You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI Theodore Webb Oct 13 2018 10:21 PM 2 days ago to me Hello Mr Levinson I am a Florida highschool student of Palm Beach county I am doing a school project on the Senatorial candidate’s views on environmental issues as it is a science class project I have read your political platform poem and have read over your plan to sell US oil to fund a clean up of the Gulf of Mexico I have written about this plan in my report because one of its subjects is oil drilling However I was not able to find anything concerning Climate Change and what you propose to be done about it or whether you believe there is not substantial scientific evidence to support its effects I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some insight on your political views on Climate Change It would also be very cool to have communicated with someone running for senate I would also just like to tell you that I think it is admirable for someone running for office to focus more on having a platform that they believe is good for that nation rather than appeasing special interests and mostly focusing on getting elected Thank you and have a good day |
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You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI |
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North Korean Government Threatening to Sink US Naval Carrier |
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N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss |
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Happy New Year 2019 in Korea North Korea south Korea Celebration and Traditions of Korean New Year 2019 |
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Coal Production on the Goods Popular in DPRK |
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About North Korea’s Historic Meet With President Trump |
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US envoy confident about achieving DPRK court jails ex-PM Zia for 7 years for graft |
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Rare Illegal Photos Smuggled From Inside Of North Korea |
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North Korea denuclearisation within reach: US |
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Debate over Threat of North Korean Attack by… |
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How a Czech company helps set up hydropower plants in North Korea |
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The View from Jingshan: a new North Korea strategy for Beijing |
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“Hermit” no more: a North Korea cliché and its pitfalls |
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The DPRK took major steps to sell itself to the world though big questions remain about its long-term sincerity by Chad O’Carroll |
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Three analysts examine how the DPRK is covered elsewhere by NK News |
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The real reason behind Trump’s nuclear treaty withdrawal isn’t Russia It’s North Korea |
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North Korean Space Program Legitimization Efforts |
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North Korea ‘bought at least 640 million in luxury goods from China in 2017’ in defiance of UN sanctions |
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Even if Brussels were interested in playing a greater role the North Koreans aren’t keen by Alessandro Ford |
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22 Must see WWII Photos That Will Stay With You Illegal Photos Smuggled From Inside Of North Korea |
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The Gem in the North: North Korea’s Untapped Mineral and Industrial Potential |
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Top 10 Most Powerful Weapons of The North Korean Military |
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The real reason behind Trump’s nuclear treaty withdrawal isn’t Russia It’s North Korea |
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North Korea is threating US with the nuclear arsenal |
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Trump’s nuclear-treaty withdrawal sends a message to North Korea |
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Taegukgi 2004 ‧ Drama/Action ‧ 2h 28m 81/10 IMDb 79 Rotten Tomatoes 64 Metacritic 95 liked this film Google users Jin-tae Dong-Kun Jang has always looked out for his little brother Jin-seok Won Bin even shining shoes to raise funds for his college education When the Korean War flares up and both brothers are drafted Jin-tae decides he has to protect his younger sibling Jin-tae makes a bargain with his … MORE Initial release: 3 February 2004 South Korea Director: Kang Je-gyu Featured song: Epilogue Language: Korean Hanja: 太極旗 휘날리며 Audience reviews Must watch movie before you die I loved this movie very very much Your emotions will resurface Bond between two Brotherhood is something precious it will make you do anything for your brother This movie is a must watch Really appreciable! Vinayak Lakhani Posting publicly What do you think about this movie More audience reviews 5 Cast View 5 more Jang Dong‑gun Jin‑tae Lee Won Bin Lee Jin‑seok Lee Eun‑ju Young‑shin Kim Choi Min‑sik North Korean Captain Kong Hyeong‑Jin Yong‑man |
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10 Reasons Why North Korea is the Worst Country |
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North Korea 2017 |
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Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI |
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How North Koreans Can Help Us Tell Our Life Stories the Way God Wants Us To |
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On North Korea the South’s Leader Has One Key Point: Kim Jong-un Is Different |
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Pastor Prays Inside Tunnel in North Korea Asks ‘Gates of Hell Not to Prevail Against Sparks’ Husband Dana Isaiah Tackles Sex Purity Social Media in Powerful Devotional |
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How Chinese Japanese and Russian media cover North Korea – NKNews Podcast Ep 42 |
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Ambassador Ra Jong-yil shares his thoughts on the DPRK leadership and prospects for peace by NK News |
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North Korea Announces Retreat From Weapons Program |
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North Korea is using the internet ‘like a criminal syndicate’ |
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North Korea Stole The Precious Thing Polandball version of the popular Touhou song |
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Far from challenging juche orthodoxy DPRK-style capitalism has pushed traditional state values by Tatiana Gabroussenko |
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How North Korea’s nascent consumerism has succeeded in towing the party line |
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Why North Korea and the US should try a little cultural diplomacy |
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Ambassador Joseph Yun on negotiating with North Korea – NKNews Podcast Ep43 |
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Five Days in North Korea |
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“Subtle” DPRK Networks in Russia |
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Is North Korea Leader Kim Jong ready for a nuclear War |
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We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario The threat of World War III is real Public opinion has become increasingly aware of the impending dangers of an all out US-NATO led war against Iran North Korea and the Russian Federation WW III has been contemplated by the US and its allies for well over ten years as revealed |
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WORK HARD FOR THE KIMS! An Introduction to North Korea |
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Brief History of North Korean Cyber Attacks |
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China welcomes Kim Jong-un for meeting with Xi Jinping as Trump’s North Korea summit looms |
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A North Korean Opportunity for America and China |
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Soundtrack review: Michael Palin in North Korea Miguel D’Oliveira – 2018 |
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“The Faces of North Korea” |
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An important historic moment North Korea and the United States shake hands for the first time |
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North Korea faces the fury of US empire |
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In North Korea children under 10 get free candy on the Leader’s birthday |
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OurVenusLev Fly-Trapsdesigned and readyneed only bucks for building the drones to target track and greetKim Jung Un’s intercontinental ballistic missileshigh in the heavens thousands of miles from our shores Lev Fly-Trap drones can hang outclose to N Korea high in the sky24 / 7 waiting for a missile collision upon Kim Jung Un’s atomic missile-decision Confucious say: Atomic missile eggs in one basket no go When USA Lev Fly-Traps are live in the sky all of Kim’s ballistics are done for! When implemented The Lev anti-ballistic missile measure eliminates the despot Kim’s atomic threat Time is ripe forKim of North Korea and Moon of South Korea to meet embrace and trust each otherTrustMichael Stephen LevinsonLEV is hereto show the way to WORLD PEACE Coming World Peaceand food chain harmonyWhirled pizza delivered for all the world’s people onGood Ship Mother earth at once Nothing less Music is democratic on good ship mother urf! See our Dump the Congress music plan: Clean Out the House of Reps Rock amp Roll Festivity Woodstock 2020 Yippie Redux! Upon our innaugural oathLiar-in-Chief proffered his first unofficially false untruth: Today we are transfering power back from DC to you the people We accept Universal Health Carewithout govt or insurance companies To create universal health care for all an eye deal Nobel Prize winnerwe need one public interest televised political health care Lev TV speech Then we’re good to startsaving our country a half trillion dollars yearlyMore! Lev Plan:attainableUniversal Health Care without using Uncle Sam’sor any tax payer’s Money Read how we intend on saving Dope over-dosed-addicts WITHOUT POLICE! Habits brokenaddicts brought back into the stream of American life Narcotic Epidemic Solution here!The addicts will live We the Peopleis our political strength our numbers our democracy Our country sea to shining sea is us We the independent majority! See how you our exiled majoritymay renew improve and replaceWashington DC’sunAffordable Obama Care Act As a peoplewith one mass media TV speech intro due sing Lev Care we the people will be enabledto agree on we our whole country docking ourselves a plain amp simple non-governmental two-penny VOLUNTARYtipfor the helpan extra two cents gratuityon all our goods frompharmacies fast food chainssupermarkets Walmarts Kmarts Targets Home Depots Stop amp Go’s others Such a deal! Upon our private non-government public agreementbetween us and ourselvesinvolving only our VOLUNTARYpennies an extra two pennies per item tipslipped onto our tabs for all our low-end entry workers means universal health care is right around the corner for the rest of U S us!Without government or insurance company meddling Two cents does itDown a very short roadhealth care success for all! We start by covering 13 millionhealthy young workers and step-by-step from their weekly gratuities5 debited dollars 5 covers our country quick with e pluribus access to unum health care! 13 million healthy workersshall see5 debited weekly 5 debitedfromour health-care penniestheir gratuitiessitting on their Lev Care debit cards bucks that started out as a couple loose pennies from each of our pockets5 each from 13 million worker’s tip moneytossed en masse into their own entry level workers’ unlimited Catastrophic Illness Pool Thus week in amp week out they’re heaping 65 million gratuity dollarssixty-five million bucks 65 million X 52 weeks three billion three hundred eighty milliondollars into their ownnon-government Nationwide Fountain of Healthinessbelonging to its users who are sharing the Illness Pool! 13 million hard working peoplejerked out of their careby Trump and his Rep House Senate scummieswill have guaranteed health care two weeks afterour first Lev Care nationwide speech! Within six weeksLEV CARE supremely covers 13 million healthy workersbased on our loose pennies out of pocketNothing else!DC’s bureaucracy spending zero! nada! zip! Within six weeksfrom our cash registered two penny tips390 million gratuity dollarsare thus nested in our Catastrophic Illness Pool After a 2nd six weeks 390 million more dollars are added Twelve million more people worker’s familiesare covered with our zeroed out government penny-wise deal: fully covered health care Then Obama’s ACA people may begin their voluntary Lev Care migrationto get top shelf care for way less money! Regardlesswithin the yearour spare pennies shallsquare65 X 52 3380three billion three hundred eighty million dollars Catastrophic Illness Poolballast338000000000 whether you’re subscribed to Lev-Care or knot Heart transplant C’mon down! Every doctor and dentist benefits from LEV CARE’s Dr-Direct marketplace payer plan You are the payer! Boss In charge of your care! Within the yearyou every company Congress our whole country can migrate to Lev Care Save money Lev Care is a world health solutionwith principles applicable worldwideEvery country has penniesLev Carequalifies for a Nobel Prize in economics! It’s your worldOther countries may adapt Lev Care Lev Carewithin a couple years will save our country between a half and 3/4 trillion dollars every year! Our loose pocket change unequivocally guarantees your health care without govt bureaucracies! Two pennies a couple coppers a common senseVOLUNTARY loose change TIPon every item purchasedcovers 13 million healthy young workers starting outenabling the rest of us diabetic heart-diseased hypochondriacs to also qualify for care Upon burger fries and drink the cashier asks Is our gratuity OKA nickel and a penny is added on your tab Fifteen items at the supermarketadds up to an extra 30 cents So what Your out the door total tops more than 50 bucks!Who can’t deal with 30 cents With Lev Care retail chains save a lot!Workers work happy generating our gratuitiesKnowing in case they get sick they’re covered for care Even coupon fanatics agree an extra two penny gratuity on every item going to many millions of our healthy workers makes good cents With a couple pennies out of pocketour gratuities mean we all have skin in the game in clue dingan undocumented worker ordering a bagel At the end of the week your loose pennies are divided according to your total hours worked then deposited in your Medical Assurance Debit Account As above after six weeks card holders may use their medi-Lev cards for other family members and their significant other’s too Upon coming down sick not beforesignificant others and familycover themselveswith an extra five buck weekly user feekids free earmarked for our Catastrophic Illness Pool 12 million more people full families thus qualified for Lev Carewith their additional weekly 5 bucks a head going to our Catastrophic pool CHIP kids are covered with 5 bucks per single parent weeklyfor the Catastrophic Pool At the end of six more weeks at least 690 million dollars are locked in we the health-care exiled independent peoples’ Cuddle-strophic Illness Pool! By the end of our first yearall our nationwide pennies are way over three billion dollars on hold in our Catastrophic Illness Pool Good for any healthy country’s long term care!Whatever cannot be treated from a visit to the Doctor may be diagnosed catastrophicYou get sick go see the doctor tooth ache dentist2nd opinion Be your own guest Makes good cents We seek a one line change in our tax code: Doctors can do 50000 in charity care deducted off their income taxwith an additional half deducted from their tax-owed bottom line That additional half is one super incentive! Medical providers come into their own Trump chunk: Freedom of Income Tax! DC’s tax loss is off-set by Emergency Rooms open only for ambulatory emergenciesso our government tax loss is a wash Freedom of Income Tax inspires! Doctors and dentists will neon their windows: Don’t have insurance We are here Walk-ins welcome From a one-line change in our tax code millions of Medicaid candidates and others may be covered for their health care needssaving tax-payer funded bureaucracies many billions of dollars every year We expect to sponsor medical education for doctors dentists and all related medical personalThe more the merrier! A medical pro will have 40 interest-free years to pay back for their medical educationable to work off their 40 year loans treating Medicaid patients Economic Law: supply governs end user’s cost With Freedom of Income Tax a realizable goaland guaranteed money for med school America will always have a healthy supply of medical doctors What follows are paragraphs from the original Lev Health Care essay 2007 one paragraph on a Dr’s malpractice pool partly co-sponsored by us We should be able to include at a minimum 1 dollar extra for every hour worked into a Medical Assurance Savings Account Then down a very short roadwe could include an additional separate 5 deduction earmarked for a Dr’s Medical Malpractice Pool a pool which Dr’s will all certainly joinwhenever you use your Medical Assurance debit / savings cardfor by matching you doctors lower their insurance costs practicing medicine Employers are not required to match our voluntary pennies In fact for the first three months employers get one half penny for every one hundred pennies coming in to program their cash registers and arrange distibution of our voluntary gratuities onto Lev Care debit cards so the store’s sticker prices won’t be going up from this worker’s guaranteed health care plan The chains are not getting squeezed from tabulating our Medical Assurance Account pay raise based on the voluntary gratuities of we the people One half of one penny out of each fifty item bundle goes to the chains for the first three monthsfor managing the workers’ incoming health care gratuities passing through their cash registers This is a plus minus management spreadsheet wash! The chains are entitled to be paid from the health care fund for their set up costs Good for them and us The other half penny goes to Lev Care then after three months one full penny out of every 50 item gratuity dollar goes to Lev Care Out of every one hundred Lev Care pennies one penny one purr cent funds Lev Care management The other 99 cents is for operating call centers building neighborhood hospitalsunderwriting rural hospitals arranging super fair prescription drug fulfillment for our whole countryalso establishing a fail safe fraud busting health care database Only the politishinz despise these ideas Click for the original / updated Lev-Care essay We have rights We the people have a constitutional rightan entitlement to uncensored Public Interestmass media political speechthe people’s air waves / where to air our viewsOur strength is our numbers I seek the nomination of ALL political parties So we present a united face to the world! New World Hors D’oeuvres Lev prophetic satire of current events Click to download your own free pre-pub Word copy Lev non-government can do all of the above The U S government cannotYour wealth is your health Instant money talksOur strength is we the people unbreachedeach and every one of us rich single payerswho pay for our health care needswith our neighbor’s good cents capping a six-nickel tipDems and Reps are the sameDifferent name Without refrain might werenew our founder’s freedom schemeswamp their drainWe must ignite our Lev-Care plan with Public Interest mass media speech Without government intrusion or insurance company bureaucracies Lev-Care on its own shall cover 60 million families within 16 weeks Oil is Our National Security Issue For World Peacewe must nationalize our Gulf of Mexico fields Our Fresh Oil Revenue Streams shall repair the ecological damage to our Gulf of Mexico eat our domestic real estate taxes eat hourly wage taxes eat our public debt principleand forgive all education loans before lunch The BP Gulf of Mexico oil spillexplicitly foretold in The Book ov Lev It A Kiss c 1971sea for your selfblew out oil at 6000 lbs pressure per square inchB-ritish P-etrolium tapped into the deep sea seamall our Gulf oil drillers were drilling forThat is the seam of oilbeneath our deepest seasthat runs the girth of good ship Mother Earth! There is as much oil in that Gulf of Mexico seamas all the oil pumped the last 70 years in Saudi Arabia with a couple hundred more years to goHush: same Saudi oil seam same oil quality same oil pressure As long as the Saudis nationalized their oil wells why can’t we nationalize ours Every country runs their own oil except U S AThe reason is Congress Our Congress rather’s BP and Amoco lobbyists pump millions of dollars into Congress Members’ reelection pockets instead A simple lease nationalization is a shredder dealThen we are the largest oil producerworldwide We decide who we are selling our oil to and for how much ducats not Amoco or BP OIL FOR PEACE!When we are pumping our own oil we can tell Iran: develop nuclearand USA will undersell our oil to all your customersIran will not be able to sell a single barrel of oilWe explain to Iran the cost of continuing to develop nuclear is to be put out of the oil businessExpect riotsIran cannot purchase food without oil revenues We lay down the law with Trump’s mentor puppet master Vladimir Putin: Fiddle with our domestic elections one more timepull a single Russian string U S A guarantees we shall sell 1500 per barrel oil worldwide that 1500 barrel price good for ten years Upon our Gulf of Mexico American Oil for Peace Plan we cancel the BP oil leases BP can pump our oil at cost plus one dollar total 3 a barrelor we hire our ally the Saudis who are experienced at pumping oil National Security is our issueThe right to nationalize Gulf of Mexico oilbelongs to we the American people Every Florida House an Energy Incubator Every Florida house houses everywhere the sun shines can be reroofed with solar voltaic shingles a passive panel running the roof line to heat water steaming hot a pair of residential wind turbines one at each side wallgenerating electricity 24 hours a day regardless you’re home at work or play Duke Energy is for Duke stockholders vehemently opposed to consumers saving moneyWe the people shall arrange the bonds purchase Duke Energy’s stock turn Duke Energy into a cooperative owned by the users structured similar to our Federal Credit Unions Duke will be owned by we the usersUpon that we will all save tons of money Duke’s 8 million dollar CEO will be on unemployment The Lev residential energy incubator deal will also generate thousands of genuine long term Florida jobs besides jobs in every other state where the sun shines We announce to the world especially Iran and Russiawe intend on selling our oil worldwide 15 per barrel for the next ten yearsFrom Iran we want regime change but we don’t say that We want peaceRussia needs to get out of Crimea and Ukrainebesides our elections or forget about selling any oil I repeat: we use our oil money to clean the Gulf of Mexico fund university edu for all who qualify and pay all residential real estate taxes nationwide pay all taxes on hourly wages wipe out the national debt and more! Include funds to launch Lev 10000 Clipper Ship Building program to get our commercial fleets built and ready to sailwherever there is water and people need work! Lev 10000 clipper ship building plan online for years was adapted by the Rolls Royce Company Regardless 15 or 50 per barrel we shall apply the balance of our oil proceeds to eliminate our national debtwith the strongest dollar in the worldA super strong dollar means we get the most for our money SEA Four or five million 20 per hour entry level jobs in USAWherever there is water and people need work! Click to seaLev Deal clipper ship building jobs plan 20 hourly entry working with wood Click on the ship Millions of long term jobs building 10000 hybrid clipper ships insures US remains the world’s economic leader Detroit should become a major hybrid clipper ship building port Defense De Fence is De Ocean a great place to stash Lev David ICBM Fly Traps Find in full view up and down this page doable innovative solutionsfor every issue facing our nation I bring to our political table more than my inspired Television Scripture to perform as old blind Homerdusk until dawnon worldwide Radio and TV rivaling Dante of Divine Comedic fame Bookmark this page and return grow and learn absorb Lev political plan all the reasons to support Michael S Levinson for US Senatethen world leaderinstead of checking a box for an empty suit I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on every television channel and all our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem Floridians! Please do not check a box for more political gridlockskip the two parties’ crap shoot their Bill Nelson Rick Scott plotMoney amp Power’s 200000000 dollar wager on empty suitsUse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael Levinson for Senate Florida 2018Hark!My nickname ‘Lev counts as a vote on Florida’s write-in ballot: In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Write-in LEV! Beneath the check-off boxes for the Democrats and Republicans on every paper ballot there’s a write-in candidate placefor you to vote for who you want November 2018 Write-inMichael S LevinsonLEVfor short The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single-payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house25 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floodsgiant fires hurricanes tornadoes more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine25 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be on public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy can be done away with with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency FEMA money from the Treasury and begins repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminating FEMA bureaucracy means calamity jobs get doneThe required 25 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers private homes and businesses FEMA money without FEMA bureaucrats shall finance repairing the gridOur own flood money separate from government enables all the climate calamity victims to repair their houses More Fresh Revenue Streams! LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith the 3 spread from 51 million monthly house paymentsear-marked for drawing down our national debtEveryone benefits Even renters Uncle Sam Shazam doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country Everyone benefits Even dead-beat ghosts The essay Uncle Sam Shazam is high tonic prose Uncle Sam Shazam could be typeset as a poem Here is your Uncle Sam Shazam Lev Deal: We issue 2 Shazam Savings Bonds and pay off everyone’s credit card debt moving that debt to Uncle Sam Shazam cards interest rate 7 to 12Deep ending on your cred the spread between 2 Shazam bonds and the in tryst on your Uncle Sam Shazam cred it card shall be applied to further drawing down our national debt! Soon enough we shall begin reversing the public debt that drains our private wealth The card companies will have millions of reliable customers with clean cards burning holes in their pocketsNew companies will form / businesses will start to boomhourly workers’ wages will start rising The poverty line poor with Social Security will also have a 500 Shazam card backed by their sinecure Mortgage Reform Worthy of a Nobel Prize! Uncle Sam Shazam Credit Card doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country the Shazam spread drawing down our public debt!Lev Health Care! Every Dr and Dentist will endorse itWhat else dost thou wantBesides world peace and food chain harmony whirled pizza Every buddy Getz a slice Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI Theodore Webb Oct 13 2018 10:21 PM 2 days ago to me Hello Mr Levinson I am a Florida highschool student of Palm Beach county I am doing a school project on the Senatorial candidate’s views on environmental issues as it is a science class project I have read your political platform poem and have read over your plan to sell US oil to fund a clean up of the Gulf of Mexico I have written about this plan in my report because one of its subjects is oil drilling However I was not able to find anything concerning Climate Change and what you propose to be done about it or whether you believe there is not substantial scientific evidence to support its effects I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some insight on your political views on Climate Change It would also be very cool to have communicated with someone running for senate I would also just like to tell you that I think it is admirable for someone running for office to focus more on having a platform that they believe is good for that nation rather than appeasing special interests and mostly focusing on getting elected Thank you and have a good day |
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Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI Theodore Webb Oct 13 2018 10:21 PM 2 days ago to me Hello Mr Levinson I am a Florida highschool student of Palm Beach county I am doing a school project on the Senatorial candidate’s views on environmental issues as it is a science class project I have read your political platform poem and have read over your plan to sell US oil to fund a clean up of the Gulf of Mexico I have written about this plan in my report because one of its subjects is oil drilling However I was not able to find anything concerning Climate Change and what you propose to be done about it or whether you believe there is not substantial scientific evidence to support its effects I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some insight on your political views on Climate Change It would also be very cool to have communicated with someone running for senate I would also just like to tell you that I think it is admirable for someone running for office to focus more on having a platform that they believe is good for that nation rather than appeasing special interests and mostly focusing on getting elected Thank you and have a good day |
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to target track and greetKim Jung Un’s intercontinental ballistic missiles for head-on collisions high in the heavens thousands of miles from our shores Lev Fly-Trap drones can hang outclose to N Korea high in the sky24 / 7 waiting for missile collisions upon Kim Jung Un’s atomic missile-decision Confucious say: Atomic missile eggs in one basket no go When USA Lev Fly-Traps are live in the sky all of Kim’s ballistics are done for! When implemented The Lev anti-ballistic missile measure eliminates the despot Kim’s atomic threat Time is ripe forKim of North Korea and Moon of South Korea to meet embrace and trust each otherTrustMichael Stephen LevinsonLEV is hereto show the way to WORLD PEACE Coming World Peaceand food chain harmonyWhirled pizza delivered for all the worlds’ peoples onGood Ship Mother earth all at once Nothing less Music is democratic on good ship mother urf! See our Dump the Congress music plan: Clean Out the House of Reps Rock amp Roll Festivity Woodstock 2020 Yippie Redux! Upon our innaugural oathLiar-in-Chief proffered his first official false untruth: Today we are transfering power back from DC to you the people We accept Universal Health Carewithout govt or insurance companies To create universal health care for all an eye deal Nobel Prize winnerwe need public interest televised political health care Lev TV speech Then we’re good to startsaving our country a half-trillion dollars yearlyMore! Lev Plan:attainableUniversal Health Care without using Uncle Sam’sor any tax payer’s Money Read how we intend on saving Dope over-dosed-addicts WITHOUT POLICE! Habits brokenaddicts brought back into the stream of American life Narcotic Epidemic Solution here!The addicts will live We the Peopleis our political strength our numbers our democracy Our country sea to shining sea is us We the independent majority! See how you our exiled majoritymay renew improve and replaceWashington DC’sunAffordable Obama Care Act As a peoplewith one mass media TV speech intro due sing Lev Care we the people will be enabledto agree on we our whole country docking ourselves a plain amp simple non-governmental two-penny VOLUNTARYtipfor the helpan extra two cents gratuityon all our goods frompharmacies fast food chainssupermarkets Walmarts Kmarts Targets Home Depots Stop amp Go’s others Such a deal! Upon our private non-government public agreementbetween us and ourselvesinvolving only our VOLUNTARYpennies an extra two pennies per item tipslipped onto our tabs for all our low-end entry workers means universal health care is right around the corner for the whole country! Two cents does itDown a very short roadhealth care success for all! We start by covering 13 millionhealthy young workers and step-by-step from their weekly gratuities5 debited dollars 5 covers our country quick with e pluribus access to unum health care! 13 million healthy workersshall see5 debited weekly 5 debitedfromtheir health-care penniesour gratuitieson their Lev Care debit cards bucks that began as some loose cents from each of our pockets5 each from 13 million people’s tip moneytossed en masse into their entry level workers’ Catastrophic Illness Pool Thus week in amp week out they’re heaping 65 million gratuity dollarssixty-five million bucks 65 million X 52 weeks three billion three hundred eighty milliondollars into their ownnon-government Nationwide Fountain of Healthinessbelonging to its users who share the Illness Pool! 13 million hard working peoplejerked out of their careby Trump and his Rep House Senate scummieswill have guaranteed health care two weeks afterour first Lev Care nationwide speech! Within six weeksLEV CARE supremely covers 13 million healthy workersbased on our loose pennies out of pocketNothing else!DC’s bureaucracy spending zero! nada! zip! Within six weeksfrom our cash registered two penny tips390 million gratuity dollarsare thus nested in our Catastrophic Illness Pool After a 2nd six weeks 390 million more dollars are added Twelve million more people are covered with our zeroed out government penny-wise deal: fully covered health care Then Obama’s ACA people may begin their voluntary Lev Care migrationto get top shelf care for way less money! Regardlesswithin the yearour spare pennies shallsquare65 X 52 3380three billion three hundred eighty million dollars Catastrophic Illness Poolballast338000000000 whether you’re subscribed to Lev-Care or knot Heart transplant C’mon down! Every doctor and dentist benefits from LEV CARE’s Dr-Direct marketplace payer plan You are the payer! Boss In charge of your care! Within the yearyou every company Congress our whole country can migrate to Lev Care Save money Lev Care is a world health solutionwith principles applicable worldwideEvery country has penniesLev Carequalifies for a Nobel Prize in economics! It’s your worldOther countries may adapt Lev Care Lev Carewithin a couple years will save our country between a half and 3/4 trillion dollars every year! Our loose pocket change unequivocally guarantees your health care without govt bureaucracies! Two pennies a couple coppers a common senseVOLUNTARY loose change TIPon every item purchasedcovers 13 million healthy young workers starting outenabling the rest of us diabetic heart-diseased hypochondriacs to also qualify for care Upon burger fries and drink the cashier asks Is our gratuity OKA nickel and a penny gets added to your tab Fifteen items at the supermarketadds up to an extra 30 cents So what Your out the door total tops more than 50 bucks!Who can’t handle 30 cents With Lev Care retail chains save a lot!Workers work happy generating our gratuitiesKnowing in case they get sick they’re covered for care Even coupon fanatics agree an extra two penny gratuity on every item going to many millions of our healthy workers makes good cents With a couple pennies out of pocketour gratuities mean we all have skin in the game in clue dingan undocumented worker ordering a bagel At the end of the week your loose pennies are divided according to your total hours worked then deposited in your Medical Assurance Debit Account As above after six weeks card holders may use their medi-Lev cards for other family members and their significant other’s too Upon coming down sick not beforesignificant others and familycover themselveswith an extra five buck weekly user feekids free earmarked for our Catastrophic Illness Pool 12 million more people full families thus qualified for Lev Carewith their additional weekly 5 bucks a head going to our catastrophic pool CHIP kids are covered with 5 bucks per single parent weekly At the end of six more weeks at least 690 million dollars are locked in we the health-care exiled independent peoples’ Cuddle-strophic Illness Pool! By the end of our first yearall our nationwide pennies are way over three billion dollars on hold in our Catastrophic Illness Pool Good for any long term healthy country!Whatever cannot be treated from a visit to the Doctor may be diagnosed catastrophicYou get sick go see the doctor tooth ache dentist2nd opinion Be your own guest Makes good cents We seek a one line change in our tax code: Doctors can do 50000 in charity care deducted off their income taxwith an additional half deducted from their tax-owed bottom line That additional half is one super incentive! Medical providers come into their own Trump chunk: Freedom of Income Tax! DC’s tax loss is off-set by Emergency Rooms open only for ambulatory emergenciesso our government tax loss is a wash Freedom of Income Tax inspires! Doctors and dentists will neon their windows: Don’t have insurance We are here Walk-ins welcome From a one-line change in our tax code millions of Medicaid candidates and others may be covered for their health care needssaving tax-payer funded bureaucracies many billions of dollars every year We expect to sponsor medical education for doctors dentists and all related medical personalThe more the merrier! A medical pro will have 40 interest-free years to pay back for their medical educationable to work off their 40 year loans treating Medicaid patients Economic Law: supply governs end user’s cost With Freedom of Income Tax a realizable goaland guaranteed money for med school America will always have a healthy supply of medical doctors What follows are paragraphs from the original Lev Health Care essay 2007 one paragraph on a Dr’s malpractice pool partly co-sponsored by us We should be able to include at a minimum 1 dollar extra for every hour worked into a Medical Assurance Savings Account Then down a very short roadwe could include an additional separate 5 deduction earmarked for a Dr’s Medical Malpractice Pool a pool which Dr’s will all certainly joinwhenever you use your Medical Assurance debit / savings cardfor by matching you doctors lower their insurance costs practicing medicine Employers are not required to match our voluntary pennies In fact for the first three months employers get one half penny for every one hundred pennies coming in to program their cash registers and arrange distibution of our voluntary gratuities onto Lev Care debit cards so the store’s sticker prices won’t be going up from this worker’s guaranteed health care plan The chains are not getting squeezed from tabulating our Medical Assurance Account pay raise based on the voluntary gratuities of we the people One half of one penny out of each fifty item bundle goes to the chains for the first three monthsfor managing the workers’ incoming health care gratuities passing through their cash registers This is at worst a plus minus management spreadsheet wash! The chains are entitled to be paid from the health care fund for their set up costs Good for them and us The other half penny goes to Lev Care then after three months one full penny out of every 50 item gratuity dollar goes to Lev Care Out of every one hundred Lev Care pennies one penny one purr cent funds Lev Care management The other 99 cents is for operating call centers building neighborhood hospitalsunderwriting rural hospitals arranging super fair prescription drug fulfillment for our whole countryalso establishing a fail safe fraud busting health care database Only the politishinz despise these ideas Click for the original / updated Lev-Care essay We have rights We the people have a constitutional rightan entitlement to uncensored Public Interestmass media political speechthe people’s air waves / where to air our viewsOur strength is our numbers I seek the nomination of ALL political parties So we present a united face to the world! New World Hors D’oeuvres Lev prophetic satire of current events Click to download your own pre-pub Word copy free Lev non-government can do all of the above The U S government cannotTo your health Instant money talksOur strength is we the people unbreachedeach and every one of us rich single payerswho pay for our health care needswith our neighbor’s good cents capping a six-nickel tipDems and Reps are the sameDifferent name Without refrain might werenew our founder’s freedom schemeswamp their drainWe must ignite our Lev-Care plan with Public Interest mass media speech Without government intrusion or insurance company bureaucracies Lev-Care on its own shall cover 60 million families within 16 weeks Oil is Our National Security Issue For World Peacewe must nationalize our Gulf of Mexico fields Our Fresh Oil Revenue Streams shall repair the ecological damage to our Gulf of Mexico eat our domestic real estate taxes eat hourly wage taxes eat our public debt principleand forgive all education loans before lunch The BP Gulf of Mexico oil spillexplicitly foretold in The Book ov Lev It A Kiss c 1971sea for your selfblew out oil at 6000 lbs pressure per square inchB-ritish P-etrolium tapped into the deep sea seamall our Gulf oil drillers were drilling forThat is the seam of oilbeneath our deepest seasthat runs the girth of good ship Mother Earth! There is as much oil in that Gulf of Mexico seamas all the oil pumped the last 70 years in Saudi Arabia with a couple hundred more years to goHush: same Saudi oil seam same oil quality same oil pressure As long as the Saudis nationalized their oil wells why can’t we nationalize ours Every country runs their own oil except U S AThe reason is Congress Our Congress rather’s BP and Amoco lobbyists pump millions of dollars into Congress Members’ reelection pockets instead A simple lease nationalization is a shredder dealThen we are the largest oil producerworldwide We decide who we are selling our oil to and for how much ducats not Amoco or BP OIL FOR PEACE!When we are pumping our own oil we can tell Iran: develop nuclearand USA will undersell our oil to all your customersIran will not be able to sell a single barrel of oilWe explain to Iran the cost of continuing to develop nuclear is to be put out of the oil businessExpect riotsIran cannot purchase food without oil revenues We lay down the law with Trump’s mentor puppet master Vladimir Putin: Fiddle with our domestic elections one more timepull a single Russian string U S A guarantees we shall sell 1500 per barrel oil worldwide that 1500 barrel price good for ten years Upon our Gulf of Mexico American Oil for Peace Plan we cancel the BP oil leases BP can pump our oil at cost plus one dollar total 3 a barrelor we hire our ally the Saudis who are experienced at pumping oil National Security is our issueThe right to nationalize Gulf of Mexico oilbelongs to we the American people Every Florida House an Energy Incubator Every Florida house houses everywhere the sun shines can be reroofed with solar voltaic shingles a passive panel running the roof line to heat water steaming hot a pair of residential wind turbines one at each side wallgenerating electricity 24 hours a day regardless you’re home at work or play Duke Energy is for Duke stockholders vehemently opposed to consumers saving moneyWe the people shall arrange the bonds purchase Duke Energy’s stock turn Duke Energy into a cooperative owned by the users structured similar to our Federal Credit Unions Duke will be owned by we the usersUpon that we will all save tons of money Duke’s 8 million dollar CEO will be on unemployment The Lev residential energy incubator deal will also generate thousands of genuine long term Florida jobs besides jobs in every other state where the sun shines We announce to the world especially Iran and Russiawe intend on selling our oil worldwide 15 per barrel for the next ten yearsFrom Iran we want regime change but we don’t say that We want peaceRussia needs to get out of Crimea and Ukrainebesides our elections or forget about selling any oil I repeat: we use our oil money to clean the Gulf of Mexico fund university edu for all who qualify and pay all residential real estate taxes nationwide pay all taxes on hourly wages wipe out the national debt and more! Include funds to launch Lev 10000 Clipper Ship Building program to get our commercial fleets built and ready to sailwherever there is water and people need work! Lev 10000 clipper ship building plan online for years was adapted by the Rolls Royce Company Regardless 15 or 50 per barrel we shall apply the balance of our oil proceeds to eliminate our national debtwith the strongest dollar in the worldA super strong dollar means we get the most for our money SEA Four or five million 20 per hour entry level jobs in USAWherever there is water and people need work! Click to seaLev Deal clipper ship building jobs plan 20 hourly entry working with wood Click on the ship Millions of long term jobs building 10000 hybrid clipper ships insures US remains the world’s economic leader Detroit should become a major hybrid clipper ship building port Defense De Fence is De Ocean a great place to stash Lev David ICBM Fly Traps Find in full view up and down this page doable innovative solutionsfor every issue facing our nation I bring to our political table more than my inspired Television Scripture to perform as old blind Homerdusk until dawnon worldwide Radio and TV rivaling Dante of Divine Comedic fame Bookmark this page and return grow and learn absorb Lev political plan all the reasons to support Michael S Levinson for US Senatethen world leaderinstead of checking a box for an empty suit I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on every television channel and all our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem Floridians! Please do not check a box for more political gridlockskip the two parties’ crap shoot their Bill Nelson Rick Scott plotMoney amp Power’s 200000000 dollar wager on empty suitsUse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael Levinson for Senate Florida 2018Hark!My nickname ‘Lev counts as a vote on Florida’s write-in ballot: In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Write-in LEV! Beneath the check-off boxes for the Democrats and Republicans on every paper ballot there’s a write-in candidate placefor you to vote for who you want November 2018 Write-inMichael S LevinsonLEVfor short The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single-payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house20 – 30 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floodsgiant fires hurricanes tornadoes more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine20 – 30 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be on public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy can be done away with with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency money from the Treasury and begins repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminating FEMA’s bureaucracy means calamity jobs get doneThe required 20 – 30 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers private homes and businesses FEMA money without FEMA bureaucrats shall finance repairing the gridOur own money separate from government enables all the climate calamity victims to repair their houses More Fresh Revenue Streams! LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith the 3 spread from 51 million monthly house paymentsear-marked for drawing down our national debtEveryone benefits Even renters Uncle Sam Shazam doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country Everyone benefits Even dead-beat ghosts The essay Uncle Sam Shazam is high tonic prose Uncle Sam Shazam could be typeset as a poem Here is your Uncle Sam Shazam Lev Deal: We issue 2 Shazam Savings Bonds and pay off everyone’s credit card debt moving that debt to Uncle Sam Shazam cards interest rate 7 to 12Deep ending on your cred the spread between 2 Shazam bonds and the in tryst on your Uncle Sam Shazam cred it card shall be applied to further drawing down our national debt! Soon enough we shall begin reversing the public debt that drains our private wealth The card companies will have millions of reliable customers with clean cards burning holes in their pocketsNew companies will form / businesses will start to boomhourly workers’ wages will start rising The poverty line poor with Social Security will also have a 500 Shazam card backed by their sinecure Mortgage Reform Worthy of a Nobel Prize! Uncle Sam Shazam Credit Card doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country the Shazam spread drawing down our public debt!Lev Health Care! Every Dr and Dentist will endorse itWhat else dost thou wantBesides world peace and food chain harmony whirled pizza Every buddy Getz a slice Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI |
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REPORT: Three Stooges Director Jules White Choreographed Trump’s Handshake/Salute With North Korean General |
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A River in Darkness: One Man’s Escape from North Korea ebook free by Masaji Ishikawa epub/mobi |
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Comrades at work: dream jobs in North Korea |
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Topic Energo’s Miroslav Blažek discusses the unique challenge of bringing the DPRK’s power grid up to scratch by Leo Byrne |
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Theresa May expected to reject Seoul’s request to relax sanctions on North Korea |
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When will North Korea collapse |
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When North Korea experimented unsuccessfully with old-school Keynesianism |
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It is difficult to understand why in the Western media and among Western politicians there is so much demonization of Iran Syria Venezuela North Korea China and Russia It is not these demonized countries that are murdering people in their embassies conducting wars of aggression war crimes under the Nuremburg Standard and embargoing food and medical supplies to the populations that are being bombed These crimes are being done by Saudi Arabia Israel and the United States and its NATO vassals |
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I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on every television channel and all our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem Floridians! Please do not check a box for more political gridlockskip the two parties’ crap shoot their Bill Nelson Rick Scott plotMoney amp Power’s 200000000 dollar wager on empty suitsUse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael Levinson for Senate Florida 2018Hark!My nickname ‘Lev counts as a vote on Florida’s write-in ballot: In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Write-in LEV! Beneath the check-off boxes for the Democrats and Republicans on every paper ballot there’s a write-in candidate placefor you to vote for who you want November 2018 Write-inMichael S LevinsonLEVfor short The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single-payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house20 – 30 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floodsgiant fires hurricanes tornadoes more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine20 – 30 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be on public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy can be done away with with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency money from the Treasury and begins repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminating FEMA’s bureaucracy means calamity jobs get doneThe required 20 – 30 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers private homes and businesses FEMA money without FEMA bureaucrats shall finance repairing the gridOur own money separate from government enables all the climate calamity victims to repair their houses More Fresh Revenue Streams! LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith the 3 spread from 51 million monthly house paymentsear-marked for drawing down our national debtEveryone benefits Even renters Uncle Sam Shazam doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country Everyone benefits Even dead-beat ghosts The essay Uncle Sam Shazam is high tonic prose Uncle Sam Shazam could be typeset as a poem Here is your Uncle Sam Shazam Lev Deal: We issue 2 Shazam Savings Bonds and pay off everyone’s credit card debt moving that debt to Uncle Sam Shazam cards interest rate 7 to 12Deep ending on your cred the spread between 2 Shazam bonds and the in tryst on your Uncle Sam Shazam cred it card shall be applied to further drawing down our national debt! Soon enough we shall begin reversing the public debt that drains our private wealth The card companies will have millions of reliable customers with clean cards burning holes in their pocketsNew companies will form / businesses will start to boomhourly workers’ wages will start rising The poverty line poor with Social Security will also have a 500 Shazam card backed by their sinecure Mortgage Reform Worthy of a Nobel Prize! Uncle Sam Shazam Credit Card doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country the Shazam spread drawing down our public debt!Lev Health Care! Every Dr and Dentist will endorse itWhat else dost thou wantBesides world peace and food chain harmony whirled pizza Every buddy Getz a slice Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI |
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Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman |
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Strange Laws In North Korea |
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Even in Russia China Iran Venezuela and North Korea are there governments that actually believe in themselves instead of in Western Triumph of Evil |
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US softens North Korea approach as Pompeo prepares for more nuclear talks 3:47PM EDT On July 4th Americans celebrate life liberty and the pursuit of hot dogs 6:22PM EDT China says will not fire first shot in trade war with US 4:14PM EDT China’s HNA Chairman Wang dies in France after falling from a wall 6:16PM EDT |
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Kim Jong-un to ask Trump for US-funded integrated resort in North Korea: reports |
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North Korea’s 2018 Foundation Day: the inside story |
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North Korea and Iran – cyber power BFFs |
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Trump’s Visit Is Business Trip: DPRK FM Spokesperson |
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North Korea’s Sony Cyber Attack: North Korea 1 … Sony 0 … Free Speech 0 … US 0 |
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North Koreans Develop First Video Game Pyongyang Racer |
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Debate over Threat of North Korean Attack by Electromagnetic Pulse |
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USA: Trump Brings Kim To The North Korea Summit |
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North Korea Tenders |
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Sheldon Adelson eying North Korean casino: report |
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I created a Vehicle for World Peace The New York Times columnist Thomas L Friedman is my choice for Deputy Secretary of State My world wide dusk until dawn spoken poem for all mankind with every line a delicate sensible rhyme is going to air on every television channel and all our radio channels world wide Thomas L Friedman will go around to all of the countries not especially our friends today where he Thomas L Friedman has personal friends and as Deputy Secretary of State Tom will convince those governments to officially tune in to my world peace poem Floridians! Please do not check a box for more political gridlockskip the two parties’ crap shoot their Bill Nelson Rick Scott plotMoney amp Power’s 200000000 dollar wager on empty suitsUse the write-in slotEvery state has a write-in slot vote LEV write in Michael Levinson for Senate Florida 2018Hark!My nickname ‘Lev counts as a vote on Florida’s write-in ballot: In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Write-in LEV! Beneath the check-off boxes for the Democrats and Republicans on every paper ballot there’s a write-in candidate placefor you to vote for who you want November 2018 Write-inMichael S LevinsonLEVfor short The Flood Insurance Answer! We replace private flood insurance with a single-payer nationwide solution:Climate Calamity Insurance A simple Act of Congress assessing every house25 monthly for calamity insuranceIs acceptable Calamity Insurance will cover all flash floodsgiant fires hurricanes tornadoes more With global warmingClimate Calamity can happen anywhere!Tornadoes are coming to Maine25 per month per house will immediately begin piling up billions of bucks to cover residencesFEMA’s focus should be on public infrastructures The FEMA bureaucracy can be done away with with FEMA bucks left in the Treasury When Calamity strikesThe Governor declares a State of Emergency first responders come outthe governor gets Emergency FEMA money from the Treasury and begins repairing roads sewers the grid etc Eliminating FEMA bureaucracy means calamity jobs get doneThe required 25 per month National Climate Calamity Insurance covers private homes and businesses FEMA money without FEMA bureaucrats shall finance repairing the gridOur own flood money separate from government enables all the climate calamity victims to repair their houses More Fresh Revenue Streams! LEV MORTGAGE PROGRAMsaves every house pays off the banks lowers every mortgage payment wipes Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac slates clean while siphoning the spreadto lower the boom on our National Debt! Judge for yourselves Lev Mortgage Program qualifies for a Nobel The above underlined are links to the background see why our Lev Mortgage Reform is so doable: Every homeowner benefits from a better mortgage paymentwith the 3 spread from 51 million monthly house paymentsear-marked for drawing down our national debtEveryone benefits Even renters Uncle Sam Shazam doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country Everyone benefits Even dead-beat ghosts The essay Uncle Sam Shazam is high tonic prose Uncle Sam Shazam could be typeset as a poem Here is your Uncle Sam Shazam Lev Deal: We issue 2 Shazam Savings Bonds and pay off everyone’s credit card debt moving that debt to Uncle Sam Shazam cards interest rate 7 to 12Deep ending on your cred the spread between 2 Shazam bonds and the in tryst on your Uncle Sam Shazam cred it card shall be applied to further drawing down our national debt! Soon enough we shall begin reversing the public debt that drains our private wealth The card companies will have millions of reliable customers with clean cards burning holes in their pocketsNew companies will form / businesses will start to boomhourly workers’ wages will start rising The poverty line poor with Social Security will also have a 500 Shazam card backed by their sinecure Mortgage Reform Worthy of a Nobel Prize! Uncle Sam Shazam Credit Card doubles the credit worthiness of our whole country the Shazam spread drawing down our public debt!Lev Health Care! Every Dr and Dentist will endorse itWhat else dost thou wantBesides world peace and food chain harmony whirled pizza Every buddy Getz a slice Crowd Fun Ding! Liking Lev-Care health plan Cough up some bucks! Support our constructing a scale model LevDavid ballistic missile FlyTrapTo save all the innocent bystander peoples on good ship Mother EarthFork over some bucks! Follow lev01833076 You want world peace to begin with a world wide peaceful night Then pitch in to construct Lev David ICBM Fly TrapFor world peace and food-chain harmony click on buck abovePoet Prophet needs dough nation for LevDavid ICBM FlyTrapto end North Korea’s missiles as tools of war You want fair health care and down a short road actual World Peace World Peace to begin with an all channels whirled wide peace full night Then Michael Stephen Levinson the poet prophet is your manClick on WANTED Muhammad Ali / Lev poster belowA desktop copy of The Book ov Lev It A Kiss is yours via mouse click Judge the inspired work of art God gave to His poet prophet with key world events explicitly described in advance The poet will tell you he own le held the pen After you download The Book ov Lev It A Kiss after the opening two hymns and a prayer after you read your story of Adman and Evenscroll to page 19 The left column on page 19 begins with the c 1971 description of the arctic ice caps melting: All this car bin mah / Nox ide in the air Bruth er you aint / God ath leetz feat You roas tin pole / Er ice caps gun er Mel din you gunnuh / gedda steam bath Toward the bottom of the right columnon the same page nineteen see the description of the North Korean despot Kim Jung-un before he was born copyright 1971 The hand lettered Television Scripture is a book of living prophesy As world events unfold it turns out they were spelled out in advance Nixon is described leaving the White House in disgrace George Wallace gets the scrue from a shot in the back Spiro Agnew is a tragic hero over money The Japanese Tsunami is descriptively foretoldalong with the BP Gulf of Mexico spill described The settlement of the Middle East waiting for Lev to ha pen is yet bell clear in your Television Scriptureavailable for download behind original Muhammad Ali and Me poster below N Korea The 33 years old bed-vetter despot running North Korea plans on launching nuclear armed ballistic missiles to annihilate our West Coast He is on the brink Kim Yung-un the little big shot wants to destroy San Diego Hollywood Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley and Microsoft Campus in Seattle For more than twenty years Kim’s grandfather and father repeatedly told Kim he would be the leader to destroy America and become God of all Korea Do we need this North Korean impasse Heck! America wants peace! Why is Korea divided in the first place Whose idea was that The Korean people are industrious fierce fighters They prefer living borderless in peace relatives intermingling north and south likeNorth and South Carolina The Lev ballistic missile counter-measure is the missing element that keeps the two Koreas apart from each other When implemented the fly trap eliminates the 33 years old despot’s threat to any and all Poet Prophet’s Fly Trap neuters ballistic missiles worldwidethe giant step required for staging world peace via Lev Television Scripturelettered to be given live dusk until dawn whirled widerunning and punning through every spoken tongue all channels spoken poem peoples and nations together at onceThe first peaceful night in 5000 years of recorded history ICBM Fly Trap From the diagrams above note our diagonal is 140 feetBallistic missile tips have a diagonal average 4 inchesWe estimate we can quickly build configure and deliver a scaled Fly Trap proto-typefully equipped ready to fly high for less than 100 grand!The Department of Offence has a 62 billion dollar slush fund Lev Government In Exile Presents Our Way To Political ProgressWoodstock 2020 ReduxLev PartyRock and Roll shall enable America’s renewalA half million people is a sea of delegates 30000 delegate fee kids freee quills 150 million dollars to put on our Worldwide Political SolutionLev Michael Stephen Levinson Rock amp Roll Party Master of Ceremoniesshall provide plenty food water for five full 9 -5 days ratifying Lev Party all-night show Peace Platform planks written by we the people Plan on five full Rock and Roll nights with intended inviteesTaylor Swift Stevie Wonder Bruce Springsteen The Rolling Stones Dylan Madonna Lady Gaga Tony Bennett The Doobie Bros John Bon Jovi Paul McCartney Elton John U2 Bono Sting Pearl Jam Jay Zee Beyonce all our best performersplus up and coming local groups recommended by you to open our nightly showcelebrating planks we ratified during the dayLet your time online inspire your own dough nation Only bona fide independents can be attendee delegates JOIN Lev Partysecure your concert slot with a twenty! Your spare twenty for the Lev David Fly Trap includes a complimentary ticket for America’s Woodstock 2020 Redux! De pen ding on your browser you should be looking at the Ali Lev 1988 poster Mouse click the Lev-Ali poster Or Click The Book ov Lev It A Kisson the line below in red Both get you a full PDF of the prophetic c 1971 hand lettered Television Scripture The Book ov Lev It A Kiss I have a date with the universe I cannot be late I could have been early The Book ov Lev It A Kiss renews our democracy Read the unadulterated Church Committee Book II FB-Eye did not cease their unconstitutional domestic counter-intelligence activities exposed in the Church Committee Books II and III FB-Eye was in charge of what the Church Committee was shownHere is Church Committee Book III Lev campaign dough nations won’t initiate a Fed Burr of Eye investigation into your life and timesHowever the longest deepest file ever created on an American citizenis the file Hoover’s Fed Burr of Eye maintains on the Lev life and times to this day! We believethe corral around Lev right to deliver public speech especially as a candidate for office is actively in placeLev emails and postings are robot-sniffedWhere poet prophet surfs he is tracked FBI changed the name of their domestic Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO and from that day forward stamped all domestic activities TOP SECRET and never went awayTheir agents happen to be the models 4 intel-bureaucracy in the Jason Bourne action thrillers This web domain ha pens to be the only place in cyberspace where people canactually download a readable copy of the Church Committee Reports Google Church Committee Reports Find that for yourself!The best most readable copies are here Upon election one of the first things isMerge Cash In Advance CIA and Fascist Bureaucracy Ink FBI Into one agencyUpon that civil or criminal domestic or foreign all intelligence gathering shall be conducted under the same roof with one clearly crafted statute prohibiting Interference by the Agency in any person’s domestic life regardless political or private Unless the person is suspected of planning radical terrorist activities in AmericaThen we should be watching 24 / 7 ready to grab the wanna-be terroristafter they purchase their first pressure cooker In the land of the blind the one-eye man is king of the lingUpon election to the presidency I Michael Stephen Levinson will meet with Members of Congressand togetherget to the bottom of the Federal Bureau of Eye’s illegal domestic activities that weakens our independenceand to this day keeps American citizens afraid and unsafe Our Instant goalLev-Care launchintomarketplace5 to 50from U From MeYour down load ofThe Television ScriptureFrom the wealthy folksmore way moretheir healthy chunks forprime time air Public Interest Televisionlive in TV stationLev health care visionnewspaper editors reporters talking heads there every quest yin answered Viewers and listeners can judge Lev-Careis their sled to better fare2nd opinions always available to be sure While we are thereviewers and listeners togetherLevmay spout his whale of a taleover the airsetting his cosmic stageto deliver world peace and food chain harmonyfor all the worlds’ peoples at onceLev tells visionart from the hearthis inspired whirled-wide plan for world peacein spite of J Edgarina’s Fed burr of Eye corralour happy Levfinally unboundinto our Public Domain I have raised the issue of my Television Scripturemy to be spoken poem for all man kindlettered in double columnsto perform live whirled wide on worldwide television the seam in the tap-a-streamWorld Peace and food chain harmonyThe first peaceful night in five thousand years of recorded history on good ship Mother EarthAll the world’s peoples doing the same thing at the same timeWa ching the Big TV Show Due Turn On Oh Me!Sing you lurn issue: Are my inspired mull tie ling well narrativesfun to listen toDecide for your self We seek Public Interest televised forums to broadcast Lev Health Care and Lev plan for delivering our world to peace levalivelive with your support may foster the airtime Participating press may advertise their papers to enlarge online digital readership without shouldering total airtime cost for producing Public Interest Lev-Care press forums Our entitlement to allowable airtime with or without noose paper participants may be a prime impressive lesson in the art of doing a broadcast TV deal Money Talks ! We are Citizens Let’s get United Cough up dough Get Television Scripture ! Follow lev01833076 Scroll the pageFind your favorite common sense solution Over the whole of the good ship mother urf there is only one annually renewable natural resource capable of providing a major share of the world’s paper and textile needs and most of the world’s industrial and home energy health needs while simultaneously reducing pollution naturally rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere THE PLANT IS CANNABIS HEMP! Our mini-short term goal: ten million acres of hemp planted within 90 days of Lev elected to US Senate Thomas Jefferson when he was our ambassador smuggled the first hemp seeds out of France to sprout in America!George Washington grew hemp at Mt Vernon! Were these two of our founders alive today would you want them jailed for importing seeds and growing hemp Read marijuana Executive Order circa 2000 Medical marijuana is important I am Lev mom mother Mary Lev inspiring my son from uh pin Heaven A quest yin occurs when you quest your chin and take it all in In Florida Administrative Rule 1S-2027 states d If a voter abbreviates misspells or varies the form of the name of a candidateeg Lev short for Levinson in the write-in candidate space it shall not affect the determination of whether the voter has made a definite choice Lev Television Scripture first four pages of script Vehicle for World Peace Sea Lev Bach’s Phonics! Click on Betty Dolphin for the Phonics Box one column from the double column The Book ov Lev It A Kiss the Television Scripture lettered to perform live worldwide on all channels television from dusk until dawn for all the world’s peoples to participate in at once! Click On Me Betty Dolphin!In case you cannot see me outsider hacksbroke into my site to advertiseCLICK HERE INSTEAD See Lev silly bulls hear Lev say them The voice is Michael Stephen Levinson From this single column you can decide on seeing and hearing Lev spout His world peace program Coming World Event Lev live recitation of all the world’s stories beginning with creation and as long as all mankind is part of the Big Show a settlement of all the world’s political issues World peace is going to begin with a peaceful night Here! Hand lettered! Couple hymns and a prayer then Adman and Even in the Gar Den ov EdumRead for yourself American lingo becomes amer eye can line go The word game words are refracted / broken down into silly bulls Show Lev story to a linguist You see American lingo linguists will tell you They see Aramaic Egyptian Phoenician and Hebrew An easy read that runs and puns through every spoken tongue For you and all the Cheyenne-easy people too A work of art for all man kind Click on daddy dolphin sea view play for free TALKING-DOLPHIN SOFTWARE Every two year old that plays with Lev dolphins will master the alphabet and numbers within thirty days coming to an ipod touch screen mobile device near you The Book ov Lev It A Kissis a full PDF free loan download upon a mouse click on the Ali Lev posteror the underlined-in-blue The Book ov Lev It A Kiss above The inspired hand lettered double-column Television Scripturewas lettered in designto perform from live dusk until dawn as old blind Homer for all the worlds’ peoples to participate in together all at once Due Tur On Oh Me The Book ov Lev It A Kiss out loud treb-held is not the apocalypse rather a pox on yer lips all the worlds’ peoples sides splitting in laughter all the worlds’ toes together go wing rah ha rah upon The Lev Torah delivered live whirled wide what The Television Scripture Book ov Lev It A Kiss foretells As a write-in candidate for president 2012 I began courtroom procedures v all the commercial networks ABC NBC CBS FOX CNN and PBS network eleven months before the election I was in three district then three appellate courts litigating to reestablish our First Amendment right to deliver a political speech on PBS The final case went to the Supreme Coats 9th Circuit judges ran out the clock on my entitlement to Supreme Court review to keep the cases from even being docketed That could spell the end of your First Amendment right to access to PBS to deliver a political speech Then Citizens United and corporation rich will be the only voices heard in political campaigns I’m here to change all of that As a Member of Congress as a matter of congressionl courtesy I will have access to the Judiciary Committee so I can show my collegues judges who violated Acts of Congress which violates our Constitution I trudge on so far alone seeking only to exercise my right to deliver a broadcast speech and present to our nation my non-partisan solutions for our economic prob limbs I was in the last election for political purposes blacklisted by all TV networks My words so far are only spread via word of mouth Back in 2012 half the visitors to the old michaelslevinsoncom website were Chinese But the website was / is a political website NOT AVAILABLE to Chinese people It is blocked My viewers were all Chinese government people with firewall clearance They visited my site to read translate and copy the Lev Health Care solution my Lev jobs programs the Lev mortgage solution and more While our government through its Federal Bureau of Eye stultifies all political activities by any outsiders the shiny Cheyenne-easy are going to adapt adopt or outright steal all my economic solutions and leave our USA in the economic dust See my clipper ship building article above Rolls Royce is building clipper ships according to my design Who whacked all of my websites Nov 17 2012 and why Whose idea was the Saturday Night Lev Massacre Chinese hackers Knot in a million years grasshoppers! FBI digital thugs broke in to my server and destroyed everything! Back in the seventies some rambunctious leftists broke into an FBI office in Pennsylvania They found surveillance files about friends in the open on a deskThey skedaddled with the files and brought them to the local newspaper This was the tip of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence investigation of American citizens initiated by order of J EdgarinaHooverthe fascist cross dressing chief dick of dirt Senator Church headed a committee to investigate the unconstitutional FBI transgressions But people did not get that FBI was in charge of its own henhouse what the Church Committee saw and heardThe whole shebang was only the tip of their icebergNothing came of the hearings except a secret FISA court After FBI taps your phone for three days they were supposed to go to the secret FISA court for a warrant!So who do you complain toHow can you prove forty years of harassment includingtwo attempts on my life when all their records are sealed Television Scripture Every line a delicate sensible rhymeRecollectDante and Homer had patrons You can throw down a few bucks for my work of art world peace campaignI am the Lev Give me a hand setting the stage to deliver world peace America is your landLet us keep our land safe from nuclear devastation Fund my world peace planon to the world stageFirst have yourself a test driveClick the poster of Muhammad Ali and me aboveThere is plenty information here!So what you get on Fed Burr of Eye’s party line A three-day Snowden echo in your phoneYou only live onceLev me is here with His prophetic chants to chart the course for world peace on good ship Mother Urfto deliver World Peace for all the world’s peoples at once When The Big TV Show ha pens every creature on our planet benefits LEV is the three letter nickname that counts as a write-in vote for Michael S Levinson in Florida Everywhere else you must write in full Michael S LevinsonPractice write now!Write Lev name in full three times right this minuteLets do wit With our pens and paperWherever you are togetherwe can break the two party’s lock on our politics! Marjory Stoneman Heinous Crime Act FBI In Our Newsrooms ICBM Fly Trap Narcotic Epidemic Solution Woodstock 2020 Redux Exit Strategy Out of Iraq Narcotic Epidemic Solution Cannibus/Hemp Cassius Ali and Me Universal Health Care Gulf of Mexico Oil 4 Peace Church Committee Reports Levidio Free Political TV Hemp Executive Order Renew FB-EYE as BFI Theodore Webb Oct 13 2018 10:21 PM 2 days ago to me Hello Mr Levinson I am a Florida highschool student of Palm Beach county I am doing a school project on the Senatorial candidate’s views on environmental issues as it is a science class project I have read your political platform poem and have read over your plan to sell US oil to fund a clean up of the Gulf of Mexico I have written about this plan in my report because one of its subjects is oil drilling However I was not able to find anything concerning Climate Change and what you propose to be done about it or whether you believe there is not substantial scientific evidence to support its effects I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some insight on your political views on Climate Change It would also be very cool to have communicated with someone running for senate I would also just like to tell you that I think it is admirable for someone running for office to focus more on having a platform that they believe is good for that nation rather than appeasing special interests and mostly focusing on getting elected Thank you and have a good day |
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North Korea Summit: What Exactly Is Trump Selling |
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US representative talks denuclearization of North Korea |
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North Korea app opens country to armchair travelers |
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North Korea mass games a hit get extended run in Pyongyang |
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Senior North Korean diplomat arrives in Russia as possibility of Putin-Kim summit looms |
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Rodong Sinmun op-ed calls for DPRK to pursue reform “knowledge-based economy” |
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Documentary: History Channel Exposes North Korea’s Dark Secrets |
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North Korea ‘could wipe out 90 of Americans using nuclear EMP |
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Pope Francis open to DPRK visit |
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Diplomacyindiacom Video Interview with HE Mr Atul Gotsurve IFS Ambassador of India to DPRK North Korea |
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Read Helen-Louise Hunter Book Kim Il-song’s North Korea: Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free |
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One Big Reason North Korea Is Not Too Eager to Denuclearise |
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North Korea: a month in review |
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Countries that Don’t Need a Visa to Visit North Korea |
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Inside North Korea VR by ABC News |
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North Korean Spy Charged For 2014 Sony Pictures Hack |
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