Putin dances at Austria wedding before meeting Merkel |
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· Putin Attends Austria Wedding To Meet Merkel For Gas Talks |
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Merkel: állandó párbeszédet kell folytatni Oroszországgal |
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Putin attends Austria wedding to meet Merkel for gas talks |
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Visit Armenia Next Week |
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Merkel állandó párbeszédet szeretne Putyinnal |
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Za naszymi plecami przeciwko Polsce Tajne spotkanie Merkel-Putin trwa |
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Macron and Merkel ‘concerned’ ahead of battle for Syrian rebel holdout |
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Takim historik/ Merkel shtrëngon duart me Putinin |
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Germany’s infrastructure skids into crisis on Merkel’s Autobahn |
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Putin amp Merkel could stick it to Trump as they look |
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Merkel and Putin: A Long History of Distrust and Reconciliation |
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Angela Merkel: Entscheidungen unabhängiger Gerichte sind umzusetzen! |
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VIDEOS: „HAU AB!“ – Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Dresden beschimpft amp ausgepfiffen! |
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El presidente Putin se reúne con Merkel tras asistir a una boda |
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Xanım Merkel bizə nə deyəcək və biz ona nə deməliyik |
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US Opposition to Pipeline Hangs Over Putin-Merkel Talks |
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Angela Merkel se aşteaptă la discuţii complicate cu Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Merkel to Discuss Conflicts In Ukraine Syria At Berlin Meeting |
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit Armenia |
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Putin to attend Austrian foreign minister’s wedding before Merkel meeting |
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Putin: Zuerst Kür bei Kneissl dann Pflicht bei Merkel |
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Putin vola da Merkel nemici-amici in chiave anti-Trump |
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Tri temat në tryezën e diskutimit Merkel-Putin |
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Putin a dansat la nunta ministrului de Externe al Austriei înainte de întâlnirea cu Merkel |
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Syria : Merkel báo trước đối thoại với Putin sẽ phức tạp |
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Op zoek naar verbinding: Poetin en Merkel hebben gezamenlijke ‘vijand’ |
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Vladimir Putin întâlnire cu Angela Merkel Despre ce vor discuta cei doi lideri |
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First a wedding then hard work – Putin to visit Germany’s Merkel |
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Merkel: Kami Perbaiki Hubungan dengan Rusia |
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Rencontre entre Merkel et Poutine pour évoquer le gazoduc Nord Stream 2 |
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Merkel powinna podczas szczytu z Putinem zatopić Nord Stream2 |
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Angela Merkel to Visit Georgia on August 23-24 |
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Merkel után nevezik el gyermekeiket a menekültek |
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Putyin a Merkel találkozó előtt vendég lesz az osztrák… |
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Neue amp alte Neonazis bei «Merkel muss weg» – Von «Blood amp Honour» bis «Identitäre Bewegung» |
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Freundlich: Merkel-Deutschland wirbt für Urlaub in der Erdogan-Türkei |
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Merkel recebe hoje Putin para falar de Síria Ucrânia Irão e economia SAPOLusa |
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Digitalisierung: Merkel beruft Digitalrat |
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Akif Nağı Merkelə məktub yazdı: Ermənistana getməyin! |
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Von Merkel berufen: „Digitalrat“ soll Regierung unterstützen |
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AfD-Fraktion Sachsen sorgt mit gelungenem Anti-Merkel-Protest für Aufsehen |
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Merkel Bakıya gəlir |
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Merkel elogia a Annan como un “ejemplo y fuente de inspiración” |
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Putyin a Merkel találkozó előtt vendég lesz az osztrák külügyminiszter esküvőjén |
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Vladimir Putin dances at Austria wedding before meeting Angela Merkel |
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Cancelarul german Merkel va vizita Georgia Armenia şi Azerbaidjan săptămâna viitoare |
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Merkel: “Dördlər”in zirvəsi çox müsbət nəticəli ola bilər |
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Bundeskanzlerin Merkel gratuliert dem Premierminister der Islamischen Republik Pakistan Herrn |
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PTV News 170818 – Putin va dalla Merkel |
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Merkel: Nuk priten rezultate nga takimi i sotëm me Putin |
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Merkel et Poutine partenaires particuliers |
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La oposición de los EE UU Al oleoducto se cierra durante la reunión entre Putin y Merkel |
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Angela Merkel merge săptămâna viitoare în Georgia Armenia şi Azerbaidjan |
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Germany’s Merkel Set To Visit Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan |
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Treffen von Merkel und Putin Ruhe in Syrien als gemeinsames Interesse |
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Schlachthaus Deutschland: Schlimmer als Merkel sind die feigen Bücklinge welches dieses Theater mitmachen Die elenden Heuchler und Kriecher welcher dieser Kriminellen huldigen und ihre Untaten befürworten |
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Exclusive: RAF Croughton base ‘sent secrets from Merkel’s phone straight to the CIA’ |
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With stakes rising Merkel enters the fray to calm Turkey turmoil |
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Merkel gratuliert Imran Khan |
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Συρία Ουκρανία και ΗΠΑ και Nord Stream 2 στην ατζέντα των συνομιλιών Merkel – Putin |
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Kreml: Fenyegető légkörben találkozik Putyin és Merkel |
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Merkel mesazh shqiptarëve: Futni në burg krerët e politikës t’u pranojmë |
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Putin meets Merkel: What’s cooking |
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It is the second time in three months that the pair have met after Merkel traveled to the Russian coastal resort of Sochi in May On this occasion Merkel will host Putin at the German government’s castle in Schloss Meseberg just outside Berlin Talks are due to begin Saturday at 6:00 pm local time midday ET |
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Marković i Merkel saglasni – nema promjena granica na Balkanu |
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Berlin: dziś spotkanie Merkel-Putin |
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„Merkel muss weg“-Demo in Hamburg – diesmal mit aufgemerkt! Nachtrag zur Islamdebatte |
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Merkel als ‚Volksverräterin‘ beschimpft – so reagierte sie |
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Дымогенератор Меркель Merkel |
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Angela Merkel avqustun 25-i Bakıya gəlir |
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Was läuft zwischen Merkel und Putin |
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Merkel ve Putin Brandenburg’da görüşecek |
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Angela Merkel: Neuer Digitalrat wird viele Ideen hervorbringen – und uns noch besser |
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Putin-Besuch Warum Merkel den Dialog mit Putin sucht |
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Merkel empfängt Putin: Was die Kanzlerin wirklich vom russischen Autokraten will |
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Dragan Popović: Još ne znamo da li će Vučić ići protiv Angele Merkel |
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Und Merkel macht auf Familiennachzug!!! |
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U Berlinu sutra sastanak Merkel-Putin: što očekuje Europa |
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heute – Merkel empfängt Putin |
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Putin auf ungewöhnlicher Europa-Reise: Zuerst auf Hochzeit bei Ösi-Ministerin dann bei Merkel im Schloss https://tco/LJk9rMDIgQ Blick Blickch 8:40 – 18082018 1 |
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„The Donald“ bildet Pakt gegen Merkel |
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US Opposition to Pipeline Hangs Over Meeting Between Putin and Merkel |
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Merkel recibe a Putin con Siria Ucrania y Trump en el punto de mira |
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Merkel y Sánchez destacan la visión común ante la crisis migratoria |
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Alexander Van der Bellen agiert als die Angela Merkel Österreichs |
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Merkel betrachtet die Sachsen wie Conquistatores die amerikanischen Wilden |
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Angela Merkel se oferă să ajute Muntenegru în implementarea statului de drept și în lupta anticorupție |
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ich habe in meinem aktuellen Infobrief Zeitprognosen das Thema ausführlich bearbeitet Aber auch hier in Deutschland häufen sich die merkwürdigen Vorkommnisse Was wollte Lawrow mit seinem Generalstabschef bei Merkel Wohin war Merkel eine Woche „abgetaucht“ O-Ton Bild Warum kommt jetzt Putin plötzlich zu Merkel |
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Warum verreckt die Merkel nicht endlich |
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Merkel empfängt Putin: Zwei die sich brauchen |
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«This is the moment before Nordstream 2 is built that Germany has the most leverage over Russia» she said before adding that Merkel must secure the strongest possible assurances from Putin now as she would hold no sway over Moscow once the pipeline was up and running in 2020 |
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Putin is dancing at Austria’s wedding before he meets Merkel |
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Wehrlos – Merkel könnte jederzeit mit Notstandsgesetzen kommen… |
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Österreich als sozialpolitischer Prügelknabe der Merkel-EU |
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Merkel’den ABD’yi Kızdıracak Sözler:Türkiye’de Refah Görmek İstiyoruz! |
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Kurz notiert: Youtuber interviewen Merkel Bewegtbildplattformen für Marken und Youtube-Messenger |
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Merkel Suhl Sobrepostos 70cm cal20 usada – Arma de Caça Usada |
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Unser 3D Druck für Bundeskanzlerin Merkel |
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Merkel Street |
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midifiles Midi-Files Midi Files und Mp3 Playbacks Chor Helene Fischer All about the bass base Meghan Trainor Tyros Midifile AC/DC Play Ball Midifile Optimizer Tanzmusik auch per Postversand Versandkostenfrei Midifiles Amigos Mickie Krause Angel in Blue Jeans – Train Ein Hoch Auf uns Andreas Bourani A Sky Full of Stars Coldplay Alles total normal Partyhit 2014 Strandgeier Altes Fieber Die Toten Hosen Amsterdam – 2009er Michelle Version Applaus Applaus Sportfreunde Stiller Au Revoir feat Sido Mark Forster Axel Fischer feat Cora Bella Romantica Semino Rossi Can you feel the love tonight – Slow-Waltz Version Orchester Klaus Hallen Cherry oh Seeed Chris Wolf Deine Küsse sind wie Feuer Calimeros Der alte Capitano Olaf Flippers Der letzte Tag im Paradies Andrea Berg Die Biene Maja Die Tanzfläche brennt Anna-Maria Zimmermann Die Tanzfläche brennt Anna-Maria Zimmermann Drafi Deutscher Dream Lover Bobby Darin Du bist meine Insel Wolkenfrei Du warst der geilste Fehler meines Lebens Nockalm Quintett Dumpfbacke Durch alle Gezeiten Wilde Flamme Einsamer Stern Matthias Reim Fais chanter le jukebox Walzer aus dem Elsass Duo Hitmix Flaschenpost-remix 2013 Fantasy French song Pete Tex Geboren um dich zu lieben Nik P Geh mal Bier hol’n GmBh Mickie Krause Geh mal Bier hol’n Mickie Krause Get lucky Radio Edit Daft Punk ft Pharrell Williams Glück auf – Wir müssen aufhör’n weniger zu trinken Die Partybiker feat Betontod Goodbye auf Wiedersehn – Slowfox Mix Rabbits Hackevoll durch die Nacht Ikke Hüftgold Hallelujah Alexandra Burke Helene Fischer Herz an Herzgefühl Ho Hey Ich will immer wieder dieses Fieber spürn It’s a beautiful day Michael Buble Ja – Pianoversion Hochzeitslied Silbermond Ja Geerdes Silbermond Just a Feeling Maroon 5 Keep the faith Bon Jovi Kornblumen Jürgen Drews Lady Antebellum Lass einen Engel nie allein Die Cooleros Love never felt so good Michael Jackson feat Justin Timberlake Love runs out OneRepublic Lumineers Marathon Helene Fischer Marina Mein Herz Beatrice Egli Millionen Lichter Christina Stürmer – Jubel – Klingande – Lieder – Adel Tawil – Durch 1000 Feuer – Anita und Alexandra Hofmann – Go Gentle – Robbie Williams – Lass die Sonne scheinen – Rabbits – Auf zu neuen Abenteuern 2013 – Andrea Berg – Verrückt nach dir – Beatrice Egli – Ramona – Midiland Tipp – Olsen Brothers – Tatsächlich Liebe schönes Hochzeitslied – Ilka Wolf – Jedäuf met 4711 – Karnevals Hit 2014 – Klüngelköpp – You really got me Rock-Klassiker neu arrangiert – Olsen Brothers – Im nächsten Leben neue Single – Andrea Berg – Flieg zum Himmel mit mir – Rabbits – Auch mit 70 hat man noch Träume – Tony Marshall – Wahre Liebe – Marc Pircher amp Francine Jordi – Ave Maria Hochzeitslied – Sarah Connor – The One DSDS Sieger 2014 – Aneta Sablik – The One – Männerversion – Midiland – Wo warst du heute Nacht Neuheit – Rabbits – Dort oben in den Bergen – Fantasy – Ich hab im Regen deine Tränen nicht gesehen Fantasy – Amoi seg’n ma uns wieder – Andreas Gabalier – Wie ein Stern der vom Himmel fällt – Hendrik Bruch Optimizer – Es geht nach Rio de Janeiro – Fantasy – Sag bitte beim Abschied auf Wiedersehn – Flippers – Auf uns – Andreas Bourani – Mama mia Maria 2014 – Calimeros – Sag bloß nicht Hello – Roland Kaiser – Ich leg mein Herz in deine Arme – Paldauer – Geh mal Bier hol’n Partyhit 2014 – Mickie Krause – Rise like a Phoenix Grand Prix Sieger 2014 – Conchita Wurst – Geboren um dich zu lieben – Nik P – The Ballad of Lucy Jordan – Marianne Faithfull – Nur noch einmal schlafen – Anna-Maria Zimmermann Joleen – Mike Bauhaus – Darling – Fantasy – Calm after the Storm – 2Platz Grand Prix 2014 – The Common Linnets – Ich lieb dich noch immer – Paldauer – Nie wieder Goodbye – GG Anderson – Make you feel my love – Piano-Hochzeitsversion – Adele – Dieser Weg Sing meinen Song – Andreas Gabalier – Marathon – Helene Fischer – Die Rose – Piano-Hochzeitsversion – Helene Fischer Morgen explodiert die Welt Alexander Klaws Need You NowNur noch kurz die Welt retten Nur noch Schuhe an Malle Sommerhit 2012 Mickie Krause Open Air Mountain Family Phänomen Helene Fischer The Village Lanterne Blacmore’s Night Das ist der Moment Die Toten Hosen Can you hear me Tae Yeon Beethoven Virus OST Das Gefühl Andrea berg Treasure Bruno Mars Marie Santiano Halt dein Maul Y-Titty Leben lieben lachen Andreas Martin Unser Himmel Ewig Pilot GG Merkel Was für geile Zeiten das doch war´n Truck Stop -Omg! Oh mein Gott – Marteria – Black Saturday – Mando Diao – Traum – Cro – Budapest – George Ezra – Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley – Auf uns – Andreas Bourani – Rise like a phoenix – Conchita Wurst – Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt – Wir sind Wir – Marilyn Monroe – Pharrell Williams – Can’t say no – Rea Garvey – Wild thing – The Troggs Pronto Giuseppe DJ Ötzi Rude MAGIC! Safe and sound Capital Cities Sag nur ein Wort Zillertaler Haderlumpen Schatzi schenk mir ein Foto Mickie Krause Scheiss Drauf Malle ist nur einmal im Jahr Peter Wackel Schlager Schönste Zeit Bosse Schuld war nur der Bossanova Geerdes Zuckermund She moves Alle Farben So schön wird´s nie wieder sein Jürgen Sommerhit Sommernacht am blauen Meer CD 2014 Calimeros Stoppok Tage wie diese Die Toten Hosen Tanz diesen Tanz noch mal mit mir Franz Lambert Tanz noch einmal mit mir Semino Rossi The chamber Lenny Kravitz Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran Tim Bendzko Tu ne pourras plus jamais m’oubli Herbert Leonard Und ich sah deine Augen Neuheit Rabbits Wake me up Avicii aloe Blacc Was ist den los Malle Knaller 2014 Tim Toupet When the beat drops out Marlon Roudette Wild love Rea Garvey Zigeunerin der Berge Calimeros Karneval Weihnachten Midifiles Fastnacht Midifiles und MP3 Playbacks Online Shop Midiart Midis |
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Merkel’den İstanbul zirvesi yorumu |
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Merkel a roma két év haladékot kap |
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cnbcdavy Published 20 Hours Ago Updated 2 Hours Ago CNBCcom MERKEL IS MEETING PUTIN AND HERE΄S WΗΑΤ΄S ON THE AGENDA |
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Der BAMF-Skandal ist ein Merkel-Skandal! |
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Angela Merkel jelenlétében tanácskoztak a digitalizálásból adódó kihívásokról |
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German leader Angela Merkel will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday The pair will reportedly discuss Ukraine sanctions Syria and a controversial energy pipe line Merkel is trying to maintain her role as the Russia’s main contact in the West |
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Merkel recibe a Putin con Siria Ucrania y Trump en el |
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Berlin 15 August 2018: Unter der Leitung von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel kommt das Kabinett am Mittwoch zu seiner wöchentlichen Sitzung zusammen |
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The analyst added it was unlikely that any request by Merkel for United Nations troops to police a cease-fire was likely to interest Putin |
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Ein sehr aufschlußreicher Artikel – Die wahren Werte von Frau Merkel! |
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Neukirch in der Oberlausitz 16 August 2018: Kanzlerin Merkel besucht die Firma Trumpf einen der weltweit größten Anbieter von stehen die Bundeskanzlerin und Sachsens Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer der Trumpf-Belegschaft Rede und Antwort – unter anderem zu den Themen Steuern Schulen Fachkräftemangel und zur Russlandpolitik |
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Le ore più importanti per l’Unione Europea e Angela Merkel |
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Wall Street Journal: US opposition to pipeline hangs over meeting between Putin and Merkel |
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Merkel besuchte ostdeutsche Tonnen Stahl am Kranhaken |
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Merkel offers Berlin’s support to Niger Republic in the fight against illegal migration |
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L’Allemagne de Merkel reste fidèle au Rwanda de Kagamé |
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Yezidi girls will leave Germany if ISIS stalkers walk free survivor warns Merkel |
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Német pszichiáter: Merkel elvesztette a kapcsolatot a realitással veszélyes az országra |
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Rencontre Merkel-Poutine : de quoi il sera question à Berlin |
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Merkel: biztosítani kell Törökországban a központi bank függetlenségét |
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Merkel-Putin czyli nowy układ urok słowa „zajebisty” |
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STASI und KGB: Angela Merkel ist Tochter von Adolf Hitler |
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Hermann Tertsch: Traumático triunfo de Merkel en las elecciones a |
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Putin se reúne con Merkel tras asistir a una boda |
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Merkel trifft Putin in Meseberg |
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Internațional Vladimir Putin se întâlnește cu Angela Merkel și merge la nunta unui membru al extremei drepte al guvernului Austriei |
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Vladimir Putin merge la nunta ministrului austriac de Externe Cadoul său: recitalul susținut de un cor tradițional rusesc Liderul de la Kremlin se va întâlni apoi cu Merkel |
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«Instead it demonstrates that a fundamental pattern remains the same as in the Barack Obama days: Merkel not the White House is Putin’s key interlocutor in the West» said Nickel |
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Putin reiser til hastemøte i Berlin Han og Merkel har fått en felles fiende |
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Akif Nağı Merkelə məktub yazdı: “Ermənistana getməyin!” |
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BBC: Romania protests: Thousands hold fresh rallies after Merkel unterzeichnet Deutschlands Todesstoß im Dezember in Marrakesch |
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Merkel és Putyin tegezik egymást |
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Angela Merkel: Neuer Digitalrat wird viele Ideen hervorbringen – und uns |
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Putin jedzie do Merkel – będą rozmawiać o Ukrainie i Nord Stream 2 |
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Czy to już koniec Angeli Merkel I miejmy nadzieję że szybko nastąpi… |
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AfD-fractie Sachsen baart opzien met geslaagd anti-Merkel protest |
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Wir in Deutschland sind ja sicher vor ihnen denn Merkel hat ja einen Vertrag mit Spanien geschlossen nach dem alle die in Spanien registriert wurden zurückgeschickt werden – |
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Merkel will Expertengruppe: «Digitalrat» soll Bundesregierung beraten |
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La Merkel rinuncia alle Vacanze in Italia ma amme che cazzo me ne frega ammeuga ugaaa |
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PI-NEWS hat schon im letzten Jahr die breit angelegte Mainstream-Medienzensur des Buches „Kontrollverlust“ von Silberjunge Thorsten Schulte das wenige Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl erschienen und mit der selbsternannten politischen Machtelite um Merkel und Schulz hart ins Gericht gegangen ist von Beginn an journalistisch begleitet |
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Rechtsanwalt Ralf Thomas Merkel |
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Putin Iyo Angela Merkel Oo Wadahadal Ku Leh Germany Maxay Ka Wada Hadlayaan |
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„Wird Trump es zulassen daß sich der US-Deep State mit Angela „Obama“-Merkel den Briten und Macron zur großen Sabotage und Kriegshetze verbündet In dem Fall wird nicht nur China ganz offen auf die russische Seite setzen sondern es wird auch rasant das EUnuchistan zerbröseln Ungarn Italien die Tschechei Slowakei und wohl auch Bulgarien werden nicht mitspielen Griechenland wackelt Gleichzeitig greift die Ostküste massiv Erdogan und die türkische Lira an um auch diesen durch Wirtschaftschaos und Unruhen wegzuputschen Nicht nur hinsichtlich der Temperaturen ist es der heißeste Sommer den wir je erlebten! TQM“ |
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Putin amp Merkel could stick it to Trump as they look to bring Nord Stream 2 over the line |
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Trump and Merkel put on a brave face at NATO summit after awkward morning Trump and Merkel put on a brave face at NATO summit after awkward morning 2:39 AM ET Thu 12 July 2018 |
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Hannes Androsch: „Kurz ist ein machthungriger drängen vor Treffen Merkel-Putin auf klare Linie |
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CSU weicht den Rechtsstaat weiter auf statt ihn zu Merkel und die Kirchhof-Töchter |
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Merkel erkent openlijk gemaakte fouten in de vluchtelingencrisis want !!! verkiezingen naderen |
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Merkel ve Putin Arasında Kritik Zirve |
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Merkel will Expertengruppe – „Digitalrat“ soll Bundesregierung beraten |
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Putin amp Merkel meet in Berlin to discuss Nord Stream 2 pipeline WATCH LIVE – 10分前 RT |
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Merkel flet për takimin e së shtunës me Putinin |
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Saarbrücker Zeitung: Forum-Chef Platzeck erwartet deutliche Entspannungs-Signale beim Treffen Merkel-Putin |
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Pikante Party in der Steiermark: Putin wärmt sich für Merkel auf |
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Ein spezieller Gast für die österreichische Aussenministerin: Der russische Präsident wird an ihrer Hochzeit erwartet Danach trifft Putin Kanzlerin Merkel |
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ALERTĂ la Dresda la vizita Angelei Merkel: S-a atacat cu o substanţă suspectă la protestele împotriva cancelarului german – – Cercetătorii chinezi au descoperit o metodă de vindecare a rănilor care nu lasă cicatrice |
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Merkel hat sich mit dem Reiseziel vertan |
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Merkel ile Putin’den ABD’ye inat iş birliği |
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Millega tervitab Merkel Putinit Berliinis |
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DAS üzvləri Angela Merkelə müraciət göndərdilər |
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Die Merkel Chemtrails-Collection |
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The meeting has been hastily arranged and was only announced Monday this week when Merkel’s spokesperson Steffen Seibert named the key topics the pair would concentrate on: Syria Ukraine and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline |
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Merkel and Putin: A Long History of Distrust and Reconciliation by MELISSA EDDY |
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Angela Merkel se oferă să ajute Muntenegru în lupta anticorupţie |
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Berlin and Moscow: It’s complicated Merkel and Putin have regularly clashed in the past Most notably the German leader fruitlessly attempted to persuade Putin of a diplomatic solution when war raged in the eastern region of Ukraine in 2014 |
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Angela Merkel empfängt Wladimir Putin in Schloss Meseberg |
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Angela Merkel lansează un apel pentru formarea unui nou guvern cu |
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Grupo fundado por Zuckerberg ayuda a reunificar Putin asiste a boda antes de visitar a canciller Merkel |
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Merkel sucht unbequeme Digitalexperten |
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First a wedding then hard work: Putin to visit Germany’s Merkel |
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Merkel also annoyed her Russian counterpart in 2012 when she questioned a two-year jail sentence for the band Pussy Riot who had sung anti-Putin «punk prayer» in a Moscow cathedral Putin rebuked Merkel suggesting she did not known all the facts of the case |
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Aber Merkel will 300 Millionen von ihnen holen!!! |
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Merkel: Digitalrat wird schlagkräftiges UN-Generalsekretär gestorben Merkel: Kofi Annans Stimme wird uns fehlen |
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Schlepper-NGOs: Migranten für Merkel |
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Putin se reúne neste sábado com Merkel |
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Ontmoeting Merkel – Putin toont aan wie de broek in de EU aanheeft |
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Merkel Collection |
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Warum Merkel eine Katastrophe für Deutschland ist |
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Früherer UN-Generalsekretär: Kofi Annan gestorben – Bedauern bei Merkel und Steinmeier |
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Merkel: Wohlstand soll möglichst bei allen Web |
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Abgeschobener Tunesier Merkel fordert Respekt für Gerichte |
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Abzocker: Massive Kritik an Tank amp Rast wegen überhöhter Preise! Behoerdenstress am 18082018 18:10 Höcke: Höhere Renten für Deutsche als für Zuwanderer Compact Magazin am 18082018 18:06 35000 Ausländer mit Einreisesperre kommen – Merkel: Das liegt im Interesse Deutschlands Jouwatch am 18082018 18:00 Der Fall Mia: Statt Mord jetzt nur Totschlag und Jugendstrafe freie-pressenet am 18082018 18:00 Bayern knapp an Blamage im DFB-Pokal vorbei UnserTirol24 am 18082018 17:59 |
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Currently Assad is launching a new offensive in the country’s northwest where the remaining Syrian rebels have been cornered It is thought Merkel may ask Putin to exert his influence over Assad in a bid to avoid further widespread bloodshed |
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Marković i Merkel: Jasna evropska perspektiva Crne Gore |
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«Merkel muss weg» – NPD amp AfD Hand in Hand |
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Angela Merkel se oferă să ajute Muntenegru în implementarea statului de |
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“Qaynar Qazan”da Zəlimxan Məmmədli II hissə: “Gürcüstan üçün ən çətin buxovlar Nağı Merkelə məktub yazdı: Ermənistana getməyin! |
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Il “matrimonio forzato” tra Merkel-Putin In nome di Trump |
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Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel eröffnet die gamescom – Ein aufrichtiges Danke! |
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Irakba menekült Németországból az Iszlám Állam katonájának volt rabszolgája mert Merkelék befogadták a gazdáját |
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Angela Merkel im Porträt |
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Getty Images Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a wreath laying ceremony at the Unknown Soldiers’s Tomb on May 10 2015 in Moscow Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Berlin this weekend to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the two world leaders will have plenty to talk about |
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Presidente Putin asiste a boda antes de visitar a canciller Merkel |
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Merkel ile Putin Almanya’da bir araya gelecek |
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Fangen sie mit Hilfe von Peter Merkel ihren Deutschen Traumwels |
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Merkel will Expertengruppe «Digitalrat» soll Bundesregierung beraten |
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Merkel mesazh Thaçit dhe Vuçiç: Nuk ka ndryshim të kufijve në… |
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Merkel’den ABD’yi Kızdıracak |
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Angela Merkel un om ca toți ceilalți când este la cumpărături |
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Angela Merkel gibt offen zu: Sie würde keine Flüchtlinge bei sich mit dem Essen: Flüchtlinge randalieren in einer Sporthalle |
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Dyplomatyczne zbliżenie Czy należy się spodziewać ocieplenia w relacjach Merkel–Putin |
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Angela Merkel CDU |
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Pedro Sánchez cierra un acuerdo con Merkel que permitirá a Alemania |
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Putin besucht Hochzeit in Österreich – und Angela Merkel im Schloss |
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What Will Merkel Decide on Nord Stream 2 |
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Es erstaunte schon dass Spanien hier so bereitwillig zugestimmt hatte Man sollte vielleicht noch hinzufügen dass diese Regelung nur für Migranten aus Spanien gilt die über die deutsch-österreichische Grenze kommen Wenn man einmal einen kurzen Blick auf die Landkarte wirft Immerhin ist das nun aber schon dem einen oder anderen Oppositionspolitiker auch außerhalb der AfD aufgefallen An diesen Aktionen kann man gut erkennen dass auch Merkel auf dem letzten Loch pfeift |
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Merkel schwer erkrankt |
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Wenn wir bei unseren Massenmedien sind dann zeigt sich wie man ein bereits unterirdisches Niveau noch weiter senken kann Das Sommerinterview mit AfD-Vorsitzendem Gauland war bereits von der Aufmachung und dem Verhalten des Moderators her eine Frechheit insbesondere wenn man es mit den Sommerinterviews von Merkel amp co vergleicht |
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Parteien drängen vor Treffen Merkel-Putin auf klare Linie |
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Merkel y Putin se reunirán gracias a Trump |
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Auseinandersetzung nach Merkel gratuliert dem Premierminister der Islamischen Republik Pakistan Herrn |
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Kristine Berzina an analyst at thinktank The German Marshall Fund of the United States told CNBC Friday that Nordstream 2 would be the «prickliest» topic of conversation between Putin and Merkel |
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Merkel admite que una nueva forma de antisemitismo ha surgido con los refugiados árabes de Alemania y admite que está consternada de que las escuelas y sinagogas judías exijan protección policial |
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Merkel quer ajudar a dinamizar economia angolana |
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CDU-Abgeordneter filmt politisch Andersdenkende bei Anti-Merkel-Demo und veröffentlicht sie |
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The Latest: Merkel: ‘We will greatly miss’ Annan’s voice |
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«Merkel’s goal will be to have Putin substantiate indications that Russia might still transfer some of its westbound gas deliveries through Ukraine even after Nord Stream 2 becomes operational» he said |
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Nun zweifeln sogar die ersten Flüchtlinge an Angela Merkels Merkel auf Fraktionssitzung von eigener Partei vorgeführt |
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Berzina added that Merkel’s focus on Ukraine with Putin may remain on preventing an escalation of conflict rather than finding a long-term solution |
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Merkel ile Putin Brandenburg eyaletinde bir araya gelecek! |
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“Merkel nuk është armike por një mike e sinqertë” |
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German far-right supporters shout ‘GET LOST’ at Angela Merkel while she visits Dresden as they protest her 2015 decision to welcome refugees from Muslim countries |
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Udhëzimet e SHBA të kancelares Merkel diplomacisë britanike La Fontaine dhe Thaçi |
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Merkel’s House Divided |
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Eishockey Sturm hofft auf Merkel-Besuch in Umkleide |
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Merkel reçoit Poutine pour renouer un dialogue difficile |
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INCONTRO MERKEL-PUTIN/ Sapelli: ecco l’alleanza che conviene a Berlino e Mosca |
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Merkel City Councilman accused of offering to pay waitress for sex 20 hours ago |
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Rassistinnen in Basel Merkel über Dublin Bundesrat für Grenzgewalt |
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Politico: Merkel powinna zatopić Nord Stream2 |
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Merkel trifft Nigers Präsidenten Gemeinsam gegen illegale Kanzlerin im Bild |
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Treffen Merkel-PutinMaas hofft auf Fortschritte in werfen Autobahn-Raststätten Abzocke vor |
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Rechtsanwalt Thomas Merkel |
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Merkel joined President Donald Trump French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May in a rare joint statement that said «there is no plausible alternative explanation» to Russian responsibility |
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Trumps Pressure on Allies in NATO Angela Merkel Has a View |
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Merkel-Regime will Grundstücke von Bürgern enteignen um Häuser für Illegale zu bauen |
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Zij beschermen onze moordenaars: ‘Bild’ chef woedend op de regering van Merkel |
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Euractiv: Serbia synon rishqyrtimin e kufirit të kundërshtuar nga Merkel |
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– Merkel empfängt Putin: Zwei die sich brauchen |
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2018 2019 to 2022: THE END TIMES EVENTS AND DISASTERS COULD OCCUR IN 2018 – 2019 – 2022: THE ANTICHRIST PUTIN IS ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD POSSIBLY RUSSIA OR NORTH KOREA STARTS A NUCLEAR WAR AND THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDING IN 2019 – 2022 THE FOURTH HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE DEATH RIDING IN 2019 – 2022 THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDE: THE FIRST HORSEMAN THE ANTICHRIST 666 IS PUTIN THE SECOND HORSEMAN WAR IN UKRAINE RUSSIA NORTH KOREA – SOUTH KOREA NUCLEAR WAR IRAQ WITH ISIS TERRORISTS SYRIA AND MUSLIM ISIS TERRORIST ATTACKS IN EUROPE THE FOURTH DEATH AS DISEASE EPIDEMICS – POSSIBLY EBOLA SARS OR BIRD FLU or ZIKA VIRUS POSSIBLY DEATH MAY RIDE PUTIN IS THE THIRD ANTICHRIST OF THE NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECIES THE FIRST TWO WERE NAPOLEON AND HITLER RUSSIA STARTS A NUCLEAR WAR OVER SYRIA SOON MAY COME GIANT EARTHQUAKES VOLCANOES TSUNAMIS GIANT SOLAR FLARES EPIDEMICS THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST WARS MORE ASTEROIDS GIANT EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES IN 2019 -2022 WATCH OUT FOR GIANT VOLCANO ERUPTIONS AND EARTHQUAKES MAGNITUDE 7 8 AND 9 AROUND THE WORLD IN 2019 – 2022 ALIENS MAY BE SETTING OFF VOLCANOES TO SLOW DOWN GLOBAL WARMING TEMPERATURE RISE PUTIN THE ANTICHRIST IN RUSSIA IS ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD DESTROYING NATO LATER INVADES UKRAINE AND OTHER FORMER SOVIET UNION COUNTRIES TO ANNEX INTO RUSSIA SEE THE CALENDAR PAGE ON IT PUTIN OR NORTH KOREA COULD LAUNCH MISSILES AND START WORLD WAR 3 BY 2022 A METEOR HITTING IN RUSSIA MAY RELATE TO THE ANTICHRIST RISING TO POWER THERE AS PUTIN AN ASTEROID DEFENSE IS NEEDED MORE MAY HIT SOON SEE THIS PAGE ALIENS LANDING ON EARTH 2020 – 2022 MAY BE PROPHESIED IN BIBLE PROPHECIES AND NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECIES SEE THE CALENDAR AND NOSTRADAMUS PAGES ON IT THE 4 HORSEMEN THE ANTICHRIST PUTIN WAR ECONOMIC CHAOS DEATH ARE RIDING ALSO: RETURN OF CHRIST BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON DEFEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST POSSIBLE ALIEN UFO INVASION OF EARTH IN 2020 – 2022! January 2018 Volcano eruptions: Papua New Guinea volcano eruption Volcano eruption Mount Mayon in Phillipines Could aliens be setting off volcanoes to put volcanic dust into the atmosphere to slow down global warming temperature rise There are different methods of predicting the future – such as psychics who have psychic predictions where they actually see the future Nostradamus was this psychic type of prophet For my predictions I use Astrology combined with Bible prophecy including the Book of Revelation Nostradamus prophecies and numerical methods And for me there may be a psychic element also in my predictions for 2018 to 2020 IN AUGUST 1999 WHEN PUTIN FIRST ROSE TO POWER IN RUSSIA THERE WAS A RARE GRAND CROSS ASTROLOGY PATTERN OF PLANETS IN A CROSS SHAPE AND A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OVER EUROPE INDICATING THAT PUTIN IS THE EVIL ANTICHRIST OF REVELATION 13 WHOSE NUMBER IS 666 Putin is attempting to destroy NATO and take over the world Do not underestimate Putin – Putin has hypnosis mind control powers he can use to control people hypnotizing them by staring at them his eyes are said to be intense and hypnotizing Others who could hypnotize people with their gaze were Rasputin and Hitler September 2017 The Cassini Saturn space probe crashed into Saturn/Satan Cassini’s connection to Putin: Putin first rose to power on August 9 1999 Also then the day of the Astrology Grand Cross in the sky: August 18 1999 was the day after Cassini carrying Plutonium passed close to earth And 1999 has 666 upside-down 666 being the number of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 This August 1999 Grand Cross which is one of the most amazing astrological alignments ever seen in history consisted of: the Sun Venus and Mercury in the sign of Leo Mars and the Moon in Scorpio with Pluto close by in Sagittarius Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius If Scorpio is considered to be the Eagle and Aquarius the man then we have the four beasts seen in Revelation 4 that sit at the throne in heaven that have the faces of an eagle a man a lion and a calf This seems to indicate an important time for mankind I think it may also relate to the rise to power of the Antichrist in year 2000 as Russian President Putin especially since there was a cross pattern Also note that August 13 1999 was Friday the 13th said to be an unlucky day Also note that August 9 1999 was the 30th anniversary of the Charles Manson group’s murder of Sharon Tate and others in Los Angeles significant because of the Charles Manson group’s Satanic-like cult Also: August 13 1999 was the significant future date on the Aztec Sun calendar from Mexico of 500 years ago and August 13 1999 was predicted by the Aztecs to be an important day of change for mankind that would change the world as described in the book: Day of Destiny Where will you be on August 13 1999 by John Mini published 1998 by Trans-Hyperborean Institute of Science Considering again Cassini going to Saturn: as for the planet Saturn possibly Saturn represents Satan– the Antichrist is said to be a Satanic imitation of Christ actually the son of Satan So the Cassini probe journey to Saturn actually may be the journey of mankind to Satan Also note that in Greek where each letter is also a number Titan totals 666 another indication of the Cassini landing on Titan being connected with the Antichrist Note that Titan representing the Antichrist revolves around Saturn/Satan What’s New: I have updated the calendar page and other pages Why do I say that Putin is the Antichrist of Book of Revelation chapter 13 There are many reasons why I am sure that Putin is the evil one who will bring about World War 3 that I discuss on the pages on Putin and Russia The biggest reason is that when Putin first rose to power there was an unusual Astrology pattern that also relates to a Nostradamus prophecy about the Antichrist Let us consider the Grand Cross Astrology pattern of August 1999 On August 18 1999 there was an unusual alignment of planets in a Grand Cross shape possibly the most unusual Astrological alignment seen in the last two thousand years And one week before on August 11 1999 there was a solar eclipse seen over Europe The Grand Cross which is one of the most amazing astrological alignments ever seen in history consisted of: the Sun Venus and Mercury in the sign of Leo Mars and the Moon in Scorpio with Pluto close by in Sagittarius Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius The cross is a bent cross relating it to the Antichrist as the true cross relates to Christ Concerning the solar eclipse over Europe on August 11 there is a prophecy by Nostradamus that is of interest The Prophecies of Nostradamus predicted 3 Antichrists: the first was Napoleon the second was Hitler and the third I think is Russian President Putin Some of the Nostradamus prophecies do have dates including Century 10 Number 72: In the year 1999 in the seventh month from the sky there comes a great king of terror to bring back the great king of the Mongols Mars rules triumphantly before and after Concerning this prophecy by Nostradamus it is interesting that the solar eclipse passed over France on August 111999 and on August 17 1999 the Cassini spacecraft with its nuclear fuel passed within a thousand miles of earth’s surface within a day of the Grand Cross pattern I think the significance of Cassini passing by earth within a day of the Grand Cross pattern is that Cassini may be a hologram a symbolic parallel event related to the rise to power of the Antichrist in Russia as Vladimir Putin President of Russia Note that the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn in July 2004 and landed a probe on Saturn’s moon Titan in Jan 2005 Titan in Greek totals 666 the number of the Antichrist where in Greek each letter is also a number and Greek is the language of the Book of Revelation and the New Testament Note that Russian President Putin began his rise to power in Russia in August 1999 at the time of the Grand Cross Astrology pattern and solar eclipse over Europe becoming Prime Minister for Yeltsin second-in-command in Russia on August 9 1999 On December 31 1999 Putin became Russia’s President And Mars is war – war will occur when Putin is in power King of the Mongols – that Putin will be a tyrant rising to power in Asia Charles Manson has been in the news in recent years he is an alleged mass murderer in prison for life in California This may be significant in our discussion of the Antichrist Putin Note that the Antichrist in Revelation 13 has the number of man and 666 Man-son And note that the Manson murders of Sharon Tate and others in LA California was on August 9 1969 That was exactly 30 years before the Antichrist Putin became Prime Minister of Russia on August 9 1999 at the time of an August 11 1999 solar eclipse over Europe and the August 18 1999 Grand Cross Astrology pattern of planets in a cross shape And actress Sharon Tate who was murdered was the wife of Roman Polanski who in 1968 had made a movie called Rosemary’s Baby about the child of Satan Also note that Charles Manson’s cult lived in Death Valley in California and Charles Manson included Book of Revelation prophecies in twisted form in his twisted philosophy April 25 2014 The Prime Minister of Ukraine said he thinks Putin wants to start World War 3 I think he is correct but I think Putin will not start World War 3 with a missile attack on the West until 2018-2019 At Armageddon World War 3 of Revelation 16 there is a great nuclear war I think started by Putin around 2018-2020 The Antichrist is defeated by the returned Christ as described in Revelation 19 The returned Christ possibly returning in 2019-2020 with his armies of aliens and UFOs may actually be an invasion of earth by aliens in UFOs read Revelation 19 and it sounds like that A reason for invading earth may be that the aliens are concerned about global warming and earth’s environment refer to Revelation 11:18 shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth And the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 could be a giant alien city that comes down to earth after the alien invasion Revelation 21 and 22 seem to be describing the reorganizing of earth by aliens So Christ would be lead alien And Nostradamus prophecies also prophesied alien invasion of earth and human genetics DNA modified for immortality see this page These 4 paintings by T Chase Shown here is the alien invasion of earth and the aliens at their home planet that has 2 suns Another painting by T Chase UFOs emerge from their underwater base 1 is shown emerging from the water Paintings by T Chase – Christ returns on a UFO as described in Revelation 19 And the New Jerusalem is brought down to earth The New Jerusalem is brought to earth by UFOs Video on possible UFO alien invasion of earth in 2019 – 2020: UFO Alien Invasion of Earth in 2019 – 2020 video on: Alien invasion soon Prophecies of Nostradamus and Revelation: Alien Invasion prophecies A video on Nostradamus prophecies and predictions for 2018 – 2020 Comet ISON seen in November 2013 was discovered in Russia so connect it to the rise of the Antichrist Putin in September 2012 by a telescope at Kislovodsk Russia coordinates 439 N 429 S It is green in color so could it be the 4th horseman of the apocalypse Death Zika Bird Flu epidemic or SARS virus epidemic So a shift of 151 degrees from the Lordsburg midpoint refer to this page on geographic coordinates for an explanation Corresponding to 151 degrees Revelation 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues So could these plagues described in Revelation 16 death in the sea solar flares rivers became blood war etc hit soon starting in 2018 – 2019 This web site has my vision my visions and prophecies of the future I relate the geographic coordinates of the point of discovery of Comet Ison to the discovery locations of Comet Hale-Bopp with a shift of 151 degrees relate that to Revelation 15:1 which talks about 7 angels with 7 plagues which could be a comet This website has much on conspiracy theory conspiracies conspiracy theories November 28 2013 Christmas comet ISON C/2012 S1 ISON – I am the son passed by the sun Discovered by two Russian astronomers so connect it to the Antichrist Russian President Putin Relate to Nostradamus prophecy Century 2 Number 43: At the time the bearded star is seen Three great leaders will become enemies Earthquakes and disaster falling from the heavens The Po and Tiber Rivers A serpent is seen on the shore This Nostradamus prophecy may predict that at the time a comet bearded star is seen there could be earthquakes and asteroids hitting earth There was a Comet Lovejoy in January 2015 The serpent would be Putin see the Putin page for an explanation of that Another Nostradamus comet prophecy Century 2 Number 62: Mabus soon dies and there is a terrible slaughter of people and animals There is thirst hunger famine when the comet is seen Years 2018-2019 could see the End Times events with the rise and defeat of the Antichrist from my calendar page: June 10 2017 End Times period begins 50 years since Jerusalem was conquered by Israel in June 1967 Refer to 12th century prophecy of Jewish Rabbi Judah ben Samuel predicting that: – Jerusalem would be ruled by the Ottoman Turks for 8 Jubilees or 8×50400 years This was 1517-1917 – In the 9th Jubilee 50 years Israel would be a no man’s land It was ruled by the British after 1917 – Jerusalem would come under Jewish rule at the end of the 9th Jubilee and this would begin the End Times with the coming of the Messiah This happened 50 years later on June 10 1967 with Israel conquering Jerusalem 50 years later from June 10 1967 is June 10 2017 Will this be starting in 2017 the End Times period which according to this prophecy will see the coming of the Messiah And the Christian interpretation is that this will be the returned Christ who will defeat the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon which I think is World War 3 started by Putin April 2019 66 years 6 months 666 since potential Antichrist Putin was born in 1952 could relate to the Antichrist Putin and the Battle of Armageddon June 14 2019 Unusual Astrology pattern – June 14 2009 Grand Water Trine Mars – 18 Cancer Neptune – 18 Pisces Moon – 18 Scorpio Mercury also at 15 Cancer Note that 18666 Also: on July 2 in Timbuktu Mali in Africa there was opened the main gate at an ancient mosque that it was prophesied would only be opened at the time of the End of the World And see the calendar pages on how a triangle pattern appeared on the sun on March 14 2012 when there was a 999 666 upside-down grand trine triangle astrology pattern after the March 4 election of Putin the Antichrist in Russia Does Putin the Antichrist 666 have power over the sun Revelation 13:13 King James version on the Antichrist: And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men Solar flares Putin was reelected as Russian President on March 4 2012 and 2 days later March 6 the sun sent a solar flare towards earth See this page on Putin’s connection to Ra the Egyptian sun deity And the Cold War appears to be returning with Putin returned as Russian President a Russian General having made threats in May 2012 of a nuclear strike against NATO ABM Anti Ballistic Missile sites being deployed in Eastern Europe Revelation 13:13 King James version: And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men So could Revelation 13:13 be about Putin or North Korea launching a nuclear missile strike on Europe or the US starting World War 3 in the future Or could this be about Putin causing giant solar flares to hit the earth Feb 13 2012 56 quake Northern California coast Feb 15 2012 60 quake off the coast of Oregon in the US This is a major concern because a giant magnitude 8 quake see this page could occur underwater off the coast of the Pacific Northwest US causing a giant tidal wave that could go miles inland in the US – Oregon Washington state and Northern California and also hit Japan This 60 quake off Oregon could indicate a larger 8 or 9 quake could occur soon there underwater off the coast on the Cascadia undersea fault line August 24 2014 60 quake in Northern California ALSO: HAS ANYONE OUT THERE NOTICED THAT THERE HAVE BEEN A LOT OF VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES THIS YEAR WATCH OUT FOR INCREASING EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES AROUND THE WORLD IN 2018 – 2019! AND WATCH OUT FOR EVENTS IN THE WORLD SEE THE CALENDAR PAGE ON IT! AND IN 2018 – 2019 THERE COULD BE MORE AND LARGER QUAKES VOLCANOES POSSIBLE WAR NEW EPIDEMIC! THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDING IN 2018-2019! Note that there were a lot of earthquakes and volcanoes in 2009-2016 For example on April 13-14 2010 Iceland Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted again and its volcanic ash goes over Europe over the next few days and grounded airplanes at airports across Northern Europe There is a concern that a larger volcano Katla near it could erupt soon Iceland has more than 100 volcanos many could erupt soon and volcanoes have been erupting in Indonesia and other countries in 2010-2017 This could be a beginning to major volcano eruptions in Iceland Indonesia and elsewhere that could cool off the earth ground air traffic cause no summer and severe winters Note that 70000 years ago the Toba supervolcano erupted in Indonesia and nearly caused the extinction of mankind then Volcanos can be a major problem for man’s survival on earth And volcano activity in the Canary Islands off Africa could result in a giant tsunami tidal wave hitting the East Coast of the US and Europe see this page Note: One reason why a Southern California large earthquake has not occurred is because there may be an alien UFO base off the coast of Los Angeles LA and the aliens may be preventing a Southern California San Andreas Fault quake which could damage their underwater base They may be slowly releasing the earth stress to prevent a quake there A lot of UFOs have been seen entering and leaving the deep water off the coast of LA so its very likely they have an underwater base there Therefore it is unlikely there will be a major Southern California Quake in future years Controlling earthquakes is easy for these aliens In this site Revelation13net my method of prophecy combines Astrology and other New Age Schools mythology religion the prophecies of Nostradamus Bible Code in the King James Bible Bible prophecy and numerical analysis In particular the Book of Revelation of the King James Bible is discussed This web site is huge you can spend days reading it The emphasis of this web site is on predicting the future for years 2018 – 2020 There could be ominous events possibly occurring in 2018 – 2019: quakes volcanoes Ebola Zika Bird Flu or SARS epidemic and wars This is a new holistic method of prophecy I have developed Also on this web site are videos on Psychokinesis where I demonstrate using Psychic Energy to control the weather clouds and wind by psychic ESP mind over matter power telekinesis making clouds grow or disappear and controlling the wind I will give a detailed description of my theories in this web site Also discussed here: economic predictions and the Stock Market predictions of world events for this year and future years And the election of President Barack Obama brings Hope to the world in a time of great economic crisis I think the election of President Obama is part of a trend discussed on this page where Hope for the world comes from the Southern Hemisphere Note that Kenya is on the equator where the Southern Hemisphere begins This is related to the 1987 Southern Hemisphere Supernova which resulted in a wave of positive change in the Southern Hemisphere with Democracy coming to South America and positive change in South Africa Note that Revelation 6:8 is about the Fourth Horseman Death so will Death ride in 2018 – 2019 as a worldwide epidemic Also the Astrological events of August 1999 a solar eclipse seen in Europe and a rare alignment of planets in a cross shape is discussed Possible Antichrist sighting: I think the Antichrist is the Russian President elected in March 2000 Vlad Putin and the Red Dragon that Putin the Antichrist will be allied with is China as well as Iran And the planetary alignment of 5/5/2000 with the sun and planets on one side of the earth is discussed note that Vladimir Putin was inaugurated as President of Russia 2 days later on May 7 2000 And on November 4 2003 there was the largest solar flare ever seen when Putin was in Rome and on Nov 8 there was a lunar eclipse and a grand sextile hexagon shaped astrology pattern again indicating Putin is the Antichrist apparently Putin visiting Rome which is connected with the Antichrist in Bible prophecy resulted in a tremendous Satanic force that resulted in the giant solar flare on Nov 4 2003 see this page And the possibility of a doomsday asteroid or comet collision with earth is discussed note that in 2002 there were several asteroid near-misses with earth and a King James Bible Code matrix may predict an asteroid hit in the ocean within a few years causing a giant tidal wave A suggestion: a great economic stimulus project would be to build an asteroid defense for earth for a few billion NASA could build an asteroid defense using interceptor rockets and this would create jobs in the US Also on this web site other prophet’s prophecies are discussed other Bible prophecies And watch my videos on the subjects discussed here including the King James version English Bible Code prophecies of the future Nostradamus and other subjects This web site used Codefinder Millennium Edition Bible Code software Generally on this web site astrology new age methods numerical analysis religion and mythology are combined to explain the world today and to predict the future To go to the section: Predictions for the near future: Predictions of world events Calendar of dates past and future Economy and Stock Market Number and time patterns: 666 Day Intervals and other time cycles The Julian Day Count Number patterns in Greek the original language of the Bible’s Book of Revelation and the New Testament Number patterns in Hebrew the original language of the Old Testament ASCII number patterns Astronomy and Earth Science: The Southern Cross Effect and the 1987 supernova Eta Carinae the giant Southern Hemisphere star could it become a giant supernova soon Comet Hale-Bopp Comet Hyakutake and could there be another bright comet soon Prophecy patterns in Astronomy Could a comet or asteroid hit earth Could a giant solar flare scorch the earth Predictions on earthquakes volcanoes tsunami tidal waves The Gulf Oil Spill and Book of Revelation Prophecies Diseases: Astrology/ New Age discussion of diseases: Ebola Flu AIDS Mad Cow Disease BSE SARS and MERS Smallpox Foot-and-mouth disease in sheep cattle and pigs and England the slaying of the lamb People: Princess Diana and Prince Charles and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle O J Simpson Madeleine McCann the missing English girl who went missing in Portugal in May 2007 Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI The world: New Age geography – country shapes and land area related to Revelation Patterns of geographic coordinates Patterns of world and country populations Russia Feet of a Bear: is Russian President Putin the Antichrist Russian President Putin more on why he may be the Antichrist Hitler predecessor to the Antichrist China the Dragon: And the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority Iraq Egypt change in 2011-2012 The War against Terrorism following the 9/11/2001 attack on the US More onTerrorism and Major Terrorists Europe and Mrs Merkel leader of Germany and Europe the woman named Babylon in Revelation 17 who rides the red beast Russia Israel Places to visit: cathedrals churches New Age sites other places of interest Ghost or spirit photos at: Salem MA Gettysburg PA Astrology alignments: August 1999 Grand Cross Astrology alignment and the Cassini Spacecraft fly-by near Earth and the Rise of the Antichrist Putin King James version Bible Code on it and 6-6-6 Degree Astrology patterns May 5 2000 planetary alignment did it announce the rise of the Antichrist in Russia March 14 2012 triangle astrology pattern when a triangle was seen on the sun Antichrist related December 21 2012 Mayan calendar date Astrology charts Other subjects: The Shroud of Turin Virgin Mary sightings including at Milton Hospital in Massachusetts and Clearwater Florida Plane crashes Patterns in Chemical Elements A discussion of recent movies and prophecy JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Finland Prophecies: Bible and other: Description of sections of the Book of Revelation The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Other Bible prophecies The Prophecies of Nostradamus do they indicate the Antichrist is Russian President Putin Prophecies of others from the past Pages on the King James version English Bible code with matrices I generated myself and analysis: Page 1: The First Page Introduction on the King James Bible Code Page 1a: Russia and President Putin the US Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida Page 1b: The future of the Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and will there be a new Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount Page 1c: Jesus Christ as Messiah Page 1d: The Two Witnesses Page 1e: Russia invading Ukraine in 2014 Page 1f: North Korea and China Part 1g: Russian Mole Agents in the US including Anna Chapman And was there an attempted Nuclear Missile Attack on the US from a Soviet Union Submarine in March 1968 Part 1h: Mubarak and change in government in Egypt in 2011 and Civil War in Libya Part 1i: United States Civil War of 1860 – 1865 Part 1j: The New Russians Submarines and Missiles to threaten NATO and the US Part 1k: Brexit UK leaving the EU Part 1l: Japan and the Honjo Masamune the missing Samurai Sword Page 2: OJ Simpson Princess Diana Page 2b: Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI Pope Francis Page 2d: The 2005 Election in Germany and Angela Merkel Page 2f: Where is the missing girl Madeleine McCann Page 2g: The JonBenet Ramsey Unsolved Murder Case Page2i: Percy Fawcett who went missing in the Amazon jungle in the 1920s Page 3: Terrorism and Al Qaida Page 3a: The Boston Marathon Bombing in April 2013 – The Tsarnaev Brothers and Other Muslim Terrorists Page 3b: Dr Khan of Pakistan and the A-Bomb Page 3d: Iran and Nuclear Weapons Page 4: The US Presidential Elections in 2004 and 2000 Page 4a: President Obama reelected in 2012 Page 4c: Vice President Mike Pence Page 5: Matrices in the Psalms Page 6: Cold Fusion can it generate nuclear power Can it power Time Travel Page 6a: String Theory M-Theory other dimensions and a Unified Theory of Everything Part 6b: Bubble Fusion or Sonofusion Sonoluminescence for Nuclear Power Part 6c: Increased Earthquakes and Volcanos around the World Part 6d: Unexplained Bird and Fish Kills in 2011 Page 7: A Nuclear Fission reactor in Earth’s Core Part 7a: Geology: Discovery of oil wells in Israel Page 8: Could a volcano in the Canary Islands result in a giant tidal wave hitting the US and Europe And could Yellowstone in Wyoming explode as a supervolcano Page 8a: Could a giant magnitude 8 earthquake shake the San Andreas Fault in California in the near future Or a giant tidal wave hit California Page 8b: The Magnitude 9 Earthquake and Tidal Wave off Indonesia in December 2004 Page 8c: A Giant Earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Line in the Central US Page 8d: Hurricane Katrina hits Florida Louisiana and Mississippi in 2005 Page 8e: Earthquake in Japan Page 8f: Will Mount Rainier in Washington state erupt soon Will the Hekla Volcano or Katla Volcano in Iceland erupt soon Page 9: Matrices on the near future Page 9a: How will the stock market and world economy do Page 10: Ebola Disease the deadly virus of Africa could it cause a worldwide plague Also AIDS and HIV Mad Cow Disease BSE Influenza bird flu or swine flu SARS Page 10a: Autism in children Page 10b: Cancer Page 10c: Alzheimer’s Disease Page 10d: on the Aging Gene TOR and DNA Telomeres and Aging Page 11: Could an asteroid or comet hit earth soon an ocean impact 7 pieces 7 hits tidal wave causing an Extinction Level Event ELE Page 11a: Gamma Ray Bursts GRB Page 12: Two Southern Hemisphere stars that I relate to prophecies: the 1987 supernova and the giant star Eta Carinae Page 12a: Is there Life outside Earth in our Solar System – on Mars Europa or Titan Are Flying Saucers and Aliens for real Men in Black W56 UFOs and Aliens The Nazca Lines in Peru a sign of Alien Visitors President Obama and Aliens George Adamski who saw Aliens and UFOs in the 1950s The missing Flight 370 in 2014 a possible UFO connection Page 12b: Comet ISON in November 2013 Page 13: A Jean Dixon prophecy Page 13a: Catholic Prophecy on May 13 2017 100 Years since Fatima Mary Apparition Page 14: Nostradamus prophecies are interpreted by the Bible Code Page 14a: John Titor and his story of time travel and prophecies He said he was from year 2036 Part 14b: On the Mayan Calendar Date December 21 2012 and the Crystal Skulls Page 15: The Bible Code related to The Da Vinci Code the book by Dan Brown the Knights Templar and the Mary Magdalene mystery Page 15a: Crop Circles and the Bible Code and the rise of the Antichrist Page 16: The Voynich Manuscript can the Bible Code decode this strange document Page 16a: The Indus Script a language from ancient India that is still not deciphered Page 16b: Megaliths and Stonehenge Gobekli Tepe Page 16c: The undeciphered language Linear A of Crete and the Etruscans of Italy and Easter Island and Aliens Page 16d: The Legend of the Continent of Atlantis Page 16e: Oak Island in Canada where there may be buried treasure Page 17: Human Evolution and Neanderthal Man and is the Human Brain a Quantum Computer Page 17a: Strange Creatures: Bigfoot the Abominable Snowman the Loch Ness Sea Monster Page 17b: Psychic ESP Telekinesis Mind over Matter Power Page 17c: Zombies Page 17d: The Rapture Page 17e: Reincarnation and Past Lives Page 17f: 3 Psychics – Edgar Cayce Jeane Dixon Leslie Flint Page 18: Doctor Who the Science Fiction TV Series Videos: Watch my videos on subjects discussed on this web site: the King James version English Bible Code Nostradamus prophecies AIDS disease John Titor the Time Traveler Cold Fusion Nuclear Power Bible prophecy prophecies of the future for the next 10 years New Age Geography and many other subjects Foreign language summary pages: French summary page German page Italian page Spanish page Portuguese page Dutch page Books and links: Recommended books and web sites Web Rings Psychic and Dreams: Psychic Channeling from my channeling videos Dream Log: Dreams I have had Psychic Psychokinesis Powers of Weather Control are demonstrated in videos I made making clouds grow and disappear and controlling the wind Page 2 on Psychokinesis Weather Control Page 3 on Psychokinesis Weather Control Page 4 on Psychokinesis Weather Control Feedback: Some emails I have received Linking to this site: Linking to this site Email T Chase at: tchase2000yahoocom Predictions 2018 – 2020: 11998666×3 and 1999 has 666 upside down and 666 is the number of the Antichrist also called The Beast in Revelation 13 I believe these numbers are connected with his appearance in year 2000 as Russia’s President Putin and there will be a powerful satanic influence in the world related to Putin in 2018 – 2019 that relates to the rise of the Antichrist Putin Revelation is the last chapter of the Bible and includes a series of prophecies of catastrophic events– wars earthquakes diseases economic chaos and the arrival of the Antichrist Angels are also mentioned in Revelation such as an angel from the East in Revelation 7 another Angel in Revelation 10 Many people believe the prophecies of the Bible are coming true now as described in Revelation the popularity of the excellent book The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin see this page for more discussion of it and this page on the King James version Bible Code indicates the interest of people in Bible prophecy Another interesting book: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is about the Biblical-related mystery concerning Mary Magdalene and the legend that she actually married Jesus Christ and had children by him whose descendants were kings of France and that the blood line has been traced to present times by a secret society in Europe See this page for relevant discussion on this subject As described in the prophecies of Revelation the Antichrist is the son of Satan a Satanic imitation of Christ The Antichrist will be assisted by the False Prophet who is the Second Beast of Revelation 13 The False Prophet is said to work apparent miracles including bringing fire down from heaven The Antichrist is described as having the mouth of a lion feet of a bear and gets his power from the dragon: the bear is Russia the dragon is Red China and also Satan and the mouth of a lion I think is Hong Kong the former British colony that is now part of China This indicates a Russia-Red China military alliance A second meaning of the lion is Iran where before the Islamic Revolution Iran had a Lion on its flag indicating a Russia-China-Iran military alliance with Russia helping Iran build the A-Bomb by helping it with its nuclear program and Russia has been selling military equipment such as missles to Iran The mouth of a lion could be Iran Also note that a Russia-China military alliance has formed in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO which consists now of Russia China and 4 Central asian Countries and which met in October 2005 and there was a Russia-China joint military exercise in 2005 Clearly the SCO was formed as an alliance against the US and Western Europe And more countries may join the SCO The SCO may actually develop into a confederation of 10 states led by the Antichrist Putin the red 10 horned beast of Revelation 13 Also it is possible that Belarus may unify with Russia so it is shown in the drawing below The little horn is a name for the Antichrist from the Book of Daniel note Putin’s small size so St Petersburg Russia is where this little horn of the red beast has grown Alternative lion/bear/dragon: Russia-Iran is the bear-lion beast that sits on the dragon China and gets its economic power from China 2 A key sign in 1998-99 that could relate to the arrival of the Antichrist was on April 23 1998 and also Feb 23 1999 when the planet Venus approached close to Jupiter in the sky Jupiter relates to the Antichrist because Jupiter and Thor the Scandinavian equivalent are said to control lightning and thunder and the Antichrist is said to bring fire down from heaven which sounds like lightning Venus having a close conjunction to Jupiter could mean Jupiter is lit by the close approach of Venus There was a similar but much closer approach of Venus to Jupiter on June 17 2 BC near the time of birth of Christ the 2 planets actually appeared to merge in the sky This could have accounted for the Star of Bethlehem legend the 3 wise men were Astrologers and such an unusual planetary conjunction would have had great significance for them So these similar conjunctions in 1998 and 1999 and on February 1 2008 a close approach of Venus and Jupiter to within 5 degree could mean the Antichrist rose to power in 2000 and I think he is Russian President Putin And note that on May 17 2000 Venus and Jupiter also had a very close conjunction only 4′ apart but were too close to the morning sun to be seen And note that on Nov 4 2004 Venus passed within 6 degree of Jupiter Also on July 1 2015 there was a close conjunction in the sky of Venus and Jupiter and on on October 28 2015 a close conjunction of Venus Jupiter and Mars Also of interest was the 5/5/2000 grouping of the planets on one side of the earth: the 5/5/2000 alignment may be just another sign of the rise of the Antichrist note that President Putin was inaugurated as President of Russia 2 days later on May 7 2000 Possibly the Antichrist was elected as Russian President Putin in the spring of 2000 See the Russia section for a discussion of this and some interesting facts on President Vladimir Putin Also indicating Putin is the Antichrist: Putin visited Rome on November 4 2003 on the day there was the largest solar eruption from the sun in history And November 8 2003 during a lunar eclipse there was a hexagon astrology pattern 6 sides as in 666 that I relate to the Antichrist Putin also on the Putin page As I said the Antichrist will appear to be a good man and will appear to be the saviour of mankind Satan comes as an angel of light Osama bin Laden I think is the Angel of the Bottomless pit or The Destroyer mentioned in Revelation 9:11 a demon or unclean spirit from the depths of Hell who creates this world crisis we are seeing now that will result in the rise to power of the Antichrist who is the Satanic Christ past Russian President Putin Putin has been praised around the world for bringing stability and economic prosperity to Russia which under Yeltsin had been headed for anarchy and economic chaos And in the future Putin may have a key role in building a space defense against asteroids since an asteroid could be headed for earth this was announced in December 2009 that Russia may intercept an asteroid that could hit earth in the future Another way Putin will come to world power as the Antichrist is by controlling the world’s Natural Gas reserves Russia having the world’s largest Natural Gas reserves It appears that Putin controlling Natural Gas reserves and prices is a key way that he can control the world economy But I think an event frequently discussed in Biblical Prophecy called The Rapture will not occur because this is a misinterpretation of Biblical prophecy by innumerable writers and preachers Supposedly The Rapture would occur during or just before the rule of the Antichrist and would be an instantaneous disappearance of millions of Christians around the world leaving other people behind and it is described as a joyous event where they will all go to heaven together I think this will not happen because these writers and preachers are not correctly interpreting Bible prophecy I think we are in the End Times but the Rapture will not occur Or it could be that The Rapture is caused by a CERN LHC created Black Hole eating earth and all the people on it In 2015 the LHC was turned on again with greatly increased power making creation of a Black Hole more likely sometime in the future Or The Rapture could be related to aliens possibly a mass alien abduction of millions of people possibly related to an alien invasion of earth that could occur within a few years see the calendar page on it See this video on the CERN LHC and a Nostradamus prophecy And concerning the planet Pluto: in Nov 2005 there was a very significant astronomy event: it was announced that two more moons of Pluto have been discovered the previous moon Charon having been discovered in 1978 and is 12024 miles from Pluto and 752 miles wide and orbits Pluto in 64 days Pluto being one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Death as explained on this page this is very significant This is another sign that Death will be riding soon One of the newly discovered moons is 30-80 miles wide and 30000 miles from Pluto and orbits Pluto every 255 days The other new moon is 35-100 miles wide and 40000 miles from Pluto and orbits Pluto every 38 days Note that on July 14 2015 the NASA New Horizons spacecraft reached Pluto so will the Fourth Horseman Death ride in 2018 – 2020 3 Significant dates also see the calendar section for more: Consider this 1 year plus 1 month plus 1 day pattern: 6-6-06 7-7-07 8-8-08 9-9-09 11-11-11 12-12-12: June 6 2006 6-6-06 666 being the number of the Antichrist Note that this was 40 years after 6-6-66 June 6 1966 40 years being associated in the Bible with a period of testing Note that AIDS was first announced on June 5 1981 when it was first detected in five men in Los Angeles So June 5 2006 was the 25th anniversary of AIDS 1 day before 6-6-06 Could it be that AIDS is one form of the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse Death And Putin the Antichrist hosted the G-8 summit of world industrial powers in Russia in July 2006 July 7 2007 7/7/07 777 See the page on Greek where I show that 777 in Greek corresponds to the word Cross which is interesting since 666 is the number of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 and 888 corresponds to Jesus in Greek August 8 2008 8/8/08 888 Russia Georgia war Russia invades Georgia This shows Putin is again head of Russia and on his way to becoming Antichrist Sept 9 2009 9-9-09 999 666 upside-down Possible significance: the CERN LHC collider and possible Doomsday Machine was turned on again later in 2009 in November after initially starting up in Sept 2008 but only running a few days before shutting down for major repairs See this page on it Nov 11 2011 11-11-11 Interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number Dec 12 2012 Near the Mayan calendar date December 21 2012 So the pattern is: the Antichrist in June 2006 the Cross in 2007 war in 10-10-10 change in 2011 and world transformation continues on 12-12-12 on the Mayan Calendar date See the calendar page for more explanation on this 4 Economics I would keep a close eye on the Stock Market and the world economy in 2018 – 2019 there could be economic problems in Europe Asia and generally in the world economy but I think the US will do better than most of the world December 24 2014 – June 15 2015 September 19 2015 – December 20 2017 Saturn is in Sagittarius A severe economic recession The third horseman economic chaos rides See this page for an explanation of why Saturn in Sagittarius relates to economic chaos setting the third horseman economic chaos riding Also investments and business dealings with Russia should be avoided Europe and in particular Germany which are increasing economic and political connections with Russia I think are making a big mistake that will be regretted when Putin turns against Europe in the future Putin is evil but Europe will be fooled by him Watch out for a mother bear Russia that has lost its cubs Russia’s empire it can be an angry mother bear I think Russia’s economy will actually grow under Putin but I think Russia will turn very dangerous and angry towards the West within a few years I believe that 4 of the Planets correspond to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation Jupiter is the Antichrist Mars is War Saturn is Economic Depression and Pluto is Death and Hell rides with Death Pluto has a single moon Charon which like Pluto has a mythology connected with the Land of the Dead Saturn I would relate to economic depression because in Greek / Roman / Etruscan mythology Saturn was associated with agriculture as well as weights and measures and coins So there could be worsening world economic problems in 2018 – 2019 So the third horseman economic problems could ride in Asia Europe Latin America and much of the rest of the world the US I think will not do too badly the economy dropping some 5 War War could be a worsening problem in 2018 – 2019 Russia could invade Ukraine and other former Soviet Union countries to incorporate into Russia Russia has threatened a missile strike on NATO ABM sites in Eastern Europe and North Korea has threatened to launch a missile strike on the US On May 4 2012 a Russian miltary leader made a threat that Russia may launch a nuclear missile attack on US Antiballistic Missile ABM Systems being deployed as a missile defense in Europe Notice that this was said as Putin is coming into office again as Russian President This shows what a scary psycho Putin is threatening nuclear war So Putin could start a nuclear war around 2018-2019 Also watch out for a major war that could be an India – Pakistan war or a war in the Middle East or Iran Syria Iraq and ISIS terrorists or North Korea launching missiles There is also concern over the Second Horseman War riding in 2018-2019 with Putin Or a war in the Middle East resulting from revolutions in countries in North Africa and the Middle East there seems to be a spreading wave of revolution there who knows where it will lead I just wonder if the revolutions in countries in the Middle East could bring them closer to Russia and Putin the Antichrist Perhaps this will lead to the Middle East War described in Ezekiel and also Revelation 16 as Armageddon that it could be an alliance of Middle East and North Africa countries that will form a military alliance with Russia led by the Antichrist Putin What Middle Eastern countries will next see revolution Where will these revolutions lead It could work out well with peaceful democracies in these countries On the other hand the French Revolution resulted in a bloodbath in France and a monstrous dictator Napoleon who resulted in war across Europe And the Russian Revolution resulted in the Soviet Union and millions murdered by Stalin So revolutions can work out well like the American Revolution did but sometimes they don’t War in the Middle East could result from these changes the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse War riding in 2018-2019 And if political unrest comes to Pakistan with all its nuclear weapons that could be a major concern Also watch out for: North Korea attacking South Korea or war in the Middle East 6 The Cassini spacecraft passed by earth on August 17 1999 on the same day as a Grand Cross Astrology pattern the most unusual Astrology pattern of the last 2000 years The planets aligned in a cross shape And that was a week after a solar eclipse over Europe Note that Vladimir Putin became Prime Minister in Russia in August 1999 this Grand Cross and eclipse may relate to Putin’s rise to power as the Antichrist and the Cassini probe to Saturn/Satan may be a holographic parallel to Putin’s rise to becoming Antichrist Since the Cassini spacecraft landed a probe on Titan in Jan 2005 this could be related to the rise of the Antichrist Putin note that Titan in Greek the language of the Book of Revelation totals 666 see this page on Greek 7 Diseases Disease epidemics could be a worsening problem in 2018 – 2019 including Bird Flu or H3N2 Flu Influenza and SARS could return — I think these are diseases that could cause great problems over the next 5 years And antibiotic resistant bacteria infections Watch out for worsening worldwide disease epidemics in 2018-2019 including Ebola and Flu and Zika Virus And this disease epidemic could be Ebola or swine flu or Flu strain H3N2 Fujian which is a severe strain that began as an outbreak in 2003 or it could more likely be bird flu type H5N1 causing a severe epidemic in birds – chickens ducks etc- but that can spread to humans H3N2 Fujian began in Fujian Province in China associating it with the Red Dragon Red China in Revelation 12 and bird flu began in Korea in Dec 2003 but previously there was a 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong associating it with the dragon The concern is that bird flu is very deadly to people and if it mutates to spread from person to person then it could cause a deadly worldwide pandemic in 2018 – 2019 And swine flu began speading worldwide from Mexico in April 2009 see the calendar page and Flu page on it See the King James Bible Code matrices on diseases including the possibility of an airborne Ebola outbreak and a deadly Swine Flu mutation 8 The Southern Cross effect In 1987 there was a Supernova in the Southern Hemisphere sky igniting astrologically the positive influence of a nearby Constellation the Southern Cross This began a positive sequence of events in the Southern Hemisphere with Democracy coming to South America after that and positive change to South Africa I think this trend will generally continue through year 2018 – 2019 because the Southern Hemisphere supernova is brightening again because of a collision of gases in space it will be like a new Star of Bethlehem Hope will come from the Southern Hemisphere This is related to the 1987 Southern Hemisphere Supernova which resulted in a wave of positive change in the Southern Hemisphere with Democracy coming to South America and positive change in South Africa But the Northern Hemisphere could see problems related to the economy war natural disasters diseases the Four Horsemen riding in 2017 – 2019 In 1993 there was a Supernova in the Northern Hemisphere Great Bear Constellation and since Draco the Dragon is a constellation close to it and the Dragon is Satan in Biblical symbolism this began a negative influence over the Northern Hemisphere which will likely continue So the Northern Hemisphere will likely see problems with earthquakes volcanoes diseases wars weather changes economic problems the rise of the Antichrist in Russia terrorist attacks Also a comet or asteroid could hit the earth possibly in 2018 – 2020 After this a new Messiah will come as indicated by this new Star of Bethlehem the Southern Hemisphere supernova which will then be visible in the sky again He will likely bring a new source of energy possibly Cold Fusion See the 666 day intervals section for more on this timetable and also there is another brightening star Eta Carinae near the Southern Cross See this page on King James Bible Code matrices which may predict Eta Carinae could explode into a bright daytime Southern Hemisphere supernova in 2018-2019 and also on matrices on the 1987 supernova which is brightening again 9Comets We have seen bright comets in 1996 and 1997 and I think there could be another bright comet in 2018-2019 As Comet Hale-Bopp peaked in April 1997 there was a fire in April 1997 in the Cathedral holding the Shroud of Turin in Italy but the Shroud fortunately escaped damage due to the bravery of a Turin firefighter The Shroud of Turin is believed by many Christians to be the burial cloth of Christ Recent carbon tests seemed to indicate it was a fake but those tests are considered by many people to be invalid because: 1 there was bacteria growth on the cloth that invalidated the measurements 2 a previous fire in 1532 resulted in carbon deposits on the cloth that invalidated the recent carbon tests So the cloth could be the real burial cloth of Christ bearing his image on it What is interesting is that at the time of the previous shroud fire there were three bright comets in 3 years in 1531-1533 And at that time there was the greatest schism in the history of Christianity with the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther The shroud was slightly damaged but repaired then Maybe the three comets of 1531-1533 represented the Holy Trinity: the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost So that is why I would not be surpised if there is a third bright comet in 2018 – 2019 but this time the comets could represent the Unholy Trinity of Revelation: satan the Antichrist and the False Prophet An interesting aspect of Comet Hale-Bopp was that it was discovered independently by two men on the same day July 23 1995 in towns of New Mexico and Arizona at the same exact latitude North: Alan Hale– Cloudcroft NM 3296 N 10575 W Thomas Bopp– Stanfield AZ 3288 N 11196 W I think the message here is that near the midpoint between these two locations is the town of Lordsburg New Mexico a name with a Biblical message One way to consider numbers in a religious sense is to convert them to Biblical passage numbers The midpoint is at 10885 W and if you consider Biblical Psalm passage 108:45 you have King James Version: For thy mercy is great above the heavens and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds Be thou exalted O God above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth So this Bible passage fits a comet certainly If you consider the 2 states of discovery Arizona has a New Age connection since Sedonna Arizona is this country’s New Age center And Arizona’s Feb 14 birthday makes it an Aquarius the sign with a New Age connection New Mexico however is Capricorn I think that that Arizona may represent the New Age movement while New Mexico represents traditional Christianity these may be the two tails Blue and White of comet hale-bopp Both the New Age movement and Chrisitianity have Millenial Movements And the twin discoverers– note that one of the beliefs in some early Christian writings was that Jesus had a twin brother Thomas who supposedly ended up in India giving him sort of a New Age connection This I think is the message of Comet Hale-Bopp If there is a third bright comet in year 2018-2019 I would not be surprised if it is red in color 10 Europe Russia and the Muslim world Watch out for Russia an increasingly negative influence could arise there Not the type of democracy we see in the West This relates to the Confederation of Independent States being originally a Confederation of 10 states although I think it is more now There is a red 10-horned beast in Revelation that is a nasty creature It is explained in Revelation that this is a Confederation of 10 states With the color red actually scarlet a dark red this certainly must be Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States With Putin in power now in Russia he could turn Russia into a Hitler-style dictatorship with Putin becoming a total control type of dictator and stomping on freedom of the press Also a woman rides the beast in Revelation 17 I think this is Europe– Europa and in particular Mrs Merkel leader of Germany since Europa in mythology was a woman riding a bull The beast eventually turns on the woman and burns her with fire Likely Europe will get along with this Russian President since being close to Russia Europe must be very worried about chaos in Russia and new economic agreements between Russia and Europe will result Germany in particular is becoming friendly with Russia I think Germany is making a big mistake by trusting Putin And France is selling military equipment to Russia including naval ships so France is riding the red Russia beast And Putin exerts much influence over Europe by controlling natural gas supplied by Russia to Europe See the Russia section for interesting facts on Putin Eventually the beast will turn against Europe and burn Europa with fire as in Revelation 17 But this attack on Europe could be Muslim IS or Al Qaeda missle nuclear and biological attacks on Europe rather than Russia In Revelation 17 the 10 horns of the beast are 10 kings who are in league with him I think this is the CIS King James Version: 17:3 and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the beast 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast these shall hate the woman and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire The 10 horned beast may be Russia and the CIS Also note that the woman is holding a cup full of abominations and filthiness – the cup could be the CERN LHC particle accelerator which is circular in shape and the abominations could be the strange and dangerous particles the LHC creates including Black Holes and Strangelets that could destroy earth Note that the CERN LHC had a large increase in power in 2015 making creation of a black hole more likely And on May 4 2012 a Russian miltary leader made a threat that Russia may launch a nuclear missile attack on US Antiballistic Missile ABM Systems being deployed as a missile defense in Europe Notice that this was said as Putin is coming into office again as Russian President This shows what a scary psycho Putin is threatening nuclear war So a Russian military strike on Europe is a possibility in the future or a North Korea missile strike on the US 11 The Two Witnesses On Feb 2 2004 it was announced that chemical elements number 113 and 115 had been created Relate these elements to Revelation 11:3 and 11:5 about the Two Witnesses who are two prophets who will appear during the end times events: 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth 4 These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth 5 And if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed 6 These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will Possibly these two elements named Ununpentium 115 and Ununtrium 113 that were created by Russian and American scientists by colliding an isotope of Calcium with Americium may represent the Two Witnesses of Revelation and may indicate that they will appear soon on the world scene So watch out for two mysterious prophets who may appear by 2018-2020 See this page for Bible Code matrices on the Two Witnesses which may indicate at least one of them is from the US 12 Asteroid hitting earth There is a possibility of an asteroid or comet hitting earth within a few years since it is described in Revelation 8 This is why an asteroid defense is needed which NASA could build if they were funded to do so These King James Bible Code matrices indicate there could be an asteroid ocean hit in 2018-2019 the asteroid breaking up into 7 pieces in the atmosphere as it hits so 7 impacts and a giant tidal wave resulting that floods coastal cities This could be the seven thunders of Revelation 10:3: 10:3 And cried with a loud voice as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried seven thunders uttered their voices 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not Note that it is possible that this asteroid will break up into 7 pieces because it will be spotted ahead of time and broken up into pieces by an interceptor rocket with an atomic weapon in it either launched by the US or Russia Note that in February 2013 a meteorite landed in Russia with an atomic bomb size explosion 13 Earthquakes and Tidal waves There could be steadily increasing earthquakes and volcanoes in 2018 – 2019 Especially after the CERN LHC was turned on again at higher power in 2015 There is also a volcano in the Canary Islands off Africa that could collapse in a few years producing a giant tidal wave that could hit the coasts of Africa Spain and Portugal the US East Coast and the Carribean see this page on King James Bible Code matrices on it Another place there could be a giant tidal wave is from an undersea earthquake fault off the Northwest US that could have a magnitude 9 earthquake causing a mega tsunami hitting Northern California Oregon Washington State British Columbia Alaska Hawaii and Japan In June 2005 there were Northern California earthquakes near that under water fault zone off Northern California and Oregon and Washington State that brings up the possibility of a giant tidal wave occurring there or the San Andreas fault could slip in Southern California or Northern California hitting hard Southern California and Los Angeles or San Francisco The Astrology of Diseases related to Galaxies: I will consider here three diseases that are a threat to mankind: AIDS Ebola and Influenza The virus that causes AIDS HIV was discovered in 1983 so we will associate AIDS with the number 83 The galaxy M83 is in the constellation Hydra which was a multi-headed serpent in mythology that kept growing a new head each time a head was cut off This sounds like AIDS which keeps mutating to allow it to get around any treatment or vaccine The Hydra was defeated by Hercules by his nephew Iolaus burning each of the mortal heads as Hercules cut them off and burying the immortal head under a stone I wonder if this mythology story could somehow be a clue on how to treat AIDS Note that the AIDS virus has 9213111×83 bits of genetic information so again we see the number 83 again Ebola a lethal disease of Africa that kills in two weeks of infection had its virus discovered in 1976 so if we associate galaxy M76 with it we are near the constellation Andromeda Remember the movie Andromeda Strain about a lethal disease that threatened humanity That could be Ebola if it mutates to an airborne form Influenza was discovered in 1933 Galaxy M33 is in the constellation Triangulum That may imply we should look for a triangle The numbers 33 76 and 83 do form a right 90 degree triangle with an angle of 66 degrees Since 666 is the number of the antichrist this may imply that these three diseases will threaten humanity when he appears In fact ebola virus frequently twists itself into a shape that looks like a 6 These diseases may also relate to three animals used to describe the Antichrist: he is like a leopard has the mouth of a lion and the feet of a bear Maybe Ebola corresponds to the leopard with its great speed Ebola kills in two weeks of infection Influenza could be the lion it causes coughing like a lion’s roar And AIDS could be the bear bears hibernate like AIDS can do in people until it wakes up and kills them Mad Cow Disease BSE infecting people’s brains was announced in March 1996 in England as the Comet Hyakutake passed by the constellation I mean constellation not astrological sign Virgo the Virgin I think that virgo the Virgin represents Isis the Egyptian Goddess portrayed with cow’s horns giving us a cow connection And Virgo may also represent Europa representing Europe who rides a bull again giving us a cow connection And Europa on a bull sounds like the woman in revelation 17 named Babylon who rides the beast of the antichrist which may be Russia I think the woman is Europe Another disease Tuberculosis TB is becoming an increasingly bad worldwide epidemic with drug resistant TB common TB also is common in cattle The bacteria Mycobacterium was identified by Robert Koch as the cause of TB in 1882 so we will associate the number 82 and the Galaxy M82 with it and Revelation 18:2 King James Version: 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird Note that TB is spread by poor sanitation and hygiene that we can relate to theunclean in the passage above and Babylon was in Iraq And galaxy M82 is in the Great Bear constellation Ursa Major that we can relate to Revelation 13 where the Antichrist has the mouth of a lion feet of a bear And the bear is the symbol of Russia where the Antichrist Putin is in power Also concerning the TB bacteria discovery in 1882 see this page on how a cycle of events began in 1883 Note: the first letters of SARS Ebola AIDS spells sea and the Antichrist the beast rises out of the sea of world politics in Revelation 13 Also: the first letters of: Influenza BSE Ebola AIDS SARS TB: I BEAST This suggests that these diseases will cause worldwide epidemics as the Beast rises to power and the Fourth Horseman Death rides – including Zika virus Also Smallpox could spread as part of the Fourth Horseman Also SARS began in Guangdong Province China which is at geographic coordinates of 23 degrees North 112-115 East Corresponding to 23 North would be the Bible’s Psalm 23: 23:4 King James Version: Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me So this relates to this disease being the shadow of death Also note that Hong Kong is near Guangdong Province in China and Hong Kong is a former English colony: this may relate to the mouth of a lion of the Red Dragon Red China the lion I related above to Influenza Also note that on this site I relate the lion of the Antichrist to Iraq the lion being a symbol of Babylon the ancient empire that was located in Iraq So the war in Iraq in March 2003 may relate holographically to this lion disease SARS appearing then This disease of SARS may be symbolic of the disease of Saddam Hussein that has existed in Iraq Also since SARS had its virus discovered in March 2003 then we can relate it to Galaxy M23 which is in the Constellation Sagittarius Sagittarius being the half-man half-horse archer This again would relate it to the Antichrist who I think is Putin since in Revelation 6:2 the Antichrist is a man on horseback with a bow and arrow So SARS may indicate the rise of the Antichrist the Satanic imitation of Christ who is Vladimir Putin to world prominence And SARS coming out of China: the Antichrist gets his power from the dragon indicating Putin will have an alliance with Red China the Red Dragon Also corresponding to 23 for SARS since SARS was discovered in 2003 and started near 23 North in Chinawould be Revelation 12:3 where the red dragon is seen in heaven MERS is related to SARS and MERS was causing an outbreak in South Korea in June 2015 A general pattern: Ebola: 76 virus discovered in 1976 Rev 17:6 the bloodthirsty woman Ebola makes people bleed to death Also in 1976: Chairman Mao dies in Red China he was noted for being bloodthirsty like this disease Galaxy M76 near Andromeda The Andromeda Strain AIDS: 83 virus discovered in 1983 Rev 18:3 the corrupt woman Babylon Babylon being Iraq today Also in 1983: Radicalism in the Arab World is increasing after the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 Osama was in Afghanistan in 1983 Square root of 83 is 911 as in 9-11 September 11 Galaxy M83 in Constellation Hydra the Hydra being like the Terrorists El Qaida it keeps growing a new head each time you cut one off as AIDS keeps evading a vaccine BSE Mad Cow Disease: 86 discovered in 1986 Rev 18:6 the woman Galaxy M86 in Virgo the Virgin here representing the woman who is also Isis who had cow horns Tuberculosis TB: 82 bacteria discovered in 1882 Rev 18:2 the unclean city Babylon Babylon was ancient Iraq Galaxy M82 in the Great Bear the Antichrist has the feet of a bear and the bear is Russia where the Antichrist Putin is in power Influenza: 33 virus discovered in 1933 Rev 13:3 the beast the Antichrist rises out of the sea Galaxy M33 in Triangulum In 1918 world flu epidemic as the Red Beast formed in Russia with the Russian Revolution the beginning of the Antichrist’s Evil Empire in Russia And a bird flu virus infecting chickens and birds in Asia is a concern since it could mutate and combine with swine flu and become a human pandemic The Swine Flu virus spreading in 2018 – 2019 could combine with Bird Flu creating a more deadly virus SARS: 23 virus discovered in 2003 Began near 23 degrees North in China Rev 12:3 the Red Dragon seen in heaven Galaxy M23 in Sagittarius the Archer horse/man corresponding to the man on horseback with a bow in Revelation 6:2 the Antichrist The Economy and Stock Market: Here we will apply astrology and the Revelation13net theories to economics How will the world economy and stock market do in 2018 – 2019 Here we will apply astrology Biblical prophecy numerical analysis and the concepts of this Revelation13net web site to economics Could a worldwide economic crash and economic depression occur soon including a worse world stock market crash In September – October 2008 there was a major fall in the US Stock Market that also affected European and other country’s economies But I think the US stock markets NYSE and NASDAQ will do better than Europe and Asia I think worldwide economic chaos could occur during 2018 – 2019 during the End Times Period when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride with the Third Horseman being Economic Chaos World economics will likely see wild swings oil price instability stock market swings in 2018 – 2019 But how about in the past were there any particular planetary alignments during times of economic problems Yes there is a general pattern we shall discuss here During the October 1987 and October 1929 stock exchange crashes the Planet Saturn was in the Astrological sign of Sagittarius The significance of this is that Sagittarius the combined horse/man with Saturn having a connection in Greek / Roman / Etruscan mythology to agriculture as well as weights and measures and coins means that Saturn in Sagittarius represents the third Horseman of the Apocalypse economic depression When Saturn is in Sagittarius you may get the trigger event such as a stock market crash that begins an economic depression Other cases of economic problems when Saturn was in Sagittarius: 1 Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1782 when an economic decline began that resulted in economic depression in the US from 1783 to 1787 2 Saturn was in Sagittarius from 1838-1841 a severe economic depression lasting seven years began with the panic of 1837 caused by a series of bank failures 3 Saturn was in sagittarius on Sept 24 1869 when a Gold Market panic Black Friday began an economic decline that resulted in a severe recession for the US 1873-1879 4 The Panic of 1893 resulted in a severe recession until 1897 when Saturn entered Sagittarius in this case at the end of the recession Generally the US economic pattern of recessions or depressions every 30 or 60 years is related to the 294 period of revolution around the Sun of the planet Saturn Also see this page on the King James Bible Code and the stock market and world economy Generally the prophecies discussed on this site may be changeable if people will understand and listen to them and take appropriate action such as building an asteroid defense This may be a test for the human race: if people will understand that the disasters described in Revelation are occurring then it may be possible to change the future and avoid these disasters In this web site I have tried to show how astrology new age methods religion bible prophecy the King James Bible Code and mythology can be used in a combined way to explain the world today and to predict the future I try to find a middle way between Christianity and New Age because I think that is where the truth is A middle way as in Buddhism where a middle way between extremes is emphasized And as in Hinduism I have looked to Astrology and the stars for guidance And the idea of a unifying religion is advocated here as the Baha’i faith has a goal of unifying mankind Baha’i is one of the most enlightened of world religions begun in Iran its world headquarters is in Haifa Israel And as in the Kabbalah the spiritual and New Age branch of Judaism I have searched for the hidden meanings in the symbolism of the Bible and its numerical patterns The truth is found by following the Middle Way between religions and that is the path I have tried to follow here John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Please link to this web site! To help me spread my message to the world! This site is: http://revelation13net Title: Revelation13net: Astrology Prophecies of the Future Bible Prophecy and the Book of Revelation the King James Bible Code If you would like to use a banner in your link to my site there are several at this page Thanks!: And book publishers: I am interested in publishing a book based on this Revelation13net web site Please email me if you would like to discuss publishing my book Also movie producers and TV networks: please email me if you are interested in doing a documentary program or TV show on my prophecies and theories About the author of this site: My name is T Chase and I live in the US I grew up in the US as a Christian Protestant and I am of English Anglo-Saxon ancestry but today I would call myself a New Age Christian This site is a one person effort by me and the theories and opinions expressed on this site are my own I have worked on my theories for 20 years and I started a web site in 1998 to explain my theories to the world I would like to expand this site to have it translated into other languages A multi-language site in 5 or 10 languages is my dream: in French German Spanish Swedish Dutch etc But I don’t know other languages myself and translation of this site to other languages would cost a lot of money since I would have to have professional translators do it I have little money myself This site is a one person effort by me T Chase There is much I would like to do for this site if I had the money to If I had 1 million I could do much for this site: translation to other languages advertizing publish a book add sound and video If anyone would like to give me 100000 or more to help with improvement and advertizement of this web site translation to other languages advertizing promotion publish a book etc then please email me Another way to help this web site would be to mention the Revelation13net web site in your Last Will and Testament if you have 100000 or more you wish to bequeath to this Revelation13net web site and T Chase That will help me get the word out And did I find any King James Bible Code matrices of interest for my own name and this web site I tried as an experiment running a Bible Code search on my own name and the name of this web site since it seems that so many things can be looked up in the Bible code This search found some interesting matrices: including an Old Testament matrix from my name that had meaning for me in 1 Kings that included 1 Kings 8:41: Moreover concerning a stranger that is not of thy people Israel but cometh out of a far country for thy name’s sake The T in my name was at the t in stranger You will see on this site that I am one of the millions of American Christian supporters of Israel And also concerning this web site this New Testament King James Bible Code matrix at John 14:23 – Revelation 7:9 was found by searching for REVELATION THIRTEEN since Revelation13net is the name of this web site my name TCHASE and also note in this matrix there is: WEB as in web site AND WE HAVE SEEN LOOKING FOR THAT BLESSED HOPE THE SPIRIT OF THE WORLD TO SPEAK UNTO THE PEOPLE THEY TOOK KNOWLEDGE BE REVEALED THE TRUTH I think these words describe what this web site Revelation13net is about John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free On psychic powers: I am an amateur psychic You can watch on this page videos where I demonstrate telekinesis how I use my psychic telekinetic power to make clouds disappear at will Years ago when I saw an extremely powerful psychic it was said to me: — I would see you as the pied piper the guide the person that is probably more psychic than any of the psychics you have gone to in your life — As you go through life you are supposed to share wisdom Your destiny is to teach to lead to be the guide It is said that when the student is ready to teach you shall appear That you move by Mars and Pluto which is a sign of the upheaval Relating to my own psychic powers I found this New Testament King James matrix at Mark 4:15 to Luke 21:29 The search words were: PSYCHIC TCHASE PROPHET BEAST since my web site is about the Beast the Antichrist Also other phrases found in this matrix: – AND HE CAME BY THE SPIRIT – COME OUT OF THE MAN THOU UNCLEAN SPIRIT – HE SPAKE TO THEM A PARABLE – THUS SPAKE THERE CAME A CLOUD AND OVERSHADOWED THEM – BUT PERCEIVEST NOT THE BEAM THAT IS IN THINE OWN EYE which sounds like psychic vision a psychic beam Bible quotes are from the King James Version Bible Copyright 1998-2018 by T Chase All rights reserved I came I saw I built a web site Email T Chase at: tchase2000yahoocom Privacy Policy Third Party vendor ads on this Revelation13net web site may be using cookies to serve ads on the web pages of this web site Google as a third party vendor uses cookies to serve ads on this web site Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to this site and other sites on the Internet Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by 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Posibile subiecte în cadrul „dialogului permanent” Vladimir Putin şi Angela Merkel de la Palatul Mezenberg |
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The Spectator: Angela Merkel prepares for a rematch with Vladimir Putin |
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Sanlúcar de Barrameda Spanien 11 August 2018: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Joachim Sauer werden vom spanischen Ministerpräsidenten Pedro Sánchez und dessen Ehefrau Begoña Gómez in Andalusien begrüßt |
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