Gli alleati di Merkel aprono ai coronabond: “Bene accordo su Mes ora altri passi per Italia e Spagna” |
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Almanya’da Merkel’in Corona Krizi Liderliğine Övgü |
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Atac dezlantuit al lui Becali dupa ce a vazut imaginile HAOSULUI de pe aeroport: Merkel l-a sunat pe Orban si a luat sclavi |
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Coronavirus latest: Angela Merkel to quarantine after meeting infected doctor |
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Merkel: Verhalten über Ostern entscheidend |
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Merkel calls EU rescue deal ‘milestone’ |
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Coronavirus: German Chancellor Merkel self-quarantines announces further restrictions |
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Phone call between Erdogan and German Chancellor Merkel |
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Immer mehr Unternehmen müssen Corona-Insolvenz anmelden:Frau Merkel das sind jetzt Ihre Pleiten! |
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Angela Merkel: więcej Europy |
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Angela Merkel’in Test Sonuçları Açıklandı |
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Becali atac dur la adresa lui Orban: L-a sunat Merkel și i-a zis „Dă-ne domne niște sclavi!” |
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Merkel da negativo en tercera prueba de coronavirus |
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Sebastian Kurz war Merkel schon immer einen Schritt voraus |
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Trudeau ve Merkel’in Koronavirüs’e karşı ekonomi destekleriyle ilgili sözleri |
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Merkel lässt in Minecraft Kühe fliegen und das ist gut Tausend |
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Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has ended her self-quarantine |
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Umfrage: Angela Merkel ist beliebteste Politikerin |
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Merkel: „Există motive de optimism prudent Respectați restricțiile de Paște” |
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¿De quiénes se compadecerá Merkel |
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Wie Merkel eine Partei entkernt hat |
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Rareș Bogdan: România furnizor de sclavi pentru Europa Dacă Merkel vrea să-și culeagă sparanghelul nu e problema mea |
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Angela Merkel karantinada! |
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‘Não podemos ser imprudentes’ adverte Merkel |
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Mag van Merkel want ‘geen verbod Nederland in te reizen’ |
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Merkel says latest coronavirus figures in Germany give ‘cautious hope’ |
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Plahotniuc chemat de urgență la Berlin de către Angela Merkel! Află de ce! |
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Droht uns jetzt die ewige Merkel!!! |
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Rareş Bogdan critici dure pentru Orban: Dacă Merkel vrea să îşi culeagă |
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Merz lehet Angela Merkel utódja |
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Şansölye Merkel Karantinaya Alındı |
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Merkel Says Coronavirus Numbers Give ‘Cautious Hope’: Live Coverage – The New York Times |
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Merkel zu Corona Virus |
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Merkel ist erst 65!!! |
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Angela Merkel – în autoizolare la domiciliu |
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Almanya Başbakanı Merkel’den virüs açıklaması |
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Germany: Race for Merkel’s Succession |
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20 vjet që kur Merkel mori drejtimin e Kristian-Demokratëve të Gjermanisë |
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No la bambina in questa foto con Hitler non è Angela Merkel |
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The Quail Motorcycle Gathering 1913 Flying Merkel Twin Named “Best Of Show” |
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Ist Frau Merkel reif für die Psychiatrie |
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Updated: Dan Merkel |
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Rückkehr zur Normalität: Laschet für erste Schritte nach Ostern − ob Merkel zustimmt |
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Die Ukraine-Wahl ist eine Ohrfeige für Merkel amp Co |
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Angela Merkel und ihr Leben im postfaktischen Zeitalter |
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine after meeting with doctor who… |
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Merkel karantinaya girdi |
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Germany’s Merkel Says Coronavirus Numbers Give ‘Cautious Hope’: Live Coverage – The New York Times |
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Vive l’Europe vive Macron vive la France et son leadership qui vas sauver des vies personne n’a plus tendu la main que Emmanuel macron aux pays du monde de manière active et posée vers le future pour un travail à suivre en commun à l’avenir et pour les jeunes générations un parterre audacieux de travail depuis la fin de la deuxième guerre !! Trump très malheureux…Cette Page Trump en despote ordonne à ses valets de ne pas réfléchir sur une armée de l’Union Européenne ! 141118 Jens Stoltenberg bourreau croque-morts boucher aime l’odeur de la mort Il est responsable de la coordination des travaux de l’Alliance il préside le Conseil de l’Atlantique nord dirige le personnel de l’Alliance et représente l’Alliance à l’extérieur L’actuel secrétaire général est le norvégien Jens Stoltenberg nommé le 28 mars 2014 Agent de la CIA qui informe les USA de tout ce que font les pays du monde et empêcher les succès des projets des états européen !! Cette Page: Armée européenne : Merkel et Macron solidaires face à Trump Tweets rageurs injurieux de TRUMP contre la France et Emmanuel Macron Personne ne doit être capable de pensée pour TRUMP et le monde doit être à ses pieds aucune idéologie que ses pensées ne doivent prévaloir TRUMP est un dictateur de l’ère actuel et non un populiste ou autres formes de gouvernance Très décevant sa prestation à Paris ! Il faut commencer à s’habituer à ne plus être sous la domination de TRUMP les USA l’OTAN et l’OMC TRUMP vieillit très mal et donne plutot des signes de folie TRUMP cache son incompétence en flinguant les autres chefs d’Etat Organes de surveillance des terriens petits comme barbares selon la mémoires collective cachée dans l’esprit de tous les américains de race supérieurs Notre analyse SANS LUI PRETER DES DEFINITIONS DE COMPORTEMENTS DIPLOMATIQUES OU DE QUELQUES TALENTS QUE CE SOIT BIEN CONNUT DU REIGNE DES HUMANOIDES DEPUIS DES MILLENAIRES Même page: Visé par Donald Trump Emmanuel Macron dit préférer une discussion directe à la diplomatie par des tweets TRUMP MAL A L’AISE REGARDEZ BIEN SUR LE PERON |
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Angela Merkel Das seltsame merkelsche Paradox |
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Angela Merkel Stickers for WhatsApp |
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Angela Merkel auf Bundesparteitag erschossen! |
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Merkel |
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Angela Merkel pide paciencia a los alemanes |
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Merkel pide a los alemanes “disciplina” y “no bajar la guardia” |
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Gigi Becali izbucnire cu accente xenofobe în direct la TV: „Merkel l-a sunat pe Orban și i-a zis «Dă-ne niște sclavi»” |
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DIE WELT “MAFIA ASPETTA EUROBOND”/ Le verità sulla Germania che la Merkel non dice |
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Ein kleiner Gruß an Angela Merkel |
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Aktuelle Forsa-Umfrage: Dreiviertel der Deutschen sprechen Angela Merkel und Markus Söder größte Führungserfahrung und Durchsetzungsvermögen in der Corona-Krise zu |
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Angela Merkel im Porträt |
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Letër e hapur nga Prof Sucharit Bhakdi drejtuar kancelares Merkel |
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germany chancellor angela merkel says corona curve is flattening slightly |
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Đối phó với Coronavirus Anh và Đức qua hai con người: Angela Merkel và |
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Merkel-Nachfolge gesucht : K-Frage bei der Union: Söder klar vor Merz und Laschet |
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Entspannung in der Ukraine – Merkel zeigt ihr wahres Gesicht |
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Merkel: Gyorsan kárba veszhetnek az eredmények |
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Merkel: Uzunca bir süre pandemiyle yaşayacağız |
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Seehofers „Masterplan“ – Kanzlerin Merkel zeigt ihr wahres Gesicht |
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Lettera alla Merkel non c’è più tempo serve a Malagò: ‘Emozionato da video atleti’ |
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Alman otomotiv endüstrisinden Merkel’e ‘korona’ mektubu |
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Eurozone – Merkel drückt nach Einigung auf Corona-Rettungspaket aufs Tempo |
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Hat Kanzlerin Merkel das Recht gebrochen |
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Türkei-Deal fliegt Merkel jetzt um die Ohren |
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Merkel Halka Mesaj Yayınladı -Türkçe- |
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Wegen Corona: Will Merkel-Berater Asylbewerber nach Deutschland holen |
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“Qeveria e konsideron si të mundshme zbutjen graduale të masave kufizuese” Merkel: Shkas për shpresë të moderuar |
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Merkel pide a los alemanes disciplina y no bajar la guardia |
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Brexit warning: Boris will NOT rely on Merkel like Theresa May did as PM confident of deal |
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Merkel’den Türkiye’ye ‘harekâta son verin’ çağrısı |
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Umfrage: Mehrheit sieht bei Merkel größte Führungserfahrung in Coronakrise |
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Merkel says no to ‘coronabonds’ |
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Merkel considera un hito importante el acuerdo del Eurogrupohace 3 horas |
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Berlinale – Wo sich alle Merkel-Hillary-Schergen treffen |
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Netzausbau 5G – Die Merkel-Regierung will Großkonzernen Geschenke machen |
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Otomotiv lobisi Merkel’den yardım istedi: Açın |
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Lieber Gott Bitte wirf Hirn vom Himmel und vernichte Merkel durch einen Blitz! Bitte !!! Ganz Europa bittet Dich darum !!!!!! |
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Дымогенератор Меркель Merkel |
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Pandemic: Angela Merkel’s speech to the German people — leading by example amp a Corona map some Gilbert amp Sullivan cheer an absorbing movie series amp book |
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Profesor Sucharit Bhakdi 5 întrebări către Angela Merkel În infecțiologie a fost mereu o deosebire elementară între infecție și boală Un studiu făcut în Franța arată că mortalitatea la COVID-19 e asemănătoare cu cea dată de alți coronaviruși video aprilie 9 2020 |
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Merkel and German auto industry seek ways to restart factories |
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Merkel die Vierte ist die Königin des Unrechts |
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Die größte Herausforderung der Bevölkerung ist nicht das Coronavirus sondern Angela Merkel! |
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Merkel considera un hito importante el acuerdo del Eurogrupo |
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Merkel’in karantina süresi bitti |
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Angela Merkel’s first coronavirus test comes back negative |
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KILLEDCoronavirus crisis could plunge half a billion people into poverty – Oxfam VIRUSCoronavirus: Almost 20 of NYPD ‘s uniformed staff off sick TrumpTrump sent ventilators as political favour for Republican senator congresswoman claims VIRUSCoronavirus: Grocery worker who insisted on working to help the elderly dies from Covid-19 America President says ‘we are praying for ‘ Boris Johnson as coronavirus cases in New York overtake any other country VIRUSOil producing nations agree historic cut in face of coronavirus crisis VIRUSCats can catch coronavirus study finds prompting WHO investigation VIRUSPost-lockdown life re-emerges in coronavirus epicentre Wuhan VIRUSCoronavirus cases in Ireland top 6500 ICU admissions stablise VIRUSIn Uganda mothers in labour die amidst coronavirus lockdown VIRUSGerman coronavirus curve gives reason for cautious hope – Merkel VIRUSDutch elderly home builds glass-sided cabin for safe coronavirus visits VIRUSItalian prosecutors probe coronavirus crisis in nursing homes VIRUSMoscow in U-turn to assume all pneumonia patients may have coronavirus VIRUSLove during lockdown: South African couple hold backyard ‘wedding’ VIRUSBritish provider to post abortion pills to ensure Northern Irish women have access America Stay the course: Vigilance urged as coronavirus curve flattens in New York VIRUSData on arthritis drug to treat coronavirus could come within weeks – Regeneron executive India Coronavirus COVID-19 Crisis A Chance For India To Reform Its Economy Say Some Experts India COVID-19 To Impact Economic Activity Directly Due To Lockdowns Says RBI India Coronavirus Crisis Indian Economy Needs 200-300 Billion Stimulus To Fight Covid19 Says ASSOCHAM India India FY21 GDP Projection By UN Economic Impact of Coronavirus On Global Economy India COVID-19 Crisis Lockdown Coronavirus Has ‘Drastically Altered’ India’s Growth Outlook Says RBI VIRUSBSE Sensex Today LIVE Updates Sensex Nifty End 4 Higher Tracking Asian Markets Amid Coronavirus India Cognizant Withdraws 2020 Forecast On Coronavirus Uncertainty India Coronavirus Impact Global Recession World Faces Worst Economic Fallout Since Great Depression Due To COVID 19 Says IMF Chief India RBI In Monetary Policy Report Amid Covid19 India Gold Price Gains Nearly 1 On Safe Haven Demand Amid Coronavirus Crisis India Gold Price Today April 9 2020 Gold Futures Edge Higher To Rs 45300/10 Grams Amid Coronavirus Index Shake-Out May Follow Trading Turmoil America US Fed USD 23 Trillion Roll Out For Local Governments Medium Small Sized Businesses TrumpSaudi Russia Outline Record Supply Cut As Demand Crashes Covid-19 MARKET/BUSINESSFinancial Stock Forex Commodity Markets Shut For Good Friday Holiday America Nearly 17 Million In US File For Unemployment In 3 Weeks Amid Coronavirus VIRUSCoronavirus outbreak: New IGP Benazir refuses tokens of greetings VIRUSDU JnU SUST classes exams suspended until further notice VIRUSWoman returning from Nganj dies of coronavirus-like symptoms in Bbaria BangladeshTake care of yourself family alongside ensuring safety of people: PHQ to police VIRUSCoronavirus: Chandpur comes under lockdown VIRUSPCR machine to detect Covid-19 reaches Boguras Ziaur Rahman hospital VIRUSRab launches cyber-verification cell to tackle Covid-19 misinformation India British fair trade group comes down heavily on buyers bullying practices BangladeshSUST wants to dedicate lab for Covid-19 tests BangladeshPvt universities urge UGC to postpone directives on admissions grades VIRUSHead of a department at BSMMU tests coronavirus positive VIRUSThird Covid-19 case confirmed in Cumilla 1 village locked down ItalyItaly returnee suffering from Covid-19 symptoms dies at Kurmitola hospital BangladeshRMG factory owner dies from Covid-19 in Dhaka BangladeshOne with Covid-19 and five others with symptoms die in 6 districts BangladeshCombating coronavirus: A tall order outside Dhaka VIRUSQatar returnee stabbed dead in Sylhet India Coronavirus: Airbnb restricts UK bookings to coronavirus key workers India Coronavirus: Google Duplex AI arrives in UK to ask about opening hours India Coronavirus: Ofcom formally probes David Icke TV interview America Should we teach children about quantum computing India Coronavirus: Astronauts arrive at ISS after long quarantine VIRUSDomain name registrar suspends 600 suspicious coronavirus websites America Intel Mozilla join initiative to make IP available to coronavirus efforts India How to watch Grey’s Anatomy: stream the season 16 finale online from anywhere VIRUSYour VPN could be putting working from home at risk India How to watch The Good Fight online: stream Season 4 from anywhere America The 90 trillion question is how to get people back to work MARKET/BUSINESSSensex soars 1266 points snaps 7-week losing streak Rs 4 lakh crore added MARKET/BUSINESSMarket Movers: M M Maruti Cipla soar 19 stocks turn amplsquooverboughtamp America Wall Street firm dangled up to 175 returns to investors using US aid programs AustraliaStock forex bond commodity markets closed for Good Friday MARKET/BUSINESSFed to buy junk bonds lend to states in fresh virus support VIRUSPepper a platform for restaurants and suppliers pivots to deliver food to consumers India Monzo to shutter Las Vegas customer support office 165 employees being let go VIRUSLatest on the spread of the coronavirus around the world India India says lockdown has spared it from overwhelming number of coronavirus cases India India and Pakistan locked in border fighting amid coronavirus crisis VIRUSPurab Kohli: I have recovered from coronavirus ItalyItaly planning to extend coronavirus lockdown until May 3 – union sources SpainAs contagion slows prudent Portugal won’t ease lockdown VIRUSChina says new coronavirus cases lower tightens land border containment VIRUSSaudi-led ceasefire in Yemen begins lifting hopes for peace VIRUSUK joins US UN in supporting Saudi-led ceasefire in Yemen amid virus outbreak VIRUSOnce the biggest outbreak outside of China South Korean city reports zero new coronavirus cases VIRUSSouth Korean coronavirus patients vote as parliamentary election kicks off VIRUSUN Security Council meets over coronavirus as it struggles to act VIRUSChicago jail reports 450 coronavirus cases among staff inmates America ‘You can’t relax’: Vigilance urged as New York sees signs of coronavirus progress VIRUSUS coronavirus deaths top 16000 – Reuters tally VIRUSSign of the times: Mile-long line of cars outside California grocery giveaway VIRUSAs fever checks become the norm in coronavirus era demand for thermal cameras soars VIRUSUK defends coronavirus response after Reuters investigation India Lets give tech philanthropists the benefit of the doubt on COVID-19 India I had COVID-19 but my tech guilt is worse America After an extended quarantine the next ISS crew arrives in orbit India Its bullshit that VCs are open for business right now but that could change in a month VIRUSCoronavirus test is like ‘being stabbed in the brain’ woman says VIRUSTerrifying video shows how single cough spreads coronavirus across a supermarket VIRUSExercising too much during lockdown can be bad for mental health study claims VIRUSCoronavirus may need to be ‘treated like cancer’ with infected cells destroyed VIRUSScientists warn coronavirus ‘won’t go away in warm weather’ as temperatures rise VIRUSCoronavirus treatment possible as trial finds HIV drug is beneficial to patients VIRUSOfcom launches urgent probe of LondonLive over David Icke coronavirus conspiracy VIRUSJamie Dornan defends ‘cringeworthy’ celebrity cover of John Lennonamps Imagine VIRUSCoronavirus survivor Linda Lusardi demands amppound500 fines for ‘selfish’ partygoers VIRUSRihanna sent ventilator to dad’s home after he was struck down with coronavirus VIRUSFiona Phillips on her coronavirus ‘visitor’ who made her life agony VIRUSLiam Payne devastated he can’t see son Bear as he’s with Cheryl during lockdown VIRUSJoe Exotic ‘does not have coronavirus’ despite moving prison for isolation America Coronavirus: Trump ‘s World Health Organisation funding freeze embodies ‘America First ‘ message America Coronavirus: Anger as Americans caught dumping used gloves and masks outside grocery stores TrumpCoronavirus: With poll numbers dipping and death toll rising Trump predicts US will soon open with ‘big bang ‘ VIRUSA choir rehearsal a beach party and a Carnival ball: Inside three events that innocently sparked outbreaks TrumpCDC quietly changes advice on malaria drug as Trump pushes it as a coronavirus cure AustraliaRuby Princess: Australian police seize cruise ship ‘s black box and question crew about coronavirus scandal TrumpDuring coronavirus briefing Trump says he ‘ll consider pardon for Netflix star Joe Exotic VIRUSYemen: Saudi-led coalition announces ceasefire amid growing coronavirus fears VIRUSCoronavirus: US evacuees sprayed with unknown chemicals by Peruvian authorities VIRUSCoronavirus: Lockdowns can ‘t end until Covid-19 vaccine found study says VIRUSCoronavirus: Taiwan rejects ‘baseless ‘ allegation it subject WHO chief to campaign of abuse and racism America ‘Smell flowed from him ‘: Why bodies are being left for days on the streets of coronavirus-hit Guayaquil VIRUSCoronavirus: Italian prime minister fears EU could collapse because of pandemic VIRUS ‘I want to help it ‘s frustrating ‘: More than 90 per cent of medical volunteers not being used in New York ‘s fight against coronavirus VIRUSCoronavirus pandemic could push half a billion people into poverty Oxfam warns VIRUSSingapore ‘s post-lockdown coronavirus surge sparks fears of new breakouts VIRUSCoronavirus: Bill O ‘Reilly says Covid-19 victims ‘were on last legs anyway ‘ VIRUSNasa and Roscosmos astronauts shot into space after unusual coronavirus quarantine TrumpCoronavirus: Trump denies investing in hydroxychloroquine as FDA proceeds with trials VIRUSUS Navy Secretary ‘s visit to Guam to attack coronavirus captain cost taxpayers more than 240000 America Coronavirus: One tenth of US workforce now unemployed as government struggles to process benefits VIRUSCoronavirus: China declares dogs are companions and should not be eaten signalling possible end to brutal meat trade America Coronavirus: Nearly 800 people under the age of 50 have died in the US SpainSpain close to reversing coronavirus curve as PM announces ‘beginning of de-escalation ‘ TrumpCoronavirus: Attorney General Barr claims media ‘jihad ‘ against Trump-promoted anti-malaria drug America New York nurse describes coronavirus patient ‘s words before being intubated: ‘Who ‘s going to pay for it ‘ VIRUSCoronavirus: Georgia bar takes thousands of dollar bills off walls to help employees VIRUSCoronavirus is changing how people die – even if they don ‘t have it VIRUSCoronavirus: Expert warns against people getting infected on purpose for supposed immunity VIRUSCoronavirus: Dr Fauci says US may begin to reopen by summer as Bill Gates predicts schools returning by fall TrumpCoronavirus: Democrats block Trump ‘s new stimulus package warning it is a ‘political stunt ‘ and not enough KILLEDIranian security forces ‘killed dozens of prisoners ‘ protesting lack of coronavirus protections VIRUSTurkish government feeds hundreds of thousands of stray animals VIRUSCoronavirus: Most New York cases came from Europe not Asia and could have been contained genome specialists say VIRUSCoronavirus: Botswana ‘s entire parliament placed under quarantine VIRUSGrandmother who found viral fame inviting stranger to Thanksgiving dinner loses husband to coronavirus America Coronavirus: Pence doubles down on Trump administration ‘s WHO attacks VIRUSCoronavirus: White House blocks health experts appearing on CNN VIRUSCoronavirus: US air travel passenger numbers plunge to 65-year low VIRUS ‘No you can ‘t relax ‘: Governor tells New Yorkers to stay at home as he compares ‘painful ‘ coronavirus death toll to 9/11 America ‘I want to stay alive but I also want to stay alive ‘: Video of police following black men wearing masks raises concern over racial profiling India Coronavirus: India makes face masks mandatory for more than 300m people punishable by up to six months in prison VIRUSCoronavirus: Hotels shut doors to LA homeless VIRUSCoronavirus: Jeff Bezos tours Amazon warehouse amid backlash over safety VIRUSRevealed: Hospitals fear shortage of essential pain relief and sedation drugs will make ventilators useless for worst-hit coronavirus patients VIRUS ‘We need more data ‘: Pelosi in no rush on next coronavirus stimulus deal VIRUSAnthony Fauci says ‘I don ‘t think we should ever shake hands ever again ‘ VIRUSCoronavirus: Girl who inspired medical marijuana reform dies from virus potentially related to Covid-19 ItalyItaly demands apology after German paper said ‘mafia waiting for EU coronavirus money ‘ Technology Today |
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Ist Angela Merkel Honeckers späte Rache am Klassenfeind oder doch eher der verlängerte Arm des Militärisch Industriellen Komplex’ |
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Germany’s Angela Merkel in quarantine |
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Corona: Facharzt für Infektionsepidemiologie schreibt offenen Brief an Merkel |
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Das war´s Frau Merkel – Neuwahlen oder Minderheitsregierung |
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Deutschland Umfrage zu Corona-Krise Angela Merkel mit der besten Bewertung |
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