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Source Article from Hits: 57 Rigged College Admissions: One Aspect Of Rampant Social Inequity March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Rigged College Admissions: One Aspect Of Rampant Social Inequity The children of working stiffs learned a brutal lesson this week as federal prosecutors criminally charged rich people with buying admission to elite universities for their less-than-stellar children The lesson is that no matter how hard you work no matter how smart or talented you are a dumb lazy rich kid is going to beat you It’s crucial that everyone who is not a wealthy movie star hedge fund executive or corporate CEO—that is 99 percent of all Americans—sees this college admissions scandal for what it really is: a microcosm of the larger corrupt system that works against working people squashing their chances for advancement This system is the reason that rich people and corporations got massive tax breaks last year while the 99 percent got paltry ones It is the reason the federal minimum wage and the overtime threshold are stuck at poverty levels It is the reason labor unions have dwindled over the past four decades This system is the reason we cannot have nice things Despite all that land-of-equal-opportunity crap the rich ensure that only they can have nice things starting with what they can buy legally and illegally for their children and rising through what they can buy legally and illegally from politicians who make the rules that withdraw money from the pockets of working people and deposit it into the bulging bank accounts of the fabulously rich When the mastermind of the elite university admissions scheme William Singer pleaded guilty this week he exposed the launching pad available to the well-heeled to guarantee that their children will be well-heeled Even after the wealthy pay for their heirs to attend prohibitively expensive private preparatory academies their grades test scores and extracurricular activities may not add up to enough to gain them entrance to Ivy League universities from which a degree virtually assures an overpaid position on Wall Street and with it another generation of wealth accumulation Singer admitted he developed a work-around for the wealthy The indictment revealed that through Singer parents handed between 15000 and 75000 to college entrance exam administrators to fabricate top-notch test scores for low-achieving offspring That lower amount—15000—paid by the rich to pad SAT and ACT scores is a good example It’s a figure of trifling import to a one-percenter It is however the entire year’s earnings of a parent working full-time at the federal 725 minimum wage That parent may have a child who received a perfect SAT score—without cheating—who has earned straight As even in advanced placement classes who excelled in soccer and served as class president But that child of a minimum-wage worker won’t get into Harvard because the rich kid took his place with falsified test scores and faked athletic achievements And the rich kid and his parents have the means to ensure that members of the next generation of the family have the same opportunity to cheat their way into a top college They have the money to buy just the right politicians something that the perverse Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions by the US Supreme Court facilitated The right-wing court ruled that rich people and corporations could give unlimited money to elect politicians of their choice Politicians chosen by the wealthy won’t support labor unions minimum wage increases or higher overtime thresholds They won’t cultivate opportunity for the 99 percent They won’t require corporations to treat workers as humans with dignity Politicians chosen by the rich have passed legislation in state after state intended to bankrupt labor unions the very organizations that were so crucial to creating the middle class in America Under the legislation labor unions are forbidden to collect small fees from people who choose not to join This weakens unions because they are required by federal regulations to provide services for all those who labor in a unionized workplace whether they join the union or not So what these politicians are doing is requiring unions to represent nonmembers for free It has devastated labor organizations in some places including Wisconsin The result is lower wages and worse benefits for all workers because higher union-bargained pay pulls up all incomes in a region The logic here is simple: less for workers more for fat cats And of course politicians chosen by rich people will not raise the minimum wage The federal minimum has remained at a painfully low 725 for a decade Now it’s a poverty wage It means a person who works full-time cannot support himself and certainly can’t provide for a family In Washington DC and other expensive cities some full-time minimum-wage workers are homeless The substandard minimum wage pulls down all wages Similarly politicians chosen by the rich will not significantly increase the 23660 overtime threshold under which all workers must be paid time-and-a-half for hours beyond 40 in a week Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez now chair of the Democratic National Committee proposed in 2016 doubling the threshold to 47476 which would have enabled an additional 4 million workers to qualify for overtime pay Often these are workers given fancy titles like assistant night manager and paid 24000 a year so that their fast-food restaurant bosses can require them to work 50 60 even 70 hours a week for no extra pay at all For these families the overtime pay would be extremely meaningful—in ways that are incomprehensible to families that can dish out 15000 to 75000 to cheat on the SAT Fast-food corporations including CKE owner of Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s opposed the proposed overtime threshold increase The CEO of CKE at the time Andrew F Puzder worth 45 million wrote an essay condemning the increase and explaining how millions of low-paid workers with fancy titles should love to work extra time without extra pay because it gave all of them the opportunity to work their way to the top like one guy at CKE did one time The US Chamber of Commerce a lobby group for rich corporations filed suit against the increase and scuttled it So now it hasn’t increased in 15 years A new labor secretary last week offered a much stingier increase Alexander Acosta proposed 35308 as the threshold Only about 1 million additional workers would benefit if the number were that low And instead of automatic increases every three years the Labor Department would consider whether to raise it only every four years no guarantees This is not good policy for working people It is however great policy for rich people who as a result keep more of the profits produced by the labor of underpaid people It means continuing the cycle of one percent staying rich and 99 percent denied opportunity And that means the wealthy can continue to bribe university officials to admit their unqualified scion There’s no reason to take heart from the fact that prosecutors stymied one specific college admission scam It is illegal to pay an SAT proctor to alter test scores It is not illegal though to buy a science lab for Harvard or a humanities building for Yale with the hope that the family name prominently engraved on the edifice will sway admission officers when they see the same moniker on a college application It’s no shock college admissions are rigged for the rich The whole economic system is rigged by the rich Until working people change that their opportunities and those of their children will continue to diminish Source Article from Hits: 46 Uncertain Futures Are A Warning For World To Act As One March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Uncertain Futures Are A Warning For World To Act As One Above photo: The pace of climate change demands action now By Jason Row on Unsplash Different computer simulations deliver variant and uncertain futures One research team has studied millions And in most cases the outlook remains ominous London − US scientists have peered ahead in more than five million ways and they do not like the uncertain futures they see there Unless the world collectively and in concert takes drastic steps to slow or halt global warming generations to come face an intolerable prospect And even if humans do switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy economise on resources and restore the world’s forests and grasslands there is still no guarantee that disaster will not happen That is because the outcome depends not just on the steps humans take now but on one of the great unresolved scientific questions: just how sensitive is climate to shifts in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere If sensitivity is low and humankind acts effectively and immediately the future could be tolerable But in a total of 5200000 computer-generated scenarios involving population growth economic development the role of carbon in the economy and the levels of climate sensitivity this happens only relatively infrequently “If large abatement efforts are undertaken warming is generally limited and damages are low However aggressive abatement action does not guarantee a ‘tolerable’ future” the scientists write in the journal Nature Climate Change Good luck needed “Our simple analysis shows that to achieve a tolerable future we must also have the good fortune of living in a world with low climate sensitivity Failure to rapidly increase abatement all but guarantees failure over a very wide range of climate sensitivities “We show that our generation has an important responsibility to ensure that coming generations have a tolerable future” And they conclude: “It is still however a gamble that depends on how sensitive the climate turns out to be and how soon the promises of negative emissions materialise but we show immediate rapid growth in abatement remains our safest course of action” At the heart of all such studies is the question: how much time does human society have before climate change becomes dangerous and inevitable The scientists defined “tolerable” as a future in which global warming stopped by 2100 at 2°C or less above historic levels a future 195 nations have already agreed to work for in Paris in 2015 “Uncertainty is sometimes interpreted as an excuse for delaying action Our research shows that uncertainty can be a solid reason to take immediate action” To achieve this tolerable future the scientists reasoned that the cost of abatement should be no more than 3 of the gross world product and the damage wrought by climate change no more than 2 Then they considered 24 levels of uncertainty in what they call the “human-Earth system” and generated their vast number of possible outcomes Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have already soared from around 280 parts per million to more than 400 ppm and global average temperatures have soared with them to around 1°C above the average for most of human history Climate scientists have already identified the costs of “intolerable” climate change They warn that as the thermometer rises so does the threat of devastating famine Extremes of heat become increasingly lethal Floods could become more devastating and sea levels rise dangerously Drought rising temperatures and food shortages are likely to create the conditions for dangerous conflict But in 2019 greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are likely to be higher than ever The world is already midway through the hottest decade since records began And the planet could tip the 15°C global average temperature rise – the target proposed in Paris – in the next decade No reassurance The consequences of accelerated global warming could be calamitous but there is still argument about the rate of change the role of the natural cycles in atmosphere and ocean that influence climate the scale of hazard to human civilisation and the nature of the steps vital to contain warming So the US researchers decided to look at the whole range of possible future outcomes Their answers are not reassuring The message is that either global economies react now – at considerable cost and for no immediate reward – or that future generations must pay what could be a wretched price for present inaction “Despite massive uncertainties in a multitude of sectors human actions are still the driving factor in determining the long-term climate” said Jonathan Lamontagne a civil engineer at Tufts University in Massachusetts who led the study “Uncertainty is sometimes interpreted as an excuse for delaying action Our research shows that uncertainty can be a solid reason to take immediate action” − Climate News Network Source Article from Hits: 49 Millions Of Youth March Against Climate Change March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Millions Of Youth March Against Climate Change Above photo: Saeed Khan / AFP / Getty Images An estimated 14 million students and youth walked out of school and took part in Friday’s worldwide demonstrations against climate change The internationally coordinated protests the largest in sixteen years were organized in response to the growing realization among young people that the governments of the world are incapable of taking any significant measures to halt global warming The latest UN report states that there may be as little as eleven years before the impact of climate change on human civilization becomes exponentially more devastating The demonstrators have also directed their outrage against international agreements such as the Paris Accord which have all proven to be worthless in addressing the crisis The initial impulse of the movement known as the Youth Climate Strike and Fridays For Future was given by 16-year-old Greta Thurnberg who began striking against climate change outside the Swedish parliament building last August This has been followed by a series of protests over the past several months Yesterday’s protests were on a larger scale The official list counts actions in more than 2000 cities in at least 120 countries on every continent including Antarctica There were 235 in Italy 214 in France 200 in Germany 195 in the United States 144 in Sweden and 120 in the United Kingdom The single biggest demonstration was in Milan where an estimated 100000 students and youth marched Organizers counted 60000 participants in Montreal 50000 in Naples 40000 in Paris 30000 in Brussels and Rome 20000 in Berlin and 10000 in London Smaller protests involving dozens or hundreds of students and youth occurred in every corner of the globe including Cape Town Tokyo Moscow New Delhi Mexico City Jakarta Buenos Aires and Shanghai More than 23000 German Austrian and Swiss scientists signed a statement supporting the protests under the name “Scientists For Future” They declared “The concerns of the young protesters are justified and supported by the best available science… The young people rightly demand that our society should prioritize sustainability and especially climate action without further hesitation Without far-reaching and consistent change their future is in danger” The demonstrations reflect a growing radicalization of young people internationally not only in relation to climate change but in response to mounting social inequality the victimization of immigrants and refugees and unending war This was reflected in many of the slogans on handmade banners that students brought to the rallies Some included: “Capitalism is killing the planet kill capitalism” “Profit or future” “Open borders for refugees” “Capitalism is killing us” and “World strike for the future” Members of the Socialist Equality Party and other supporters of the World Socialist Web Site attended demonstrations in several countries where they distributed copies of the WSWS perspective “ The Youth Climate Strike and the fight against global warming ” and other statements explaining the SEP’s fight to mobilize the working class against capitalism The perspective advanced by supporters of the SEP was in sharp contrast to the perspective promoted by various Democratic Party politicians and their counterparts internationally Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that the young people were “beginning to launch climate walkouts to pressure their governments into acting on real climate change plan” Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats are promoting a “ Green New Deal ” which is based on the fiction that anything can be done to stop climate change within the framework of the Democratic Party and the capitalist system New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wrote “We hear you and we’re getting on with setting a path for carbon neutrality” referring to the different carbon emission trading schemes New Zealand has attempted in recent years They were joined by various trade unions and pseudo-left groups seeking to bolster the credentials of the parties of the political establishment Many of those who came to demonstrations however understood the need for a political struggle against capitalism They discussed the SEP’s critique of the Democratic Party and the various Labour Parties as parties of capitalism equally responsible with their more openly right-wing counterparts for militarism attacks on democratic rights and austerity The International Youth and Students for Social Equality at the University of Michigan spoke with students and youth in Ann Arbor Michigan Marisol a high school junior at Community High School said “The corporations and politicians are totally unwilling to change anything The working class just needs to wake up and see our power” She added “It’s not the fault of the people at the bottom who have nothing It’s the rich and the corporations and the politicians who are responsible” Lys a high-school student in Paris noted that “Today in France there are 280000 soldiers They are deployed throughout the world I find that France has a sphere of action that is far too large The wars are for private interests whether they be financial or political and not for humanitarian concerns That’s what I find dangerous That’s also what I’m afraid of for the climate It’s the private interests which buy politics and power That’s why I came today” The massive influx of resources needed to halt and reverse climate change requires the reorganization of economic social and political life on an international scale Energy production must be coordinated on a global scale in order to transition to renewable forms which in turn requires the most serious scientific investigation into new techniques and ideas Such a fundamental shift however comes into direct conflict with the nation-state system and the drive of corporations for private profit It is not a question of youth appealing to the powers that be but of directly opposing the domination of society by a handful of billionaires and the social system over which they preside At the same time as the global nature of the protests objectively demonstrates students must turn to the only progressive international social force on Earth the working class Just as economic and technical development under capitalism has caused a worldwide ecological crisis it also contains the ability to address this crisis in a rational way However to free up the resources needed to tackle climate change—along with war poverty and inequality—requires a complete socialist reorganization of economic life The economy must be placed in the democratic control of the working class the only social force capable of establishing a society based on human need including a healthy global environment Source Article from Hits: 46 New Details Of Failed Assassination Against Maduro March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ New Details Of Failed Assassination Against Maduro Above photo: The attack was aborted by Venezuelan security who exploded the drones Photo: Agency The US network CNN published an investigation in which it again confirms the official version of the attempt to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro The revelation comes from an interview with a former Venezuelan soldier who contributed videos and photos of the group training in the “Colombian plains” to execute the failed assassination with drones In these videos collected by the CNN correspondent in Colombia it can be clearly seen how drones are sent again and again as high as possible and then abruptly descending to explode near the floor exactly as they wanted to do in August of 2018 Atención a esto: CNN al igual que el NYT hace días devela detalles de la operación que intentó asesinar al presidente Nicolás Maduro en agosto del año pasado Lo que negaron tergiversaron falsearon y ocultaron periodistas y políticos que hoy vuelven al ridículo https://tco/LlhJ59QIEb — GBR GBorgesRevilla March 14 2019 The ex-military man who also claims to be the organizer of the attack confessed that the United States contacted the group after the attack on at least three occasions to learn details of the events A few months before Bloomberg reported that in reality Colombia and the United States were aware of the attack According to the unidentified former military officer the possibility that the failed attack murdered other people was one of the risks they “had to take” emphasizing that it “hurts that the Venezuelan people are always the ones who must pay the consequences” A contradiction in every rule The organizer of the attack also pointed out that the drones and explosive devices were smuggled into Venezuela which exposes the role of Colombia and anti-Chavez leaders like Julio Borges and Juan Requesens in the orchestration and execution of the plan The latter revealed last year that at the request of Borges he allowed the entry of Henriberth Enmanuel Rivas Vivas alias “Morfeo” who was in charge of executing the attack on the ground This revelation confirms once again the denunciations of the Venezuelan State about the frustrated assassination A few months earlier Bloomberg said the idea of the attack came from a group in Miami The Venezuelan government for its part holds the entrepreneur Osman Delgado Tabosky owner of El Faro Media Group LLC responsible for its financing Supposedly Senator Marco Rubio attended the inauguration of this company Source Article from Hits: 64 Solidarity Isn’t A Slogan It’s A Process March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ In this exclusive interview a prominent Indian intellectual examines how imperialism operates in our time and proposes specific forms of solidarity with Venezuela Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian journalist and Marxist intellectual Among numerous books and articles Prashad’s The Darker Nations stands out for its thorough account of Third World organizational efforts during the 20th century Today he is chief editor of LeftWord books and heads up the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research Last week Prashad was in Caracas for the International People’s Assembly and found time to respond to some of our questions about the history of internationalism and how to do solidarity with Venezuela and other countries under imperialist siege There is a long history of international solidarity but as far as South‐South solidarity goes one important landmark is the Non‐Aligned Movement which from 1961 on brought together governments from what we now would call the Global South Could we talk about what that legacy stands for today There are two reasons why we should understand this It’s important to see that when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the “Communist Manifesto” in 1848 they wrote “Workers of the world unite!” But in 1848 the workers of the world couldn’t communicate with each other In fact the first telegraph between India and Britain only came in 1870 So it would be a bit silly to look back and say about the First International of workers set up in London or even the Second International that they were really internationals After all in the colonized parts of the world workers movements really didn’t get going until the second half of the 19th century and later So it’s really important that the story of internationalism in the South not be too enthusiastic about small connections in the “ancient time” By the “ancient time” I mean the 18th and 19th centuries All that would be quite silly because the real connection begins in the period right after the Russian Revolution Strikingly the Russian Revolution the USSR took a decision that was quite out of time In 1919 a hundred years ago in March it invited people from across the world to create the Communist International The Communist International was made up not only of European trade unionists radicals and so on but also people from as far away as Argentina and Puerto Rico Initially it involved mostly the Western Hemisphere and the various parts of the former Russian empire that had been colonized… Turkmenistan and such Then in 1920 in the Second World Congress of the Comintern many more people came from around the world and you know the real heir to this movement was the Tricontinental Conference that met in La Habana by the late 1960s In 1928 the bourgeois anti-colonialists met in Brussels in the League Against Imperialism meeting I’m saying all this to point to the fact that the history of international struggles – of solidarity with and among people who had been colonized – is only about a hundred years old A hundred years in the large scheme of things is not a long time So I don’t think we are ready to be judged regarding the utility and value of anticolonial solidarity across boundaries It is of course important to say that from the 1950s when new states emerging out of colonialism like India Egypt Equatorial Guinea and Indonesia created the Non‐Aligned movement in Belgrade in 1961 that was a different kind of process because it involved countries: it was an intergovernmental movement They had now taken state power and they were trying to change the routines and institutions of the world order It was a much different scale of discussion They had an incredible vision for an alternative it was called the New International Economic Order which was passed by the UN General Assembly in 1974 From left to right Jawaharlal Nehru Kwame Nkrumah Gamal A Nasser Sukarno Josip Broz Tito founders of the Non-Aligned Movement New York September 30 1960 Archive Imperialism and especially US imperialism consistently tries to undo these South-South alliances We have seen how US imperialism operates in Latin America and its attitude toward Venezuela particularly aggressive now Can you tell us something about how imperialism works in the broad sense and then move into the particulars of the Venezuelan situation Imperialism is not a static phenomenon What we had in the 19th century and into the early 20th century is different from what we have now At that time production was mostly inside nations You had the Ford Motor Company located in the United States in competition with Daimler located in Germany and most Daimler cars were built in Germany while most Ford cars were built in the United States They were competing for resources in third or fourth or fifth countries and for markets and finance etc That was a form of inter‐capitalist rivalry and it pushed countries to use their political military and economic power to get an advantage over other countries That was the classic form of imperialism in the old days From the 1960s onwards the old factory form began to dissolve You saw factories being disarticulated and the emergence of the so called “global commodity chain” General Motors began to produce most cars outside of the US German cars were as often finished in Germany as in the United States…The whole structure of world production changed This had an impact on imperialism because from the late 1960s onwards there emerged a much closer alliance between what we call the Triad: the United States Europe and Japan The Triad didn’t come together with equanimity –they didn’t agree on everything – but there was a certain understanding that the US was the first among equals that new trade regimes had to be created and enforced and that Third World projects such as the New International Economic Order had to be destroyed It was in this realm that imperialism sharpen its teeth Now aerial bombardment was not necessary It all came in the writing of trade laws in determining how finance should operate and money should move An entire infrastructure was created almost behind the scenes by a group of seven countries using the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs which spawned the World Trade Organization in 1995 In the 1980s they imposed new regulations on property rights All this narrowed the ability of Third World countries to develop to be able to trade with each other and exercise their right to finance A new set of “institutional asphyxiations” were created by imperialism It was very smart because now you didn’t have to show your gun It was there but it was hidden because you now exercised power by saying “Sorry we are not going to finance you” particularly after the debt crisis in the early 1980s Countries like Venezuela are so vulnerable… In 1974 when Venezuela “nationalized” its oil resource it actually didn’t do it What actually happened is that the companies told the government: “You nationalize the oil because we don’t want to deal with it anymore We don’t want to invest in your country or take the risk You invest and take the risk We just want the profits” That is the new structure of imperialism That brings us to the present Right now it seems like there is an intense effort to strangle Venezuela’s economy and topple the government to say nothing of killing off the socialist project I would like your perspective on both the risk of direct military intervention in Venezuela and on other less visible forms of violence like economic sanctions When the Soviet Union collapsed the United States actually began to feel that there was going to now be another century of complete domination that it would lead on behalf of the Triad Actually the US is quite generous to its Triad partners: it’s not as if it wanted everything for itself It wanted growth of the corporations because that was seen as benefiting the United States and its allies They thought that what was coming was a hundred years who knows even a thousand years! of capitalism dominated by the US and its allies… But instead of that simple capitalist success story there was enormous demoralization after the collapse of the USSR… There was a huge demoralization because so many of the countries that had previously experimented with socialism and had transitioned now began to collapse one after the other into debt disorder and so on So the US began to talk about a few countries that it called “rogue states” which needed to be taken out Then after that would begin the thousand year rule! They identified Iran and North Korea among others you know any country that seemed odd and wasn’t allowing the trade order determined by the World Trade Organization to manage things Of course what began to be evident is that there were contradictions These contradictions are uncomfortable – they are in bad taste! – such as the Irakis saying “Look we fought the war on your behalf against the Iranians and now we want payment for the destruction of our country” Then they invaded Kuwait and that bothers the Triad so it goes into Iraq Another example is Yugoslavia where you see that as the cement of socialism began to break down very toxic forms of nationalism began to appear Then Yugoslavia was bombed into destruction The wars continued bewildering wars They were in principle wars to finish off the remnants countries – not socialist countries by any stretch of the imagination – but countries that were resisting the will of the Triad led by the US It is wrong to idealize these countries just because they were being bombed by the US Some of them had very dystopic internal relations even if they were being attacked for other reasons It was a surprise but we understood that the war was a way of saying: “Let’s get rid of the walls around Yugoslavia and let’s open it up to the IMF and the World Trade Organization Let’s get those markets and those workers…” The United States got embroiled in the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan in the early 2000s They took their gaze away from South America They lost sight of the plot and didn’t see what was happening In one country after another diverse social movements indigenous peoples and popular masses turned to elections And in one country after another they elected left-wing people! Honestly if the US hadn’t been so involved in Iraq and Afghanistan they might not have allowed this to go all the way After all they do have this idea – which has come up again recently! – that this is their backyard But by the time they turned their gaze back here in 2002 and tried the coup in Venezuela it was already too late Although there are differences between the Workers Party PT in Brazil and the experiment in Venezuela such as working at different paces nonetheless they were on the same page In Venezuela Chavez realized that you cannot build a new project inside a country: it has to be regional and you need new trade policies Venezuela understood how imperialism was working: it was the imperialism of finance and trade and so it attempted the ALBA project involving regional governments and states The US attempted to break that project many times Look Venezuela doesn’t have the kind of oil that the US needs and desires They are not coming for the oil resources! They are coming for this project and they did a very good job Honestly the most impressive coup d’etat that they managed in this period of social media was the 2009 coup in Honduras There was also earlier the coup d’etat in Haiti where they just absented Aristide twice and in the rest of the continent they pushed the leftist waveback in little by little But it wasn’t just US imperialism and not being aware of that is one of our weaknesses It’s also that new social forces came in that the left was not fully cognizant of For example pentecostalism and various other forms of aspirational desire from below Things were being reshaped and people were moving in directions that were outside of the ideology of the new Pink Tide and the Bolivarian Project I think there are two big dynamics that weakened this project It wasn’t just imperialism There were these internal developments that were contrary to the dynamic of a strong left and of course you have the collapse of commodity prices But what I want to highlight here is that it wasn’t the collapse of commodity prices alone that creates this problem There are a couple of other things that I would like to say on this subject One is that socialism takes time in a poor country and this is a poor country It has never been a rich country It is a poor country with a lot of oil just like Nigeria It’s rich in resources but very poor in terms of the distribution of wealth and aspirations and hope and so on Socialism takes a long time and basically ten years is not enough Thomas Sankara used to say “He who feeds you controls you” But this country imports most of its food There was no freedom yet It was going to take thirty forty fifty years to get there Capitalism took hundreds of years to develop Socialism is always attacked within two three four or five years and not just by the capitalists but also by people on the left who get impatient and angry because it doesn’t meet their own dreams and utopias It’s a very ugly process because you are desperately trying to create new forms and in the meantime you must be sure that people are not hungry That is the first point The other one is a political question: the United States was very craftily able to set legal boundaries around countries where they said “Well we are going to sanction you because you did this wrong” Obama’s Decree in 2015 opened the door and then from that door they add another sanction and another and more and more And since they control money its movement and how you are going to buy and sell your own goods then you are really caught in a vice and nobody is going to come to liberate you If tomorrow this government falls and an American-backed government comes in what will the Chinese and the Russians say Pay us back in cash The truth is that Venezuela is not in good shape whether the Bolivarian government remains or an American puppet government comes in The Americans will not have the money to pay back the Chinese and Russians That is just not going to happen! If the newly installed government were to say that we need to renegotiate our loans that is a bad precedent so Americans don’t want that You’ve got to face up to the fact that there are some serious economic challenges and it’s very tragic that the oligarchy and others don’t see that They are being reckless with their own country I think they will pay a huge historical price for that recklessness Venezuela is highly vulnerable as it is dependent on imports for most food items including corn and other staples of the Venezuelan diet Archive Finally I would like to ask you about international solidarity these days How should it be done especially in relation to Venezuela Solidarity with the Bolivarian Process has to begin by demanding the end to all interference Now interference is a complicated word under the new imperialism It means no military intervention that is one point But does it mean that there should be no embargo Yes that is another point No economic sanctions That is another point Also finances should not be blocked and Venezuela’s own money should be available to it Of course all that is important But I’m saying there is more than that: solidarity must help countries have food security total independence in relation to food You know Cuba needs solidarity to help it produce grains and it doesn’t produce enough potatoes either nor does it produce anywhere near what it consumes in terms of wheat or rice These problems are solved through human connections We have to really work together to provide food security Hunger is a weapon often used by imperialism They make you hungry and then they tell you “Take the aid” It’s very crafty so this is the thing that has to be overcome This is not news to anybody Chavez spoke about the problem of food all through his political career It was very important for him to think about how to feed the country Like is it possible to feed this country with domestic grains Also the problem of feeding animals He talked about this stuff all the time Fidel towards the end of his life had this dream of creating organic food for animal feed that is produced now in Venezuela These kinds of options must come to be In that sense solidarity should not be thought of as a slogan solidarity is a process You have got to build solidarity by providing interesting new thinking about how to solve problems of hunger and how to organize society Source Article from Hits: 52 Ladies Ditch the Bra March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ The Facts: The National Order of Biologists made a €10000 donation to a group that questions the safety of vaccines The Infanrix Hexa vaccine was the first one tested and results showed no trance of antigens and a high level of contamination Reflect On: Why is this not big news Why does the vaccine not contain any of the antigens it’s supposed to guard against This test shows clear and large causes for concern so why does it not make mainstream headlines Facebook which seems to have become a government-run agency claiming to help fight the war on ‘fake news’ has pledged to delete and flag content that spreads misinformation This is great and should be done but the only problem is that content around the internet is being taken down flagged and deemed as a ‘conspiracy theory’ when it is well-supported factual and backed by peer-reviewed science I just wrote an article about the recent measles outbreak in Washington State for example and how that state is pushing hard for all school-aged children to receive a mandatory MMR vaccination These outbreaks are constantly being blamed on unvaccinated children but the mainstream never points people towards the actual statistics showing that Washington State like many other states have not experienced a drop in MMR vaccination coverage Instead MMR vaccine coverage is very high Furthermore they don’t mention that there’s been a long history of measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated and fully vaccinated populations see article linked below for examples and sources and they don’t mention the deaths disabilities and adverse reactions that’ve occurred as a result of the MMR vaccine either Why don’t they mention that the death rate from measles in Washington State was just 14/10000 source in article below before the introduction of the vaccine You can read more about that and access multiple studies and testimonies on this subject in the article linked below: Biochemical Engineer Drops Bombshell Facts About Measles amp The MMR Vaccine In Washington Information and science are constantly emerging regarding vaccinations but we never hear about any of it from mainstream media I also recently published an article of Robert F Kennedy explaining how big pharmaceutical companies are the biggest lobbyists even more than big oil and how they’ve completely compromised both the Democrats and the Republicans They’ve captured them our regulatory agencies and turned them into sock puppets They’ve compromised the press… and they destroy the publications that publish real science – Robert F Kennedy So what’s some of the latest information regarding vaccine safety An article published in Nature International Journal of Science titled “Italian scientists protest funding for vaccine-safety investigation” outlines how The National Order of Biologists made a €10000 donation to a group that questions the safety of vaccines The groups name is Corvelva and they received the donation on the 26th of October of 2018 The group believes that the research it conducts is necessary because “previous studies it has funded which have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal indicate that some vaccines contain impurities or lack the active ingredients they claim to contain” Nature points out that “Some scientists in Italy are up in arms over a donation from the organization that oversees the nation’s professional biology qualification to an advocacy group that opposes the country’s policy of mandatory childhood vaccination” This part is confusing: Why would any group or any scientist oppose more safety studies regarding vaccinations Wouldn’t professionals on both sides of the coin be in support of as much vaccine safety testing as possible ONB president Vincenzo D’Anna told Nature in an e-mail interview that there is a need for truly independent vaccine research because in his opinion work conducted in public laboratories and at universities is usually influenced or funded by companies that produce vaccines “The goal is to contribute to complete the biological and chemical analyses on vaccines” he said in the interview part of which the ONB has published in its Bulletin Again Nature points out that many scientists dismiss the need for more vaccine safety testing and that they are upset That being said it’s a comforting thought that ONB disagrees and that they are supporting this type of thing Clearly many professionals within that organization don’t believe that vaccines go through rigorous safety testing as is claimed by many Again what harm could be done by further testing What Did They Find The first vaccine that was tested was the Infanrix Hexa vaccine It’s a six-in-one vaccine that’s manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline GSK that’s supposed to contain the following antigens: tetanus diphtheria and pertussis toxoids inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3 and hepatitis B surface antigen Corvelva discovered that none of these antigens were actually in the vaccine which means it had zero antibodies to the intended antigens to be created This was a huge shock and in addition to that they also found the following: Traces of 65 chemical cross-contaminants from other manufacturing lines: chemical toxins unrecognizable macromolecules various free bacterial peptides that are potential allergens and are capable of inducing autoimmune reactions According to Corvelva Tetanus diphtheria and pertussis toxoids D antigens of Poliomyelitis 1-2-3 hepatitis B proteins obtained with genetic engineering and Haemophylus polysaccharides chemically linked to tetanus toxoid as carrier Toxoids are created by treatments with formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde that should remove toxicity keeping intact their ability to stimulate protective antibodies against original toxins We were expecting to find the three toxoids and the other antigens not modified by treatment with formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde to separate the antigens from each other and to be digestible by the enzyme specific for proteins trypsin We have found instead a real polymer insoluble and indigestible that we supposed to be the set of antigens chemically bound together has to be defined if this is present as an aggregate of the individual antigens or a single macromolecule on which we can find in literature partial information regarding the single antigens This macromolecule could not be recognized in any way by the protein databases and in fact it turned out to be a solid compound of an unknown chemical structure Proteins solubility and their digestion ie the capacity to divide them into small peptide fragments are two typical proteins characteristics that not only makes it possible to study them through some specific analysis methods but are also fundamental for the interaction with the immune system to create protective antibodies because if the protein structure is heavily altered from the original one the new antibodies result completely different from those that are able to attack the original antibodies causing illnesses Since this polymer we have encountered derived from the antigenic mix is not only different for its spatial conformation but it’s chemically different so we can state that we are not facing antigens similar to the original ones but in the form of a compound with an unknown and unpredictable toxicity and efficacy source The fact that the vaccine antigens were not detected is seriously concerning and so is the fact that of the 65 signs of chemical contaminants only 35 are known This was only the first phase of this safety testing as a second analytical study with standard controls will be released 7 chemical toxins were also identified and the group states that these toxins have a structure that could probably be partially derived from the formaldehyde glutaraldehyde and cyanogen bromide reactions with other chemical contaminants in the vaccine We’d like to point out that the toxicity of many of these toxins have been confirmed and published in Pubchem or Toxnet and this poses important safety problems issues and concerns From the protein and peptide fraction study various free peptides of bacterial origin have been obtained probably coming from the bacterial culture cells used for the antigen extraction Literature reports bacterial peptides as potential allergens 5 and also as capable of inducing autoimmune reactions 6 and these too put a safety issue that needs to be further clarified with the regulatory bodies Coming back to the two basic principles that have been our topic on this analysis path we reaffirm what we have said in the recent interview on the scientific journal Nature: we are inquiring the vaccines efficacy and safety and we can’t quite understand how it is possible to claim that this vaccine is even able to generate the 6 protective antibodies – reason why it is designed for – and furthermore to understand how this cluster made of 6 neurotoxic antigens bound together can be claimed as not toxic for newborns Infanrix Hexa hexavalent as for the method we have commissioned casts major doubts on both its effectiveness and on its safety… One thing is for sure: we will not stop to proceed Download: More Vaccine Controversy From Italy In the 90s Dr Antonietta Gatti discovered the relationship between micro- and nano-particles as well as a great number of pathologies: cardiovascular diseases many forms of cancer multiple neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases She’s taken part in many international research projects including the pathologies induced by depleted uranium waste incineration food polluted with inorganic particles and more Currently she is the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology called INESE She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission the author of the book “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles” on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Biomaterials Applications and a Member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense Furthermore her and her husband Dr Stefano Montanari founded a laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients It’s presently at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Italy Recently the Italian police raided their home and the police took all digital assets that were owned by the the two nanopathologists including their laptops computers and flash-drives basically years of work and research James Grundvig via the World Mercury Project describes what happened quite well: “Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles from in-vivo performed in a living organism and in-vitro performed in a test tube to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016 they came under the microscope of the United States European and Italian authorities They had touched the third rail of medicine They had crossed the no-go zone with the purported crime being scientific research and discovery By finding nano-contamination in random vaccines Gatti and Montanari revealed for the first time what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminum salts adjuvants Polysorbate-80 and other inorganic chemicals in them they also harbored stainless steel tungsten copper and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses pregnant women newborns babies and toddlers developing their lungs immune and nervous systems” The scientists published their work in January of 2017 titled New Quality‐Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro‐ and Nanocontamination If science wasn’t plagued by corruption an investigation would have started healthcare agencies would be involved and vaccine safety policies would have come under intense scrutiny but that never happened You can read more about this story and access an interview with the scientists here The Takeaway There are numerous vaccine safety issues The bioaccumulation of various vaccine ingredients for example are one Ingredients like aluminum have been added to vaccines for more than 100 years under the assumption that they are safe It’s only within the last couple years that scientists decided to look to see where these ingredients go after being injected They found that aluminum when injected doesn’t exit the body it actually travels to distant organs and the brain You can access those studies and read more about that here You can also watch a short video from Dr Christopher Shaw from the University of British Colombia explaining the difference between injectable aluminum and the aluminum our body takes in from food Here is another related study you can read that goes into further detail The main point I’m trying to make is that no parent should ever be made to feel guilty for not vaccinating their children Vaccines are clearly not as safe as they’re marketed to be and it’s important that we ask ourselves why this type of information goes virtually unacknowledged by the masses Help Support Collective Evolution The demand for Collective Evolution’s content is bigger than ever except ad agencies and social media keep cutting our revenues This is making it hard for us to continue In order to stay truly independent we need your help We are not going to put up paywalls on this website as we want to get our info out far and wide For as little as 3 a month you can help keep CE alive! SUPPORT CE HERE! Source Article from Hits: 65 Maria Butina and Brenton Tarrant the Two Faces of the Russian 2nd Amendment Dialectic for American Civil War March 18th 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Christopher Jon Bjerknes Russian agent Maria Butina sought a relationship with the pro-gun NRA and the Republican Party The Russians have a proven recent history of insinuating themselves into American internal politics through the issue of the Second Amendment Along comes the terrorist Brenton Tarrant who openly advocates an anti-Western and anti-NATO political platform and murders 49 innocent Muslims for the express purpose of creating an American civil war over the issue of the Second Amendment Tarrant is working for the Russian government On one side there was Maria Butina cheerleading for the NRA On the other side Brenton Tarrant committed acts of propaganda of the deed so that the American government would contravene the Second Amendment and provoke Americans into civil war Who benefits from this Who like Tarrant has been trying to provoke war and revolution in America for the purposes of Balkanization for more than 150 years The Communists and since they took over Russia the Russians The links are all there so why am I the only person drawing attention to these links and where they point Source Article from Hits: 65 « Older Entries |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 published in Bob Nichols Veterans Today column Subscribe to TranscendCensorship |
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Lana Chromium is San Diego based Artist Bodypainter Dreamer Born and raised in Russia Lana Chromium studied art in Moscow amp Penza before moving to California and immersing herself in body painting Chromium competed in Living Art America: The North American Bodypainting Championship from 2013-2015 In 2015 she won the second season of the Game Show Network’s Skin Wars Chromium premiered her signature brush line with Royal amp Langnickel at IMATS LA 2016 |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner a Veterans Today columnist a former correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to various online publications |
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Moscow Fashion Week 2020: реновация моды |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 this: |
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Welcome to the Borough of Moscow |
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Why an Unbuilt Moscow Trump Tower Caught Mueller’s Attention |
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Aloha International Competition 2018 – Moscow Russia |
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Случайный проект: Minecraft Moscow |
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NCM Moscow Plus 48V 16Ah E-MTB |
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Entrevista a Parker Griggs vocalista y guitarrista de Radio Moscow: ‘Me habría gustado mantener un mejor contacto con gente que fue importante en el pasado’ |
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Where to Stay In Moscow |
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Laker fifth grader dances with Moscow Ballet |
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Moscow Pass |
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RUSSIALINK: “State of Play: Russia and the Fraying West Despite their troubles Europe and the US are not withering away It would behoove Moscow to avoid escalations” – Carnegie Moscow Times/Security Time/ Dmitri Trenin |
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Three People Hurt in Moscow Taxi Incident to Be Discharged from |
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1The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner a Veterans Today columnist a former correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to various online publications |
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Покорение Индонезии с самодельным роллером: рассказывает Александр на выставке Moscow Dive Show 2017 – запись стрима |
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Juliette Has A Gun Gentlewoman Miss Charming Moscow Mule Romantina |
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Gigantic New Church Opens Next to KGB Prison in Moscow |
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Moscow amp Pullman Building Supply your locally owned home centers since 1958 |
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Radio Moscow at Razzmatazz 2 |
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B2B Meeting Moscow 20 June 2019 |
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FIRM Moscow I |
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We believe that there are many beautiful cities and destinations in the world New York City Sydney Singapore London Amsterdam Dubai Moscow and more – Simply search and compare the best prices with our travel finder |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 https://wwwveteranstoday 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner a Veterans Today columnist a former correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to various online publications |
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Baku Moscow mull Russian oil to Turkey’s STAR refinery |
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Russia Recognises Republic of North Macedonia as Macedonia’s New Name – Moscow |
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Малина Гигант Московский Giant Moscow |
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Discounts in best Moscow restaurants amp bars |
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Current Off-site — Erik Madigan Heck Multimedia Art Museum Moscow |
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In Moscow declared monument of architecture of the house with firebirds » |
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RUSSIALINK: “Russia Will Be One-Third Muslim in 15 Years Chief Mufti Predicts” – Moscow Times |
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Russian Prostitutes Moscow Prostitutes St Petersburg Prostitutes ★★☆☆★ |
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Người nhập cư ở Moscow |
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WordCamp Moscow 2018 пройдет 18 августа в Digital October |
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New Mar18: OPR France Royal PO WDRSO Köln Sveriges RSO North Netherlands SO BBCNO Wales Moscow CO |
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Berlioz’s ‘Symphonie Fantastique’ from Moscow |
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GAR Live Moscow |
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Moscow Mule – das perfekte Rezept für den Ginger Beer-Cocktail |
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FENOX на MIMS Automechanika Moscow 2018 |
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How To 3X Your Prices: Alex Moscow Creates Predictable amp Leveraged Business Model That Fuels Your LifestyleHow To 3X Your Prices: Alex Moscow Creates Predictable amp Leveraged Business Model That Fuels Your Lifestyle |
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Krimelte OOO Moscow |
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WADA to Inspect Moscow Lab for Doping Violations |
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Experience the FIFA Fan Fest Moscow! |
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Промокод для посещения Securika Moscow |
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16-я выставка ExpoCoating Moscow запланирована на октябрь 2018 года |
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Занятия боевыми искусствами на выбор в боксерском клубе MOSCOWBOXING |
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Moscow Area |
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Moscowolk |
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Moscow Russia Residential complex «Nostalgy» |
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Spartak Moscow W – Dynamo Kursk W |
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Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre |
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RUSSIALINK: “Having an Honest Business Is Not Possible in Russia Majority Says” – Moscow Times |
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What to See In Moscow |
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Hyatt Regency Moscow Petrovsky Park признан открытием года |
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Sayed M Khalanthar Let’s Go Moscow 23 March 2018 |
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Итоги участия BWT на Aquatherm Moscow 2019 |
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Новая 10pogodaru arhpogodaru Spb-pogodaru 35pogodaru kaliningrad-pogodaru pogoda-Moscowru 16pogodaru pogodatverru yar-pogodaru krasnodar-pogodaru kalugapogodaru |
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Moscow Metro: Station Exterior |
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Сегодня открылась выставка Interlight Moscow 2018 |
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Venezuela’s oil producer to open its Moscow office in April |
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The Maui Moscow Mule tropicaldrink cocktail |
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Lost Theory – Moscow Edition |
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2018 FIFA World Cup: Spartak Stadium in Moscow 360 VIDEO |
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Molecular Complexity in Modern Chemistry MCMC-2014 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS September 13-19 2014 Moscow Russia |
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Olympiacos Piraeus – CSKA Moscow – Mar 1 2019 |
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May 24-26 2019Moscow Russia |
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‘Your gold key to Moscow’ |
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ТОП 15 Ведущих День Рождения проекта Top15moscow Лучшие Ведущие Свадеб Ресторан «Чайка» |
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Prediksi Spartak Moscow vs Zenit St Petersburg 17 Maret 2019 |
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Sharon Tennison: “Video: Russian Journalist Dimitri Babich Speaks to CCI “Russia Will Be One-Third Muslim in 15 Years Chief Mufti Predicts” – Moscow Times |
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Hội thánh Moscow vui Xuân mới với 13 người tin nhận Chúa! |
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Nửa thập kỷ Crimea sáp nhập Nga và cái giá mà Moscow phải trả |
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WordCamp Moscow 2017 пройдет 12 августа в Москве |
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2015 Moscow Russia |
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Bourbon Moscow Mules |
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Russian president opens Moscow Grand Mosque |
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Lev Russian Language School Moscow |
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Dhaka-Moscow joint body reviews Rooppur NPP work |
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Two Moscow online reputation agencies secure 3 million for RampD and MampA purposes |
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infoazcmoscownl |
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Russian Prostitutes Moscow amp St Petersburg Prostitutes |
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Moscow Reindeer Cocktail |
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Spider Project Team is a group of project management consulting and training companies With headquarters in Moscow Russia we have branches partners and representatives in other Russian cities Brazil Kazakhstan Netherlands Romania Ukraine USA |
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Why An Unbuilt Moscow Trump Tower Caught Mueller’s Attention |
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Stanislav Bishok: Moscow will remain Belgrade’s natural ally who will never betray Serbia |
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Spartak Moscow – Zenit StPetersburg 17032019 |
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May Also Of The Day Space Luxury Villa In Moscow Villa X |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 |
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BackStage Moscow |
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Architecture Of The Day Space Luxury Villa In Moscow |
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Urban Development amp Smart Cities Moscow March 2019 |
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Поделиться! FIRM Moscow I |
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Moscow |
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Moscow Thanks You For Sharing Its Cute Cat Pics |
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Moscow’s ‘200 Churches’ Program Builds Its Biggest Church–So Far |
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Moscow Metro Object 3: Train Car |
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Intercharm Autumn Exhibition at Crocus Expo Moscow Russia |
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23-я международная выставка Aquatherm Moscow-2019 |
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WorldFood Moscow 2019 |
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Moscow Jazz Weekend |
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Moscow Mule Cocktail |
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moscow russialocation |
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Почему стоит сдавать IELTS в BKC-IH Moscow IELTS Test Centre |
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Originally founded in 2007 AND CURRENTLY with registered lisenced OPERATIONS On the russian territory headed by Mr KRILOV ALBERTOVICH the company has been both independent and private since its foundation It is today one of the independent trading companies in RUSSIA AND Europe priding itself on great expertise and strong connection with its customers Over the PAST years of its existence URALTRANSNEFT CO LTD has developed a diverse global customer base and an extensive network with strong long term relationships With offices in Moscow Perm and Kirishi Industrial complex URALTRANSNEFT CO LTD team offers a full range of QUALITY OIL PRODUCTS AND TRANSPORTATION services tailored to meet the needs of its clients By using our in house market intelligence which helps us to anticipate market trends as well as a liquid capital structure we are always able to provide competitive solutions Uraltransneft Co Ltd is consistently raising profitability of its trading operations through optimization of the supply chain management system and increase of the trade volume with third parties Uraltransneft transfers of all export operations to a single operator company simplified export plans optimized export flows and ensured oil and petroleum product export transparency |
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100 Лучших кадров Moscow Boat Show 2015 |
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Бюллетень Анализ безопасности Москва Security Analysis Bulletin Moscow |
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Turkish pianist gives recital in Moscow |
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WordCamp Moscow 2016 пройдет 13 августа |
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Russian MiG-31 Carrying Huge Anti-Satellite Missile Emerges Near Moscow |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 Nichols is a Project Censored Award winner a Veterans Today columnist a former correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to various online publications |
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Daily Wallpaper Botanical Garden Moscow Russia |
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MAPIC Russia Moscow Russia |
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Мариам Мерабова АБелов АМаршал ИБусулис – MOSCOW CALLING Голос-3 Полуфинал 19122014 |
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RUSSIA/ AZERBAIJAN: Moscow signals a not-so-subtle tilt towards Baku |
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pogoda51ru 10pogodaru arhpogodaru Spb-pogodaru 35pogodaru kaliningrad-pogodaru pogoda-Moscowru 16pogodaru pogodatverru yar-pogodaru krasnodar-pogodaru kalugapogodaru |
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CSKA Moscow Shock Madrid At Santiago Bernabeu |
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Moscow Mule Mugs |
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Padlock Trees of Love in Moscow Russia |
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FCB M NK BRT STAD JSY SS 3R ATM GYMSACK Moscow Grand Slam 919543-608 |
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Denis Kucherov is a Indian traditional music performer in Russia and eastern Europe He started learning classical western music at the age of 8 and tabla at the age of 14 After 4 years at the JNCC cultural center in Moscow he got invited to India to extend his skills Denis recorded several albums He is the creator of the fusion band SAMHEY |
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1 The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder 2 The EPA based reporting of NETC dot com an LLC 3 These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations CPM “Although we can’t see it taste it smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM Each Count is One Radioactive Decay” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3 2015 4 Radiation destruction of chitin IAEA by Ershov BG Sukhov NL Nud’ga LA Baklagina YuG Kozhevnikova LG Petropavlovskii GA Institute of Physical Chemistry Moscow Russian Federation 5 “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Blog Aug 19 2016 6 “Radioactive Fertilizer” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa September 23 2016 AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs 7 “Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world study finds” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT 19 2016 8 EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year “Forty-five 45 years later the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything everywhere for all time No tolerance given” 9 “Baghdad” by Dr Paolo Scampa AIPRI Saturday 12 November 2016 10 “News Release New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California ” USDA Office of Communications “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million” 11 Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline November 30 2016 Noel Kirkpatrick MNN Mother Nature Network “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population and scientists are researching the reasons why ” 12 “Facing a Dying Nation” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here: The character Pfc Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968 13 It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb It’s about all things Wignerized See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No 69 and 70 14 sie·vert ˈsēvərt/ noun Physics noun: sievert plural noun: sieverts symbol: Sv the SI unit of dose equivalent the biological effect of ionizing radiation equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass Google: Sievert 15 Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses – map 16 “In a first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” by Daisuke Kikuchi “Maebashi Gunma Pref In first government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster” 17 Uranium Stocks “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy in Blow to Nuclear Power” Wednesday March 29 2017 at 10:04PM “Westinghouse Electric Company which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry 18 Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Apes lung much like yours Plutonium particle in lung tissue: “The black star in the middle of this picture shows the tracks made by alpha rays emitted from a particle of plutonium-239 in the lung tissue of an ape The alpha rays do not travel very far but once inside the body they can penetrate more than 10000 cells within their range This set of alpha tracks magnified 500 times occurred over a 48-hour period” Robert Del Tredici At Work in the Fields of the Bomb 1987 plate 39 19 19 “De la guerre nucléaire” Maurice E ANDRE nuclear officer NBCR or nuclear biological chemical and radiological exclusive function Captain Commander retired Addendum by Dr Paolo Scampa 20 University of Arkansas disposes of wastewater 21 Banner picture by the NY Times Fire 22 Total Gamma Radiation – Year to Date 20177 November 18 2017 VeteransToday Here 23 30 year old radioactive dead tree at Chernobyl Very dead Very radioactive like millions of others there and around the world 24 Amusing Planet VIP observers watching the spectacle during Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll 1951 25 Al Gore Lied The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming 26 Did you ever think how much Rad U235 or Rad Plutonium 239 is vaporized in a detonation of a nuclear weapon Bob Nichols June 11 2017 Very little actually 27 CPM or Counts per Minute is the radiation measuring system used by RadNet a directorate of the EPA 28 See the Wind flow! “This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US” FERNANDA VIÉGAS MARTIN WATTENBERG See the moving map showing the wind http://hintfm/wind/ 29 MILLION A WEEK CLUB No 6 – California’s Boosted Fires By Bob Nichols December 2017 30 YOUR RADIATION THIS WEEK – Nichols on Nuclear – Library of Articles 31 Actual Beta radiation collected by RadNet in 2006 was 7380489546384977 CPM for Washington DC See RadNet Same address as Note No 1 32 Satellite view of annual Uranium boosted fires in California in November 2018 published in Bob Nichols Veterans Today column |
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GIMAV goes to Moscow |
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15 Magnificent Moscow Mule Recipes |
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What Do the Afghan Peace Talks in Moscow Mean |
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Krishna Kumar Moscow |
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Strawberry Moscow Mule |
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Moscow Metro Object 2: Station Platform |
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