Merkel një tjetër telegram ngushëllimi Ramës |
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Doublespeak: Angela Merkel Says Freedom of Speech Must be Curtailed to Keep Society Free |
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Merkel vil besøke Auschwitz for første gang |
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India-EU FTA: Merkel can break the impasse if she really wishes |
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Merkel set to visit Auschwitz as Germany battles resurgence of anti-Semitism |
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Angela Merkel: Europe Needs NATO! |
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Wywołał burzę Merkel zrobiła mu awanturę Jak Macron z nadziei stał się kłopotem Europy |
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Angela Merkel Makes Bone-Chilling Statement |
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Seehofers „Masterplan“ – Kanzlerin Merkel zeigt ihr wahres Gesicht |
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Almanya Başbakanı Merkel: Türkiye’nin de kendi meşru güvenlik gerekçeleri var |
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Merkel stands firm over Germany’s stance on 5G technology and Huawei |
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Download PDF: Neuer kostenloser Leitfaden mit Tipps zur Gründung einer Wohngipfel und Protest gegen den Wohngipfel von Merkel und Seehofer |
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Merkel coartará aún más la crítica a la inmigración masiva |
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Merkel: Avrupa kendini savunabilecek güçte değil |
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Merkel’den Türkiye açıklaması |
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Das war´s Frau Merkel – Neuwahlen oder Minderheitsregierung |
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Meinung Umgang mit Peking Eine neue China-Politik Nicht mit Merkel |
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Hat Kanzlerin Merkel das Recht gebrochen |
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Merkel hält uns alle für total bescheuert: Deutschland angeblich so sicher wie noch nie |
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Ist Angela Merkel Honeckers späte Rache am Klassenfeind oder doch eher der verlängerte Arm des Militärisch Industriellen Komplex’ |
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Macron met la pression sur Merkel pour réformer l’Europe |
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IGF2019 Observation: Compare Chancellor Merkel’s Digital Sovereignty with Chinese and US Version |
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German role in NATO more vital now than ‘during Cold War’ says Merkel |
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One Legacy of Merkel Angry East German Men Fueling the Far Right |
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German SPD leaders’ wish-list to save Merkel coalition |
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‘Lack of leadership’: Merkel under fire after far-right gains in regional German election |
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Angela Merkel Goes Full Liberal Authoritarian Demands Restrictions on Free Speech |
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Merkel kritisiert sehr rauen Ton im Umgang miteinander |
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Vokietijos socialdemokratai atidėjo sprendimą dėl pasitraukimo iš A Merkel koalicijos |
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Was Kanzlerin Merkel den wütenden Bauern bietet |
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Die Ukraine-Wahl ist eine Ohrfeige für Merkel amp Co |
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Could Merkel’s Christian Democrats really work with the far-right AfD |
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Wagt Merkel zum Schluss eine Minderheitsregierung |
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Merkel e bën të qartë në Zagreb: Sa më shpejt negociatat me Shqipërinë dhe Maqedoninë |
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CENTOGENE Welcomes Germany’s Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel |
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Liveticker zum Agrargipfel mit Merkel |
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Entspannung in der Ukraine – Merkel zeigt ihr wahres Gesicht |
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Agrargipfel bei Angela Merkel: Bauern verdienen Respekt keine Prügel |
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Ulrich Merkel |
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Angela Merkel |
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Apusul unei ere în politica internaţională Membrii partidului german CDU se reunesc vineri pentru a alege succesorul Angelei Merkel |
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Merkel Wins 4th Term but Nationalists Surge in German Vote |
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Paradigm lost: A post-Merkel Germany in a post-Kohl Europe |
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Merkel daraxt qanday quriladi UPGMA usuli |
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Başkan Merkel: Türkiye’nin NATO üyesi kalması lazım! |
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Merkel: E ardhmja e Ballkanit Perëndimor është në Evropë |
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La pelea de Macron con Merkel por la Otán suma hoy a Trump |
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Chancellor Angela Merkel visits Dwarka sector 21 metro station |
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Plahotniuc chemat de urgență la Berlin de către Angela Merkel! Află de ce! |
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Merkel: Who the bloody hell is Scott Morrison |
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Merkel Trump und Boris Johnson: Die Fotos der Woche |
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Merkel’s Coalition Government Faces New Strains |
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Bits amp Bäume: Saatgut wie Merkel entdeckt die digitale Zivilgesellschaft |
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Reisen von Merkel Müller und May |
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German SPD leaders’ wish-list to save Merkel coalition |
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Most Germans believe Merkel shaking ‘a private issue’: poll |
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Ist Frau Merkel reif für die Psychiatrie |
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Angela Merkel und ihr Leben im postfaktischen Zeitalter |
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Angela Merkel: «Abattez les murs de l’ignorance et de l’étroitesse d’esprit!» |
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Naslednica Angele Merkel: Čuvajte se Rusije i Kine na Zapadnom Balkanu |
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Merkel’s future hangs in balance as Social Democrats pick new leaders |
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Gjermania sërish në ndihmë të Shqipërisë Merkel: Tronditje e madhe mendimet |
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Merkel to pay first visit to Auschwitz |
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Merkel will Berechenbarkeit und wirtschaftliche Verträglichkeit |
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Posts Mendesak Merkel Agar Bisa Penuhi Target Belanja NATO |
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Otan é tão importante hoje como na Guerra Fria diz Merkel |
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Mr Obama was very close maybe excessively close with German Social Democrats and with Merkel apparently sharing with them and others the Left of the Center political and ideological positions I would think that this closeness needs further research and investigations including those from the Counterintelligence perspectives |
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Next Door in New Merkel |
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Cumhurbaşkanımız Erdoğan Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron Almanya Başbakanı Merkel ve İngiltere Başbakanı Johnson ile bir araya geldi |
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Netzausbau 5G – Die Merkel-Regierung will Großkonzernen Geschenke machen |
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Merkel die Vierte ist die Königin des Unrechts |
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Kancelarja Merkel nis vizitën në Maqedoni |
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How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe |
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Merkel macht die Agrarpolitik zur Chefsache – jetzt muss sie liefern! |
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