Boris Palmer: „Sebastian Kurz hat Merkel die Kanzlerschaft gerettet“ |
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Boris Palmer: „Sebastian Kurz hat Merkel die Kanzlerschaft in Istanbul: 16 Millionen Anhänger jubeln Erdogan zu |
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Merkel: fairer Marktzugang soll die Basis für die Beziehung zwischen EU und China sein |
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Minister entmachtet Jetzt hat Merkel Probleme in der Groko |
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Das Merkel-Lexikon: N |
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Merkel-Regierung für völkerrechtswidrige US-Drohnenangriffe mitverantwortlich |
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Le parti de Merkel appelle à un FBI européen |
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Turneul european al președintelui chinez Xi Jinping primit de Macron pe Coasta de Azur Merkel şi Juncker se vor alătura discuţiilor |
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VIDEO-Samiti i Sofjes/ Çfarë kërkojnë Macron Merkel dhe May nga vendet e Ballkanit |
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ĐCSVN -Chuyển lời thăm hỏi của Thủ tướng Đức Angela Merkel tới Thủ tướng Nguyễn Xuân Phúc Bộ trưởng Peter Altmaier cho rằng con đường hợp tác giữa hai nước đang mở rộng phía trước Đức mong muốn thúc đẩy quan hệ hữu nghị với Việt Nam |
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FridaysforFuture – Nanu Frau Merkel! |
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Marginalie: Ein Gericht voller Narren – Merkel Merz und AKK vor dem Kadi |
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75 Jahre nach der Zerstörung Frankfurts will Merkel der Meinungsfreiheit den finalen Todesstoß versetzen |
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Welche Niederlagen musste Merkel einstecken Wie steht sie zu den Naturwissenschaften Wie hat die NSA ihr Verhältnis zu den USA verändert |
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Unser 3D Druck für Bundeskanzlerin Merkel |
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La CDU partido de Merkel Kohl y Adenauer cumple 70 años |
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47 Merkel of Germany : ANGELA |
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Der „Mietenwahnsinn“ in Deutschland: Teufelskreis dreht sich immer schneller – Merkel-Regierung hilflos |
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Do modelu Merkel Helix |
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Merkel paralajmëron largimin nga politika: «Unë përherë kam dashur që postin |
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Aufregung um JU-Chef Kuban: Gibt es eine „Gleichschaltung“ unter Merkel |
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Apusul unei ere în politica internaţională Membrii partidului german CDU se reunesc vineri pentru a alege succesorul Angelei Merkel |
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RT DEUTSCH : Mutmaßlicher Haupttäter des Moschee-Massakers in Neuseeland: Merkel auf Platz 1 seiner Todesliste |
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Addio Merkel! Benvenuta Karrenbauer! |
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Angela Merkel 安格拉‧梅克爾─幼年、青少年 |
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Merkel RX Helix Wildboar 30-06 |
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Das Merkel-Lexikon: D |
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Angela Merkel calls for end to Saudi arms embargo |
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Merkel |
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Merkel’s party proposes upload-filter-free national implementation of Article 13: constructive but EU Parliament should postpone copyright vote |
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Merkel RX Helix Arabesque 8x57JS |
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Weniger Lohn – Heil Merkel Geil Merkel |
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Angela Merkel Die wahre Story ihres Aufstiegs |
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Das Merkel-Lexikon: L |
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Greta Thunberg 16 Jahre alt zerstört die MERKEL-Energiepolitik |
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Irina Wickholm File Lawsuit against Angela Merkel in Court |
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Bystron AfD zum Migrationspakt: „Das Papier sollte ‚Merkel‐Pakt’ heißen” |
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Merkel’s party in hurricane-strength shitstorm after falsely alleging US corporations pay anti-Article 13 demonstrators |
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Angela Merkel 安格拉‧梅克爾─成年 |
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Das Merkel-Lexikon: A |
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Merkel RX Helix Tracker 8x57JS |
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Germany amp Merkel Dominate the EU — Right-winger F Philippot Agrees with Socialist M Renzi |
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Merkel ist ein deutsches Problem und kann nur durch die Deutschen gelöst werden |
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Angela Merkel n’a pas mis de l’eau dans son vin Elle et son parti ont été débordés et réveillés par les évènements Les actes accomplis lors du Nouvel An à Cologne sont une lanterne éclairante Ce qui a alerté le gouvernement allemand c’est une analyse «rapide» et confidentielle des services secrets allemands «concernant la situation de la Nation face aux flux de réfugiés» Le document se distingue aussi par sa manière de donner – sans mâcher ses mots et sans tenir compte des occupations internes des partis – une image réaliste et complexe de la situation telle qu’elle est et une perspective du «worst case» Ce qui y est précisé montre clairement comment notre civilisation culturelle et sociale européenne pourrait être sapée d’ici peu avant d’être détruite systématiquement Des fanatiques nous ont déclaré la guerre Pour l’EI c’est clair: «Le prochain théâtre décisif de guerre sera l’Europe tout entière» Le rapport note que l’EI a «transféré» 200000 guerriers potentiels vers l’Europe lors de la vague de réfugiés de l’année dernière 2015 – y compris 20000 à 30000 dormeurs pouvant être engagés d’un moment à l’autre Et eux tous se font héberger et nourrir par leurs ennemis déclarés Si le flux de réfugiés recommence au printemps après le ralentissement dû aux intempéries mer agitée et froid en Europe au même niveau que l’année précédente on peut s’attendre à un afflux de 200000 guerriers supplémentaire La Croatie est comme une porte d’entrée grande ouverte au large de Lampedusa La marine y travaille en tant que «troupe de passeurs» au lieu de recourir aux moyens militaires Et la protection de la frontière extérieure grecque a paradoxalement été confiée par l’UE pour plusieurs milliards d’euros! à la Turquie qui est un Etat limitrophe Tout cela n’est pas de la désinformation mais le contenu des rapports des services secrets adressés au gouvernement de Berlin Les commentaires expliquent que c’est unique dans l’histoire mondiale Les «immigrés du crû 2015» ont déjà préparé le terrain lit-on entre les lignes «L’Europe est une grande porte ouverte un pays de cocagne par excellence» Après la prochaine phase de «submersion de l’Europe» la deuxième étape pourra être préparée et les explosions allumées au moment voulu Nous illustrons ici le pire des scénarios «worst case» afin que vous puissiez prendre conscience de l’éventail de la terreur que l’EI prévoit de lancer en Europe à l’aide de bombes et d’assassinats Le but final de l’EI est clairement défini: élimination de millions d’«incroyants» et ensuite étape par étape l’installation d’un Etat islamique! «Paris et les autres endroits attaqués étaient des exercices d’entraînement ‹anodins› pour leurs organisateurs constate sobrement le rapport Avec le deuxième tsunami de réfugiés l’émigration continue de l’armée de l’EI active en Syrie vers l’Europe occidentale! est planifiée |
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Das Merkel-Lexikon: F |
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NOS AVALAN MÁS DE 30 AÑOS DE mejores precios online en rifles merkel y Benelli escopetas beretta carabinas pcp |
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Merkel RX Helix Arabesque 30-06 |
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Michael Merkel ict-group |
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Merkel party’s delegation to the European Parliament embarrasses itself with idiotic tweet displaying total digital-economy incompetence |
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Merkel in Moskau – keine strategische Annäherung in Sicht |
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Do modelu Merkel SR-1 |
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Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel ponovo je otvoreno progovorila protiv američkog predsednika Donalda… |
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The Queen asks Merkel to form a government |
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The invention of the Muslim Terrorist is the latest invention by the Jews to spread fear and dismantle governments that are not yet puppets of the Jewsor have decided to stop serving the Jews justifying raping the World and slaughtering billions of innocent genuine semite and gentile families in every country for power and control annually under the illusion of Freedom Democracy War on Terror or anything else that can justify their invasions and mass murders for their 2 horned God Jewish Rabbi claims Islam is Israel’s broomWe control Islam and we’ll use it to destroy the west Judaism says to kill Christians February 23rd 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Judaism says to kill Christians Hits: 227 israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs December 27th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs This was posted on Facebook directly by the Christian Palestinian victims Hits: 174 Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Hits: 90 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The War On Drugs hoax Hits: 164 The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The real enemy is at home Hits: 142 The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Satanic Cult that rules the world Hits: 168 Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch Baal Hits: 151 The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” Hits: 1088 How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Hits: 140 Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups Hits: 122 ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Hits: 135 How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Hits: 153 Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Hits: 137 Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Hits: 128 Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime Hits: 131 Hillary Clinton in NZ Gets Another 55 Million of Your Money March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Hillary Clinton in NZ Gets Another 55 Million of Your Money 07/05/2018 Dieuwe de Boer Opinion Back to top Hillary Clinton in NZ Gets Another 55 Million of Your Money When Hillary Rodham Clinton is involved it’s a question of “What do you want first the bad news or the really bad news” Let’s start with the worst bit of old news: over the last 5 years your government has given 8 million to an affiliate of the Clinton Foundation which is under FBI investigation for corruption The next bit of bad news is that they’re getting 55 million more of your money in the next year Don’t worry too much though it’s all going to help cure diarrhea in Africa Promise The Foundation is currently under investigation by the FBI over the way it obtained donations while Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State – the same period in which the New Zealand Government began giving the initiative money Taxpayers deserve confidence that aid commitments are made to help the world’s poor not to win favours with foreign politicians … This is the kind of nonsense that our Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters prides himself on exposing and cutting out – Taxpayers Union Indeed is Winston Peters asleep at the helm It’s also a complete coincidence that Hillary is in New Zealand right now The legacy media has been fawning over how she made a “surprise” visit for a photo shoot at a local baby shop to buy Jacinda a present Aw She met with Jacinda Ardern for an hour-long secret meeting and another photo shoot the next day How much money has her little pity tour cost us Judging by figures we have from Mr Obama’s visit likely around… oh wait according to MP Chris Hipkins those costs are still being finalised so we’ll probably ever know Bummer Before she continues on her tour of shame she’s giving a speech at the Vector Arena moderated by former Prime Minister Jenny Shipley for only 200-300 a head That’s actually pretty cheap to listen to a Clinton speech they must be discounting heavily At the time that I write this she hasn’t given her speech yet but it’s probably about how the patriarchy cost her the election by making women vote for President Donald Trump Here is an excerpt: … an election marked by rage sexism exhilarating highs and infuriating lows stranger-than-fiction twists Russian interference and an opponent who broke all the rules I didn’t know Hillary was into comedic sketches but there you go It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks NO MONEY FOR CROOKED HILLARY: Sign the petition to end taxpayer funding of the Clinton Foundatio Hits: 16 Hate Speech In The Washington Post March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Hate Speech In The Washington Post Opening the Washington Post today we were aghast Prominently displayed on page 8 was a full-page ad falsely accusing Representative Ilhan Omar of being anti-semitic “The Jews control the world with their money” – words Rep Omar NEVER said – were splattered next to her face leaving readers to assume it was a quote The ad was produced and purchased by the notorious Rabbi Shmuley a hate-monger whose agenda is well-known: to demand US compliance with Israel’s status quo of occupation and apartheid Why is the Washington Post allowing Shmuley to purchase such an outrageous ad inciting hatred against the first black Muslim hijab-wearing member of Congress Contact the Washington Post now Tell them to apologize to Rep Omar and promise not to print ads that propagate lies and hate We will hand deliver your signatures to the Post As Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib wrote: “This is a false ad that only serves to incite violence toward a Black Muslim woman It’s fear-mongering and we need to stand together and say this type of hate should not have a place in our newspapers or society” We know the results of inciting such hatred: We just saw the murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand with the shooter crediting President Trump as an inspiration to white nationalists across the world The stakes are higher than ever right now After years and years of Congress providing unquestioned support for Israel and kowtowing to the Israel lobby we now have members of Congress openly supporting the boycott divestment and sanctions movement And for the first time ever nearly every Democratic presidential candidate is refusing to attend the AIPAC conference happening in Washington DC Skipping AIPAC used to be considered political suicide but now it’s AIPAC that is toxic No one looking to establish their progressive credentials wants to be associated with blind support for the apartheid state That’s why Rabbi Shmuley is desperate to frame Rep Ilhan Omar as an enemy of the Jewish people The Washington Post knows what Rep Omar has and has not said it knows that Rabbi Shmuley’s ad is misleading and repulsive So why print it Do you have a moment to contact the Washington Post Tell them you expect better from them especially during this time of heightened violence and while Rep Omar is experiencing very real death threats They should promise to never again sell space in their paper for ads promoting any kind of hatred! Towards safety for all Source Article from Hits: 17 Marx And The Democratization Of Work March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Marx And The Democratization Of Work Above photo: Raul Godoy from the recuperated Zanon Ceramic factory in Argentina visits VIOME in Greece The solution for capitalism’s problems requires transforming the capitalist workplace into democratic institutions where everyone has an equal say on what happens there NOTE: This is an excerpt from Understanding Marxism by Richard D Wolff is now available from Lulu Marx himself said and wrote little about the future beyond capitalism He didn’t believe in future-gazing no one could know how the world would evolve Marx gave us some ideas of what might have to happen if we were going to get beyond capitalism But he offered no blueprints or road maps Later Marxists did not always share these hesitations especially after Marxists came to play leading roles in what they called “socialist” societies Marx never suggested contrary to what so many have said that the state — the government — had to play some sort of ongoing central role in what this future post-capitalist world would look like Some later Marxists interpreted him to have suggested that but it’s hard to find within Marx’s writings any idea like that He never wrote a book about the state because it wasn’t the center or focus of his analyses That focus was rather the relationships among people as they go about producing their existence: relationships such as master-slave lord-serf and employer-employee In each one of those relationships a minority of people makes all the key production decisions: masters lords employers They decide what gets produced how it gets produced where it gets produced and what is done with the surplus appropriated from productive workers To achieve a society that exhibits liberty equality fraternity and democracy the object to change first and foremost is production DOING BETTER There has to be a fundamental change in how production gets done: at the office factory store or home wherever work gets done For Marx the goal of such change is to end the dichotomy between a few surplus-appropriators at the top of the workplace those who make the key production-related decisions and everybody else engaged at that workplace No more mass of people producing or enabling a surplus that flows into the hands of a small surplus-appropriating minority The goal is a different economic system one in which the workplace becomes fundamentally egalitarian and democratic The producers of the surplus become identically the appropriators and distributors of that surplus exploitation thus ends The decisions at the workplace — what how and where to produce and how to distribute the surplus — must be made democratically by productive and unproductive workers together on the basis of one-person one-vote In this view democratizing the workplace is how we conceptualize “doing better” than capitalism If you believe in democracy if you believe that freedom for adults requires a democratic social environment then that democracy must include your workplaces That is where most adults spend most of their time or at least major parts of it Thus the solution for capitalism’s problems requires transforming the capitalist workplace What must go is the top-down dichotomized hierarchy of employer at the top mass of employees at the bottom Instead workplaces become democratic institutions where everyone has an equal say on what happens there What must happen to the economy is like what many democrats have long advocated for politics After all ridding ourselves of kings czars and emperors proceeded on the grounds that subjection to a tiny group of people making all basic political decisions for all of us was unacceptable The same logic can apply to economics indeed that is one way to grasp Marx’s argument The democratization of politics has been a mantra has been a slogan and has been a goal for a long time Marx asks: why only the democratization of politics Why not the democratization of the economy BEYOND CAPITALISM To go a step further Marx effectively argues that a genuine political democracy requires an economic democracy as its ground and partner If we permit any economic system to enrich only a few those rich will use their wealth to corrupt the political system so it secures their wealth The histories of feudalism slavery and capitalism attest to this truth repeatedly Today’s gaudy spectacle of billionaires competing to buy votes is being lived by every reader of these lines One implication of Marx’s gesturing towards a different democratic way of organizing workplaces is that it will never suffice to go beyond capitalism if we merely replace private entrepreneurs or private employers with state officials Nationalization or socialization of the means of production will not get us beyond capitalism in so far as it retains the employer versus employee dichotomy Over the last hundred years when state capitalism has replaced private capitalism it has led some to refer to such state capitalism as socialism or even communism Thus some people refer to state-run post offices railway systems or banks as evidence of socialism Other people reserved the term socialism for whole societies that instituted state capitalism as their prevailing economic system such as the USSR the People’s Republic of China and so on Of course definitions can and do vary The point of studying Marx is to be clear that in his analysis replacing private capitalist exploiters with state officials in the parallel relationship with productive and unproductive workers is not the going beyond capitalism he had in mind in his critique of capitalism Capitalism is superseded when the workplace relationship designated by the term exploitation ends That happens when productive laborers no longer deliver the surpluses they produce into the hands of others who appropriate and distribute them and make all the key decisions about those distributions NOT THE END Is the realization of Marx’s solution merely a utopian dream I don’t think so Indeed I think many human beings have understood and supported Marx’s way of thinking That is why ideas of cooperative communal and other sorts of more democratic workplace organizations have been discussed and tried repeatedly across human history everywhere Early American history had worker cooperatives: workers in farms stores small craft enterprises getting together in democratic egalitarian ways Today Spain has a famous example in the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation Emilia Romagna in Italy is a place where roughly 40 percent of businesses are run as a worker coops etc Marx’s is a more formal and fuller statement of one version of these ideas He worked it out a bit further into a modern formulation Marx teaches it in a systematic theoretically sophisticated way Yet in doing so he recoups for us the history of many efforts over many years in virtually all cultures to move in that direction to achieve a just society Marx was a social critic for whom capitalism was not the end of human history It was just the latest phase and badly needed the transition to something better Marx’s work can remind us that capitalism’s proponents and celebrants often make the same mistake as the proponents and celebrants of slavery and feudalism before them They imagine wishfully that their system is the end of history that their preferred system is as good as it can ever be that humankind cannot do better Every single one of those people has been proven wrong Why then believe people who tell us today that we can’t do better than capitalism Marx like many other historians had noticed that economic systems such as feudalism slavery and all others had histories they were born evolved over time died and gave way to another system By the 1850s capitalism had shown Marx enough for him to seek its replacement by something better His analysis was the fruit of that seeking Americans especially now are confronted with serious questions and evidence that our capitalist system is in trouble It clearly serves the 1 percent far far better than what it is doing to the vast mass of the people For a while mass bitterness decline and anger may be deflected away from the critique of a dysfunctional economic system For a while this anger can be used to scapegoat immigrants trade partners minorities and others among a sadly familiar set of candidates But scapegoating has not solved problems It does not do so today Sooner or later those serious about the problems and finding solutions will as they always have find their way to Marx and the Marxist tradition as a rich resource ROAR Magazine is reader-supported To find information on how to subscribe or donate click here Source Article from Hits: 14 Yellow Vests Hold Protests Across France Despite Bans March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Yellow Vests Hold Protests Across France Despite Bans Above: ‘Yellow Vest’ protesters stage their 19th round of protests in Nice France Photo Reuters Note: Telesur reports on the use of the French military against the Yellow Vest protests in week 19 writing: French “yellow vest” demonstrators began their 19th consecutive weekend of protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s government Saturday as military units were deployed to assist police Police and demonstrators clashed sporadically in Paris and other French cities Saturday as “yellow vest” protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s government took place The demonstration in the capital was largely peaceful for most of the day but later in the afternoon police fired tear gas on protesters near Boulevard de Strasbourg close to the capital’s Gare du Nord and Gare de L’Est railway stations Skirmishes also erupted in cities including Lille in northern France and Toulouse and Montpellier in the south but there were no immediate reports of injuries KZ Yellow Vest protests continue in France for the 19th straight weekend In Paris they have been banned from demonstrating on the Champs-Elysees and those daring to violate the ban face fines Following the previous violent weekend French authorities have banned the Yellow Vests from the most popular protest locations including the Champs-Elysees in Paris Pey-Berland square in Bordeaux and the Capitole in Toulouse According to the latest official figures from the Ministry of Interior some 40500 people demonstrated across France including 5000 in Paris The ban on protesting on the Champs-Elysees and the surrounding area was announced by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Monday Those who violate the ban face fines of up to €135 While the restrictions imposed by the authorities have seemingly scared off some protestors many believe that it’s just a temporary setback and next week more people will take to the streets Banning the Yellow Vests from certain locations won’t stop the protests one of the main figures of the movement Éric Drouet told RT France “Last Saturday we’ve seen great activation and I think it will repeat during future demonstrations” Drouet said ellow Vest protests blocked by a police convoy at the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris France on March 23 2019 By Benoit Tessier for Reuters “I am not disappointed at all considering how much pressure they’ve put on us There was this story with the military – even if it was misinterpreted it is a little scary a fine of 135 euros also scares so you can understand why some people were quite restrained” another protester stated “This weekend is a short break after which people will come even more motivated next weekend” Demonstrators steered clear of the iconic avenue itself but gathered in central Paris heading towards Montmartre Upon reaching Montmartre the Yellow Vests gathered at the stairs of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica waving flags and displaying banners One of the protesters said he was determined to demonstrate every Saturday as long as President Emmanuel Macron is in office – as of now that’s 163 Saturdays to go he calculated “We’re asking not that much” he said “I have less than €500 in my bank account right now In the past probably I reached the end of the month with a zero balance yet once a year I could get holidays for my daughter a Christmas gift for her For several years already that’s impossible Christmas is at her grandparents’ and the holidays on the couch at home They the government are to blame for this” Protesters have draped the iconic Basilica with yellow cloth a correspondent with RT France reported Des manifestants déploient une banderole GiletsJaunes sur le Sacré Coeur ACTE19 ActeXIX pictwittercom/lKDS8y7ch7 — Jonathan Moadab MoadabRTfr March 23 2019 So far the protest has been peaceful and no major clashes between demonstrators and police have occurred Around 70 people have been detained in the French capital according to police In Nice where Yellow Vest protests have been completely banned law enforcement detained 20 individuals for taking part in unauthorized gatherings Riot police try to disperse the Yellow Vests as they stage protests in Nice France on March 23 2019 © Reuters / Eric Gaillard Acte19 Metz Les gilets jaunes se dirige de la place d’armes vers République pictwittercom/rPpGXaqftY — Digital Metz DigitalMetz March 23 2019 As well as Montpellier Montpellier Giletsjaunes affrontements en cours place de la Comédie pictwittercom/JjoyzeAeR3 — Midi Libre Montpellier MLMontpellier March 23 2019 Source Article from Hits: 16 Protests Across Europe Highlight Rifts Over Copyright Bill March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Protests Across Europe Highlight Rifts Over Copyright Bill Above photo: Berlin Protest H Hanschke Reuters Critics of EU internet copyright reforms have rallied across Europe ahead of a crucial vote in the European Parliament Critics say upload filters will lead to censorship Advocates say creators must be fairly paid European Union – Tens of thousands of people across Europe staged protests on Saturday against the European Union’s planned copyright reform bill In Germany alone 40 rallies took place alongside demonstrations in Sweden Poland Switzerland Austria and Portugal Munich police said 40000 protesters turned out under the motto “Save our internet” Organizers said Berlin’s protest pictured above drew 30000 with participants walking past the center of Germany’s collaborative Wikipedia online encyclopedia Police put the number of protesters at 10000 Some marchers chanted “We’re here We’re loud because you’re robbing us of our freedom” as they marched through the city according to DW reporter Oxana Evdokimova “We’re here We’re loud because you’re robbing us of our freedom” demonstrators chant Most of the protesters in Berlin are young They fear that the EU copyright reform proposal would restrict free access to online content uploadfilters article13 Artikel13Demo pictwittercom/gKISMkE5Qr — Oxana Evdokimova evdoxana March 23 2019 In Potsdam banners included the phrase “We are not bots” a reference to robotic-like social media posts Backers of the reform bill include a thousand artists and creatives who in a manifesto on Friday warned of a “total selloff” of their copyright entitlements if it did not pass “Authors must be paid … Copyright law has to be clarified for today’s digital world but not weakened or abolished” they said Proposed ‘EU Copyright Directive’ The bill to modernize the EU’s 2001 copyright law within the Single Digital Market adopted mid-February as a compromise between EU heads of state and the European Commission reaches its legislative finale on Tuesday in the 751-seat European Parliament If passed — just weeks before Europe’s May 26 election and after three years of wrangling — member states will have two years to transpose the resulting EU legislation into national law But deep rifts prevail among voters across Europe over the bill especially Article 13 now Article 17 in the revised draft which critics say will prompt high-earning platforms such as Google’s YouTube to use upload filters to block copyright-infringing texts music and images to avoid expensive lawsuits from copyright holders Emotions high Murder threats have even been made against European parliamentarian Axel Voss who over three years has been the European Parliament’s main negotiator on the bill Handelsblatt newspaper reported on Thursday Voss an experienced media jurist is a Bonn-based member of Chancellor Angela’s Merkel’s Christian Democrats CDU which since 2009 has belonged to the parliament’s largest grouping the European People’s Party EPP Already in 2018 European media outlets had warned that Europe’s “free press” was at risk if the reform failed to end a “grotesque imbalance in how internet giants plunder press publishers’ and news agencies’ content to generate advertising revenues” “We must protect artists” EU Commission First Vice President Frans Timmermans told the Funke Media newspaper group on Saturday “When someone invents something writes something or makes something — that’s ownership One cannot simply grab it” said Timmermans Initiators of this weekend’s “Save the Internet” rallies oppose the EU draft They say “technically unfeasible” upload filters will be unable to spot legitimate quotes or comprehend parody and satire online opening a “first step towards Internet censorship” Backed by a five-million-strong petition the initiators also question a loophole for young small firms that would allow them exemption from Article 17’s filtering task At mid-afternoon organizers posted “the internet is on the street and it is full!” Das Internet ist auf der Straße und es ist voll! Artikel13 artikel13demo berlin pictwittercom/JgvSUnXYmz — netzpolitik netzpolitik March 23 2019 European parliamentarian Julia Reda a member of Germany’s Pirate Party who sits with the European Parliament’s Green grouping on Saturday retweeted a Greens’ message that the bill would “undermine the right to privacy and access to information and freedom of expression” “Up to now the ballots within EU chambers have been very narrow said Kevin Kühnert an outspoken junior leader of Germany’s center-left Social Democrat SPD adding that he saw a “realistic chance” that amendments could emerge during Tuesday’s deliberations Expert advise ‘ignored’ German Youtube star Rezo told the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper on Saturday that copyright reform was undisputedly needed “preferably at EU level” but added that law drafters had tended to ignore expert opinion from dozens of digital rights experts and groups Hofreiter: Merkel coalition ‘still not in digital age’ Another protest supporter the Greens co-leader in Germany’s Bundestag parliament Anton Hofreiter on Saturday described the intended EU law as a “real step backward” insisting it should be “renegotiated” Hofreiter said “shilly-shallying on such an important issue” in Brussels had come about because the Merkel government in Berlin had “still not arrived in the digital age let alone presented genuine solution suggestions” ‘Phantom debate’ On Thursday Germany’s DJV journalists’ trade union described the row as a “phantom debate”with “overheated” assertions about the loss of freedoms “We want the violation of copyright to cease This has nothing to do with censorship of the Internet Anyone who confuses this has not understood freedom of expression” said DJV chairman Frank Überall Source Article from Hits: 16 Farmers In Midwest Face Decades Of Recovery As Flooding Strips Away Crucial Soil March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Farmers In Midwest Face Decades Of Recovery As Flooding Strips Away Crucial Soil Note: Progressive Review reports on a New York Times article that says 25 states are at risk of flooding They write: Vast areas of the United States are at risk of flooding this spring even as Nebraska and other Midwestern states are already reeling from record-breaking late-winter floods federal scientists said on Thursday Nearly two-thirds of the lower 48 states will have an elevated risk of some flooding from now until May and 25 states could experience “major or moderate flooding” according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Some 13 million people could be exposed to major flooding making this a “potentially unprecedented” flood season said Edward Clark director of NOAA’s National Water Center KZ The Midwest floods continue to be a slow-moving disaster Towns farms and infrastructure are still underwater in Nebraska and water will take months to work through the vast network of rivers creeks and streams that drain the Upper Midwest into the Gulf of Mexico The damage to the region could last much longer than that though It could require years to rebuild infrastructure but the real challenge will be restoring the region’s greatest resource the reason there are so many farms there in the first place: its soil Early estimates indicate the floods could be responsible for 440 million in crop losses in Nebraska which sits at the epicenter of the floods That number could easily rise the longer floodwaters cut farmers off from fields and prevent spring plantings That’s bad news for a state where one in four jobs are tied to or supported by farming according to the state’s Department of Agriculture States next door are dealing with their own varying levels of crisis from rivers overtopping their banks Even after the floodwater recedes the region’s farms and the soil they’re built on could face a long road to recovery spanning years or decades To understand why you have to understand how these floods happened After an extremely wet fall winter arrived with a fury Repeated blasts of cold froze the soil and heavy snow piled up on top of it Then came the bomb cyclone a few weeks ago It unleashed a blizzard in western Nebraska but the eastern portion of the state saw rain and lots of it Nearly three-quarters of Nebraska weather stations are seeing an increase in winter rain according to Climate Central full disclosure: I helped with this analysis when I worked there a hallmark of the warming world Soaked soils couldn’t absorb the sudden influx of water and so it began to run off into rivers and streams scraping the earth away with it Add in dam and levee failures and the torrent truly clawed away at the Midwest’s most bountiful resource “Basically what it’s going to do is going to erode the most productive topsoil” Mahdi Al-Kaisi a soil and water specialist with Iowa State’s extension program told Earther “This is why we need to think about climate change more seriously That’s become very destructive to this whole system and put a lot of stress on these surfaces” It’s not even just the top layer of soil that’s being ripped up and washed away Where the floodwaters have receded huge blocks of soil have been gouged away The weight of the water has also compacted soil in some locations while others are covered in sand and silt that’s been swept up by engorged rivers neither of which is as nutrient-rich or structured as the soil that supports the wheat soybean and corn crops “You have the good stuff moving away and not as good stuff moving in” Andrea Basche an agronomist and soil scientist at the University of Nebraska told Earther That puts farmers who depend on growing these crops for their livelihoods in a serious bind They can try to plant this year’s crop knowing productivity won’t be as high as it was or they can set about to the arduous task of restoring topsoil to a more productive state The first step is just letting fields dry out something that could take weeks or even months Farmers can assess how much sand they’re looking at though Al-Kaisi warned that using heavy equipment to do those assessments could disturb or breakup any topsoil that is left Can we say soil erosion This was seen approx 1/2 mile N of Eagle Creek N out of O’Neill NE on Hwy 281 There will issues with sediment deposition as we get ready for the cropping season UNLCropWatch NebExtFlood NebExt pictwittercom/cutUDS8J35 — Amy Timmerman AmyTimmerman2 March 19 2019 For those lucky enough to be dealing with just a few inches of sand they can just churn it up into the soil But areas with more than 24 inches of sand could be lost causes Nebraska’s extension service suggests that farmers dealing with that situation “consider the relative costs of moving the sand and of abandoning the crop area” Basche suggested that farmers could also use compost or restore wetlands and prairie as other possible solutions for rebuilding soil but it still could “take decades to restore productivity if it is ever the same in our lifetimes again” That timeframe could mean many farmers and ranchers end up walking away rather than deal with mounting costs or the specter of bankruptcy Farm revenue in Nebraska while important has been declining and Trump’s escalating trade wars have sapped an estimated 1 billion from Nebraska alone according to the American Farm Bureau though that number doesn’t take into account programs designed to offset losses The state of the soil only makes the situation more dire All this reveals yet another way climate change is upending the systems we rely on Al-Kaisi said in the future farmers could focus on low- or no-till agriculture and planting cover crops could help mitigate some of the impacts of flooding Systemic changes are also needed including rethinking flood protection as climate changeups the odds of heavy downpours and rain falling on snow “It was not designed to handle this” John Remus an Army Corps of Engineers manager said in a New York Times interview referring to the intricate series of levees and dams that normally hold back the Missouri River And the system will only be further taxed in the coming months far from where the floods began “This is shaping up to be a potentially unprecedented flood season with more than 200 million people at risk for flooding in their communities” Ed Clark director of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Water Center said in a statement that went out with the agency’s spring flood outlook That outlook shows that areas all along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers face major flood risks through May meaning more fields will face the scouring power of water “We need to be really clear this is not just farmers’ problem” Al-Kaisi said “This is society’s problem” This post has been updated to reflect Basche’s expertise is in agronomy Source Article from Hits: 18 Juice Fasts: Hype-Driven Fad or Evidence-Based Health Habit March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Facts: This article was originally written and published at Greenmedinfocom written by the GreenMedInfo Research Group and posted here with permission Reflect On: Juice fasts formerly relegated to groups on the fringes of society are now embraced by mainstream culture Once only a ritual rite of passage for those embedded in natural medicine circles juice fasts have now become ubiquitous marketed by health gurus infomercials and integrative medical doctors alike Juice fasts formerly relegated to groups on the fringes of society are now embraced by mainstream culture Once only a ritual rite of passage for those embedded in natural medicine circles juice fasts have now become ubiquitous marketed by health gurus infomercials and integrative medical doctors alike Despite an abundance of anecdotal evidence and the testimonies of countless juicing enthusiasts well-designed controlled studies on the subject have remained scant 1 Gut Microbiota: The Gateway to Good Health The gut microbiota or the one hundred trillion commensal bacteria that inhabit our gastrointestinal tracts may be the vehicle through which juice fasts elicit their beneficial effects Not only is a disturbed microbiota implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and metabolic disorders but weight reduction has been reported to engender improvements in levels of bacterial species that contribute to inflammatory processes 2 In particular “Obesity is associated with lower bacterial diversity phylum and genus-level changes and altered representation of bacterial genes and metabolic pathways involved in nutrient harvest” 2 p 394 One study performed by Remely and colleagues 2015 examined the effects of a traditional diet in an Austrian monastery comprised of small amounts of soup cereal fruit and vegetable juices and herbal teas 2 This intervention implemented in obese subjects significantly increased microbial diversity as well as numbers of Bifidobacteria Akkermansia and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Mucin-degrading Akkermansia which have high mucosal adherence and are correlated with a healthy gut microbial community are depleted in inflammatory disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis 3 4 The researchers also reported that populations of Enterobacteria and Lactobacilli associated with inflammation declined after the intervention 2 The authors concluded “Our results show that caloric restriction affects the gut microbiota by proliferating mucin-degrading microbial subpopulations” demonstrating that juice fasts may operate through this mechanism p 394 Other models of caloric restriction have similarly yielded decreases in Streptococcacae which incite mild inflammation and increases in Lactobacillus species which competitively inhibit pathogens and produce declines in inflammatory cytokine levels 5 Polyphenol-Induced Microbiome Changes Favorably Influence Health Fruits and vegetables represent the richest reservoir of phenolic compounds which resist absorption in the small intestine and instead are metabolized by the colonic bacteria into compounds which modulate populations of gut flora Researchers speculate that the microbiota may be a previously under-recognized avenue through which polyphenols promote health improve metabolic parameters and mitigate inflammation 6 For instance when rats are given quercetin a flavonoid found in plant foods such as apples and onions microbial dysbiosis induced by a high-fat high-sucrose diet is inhibited 7 8 The rats in this experiment likewise exhibited suppressed growth of bacterial species correlated with diet-induced obesity such as Erysipelotrichaceae Eubacterium cylindroides and Bacillus alongside an attenuated ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes 7 Further when administered in concert quercetin and trans-resveratrol prevented weight gain in a rodent model whereas individually they each improved insulin resistance 7 In isolation supplementation with trans-resveratrol also modified expression of tight-junction proteins and inflammatory gene profiles influencing intestinal permeability in ways likely mediated by the microbiota 7 In another study mice receiving Concord grape polyphenols with a high-fat diet exhibited improved profiles of glucose tolerance adiposity and weight gain and had enhanced expression of fasting-induced adipocyte factor which restricts triglyceride storage 6 The mice receiving grape polyphenols similarly displayed reduced levels of inflammatory markers such as the inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor TNF-α and interleukin IL-6 the endotoxin released from gram-negative bacteria called lipopolysaccharide LPS and inducible nitric oxide synthase iNOS 6 In addition grape polyphenols improved intestinal barrier function by up-regulating the genes for occludin and proglucagon the former of which is a tight junction architectural protein and the latter of which is a precursor to proteins that maintain mucosal barrier integrity and promote insulin production 6 Importantly grape polyphenols induced dramatic alterations in the community of commensal microbes This botanical reduced the ratio of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes which is significant since an increased ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes which is induced by a high-fat high sugar diet has been shown to increase host adiposity when transplanted into germ-free mice 9 10 11 The grape polyphenols also significantly augmented populations of Akkermansia muciniphila an obligate anaerobic species which blooms after gastric bypass surgery and promotes weight loss when transplanted into germ-free recipients 11 12 In addition cross-sectional studies have underscored that higher levels of A municiphila appear in lean individuals relative to obese individuals 13 Because A muciniphila is vulnerable to reactive oxygen species the free radical scavenging capacity of grape polyphenols can create a more hospitable environment for this species and other obligate anaerobes that benefit health 6 Likewise cranberry polyphenols induced similar anti-diabetic effects in mice fed a high-fat high sucrose HFHS diet 14 Administration of cranberry extract improved insulin sensitivity and glucose handling lowering intestinal plasma and hepatic triglyceride levels and reduced intestinal and hepatic inflammation and oxidative stress 14 Cranberry extract similarly attenuated circulating levels of LPS effectively preventing the HFHS-induced metabolic endotoxemia that contributes to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease 14 Moreover like grape polyphenols treatment with cranberry extract led to dramatic elevations in A muciniphila which confers protection against metabolic syndrome features 14 Other studies have elucidated that dealcoholized red wine polyphenols and cocoa-derived flavanols elicit similar effects on the gut microbiota 15 Collectively polyphenols “modulate the human gut microbiota by decreasing the abundance of Firmicutes and increasing Bifidobacteria Lactobacillus and Verrucomicrobia which is also a key difference in the gut microbiota found in obese and lean individuals” 15 p1 Based on the aforementioned findings researchers suggest that myriad distinct polyphenols and bioactive compounds may exert similar effects both directly and indirectly on the gut microbiome They propose that diverse classes of dietary antioxidants may engender health benefits by conferring a survival advantage for certain commensal species 6 According to Roopchand and colleagues 2015 “We propose that this altered gut microbiota is in part responsible for the altered intestinal gene expression epithelial integrity and inflammatory markers which then leads to decreased fat deposition and glucose absorption along with increased insulin secretion” 6 p 2857 Changes in Gut Microbiota After a Juice Fast Based on the premise that changes in microbial composition influence health researchers designed a study to examine whether a three-day juice fast followed by reversion to a customary diet for two weeks would favorably influence the microbiota composition of twenty healthy subjects with low fruit and vegetable consumption 15 A root juice mix was blended from beet apple ginger and lemon whereas a citrus juice mix consisted of apple pineapple mint and lemon and the green juice mixes contained romaine lettuce apple cucumber celery lemon and small fractions of kale parsley and spinach 15 Also included was a mix consisting of filtered water lemon cayenne almond vanilla bean dates and sea salt 15 Whereas proportions of certain intestinal bacteria such as Fusobacteria Actinobacteria Verrucomicrobia and Proteobacteria remained consistent a significant decrease in Firmicutes and increases in both Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes were observed in subjects undergoing the juice fast compared to baseline 15 Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes represent the two most abundant bacterial phyla in human populations representing 40-60 and 20-40 of the microbiota respectively 16 Increased Firmicutes in relation to Bacteroidetes has been correlated with obesity and body mass index BMI in some human studies 17 According to researchers “Comparisons of the distal gut microbiota of genetically obese mice and their lean littermates as well as those of obese and lean human volunteers have revealed that obesity is associated with changes in the relative abundance of the two dominant bacterial divisions the Bacteroidetes and the Firmicutes” 18 p1027 The microbiome characteristic of the obese phenotype in turn has been correlated with increased harvesting of energy from the diet and produces obesity when germ-free mice are colonized with the obese microbiota 18 This trend which has been supported by some studies and refuted by others was reinforced by the present juice fast where a significant positive correlation between weight at day four and Firmicutes proportion and a significant negative correlation between weight at day four and Bacteroidetes proportion was observed 13 15 18 These changes in microbiota may mitigate or perpetuate metabolic syndrome features by regulating gut barrier function as animal models have confirmed that a compromised gut barrier enables translocation of bacteria and antigens which evokes inflammation from the gut-associated sub-mucosal lymphoid system 13 In addition Bacteroides species such as B ovatus B thetaiotaomicron and B uniformis can ferment a wide array of indigestible complex polysaccharides such as fruit- and vegetable-based xylan and pectin 19 These carbohydrates serve as fermentable substrates or prebiotics which are metabolized into health promoting gut sealing cardioprotective short chain fatty acids According to Flint and colleagues 2012 “Certain dominant species notably among the Bacteroidetes are known to possess very large numbers of genes that encode carbohydrate active enzymes and can switch readily between different energy sources in the gut depending on availability” 19 p 289 The enrichment in Bacteroides species after the juice fast reinforces the prebiotic effects of juice since similar increases in Bacteroides species such as B acidifaciens B ovatus and B xylanisolvens were witnessed in studies of subjects with metabolic syndrome who included resistant starch in their diets 20 In one particular study flourishing of Bacteroides species was accompanied by significant decreases in fasting glucose glycosylated hemoglobin cholesterol levels body fat waist circumference and pro-inflammatory markers which speaks to the metabolic benefits incurred with strategies that augment Bacteroides populations 20 In addition another rodent study showed that B thetaiotaomicron combined with probiotics decreased mean body weight and reduced levels of postprandial triglycerides in rats fed a high fat diet further illustrating the benefit of these specific microbes 21 After the juice fast populations of Bacteroides Odoribacteri Paraprevotella Barnesiella and Halospirulina were all enhanced at day four compared to baseline whereas Eisenbergiella Dialister Ruminiclostridium Subdoligranulum and Streptococcus were all suppressed at day four compared to baseline illuminating the immediate and dramatic effect that fruit and vegetable polyphenols can elicit on the microbiota 15 These other genera however besides Streptococcus returned to baseline levels at day seventeen indicating the need for regular polyphenol consumption to maintain favorable microbiome changes 15 Effect of a Juice Fast on Inflammation Although plasma antioxidant capacity remained unchanged after the juice fast lipid peroxidation as measured by urine malondialdehyde MDA significantly decreased by 40 at day four compared to baseline 15 The researchers attribute this to either the low-fat nature of the juice fast such that fewer lipids are available for oxidative degradation or the antioxidant protection conferred by juice polyphenols for lipids during digestion 15 This latter hypothesis is supported by research demonstrating that polyphenol-rich juices containing cyanidin glycosides and epigallocatechin gallate EGCG supplemented for two weeks led to decreases in plasma MDA 22 In addition red wine polyphenols have been shown to completely prevent the rise in plasma MDA that occurs due to oxidized fats 23 Similarly rosmarinic acid a polyphenol in oregano significantly reduces MDA concentration in plasma and urine after burger consumption 24 Thus the high polyphenol content in juices may protect against the carcinogenic and atherosclerotic effects of lipid peroxidation In addition after the juice fast day four nitric oxide NO concentrations were increased by five-fold and three-fold in urine and plasma respectively compared to baseline indicating the vasodilatory effect of fruit and vegetable nitrate content 15 Optimizing NO levels may prevent cardiovascular disease since disturbed activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase eNOS is implicated in the pathophysiology of endothelial dysfunction impaired arterial compliance and hypertension This is consistent with prior work which elucidated that nitrate-rich beet juice improves vascular function in hypercholesterolemic patients as illustrated by increases in flow-mediated dilatation FMD and aortic pulse wave velocity and by decreases in platelet-monocyte aggregates compared to placebo 25 These changes may also be mediated by the microbiome and nitrate-reducing bacteria specifically since in one study nitrate treatment modified the proportions of 78 bacterial taxa in the salivary microbiome compared to placebo 25 Lastly during the juice intervention significant decreases in body weight and body mass index BMI occurred which persisted after the two-week follow-up period 15 Well-being scores remained consistent with baseline at day three but there was a significant increase in well-being at the conclusion of the study 15 However both NO and MDA concentrations returned to initial baseline values at day seventeen suggesting that continued consumption of polyphenols is required to maintain anti-inflammatory benefits 15 Although the fiber is largely removed from juice this study highlights that juicing still elicits a prebiotic effect due to its polyphenol content and that it can therefore favorably modify the microbiome by selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial commensal bacteria Thus juicing with an emphasis on lower glycemic vegetables may be both a prudent adjunctive strategy for people with gastrointestinal distress who cannot tolerate large quantities of fiber and for individuals with metabolic derangements References 1 Horne BD Muhlestein JB amp Anderson JL 2015 Health effects of intermittent fasting: hormesis or harm A systematic review The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 102 464–470 doi: 103945/ajcn115109553 2015 2 Remely M et al 2015 Increased gut microbiota diversity and abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Akkermansia after fasting: a pilot study Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 127 394–398 doi: 101007/s00508-015-0755-1 3 Png CW et al 2010 Mucolytic bacteria with increased prevalence in IBD mucosa augment in vitro utilization of mucin by other bacteria American Journal of Gastroenterology 10511 2420-2428 4 Belzer C amp de Vos WM 2012 Microbes inside-from diversity to function: the case of Akkermansia International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal 88 1449-1458 5 Zhang C et al 2013 Structural modulation of gut microbiota in life-long calorie-restricted mice Natural Communications 4 2163 6 Roopchand D E et al 2015 Dietary Polyphenols Promote Growth of the Gut Bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila and Attenuate High-Fat Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome Diabetes 64 2847–2858 doi: 102337/db14-1916 7 Etxeberria U et al 2015 Reshaping faecal gut microbiota composition by the intake of trans-resveratrol and quercetin in high-fat sucrose diet-fed rats Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 266 651-660 doi: 101016/jjnutbio201501002 41-46 8 Lee J amp Mitchell AE 2012 Pharmacokinetics of quercetin absorption from apples and onions in healthy humans Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 3874-3881 9 Carmody RN et al 2015 Diet dominates host genotype in shaping the murine gut micorbiota Cell Host Microbe 2015 72-84 10 Turnbaugh PJ et al 2008 Diet-induced obesity is linked to marked but reversible alterations in the mouse distal gut microbiome Cell Host Microbe 3 213-223 11 Liou AP et al 2013 Conserved shifts in the gut microbiota due to gastric bypass reduce host weight and adiposity Science of Translational Medicine 5 178ra141 12 Zhang H et al 2009 Human gut microbiota in obesity and after gastric bypass Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106 2365-2370 13 Stenman L K Burcelin R amp Lahtinen S Establishing a causal link between gut microbes body weight gain and glucose metabolism in humans – towards treatment with probiotics Beneficial microbes 1–12 doi:103920/BM20150069 2015 14 Anhê FF et al 2015 A polyphenol-rich cranberry extract protects from diet-induced obesity insulin resistance and intestinal inflammation in association with increased Akkermansia spp population in the gut microbiota of mice Gut 64 872-883 15 Henning SM et al 2017 Health benefit of vegetable/fruit juice-based diet: Role of microbiome Scientific Reports 7 16 Million M et al 2013 Gut bacterial microbiota and obesity Clinical microbiology and infection: the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 19 305–313 doi: 101111/1469-069112172 17 Koliada A et al 2017 Association between body mass index and Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in an adult Ukrainian population BioMed Central Microbiology 18 Turnbaugh PJ et al 2006 An obesity-associated gut microbiome with increased capacity for energy harvest Nature 444 1027–1031 doi:101038/nature05414 19 Flint HJ et al 2012 Microbial degradation of complex carbohydrates in the gut Gut Microbes 34 289-306 20 Upadhyaya B et al 2016 Impact of dietary resistant starch type 4 on human gut microbiota and immunometabolic functions Scientific Reports 6 28797 doi: 101038/srep28797 2016 21 Olli K et al 2016 Independent and Combined Effects of Lactitol Polydextrose and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron on Postprandial Metabolism and Body Weight in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet Frontiers in Nutrition 3 15 doi: 103389/fnut201600015 22 Bub A et al 2003 Fruit juice consumption modulates antioxidative status immune status and DNA damage Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 142 90-98 23 Gorelik S et al 2007 A novel function of red wine polyphenols in humans: prevention of absorption of cytotoxic lipid peroxidation products The Official Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 221 24 Li Z et al 2010 Antioxidant-rich spice added to hamburger meat during cooking results in reduced meat plasma and urine malondialdehyde concentrations The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 91 1180–1184 doi:103945/ajcn200928526 25 Velmurugan S et al 2016 Dietary nitrate improves vascular function in patients with hypercholesterolemia: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 103 25–38 doi: 103945/ajcn115116244 Help Support Collective Evolution The demand for Collective Evolution’s content is bigger than ever except ad agencies and social media keep cutting our revenues This is making it hard for us to continue In order to stay truly independent we need your help We are not going to put up paywalls on this website as we want to get our info out far and wide For as little as 3 a month you can help keep CE alive! 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Source Article from Hits: 20 Trump koshers Israel’s theft of Syria’s Golan Heights March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Eve Mykytyn writes: On 21 March President Trump announced that the United States should recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 and effectively annexed it in 1981 The New York Times and The Wall Street Journalcharacterised Trump’s move as a favour to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who is facing a challenge for re-election and Netanyahu called it a “Purim miracle” Despite any boost this may give to Netanyahu’s re-election the effort to persuade Trump to endorse Israel’s claim to the Golan began well before Netanyahu’s campaign and was described by Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz as “topping the agenda” in US-Israeli diplomatic talks in May 2018 Violation of international law Trump’s announcement contravenes a 1981 UN resolution passed in reaction to the annexation and co-written by the United States It says: The Israeli decision to impose its laws jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect At least at the moment the US recognition is unlikely to change the European Union’s or Russia’s support for the UN resolution and both have announced that they would not change their positions on the Golan Heights without a UN declaration Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeting from a meeting at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation said all the ministers were shocked by Trump “continuing to try to give what is not his to racist Israel: first Al-Quds Jerusalem and now Golan” It is unclear how Trump’s Twitter declaration on its own can change the US’s official position on Golan But his avowal may soon be law Senators Cruz and Cotton along with Representative Mike Gallagher who each applauded the president’s move introduced legislation in the House and Senate to formally “recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights” Importantly the proposed bill includes the Golan Heights as part of Israel in any spending and trade bills and approves joint scientific industrial and agricultural projects in the occupied territory Water oil and political connections Since 1981 Israel has treated the Golan as a resource-rich part of its country The Golan provides over a third of Israel’s fresh water More pertinently the Golan has provided Israel’s first major oil find Afek Oil and Gas a division of Genie Oil has obtained oil rights for the huge oil fields in the Golan Heights In October 2015 Afek Oil and Gas confirmed the discovery of vast oil reserve in the Golan Heights Genie Oil has powerful political connections Keith Murdock Vice President Cheney Michael Steinhardt Jacob Rothschild and Larry Summers are among its board members “Genie Energy’s investments in the Golan are likely the strongest factor pushing the US towards the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied territory” Russia Today TV channel Despite Genie’s influence under current conditions Genie’s Israeli subsidiary cannot sell any oil it extracts from the Golan on the international oil market because that would violate UN resolutions However if Washington declares the Golan to be part of Israel then oil could be legally traded with the US Russia Today TV channel speculates that “Genie Energy’s investments in the Golan are likely the strongest factor pushing the US towards the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied territory” Source Article from Hits: 16 In Print: ADOLF HITLER: BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST VOLUME I COMMUNISM March 26th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Christopher Jon Bjerknes I have just released a new book which is certain to shake things up I am interested in doing interviews to discuss this new work Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Volume I Communism: Volume I of a planned multi-part series compiles mountains of evidence including scarce sources and new translations to explain: Why Hitler hid the fact that he worked for Kurt Eisner’s revolutionary government and was an elected liaison and propagandist for the Communist Soldiers’ Councils of the Bavarian Soviet Republic Why Hitler was a Communist informant intelligence agent for the Reichswehr and spy Why Captain Karl Mayr and General Erich Ludendorff chose Lance Corporal Adolf Hitler to lead an anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik National-Socialist party and how they made him into a “German Joan of Arc” dangerous demagogue and belligerent dictator Why Hitler infiltrated the German Workers’ Party changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and replaced its leader Anton Drexler Why Hitler let the British escape at Dunkirk why he lost the Battle of Britain and why he opposed Operation Sea Lion Why Hitler collaborated with the Soviet Union then attacked it and ensured his own defeat Why Hitler who never declared wars declared war on America Why Hitler wanted Lebensraum in the East as living space for his dead German soldiers Why Hitler let Hermann Goering deliberately lose the war he helped Hitler deliberately start Why Hitler repeatedly sacrificed his soldiers to the Soviets and provided Stalin with foreknowledge of his plans Why Hitler refused to negotiate a peace at war’s end and instead issued the Nero Order calling for the suicidal destruction of Germany by Germans Find the unexpected answers to these and countless other conundrums in Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Source Article from Hits: 16 Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise March 25th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise by Kate Raines The Vaccine Reaction Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders ASDs has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets most widely reported among pet dogs It is too early for mainstream veterinary authorities to confidently confirm that dogs can develop autism but there are numerous reports of behavior patterns in pets that mirror autism behavior in children Studies are underway to evaluate the possibility that animals can become autistic 1 Autistic Behaviors Recognized in Dogs Though the appearance of autism-like behaviors has been observed in dogs since the mid-1960s the first researcher to specifically relate some of those behaviors to autism was Nicholas Dodman DVM who initially set out in 2011 to look for a genetic cause of obsessive tail chasing in bull terriers This behavioral characteristic has been observed in as many as 85 percent of a bull terrier litter and often results in self-maiming Presenting the evidence from his study at the 2015 American College of Veterinary Behaviorists Dr Dodman reported an autism-like condition noting that “the vast majority of affected dogs were males and many had other strange behaviors or physical conditions that accompanied the tail chasing such as explosive aggression partial seizures phobias skin conditions gastrointestinal issues object fixation and a tendency to shy away from people and other dogs” 2 He and his associates were further able to establish that two biomarkers common to children with autism were also present in the affected dogs 3 Referencing diagnostic criteria from the American Academy of Pediatrics some of the most commonly recognized features of autism spectrum disorders ASDs in children include challenges associated with social interactions and communication and “restrictive and repetitive interests and activities” 4 boys are five times more likely than girls to have ASDs and autism in humans also is frequently associated with aggression gastrointestinal and skin disorders and object fixation 5 6 Solid research is lacking in the field of canine autism but a collaborative study called “Canines Kids and Autism: Decoding Obsessive Behaviors in Canines and Autism in Children” is currently underway in hopes of shedding light on the condition as it occurs in children and pets 7 Funded by The American Humane Association researchers from the Translational Genomics Research Institute TGen Southwest Autism Research amp Resource Center Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Massachusetts Medical School are hoping to develop a genetic test for autism that will benefit both humans and animals 8 “Canine Dysfunctional Behavior” May Be Autism Though most animal behaviorists still prefer to categorize animals with these traits as having “canine dysfunctional behavior” rather than “autism” 9 those who concede the condition may in fact be autism describe the condition as both “idiopathic” meaning the cause is unknown and congenital” meaning the puppies are born with autism behaviors rather than developing autism sometime after birth Theorizing that the syndrome may be caused by a “lack of mirroring neurons in the brain” studies also suggest that autism may appear in puppies as a result of parental exposure to toxins or unnecessary vaccines 10 Adverse Reactions to Vaccines in Dogs From paralysis to seizures and from immune-mediated hemolytic anemia to injection-site fibrosarcomas adverse reactions to vaccination are not uncommon in pets Often attributable to annual vaccinations that some veterinarians consider totally unnecessary vaccine reactions also may lead to allergies skin problems behavioral changes and autoimmune diseases 11 Behavioral Changes Following Vaccination Some of the most common behavioral changes are associated with the rabies vaccine which is the only vaccine federally mandated for pets and must be re-administered at least every three years if not annually depending on how the vaccine is labeled Usually the two vaccines are identical but a vaccine labeled for one year must be given annually even if it is exactly the same dosage and formulation as one labeled as a three-year vaccine 12 Many veterinarians now agree that as a general rule dogs who have been vaccinated once tend to retain immunity for the rest of their lives as can be confirmed through titer testing 13 However no such testing is considered acceptable proof for opting out of the required rabies vaccine 14 so the immune systems of pets are artificially manipulated with the rabies vaccine time and again throughout their lives Reported changes following rabies vaccination may include those that mimic early symptoms of rabies itself such as increased aggression toward humans and other pets loss of affectionate behaviors excessive barking and destructiveness 15 Such behavioral changes are often attributed to “Rabies Miasm” a term used to describe an underlying disease process in this case a condition akin to a mild form of “chronic rabies” 16 Could There Be Another Explanation Interestingly many of those same “rabies-like symptoms” also mimic the ones described in discussions of canine autism Globally the animal vaccine industry has been valued at 627 billion in 2015 and at a calculated annual growth rate CAGR of 69 percent it is expected to rise to 1140 billion by 2024 17 North America and particularly the United States remains the lead market for animal vaccines accounting for 37 percent of the total Much of that market is fueled by the human companion pet animal segment There are more pets in the US than anywhere else in the world and coupled with strict regulations on vaccination of companion animals in this country the pet vaccine market is not expected to decrease Given the current laws requiring annual or three-year repeat rabies vaccinations and the routine veterinary practice of vaccinating pets annually it may come as no surprise that we are seeing an increase of autoimmune disorders and autism-like behaviors in pets Read the full article at TheVaccineReactionorg References 1 Coates J Can Dogs Have Autism PetMD C 2017 2 Rajewski G Like Minds Tufts Cummings Veterinary Medicine Summer 2015 3 Dodson N Can Dogs Have Autism Psychology Today July 6 2016 4 Autism Fast Facts CNN May 31 2016 5 What Are the Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD National Institutes of Health 6 Medical Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorders Treating Autism March 2013 7 See Footnote 1 8 See Footnote 2 9 Soukiasian KA Could My Dog Have Canine Autism Dog’s Best Life Aug 15 2016 10 Dog Autism Symptoms VetInfocom 11 National Vaccine Information Center Pet Vaccination Adverse Events C 2017 12 EnlightenMecom Is the 3 Year Rabies Vaccine for Pets Different From the Yearly Vaccine DexMedia 2015 13 Burns K To Titer or to Revaccinate Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association June 15 2016 14 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Rabies Vaccination Apr 22 2011 15 Dog Behaviors After evidence Rabies Vaccine C 2016 16 Kabler R Rabies Miasm: The Rabies Vaccine Side Effect That Can Harm Your Dog Dogs Naturally September 2012 17 Veterinary Vaccines Market Size Share Development Growth and Demand Forecast to 2024 Transparency Market Research Mar 16 2017 Hits: 100 This doctor is literally saving lives with a plant-based diet March 25th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews This doctor is literally saving lives with a plant-based diet Hits: 96 Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela March 25th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela At a high-level meeting in Rome this week it seems that Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied Meanwhile back in Washington DC President Donald Trump was again bragging that the military option was still on the table in his press conference with Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro Trump is bluffing or not yet up to speed with being apprised of Russia’s red line The meeting in the Italian capital between US “special envoy” on Venezuelan affairs Elliot Abrams and Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov had an air of urgency in its arrangement The US State Department announced the tête-à-tête only three days beforehand The two officials also reportedly held their two-hour discussions in a Rome hotel a venue indicating ad hoc arrangement Abrams is no ordinary diplomat He is a regime-change specialist with a criminal record for sponsoring terrorist operations specifically the infamous Iran-Contra affair to destabilize Nicaragua during the 1980s His appointment by President Trump to the “Venezuela file” only underscores the serious intent in Washington for regime change in Caracas Whether it gets away with that intent is another matter Moscow’s interlocutor Sergei Ryabkov is known to not mince his words having earlier castigated Washington for seeking global military domination He calls a spade a spade and presumably a criminal a criminal The encounter in Rome this week was described as “frank” and “serious” – which is diplomatic code for a blazing exchange The timing comes at a high-stakes moment after Venezuela having been thrown into chaos last week from civilian power blackouts that many observers including the Kremlin blame on American cyber sabotage The power grid outage followed a failed attempt by Washington to stage a provocation with the Venezuelan military over humanitarian aid deliveries last month from neighboring Colombia The fact that Washington’s efforts to overthrow the elected President Nicolas Maduro have so far floundered might suggest that the Americans are intensifying their campaign to destabilize the country with the objective of installing US-backed opposition figure Juan Guaido He declared himself “acting president” in January with Washington’s imprimatur Given that the nationwide power blackouts seem to have failed in fomenting a revolt by the civilian population or the military against Maduro the next option tempting Washington could be the military one It seems significant that Washington has recently evacuated its last remaining diplomats from the South American country US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented on the evacuation by saying that having US personnel on the ground “was limiting” Washington’s scope for action Also American Airlines reportedly cancelled all its services to Venezuela in the past week Again suggesting that the US was considering a military intervention either directly with its troops or covertly by weaponizing local proxies The latter certainly falls under Abrams’ purview After the Rome meeting Ryabkov said bluntly: “We assume that Washington treats our priorities seriously our approach and warnings” One of those warnings delivered by Ryabkov is understood to have been that no American military intervention in Venezuela will be tolerated by Moscow For his part Abrams sounded as if he had emerged from the meeting after having been given a severe reprimand “No we did not come to a meeting of minds but I think the talks were positive in the sense that both sides emerged with a better understanding of the other’s views” he told reporters “A better understanding of the other’s views” means that the American side was given a red line to back off The arrogance of the Americans is staggering Abrams seems according to US reporting to have flown to Rome with the expectation of working out with Ryabkov a “transition” or “compromise” on who gets the “title of president” of Venezuela That’s what he no doubt meant when he said after the meeting “there was not a meeting of minds” but rather he got “a better understanding” of Russia’s position Washington’s gambit is a replay of Syria During the eight-year war in that country the US continually proffered the demand of a “political transition” which at the end would see President Bashar al Assad standing down By contrast Russia’s unflinching position on Syria has always been that it’s not up to any external power to decide Syria’s politics It is a sovereign matter for the Syrian people to determine independently Nearly three years after Russia intervened militarily in Syria to salvage the Arab country from a US-backed covert war for regime change the American side has manifestly given up on its erstwhile imperious demands for “political transition” The principle of Syrian sovereignty has prevailed in large part because of Russia’s trenchant defense of its Arab ally Likewise Washington in its incorrigible arrogance is getting another lesson from Russia – this time in its own presumed “back yard” of Latin America It’s not a question of Russia being inveigled by Washington’s regime-change schemers about who should be president of Venezuela and “how we can manage a transition” Moscow has reiterated countless times that the legitimate president of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro whom the people voted for last year by an overwhelming majority in a free and fair election – albeit boycotted by the US-orchestrated opposition The framework Washington is attempting to set up of choosing between their desired “interim president” and incumbent Maduro is an entirely spurious one It is not even worthy to be discussed because it is a gross violation of Venezuela’s sovereignty Who is Washington to even dare try to impose its false choice On Venezuela Russia is having to remind the criminal American rulers – again – about international law and respect for national sovereignty as Moscow earlier did with regard to Syria And in case Washington gets into a huff and tries the military option Moscow this week told regime-change henchman Abrams that that’s a red line If Washington has any sense of rationale left it will know from its Syria fiasco that Russia has Venezuela’s back covered Political force is out Military force is out Respect international law and Venezuela’s sovereignty That’s Russia’s eminently reasonable ultimatum to Washington Now the desperate Americans could still try more sabotage cyber or financial But their options are limited contrary to what Trump thinks How the days of American imperialist swagger are numbered There was a time when it could rampage all over Latin America Not any more evidently Thanks in part to Russia’s global standing and military power Filed under: Finian Cunningham Latin America regime change Russia sanctions Trump USA |
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Lors des prochaines élections régionales les citoyens pourront décider s’il y aura à l’avenir à Berlin un gouvernement garantissant l’Etat de droit constitutionnel allemand ou pas Cependant il faut aussi prendre en compte que l’Allemagne peut actuellement déjà prendre la voie vers l’agonie Comme on l’a vu ci-dessus vous pouvez en déduire vous-même ce que cela veut dire pour l’Allemagne et l’Europe En Suisse dans chaque maison on vérifie soigneusement si les installations de protection civile sont opérationnelles Qu’avons-nous fait depuis 1990 S’ils doivent choisir entre Mme Merkel et l’Allemagne les citoyens allemands devraient choisir l’Allemagne |
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Cette question il faut la poser à Madame la Chancelière encore en fonction et à la CDU en tant que parti qui l’a soutenue à fond dans la question de la migration lors de leur Université d’hiver à Karlsruhe en décembre 2015 Personne ni en Allemagne ni en Europe ne sait ce qui a incité la chancelière à accepter une migration de cette ampleur Et les organes constitutionnels concernés en premier lieu ne veulent pas le savoir non plus Mme Merkel a complètement bouleversé l’Allemagne et l’Europe de l’UE et les divise les deux Il n’y a aucun signe qu’on veuille revenir à une politique responsable envers son propre pays et son propre peuple et loyale envers les habitants des autres pays C’était différent à la fin de la guerre froide époque à laquelle nous voulions nous lier plus étroitement par la CSCE et la Communauté européenne avec les Etats situés entre le Maroc et la Syrie par exemple et les rendre plus performants2 Cependant les Etats-Unis et Israël avaient une autre vision des choses et le résultat est visible aujourd’hui |
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