace the deforestation of our nation Hemp is better than wood pulp to create paper and building materials Hemp produces better quality paper than wood pulp Hemp can be combined into recycled wood pulp increasing the strength and durability of new paper products The long strong hemp fiber can be pressed into fiberboard and studs for construction materials that are heat mildew pest light and rot resistant Termites will not eat durable hemp fibers One acre of hemp produces 4 X the usable paper pulp than an acre of old growth forest which takes 50 to 100 times longer to replenish Hemp produces twice the usable fiber than cotton per acre Textiles made with hemp last longer are lighter in weight and warmer than cotton Hemp seeds contain natures perfect balance of Omega 3 amp 6 fatty acids complex proteins needed by our bodies making hemp seeds the closest to a perfect sustenance food source Hemp seed oil has a lite nutty flavor an even healthier cooking choice than extra virgin olive oil Hemp seed oil also produces excellent and healthy soaps cosmetics shampoos and lotions There are many of these products already available in Americans stores but they are mostly imported from Europe and Canada which do not have ridiculous laws prohibiting growing this most valuable commodity Textiles produced with hemp fiber are even softer stronger last longer and are more absorbent than cotton Cotton production uses only slightly less chemical fertilizers and pesticides than the top consumers which are corn and soy Hemp produces twice the usable fiber per acre than cotton without the chemicals A fine linen like cloth can easily be made with hemp fiber that wears 3 X as long as cotton with the feel of cotton fleece Hemp like flax linen is one of the best fibers When weaving with hemp yarns you can treat it like a linen yarn It improves and softens with age Hemp is also mildew resistant making it an excellent yarn for towels also bath linens and carpet as well as in fine table linens and clothing As a nation we should give it a try Were our congress actually serious about job creation in the private sector they would remove the arcane barriers to production of this most valuable commodity which would also contribute to ending dependence on foreign oil Hemp belongs on the table nationwide Before my first day as President! A legal write-in vote for Michael Levinson Breaks the unconstitutional two party lock on our politics! I speak we win As president via press conference every day I shall deliver a doable idea Every day Congress is in session I am presenting a planlive to both Congress and the nation My presence as an impeccable independent will move the House!Either the Members vote for my non-partisan legislationespecially Lev-Med Care Mortgage Reform and Uncle Sam Shazamor get throne out next election I don’t like the idea asking people to give me money Then you owe Lobbyist dollars have corrupted all of our governments We need 435 people in the House of Representatives who take an oath before their electionsnot to allow lobbyist money to color their pubic duty |
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North Korea Fighting Against The Jew World Order |
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5–North Korea expresses regret at outcomes of two-day DPRK-US talks |
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US North Korea Postpone Meeting On Soldier Remains Until July 15 |
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North Korea enters ‘state of war’ with South |
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Trump Pulls Out Of North Korea Summit |
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North Korea Says Yes To Talks With America |
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Our North Korea Travel Website |
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Mon 21st Sep 2015 16:22 Travels in North Korea Part 4½ |
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Daily Mail: Latest WikiLeaks Release Shows How CIA Uses Computer Code to Hide the Origins of Its Hacking Attacks and ‘Disguise Them as Russian Chinese North Korean Activity’ |
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Did You Know North Korea’s Surprising Christian Heritage |
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Détente Divergence: the US-South Korean split on this Year’s Engagement with North Korea |
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Fuel prices are dropping in North Korea and that’s a little odd |
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North Korea – unforgettable journey! |
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Why did Mike Pompeo Visit North Korea |
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Protests against market crackdowns in North Korea |
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US Accuses North Korea of UN Sanctions Breach Demands End to Fuel Sales |
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1–North Korea accuses US of making unilateral demands for Trump: End The Korean War! |
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The Trump-Kim summit is upon us Here’s what we know about North Korea’s nuclear program |
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Trump U-turn – says North Korea is an “extraordinary threat” |
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dan coats WATCH: US intel chief warns of new cyberattacks on US infrastructure by Russia North Korea Iran China Xeni Jardin |
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Naoyuki Yoshino: North Korea – the ‘Next Big Thing’ for the East Asian Economy |
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Kim-ing World Peace – North Korea and US The Power Within |
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4– New York Times Pours Linguistic Gasoline on North Korean-US Detente |
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Aborted romance North Korea accuses US of ‘gangster-like mindset’ |
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Sun 23rd Aug 2015 22:51 Travels in North Korea Part 2 |
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North Korea was never serious about peace and the regime’s recent execution proves it |
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US Accuses North Korea Of UN Sanctions Breach Demands End To Fuel Sales |
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Send Lev an email Follow lev01833076 One click turns the page!Read how we the exiled can end the pharma-created narco-opiate crisis in USA originally writ down 1972 Or scroll for innovations below See the stepping stonefor world peace and food chain harmonythat ends North Korea’s missiles as tools of warWhat follows are a couple Lev innovative financial instruments: Fresh Revenue Streams LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith approximately 3 of 51 million monthly house paymentsgoing to pay down our national debt Uncle Sam Shazam doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country Everyone benefits The essay Uncle Sam Shazam is high tonic prose Uncle Sam Shazam could be typeset as a poem Here is your Uncle Sam Shazam Lev Deal: We issue 2 Shazam Savings Bonds and pay off everyone’s credit card debt moving that debt to Uncle Sam Shazam cards interest rate 7 to 12Deep ending on your cred the spread between 2 Shazam bonds and the in tryst on your Uncle Sam Shazam cred it card shall be applied to further drawing down our national debt! Soon enough we won’t have public debt that sucks up our private wealth The card companies will have millions of reliable customers with clean cards burning holes in their pocketsNew companies will form / business will start to boom The poverty line poor with Social Security will also have a 500 Shazam line backed by their sinecure Mortgage Reform Worthy of a Nobel Prize! Uncle Sam Shazam Credit Card doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country the Shazam spread drawing down our public debt!Lev Health Care! Every Dr and Dentist will endorse itWhat else do you wantWhirled pizza Besides world peace and food chain harmony Every buddy Getz a slice Here are some paragraphs retype set from Lev Care essay 2007 We should be able to include at a minimum 1 dollar extra for every hour worked into a Medical Assurance Savings Account Then down a very short roadwe could include an additional separate 5 deduction earmarked for a Dr’s Medical Malpractice Pool a pool which Dr’s will all certainly joinwhenever you use your Medical Assurance debit / savings cardfor by matching you doctors lower their insurance costs in practicing medicine Employers are not required to match our voluntary pennies In fact for the first three months employers get one half penny for every one hundred pennies coming in to program their cash registers and arrange distibution of our voluntary gratuities onto debit cards so the store’s sticker prices won’t be going up from this worker’s guaranteed health care plan The chains are not getting squeezed from tabulating our Medical Assurance Account pay raise based on the voluntary gratuity tips of we the people One half of every penny from each fifty item bundle goes to management for the first three months that for managing the workers’ incoming health care gratuities passing through their cash registers This is at worst a plus minus management spreadsheet wash! The chains are entitled to be paid from the health care fund for their set up cost Good for US The other half penny goes to Lev Care management and after the three months a full penny out of every 50 item gratuity dollar goes to Lev Care management Out of every one hundred Lev Care management pennies a single penny one per cent shall fund Lev Care management The other 99 cents go for operating call centers building neighborhood hospitals arranging super fair prescription drug fulfillment for our whole countrywhile establishing a fail safe fraud busting health care databaseThe Government In Exile can do that The government cannotTo your health Click for the original / updated Lev-Care essay Crowd Fun Ding! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online ! You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly Trapfor world peace and food-chain harmony Click on Lev image abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation Give for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapThe stepping stonefor world peace and food chain harmonyto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full nightThen the poet prophet Michael Stephen Levinson is your manCrowd here’s the way Fun Ding! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online ! Fun joining dough nation Ding!Free Television Scripture download Cough Up Bucks get free loaner of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss!Click on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art given to the poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance Crowd Fun Ding! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online ! SUPPORT The Government In Exile! The above Lev image links to PayPal portal to fund building Lev counter-measure to nullify N Korea’s ballistic missilesThat is what your dough nation dollars are forbuilding a prototype scale model Fly Trapto save our country from missile attackThe Lev David ICBM Fly Trapis the ballistic missile counter-measure to nullify every other country’s ballistic missileswhirled wideAmerica the safest shall be again the beacon of liberty N Korea The 33 years old bed-wetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast and he is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot plans to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle 45 million people Probably millions more Why For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Why do we need this North Korean impasse Because it was described in advance in The Book ov Lev It A Kiss c 1971 Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters who also prefer to live borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south like North and South Carolina The Government In Exile has a cost effective counter measure to eliminate intercontinental ballistic missiles as implements of war Our Venus Fly Trap inspired Lev David Drones on the drawing board belowwaiting for construction money are designed to track target and meet intercontinental ballistic missiles high in the heavens for perpendicular head-on collisions hundreds of miles away from our shores The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other The Lev anti-ballistic missile drone counter-measure developed and implemented eliminates the 33 years old bed-wetting despot’s threat to any and allbut not Kim’Jung Un’s compulsive threat to make his undies wet Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap will neuter ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturetube be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history Crowd Fun Ding! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online! So I can work up a blue print do the electronic leg work and build a prototype scaled for transportable demonstration! Crowd Fun Ding! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online ! From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 50000The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Defense De Fence is DE Ocean Our Venus Fly Trap inspired Lev David Drone is the counter-measureto eliminate all ballistic missiles as implements of war world wide regardless intercontinental or short range cruise We cannot build our Lev David Goliath-missile destroyer without your support We need to get moving fast Please give me your peacemaker poet a financial hand Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online! America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation The Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Master of Ceremonies / Rock amp Roll Party Bossshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks writ by us in advance Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating our planks that we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide Exile Members can be attendee delegates JOIN Your Government in Exilesecure your slot with a spare twenty! Click on Lev photo for PayPal portal- The best way to transfer online! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! One click turns the page! |
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Franklin Graham On North Korea: RESPECT |
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North Korea is very very dangerous |
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Donald Trump Tweets To China About Their Trying With North Korea |
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Check Point says Trend Micro code in North Korean anti-virus No evidence source code was involved claims Trend Micro |
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Discover North Korea with usWe are a Swedish company – we don’t take sides we let you decide yourself |
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North Koreans Indifferent to Propaganda Trumpeting Kim Jong Un’s Diplomacy |
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US North Korea Will Try Again to Discuss Return of War Dead |
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Trump cancels summit with North Korea: What’s next |
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Sat 9th Apr 2016 15:02 Sluices and molluscs and radiotoria oh my! – Travels in North Korea Part 7 |
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North Korea Breached UN Sanctions Cap on Refined Petroleum: US |
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Tetsuo Kotani: The prospect of the US-North Korea summit |
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US negotiators with North Korea must heed the lessons of Obama’s failed deal with Iran |
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North Korean Economy Watch |
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How North Korea could go from hermit kingdom to factory hub • Foreign Policy |
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North Korea Responds To Trump’s Cancellation Of Meeting |
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25 Everyday Activities That Are Illegal In North Korea |
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Meet North Koreans |
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Franklin Graham Helps Build Trust in North Korea |
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Trump could be even more vulnerable in a summit with Vladimir Putin than he was with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un |
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KTG North Korea Travel |
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Nuclear Fall Out: North Korea Slams US Demands For Denuclearization |
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North Korea Becomes Open to Talks About Denuclearization |
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North Korea wins the day Sony cancels showing ‘The Interview’ |
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Trump Betrayed Our Military by Saluting North Korea |
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9–Media Hardliners Play Up North Korean Nuclear “Deception” Claim gareth porter |
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12 Terrifying Truths about the North Korean Dictator |
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The Horrible Things North Korean Soldiers Have To Go Through |
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President Kim Il Sung North Korea Immortal Contributions to African Liberation |
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Pernah Terlibat Kasus Pemalsuan Ijazah Jafar Ama Uwe Kembali Jadi Caleg DPRK Gayo Lues |
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Tue 1st Sep 2015 16:10 Travels in North Korea Part 3 |
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The Warmbiers sue North Korea |
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North Korean Freedom Week is the next test for free speech in “free” Korea |
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North Korea Upgrading Nuclear Research Facility |
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36 hours in North Korea without a guide |
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US is the Problem not North Korea China or Russia |
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US Sending Aid To North Korea |
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The Road to Pyongyang: Inter-Korean Summits and North Korean Media |
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‘Siti told me she was in a North Korean movie’ |
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North Korea Expanding Key Missile Site |
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16MAY: North Korea warnings removed Libya airspace update Montreal closed to BA/GA ops |
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06/12/18: Historic summit offers promise for US and North Korea |
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Getting Played by North Korea is Like Losing a Checkers Game to a Hedgehog |
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Former Defense Secretary Perry: “Why I’m Still Hopeful About Trump’s North Korea Deal: And WHY IT ALSO WON’T BE EASY” |
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Breaking Antitrust News from Brussels North Korea the US and Luxembourg |
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The Graham Family Legacy in North Korea |
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Singapore Summit on North Korea’s Nuclear Issue |
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POLITICO: Trump releases flattering letter from Kim amid signs of North Korea stalemate |
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Jim Rogers: I’ll invest in North Korea as soon as it’s legal |
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On Libya as an ahistorical justification for North Korea’s nukes |
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Time to start making North Korea pay for its broken promises |
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Thu 3rd Dec 2015 16:45 Travels in North Korea Part 6 |
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Christian Businesses and Engaging with the North Korean Economy |
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North Korea Deploys Amphibious Landing Craft as Tensions Mount in Peninsula |
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North Korea’s Patriotism Is An Inspiration: Home Minister Thapa |
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