NASA’nın Uzay Aracı Curiosity Mars’ta Gizemli Oksijen Dalgalanmaları Buldu |
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La NASA crée le premier avion 100 électrique |
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NASA finds ‘battling galaxies’ in deep space |
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NASA’nın Mars 2020 Aracı Kızıl Gezegen’de Yaşam İzleri Arayacak |
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나이키 농구화 PG3 NASA EP CI2667-400 |
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La NASA publie la première carte détaillée de Titan la plus grande lune de Saturne |
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NASA tests alien-hunting robot in Antarctica |
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Αποστολή της NASA στο Κολούμπο – Yπεύθυνη για την ελληνική συμμετοχή η Σαντορινιά Παρασκευή Νομικού! |
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NASA Just Confirmed There Are Water Plumes Above The Surface of Jupiter’s Moon Europa |
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Η NASA επιβεβαίωσε τον εντοπισμό νερού στην Ευρώπη δορυφόρο του πλανήτη Δία Video |
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NASA’s International Space Station : stunning video of ISS sighting from Shimla |
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NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex entra em 2019 com melhorias |
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«Βρήκαμε ζωή στον Άρη πριν 40 χρόνια»: Τι υποστηρίζει πρώην επιστήμονας της NASA |
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NASA Photos Show Insect- and Reptile-Like Life Forms on Mars Entomologist Says |
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NASA’s NICER Catches Record-Setting X-Ray Burst |
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NASA Names WISER Finalist Top 10 in Global iTech Competition |
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Bruce Plante Cartoon: NASA and Pluto |
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2018 fourth warmest year in continued warming trend according to NASA… |
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La NASA prueba vehículo espacial en los abismos de isla griega |
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NASA’dan Büyük Açıklama: Dünya’ya İki Gök Taşı Birden Yaklaşıyor |
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Top 10 des races de chats les plus intelligentes celles qu’on embaucherait bien à la NASA |
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NASA Dünya Yörüngesini Ticarileştirerek Uzay Maliyetlerini Azaltmayı Amaçlıyor |
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Watch: Richard Dolan Interviews Gary Mckinnon The man who ‘hacked’ NASA and found possible evidence of UFO’s |
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Un equipo femenino de Delta llevó a 120 niñas a la NASA para entusiasmarlas con las carreras de aviación |
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Shapeshifter NASA’s Mighty Morphing Robot |
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NASA Updates Mars 2020 Mission Environmental Review |
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‘An inspiration’: Junior student Samantha Ramsey beats the odds to work with NASA |
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Rover submarino é a aposta da NASA para achar vida lá fora |
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As the dust storm on Mars abates NASA awaits a call |
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Mantan Pegawai Sebut NASA Berhasil Temukan Keberadaan Alien |
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NASA tìm thấy chất đường trong thiên thạch đâm vào Trái đất |
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Τι κάνει η NASA στη Σαντορίνη |
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NASA space data can cut disaster response times costs |
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NASA astronaut and expert visit IST in Islamabad |
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NASA is going to send a spacecraft up to “touch the sun” |
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NASA Miliki Superkomputer Berkapasitas 221 TB |
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NASA’da Çalışan Bilim Kadını İrlanda Güzeli Seçildi |
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La NASA reveló cuando Desaparecerá la Tierra y niega el Apocalipsis |
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NASA 3D Yazıcı İle Robot Kaşif Tasarladı |
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Equipe de servidor do Campus Cacoal é selecionada em primeiro lugar no NASA Space Apps Challenge |
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Descoperire uluitoare făcută de NASA în meteoriţi Ar putea indica existenţa extratereştrilor |
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En Chihuahua tenemos personal que busca la NASA: Manuel Ulises |
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NASA’dan astronotlara su altı antrenmanı |
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Ξεκίνησε αποστολή της NASA στη Σαντορίνη! |
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Emiratele Arabe Unite și NASA vor să crească alimente proaspete în spațiu |
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NASA: 2030’a kadar Ay’da oksijen üretmeye başlayacağız |
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MIT And NASA Unveil New Airplane Wing Design |
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A NASA Study Revealed Long Space Travel Can Be Deadly for Astronauts |
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NASA Flight Simulation Services |
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What did NASA’s New Horizons discover around Pluto |
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Segundo a NASA o imenso asteroide tem 100 de chance segundo suas analises de atingir a Terra |
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NASA представила оцифрованную 3D карту поверхности Луны |
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NASA chief says what we’re all thinking: Pluto should be a planet again – CNN |
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На Марсе бушует мощный шторм миссия NASA под угрозой |
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NASA отправит на орбиту будущей окололунной станции небольшой спутник |
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NASA Güneş’in Bu Zamana Kadarki En Lekesiz Fotoğrafını Çekti |
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Η NASA στη Σαντορίνη για να μελετήσει το ηφαίστειο και τους… δορυφόρους του Δία και του Κρόνου |
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Παγκόσμιος σάλος: Η NASA διέκοψε την απευθείας μετάδοση την ώρα που UFO εισέβαλε στη |
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NASA: First Geologic Map of Titan |
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NASA in Hot Seat as Watchdog Finds Boeing Received Unnecessary Payments |
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NASA adds five companies including Blue Origin and SpaceX to moon… |
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NASA’s design to travel almost at the speed of light |
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NASA znalazła cukier na meteorytach które miliardy lat temu uderzyły w Ziemię |
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Maclovio Perez Les Perry Larry Woodside Isidra Person-Lynn Robert Plant and Jack Silver Federman Appointed President November 22 2019 Jeff Federman has been promoted to Regional President for Entercom Los Angeles San Diego and Riverside An executive with Entercom wrote in an internal memo: “Jeff has been handling Regional President duties for over a year and he deserves the title to go with the position” Jeff was appointed general manager at “Arrow 93” in late 2003 before the station flipped to the current JACK/fm on St Patrick’s Day 2005 Jeff became market manager for CBS/LA in early 2006 He exited the company in late summer 2008 From 1992 to 1995 Federman was nsm for KFMB-AM/FM in San Diego He began his career at KKLQ-AM/FM in San Diego where he served in various capacities including account executive nsm and marketing/promotion director from 1988 to 1992 Federman was born and raised in Los Angeles and currently resides in Calabasas He graduated in 1988 with a degree in Journalism and Advertising from San Diego State University Hear Ache Have you noticed a marked slowing of NFL games because of the excessive stop in action because of penalties I’m turning off the marginal games … Nick Cannon adds another diversion to his new morning show at KPWR Power 106 He will host a daily tv talk show beginning in September 2020 The show will be based in New York Somehow it doesn’t seem to be working for Ryan Seacrest How do you react to fires flooding and mayhem in real time … J Cruz afternoons at KRRL Real 923 is holding the 4th Annual “Cruz Cares” charity fundraiser and toy drive to benefit The Boys amp Girls Club of Hollywood and East LA Rising Youth Services Celebrities appear with Cruz this afternoon He’s raised over 100000 in the past three years … The press release on Jimmy de Castro ex-KKBT gm leaving the Entercom cluster in Chicago was an interesting read at Robert Feder’s tasty column: “On DeCastro’s watch Entercom slashed expenses reduced its sales force by nearly one-third and consolidated its studios and offices at Two Prudential Plaza from three floors to two” Something to be proud of Glass half-empty or glass half-full … Netflix in hot water as they face some very serious allegations of institutional racial and sex discrimination from Mo’Nique ex-KDAY over a comedy special that never happened and the fallout that followed … Edison Research and NPR presented the new spoken word data which showed since 2014 share of time spent listening to spoken word audio has increased 20 percent while time spent with music decreased 5 percent … Peanut Butter Falcon is a very sweet movie … Today’s 18-24 year-olds are spending more time with radio than they did as teenagers according to new data released by Nielsen In other words as teens grow up and enter the workforce their time spent with the medium rises Bean Bounce Bean would like to see the Entercom execs figure out a way to make the KROQ brand pop more digitally “To me it’s a big mistake to make us one of 50 stations on the Radiocom app when we’re big enough to carve out our own thing I think that’s a missed opportunity” Bean said in his LA Times interview Any parting shots at station management “No not at all We’ve worked at KROQ a long time through owners Viacom Infinity CBS and now Entercom In general I’d give them a B-minus which isn’t terrible” Zambia Calling I grew up in Santa Monica but when it came time to start a career in radio I couldn’t afford to live there I settled in Valencia now part of Santa Clarita My older son Don Jr went to Saugus High School Tragedy inched a little closer to my inner circle My young son Tyler is in Zambia serving in the Peace Corps A few months after arriving last April he broke his collarbone from a fall on his bike He was flown to Johannesburg where his surgery included a plate screwed into his bone which covered his shoulder We were hoping he would heal on his own He called yesterday morning and he is returning for additional surgery on Tuesday He’s looking forward to McDonald’s and running water while there and seems to have a sense of humor through it all When he heard concern in my voice he later emailed: “Really want to reiterate how much I trust this surgeon Every South African that is injured in rugby goes to him he is as decorated as it gets Bedside manner is way different here When I had surgery last time as he gassed me and while I was losing conscience he said ‘so we are all clear for testicle removal’ Funny prick but he’s really good at collarbone work” Host of Car Show Dies November 21 2019 Art Gould was the long-time host of The Car Show on KPFK/fm hot rodder car fanatic and all-around great guy He has passed away after a brief illness In keeping with Art’s well-known trait of not sharing many details of his personal life the cause of death is not being disclosed He was 76 Born in Los Angeles Art grew up in the Washington DC area At a young age he developed a strong musical talent teaching himself to play the piano at age 7 By the time he was a teenager he was playing clarinet and saxophone professionally working as part of a musical group that once backed up Roy Clark on a record album The youngest member of the band at age 15 Art was already making great money and could have had a career as a professional musician But the California car culture was calling so Art headed west to San Jose State University and automobiles He had a long career at General Motors then was recruited to become the general manager of Cormier Chevrolet a Carson auto dealership in the 1970s By the late 1980s Art had taken an early retirement He started offering expert car buying advice on The Car Show as a favor to the show’s founder the late John Retsek Art eventually became the show’s third co-host He was also a contributor to various automotive publications For so many years Art was truly the enduring face of the radio show traveling to both local car events and national and international launch events for new cars Even though he had become familiar to so many people both on the radio and in car circles he shared so little of his life with even his friends He used a post office box and never disclosed where he actually lived other than to say “Orange County” He was reluctant to adopt technology preferring a lined yellow tablet scrawled with notes which he used in front of him during every broadcast If you called his cell phone he rarely answered it In fact his voice mail still had the generic greeting rather than one offering greetings with his own voice LARP Exit Greg Edwards former news director at KIK/fm in 1990 wrote on his Facebook page that his job with KCBC/AMampFM in the has come to an end after a year “I was told when I took the job I could retire in this position Well guess what the reality of radio strikes again I was reminded that California is an at will employment state and that I didn’t do anything wrong but the man at the top was letting me go No reason I get a nice severance package recommendations etc but no job Well I will keep the faith and go where God leads me next!” Bean Bounce Bean reflected on broadcast companies playing to Wall Street rather than to their own listeners in a recent LA Times story “I think that it’s insane that they haven’t addressed the proliferation of commercials on radio at this point Broadcasters are so short-sighted and they feel like they can’t afford to not sell 12 minutes of commercials an hour They don’t understand how ridiculous that is for the consumer in 2019 These are the same people who go home and fast-forward through every commercial if they’re even watching something on a platform that has commercials and then expect listeners to sit through five minutes and then a song before they get back to “Kevin and Bean” Make Believe Ballroom Long before Kevin amp Bean Big Boy Lohman amp Barkley Rick Dees and Ryan Seacrest Al Jarvis was the pioneer in playing records on the radio in Los Angeles starting in the 1930s When Chuck Blore took over KFWB in 1958 creating a sensation with Color Radio/Channel 98 he insisted that Al continue with the station “We became very close God how I admired that man He was a Christian Scientist and suffered from excruciating painful ulcers Sometimes I would walk into the booth to find him doubled over in pain But as the record ended he reached for the microphone and I swear not one of the 450000 people he had listening to him at any given time had any idea that the amazingly communicative voice they were listening to and loved so much was covering up so much pain” wrote Chuck in his memoir Okay Okay I Wrote the Book Preview After 35 years 27-year-old Cooper Rummell recently walked out on his KNX news reporting job What happened What is the culture at KNX and the world of news reporting On Monday a very special exclusive conversation with Cooper Terry Grieger Engineer to Much of LARadio Dies November 20 2019 As you head up Coldwater Canyon there is an unassuming street Cherokee on the east side that winds itself up to a home that sits on the top of the mountain In the yard is an antenna that tops off as the highest point in the city of Los Angeles with a Beverly Hills zip code and area code The location of the home almost hidden among the pine trees is kinda eerie Living inside you might think of some reclusive beast that plays the organ at night filling the canyon with melodic dirges Over the years the home has housed the studios of 987/fm: KMGM KCBH KJOI and KYSR until the mid-1980s Instead of a reclusive creature stirring around in the hilltop home Terry Grieger the then-head of Clear Channel engineering turned the transmitter building underneath the tower into his home Terry was in charge of the technical sound of 8 major Southern California radio stations KIIS KYSR KBIG KHHT KOST KFI KTLK and KLAC Terry died November 18 following a stroke last week These are selected highlights from a four-part series we conducted with Terry in early summer of 2006 It is not only a story on his life but it reflects a history of LARadio from the perspective of an engineer Travel back 13 years:“Now that I’m living up there all these towers I’ve seen in movies over the years were actually these in Coldwater Canyon” said Terry over lunch recently at the Daily Grill across from the Burbank Airport “I remember seeing an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati where they go to the transmitter site because of a bomb scare and they show this tower I hadn’t seen the show in years and watching it on Nick At Night one night they start panning down and I said ‘that’s not Cincinnati that’s my backyard’” Terry has also seen his towers in the pilot episode of Outer Limits where the exteriors were all filmed up there This isn’t the first time that Terry has lived at a transmitter site While working in San Diego at KOGO in the 1980s he lived under the tower “It was an old transmitter building and they had an apartment upstairs I seem to go from transmitter site to transmitter site” His Coldwater home had been sitting empty and it was kind of by itself “It is a little hard to get to the transmitter in the middle of the night so if there is a problem I roll out of bed throw on my bunny slippers and tool across the parking lot It must be interesting to watch” Terry lives in a drafty old building that is not very well heated “There are only a couple of rooms heated and it’s very quiet up there” said Terry “I enjoy it” With plenty of challenges to his job at Clear Channel how did he get to the top of the engineering mountain It all began in Northwest Indiana where Terry grew up about 50 miles from Chicago He thought he was going to be a musician and because of his musical talents he inadvertently got exposed to radio and it changed his life In 1965 Terry was in the 8th grade and worked part-time at the local piano/organ store in town Terry had been playing keyboard since he was 5 years old The owner of the piano/organ store used to play the theme music to a Saturday radio show “One day the owner fell and broke his leg” remembered Terry “I was the only person who could play the theme song of the show” He remembered the first time he heard himself on the air Basketball has always been huge in Indiana The local high school had an organ and Terry played the National Anthem before the game The games were broadcast on the local radio station and played back the following day Hearing his playing of the National Anthem was a special memory In addition to his interests in music Terry also was fascinated by electronics and how things worked “I got to know one of the djs and he invited me to watch him After school I would ride my bike to the radio station On a Sunday afternoon the manager asked me if I wanted to work the board That was a big deal It was a Gates board I played all the records on a 16” turntable It was a big deal back then And it’s all been downhill since” Hardly In 1966 Terry got a 3rd Class FCC license with endorsement in order to man the fm station at nights “I couldn’t do AM but I could do fm In 1969 I graduated from high school and took the 1st Class FCC test in Chicago and passed Ed Note: In the mid-1960s only one out of every 1600 passed the test Terry started out as a dj on his hometown station He never really got into it “The music was all over the road and I was all over the road Other than sales I did everything During the summer I filled in on the morning show then went to school” “I like being in the background” confessed Terry “I don’t like the limelight which is probably why I got out of the music dj business” His interest in electronics and tinkering with the process of figuring things out came from his grandfather “He did a little bit of everything” remembered Terry “My grandfather died when I was young I remember vividly my aunt’s farm and going out to the woodshed and wiring up plugs and things I think we were a lot alike In fact we look alike Kinda scary At home I was always wiring things and blowing fuses which I learned to do at a very young age” His mother was described as “a little bit normal” His father was a car salesman The WAKE call letters were given up by an Atlanta group in the mid-60s Terry’s 15000 population town adopted those calls and was his first station By 1974 he was doing the all-day show 9 am to noon having lunch and then 1 pm to 5 pm While the music was playing Terry was fixing cart machines and reading the news He decided to abandon his dj work and look for an engineering job At 24 years of age Terry was hired for his first engineering job in Anderson Indiana near Indianapolis His brother lived there and he stayed for two years “It was a great learning experience at a high-powered Top 40 station We went from 9th to 1st It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had We ended up with a 30 share” His next stop was WOWO in Ft Wayne Indiana where he was hired as a transmitter supervisor He was brought in to build a remote transmitter During this time he became friends with consultant Jim Lupus from WCFL-Chicago fame Lupus convinced Terry to move WDRQ-Detroit from “8-Mile Island” to Southfield Michigan Tom Mosher was the general manager After completing his assignment in Detroit Terry wanted to go to San Diego “I didn’t know why Had never been there before” recalled Terry Jim Lupus was consulting KCBQ-San Diego which was a Charter station at the time Lupus promised Terry a job in San Diego if he would assist in building a Cincinnati station from the ground up Terry did and Lupus reneged About the same time Terry saw an ad in Broadcasting for an opportunity in San Diego He flew out They liked him and they hired him “I remember getting on an airplane in Detroit in January where it was 20 degrees I got off the airplane in San Diego and it was 72 degrees I thought this is going to be okay I just got tired of the cold weather” said Terry He worked in San Diego from 1981-84 When Emmis purchased 1059/fm they started Magic 106 Legendary Boss Morning Jock Robert W Morgan was hired for mornings Any stories “None that I probably care to tell” Terry answered quickly “He was probably the most unpleasant person I ever worked with He treated people very badly I know people think very highly of him for what he did on the air but behind the scenes he wasn’t a very pleasant person I know he didn’t like engineers Not everyone thought the purchase of 1059/fm was a good investment “I remember people telling Jeff Smulyan he was crazy to pay 70 million for KPWR and KSHE-St Louis People said the signal in LA could never go anywhere and could never be 1 I reminded Jeff of this the day we turned 1 over there” Despite a number of attempts to get Terry to move to Indianapolis he never did but he logged a lot of airline miles There were many challenges to improve the KPWR signal The station was located on Yucca Street in Hollywood and it was ironic that the signal in Hollywood was weak “We did change the antenna and the signal did get better” Terry admitted “We had to update a lot of the gear we inherited from Century Broadcasting We also replaced the transmitter We got it as good as we could get it The signal still does very well in the San Fernando Valley” Terry remembers his nine years with Emmis fondly and said that Smulyan was really a good guy to work for “Jeff took care of everybody I really enjoyed working for him And Rick Cummings is a great guy I occasionally run into him at Morton’s Restaurant in Burbank” Terry was also there was it was decided to go sports at WFAN-New York “We were meeting out by Rick’s pool in Indianapolis before we put WFAN on the air Nobody wanted to do it Everybody thought Jeff was crazy Jeff said ‘I run the company we’re going to do it’” As far as the switch from Magic to Power Smulyan didn’t want to give up Magic according to Grieger “He thought the format wouldn’t work here He was going up against KOST and KBIG was Beautiful Music then but KOST was doing really well Turned out it was a good decision We kept it quiet until the last minute We carted all the music in Indianapolis I remember going back and aligning the entire cart machines with the machines in LA” The timing of the LA format switch came at a fortuitous time as far as secrecy The chief engineer Tom Koza was on vacation a week before the switch so Terry was involved in a number of activities in the production room and no one bothered him “I got the request lines ordered and nobody asked what was going on” Only the general sales manager knew about the format flip He was an Emmis executive from the Indianapolis home office operation “He and I would go into his office close the door and laugh at the people snickering ‘if they only knew what was going on Robert W Morgan got fired on my birthday January 8 The manager Don Nelson got fired The program director Ron Rodrigues got fired” Apparently word of the flip got out the night before “Robert knew and he talked on the air about how the station was going to play all Kurtis Blow and the Blowfish all the time and that was going to be the new format which of course it wasn’t Robert thought it was going to be a black station It was a very Dance oriented station with a Hispanic feel” In 1986 Jay Thomas well known as a recurring actor on Cheers Murphy Brown and Mork amp Mindy two season stint as a deli owner was hired to do mornings at Power from WKTU-New York KPWR captured NAB’s first Marconi Award during the 1989 convention in New Orleans Even though the award was new it was being touted as the Oscar of radio Jay commented on the station’s award: It’s a great fabulous honor Marconi invented wireless transmissions Unfortunately if Marconi heard ‘Power 106’ he would probably die again I don’t think this is what he had in mind But he’s dead When Jay was terminated from Power 106 in 1993 he filed a 1000000 breach of contract lawsuit At the start of the second season of Love amp War Jay lamented about his firing from KPWR: I’m having withdrawal symptoms I had the rug pulled out from under me It’s very hurtful Jay told the LA Times in September 1993 that KPWR fired him because they became jealous of my tv show They could not parlay my television popularity into what they wanted His breach-of-contract lawsuit with Emmis Broadcasting was settled in late 1994 When Emmis switched frequencies in New York it was Terry who did the switching “I pushed the ‘off’ button when we shut down WNBC No matter what anybody says I pushed the off button at WYVY when it went ‘Hot 97’” Emmis eliminated Terry’s job in 1992 “Jeff bought the Seattle Mariners and the economy wasn’t great The company was downsizing They didn’t have a Director of Engineering for a number of years after I left” said Terry For the first time since high school Terry was without a job Emmis had treated him well on his exit and Terry decided to take some time off Within months he got a call from the people at 1031/fm now Indie 103 “I hadn’t done day-to-day hands-on engineering for a while The station was changing from MARS/fm to a Jazz format Lawrence Tanter was there The station had the highest numbers the station ever had – a 2 share” The 1031/fm is a Class A station which severely restricts power For the past 20 years owners have attempted to simulcast a signal on 1031/fm with a tower in Baldwin Hills The other tower being in Newport Beach “They actually interfered with each other” Terry said “It was the worst short spacing in the country It was terrible” A year later in 1993 Grieger began a journey that eventually took him to his current position of Clear Channel Director of Engineering He interviewed for a job at KKBT “the BEAT” The studios were on Yucca Street just three blocks from where Terry lived in Hollywood He worked at “the BEAT” for nine years “That was interesting for a white neck from Indiana They were really good people I still have friends from over there I was the angry old white man in the back we all got along okay The station was owned by Evergreen Media and the company was run by Scott Ginsberg “He had 4 or 5 stations at the time He kept them through the merger with AM/FM They then merged and bought Viacom/Shamrock I became market engineer for Ginsberg and then they merged with Jacor and then Clear Channel” “I was in Denver doing Y2K compliance for AM/FM when they announced the sale of ‘the BEAT’ I was co-engineer market manager with Mike Callaghan I was based in Glendale at KOST and KBIG Engineer Greg Ogonowski had just left Greg is one of the most brilliant people I know He had a homemade processor that I didn’t know if I wanted to put on the air I’m glad I did Greg is working for Orban designing things and doing what he needs to do” When Clear Channel took over Terry was the co-marketing engineer manager “I think I got the raw end of the deal” remembered Terry “He got the three AM stations KFI KLAC and XTRA Mike Callaghan got KIIS HOT STAR Then we started the consolidation process I kept on taking on more responsibility for the building construction when all 8 stations came together in the Pinnacle building in Burbank Then one day they said you ought to do this yourself I’ve been in charge for the past two years” “I’ve gotten to the point where I know how everything works but I’m not an expert at everything” declared Terry “I can muddle my way through everything but I don’t deal with the day-to-day although I’ve taken on a lot more responsibility with the Prophet automation system Brad Chambers used to do that but he left after the Fabulous 690 was sold My goal is to get people to work better at what they do best” Every time there is a fire earthquake or severe problem on Mt Wilson the site that houses a majority of the radio and tv stations in the Southland a station can be off the air for hours until help arrives as engineering makes his way to the transmitter site Will the owners of the stations at Mt Wilson ever get to the point where the site is manned 24/7 “I don’t know what someone would do up there all day They’d go crazy” responded Terry “We have a couple of people who live at the base of Mt Wilson and can get up there fairly quickly During the rains he had some trouble up there and no matter how much you test things when you need it it never works” Terry remembered when the generator at KBIG didn’t come on and it had been serviced just three days earlier “The reason it didn’t come on was we found out we’re required by law to have sensors on the fuel tanks with the spill tank in case it overflows If there is spillage it has to cut off the generator so it won’t run And I didn’t know it wasn’t diesel fuel It locked itself out and we had to go up and physically reset it” He said the one on KIIS and HOT had been serviced a couple of days earlier “There was a lot of rain up there The one I thought wouldn’t come up – the old beat up one at KOST – just putts along and has no reason to run but it does We actually did spend some money on this and it’s happy now Channel 4 has someone up there during the day but no one full-time” The Prophet automatic system has changed how radio programming works “Prophet wasn’t ready for the big markets when we started using it We were told how great it was but as with any piece of hardware there’s going to be a problem” Terry drew somewhat of a parallel with cart machines of the past generation of on-air people If one cart machine goes down the dj had five others to keep you on the air You have one computer that goes down and there’s nothing there All the music stations within Clear Channel have backup CD’s to play if the computer goes down Terry’s so skittish of software updates that if there is not some new feature that he has to have he doesn’t update anymore “I’ve decided to give up blazing trails Let someone else do it” Terry has worked with some interesting LA Radio People over the years Where Robert W Morgan might have been his most unpleasant relationship he enjoyed working with Jhani Kaye then pd at KOST “Jhani is what a program director should be He knows what he wants and he knows how to get there Some people are tyrants but not Jhani He knows what he wants Some program directors are constantly complaining about the audio processing I asked Jhani what he wanted it to sound like I set it up and we never touched it again” Terry thinks that if anyone can “whip” the Oldies format at K-EARTH into shape it would be Jhani “I’m really glad I started out the way I did – working in a small station doing everything including mowing the lawn on Saturdays out by the transmitter site” remembered Terry “Do I miss some of the things in the past Maybe but there’s a lot of good stuff out now There are certain things you remember as a kid The neatest thing was a Western Union clock on the wall It was the most Rube Goldberg thing It kept the worst time I was just fascinated by it and bought one on eBay I have it running at home and it resets every hour with my EBS clock It’s a klutzy old thing Nobody understands my fascination with it I also have some old RCA microphones” At the time of his death he was Sr Director of Engineering for Meruelo Media He had a wonderful journey from working as a youngster in a piano/organ store in a small town in Indiana to tinkering in his grandfather’s garage learning how things worked to a brief time as an on-air jock to the head of engineering for the biggest radio cluster in Los Angeles Lisa May Ends 30-Year Radio Career November 19 2019 Long-time radio morning personality Lisa May is retiring from radio She made the announcement on “The Frosty Heidi amp Frank Show” on KLOS After 30-years of waking up with Southern California listeners she is hanging up her headphones and moving to the Coachella Valley to explore entrepreneurial interests May’s last day as the entertainment news and traffic reporter at KLOS will be Friday December 13 May said “As someone who loves LA and is weirdly obsessed with traffic I am immensely grateful for my 30 years in Los Angeles radio To say it has been an amazing ride is an understatement and I want to thank 955 KLOS and ‘The Frosty Heidi and Frank Show’ for giving me the opportunity to spend my last 5 years on air with them What an honor! I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my life – I’m headed to the Palm Springs area to open up a sister-studio to Strength Code in Toluca Lake My hope is to be able to move through the next 20-plus years with strength and grace and to help others do the same” “Lisa has touched millions of listeners in Southern California over the years and morning radio won’t be the same Her familiar calming voice and infectious laugh will truly be missed” said KLOS pd Keith Cunningham In February 2015 Lisa May left the KROQ Kevin amp Bean morning show where she had been since 1990 Born in Inglewood Lisa grew up in Costa Mesa She was actually employed by the traffic company Total Traffic that provided that service to KROQ in exchange for spot inventory When she left KROQ Bean said “We’re very very close friends with Lisa May I consider her one of my best friends” Kevin added: We love her and we’re gonna stop doing traffic and so that means she has to go away It sucksIt is very difficult for us to discuss this and very difficult to present it in a way that is respectful of her and to let people know how sad we are about this It is a huge loss for us She’s been with us from almost the beginning of the show It is weird for me that she’s not here Real weird Plus she was the only one who was every nice to me There was a time when Ralph Garman wasn’t on the show We’ve had other people come and go like Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla It’s kind of the nature of the beast when a show has been on for a long time that people are going to come and go We love you Lisa and we will absolutely miss you and I hope we can stay friends” concluded Bean Hear Ache Earl Trout has a new bumper sticker especially for youth of the 60s who are now well grown-up and know what that 1967 bumper sticker really should have said: “Don’t Trust Anyone Over 30 Years in Government” … In the LA Times interview with KROQ’s Kevin amp Bean the duo acknowledged the competition they were joining upon their arrival in 1989 They included Mark amp Brian KLOS Rick Dees KIIS/fm Jay Thomas KPWR Scott Shannon KQLZ and the Baka Boys later KPWR “There were always good shows” said Kevin amp Bean … Jimmy DeCastro ex-KFAC and KKBT general manager exits the Midwest cluster for Entercom … Is podcasting replacing radio New data from Nielsen suggests that it isn’t according to their medium and small market edition of their Audio Today Report 90 percent of podcast listeners also use radio every week These podcast listeners prefer news/talk radio though over the most popular format in medium and small markets Country music Challenges at 885/fm November 18 2019 California State University Northridge is looking for someone to operate AAA station KCSN and Saddleback College’s KSBR according to a story in RadioTelevision Business Report A “Request for Qualification” has reportedly been issued by the public institution of higher learning according to another source Ken Mills’ Spark News blog which is devoted to noncommercial media Mills reports that CSUN issued the RFQ to solicit proposals from noncom public media organizations to manage and program KCSN and by default KSBR KCSN’s “Smart Rock” programming as it was initially billed in 2013 is the product of Sky Daniels the now-retired veteran Rock programmer who served as Alternative Editor of Radio amp Records before taking an upper-level management position at the now-defunct trade publication There is a fast time table for completion of this project CSUN hopes the process will be concluded by March 15 2020 Mills reports From the RadioTelevision Business Report: “KCSN/fm appears in the Nielsen Audio ratings for Los Angeles with a 04 rating overall This is achieved with a signal primarily serving the Santa Clarita Valley and San Fernando Valley aided by booster from a transmitter atop a former RampR home — 10100 Santa Monica Blvd in Century City This puts KCSN’s signal “over the hill” and into the Westside of LA including Beverly Hills and Santa Monica” Author Ken Mills says “Early speculation has PBS SoCal — the partnership between KCET-28 and KOCE-50 — a leading contender for managing KCSN and KSBR Then there is American Public Media which could bring its Adult Alternative ‘Current’ brand of Triple A music from its home market of Minneapolis” Help a Hero It’s another successful Help-a-Hero radiothon for AM 570 LA Sports KLAC Last Tuesday’s effort raised 250000 with all proceeds benefiting the Dream Center LA The local charity finds and fills the needs of struggling veterans and others in Los Angeles Dodger third baseman Justin Turner joined military veterans — some formerly homeless — and Dream Center LA staffers throughout the seven-hour broadcast The radiothon was hosted by Fred Roggin Rodney Peete Petros Papadakis and Matt Money Smith Don Martin iHeart Media Senior VP for sports in LA sent a memo to his staff at the conclusion of the radiothon: Today marks the 12th Anniversary of our ‘Help a Hero’ Radiothon As Matt and Petros so eloquently announced to our audience as they started their leg of the seven hour race: ‘This is our Favorite Day of the Year today we get to help people that need our help” Beautifully said Boys! This is definitely our Signature event as a station and a Family each year It does my heart proud to feel and see the love that permeates throughout this building each year To make this magic happen it truly takes a village and for that we want to thank all of you for your support All eight stations KFI and Tim Conway and Sheron Bellio helped bring us home from Programming to the Marketing and Promotions department IT Rickey and team you guys crushed it again The Engineering department our Web Content team rocked it Continuity cleared the deck again and of course the entire Sales team God bless you all and thank you! And once again our favorite Vet and legend Vin Scully kicked it all off and the guest list was Star-studded for sevem hours including our incredibly generous clients! Vic the Brick let Justin Turner and Attorney Sweet James Bergener cut his beard for 15000 He looks 20 years younger! Editor’s note: Here’s a link to the video Vons / Albertsons gave 35000 to start the day What an incredible time! When the day ended we eclipsed last year’s total of 236K by finishing the night at 250K and counting and drove our grand total of 12 years over the 2 Million dollar mark! To house the homeless Veterans in LA and OC All the money stays right here in So Cal! Congratulations! It feels so good Hear Ache Tom Lasser reports the Radio Television News Association of Southern California Golden Mikes will be held Saturday February 15 in Universal City … 63 of the world’s smartphones run on Android according to ScientiaMobile … Alan Sims went to Career Academy broadcasting school in Hollywood with KIIS/fm superstar Bruce Vidal “I knew him whenhe was a natural scroll up in photo gallery He was a buddy” emailed Alan … Sports guy Tony Bruno is experiencing some medical challenges “All we can do is place our trust in doctors and the healing process” wrote Tony on Facebook “My latest checkup was not encouraging Heading to the ER overnight and undergo my third surgery early Saturday morning” … KFI and anchor Aron Bender have permanently parted ways according to KFI news director Chris Little Michael Crozier will take over the shift … Last month we introduced you to KLOS evening personality Greg Beharrell Afternooner Gary Moore was asked for a comment about Greg Gary responded “Who” thanks to David Schwartz for this KABC billboard from the 60s Nostalgia Sunday – 12 Years Ago Today The Drake Format and 93/KHJ According to Bill Watson Former Drake/Chenault National PD November 17 2007 Last summer Ron Jacobs former pd at 93/KHJ Boss Radio said some things at LARadio that prompted a retort from Bill Watson former national pd for the Drake/Chenault chain Watson outlines his perspective on KHJ and provides insight into Bill Drake Photo: Bill Watson The Real Don Steele Bill Drake Watson’s story: It’s hard to believe that Ron Jacobs is obsessing and complaining about his early days with Bill Drake and KHJ almost FORTY THREE years later His recent comments to LARadio regarding Bill and me were uncalled for ridiculous and misleading cheap shots Sad! And Now Ladies and Gentlemen Some Top 40 Radio History – The Bill Drake Era It is what it is! But – there is some Internet spinning of what it really was Ron Jacobs an old pre-Drake teammate of mine chooses to never mention some real goodies He seems more interested in maximizing his role and bad mouthing and minimizing Bill Drake Nice For example: The outcome of the radio Big Game in Fresno before 93/KHJ LA Jacobs’ KMAK vs Drake’s KYNO KYNO scored a 52 average share of the audience from 6 am to midnight More than all other seventeen stations combined Jabobs splits Scoreboard! Months later Jacobs reappears from uh somewhere visits me and seeks a job with Drake and his new client KHJ Drake decides to hire him and gives Ron his format / programming philosophy Drake also gave him Robert W Morgan The Real Don Steele Sam Riddle Gary Mack Roger Christian Dave Diamond Johnny Williams and the Johnny Mann Singers they were all hired before Jacobs And when Drake gave Jacobs the job he also gave him the greatest music format in radio no interference from outside of the programming department and a commercial policy to die for Drake also gave Jacobs a lot of other little goodies like The Big Kahuna the 48-hour Blockbuster ‘The History of Rock and Roll’ and on and on Bill explained the concept of ‘The History’ to Jacobs gave him the outline and told him to hire some writers have Bill Mouzis do the montages and studio production and have Robert W Morgan narrate it No Drake no ‘History of Rock and Roll!’ I was there I could go on but why bother Jacobs has a very selective memory and seems consumed with shameless self promotion And he calls everyone else involved ‘wannabes’ I became sick of reading Ron’s deceptive comments and thought someone should set the record straight No Drake no LA program director gig for Jacobs! That’s all I worked with them both and I would know For the complete story check with me in the huddle I remember ALL of the colorful pd’s and jocks who joined at ALL the RKO stations during the Odyssey They know who they are Each city was an adventure KHJ-Los Angeles KFRC-San Francisco WOR/fm-New York WRKO-Boston CKLW-Detroit WHBQ-Memphis KGB-San Diego KAKC-Tulsa and of course KYNO-Fresno It was a TCB fun trip and unforgettable off duty kicks Tina Delgado Is Alive!!! Email Saturday 11162019 KPCC Downsizing “Don’t know why KPCC would dump Hettie Lynne Hurtes the best talent on the staff matched only by Susanne Whatley but on top of all her other talents it’s all dressed up with the best voice on the staff as well They’ve effectively just taken the sound of the station and removed the tuxedo and told everybody to go to work in shorts I’m looking forward to someone casting a soprano in the Mr Grinch role this Christmas You know there are some cases where there is just no replacement Sorry I have to get back to listening to my new boxed set of Minnie Mouse singing Diana Krall hits And all this from a station that bought 4000 Neumann microphones from our donations and filtered them to sound like 90 mics It figures” – Don Elliot World Class Public Radio Outlet “I’m sorry about KPCC laying off Hettie Lynne Hurtes I remember when KPCC was a true teaching tool for PCC first and then a world class public radio outlet I worked there as the PR assistant in the late 70’s – early 80’s It’s also too bad about Fuddruckers I guess the one in Buena Park is probably the only one left” – Julie T Byers Worked with Hettie “I first worked with Hettie Lynne Hurtes back in the late ’70’s we were kids at the time! and can honestly say she is the hardest working and most professional news anchor I know No matter what the format any station would be fortunate to have her on their staff” – Ken Davis KPCC Midday News “I agree with the many who offer accolades to Hettie Lynne Hurtes she is indeed one of the best LARadio journalists I also hope it is not true KPCC is going to cut back on their midday local newscasts The station has many fine reporters including the talented anchors Any reduced opportunity for these reporters to have their stories heard is not a positive for an otherwise quality source for local information on the local radio dial” – Alan Oda Dudley’s Records “What a joy to see Bill Dudley in his element and doing so well Hard work and deep passion That’s Bill” – Keri Tombazian Dudley Do Right “I’m so glad that Bill Dudley’s store is doing so well He’s a great guy If I were still living in SoCal I would be spending many hours there” – Bob Scott Where is the Bender “I am not sure if this is the right place to send an email for a radio question but what happened to Aron Bender at KFI and the Tim Conway Show Love the website” – Julie Lule Funny Funnies “Your cartoons just keep gettin’ better and better I still wish we could find the one that hung in the KUSN control room for a few days: A fat ol’ news guy with reading glasses in front of a mike holding his copy saying ‘wanna know what today’s weather is like Look out the goddamn window’ Pretty sure I mentioned it before It was in Field amp Stream or one of those It’s still the best ‘on-air guy’ cartoon I’ve ever seen” – Rich Brother Robbin Eagle Eye “Loved the riff on the Eagles’ presence on a corner in Winslow Arizona Like they say in Daily Variety: Boffo!!” – Warren Cereghino School Shooting Coverage “I generally listen to 790 KABC while getting ready for work and they broke in with the news of the school shooting at about 7:55 am They discussed it until 8 am when the hourly news came on and then stayed with it after the news report was finished I got into my car at about 8:12 and started to hit my presets to see what coverage was going on I hit 640 KFI to see what they were saying about it but Bill Handel was interviewing someone about the high cost of building permits I punched 570 KLAC and they were talking sports I hit 1260 K-SURF and they were playing Oldies I hit KNX 1070 and they were in a commercial I hit 870 KRLA and they were covering the shooting Back to KABC and they were still covering the shooting I hit KFI again and they were in commercial Back to KNX and they were in another commercial Back to KRLA and they were now in commercial Back to KABC and they were still covering Back to KFI and they were now covering Back to KNX and now they were covering the shooting When do you throw out the commercials and just stay with a breaking story Just wondering” – Gary Gibson Mort Sahl at KOST “We’ve corresponded before but it’s been a while I worked in the 1960s at KLON-Long Beach when it was still the station of the public schools and then when it was first turned over to CSULB for Jazz I then left radio I have a KOST program from 1970 part of their Public Service obligation called Confrontation hosted by ‘Ben Thumb’ and ‘Dick Trubo’ phonetically spelled here It is an interview with Mort Sahl I am about to post it to YouTube but I wanted to know if you have any knowledge of those two hosts and whether I have their names spelled correctly If either of those gentlemen is known to you could you let me know I’d appreciate it Thanks for all your work on behalf of LA Radio I still have my hard copy of Los Angeles Radio People and love leafing through it to re-live ‘old times’” – Bruce Tennant 5626665811 oscarlevantgmailcom Rita Wilde and CW West Get Downes for First Podcast Confessional November 15 2019 If you are into radio and records – and why else would you be here this morning – there is a new podcast debuting this week that you should put on your must-listen list Rita Wilde veteran of KEZY KLOS and KSWD The Sound is a Southern California broadcast legend She has teamed with CW West they worked together at KLOS to host “Rock and Roll Confessional” Why a podcast now “First off we have been very good friends since day one working at KLOS way back in the early 80s We clicked Not only for the love of music but we both have a very warped sense of humor A year ago I approached Rita to host a podcast Rita’s answer was ‘only if you co-host with me’” said CW “Secondly a podcast doesn’t take a corporate world to run right now it’s just the two of us We have all seen how corporations take over and make it about the shareholders This is our world now we get to choose every aspect of what the presentation will be Right now it is raw but we are learning the process as we go” said the pair The first show is up and available Their guest is Steve Downes between Rita and CW Rock veteran at KWST beginning in 1978 and later on KEZY KLOS and KLSX “We are going through our roster of friends and those who we worked with over the past 30 years But we are also reaching out to people that we haven’t worked with – people we’re dying to talk with and find out more about” continued Rita and CW They have two goals for this podcast “Number one is to inform the listeners about the music industry This podcast is for music fans Whether you are a fan that wants to know more about the industry or a fan from the industry we welcome anyone who loves rock music We want our guests to share what they went through while they were in the music business Our guests will be from all walks of this life Everyone from promoters managers roadies photographers music publishing and yes bands” Rita and CW feel that everybody has a story “But there hasn’t always been an outlet for those stories Because of our podcast format those stories can be told – and there are a lot of incredible people waiting to share their anecdotes” From a technical point Wilde and West go to the guests “Wherever they are The nice thing about this day and age is that we can travel with an entire studio on our back We use a Zoom H6 six track portable recorder and a few microphones Since we are portable it’s much easier for a guest to say ‘yes’ We can meet at a conference room management office house or as Rita has mentioned plenty of times Starbucks!” When will the pair see revenue for these podcasts “I’d like to see revenue right now But I know like anything else we have to build up to it Right now we are asking for listeners to join as members on Patreon As little as a buck a month but as much as they like This isn’t required to listen to the podcast but it is a way for listeners who have the same passion for music that we do to give a little something back Those who appreciate the effort to put this together can contribute Believe me there is a huge effort involved in bringing this show forward to our listeners” CW said that one of the challenges that they’ve had to overcome has been technical “Learning to use the recording equipment editing the show and building a website have all been huge challenges It is ALL new Marketing a podcast isn’t done the same way promotions were done in radio 30 years ago But every day is a new day that we learn more I’m sure in a year the early shows will sound a little less professional But it will still be great content” Steve was a perfect guest for the launch podcast He grew up in Columbus Ohio and graduated with a BA from the University of Dayton He began his radio career in Ohio in 1969 at one of the Midwest’s first progressive rock stations “The first couple of radio stations I worked for were free-form” he told Rita and CW “You walked in with a bunch of albums under one arm and a joint in your hand Boom Let it go We had a blast” Steve was at the college station that actually sold commercials “Everyone was a student You really got a good education I made a buck twenty-five an hour” He revealed to the podcasters the slogan for his Athens Ohio station: “’We’re the only station town’” because we were the only station in town You were listening go us or white noise Our ratings were tremendous” In 1974 he became pd of WYDD-Pittsburgh Later he was operations director of KWST in 1979 Steve remembered that rock ’n roll was king in the 80s with four Album Rock stations: KLOS KMET KWST and KROQ He spent the better part of a decade at KLOS He shares some behind the scene stories from his days at KLOS “Carey Curelop KLOS pd didn’t have the balls to fire me” said Steve The podcast reveals all and who-done-it In the mid-1980s for a half-decade Steve was the voice for many of the top syndicated rock shows produced by the Westwood Radio Network including “The Superstar Concert Series” “The Rock Chronicles” and “Rock and Roll Never Forgets” In 1986 he was flown to Japan to do a series of radio shows for “FM Yokohama” which was a new radio station “In 1991 I was seeking a change in lifestyle and a desire to return to radio management and accepted a position of pd and afternoon drive at WRXK-Fort Myers “96K” No sooner had I unpacked my bags on tranquil Sanibel Island that I was asked to transfer to WYNF-Tampa as pd” He was lured back to the Southland in late 1993 to host “Rockline” He then joined afternoon drive at KLSX “Classic Rock” in the spring of 1994 but left before the year was out Steve started morning drive at KTYD-Santa Barbara in early 1995 before moving in the fall of 1997 for WLUP-Chicago In 2001 Steve segued to WDRV “The Drive”-Chicago for the next 15 years Steve is the now voice of Master Chief in the enormously popular Halo video games He worked with some of the great AOR personalities like Bob Coburn Joe Benson Geno Michellini China Smith Raechel Donahue JJ Jackson and Phil Hendrie In this podcast Steve reveals how he got involved with the iconic Rockline program Rita and CW have been marketing the podcast through social media “Facebook and Instagram right now This is one of the areas that has been a challenge for us Like most people we skim around Facebook with our own built-in audience But now we are looking for an expanded audience so it is a new learning curve for both of us Honestly don’t put it past us to be passing out stickers at an upcoming concert A fascinating listen to Steve Downes Rita a program director herself at KLOS asked Downes what is the job of program director He responded with a laugh “Putting up with ass-hole disc jockeys day in day out” The podcast is scheduled to be released every two weeks on Apple Podcast Spotify and many other platforms Hear Ache November 14 2019 He’s still a classic rock pd just with Sirius XM Classic Rock program director Bob Buchmann has a new gig He’s joining SiriusXM as Director of Music Programming for the Classic Vinyl channel He will be based locally in Hollywood Bob was pd at KLOS for almost three years and for the past seven years he was operations director and afternooner at Classic Rock KGB-San Diego … In the category of “what the hell is going on” Ben amp Jerry’s has been sued over claim that their milk for their products come from ‘happy cows’ … As KPCC makes personnel cuts the new station president/ceo Herb Scannell is apparently moving toward more on-line and podcasting … Bob Lefsetz in his tasty newsletter copied the ten items that Lee Abrams wrote about in his essay on the future of radio Lefsetz commented at the end: “Radio is in an undeniable position of strength in terms of accessibility but as a fan of the medium it has the potential for long term extinction in its current form” … Ken Davis author of In Bed with Broadcasting was inducted into the John Muir High School Pasadena distinguished alumni Hall of Fame “I recently toured their brand new 3-million-dollar broadcasting facility and wait for itsome of the kids want to get into radio!” … The folks at 870/KRLA may have “The Answer” They continue to serve their audience well taking advantage of their hosts interacting with their listeners “We had 1700 folks at the Pasadena Convention Center for our 2019 TownHall to hear Dennis Prager Mark Levin Dr Sebastian Gorka and Larry Elder Great success” said Bob Hastings director of integrated marketing “We also had two events for author Michelle Malkin one in Fullerton 300 in attendance and one in Riverside 360 … Isabel “Isa” Gonzalez has joined Meruelo as Content and Brand Director for Spanish CHR station “CALI 939” KLLI She was most recently at Univision Radio where she was Senior Content Director and Music Specialist for KLVE KRCD and a group of other Spanish language stations for the past 9 years … NPR’s flagship ‘Morning Edition’ celebrates its 40th anniversary The program made its debut with Bob Edwards pulled from All These Considered in the afternoons for the earlier hours … KNX’s Rob Archer is excited about the response to his first collection of short stories Nothing Tells You the Truth Like the Past: a thumb-drive of stories … For the 10th year in a row The Steve Harvey Morning Show and Premiere Networks will give away thousands of turkeys as part of the Steve’s Annual Turkey Give Affiliates of the award-winning morning radio show including KJLH will provide 8000 turkeys to help those less fortunate celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday Since the Turkey Give was launched in 2009 nearly 80000 turkeys have been given to those in need … Bryan Simmons read the story about Bill Dudley’s record store and just bought a rare Elton John poster from Bill “I shipped it to the radio station he is programming in Albuquerque New Mexico” emailed Bill Tommy Edwards set to retire Another Pivot for KTWV’s Bill Dudley November 13 2019 Bill Dudley of KTWV is truly an entrepreneur Bill has worked virtually all shifts at the WAVE including the signature Sunday Brunch Before arriving in the Southland he owned several record stores in Portland from 1980 until 1999 when he sold them to become part of the WAVE “When my hours got cut at CBS Radio 3 years ago I decided to re-open the store” Dudley’s Records Vintage Vinyl located at 4633 Torrance Blvd in Torrance just celebrated its second anniversary The store sells thousands of records CDs cassettes posters T-shirts and other music related merchandise “My neighbor Jesse who I had known since he was a little kid was the perfect choice to join the new store Jesse is an encyclopedia of musical knowledge from the 1960s on up and he wasn’t even born until 1997” Bill grew up in Palo Alto He was sent to a military boarding school known as the Palo Alto Military Academy “The kids attending ages 6-14 were required to wear a complete military uniform every day This included starched shirts with tie and dress jacket We had to spit-shine our leather shoes and stand in military formation prior to every meal My father passed away when I was nine and my mother thought that I needed a good education and proper discipline I was completely lost at this school during the first of my five years there My only friend became the radio Top 40 Radio KEWB and KYA in the Bay Area to be specific The songs and deejays of that era including Bobby Dale Tom Donahue Tommy Saunders Emperor Gene Nelson and Russ The Moose Syracuse navigated me through some very lonely times The radio was my only contact with the outside world” “As time went on another kid showed up at the school that also seemed sorta out of place his name was Steve Tolen Bill continued “He also listened to the radio and soon we were making our own early reel to reel demo tapes Steve was the newsman and I was the dj Several years later after we graduated one of our teachers liked us so much he hired us to work at his summer camp in Northern California On our first day off we hitch-hiked into the first small town we could find – Quincy That day we met the fire chief mortician ambulance driver and owner of the local radio station and all one person Andy Anderson” Photo: Dudley’s Records Vintage Vinyl owner Bill Dudley and clerks Jesse Chavez-Gallella and Alex Sanford Credit: Michael Hixon of the Beach Reporter The next summer Steve was driving the ambulance while Bill was working at the radio station Steve became a very successful health care professional and still lived in that same small town until one week before we opened the new store in 2017 when he passed away Steve’s son Steve Jr his wife and grandson just visited the store earlier this week Bill is still doing the Sunday Brunch at Spaghettini in Seal Beach on a regular basis Bill says What originally looked like a scary situation back in fifth grade actually turned out to be a very good thing My life was greatly influenced by going to that private school The two best teachers I ever had in my life were employed there one of which indirectly got me into radio I still reflect on the importance of hearing the radio and having it help me thru my early years of uncertaintyBill continued: My record store has always been and still is a similar hangout for younger people who appreciate Classic Rock Soul and Jazz It’s amazing how one person can change your life You also may never have met the second or third most influential person in your life if you never met the first Each exit off the highway may lead you to an entirely different place This photo was taken on the second anniversary of the new Dudley’s “The clock behind us was the original clock we had in the first store circa 1980 We even still have the same phone number that is on the clock with a different area code” At the second Anniversary weekend many of Bill’s regular customers showed up to celebrate “I’m proud to announce that Dudley’s always has been and still is a great place to hang out for music fans of all ages that just may feel at home with us The store is important to people and makes me feel like I have done something right helping make some folks lives just a little bit better I also recently heard from a guy who was a customer at the Portland store way back in 1985 – 1991 It was a big part of his childhood His name is Reid Van Ness now in his late 40s Reid remembers the original pink bags we had with the Dudley cartoon on them that were such a big part of his childhood I just sent him several business cards from that era The store is kind of like ‘Floyd’s Barber Shop’ on the Andy Griffith Show Lots of younger people are also supporting the new store and unlike many record stores in this area we also have a large array of FEMALE customers It must be our good looks!” “My store has been visited by many LARP including Talaya Trigueros Barbara Blake Lawrence Tanter Maggie Mc Kay and Dave Caprita Check out the fun we have at Instagram: dudleysrecords Radio Hall of Fame – Class of 2019 November 12 2019 On Friday night it was time for the 31st annual Radio Hall of Fame ceremonies held at Gotham Hall in New York City The evening featured some of the best radio talent from across the United States Among the award winners were six members of the Los Angeles Radio People Community The first to be recognized was sportscaster Jim Rome Born and raised in Los Angeles “Romey” has appeared on XTRA / KXTA KLAC and KFWB He now hosts a daily show on the CBS Sports Radio network along with tv duties on ESPN CBS and Showtime Rome said he has “deep deep gratitude…I’ve always had people around me who are better than me…who told me what I needed to hear not what I wanted to hear” He said his best work is ahead of him Via video actor Christian Slater introduced Sean “Hollywood” Hamilton formerly mornings at K-EARTH Slater commented: “This man was a huge influence on me…thank you for being a part of my life” Hamilton first thanked all the other inductees and ultimately said “I want to dedicate this to my love of my life my incredible wife Marina” Hamilton now hosts afternoons on WKTU-New York plus countdown shows syndicated nationally on Premier Networks Just last Thursday Kevin Ryder and Gene “Bean” Baxter ended their 30-year run at KROQ Before Bean moves to London the radio team was honored by the Radio Hall of Fame They shared sentimental remarks on the heels of Bean’s last day Ryder said “I’m here because Bean chose me as his partner…he would’ve been here RHOF with whoever his partner was and I’m happy it was me” Bean then said “I could’ve been on the radio with anyone but there wouldn’t be magic The universe brought us together We were so darn lucky that happened” Photo: Jim Rome Sean Hollywood Hamilton Ryan Seacrest Dr Ruth Westheimer Joe Madison Kevin Ryder Gene Bean Baxter Harry Harrison and John Tesh Group shot by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Radio Hall of Fame Connie Selleca then introduced her husband John Tesh currently heard locally on The Fish 959 KFSH She generously thanked all of their radio partners and talked about being in a family business Tesh shared that he was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 but stated he’s cancer free because of his “faith in divine healing” He went on to express his gratitude for his family and for the honor of being in the Radio Hall of Fame Dr Ruth Westheimer formerly heard on KFI is the diminutive sex therapist who shared explicit advice about relationships with callers to her show She talked about radio being the best medium “…even better than tv” And while “…it’s nice to have become a celebrity…I see it as passing on correct information about human sexuality” she said The Holocaust survivor was recently profiled in a documentary Ask Dr Ruth released in US theaters last May and currently available on Hulu Westheimer believes that current events particularly immigrant children being separated from their parents make it necessary for her to stand up and be counted Jimmy Fallon entertained attendees with his comedic and heartfelt introduction of his friend Ryan Seacrest current KIIS/fm morning host After much laughter Seacrest said “we truly do it radio because it’s in our blood We do it because it’s something we can’t live without…I never imagined this room these legends this career…” In addition to his local radio duties Seacrest is seen daily on the nationally syndicated Live with Kelly and Ryan hosts American Idol and is heard weekly around the world on American Top 40 via Premier Networks Jim Bohanon served as announcer for the evening’s program Veteran Newscaster Has Good News and Bad News: Hettie Lynne Hurtes a 34-year veteran has been heard on KRTH KRLA and KFWB For the past 13 years she has served as the midday anchor at KPCC She shares good news and bad news The bad news is she was caught in an on-air and off-air downsizing by the parent company American Public Media Group The good news is the talented anchor reporter and writer is available after November 27 “What are you going to do” said Hettie by phone yesterday “this is just the business today” They claim to be eliminating midday newscasts at KPCC Born and raised in Brooklyn Hettie attended UCLA before graduating from Northwestern She was the first woman in San Diego to anchor the news at KSDO Hettie has also reported at KTLA/Channel 5 and KCOP/Channel 13 “While I was working at KSDO as anchor / reporter it was a learning experience and I got to do everything from interviews engineering anchoring writing and reporting said Hettie It was very exciting and kept me busy 24 / 7 I knew from then on it would be my career” During her earlier years in broadcasting Hettie was a freelance reporter for CNN in Los Angeles and the national film critic at the former RKO Radio Network Hettie has written for a number of newspapers and magazines including Orange County Magazine Downtown LA News Beverly Hills Business and BackStage West She’s authored two books The Backstage Guide to Casting Directors and Agents on Actors Her acting experience has extended to both film and television Terminator and Throw Mama from the Train to name just two You can reach Hettie a very well-liked and talented broadcaster at: hhurtesscprorg Jeffrey Leonard’s radio reunion scheduled for next month has been cancelled due to the closing of Fuddruckers After 15 years at Fuddruckers a new location for the reunion will be announced next year Email Saturday 1192019 Great Lee Abrams Essay “Thanks for the great article by Lee Abrams Excellent advice and opinions well stated This comes from the very same guy that inspired us out at KCAL/fm in San Bernardino in the late 1970s to flip our radio station overnight from soft AC to full-time Album Rock Burkhart-Abrams weren’t our consultants We had never even met the guys But we certainly knew what they were doing and it was getting a lot of buzz on the street and huge ratings in the books As one of my former general managers once told me ‘I read a lot and I surround myself with smart and creative people that have the vision for something better They’re the ones that make me look good every day’” – Ted Ziegenbusch Sky’s the Limit “I was blessed to be mentored by this man I am grateful for what we achieved together Radio could benefit from Lee Abram’s perspective” – Sky Daniels Generic Radio “Lee Abrams is ready to kick butt or at least have the radio industry do so He is right that radio has become generic It sounds the same anywhere one can go and tune in Broadcasters are afraid to being different or sounding different Because of my dissatisfaction of commercial radio I turn more and more to public or noncommercial radio providers who don’t yell at me or try to get me to think a certain way I listen not only to NPR but to the local hosts on KCRW and KPCC I enjoy the nightly music programs offered as the djs have a more open hand to selecting their artists and don’t have to follow the edicts of a faceless person thousands of miles away Lee Abrams is right to say radio needs to be shaken up I just hope radio picks the right formula and gets the gonads to engage its audience and do it promptly” – Dan Ramos Joshua Tree Back to the Basics “The Lee Abrams ‘back to the basics’ reference reminded me of an early KGB jock meeting when Buzz Bennett made it clear he didn’t want backsells longer than ten seconds period Chuck Browning asked if there were any exceptions Buzz replied ‘sure but if your rap goes over ten seconds it better fuckin’ kill me’ That’s still seared into my memory” – Rich Brother Robbin Blake’s Take “I love this Lee Abrams essay Thanks for printing it in an easy to read email…good for saving” – Barbara Blake CitizenPlanetcom Content is the Product “Wow Lee Abrams understands Having spent a little time in radio I remember the talent that made me want to be on radio It always seemed like magic to me I was never captured by jingles or hyped formats I was captured by humans on the air who said things that resonated with me at the start of my day or in the dark of my bedroom as the comfort of a distant friend filled my room Content is the product It’s what flows out of the speaker from the person on the air It’s the product that can be sold by talented businessmen It’s a dance a partnership The most successful radio is when management allows talent to grow without fear or rules that a consultant insists worked in Scranton Howard Stern Rush you want to make big money mentor that” – Larry Van Nuys Agree with Abrams “Yes! Yes! Yes! Just a few days ago I said to a few ex-radio friends ‘radio has not changed since the 70s’ Same style same liners same tired rules but duller Thank you for this” – Stan Campbell ex-KLAC Guy Brockville Ontario Abrams with a Dose of Reality “Very nice article Every time I deviated from the ‘format’ in the slightest way the phone would ring Or the station owner’s wife calling and telling you to break that last record and put it on her desk How can anybody run a business like that You don’t I always tried to be creative nobody wanted it” – Bob Hughes Back to Reality with Abrams “In stating the obvious Lee Abrams brought us back to reality Yes radio hasn’t changed in 40 years Imagine 40 years ago if stations were programmed like it was 1939 Instead of playing Top 40 hits at KFXM I’d be running the board for network shows like Jack Benny and Fibber McGee amp Molly YIKES!” – Neil Young Early Boss Jock “Is it possible Will Rogers was the original Boss Jock” – Gary Mack Kevin amp Bean End “I never heard these gentlemen but it’s obvious they were great I found a real respect and appreciation for Bean when I read that he had donated a kidney to a person in need That’s class” – Mike Butts Demetriou Riveting “Great riveting stuff from Pete Demetriou!” – Bob Sirkin Demetriou Live “I happened to be listening to KNX when Pete Demetriou gave his live report To say that this was the best radio I had ever heard would be a vast understatement It was scary and like watching an accident on the freeway I could not turn off the radio I was shaken for the rest of the day Thank goodness Mr Demetriou and the many others are fine!” – Sterrett Harper President Harper Claims Service Inc Burbank College Buddy “Pete Demetriou was actually my companion at UCLA radio I was the morning man he was the news guy Who knew I’m very proud of the work he does and how consistently good he continues to be Most don’t know how truly funny Pete is and one day one Strange Day I will reveal all!” – Ed Mann KNX Drama Hour End “Wow my email lit up this week You should be happy to know you have such reach Let me clear something up the press release about the Drama Hour was a Sales piece We were selling to the LA Times OC Register and any local tv coverage not to radio insiders Radio insiders should know that after consolidation ‘It’s not the money it’s the money’ 60 Minutes fit 1930’s radio programs did not” – Pat Duffy Ron Treated Fairly “Was reading the website and noticed your item on Ron Fairly who just passed away You forgot to mention that he worked at KTLA Channel 5 as weekend sportscaster when his playing days were over I know this as I worked with Ron when I started as an intern in the Sports Department in November 1981 He did the weekends during the baseball off season One-time former Kansas City shortstop Freddie Patek paid a visit to see what went into sportscasting as Freddie was thinking about getting into the tv business Ron was just a classic act He was also teaching me about putting together a sports highlight package and writing copy Just a great all-around person” – Charles Glazer Toluca Lake Former KTLA Channel 5 Sports Associate 1982-85 interned 1981-82 Roll Tape “What is this ‘tape’ thing you wrote about on Tuesday Duct scotch or cellophane” – Chris Carmichael Aircheck Collection “I used to aircheck format changes They are all on audio cassette in storage Not sure what I am going to do with them I know I have the birth of KLSX when it was Classic Rock I think I have the end of KRLA the last Huggy Boy show” – David Schwartz Golden Age of Radio “I enjoyed reading the 2003 article about KNX dropping its Drama Hour which also presented some comedy shows ‘The Jack Benny Program’ along with dramas such as Box 13 with Alan Ladd The Six Shooter with James Stewart and The Lone Ranger Close to 30 years ago I interviewed Charlie Michelson who syndicated those shows to KNX and was responsible in large part for ‘kids’ like me born in the late ’50s becoming fans of ‘Golden Age Radio’ in the ’60s More about him is at Charles Michelson Memorial – Lobitos Creek RanchThere’s still at least one ‘drama hour’ on Southern California radio Since October 1982 I have hosted and produced Forward into the Past for KSPC/fm 887 the Pomona College station It airs from 2 to 5 pm on Sunday afternoons During the first and third hour I present great records from the 1920s ’30s and ’40s – jazz and hot dance bands big-band swing comedy records show tunes and soundtracks and even the occasional vintage blues or country disc I have a barn in my back yard which houses 30000 78s LPs and CDs of music from this era The middle hour is taken up with great old-time radio shows usually one half-hour comedy program and another 30-minute drama Listeners who miss the KNX hour can ‘return to those thrilling days of yesteryear’ for at least one hour every Sunday on KSPC In addition my radio partner Roger Allen and I present an hour of new radio comedy with The Sunset Review in which we bravely attempt to make sense of the goings-on in Merkis Palms the town that time remembers but people forget That show starts at 1 pm on Sundays and has been on KSPC since 1988 I play about 60 characters on the show including culture maven Walter Withersgap astrologer Lola Nebula rambunctious six-year-old Billy Furtively consumer advocate Lolo Price town ‘historian’ and chief gossip-monger Percival Heavens and commodities market reporter Buellton Bullbear KSPC’s programming can be reached on the internet at http://wwwkspcorg Thank you again for keeping us well informed about LA radio’s past and present!” – Randy Skretvedt / “Randy Brian” – KSPC nom de radio Army Surplus Stores “Since my early teens I’ve enjoyed going to surplus stores Back in the olden days these types of stores were referred to as Army/Navy Army Surplus or War Surplus Stores My initiation to surplus stores was CampH Sales in Pasadena CampH almost had it all optics electronics electromechanical test equipment The other stores I frequented were Joe Factor Sales in Burbank now Luky’s Hardware electronics hydraulic hoses hardware Apex Electronics in Sun Valley electronics hardware test equipment cable and Surplus City in Sun Valley vehicles tents clothing Apex and Luky’s are still in business In the 90s when Joe Factor began telling his customers he is going to give it up soon I took that to heart I began visiting his store at least once and at times twice a month up until he finally closed his doors for the last time I checked all the nooks and crannies making sure I’d overlooked nothing On one of these last adventures to Joe’s I came across a box of coil cables kinda like a coil cable on a David Clark aviation headset and bought them straight away Years later 25 actually I finally got around to checking closely that box of coil cables I’d purchased decades before As it turned out I’d purchased surplus NASA equipment The markings on one cable in particular came as quite a surprise This image should tell the rest of the story Cheers” – Kirk Phillips Voice King at 28 “Some months back you ran a story on LA sports voices and I wrote to keep an ear on Alex Faust the new LA Kings pxp tv guy So far he hasn’t disappointed This article analyzes a few of the new hockey voices including Faust I hope you’ll pass it on” – Larry Boxer Evil Woman “Getting in the car after my Monday morning physical therapy session I’m on the tail end of a snapped Achilles tendon recovery I fire up the 1958 Ford’s AM radio and head off to work at the studio After the usual 20-second wait for the vacuum tubes to warm up out of the speaker comes ELO’s Evil Woman courtesy of K-SURF I always had a soft spot for Jeff Lynne and Co but there’s also just something about hearing a 44-year-old favorite coming from a 61-year-old receiver With a smile on my face I turned up the radio and headed to The Shop” – Bruce Barker RIPBean November 8 2019 “I am leaving the show at the end of the year to move back home to England the ninth largest island in the world” Bean of the KROQ Kevin amp Bean Show announced on social media earlier this year And for almost a year it has been the long goodbye for Bean which officially ended yesterday with a show filled the conciliation humor and the realization that one of the BEST morning shows ever would be no longer The ripbean hashtag created much confusion on Twitter from those who thought Mr Bean the British comedian had died Many people got their start with Kevin amp Bean – Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla among them Our lives have been enriched by their familiar comedy with regular players and guests over 30 years Other morning teams were popular over the years but no one lasted longer than Gene “Bean” Baxter and Kevin Ryder Lohman amp Barkley stayed together as a morning team for 25 years but Roger Barkley said the last three years together was “painful” Like marriages sometimes they end badly Roger just walked out one day and that was it Mark Wallengren and Kim Amidon lasted 22 years in the morning slot at KOST Mark amp Brian were together at KLOS for almost 25 years By comparison Kevin amp Bean survived together in wake-up mornings a few days shy of 30 years Tonight the pair get inducted into National Radio Hall of Fame On the final show yesterday morning Bean said he hopes the show continues forever He told long-time friend to the show and KROQ Loveline co-host Dr Drew Pinsky asked why he sounded so happy “I am actually happy” said Bean “People expect me to be sad because I’m leaving the greatest job Although I will miss it I’m really focused on the future and I’m really excited about the next chapter In six months I may call and say I made the biggest mistake of my career” Kevin quipped “Don’t call We’ll be good” Bean added “I know I can’t come back I know the door is shut behind me but I am excited about my next chapter” Crosstown rival classic Rock KLOS wished Bean well and congratulations on 30 years Ralph Garman long-time part of the Kevin amp Bean supporting team was afraid he was persona non gratis but he did appear on the show “It felt so good to catch up with you” Ralph wrote “An end to an era Congrats to Bean Baxter on a spectacular 30-year run I’m so glad I was a little part of that Mostly because I learned so much about broadcasting by working with Bean A true pro Best of luck in your next adventure” KTLA did a nice farewell piece when Green Day performed recently You can see it here The LA Times published an in-depth piece on the pair hereBean received many other tributes from both fellow LARPs and listeners KROQ’s Nicole Alvarez said “Bean forever!” Listener Juan Frausto posted on Twitter how much the KROQ show meant to him: “I started listening in 1994 I had moved to a new school in a new town I left all my friends behind but these two felt like friends since the beginning” Eddie Mann formerly with KIIS and KBIG: “Hard to believe that Kevin and Bean are no more Some of the most inventive radio I’ve ever heard Met them both separately at their previous radio gigs total pros and saw Adam and Jimmy at Premiere many times thinking that they had the best gigs on earth working the World Famous KROQ with this free-wheeling morning show For those not in radio the freedom they had was unique Just about anything went on the air and they were so honest The show will go on with Kevin but it won’t be the same Bon voyage! kroq ripbean kevinandbeanComedian Brad Williams acknowledged the end of an era “Thank you for your kindness humor and remarkable ability to be rich but still eat like crap” KROQ afternooner Ted Stryker wrote: “Damn really feeling the sadness that clydetombaugh is about to sign off What a run! That being said thekevinryder alliemackay and JensenKarp so excited to hear you guys build this thing!” Long-time KROQ middayer Tami Heide: “Wishing Gene ‘Bean’ Baxter the best in his new adventures in England! Bean you have always been an outstanding funny intelligent radio host And the fact that you could be used for parts and donated a kidney to dear departed Scott Mason just puts you in the stratosphere of amazing humans! Thank you for your kindness over the years Bean thank you for your service to KROQ and Los Angeles and listeners everywhere You are truly remarkable Thank you and carry on!” Todd Wilson former iHeart technical director: “A lot of words have come into my head and my heart thinking about this day but none really capture what the last day of The Kevin and Bean Show means to me Literally they are the reason my life is where it is today They inspired me to pursue broadcasting which sent me to ASU which is where I met Stacy the love of my life who gave me my two amazing children” KROQer Kat Corbett: “When I joined the on-air staff kroq it was intimidating as fuck and I was overwhelmed with insecurities I didn’t know Bean Had never met him One weekend he came into the studio and told me he was so happy I was there It changed everything Generous both on and off the mic there’s a long list I could write about his contributions and support of others – he donated a kidney He’s an incredible interviewer makes me laugh like hell and a good sport A sweet husband and friend to animals When he signs off at KROQ I’ll just tell myself he’s on another one of his wacky vacations visiting post offices or weird museums until he resurfaces somewhere in the UK Any show would be lucky to have him After years of waking up at an ungodly hour sleep Bean sleep Relax Recharge And tackle your next challenge with all the wit and weird skills you possess I love you I’m wishing you and Donna Mendivil Baxter all the best on your new adventure” The on-air guests started with long-time newsman Doc on the ROQ Boyd R Britton All the guests were perfect Even Jim “Poorman” Trenton who had been fired 26 years ago over an incident involving Bean called in In his introduction of Poorman Bean referred to him as being “on the Mount Rushmore of KROQ personalities” and “one of the greats who helped build this radio station into the icon it is today He did not leave under great circumstances though” There were tense moments during Poorman’s phone call as Bean rehashed the reasons for the friction Said Poorman: “You should have enjoyed the birthday party I had my birthday party on your front lawn That’s how I got fired I brought 500 KROQ listeners a couple of birthday cakes Rodney on the ROQ We just wanted to have a party with you and you should have enjoyed the birthday party in the middle of the night in Hancock Park I just wondered why you didn’t have fun” Bean responded: “There were fires People set fire to the front lawn Somebody drove by the next day and threw a brick through the front window of my house These were your people I’m not saying that that was your intention They kind of looked at you being mad at me and thought they were going to get even with me And I mean I literally had to move We had to pack up and move out of that house as a result of what you did on the radio that night It still ended up with 500 listeners on my lawn Oh by the way they also got into the fuse box and turned off the power to my house while you guys were out there as well So we’re inside and people are banging on the doors and banging on the windows trying to get me to come out We’re sitting there in pitch-black darkness having no idea what was going to happen It was honestly one of the most terrifying things that we’ve ever lived through” “But here’s the thing okay — and I agree I should have not taken 500 listeners there Poorman responded And I lost 180 grand a year in salary and my gig at KROQ which in the end you’ve gotta think that was pretty stupid of me right” “But Poorman just for context here weren’t you fired at KIIS/fm weren’t you fired at Star 987 weren’t you fired at Power 106” Kevin added rhetorically “You’ve been fired at almost every radio station you’ve ever worked at you’ve been fired for doing something dumb I mean you kind of have a history of making poor choices” Yet at the end “I thought that it was nice that Poorman made the effort” Bean being very gracious Stacie Seifrit Griffin was part of the KROQ marketing team for the morning show: “Bean and I have been friends since the mid-80s when we both worked in DC radio I was lucky to work with Kevin amp Bean at KROQ for about 10 years It was a very special place to be Much love and best of luck to everyone” Listener Dr Washington was expecting some Foo Fighters song or Good Riddance by Green Day as the final song “I lost it when they played Goodbye Goodbye by Oingo Boingo” This was last song the duo played on New Years Eve 1989 leading up to the new year and the new decade They thought it would be appropriate on the farewell show yesterday At the end of the show Carolla and Kimmel joined the duo “There is no Kevin amp Bean without the supporting cast “You guys were a major major part This show doesn’t fly without great people working with us It was never just about us” Bean said Originally Bean wanted to do a last show without telling anyone it was his last show “Can I just say that I was wrong — this is really fun Having everybody calling in and the boys in the studio I’m having a good time today” Bean was so inspirational at the end of the broadcast If there were issues between his partner of three decades and him you would never have known it “Kevin and I love and respect each other We always have and we both know how lucky we are to have hooked up” Who Was That Masked Man November 7 2019 Dr Drew Pinsky may be the most diversified and eclectic LARP ever! EVER From Lovelines in 1984 Dr Drew has captured the spotlight leading to his own tv shows guest appearances on variety programs commercials and being an expert on addiction medicine His proficiency has led to many high profile interviews Just Google his name and be amazed at his diversity He hosts a daily noon to 3 pm Talk show on KABC 790 AM But this is a story about a masked man probably least expected by his many fans When Dr Drew took off his Eagle mask recently on the Fox tv show The Masked Singer my first reaction was “You’re kidding me” It was Dr Drew! How in the world did he get this gig “I was giving my UTA agent some grief about something” Dr said by phone this week “For instance you should get me on a show like The Masked Singer Next day I was on the show” Few people know that he once considered a career in opera His mother was a professional singer “When I was a kid I used to have a very strong voice I thought if I’m ever going to sing in public as I’m losing my abilities slowly I better get on it now” he said Dr Drew explained the complex and intricate behind the scenes to The Masked Singer “Great production It is one of the most complicated I’ve ever seen They are so many different layers and so many different teams so many different things you can’t keep track of everything Think of each performance with the lighting the fireworks the dancer the choreography the rehearsal the costumes music direction the vocal coaching and everyone of those performers has a crazy amount of input” The component is secrecy of the celebrity performer Great lengths are taken to keep everyone’s identity blinded from everyone “You leave your house in the morning Every piece of you is covered up They don’t want anyone to see your skin tone body type and your face is covered with a big shield You are not allowed to speak until someone comes to your trailer and brings you to the stage and you sing” Dr Drew knew judges Ken Jeong and Jenny McCarthy so he was concerned they would guess him right away “I knew Ken Jeong when he was still practicing medicine I used to have him sit in for me on the radio He filled in on Loveline My engineer liked his comedy we reached out and had him as a guest I could see how talented he was so I had him fill-in for me on Loveline before Hangover and before anyone knew who he was” During the show there was a 10-minute segment that was distilled down to one-minute and was not part of the final show “The judges were up there guessing and all of a sudden Jeong suddenly says ‘I know who you are You have a Talk show and you used to ask me to fill in for the talk show’ I literally froze and said to myself ‘oh my God he’s gonna get this’ Jeong blurts out ‘You’re pause Craig Ferguson’” Apparently Jenny got really close “She a radio person at heart” Dr Drew said “guessing Adam Carolla” Dr Drew was a little exasperated when he took off his Eagle mask “She came all the way to Adam Carolla That’s why I look so frustrated when I take the head off ‘Come on Jenny you get to Adam and then can’t extrapolate to me’” The first collection of short stories by KNX’s Robert G Archer including Orson’s Last Walk The Heretic Dies Nothing Tells You the Truth Like the Past and Pentobarbital The deeply personal stories sometimes veer into science fiction and concern memory regret life and death Oh and there are cute dogs too Yes one of the stories is a radio tale Most of them feature a narrative thread running through that connects them If you don’t have a Kindle that’s okay You can read it online or use the Kindle app on your PC or mobile device It’s a small collection I’m just testing the waters If there’s a good response I’ll be making a paperback version available And yes there are more stories on the way emailed Rob Fire Clean-Up November 6 2019 Nearly 1900 acres burned in Simi Valley because of last week’s Easy Fire almost fully contained LARadio reader Jared Charles Kliger commended the work of KNX reporter Pete Demetriou “On the one hand it was live radio at its best On the other I’m sure I’m not the only one who was afraid for Demetriou’s life as he spoke” said Kliger Demetriou himself recalled details exclusively for LARadiocom while he was in Pittsburgh over the weekend Simply put “it was number 11 pucker factor” “I was on the leading edge of the fire west-southwest of the 23 freeway – a concern the fire would cross the freeway and affect homes” said Demetriou The flames crested a hill within five minutes before covering the entire hill “within 30 to 40 seconds” There were five or six engine companies on the site prepared to battle the fire “No one could have guessed what was going to happen next The flames hit some nearby pepper trees leading to a wall of flames 90 to 100 feet high That tends to elevate the temperature” said Demetriou “I was outside the truck holding onto the roof rack through sustained winds of 15 to 25 miles per hour When the firestorm came in the winds increased to 40 to 50 miles per hour…the truck was rocking back-and-forth two or three inches” He also noted how the fire created its own wind intensifying the heat It became obvious Demetriou would need to get into his truck for safety “And the Fire Department PIO jumped in 12 seconds after I did” he said Twelve thousand gallons of Foscheck a fire retardant was dumped off of DC10 aircraft but Demetriou said he only met with a moderate amount “By comparison all three CNN vehicles got hit directly – the vans were covered about one-quarter inch deep in pink Foscheck” After that the fire did jump the road The blaze was met with Ericsson Skycranes dumping 2000 gallons of water while the Blackhawks were dousing the fire with 1000 gallons of water “Aircraft was flying low maybe as low as 150 feet The blast from the helicopter blew away any smoke – that’s how low the aircraft were attacking the flames” “Even when you have experience you think you have enough space or are in the protected zone Mother Nature can throw you a curve ball” Demetriou commended the courageousness of the firefighters “who are entering a battle” as first responders “In the past couple of weeks there have been seven fires breaking” with firefighters offering complete and unrestrained effort at each incident “as if they were face to face with the Devil” Asked about whether he learned anything from a hazardous calamity which could have potentially turned tragic Demetriou said “I follow the Joe Hyams rules for reporters The first is if you can’t file your story with the media outlet you work for you’re useless Rule number two is if you’re dead you’re perfectly useless So do not get dead” You’ll never guess what Bob Eubanks is up to these days Bob was a KRLA jock in the Top 40 days he brought the Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl hosted The Newlywed Game and NOW Radio Hall of Fame Set to Induct Seven Into the Class of 2019 November 5 2019 This Friday a number of LARP will be inducted into The Radio Hall of Fame The Class of 2019 includes Sean Hollywood Hamilton Harry Harrison Kevin Ryder and Gene Bean Baxter Kevin amp Bean Joe Madison Jim Rome Ryan Seacrest John Tesh and Dr Ruth Westheimer … Nathan Fast formerly with KIIS/fm exits Cumulus Country KPLX 995 The Wolf in Dallas … KFI’s Debra Mark is heard on the Amazon show Jack Ryan “My voice can be heard on episode one and episode 8 of the new season” enthused Debra She also did a news report on The Rookie … Pat Duffy former general manager at KNX had a quick response to the Sunday Nostalgia story about the removal of Drama Hour 16 years ago “The reason we killed it was the audience was too old The most interesting comments I got about it were from Rest Homes A guy from Santa Barbara actually complained because they put it on to put their residents to sleep Besides the Drama Hour we pulled off the racing calls again the audience was too old And I agree with everyone that KNX was and is running way too many spots I said that many times to all my bosses the only way to cut the spot load would be to get a younger audience and charge more for the spots Selling 65 demos is not easy” … Phil Hulett is celebrating 40 years with his college sweetheart Congratulations … Brazil is the 2 country for podcasting in the world according to PodNews Spotify hosted a podcasters summit in São Paolo last weekend announcing that monthly podcast consumption in the country on Spotify has been growing by 21 every month since January last year Does anyone roll tape anymore to record the beginning of a new show or to preserve the last days or hours In this case it would be time to roll tape over at KROQ this Thursday to get the final day of a 30-year run as Kevin amp Bean come to an end Does anyone record these landmark shows Quite an AMAZING story about Simon T former general manager of KQLZ Pirate Radio Books written by Los Angeles Radio People: Howard Stern Nancy Plum Neil Ross Steve Fredericks Ken Davis Harvey Kern Dave Zorn Johnny Olson Hettie Lynne Hurtes Rob Archer Archives Fall 2019 : Passing Parade: Phil Jennrich Howard Lapides Ron Fairly Bruce Seratti Bob Kingley Gene Brodeur Lucky Pierre Bob Bunnell New night show at KRRL Real 923 Tribute for Joe McDonnell on his anniversary Lisa Bloom off the Rose New Cali Reggatae morning show Entercom explores mental health Roger Nadel has news Lisa Bowman is a sport Franken launches comeback on SiriusXM K-Frog welcomes Bugenske for mornings New look for PPB Where have all the VJs gone Angels annoucer has heart attack Noah Eagle new Clippers announcer State of News Radio in the desert Casey’s saga continues Kathy Kiernan’s farewell essay: Yolando Gaskins’ eclectic life K-EARTH’s Legendary Station of the Year award Angelica Vale joins Reggaeton y mas Wendy Williams receives Star Kevin Ross celebrates 10-years on the bench Howard Stern proposes Bob Kingsley steps down Meet KLOS’ Greg Beharrell Earl Trout tale Trip to town and a trip down the dial Fire escape Bean’s departure New mornings at KUSC Archives Summer 2019: Passing Parade: Humble Harve Reb Foster Gregg Hunter Roger Carroll Bo Leibowitz Cheryl Whitaker Dwight Case Murray Westgate Jim Newman Revenue changes for LA stations Jhani Kaye get MVP for May ratings leaders Radio Hall of Fame nominees Phrase that Pays NY Times word usage Buckets of Money Ashley Paige syndicates The Ranch Nick Cannon joins mornings at Power 106 Alan Oda to Japan LARPs in Heavy Hundred Gayle King new Queen of CBS Dave Beasing Has Another Sound in Him CorporateFM is a Must-See documentary Muhammad takes over programming at KJLH Osburn new boss at 885/fm Michael Jackson breaks up fight at 30000 feet Podcasting challenges Is KABC next to be sold Franken is frank Bob Ray inducted into Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame Takes a bunch to tango these days Hollywood landscape on up and up Chris Hughes Out Earthquake king Popejoy is remembered Mookie Kaczor new pd at 885/fm Radio Hall of Fame voting begins David G Hall celebrates 30-years in business Andy Chanley new md at 885/fm Reggae and Mas moving to 939 KGIL reunion Kevin James’ internal Quiet Storm Carlucci on the move Dennis Prager lead story in LA Times Sluggo now at bat for KLOS Purely personal Archives April/May 2019: Passing Parade: Chuck Cecil Brad Messer LARPs win AllAccess Awards Series on Podcasting Bob McCormick exits California Bob Eubanks dazzles telling Beatles stories Ken Levine on podcasting Mark amp Brian reunite Past and present music intersect Mighty 1090 not so mighty Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Radio Station – Nothing J Cruz cruises to iHeart KLOS sold to Meruelo Ralph Lawler signing off Talaya’s Last Ride on The WAVE Looney thoughts on LARadio Steve Swenson to Tennessee NPR New days for KCRW Charlie Van Dyke reflections Dave Hull returns to radio Mark amp Brian reunite Money winners for 2018 Kat Corbett exits KROQ Jim Rondeau to Northwest Uncle Russ Perry Michael Simon’s essay on weekend news coverage Dan Patrick health scare Kevin Klein joins KROQ Fight on for ‘ol SC Emily Valdez new KNX anchor Erica Farber Woman of the Year Rick Dees’ cookbook Tim Conway Jr loses his father Thom Tran to MC Army event Dave Zorn’s book will make your heart go pitter-patt KXOS Movin’ to Meruelo George Green looks in rearview mirror Howard Stern doing what he does best Melinda Lee out of the kitchen and busier than ever Nathan Roberts comes out of retirement to join KNX K-SURF flashes back to the 80s Radio Santa Ana on the Air Gamble for New York Radio Personalities Archives 1st Quarter 2019: Passing Parade: Sylvia Chase Eva Ross Kilgore David Horowitz Richard Kimball Super Dave Osborne Harvey Mednick Bruce Williams Let’s Go Trippin’ with Dick Dale Larry Van Nuys jumps into the KSurf KABC shuffles line-up LARP who died in 2018 Art Laboe set for PPB honor luncheon Jaime Jarrin honored Marketing lesson from Fiji Water Girl Cindy Dole out styling Saul Levine essay on his 1051/fm beginnings How will a recession hurt the radio biz Update on KFI reporter Hanna Scott Series to preserve radio archives Golden Night 1000 homes on site of KLOS/KABC Video in cars Jimmy Steal to Chicago New head of Southern California Public Radio Celebrating Scott St James Laughs are on Phil Hendrie Afternooner like no other Art Laboe honored by Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters Wendy Williams show postponed indefinitely KNX vet Diane Thompson set to retire Delilah tells all Motown at 60 Martoni’s Steve Harvey and Mo’nique in kerfuffle It’s news to Steve Gregory Auspicious start for 885/fm Triplets 10-year anniversary How Pete Weber made the hockey team We Will Rock You Randy Keith is the piano man Triplets partner in hope History of Gary Theroux New news from Diane Thompson John Batchelor reveals he has cancer Bean announces in leaving KROQ morning show Actor Sal Mineo was a LARP Sky Daniels retires from 885/fm Ask Dr Ruth USC broadcast rights Buzzards return to Hinckley Ohio Nancy Plum’s new book Elaine Perkins perks up the news Podcast with Passion Archives 4th Quarter 2018: Classic win for K-EARTH Ellen K doubles down Rachel Maddow profile Imus lawsuit thrown out Jeff Baugh’s book Gary Thompson was at right place at the right time Don Elliot reports from NAB/RAB Radio Show Rocio Rivera gets more time at KFI Johnny Gunn’s new book gets dressed down New life for KNX/fm Passing Parade: Scott St James Hal Pickens Ed Crook John Lyle Campbell Mike Parker Dave Roberts Bill Dudley plays a record Invisible LARP RJ Curtis hits jackpot LA Times beats up Charley Steiner KBIG begins with Poole 93/KHJ gets benched Allie MacKay’s Journey Al Wisked Away by DallasWhat did music stations talk about during World Series Heaven is in Your Mind Brother John source material Gary Moore stands up for cancer Jillian Barberie diagnosed with breast cancer What’s in your berry bag Wolfman Flash! Bohemian Rhapsody is a Smash! Mornings growing at 870/KRLA Another Southern California Inferno Ingraham transitions to podcasting Nobody knows anything Casey Kasem counts backwards to 48 Hours Jim Hawthorne would have been 100 Best Broadcaster ever! Wink a heavenly treasure 2018 rearview review Scott St James remembered Bob Cole to hell and back VO artists sing for kids KLAC raises 1/4 Highest paid radio people Doug McIntyre is set to leave KABC after 22 years Wally Clark falls Vic the Brick feelin’ you KABC By George Green Art Vuolo’s farewell party |
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Tajny projekt NASA czy opuszczona baza Urbex History |
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NASA get new partners for the Artemis program |
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High-End Supercomputer at NASA |
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La NASA reveló detalles del peligroso acercamiento del “Dios del caos” un enorme asteroide de tres cuadras y media0 |
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Исследователь обнаружил огромные неопознанные объекты около Солнца изучая фотографии NASA |
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NASA’da Her Şeyi Koklayan Kimyager |
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NASA adds five companies including Blue Origin and SpaceX to moon |
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NASA soil data joins the Air Force |
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Të e NASA-s në Arktik kanë testuar një Rover… |
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NASA’s ‘hidden figures’ to be awarded Congressional Gold Medals |
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La NASA enviará un helicóptero a Marte |
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NASA unveils new spacesuits for human lunar landing |
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Astronomy: Did you know how NASA names their Mars Rovers |
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Contoh Sertifikat NDO NASA cdr New Distribution Orientation |
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Grandes misiones de la NASA |
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變性入國一考題 NASA 女太空人被控從外太空駭進前妻帳戶 網友:兩人搶當媽 |
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Η NASA επιβεβαιώνει την ύπαρξη νερού σε δορυφόρο του Δία!- Πιθανή η ύπαρξη μορφής για προσφυγικό: “Το άλλο μοντέλο απέτυχε” |
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GE ve Lockheed Martin İş Birliği ile NASA’ya Sessiz Süpersonik Jet! |
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NASA says much-anticipated meteor outburst could be a bust for the West Coast |
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NASA May Have Made the First Recording of |
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Lecture for NASA India – Arch 102 |
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Recenzia: LEGO Lunárny modul NASA Apollo 11 |
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Watch NASA’s Truck-Mounted Cannon Shoot Drones Into the Sky |
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Through Smoke and Fire NASA Searches for Answers |
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NASA dan SpaceX Segera Menuju ke Mars |
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NASA : Leben auf Jupitermond |
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На рассекреченных фотографиях NASA обнаружились полупрозрачные купола и строение в форме треугольника на Луне |
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Aracely Quispe: el orgullo y liderazgo de la peruana que conquistó la NASA |
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Asteroid May Collide with Earth Next Year NASA Monitoring Closely |
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NASA TV en directo |
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Snoopy X NASA 藝術展首爾開幕 |
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Interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua slipped by NASA space telescope unseen |
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NASA опубликовало снимок необычной звездной колыбели |
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NASA сообщило стоимость «койкоместа» на МКС для туристов |
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NASA : Un générateur d’énergie solaire conçu à l’université Ben Gourion du Néguev rejoint la station spatiale internationale |
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Evelyn Miralles Ingeniera de la NASA innovadora de realidad virtual |
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دانلود نرم افزار مشاهده ماهواره ای سطح زمین NASA World Wind v141 |
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Geomag NASA Rocket amp Rover review Giveaway |
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Chicken farmers adapt NASA’s Mars technology |
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QampA: Skyler Szot ’21 on his NASA Internship |
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NASA: в конце августа к Земле на близкое расстояние подойдeт астероид диаметром 160 м |
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What’s Next for NASA’s New Horizons |
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La NASA reveló el nombre de la misión para volver a la Luna en 2024 |
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Moonbyul I’m tired of life eoryeoun munjeya Who Am I Domangchigo sipeo samsibyukgye julhaengrang Geuttae jeo meolliseo banjjagineun byeol hana Machi beullaekholcheoreom ppajyeodeureo Neon chawoni dalla neo boreo eodiro gamyeon dwae NASA Na neoraneun haengseonge ilhoro Moon and Star Solar Hwasa On sesangeul hwasahage balkhin bichi Wheein Oh hwiii-in Jupiter and Mars Hwasa Gakkaun deut meon uri sai |
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NASA’nın Yeni Oyuncağını Beklerken Sıkılmayın |
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Αποστολή της NASA στο ηφαίστειο Κολούμπο στη Εφετείο Κακουργημάτων Κομοτηνής: Πρώτη καταδίκη για ηλεκτρονική πειρατεία στην Ελλάδα |
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NASA планирует исправить утечку космического корабля Mars а затем запустить в 2018 году |
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TV CHANNEL Fresh News HMTV RFA BTV BAYONTV SEATV MyTV CTN PNN Star Media TV SHOW ថ្មីៗ Khmer Times Khmer Talking VOD Fashion One HD Record Cute Girls Hairstyles KLAHAN9 Britain’s Got Talent Asia’s Got Talent SPORT Fights Zone FIFATV EA SPORTS FIFA FIVB Volleyball EA SPORTS UFC Futebol Das Antigas Old Football Matches MUHANNAD TV janus770 DIGITAL GAME theRadBrad Digital Combat Simulator EA Star Wars Need for Speed TRAVEL World Travel Guides COOKING Healthy and Easy Recipes TECHNOLOGY European Space Agency NASA Military Aviation History Air show Stuff EAA Live |
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Juno: NASA Jupiter Updates |
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NASA’nın uzay aracı InSight Mars’a indi |
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NASA Voyager Craft Discover Mysterious Space Wall at Edge of the Solar System |
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Η NASA παρουσίασε το πρώτο ηλεκτρικό… |
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AI APP 調時差!提供客製化「時差計劃」,NASA 2 小時賣 250 大原則加混合式管理,窺探 Spotify 高績效團隊的秘密 |
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Ανακάλυψη… ανατροπής: Η NASA επιβεβαίωσε τον εντοπισμό νερού σε δορυφόρο του πλανήτη Δία βίντεο |
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Η NASA ξεκίνησε αποστολή στη… Σαντορίνη – Τι αναζητά στο βυθό |
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New Companies Join Growing Ranks of NASA Partners for Artemis Program |
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H NASA παρουσίασε το X-57 – Το πρώτο πλήρως ηλεκτρικό αεροπλάνο της φωτο Η Κίνα επενδύει περισσότερα από τις ΗΠΑ στην τεχνητή νοημοσύνη – Ανησυχία για τη δημοκρατία |
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NASA Çalışanından Türkiye’ye Uyarı: Kendinizi Felaketlere Hazırlayın |
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NASA Güneş’in Bu Zamana Kadarki En Lekesiz Fotoğrafını Çekti Yazılar |
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NASA puts Hubble telescope on ‘safe mode’ after gyroscope failure |
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Το Insight της NASA έφτασε στον Άρη: To ταξίδι της Ανθρωπότητας στον «κόκκινο πλανήτη» μόλις άρχισε |
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Un fournisseur de la NASA a livré des matériaux défectueux pendant 20 ans et falsifiait ses rapports |
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NASA Yazışmalarında Ortaya Çıktı: Gök taşı Dünya’yı Kıl Payı Iskaladı! |
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UFO Spotted On NASA Live Stream |
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what is the full form of NASA |
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Ειδική ιστοσελίδα της NASA με νέες εντυπωσιακές … |
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Cestu s ľudskou posádkou na Mars plánuje nielen americká NASA ale aj SpaceX Kedy uvidíme na červenej planéte prvého človeka |
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NASA underwater rover could aid in search for life |
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Is there alien life on Saturn’s moon Titan NASA scientists believe so |
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บรรยากาศ NASA ในปี 1961 พวกเขาทำงานยังไง! |
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La NASA cambia los signos del zodiaco |
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NASA finds ‘battling galaxies’ in deep space – Fox News |
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Trump’s NASA Budget Eliminates Education Office Plunging America Into The Dark Synopsis |
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Monde Avion La NASA crée le premier avion 100 électrique 22 novembre 2019 – 12:45 |
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NASA: 650 metre çapında bir göktaşı Dünya’ya yaklaşıyor |
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George Carlin Takedown of NASA |
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Law Enforcement And Ring Doorbell NASA Reverse Blood Flow Verizon 5G Actual Coverage |
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Антироссийские санкции США оставят астронавтов NASA без МКС |
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La espectacular película de Júpiter de un amateur con fotos de la NASA |
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Descoperire majoră: NASA a anunţat că pe Marte există apă în formă lichidă |
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Space Geek • Policy Wonk • NASA Gateway PPampC Manager • More about me |
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Hòn đảo núi lửa bí ẩn khiến NASA kinh ngạc |
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA |
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Σαντορίνη : Ξεκίνησε αποστολή της NASA στο υποθαλάσσιο… |
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NASA запустило ракету с деталями из черниговских заводов |
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NASA’s Fermi Swift Missions Enable a New Era in Gamma-ray Science |
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6 компрометирующих фактов о NASA о которых ведомство предпочитает не в соцсетях |
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Planeta coberto de maconha encontrado pela NASA Verdadeiro ou FALSO |
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Ελένη Αντωνιάδου: H πρώτη Ελληνίδα Barbie είναι ερευνήτρια στη NASA και μιλάει στο dinamiprosforasgr |
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NAD NMN 提升 抵禦毒物、輻射和修復 DNA 損傷之功效也獲得 NASA(美國太空總署)認可,NASA 計劃將其用於幫助宇航員抵禦宇宙輻射,減低 DNA NMN 改善衰老症狀 |
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NASA Diduga Menyembunyikan Temuannya Tentang Malam Lailatul Qadr |
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That Epic Meteor Outburst Tonight May Be a Bust NASA Scientist Says |
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Probará la NASA robot que buscará vida en luna de Júpiter |
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NASA на русском Новости и статьи астрономии и космоса |
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NASA pronašla planetu idealnu za život |
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NASA awarded Partow STTR phase I award to develop high speed analog photonic modulators |
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Американка судится с NASA за пробирку лунной пыли |
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NASA ionospheric TEC map |
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The NASA Engineer Who Made iPads the Future of Halloween |
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Η NASA παρουσίασε το πρώτο ηλεκτρικό αεροπλάνο Χ-57 |
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Η NASA στο ηφαίστειο της Σαντορίνης |
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NASA Just Posted A Photo That Shows Halloween Is Celebrated Outside Earth As Well |
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No evidence of Chandrayaan-2’s Vikram lander: NASA |
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Want To Know Your Horoscope From NASA Astrology Data And From… |
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NASA Mission and Vision Statements Analysis |
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Basit Bir Birim Çevirme Hatası Nelere Mal Olabilir NASA’nın Mars Climate Orbiter Kazası |
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¡Detectan azúcares en los meteoritos! NASA informa que dan más pistas sobre el origen de la vida |
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NASA’dan felaket uyarısı: Atom bombasından 15 kat etkili milyonlar ölecek! |
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PT Natural Nusantara NASA |
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NASA says much-anticipated meteor outburst could be a bust for the |
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OU to host former NASA flight controller for talk on role in Apollo missions |
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Video Cận cảnh quá trình thử nghiệm hệ thống tên lửa đẩy trên tàu vũ trụ Orion của NASA |
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Η NASA αποκαλύπτει: Ναι βρήκαμε μορφή νερού στην Ευρώπη τον δορυφόρο του Δία ΒΙΝΤΕΟ |
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NASA Funded Opportunity for Teachers at MDRS – Sign Up Today |
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Почему астронавты NASA на МКС пьют переработанную мочу а русские — нет |
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¡Feliz halloween! NASA publica foto del ‘sol calabaza’ |
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NASA just detected water vapor on a moon of Jupiter |
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NASA’nın En İddialı Uzay Projesi: Titan Denizaltısı |
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ноутбук NASA |
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Οι «λεπτοί χειρισμοί» του κ Δημάρχου: Στο μεταξύ ο κόσμος αρρωσταίνει και πεθαίνει η γη και τα νερά Αποστολή της NASA στο ηφαίστειο Κολούμπο Photos |
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Watch live streaming video of NASA astronauts on a spacewalk |
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NASA: Προς αναζήτηση νερού στη Σελήνη βίντεο |
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NASA: через 12 лет Земля столкнется с гигантским астероидом-убийцей |
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NASA otestuje nákladový modul úchvatné kosmické lodi která vypadá jako raketoplán |
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NASA’s TESS Spacecraft Is Finding Hundreds of Exoplanets—and Is Poised to Find Thousands More |
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Dos nuevos estudios revelan la presencia de sendos materiales típicamente asociados a la preservación de compuestos orgánicos y biofirmas en forma de microfósiles Ambos materiales se encuentran en el cráter Jezero justo el lugar donde aterrizará la misión de la NASA |
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NASA’s Curiosity Rover Finds Unexplained Oxygen on Mars |
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50 il sonra NASA-da ilk |
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New NASA STEM lesson plans celebrate space exploration |
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Ученые NASA нашли в упавших метеоритах следы рибозы |
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Split Gallery exhibit from former NASA filmmaker ties together conspiracy consumerism |
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Regiões de Plutão recebem nomes oficiais sugeridos pela NASA |
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Un equipo femenino de Delta llevó a 120 niñas a la NASA para entusiasmarlas con las carreras de preferidos por los colombianos para pasar la Navidad |
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NASA Images Show Just How Much Carbon Mo |
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NASA picks ancient Martian river delta for 2020 rover touchdown |
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Radar AIS anti collision avec écran intégré SART NASA |
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NASA Has Just Released 2540 Stunning New Photos of Mars |
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NASA Yeni Astronotlarını Arıyor |
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NASA’dan Plüton’a İniş Videosu! |
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Consulting and Educational Services in Acoustics Shock Response Spectra Sine amp Random Vibration Rainflow Fatigue Signal Processing Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis Modal Testing Finite Element Analysis Web wwwvibrationdatacom Site Map Tutorials Software Shock amp Vibration Training Course The next course date is TBD Location: Near the Huntsville Alabama airport Best Western Plus Madison – Huntsville Hotel 9035 Madison Blvd Hwy 20 West Madison AL 35824 Formerly The Inn at Madison Data Analysis Services Digital Audio Recording amp Editing Services Newsletters Acoustics This site is sponsored by Tom Irvine Vibrationdata 136 Wellington Dr Madison Alabama 35758 I still maintain the Vibrationdata website but I am now a full-time employee of Blue Origin I also serve as an industry representative to the NASA Engineering amp Safety Center Cell Phone: 256-924-8860 Email: tomirvinemailorg Please recommend this site by clicking on the Google 1 Button Tom’s Facebook Profile Tom’s Google Profile Tom’s NASA Profile Tom’s LinkedIn Profile Vibrationdata Python Vibrationdata Blog Conferences Aerospace Technical Workshops Shock amp Vibration Symposium |
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ErShali Peeling Spray NASA |
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NASA wyśle misję bezzałogową na Tytana |
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NASA probará robot en Antártida con miras a buscar |
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NASA отправит биткоин на Луну |
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Robert Downey Jr responde tweet da NASA sobre Vingadores: Ultimato |
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NASA: rilevato vapore d’acqua su Europa il satellite di Giove |
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Our Messaging technology is literally out of this world Just ask NASA |
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GE NASA’nın Roket Fabrikasında Türbin Kanadı Test Merkezi Kurdu! |
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AI APP 調時差!提供客製化「時差計劃」,NASA 2 小時賣 250 大原則加混合式管理,窺探 Spotify 2 小時賣 250 FVF |
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NASA’dan uyarı: Bir asteroit dünyaya yaklaşıyor |
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Pirmiau DNR ar RNR NASA meteorituose rado cukraus kuris keičia mokslininkų suvokimą apie gyvybę 23 |
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NASA’nın Ames Araştırma Merkezi’nde Bulunan HPE’nin Süper Bilgisayarı İle Aya Yolculuk Başlıyor! |
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Aumenta nivel del mar 5 centímetros en más de 11 años: NASA |
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NASA Says Chandrayaan’s Vikram Had “Hard Landing” |
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İzleyeceği Film tamamen kafasında olan herkesi Kale içinde ağırlıyoruz Filmin Kalesinde Filmkalecom Giriş Kaydol Giriş Yap Anasayfa Kategoriler Western Belgesel Bollywood Filmleri Zombi Filmleri Türler Aile Aksiyon Animasyon Belgesel Bilim Kurgu Biyografi Dram Gençlik Genel Gerilim Gizem Komedi Korku Macera Müzikal Polisiye – Suç Politik Psikolojik Romantik Savaş Spor Tarih Film Arşivi Haberler Hakkımızda İletişim 75 Küp Sıfır Cube Zero 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2004 Bilim Kurgu Gizem Korku 2004 Özet Küp Sıfır Cube Zero Kanada İzleIMDB: 57 Birbirlerini tanımayan yedi kişi bilmedikleri bir biçimde kendilerini bir küp sisteminin içinde bulurlar Ke Yönetmen: Ernie Barbarash Oyuncular: Zachary Bennett Stephanie Moore Michael Riley Martin Roach Jasmin Geljo Joshua Peace Diego Klattenhoff Alexia Filippeos Fernando Cursione 65 Superman’in Ölümü ve Dönüşü 6510 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Aksiyon Animasyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Superman’in Ölümü ve Dönüşü 6510 filmi sizler için bir yabancı güç ile sınırsız mücadeleye yalnızca Süpermen’in bitireb Yönetmen: Jake Castorena Oyuncular: Jerry O’Connell Rainn Wilson Rebecca Romijn 75 Yükseltme DublajAltyazılı 7510 – Yükseltme Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Korku 2019 Özet Yükseltme DublajAltyazılı 7510 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daEşiyle birlikteyken acımasızca saldırıya uğrayan Grey Trace karısını saldırıda k Yönetmen: Leigh Whannell Oyuncular: Betty Gabriel Logan Marshall-Green Michael M Foster Richard Anastasios Rosco Campbell Simon Maiden Steve Danielsen 63 Kıyamet The Unthinkable aka Den blomstertid nu kommer 1080p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Romantik 2018 Özet Kıyamet The Unthinkable aka Den blomstertid nu kommer filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNormal hayat devam ederken bir anda hiç kimsenin aklına gelm Yönetmen: Victor Danell Oyuncular: Christoffer Nordenrot Jesper Barkselius Lisa Henni Magnus Sundberg Pia Halvorsen 33 Shanghai Fortress 2018 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2018 Bilim Kurgu Savaş 2018 Özet Shanghai Fortress Çin İzleGelecekte bir günde Şangay Çin şehri çok teknolojik gelişmeler yaşamış dünya’ya hükmeder hale gelmiştir Şehir merkezinde bu Yönetmen: Hua-Tao Teng Oyuncular: Godfrey Gao Han Lu Qi Shu Vincent Matile 53 Reset 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2017 Özet Reset Fatal Countdown: Reset filmi 2017 53 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırJackie Chan’in yapımcılık kariyeri oyunculuk kariyerine kafa tutmaya baş Yönetmen: Hong-Seung Yoon Oyuncular: Chang Liu Hummer Zhang Mi Yang Shih-Chieh King Wallace Huo 77 Örümcek Adam Evden Uzakta SpiderMan Far from Home Turkce Dublaj 2019 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet Örümcek Adam Evden Uzakta SpiderMan Far from Home ABD İzlePeter Parker arkadaşları ile birlikte yaz tatili için Avrupa gezisine çıkar New York’tan fa Yönetmen: Jon Watts Oyuncular: Jake Gyllenhaal Jon Favreau Marisa Tomei Samuel L Jackson Tom Holland Zendaya 50 Auggie 2019 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2019 Bilim Kurgu Dram 2019 Özet Auggie Auggie filmi 2019 50 1080pFelix Greystone çalıştığı şirketten erken emekli olmak zorunda bırakılınca emeklilik günlerini nasıl geçireceğini b Yönetmen: Matt Kane Oyuncular: Christen Harper Christine Donlon Larisa Oleynik Richard Kind Susan Blackwell 59 Bir Nefes Ötede Dans la brume 2018 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2018 Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Bir Nefes Ötede Dans la brume Fransa İzleGarip ve ölümcül bir sis Paris’i etkisi altına alır Ne yapacaklarını bilmeyen hayatta kalmaya çalışan insan Yönetmen: Daniel Roby Oyuncular: Romain Duris Olga Kurylenko Fantine Harduin Michel Robin Anna Gaylor 69 UFO – UFO Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2018 Özet UFO filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daUFO genç bir adamın dünya dışı varlıkları kanıtlamak için verdiği mücadele konu ediliyor Derek Echevaro gelec Yönetmen: Ryan Eslinger Oyuncular: David Strathairn Mark Aaron Buerkle Steven Schraub Derek Polen Ella Purnell Angela Duggins Katie Eichler Alex Sharp Gillian Anderson Lea Hutton Beasmore Myra Zimmerman Grubbs Brian Bowman 00 Twenty Twenty Four – orjinalisim Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Bilim Kurgu Genel Gerilim Gizem 2016 Özet Twenty Twenty Four orjinalisim filmi vizyon imdb 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB: 44 21 yüzyılda değerli doğal kaynaklar tükenmeye başla Yönetmen: Richard Mundy Oyuncular: Andrew Kinsler Peter McCrohon 35 Neverknock – Asla Kapıyı Çalma Neverknock Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Bilim Kurgu Genel Gerilim Korku 2017 Özet Asla Kapıyı Çalma Neverknock filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 50 Genç bir grup Halloween eğlencesi için toplanırlar ve şehir efsanesini dikkat Yönetmen: Sheldon Wilson Oyuncular: Jodelle Ferland Dominique Provost-Chalkley Eliana Jones Kiana Madeira Jack Fulton 71 Venom Zehirli Öfke Turkce Altyazi 2018 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Venom Zehirli Öfke ABD İzleEddie Brock hırslı bir muhabirdir Sevgilisinin çalıştığı araştırma firmasının sahibi de peşinde olduğu hikayelerden biridi Yönetmen: Ruben Fleischer Oyuncular: Tom Hardy Michelle Williams Riz Ahmed 58 The Meg Derinlerdeki Dehşet – The Meg 720p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Korku 2018 Özet The Meg Derinlerdeki Dehşet filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNeslinin tükendiği sanılan devasa bir yaratık Pasifik Okyanusu’nun en derin noktalarında Yönetmen: Jon Turteltaub Oyuncular: Jason Statham Bingbing Li Rainn Wilson 60 Dronlarin Savaşı Battle of the Drones Turkce Dublaj 2018 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Dronlarin Savaşı Battle of the Drones filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 57 Bir grup yetenekli paralı askerin ABD hükümeti tarafından ihanete uğ Yönetmen: Mitch Gould Oyuncular: Dominique Swain Jason Earles Natassia Malthe Oleg Taktarov Louis Mandylor Dan Southworth Richard Alan Reid Jo Marr Michael Paré Robert Reynolds 53 Solis – Solis 1080p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2018 Özet Solis Solis filmi 2018 53 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSolis uzaydaki çekime sürüklenen bir kapsülün içerisinde olan bir adamın verdiği yaşam m Yönetmen: Carl Strathie Oyuncular: Alice Lowe Charlette Kilby Henry Douthwaite Kate Coogan Sid Phoenix Steven Ogg 53 Starfish Yabancı i 2016 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2016 Bilim Kurgu Dram Korku 2016 Özet Starfish Yabancı i Starfish filmi 2016 53 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırEn iyi arkadaşını kaybettiği günü dünyanın sonu olarak ilan eden genç kız Yönetmen: AT White Oyuncular: Virginia Gardner Christina Masterson Eric Beecroft 59 Partilerde Kız Tavlama Sanatı – How to Talk to Girls at Parties Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Bilim Kurgu Komedi Müzikal Romantik 2017 Özet Partilerde Kız Tavlama Sanatı Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleRabbit Hole filmiyle dikkatleri üzerine toplayan oyunculuk geleneğinden gelen John Cameron Mitc Yönetmen: John Cameron Mitchell Oyuncular: Elle Fanning Alex Sharp Matt Lucas Ruth Wilson Nicole Kidman Hebe Beardsall Nansi Nsue Eloise Smyth Ethan Lawrence Joey Ansah Joanna Scanlan Stephen Campbell Moore N/A Gemini Man – İkr Projesi Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2019 Özet İkr Projesi ABD İzleGemini Man Henry Brogen isimli bir suikastçıya odaklanıyor Yaşlanan ve artık emekli olmaya karar veren suikastçı kendini bir sav Yönetmen: Ang Lee Oyuncular: Will Smith Mary Elizabeth Winstead Clive Owen Benedict Wong Linda Emond Theodora Miranne Kenny Sheard Tim Connolly David Shaeffer 57 Fast Color 1080p Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Bilim Kurgu Dram Gerilim 2018 Özet Fast Color Turkce Altyazi 1080p İzleBilim kurgu dram ve gerilim türündeki Fast Color filmi Ruth adında genç bir kadının hikayesini konu ediniyor Sü Yönetmen: Julia Hart Oyuncular: Christopher Denham David Strathairn Gugu Mbatha-Raw Lorraine Toussaint Saniyya Sidney 68 The Flu Gamgi 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2013 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Dram 2013 Özet The Flu Gamgi Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleBundang’dan yasa dışı yollarla Seul’e giren göçmenler yanlarında görülen büyük salgını getirirler Bilinmeyen Yönetmen: Sung-su Kim Oyuncular: Hyuk Jang Soo Ae Andrew William Brand 88 Başlangıç Inception 2010 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2010 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2010 Özet Başlangıç Inception Inception filmi 2010 88 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırDom Cobb Leonardo DiCaprio çok yetenekli bir hırsızdır Uzmanlık alanı Yönetmen: Christopher Nolan Oyuncular: Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon-Levitt Ellen Page 60 XMen Dark Phoenix Turkce Altyazi 2019 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet XMen Dark Phoenix ABD İzleGame of Thrones dizisi oyuncularından Sophie Turner bu kez X-Men serisinin bu filminde karşımızda Bir görev sırasında gizem Yönetmen: Simon Kinberg Oyuncular: James McAvoy Michael Fassbender Jennifer Lawrence Sophie Turner 66 The Infinity Project Turkce Dublaj 2015 2015 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2015 Özet The Infinity Project filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daİtalya büyükelçisi kendini ajan gibi tanıtan biri tarafından kaçırılır ve çok gizli bir beyin a Yönetmen: Michael Fredianelli Oyuncular: Dialy Paulino James Allen Brewer Jeanne Young John Ozuna Joseph Camilleri Joseph Walters 84 Kaptan Amerika Kahramanların Savaşı Captain America Civil War – Captain America: Civil War 720p izle 2016 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim Macera 2016 Özet Kaptan Amerika Kahramanların Savaşı Captain America Civil War Captain America: Civil War filmi 2016 84 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİMDB: 85 IM Yönetmen: Anthony Russo Oyuncular: Chris Evans Robert Downey Jr Daniel Brühl Chadwick Boseman Sebastian Stan Frank Grillo Anthony Mackie Scarlett Johansson Jeremy Renner Tom Holland Paul Rudd Elizabeth Olsen 84 Deadpool Turkce Dublaj 2016 2016 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Komedi Macera 2016 Özet Deadpool filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daİMDB: 82 366941 kişi oy kullanmıştır IMDb Top 250: 156 Doktorların teşhisleri sonunda kanser ol Yönetmen: Tim Miller Oyuncular: Ryan Reynolds Morena Baccarin Gina Carano Ed Skrein TJ Miller Ben Wilkinson Paul Lazenby Jed Rees Andre Tricoteux Olesia Shewchuk Stan Lee Leslie Uggams 87 Matrix Düblaj 720p – The Matrix 720p izle 1999 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 1999 Özet Matrix Düblaj 720p The Matrix filmi 1999 87 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırYazılım şirketinde Neo adı altında hacker’lık yapan Thomas aynı zamanda M Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Hugo Weaving Joe Pantoliano Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 72 Matrix Reloaded Düblaj 720p – The Matrix Reloaded Turkce Dublaj 720p 2003 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2003 Özet Matrix Reloaded Düblaj 720p The Matrix Reloaded filmi 2003 72 720pMakineler son derece önemli bir bilgi edinmiş ve insanların özgürce yaşayabildikler Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 67 Matrix Revolutions Düblaj 720p 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2003 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2003 Özet Matrix Revolutions Düblaj 720p Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleArtık sahip olduğu gücü kendinden emin bir şekilde sergileyen Neo insanüstü özelliklerle donatı Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 50 FREDI 2017 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2017 Aile Bilim Kurgu Macera 2017 Özet FREDI FREDI filmi 2017 50 720pJames ile arkadaşı ormandayken ilginç bir şeyle karşılaşırlar ve bu işin sonu uçabilen ve konuşabilen bir robot bu Yönetmen: Sean Olson Oyuncular: Kelly Hu Angus Macfadyen Candace Cameron Bure 59 Dark Phoenix 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet Dark Phoenix Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleX-Men film serisinin on üçüncü ve yeni bir X-Men üçlemesinin başlangıç filmi olacak filmin başrolünde Sansa Stark Yönetmen: Simon Kinberg Oyuncular: Sophie Turner James McAvoy Jessica Chastain Jennifer Lawrence Michael Fassbender Alexandra Shipp Daniel Cudmore Ato Essandoh Summer Fontana Evan Jonigkeit Kodi Smit-McPhee Tye Sheridan 60 Anon – Anon 720p izle 2018 Bilim Kurgu Gizem 2018 Özet Anon Anon filmi 2018 60 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırHiçbir gizliliğin kalmadığı bütün insanların gözlerindeki implantlar sayesinde gözetlenebild Yönetmen: Andrew Niccol Oyuncular: Clive Owen Afiya Bennett Morgan Allen Amanda Seyfried 61 Sinyal The Signal – The Signal Turkce Altyazi 720p 2014 Bilim Kurgu Hacker 2014 Özet Sinyal The Signal The Signal filmi 2014 61 720pNick ve Jonah adında iki bilişim teknolojileri tutkunu genç üniversitede ilgili bölümde okumaktadırla Yönetmen: William Eubank Oyuncular: Brenton Thwaites Olivia Cooke Beau Knapp 44 Arrowhead 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2015 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2015 Özet Arrowhead Arrowhead filmi 2015 44 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırArrowhead görünüşte terk edilmiş bir ayın ölümcül bir sırrını keşfeden güçlü bir Yönetmen: Jesse O’Brien Oyuncular: Christopher Kirby Shaun Micallef Aleisha Rose Jak Wyld Akira Bradley Mark Redpath Adam Tuohy 68 Tron Efsanesi – Tron Legacy Turkce Dublaj 720p 2010 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2010 Özet Tron Efsanesi filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da82’i yılında çekilmiş olan Tron filminin Jeff Bridges gibi ünlü oyuncuların baş rolünde oynadığı yeni Yönetmen: Joseph Kosinski Oyuncular: Michael Sheen Cillian Murphy Jeff Bridges Garrett Hedlund James Frain Son Filmler HD Yeşil Sokak Holiganları Turkce Dublaj 2014 2014 Yeşil Sokak Holiganları Yeşil Sokak Holiganları filmi vizyon 83 720p’Sarhoş olmak ve dövüşmek Hayatta başka yapacak ne varki ‘ Son derece zengin o Yönetmen: Lexi Alexander Oyuncular: Elijah WoodCharlie HunnamClaire ForlaniRoss McCallTerence JaySteve HartNicky HolenderLuke MassyGraham McTavishSuzanne MayMichael EnrightTreva EtienneJohn BariamisNicola BertramMatt CanditoPaul CullenHugh DalyMarc WarrenMark Brighton 83 IMDB Puanı 57 İzlenme HD 7 Koğuştaki Mucize i – 7 Koğuştaki Mucize 720p izle 2019 7 Koğuştaki Mucize i filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daHikayesini 1983 yılında yaşanan gerçek olaylardan alan 7 Koğuştaki Mucize adlı film Memo ve Yönetmen: Mehmet Ada Öztekin Oyuncular: Aras Bulut Iynemli Celile Toyon Uysal Deniz Baysal Nisa Sofiya Aksongur 85 IMDB Puanı 165 İzlenme HD Radioflash – Radioflash Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Radioflash filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daRadioflash izle Nükleer bir aygıt yüzüne 200 milyon insanın elektriği kesilir Kararan dünyada genç bir Yönetmen: Benjamin McPherson Oyuncular: Brighton Sharbino Dominic Monaghan Fionnula Flanagan Will Patton Arden Myrin Max Adler Miles Anderson Michael Filipowich 52 IMDB Puanı 155 İzlenme HD Deri Ceket 2019 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2019 Deri Ceket Fransa İzleLastik’ten Yanlış ve Karakol’a komedi filmlerinde gerçekliğin sınırlarını zorlayan Quentin Dupieux yeni filminin ilk gösterimin Yönetmen: Quentin Dupieux Oyuncular: Jean Dujardin Adèle Haenel Albert Delpy Marie Bunel Youssef Hajdi 69 IMDB Puanı 151 İzlenme HD Mad Families 2017 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Mad Families filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daMad Families izle4 Temmuz’da tatil için yola çıkan üç farklı aile kamp alanına ulaştıklarında büyük bi Yönetmen: Fred Wolf Oyuncular: Charlie Sheen Leah Remini Naya Rivera Finesse Mitchell Justice Alan LilRel Howery 41 IMDB Puanı 157 İzlenme HD Elektrik Savaşları – The Current War 720p izle 2017 Elektrik Savaşları Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleElektrik Savaşları izle Günümüzde elektriğin olmadığı bir dünyayı hayal etmek neredeyse imkansız Ancak ev Yönetmen: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Oyuncular: Benedict Cumberbatch Michael Shannon Nicholas Hoult Katherine Waterston Tom Holland Celyn Jones Conor MacNeill Tom Sweet Iain McKee Jason Matthewson Liza Ross Tuppence Middleton 64 IMDB Puanı 162 İzlenme HD Magdalalı Meryem – Mary Magdalene 720p izle 2018 Magdalalı Meryem Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleYeni Ahit Markos ve Yuhanna olmak üzere İncillerde sıkça adı geçen Mecdelli Meryem veya Magdalalı Meryem ki Yönetmen: Garth Davis Oyuncular: Rooney Mara Joaquin Phoenix Chiwetel Ejiofor Tahar Rahim Hadas Yaron Tawfeek Barhom Uri Gavriel Zohar Shtrauss Tsahi Halevi Michael Moshonov 58 IMDB Puanı 154 İzlenme HD Deprem Kuşu – Deprem Kuşu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Deprem Kuşu Deprem Kuşu filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırDeprem Kuşu izleLucy Fly Tokyo’da yaşayan genç bir kadındır Sorunlu bir yaş 66 IMDB Puanı 154 İzlenme HD İhtiyar Adam ve Silah 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 İhtiyar Adam ve Silah İhtiyar Adam ve Silah filmi 2018 72 720pİhtiyar adam ve silah izle filmin konusu Forrest Tucker 70 yaşında ve 18 kez hapisten 72 IMDB Puanı 109 İzlenme HD Sihirli Plan Turkce Dublaj 2019 2019 Sihirli Plan Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleSihirli Plan izlePostacı akademisinin en kötü öğrencisi Jesper kendini Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Yönetmen: Sergio Pablos 88 IMDB Puanı 21 İzlenme HD Eve Dönüş Turkce Dublaj 2013 2013 Eve Dönüş Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleEve Dönüş izle Ben Burns Lucas Hedges adında çekici ancak sıkıntılı bir gence odaklanıyor Ben bir Noel arifesind Yönetmen: Alphan Eşeli Oyuncular: Uğur Polat Nergis Öztürk Serdar Orçin Sıla Çetindağ Muharrem Bayrak Şevket Süha Tezel Şebnem Hassanisoughi Miray Akay 67 IMDB Puanı 12 İzlenme HD Donkey Punch 18 5410 – Donkey Punch 720p izle 2008 Donkey Punch 18 5410 İngiltere İzleBir oyuncunun ölümünün gerçekleşeceği ana kadar erotik sahnelerin yer aldığı ardından kendisini gerilim ve korkuy Yönetmen: Oliver Blackburn Oyuncular: Jaime Winstone Jay Taylor Julian Morris Nichola Burley Robert Boulter Sian Breckin Tom Burke 64 IMDB Puanı 19 İzlenme HD Çapkın 6010 – Spread Turkce Dublaj 720p 2009 Çapkın 6010 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNikki Ashton Kutcher jigolo olduğunu kesinlikle kabul etmemektedir Kendisi zengin bayanlarla beraber Yönetmen: David Mackenzie Oyuncular: Anne Heche Ashley Johnson Ashton Kutcher Jenae Altschwager Laura Linney Margarita Levieva Rachel Blanchard Sebastian Stan Shane Brolly 72 IMDB Puanı 19 İzlenme HD Büyük Hata 6310 – Büyük Hata 720p izle 2018 Büyük Hata 6310 Büyük Hata filmi 2018 63 720pFilmin hikâyesi Anne Fontaine’in yönettiği 2005 yapımı erotik psikolojik dram Nathalie’ye dayanıyor C Yönetmen: Atom Egoyan Oyuncular: Amanda Seyfried v Julianne Moore Liam Neeson 63 IMDB Puanı 16 İzlenme HD Genova 6110 – Genova Turkce Dublaj 720p 2008 Genova 6110 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daDönem filmlerinden bilimkurguya erotik ilişki dramlarından belgesele türler arasında rahatlıkla geçiş Yönetmen: Michael Winterbottom Oyuncular: Colin Firth Perla Haney-Jardine Willa Holland 61 IMDB Puanı 9 İzlenme HD Bridget Jones’un Günlüğü – orjinalisim 720p izle 2018 Bridget Jones’un Günlüğü 6710 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daYeni bir yılın başlangıcında 32 yaşındaki Bridget hayatına hükmetmeye başlamanın ta Yönetmen: Sharon Maguire Oyuncular: Colin Firth Hugh Grant Renée Zellweger 67 IMDB Puanı 13 İzlenme HD Küp Sıfır Cube Zero 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2004 Küp Sıfır Cube Zero Kanada İzleIMDB: 57 Birbirlerini tanımayan yedi kişi bilmedikleri bir biçimde kendilerini bir küp sisteminin içinde bulurlar Ke Yönetmen: Ernie Barbarash Oyuncular: Zachary Bennett Stephanie Moore Michael Riley Martin Roach Jasmin Geljo Joshua Peace Diego Klattenhoff Alexia Filippeos Fernando Cursione 75 IMDB Puanı 76 İzlenme HD Eli DublajAltyazılı 6010 – Eli 720p izle 2018 Eli DublajAltyazılı 6010 Eli filmi 2018 60 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırMiller ailesi oğullarının otoimmun hastalığının tedavisi için son ça Yönetmen: Ciarán Foy Oyuncular: Charlie Shotwell Deneen Tyler Kelly Reilly Lili Taylor Max Martini Sadie Sink 60 IMDB Puanı 82 İzlenme HD Goliat DublajAltyazılı 7010 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Goliat DublajAltyazılı 7010 Goliat filmi 2018 70 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİsveç’in ufak bir sanayi kasabası olan Goliath’da bir adam işle Yönetmen: Peter Grönlund Oyuncular: Cedomir Djordjevic Cornelia Andersson Joakim Sällquist Sampo Sarkola Sebastian Ljungblad Tuva Linghult 70 IMDB Puanı 87 İzlenme HD Yüzleşme DublajAltyazılı 7310 – Yüzleşme Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Yüzleşme DublajAltyazılı 7310 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daYüzleşme çocukken cinsel saldırıya uğrayan genç bir adamın hikayesini konu ediyor Yönetmen: François Ozon Oyuncular: Bernard Verley Denis Ménochet Éric Caravaca Hélène Vincent Josiane Balasko Melvil Poupaud Swann Arlaud 73 IMDB Puanı 87 İzlenme HD Sınır Border 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Sınır Border filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 70 Bu yılki Un Certain Regard seçkisinin büyük ödülünü de kazanan gerçekten de bölümün en takdi Yönetmen: Ali Abbasi i Oyuncular: Eva Melander Eero Milonoff Viktor Åkerblom Jörgen Thorsson Andreas Kundler 68 IMDB Puanı 70 İzlenme HD Katiller Tueurs 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Katiller Tueurs Tueurs filmi 2017 85 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB: 61 Belçika’nın Brabant eyaletinde 1982-1985 yılları arasında meydana gele Yönetmen: François Troukens Oyuncular: Lubna Azabal Olivier Gourmet Bouli Lanners Kevin Janssens Tibo Vandenborre 85 IMDB Puanı 71 İzlenme HD Ayda İlk İnsan First Man – First Man 720p izle 2018 Ayda İlk İnsan First Man filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 73 First Man Ay’a ilk ayak basan astronot Neil Armstrong’un NASA temelli aya gidiş Yönetmen: Damien Chazelle Oyuncular: Ryan Gosling Claire Foy Jason Clarke Kyle Chandler JD Evermore Brady Smith Brian d’Arcy James Cory Michael Smith Lukas Haas Pablo Schreiber Corey Stoll Anna Chazelle 69 IMDB Puanı 65 İzlenme HD Scooby Doo Return To Zombie Island 2019 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Scooby Doo Return To Zombie Island ABD İzleIMDB: 58 Scooby-Doo ve arkadaşları tatile gittikleri kasabada zombi istilasına uğramış adadaki gizemi çözm Yönetmen: Cecilia Aranovich 50 IMDB Puanı 74 İzlenme HD The Elephant Queen – Fil Kıraliçesi The Elephant Queen Turkce Altyazi izle 2019 Fil Kıraliçesi The Elephant Queen Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleIMDB: 79 Athena yaşadıkları su birikintisini terk etmek zorunda bırakıldıkları zaman sürüsü 83 IMDB Puanı 15 İzlenme HD The Bad Seed – Kötü Tohum The Bad Seed Turkce Dublaj izle 2018 Kötü Tohum The Bad Seed The Bad Seed filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB : 62 Kötü Tohum çocukluklarının çaresiz günlerinden yetişen Yönetmen: Rob Lowe Oyuncular: Rob Lowe Mckenna Grace Cara Buono Patty McCormack Marci T House Sarah Dugdale Luke Roessler John Emmet Tracy Shauna Johannesen 66 IMDB Puanı 27 İzlenme HD Recep İvedik 6 – Recep İvedik 6 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Recep İvedik 6 Recep İvedik 6 filmi 2019 62 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırRecep İvedik serisinin 6 filminde Konya’ya gitmek isteyen Recep kendisi Yönetmen: Togan Gökbakar Oyuncular: Şahan Gökbakar 62 IMDB Puanı 34 İzlenme 1080p Suçlu Den skyldige 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2018 Suçlu Den skyldige Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzleThe Guilty rütbesi masa başı işine indirilen polis memuru Asger Holm’e odaklanıyor Acil durumlar için ge Yönetmen: Gustav Möller Oyuncular: Jakob Cedergren Jessica Dinnage Johan Olsen Omar Shargawi 75 IMDB Puanı 326 İzlenme 1080p Hayat Okulu L’école buissonnière Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Hayat Okulu L’école buissonnière L’école buissonnière filmi 2017 67 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırParis 1930Paul tek bir ufka doğru bakabiliyo Yönetmen: Nicolas Vanier Oyuncular: Eric Elmosnino François Berléand François Cluzet Jean Scandel 67 IMDB Puanı 305 İzlenme 1080p Sibel 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Sibel Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzle25 yaşındaki Sibel babası ve kız kardeşi ile birlikte Karadeniz’de gözlerden uzak bir köyde yaşamaktadır Dilsiz bir kı Yönetmen: Çagla Zencirci Guillaume Giovanetti Oyuncular: Damla Sönmez Elit İşcan Emin Gürsoy Erkan Kolçak Köstendil Meral Çetinkaya 72 IMDB Puanı 330 İzlenme 1080p Kum Adam The Sandman Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Kum Adam The Sandman The Sandman filmi 2017 45 1080pKorkunç güçleri olan küçük bir kız kâbuslarından korkunç bir canavar olan Sandman’i hayal eder v Yönetmen: Peter Sullivan Oyuncular: Amanda Wyss Haylie Duff Ricco Ross Shae Smolik Shaun Sipos Tobin Bell 45 IMDB Puanı 301 İzlenme 1080p Ölümcül Moda Fatal Fashion 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Ölümcül Moda Fatal Fashion Deadly Runway filmi 2018 52 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırPsikolojik sorunları olan bir moda fotoğrafçısı lisede ezik Yönetmen: Doug Campbell Oyuncular: Heather Hopkins Joshua Hoffman Linsey Godfrey TJ Hoban 52 IMDB Puanı 290 İzlenme 1080p Tall Girl 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Tall Girl filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daŞimdiye kadar hep okulun en uzun kızı olan Jodi Ava Michelle bu durumdan daima rahatsız olmuştur Hayat Yönetmen: Nzingha Stewart Oyuncular: Angela Kinsey Ava Michelle Luke Eisner Paris Berelc Sabrina Carpenter 57 IMDB Puanı 309 İzlenme 1080p Amerikan Soygunu American Animals 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Amerikan Soygunu American Animals ABD İzleAmerican Animals dört arkadaşın Evan Peters Barry Keoghan Blake Jenner ve Jared Abrahamson olağanüstü v Yönetmen: Bart Layton Oyuncular: Betty Jean Gooch Chas Allen Eric Borsuk Spencer Reinhard Warren Lipka 70 IMDB Puanı 309 İzlenme 1080p Cam Kırıkları The Parting Glass 1080p Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Cam Kırıkları The Parting Glass ABD İzleKız kardeşlerinin ölümüyle uğraşan bir aile eşyalarını toplamak ve kaybettikleri kadının anılarını bir araya Yönetmen: Stephen Moyer Oyuncular: Cynthia Nixon Edward Asner Melissa Leo Olunike Adeliyi Paul Gross Rhys Ifans 54 IMDB Puanı 306 İzlenme « Geri 1 2 3 4 5 16 İleri » En çok sevilenler HD Hitler: The Rise of Evil – Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi Turkce Altyazi izle 2003 Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daHitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi izle Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi full izle Hitler Kötülüğün Yönetmen: Christian Duguay Oyuncular: Liev Schreiber Peter Stormare Jena Malone Robert Carlyle 73 IMDB Puanı 1285 İzlenme 1 Yorum HD Savaş Vadisi – Hacksaw Ridge Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Savaş Vadisi Hacksaw Ridge filmi 2016 81 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSavaş Vadisi izle Savaş Vadisi full izle Savaş Vadisi türkçe dublaj izle Yönetmen: Mel Gibson Oyuncular: Andrew Garfield Teresa Palmer Sam Worthington Luke Bracey 81 IMDB Puanı 579 İzlenme HD Hotel Mumbai – Hotel Mumbai Turkce Altyazi 720p 2018 Hotel Mumbai Hotel Mumbai filmi 2018 76 720pHotel Mumbai izle Hotel Mumbai full izle Hotel Mumbai türkçe dublaj izle Hotel Mumbai hd izle Hotel M Yönetmen: Anthony Maras Oyuncular: Dev Patel Armie Hammer Nazanin Boniadi 76 IMDB Puanı 209 İzlenme HD Elektrik Savaşları – The Current War 720p izle 2017 Elektrik Savaşları Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleElektrik Savaşları izle Günümüzde elektriğin olmadığı bir dünyayı hayal etmek neredeyse imkansız Ancak ev Yönetmen: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Oyuncular: Benedict Cumberbatch Michael Shannon Nicholas Hoult Katherine Waterston Tom Holland Celyn Jones Conor MacNeill Tom Sweet Iain McKee Jason Matthewson Liza Ross Tuppence Middleton 64 IMDB Puanı 162 İzlenme HD Benim Yolum – Benim Yolum Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Benim Yolum filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daBenim Yolum izleİkinci Dünya Savaşı arefesinde Mançurya ve Kore Japonya’nın işgali altında iken işgal 77 IMDB Puanı 155 İzlenme HD Romulus amp Remus The First King – orjinalisim 720p izle 2007 Romulus amp Remus The First King Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleİki kardeş Romulus ve Remus çobandır Birbirlerine sadık olan kardeşler daha verimli toprak a Yönetmen: Matteo Rovere Oyuncular: Alessandro Borghi Alessio Lapice Fabrizio Rongione 74 IMDB Puanı 87 İzlenme HD Elektirik Savaşları 2019 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Elektirik Savaşları Elektirik Savaşları filmi 2019 Belli 720pGünümüzde elektriğin olmadığı bir dünyayı hayal etmek neredeyse imkansız Ancak evleri a Belli IMDB Puanı 85 İzlenme HD Ip Man 4 2019 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Ip Man 4 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleIp man 4 serinin muhtemelen son filminde Kung Fu ustası bu sefer Amerikaya’ya öğrencisinin yanına gider Öğrencisi ord Yönetmen: Wilson Yip Oyuncular: Donnie Yen Scott Adkins Vanness Wu Kwok-Kwan Chan Yue Wu Mark Strange Kent Cheng Chris Collins Jason Redshaw Khariis Ubiaro Steven Dasz Nathan Head Belli IMDB Puanı 84 İzlenme HD Çöküş 2004 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2004 Çöküş Almanya İzleÇöküş insanlık tarihinin en kanlı dönemlerinden birinde yaşamış tarihin en tartışmalı kişiliklerinden birinin Adolf Hitler’in son Yönetmen: Oliver Hirschbiegel Oyuncular: Alexandra Maria Lara Bruno Ganz Ulrich Matthes 83 IMDB Puanı 80 İzlenme HD 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 66/10 – 12 Strong 720p izle 2018 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 6610 filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da11 Eylül saldırısı sonrası geçen filmde takım liderliğini Mitch Nelson’ın yapt Yönetmen: Nicolai Fuglsig Oyuncular: Chris Hemsworth Michael Peña Michael Shannon Navid Negahban Trevante Rhodes William Fichtner 66 IMDB Puanı 77 İzlenme HD Naked Among Wolves 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2015 Naked Among Wolves filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’da1945 yılında Buchenwald Toplama Kampı’na gelen esirlerden birinin valizinde üç yaşında yahudi b Yönetmen: Philipp Kadelbach Oyuncular: Florian Stetter Peter Schneider Sylvester Groth Sabin Tambrea Rainer Bock Rafael Stachowiak Thorsten Merten Torsten Michaelis Ulrich Brandhoff Andreas Lust Marko Mandic 72 IMDB Puanı 76 İzlenme HD Cesur Savaşçılar 55/10 – Redbad 720p izle 2018 Cesur Savaşçılar 5510 Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleCesur Savaşçılar gerçek bir hikayeden uyarlanıyor MS 754 yılında Kuzey Avrupa iki dünyaya bölünmüş du Yönetmen: Roel Reiné Oyuncular: Britte Lagcher Derek de Lint Egbert Jan Weeber es Haverkort Gijs Naber Huub Stapel Jonathan Banks Lisa Smit Renée Soutendijk Søren Malling Tibo Vandenborre 55 IMDB Puanı 74 İzlenme HD Kurier 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Kurier Polonya İzleİkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Polonya’nın Alman işgalcilerine karşı ayaklamasını konu alan filmde aksiyon unsurları yanı sıra dram Yönetmen: Wladyslaw Pasikowski Oyuncular: Julie Engelbrecht Rafal Królikowski Mirosław Baka Adam Woronowicz Zbigniew Zamachowski Tomasz Schuchardt Slawomir Orzechowski Jan Frycz Jacek Lenartowicz Nico Rogner 57 IMDB Puanı 73 İzlenme HD Satranç Oyuncusu 62/10 – Satranç Oyuncusu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Satranç Oyuncusu 6210 İspanya İzleThe Chessplayer 1934’te Diego Padilla İspanya Satranç Şampiyonası’nı kazanır Bir Fransız gazeteci olan Marianne Yönetmen: Luis Oliveros Oyuncular: Alejo Sauras Andrés Gertrúdix Christian Stamm Marc Clotet Melina Matthews Mike Hoffmann Stefan Weinert 62 IMDB Puanı 73 İzlenme HD Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 71/10 Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 7110 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleI Dünya Savaşı yıllarında geçen film idealist bir Amerikalı hemşire ile bir Türk suba Yönetmen: Joseph Ruben Oyuncular: Affif Ben Badra Ben Kingsley Haluk Bilginer Hera Hilmar Josh Hartnett Michiel Huisman Selçuk Yöntem 71 IMDB Puanı 68 İzlenme HD Ayda İlk İnsan First Man – First Man 720p izle 2018 Ayda İlk İnsan First Man filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 73 First Man Ay’a ilk ayak basan astronot Neil Armstrong’un NASA temelli aya gidiş Yönetmen: Damien Chazelle Oyuncular: Ryan Gosling Claire Foy Jason Clarke Kyle Chandler JD Evermore Brady Smith Brian d’Arcy James Cory Michael Smith Lukas Haas Pablo Schreiber Corey Stoll Anna Chazelle 69 IMDB Puanı 65 İzlenme HD Kara Gün – Patriots Day Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Kara Gün filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daBaşrolünü Transformers serisinden tanıdığımız Mark Wahlberg Supergirl dizisinden tanıdığımız Melissa Benoi Yönetmen: Peter Berg Oyuncular: JK Simmons John Goodman Kevin Bacon Mark Wahlberg Melissa Benoist Michelle Monaghan Rachel Brosnahan 74 IMDB Puanı 65 İzlenme HD Demokrasinin Sınırı The Edge of Democracy Turkce Altyazi 2019 2019 Demokrasinin Sınırı The Edge of Democracy Brezilya İzleIMDB: 74 İki Brezilya başkanlığının ardındaki karmaşık gerçeği keşfe çıkan bu yapımda siyasi Yönetmen: Petra Costa Oyuncular: Dilma Rousseff Lula Marisa da Silva Nestor Cerveró Sergio Moro 74 IMDB Puanı 64 İzlenme HD Operation Finale Turkce Altyazi 2018 2018 Operation Finale Eichmann filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİkinci Dünya Savaşı dönemi gizli hikayelerinden birini izliyoruz Soykırım ya Yönetmen: Chris Weitz Oyuncular: Oscar Isaac Ben Kingsley Mélanie Laurent 66 IMDB Puanı 64 İzlenme HD Diren! 2015 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2015 Diren! filmi sizler için kadınların oy kullanma haklarının olmadığı ve sosyal ortamda pek göz önünde bulunamadıkları dö Yönetmen: Sarah Gavron Oyuncular: Anne-Marie Duff Carey Mulligan Helena Bonham Carter 69 IMDB Puanı 63 İzlenme Editörümüzün Seçtikleri Savaş Vadisi – Hacksaw Ridge Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Savaş Vadisi Hacksaw Ridge filmi 2016 81 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSavaş Vadisi izle Savaş Vadisi full izle Savaş Vadisi türkçe dublaj izle Yönetmen: Mel Gibson Oyuncular: Andrew Garfield Teresa Palmer Sam Worthington Luke Bracey 81 IMDB Puanı 579 İzlenme Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri – Arn – Tempelriddaren Turkce Dublaj 720p 2007 Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daArn Tapınak Şövalyeleri izle Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri full izle Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri tü Yönetmen: Peter Flinth Oyuncular: Stellan Skarsgård Michael Nyqvist Joel Kinnaman Bibi Andersson 66 IMDB Puanı 177 İzlenme Jangsari Savaşı – Jangsari Savaşı 720p izle 2018 Jangsari Savaşı ABD İzleMegan Fox’un’da yer aldıgı film Kore Savaşı sırasında gerçekleşen Incheon Muharebesinde yaşananları bizlere sunuyorJangsari S 60 IMDB Puanı 155 İzlenme Ben Askerim I Am Soldier 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2014 Ben Askerim I Am Soldier İngiltere İzleİMDB: 45 Özel hava biriminde görev almanın ne demek olduğunu ortaya koyan harika bir savaş filmi Ordu komuta Yönetmen: Ronnie Thompson Oyuncular: Duncan Casey Noel Clarke Joe Egan Marcus Langford Jordan Long Allistair McNab Josh Myers Alex Reid George Russo Miranda Raison Ian Pirie Tom Hughes i 46 IMDB Puanı 154 İzlenme A War – Savaş Krigen Turkce Dublaj izle 2015 Savaş Krigen Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzleAfganistan’da görevlendirilen Danimarkalı birlik komutanı Claus M Pedersen Pilou Asbæk geride babalarını özley Yönetmen: Tobias Lindholm Oyuncular: Alex Høgh Andersen Pilou Asbæk Tuva Novotny 72 IMDB Puanı 99 İzlenme Can Feda – Can Feda Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Can Feda Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleDünyanın en tehlikeli bölgelerinden birinde 7 yıldır iç savaş hüküm sürmektedir Türk ordusu yanında hiçbir müttefik d Yönetmen: Çağatay Tosun Oyuncular: Burak Özçivit Kerem Bürsin Süleyman Karaahmet Melike İpek Yalova Sabahattin Yakut Özbek Kaplan Can Baykan Onur Ayçelik 53 IMDB Puanı 97 İzlenme Warfighter – Warfighter Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Warfighter Warfighter filmi 2018 56 1080pAilesi ile birlikte vakit geçiren ve savaş sonrası travması yaşayan Rusty’nin arkadaşlarıyla gitmesi gereken Yönetmen: Jerry G Angelo Oyuncular: Isaac C Singleton Jr Jerry G Angelo Joshua Santana Paul Logan Victoria Clare 56 IMDB Puanı 93 İzlenme 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 66/10 – 12 Strong 720p izle 2018 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 6610 filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da11 Eylül saldırısı sonrası geçen filmde takım liderliğini Mitch Nelson’ın yapt Yönetmen: Nicolai Fuglsig Oyuncular: Chris Hemsworth Michael Peña Michael Shannon Navid Negahban Trevante Rhodes William Fichtner 66 IMDB Puanı 77 İzlenme Naked Among Wolves 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2015 Naked Among Wolves filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’da1945 yılında Buchenwald Toplama Kampı’na gelen esirlerden birinin valizinde üç yaşında yahudi b Yönetmen: Philipp Kadelbach Oyuncular: Florian Stetter Peter Schneider Sylvester Groth Sabin Tambrea Rainer Bock Rafael Stachowiak Thorsten Merten Torsten Michaelis Ulrich Brandhoff Andreas Lust Marko Mandic 72 IMDB Puanı 76 İzlenme Savaşçı Kurt 1 DublajAltyazılı 54/10 – Zhan lang 720p izle 2015 Savaşçı Kurt 1 DublajAltyazılı 5410 Zhan lang filmi 2015 54 720pMuhteşem bir nişancılığı olan Çinli bir özel kuvvet askeri çıktığı bir operasyon Yönetmen: Jacky Wu Oyuncular: Dahong Ni Jacky Wu Jing Wu Kevin Lee Nan Yu Scott Adkins 54 IMDB Puanı 74 İzlenme Cesur Savaşçılar 55/10 – Redbad 720p izle 2018 Cesur Savaşçılar 5510 Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleCesur Savaşçılar gerçek bir hikayeden uyarlanıyor MS 754 yılında Kuzey Avrupa iki dünyaya bölünmüş du Yönetmen: Roel Reiné Oyuncular: Britte Lagcher Derek de Lint Egbert Jan Weeber es Haverkort Gijs Naber Huub Stapel Jonathan Banks Lisa Smit Renée Soutendijk Søren Malling Tibo Vandenborre 55 IMDB Puanı 74 İzlenme Satranç Oyuncusu 62/10 – Satranç Oyuncusu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Satranç Oyuncusu 6210 İspanya İzleThe Chessplayer 1934’te Diego Padilla İspanya Satranç Şampiyonası’nı kazanır Bir Fransız gazeteci olan Marianne Yönetmen: Luis Oliveros Oyuncular: Alejo Sauras Andrés Gertrúdix Christian Stamm Marc Clotet Melina Matthews Mike Hoffmann Stefan Weinert 62 IMDB Puanı 73 İzlenme Lancaster Skies – Lancaster Skies Online Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Lancaster Skies Online İngiltere İzle2 Dünya Savaşı dönemine ışık tutan başka bir hikaye daha… Bu sefer İngiliz Ordusu içinde yaşanan hikayenin içine Yönetmen: Callum Burn Oyuncular: Rosa Coduri Kris Saddler Jeffrey Mundell 55 IMDB Puanı 71 İzlenme Spasti Leningrad 2019 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2019 Spasti Leningrad Saving Leningrad filmi 2019 67 720p1941 yılında Leningrad kuşatmasından kaçan Kostya ve Nastya’nın başından geçenleri konu almıştır Yönetmen: Aleksey Kozlov ı Oyuncular: Andrey Mironov-Udalov Maria Melnikova Gela Meskhi Anastasiya Melnikova Mikhail Morozov Nikolay Gorshkov 67 IMDB Puanı 69 İzlenme Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 71/10 Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 7110 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleI Dünya Savaşı yıllarında geçen film i |