Greenpeace European Unit |
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Greenpeace España |
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Activistas de Greenpeace escalan la torre del Estadio Olímpico en protesta contra el Trans Mountain |
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Greenpeace: Indigenous-led conservation report is a paradigm shift for Canada |
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5 activistes de Greenpeace arrêtés |
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Para combater o aquecimento global Flume colabora com o Greenpeace |
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Neueste Ausgabe: Greenpeace Magazin 418 Veganer |
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Executive Director of Greenpeace |
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Un clip de rap vintage signé Greenpeace dénonce la surconsommation de viande |
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Greenpeace: Οι Έλληνες καταναλώνουν μόνον για τον καφέ τους 300 εκατ πλαστικά ποτήρια τον χρόνο! |
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Bookmark News Feeds Sea Ice News Solar Energy News 2 Vehicle News Wind Energy News Zero Point – Alt Energy News Featured: Related Resources Featured – — Fahrenheit to Celsius Fahrenheit: Celsius to Fahrenheit Celsius: Horsepower Calculator Enter your vehicle’s quarter mile time assuming you know it and vehicle weight and this program will display your car’s estimated horsepower Car Model : Vehicle Weight With Driver : in Pounds Quarter Mile time : in seconds More Calculators Video – More Energy Saving Tips Advertisement jiofi router is a portable wifi hotspot dongle it provides data connectivity to multiple users upto 10 devices and one on usb by using jio4gvoice app enables the devices to configure jiofi router by logon into 19216811 or jiofilocalhtml those url’s are useful to setup your jiofi device like username amp password change storage slot access battery status changing broadcasting ssid etc also it provides an excellent battery backup up to six hours — Around The Web Resource Files Article Archives Renewable Energy Resources Alliance To Save Energy Environmental and Energy Study Institute American Coalition for Ethanol American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy American Hydrogen Association American Methanol Institute Association of Energy Engineers Association of Energy Services Professionals Energy and Environment Boston Area Solar Energy Association renewableUK Building Performance Contractor’s Association Canadian Renewable Fuels Association Ontario Association Of Power ProducersCanada Canadian Wind Energy Association Center For Energy Policy and Economics Cellulose Insulation Manufacturers Association CENSOLAR Climate Alliance of European Cities ConWeb Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association Texas Solar Energy Center Nickel Metal Hydride Energy Technology Center Electric Power Research Institute Earthship Efficient Windows Collaborative Electric Auto Association Electric Vehicle Association of Canada Electric Vehicle Association of the 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Association National Affordable Housing Network National Association of Energy Service Companies National Association of State Energy Officials North Carolina Solar National Biodiesel Board National BioEnergy Industries National Center for Photovoltaics National Fenestration Rating Council Technology Transition Corporation Natural Resources Canada Office of Energy Efficiency New Mexico Energy Conservation and Management Division New York State Energy Research and Development Authority North Carolina Solar Center Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Passive Solar Industries Council PV Power Resource Site Renewable Fuels Association Renewable Resource Data Center Rensselaer Polytechnic A/Texas Rocky Mountain Institute Renewable Energy Association of Central Texas Solar Electric Light Foundation Solar Energy Industries Association UNDP Southface Energy Institute Energy Resource Engineering Sustainable Building Sourcebook Energy And Resource Institute Understanding Organic Certified Foods Union of Concerned Scientists United States Council for Automotive Research University College Dublin Energy Research Group Department of Defense Fuel Cell Demonstration Program Willow Biomass for Energy Windpower Monthly News Magazine Related Electronics and Java Applets Solar Cell Design Applet DC Circuits Electric Field Applet Inductance Applet Magnetism III Moving Point Charge Applet Battery Bank Basics Off Grid Battery Bank Building a battery bank and having a method of keeping them charged is one of the first steps in building an alternate energy system for off grid applications A battery bank can be used to run lighting tv radio microwave etc Sizes range from a few batteries a charging system and an inverter to hospitals and universities that need power for lighting and important equipment All battery systems have to be properly recharged This is done by the generator or other source of alternate energy The larger the system the larger the generator or other source of charge has to be Batteries are rated in voltage and ampere hour capacity The greater the amp hour capacity of the battery bank the longer it can power equipment before needing to be recharged Energy from the generator or alternative energy source can be stored for later use With the cost of fuel oil and maintenance it makes sense Rather than running a generator all the time to get power it only has to be operated when equalization charging takes place and when the system does not have sufficient capacity to power heavy loads The initial investment in a battery bank is well worth it providing power 100 percent of the time Battery backup is increasingly used in grid tied systems as well Battery banks are wired and sized to produce energy needed in voltages ranging from 12 24 48 60vdc and sometimes higher The higher the loads demand placed on the system the higher the voltage has to be to match the input voltage required by more powerful inverters that are needed for larger loads Once you have figured out your daily watt hour consumption and have revised that figure by practicing energy management you can calculate your battery capacity Use the following formula watt hours wh/day x days of storage x bateff x doddepth of discharge ampere hours battery efficiency 75-90 effbat battery voltage 12244860etc maximum depth of discharge from 20-80 Battery Bank Wiring Examples TipsTech Solar Insolation Maps —- Equipment Consumption Averages/Starting Wattage Item Starting Wattage Running Wattage 1/4′ Drill 300 300 12′ Concrete Cutter 3600 1800 7 1/4′ Circular Saw 3000 1500 Air Compressor Average 4000 2000 Belt Sander 1000 1000 Central Air Conditioner 10000 BTU 2200 1500 20000 BTU 3300 2500 24000 BTU 4950 3800 32000 BTU 6500 5000 40000 BTU 6700 6000 Chain Saw 1200 1200 Circular Saw 2400 1200 Disc Grinder 4000 2000 Disc Sander 1200 1200 Drill 1800 720 Edger 2400 960 Electric Chainsaw 2400 1200 Electric Lawn Mower 4320 1440 Electric Pressure Washer 3600 1200 Electric String Trimmer 1500 600 Electric Weed Trimmer 500 500 Furnace Fan gas/fuel oil furnace 1/8 horsepower 500 300 1/6 horsepower 750 500 1/4 horsepower 1000 800 2/5 horsepower 1400 700 3/5 horsepower 2350 875 Jig Saw 1800 720 Jigsaw 300 300 Miter Saw 2100 840 Orbital Sander 1800 600 Paint Sprayer 1080 360 Planer 2400 960 Router 1500 600 Water Pump 3000 1000 Wet/Dry Vacuum 2500 888 Winch 5400 1800 Worm Drive Saw 3100 1560 Basic Energy Formulas And Equivalents – Appliance Average Consumption Ratings Energy is ability to do work 1 newton of force over 1 meter is 1 newton-meter or joule or watt second of work done Power is the rate of doing work lifting 1 pound weight 1 foot in one second is 1 foot-pound per second if you lift 550 pounds one foot in one second that’s 1 horsepower of power required Most people would have problem lifting 550 pounds 24948 kg directly but you can lift that weight with a winch over longer time and the same amount of work was done just took longer so required less power Same principle with levers or pulleys The force is reduced but distance the force is applied increases So total of force distance remains the same minus any friction loss the same amount of work can be done by letting the weight fall but then you have to do work to lift it back up 1 btu 252 calories 1 btu 1055 joules watt seconds 293 watt hours 1 btu raises 1 pound of water 1 degree fahrenheit 1 calorie raises a gram of water 1 degree celsius 1kilocalorie is used for diets 1 kilogram water 1 deg celsius 1 calorie 4186 joules 1 therm 100000 btu 293 kwh 1 ton of refrigeration 12000 btu/hr 1 lb residential garbage 2500 btu 073 kwh 1 lb coal 13000 btu 381kwh 1ton762 mwh 131 per million btu 044 cents per kwh 1 lb wood 3500 btu 103 kwh 1 gal propane 92000 btu 30 kwh 1 gal fuel oil 138000 btu 4045 kwh 100 gallon 25c/kwh 1 cu ft nat gas 1000 btu 29 kwh 44cent per 100 cuft15c/kwh 1 hp 7457 watts 25453 btu hr 1 hp 33479 btuh boiler 1 hp 550 foot-lbs/sec 33000 foot-lbs/min 1 hp 4244 btu/min hp torque in pound-feet x rpm/5252 revolutions per minute /60 2 pi radians/second s rpm 01047 radians/sec note: torque is measured in foot pounds but should be described as pound feet or 1 pound force at 1 foot radius to avoid confusion with work done lifting 1 pound 1 foot unit of energy 1 joule 1 watt second 1 newton meter Energy is a scalar with basic si units of kg-m2/sec2 also defined to be the joule Einstein’s equation: e mc2 would be for 1 gram of mass and c velocity of light 3 108 meter/sec 1 10-3 kilograms 9 1016 9 1013 joules or 9 1013/36 106 25 107 kwh Kinetic energy of a moving mass is 1/2 m v2 joules m is mass in kg and v is velocity in meters/sec Momentum is a vector with basic si units of kg-m/sec Rotational momentum is p j x w where j is the moment of inertia same as used for calculating rotational kinetic energy Ke of rotationally moving objects equation ke 05 x j x w2 where j moment of inertia rotational analog of mass related to the object’s mass and its distribution around the axis of rotation an w rotational speed radians/second acceleration is the change in velocity/time earth gravity acceleration is about 32 feet/sec2 or 981 meters/sec2 That means that velocity of something falling without wind resistance or other force will increase 32 feet per second every second or 981 meters/second every second stopping or deceleration is calculated the same v is velocity d/t meters/second or feet/second d is distance a is acceleration change in velocity/time m/s2 t is time in seconds v at t v/a av/t d 1/2at2 t 2d/v t 2d/a05 sqrt d 1/2v2/a a 1/2v2/d v 2ad05 sqrt d vt for constant velocity Using same units such as a 32 feet per second2 in two seconds the distance traveled would be 1/2 32 feet/sec2 2 sec2 64 feet or 1/2 98 m/s2 2 sec2 196 meters 1 watt 1 volt x 1 amp 1 amp 1 coulomb of charge per second 602 1023 electrons 1 ohm resistance that has 1 volt for 1 amp current Ohm’s law e for voltage i for amperage r for resistance ohms p for watts eir ep/i erp05 ie/r ip/e ip/r05 re/i rp/i2 re2/p pei pi2r pe2/r 1 watthour 3412 btu 1 kilowatt-hr 3412 btu 36 106 joule 1 kilowatt 1000 watts 1 kilowatt 13405 horsepower 1 atmosphere 147 lbs/sq inch 1 atmosphere 2992 inches of mercury 1 pound per square inch 6899 kilopascals 1 pascal is newton of force over 1 meter square pressure 1 centimeter 3937 inches 1 cubic foot 1728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot 748 gallons us 1 cubic foot/minute 7482 gallons/minute 1 cubic foot water 624 lbs 60 deg f 1 foot of water 4333 lbs/sq inch 1 foot-pound 001286 btu 1 foot-pound 1356 newton meters 1 newton meter 07376 foot pounds 1 joule 1 newton accelerates 1 kg at 1 meter per second2 about 981 newtons 1kg force in earth gravity 1 foot/second 068182 miles per hour 1 mph 146667 feet per second 1 meter/second 36 kilometers/hour 1 meter 3937 inches 328084 feet 10936 yards 1 foot 3048 meters 1 inch 254 centimeters 0254 meters 1 gallon us 3785 liters 231 cubic inches 1 gallon us water 835 lbs 1 inch of water 03613 lbs/sq inch 1 foot of water 04335 psi 1 liter 1057 quarts 1 fluid ounce 1805 cubic inches 1 fluid ounce 02957 liters 1 cubic inch 16387064 cubic centimeters 1 pound 04536 kg or 1 kg 22046 pounds 1 oz 2835 grams Celsius deg 9/5 32 fahrenheit f-32 5/9 centigrade 212 deg fahrenheit 100 degree celsius water boils 32 deg fahrenheit 0 degree celsius water freezes -40 deg fahrenheit -40 deg celsius Absolute 0 degrees or kelvin -4597 fahrenheit or -273 c The speed of light in a vacuum is approx 2998 108 meters/second or 186000 miles per second rounded off 3 108 meters/second 1 megahertz frequency wavelength is 300 meters The formula for determining load in watts is: watts amps x volts or pwatts icurrent x evoltage note: 1 kw 1000 watts space heater 1200 watts weed trimmer 850 watts clothes dryer gas 720 watts clothes dryer electric 2400 watts light bulb 100w 100 watts small radio am/fm cd 50 watts radio cb 50 watts fan 200 watts television 50-250 watts cathode tube plasma flat screen 125-250 watts LED flat screen tv 50-120 watts microwave oven 1200 watts air conditioner 12000 btu 3250 watts furnace fan 1/3 hp blower motor 600 watts vacuum cleaner 600 watts sump pump 1/3 hp 700 watts refrigerator/freezer 800 watts deep freezer 500 watts circular saw 6 800 watts floodlight 150 wattsincandescent LED 75 watts drill 1/2 electric 1000 watts toaster 1200 watts coffee maker 1200 watts skillet 1200 watts chain saw 14 electric 1200 watts water well pump 1/2 hp 1000 watts hot plate/range per burner 1000-1200 watts table saw 10 2000 watts elect water heater 3000 watts dc battery/device charger 120 watts Video Channels Recent Videos News Channels Calculators Photo Share Archives Privacy Contact © copyright – 2000-2018 alternate-energynet and the Alternate Energy Resource Network |
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Greenpeace Africa – Kenya’s |
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Greenpeace sparodiował świąteczną reklamę seryjnie FSO Syrena o mocy 23 KM w Rajdzie Monte Carlo |
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Entrevista Juan-Felipe Carrasco Greenpeace |
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Ambiente flash mob di Greenpeace contro la plastica usa e getta |
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To The Last Tree Standing Greenpeace |
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Greenpeace: Escape de salmones equivale a “una plaga de más de |
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Greenpeace reitera peligro ambiental por fuga de salmones en Chile |
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Cinesa apoya a Greenpeace durante julio del 2018 |
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Greenpeace Canada joins Indigenous-led global protests against banks funding oil pipelines |
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Greenpeace busca personal medio tiempo |
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Die Welt besser machenWie Steht im Greenpeace Magazin! |
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Greenpeace denuncia que escape de salmones equivale a una plaga de 140 millones de ratones |
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Greenpeace создала принты с грязными отпечатками пальцев |
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To Save Oceans and Planet Greenpeace Backs Plan to Create Largest Protected Area on Earth |
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Neonicotinoidi Greenpeace attacca: “Le deroghe di Efsa scorciatoia per aggirare lo stop” |
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Le rap de Greenpeace contre la surconsommation de viande |
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Ekoteroristi z Greenpeace ohrozili desítky lidských životů Jen zázrakem se nikomu nic nestalo |
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