Index of references to Merkel in Global Information Space with daily updates
New headings with Merkel from Top 1,000,000 websites extracted on 2020-08-03
# | Headings H1-H6 | Count |
Markus Söder un colbertiste franco compatible favori pour la succession d’Angela Merkel | 2 | |
A senior Merkel ally says China is an ‘ever more powerful snake’ that Germany will take the fight to | 2 | |
Angela Merkel has accused anti social-distancing protesters of ‘unacceptable’ violations after tens of thousands took to the streets of Berlin with no masks for a ‘day of freedom’ | 1 | |
Duitsland gaat zich harder opstellen tegen China en minder luisteren naar de eigen autolobby als Angela Merkel is vertrokken | 1 | |
Trumps Nichte hält Merkel für intelligenter als Donald Trump | 1 | |
Herraiz: “Sánchez se presenta como salvador de Europa y España aunque sin Merkel no tendríamos acuerdo | 1 |