Russia Saudi ‘very close’ to oil deal Moscow negotiator reveals |
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Moscow-City Skyscrapers Streamline Parking Access and Control with Secure RFID |
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City hall in Moscow there is no need to tighten the regime |
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New Moscow: The Rise and Quick Fall of Russia’s colonial experiment |
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Открыт прием заявок на международный шоукейс-фестиваль Moscow Music Week |
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Moscow Mule Mugs |
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55 Fighter Jets amp 20 Helicopters To Take Part In 2020 Moscow Victory Day Parade |
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18 Moscow Vibes LR presets by Vladimir Tashlanov tashlanovv |
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Для Four Seasons Moscow |
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Moscow đón giao thừa trong mùa đông nóng nhất 140 năm |
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Moscow’s Claus headed to NIC |
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The air in Moscow has become 70 cleaner than a year ago |
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Мировая опера теперь онлайн! Гид от резидентов LDQmoscow |
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Webcams from Moscow |
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Участникам цикла мероприятий выставки 2020 Moscow International Recycling Expo |
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Moscow |
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“Πρόγραμμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας: Αρχαία και Σύγχρονη Ελλάδα” για ακαδημαϊκούς και φοιτητές του Moscow State Pedagogical University στο CUC |
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Travel to Moscow with Kids |
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Приглашаем Вас на выставку Moscow Watch Expo-2019! |
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Культурная изоляция: подборка онлайн-трансляций от резидентов LDQmoscow |
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The Central Air Force Museum in Monino Moscow Part 2 |
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Moscow Affiliate Conference and Party Autumn 2017 Edition |
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День театр вне театра Гид от резидентов LDQMoscow |
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Một tài xế taxi ở Moscow buộc khách Trung Quốc phải trả 65 nghìn rúp vì “rủi ro lây bệnh“ |
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Czech embassy in Moscow attacked following removal of controversial Soviet-era statue in Prague |
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MIMS Automechanika Moscow |
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Moscow Central Circle Tb Season |
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Top-20 most anticipated exhibitions in Moscow and St Petersburg this fall |
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Inaugurating Indian Pavilion at the Army-2018 Exhibition Moscow Russia |
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С днем выставка «MIMS Automechanika Moscow-2019» |
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Международная выставка «Moscow Franchise Expo- 2019» Подробнее |
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Moscow Brewing Company partners with Obolon |
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cheap as in best value – obviously depending on where and when you want to go it will cost different amounts! Sometimes we travel very budget think hostels in Moscow for £20 and sometimes we splurge a bit more such as Atlantis in Dubai however this was a good deal too! |
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Russia and Saudi ‘very close’ to oil deal Moscow signals big cuts |
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Dynamo Kyiv BoulevardProspect at CSKA Moscow vrico |
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10 June 2018 Moscow |
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How to Decorate a Moscow Mule Holiday Bar |
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Spartak Moscowsunting |
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Listen to FYL by Moscow duo Modeness |
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ละครสัตว์รัสเซีย The Great Moscow Circus |
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Подводная охота на Moscow Dive Show Большой навигатор |
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Student of Lomonosov Moscow State of Pusan University |
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Moscow Hotels by category |
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Germany – Third Reich: Fall of France Advance on Dunkirk Iron Cross 2nd Class Russian Front operations near Moscow casualty Iron Cross 1st Class and Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze group awarded to Unteroffizier Walter Jehne Headquarters of the 2nd Battalion 53rd Infantry |
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Moscow Tour 1600 |
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11 night 12 day Cruise “Moscow-St Petersburg” on 3-Star MS Georgy Chicherin Zosima Shashkov |
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To tease you a bit let’s take a look at what the first Moscow conference looked like : |
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БЗАК получил престижную премию на MIMS Automechanika Moscow 2018 |
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Complete cadastral database of Moscow |
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Съемки конференции «Fire Stop Moscow» |
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Is new US National Security Advisor McMaster good or bad for Moscow |
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Moscow Hotel |
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“Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project” Opening at Metrograph in Manhattan Wendy Moscow |
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Consular District of the Consulate General of Spain in Moscow |
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Unsure where to stay in Moscow Request best rates from our hotel experts |
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Americans play the ‘waiting game’ after last passenger plane from Moscow canceled |
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Dynamo Moscow 2016/17 |
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is the first company which organizes various tours to explore Moscow and its Underground on regular daily and weekly basis |
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in Moscow |
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801 Restaurant amp Bar Debuts in DC with Moscow Mules to Share |
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Caneca para Drinks Moscow Mule |
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Add CelebrityMoscow – знаменитости Новости шоу-бизнеса России и мира to your Homescreen! |
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Moscow International Film Festival |
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The English International School Moscow South-West Campus |
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Moscow – Dining |
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Thoughts on the Russian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate |
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ConceptCall on the Call Center World Forum 19-20 march Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel And Business Centre Moscow |
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Style Selfie Moscow |
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7 night 8 day Cruise “St Petersburg-Moscow” on 5-Star MS Mstislav Rostropovich |
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Moscow Brewing Company signs with Spartak FC |
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Here’s Where You Can Get Your Hands On A Giant Moscow Mule |
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Zeppelin – номинант CRE Moscow Awards 2020 |
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Moscow Drift Session 10 |
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Near Moscow railway stations |
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Information for tourists in Moscow and interesting places to visit |
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Sejarah Kefir sejalan dengan sejarah produk fermentasi susu Produk susu fermentasi diperkirakan sudah dikenal sejak 6600 SM oleh masyarakat di kawasan Timur Tengah yang hidup secara nomaden atau berpindah-pindah Umumnya mereka hidup dengan beternak mengambil susu dan daging sebagai sumber makanan Susu hasil ternak itu mereka kumpulkan dalam kantung yang terbuat dari kulit kambing atau bagian perut hewan ruminansia Pengambaraan yang mereka lakukan dibawah terik matahari dengan membawa kantung susu tersebut menjadikan aktivitas mikroorganisme yang ada pada kulit kambing sebagai kantung susu memfermentasi susu menjadi gumpalan curd Secara terus menerus mereka secara tidak disengaja mekonsumsi hasil fermentasi susu dan ternyata tercatat memberikan dampak kesehatan dan mereka berumur panjangInilah awal dikenalnya produk susu fermentasi Asal mula nama Kefir diduga dari dari bahasa Turki ‘Keif’ yang berarti keadaan atau kondisi yang baik Kefir merupakan produk susu yang berasa asam alkoholik dan karbonat yang berasal dan banyak dikonsumsi di kawasan Kaukasia Di daerah Rusia kefir merupakan minuman populer yang diproduksi dan diperdagangkan dalam jumlah besar Dalam beberapa catatan sejarah disebutkan bahwa kefir berasal dari kawasan Eropa Tenggara yang dikenal dengan Kaukasus terletak diantara Laut Hitam dan Laut Kaspia Masyarakat dibagian Utara Pegunungan Kaukasus telah mengkonsumsi kefir selama berabad-abad dan terbukti stamina serta kesehatan tubuh mereka terjaga dengan baik meraka rata-rata berumur panjang Penggunaan kefir dengan pemahaman modern yang berkhasiat bagi penyembuhan dan dilanjutkan dengan produksi kefir dalam skala besar yang dilakukan Rusia tidak lepas dari cerita klasik yang dikenal dengan rencana Blandov atau The Blandov’s Plan Sekumpulan dokter Rusia mempunyai misi mendapatkan biji kefir agar dapat memproduksi kefir untuk tujuan pengobatan Rencana tim dokter ini disampaikan ke Blandov bersaudara yang memiliki bisnis olahan susu yaitu Moscow Dairy dan industri keju di kawasan pegunungan Kaukasus Nikolia Blandov mengirimkan seorang gadis cantik bernama Irina Sakharova dan melakukan pendekatan ke Pangeran Kaukasus Bekmirza Barchorov agar mau memberikan sejumlah biji kefir Singkatnya Irina berhasil mendapatkan 45 Kg biji kefir Pada September 1908 Irina Sakharova membawa botol berisi kultur kefir pertama ke Moscow Misi mendapatkan biji kefir ini disebut The Blandov’s Plan Kefir dan Penyimpanannya Bibit kefir terdiri atas granula butiran mulai seukuran biji gandum sampai biji kenari Butiran itu tumbuh dari ukuran sangat kecil dan terus tumbuh selama inkubasi Sebanyak 50 g butiran kefir basah dapat tumbuh menjadi dua kali lipat dalam 7 – 10 hari jika dipindahkan ke dalam 500 ml susu segar enam kali seminggu Untuk menumbuhkan bibit kefir dapat digunakan susu penuh susu skim atau whei susu yang telah dinetralkan Butiran-butiran bibit kefir terdiri atas mikroorganisme yang dikelilingi oleh matriks berbentuk lendir yang terdiri atas gula polisakarida yang disebut kefiran ini diproduksi oleh bakteri tertentu Bibit kefir juga terdiri atas campuran berbagai bakteri dan kamir ragi masing-masing berperan dalam pembentukan cita rasa dan struktur kefir Lactobacillus Cocci Yeast L acidophilus Leuc mesenteroides ssp dextranicum Candida kefir L kefir Leuc mesenteroides ssp cremoris Torulopsis holmii L kefirgranum Llactis ssp Lactis Saccharomyces delbrueckii L parakefir L lactis ssp lactis var diacetylactis Kluyveromyces lactis L kefiranofaciens L lactis ssp cremoria K marxianus ssp bulgaricus L brevis S thermophilus K marxianus ssp marxianus L cellobiosus S filant Saccharomyces florentinus L casei ssp alactosus S durans S globulus L casei ssp rhamnosus S unisporus L helveticus S carlbergensis L delbrueckii ssp lactis C pseudotropicalis Torulaspora delbrueckii Fardiaz 2000 Hidayat et al 2006 mengatakan spesies mikroorganisme dalam bibit kefir di antaranya Lactocococcus lactis Lactobasillus acidophilus Lb kefir Lb kefirgranum dan Lb parakefir yang berfungsi dalam pembentukan asam laktat dari laktosa Lb kefiranofaciens sebagai pembentuk lendir matriks butiran kefir Leuconostoc sp membentuk diasetil dari sitrat dan Candida kefir pembentuk etanol dan karbondioksida dari laktosa Selain itu juga ditemukan Lb brevis dan kamir Torulopsis holmii dan Saccharomyces delbrueckii Bibit kefir tidak dapat dikeringkan dengan pemanasan karena sebagian mikroorganisme di dalamnya akan mati Bibit kefir masih aktif jika diawetkan dengan cara pengeringan beku freeze drying Tapi cara terbaik menyimpan bibit kefir adalah dengan memindahkan bibit kefir lama ke dalam susu yang dipasteurisasi secara berkala diinkubasi semalam dan disimpan dalam lemari es bersuhu 4 – 7oC Dalam kondisi seperti ini bibit kefir tetap aktif selama kurang lebih sebulan Fardiaz 2000 Beda Kefir Dengan Yoghurt Kefir dan yoghurt adalah produk susu yang difermentasi tetapi kedua produk itu mengandung jenis bakteri menguntungkan yang berbeda Bakteri yang berperan dalam fermentasi yoghurt adalah Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus yang menghasilkan asam laktat yang menyebabkan adanya rasa asam dalam yoghurt Kefir mengandung beberapa bakteri menguntungkan yang tidak ditemukan di yogurt Lactobacillus caucasus Leuconostoc spesies Acetobacter dan spesies Streptococcus Kefir juga mengandung yeast yang menguntungkan seperti halnya Sacharomyces kefir dan Torula kefir yang sangat mendominasi mengontrol dan menghilangkan yeast patogenik yang sangat merugikan destruktif/merusak didalam tubuhYogurt mengandung bakteri menguntungkan yang bersifat “transient” yang menjaga sistim pencernaan bersih dan memberikan makanan unuk bakteri yang menguntungkanyang berada disana Tapi kefir sebenarnya dapat menbuat koloni didalam usussebuah presentasi yang mana yogurt tidak dapat menyamainya yogurt merupakan komposisi dari sejumlah kecil benih keturunan murni bakteri dengan tenggang kehidupan yang sangat pendek Hal ini berarti bahwa kultur yogurt lama kelamaan akan melemah seiring dengan penggunaannya dan harus dibuang Selain itu perbedaan jenis starter pada kedua produk menyebabkan hasil metabolit starter mikroba dan kandungan nutrisi pada kefir jelas lebih bervariasi kompleks daripada yoghurt Metabolit kefir terdiri dari asam laktat etanol CO2 sedangkan pada yoghurt hanya asam laktat saja Perbedaan kefir dan yoghurt dapat dilihat melalui table di bawah ini: Faktor Kefir Yoghurt Starter mikroba Terdiri atas 30 jenis mikroba yang tergolong khamir dan bakteri Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus Metabolit starter mikroba Asam laktatetanolCO2 Asam laktat Kandungan nutrisi Lebih kompleks Kurang kompleks Disgestive Lebih mudah dicerna Lebih sulit dicerna Metode Pembuatan Tidak bisa metode backslope Bisa metode backslope Ketahanan dalam usus Lebih tahan Lebih resisten Perbedaan Kefir dan Yoghurt Anonymous 2011a Proses Pembuatan kefir pada prinspinya sama dengan pembuatan yogurt Pada pembuatan kefir dilakukan beberapa tahapan proses sebelum akhirnya kefir dapat dikonsumsi tahap- tahap yang dibutuhkan adalah : Pemanasan susu pada suhu 85C selama 30 menit atau 95C selama 5 menit : pemanasan dilakukan untuk menghilangkan bakteri yang tidak diinginkan pada susu yang kemungkinan bersifat pathogen mempersiapkan susu sebagai media pertumbuhan bibit kefir serta untuk mendenaturasi protein pada susu sehingga meningkatkan viskositas produk yang diperoleh Didinginkan sampai 22C Suhu susu setelah dipanaskan diturunkan hingga mencapai ± 22C yang merupakan suhu optimum bagi pertumbuhan bibit kefir Penambahan bibir kefir Bibit kefir yang terdiri dari beberapa jenis mikroba kemudian ditambahkan ke dalam susu untuk memulai fermentasi Inkubasi selama 20 jam pada suhu 23C atau pada suhu 10C selama 2 hari Inkubasi dilakukan untuk member waktu kepada mikroba untuk berkembang biak dan menghasilkan hasil metabolit yang akan mempengaruhi rasa dan aroma dari kefir Hasilnya susu akan membentuk gumpalan karena protein di dalam susu mengalami denaturasi akibat adanya asam laktat yang dihasilkan oleh mikroba dalam bibit kefir sehingga pH menurun Selama waktu berlangsungnya fermentasi bakteri asam laktat homofermentatif streptococci tumbuh dengan cepat ditandai dengan turunnya pH Rendahnya pH membantu pertumbuhan lactobacilli akan tetapi menyebabkan jumlah streptococci berkurang Adanya khamir pada biji kefir mendorong pertumbuhan bakteri streptokokus yang menghasilkan aroma Selama fermentasi pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat disokong oleh khamir dan bakteri asam asetat Penyaringan Susu yang telah menggumpal kemudian disaring untuk memisahkan antara biji kefir dengan filtrat yang dapat dikonsumsi Pemisahan ini juga bertujuan suapaya fermentasi yang dilakukan oleh kefir tidak berlanjut Pendinginan Setelah dilakukan penyaringan filtrate hasil penyaringan didinginkan pada suhu 50C selama 2-3 jam untuk memperpanjang umur simpan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Kefir Selain itu dalam pembuatan kefir dibutuhkan beberapa pengendalian proses untuk mendapatkan kefir yang siap untuk dikonsumsi Beberapa hal yang perlu dikendalikan adalah : Lama Fermentasi Waktu fermentasi yang direkomendasikan berkisar antara 12-72 jam Lama fermentasi ini juga dipengaruhi oleh suhu fermentasi Waktu fermentasi yg lama menurunkan rata-rata suhu fermentasi Waktu fermentasi yg pendek meningkatkan rata-rata suhu fermentasi pH susu Tergantung pH bahan pangan yg difermentasi Pada bahan pangan yg sangat asam khamir dan jamur cepat berkembang daripada bakteri karena ketahanan asamnya lebih baik dari bakteri Makanan yang mengandung asam biasanya tahan lama tetapi jika oksigen cukup jumlahnya dan kapang dapat tumbuh serta fermentasi berlangsung terus maka daya awet dari asam tersebut akan hilang Pada keadaan ini mikroba proteolitik dan lipolitik dapat berkembang biak Sebagai contoh misalnya susu segar yang pada umumnya akan terkontaminasi dengan beberapa macam mikroba Dalam hal ini yang dominant mula-mula adalah Streptococcus lactis sehingga dapat menghasilkan asam laktat Tetapi pertumbuhan selanjutnya dari bakteri ini akan terhambat oleh keasaman yang dihasilkannya sendiri Oleh karena itu bakteri tersebut akan menjadi inaktif sehingga kemudian akan tumbuh bakteri jenis Lactobacillus yang Iebih toleran terhadap asam daripada Streptococcus Lactobacillus juga akan menghasilkan asam lebih banyak lagi sampai jumlah tertentu yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhannya Selama pembentukan asam tersebut pH susu akan turun sehingga terbentuk “curd” susu Pada keasaman yang tinggi Lactobacillus akan mati dan kemudian tumbuh ragi dan kapang yang lebih toleran terhadap asam Kapang akan mengoksidasi asam sedangkan ragi akan menghasilkan hasil-hasil akhir yang bersifat basa dari reaksi proteolisis sehingga keduanya akan menurunkan asam sampai titik di mana bakteri pembusuk proteolitik dan lipolitik akan mencerna “curd” dan menghasilkan gas serta bau busuk Suhu fermentasi Suhu terbaik untuk melakukan fermentasi kefir adalah 22-30°C Setiap bakteri dan kultur punya syarat suhu spesifik untuk pertumbuhannya suhu yang rendah akan menyebabkan waktu fermentasi yg lama sedangkan suhu yang lebih tinggi akan mempersingkat waktu fermentasi Suhu yang lebih tinggi dari 40oC pada umumnya menurunkan kecepatan pertumbuhan dan pembentukan asam oleh bakteri asam laktat Wadah/tempat fermentasi Wadah yg cocok untuk melakukan fermentasi adalah gelas yg terbuat dari tanah atau porselen Wadah yang terbuat dari tembaga amp alumunium tidak cocok untuk fermentasi karena dalam proses fermentasi dihasilkan asam laktat yang bersifat korosif Cara memperpanjang umur simpan Supaya kefir dapat disimpan sampai beberapa saat harus dilakukan penggantian susu yg di gunakan sbg makanan bibit setiap beberapa minggu dan bibit dipelihara agar benar-benar aktif Setelah difermentasi kefir yang telah jadi sebaiknya disimpan pd lemari pendingin 4°C untuk memperpanjang umur simpan selain itu kefir dapat dimatangkan pada suhu 10-18°C utk 1-4 hari sehingga menghasilkan aroma lbh kuat Kualitas Menurut Codex Standar Alimentarius dalam Standar Codex untuk Susu Fermentasi CODEX STAN 243-2003 tahun 2003 komposisi akhir dari kefir harus mengandung : Komposisi Jumlah Protein Min 28 Lemak lt 10 Asam laktat Min 06 pH lt465 Etanol 001 – 01 Jumlah kultur starter cfu/g Min 107 Yeast cfu/g Min 104 Perubahan yang Terjadi Selama Proses Pembuatan Kefir Dalam proses fermentasi kefir oleh bibit kefir akan terjadi perubahan baik rasaaroma maupun tekstur dari susu Perubahan ini disebabkan oleh hasil metabolit yang dihasilkan oleh mikroba yang ada di dalam penambahan bibit kefir Adapaun beberapa perubahan yang terjadi adalah : Keasaman kefir berkisar antara 085 menjadi 10 karena adanya pemebentukan asam laktat dari laktosa oleh mikroba-mikroba seperti Lactococcus lactis Lactobacillus acidophilus Lb kefir Lb kefirgranum Lb parakefir pH menurun sampai di bawah 45 karena adanya asam laktat yang terbentuk Terbentuk karbon dioksida 008 – 02 sehingga produk mempunyai rasa karbonat Karbon dioksida yang terbentuk diperoleh dari Candida kefir yang selain menghasilkan karbon dioksida juga menghasilkan etanol Adanya yeast Candida kefir menghasilkan etanol pada kefir 05 – 1 Susu menjadi lebih mengental karena adanya Lb kefiranofaciens yang membentuk lender matriks butiran kefir Terbentuk aroma yang khas yang berasal dari senyawa diasetil dari sitrat yang dihasilkan Leuconostoc sp Nutrisi Kefir Kandungan zat gizi kefir hampir sama dengan susu yang digunakan sebagai bahan kefir namun memiliki berbagai kelebihan bila dibandingkan dengan susu segar Kelebihan tersebut yaitu adanya : 1 asam yang terbentuk dapat memperpanjang masa simpan mencegah pertumbuhan mikroorganisme pembusuk sehingga mencegah pertumbuhan mikroorganisme patogen dan meningkatkan keamanan produk kefir 2 meningkatkan ketersediaan vitamineral B2 B12 asam folat fosfor dan kalsium yang baik untuk tubuh 3 mengandung mineral dan asam amino esensial tryptopan yang berfungsi sebagai unsur pembangun pemelihara dan memperbaiki sel yang rusak serta memberikan efek relaksasi bagi sistem saraf sehingga dapat mengobati penderita insomnia 4 fosfor dari kefir membantu karbohidrat lemak dan protein dalam pembentukan sel serta untuk menghasilkan tenaga 5 mengandung kalsium Ca dan magnesium Mg serta Chromium Cr sebagai unsure mineral mikro esensial Nutritonal Atributes Nutritional components Consentration Vitamin mg/kg Vitamin B1 lt10 Vitamin B2 lt5 Vitamin B5 3 Amino Acid mg/100g Treonine 182 Lysine 376 Valine 220 Isoleusine 262 Methionine 137 Phenylalanine 231 Tryptophan 70 Mineral Macro-elements Potassium 165 Calsium 086 Magnesium 145 Phosphorus 030 Micro-elements mg/Kg Copper 732 Zinc 927 Iron 203 Manganese 130 Cobalt 016 Molybdenum 033 Manfaat Kefir Sebagai susu fermentasi kefir mengandung berbagai macam manfaat kesehatan Manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari mengkonsumsi kefir antara lain : Kefir mudah dicerna membersihkan usus menekan bakteri patogen dan meningkatkan jumlah bakteri menguntungkan probiotik Mengatasi sembelit mengatasi rasa kembung perut mengurangi gas dalam perut Membersihkan seluruh tubuh dari racun detoksifikasi Mengatasi depresi dan ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder yang artinya penderita yang tak dapat konsentrasi karena hiperaktif Meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh Membantu penderita lactose-intolerance Lactose-intolerance atau ketidakmampuan mencerna laktosa itu terjadi karena seseorang tidak dapat memproduksi enzim beta-galaktosidase oleh sel epitel usus halus akibat kelainan genetik Jika orang itu mengkonsumsi susu laktosa dalam usus halus tidak dapat dicerna menjadi galaktosa dan glukosa sebelum diangkut ke dalam tubuh untuk metabolisme lebih lanjut Molekul laktosa yang tidak dapat diserap tubuh kemudian masuk ke dalam usus besar dan dihidrolisis oleh bakteri yang memproduksi beta-galaktosidase Galaktosa dan glukosa yang terbentuk akan dimetabolisme oleh bakteri homofermentatif dan heterofermentatif menghasilkan asam dan sejumlah gas di dalam usus besar sehingga orang tersebut akan menderita diare kembung dan sakit perut Produk fermentasi susu sangat baik bagi penderita lactose-intolerance karena sebagian besar laktosa sudah dipecah oleh bakteri asam laktat sehingga kandungan laktosanya rendah Selain itu bibit starter kefir juga merupakan sumber enzim beta-galaktosidase untuk memecah laktosa dalam susu Penurun kolesterol dan risiko kanker Beberapa galur strain bakteri asam laktat mampu melakukan metabolisme kolesterol dari makanan dalam usus halus sehingga tidak diserap tubuh Beberapa galur bakteri asam laktat mampu melakukan dekonyugasi garam bile dalam usus halus untuk mencegah absorpsi kembali oleh tubuh sehingga merangsang hati untuk mensintesis lebih banyak garam bile dari kolesterol serum Kedua hal itu menurunkan kadar kolesterol serum Selain itu beberapa penelitian juga membuktikan mengkonsumsi produk fermentasi susu yang mengandung bakteri asam laktat dapat menurunkan risiko timbulnya kanker atau tumor dalam saluran pencernaan Sebab bakteri asam laktat yang hidup dalam produk fermentasi susu menekan pertumbuhan bakteri lain di dalam saluran pencernaan Bakteri yang tidak diinginkan itu dalam saluran pencernaan memproduksi beberapa enzim tertentu misalnya betaglukuronidase dan azoreduktase yang dapat mengubah senyawa prokarsinogen dalam makanan menjadi karsinogen misalnya nitrit menjadi nitrosamin yaitu senyawa penyebab kanker Kontrol terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri yang tidak diinginkan itu dapat menurunkan pembentukan karsinogen sehingga mengurangi risiko kanker kolon usus besar Bakteri asam laktat juga merangsang pergerakan isi saluran pencernaan sehingga menurunkan konsentrasi prokarsinogen dan karsinogen dalam saluran pencernaan Mengurangi gejala kegelisahan karena susu mengandung Lactalbumin : Meningkatkan tingkat serotonin pada otak yang mana dapat memperbaiki suasana hati pada saat stress Kefir dapat mengobati diabetes karena nutrisi pada kefir menyediakan bahan-bahan untuk memperbaiki sel insulin yg rusak Adanya kandungan asam amino triptofan dapat memberikan efek relaksasi bagi sistem saraf sehingga dapat mengobati penderita insomniaby KEFIR PRODUCTION |
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Minsk meeting Moscow’s operation in Italy and more – Weekly Update on Ukraine 12 23 – 29 March |
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“People of the Wasteland” Wendy Moscow |
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localdramaqueenmoscow |
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Moscow Death Brigade – Out The Basement Lyrics |
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Paris London New York City Chicago Rome Tokyo Moscow Barcelona Beijing Cairo Delhi Istanbul Milan Johannesburg Mexico City Madrid Rio de Janeiro More Cities |
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ВВАГС НИУ РАНХиГС РосНОУ MegaCampus МегаКампус E-education Восточно-Европейский институт психоанализа ВЕИП НИМБ АМИ МАП РЭУ им Плеханова СПБТИ Университет СИНЕРГИЯ МФПУ МФПА ММИЭИФиП ГЭИТИ ОГУ МАМИ МГИУ ЭСДО ЭСДО МУМ Международный университет в Москве МУМ РГГУ МГУПС МИИТ МГТУ МГУ им НП Огарева Московский институт лингвистики МИЛ МЮИ Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ МФЮА МФЮУ МУГУ МЭСИ СПбГТИТУ ФЭМ МГПУ КЭСИ колледж РИБиУ МТИ СДО МТИ IMISP ИМИСП ВятГГУ ВятГУ Moscow Business School Московская бизнес-школа MBS МУ им Витте МИЭМП МУИВ СГА СГУ ЕАОИ ELMS ТИЭМ РУИ ИММиФ СПО ИЭСО ГУУ НОУ СПО КСУ МИУ ИМТП РГУП МФПИ ИНЭП РАЭПК БЭПИ ИЭИ СПбПУ ПиК НГМУ ТГУ МИЭП ТюмГНГУ Эдукон ИРДПО ДВГУ Гуманитарный университет УГЛТУ АГПС МЧС Всероссийский государственный университет юстиции РПА Минюста России МНЭПУ МГЭИ РУК МСЭИ ИПИ СПбУУЭ ВШП ОмГА ТюмГУ ВГУЭС СИТО ВГУЭС СПбАУиЭ СИБИТ МосАП ХИИК СибГУТИ ДВФУ ПВГУС Толгас ВГМТ ОЮИ ЗабГУ ИС Антей ДО ТОГУ РФЭИ РФЭТ ИСУ ТИСБИ НОУ ВПО Восточно-Европейский институт МОГУ24 Московский энергетический институт МЭИ НОУ ВО Московский экономический институт ТУСУР ИМЭИ Институт Мировой экономики и информатизации ЕИМЭИ ВЗФЭИ РИУ Тантал Дальрыбвтуз ИЭУП СамГТУ ОмГТУ ОмГМУ ИСГЗ ГТЭП РГСУ Российский государственный социальный университет Московский финансово-экономический институт МФЭИ Московский Открытый Институт МОИ ОТИ ИПИУ НижГМА МНЮИ ИМЭФ Астрахань БАТиП Московский технологический университет МГУПИ МИРЭА ИМСГС Электронная Столичная Финансово-Гуманитарная Академия СФГА Московский институт экономики политики и права МИЭПП ДВГУПС НГИЭУ УРГИ ФДО РЭА им ГВ Плеханова ЮУрГУ МАБиУ ИМЭС МИГУП Педкампус Едукон Сибади Международный Восточно-Европейский университет МВЕУ Всероссийский государственный университет юстиции РПА Минюста России РАМЭК ХГАЭП СтУ Ставунивер i-exam ВКУиНТ ЧелГУ НГПУ им К Минина Мининунивер Томский институт бизнеса онлайн институт ФГБОУ ВПО «ГАУ Северного Зауралья» ГАУСЗ Инт Тсаа АЭСА Moscow Business School MBS Институт безопасности жизнедеятельности Санкт-Петербург Universitys Московский гуманитарный институт МосГУ Тульский институт управления и бизнеса им НД Демидова ЧОУ ВО ТИУБ Московский областной гуманитарный институт МОГИ Подольск Среднерусский институт НОУ СУГТИ Обнинск Институт управления бизнеса и технологий ИНУПБТ Калуга Брянский институт управления и бизнеса БИУБ МГОТУ ВИВТ Международный банковский институт МБИ-IBI СибУПК ЕШКО НИНХ НГУЭУ ЗФЕМ АНО ВО «МИЭМ» Инфо-Рутения Бирский филиал БГУ БИФК НИЯУ МИФИ Сибирский институт управления СИУ РАНХиГС Сапанет ВГАУ Международный Славянский Институт БАТиП ОрГМУ ИУЭП Высшая школа предпринимательства ВШП Санкт-Петербургский Институт Экономики Культуры и Делового Администрирования ЭКИДА ИжГТУ Колледж Государственной и Муниципальной Службы КГиМС Пятигорский государственный университет ПГЛУ МИСАО МОСИ Росдистант МАОК СибАГС РЭУ ИКТ ВШЭ МГУПИ ИРЭСПИП АКМЕ НОУ Интуит и других учебных заведений |
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Construction finishing renovations in Moscow and region |
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Итоги выставки «Aquatherm Moscow – 2020» |
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Altmans Gallery Moscow Москва |
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Russian language school in Russia Moscow |
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Moscow – Must see Sites |
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Гостиница находится в районе курортного городка Адлера В нескольких минутах ходьбы располагаются Аквапарк Амфибиус Sochi Discovery World Aquarium океанариум дельфинарий бювет с лечебной минеральной водой пляжный комплекс MOSCOW BEACH множество кафе баров и ресторанов аттракционы и развлечения на любой вкус и множество фруктовых пляжных и сувенирных лавочек |
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Welcome to the web-site of the Laboratory of Arthropods Borissiak Palaeontological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow |
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Видеорепортаж с Workshop SSI CEE in Moscow |
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Travel Guide to Moscow Russia |
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How to Find Apartments for Rent in Moscow Russia |
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Trusted names in Moscow – International hotel chains |
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Watch Moscow based Illustrator Andrew Tarusov design and recreate a dozen of old Disney movie posters into dark gothic and quirky Tim Burton style movie posters |
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Epic Con Moscow 2020 |
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DevGAMM Moscow |
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FROM RED SQUARE to the BLACK SEA Moscow – Crimea 6 days / 5 nights |
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Jules Verne wrote about it Phileas Fogg was his hero who completed the journey Michael Palin did it for TV And now we’ve done it alsoWhat do we all have in commonWe’ve all travelled around the world without flying Yes it really is possible It’s a fabulous journey and not just one for novels or tv documentaries Anyone can do it Our journey took us from London to Moscow Beijing Xian Nanjing Shanghai Osaka Tokyo Vancouver Seattle Florida Madeira – to name just a few placesWe crossed two oceans and several continentsFollow our amazing trip and get inspired to try it for yourself |
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Statement by the Russian section of the IWA in connection with the introduction of a house arrest regime in Moscow and several other regions of Russia |
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Urbermoscow |
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Посетите наш стенд на выставке Aquatherm Moscow 2020! |
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Рекламное агентство Moscow Billboard: заказать размещение по выгодной цене |
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Moscow Travel Hub: как прошел антикризисный онлайн-воркшоп для представителей туриндустрии |
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How to fly from Marsa Alam to Moscow Time of flight Marsa Alam – Moscow |
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15 things to see at Moscow’s Red Square |
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Moscow-Lawyer ® — уважение к клиентам честность и компетентность |
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PDF⋙ Top 20 Things to See and Do in Moscow – Top 20 Moscow Travel Guide by Atsons |
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English Moscow Comedy:почему невозможно не шутить в России |
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4 Nigt Moscow 3 St Peterberg City Tour |
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CelebrityMoscow – знаменитости Новости шоу-бизнеса России и мира |
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SiGMA iGathering Moscow |
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Beijing to Moscow |
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Как получить юридическую помощь бюро «Moscow legal» |
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MFR Souls – Harvard ft Moscow amp Sipho Magudulela |
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Lap of luxury – Moscow’s most opulent hotels |
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Sophisticated Savva Moscow |
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UK Harmsworth’s gutter rag promotes the royal parasite praising NHS staff despite tha fact SHE will have no use for any of them as she will always have the top private care and wont be going near any of the peasants ordinary hospitals When an inherited wealth billionaire controls a GUTTER rag you get this appalling BILGE Global BROKEN CHAIN WhatsApp limits forwarding of ‘chain messages’ to just ONE chat in fight against coronavirus fake news Global Google is to publicly track people’s movements over the course of the coronavirus pandemic One very good reason not to carry a mobile phone around UK Johnson in hospital exposes Israeli lobby in total control of the UK UK Gove claims Johnson’s intensive care battle is ‘truly frightening’ UK Jewish tory lawyer Raab now running Britain UK Harmsworth’s Daily Rat who viciously smeared Corbyn during election and before goes after anyone who doesn’t support Johnson in hospital And right wing mouthpiece for the British media Piers Morgan tells everyone to SHUT UP unless its to slag off Jeremy Corbyn every five minutes over anti-semitism smears and he being the WORST culprit UK How ill is Dominic Cummings Boris Johnson’s chief adviser is ‘not working in Number 10 UK Councils still insist on screwing the peasants despite the lockdown USA Trump claims ‘Americans are all praying for Johnson’s recovery’ UN crank up the domestic violence propaganda despite coronavirus deaths A distraction from their own failings UK Coronavirus: Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms ‘worsen’ Global Coronavirus: Heterosexual men at high risk of being evicted from their homes Portugal A lesbian 19 and her girlfriend 23 are arrested on suspicion of killing hotel worker and chopping off his fingers so they can access £60000 inheritance on his mobile banking in Portugal UK BBC promote feminist smear campaigners Refuge over Domestic abuse calls up 25 since lockdown When a twisted wife makes one of these calls she automatically gets the husband booted out of his own home with NO proof and a restraining order that makes him immediately lined up to be jailed while they help themselves to his home and estate UK Britain’s right wing gutter rag mouthpiece Piers Morgan requires hospital treatment to remove tongue from royal arse UK Another twisted BBC report on Coronavirus lockdown: As Easter holidays begin families feel strain Two FEMALE experts say they expect an increase in domestic violence from the lockdown You can guarantee the BBC and those two experts will blame men for the strains the families are facing UK BBC report Coronavirus lockdown means abuse is getting worse victim says Victims always female even if they claim they are balanced UK GAYrdian reports Coronavirus lockdown to hit low-paid young and women hardest Always the poor wee downtrodden women NEVER the men who line the streets homeless because of feminist bullshit UK Scottish lawyers call plan to suspend jury trials ‘kneejerk reaction’ Ask any divorcing man how Scottish family courts are being run by the Crown’s hand picked judges and NOT juries and why it is easy to frame men and steal their livelihoods UK More GOOD news: Northern Ireland’s sectarian marches cancelled due to outbreak UK Gutter rags put royal parasite and her Eton groomed lackey on their front pages AGAIN UK It shouldn’t take a pandemic to show we can end homelessness MEN at far higher risk than women thanks to the corrupt legal thieves UK Homopaedo beast who tried to bury boy 13 alive groped teen in Tesco loo UK Salmond’s QC caught again smearing abuse victims as moany UK Royal parasite Andy will reportedly not be interviewed in Epstein documentary UK Gutter rags OTT gushing deference at the royal parasite’s GUFF about coronavirus UK Labour lawyer Starmer like lawyer Blair turning Labour into a tory party mark 2 Murdoch’s far right wing rag The Scum claims MODERATES are replacing HARD left wing members Murdoch’s scumbag rag views anyone with the same right wing fascist tendencies as he does as ‘moderates’ UK Labour loses any credibility as Starmer turns Labour into a right wing mafia like the tory’s UK Crooked councils accused of turning roads into ‘money-making traps’ UK Boris Johnson admitted to hospital due to COVID-19VIDEO USA Coronavirus: Trump warns US is facing its ‘toughest’ two weeks and ‘a lot of death’ USA We Have No Money: Coronavirus Slams State Taxes USA Bill Gates and his coronavirus conflicts of interest USA Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’ way back in 2014 VIDEO New Zealand Social Media Stasi Policing!VIDEO Global Covid 1984 — Psyop Global Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm to So Many USA Soviet-Style Economic Collapse Being Ushered in as America version 20 USA Citizen reporters go do what the media won’t! MirrorVIDEO USA Epstein’s harem of hell: Courtney was just 14 a skinny girl with braces on her teeth when she was lured into the Palm Beach home of Prince Andrew’s paedophile friend and her horrifying story echoes those of many others UK ‘It’s ok for people with big houses to say that’: Labour’s new deputy leader Angela Rayner blasts Matt Hancock for saying people shouldn’t sunbathe on lockdown UK Scotland’s chief medical officer 51 offers to resign and apologises on live TV after she is given police warning for TWICE ignoring her own warnings to visit her family’s second home during lockdown One law for the peasants UK Gutter rags now admit Did coronavirus leak from a research lab in Wuhan Startling new theory is ‘no longer being discounted’ amid claims staff ‘got infected after being sprayed with blood’ UK Five London bus workers have died after contracting coronavirus UK Coronavirus: Two Pentonville Prison staff members die UK Coronavirus: Deserted London a ghost town UK Police Scotland slammed for training ‘brutal’ Hong Kong regime cops USA Gutter rags claim new royals poverty stricken bullshit Meanwhile they are eyeing up a Malibu mansion UK Tory scumbag Rees Mogg’s firm set to make fortune from the coronavirus crisis UK Outrage as Abu Dhabi ‘charges NHS millions in rent’ for coronavirus hospital the Excel Centre We knew there was always something fishy about this deal UK BBC admit British spying was about The idea was to be able to spot events – like an approaching breakdown in law and order and the potential for a revolution – before it was necessarily obvious yet we are told it was to protect us from outside threats now its coronavirus threats they want to pursue Chile: Woman with coronavirus detained after escaping from hospitalVIDEO USA amp UK Unemployment in America and Britain ‘may be worse than in Great Depression’ UK Harry taunted over ‘dad James Hewitt’ after Charley catches coronavirus Global Did Bill Gates Just Reveal The Real Reason Behind The Lock-Downs UK 5G masts are being set on fire over coronavirus claims Russia uses facial recognition CCTV as EXCUSE to track Moscow residents over Covid-19 Big Brother kicking in big time across the world UK The usual suspects and their sychophantic royalist grovelling while people are dying UK Coronavirus: Thirteen Glasgow care home residents die in one week Global Flu Psyop — Pretext to Impose Orwellian Dictatorship Global Snowden warns about authorities exploiting pandemic to increase surveillance track individuals Global Bill Gates wants to implant the United States with microchips This petition is to stop that from happening USA Bill Gates on coronavirus pandemic VIDEO USA Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox USA BILLIONAIRE Bill Gates staying quiet over why he flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘Lolita Express’ plane AFTER the paedo tycoon was released from prison UK Labour’s new leader like Tony Blair is a lawyer Keir Starmer His bosses at the Law Society will make sure he gets better gutter rag press than Corbyn seeing they control the bastards output UK Labour’s new lawyer leader Keir Starmer’s top priority is to bow to jewish demands The Board of Deputies of British Jews said last week that the new Labour leader had four months to resolve the issue Like BACKING Israel or else facing the wrath of their controlled far right wing gutter rags Global Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The Final Battle Slovenia Stops 5G Due to Health Risks UK Feminazi taking over Scotland’s devolved assembly Holyrood Feminists aiding freemasons to strip heterosexual men bare in this utter den of iniquity UK Alex Salmond’s lawyer Gordon Jackson to quit Faculty of Advocates role he was quite an objectionable bully and sex pest UK Creepy paedo protecting femi / homo BBC offers biggest online education push ‘in its history’ Brainwashing young kids into the LGBT mindset UK Coronavirus: Heathrow Airport sheltering ‘200 homeless people’ Britain’s homeless being treated like a leper colony during coronavirus Global We’re Living in 12 MonkeysVIDEO Global Nobody Knows What the Supposed “Covid-19 Test” Is Even Testing For Global Coronavirus Animation: High Impact Demonstrates How COVID-19 Impacts the BodyVIDEO Global We’re not going back to normal USA Strained Resources Citizen Sleuths Investigate the CronyVirus Pandemic Global Death stats comparison USA The Epstein Weinstein Pipeline! We Told You About The Slither Circle Long Ago!VIDEO USA Experts Fear ‘Suicide Wave’ As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes Unstitched Spain Harrowing video shows coronavirus medics with ‘mixed-up’ body bags on hospital floor UK Coronavirus death toll soars to 3605 as 684 die in 24 hours UK Royals get embroiled in the opening of an emergency coronavirus hospital at the end of Freemasons Road London Excel centre usually used by Britain’s arms manufacturers to sell weapons to despots UK No 10 seeks to end coronavirus lockdown with ‘immunity passports’ UN Wants a 10 Global Tax to Pay for New Shared Responsibility Program to Address Coronavirus Pandemic Russia Putin was a Waif Adopted by Chabad Global From William Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” – Economic Shock Testing as a means of societal control UK SOME GOOD NEWS Coronavirus: Brighton Pride 2020 cancelled The BBC’s very own femiman hating lesbians / homo’s / trannies REALLY upset UK SOME MORE GOOD NEWS : Gutter rags face losing £50million in advertising revenue Less money to pump out their propaganda and royalist bullshit Philippine President and psycho lawyer Duterte Promises to ‘Shoot Dead’ Anyone Defying Lockdown LawsVIDEO USA A record 66 million Americans file for unemployment benefitsVIDEO Global Communication towers kill about 68 million birds every yearVIDEO UK Mystery of dead birds VIDEO USA Credit Crisis Averted Monetary Crisis Initiated USA Engineer Derails Train While Trying To Crash Into USNS Mercy Report Says UK Scottish lesbian bragged she ‘Stabbed every lassie I’ve ever been with’ then caged for blade attacks on ex-lovers So much for the ‘Womens Aid’ one gender rantings of domestic violence bullshit that ALL women need protected from all us bad men SNP’s feminist lawyer mouthpiece Sturgeon noticeably SILENT when its one of her LGBT pals thats instigating domestic violence because it doesn’t fit in with the legal mafia’s grand property theft UK A female serial domestic abuser stabbed her boyfriend after hitting him with a bottle in two previous attacks UK Two of Alex Salmond’s accusers have complained to the police about “threatening” comments by a pro-independence supporter Did feminist lawyer Sturgeon a law society plant conspire with her feminist pals to take over as leader Even his own lawyer was caught in a secret recording admitting he was a bully and a sex pest and exposes the vile machinations inside the SNP that we alone have warned about for well over a decade USA Costco Employee Shares Pictures To Show How Panic Buying Has Affected The Store UK Scotland’s former first minister Alex Salmond claims faith in Scottish justice when a bully and sex pestHis own lawyer claims can walk free while divorcing men are smeared framed and fleeced of everything including their lives with NO FUCKING JURIES only the queens hand picked freemason judges dishing out harsh judgments UK SNP drop their toxic and controversial plans to make it easier for people to change their gender Sturgeon exposed as a top LGBT supporter while instigating laws that are anti-MALE UK Female witness in Alex Salmond trial says complainants fear for their safety Global Something doesn’t add up about Corona Virus and the lock downs UK Banks paid millions in bonuses weeks before ban on cash rewards UK Former tory bastard chancellor George Osborne has imposed a 20 pay cut on some Evening SUBStandard staff He virtually ruined the British economy and now he is at it again UK SNP Government delays disability benefit rollout over Coronavirus Any axcuse to block much needed extra financial assistance to the weakest and most vulnerable UK Coronavirus: Nearly a million universal credit claims in past two weeks Anyone already on this ugly tory form of welfare knows it leads to debt eviction and homelessness UK Tory’s emergency bank loans scheme has failed Another cock a hoop tory sham that hasn’t materialsed UK Coronavirus forces postponement of UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP26 meeting in Glasgow USA Is America Preparing For Civil War UK BA expected to suspend 36000 staff USA Boeing to offer voluntary layoffs to employees amid coronavirus fallout with offers being made as soon as today China ‘It’s all fake!’: Chinese official heckled by residents on visit to WuhanVIDEO Global Extended Lockdowns A Form Of Mass Torture – David IckeVIDEO UK The SNP’s toxic feminist lawyer troll Sturgeon wants to bring in emergency coronavirus measures that INCLUDES trial without jury that many divorcing men accused of abuse face every day in masonic run Scottish courts before they lose their lives homes and children QUOTE Lawyer run Scottish Women’s Aid has warned that virus lockdown measures could bring unprecedented challenges for victims of domestic violence NO LET UP in the smear and frame tactics inside their evil family courts despite coronavirus that will mean far more property theft from the men who face being destroyed by these evil fuckers masquerading as some sort of female protection force SNP who have among their ranks sex pests bullies and scumbags who get away with grooming schoolkids UK Scotland’s senior lawyers brand emergency virus laws ‘a sinister attack on justice’ UK Coronavirus in Scotland: SNP forced to drop plan for more trials without juries UK The SNP’s former first minister Alex Salmond should not be readmitted to SNP after his‘creepy’ behaviour – Murdo Fraser UK Femi male hating lesbians / Homo loving BBC promoting feminist pish again Quote Fleabag’s supporting gallery of toxic male creeps NOT like the BBC creeps who let their TOP presenter Jimmy Savile abuse kids for decades UK Who voted right wing nutjob Piers Morgan the mouthpiece for Britain and its GUTTER RAGS PIERS MORGAN has spent the last few weeks ranting to Good Morning Britain viewers about staying at home and doing their duty in a bid to help fight the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the nation But it seems he isn’t taking the government’s advice himself and self-isolating for 14 days after admitting one of his sons had mild symptoms of covid-19 UK An unemployed former MP is campaigning to stop people’s credit scores being affected by deferred payments due to the coronavirus crisis South Korea You Need To Listen To This Leading COVID-19 Expert From South Korea VIDEO UK Femi / homo / lawyer / run paedo protecting BBC spreading another FAKE pandemic about DV Unrelenting freemason / lawyer / judge led bullshit that leaves non cult men broken homeless and childless UK SNP’s ranting feminist lawyer Sturgeon on the DV scams again Meanwhile SNP ministers get away with grooming schoolboys and former ministers get away with sexual assaults but men can be criminalized for arguing with their wives LUNATICS RUNNING THE ASYLUM THE REST OF MARCH 2020 NEWS |
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Style matters – Top Moscow boutique and design hotels |
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Moscow Flower Show 2013 |
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Past glories – Historic Moscow hotels |
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Moscow – третий корпус |
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RDCR 2020 COVID-19 Update – Provisional Date Change to the 26th of June at the Kempinski Baltschug Hotel Moscow |
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History and Architecture of Moscow |
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A Russian airliner arriving in Moscow launches a distress signal |
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Ivan ordered the first printer in Russia to be made called the Moscow Print Yard It was created in 1553 |
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Moscow IELP Expo 2019 |
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The online booking tool for travel services and discount accommodation in Moscow |
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Moscow Night Tour |
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Выставка сырья и оборудования для производства напитков Beviale Moscow уже через 2 недели! Получите Ваш бесплатный билет |
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Официальный сайт гостиницы Metropol Moscow Hotel |
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MIBC Moscow City Пресненская наб 12 Москва 123317 |
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Moscow Water Dog |
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Shakhtar Donetsk MrJab at CSKA Moscow vrico |
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DevGAMM Moscow 2020 first time in online format |
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ISS примет участие в выставке Securika Moscow 2020 |
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Владимир Королев и Елена Рыбакина стали чемпионами Winter Moscow Open 2019 |
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Red Square amp Moscow City Tour |
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Pineapple Moscow Mule |
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Apartment in Moscow in Warm Pastels |
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รีวิวรถไฟนอน Red Arrow 01AA ระหว่างเมือง StPetersburg – Moscow |
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Office in Moscow Gornyi sidewalk |
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Hotel Malaya Bronnaya str Moscow |
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moscowwalksru |
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CSKA Moscow vrico at Dynamo Kyiv Moscow KravaRK at Spartak Moscow |
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Russia Moscow Time |
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Команда БГУИР победила на международном фестивале студенческого и молодежного спорта «Moscow Games» |
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Cucumber Moscow Mule |
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The English International School Moscow West Campus |
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Подписано Постановление Правительства России об антикризисных мерах по стабилизации финансового состояния организаций в сфере жилищного 2 по 5 февраля пройдeт выставка «Aquatherm Moscow 2021» |
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5 May 2018 Moscow |
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Agrosalon Moscow 2020 |
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Юридическая компания Moscow legal |
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Central Barren Moscow EU-RU |
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Moscow coronavirus app raises privacy concerns |
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Выставка Salon du Chocolat Moscow перенесена на ноябрь 2020 года! |
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Oil and Gas Survey On the Industries Readiness for Large-Scale Digital Transformation – See the Results at RDCR-2020 April 23 2020 in Moscow |
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Бизнес-Семинары Курсы Тренинги в Москве – Moscow Business School |
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Business class – Top hotels for business in Moscow |
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5000 dollars for seizing of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate’s appearance |
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Moscow –обзор выставки |
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Moscow Must See Tour |
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Home from home – Apartment hotels in Moscow |
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“The Woman Who Loves Giraffes” Wendy Moscow |
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White Rabbit Moscow |
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Наш сад – победитель выставки Moscow Flower… |
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Sphinx meetup in Moscow on Feb 28 |
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Moscow Russian Federation Yandex LLC |
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Moscow Thanks You For Sharing Its Cute Cat Pics |
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A Secluded Garden in the Heart of Moscow |
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ทัวร์เมืองไทเป Moscow |
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Places To Visit In Moscow: The Ultimate Guide |
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Lotte Hotel Moscow |
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Devine Harmony Wine amp Crab Moscow Review |
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Lokomotiv Moscow KravaRK at Shakhtar Donetsk MrJab |
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From Moscow Russia |
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Moscow Business School: технологии карьерного роста |
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Lokomotiv Moscow KravaRK at Dynamo Kyiv at iG Vitality |
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Aleksey Zabotkin Deputy Director Legal Department Joint Stock Company “Techsnabexport” Moscow Russia |
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Murder in Moscow by Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain |
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Lomonosov Moscow State University |
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“Animation First 2020” Part One Wendy Moscow |
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Moscow Travel Hub: как прошла онлайн-встреча туриндустрии по территориальному маркетингу |
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Huawei office in Moscow |
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BKC-IH Moscow IELTS Centre in Russia |
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What if they went to Moscow |
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Подводная охота на Moscow Dive Show… |
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Moscow’s efforts to Russianize non-Russians will lead to demise of Russian nation |
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Moscow State Ballet триумфально выступил в звонок |
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Irina Kudryashova Russia Moscow region |
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Moscow Property Tour |
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Шатры для Moscow Auto Tuning Show 2019 |
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Welcome to From Moscow to Johannesburg |
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Moscoworg городской портал Москвы |
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Beijing overcame Moscow and Washington in hypersonic weapons |
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Residence’s common area Moscow Zachatyevsky sidewalk |
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В столице уже в 12-й раз отгремела масштабная международная выставка дизайна интерьера iSaloni WorldWide Moscow 2016 Наши дизайнеры держат руку на пульсе новых тенденций в мире дизайна и поэтому уже успели там побывать и всe увидеть собственными глазами |
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Prepare and Take IELTS in Moscow |
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Bohemian Moscow |
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Cтала доступна программа White Nights Moscow 2015 |
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Посетите наш стенд на выставке MIMS Automechanika Moscow 2019 |
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How to fly from Larnaca to Moscow Time of flight Larnaca – Moscow |
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US Admits it’s in Syria to Make it ‘Difficult’ for Moscow amp Damascus to Defeat Terrorists |
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City of Moscow looks into utility fee relief |
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Dynamo Kyiv BoulevardProspect at Lokomotiv Moscow KravaRK |
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8 April 2018 Moscow |
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Caneca Moscow Mule |
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Counting the kopeks – Moscow’s best budget hotels |
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Moscow Hotels by location |
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Moscow Winter ‘Warmest Since Records Russia With Love’: A Coronavirus Geopolitical Game |
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The minute Vladimir Mukhin Chef at White Rabbit Moscow appeared on the screen in the Netflix Series Chef’s table it was only a matter a time before a flight to Moscow was booked |
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S7 Business Class Review to Moscow DME |
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Gold Medal: ProdExpo in Moscow Russia |
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Moscow Mule |
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Securika Moscow 2019 |
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Moscow Games 2017 |
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Moose Lips Sink Ships White Rabbit Moscow |
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DOC NYC 2019 “Hurdle” Wendy Moscow |
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The English International School Moscow East Campus |
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Тату фестиваль Moscow International Tattoo Week 2016 |
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Russia Saudi Arabia ‘very close’ to oil deal Moscow signals big cuts |
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Русский театр классического балета Moscow State Ballet покорил Европу |
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CSKA Moscow vrico at Lokomotiv Moscow KravaRK |
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Moscow International Automobile Salon 2020 |
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Dominic Raab jewish lawyer and now unelected tory leader and Prime Minister Deviously the Israeli lobby had been controlling British politics for decades until it was exposed now they are open about it and anyone who dares criticize Israel is labelled an anti-semite At the last election the zionist leaning gutter rags ensured Corbyn who supported Palestine and Gaza was smeared and framed endlessly and allowed the jewish run tory party to walk into 10 Downing street thanks to every English voting tory They should hang their fucking heads in shame DO they work for the best interest of Brits or Israel Just one look at the streets of Britain shows the vast homelessness they have been responsible for and the mushrooming food banks British peasants are forced to rely on thanks to the tory scum who DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about Britain while endlessly pledging allegiance to Israel and its merry band of global helpers like MOSSAD FULL ARTICLE HERE Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby EXPOSEDVIDEO Jewish tory lawyer Raab now running Britain Times of Israel report Dominic Raab karate kid with a Jewish father named UK foreign secretary Times of Israel report Five Jewish things to know about Boris Johnson Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather Elias Avery Lowe was a Moscow-born Jew Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson 19th June 1964 is a Jewish politician serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since July 2019 Why Britain’s Jews love Boris Many Jews want Boris Johnson out But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn Even Boris Johnson claimed Jews control the media Times of Israel report After Corbyn UK Labour elects Keir Starmer Zionist with Jewish wife as leader New opposition chief immediately apologizes to Jews for anti-Semitism in ranks vows to ‘tear out this poison’ his wife comes from a Jewish family has relatives in Tel Aviv The Jewish Chronicle reports Sir Keir Starmer: I will judge my success at tackling Labour antisemitism by the return of Jewish members Tory zionist leaning gutter rag the Daily Rat reported Sir Keir Starmer and a question of cowardice: He seldom talked of his family’s Jewish links while anti-semitism raged in Labour and – as he stands poised to become party leader While Jeremy Corbyn was being smeared as a racist Boris Johnson’s adviser was embracing a real fascist Murdoch ugly right wing rag reports BOJO JOY FOR JEWS Boris Johnson praised and Jeremy Corbyn slammed over contrasting treatment of British Jews The Jewish Chronicle reported Boris claiming Maybe there was some kind of fiddling of the figures by the oligarchs who ran the TV stations and who were mainly as some lost no time in pointing out of Jewish origin The Independent reports Boris Johnson book depicts Jews as controlling the media and being able to “fiddle” elections The Jewish Chronicle reports ‘Every decent person in this country’ fighting antisemitism says Boris Johnson in Chanukah message Jewish world reports Twice in 24 hours: New UK Labour chief Sir Keir Starmer apologizes for anti-Semitism Jewish news reports UK’s Labour elects new leader Keir Starmer after Corbyn with FIRST goal to quash anti-Semitism in party Haaretz Israel reports Keir Starmer is The Right Man to Detoxify Labour From Corbynist anti-Semitism ‘Every Jew watching noticed that’: David Baddiel tweets his concerns as Jeremy Corbyn mis-pronounces Jeffrey Epstein’s surname That they claim makes him an antisemite talking about jewish thug and sex slave procurer Jeffrey Epstein Jewish news multiple reports on new labour leader ‘Sir Keir Starmer’ |
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Hi I’m Josue a software developer from Moscow Idaho Please take a look around! |
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Moscow became the capital of Russia in 1547 |
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Adalya Tobacco Moscow Evening 50 Gr |
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A 10-Pound Moscow Mule Exists And It’s Calling Your Name |
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MIMS Automechanika Moscow 2020 |
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Thêm ba văn phòng Zags tại Moscow cho phép người nước ngoài đăng ký kết hôn |
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Компания Nevosoft представила программу конференции White Nights Moscow 2015 которая пройдет 13-14 октября |
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Moscow Top Tours |
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Дизайнерская мебель для выставки I Saloni WorldWide Moscow |
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The Russian Military: Moscow’s |
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Happy families – Moscow’s most child-friendly hotels |
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Idaho 4A Boys State Championship Game: Moscow vs Preston March 7 2020 |
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Протоколы III Съезда Партии народной свободы Victoria E Roots of rebellion Workers politics and organisation in StPetersburg and Moscow 1900-1914 |
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New Diameter Lines of Moscow Metro Open |
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From Manhattan to Moscow |
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Moscow Sheremetyevo International Terminal C |
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Moscow: 7 495 917-88-25 |
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ЖК Метрополия New York / Tokyo / Moscow / London / Rome / Berlin / Paris / Vienna / Saint-Petersburg / Stockholm / Vienice |
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1 May 2018 Moscow |
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Go International Business Delegation B2B event in Moscow in Oli-PHA meeting in Barcelona 23-24/5/2013 |
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Welcome to Moscow Hotels! |
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The air in Moscow has become 70 cleaner than a year |
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Join a Poetry Marathon in Moscow at Noon on in the regions |
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Czech Embassy In Moscow Attacked After Prague Removes Soviet Commander’s Statue |
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Презентационный фильм сообщества «Impact HUB Moscow» |
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Moscow Blueberry Auto |
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Discovering My Jewish Identity: Moscow Russia |
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World Food Moscow / du 24 au 27 Septembre 2019 |
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A Passage from Moscow to Bangkok |
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сегодня в 19:37Россия Москва пл Гагарина Russia Moscow Gagarin Square |
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Soaring Over Moscow |
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London to the Moscow to Beijing Train |
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