The smallest and farthest worlds ever explored by NASA are really really weird |
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FOIA Friday: NASA “Firewheel” Flying Saucers in Argentina |
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NASA astronavtları açıq fəzaya çıxışı başa vurublar |
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Η NASA υιοθετεί την τεχνολογία Blockchain του bitcoin |
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Woman on a mission: How this Fil-Am engineer rose through the ranks at NASA |
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Lander InSight NASA – Vamos para Marte |
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NASA propõe missão para estudar Tritão maior lua de Netuno |
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NASA research enhances learning experiences |
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Lançamento TESS da NASA – Melhores Momentos |
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NASA обнаружили пропавший марсоход Opportunity |
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Naijanewspapers punch newspapers nigeria newspapers NASA posts images of |
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NASA Finds Mysterious Big Boulders at Bennu Asteroid |
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NASA astronauts spacewalk to change ISS batteries |
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NASA Releases Virtual Reality Video Of The Milky Way Galaxy Center |
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Türk Bilim İnsanı Yıldız Üniversitelilere NASA’dan Seslendi |
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Nobody knows if NASA’s OSIRIS-REx can pull off its daring asteroid-sampling maneuver |
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У астронавтов NASA возникли проблемы в открытом космосе |
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Température mondiale : février 2019 au 3e rang selon la NASA |
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Applications are invited from startups to create space technology by NASA |
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H NASA έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα φωτογραφίες του μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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NASA trực tiếp khoảnh khắc phi hành gia bước ra ngoài vũ trụ thực hiện sứ mệnh |
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NASA’s new rocket won’t be ready for moon shot next year |
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Pământul are “plămâni” priviți cum respiră! Clipul impresionant publicat de NASA |
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Difunde la NASA fotos del gran meteorito que sobrevoló el mar de Bering |
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Asteroida Apophis leci w kierunku Ziemi Czy to oznaczakoniec świata w 2019 r NASA ostrzega! 23032019 r |
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Na Dane komunikacija stiže svjetski poznati etički haker bez kojeg ne mogu Google Microsoft i NASA! |
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A NASA image shows a metal sheet with a perfect circle on Mars extraterrestrial evidence |
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NASA công bố hình ảnh vụ nổ thiên thạch cực mạnh |
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Bíblia comprovada pelos Cientistas da NASA incrível |
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Holst: The Planets with Imagery from NASA’s Great Observatories |
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Tropical Cyclone Trevor fills Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria in NASA image |
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Descubre NASA anomalías en el espacio |
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Μετεωρίτης εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα – Οι εντυπωσιακές φωτογραφίες της NASA |
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Mano Extraterrestre reptil en foto NASA Marte |
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NASA astronavtları açıq fəzaya çıxışı başa vurublar – VİDEO |
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NASA Astronauts Wrap Up First Spacewalk of 2018 |
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NASA Glenn Visitor Center |
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NASA potvrdila: Marihuana obsahuje mimozemskou DNA která nepochází ze Sluneční soustavy |
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Марсохід NASA тестують до запуску на Червону планету |
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The Constellation Program was a human spaceflight program developed within NASA the space agency of the United States |
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NASA смоделировала посадку марсохода на Красную планету |
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Parker Solar Probe la nave espacial de la NASA que explorará una de las amenazas más aterradoras de la Tierra: el Sol |
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Powerful Bering Sea Fireball Spotted from Space in NASA Photos |
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NASA открыли звезду мчащуюся с огромной скоростью |
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NASA Scientists Find Dust Rings in the Inner Solar System |
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NASA teams use it for building and operating Mars Rovers your immigration law firm can use it to help aliens too |
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NASA: Στη δημοσιότητα φωτογραφίες του μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη θάλασσα |
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Why Do NASA and Others Spend Millions on This Quantum Computer |
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NASA Figures Out the Thing That Triggered the Moon’s Sunburn |
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NASA announces the 50 locations for the 2013 International Space Apps Challenge |
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NASA TR R-277 Report: Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events |
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NASA Science: Revealed |
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The PocketQube is a form factor similar to the CubeSat a very popular satellite concept successfully used around the globe For example two CubeSats recently sent images and data back for NASA’s InSight mission to Mars While the CubeSats have received a lot of attention the launch costs are still prohibitive for many applications said Joe Latrell the company founder But with PocketQubes the costs are significantly cheaper |
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用NASA科技做菜!安全無毒不沾鍋「鈦」健康! |
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Στη δημοσιότητα από τη NASA η στιγμή της έκρηξης του μετεωρίτη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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NASA engineers stare at the sun to see shockwaves from supersonic flight |
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NASA Grand Tour Juliste |
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Thiên thạch nổ mạnh gấp 10 lần bom Hiroshima âm thầm qua mặt NASA |
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Sepa cuáles son las plantas más adecuadas para limpiar el aire según la NASA |
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NASA планирует запустить межпланетную станцию для изучения астероида Паллада |
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NASA-Recommended: 18 Plants To Effectively Purify The Air In Your House! |
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NASA Astronaut Yvonne Cagle Discusses Biomimicry and Our Planet’s Future |
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NASA Adia Lançamento do Telescópio Espacial James Webb para 2021 |
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Астронафти NASA вийшли у відкритий космос |
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Open Source Development at NASA |
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A Brief Summary of Working at NASA at Twenty-Two |
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Astronomy: Did you know how NASA names their Mars Rovers |
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Live VIDEO: NASA coverage of the International Space Station US spacewalk |
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La NASA decide investigar muestras lunares selladas durante décadas |
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NASA is nominated for a Makey! |
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15:58 El investigador conspiracionista español José Luis Camacho quien mantiene un concurrido canal de Youtube llamado “Mundo Desconocido” ha dado a conocer recientemente un descubrimiento extraordinario usando Google Earth Afirma que frente a las costa de la Península de California México existiría una enigmática y amplia red de túneles bajo el mar Si bien ninguna expedición científica ha ido hasta esa zona para comprobarlo Camacho cree que unas largas formaciones tipo tuberías ingresan y salen en la plataforma del fondo oceánico Curiosamente estas raras estructuras no están completas del todo pues parecen haber sido “difuminadas”Más tarde el bloguero une este hallazgo con la ya conocida red de túneles en Marte que según la NASA serían formaciones naturales del Planeta Rojo De hecho algunos científicos como Glen Cushing Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos proponen que cuando finalmente los astronautas dentro de 20 años más pisen suelo marciano uno de los lugares más seguros para protegerse de potenciales microbios serían las cuevas y estos enigmáticos túneles Si tanto estos túneles como los encontrados en el Océano Pacífico como los de Marte no son naturales… ¿Quién los construyó ¿Seres inteligentes de otro mundo o alguna potencia terrestreJunto con lo anterior el conductor de Mundo Desconocido asegura que sobre algunos cráteres marcianos existen supuestos domos similares a algunos hechos por científicos de bases polares ¿Alguna base secreta De acuerdo a teóricos de la conspiración Estados Unidos ya tendría colonias en Marte pero la Casa Blanca jamás se ha pronunciado sobre elloLo cierto es que este tipo de “descubrimientos” a través del Google Earth alimenta a todo tipo de suposiciones Es cierto hoy se encuentran difuminadas cuando salió esta noticia el año pasado yo personalmente lo comprobé por Google Earth y la imagen era muy nítida se percibía que eran tuberías subacuáticas de 1 uno kilómetro 200 docientos metros de diámetro aunque parezca increíble y con un aspecto semejante al que hoy tienen los caños plásticos coarrugados que se usan para empotrar en las paredes para pasar cables de la electricidad también son similares a las que se pueden observar en el planeta Marte Esta imágen la tomé con Google Earth el día 22 de julio del 2014 a las 10:00 hs Video de José Luis Camacho Tuneles en la Tierra Imagen del Planeta Marte fue tomada por la Mars Orbiter Camera MOC a bordo de la Mars Global Surveyor Túneles subterráneos en la Luna reconocidos por la NASA RED DE TÚNEL BAJO CALIFORNIA Según un artículo titulado ¿Flota California Sobre los Océanos California Floats On Ocean en la edición de Otoño de 1985 de la revista Search un alto rango de la Marina pero sin nombre oficial contó que había una enorme red de túneles bajo porciones de la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos Dijo que los submarinos nucleares de los Estados Unidos habían estudiado algunos de estos túneles que sólo son accesibles fuera de la plataforma continental y los había seguido tierra adentro varios cientos de millas Aquí hay más detalles de esta increíble afirmación: 750 Qué las fallas que se están pasando por San Andreas son realmente grandes y las cámaras sin apoyo están en proceso de derrumbamiento Un conocido submarino nuclear americano perdió el rumbo y no se sabía nunca más de él Dos submarinos nucleares americanos han desaparecido en misteriosas circunstancias – el USS Thresher y el USS Scorpion Cuando las compañías petroleras iniciaron el bombeo de petróleo por debajo de la ciudad de Long Beach comenzó a hundirse – hasta 26 pies antes de que el bombeo se parara En las inmediaciones de Malibú California EEUU se halló lo que parece el acceso a una gigantesca cueva submarinaveamos: Los indios Hopi de EEUU aseguran que sus antecesores han sido visitados por seres que vinieron desde las estrellasque recorrían las distancias en una especie de escudos voladores o pájaros que tronaban y eran capaces de cortar gigantes bloques de piedra y transportarlosAdemás sabían construir túneles y verdaderas ciudades subterráneas estos seres son llamados Katchinas Independientemente de la faceta espiritual que ERKS representa es posible que esta ciudad exista materialmente sus testigos oculares defienden vehementemente lo que experimentaron con Acoglanis en Los TerronesEl periodista y fotógrafo profesional Roberto Villamil amigo personal de Acoglanis tomó varias fotos de las luces de ERKS cuando Sarumah-Acoglanis pronunciaba los mantras en el idioma Irdin que según los esoteristas es la Lengua de los Angeles la Lengua de las Esferas el idioma que comunica a todos los seres a partir de la Quinta Dimensión de Conciencia Es el Lenguaje Universal que sus almas conocen y hablan mas allá del cuerpo afirman La cantante Patricia Sosa también informa que tuvo una experiencia de avistamiento de luces y telepatía en Los Terrones YouTube Patricia Sosa Tendencias Luces Luces fotografiadas en Los Terrones por Roberto Villamil cuando Acoglanis pronunció los Mantras Ricardo González habla de la mítica ciudad de ERKS Mis apreciaciones son totalmente independientes de los contactados que obviamente los hay muy serios y responsablesellos son otra manera de poder encontrar las ciudades intraterrenas Yo apelo a los elementos materiales que dispongo en esta dimensión es decir hallazgos arqueológicos testimonios iformación fidedigna escucho con rigor crítico a los espiritualistas que a veces suministran pistas para la investigación Con la verificación de la existencia de grandes túneles en el planeta y la comprobación de antiguas ciudades subterráneas yo creo que la legendaria ciudad de ERKS podría ubicarse en interior del cerro Uritorco y en sus adyacencias subterráneas JCN |
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NOAA and NASA – 2015 Is The Hottest Year On Record |
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Ingrid Ockert NASA Fellowship |
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Humanity has racked up extraordinary feats of spaceflight since NASA’s first |
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NASA space herpes warning: What diseases can astronauts catch How do they spread |
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NASA has published a new image of Jupiter one that shows the full planet with its iconic Great Red Spot visible in its entirety The giant gas planet looks like a beautiful marble streaked with ea… Brittany A Roston Slashgearcom 2 hours ago |
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NASA: ludzie powinni pomyśleć o przeprowadzce na Tytan |
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NASA Challenges featured at Random Hacks of Kindness |
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5 Reasons Why The First Moon Landing By NASA Could Just Be A Lie |
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I Am NASA: Kristen Painting Crew Instructor |
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NASA’s prime contractor for the SLS Universal Stage Adapter |
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Астронавты NASA вышли в открытый космос заменить аккумуляторы МКС |
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I Am NASA: Justin Kugler Strategic Relationships Manager |
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NASA State Department and Veteran Affairs Innovation Initiative Host Open Source Summit |
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NASA: Απίστευτες φωτογραφίες από τον μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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Une vaste cavité sous le glacier « Thwaites » en Antarctique Ouest repérée par la NASA |
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A NASA Aprovou Uma Idéia Simples E Inacreditável de Um Cabeleiro |
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NASA Alleged IEBC Database logs Explained |
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NASA Photos Mission Sets in High Resolution Vintage Press NASA Photos |
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Astronautas de la NASA realizan su primera caminata espacial fuera del ISSTecnología |
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Madison amp Wisconsin Postcards ArtcardPostcards Custom Displays Madison amp Wisconsin Magnets American Indians Custom Keyrings Madison amp Wisconsin Keychains US Cities in NASA Infrared Custom Magnets Souvenir Ballpoint pens Closeout Postcards cheap in bulk Custom Postcards Madison posters Purchase Photo-use rights |
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The invention of the Muslim Terrorist is the latest invention by the Jews to spread fear and dismantle governments that are not yet puppets of the Jewsor have decided to stop serving the Jews justifying raping the World and slaughtering billions of innocent genuine semite and gentile families in every country for power and control annually under the illusion of Freedom Democracy War on Terror or anything else that can justify their invasions and mass murders for their 2 horned God Jewish Rabbi claims Islam is Israel’s broomWe control Islam and we’ll use it to destroy the west Judaism says to kill Christians February 23rd 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Judaism says to kill Christians Hits: 222 israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs December 27th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs This was posted on Facebook directly by the Christian Palestinian victims Hits: 169 Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Hits: 88 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The War On Drugs hoax Hits: 133 The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The real enemy is at home Hits: 133 The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Satanic Cult that rules the world Hits: 165 Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch Baal Hits: 144 The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” Hits: 945 How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Hits: 136 Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups Hits: 120 ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Hits: 130 How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Hits: 147 Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Hits: 134 Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Hits: 125 Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime Hits: 128 Join WordPresscom for an International Women’s Day Livestream Panel March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews On International Women’s Day this Friday WordPresscom parent company Automattic is hosting four outstanding women tech leaders for a livestreamed conversation about professional advancement technology and mutual support as we strive for equity in the workplace It’s happening Friday March 8 at 6 pm UTC / 1 pm ET / 10 am PT Signups are limited to 500 people so RSVP now to reserve a spot You can also follow the conversation on Twitter at the hashtags a8cIWD2019 and IWD2019 We’re proud to welcome panelists with a diverse range of expertise Eli Budelli is WordPresscom’s lead of mobile development Yelp software engineer Tanvi Patel is part of the review platform’s core web team and an outspoken advocate for equality in tech and health Crystle Johnson senior manager of diversity and inclusion at Pandora is an expert in embedding inclusion in hiring and talent retention she is also the founder of the Red Lip Collective which empowers young women of color through mentorship and professional development And Diana Chiu senior manager of business development at DuckDuckGo brings deep knowledge of partnerships and MampA cultivated over a decade working across tech aviation and biotech The event will be moderated by Maria Scarpello customer success advocate for Automattic Share tweet The hour-long discussion will cover how to develop women leaders create support systems for sustainable careers and harness the power of self-awareness and self-validation As a distributed company with more than 800 employees in over 60 countries Automattic sees inclusion and diversity as a constantly evolving idea We know that diverse teams make better products and we also know that there is always more work to do We hope that attendees of this panel across career stages gender and location will leave with at least one new strategy for using their voice at work and uplifting the voices of others Email Newsletter Source Article from Hits: 20 Cyclone Idai death toll reaches 732 hundreds still missing PHOTOS VIDEO March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Survivors are struggling to deal with the aftermath of the huge disaster with an estimated 1 million people affected in Mozambique alone Tens of thousands have sought refuge in emergency shelters after hurricane-force winds of up to 200kph and heavy flooding forced them from their homes The UN has repeated calls for emergency support to help aid agencies cope with the immediate impact of the disaster while the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies warned that cases of cholera have been reported in Beira Mozambique READ MORE: Number of people killed in Mozambique cyclone flooding could rise to 1000 – president The storm brought intense rainfall and heavy flooding which submerged whole villages and washed away huge swathes of agricultural land Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from Hits: 14 Ford facing legal claims over Explorer SUV ‘carbon monoxide poisoning’ March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews According to a Bloomberg report 3000 Ford Explorer users have reported they suspect exhaust gases have leaked into their vehicle and that they’ve experienced some of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning which include headache dizziness nausea and loss of consciousness In one instance Ford Explorer owner Bert Henriksen was told by his doctor that his carbon monoxide exposure was consistent with someone who had been in a house fire Also on rtcom Electric cars will kill oil demand within decade Bank of America predicts When Ford investigated some of the claims it found the Explorer exhaust system wasn’t welded properly and gaps were left through which the exhaust gases could escape It instructed dealerships to repair the systems and Ford told CBS a repair fix that was made available in 2017 “effectively resolves that matter” however a number of owners say the fix offered wasn’t good enough The first complaints about exhaust smells were made soon after the fifth-generation Explorer started production in 2011 A Ford employee was the first to note the issue but Ford found that the circumstances in which the issue occurred took place outside “typical customer use” Ford spokesman Mike Levine told Bloomberg that the company’s testing showed the SUVs were safe saying: “Ford’s investigation has not found carbon monoxide levels that exceed what people are exposed to every day” Also on rtcom WATCH: Insane NASCAR crash triggers carnage at Daytona 500 At least 50 customers have taken legal action against the company over the exhaust leaks Ford has also bought back many of the vehicles from unhappy customers as “goodwill gestures” with federal records showing it had bought around 100 by 2016 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA has actually been investigating the Explorer problems since 2016 Its website has numerous complaints about it Should it decide to enforce a recall Ford would stand to lose millions as the fifth generation Explorer has been on the market for eight years However proving carbon monoxide exposure is difficult as doctors don’t regularly check patients for it and the US doesn’t have a regulatory standard for how exposure is a health risk If you like this story share it with a friend! Source Article from Hits: 18 ‘Total elimination’ of ISIS in Syria US-backed forces confirm Damascus calls it a bluff March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Islamic State IS formerly ISIS suffered “total elimination” and “a 100 percent territorial defeat” SDF spokesperson Mustafa Bali announced on Saturday The news came after Kurdish forces reported heavy fighting near Baghouz in northeastern Deir ez-Zor Province along the Iraqi border Baghouz was regarded as the last remaining pocket of Islamic State resistance in Syria The SDF assisted by US airstrikes spent the past few months closing in on the militants as its troops were clearing IS holdouts along the Euphrates Valley As reports of Baghouz being on the verge of complete liberation were coming in US President Donald Trump rushed to boast of the US-led Coalition’s victories Earlier this week he showed reporters a map showcasing how IS-controlled territory has dramatically shrunk over the years and said that the militants “are losers and barely breathing” …There is nothing to admire about them they will always try to show a glimmer of vicious hope but they are losers and barely breathing Think about that before you destroy your lives and the lives of your family! — Donald J Trump realDonaldTrump March 22 2019 On Wednesday Trump even promised that IS will be “gone by tonight” despite the SDF still reporting that it was waging battles that day Syria’s envoy to the UN Bashar Jaafari dismissed Trump’s jubilant language as a “bluff” and “untrustworthy” “ISIS is not over yet in Syria” he said adding that militants are still hiding in the Rukban refugee camp located within the US-controlled area Also on rtcom Time to celebrate Trump say ISIS fully destroyed in Syria US-backed militants disagree Russia and Syria have tried to get the camp closed down and have the refuges evacuated Attempts to do so were prevented by the US military Moscow said The UN meanwhile has sounded the alarm on the horrible “stone age” conditions that refugees face in Rukban Source Article from Hits: 13 Moment of stabbing attack on Canadian priest during mass caught on camera VIDEO March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The footage which some viewers may find disturbing shows Father Claude Grou conducting the ceremony when a man dressed in black clothing and a white baseball cap rapidly approaches him The man chases the 77-year-old director of the oratory from behind the pulpit knocking down one of the candles on his way He then appears to strike the priest twice knocking him down WARNING Viewer discretion advised Father Grou rises immediately while two people confront the attacker who makes no attempt to flee the scene Churchgoers are heard screaming in the background as the altercation takes place Also on rtcom Montreal priest stabbed during mass hospitalized – police The priest was taken to the hospital where he was treated for minor injuries of the upper body The assailant 26 was restrained and arrested by the police when they arrived He is expected to appear before a criminal court later on Saturday There were around 60 people at the church when the incident happened The Friday mass was livestreamed Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from Hits: 12 To protect speech and democracy President Trump must now seize the domain names of Google Facebook Twitter and other tech giants that abuse their power to silence human beings March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Natural News If you told me five years ago that I would wake up one day in America and have Facebook YouTube Twitter and Google all banning natural health news and that the entire US Congress and President of the United States would do absolutely nothing about it and that there wouldn’t be a single prominent voice on the political Left who would speak out against the scourge of censorship I wouldn’t have believed you Yet that’s where we are right now in America Actually it’s even worse Our Brighteoncom free speech video platform is under such intense threats and assault from upstream internet infrastructure providers that we are now being forced to implement outrageous limitations on speech in order to avoid the entire platform being annihilated new announcement to come soon Certain ISPs in New Zealand have now blocked the entire domain of Brighteoncom even after all the mosque shooting videos were removed from the platform under threat from other infrastructure providers New Zealand and Australia are now essentially Communist China in terms of internet censorship with NZ rapidly becoming a new Islamic state that celebrates hijabs a symbol of the oppression of women and gays We have now reached the point where the tech giants are banning all questions about vaccines… where “anti-cancer” content is being stifled on Facebook and Google… where any opinion that opposes the authoritarian left-wing techno-tyranny is silenced into oblivion Our elections are no longer fair and free given that Democracy depends entirely on public knowledge and public debate so that citizens who vote might decide for themselves which candidates and policy decisions to support yet we now find ourselves in a world where tech giants like Google and Twitter are now deciding all future elections by silencing conservative pro-Trump pro-Christian pro-America speech while granting artificially high visibility to pro-Democrat pro-socialism pro-communism and pro-Islam speech “New research from psychologist and search engine expert Dr Robert Epstein shows that biased Google searches had a measurable impact on the 2018 midterm elections pushing tens of thousands of votes towards the Democrat candidates in three key congressional races and potentially millions more in races across the country” reports Breitbart News “According to Epstein’s study at least 35455 undecided voters in the three districts may have been persuaded to vote for a Democrat candidate because of slanted Google search results Considering that each vote gained by a Democrat is potentially a vote lost by a Republican this means more than 70910 votes may have been lost by Republicans in the three districts due to Google bias In one of these districts CA 45 the Democrat margin of victory was just over 12000 votes” What the tech giants are doing today is far worse than the book burning of the Third Reich We have truly reached the point of peak insanity vastly outpacing the Third Reich and its systematic book burning agenda to deprive the people of access to “unauthorized” information that might be found in printed books It’s not just books that are under attack today of course: It’s all human knowledge which runs counter to the insane deranged narratives of the political Left We are now being told that biology no longer exists and that gender is “fluid” Despite the fact that this insane idea violates the basic sciences of physiology this is now such an ingrained position in the minds of the tech giants that anyone who opposes the gender fluidity delusion is labeled as being engaged in “hate speech” Facebook has even announced it will no longer allow advertising companies to market to women or women by gender selection claiming there is no such thing as biological gender Yes Leftists now literally believe there is no such thing as a “man” or a “woman” We’re also being told that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” and that the world will end in 12 years if we don’t shut down all combustion engines and fossil fuel consumption the “Green New Deal” This is pure insanity on its face especially given the fact that India and China are the world’s largest producers of CO2 by far and they would obviously not be stupid enough to collapse their entire air travel agriculture and transportation industries in order to appease some insane deranged Democrat from New York whose IQ is so low that is strains the very definition of “intelligent species” Even more carbon dioxide is actually the “greening” molecule of life for nearly all plants across Earth and higher CO2 levels would restore rainforests grasslands and crops which are currently suffering under near-record low concentrations of CO2 which are near the lowest point in the history of our planet Note the RED line in the chart below showing how today’s CO2 levels are near the lowest ever experienced in the history of our planet: As all of this is happening we’re being told that all conservative speech is “hate speech” because Leftists — snowflake crybullies — have trained themselves to feel afraid of any conservative ideas including religion gun ownership for self-defense and even the fundamental idea of a nation controlling its own borders “Hate speech” is now whatever the lunatic Left says it is and even their own definition keeps wildly expanding into territory that’s so far beyond sanity and reason that it begs the question of what sort of mass mental illness affliction has taken hold on liberal cities Seriously are these people being mass poisoned with heavy metals or pesticide chemicals Is there something in the food No prominent Leftist has spoken out against censorship by the tech giants Amazingly there isn’t a single prominent Leftist who thinks that total censorship oppression of speech gun confiscation and the collapse of the entire fossil fuel-powered agricultural industry is a problem Almost without exception every single Democrat in America has essentially joined the Fourth Reich of modern fascism They cheer it They demand it And they see nothing wrong with it Fake Native American Elizabeth Warren recently declared that “housing” was a human right yet she refuses to proclaim that speech is a human right In fact among all the “rights” demanded by Democrats — including the right to murder their own babies in the name of “women’s health” — the freedom to speak is no longer one of them In censoring the speech of those with whom they disagree many Leftists now demand the outright murder of all white people Christians Trump supporters and gun owners They are systematically demonizing people for the color of their skin too claiming that being born “white” makes you evil by definition The term “white privilege” is a racial slur but the Left gets away with it because they don’t perceive their own bigotry and racism and racism at all Yes the very same political party that once embraced Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s call for a merit-based color blind society is now ready to leap at the idea of genocide — the nationwide extermination of people based entirely on the color of their skin To them this isn’t “intolerance” or hate… it’s “justice!” Even the ACLU has been silent on the mass censorship of conservative speech confirming it cares nothing about “civil liberties” and has collapsed into nothing but another left-wing hate branch of the SPLC The left-wing media itself meanwhile has collapsed into “journo-terrorism” where its primary goal is to psychologically terrorize its own viewers rather than keep people informed about important events Every world event is now another panic-driven bout of hysteria to try to demonize President Trump and every idea proposed by lunatic Democrats is embraced and celebrated as being “genius” even if it’s incredibly stupid and destructive to society How would “race reparations” really work anyway given that all living humans today can trace their ancestry back to Africa The fake news is beyond fake: It is criminal in its intent And tech giants are beyond dangerous they are running criminal racketeering and vote fraud schemes which are designed to suffocate the voices of the People and grant powerful corporations total control over the future of America Which by the way doesn’t even include America as a sovereign nation since every last one of the tech giants wants to see America overrun with illegal immigrants and turned into a Third World despotic authoritarian socialist craphole run by Democrats The tech giants must be stopped or America is lost We have now reached the point where if either the government or “We the People” don’t rise up and defeat the tech giants humanity will be forever enslaved under a globalist system of techno-fascism Yet US Senators sit and twiddle their thumbs Congress does nothing There is no organized outcry and even the President has taken no decisive action against the tech giants and their growing threat to freedom and democracy Where are the DOJ indictments of the CEOs of the tech giants Where are the mass citizens’ protests in front of the offices of Facebook and Twitter Why is Jack Dorsey free to silence whomever he wants for any reason with zero transparency and no due process whatsoever “Conservatives are coming together across a broad spectrum of enterprises and joining forces to fight what some of us believe to be potentially the greatest threat to liberty in history… I think we’re heading for an all-out war” said Brent Bozell founder of the Media Research Center as reported by Fox News: Bozell dined with leaders from the Washington Times The Federalist The Daily Signal LifeSite News Breitbart Regnery Publishing Prager U Sinclair Broadcasting The Heritage Foundation and others to discuss what they say is a left-wing bias among billionaire tech titans who are using their power to “push a political agenda” with Google Facebook Twitter and Google-owned YouTube being their primary targets “Google is potentially the most dangerous because of the power it has with its search engine” Bozell said “You’ve also got service companies that are getting into the act whether it’s PayPal or Microsoft or numerous others they’re now starting to either flat-out censor… or demonize conservative online publications” As for Twitter Bozell said it has a global group of influencers who are able to spout their messages while people with beliefs that don’t coincide with the company’s agenda are often muted He said users are forced to abide by “speech control” which gets to be “Orwellian after a while” because a ruler is essentially telling you what rhetoric is acceptable “Some of us have been cognizant of this emerging threat from the beginning” Bozell said “Only recently has everyone started realizing how big this problem is and how existentially necessary it is to fight them Everyone is in agreement that it’s an all-hands on deck situation for freedom” We have reached the point in this insanity where it may appear that the only remaining solution to save America and the First Amendment is going to be a mass uprising of concerned citizens who occupy and dismantle the tech giants server by server desk by desk cubicle by cubicle If the DOJ will take no action the thinking goes and if the President will say nothing to defend the First Amendment since his own Twitter account is not yet banned and the legal system has been corrupted under Sec 230 to grant tech corporations absolute legal immunity even while they run mafia-style racketeering operations to stifle their political enemies the remaining option comes down to pitchforks and torches so to speak But there may be a better option: Seizing the domain names of the tech giants and prohibiting them from operating at all see below for more details If the tech giants are not stopped they will inevitably be targeted in a coming civil war that we all hope to avoid A day of reckoning is coming in America We are one spark away from an open civil war and that spark could be something as simple as the initiation of nationwide gun confiscation laws which would be fiercely resisted by armed patriots law enforcement officers and both active duty and former military veterans The tyranny that was just unleashed in New Zealand by an authoritarian government simply won’t be tolerated in America The people will fight it It has become clear that the most important strategic assets in any civil war will be the tech giants Control over online speech is now even more important than control over the establishment media which has all but committed credibility suicide since 2016 I do not condone the use of violence against technology companies — I call for peaceful protests and occupation — but in my analysis it’s clear that if a second civil war is unleashed in America the tech giants will be obvious tactical assets that get prioritized for control In my analysis of this theoretical civil war until the tech giants are overrun by patriot forces all pro-America forces in such a scenario would be designated as “terrorists” by the tech giants which would also permanently ban all pro-America voices from every single online platform including Google and Facebook Seizing control over these assets and forcing a restoration of First Amendment freedoms for all Americans would be one of the most urgent priorities for pro-America forces At the boots-on-the-ground military tactical level this would be made difficult by the fact that tech giants tend to reside in left-wing Antifa-ridden areas of the country where anti-America forces would fight any patriots National Guard troops or military forces that attempt to halt the Left’s Fourth Reich crimes against humanity via speech oppression It’s worth noting that the tech giants really are engaged in crimes against humanity Silencing the speech of human beings in the way now being conducted by the tech giants is an assault on human dignity and basic human rights All those who use peaceful lawful means to halt these crimes against humanity and restore the basic human dignity of free speech would be well justified in doing so including those taking part in the defense of America against the communist-leaning insurrection and treason that’s now being carried out daily by the techno-fascists How President Trump could protect America and halt the tech giants’ insurrection all at once The “ace in the hole” in all this would be a conservative president declaring a national emergency and seizing the domain names of Google Facebook Twitter YouTube and other tech giants By declaring these tech companies to be engaged in an active insurrection against the United States of America — and operating in open complicity with Antifa terrorists and Mexican drug cartels that engage in human trafficking across the open border — the President could demand those domains be seized by the US State Department and prohibited from operating This is the solution that avoids the entire issue of people on the street battling for control over physical servers and server farms Seizing Googlecom and halting Google’s insurrection against America — and its active complicity with Communist China — is a simple non-violent solution that would end the techno-dictatorship which has now been put in place by the tech giants On the flip side a left-wing President could exercise the same power against conservatives sites and seize domain names such as Infowarscom or ZeroHedgecom — two independent media websites which are already targeted and largely de-platformed by leftist tech giants Control over the domain space is the ultimate control over online speech and that’s exactly why President Trump needs to give the tech giants this ultimatum: If you will not halt your oppression of human rights and your censorship of Americans based on political and religious bigotry as well as active election meddling you will no longer be allowed to operate as the dominant “public square” content controllers Join me in spreading the word Seizing the domain names of Google Facebook YouTube Twitter Apple Instagram Snapchat and Pinterest is exactly what President Trump should order right now These tech giants are engaged in an active insurrection against America they are engaged in active election meddling and election fraud and they are depriving Americans of their basic civil rights and human rights by silencing important voices of dissent If Google and the other tech giants are not going to honor the basic social contract of freedom of speech they must be seized and prohibited from operating at all Believe it or not any President of the United States has the power to seize corporations if they are engaged in treason against America It is time to exercise that power and restore a level playing field of free speech for all Americans It is time to end the techno-dictatorship in America by using the power of government to protect the First Amendment rights of the citizens Tech companies that engage in politically biased censorship and election meddling must be halted from operating period Stay informed about more news concerning the tech giants at TechGiantsnews updated daily lt!– –gt Source Article from Hits: 19 Monsanto / Bayer hit with another jury decision that confirms Roundup glyphosate caused man’s cancer… 9000 more lawsuits are pending could bankrupt Bayer March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Natural News For the second time in a year a jury has decided that the popular glyphosate weed killer Roundup caused a man’s cancer The victory could inspire a flood of similar suits in addition to the thousands that Roundup manufacturer Monsanto is already facing and the firm’s new owner Bayer could end up going bankrupt over it On Wednesday the share price of Bayer dropped more than 13 percent following the unanimous decision Investors were apparently spooked when a jury in a San Francisco federal court concluded that Roundup was a “substantial factor” in the development of Edwin Hardeman’s cancer According to his attorneys the 70-year-old developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma as a result of using Roundup regularly over the course of 26 years to address weeds overgrowth and poison oak on his property The next phase is now underway and will determine if Bayer is liable for the amateur gardener’s illness and if so how much money they will have to pay out Hardeman’s attorneys will argue that Monsanto either knew or should have known that the product can cause cancer and they will ask the jury to have the firm pay for his medical bills as well as damages A lawyer for Hardeman Jennifer Moore said: “We feel confident based on the evidence that a jury when presented with all of the evidence will see that Monsanto has committed 40 years of corporate malfeasance” Documents suggest Monsanto knew the dangers colluded with regulators Internal emails between federal regulators and Monsanto that have been publicly released as part of litigation suggest the firm authored its own research on glyphosate and then credited it to academics It also showed how a senior EPA official tried to suppress a federal glyphosate study planned by the US Department of Health and Human Services The power of the elements: Discover Colloidal Silver Mouthwash with quality natural ingredients like Sangre de Drago sap black walnut hulls menthol crystals and more Zero artificial sweeteners colors or alcohol Learn more at the Health Ranger Store and help support this news site Hardeman’s lawyers said that Monsanto took advantage of “cozy” relationships with regulators like the EPA who has not required the weed killer to bear a cancer risk warning In August jurors in a California state court trial awarded a school groundskeeper 289 million after he developed terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Although the award was later reduced the company’s culpability stands the judge ruled that Monsanto intentionally withheld information about the dangers of its weed killers Ranger Pro and Roundup and failed to inform customers that it could cause cancer Related: Glyphosate is the next Big Tobacco … Thousands of lawsuits could bankrupt Monsanto / Bayer Monsanto and Bayer are now facing more than 9000 lawsuits of a similar nature across the country and that number could well climb as more people are diagnosed with illnesses related to exposure to the chemical which has been labeled by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer as being “probably carcinogenic to humans” Some countries have already banned the use of the product while others plan to phase it out Given the controversy surrounding the potentially carcinogenic product you might wonder why Bayer was so eager to acquire Monsanto paying 63 billion for the company last year In addition to its desire to control their GM crop seeds Bayer was very interested in Monsanto’s Climate Corp data analytics which it believes is the future of farming Analysts believe the total cost of settling with plaintiffs in these cases could easily reach as high as 10 billion The stock’s drop on Wednesday marked its biggest intraday loss in 16 years and cut 91 billion from its valuation In addition if its stock continues to fall Bayer could become a target for activists or even a takeover One activist investor Elliott already holds a small stake in Bayer It’s somewhat encouraging to see the companies responsible for hurting people in their pursuit of profits finally being held accountable in court and feeling a financial sting but it won’t do much to get back the lives of the thousands of people who are now facing cancer simply because they used a glyphosate product they had been assured was safe Sources for this article include: Physorg Reuterscom lt!– –gt Source Article from Hits: 19 Spice beats chemo: Study reveals turmeric is more effective at killing cancer cells than chemo or radiation March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Natural News The mere mention of cancer strikes fear in the hearts of many people and rightfully so Having certain types of cancer often means you’ll be facing years of brutal treatments – if you’re lucky enough to live that long Although it’s hard to imagine the disease could one day be considered non-threatening the way that many of the illnesses that used to kill people hundreds of years ago are viewed now scientific breakthroughs like a recent study exploring turmeric’s effects on cancer cells are starting to give patients some hope This ancient Indian spice has been the subject of many studies in recent years as it continues to demonstrate its strength when it comes to fighting and preventing a host of diseases Its inflammation-fighting properties are already well documented and now a study published in Anticancer Research provides a comprehensive view of how the primary polyphenol in turmeric extract can selectivity kill cancer stem cells safely in ways that put radiation and chemotherapy to shame Many natural cures are valued for their simplicity but turmeric is surprisingly complex in the way it fights cancer It uses multiple molecular mechanisms to attack cancer stem cells which are responsible for producing the cells in tumors These stem cells resist chemotherapy and radiation and surgery can sometimes even cause them to spread which is why they’re often behind conventional treatment failures and tumor recurrence One aspect of curcumin’s intelligent approach is its ability to downregulate interleukin-6 The over-expression of this cytokine has been linked to inflammation progressing to cancer and curcumin stops it from being released and stimulating cancer stem cells It also directly and indirectly downregulates interleukin-1 which plays a vital role in the growth of cancer cells and interleukin-8 which stimulates the regrowth of tumor-forming cancer stem cells The power of the elements: Discover Colloidal Silver Mouthwash with quality natural ingredients like Sangre de Drago sap black walnut hulls menthol crystals and more Zero artificial sweeteners colors or alcohol Learn more at the Health Ranger Store and help support this news site Another way curcumin can fight cancer is by decreasing the binding of CXCR1 and CXCR2 and modulating pathways like the Wnt Signaling Pathway the Notch Pathway the FAK/AKT/FOXo3A Pathway and the Hedgehog Pathways If those terms are unfamiliar to you you’re not alone – cancer is a complicated disease but the bottom line is that curcumin targets deadly cancer stem cells in eight different and very powerful ways Related: Science journal confirms eating turmeric cured myeloma cancer in 57-year-old woman Curcumin leaves healthy cells alone Curcumin is a very efficient cancer fighter targeting the most dangerous cells of all cancer stem cells without touching normal cells Contrast this with chemotherapy which damages the DNA of quickly-replicating cells while they’re vulnerable during the mitosis stage of cell division It does this without determining if the cells are cancerous or completely healthy This is essential because normal stem cells are needed to maintain good health They differentiate into the cells needed to replace those cells that become damaged or sick and killing them is one of the biggest problems of chemotherapy and radiation Scientists aren’t exactly sure why curcumin doesn’t have these negative effects on normal stem cells One possible explanation is that malignant cells simply take in more curcumin than normal cells do It’s also possible that curcumin encourages cancer stem cells to differentiate into more benign cells Others theorize that it changes cells’ microenvironments in ways that benefit normal stem cells and harm cancer stem cells We might not yet know precisely how it works its magic we do know that it can be very effective Perhaps even more importantly it’s very safe compared to the currently available cancer treatments Curcumin has been safely used as a cooking spice in many cultures for hundreds of years and it causes very few if any side effects in trials Scientists are still trying to determine the best ways to harness curcumin’s healing power as a cancer therapy and the amounts needed to safely make a difference but in the meantime you can enjoy some of the benefits on a smaller scale by adding this bright yellow spice to your cooking Remember to use a bit of black pepper as well to boost its bioavailability and stay on top of the latest curcumin research It’s possible that cancer will eventually become a far less frightening prospect as researchers develop curcumin-based treatments for the disease Read Chemotherapynews for more news coverage of alternatives to chemotherapy Sources for this article include: WakingTimescom ARIIARJournalsorg lt!– –gt Source Article from Hits: 16 Experts warn about harmful side effects of 5G which requires 20000 satellites beaming narrow-band signals to Earth that can fry the cells of all living things March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Natural News You can try to run but you certainly won’t be able to hide from the devastating impact of 5G fifth generation wireless communications technology should the tech cabal successfully complete its planned rollout over the next several years According to reports the scheme involves launching some 20000 satellites into orbit along with potentially millions of small cell towers here on the ground in order to saturate the planet with radioactive transmission signals The wireless industry of course insists that the high-speed technology is completely safe as does the federal government But Dr Sharon Goldberg a professor and doctor of internal medicine insists otherwise “Wireless radiation has biological effects Period” Dr Goldberg stated during a recent testimony before the Senate which you can watch on YouTube “This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-reviewed literature” 5G causes cardiomyopathy DNA and neuropsychiatric damage and cancer warns Dr Goldberg Even with existing 3G and 4G wireless technologies which are substantially weaker than 5G portends to be problems are widespread “These effects are seen in all life forms plants animals insects microbes” Dr Goldberg contends “In humans we have clear evidence of cancer now – there is no question We have evidence of DNA damage cardiomyopathy which is the precursor of congestive heart failure and neuropsychiatric effects” Nobody can yet say for sure the extent of how harmful 5G will be until the switch is flipped But it will be harmful and this is precisely why Dr Goldberg says it shouldn’t be allowed The power of the elements: Discover Colloidal Silver Mouthwash with quality natural ingredients like Sangre de Drago sap black walnut hulls menthol crystals and more Zero artificial sweeteners colors or alcohol Learn more at the Health Ranger Store and help support this news site “5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful we know it from the science” she’s quoted as saying “In academics this is called human subjects research” Millions of people could DIE from regular exposure to 5G once it’s activated Keep in mind that in addition to 5G towers being positioned all across the geographical landscape at intervals as close as 500 feet the 20000 satellites to be launched into space will fill in any potential gaps – meaning nobody will be able to escape the impact of 5G Both sources of 5G transmission will blast the planet with “focused beams of intense microwave radiation” according to John P Thomas from Health Impact News And these blasts will have an intensity that’s orders of magnitude higher than anything else in existence up until this point “As bad as these small cell towers might seem from the standpoint of constant exposure to radio frequency RF radiation in close proximity to the source perhaps an even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites” Thomas writes The 5G antennas built into 5G phones themselves will also be unprecedented in terms of their intense levels of radioactive output which bodes ominous for the brain health of those who constantly have 5G phones stuck to their ears “The effective radiated power of the 5G phased array antennas in phones will be 10 times more powerful than 4G phones … No one will be free from exposure” Thomas warns “Stationary equipment such as Wi-Fi hubs in homes and offices will be permitted to use microwave beams that are 15 times stronger 300 watts than the signals from 5G phones or 150 times stronger than 4G phones” Be sure to read Thomas’ in-depth and fully-cited analysis of 5G at Health Impact News For more news on the dangers of wireless radiation in all of its many forms but especially with 5G visit EMFnews Sources for this article include: WakingTimescom YouTube HealthImpactNewscom NaturalNewscom lt!– –gt Source Article from Hits: 16 Sugar molecules exist in space according to astronomers March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Natural News NASA researchers may have found a sweet surprise in outer space Apparently the inhospitable environs of space can produce sugar molecules Better yet this sugar is not any of the common ones found in foods instead it is the complex molecule found in the DNA of living organisms In a recent experiment the researchers replicated the conditions found in outer space Then they demonstrated how this harsh setting could enable the formation of 2-deoxyribose the complex sugar molecule in deoxyribonucleic acid DNA The findings of the NASA researchers indicated that one of the most important chemical ingredients for the formation of life could be quite common in the universe If this was true 2-deoxyribose could have seeded planets which would make the development of alien life much more likely “We don’t yet know whether life is common in the universe but we’re pretty sure the presence of life’s building blocks is not a limiting factor” said Ames Research Center researcher Michel Nuevo the primary author of the science paper Ames is run by NASA Related: Bacteria found to use new DNA bases in creation of a new kind of protein Replicating the conditions of outer space to make sugar molecules Outer space is cold vast and mostly empty but it is not completely empty Interstellar space contains dust and gases that were exposed to cosmic radiation The constant influx of highly energized photons and particles provides energy for chemical reactions although the extremely cold temperatures of space slow these processes down to a crawl Sponsored solution from CWC Labs: This heavy metals test kit allows you to test almost anything for 20 heavy metals and nutritive minerals including lead mercury arsenic cadmium aluminum and more You can test your own hair vitamins well water garden soil superfoods pet hair beverages and other samples no blood or urine ISO accredited laboratory using ICP-MS mass spec analysis with parts per billion sensitivity Learn more here Nuevo and his fellow Ames researchers replicated these conditions in a “cosmic chamber” at their lab They cooled aluminum to near absolute zero temperatures and moved it into a vacuum chamber to simulate space Next they added a gaseous mixture of water vapor and methanol a compound that contained carbon The extremely cold temperature caused the water and methanol to freeze on the surface of the aluminum The entire set-up was then bathed in ultraviolet light that represented cosmic radiation When the researchers evaluated the treated material they discovered a number of different types of sugar molecules on the aluminum One of the sugars turned out to be 2-deoxyribose The results of the Ames experiment mirrored those of a preceding French study in 2016 The French researchers were able to create ribose a related sugar molecule that served a similar purpose in ribonucleic acid RNA RNA was responsible for producing proteins in the body and could be a precursor to the more complex DNA Sugars and other organic compounds that formed in space eventually ended up on Earth 2-deoxyribose and ribose are just two of the organic molecules that have been found on meteorites Space rocks are also known to have amino acids nucleobases and amphiphiles all of which are important ingredients in living organisms Amino acids are used to create proteins Nucleobases served the same purpose for the genetic code Finally amphiphiles made up the cellular membranes around cells “The universe is an organic chemist” Ames researcher and secondary author Scott Sandford remarked “It has big beakers and lots of time – and the result is a lot of organic material some of which is useful to life” These organic compounds may have first formed in space but they eventually ended up on planets due to meteorites and comets that brought those compounds to the surface of said planets Samples of those space rocks are known to have acids alcohols and other derivatives of sugars When exposed to water these derivatives could eventually turn into the more complex sugars used in RNA and DNA Life could potentially develop from those compounds as it did on Earth Sources include: SciTechDailycom Naturecom lt!– –gt Source Article from Hits: 19 Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul – FREE Event March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Are you experiencing a dark and a difficult period in your life You’re not alone Throughout history mystics and sages have written about the dark night of the soul – a time of trial when false ideals are shed in a process that can be painful and devastating Renowned mystic teacher Andrew Harvey will offer powerful medicine you can apply whenever you feel lost or abandoned on your journey as well as practices that can guide you to a safe harbor You can register for this FREE online hour of teaching here Learn how to: Understand the key stages of the dark night of the soul and approach each of them in helpful ways Embrace what’s happening even when joy has deserted you Help tour ego and identity cope with the annihilation which the dark night of the soul ultimately requires Develop a 3-prayer practice to sustain you through this emotional turmoil Lay the groundwork for your own rebirth understanding the beauty which awaits you Don’t miss this opportunity to receive Andrew’s crucial insights into this sacred but harrowing journey – a journey which will challenge you to release limiting ideas identities and patterns to make way for a whole new you Register for this FREE life-changing guidance here – a downloadable recording will be provided to those who register so don’t worry if you miss the scheduled event You’re not alone – take heart from this uplifting guidance as you navigate your way to a brighter future Source Article from Hits: 2 Which Milk Alternatives Are Worthy of Your Consideration March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews March 23rd 2019 By Marco Torres Guest writer for Wake Up World The risks of consuming pasteurized cow’s milk are pronounced when consuming in the long term especially for women Not only does pasteurized milk create imbalances in the ratios of crucial minerals but it influences progression and rates of osteoporosis So which alternatives to milk are there and which ones are actually healthy The most heavily consumed processed milks in the world all carry significant problems if we assess their toxic/nutrient balance Cow’s milk is is essentially a dead liquid devoid of any real nutritional value Pasteurized dairy contains too little magnesium needed at the proper ratio to absorb the calcium Most would agree that a minimum amount of Cal to Mag Ratio is 2 to 1 and preferably 1 to 1 So milk at a Cal/Mag ratio of 10 to 1 has a problem You may put 1200 mg of dairy calcium in your mouth but you will be lucky to actually absorb a third of it into your system Over 99 of the body’s calcium is in the skeleton where it provides mechanical rigidity Pasteurized dairy forces a calcium intake lower than normal and the skeleton is used as a reserve to meet needs Long-term use of skeletal calcium to meet these needs leads to osteoporosis Along with almond milk soy milk has been one of the most popular dairy milk alternatives It’s considered higher in protein and fiber than almost any milk on the market but these benefits are generously outweighed by the health risks which are numerous The old alternatives — soy rice and coconut milk — are now joined on grocery shelves by alt-milks made from almonds cashews macadamia nuts oats peas flax hemp — the list goes on and on You can even buy milk made from potatoes or bananas Since 2012 non-dairy milk sales in the US have risen 61 per cent according to market research by Mintel There is a similar trend in the UK with plant-milk sales up a third since 2015 More than half of that is almond milk with soy and coconut milks making up another quarter of the market As you might expect for the latest food trend these milks are mostly bought by millennials or adults younger than 35 Manufacturers appeal to that generation’s values by positioning the products as a healthy alternative both for the body and the planet But is that really true Nutritionally it depends on which milk replacement you consider In general they are made by grinding up plants and soaking them in water then adding emulsifiers and stabilisers to thicken the liquid and keep it from separating but they have a lot of variety Almond and cashew milks have less than half the calories found in cow’s milk but are lower in protein Coconut and hemp milk have a rich texture owing to their high fat content and they also include a small amount of dietary fibre not found in cow’s milk Oat and rice milks are higher in carbohydrates than both cow’s milk and other plant-based alternatives Milks made from legumes such as peas soya beans and peanuts also offer amino acids not found in cereal crops Each type of alternative milk has its nutritional benefits and limitations Any one of them can be considered healthy only when combined with a rounded diet though the same can be said for dairy milk “Almost all of these products are fortified” says P K Newby a nutrition and sustainability scientist at Harvard University Many non-dairy milks have vitamin D vitamin B12 and calcium added to make them more similar to cow’s milk “Milk alternatives are only healthy if combined with a rounded diet though the same is true of dairy milk” Few of them have added iodine though which helps make thyroid hormones that regulate our metabolism A 2017 study of iodine levels in seven types of plant-based milks available in the UK found average iodine concentrations of just 17 per cent that seen in cow’s milk The authors found that only three of 47 alt-milks on the market were fortified with iodine and the concentration in those was just a bit over half that seen in cow’s milk Still Newby says people who use milk in their coffee or just for cereal could easily switch to a non-dairy alternative without much dietary impact see “Where to start with alt-milk“ “It’s not like most people are drinking this for the nutrients as such” she says “They tend to meet their nutrient needs with other foods” Glass Half-Full There are some alt-milks it makes little sense to produce in bulk Rice milk is an option for those with dairy nut gluten and soy allergies but it has far less protein than cow’s milk and often has significant amounts of sweeteners added to improve the flavour It is also one of the most environmentally costly alt-milks to produce When rice paddies are flooded to stimulate plant growth submerged biomass decomposes without oxygen producing the potent greenhouse gas methane “Rice has a much greater carbon footprint than other cereals” says Elin Roos who studies the environmental impacts of food production at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences “It’s very low in nutrition I don’t see why you should use it” Of course cows are notoriously bad for the environment as well The carbon footprint of producing cow’s milk varies from place to place but in Western countries it is typically around twice as big as that of making plant-based alternatives says Roos A 2010 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations found that the production packaging and transportation of cow’s milk emits 4 per cent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions In fact lactating cattle are the main source of greenhouse gases among all livestock and poultry These emissions include methane that builds up in a cow’s digestive tract and is then burped out or emitted from its manure Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are also released from any land cleared for feed crops Fertilisers used to grow feed further add to the greenhouse gas emissions “You need to produce a lot of feed for the animals” says Roos “Most of the energy in that feed is lost in the process of feeding animals so in general all the resource use is much bigger for animal products than for plant-based milks” Land management plays a role in the environmental impact of every kind of milk Some cattle graze on grassland which stores more carbon than land that has crops turned over each year But a 2017 study by the Food Climate Research Network at the University of Oxford found that the carbon sequestered in the soil would only offset up to 11 per cent of the animals’ emissions Carbon isn’t the only environmental concern to consider Nuts are notorious water sinks with some requiring nearly as much water to produce as cow’s milk “We made a calculation that came to a water footprint of 917 litres per litre of almond milk the same order of magnitude as cow milk 1000 litres per litre” says Arjen Hoekstra at the University of Twente in the Netherlands He also found that producing 1 litre of soy milk requires 297 litres of water That includes water that ends up in the milk itself water that evaporates during production and water polluted by those processes It also accounts for the water used to make the sugars and starches that flavour and stabilise the milk In a 2010 report the UNESCO Institute for Water Education assessed the water footprint of global food crops It found that of the plants used for alt-milks water usage was highest for nuts flax and soy and lowest for coconut oats rice and hemp “You also have to take into account the water scarcity situation in a region” says Roos There are places where you need to irrigate to produce any crops so they will have higher water usage And there are places like Sweden she says that rely more on rain stored in the soil — but that also adds to a water footprint On the whole it is clear that alt-milks are friendlier to the environment than traditional dairy but their growing popularity may cause problems As more people jump on the bandwagon manufacturers are starting to compete to introduce new flavours and new types of plant-based milks Roos warns that this trend may cause unintended environmental harm If demand for coconut milk skyrockets for example it will become more profitable to grow coconut trees which could lead to deforestation as farms expand To avoid that it is best to have several non-dairy options to choose from So maybe the proliferation of alt-milks is a saving grace “Alt-milks are better for the environment than dairy but their growing appeal may cause problems” All that said sometimes the impacts on the food system may not be worth the end product says Roos as with rice milk Or take banana milk which involves blending bananas usually adding some sugar and spice for flavour and straining the mixture Then it must be packaged stored and transported “Is it worth it Or is it best to just eat the banana” asks Roos Where To Start With Alt-milk Each non-dairy milk option has its pros and cons Decide what is most important to you — nutrition sustainability allergies — and then get tasting Here are a few brief reviews of some of the most popular alt-milks Rice: For those with allergies to nuts soy dairy and gluten rice milk is the way to go It is a bit thin on flavour and texture Banana: Another allergy-free option with a bit more substance than rice milk but it can be difficult to find Almond or other nuts: The flavour is nutty as you might expect and stronger than some other non-dairy milks Try these if you want something with a bit more taste Coconut: The flavour here is one of the strongest of the alt-milks so you will really have to be a fan of the tropical taste Pea: Nutritionally strong and very close to cow’s milk in texture pea milk is a nice alternative if you aren’t looking for a strong flavour and you want to avoid products with a large water footprint Oat: This is relatively easy on the environment It has an earthy flavour and enough body to use with coffee or cereal Brazil nuts almonds hazelnuts walnuts pecans and hemp seeds all make nutrient dense great tasting milks and they’re all essentially made the same way WHAT YOU NEED Organic nuts or seeds A general rule is a ratio of at least 2:1 Two parts water to 1 part nuts or seeds Half-gallon mason jar or glass pitcher Use this for soaking the nuts and storing your final product Blender of food processor You don’t need a high-speed blender or anything fancy to make nut milk Nut milk bag cheesecloth or fine-meshed sieve optional Use if you like your milk smooth instead of pulpy SOAK nuts seeds or grains by placing in a bowl with filtered water and a pinch of sea salt Different foods require different soak times – Place the desired nuts or seeds in a glass bowl and cover them with warm distilled purified or filtered water with a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt dissolved in it – You will want to use a ratio of at least 2:1 Two parts water to 1 part nuts or seeds – Keep the bowl at room temperature and cover with a flour sac cloth or thin tea towel that breathes and then drain and rinse every few hours to remove the nasties – The soaking water will contain all of the toxic enzyme inhibitors which we are trying to remove to improve digestibility and nutrient bioavailability and helps everything blend more easily So proper rinsing is really important Make sure you do a final rinse until the water comes out clear Some people recommend doing a final rinse with a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar in order to remove any remaining bacteria – You want to try and soak the nuts for the recommended amount of time to make them as digestible as possible – As a general rule with nuts: the harder the nut the longer you need to soak Long soak nuts such as almonds pistachios and hazelnuts are best soaked for about 12 hours Common medium soak nuts are walnuts brazil nuts and pecans They require less soaking time as they swell more quickly as they are oilier Short soak nuts are cashews macadamias and pine nuts They require the least amount of soaking as they do not contain inner skins and therefore not as many enzyme inhibitors BLEND with filtered water A high-speed machine like a Vitamix is preferable to really pulverize the mixture A 1:3 ration of nuts/seeds/grains to water generally yields good results I start with 2 cups of water and gradually add more water until I get the taste and consistency I like Blend for about 1 minute This can warm the mixture Chill in the fridge or blend with ice to consume immediately SWEETEN the milk to taste with pitted dates stevia maple syrup honey coconut sugar etc You can also add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to boost flavors and 1 tablespoon of coconut butter to emulsify ingredients You can also jazz up your milks with raw cacao fruit cinnamon nutmeg or anything else that tickles your fancy STRAIN Some foods like cashews macadamias and pecans yield smooth milks However with most other foods like almonds you will get some texture You can enjoy this fibrous milk or strain it for a smoother more commercial-style blend Place a nut milk bag over a large container pour the milk in and gently squeeze the bag until all liquid has passed through You can repurpose the pulp as a body scrub by mixing with some coconut oil or dehydrate it for use in cookies crusts and crackers Here are five ideas for your pulp if you don’t want it in your milk: 1 Nut Flour The pulp can be dehydrated or placed in a 200 degree oven until dried Grind the dried pulp in a spice grinder or high-speed blender until fine2 Raw cookies Blend the pulp with some dates nut butter shredded coconut and sweet spices Roll into balls and roll in shredded coconut or raw cocoa powder 3 Soft raw cheese Blend the pulp in a food processor with a little nutritional yeast garlic lemon juice fresh herbs and salt Serve with crackers 4 Cereal Combine the pulp with your fresh nut milk dried fruits nuts and sweet spices for a porridge-like cereal ENJOY Most milks will keep in the fridge in a sealed container for two or three days Freeze any leftovers in ice cube trays for use later Homemade milks can separate when stored Just shake or blend again before drinking Recommended articles by Marco Torres: Switching from Smoking to Vaping Decreases Carcinogens By Almost 98 Percent Why Do Governments Recommend This Toxic Food Today When They Didn’t a Decade Ago Higher Levels of Flouride Consumption Linked to ADHD in Children 6 FDA-Approved Sweeteners Proven Toxic To Human Digestion Contrary to Common Belief Marijuana Use Does Not Cause Mental Decline Study: The Most Harmful Addictive Drugs Worldwide are Alcohol and Tobacco The Endocannabinoid System and How THC Cures Cancer 10 Steps to Growing Cannabis Safely and Efficiently in Your Own Home Cannabis Significantly Reduces Depression Anxiety and Stress Study Shows The Therapeutic Effects of Marijuana on Autistic Children 5 Diseases Proven To Respond Better To Cannabis Than Prescription Drugs Another Reason Marijuana is Illegal: It Prevents the Spread of HIV Can Psilocybin Mushrooms Help Addicted Cocaine Users Stop 10 Steps to Growing Cannabis Safely and Efficiently in Your Own Home Avoid 100 Dangerous Food Additives Causing ADHD Asthma and Cancer Marco Torres is a research specialist writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention environmental toxins and health policy This article courtesy of Prevent Disease Did you find this article helpful If so please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World and show your support for alternative media Your generosity is greatly appreciated Wake Up World’s latest videos Source Article from Hits: 7 Focused Intention March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews March 22nd 2019 By Jennie Ankney Guest Writer for Wake Up World We want to ask ourselves a question from time to time just to check in What are we focusing on To answer that question let’s look at the manifestation process or Law of Attraction If it is true that we create our reality and it is a function of the collaboration of our thoughts which creates a feeling and subsequently we are motivated to act and behave in certain ways And it is also true that we are energy and all energy has a vibration Then we are vibrating at a specific frequency that then gets broadcasted into the space around us That energy or frequency tunes into other people or things or even situations that are at that same frequency and thus we have an attractive force based on our thoughts feelings and actions…or focus Our focus is entirely under our command We choose what to focus upon Sometimes that can still be like holding an open firehose right It has a mind of its own I can’t get a saddle on my mind chatter This is more common than not for many of us We are distracted by so much input and possibilities in our modern world There is chaotic energy pulling our focus in many directions We have even found reasons to blame other people or objects for what we are creating with the vibration we are pulsing out by the focus we are holding When we take full responsibility for our vibration and resulting experiences we grab our focus back onto the experiences we want to create vs random creation/focus We give ourselves back our personal power Look at how powerful TV has become We sit down relax and gaze our focus upon the programming on TV This is passive focus We allow our focus to be dragged in and out of our selected program to focus upon advertising for businesses with a lot of money to spend They have control of our focus And depending upon what program we chose that program also has our focus and is making suggestions about us and the world around us When our focus is so relaxed as it is when we watch TV or movies these suggestions are quite powerful because our brains are at the ready to be programmed in that relaxed mode This is the place we want to get to during meditation This is where we practice being the observer Practicing no thought This is a powerful focusing tool Imagine the seeds you can plant when in this relaxed state You have the power to change your life in what ways you see fit If we allow our focus to pin ball from one thing to the next like TV programming and advertising our energy is chaotic and the overall net vibration we are pulsing out creates more chaos Do we want to start utilizing that power of our focus to our benefit What do we want to focus on What do you want to focus on If what we focus on expands then this is where we decide what we want for our lives We are here to create things in our lives that are enjoyable or even thrilling! Not more chaos right Let’s set our intention on harmony and we may want prosperity for ourselves and our loved ones too Take the time to sit down and figure out what you want to create in writing – writing it out gives your creations more power And we’re all about personal power Our practice of intentional focus can include the following steps: Thoughts help us to describe the visuals and how we want to feel Writing this down is another way to solidify our intentions Starting with gratitude can put you in a good mood right away even if you are in a terrible mood at the start Ask me how I know Feelings are in the NOW moment How we feel is always NOW no matter if we are remembering feelings from the past or if we worry about the future Best choice yet is conjuring our feelings for an expectant future This is where being more childlike making it fun and playful is where it is easy to get excited and dream big Miracles happen when we are happily expectant of an amazing outcome Why not set a trend where the miraculous becomes ubiquitous We can all practice this gratitude and contentment for a future with an assured best outcome It’s a great collective goal! Action uses the body When you follow inspiration and act on it you are already in a great space because you are in the receiving mode of an inspiration Meditation is another intentional action that is very powerful This tool takes practice Staying in the NOW moment and being the observer where there ultimately will be no thought You just start where you are and practice your best Give yourself permission to make this a priority in your life Have you figured out what you have been focused on Is that your intention Perfect! Every NOW moment you have a chance to keep choosing something to focus on that is working for you You can also make mistakes as we all do and choose another focused intention preferably learning from those mistakes as we go along There are no punishments for making mistakes When we give ourselves permission to ask for forgiveness from ourselves or others we give ourselves compassion This opens our hearts to be more compassionate to others What if everyone on earth decided to do that That would be some miraculous awesome-sauce!! Please comment below! I love your feedback Did I leave something out Let’s start a conversation About the author: Jennie has been an empath before she knew what that meant She picked up the emotions of others without realizing what was happening and it was quite confusing As an adult Jennie dove into the mystical world of the occult astrology numerology and self-help books to find who she really is and what this world is about … at least according to Jennie Sue This was the start of a journey that continues for 25 plus years calling it her own “Hero’s Journey” She believes that everyone has this wisdom within and when we tap into this self-guidance we become empowered to direct our lives to fulfill our dreams She truly feels that is why we are here to find our own power – and when we do we will have amazing powers beyond comic superhero’s Jennie lives with her husband two sons and two cats in Southern California She loves to be in her garden and go on bike rides and hikes with her family She has enjoyed working at home and raising her own family and continues her journey of self-realization and fulfillment You can follow Jennie at: FaceBook: Instagram: Did you find this article helpful If so please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World and show your support for alternative media Your generosity is greatly appreciated Wake Up World’s latest videos Source Article from Hits: 6 Meditation for Beginners: A Guide to Inner Tranquility March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews March 22nd 2019 By Dr Edward F Group Guest writer for Wake Up World The best time to start meditating is now Meditation can help quiet the mind focus your thoughts and promote general well-being Best of all anyone with a few free minutes can start meditating today Even if you have never meditated before don’t be intimidated Follow the 10 easy steps below and you will become a meditation expert in no time! How to Meditate for Beginners Find your motivation to start Pick a peaceful quiet place Choose relaxing clothes and a comfortable pose To start set a timer for two minutes Concentrate on your breathing If your concentration is interrupted refocus on your breathing Do a body scan by focusing on different areas of your body End your meditation with a positive ritual Remember not to overthink it Just enjoy the journey Make it a habit The Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation While there are countless meditation techniques and practices the steps below offer a simple way to begin Remember while meditating there is always room for improvement and a chance to learn something new Try to enjoy the journey as you hone your meditation skills 1 Choose to Start Meditation starts with you No matter your age or physical condition meditation is always within reach What is required on your part is the decision to begin If you need some motivation then try thinking about the reasons why you want to try it in the first place Meditation can relieve stress and anxiety promote physical and mental well being and even be a spiritual experience Find a quiet moment to write down what you are hoping to get out of it and go back and read it anytime you need some motivation to meditate 2 Pick Your Location Wisely Your environment is critical to cultivating the right experience Try to find a peaceful quiet space that helps you feel relaxed While a calm bedroom tranquil garden or dedicated meditation space is ideal it’s not always possible When the optimal location is not available remember your car or even work desk can serve as your very own meditation retreat The most important thing especially when first starting out is finding a location where you have the freedom to meditate for at least two minutes without interruption 3 Get Comfortable With It Before you can completely clear your mind you will need to limit as many distractions as possible Even small irritations will become distracting once you begin to meditate Scan the area before you start and consider the type of pose you will be in the clothes you are wearing and your surroundings in general Turn off your cell phone and anything else that might be disruptive Pick a Pose Meditation works in nearly any position Sitting standing and laying down are three basic poses that are great for first-time meditators Select your starting posture based on comfort and whether or not you can hold it for a few minutes at a time For most people a good starting position is sitting cross-legged hands resting on the legs and eyes closed Clothes Any clothing can work for meditation but again comfort is key Many people enjoy light loose-fitting clothes when they meditate but you can wear anything you find relaxing If you can’t decide what to wear throw on your favorite pair of pajamas or comfortable workout clothes Chairs and Pillows Meditation can involve long periods of sitting especially as you progress Seasoned meditators will typically have a dedicated cushion or mat in their home but these are not necessary when you’re first starting out Choose a comfy blanket or pillow or a sturdy well cushioned chair to maximize comfort for extended meditation sessions Sounds and Smells Many other factors such as sounds and smells can help set the stage for a positive meditation session Some prefer adding aromas in the forms of incense essential oils or scented candles while others like to avoid sensory distractions altogether Whatever you choose just make sure the air you are breathing is fresh and clear of any toxins or pollutants Natural sounds like wild animals or a babbling brook can also enhance or distract depending on the individual Try a variety of settings to find out which works best for you 4 Set a Timer Meditation does not need to be a long process unless you want it to be If you are just starting out then begin with small increments of time Setting a timer is very helpful for beginners because it can help keep your focus on breathing and not on the clock To start set the timer for two minutes and do your best to stay focused and in the moment As your confidence builds try extending the timer by 30 seconds every session until you are meditating for five minutes or longer 5 Focus On Your Breathing One of the best ways to begin the practice of meditation is to focus on your breathing Choose your pose and follow your breath as it flows from your nose into your lungs and out again as you exhale Some find it helpful to count breaths but it isn’t necessary Concentrating on your breathing will help your mind focus as it adjusts to the silence Even seasoned meditators pay close attention to their breathing as a way to be more mindful 6 Return When You Wander Most meditation practices aim to clear the brain of all thoughts and be more mindful However it is natural and even inevitable that your mind will wander or fixate on rotating feelings and physical sensations Getting lost in these distractions is entirely normal but not the goal of meditation When this happens to you recognize that your mind has wandered and try to refocus on your breathing 7 Scan Your Body Towards the end of each meditation session take the time to do a body scan During this scan focus on different areas of your body Ask yourself how you feel and pay close attention to any part that may need healing Shift your focus from your breathing and gradually move your attention from your toes up through your feet and legs Eventually you will reach every area of your body Similar to your breathing return focus when your mind wanders 8 End Your Session on a Positive Note Carry your mindfulness through to the end of your session Slowly get up and take note of how you feel Breathe in deeply and gently adjust your body and mind Creating a personal ritual to end each session may be helpful Ending rituals could include reciting a personal mantra or finishing with a light exercise or walk 9 Don’t Overthink It Don’t spend your meditation time worrying whether or not you are doing it right It may take a while for you to become proficient and that is ok Just keep at it have fun and enjoy the journey 10 Repeat Often Meditation can help support a healthy body and mind It promotes healthy blood pressure a happy mood and strengthens coping skills1 2 3 However to start seeing the benefits you will need to meditate regularly and make it a habit Try picking a time and place every day where you can dedicate two to five minutes to meditate Meditation Aids As you continue with your meditation journey you may benefit from additional help and advice along the way As meditation has gone mainstream meditation aids of all kinds are more available Guided Meditation Guided meditation is an excellent option for many beginners Many audio and video guides are inexpensive or even free online Depending on where you live local guided meditation classes may also be available During these guided meditation classes instructors will walk you through what to do and how to do it In-person classes can also provide additional support from like-minded meditators There Is an App for That Thanks to modern technologies there is a constant stream of new resources to help you meditate better Many phone apps can help you start or perfect the practice of meditation With new apps coming out daily you will have many options to choose Look for an app that’s in a comfortable price range and focuses on a technique you want to improve Apps are especially beneficial for first-time meditators looking to track their progress Your Meditation Journey Have you tried meditation Leave a comment below and let us know what helps you meditate and how it improves your physical and mental health Article sources: Shi L et al “Meditation and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials” J Hypertens 2016 Accessed 3 Jan 2018 Goyal M et al “Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being systematic review and meta-analysis” JAMA Intern Med 20141743 357-368 Accessed 3 Jan 2018 Nidich S et al “A randomized controlled trial on effects of the transcendental meditation program on blood pressure psychological distress and coping in young adults” American Journal of Hypertension 20092212 1326-1331 Accessed 3 Jan 2018 Recommended articles by Dr Edward Group: The Link Between B-12 Brain Function and Memory The Top 10 Detox Herbs Learn How to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally Study Finds Antidepressants to be Depressingly Ineffective The 9 Best Fermented Foods for Your Gut 14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver Top 5 Foods for the Pineal Gland The Importance of a Kidney Cleansing Diet The 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support 7 Best Foods to Support Kidney Function How Fluoride Damages Pineal Gland Health 10 Uses for Organic Oregano Oil Lung Cleanse: 10 Ways to Detox Your Lungs About the author: Dr Edward F Group III DC ND DACBN DCBCN DABFM founded Global Healing Center in 1998 with the goal of providing the highest quality natural health information and products He is world-renowned for his research on the root cause of disease Under his leadership Global Healing Center earned recognition as one of the largest natural and organic health resources in the world Dr Group is a veteran of the United States Army and has attended both Harvard and MIT business schools He is a best-selling author and a frequent guest on radio and television programs documentary films and in major publications Dr Group centers his philosophy around the understanding that the root cause of disease stems from the accumulation of toxins in the body and is exacerbated by daily exposure to a toxic living environment He believes it is his personal mission to teach and promote philosophies that produce good health a clean environment and positive thinking This he believes can restore happiness and love to the world For more please visit Global Healing Center Did you find this article helpful If so please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World and show your support for alternative media Your generosity is greatly appreciated Wake Up World’s latest videos Source Article from Hits: 6 Gilad Atzmon on Richie Allen Show Pointing at Those Who Make Britain into an Authoritarian Disaster March 24th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews March 20 2019 / Gilad Atzmon Yesterday on Richie Allen Show I spoke about Corbyn’s buddies and their desperate attempts to turn Britain into a close society Once again this bunch of authoritarian characters faced a wall of resistance Not one Momentum member followed the call of Judea to picket my sold-out concerts at the Vortex In fact many Momentum members resigned The same applies to Jewdas’ members Even they start to detect the duplicity at the core of what is going on By now Brits know what Momentum stands for They also accept that Jewdas may have figured out how to cook passover dinner but an ‘alternative’ to the Zionist Diaspora they are not We could only be grateful for Labour’s politicians and Momentum for warning us in advance about the obscene tyrannical nature of their party Brits will have to decide whether they want to vote far a party that crudely intervenes with the arts culture freedom of speech and elementary human rights In the next few days I will publish Justin Brett’s Jewdas leader presumably mass email to Labour politicians including Diane Abbot I suggest that some Labour actors including Hackney Mayor consult with legal specialists as they will have to address some very difficult questions my part starts around 18:35 Filed under: Britain British Jews Freedom of Speach Gilad Atzmon Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party |
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Photo credit: NASA |
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Girvan pupil halfway to funding dream trip to NASA space school |
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Humans to LIVE on Saturn’s moon NASA engineer claims Titan could be ‘awesome’ to live on |
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NASA revela que Asteroide GIGANTESCO passará pela Terra em 20 de Março ! |
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NASA Inspired Kitchen Knives by Habitat Housewares |
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NASA Open Source Software Development |
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NASA nasa |
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Астронавты NASA завершили выход в открытый космос |
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O tom alarmista sobre as mudanças climáticas utilizado por alguns ‘comunicadores’ ganhou reforço: a NASA anunciou que a situação é mais grave do que se imagina Na verdade já se sabe desde o final do século passado que o fenômeno do aquecimento não é exclusividade do planeta Terra Ele ocorre também em outros planetas do sistema solar |
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NASA Forward Maker Camp |
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“Tool Crypt for Flight Projects” NASA’s Matt Ritsko wins President’s SAVE Award |
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NASA отправило в космос первого человекоподобного робота |
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Mysterious Illuminating Object Baffles NASA Mission Control |
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NASA is using space lasers to measure trees on Earth |
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NASA Mars Cardboard Experience |
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Στη δημοσιότητα από τη NASA η στιγμή της έκρηξης τ |
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NASA zveřejnila poslední snímek Marsu z vozítka Opportunity další už nikdy hloupne buďte nás |
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NASA on GitHub |
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NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Captures Stunning View of Jupiter |
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NASA’nın Asteroit Örnekleme Uzay Aracı Hedefine Ulaştı |
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NASA’s New Horizons Has Reached Ultima Thule The Furthest World Ever Explored |
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NASA é um material viscoelástico de última geração moldado com alta viscosidade e densidade r |
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แปลเพลง NASA – Ariana Swan Song – Dua 1 อัตรา |
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Asking YOU anything: What should NASA do next |
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NASA’s InSight Mars Mission: Countdown to T-Zero |
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វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ និង ល្បឿនអ៊ិនធើណេតរបស់ NASA ឈានដល់កំរិត 91 Gb/s -download ខ្សែភាពយន្ត១រឿង ៣០០០ km 5G… |
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Ben Feist’s giant leap from advertising to NASA and the red carpet at Sundance |
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Soyuz MS-12 Arrives at ISS NASA and Roscosmos Confirm Future Mixed Crews on Soyuz and US Commercial Crew Systems |
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NASA Science Days no North Shopping do Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste-Fortaleza |
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Mark It Complete! NASA SLS Acoustic Testing Series is Now Done |
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NASA bids adieu to Opportunity the Mars rover that kept going and going |
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The Space Store is the worldwide leader of NASA and space related merchandise since 1996 We have served space enthusiasts of all ages with NASA licensed products unique items and one of a kind gifts for 2 decades |
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↘NASA Space Apps ChallengeMentor |
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NASA Engineer Inspires Students to Reach for the Stars |
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NASA astronavtları açıq fəzaya |
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Pyramids on Mars SHOCK: NASA photos show ancient alien UFOs on Mars |
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AVX Celebrates the Continuing Success of the ChemCam on NASA’s Curiosity Rover Which is Enabled in Part by 630 AVX Capacitors |
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Hanging Out with NASA at SXSW Interactive 2014 |
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NASA – T-Shirt Logo L |
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What is NASA doing with Big Data today |
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NASA Will Send 14 billion Spacecraft To Touch The Sun For |
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NASA Warning: City-Sized 1000-Foot Deep Cavity Found in Glacier … Could Change Course of Civilization |
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How about those Patriots! Off to the AFC Championship in Kansas City where they will go against a tough team!!Students in Grade 7 completed the Structure of Matter Unit and took a test last week This week will will complete a station rotation on the very important concept of densityGrade 6 students have started to build their ecosystems and have slowly begun adding some pretty cool organismsWarm-Up quizzes are around the quarter! Are you ready This should be an easy 100!!Gooooo Patriots!!!Mrs M:Extra Credit is due by 1/22/19Go to the What type of moon will be visible on 11/20/192 What does NASA stand for 3 What is a wolf moon 4 What is a super moon 5 What is a blood moon 6 So put it all together what happens during a super blood wolf moon 7 When will this begin and end Be specific 8 How many times in a century does this rare and very cool event occur |
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NASA et ISS : Vidéo « From Above » |
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Ex-empleado de la NASA: “Vi a los humanos caminando sobre Marte en 1979” |
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Nebula NASA and OpenStack |
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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day |
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Astronaut duo performs NASA’s first spacewalk of 2019 |
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A view of Uranus taken from spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986 © NASA |
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¿Porque Los equipos espaciales de la NASA están muriendo |
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Red Digital Cinema amp NASA: First 8K Video From Space Shot on HELIUM |
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Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets 4-Pack Bonus Signature Gold Foil Space Blanket: Designed for NASA Outdoors Hiking Survival Marathons or First Aid |
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NASA Asteroid Initiative |
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What Is NASA:5 Interesting Facts You Must Know |
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NASA clears SpaceX test flight to space station |
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La NASA desarrolla la tecnología HAMMER para bombardear un peligroso asteroide! |
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Study On Campus at Universal Studios Students Work with NASA |
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Episode 111: NASA Aliens and Jesus Pol |
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Veja imagens de Marte capturadas pela sonda da NASA |
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NASA Interns: Where to Live and Who to Live With |
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NASA Image of the Day |
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Ex NASA Employee: Planned Blog Posts on Coal to Solar Plant Conversions Cancelled |
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Tutorial: Build a Rails app using the NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day API |
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蘋果西打 “探索NASA太空之旅” |
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Es oficial: NASA desviará un asteroide que podría impactar en la Tierra |
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Why Is NASA Blurring These SLS Photos |
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NASA Trip |
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Dr Charles Flowers was among the first Army Air Corps in Tuskegee cadet graduates He became a flight instructor in 1942 and trained Tuskegee cadets to fly for five years He majored in business administration at North Carolina Central University then known as North Carolina College for Negroes and became the first black manager of a North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Commission liquor store in Winston Salem NC and co-owner of a drugstore After retiring from NASA in 1990 as a manager of employee relations Flowers began to mentor local students through his church Lanham’s Ebenezer United Methodist Church He did so until about 2009 when his health began to fail This video celebrates his life |
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Where On Earth Are NASA’s Rovers Sending Pictures From Devon Island Canada |
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Massive Coronal Mass Ejection Recorded by NASA |
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Így gyűri össze a levegőt egy repülőgép: bámulatos fotókat készített a NASA |
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NASA Education News |
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NASA Tour |
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NASA’s Arc Jet Complex keeps astronauts safe during reentry |
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NASA’s Office of the CIO on FedScoop Radio |
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载人龙飞船首飞 NASA首次在美国执行载人航天任务 |
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Stunning NASA Image Shows Jupiter’s Raging Storms |
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NASA revela imágenes del meteorito que explotó en atmósfera de la Tierra |
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NASA si hrála s plamenomety Ne šlo o test záchranného systému |
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NASA to screen ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ on the International Space Station |
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CMS: The Official Motorsports Equipment Supplier of NASA! |
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NASA making its Moon mission commercial could signal a paradigm shift for deep-space travel |
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NASA Tournament Lab’s Big Data Challenge |
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La NASA pondrá hoy en órbita al satélite TESS gracias al Falcon 9 de Space X |
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First All-Female Spacewalk Scheduled For March 29: NASA |
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How to Visit NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center |
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1965: Gus Grissom and ‘Gemini 3’ really Launched NASA’s Space Program |
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Middle School Robotics Team Earns NASA’s Attention |
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Flann working with NASA on space mission to map Earth’s water |
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NASA Shares Images of Asteroid’s Surface Or Is It Just Greenland Again |
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Março o mês do primeiro voo espacial feminino da NASA |
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NASA discovered in space a planet like Earth |
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NASA Says We Will Find Alien Life in 10 to 20 Years |
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Imagen del día NASA |
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NASA Fiesta in Seattle — Monday July 9 2018 |
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Drónokkal fogja kutatni a NASA a marsi életet |
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Former NASA Consultant Finds Evidence Of Alien Civilisation on Mars |
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Take a virtual tour of the Moon in all-new 4K resolution thanks to data provided by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter |
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แปลเพลง NASA – Ariana Grande |
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I am NASA: David Ham Space Medicine Advanced Projects Engineer |
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NASA is paying people a ton of money just to lay in bed for 70 days |
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NASA tests for the first time the defense of asteroids |
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The Future of Information Technology at NASA |
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NASA Instruments Image Fireball over Bering Sea |
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Rathbone Energy SBA HubZone Certified Empowered Business DOD DOE DOT amp NASA Authorized Contractor and Hand Picked for a DOD project and Hand Picked for Electric Motor Vehicle Battery Cell Manufacturing Rathbone is a custom assembler of dry cell battery cells into pack inserts used in new battery pack assembly final assembly or battery rebuilding and recelling Battery rebuild specialties include all brands of broadcast cinema professional film video DOD DOE DOT instrumentation medical NASA survey or other dry cell rechargeable battery packs No leaky Chinese Battery Cells Buy American! Detail |
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Keepin’ It Cool: 2012 NASA Commercial Innovation of the Year |
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UFO ‘seen monitoring ISS’ as NASA cuts live stream – shock claim |
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APOD APOD NASA – Astronomiczne Zdjęcie Dnia 1 2 3 4 16 |
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NASA: Αστεροειδής εξερράγη σε ύψος 265 χιλιομέτρων πάνω από την επιφάνεια της Γης τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο |
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NASA on Google |
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NASA paskelbė virš Beringo jūros praskriejusio meteoro nuotraukų |
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NASA Prediksi Kehancuran Bumi di 2013 |
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Europa Clipper Mission to Jupiter Gets 600M in NASA’s 2020 Budget Arrives with a Lion in the Night Sky |
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ISERVE to serve: A visit to the NASA/USAID SERVIR Coordination Office |
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NASA’s Webb to Explore Galaxies from Cosmic Dawn to Present Day |
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Co-creating and directing Innovation Ecosystems NASA’s changing approach to public-private partnerships in low-earth orbit |
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រអាក់រអួល ៨ ម៉ោង Face Book សងថ្លៃខូចខាតឲ្យដៃគូ NASA បង្ហើបប្រាប់ពី “ជនដំបូង” និង បើញ៉ាំបានច្រើន ដួលមួយគ្រិប ១០ ៣៤ ឆ្នាំ ប្រាប់ថា ៖ ខ្ញុំបញ្ចុះទម្ងន់បាន ២០ គីឡូក្រាម និង “ដង្កូវឈើ” ក្នុងព្រៃដីហ្វីលីពីន វីដេអូ |
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La NASA llevará a la Luna la base de salida de las misiones humanas a Marte |
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NASA lanza nuevo: Space Robotics Challenge |
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La NASA difunde imágenes del meteorito enorme que nadie vio |
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Demonstrating core stage operations and transportation for NASA’s SLS |
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NASA Sciencecasts |
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NASA transmite primeira caminhada espacial da ISS em 2019 |
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Post contributed by Henrik Hargitai NASA Ames and ELTE Hungary |
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Sound of Solar System Captured by NASA |
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“ORP made huge contributions to OMG by taking their sailboat deep into fjords surrounded by huge icebergs to get up to the glaciers where no ships have ever gone before to collect measurements of the ocean temperature” Dr Ian Fenty NASA JPL OMG |
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NASA Twins Study Sparking New Questions |
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NASA Open Data Highlight: Voyager |
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NASA Administrator Bridenstine Chats with Elon Musk of SpaceX |
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Un elev român premiat de NASA va participa la Olimpiada Geniilor organizată de o universitate din SUA |
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NASA Weekly ISS Space to Ground Report for March 15 2019 |
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NASA Technical Reports |
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La NASA confirma que ha volado el objeto más lejano en |
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La NASA confirmó una caminata espacial solo de mujeres |
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Sledujte živě výstup do volného vesmíru NASA vesmírnou procházku streamuje na YouTube |
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LEGO® Ideas 21309 NASA Apollo Saturn V |
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แปลเพลง Now That I Found You – Carly Rae NASA – Ariana Britney Spears จัดคอนเสิร์ตในไทยครั้งแรก 24 Facebook Issues – Julia Michaels |
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Real participatory exploration: NASA’s bed rest analog study Interview with Pillownaut |
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Week One: NASA on Google Plus |
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NASA realiza exposição em Brasília no final de março |
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Останки нагадують живий труп: NASA показало моторошну знахідку з Марса |
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The NASA Archives: 60 Yea |
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NASA paskelbė virš Beringo jūros praskriejusio bolido nuotraukų |
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NASA’s plan to scoop up dirt from asteroid hits a snag |
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How Will NASA’s InSight Spacecraft Land on Mars |
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NASA – Στη δημοσιότητα φωτογραφίες μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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Στον μεγάλο Έλληνα μαθηματικό Καραθεοδωρή στηρίζεται ολόκληρη η σύγχρονη αεροδιαστημική και η NASA! |
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Yahoo and NASA Flight Readiness Review Recap |
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NASA Siapkan Tiket Wisata ke Luar Angkasa |
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១០ ឆ្នាំហើយ ៖ បើស្លៀកដូចមិនស្លៀក ម្តេចក៏មិន… ល្បឿនអ៊ិនធើណេតរបស់ NASA ឈានដល់កំរិត 91 Gb/s -download ខ្សែភាពយន្ត១រឿង ៣ នាក់ ឲ្យក្មេងប្រុសម្នាក់ មកដាក់ពាក្យប្តឹង លោកស័ក្តិ៤ប៉េអឹម សាន សុខុម ដកកាំភ្លើងភ្ជង់សំឡុត “ដង្កូវឈើ” ក្នុងព្រៃដីហ្វីលីពីន វីដេអូ |
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Join Our Newsletter Today On The Writers may likelt/spangt tttttttttttttttlt/h4gt ttttttttttttttttttt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt ttttttttt ttttttttt tttttttttttttttttlt/divgt tttttttttttttt tttttttt Fordu2019s 2018 Mustang GT can do 0-to-60 mph in under 4 secondslt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt tttttttttttttt tttttttt Hulu hires Google marketing veteran Kelly Campbell as CMOlt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt tttttttttttttt tttttttt NASA seeks to build a quieter supersonic plane for passenger flightlt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt tttttttttttttt tttttttt Microsoft Paint is finally dead and the world Is a better placelt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt tttttttttttttt tttttttt Netflix was the top grossing app in Q2 with mobile revenue up 233lt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttt ttt ttttttt tttt ttttttttttt lt/igt ttttttttttlt/divgt tttttttttttttttttlt/divgt tttttttttttttt tttttttt 5 Crowdfunded products that actually delivered on the hypelt/pgt tttttttlt/divgt tttlt/ligt ttttttlt/agt tttttttttttttttt Click to commentlt/spangt tttttttttttttttlt/divgt ttttttttttttttt tttt t t tt lt/h3gt Leave a Replylt/spangtlt/h4gt Cancel replylt/agtlt/smallgtttt ttttLogged in as thebestlt/agt Log outlt/agtlt/pgt Commentlt/labelgt lt/textareagtlt/pgt lt/pgt |
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NASA’s MSL named Curiosity as seen fully |
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Before visiting Earth – 1940s : NASA identified an alien from unknown planet Unofficial sources says that alien came probably from Madly planet from Crazy system File photo -1 Highly confidential |
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NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Report – May 16 2013 |
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NASA изучит возможность отправки миссии к Нептуну и Тритону |
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‘Existence of Extraterrestrial Space Vehicles OF Enormous Size amp Power Is a Fact” – Ex NASA Scientist |
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NASA смоделировала посадку марсохода на Красную планету37 |
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NASA’dan ilk 8K videosu: ‘Çok fazla detay var’ |
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NASA: Αυτοί οι πλανήτες μπορεί να έχουν ζωή – Ανακαλύφθηκαν 219 νέοι |
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NASA’s SLS Pushback Continues |
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The Latest From NASA |
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Uderzy czy nie uderzy w Ziemię Naukowcy z NASA oficjalnie i prawomocny wyrok: Obywatele mieli prawo protestować przeciwko marszowi ONR |
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FIRST OF THREE ISS SPACEWALKS McClain Hague Mar 22 2019 Earth orbit 8:05 am ET NASA TV |
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NASA Astronauts Complete Spacewalk to Swap Batteries for ISS Power Upgrades – V15 launches in India with the Helio P70 32MP front pop-up camera and triple rear cameras – XDA 2 vs AirPods: What’s changed in Apple’s new wireless earbuds – Hindustan 2019: PDP Leader Mehbooba Mufti to Contest From Anantnag – The out of Bihar alliance Kanhaiya Kumar to be CPI candidate in Begusarai – Hindustan Times |
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I stole a NASA PC and played Fortnite on it |
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NASA Academy Application Open |
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© NASA |
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NASA Watch |
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NASA mühendisi: İnsanlık bir gün Satürn’ün uydusu Titan’da yaşayabilir |
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Dear NASA: 14 things about my Astronaut Candidate application |
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Secretele NASA: Pe Lună există apa și urme de viață |
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Figures No Longer Hidden: Black Mathematician Katherine G Johnson’s NASA Recognition Well Deserved |
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UAE 학생들 미국항공우주국NASA의 휴스턴 우주센터에서훈련과정수료 |
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NASA Invites Redlands Student to Attend Scholars Program |
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Mời tải về hình nền iPhone XS dựa trên ảnh chụp Sao Mộc của NASA |
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NASA: Οι πρώτες φωτογραφίες του μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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NASA just smashed the record for the fastest human-made object |
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Duty amp Betrayal – The SS Brotherhood amp the NASA Connection |
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Inky Book Recommendations amp NASA Space Travel |
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William McDonough Partners’ Design for NASA Chosen for AIA Virginia Award |
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Discovery Of Most Recent Supernova In Our GalaxyOnly 140 Years agoScienceDaily May 14 2008 — The most recent supernova in our Galaxy has been discovered by tracking the rapid expansion of its remains This result using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and NRAO’s Very Large Array VLA has implications for understanding how often supernovas explode in the Milky Way galaxy |
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Astronautas de la NASA realizan caminata espacial fuera la ISS |
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Mars 2020 Rover của NASA vượt qua các thử nghiệm với màu sắc bay |
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NASA: Γιγάντια έκρηξη μετεωρίτη έγινε μέσα στο 2018 |
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Como a NASA soube o momento exato em que a … |
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DHS NASA: Testing First Responder Safety Wearables for FirstNet |
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13964 – NASA renomeia unidade em homenagem a lendária matemática Katherine Johnson |
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Inspired by NASA |
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A Year in Review from NASA OpenGov |
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Opportunity is DEAD: NASA confirms its 15-year-old Mars rover failed to |
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SeisComP3 supporting NASA’s InSight mission on planet Mars |
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Η NASA έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα φωτογραφίες του μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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Η NASA ανακάλυψε τεράστιο κρατήρα πρόσκρουσης κάτω από τους πάγους της Γροιλανδίας |
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NASA objavila fotku meteora koji nitko nije vidio |
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The Official Motorsports Equipment Supplier of NASA! |
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High Definition 29 Photos NASA Published About Landing On The Moon |
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NASA captura el choque de un cometa contra el Sol |
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Taxa Mantis Trailer Tour: NASA Architect Designs Trailer |
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NASA Just Released 2540 Stunning New Photos Of Mars |
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Marsquakes and Kinemetrics: NASA’s InSight Mars explorer lands safely on the Red Planet! |
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Richard Garriott famed video game developer followed in the footsteps of his father NASA astronaut Owen Garriott and traveled to the International Space Station in October of 2008 aboard a Russion Soyuz spacecraft |
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La sonda Insight de la NASA amartiza exitosamente |
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NASA – Ariana Grande 和訳と紹介 |
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Naijanewspapers punch newspapers nigeria newspapers NASA posts images of powerful fireball exploding over Earth – Mashable |
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NASA publishes images of a powerful fireball exploding over the Earth |
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១០ ឆ្នាំហើយ ៖ បើស្លៀកដូចមិនស្លៀក ម្តេចក៏មិន… ល្បឿនអ៊ិនធើណេតរបស់ NASA ឈានដល់កំរិត 91 Gb/s -download ខ្សែភាពយន្ត១រឿង ៣ នាក់ ដែលមានមុនឆ្នាំ ២០១៩ របស់កម្មករនិយោជិត ឲ្យក្មេងប្រុសម្នាក់ មកដាក់ពាក្យប្តឹង លោកស័ក្តិ៤ប៉េអឹម សាន សុខុម ដកកាំភ្លើងភ្ជង់សំឡុត ៣ គ្រឿង សួរដេញដោលរឿង ជាង៧០ម៉ឺនដុល្លារ ដែល យឹម សុវណ្ណ និង គី វណ្ឌដារ៉ា ដកចេញពីបធនាគារ នៅឯណា |
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British teen corrects NASA data error’ |
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Fomos à NASA pra mostrar como funciona um foguete |
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Беспилотный полeт SpaceX Dragon V2 завершен без замечаний NASA |
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La NASA gastó un millón en una pluma y los rusos usaron un lápiz un mito |
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Michoud Assembly Facility: Behind-the-Scenes at NASA’s Rocket Factory |
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NASA reveals plan to send new mars rover in 2020 |
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Essity awarded contract by NASA to Develop Next-Generation Compression Garment for Orion Missions |
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Seeking Inputs on NASA’s Plans Programs and Priorities |
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I am NASA: Anton Gagne Erasmus Mundus Aerospace Graduate Student and former ISS Systems Engineer |
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FIRST ALL-FEMALE SPACEWALK McClain Koch Mar 29 2019 Earth orbit 8:20 am ET NASA TV |
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Open Source at NASA |
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NASA scientists discover youngest black hole in Milky way |
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É NOTÍCIA NASA descobre Sistema Solar com 7 planetas parecidos com a Terra |
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One of the biggest social media moments of 2017 Monday’s solar eclipse which was visible throughout North America also became a top moment for video and one of the largest livestreamed events ever on YouTube From news organizations to educational institutions a multitude of channels livestreamed the eclipse on YouTube By 10:20 am PT on Monday more than 2 million viewers were simultaneously tuned in to these livestreams including NASA’s which was the most-watched In all viewers watched livestreams and videos about the eclipse over 100 million times and for 6 million hours since Monday morning Some people recorded their own time-lapses 360 videos and personal vlogs of the experience and instructional videos on eclipse viewing were a favorite as well like ”How to Make a Pinhole Projector to View the Solar Eclipse” 18 million views Monday and ”Make a solar eclipse viewer at home with a cereal box” 580000 views Some viewers used YouTube to celebrate the eclipse in a different way: through music We saw a major spike in viewership of Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart — the official video was viewed over 16 million times yesterday with hourly views reaching as high as 260000 — which was also the song we saw people adding most frequently to Eclipse-related playlists in the lead-up The rest of the top 5 included Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Bad Moon Rising” Katrina and the Waves’ Walking On Sunshine Owl City’s Galaxies and Smash Mouth’s Walkin’ on the Sun respectively If you didn’t get to see the eclipse or couldn’t get your hands on some eclipse glasses you can watch plenty of replays like these |
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NASA Confirms Mars 2020 Overrun |
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Powerful Bering Sea Fireball spotted from space in NASA photos |
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OCG Telecom awarded NASA SEWP V contract |
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Un specialist de la NASA a declarat că omenirea are unde se refugia la un moment dat! |
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NASA satellite snaps fireball 10 times more powerful than Hiroshima bomb |
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X-57 Maxwell: así será el primer avión eléctrico de la NASA que tiene como base el Tecnam P2006T |
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NASA : What is Earth’s Van Allen Radiation belts |
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Online Workshop: Celebrate Earth Day with NISE Net: Activity Connections and How Visitors Can Contribute Local Environmental Observations to NASA Science |
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Why Europa is the most likely spot we’ll find aliens – with NASA’s Kevin Peter Hand |
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BFCC NASA – A Remarkable Encounter |
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Leading NASA astronaut joins Myriota |
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NASA: trovati su Bennu gli ingredienti necessari alla vita |
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NASA gives final control of the people and a formula for war that is potential |
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NASA’s Green provides ‘gravity assist’ |
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We’re NASA and We Know It |
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Peeps – NASA Eyes Glasses Cleaning Technology |
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NASA công bố hình ảnh vụ nổ thiên thạch gấp 10 lần bom nguyên tử Hiroshima |
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NASA Celebrates the United States’s Entry into the Open Government Partnership |
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Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg Captured by NASA Cameras |
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La mayor amenaza de los astronautas de la NASA es el herpes |
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NASA paskelbė virš Beringo jūros praskriejusio meteoro kurdai paskelbė: „Islamo valstybė“ – nugalėta |
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Get the latest breakthroughs from NASA amp other technology sources |
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La FAO y la NASA lanzan una herramienta geoespacial para rastrear el uso de la tierra y los cambios del paisaje |
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A Conversation With Former NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden on Planetary Radio |
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My Research and Typical Day at NASA |
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NASA Education Channel |
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NASA Open Source Summit |
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NASA snaps monster meteor fireball STREAK over Bering Sea |
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NASA 2020 Budget Request |
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NASA Studying Launching EM-1 On Commercial Rockets Not SLS |
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NASA Scientist Eric Rignot on Melting Glaciers in Antarctica on Ecoshock |
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Being a NASA Trajectory Analyst for the Launch Vehicle on Mars Science Lab |
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NASA: Στη δημοσιότητα φωτογραφίες μετεωρίτη που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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NASA: 50 imagens incríveis das estrelas e do espaço |
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La NASA intentará desviar un asteroide del tamaño de la pirámid |
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NASA Unmanned Systems Integration |
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La NASA confirmó una caminata espacial solo de el nuevo bloque de la derecha regional que excluye a quiere retomar la senda le ganó 3-0 a Cosse: Antel Arena es un signo del futuro al alcance de todos y basado en la excelencia |
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Reissue of the 1975 NASA Graphics Standards Manual |
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NASA Reports Meteor Explosion Worth 11 Hiroshima Bombs Missed by Media PHOTO |
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NASA publishes images of the meteor no one saw |
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NASA Open Data Highlight: ISS Live! |
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Trump Offered NASA Unlimited Funding To Get Humans To Mars By |
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NASA Intern Application Season!! Apply Today in 30min |
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NASA scientist Dr Anita Sengupta on blazing a trail in aerospace engineering and space exploration – Find Fossils of Early Universe Stuffed in Milky Ways Bulge – Live Science |
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How and why we’re sampling asteroid Bennu – with NASA’s OSIRIS-REx team |
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NASA Mühendisinden Şoke Eden Açıklamalar ! İnsanlık Bir Gün |
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Zakopane and Time segmentation prototype with NASA Mars Exploration Rovers 2015–2016 2017 |
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All Points Key Subcontractor on NASA End-User Services Contract Awarded to Leidos |
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According to NASA the World Will NOT End Next Month |
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La NASA prepara la primera misión espacial 100 femenina |
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NASA picks ancient Martian river delta for 2020 rover to showcase Return on Digital NeXT framework at ISG Future Workplace Summit |
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Space to Ground: NASA at SXSW |
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One Year Anniversary of the NASA Digital Strategy |
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NASA Tests Urban Drone Traffic Management in Nevada Texas |
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NASA probe makes new discoveries on asteroid Bennu |
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NASA probe finds water-bearing minerals on Bennu |
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NASA mühendisi: İnsanlık bir gün Satürn’ün uydusu Titan’da yaşayabilir |
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NASA study fixes error in low contrarian climate sensitivity estimates |
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Both provocative and controversial no one will agree with everything in this book but every one will come away with something important A story of victory against incredible odds the author’s journey is both a testament to not only the possibility of cure but the chance at a new life worth living again after the demise of the former by Lyme disease The “lie too big too admit” underscored by the medical communities mis-handling of the epidemic is exposed and valuable information for how the author discovered – and recovered – from a devastating mysterious illness that had a great lesson to teach AVAILABLE ON AMAZON HERE: Edward Amsden was born in Providence Rhode Island on April 4 1959 and raised in the Concord New Hampshire area until 1977 He pursued interests in philosophy history and music majoring in Philosophy at the University of Hartford receiving a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Franklin Pierce College after working at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt Maryland during the 1980’s He also wrote and performed original music in the musical synth-pop group Stellar Voice in the Washington DC and Baltimore Maryland area during the 1980’s and founded Stellar Voice Productions Inc in 1986 releasing six compilation album LP projects He later formed the band River Hill in 1996 with band members from his teenage years until resigning abruptly in 2006 due to an unknown debilitating health condition that was later learned to be Lyme disease After nearly four years of antibiotic treatment he began the South Berkshire Research Institute in Inverness Florida on May 29 2014 focusing on solutions for a 21st century global society Stephen joined the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross AMORC on January 16 2016 initiated into the Traditional Martinist Order TMO later that year He subsequently joined the Anthroposophy Society on January 6 2017 a branch of the late 19th century Theosophical Society founded by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1900’s and is currently secretary for the Theosophical Society of St Petersburg FL At this time he continues to write produce online video presentations and projects on spiritual science esoteric theology and mystical occultism in the 21st century and advocating for other victims of Lyme disease He continues to work on several forthcoming books and presentations that reflect a life’s work of research in philosophy mysticism religion and science relevant to the spiritual evolution of human consciousness advancement toward a just and equitable global society and the eternal re-genesis of the human Spirit CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW ON AMAZON: NOW ON AMAZON: of the Rose Cross |
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NASA to Crash 13500mph Spacecraft into an Asteroid Moon in Experimental Earth-Saving Mission |
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NASA a povestit despre uriașa explozie de meteor în Kamciatka pe care rușii nu au observat-o |
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NASA Releases Satellite Images of Crazy Sierra Nevada Snowpack |
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NASA’s Digital Strategy: 6 Month Milestones |
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Jupiter looks like a giant marble in NASA’s latest stunning image – SlashGear |
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NASA mühendisi insanlığın gelecekte bir gün Titan’ da yaşayabileceğini söyledi |
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Participate in the NASA Advisory Council Public Meeting |
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More awesome videos: SUBSCRIBE ▻ All of these videos were taken by the NASA’s |
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NASA предлагает миссию на крупнейшую луну Нептуна — Тритон |
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Proudly Serving Hybrid battery Cell and Pack Manufacturing EV Battery Cell and Pack Manufacturing and Hybrid Battery rebuilding for Electrical Grids Since 1997 Broadcast News Cinema DOD DOE NASA and Other Industries Consistently Since 1989! Rebuilding dry cell rechargeable battery packs for any industry is our Specialty! Upgrade your Anton Bauer Batteries IDX Endura Batteries Sony Bp Batteries Red One Batteries or any other generic widget distributor batteries to Rathbone High Capacity Lithium Ion Broadcast Batteries Today! |
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Aston Martin представил новый автомобиль одобренный NASA |
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NASA detects a Mysterious Sound coming from Saturn and Enceladus |
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Neste stopp: NASA |
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Chapter in NASA e-book on Economic Development of Low Earth Orbit |
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NASA instruments image fireball over Bering Sea |
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Ex-inginerul NASA admite video parțial falsificând videoclipul glitter bomb |
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Siete planetas similares a la Tierra el prometedor descubrimiento de la NASA |
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NASA Shares Images of Asteroid’s Surface latest news delivered daily! |
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Мои догадки в: «Представлен проект бюджета NASA на 2020 год» kiri2ll |
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NASA Picture of the Day |
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NASA astronavtları açıq fəzaya çıxışı |
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Parker Solar Probe: NASA ULA Launch Spacecraft On Journey To Touch Sun |
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Φεγγάρι: Φυσικό εργοστάσιο παραγωγής νερού σύμφωνα με την NASA |
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NASA: Hay un vórtice en el espacio-tiempo alrededor de la tierra |
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NASA divulga novas imagens impressionantes de uma erupção solar |
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“Undetectable” –NASA Suggests We May Be Blind to Signs of Alien Technologies’ Weekend Feature |
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Scientists at two of the world’s leading climate centres – NASA and NOAA – have been caught out manipulating temperature data to overstate the extent of the 20th century global warming |
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NASA изучает возможность отправки станции к астероиду Паллада |
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NASA Joins Yahoo for ‘Flight Readiness Review’ of Space Apps Challenges |
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NASA moon landing SHOCK claim: ‘First pictures were splendidly composed’ |
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若NASA再这么忽悠,别怪我跟你急多图 1月13日 |
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NASA Photo Images Sets |
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Shujaat Ahmed: NASA Student Ambassador |
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Thoughts on Makers at NASA |
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Crean un sistema informático molecular reprogramable por NASA redobla esfuerzos para desatascar su perforadora en Marte |
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NASA New York Space Grant |
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Contrast Media for CT Scans: Time to Rethink the Risk : looks like a giant marble in NASA’s last breathtaking image |
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NASA spacecraft finds evidence of water on near-Earth asteroid Bennu |
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The Future Brought to You by NASA |
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Pixel NASA |
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Alex Jones NASA Vintage T-Shirt |
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Астронавты NASA вернулись на МКС после шестичасовых работ в открытом космосе |
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View From Space Time Lapse 4K Ultra HD Video – Earth From ISS : NASA |
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How to Spot an Alien According to NASA! |
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Agencia Espacial Mexicana lanza convocatoria para hacer estancia en la NASA |
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Voyager 2 Has Just Entered Interstellar Space NASA Confirms |
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Cientistas da NASA estão perplexos com misteriosas ejeções no ‘asteroide do Apocalipse’ |
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NASA TV Broadcasts Station Spacewalk Live Today |
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NASA拍到新生恒星:呈明亮蓝色 还能吃吗? |
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The Open API Universe at NASA |
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Já ouviu falar em travesseiro NASA Veja os 4 motivos para usá-lo agora |
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NASA New Horizons Mission |
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NASA Your Library |
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NASA Open Government Team Broadens Focus to Innovation |
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NASA’s Hubble Captures A Galaxy’s Heart |
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NASA: Ο μετεωρίτης που εξερράγη πάνω από τη Βερίγγεια Θάλασσα |
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