La NASA reconoce haber descubierto vida extraterrestre en Plutón |
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NASA Trip 2017 |
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NASA Releases Study On Commercial Space Economy |
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La NASA descubre existencia de vida en Plutón |
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NASA Headquarters Street Renamed for ‘Hidden Figures’ Mathematicians |
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NASA’nın uydu yarışmasına Türk üniversiteleri damga vurdu |
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Cum a fost eliberat din închisoarea turcească un om de știință de la NASA |
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‘Un gran paso para la mujer’: La NASA enviará a la primera astronauta a la luna en 2024 |
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La NASA descubre un signo de Star Trek en Marte |
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NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to Retire in 2020 |
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NASA Is Tracking One of Earth’s Most Valuable Resources — Water |
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NASA a asistat la naşterea unei insule în Pacificul de Sud |
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12 mujeres propuestas por la NASA para pisar la luna en 2024 |
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NASA Finds Star Trek Star Fleet Logo On Mars |
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NASA Planned to Build a Starshade for Hunting Alien Planets |
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Билетчето до Луната ще струва на NASA 30 млрд долара |
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Safety Panel Calls on NASA to Apply Commercial Crew Lessons for Artemis |
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Steves J Bryan – NASA |
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Fans de Stars War furiosos porque la NASA descubre logo de Star Trek en Marte |
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140000 Visuals of Outer Space are Free to the Public in NASA’s Image Library |
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NASA’s Return To The Moon Permanently Could Cost 30b |
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Στη δημοσιότητα από τη NASA η «άγνωστη» έκρηξη του μετεωρίτη |
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Mars 2020 Rover By NASA To Explore The Ancient Life On The Red Plane |
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NASA Pressured by Trump Official on Climate Change Stance Emails Show |
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Edificios en ruinas sobre la Luna ¿ocultó la NASA ese hallazgo |
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NASA: Билет на Марс для каждого! |
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Un joven entrerriano viajará a la NASA |
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NASA a dezvăluit un secret în ceea ce privește mirosul planetei… |
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NASA Offers 18500 To People Willing To Stay In Bed For 60 Days |
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Want To Know Your Horoscope From NASA Astrology Data And From |
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Katherine Johnson NASA Mathematician |
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Studenti FESB-a imat će priliku slušati o misiji na Marsu i inženjerskom iskustvu u timu NASA-e |
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NASA TOUR 2018 |
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La NASA explique pourquoi un logo Star Trek a été retrouvé sur Mars |
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NASA’s first all-female spacewalk scrapped |
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NASA開放太空站 住一晚35000美元 |
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‘Alien ATTACK!’ Unearthly lights fill Norway sky in astonishing NASA experiment |
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 12 June 2019 – Testing Deep Space Biomedical Gear |
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Former NASA Engineers Building Real-Life Underwater Transformer |
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Destacan jóvenes de la UNAM en concurso de la NASA |
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NASA разрабатывает два особых телескопа для обнаружения и изучения новых экзопланет |
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NASA: Θεαματική φωτογραφία από τις καταιγίδες του Δία vid |
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NASA’s spacecraft is orbiting closer to an asteroid than ever before |
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NASA Innovation Academies |
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NASA puts Hubble telescope on ‘safe mode’ after gyroscope failure |
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Em 2020 NASA abrirá a Estação Espacial Internacional para turistas |
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How to Access NASA’s Media Library of Videos and Images For Free |
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Photos From Space- NASA Astronaut |
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NASA- ს კოსმოსური ხომალდი ასტეროიდ ბენუს ყველაზე ახლოს მიუახლოვდა |
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NASA Is Opening International Space Station to New Commercial Opportunities |
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NASA and Virgin Orbit 3D Print Test Rocket Combustion Chamber |
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NASA готовится блокировать свет звезд при помощи «Звездной тени» |
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As the dust storm on Mars abates NASA awaits a call |
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12 mujeres propuestas por la NASA para pisar la luna en |
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A NASA felfedezett egy Stark Trek-jelvényhez hasonló képződményt a Marson |
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La NASA abre la estación espacial seis meses bajo asalto y confiscación |
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NASA Stands Its Ground On Climate Change Science |
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NASA’s Mars 2020 Rover to Explore Ancient Life |
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NASA Is Focusing On Making A Person Land On The Moon |
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На рассекреченных фотографиях NASA обнаружились полупрозрачные купола и строение в форме треугольника на Луне |
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NASA Finds Starfleet Insignia on Mars Landscape and Mark Hamill and William Shatner Trade Tweets |
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Evidencias de vida extraterrestre serán halladas: NASA |
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NASA Doctor Warns: Avoid These 5 Foods if You Want a Razor-Sharp Memory |
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NASA не может объяснить происхождение «таинственной бездны» на Юпитере |
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NASA vows to land first female astronaut on the moon by 2024 |
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Astronauta da NASA fortalece sua fé no espaço: ”Eu vi de perto a beleza criadora de Deus” |
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NASA потребуются дополнительно 20-30 млрд для реализации лунной программы |
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SpaceX Falcon Heavy to launch NASA’s probe to study the space radiation |
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NASA: Descubren un sistema solar con planetas muy parecidos a la Tierra |
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Η NASA πρόλαβε τις νέες θεωρίες συνωμοσίας «αποκαλύπτοντας» το σύμβολο του Σταρ Τρεκ στον Άρη |
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Estas son las candidatas astronautas de la NASA para pisar la Luna en 2024 |
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NASA: Το Mars 2020 rover θα δώσει κρίσιμες απαντήσεις για μια επανδρωμένη αποστολή στον Άρη Video |
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La NASA prévient qu’un astéroïde monstrueux s’approche et pourrait frapper la Terre dimanche prochain |
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UCF is part of the NASA Cassini mission that reveals new details about Saturn’s rings |
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NASA tají mimozemskou aktivitu kolem asteroidu VIDEO |
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NASA Mars’a göndereceği astronotları neye göre seçiyor |
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Návrat USA na Měsíc bude stát přes 20 mld USD tvrdí NASA |
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Astrobotic awarded 795 million NASA contract to deliver payloads to the moon |
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NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission Breaks Another Orbit Record |
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NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine Announced as Keynote Speaker at ISS RampD Conference |
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Southwestern students present NASA-funded research at symposium |
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5 Interesting Facts About NASA’s Newly Discovered Earth’s Twin-Earth 20 |
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NASA taps CMU to develop robots to help turn pits on the Moon into potential habitats |
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New film claims Neil Armstrong was forced to lie over NASA Apollo 11 mission |
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NASA Soldering Instructions |
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Planet x Nibiru 2014 new evidence today NASA: The End Of Mankind “Leaked Document” 2013 |
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NASA’s Mars 2020 rover its latest robotic mission to the Red Planet will include technology to explore ancient life on Mars according to the space agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory The goal of the Mars 2020 rover is to look for signs of ancient life It will be the first spacecraft to collect samples of the Martian surface caching them in tubes that could be returned to Earth on a future mission Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday |
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Grizu-263 Uzay Takımı NASA’nın yarışmasında dünya ikincisi oldu |
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Neue Hinweise auf Planet X die Suche der NASA nach Aliens und unerklärliche Anomalien tief im Erdmantel! |
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¡La NASA podría haber encontrado vida extraterrestre en Plutón! |
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Mantenere telecomunicazioni efficienti tra le nanosonde e la base a terra probabilmente il Deep Space Network DSN della NASA è indispensabile per il successo della missione Ma Claudio Maccone Presidente del Comitato Permanente SETI in seno all’ International Academy of Astronautics di Parigi e autore di profondi studi su questo tema dice: |
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3 PEMF Technology Was Then Adopted by NASA |
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News NASA Explores Our Changing Freshwater World |
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NASA turistləri Beynəlxalq Kosmik Stansiyaya göndərəcək- 50 milyon dollar qarşılığında |
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NASA’s Mars Helicopter has passed another flight test |
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NASA Infrared Telescope Facility |
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High-End Supercomputer at NASA |
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It’s Lights Out for NASA’s Spitzer Telescope |
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NASA a aflat Câmpurile magnetice luptă cu găruile negre pentru omenire |
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В NASA подсчитали стоимость присутствия на Луне |
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Per crearne uno si dovrebbe cominciare piazzando una sonda relais in corrispondenza del fuoco più vicino della lente gravitazionale del Sole situato alla distanza di 550 Unità Astronomiche UA da esso Quindi all’altro capo del ponte continuando con l’esempio di Alpha Centauri deve essere piazzata una seconda sonda relais per potenziare i segnali in entrata e uscita Con questi relais in posizione la percentuale d’errore nelle trasmissioni tra i due capi del ponte crollerebbe da 1 su 2 a 1 su 2 milioni pari all’accuratezza raggiunta dal DSN della NASA nell’ambito del Sistema Solare Sorprendentemente la potenza di trasmissione richiesta è davvero minima appena un decimo di milliwatt come dire svariati ordini di grandezza in meno delle antenne del DSN Tuttavia la realizzazione di un sistema radio interstellare basato su lenti gravitazionali darebbe un gran da fare agli ingegneri Tanto per cominciare i ripetitori dovrebbero restare precisamente allineati uno rispetto all’altro e ai loro amplificatori stellari anche su distanze estreme afferma Maccone Ciò richiederebbe un sistema rivoluzionario di navigazione celeste e orientamento una sorta di GPS galattico basato sulle pulsar Ma anche se effettivamente questi ponti radio potrebbero consentirci di tenere i contatti il limite universale della velocità della luce e quindi dell’informazione scoperto da Einstein implica che il dialogo avrebbe comunque tempi lunghissimi Data la distanza una conversazione con una colonia su un ipotetico mondo abitabile tipo “Avatar” nel sistema di Alpha Centauri avrebbe un ciclo domanda–risposta di quasi nove anni |
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Space Sunset NASA Wallpaper Free Desktop I HD |
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Former NASA head says mining oil sands will make climate |
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NASA açıkladı: ‘Git gideceksen bekleme!’ |
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Mars golden rock found by Curiocity is a metal that can’t be identified as NASA reports |
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2 Yılda “74” NASA Bilimcisi Öldü! |
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The Cyber Threat To NASA’s Artemis Program |
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NASA будет готовить астронавтов для полетов к Луне в подводной лаборатории |
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Mời tải về hình nền iPhone XS dựa trên ảnh chụp Sao Mộc của NASA |
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Adivina cuánto gana un astronauta de la NASA |
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NASA Confirms A 2500-Square-Mile Cloud Of Methane Floating Over US Southwest |
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NASA Menganggarkan Kos Misi Ke Bulan Mencecah RM 125 Bilion June 17 2019 0 |
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NASA EO Слика на денот |
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Según RT planeta Venus está lleno de Ciudades y seres vivos y la NASA lo ha ocultado |
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Cumplimiento de Mateo 24: La NASA afirma que la Luna esta |
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NASA Projelerinin Uçakları |
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Лучшие изображения NASA за 2011–2013 года 47 фото |
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Prima di passare a un primo approfondimento facciamo un po’ di storia Si era nei giorni a cavallo tra settembre e ottobre 2011 e a Orlando Florida si svolgeva il congresso di formazione del 100YSS il primo movimento di opinione che si proponeva di realizzare il volo interstellare Era composto di professori e studenti universitari e da una moltitudine colorata di space-enthusiast mobilitati da dozzine di gruppi e associazioni in un’atmosfera degna di Woodstock In realtà la convention era frutto dell’intuizione di alcuni pezzi grossi della NASA e sopratutto della DARPA l’agenzia per la tecnologia avanzata del Pentagono che aveva fornito all’operazione copertura finanziaria e mediatica con una formula tutta americana impensabile nel nostro paese Non è dunque Milner bensì sono i militari del Pentagono i primi ad avere intuito la potenzialità di mercato e la capacità di innovazione scientifica e tecnologica che un rinnovato interesse allo spazio in questi termini potrebbe destare Le iniziative di Milner e degli altri Paperoni che speriamo ne seguano l’esempio nonostante le differenze rappresentano il logico sviluppo e coronamento della strategia targata DARPA |
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Consulting and Educational Services in Acoustics Shock Response Spectra Sine amp Random Vibration Rainflow Fatigue Signal Processing Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis Modal Testing Finite Element Analysis Web wwwvibrationdatacom Site Map Tutorials Software Shock amp Vibration Training Course The next course date is TBD Location: Near the Huntsville Alabama airport Best Western Plus Madison – Huntsville Hotel 9035 Madison Blvd Hwy 20 West Madison AL 35824 Formerly The Inn at Madison Data Analysis Services Digital Audio Recording amp Editing Services Newsletters Acoustics This site is sponsored by Tom Irvine Vibrationdata 136 Wellington Dr Madison Alabama 35758 I still maintain the Vibrationdata website but I am now a full-time employee of Blue Origin I also serve as an industry representative to the NASA Engineering amp Safety Center Cell Phone: 256-924-8860 Email: tomirvinemailorg Please recommend this site by clicking on the Google 1 Button Tom’s Facebook Profile Tom’s Google Profile Tom’s NASA Profile Tom’s LinkedIn Profile Vibrationdata Python Vibrationdata Blog Conferences Aerospace Technical Workshops Shock amp Vibration Symposium |
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Tiene 16 años y es de San Juan: ganó una beca y viajará a la NASA |
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La NASA esamina ibrido solare-elettrico di propulsione per le missioni spaziali con equipaggio |
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Raport NASA o skutkach długiego przebywania w kosmosie na przykładzie bliźniaków |
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Produk NASA Terbaru |
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NASA will open the International Space Station to… |
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NASA Fighters! |
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Watch NASA Build Mars 2020 Rover Live |
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La NASA gastó un millón en una pluma y los rusos usaron un lápiz un mito |
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A primeira caminhada espacial feminina é cancelada porque a NASA não |
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How To Access NASA’s Media Library Of Videos And Images For Free |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Versuri Traduse în Română |
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鱼子酱教父: 获选NASA |
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NASA potvrdila da “nemogući” motor radi |
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A NASA descobriu um asteroide feito quase que inteiramente de metal |
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This Week in Tech History: NASA Sends the Spirit Rover to Mars |
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NASA Cassini Final Images Reveal Strange Textures in Saturn’s Rings |
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Participa científico mexicano en investigación de la NASA para crecer hortalizas en estaciones espaciales |
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NASA’s HAMMER spacecraft |
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NASA Club niños |
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NASA Suit Training |
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Turkish universities dominate in NASA competition |
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PROGNOZA NASA – Najbliższe 10 lat w historii ludzkości przebiegnie pod znakiem nowej ery eksploracji kosmosu W tym czasie mamy zbudować nowe stacje kosmiczne powrócić na Księżyc wybudować tam kolonie i polecieć na przedednia’ MCkfadrat MUZYKA mp3 |
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Amateur astronomer accidentally finds lost NASA’s satellite |
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Bazalt Fiber Kompozit Tasarımı NASA 3D Printed Habitat Challenge Ödülüne Layık Görüldü |
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ARISS контакт: 20 июня 2019 года астронавт Хейг Тайлер NASA с борта МКС произведет сеанс радиосвязи с г Клейгейт Великобритания |
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Fans de Stars War furiosos porque la NASA descubre logo de Star Trek |
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NASA’s Cassini Reveals New Sculpting in Saturn Rings |
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NASA twin study confirms preliminary findings |
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Η NASA ανοίγει τον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό για τους στον Θησέα οι Γαρυφάλλου και Συνέλευση στη Δάφνη |
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Remote sensing mast attached to NASA’s Mars 2020 rover |
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NASA Seeks Big Ideas from Students for Inflatable Heat Shield Technology |
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How to Access NASA’s Media Library of Videos and Images For Free |
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NASA Opens International Space Station to Tourists Next Year |
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Jupiter Is So Close NASA Says You Can See All Eight Of Its |
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Ariana Grande – NASA στιχοι μετάφραση στα ελληνικα |
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As far as what our investigation entails we are looking at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s EEOC enforcement efforts to combat workplace sexual harassment across the federal government including the frequency of such claims and findings of harassment the resources dedicated to preventing and redressing harassment and the impact and efficacy of these enforcement efforts The investigation and subsequent report will also examine agency-level practices to address sexual harassment at the US Department of State and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA |
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LEGO® SET 10266 NASA Apollo 11 Lunar LANDER |
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UCF is part of NASA Cassini mission that reveals new details about Saturn’s rings |
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A NASA kiszúrt valami furcsa változást a Jupiter mágneses mezejében |
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A New National Historic Site in NASA |
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NASA Just Released 2540 Breathtaking New Photos of Mars They Are Absolute Stunner |
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Why NASA sent human sperm to space |
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NASA Challenge Aims To Grow Human Tissue To Aid In Deep |
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NASA: Star Trek a ajuns pe Marte! HOROSCOPUL LUI DOM’ PROFESOR |
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NASA descubre logotipo de Star Trek en Marte |
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NASA Needs 20 Billion in Additional Funding to Reach Moon by 2024 June 14 2019 at 1:43 pm |
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NASA скрыло появление НЛО рядом с орбитальной космической станцией |
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На снимках NASA замечен НЛО похожий на ангела который летит в сторону Земли |
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NASA создало на YouTube круглосуточную трансляцию подготовки к проекту Mars-2020 |
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How NASA’s Spitzer Has Stayed Alive for So Long |
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Spirulina: supermaistas kurį rekomenduoja NASA kosmonautai |
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NASA Astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor Announced as Keynote Speaker at ISS RampD Conference |
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ISS National Lab Joins NASA and Industry Partners at Nasdaq |
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La NASA découvre trois trottinettes abandonnées sur Mars |
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NASA espera lançar telescópio sucessor do Hubble até finais de 2018 |
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NASA Earth View |
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NASA a fost victima unei escrocherii |
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Quijano Vodniza representará a Colombia en evento científico en NASA |
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PDF NASA: The Complete Illustrated History By Michael H Gorn 2008-03-01 Download |
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NASA Pro Racing Series News |
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We’re NASA and We Know It |
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Ariana Grande – NASA dalszöveg fordítás magyarul |
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NASA rover finds clay cache on Mars |
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Educational mission brings NASA to Aurora library – News – Record-Courier |
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NASA’dan Dünya Yörüngesine Ayar Geliyor! |
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Negli ultimi venticinque anni non tutte le imprese scientifiche hanno avuto successo Subito dopo le prime scoperte degli esopianeti sono stati profusi enormi sforzi nella progettazione e nella ricerca dell’appoggio politico di una sonda che possa rilevare i potenziali gas marcatori biologici nelle atmosfere dei sistemi planetari vicini Gli astronomi europei si stavano concentrando su DARWIN L’idea base della missione prevedeva 4 o 5 sonde spaziali dotate di telescopi con tecnologia di imaging ad alta risoluzione utilizzante l’interferometria ad annullamento La luce stellare raccolta sarebbe stata combinata in modo tale da annullare la luce in asse ma lasciando intatta la potenziale luce del pianeta fuori asse Dopo una serie di studi lunghi oltre un decennio nel 2007 l’ESA interruppe lo sviluppo di DARWIN per l’eccessiva difficoltà Nello stesso periodo furono proposte alla NASA varie versioni del Terrestrial Planet Finder TPF compreso un interferometro ad annullamento e un coronografo Quest’ultimo usa delle ottiche appositamente studiate per ridurre la luce stellare lasciando passare quella eventuale dei pianeti Anche questi progetti furono in seguito annullati Indubbiamente una battuta d’arresto anche peggiore ha interessato la Space Interferometry Mission SIM che doveva cercare i pianeti di massa simile alla Terra nelle zone abitabili delle stelle vicine usando l’astrometria Dopo essere stata rimandata più volte la missione fu infine annullata nel 2010 |
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Humanities First Home on the Red Planet AI SpaceFactory Wins NASA’s Mars 3D-Printed Habitat Contest by Archive |
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Segini biaya yang dibutuhkan NASA untuk terbang ke Bulan |
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NASA taps CMU to develop robots to help turn pits on… |
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NASA’s Spacecraft Orbiting Closer to Asteroid Than Ever Before |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Tekst Piosenki Tłumaczenie na Polski |
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FAKE amp SPIN: Assange kuje NASA-u po Mjesecu |
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La NASA alerta del desprendimiento de un enorme iceberg en la Antártida |
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Mars 2020 Rover By NASA To Explore The Ancient Life On |
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A New View of Exoplanets With NASA’s Upcoming Webb Telescope |
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Educational trip to NASA-2018 |
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Over the school holidays 18 students with 3 staff completed an educational tour to NASA Orlando and Washington |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Тексты песен перевод на русский |
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NASA chce zbudować wielką tarczę kosmiczną która ułatwi wyszukiwanie planet |
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Anta X SEEED 2019 Spring New Men’s Air Cushion Running Shoes NASA Casual Sneakers – Blue/Orange |
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UFO sighting: NASA Curiosity rover areas ‘alien base’ on Mars |
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Ariana Grande – NASA 歌詞中文翻譯 |
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Grizu-263 Uzay Takımı NASA’nın yarışmasında dünya ikincisi oldu |
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Марсіанський вертоліт NASA пройшов чергове випробування відео |
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表面の明るい光点も接近撮影 NASA |
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NASA приступило к финальным тестам марсианского вертолета |
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Mysterious Multiple Objects Appear Moving Towards Earth During NASA Spacewalk Live Stream |
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NASA subspace crew |
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Shouldn’t NASA Get High |
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NASA consigue impresionantes imágenes de Plutón |
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NASA Picture of the Day |
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Entrevista a peruano que trabaja en NASA y dará conferencia en Lima |
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Alice papermodel1:48 1:33 1:24 1:16 1:12 1:8 USA USN DDG Arleigh Burke class destroyer Phalanx CIWS AK-630 AK630 gatling gun Close in weapon system infrared homing SLBM Ballistic air to air SAM ground to air guided missile rocket spaceship plane NASA plan rocket space shuttle Satellite large big scale size model scene army Dioramas diorama Scenes Scenery background base models kit on for sale shop store |
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NASA a dezvăluit un secret în ceea ce privește mirosul planetei Uranus |
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NASA’nın Ay’a gitmek için henüz planı yok |
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The history of NASA Space Suits and their “imperfect” measures |
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„Csillagernyőt” építenek a NASA fejlemény az USA Experience a állt szolgálatba Bábolnán |
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La NASA encuentra la capa de hielo en la superficie de Marte |
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Ariana Grande – NASA เนื้อเพลง แปล ภาษา ไทย |
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NASA’s spacecraft is orbiting closer to an asteroid than ever before |
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NASA Watch |
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Energy Psychology – NASA – Edgar Mitchell and Noetic Sciences |
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Cómo acceder a toda la biblioteca de vídeos e imágenes de la NASA gratis |
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NASA scientists fear hibernated Opportunity rover might not phone home ever |
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NASA: Χρειάζονται 20-30 δις για επανδρωμένη αποστολή στην Σελήνη το 2024 |
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“NASA” Mars atmosferində uçuş üçün pilotsuz vertolyot yaradıb |
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NASA halla insólita estructura piramidal en planeta enano Ceres |
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Soon NASA will open International Space Station for tourists |
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Η πολιτική και η φιλοσοφία του Ερασιτεχνική Αστρονομία Αστροφωτογραφία Αστροφωτογράφιση Αστροφωτογράφηση Web Camera Τηλεσκόπιο Τηλεσκόπια Ουρανός Κιάλια Επεξεργασία Επεξεργασία Εικόνας Unsharp Mask Αστροφυσική Κοσμολογία Διάστημα Παρατηρήσεις Εξορμήσεις DSLR CCD Συζητήσεις Προσοφθάλμια Γαλαξίες Νεφαλώματα Autoguiding Οδηγητικό Οδηγητικό Τηλεσκόπιο Webcam ToUcam IRIS Photoshop PHD Guiding Αστρονομικοί Σύλλογοι Αστρονομικός Εξοπλισμός Αστρονομικοί Χάρτες Αστρονομία στην Ελλάδα Μαθηματικά Φυσική Προβληματισμοί Χαλαρά Ανακοινώσεις Φιλοσοφία Στοχασμοί Ακαδημαϊκά Έρευνα Διαστήματος Πλανήτες Πλανητική Φωτογράφιση Ηλιακό Σύστημα Τεχνικές Λήψης Αστερισμοί Αστρικά Σμήνη Τοπία Astronomy Astronomy in Greece Telescope Telescopes Astrophotography Planets Physics Astrophysics Mathematics Star Charts Galaxies Nebula Nebulae Constelations Autoguiding Image Processing NASA APOD LPOD Andromeda Barlow SBIG Space Moon Cassini Hubble |
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NASA Research Park |
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Βγήκε από το ηλιακό σύστημα το Voyager 1 της NASA |
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NASA’nın uydu yarışmasına Türk |
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NASA omagiază personalităţile din umbră ale cuceririi spaţiale americane |
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ScienceWe are NASA Flight Directors Ask us anything! |
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Global Warming Statistics 2017 as Provided by Scientists from NASA |
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NASA зацікавилося можливостями видобутку палива з марсіанської атмосфери |
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Lo absurdo de “La NASA gasta millones de dólares buscando vida en Marte mientras aquí millones mueren de hambre” |
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NASA Visitor Center Locations |
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NASA halla en Plutón un elemento clave para la vida Márquez pierde su investidura de congresista |
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Cientistas da NASA e da ESA desmentem ufólogo brasileiro que vende falsas descobertas de vida em Marte |
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¿Agua en Marte O mera propaganda de NASA para el nuevo film de Hollywood |
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NASA said the chief to return astronauts to the Moon would cost 30 billion |
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NASA Pressured by Trump Official on Climate Change Stance |
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La NASA appelle Lapin découvert vie sur Mars par la NASA rover Opportunity 2015 |
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Confirman en México tres muertos por una agresiva bacteria resistente a los en ruinas sobre la Luna ¿ocultó la NASA ese hallazgo |
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Un Professeur chercheur à la NASA dépose plainte contre le général Khaled Nezzar et ses enfants pour escroquerie |
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NASA’s Spitzer Captures Stellar Family Portrait |
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NASA kosmik turizmə başlayır: Yerdən 350 kilometr yüksəklikdə |
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NASA готується відновити польоти на Місяць вже у 2020 році |
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NASA presenta nuevas imágenes con mejor resolución del Planeta Plutón |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Text Piesne Preklad v Slovensky |
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Why NASA astronauts brought this fidget spinner with them to space |
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Post-doctoral researcher in Planetary Science NASA Goddard Space Flight in The Astrophysical Journal April 23rd 2019: |
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Donstronomy: Trump attacks NASA and claims the Moon is ‘a part’ of Mars |
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NASA Funds Aviation Research on a New Fuel Concept Using Cryogenics |
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Conspiracy Talk: US Navy NASA Ball Earth flatearth corruption money |
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NASA and MIT are studying a flexible wing |
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Wie man SpaceX beim Start des neuen Planetenjagdsatelliten der NASA beobachtet |
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NASA: ΘΑ ΧΡΕΙΑΣΤΕΙ 20-30 ΔΙΣ ΓΙΑ μια επανδρωμένη αποστολή στη Σελήνη το 2024 |
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Demplot Budidaya Cabe Organik NASA |
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From NASA to the OR: How to launch on-time starts |
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NASA’s F-1 Engine: Propelling Apollo |
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Niño chiapaneco viaja a EEUU para recibir capacitación de la NASA |
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NASA Sees Strong Storms in Developing Gulf System 91L |
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NASA Spots ‘Star Trek’ Image on Mars Surface |
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NASA cho du khách lên tham quan Trạm vũ trụ quốc tế từ năm 2020 |
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Budidaya Jagung Hibrida dengan Pupuk NASA |
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News NASA Takes Tropical Cyclone’s Vayu’s of Multiple Unmonitored Coal Ash Spills Found in NC Lake |
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NASA and Cicoil celebrate 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Space Mission |
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Airocide – Designed by NASA |
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El hacker que vio todos los secretos ovni de la NASA |
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NASA and Cicoil celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 9 Space Mission |
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Inky Book Recommendations amp NASA Space Travel |
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Da brillante stratega qual’è nella nuova Breakthrough Starshot Milner ha voluto personaggi di prim’ordine: nel consiglio di amministrazione ha confermato Stephen Hawking e cooptato Mark Zuckerberg fondatore e presidente di Facebook mentre ha dato l’incarico di direttore a Pete Worden che per questo ha rinunciato a un analogo incarico presso l’Ames Research Center della NASA Milner si avvale inoltre di un gruppo di consiglieri di chiara fama tra i quali da Harvard l’astronomo Avi Loeb dall’Inghilterra l’Astronomo Reale Martin Rees da Berkeley il Nobel Saul Perlmutter da Princeton Freeman Dyson matematico ed esponente di primo piano del SETI e Ann Druyan vedova di Carl Sagan e produttrice della serie televisiva “Cosmos a Spacetime Odissey” |
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क्या NASA ने की थी Moon Landing की साज़िश The Truth of NASA’s Moon Landing |
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Next NASA Mars mission to serve as pathfinder for astronauts |
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NASA welcomes holiday-makers to space |
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Telescopio Hubble de la NASA descubre la galaxia más distante jamás captada |
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La mayor cacería de planetas alienígenas de la NASA ha comenzado: “Descubriremos mundos extraños y fantásticos” |
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Ariana Grande – NASA الترجمة كلمات عربية |
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La NASA convoca a mexicanos a participar en producción de cortometrajes |
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Od příštího roku zpřístupní NASA mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici dění |
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NASA Launches Rocket to Study Auroras |
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NASA odnalazła symbol Star Treka na Marsie |
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Per questi progetti sono state spese enormi quantità di tempo ed energia dei ricercatori oltre a milioni di dollari e di euro È un vero peccato considerando tutti gli altri interessanti progetti alternativi che avrebbero potuto essere finanziati Dovremmo porci degli obiettivi più realistici e imparare dalle missioni di successo come Kepler della NASA che fu concepita e sviluppata nello stesso periodo Un aspetto fondamentale dell’adozione di Kepler da parte della NASA fu la dimostrazione tramite gli esperimenti a terra di Bill Borucki e colleghi del fatto che la tecnologia era pronta Una missione viene infatti approvata solo se si ritiene che ne sia garantito il successo È questo aspetto che ha affossato DARWIN e il TPF ed è lo stesso che mi preoccupa quando penso ai nuovi concetti base di sonde molto intelligenti come il grande occultatore esterno per la missione New Worlds Forse non sono abbastanza sognatore In ogni caso come insegna Kepler i tempi d’attesa delle grandi missioni spaziali sono molto lunghi Ne consegue che per i prossimi 25 anni sarà molto improbabile che venga lanciata una missione spaziale per cercare i gas marcatori biologici nelle atmosfere dei pianeti simili alla Terra Se sono fortunato riuscirò a vederla prima di morire Detto questo la mia idea è: partiamo da terra! |
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NASA WorldWind Project to the WorldWindJS library |
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La NASA revela que viajar a la Luna costará entre 20000 y 30000 millones de dólares |
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Kesaksian Budidaya Tanaman Kopi NASA Temanggung |
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NASA astronaut snaps AWE INSPIRING aurora photograph from Worldwide Area Station |
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NASA Tour For Students |
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NASA Media |
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Carbon Dioxide is a Cooling Gas According to NASA |
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NASA discovers Star Trek symbol on rings reveals clues to their killed by superbug found in ‘Donated’ stool parrot adorably plays with piece of cow learns how to smoothly deal with corn in a bag |
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NASA Explores Our Changing Freshwater World |
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Es una venezolana quien comanda el Laboratorio de Realidad Virtual de la NASA |
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NASA’nın Mars 2020 misyonu Ölüm Vadisi’ne düşürüldü |
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NASA Live: Earth From Space – |
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Want To Know Your Horoscope From NASA Astrology Data And From… |
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NASA poprvé v historii vyfotila sonický třesk dvojice nadzvukových stíhaček |
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NASA’s Fermi Mission Reveals its Highest-energy Gamma-ray Bursts |
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В NASA хотят затемнить звезды при помощи щита для лучшего поиска экзопланет |
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India’s Anti-satellite Missile Creates Threat to ISS says NASA |
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Solar System Exploration News from NASA |
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NASA Proposal Call – NASA Calls for Proposals to Stimulate Sustainable Demand for Low-Earth Orbit Services |
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Na kolik přijde návrat Američanů na Měsíc NASA prý bude potřebovat dalších 20 až 30 miliard dolarů |
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NASA a asistat la naşterea unei insule în Pacificul de Sud care a surprins savanţii ”Eram ca nişte copii bezmetici” |
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Ariana Grande – NASA şarkı sözleri türkçe çeviri |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Songtekst Vertaling Nederlands |
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60-jarig jubileum van NASA: Alles over het verleden het heden en de toekomst van het ruimteagentschap |
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La NASA llevará turistas al espacio ¿quieres saber cómo ser uno de ellos |
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Původní video z Měsíce je navždy ztraceno NASA kazety „omylem“ smazala |
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NASA kids |
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Tutorials Software Shock amp Vibration Training Course The next course date is TBD Location: Near the Huntsville Alabama airport Best Western Plus Madison – Huntsville Hotel 9035 Madison Blvd Hwy 20 West Madison AL 35824 Formerly The Inn at Madison Data Analysis Services Digital Audio Recording amp Editing Services Newsletters Acoustics This site is sponsored by Tom Irvine Vibrationdata 136 Wellington Dr Madison Alabama 35758 I still maintain the Vibrationdata website but I am now a full-time employee of Blue Origin I also serve as an industry representative to the NASA Engineering amp Safety Center Cell Phone: 256-924-8860 Email: tomirvinemailorg Please recommend this site by clicking on the Google 1 Button Tom’s Facebook Profile Tom’s Google Profile Tom’s NASA Profile Tom’s LinkedIn Profile Vibrationdata Python Vibrationdata Blog Conferences Aerospace Technical Workshops Shock amp Vibration Symposium |
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An Amazing Look Inside NASA’s Unseen Archive |
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NASA’s Internet Beaming Drone |
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Cum se vede Pamantul de pe Marte: NASA face publice primele imagini facute de Curiosity in directia noastra FOTO |
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NASA zaprasza na ISS |
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Should NASA’s Human Spaceflight Strategy Be To Explore Or Pioneer |
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Where On Earth Are NASA’s Rovers Sending Pictures From Devon Island Canada |
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NASA Mars 2020 to explore ancient life – Prothom Alo English |
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NASA’s New Space Mugs Share an Unfortunate Resemblance |
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The daring maneuver brings the orbiter NASA asteroid closer than ever |
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Daring maneuver brings NASA’s orbiter closer to an asteroid than ever before |
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Use NASA’s WorldWind library from a CDN |
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Улицу где находится штаб-квартира NASA переименовали в честь женщин-математиков |
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NASA to Partner with American Industry to Supply Artemis Moon Missions |
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Mars Explorers Wanted czyli 8 plakatów do pobrania prosto z NASA |
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Ariana Grande – NASA 日本語 歌詞 和訳 |
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Kokius tinklus suka nuo narkotikų apsvaigę vorai Šis klausimas labai rūpėjo NASA inžinieriams |
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You Don’t Need NASA Grade Servers amp It Does Not Cost Thousands Of Dollars To Set Up A Site! |
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Antiarrugas al servicio de la NASA |
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NASA potvrdila: Marihuana obsahuje mimozemskou DNA která nepochází ze Sluneční soustavy |
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Oslavte Den Země na sociálních sítích společně s NASA |
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É possível que a NASA tenha destruído evidências de vida em |
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NASA revela que la Luna sufre sismos constantes y se está encogiendo |
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Огнеупорный костюм от разработчиков NASA для спасения в лесных пожарах |
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Any opinions findings conclusions or recommendations presented at http://disccrsorg are only those of the grantees researcher or authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF or NASA |
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NASA issued a description of the man driving on the moon |
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA |
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NASA Geological Training |
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Rimanendo in un futuro prossimo la realtà virtuale resa possibile dalla miniaturizzazione e dai microsatelliti potrebbe giocare un ruolo importante nell’esplorazione di Marte Emily Lakdawalla della Planetary Society scrive in un articolo apparso su Nautilus dal titolo “Ecco cosa faremo nello Spazio tra un secolo” che corpi robotizzati non hanno necessità né d’acqua né di un rifugio Installare robot sulla superficie di Marte in funzione di avatar di esseri umani ospitati in stazioni orbitali ci permetterebbe di esplorare e mappare vasti territori con rischi minimi per la vita Stiamo parlando di costruire infrastrutture che col tempo potrebbero essere distribuite ovunque nel Sistema Solare Una sorta di Marte virtuale che non dovrebbe affatto piacere a Elon Musk data la sua intenzione di camminare sulla superficie marziana un giorno o l’altro e considerata la crescita dello Spazio come nuova frontiera del commercio è possibile che compagnie private arrivino sulla superficie del pianeta prima delle missioni robotizzate della NASA o dell’ESA come immaginate da Lakdawalla Ma di sicuro qui si può individuare una miscela razionale di umano e robotico Non riusciremo mai a domare lo spirito di ricerca che spinge qualcuno di noi a insistere per la realizzazione di missioni pilotate – e nemmeno dovremmo farlo – ma le missioni robotizzate con i loro indiscutibili vantaggi eserciteranno di sicuro una grande influenza nella creazione di una presenza umana sulla superficie o nell’orbita di qualsiasi corpo celeste andremo a esplorare |
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Thorium: The NASA Story |
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Our research has been made possible by support and funding from: NSF CNS1704701 IIS1563816 IIS1551614 TWC1526254 IIS1217559 NIH 1-U54EB020404-01 DARPA NASA Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Google Symantec Yahoo Intel Microsoft eBay Amazon LogicBlox LexisNexis Dean’s Award James C Edenfield Faculty Fellowship Raytheon Faculty Fellowship |
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Captan imágenes de lo que pudiera ser el primer OVNI construido por la NASA |
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NASA: Το Mars 2020 rover θα δώσει κρίσιμες απαντήσεις για μία επανδρωμένη αποστολή στον Άρη |
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NASA Open ISS For tourism 2020 |
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NASA Taps 11 American Companies to Advance Human Lunar Landers |
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140000 visuals of outer space are free to the public in NASA’s image library ∞ |
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El 4 de diciembre de 1995 fueron premiados por el Programa de la ONU para el Medio Ambiente UNEP por su contribución a la protección de la capa de ozono Recibió además los premios Tyler 1983 y Essekeb1987 que concede la American Chemical Society el Newcomb-Cleveland de la Asociación Americana para el avance de la Ciencia 1987 por un artículo publicado en la revista Science que explicaba sus trabajos sobre la química del agujero de ozono en la Antártida y la medalla de la NASA 1989 en reconocimiento a sus logros científicos |
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1961 Гагарин: Поехали! 2011 NASA: Приехали |
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NASA Summer Project Underway at College |
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Produk Unggulan Baru NASA Tahun 2017 |
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NASA’s Next Space Station LOP-G – was the Deep Space Gateway |
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NASA Moon Tunes: Help Curate NASA’s Next Moon Spaceflight Playlist |
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NASA Careers Landing Page |
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NASA Opens International Space Station to New Commercial Opportunities Private Astronauts |
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Rowan-Cabarrus student selected for NASA onsite experience |
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Filipino Girl Who Hated Math Now Works As NASA Engineer |
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11 Read NASA Web server logs |
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La NASA presenta un mapa de riesgo de deslizamientos de tierra en tiempo real |
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Ariana Grande – NASA 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 |
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NASA Moon landing: Astronaut Michael Collins held THIS Apollo 11 photo secret for 50 years – Expresscouk |
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Get the latest breakthroughs from NASA amp other technology sources |
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Qualsiasi cosa accada con la ricerca degli esopianeti dallo spazio i telescopi a terra si faranno strada nella caratterizzazione dei pianeti simili al nostro Ciò non toglie la necessità delle missioni spaziali Innanzitutto non ho reso giustizia ai dati fantastici e rivoluzionari che ci fornirà il JWST Poi una serie di missioni dedicate ai transiti la TESS della NASA che verrà lanciata nel 2017 e le CHEOPS e PLATO dell’ESA 2018 e 2024 scopriranno tutti i sistemi planetari vicini in transito un prerequisito fondamentale per gran parte di quanto fin qui abbiamo discusso Soprattutto le misurazioni da terra non potranno darci un quadro completo delle atmosfere dei pianeti semplicemente perché gran parte degli spettri non sono da qui accessibili Pertanto la prova definitiva della vita extraterrestre verrà probabilmente da una missione spaziale del genere di DARWIN o TPF Il rilevamento da terra dell’acqua nell’atmosfera di un pianeta terrestre aprirebbe delle porte presso i politici ma della massima importanza sarà il giusto tempismo di tali missioni Puntando troppo in alto e troppo presto si perderebbe molto tempo e denaro a spese del progresso nella ricerca degli esopianeti Sognare è bello ma senza dimenticare di restare realistici |
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UPDATE: NASA’s First All-Female Spacewalk Cancelled |
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NASA ’nın Model Uydu Yarışmasında Zirveyi Türk Üniversiteleri Parselledi |
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Evento de ciências da NASA será realizado em Jundiaí |
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NASA and the Artemis Vision: Go to the moon to stay |
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NASA’s InSight Lander Will Tell Us How Mars was Formed |
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NASA: Star Trek a ajuns pe Marte! HOROSCOPUL LUI DOM’ |
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FLORIDA 佛羅里達州 親子自由行。DAY 3 – 來NASA看很多太空人的故事 / 甘迺迪航天中心 Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex |
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NASA neemt je in 60 seconden mee langs de bewolkte aarde |
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Звездный щит: как NASA планирует затмить звезды |
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NASA to seek proposals for Gateway logistics |
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Ariana Grande – NASA 한국어 가사 번역 |
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Actividad OVNI durante trasmisión de la NASA VÍDEO |
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E oficial: NASA permite accesul turiștilor pe Stația Spațială Internațională |
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NASA Videos: |
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NASA neden Mars’taki robotunu suya göndermedi |
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Copper3D wins new grant from NASA for antimicrobial 3D printing |
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Ed: It’s an honor and privilege to be invited by the Richmond Amateur Radio Club to speak this evening about my life Russia and Ham radio In the early 1990’s Phil and I started to explore business opportunities that turned into a remarkable Russian Ham radio journey for both of us I was returning to a place I had left and never thought I would go back to For Phil he experienced Russian people their incredible history and a wonderful culture he never expected Phil: As a child of the 1950’s – 1960’s Cold War fear distrust and near hatred of that dark place known as Russia was my image In constant fear of Russian nuclear attack people built Fallout Shelters in their backyards My school had a fully equipped Fall Out shelter in the basement We drilled on when seeing a bright light flash to duck under our desks and cover our heads We were issued Dog Tags so the government could identify our bodies Radio TV and Newspapers reported the historic events of that time instilled a justified dread of Communism in American youth The generation before mine fought Communism in Korea my generation fought it in Vietnam I stepped forward to do my part and Ed NT2X fought Communism with Ham Radio Ed: I was born in 1960 in Leningrad now called St Petersburg My mother taught English to high school students my father taught Russian language and literature I started to learn English at 7 years old not knowing how important this was later in my American life and Ham radio In 1979 under the pressure from the United States and other nations Russia’s borders opened slightly enough for my Jewish family and me to leave With no passport to come back carrying our worldly possessions which would fit in a few suitcases renouncing our Soviet citizenship and paying an enormous exit fee we left My father had passed away prior to our exit We were reunited with family members in New York For 20 years I worked as a computer programmer in NY financial industry I proudly became an American citizen in 1985 and it’s the only citizenship I possess and there is none better on this planet I got my American Novice license in 1981 and upgraded to my current Extra call NT2X in 1984 I was fortunate to operate from a number of DX locations over my 40 years as a ham Those interested are invited to look up my QRZcom entry At 14 years old I was introduced to Ham radio at a summer Russian radio club camp I was hooked for life! As a teen the only important things in my life were school food sleep and Ham radio in reverse order In the USSR Ham radio clubs were the center of ham activities Many clubs were part of high schools universities work places and Young Pioneers centers Young Pioneers were similar to American Boy Scouts The journey starts with passing a short wave listener’s license test To get on the air from a club station one had to possess at least a shortwave listener call It entitled you to operate a club station and send out SWL QSL cards It was not a bad idea overall To become a successful operator one had to be patient learn about propagation listen to the real hams speaking to each other to learn the etiquette and good operating manners from others In the beginning I did not know Morse code and was quite happy with listening to the Soviet stations working each other and the world on SSB and AM My Young Pioneer House was 1000 feet from where I lived If the lights were on that meant the station was on the air and I would run over That station call was UK1BCG later to become UZ1AWL This is a photo of the radio I operated These were made in the 50’s and 60’s and were once used by the Russian Army It had no SSB only AM but some operators actually could read what the SSB station was saying without the 2nd heterodyne to turn the squawking sounds into intelligible speech Not me This is also the station I got my first VHF contesting experience as well You are looking at the radio ampnbspThis is modified Russian Army tank equipment from the 40’s or 50’s where you had to swap quartz crystals in order to QSY to other 2 meter or 70 cm frequencies All Hams and radio clubs were part of the DOSAAF This stood for: Volunteer Society Assisting Army Air Force and Navy The Soviet State viewed Hams as an asset pool of radio operators for the USSR’s military I left Russia before I got drafted into the military QSL Cards were SWL’s source of pride In those days I didn’t have my own There was no place I could go to get them printed Printing was something done for official purposes These were the days before copy machines and personal computers remember A DOSAAF-affiliated club could easily order them but to do it privately you had to have BIG connections or use standard-issue QSLs provided by the Central Radio Club of the USSR You put your stamp on them and it became your card The stamp took few months to arrive again ordered through the Central Radio Club in Moscow My cards were initially hand made using a piece of paper and a typewriter we owned The ‘UA’ letters were carefully cut from the pencil eraser piece of rubber the rest of the digits were purchased at the office supply store Here is a USSR SWL card Phil received In 1978 at the age of 18 after years of being a Short Wave listener struggling to learn Morse Code and studying technical material I took my Ham radio examination I took the test with a number of teen friends We all passed and were jumping for joy It was the happiest exciting days of my life! As the weeks went by all my friends received their new licenses I didn’t More time went by I needed to find out what the problem was I did I was denied a license Committee of State Security better known as the KGB did not approve of me At 18 years old they apparently had a folder on me I wasn’t an Enemy of the State but I did have my late dad’s relatives living in the United States They saw me as a teenage threat to the security of the Soviet Union I was devastated and traumatized by the experience My dreams of being a Ham radio operator after working so hard toward that goal for years dreaming every day about operating my own ham station had vanished forever! I couldn’t be consoled I didn’t make it public knowledge but told few people I trusted When my mother spoke of leaving Russia – my Ham radio pain gave me little to quarrel against the decision Phil: I have a Message for the members of Richmond Amateur Radio Club from Rick Palm K1CE of the American Radio Relay League who traveled to Moscow in the early 1990’s at the request of Ed NT2X who arranged details Rick helped Russian Hams develop and implement the Russian Amateur Radio Emergency Service still operating to this day which is a mirror image of the ARRL’s ARES It was my great pleasure and privilege to work with Ed NT2X and also Andy RW3AH Andy UA3AB and Romeo 3W3RR on the ARES project in Russia during the last days of Communism back in 1991 They were as excited about the project as I was I spoke at a Ham radio conference in Leningrad met with ministers from the government’s telecommunication administration and met with the Box 88 staff The real credit goes to Ed for arranging everything and getting us together Hearing from Phil this week brought back a lot of wonderful memories from that trip I was happy to hear that the Russian ARES program is alive and well After I got back home I was called in to be interviewed by an agent from the CIA Two weeks later was the historic failed coup attempt and the resulting end of Communism in Russia and the USSR Those were heady days! Thank you Phil and Ed and thanks to all of the members of RARC and their guests in the audience for your interest in ARES in Russia! Phil: In 1991 Gorbachev the new President of the USSR made an effort to create better relations with the United States The Russian people were boiling over with resentment towards the old 1950’s style Communist form of government He ordered Glasnost meaning openness and Perestroika meaning restructuring Restructuring included privatizing government owned business and allowing foreign partnerships and western business investment Russia was open to travel for people from the United States This didn’t meet with the approval of the hard line Communists Gorbachev was playing a very dangerous game! Seeing a business opportunity I contacted Ed we started a consultant firm to bring American business and investment to Russia The first necessary thing to do was for Ed to travel to Russia and do an exploratory study of business possibilities Ed was understandably reluctant but showed great courage knowing the KGB already had a file on him He went to Russia Within the first few days in Moscow the Russian Communist hardliners kidnapped President Gorbachev and his wife and attempted to overthrow the current government and return to Iron Grip Communist control You can read the history of this event in tonight’s handout of Ed’s brave role in the Coup operating UA3A/NT2X November 1991 QST Had the Coup succeeded Ed along with all the Russian Hams who participated would have most likely been dealt with very harshly – long prison or death sentences for treason Ed NT2X could have been labeled an American spy and imprisoned or worse He’s too modest to accept much credit or accolades but he fought for freedom with Russian Hams for the people of Russia He risked everything including his life for democracy Democracy in Russia and the defeat of Communism for which so many American lives had been forfeited Shortly thereafter the new Russian Federation honored Ed NT2X by issuing him a Russian Ham radio license with the call sign RV7AA Ed was the first non-Russian citizen ever granted a Ham license in Russia the license so unfairly denied him as a teenager! I was excited about making my first trip to Russia my XYL Louisa KB2NKQ was a nervous wreck! I had applied for permission to operate Ham radio in Russian Here is the cover letter that went with my application I was thrilled when I learned my application was approved! My Russian Ham license Ed phoned me and said to be sure to bring a First Aid Kit He told me to bring Hydrogen Peroxide Rubbing Alcohol Band Aids Aspirin Gauze Medical Tape and so on He said Phil there are no CVS or Rite Aid stores in Russia And the hospitals are 40 years behind the US They don’t have CAT Scans or MRIs they have X-Ray machines They don’t have modern medical supplies and drugs There is a long wait for an ambulance Lets hope we don’t get into a car accident I asked about hotel reservations Ed told me there are very few hotels in Russia and they are very expensive Very few businessmen traveled there tourism is very limited and its best to be a guest in a Russian home We were staying at Jacob’s UA1FA’s apartment Welcome to Russia of 1992 Ed: Post WWII Ham radio in the USSR under the Communist Iron Fist control was like nothing you could imagine The USSR hams were not permitted to have any QSO’s with capitalistic countries To prove you were not in contact with the proverbial enemy capitalists USSR hams had their logs inspected every six months This limitation was lifted in the early 70’s All QSL’s in and out of the USSR were handled by the government controlled CRC Central Radio Club and they used the central address Box 88 Moscow If a banned country sent you a QSL card via Box 88 you risked license suspension In the 60’s and early 70’s QSO’s were limited to Soviet Soviet block Eastern European countries and nations friendly with the USSR If caught dealing with direct QSLing your license was immediately suspended for three months or worse You could never receive IRC or money in the mail for QSLing If anyone possessed more than 2500 they were considered a major criminal with the potential of a long prison sentence Getting DX cards in the USSR was not easy! DXCC was initially impossible and the government came up with awards for working different areas of the USSR and so-called friendly nations Back in the 50’s if you were in the Russian military you had to surrender your ham license and/or could not apply for one The prohibition went into effect in 1949 when the Military Chief of the Soviet Long Range Aviation by the name of Nick Baikuzov UA3AG/am went on the air during the inspection trip around the country or so the legend goes The Soviet counterintelligence people thought that American Central Intelligence Agency would derive intel value from his announced stopover places You could not have a callsign if you had any sort of work or service security clearance Keeping track of Ham radio happenings in the USSR was never simple The only 2 sources of official information were the Radio Magazine articles of which were for many years translated by W4KM for the League and weekly On The Ham Bands column in the all-Union newspaper Soviet Patriot Anything else was derived off the air Language was a major obstacle it still is but now we have Google and even Google Translator Tom Frenaye K1KI was publishing a paper bulletin about Ham happenings in Russia It was mailed to a number of US hams interested in the subject Here’s a sample of what it looked like Phil: 1992 – Business preparation for Russia – I thought it would be a great idea to meet with some Russian officials posted in New York to discuss our Russian business plan Ed was not too sure! I went ahead and phoned the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations I easily secured an appointment with Vadim Smirnov Senior Counsellor of Public Affairs Meeting Ed in NYC we stood in front of the Russian Mission on East 67th Street A very imposing gray building with a 10 foot black spear tipped steel fence surround it Ed paused and said to me I don’t think I should go in there! Phil I left Russia without serving my two years in the Russia Army It was a bureaucratic error at my age I should not have been allowed to leave Russia until after my military service I’m a Russian Draft Dodger! Once I go in there I am in official Russian territory I said Ed they want to have a good relationship with the United States They’re not going to kidnap an American citizen on East 67th Street I am not leaving this joint without you! Now what They kidnapped two Americans in Manhattan We pressed the intercom button announced who we were and the electric front gate opened We stepped into Russian Territory with the steel gate slamming shut behind us with the sound of a prison jail cell They ushered us into a small waiting room Ed eyed the surveillance camera mounted on the wall and whispered to me They are watching us they are probably listening to us so keep your mouth shut! We met with Mr Smirnov charming friendly and excited about what we had to say He prepared a list for us of people we should consider meeting with in Moscow We concluded our meeting with handshakes and took our leave Once on the sidewalk the steel gate slammed shut behind us Ed smiled for the first time that day and said Lets get some lunch! Ed: The USSR QSL Bureau and CRC occupied an entire building in Moscow and had a sizeable staff It also had an actual PO Box The late Leo UA3DR took me in to the Central Post Office to show me the infamous Box 88 This is the first time photos of Box 88 have ever been shown in public This is where incoming mail from the world over would be deposited for the CRC and subsequently to the amateurs of the Soviet Union Any QSL’s that came with money or IRCs were seized and taken by the CRC IRC’s were used for CRC’s outgoing postage and the cash was deposited in the CRC bank account and used by functionaries who traveled to IARU Conferences abroad Russian hams never saw any of this Nothing went to waste Stamps were cut off the envelopes and the famous Ernst Krenkel RAEM who was also the President of the Soviet Philatelic Society would periodically come by and pick them up for his own collection This happened in the 60’s and apparently continued into the 70’s and beyond In the late 1980’s I came up with a way to by-pass Box 88 There were small local regional QSL Bureaus throughout the USSR They used these for USSR Hams to QSL each other These addresses were published only in a single Russian-language publication and were not known outside of the USSR It took me a few years of searching and collecting information from various sources to put together a complete list I later released the list world wide Italian Radio Rivista the major Ham journal of Italy published the list naming me as the source This notice of direct USSR QSLing spread like wild fire around the Ham radio world Years later a Russian Ham buddy told me that this drove the CRC nuts! They were beginning to lose their grip and control of Ham QSLing He told me they were screaming Who is NT2X! How did he get this secret list Who paid him to do this He told me Ed you made them absolutely crazy! I had a good laugh Phil: My first trip to Russia We flew from JFK NY to Helsinki and then on to St Petersburg Russia on FinnAir We arrived in St Petersburg and deplaned onto the tarmac and found ourselves walking about 50 yards to the terminal building entrance Looking up there was a very huge Crested Hammer amp Sickle We walked between two columns of Russian Army soldiers ten feet apart with AK-47’s at the ready We claimed our baggage and got through Customs We were met by Jacob UA1FA and a dozen other Hams were there to greet Ed Some took a day off from work After hugs and laughter I was introduced to everyone This is a photo looking back at the front of the airport with another Crested Hammer amp Sickle We drove to Jacob’s apartment building in St Petersburg It was shocking to see how badly the roads were potholed Our driver had to maneuver the car constantly left and right to avoid the potholes We arrived at his apartment building a four-sided square You drove through an archway to an inner courtyard I was stunned at how dilapidated the buildings were The center of the courtyard must have once been very beautiful with lawns and flower gardens and a children’s playground Now it was all muddy dirt the playground was destroyed with only one chain connected to a piece of wood that used to be a swing With no upkeep the inner area of the building was a disaster The entrance to the apartment building had a single light which was a light bulb screwed into a socket hanging by its wire The door had several glass panes missing and pieces of plywood replaced the glass Jacob’s apartment was on the 10th floor The elevators were out of order Ed and I carried two heavy suitcases each up 10 flights of stairs Half the elevators in St Petersburg only work half the time It was mind boggling that this was the Russia that our generation so feared A country literally falling apart at the seams Russian frustration at having all their wealth and the nation’s resources being plowed into the military space program and the pockets of an elite corrupted Communist inner group The real stunner was entering Jacob’s apartment The carpet was plush the apartment was spotless beautifully decorated wonderfully furnished On Jacob’s big screen HDTV I couldn’t believe my eyes It was CNN from Atlanta I met Jacob’s wife Natasha a warm and sweet woman Seated in Natasha’s kitchen my first Russian dinner was a tasty hot bowl of Georgian Stew The next day a cold and cloudy day St Petersburg being at the same latitude as Alaska Natasha wanted me to walk with her to show me her small neighborhood Russian Orthodox Church The church was amazing with religious paintings on the ceiling walls and Icons everywhere I recall how happy she was about the change in Russia that Hams of Russia had brought about She said Now that the Communists are not in power people might no longer be afraid to go to the church As Americans religious freedom bred into our very blood to hear a statement like that was so profound – it is something I’ll never forget Without it being an exaggeration Russian Hams helped deliver religious freedom to Russia I would like to show the jewelry box she gave me That evening a discussion was held about religion in Russia To know how badly Jews were persecuted in Russia was an eye opener Both Jacob and Natasha were born in Russia Her Russian Passport read Russian and his read Jewish After the 1967 Middle East war where America’s ally Israel defeated the armies of several Arab States USSR Hams were banned from having QSOs with 4X / 4Z Israeli stations Ed: NT2X was on the air in the 1980’s With a big beam on the roof of my apartment building and a linear amp I was being heard well and was the only active Russian speaking Ham transmitting from the US Soviets could not really provide more than QSO and station data name and QTH on the air Technical discussions were also permitted Discussing anything beyond on any subject matter would be a cause for a 3 month station shutdown There were at least 3 groups of listeners to any activity: Soviet equivalent of the FCC field offices central clubs monitoring services and a group of official observers that would sign their callsign /K K meaning Kontrol All looking for on the air violations by Soviet stations In contrast I held a frequency for hours one USSR QSO after another Unlike today Brooklyn airwaves in mid-80’s until the early 90’s were as clean as a whistle with little or no noise There was always a ton of stations from the Russian side I could easily work 100 UA USSR station in one 20 meter evening The Soviet stations by that time knew who I was and felt at ease It was non-stop barrage of greetings and questions about QSL routes QST and CQ articles contest results licensing reciprocal system third party traffic timid requests for Callbook inclusions it was not allowed at the time I would answer questions about the US QSL bureau system contest results flea markets Dayton Hamvention latest equipment available – answering countless questions Sometimes asked something specific about life in America I would answer with a long transmission release my mic button to total silence I could be in QSO with one Ham not realizing at the time that dozens upon dozens upon dozens were listening in I remember having a QSO with Vlad UW9AR on 20 meters when he went to take a phone call He came back laughing a neighbor was listening to our QSO on a small portable Short Wave radio with a two foot telescoping antenna and was hearing me also I would operate one frequency many hours as the sun would rise across Russia’s 11 times zones Russian hams flooded 20 meters looking to have a QSO with me Interestingly we never never talked about politics at all Someone told me how during an 80 meter Russian Rag Chewing Net someone came on and said Drop everything NT2X is on 20 meters and will answer any questions The net closed down and everyone QSY’ed to 20 meters to talk or listen! I learned that not just Hams were listening Fear ran though the Russian Ham community as the KGB started to interview Hams and non-hams that might know me They wanted to know if I was paid by the CIA to be on the air Did I ever mention I was a CIA agent KGB asked if I might be a CIA agent spreading propaganda over the Ham airwaves Not everyone enjoyed listening to me some must have reported me My KGB file must have gotten thicker after this! As I was becoming known I got to know all the major players in the USSR Ham radio community and the relationship between us grew strong I was to them America and represented the kind of Ham radio freedom they wanted I lived in a small apartment in New York My Ham station was in the corner of a room that my mother slept in I would be having very important Ham conversations with Russia and occasionally wake my mother up She would yell loudly Edward go to bed I had enough of your chatter! Imagine how embarrassing this was to me the esteemed American Mr Goodwill Ambassador being yelled at by his mother over an open mic I like to believe that I opened a lot of eyes in Russia and showed there was another life free of constraints and unnecessary regulations by a government For every Russian Ham that spoke to me or heard me they spoke to dozens of other people about me and America I hoped my words of liberty and life in the USA were spreading far and wide across Russia at a time when there was no Internet Phil: Ed got off the phone with his former St Petersburg school teacher Natalie who had invited us to dinner at her apartment It’s now June White Nights the sun never sets daylight is 24 hours endless Arriving at Natalie’s apartment I was astounded at how large it was – the largest I had ever seen in Russia Very spacious and somewhat luxurious She lived a privileged life She was a highly respected educator her late husband a General in the Russian Army Natalie prepared a wonderful dinner The conversation at dinner was pleasant and consisted of me answering questions about myself Because of her standing she traveled abroad visited a number of western European countries and the United States After dinner we sat in her living room sipping cups of coffee and she engaged me in discussions about the virtues of Communism This went on for hours Glancing at the window seeing only daylight I lost track of time She was a staunch supporter of the Communist government and unsettled about new Russian freedoms I recall much of our conversation but with time limited tonight I’ll just touch on a little She was upset that new freedoms would corrupt the morals of children and young adults She decried the new privatizing of apartments saying Now young couples who are not married can live together in these private apartments This should not be allowed it was not allowed under Communism They had to be legally married before being assigned an apartment by the government! She asked if I believed in God and that Jesus actually lived I told her yes I do believe She said it’s ridiculous a person being able to make dead people come back to life changing water into wine and walking on water It’s all mythology made up It’s the imagination of people 2000 years ago She had recently purchased a Russian language Bible once banned in Communist Russia She found it hard to believe saying Communists do not believe in any Gods or Saints I said If the Communists don’t believe why do I see so many churches all over Russia why didn’t the Communists destroy all the churches She said No no no a people must never never destroy their history their culture The churches are historical sites some are hundreds and hundreds of years old They are part of our history and will never be destroyed Just because you don’t believe or like them it’s a living record of your culture and past for future generations to see You never destroy monuments or the history of your country I told Natalie to keep reading the Bible think about the moral applications and views how they apply to your life and the lives of all Russians – think of it as a test of faith She thought that a different approach and view of the Bible’s writings She said she would think about it But she did say You know only old people go to the churches But they must always be preserved for history We spoke about economics Communism vs Capitalism Private property rights and ownership came up I told her I owned a house and property on Long Island She said no you don’t! I laughed and said Natalie I have a Deed from the local government that says I own the land and the house She said No you think you own the land and the house don’t pay the government property taxes and see how long you own it Under Communism people get a free place to live no rent no bank loan and no property tax and they can live there their entire lives for free I have this apartment for my entire life for free I went on to explain that our government is a Republic we pay taxes we vote people in place to correctly spend our tax money We have great public schools with good teachers We don’t have hundreds of potholes on our streets and all the elevators in buildings work all the time With that she said Oh well and changed the subject I think the pot holes and elevators got to her! The conversation was incredible for both Natalie and myself We both learned I glanced at Ed who fell asleep in a big comfy chair I looked at the window it was still daylight I looked at my watch which was set to NY time and calculated the many time zones and realized it was after 2:00 am I woke Ed and said it’s time to go Natalie and I hugged and she wished me well and told me she loved the company and wished we could talk for five more hours! I did too Again we both learned a great deal Ed: Ham radio is a great hobby but it can be much more Trying to be modest but truth be told I was involved in saving lives I didn’t do it all alone many other Hams around the world helped I was involved in saving a ham’s life from UA4-land who nearly died in an auto accident I was able to dispense medical advice from a doctor in California a successful life saving effort in Russia I helped get an American medical device shipped to Russia to save a life by alleviating cranial pressure In April 1986 I saw the satellite photos of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant burning I went to my Ham radio and immediately on 20 meters there was a big pile-up of European English speaking Hams trying to explain what was happening in Chernobyl to a Ukrainian ham in Kiev who didn’t understand English I jumped in Break – Break and started to explain in Russian! I asked what he knew about this and he replied We know absolutely nothing about this The Communists in Moscow had chosen to hide this from the people allowing thousands to be exposed and die By Ham radio the truth was finally out I want to think that me getting the word out early helped save some people’s lives The rest is history After I left the USSR the only contact I had with Russia was Ham radio It was very unlikely that I would ever be allowed back in Russia With Gorbachev’s reforms that all changed 1991 I was able to travel to Russia to explore business opportunities It was well timed since Romeo was preparing for his upcoming DX-pedition Suddenly the Communist hardliners’ pro-military coup took place in August of 1991 I am sure you have read my QST story on the RARC web site and tonight’s hand-outs about how the Hams of Russia moved and worked together to fight against the coup You had heard what Phil had to say on the subject I did play my part and I’m proud to have kept UA3A/NT2X on the air from Moscowconnecting to the outside world and relaying info all over Russia Back in the USA a friend of ours told me that radio transmission recordings we made were sent to the US Department of State where they were very much interested in learning what was happening in Russia International phone lines were cut off during the coup We were determined to stay on the air as long as we could along with R3A operating from the Russian Parliament building This was an earthquake – it shook the world It was a bit nerve wracking sleepless time full of great risk of life and stress But the coup failed and the entire story is now history! Phil: Before leaving on a solo trip to Moscow hosted by Andy Chesnokov UA3AB Ed phoned and asked me to stop by his home He handed me a package and told me to deliver this to Andy that it was emergency medicine and documentation that was needed badly in Russia and must be delivered It was the winter of 1993 I left JFK landed in Amsterdam and took my flight to Moscow Arriving at Andy’s apartment I found it very typical of small three room apartments in Russia The Ham station was set up in a corner of the living room Andy had a tri-band beam on the roof and a new Yaesu transceiver Andy invited me to use his station I put R3/WB2DHY on the air from Moscow I was a rare prefix the only R3 in the world CQ on 20 CW the pile-up built fast I was featured on Packet Radio DX Clusters everywhere It was a different experience operating from Russia being the DX station It seemed so odd to turn the beam south to work Africa Stations from all over Europe were blasting in I had to often dig the US and VE stations out of the noise! The real surprise was the number of JA’s from Japan calling The pile up was amazing and Andy suggested I work split and I did – it helped a lot Stations were from VU India and that entire region of the world many stations from different regions of Russia I think I spent quite a few hours just running one station after another It was a tremendous feeling of satisfaction joy excitement and fulfillment to be a rare DX station dispensing QSO’s by the hundreds You might wonder why Hams risk life and limb to travel to rare dangerous places to operate a DX-pedition stations Until you experience the incredible euphoria that comes with such operations it is very difficult to comprehend why Hams go to islands with only coconut and palm trees or a frozen tundra with penguins and sea lions Knowing I was going to have a Ham station at my disposal with telephone to the United States most times non-existent I had previously arranged a sked with my two children They were at Rick KC2FD’s home The sked worked perfectly I was in Moscow having a chat with my two children in NY spanning eight time zones I’ve been always grateful for Rick KC2FD’s effort in helping my children speak to their Daddy so far away! Ed: Nothing was more challenging than putting a Ham station together in the USSR before 1991 Transmitters and communication-grade receivers were not for sale Here’s the kind of stations you could find in RussiaYou needed to find Government surplus equipment made available by DOSAAF clubs Some radio equipment was post WWII surplus Many Hams built Transverters using great radios like the R250 and other models This great Military R250 Receivercould be powered off 24 volts 110 volts and 220 volts The USSR and all of the European power grids were 220V how come 110 Russian military communications equipment was designed to work in the United States in case the Russian military landed and established a foothold Russian radios would be ready to be used with the enemy’s power However it remained just wishful thinking In the 1970’s and 80’s Russian Hams quietly built radios and quietly sold them to others ampnbspThe Soviet government frowned on this but could do nothing They wanted to control everything and everyone who had radio equipment Maybe some of you have heard of Russian hams using equipment named after the Russian Hams who designed them UW3DIand RA3AOMy dear friend Jacob Lapovok UA1FA worked at a large Leningrad Science Research facility designing Russian military equipment We met in 1976 but because of his work he could not continue our friendship after I left Russia He was not allowed to be in contact with anyone in the United States We did resume our friendship after he retired in 1990 Jacob is on the right here with George UA1DZ He and his other friend George UA1AB designed and built many transceivers that operated in CW and SSB using easier parts to get in Russia They helped many Russian Hams get on the air Believe it or not the first transceiver I ever laid my eyes on It was made in 1975 by UA1FA and is still working at the club station in St Petersburg One of the most interesting Russian military surplus rigs was called Plamya in Russian which means Flame It was a Navy submarine transmitter that put out 10KW It had several big tubes and was designed to work until all the tubes burnt out! The authorities limited the First Category station power to 200 watts but serious DXers or contesters rarely followed the law The famous 200 Russian watts may have looked like this Ain’t this an eye candy But of course not everyone exceeds power limits The world-wide electronic industry was allowed to offer Ham gear after the 1990’s By then the DOSAAF faded into oblivion and the CRC stopped dictating policy Russia changed dramatically and so did its Ham radio There were some drawbacks As real estate became private holdings and more valuable most Ham radio clubs were forced to close and leave their buildings DOSAAF was replaced by SRR the Union of the Russian Amateurs whose first president was my friend now a SK Larry UA6HZ who also held the American call N2WW The SRR has made many positive changes in Russian Ham radio but the one thing that has not changed is the CW code license requirement Possessing foreign currency was no longer a crime Meeting foreigners no longer immediately put Russian citizens under suspicion With the split of the USSR their ITU callsign letters assignment system have changed yet again divided between former Soviet republics without any concern for the hams Mailing cards to DXers abroad was no longer an issue Callsign databases and Russian Callbooks with full owner names and addresses saw the light The SRR has done a lot of good things for the Russian hams I don’t have all of the details but they now have a callsign system with 1×2 and 2×1 calls for their First Class licensees has gotten them privileges in 1KW legal power permits to operate mobile from the vehicles remote rig internet access established a working QSL bureau system after the Perestroika Currently Russian hams have 2 ‘licenses’: one records your assigned call and license class and another registers the radio or radios you own – with brands and serial numbers recorded You cannot legally operate your home station unless this is a part of your station documentation The state still wants its control over the radio waves Oil wealth and higher gas prices of the 2000’s had a positive impact on the Russian citizens overall Money flowed into Russia earnings went up and many RU hams went abroad on their own doing the coveted DXpeditions and contest operations Some wealthy guys even bought QTHs in places like EA8 Canary Islands and built contesting stations I was once on the air in 2010 from New York and had a string of UA9K UA9L and UA9J in northern Russia call me in rapid succession Every one was loud and everyone had a very well equipped station – big antennas tall towers latest rigs and amps It was amazing what happened in the UA9 region And then it dawned on me – this was oil money Some of it trickled down to regular guys working for the big oil companies in that part of the country It was too obvious What a fine illustration of what was happening in the entire country in the early days of Russian capitalism in the 21st century After notable political events Russia was involved in 2014 and thereafter the above trend had reversed itself Lots of western companies left and the wealth went with them I will leave it at that for now this page in the Book of History is being written as we speak Phil: Back in New York getting ready for another trip with Ed to Russia Ed phoned me excitedly He had been in touch with the ARRL They acted as liaison with the FCC Permission was granted for Ed and me as ARRL-VECs to give the first American Ham Radio examinations to Russian Hams in Moscow The FCC would issue call signs if they passed The Ministry of Radio Television and Communications of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the United States wanted to learn about the American Volunteer Examination program – its preparation support and study system and everything else Ed and I sent study material to Russia covering all classes of Ham licenses In Moscow on June 15th 1993 at 5:00 pm local time Ed and I started administering the examinations to 11 Russian hams under the very close and careful watchful eye of representatives from the Ministry of Radio Television and Communications of the Russian Federation All 11 passed the 5 WPM code test Novice Exam Technician exam 13 WPM code test 20 WPM code test and all but one passed the Advanced exam Giving an hour to conduct the exams we had 10 successful Advanced Class candidates and one General with a 20 WPM CSCE Ed and I were disappointed feeling we didn’t have time to administer the Extra exam The process was a resounding success The Ministry of Radio Television and Communications of the Russian Federation adopted the American VEC method of licensing new hams in the new Russia This method is still in effect today in Russia Ed helped change the old Russian licensing process that so broke his teenage dreams and heart It was abolished! This was big news for Hams in Russia Ed NT2X built a bridge of commonality that still exists between American and Russian Hams It’s the test! The only sad exception is that the US dropped the Morse Code requirement from its testing Ed told me I was invited to meet Musa Manarov U2MIR So who is Musa He is one of the most highly respected Russian Cosmonauts He spent so much time in space absorbed so much radiation that he was forced to retire from Cosmonaut duty At that time he held the record for the longest continuous time in space In the new Russia he had been elected to the Duma which is like our US Congress We arrived at his Moscow apartment He was a very friendly warm sociable person you immediately liked We shared snacks and a few vodka shots He had served in the Russian Air Force flew combat missions in Afghanistan He left the Air Force at the rank of Colonel and became a Cosmonaut He showed us his scrapbook with photos of him in the cockpit of his Mig fighter He was in orbit in the Russian space craft MIR at the time of the first Gulf War when Saddam Hussein’s army invaded Kuwait He showed us photos he took of Kuwait from space You could see hundreds of yellow and orange dots oil wells set on fire by Hussein’s army Musa was part of a team of Russian Cosmonauts who traveled to Houston in an exchange program to train with American Astronauts for future joint space operations He told us how the Americans showed him a ball point pen that was developed by NASA which would write in space a weightless environment Ball point pens fail if you try to write upside down Gravity needs to pull ink into the ball The American electronic pen wrote perfectly upside down and in weightless space Something NASA took pride in having developed Musa asked How much did it cost to develop this pen He was told it was a 25 million dollar research and development project Musa replied That’s a lot of money We use pencils The American Astronauts couldn’t stop laughing! Visiting the Volgograd Amateur Radio Club EW4AA was amazing Our VERY warm greeting by dozens of Russian hams was fantastic When Ed and I arrived the entire club’s business it’s usual meeting was cancelled and all attention was on Ed and me We were treated to snacks and drinks invited to operate their Ham station That is depicted in the photos in the frame They insisted we both sign on the air as R4/WB2DHY the 4 area is Russia’s South just like in the USA and RV7AA We were honored to do so I was asked to place one of my QSL cards on their wall but I had no QSL cards with me So the President of the club insisted I write my call letters on the wall with a felt pen and sign my name I did that to a standing ovation! An older ham asked me into a room that contained many pieces of radio gear like a Russian Ham radio museum He was very excited and opened a glass case and took out a large military field radio He told me this was one of the thousands of military radios the USA shipped to the Russian Army during WWII He connected a battery to the radio power input connected a wire to the antenna post and handed me the headset and said in Russian Listen! I did and heard loud static With great emotion he said See it still works! He pointed to a metal tag on the radio unit It said BC-654-A Crosley Corporation Cincinnati Ohio He then said Made in America These radios helped Russia win the war! By the way sitting next to the BC-654-A was a vintage American WWII US Army Walkie Talkie and that still worked as well Long Island New York – 1994 ampnbspArrangements were made for six Russian Ham radio operators to be hosted by American hams while touring the US their first visit to America The plan called for them to be hosted in New England first Their Connecticut host would drive them very early in the morning to the ferry in New London Connecticut where they would cross the Long Island Sound Ed and I would pick them up at Orient Point Long Island and bring them to my house for breakfast Before we could leave we got a phone call that they missed the ferry and would take the next in an hour The Connecticut Ham host not knowing how to kill time with six Russians in his Van decided to give them a tour of the US Navy Nuclear Submarine Base in New London Connecticut At a time before 9/11 he was able to drive right into the base ampnbspThis completely freaked the Russians out! Here were six Russian nationals in total shock driving dockside past a row of over 15 US Navy Nuclear Submarines They were convinced at any moment machine gun fire would burst out and kill them all They thought the driver was out of his mind and wanted to commit suicide The driver stopped and they all got out of the Van scared to death of being shot dead any second Thinking about making a run for it! Later they told me they were standing so close to the submarines they could have reached over and touched them! Finally they got back in the van and couldn’t get out of the naval base fast enough! At our home sitting in our kitchen while my XYL Louisa KB2NKQ was making pancakes sausages eggs and coffee they couldn’t stop talking about their US Nuclear Submarine adventure and telling us jokes and ridiculing their old Soviet government I recall very clearly standing in the kitchen and Louisa saying to me Ask me if I would have married you if you told me I would be making breakfast one morning in my kitchen for six crazy Russian Ham radio operators I couldn’t stop laughing and neither could she For Louisa and me it was greatest fun and the most memorable breakfast we will ever have in our lives Ed took it all in stride and was just laughing along with all of us! It was just so great! By the way the two subs shown are the USS Nautilus the first ship to ever report its position as 90-north on August 3rd 1958 Also the USS Dallas which was featured in the US / Russian submarine drama film Red October The Dallas was the first US nuclear submarine ever engaged in actual combat Used by the United States Navy as a Cruise Missile launching platform in the first Gulf War Both are at permanent berths in New London I have spoken to many many ordinary Russians both Hams and non-Hams on all my Russain trips Government officals and one full-fledged member of the Communist Party aside they all viewed Americans with great respect admiration and in many cases real affection To sum it all up one of my favorite comments told to me was America has the only exportable culture in the world Russians don’t want Japanese English or Spanish culture We love and want American culture America gave us Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Rock ‘n’ Roll Elvis Presley Hot Dogs Coca-Cola Jazz Clint Eastwood Humphrey Bogart Wrangler blue jeans and SUV’s We love America we love Americans The one thing that was very obvious and a very common theme with every Russian non-government person I met was the tremendous dislike and hatred for the Communists There were constant remarks of criticism and the Communist government was the subject of jokes Southern Russians whose resources especially agricultural went to Moscow’s Black Hole nothing of quality of life betterment or value was ever given back to the people of southern Russia This was a repeated theme throughout Russia Over the many years I reflected back on my Russian journey and so wish that every American could have been at my side These were moments when one’s heart would burst with pride to be an American in Russia Ed: Politicians and regimes come and go but our beloved hobby and service endures Interesting and important world events echo right here on our Ham bands We can be witnesses and participants to history The stories Phil and I have and which unfolded before you tonight are just small examples of what we the Hams of the world are capable of Please get involved locally or internationally write your own stories and it will be a great movie called My Life in Amateur Radio and you will have something important and special to tell your grandchildren Thank you very much for listening and watching our Presentation 73 and be well |
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Once a skeptic about climate change Jim Bridenstine came around to the prevailing view of scientists before he took over as NASA administrator That evolution did not sit well with a Trump environmental adviser nor a think-tank analyst he was consulting according to newly disclosed emails that illustrate how scepticism of global warming has found a beachhead in the Trump White House Puzzling says the May 2018 exchange between William Happer now a member of President Donald Trump’s National Security Council and Thomas Wysmuller of the Heartland Institute which disavows man-made climate change Their exchange calls scientifically established rises in sea levels and temperatures under climate change part of the nonsense and urges the NASA head — who was copied in — to systematically sidestep it |
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NASA Stops Video Transmission From the ISS When Unidentified Rays Appears |
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Imperdible: la NASA habilitó un archivo con 140000 fotos videos y audios de astronautas |
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NASA’da görevli Türk bilim insanı Dünya’nın ölüm tarihini açıkladı |
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Esto cobrará la NASA a turistas que quieran viajar al espaci… |
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NASA neemt je in 60 seconden mee langs de bewolkte in Tsjernobyl: HBO-serie zorgt voor extreme populariteit |
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NASA годами утаивало снимки строений на Луне созданных пришельцами |
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Este cea mai mare insulă nelocuibilă de pe Pământ cu un mediu asemănător planetei Marte Aici cercetătorii NASA se pregătesc pentru călătoria pe Planeta Roșie |
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É NOTÍCIA NASA descobre Sistema Solar com 7 planetas parecidos com a Terra |
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NASA is Opening ISS Gates to Private Space Tourism |
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NASA Invites Public to Submit Names to Fly Aboard Next Mars Rover |
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5 Rezepte für originellere NASA-Poster werben für Ferien im Weltraum |
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A NASA-nak 20-30 milliárd dollárra van szüksége a Hold-programjához |
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FGCU professor’s NASA project is one giant leap for Florida Gulf Coast University |
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NASA Headquarters Street Renamed for Black Mathematicians Katherine Johnson Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson |
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Como a NASA soube o momento exato em que a … |
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Annunnaki Beings Are Returning to Our Planet – Leaked NASA and Pentagon Secret Interview |
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NASA-Chef Bridenstine beziffert Kosten des Mondprogramms auf 20 bis 30 Milliarden Dollar |
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Astronautas da NASA utilizam recurso de suporte à decisão clínica UptoDate durante missão espacial |
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В NASA уточнили сколько еще надо денег на лунную экспедицию |
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У NASA підрахували кількість матюків космонавтів під час подорожі до Місяця |
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The NASA atomic clock on SpaceX’s next Falcon Heavy will be a pioneer to Mars travel tech |
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La NASA llevará turistas al espacio ¿quieres saber cómo ser uno |
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Produk NASA |
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Células Hadley autor: NASA modificado por Julia Heres Nuremberg |
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Coolest Space Photos Ever Taken by NASA 31 pics |
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NASA запропонувало компаніям побудувати бізнес у космосі Там можна знімати фільми возити туристів і збирати супутники |
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Исследователь обнаружил огромные неопознанные объекты около Солнца изучая фотографии NASA |
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La NASA reveló detalles del peligroso acercamiento del “Dios del caos” un enorme asteroide de tres cuadras y media0 |
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NASA’nın Model Uydu Yarışmasında Zirveyi Türk Üniversiteleri Parselledi |
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Code Europe 2018 – specjaliści IT z NASA Google Bookingcom przyjeżdżają do Polski |
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NASA filmed Orbital ATK’s Atlas V Cygnus launch in 4K |
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NASA готовится блокировать свет звезд при помощи «Звездной тени» фото видео |
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Аппарат NASA установил новый рекорд высоты у астероида Бенну |
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Ariana Grande – NASA Lirik Lagu Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia |
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NASA To Reveal New Discoveries In News Conference On Oceans Beyond |
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NASA astronaut snaps gorgeous photo of aurora from the International Space Station |
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NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope will be switched off permanently on January 30 2020 after nearly 16 years of exploring the cosmos in infrared light the Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in a statement By then the spacecraft will have operated for more than 11 years beyond its prime mission Xinhua news agency quoted the JPL as saying on Thursday |
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NASA будет по-новому искать подходящие для жизни планеты |
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NASA начнет осуществлять коммерческие полеты на МКС уже в 2020 году |
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NASA developing spacesuit |
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