NASA on the Lookout for Four Possible Space Missions |
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NASA astronotunu arıyor! İşte Ay’a ve Mars’a gitmek için aranan kriterler |
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NASA embarks on unprecedented mission to the sun |
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NASA Juno spacecraft gives science outcomes on water in the Jovian ambiance – SlashGear |
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NASA Brings Voyager 2 Back Online |
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NASA Mars uzay aracı sızıntı sorununu giderip 2018’de fırlatmayı planlıyor |
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Wallops Flight Facility: NASA Spaceport in Virginia |
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Watch live 12:45 pm ET: VP Mike Pence talks Artemis at NASA Langley |
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NASA signals interest in Venus and volcanoes for next science missions |
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2019 is the second hottest year since record began says NASA |
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NASA Discovers 2 Million Hotspots Of Greenhouse Gas Across The Arctic |
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NASA discovers a new planet where there could be life |
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NASA Mars helicopter |
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Türk Bilim İnsanı Yıldız Üniversitelilere NASA’dan Seslendi |
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NASA Is Looking For Applicants To Go To The Moon And They Pay Well |
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NASA Touches Down In Moses Lake |
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NASA Şimdiye dek Çekilmiş En Yakın Güneş Fotoğrafını Paylaştı |
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NASA accepting astronaut applications – these are the requirements |
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NASA Rocket Launch to Be Visible in New Jersey on Valentine’s Day |
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Новые миссии NASA будут искать следы жизни на Венере |
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NASAтАЩs Artemis mission |
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NASA 3D Yazıcı İle Robot Kaşif Tasarladı |
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Отвъд Луната: NASA разкри следващите си космически цели |
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Un asteroide que pasará cerca de la Tierra fue calificado por la NASA como “potencialmente peligroso” |
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Polscy studenci nagrodzeni przez NASA Potrafią poznać gdzie za miesiąc zakwitną sinice |
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MORESKIN Clean and Glow NASA Harga Manfaat dan Testimoni Moreskin Booster Cream |
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Math helps NASA’s spacecraft modification |
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After Years of Problems NASA’s Robonaut Is Coming Home |
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Findings From NASA’s Juno Update Jupiter Water Mystery |
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O satélite da NASA compartilha uma nova imagem de Marree Man uma escultura australiana que intriga os cientistas há décadas |
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NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Has An Issue With Certain Words |
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Where Will NASA Explore Next Here Are the Four Shortlisted Missions |
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Help NASA name the Mars 2020 rover |
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Head Injury Study on Bridges Validates NASA Safety Testing |
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A Safe Return to Earth for a Record Setting Astronaut on This Week NASA – February 7 2020 – NASA |
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NASA Goes More Public |
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Thiết kế máy bay điện cho NASA |
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Chcete letieť na Mesiac či na Mars NASA hľadá nových astronautov video |
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NASA potvrdila: Marihuana obsahuje mimozemskou DNA která nepochází ze Sluneční soustavy |
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Зонд NASA «коснeтся» Солнца — и не расплавится |
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NASA pede a Trump orçamento milionário para jato supersônico |
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VIDEO: Construye NASA el próximo rover ‘Mars 2020’ |
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Dos niñas de Chocó irán a la NASA |
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NASA Buka Kerja Baru Tawar Gaji Permulaan Hampir RM200k Setahun |
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Investigador de la U Central será jurado en hackaton de la NASA |
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Findings from NASA’s Juno update Jupiter water mystery |
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NASA जाएगी नेशनल स्पेस साइंस कंटेस्ट जीतने वाली 10वीं की छात्रा |
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¿Eres mexicano Postúlate para una estancia en la NASA |
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Science Trust challenges college students to innovate with NASA patents |
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NASA’s “House Botanist” Perspectives Crops “Waking Up” Of The House |
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NASA missed these 11 dangerous asteroids but an AI caught them |
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NASA Ay ve Mars İçin Astronot Arıyor |
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Editorial: NASA should step up Earth’s defense against asteroids |
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Jupiter not as Dry as it was Predicted to be: NASA Spam Spreads “Emotet Malware” |
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NASA сняло на видео транзит Меркурия перед Солнцем |
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Bác sĩ đặc biệt trên Trạm vũ trụ quốc tế ISS của NASA |
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NASA ve Kızılderili |
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Massa och gravitation gör Jorden beboelig – NASA visade 1978 Solens påverkan |
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Cientistas da NASA revela que asteróide NT7 cairá na terra em 2019 saiba a verdade |
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В честь 30-летия фотографии нашей планеты NASA обновили “бледно-голубую точку” |
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NASA će komunicirati s astronautima na Marsu pomoću lasera |
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“Unity Precision Thrust”: The NASA Graphics Standards Manual 1975 |
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Arctic Reveals Two Million Methane Hot Spots NASA Report Says |
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NASA preparing to combat against 99942 Apophis asteroid ‘God of Chaos’ that may hit earth in 2029 |
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MAXR Stock Soars as Trump Pushes for NASA Bumper Budget |
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memoryfoam หรือ viscoelastic flexible polyurethane foam หรือ temper foam open-cell NASA โลกG-Force |
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NASA offers 18500 to people willing to stay |
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NASA Spinoff : Sensors/Data Acquisition |
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TooursPro runs on the same infrastructure trusted by NASA Netflix Airbnb BMW Philips and thousands of others We have engineers on call 24/7 and are alerted immediately if anything needs attention Milliseconds after you make a new booking or charge a card your data is already backed up and safely stored |
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Water makes up 025 pc of Jupiter’s atmosphere: NASA’s Juno mission |
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«Χλωμή μπλε κουκκίδα»: Η NASA επεξεργάστηκε τη φωτογραφία της Γης από το μακρινό Διάστημα |
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Solar System Exploration News from NASA |
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This NASA Experiment Shows Promise for Farm-Fresh Foods in Space |
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Jupiter not as Dry as it was Predicted to be: NASA Scientist |
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NASA: планета стає зеленіша й це сповільнює глобальне потепління КАРТИ |
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NASA astronaut recognized for historic all-female spacewalk and research on International Space Station |
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NASA’s Kepler Witnesses Vampire Star System Undergoing Super-Outburst |
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İzleyeceği Film tamamen kafasında olan herkesi Kale içinde ağırlıyoruz Filmin Kalesinde Filmkalecom Giriş Kaydol Giriş Yap Anasayfa Kategoriler Western Belgesel Bollywood Filmleri Zombi Filmleri Türler Aile Aksiyon Animasyon Belgesel Bilim Kurgu Biyografi Dram Gençlik Genel Gerilim Gizem Komedi Korku Macera Müzikal Polisiye – Suç Politik Psikolojik Romantik Savaş Spor Tarih Film Arşivi Haberler Hakkımızda İletişim 75 Küp Sıfır Cube Zero 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2004 Bilim Kurgu Gizem Korku 2004 Özet Küp Sıfır Cube Zero Kanada İzleIMDB: 57 Birbirlerini tanımayan yedi kişi bilmedikleri bir biçimde kendilerini bir küp sisteminin içinde bulurlar Ke Yönetmen: Ernie Barbarash Oyuncular: Zachary Bennett Stephanie Moore Michael Riley Martin Roach Jasmin Geljo Joshua Peace Diego Klattenhoff Alexia Filippeos Fernando Cursione 65 Superman’in Ölümü ve Dönüşü 6510 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Aksiyon Animasyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Superman’in Ölümü ve Dönüşü 6510 filmi sizler için bir yabancı güç ile sınırsız mücadeleye yalnızca Süpermen’in bitireb Yönetmen: Jake Castorena Oyuncular: Jerry O’Connell Rainn Wilson Rebecca Romijn 75 Yükseltme DublajAltyazılı 7510 – Yükseltme Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Korku 2019 Özet Yükseltme DublajAltyazılı 7510 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daEşiyle birlikteyken acımasızca saldırıya uğrayan Grey Trace karısını saldırıda k Yönetmen: Leigh Whannell Oyuncular: Betty Gabriel Logan Marshall-Green Michael M Foster Richard Anastasios Rosco Campbell Simon Maiden Steve Danielsen 63 Kıyamet The Unthinkable aka Den blomstertid nu kommer 1080p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Romantik 2018 Özet Kıyamet The Unthinkable aka Den blomstertid nu kommer filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNormal hayat devam ederken bir anda hiç kimsenin aklına gelm Yönetmen: Victor Danell Oyuncular: Christoffer Nordenrot Jesper Barkselius Lisa Henni Magnus Sundberg Pia Halvorsen 33 Shanghai Fortress 2018 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2018 Bilim Kurgu Savaş 2018 Özet Shanghai Fortress Çin İzleGelecekte bir günde Şangay Çin şehri çok teknolojik gelişmeler yaşamış dünya’ya hükmeder hale gelmiştir Şehir merkezinde bu Yönetmen: Hua-Tao Teng Oyuncular: Godfrey Gao Han Lu Qi Shu Vincent Matile 53 Reset 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2017 Özet Reset Fatal Countdown: Reset filmi 2017 53 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırJackie Chan’in yapımcılık kariyeri oyunculuk kariyerine kafa tutmaya baş Yönetmen: Hong-Seung Yoon Oyuncular: Chang Liu Hummer Zhang Mi Yang Shih-Chieh King Wallace Huo 77 Örümcek Adam Evden Uzakta SpiderMan Far from Home Turkce Dublaj 2019 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet Örümcek Adam Evden Uzakta SpiderMan Far from Home ABD İzlePeter Parker arkadaşları ile birlikte yaz tatili için Avrupa gezisine çıkar New York’tan fa Yönetmen: Jon Watts Oyuncular: Jake Gyllenhaal Jon Favreau Marisa Tomei Samuel L Jackson Tom Holland Zendaya 50 Auggie 2019 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2019 Bilim Kurgu Dram 2019 Özet Auggie Auggie filmi 2019 50 1080pFelix Greystone çalıştığı şirketten erken emekli olmak zorunda bırakılınca emeklilik günlerini nasıl geçireceğini b Yönetmen: Matt Kane Oyuncular: Christen Harper Christine Donlon Larisa Oleynik Richard Kind Susan Blackwell 59 Bir Nefes Ötede Dans la brume 2018 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2018 Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Bir Nefes Ötede Dans la brume Fransa İzleGarip ve ölümcül bir sis Paris’i etkisi altına alır Ne yapacaklarını bilmeyen hayatta kalmaya çalışan insan Yönetmen: Daniel Roby Oyuncular: Romain Duris Olga Kurylenko Fantine Harduin Michel Robin Anna Gaylor 69 UFO – UFO Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2018 Özet UFO filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daUFO genç bir adamın dünya dışı varlıkları kanıtlamak için verdiği mücadele konu ediliyor Derek Echevaro gelec Yönetmen: Ryan Eslinger Oyuncular: David Strathairn Mark Aaron Buerkle Steven Schraub Derek Polen Ella Purnell Angela Duggins Katie Eichler Alex Sharp Gillian Anderson Lea Hutton Beasmore Myra Zimmerman Grubbs Brian Bowman 00 Twenty Twenty Four – orjinalisim Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Bilim Kurgu Genel Gerilim Gizem 2016 Özet Twenty Twenty Four orjinalisim filmi vizyon imdb 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB: 44 21 yüzyılda değerli doğal kaynaklar tükenmeye başla Yönetmen: Richard Mundy Oyuncular: Andrew Kinsler Peter McCrohon 35 Neverknock – Asla Kapıyı Çalma Neverknock Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Bilim Kurgu Genel Gerilim Korku 2017 Özet Asla Kapıyı Çalma Neverknock filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 50 Genç bir grup Halloween eğlencesi için toplanırlar ve şehir efsanesini dikkat Yönetmen: Sheldon Wilson Oyuncular: Jodelle Ferland Dominique Provost-Chalkley Eliana Jones Kiana Madeira Jack Fulton 71 Venom Zehirli Öfke Turkce Altyazi 2018 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Venom Zehirli Öfke ABD İzleEddie Brock hırslı bir muhabirdir Sevgilisinin çalıştığı araştırma firmasının sahibi de peşinde olduğu hikayelerden biridi Yönetmen: Ruben Fleischer Oyuncular: Tom Hardy Michelle Williams Riz Ahmed 58 The Meg Derinlerdeki Dehşet – The Meg 720p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Korku 2018 Özet The Meg Derinlerdeki Dehşet filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNeslinin tükendiği sanılan devasa bir yaratık Pasifik Okyanusu’nun en derin noktalarında Yönetmen: Jon Turteltaub Oyuncular: Jason Statham Bingbing Li Rainn Wilson 60 Dronlarin Savaşı Battle of the Drones Turkce Dublaj 2018 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2018 Özet Dronlarin Savaşı Battle of the Drones filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 57 Bir grup yetenekli paralı askerin ABD hükümeti tarafından ihanete uğ Yönetmen: Mitch Gould Oyuncular: Dominique Swain Jason Earles Natassia Malthe Oleg Taktarov Louis Mandylor Dan Southworth Richard Alan Reid Jo Marr Michael Paré Robert Reynolds 53 Solis – Solis 1080p izle 2018 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2018 Özet Solis Solis filmi 2018 53 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSolis uzaydaki çekime sürüklenen bir kapsülün içerisinde olan bir adamın verdiği yaşam m Yönetmen: Carl Strathie Oyuncular: Alice Lowe Charlette Kilby Henry Douthwaite Kate Coogan Sid Phoenix Steven Ogg 53 Starfish Yabancı i 2016 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2016 Bilim Kurgu Dram Korku 2016 Özet Starfish Yabancı i Starfish filmi 2016 53 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırEn iyi arkadaşını kaybettiği günü dünyanın sonu olarak ilan eden genç kız Yönetmen: AT White Oyuncular: Virginia Gardner Christina Masterson Eric Beecroft 59 Partilerde Kız Tavlama Sanatı – How to Talk to Girls at Parties Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Bilim Kurgu Komedi Müzikal Romantik 2017 Özet Partilerde Kız Tavlama Sanatı Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleRabbit Hole filmiyle dikkatleri üzerine toplayan oyunculuk geleneğinden gelen John Cameron Mitc Yönetmen: John Cameron Mitchell Oyuncular: Elle Fanning Alex Sharp Matt Lucas Ruth Wilson Nicole Kidman Hebe Beardsall Nansi Nsue Eloise Smyth Ethan Lawrence Joey Ansah Joanna Scanlan Stephen Campbell Moore N/A Gemini Man – İkr Projesi Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2019 Özet İkr Projesi ABD İzleGemini Man Henry Brogen isimli bir suikastçıya odaklanıyor Yaşlanan ve artık emekli olmaya karar veren suikastçı kendini bir sav Yönetmen: Ang Lee Oyuncular: Will Smith Mary Elizabeth Winstead Clive Owen Benedict Wong Linda Emond Theodora Miranne Kenny Sheard Tim Connolly David Shaeffer 57 Fast Color 1080p Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Bilim Kurgu Dram Gerilim 2018 Özet Fast Color Turkce Altyazi 1080p İzleBilim kurgu dram ve gerilim türündeki Fast Color filmi Ruth adında genç bir kadının hikayesini konu ediniyor Sü Yönetmen: Julia Hart Oyuncular: Christopher Denham David Strathairn Gugu Mbatha-Raw Lorraine Toussaint Saniyya Sidney 68 The Flu Gamgi 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2013 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Dram 2013 Özet The Flu Gamgi Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleBundang’dan yasa dışı yollarla Seul’e giren göçmenler yanlarında görülen büyük salgını getirirler Bilinmeyen Yönetmen: Sung-su Kim Oyuncular: Hyuk Jang Soo Ae Andrew William Brand 88 Başlangıç Inception 2010 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2010 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2010 Özet Başlangıç Inception Inception filmi 2010 88 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırDom Cobb Leonardo DiCaprio çok yetenekli bir hırsızdır Uzmanlık alanı Yönetmen: Christopher Nolan Oyuncular: Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon-Levitt Ellen Page 60 XMen Dark Phoenix Turkce Altyazi 2019 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet XMen Dark Phoenix ABD İzleGame of Thrones dizisi oyuncularından Sophie Turner bu kez X-Men serisinin bu filminde karşımızda Bir görev sırasında gizem Yönetmen: Simon Kinberg Oyuncular: James McAvoy Michael Fassbender Jennifer Lawrence Sophie Turner 66 The Infinity Project Turkce Dublaj 2015 2015 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim 2015 Özet The Infinity Project filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daİtalya büyükelçisi kendini ajan gibi tanıtan biri tarafından kaçırılır ve çok gizli bir beyin a Yönetmen: Michael Fredianelli Oyuncular: Dialy Paulino James Allen Brewer Jeanne Young John Ozuna Joseph Camilleri Joseph Walters 84 Kaptan Amerika Kahramanların Savaşı Captain America Civil War – Captain America: Civil War 720p izle 2016 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Gerilim Macera 2016 Özet Kaptan Amerika Kahramanların Savaşı Captain America Civil War Captain America: Civil War filmi 2016 84 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİMDB: 85 IM Yönetmen: Anthony Russo Oyuncular: Chris Evans Robert Downey Jr Daniel Brühl Chadwick Boseman Sebastian Stan Frank Grillo Anthony Mackie Scarlett Johansson Jeremy Renner Tom Holland Paul Rudd Elizabeth Olsen 84 Deadpool Turkce Dublaj 2016 2016 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Komedi Macera 2016 Özet Deadpool filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daİMDB: 82 366941 kişi oy kullanmıştır IMDb Top 250: 156 Doktorların teşhisleri sonunda kanser ol Yönetmen: Tim Miller Oyuncular: Ryan Reynolds Morena Baccarin Gina Carano Ed Skrein TJ Miller Ben Wilkinson Paul Lazenby Jed Rees Andre Tricoteux Olesia Shewchuk Stan Lee Leslie Uggams 87 Matrix Düblaj 720p – The Matrix 720p izle 1999 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 1999 Özet Matrix Düblaj 720p The Matrix filmi 1999 87 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırYazılım şirketinde Neo adı altında hacker’lık yapan Thomas aynı zamanda M Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Hugo Weaving Joe Pantoliano Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 72 Matrix Reloaded Düblaj 720p – The Matrix Reloaded Turkce Dublaj 720p 2003 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2003 Özet Matrix Reloaded Düblaj 720p The Matrix Reloaded filmi 2003 72 720pMakineler son derece önemli bir bilgi edinmiş ve insanların özgürce yaşayabildikler Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 67 Matrix Revolutions Düblaj 720p 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2003 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu 2003 Özet Matrix Revolutions Düblaj 720p Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleArtık sahip olduğu gücü kendinden emin bir şekilde sergileyen Neo insanüstü özelliklerle donatı Yönetmen: Andy Wachowski Lana Wachowski Oyuncular: Carrie-Anne Moss Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne 50 FREDI 2017 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2017 Aile Bilim Kurgu Macera 2017 Özet FREDI FREDI filmi 2017 50 720pJames ile arkadaşı ormandayken ilginç bir şeyle karşılaşırlar ve bu işin sonu uçabilen ve konuşabilen bir robot bu Yönetmen: Sean Olson Oyuncular: Kelly Hu Angus Macfadyen Candace Cameron Bure 59 Dark Phoenix 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2019 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2019 Özet Dark Phoenix Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleX-Men film serisinin on üçüncü ve yeni bir X-Men üçlemesinin başlangıç filmi olacak filmin başrolünde Sansa Stark Yönetmen: Simon Kinberg Oyuncular: Sophie Turner James McAvoy Jessica Chastain Jennifer Lawrence Michael Fassbender Alexandra Shipp Daniel Cudmore Ato Essandoh Summer Fontana Evan Jonigkeit Kodi Smit-McPhee Tye Sheridan 60 Anon – Anon 720p izle 2018 Bilim Kurgu Gizem 2018 Özet Anon Anon filmi 2018 60 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırHiçbir gizliliğin kalmadığı bütün insanların gözlerindeki implantlar sayesinde gözetlenebild Yönetmen: Andrew Niccol Oyuncular: Clive Owen Afiya Bennett Morgan Allen Amanda Seyfried 61 Sinyal The Signal – The Signal Turkce Altyazi 720p 2014 Bilim Kurgu Hacker 2014 Özet Sinyal The Signal The Signal filmi 2014 61 720pNick ve Jonah adında iki bilişim teknolojileri tutkunu genç üniversitede ilgili bölümde okumaktadırla Yönetmen: William Eubank Oyuncular: Brenton Thwaites Olivia Cooke Beau Knapp 44 Arrowhead 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2015 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2015 Özet Arrowhead Arrowhead filmi 2015 44 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırArrowhead görünüşte terk edilmiş bir ayın ölümcül bir sırrını keşfeden güçlü bir Yönetmen: Jesse O’Brien Oyuncular: Christopher Kirby Shaun Micallef Aleisha Rose Jak Wyld Akira Bradley Mark Redpath Adam Tuohy 68 Tron Efsanesi – Tron Legacy Turkce Dublaj 720p 2010 Aksiyon Bilim Kurgu Macera 2010 Özet Tron Efsanesi filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da82’i yılında çekilmiş olan Tron filminin Jeff Bridges gibi ünlü oyuncuların baş rolünde oynadığı yeni Yönetmen: Joseph Kosinski Oyuncular: Michael Sheen Cillian Murphy Jeff Bridges Garrett Hedlund James Frain Son Filmler HD Yeşil Sokak Holiganları Turkce Dublaj 2014 2014 Yeşil Sokak Holiganları Yeşil Sokak Holiganları filmi vizyon 83 720p’Sarhoş olmak ve dövüşmek Hayatta başka yapacak ne varki ‘ Son derece zengin o Yönetmen: Lexi Alexander Oyuncular: Elijah WoodCharlie HunnamClaire ForlaniRoss McCallTerence JaySteve HartNicky HolenderLuke MassyGraham McTavishSuzanne MayMichael EnrightTreva EtienneJohn BariamisNicola BertramMatt CanditoPaul CullenHugh DalyMarc WarrenMark Brighton 83 IMDB Puanı 784 İzlenme HD 7 Koğuştaki Mucize i – 7 Koğuştaki Mucize 720p izle 2019 7 Koğuştaki Mucize i filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daHikayesini 1983 yılında yaşanan gerçek olaylardan alan 7 Koğuştaki Mucize adlı film Memo ve Yönetmen: Mehmet Ada Öztekin Oyuncular: Aras Bulut Iynemli Celile Toyon Uysal Deniz Baysal Nisa Sofiya Aksongur 85 IMDB Puanı 1114 İzlenme HD Radioflash – Radioflash Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Radioflash filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daRadioflash izle Nükleer bir aygıt yüzüne 200 milyon insanın elektriği kesilir Kararan dünyada genç bir Yönetmen: Benjamin McPherson Oyuncular: Brighton Sharbino Dominic Monaghan Fionnula Flanagan Will Patton Arden Myrin Max Adler Miles Anderson Michael Filipowich 52 IMDB Puanı 1048 İzlenme HD Deri Ceket 2019 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2019 Deri Ceket Fransa İzleLastik’ten Yanlış ve Karakol’a komedi filmlerinde gerçekliğin sınırlarını zorlayan Quentin Dupieux yeni filminin ilk gösterimin Yönetmen: Quentin Dupieux Oyuncular: Jean Dujardin Adèle Haenel Albert Delpy Marie Bunel Youssef Hajdi 69 IMDB Puanı 869 İzlenme HD Mad Families 2017 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Mad Families filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daMad Families izle4 Temmuz’da tatil için yola çıkan üç farklı aile kamp alanına ulaştıklarında büyük bi Yönetmen: Fred Wolf Oyuncular: Charlie Sheen Leah Remini Naya Rivera Finesse Mitchell Justice Alan LilRel Howery 41 IMDB Puanı 888 İzlenme HD Elektrik Savaşları – The Current War 720p izle 2017 Elektrik Savaşları Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleElektrik Savaşları izle Günümüzde elektriğin olmadığı bir dünyayı hayal etmek neredeyse imkansız Ancak ev Yönetmen: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Oyuncular: Benedict Cumberbatch Michael Shannon Nicholas Hoult Katherine Waterston Tom Holland Celyn Jones Conor MacNeill Tom Sweet Iain McKee Jason Matthewson Liza Ross Tuppence Middleton 64 IMDB Puanı 983 İzlenme HD Magdalalı Meryem – Mary Magdalene 720p izle 2018 Magdalalı Meryem Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleYeni Ahit Markos ve Yuhanna olmak üzere İncillerde sıkça adı geçen Mecdelli Meryem veya Magdalalı Meryem ki Yönetmen: Garth Davis Oyuncular: Rooney Mara Joaquin Phoenix Chiwetel Ejiofor Tahar Rahim Hadas Yaron Tawfeek Barhom Uri Gavriel Zohar Shtrauss Tsahi Halevi Michael Moshonov 58 IMDB Puanı 907 İzlenme HD Deprem Kuşu – Deprem Kuşu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Deprem Kuşu Deprem Kuşu filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırDeprem Kuşu izleLucy Fly Tokyo’da yaşayan genç bir kadındır Sorunlu bir yaş 66 IMDB Puanı 915 İzlenme HD İhtiyar Adam ve Silah 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 İhtiyar Adam ve Silah İhtiyar Adam ve Silah filmi 2018 72 720pİhtiyar adam ve silah izle filmin konusu Forrest Tucker 70 yaşında ve 18 kez hapisten 72 IMDB Puanı 226 İzlenme HD Sihirli Plan Turkce Dublaj 2019 2019 Sihirli Plan Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleSihirli Plan izlePostacı akademisinin en kötü öğrencisi Jesper kendini Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Yönetmen: Sergio Pablos 88 IMDB Puanı 174 İzlenme HD Eve Dönüş Turkce Dublaj 2013 2013 Eve Dönüş Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleEve Dönüş izle Ben Burns Lucas Hedges adında çekici ancak sıkıntılı bir gence odaklanıyor Ben bir Noel arifesind Yönetmen: Alphan Eşeli Oyuncular: Uğur Polat Nergis Öztürk Serdar Orçin Sıla Çetindağ Muharrem Bayrak Şevket Süha Tezel Şebnem Hassanisoughi Miray Akay 67 IMDB Puanı 96 İzlenme HD Donkey Punch 18 5410 – Donkey Punch 720p izle 2008 Donkey Punch 18 5410 İngiltere İzleBir oyuncunun ölümünün gerçekleşeceği ana kadar erotik sahnelerin yer aldığı ardından kendisini gerilim ve korkuy Yönetmen: Oliver Blackburn Oyuncular: Jaime Winstone Jay Taylor Julian Morris Nichola Burley Robert Boulter Sian Breckin Tom Burke 64 IMDB Puanı 283 İzlenme HD Çapkın 6010 – Spread Turkce Dublaj 720p 2009 Çapkın 6010 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daNikki Ashton Kutcher jigolo olduğunu kesinlikle kabul etmemektedir Kendisi zengin bayanlarla beraber Yönetmen: David Mackenzie Oyuncular: Anne Heche Ashley Johnson Ashton Kutcher Jenae Altschwager Laura Linney Margarita Levieva Rachel Blanchard Sebastian Stan Shane Brolly 72 IMDB Puanı 101 İzlenme HD Büyük Hata 6310 – Büyük Hata 720p izle 2018 Büyük Hata 6310 Büyük Hata filmi 2018 63 720pFilmin hikâyesi Anne Fontaine’in yönettiği 2005 yapımı erotik psikolojik dram Nathalie’ye dayanıyor C Yönetmen: Atom Egoyan Oyuncular: Amanda Seyfried v Julianne Moore Liam Neeson 63 IMDB Puanı 163 İzlenme HD Genova 6110 – Genova Turkce Dublaj 720p 2008 Genova 6110 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daDönem filmlerinden bilimkurguya erotik ilişki dramlarından belgesele türler arasında rahatlıkla geçiş Yönetmen: Michael Winterbottom Oyuncular: Colin Firth Perla Haney-Jardine Willa Holland 61 IMDB Puanı 92 İzlenme HD Bridget Jones’un Günlüğü – orjinalisim 720p izle 2018 Bridget Jones’un Günlüğü 6710 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daYeni bir yılın başlangıcında 32 yaşındaki Bridget hayatına hükmetmeye başlamanın ta Yönetmen: Sharon Maguire Oyuncular: Colin Firth Hugh Grant Renée Zellweger 67 IMDB Puanı 126 İzlenme HD Küp Sıfır Cube Zero 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2004 Küp Sıfır Cube Zero Kanada İzleIMDB: 57 Birbirlerini tanımayan yedi kişi bilmedikleri bir biçimde kendilerini bir küp sisteminin içinde bulurlar Ke Yönetmen: Ernie Barbarash Oyuncular: Zachary Bennett Stephanie Moore Michael Riley Martin Roach Jasmin Geljo Joshua Peace Diego Klattenhoff Alexia Filippeos Fernando Cursione 75 IMDB Puanı 193 İzlenme HD Eli DublajAltyazılı 6010 – Eli 720p izle 2018 Eli DublajAltyazılı 6010 Eli filmi 2018 60 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırMiller ailesi oğullarının otoimmun hastalığının tedavisi için son ça Yönetmen: Ciarán Foy Oyuncular: Charlie Shotwell Deneen Tyler Kelly Reilly Lili Taylor Max Martini Sadie Sink 60 IMDB Puanı 295 İzlenme HD Goliat DublajAltyazılı 7010 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Goliat DublajAltyazılı 7010 Goliat filmi 2018 70 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİsveç’in ufak bir sanayi kasabası olan Goliath’da bir adam işle Yönetmen: Peter Grönlund Oyuncular: Cedomir Djordjevic Cornelia Andersson Joakim Sällquist Sampo Sarkola Sebastian Ljungblad Tuva Linghult 70 IMDB Puanı 281 İzlenme HD Yüzleşme DublajAltyazılı 7310 – Yüzleşme Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Yüzleşme DublajAltyazılı 7310 filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daYüzleşme çocukken cinsel saldırıya uğrayan genç bir adamın hikayesini konu ediyor Yönetmen: François Ozon Oyuncular: Bernard Verley Denis Ménochet Éric Caravaca Hélène Vincent Josiane Balasko Melvil Poupaud Swann Arlaud 73 IMDB Puanı 292 İzlenme HD Sınır Border 2018 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Sınır Border filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 70 Bu yılki Un Certain Regard seçkisinin büyük ödülünü de kazanan gerçekten de bölümün en takdi Yönetmen: Ali Abbasi i Oyuncular: Eva Melander Eero Milonoff Viktor Åkerblom Jörgen Thorsson Andreas Kundler 68 IMDB Puanı 206 İzlenme HD Katiller Tueurs 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Katiller Tueurs Tueurs filmi 2017 85 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB: 61 Belçika’nın Brabant eyaletinde 1982-1985 yılları arasında meydana gele Yönetmen: François Troukens Oyuncular: Lubna Azabal Olivier Gourmet Bouli Lanners Kevin Janssens Tibo Vandenborre 85 IMDB Puanı 199 İzlenme HD Ayda İlk İnsan First Man – First Man 720p izle 2018 Ayda İlk İnsan First Man filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 73 First Man Ay’a ilk ayak basan astronot Neil Armstrong’un NASA temelli aya gidiş Yönetmen: Damien Chazelle Oyuncular: Ryan Gosling Claire Foy Jason Clarke Kyle Chandler JD Evermore Brady Smith Brian d’Arcy James Cory Michael Smith Lukas Haas Pablo Schreiber Corey Stoll Anna Chazelle 69 IMDB Puanı 216 İzlenme HD Scooby Doo Return To Zombie Island 2019 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Scooby Doo Return To Zombie Island ABD İzleIMDB: 58 Scooby-Doo ve arkadaşları tatile gittikleri kasabada zombi istilasına uğramış adadaki gizemi çözm Yönetmen: Cecilia Aranovich 50 IMDB Puanı 253 İzlenme HD The Elephant Queen – Fil Kıraliçesi The Elephant Queen Turkce Altyazi izle 2019 Fil Kıraliçesi The Elephant Queen Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleIMDB: 79 Athena yaşadıkları su birikintisini terk etmek zorunda bırakıldıkları zaman sürüsü 83 IMDB Puanı 158 İzlenme HD The Bad Seed – Kötü Tohum The Bad Seed Turkce Dublaj izle 2018 Kötü Tohum The Bad Seed The Bad Seed filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırIMDB : 62 Kötü Tohum çocukluklarının çaresiz günlerinden yetişen Yönetmen: Rob Lowe Oyuncular: Rob Lowe Mckenna Grace Cara Buono Patty McCormack Marci T House Sarah Dugdale Luke Roessler John Emmet Tracy Shauna Johannesen 66 IMDB Puanı 151 İzlenme HD Recep İvedik 6 – Recep İvedik 6 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Recep İvedik 6 Recep İvedik 6 filmi 2019 62 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırRecep İvedik serisinin 6 filminde Konya’ya gitmek isteyen Recep kendisi Yönetmen: Togan Gökbakar Oyuncular: Şahan Gökbakar 62 IMDB Puanı 911 İzlenme 1080p Suçlu Den skyldige 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2018 Suçlu Den skyldige Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzleThe Guilty rütbesi masa başı işine indirilen polis memuru Asger Holm’e odaklanıyor Acil durumlar için ge Yönetmen: Gustav Möller Oyuncular: Jakob Cedergren Jessica Dinnage Johan Olsen Omar Shargawi 75 IMDB Puanı 492 İzlenme 1080p Hayat Okulu L’école buissonnière Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Hayat Okulu L’école buissonnière L’école buissonnière filmi 2017 67 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırParis 1930Paul tek bir ufka doğru bakabiliyo Yönetmen: Nicolas Vanier Oyuncular: Eric Elmosnino François Berléand François Cluzet Jean Scandel 67 IMDB Puanı 421 İzlenme 1080p Sibel 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Sibel Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzle25 yaşındaki Sibel babası ve kız kardeşi ile birlikte Karadeniz’de gözlerden uzak bir köyde yaşamaktadır Dilsiz bir kı Yönetmen: Çagla Zencirci Guillaume Giovanetti Oyuncular: Damla Sönmez Elit İşcan Emin Gürsoy Erkan Kolçak Köstendil Meral Çetinkaya 72 IMDB Puanı 434 İzlenme 1080p Kum Adam The Sandman Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Kum Adam The Sandman The Sandman filmi 2017 45 1080pKorkunç güçleri olan küçük bir kız kâbuslarından korkunç bir canavar olan Sandman’i hayal eder v Yönetmen: Peter Sullivan Oyuncular: Amanda Wyss Haylie Duff Ricco Ross Shae Smolik Shaun Sipos Tobin Bell 45 IMDB Puanı 393 İzlenme 1080p Ölümcül Moda Fatal Fashion 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Ölümcül Moda Fatal Fashion Deadly Runway filmi 2018 52 1080p olarak izlemeniz için hazırPsikolojik sorunları olan bir moda fotoğrafçısı lisede ezik Yönetmen: Doug Campbell Oyuncular: Heather Hopkins Joshua Hoffman Linsey Godfrey TJ Hoban 52 IMDB Puanı 390 İzlenme 1080p Tall Girl 1080p Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Tall Girl filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daŞimdiye kadar hep okulun en uzun kızı olan Jodi Ava Michelle bu durumdan daima rahatsız olmuştur Hayat Yönetmen: Nzingha Stewart Oyuncular: Angela Kinsey Ava Michelle Luke Eisner Paris Berelc Sabrina Carpenter 57 IMDB Puanı 411 İzlenme 1080p Amerikan Soygunu American Animals 2018 Turkce Dublaj 1080p 2018 Amerikan Soygunu American Animals ABD İzleAmerican Animals dört arkadaşın Evan Peters Barry Keoghan Blake Jenner ve Jared Abrahamson olağanüstü v Yönetmen: Bart Layton Oyuncular: Betty Jean Gooch Chas Allen Eric Borsuk Spencer Reinhard Warren Lipka 70 IMDB Puanı 451 İzlenme 1080p Cam Kırıkları The Parting Glass 1080p Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Cam Kırıkları The Parting Glass ABD İzleKız kardeşlerinin ölümüyle uğraşan bir aile eşyalarını toplamak ve kaybettikleri kadının anılarını bir araya Yönetmen: Stephen Moyer Oyuncular: Cynthia Nixon Edward Asner Melissa Leo Olunike Adeliyi Paul Gross Rhys Ifans 54 IMDB Puanı 416 İzlenme « Geri 1 2 3 4 5 16 İleri » En çok sevilenler HD Ip Man 4 2019 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2019 Ip Man 4 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleIp man 4 serinin muhtemelen son filminde Kung Fu ustası bu sefer Amerikaya’ya öğrencisinin yanına gider Öğrencisi ord Yönetmen: Wilson Yip Oyuncular: Donnie Yen Scott Adkins Vanness Wu Kwok-Kwan Chan Yue Wu Mark Strange Kent Cheng Chris Collins Jason Redshaw Khariis Ubiaro Steven Dasz Nathan Head Belli IMDB Puanı 6805 İzlenme 2 Yorum HD Hitler: The Rise of Evil – Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi Turkce Altyazi izle 2003 Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daHitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi izle Hitler Kötülüğün Yükselişi full izle Hitler Kötülüğün Yönetmen: Christian Duguay Oyuncular: Liev Schreiber Peter Stormare Jena Malone Robert Carlyle 73 IMDB Puanı 3625 İzlenme 1 Yorum HD Savaş Vadisi – Hacksaw Ridge Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Savaş Vadisi Hacksaw Ridge filmi 2016 81 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSavaş Vadisi izle Savaş Vadisi full izle Savaş Vadisi türkçe dublaj izle Yönetmen: Mel Gibson Oyuncular: Andrew Garfield Teresa Palmer Sam Worthington Luke Bracey 81 IMDB Puanı 1641 İzlenme HD Elektrik Savaşları – The Current War 720p izle 2017 Elektrik Savaşları Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleElektrik Savaşları izle Günümüzde elektriğin olmadığı bir dünyayı hayal etmek neredeyse imkansız Ancak ev Yönetmen: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Oyuncular: Benedict Cumberbatch Michael Shannon Nicholas Hoult Katherine Waterston Tom Holland Celyn Jones Conor MacNeill Tom Sweet Iain McKee Jason Matthewson Liza Ross Tuppence Middleton 64 IMDB Puanı 983 İzlenme HD Benim Yolum – Benim Yolum Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Benim Yolum filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daBenim Yolum izleİkinci Dünya Savaşı arefesinde Mançurya ve Kore Japonya’nın işgali altında iken işgal 77 IMDB Puanı 960 İzlenme HD Hotel Mumbai – Hotel Mumbai Turkce Altyazi 720p 2018 Hotel Mumbai Hotel Mumbai filmi 2018 76 720pHotel Mumbai izle Hotel Mumbai full izle Hotel Mumbai türkçe dublaj izle Hotel Mumbai hd izle Hotel M Yönetmen: Anthony Maras Oyuncular: Dev Patel Armie Hammer Nazanin Boniadi 76 IMDB Puanı 707 İzlenme HD 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 66/10 – 12 Strong 720p izle 2018 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 6610 filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da11 Eylül saldırısı sonrası geçen filmde takım liderliğini Mitch Nelson’ın yapt Yönetmen: Nicolai Fuglsig Oyuncular: Chris Hemsworth Michael Peña Michael Shannon Navid Negahban Trevante Rhodes William Fichtner 66 IMDB Puanı 425 İzlenme HD Kurier 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2019 Kurier Polonya İzleİkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Polonya’nın Alman işgalcilerine karşı ayaklamasını konu alan filmde aksiyon unsurları yanı sıra dram Yönetmen: Wladyslaw Pasikowski Oyuncular: Julie Engelbrecht Rafal Królikowski Mirosław Baka Adam Woronowicz Zbigniew Zamachowski Tomasz Schuchardt Slawomir Orzechowski Jan Frycz Jacek Lenartowicz Nico Rogner 57 IMDB Puanı 353 İzlenme HD A Taxi Driver Taeksi Woonjunsa – Taeksi Woonjunsa 720p izle 2017 A Taxi Driver Taeksi Woonjunsa Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleGwangju’da ayaklanma vardır Alman Gazeteci bu ayaklanmayı manşet yapmak ister bunun içinde or Yönetmen: Hun Jang Oyuncular: Hae-jin Yoo Kang-ho Song Thomas Kretschmann 79 IMDB Puanı 288 İzlenme HD Romulus amp Remus The First King – orjinalisim 720p izle 2007 Romulus amp Remus The First King Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleİki kardeş Romulus ve Remus çobandır Birbirlerine sadık olan kardeşler daha verimli toprak a Yönetmen: Matteo Rovere Oyuncular: Alessandro Borghi Alessio Lapice Fabrizio Rongione 74 IMDB Puanı 257 İzlenme HD Çöküş 2004 Turkce Dublaj 720p 2004 Çöküş Almanya İzleÇöküş insanlık tarihinin en kanlı dönemlerinden birinde yaşamış tarihin en tartışmalı kişiliklerinden birinin Adolf Hitler’in son Yönetmen: Oliver Hirschbiegel Oyuncular: Alexandra Maria Lara Bruno Ganz Ulrich Matthes 83 IMDB Puanı 255 İzlenme 1080p Curiosa 2019 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2019 Curiosa filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daGerçek bir olaydan esinlenilen bu filmde Babasının borcunu ödeyebilmek için Marie de Heredia Henri de Reg Yönetmen: Lou Jeunet Oyuncular: Amira Casar Benjamin Lavernhe Camélia Jordana Niels Schneider Noémie Merlant Scali Delpeyrat 53 IMDB Puanı 249 İzlenme HD Ah Bir Normal Olsam 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2017 Ah Bir Normal Olsam Metanoia filmi 2017 60 720pMad to Be Normal izle Mad to Be Normal full izle Mad to Be Normal türkçe dublaj izle Mad to Be Norm Yönetmen: Robert Mullan Oyuncular: David Tennant Elisabeth Moss Michael Gambon 60 IMDB Puanı 245 İzlenme HD Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain – Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain Turkce Altyazi izle 2014 Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daHikaye Çin Devrimi esnasında Çin Kurtuluş Ordusu ile Çin’in kuzeydoğusun Yönetmen: Hark Tsui Oyuncular: Hanyu Zhang Tony Ka Fai Leung Kenny Lin 65 IMDB Puanı 243 İzlenme HD Operation Finale Turkce Altyazi 2018 2018 Operation Finale Eichmann filmi 2018 66 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırİkinci Dünya Savaşı dönemi gizli hikayelerinden birini izliyoruz Soykırım ya Yönetmen: Chris Weitz Oyuncular: Oscar Isaac Ben Kingsley Mélanie Laurent 66 IMDB Puanı 226 İzlenme HD Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 71/10 Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 7110 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleI Dünya Savaşı yıllarında geçen film idealist bir Amerikalı hemşire ile bir Türk suba Yönetmen: Joseph Ruben Oyuncular: Affif Ben Badra Ben Kingsley Haluk Bilginer Hera Hilmar Josh Hartnett Michiel Huisman Selçuk Yöntem 71 IMDB Puanı 225 İzlenme HD Black Hawk Down – Kara Şahin Düştü Black Hawk Down Turkce Dublaj izle 2001 Kara Şahin Düştü Black Hawk Down filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daBir grup Amerikan askeri BM sulh Gücü’nün bir parçası olarak Somali’ye yollanmak ü Yönetmen: Ridley Scott Oyuncular: Ewan McGregor Josh Hartnett Tom Sizemore 77 IMDB Puanı 220 İzlenme HD Cesur Savaşçılar 55/10 – Redbad 720p izle 2018 Cesur Savaşçılar 5510 Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleCesur Savaşçılar gerçek bir hikayeden uyarlanıyor MS 754 yılında Kuzey Avrupa iki dünyaya bölünmüş du Yönetmen: Roel Reiné Oyuncular: Britte Lagcher Derek de Lint Egbert Jan Weeber es Haverkort Gijs Naber Huub Stapel Jonathan Banks Lisa Smit Renée Soutendijk Søren Malling Tibo Vandenborre 55 IMDB Puanı 217 İzlenme HD Ayda İlk İnsan First Man – First Man 720p izle 2018 Ayda İlk İnsan First Man filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daIMDB: 73 First Man Ay’a ilk ayak basan astronot Neil Armstrong’un NASA temelli aya gidiş Yönetmen: Damien Chazelle Oyuncular: Ryan Gosling Claire Foy Jason Clarke Kyle Chandler JD Evermore Brady Smith Brian d’Arcy James Cory Michael Smith Lukas Haas Pablo Schreiber Corey Stoll Anna Chazelle 69 IMDB Puanı 216 İzlenme HD Satranç Oyuncusu 62/10 – Satranç Oyuncusu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Satranç Oyuncusu 6210 İspanya İzleThe Chessplayer 1934’te Diego Padilla İspanya Satranç Şampiyonası’nı kazanır Bir Fransız gazeteci olan Marianne Yönetmen: Luis Oliveros Oyuncular: Alejo Sauras Andrés Gertrúdix Christian Stamm Marc Clotet Melina Matthews Mike Hoffmann Stefan Weinert 62 IMDB Puanı 204 İzlenme Editörümüzün Seçtikleri Savaş Vadisi – Hacksaw Ridge Turkce Dublaj 720p 2016 Savaş Vadisi Hacksaw Ridge filmi 2016 81 720p olarak izlemeniz için hazırSavaş Vadisi izle Savaş Vadisi full izle Savaş Vadisi türkçe dublaj izle Yönetmen: Mel Gibson Oyuncular: Andrew Garfield Teresa Palmer Sam Worthington Luke Bracey 81 IMDB Puanı 1641 İzlenme Jangsari Savaşı – Jangsari Savaşı 720p izle 2018 Jangsari Savaşı ABD İzleMegan Fox’un’da yer aldıgı film Kore Savaşı sırasında gerçekleşen Incheon Muharebesinde yaşananları bizlere sunuyorJangsari S 60 IMDB Puanı 1071 İzlenme Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri – Arn – Tempelriddaren Turkce Dublaj 720p 2007 Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daArn Tapınak Şövalyeleri izle Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri full izle Arn Tapınak Şövalyeleri tü Yönetmen: Peter Flinth Oyuncular: Stellan Skarsgård Michael Nyqvist Joel Kinnaman Bibi Andersson 66 IMDB Puanı 996 İzlenme Ben Askerim I Am Soldier 720p Turkce Dublaj izle 2014 Ben Askerim I Am Soldier İngiltere İzleİMDB: 45 Özel hava biriminde görev almanın ne demek olduğunu ortaya koyan harika bir savaş filmi Ordu komuta Yönetmen: Ronnie Thompson Oyuncular: Duncan Casey Noel Clarke Joe Egan Marcus Langford Jordan Long Allistair McNab Josh Myers Alex Reid George Russo Miranda Raison Ian Pirie Tom Hughes i 46 IMDB Puanı 648 İzlenme 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 66/10 – 12 Strong 720p izle 2018 12 Savaşçı DublajAltyazılı 6610 filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’da11 Eylül saldırısı sonrası geçen filmde takım liderliğini Mitch Nelson’ın yapt Yönetmen: Nicolai Fuglsig Oyuncular: Chris Hemsworth Michael Peña Michael Shannon Navid Negahban Trevante Rhodes William Fichtner 66 IMDB Puanı 425 İzlenme A War – Savaş Krigen Turkce Dublaj izle 2015 Savaş Krigen Turkce Dublaj 1080p İzleAfganistan’da görevlendirilen Danimarkalı birlik komutanı Claus M Pedersen Pilou Asbæk geride babalarını özley Yönetmen: Tobias Lindholm Oyuncular: Alex Høgh Andersen Pilou Asbæk Tuva Novotny 72 IMDB Puanı 283 İzlenme Can Feda – Can Feda Turkce Dublaj 720p 2018 Can Feda Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleDünyanın en tehlikeli bölgelerinden birinde 7 yıldır iç savaş hüküm sürmektedir Türk ordusu yanında hiçbir müttefik d Yönetmen: Çağatay Tosun Oyuncular: Burak Özçivit Kerem Bürsin Süleyman Karaahmet Melike İpek Yalova Sabahattin Yakut Özbek Kaplan Can Baykan Onur Ayçelik 53 IMDB Puanı 280 İzlenme Lancaster Skies – Lancaster Skies Online Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Lancaster Skies Online İngiltere İzle2 Dünya Savaşı dönemine ışık tutan başka bir hikaye daha… Bu sefer İngiliz Ordusu içinde yaşanan hikayenin içine Yönetmen: Callum Burn Oyuncular: Rosa Coduri Kris Saddler Jeffrey Mundell 55 IMDB Puanı 280 İzlenme Warfighter – Warfighter Turkce Altyazi izle 2018 Warfighter Warfighter filmi 2018 56 1080pAilesi ile birlikte vakit geçiren ve savaş sonrası travması yaşayan Rusty’nin arkadaşlarıyla gitmesi gereken Yönetmen: Jerry G Angelo Oyuncular: Isaac C Singleton Jr Jerry G Angelo Joshua Santana Paul Logan Victoria Clare 56 IMDB Puanı 276 İzlenme Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain – Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain Turkce Altyazi izle 2014 Kaplan Dağı The Taking of Tiger Mountain filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daHikaye Çin Devrimi esnasında Çin Kurtuluş Ordusu ile Çin’in kuzeydoğusun Yönetmen: Hark Tsui Oyuncular: Hanyu Zhang Tony Ka Fai Leung Kenny Lin 65 IMDB Puanı 243 İzlenme Savaşçı Kurt 1 DublajAltyazılı 54/10 – Zhan lang 720p izle 2015 Savaşçı Kurt 1 DublajAltyazılı 5410 Zhan lang filmi 2015 54 720pMuhteşem bir nişancılığı olan Çinli bir özel kuvvet askeri çıktığı bir operasyon Yönetmen: Jacky Wu Oyuncular: Dahong Ni Jacky Wu Jing Wu Kevin Lee Nan Yu Scott Adkins 54 IMDB Puanı 232 İzlenme 300 – 300 Spartali Turkce Dublaj izle 2006 300 Spartali filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daIMDB : 77 Frank Miller’in grafik romanından uyarlanan 300 M Ö 480 yılında geçen Thermopylae sava Yönetmen: Zack Snyder Oyuncular: Gerard Butler Vincent Regan Lena Headey David Wenham Michael Fassbender Tom Wisdom Dominic West Peter Mensah Stephen McHattie Andrew Tiernan Alex Ivanovici Kelly Craig 82 IMDB Puanı 229 İzlenme Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 71/10 Turkce Dublaj 2017 2017 Osmanlı Subayı DublajAltyazılı 7110 Turkce Dublaj 720p İzleI Dünya Savaşı yıllarında geçen film idealist bir Amerikalı hemşire ile bir Türk suba Yönetmen: Joseph Ruben Oyuncular: Affif Ben Badra Ben Kingsley Haluk Bilginer Hera Hilmar Josh Hartnett Michiel Huisman Selçuk Yöntem 71 IMDB Puanı 225 İzlenme Black Hawk Down – Kara Şahin Düştü Black Hawk Down Turkce Dublaj izle 2001 Kara Şahin Düştü Black Hawk Down filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’daBir grup Amerikan askeri BM sulh Gücü’nün bir parçası olarak Somali’ye yollanmak ü Yönetmen: Ridley Scott Oyuncular: Ewan McGregor Josh Hartnett Tom Sizemore 77 IMDB Puanı 220 İzlenme Cesur Savaşçılar 55/10 – Redbad 720p izle 2018 Cesur Savaşçılar 5510 Turkce Altyazi 720p İzleCesur Savaşçılar gerçek bir hikayeden uyarlanıyor MS 754 yılında Kuzey Avrupa iki dünyaya bölünmüş du Yönetmen: Roel Reiné Oyuncular: Britte Lagcher Derek de Lint Egbert Jan Weeber es Haverkort Gijs Naber Huub Stapel Jonathan Banks Lisa Smit Renée Soutendijk Søren Malling Tibo Vandenborre 55 IMDB Puanı 217 İzlenme Satranç Oyuncusu 62/10 – Satranç Oyuncusu Turkce Dublaj 720p 2017 Satranç Oyuncusu 6210 İspanya İzleThe Chessplayer 1934’te Diego Padilla İspanya Satranç Şampiyonası’nı kazanır Bir Fransız gazeteci olan Marianne Yönetmen: Luis Oliveros Oyuncular: Alejo Sauras Andrés Gertrúdix Christian Stamm Marc Clotet Melina Matthews Mike Hoffmann Stefan Weinert 62 IMDB Puanı 204 İzlenme Spasti Leningrad 2019 Turkce Altyazi 720p 2019 Spasti Leningrad Saving Leningrad filmi 2019 67 720p1941 yılında Leningrad kuşatmasından kaçan Kostya ve Nastya’nın başından geçenleri konu almıştır Yönetmen: Aleksey Kozlov ı Oyuncular: Andrey Mironov-Udalov Maria Melnikova Gela Meskhi Anastasiya Melnikova Mikhail Morozov Nikolay Gorshkov 67 IMDB Puanı 198 İzlenme Naked Among Wolves 720p Turkce Altyazi izle 2015 Naked Among Wolves filmi sizler için FilmkaleCom’da1945 yılında Buchenwald Toplama Kampı’na gelen esirlerden birinin valizinde üç yaşında yahudi b Yönetmen: Philipp Kadelbach Oyuncular: Florian Stetter Peter Schneider Sylvester Groth Sabin Tambrea Rainer Bock Rafael Stachowiak Thorsten Merten Torsten Michaelis Ulrich Brandhoff Andreas Lust Marko Mandic 72 IMDB Puanı 198 İzlenme Shanghai Fortress 2018 Turkce Altyazi 1080p 2018 Shanghai Fortress Çin İzleGelecekte bir günde Şangay Çin şehri çok teknolojik gelişmeler yaşamış dünya’ya hükmeder hale gelmiştir Şehir merkezinde bu Yönetmen: Hua-Tao Teng Oyuncular: Godfrey Gao Han Lu Qi Shu Vincent Matile 33 IMDB Puanı 194 İzlenme Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – Harry Potter ve Ateş Kadehi Turkce Dublaj izle 2005 Harry Potter ve Ateş Kadehi filmi sizler için SiteadresiCom’daHarry anlaşılmaz bir şekilde prestijli Üçbüyücü Turnuvası’na katılmak üzere seçilmesin Yönetmen: Mike Newell Oyuncular: Daniel Radcliffe Michael Gambon Ralph Fiennes Maggie Smith Frances de la Tour Brendan Gleeson Gary Oldman Timothy Spall Robbie Coltrane Mark Williams Miranda Richardson Jason Isaacs 75 IMDB Puanı 176 İzlenme Film Gezgini Ne izlesem diye mi düşünüyorsun hemen bir kategori seç tarzına uygun filmi keşfet Aile Aksiyon Animasyon Belgesel Bilim Kurgu Biyografi Erotik Gençlik Genel Gerilim Gizem Hacker Komedi Korku Macera Müzikal Polisiye – Suç Psikolojik Romantik Savaş Spor Tarih Western Neden Film İzlemeliyiz Genel olarak bakıldığında film adını verdiğimiz aslında bizlerin hayatlarının ekranda dönen hali olan video fotoğraflar son dönemde hayatlarımızın büyük bir yoğunluğunu kaplamış durumda Kimisi zorlu bir çocukluk geçirdiği için kimisi de ilgiye aşık birisi olduğu için izlemek istediği kategoriler kendisini çok bariz bir şekilde belli etmektedir Eğer sizler de kendinizi tanıyorsanız ve hangi filmleri izlemeyi seviyorsanız lütfen yanlış bir algıya kapılmayın Bu algı nedir Son dönemde kulaktan kulağa dönen bir bilgi bulunmakta Bu bilgi “Sürekli duygusal ya da korku filmleri izlemek sizi mutsuzluğa iter” gibi Bu ve bunun türevleri diyebiliriz Film İzlerken Sevdiğiniz Kategoriyi Seçin Yurt dışında yapılan araştırmalara göre ki bu müzik dinlemede de geçerlidir Eğer sevdiğiniz müzik ve filmleri izlerseniz o filmin kategorisi büyük bir önem arz etmemektedir Üstelik mutluluk hormonu denen “serotonin” vücudumuzda salgılanmaya başlıyor ve bu sayede aslında bunalıp depresyona gireceğimiz yerde depresyondan çıkaracak mutlu bir insan haline gelebileceğiz diyebiliriz Peki hangi kategori de mutluluk hormonumuz aslında yükselir ya da neler tetikler gelin isterseniz bilinen bu yanlışları tek tek sizlere açıklayalım Film İzleme İle İlgili Bilinen Yanlışlar Aşırı korku filmi izlemek ani kalp krizi getirebilir fakat izlemeyi seviyorsanız izlerken mutluluk hormonu salgılıyorsunuz denebilir Aşırı vahşet içeren film kategorileri sizleri seri katil yapmaz Sadece hayatınıza mutlu bir birey olarak devam etmenize yardımcı olur Aşırı romantizm ve duygu yüklü aşk filmleri izlemek sizi “Ağlatsada” aslında mutlu etmektedir Peki bu maddelerden bazı çıkarımlarda bulunabilirsek anlamamız gereken konu nedir Tam olarak kimin ne dediğini umursamadan ister korku ister duygusal aşk ya da istersen vahşet filmi izle Biz seni biliyoruz sen kendini bilen insansın eğer bu senin için tamamsa şimdi gel film izlerken neden korkar ya da ağlama reaksiyonu içerisine gireriz üstelik biz yaşamadığımız halde bunu açıklayalım seninle beraber Film İzlerken Neden “Korkar Üzülür ya da Seviniriz” Toplanın sevgili dostlar bu bilgiyi ortamlarda arkadaşlarınıza satabilin diye araştırdık ve sizin için bulduk Bildiğiniz gibi dünya da bir beyin cerrahi alanı ve bir de psikoloji alanı bulunuyor Bu iki alanın ortaklaşa yaptığı araştırmaların sonucunda beyin de ayna nöron adı verilen bir yapı bulunmuş Bu yapı sohbet ettiği ya da hayatını bilip mutlu olduğu kişileri Hem cins ya da karşı cins fark etmeksizin ister istemez taklit etmeye başlarmış Bu taklit bir süre sonra kendini onun yerine koymaya dönüyor ve onun canı yansa sizde etkileniyor ve hatta hissediyorsunuz Bu ve bunun gibi durumlar sizlerin vücudunda hareketlilik sağlıyor ve bu sayede mutlu ya da enerjik olabiliyorsunuz O yüzden her zaman dediğimiz gibi hız kesmeden film izlemeye devam ediyor ve bizi takip etmeyi bırakmıyorsunuz sevgili takipçilerimiz Herhangi bir sorunuz olursa buraya tıklayarak iletişim sayfamızdan bize çekinmeden ulaşabilir ve istediğiniz soruyu sorabilirsiniz Sizleri çok seviyoruz iyi seyirler dileriz ofis taşıma şirketleri © Copyright 2020 Tüm Hakları Saklıdır Kapat Kaydol Zaten üye misin Giriş Yap Giriş Yap Parolanızı mı unuttunuz Üye değil misin Hemen Kaydol |
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Lancheira NASA Insulated Lunch Sack |
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NASA partners with ESA to take 1st peek at Sun’s poles |
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How To Become An Astronaut At NASA Here’s Everything You Should |
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La NASA busca nuevos astronautas |
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Former NASA spaceflight chief now consulting with SpaceX |
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NASA 2 Ay Boyunca Yatakta Kalmaya Gönüllü… |
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NASA проводять експеримент з чорнобильським |
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Niñas en la NASA |
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NASA сообщило о стыковке космического грузовика Cygnus с МКС |
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‘Marte’ ‘Apolo 13′ y Star Trek’ las mejores películas del espacio según trabajadores de la NASA |
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NASA: Le straordinarie immagini dell’aurora boreale vista dallo spazio |
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NASA нашло условия для возникновения жизни на спутнике Сатурна |
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Venezolana diseña estructura para cámara espacial de la NASA |
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NASA Reports an Asteroid Large Enough to Kill Millions of People |
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NASA’s AI spotted 11 dangerous asteroids that humans missed |
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NASA spacecraft aims to put mystery planets on galactic map |
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2019 Creator Expert reveal: 10266 NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander |
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NASA creates history with first-ever all female-team spacewalk |
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NASA’s spacecraft carrying supplies to the International Space Station launched |
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NASA ANNOUNCEMENT: First Solar System Like Ours With EIGHT PLANETS Discovered |
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NASA helicopter order an Airbus first |
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NASA taps Houston startup to create commercial habitat to attach to the International Space Station |
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NASA Television Coverage Set untuk Orbital-2 Misi ke Stasiun Antariksa |
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NASA shows what earth would look like with no water |
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New Mexico Students to Speak with NASA Astronaut Aboard Space Station |
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NASA Glenn Research Center |
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SPS-ALPHA: A nova grande promessa da NASA |
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Meet the champs of the 2019 NASA Philippine Space Apps Challenge |
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La NASA pide ayuda para crear un sensor que pueda sobrevivir al infierno de Venus |
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NASA atmosferin en uzağındaki bulutların görüntüsünü paylaştı |
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NASA 360 Episode 1 |
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NASA says SpaceX will be first to launch astronauts from American soil since 2011 |
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Lo scioglimento dei ghiacci Artici cambia le correnti oceaniche by NASA! |
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NASA Spots Remains of India’s Lost Lunar Lander |
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5 Students Selected For NASA Program |
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Join the 2019 NASA International Space Apps Challenge |
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NASA’dan Avrupa’ya önemli bir uyarı ! |
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NASA Celebrates the Legacy of the Spitzer Space Telescope |
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Expedition 61 diretta video del rientro di Soyuz MS-13 a bordo Luca Parmitano al termine della sua permanenza sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale by NASA TV! |
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La NASA presenta una animación 3D de lo que podría ser una «cápsula de tiempo» del Sistema Solar |
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When will scrubbed NASA Wallops rocket launch be rescheduled – Delmarva Now |
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Sonda da NASA é o objeto mais rápido já criado pelo |
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Web Promosi NASA Natural Nusantara |
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Requisitos para entrar al proceso de selección de astronautas de la NASA |
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Programa Artemisa de la NASA: más astronautas para ir a la Luna |
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In Colombia Project-Supported Robotics School Launches Women amp Girls in Science All the Way to NASA |
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NASA SSP Artifacts Prescreening |
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Tambak / Ikan dengan Teknologi NASA |
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Today marks 19 years since tragic death of Dale Yes brooms can stand without support No NASA didn’t say it’s just for one day |
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Edmonton tech company wins NASA iTech competition |
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Sleep Genius تطبيق يساعدك على النوم … مبتكر من وكالة الفضاء الامريكية NASA |
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NASA astronaut Christina Koch dishes on record MBA hires to come from broader range of schools |
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NASA Astronaut Jessica Meir PhD Named to ARCS Foundation Alumni Hall of Fame |
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NASA to bring back pieces of rock from Mars |
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Everyday Items That You Didn’t Know Were Invented by NASA |
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Лунная программа NASA Artemis обойдeтся США в 35 миллиардов |
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La NASA convoca a mexicanos a participar en producción de cortometrajes |
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NASA finds sugar in meteorites that crashed on Earth |
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NASA seleciona quatro missões possíveis para estudar os segredos do sistema solar |
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Future of Virtual Reality is in the hands of Aussie Developers amp NASA |
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Thank you NASA! |
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Follow All the Racing Action Live from the 2019 NASA Championships at Mid-Ohio |
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Based on 10 years of research at Caltech and NASA/JPL |
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“ORP made huge contributions to OMG by taking their sailboat deep into fjords surrounded by huge icebergs to get up to the glaciers where no ships have ever gone before to collect measurements of the ocean temperature” Dr Ian Fenty NASA JPL OMG |
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NASA с орбиты МКС показало самые высокие облака |
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NASA’s just spotted something entirely new |
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NASA’s ‘Space Botanist’ Can Now View Plants “Waking Up” Of The… |
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Por que a NASA precisou desligar o telescópio espacial Spitzer |
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NASA sond Messenger saatis oma viimased pildid Merkuurist |
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NASA yeni uzay görevlerine hazırlanıyor |
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Australian Bushfires: NASA uses Satellites to Track the |
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Houston-based organization tasked by NASA to take risks and innovate solutions in space health |
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NASA «отстыкуется» от МКС и создаст свою станцию |
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The 10000 Quadrillion Asteroid of Precious Metals is NASA’s Latest Target |
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Criticado pela NASA Elon Musk promete finalizar espaçonave |
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NASA’s Earth Minute: My Name is Aerosol |
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आईएएस 2019 प्रिलिम्स -मौक सवाल-हिंदी मेँ – इस लिँक पर क्लिक करेँ MOCK Q495- WILL BE UPLOADED ON 10 FEBRUARY 2020 MOCK Q494 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ In context with the CIRDAP a regional Inter – Governmental and autonomous institution which among the following statements are correct 1 Originally the institution had six members but now the number has gone up to 252 It was jointly established on 6 July 1979 by the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO in coordination with several other UN bodies and donors 3 India is one of the key founding members of this OrganisationSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans C About CIRDAP• It is a regional Inter – Governmental and autonomous institution• It was jointly established on 6 July 1979 by the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO in coordination with several other UN bodies and donors • India is one of the key founding members of this Organisation• The headquarters of the institution is located at Dhaka in Bangladesh• The main objective of the body is to promote regional cooperation and act as a serving institution for its member countries for promotion of integrated rural development through research action training and information dissemination• There are 46 countries in Asia Pacific Region therefore CIRDAP has great potential for expansion for which they would be assisted by CIRDAP Centres• Originally the institution had six members but now the number has gone up to 15 The member countries include India Pakistan Sri Lanka Nepal Malaysia Afghanistan Bangladesh Fiji Indonesia Iran Lao PDR Myanmar Philippines Thailand and Vietnam MOCK Q493 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following serves as the Secretariat for the SASEC member countries A Asian Development BankB World BankC ASEAN Regional ForumD World Bank GroupAns AAbout South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation• The SASEC brings together seven countries in a project-based partnership to promote regional prosperity by improving cross-border connectivity boosting trade among member countries and strengthening regional economic cooperation• The SASEC countries are Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Myanmar Nepal and Sri Lanka• The Program was set up in 2001• The Asian Development Bank ADB serves as the Secretariat for the SASEC member countries MOCK Q492 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Recently our scientists have discovered Tree-living crab species that includes the structure of its hard upper shell its male abdominal structure and reproductive parts and diagnostic elongated walking legs which no other genus has In which part of India has it been discoveredA Anaimalai ForestsB Western Ghats of Kerala C Andaman IslandsD Tropical Rain Forests of North eastAns BTree-living crab species Kani maranjandu found in KeralaThe key traits of the crab include the structure of its hard upper shell its male abdominal structure and reproductive parts and diagnostic elongated walking legs which no other genus hasA group of scientists discovered a new species of long legged tree-dwelling crabs in Western Ghats of KeralaThe species are named after the Kani tribe in Kerala• The survey of the freshwater crab fauna had started in the year 2014 in the Westerns Ghats in KeralaAbout Kani tribe• Kani is a tribe living in the Western Ghats area of Kerala MOCK Q491 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ “Death Penalty Report” is released by which organization A Amnesty InternationalB GreenpeaceC World Social ForumD Doctors Without BordersAns AAmnesty International released Death Penalty Report 2016As per the report at least 60 people who had been sentenced to death were exonerated in 9 countries in 2016 MOCK Q490 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ “Globalization Backlash” is released by which organization A World Bank B World Tourism Organisation C World Bank GroupD International Fund for Agricultural Development Ans AWorld Bank released report Globalization BacklashSouth Asia’s performance will maintain momentum with the gap between its growth rate and that of East Asia slightly widening over timeHighlights of Globalization Backlash• With a strong performance in the eastern part of the South Asia Region – in particular in Bhutan Bangladesh and India – the region defied disappointing world growth in 2016• Inflation slowed down in the second half of 2016 mainly due to lower food prices but appears to be turning up again• Despite recent real exchange rate appreciation current account balances are mostly in order throughout the region MOCK Q489 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ In context with the Agni-III which among the following statements is/are correct 1 This Surface-to-Surface nuclear capable intermediate-range ballistic missile can hit targets in the range of around 2500 km2 It can carry a warhead of 15 tonne which is protected by carbon all composite heat shield3 The missile was inducted into the armed forces in June 2016Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B 1 amp 3C Only 2D 123Ans CHighlights of the Agni-III ballistic missile• This Surface-to-Surface nuclear capable intermediate-range ballistic missile can hit targets in the range of around 3000 km• The two-stage solid-propelled missile has a length of 17 metres 2 metres diameter and its launch weight is around 50 tonnes• It can carry a warhead of 15 tonne which is protected by carbon all composite heat shield• The missile was inducted into the armed forces in June 2011 MOCK Q488 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Microlensing sometimes seen in news A It is a technique that aids the discovery of distant objects by using background stars as flashlightsB It is a technique to correct refractive errors of the eye by permanently changing the shape of the corneaC It is a technique of reducing the person’s dependence on glasses by preparing the contact lenses D None of the aboveAns AWhat is Microlensing• It is a technique that aids the discovery of distant objects by using background stars as flashlights• When a star crosses from the front of a bright star the gravity of the star in the front focuses the light of the background star making it appear brighter• So a planet orbiting the foreground star may cause a glitch in its brightness MOCK Q487 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Recently India has become the member of which of the following UN subsidiary bodies for the period of three years 1 Committee for Programme and Coordination CPC2 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCE3 International Narcotics Control BoardSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans AIndia along with 12 other members was elected for the period of three years to the Committee for Programme and Coordination CPC a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOCThese two organisations are Committee for Programme and Coordination CPC and International Narcotics Control BoardIndia’s Election to Committee for Programme and Coordination CPC• India along with 12 other members was elected for the period of three years to the Committee for Programme and Coordination CPC a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOC• It garnered the most number of votes in the Asian group with 49 out of 50 members of ECOSOC voting in its favour• The other 12 members elected for three-year terms include Burkina Faso Iran Japan Pakistan Belarus Bulgaria Moldova Brazil Chile Cuba the United Kingdom and United States• The CPC is the main subsidiary organ of the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly for planning programming and coordination MOCK Q486 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA to transfer Sterile Insect Technique to numerous countries to combat which among the following virus disease A ZikaB Small poxC EbollaD Common cold and different types of fluAns AIAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA to transfer Sterile Insect Technique under 23 Million Euro Project to Combat ZikaSince 1997 SIT has been transferred to numerous countries to combat pests that affect food and crops and insects that transmit diseases including mosquitoesAbout Sterile Insect Technique SITSterile Insect Technique SIT is a form of pest control that uses ionizing radiation to sterilize male insects mass-produced in special rearing facilitiesSince 1997 SIT has been transferred to numerous countries by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture MOCK Q485 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund 1 It was established as a Category II Alternate Investment Funds AIF as per the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI2 It has an initial corpus of 20000 crore rupees which can be leveraged by infrastructure companies including Indian Rail Finance Corporation IRFC and National Housing Bank NHBSelect the correct answer using the codes given below A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CAbout National Investment and Infrastructure Fund• The fund was approved by the Union Cabinet in July 2015 to fund new and rejuvenate stressed projects so that stalled investment cycle is revived in the country• It was established as a Category II Alternate Investment Funds AIF as per the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI• It has an initial corpus of 20000 crore rupees which can be leveraged by infrastructure companies including Indian Rail Finance Corporation IRFC and National Housing Bank NHB• On the basis of the above early warning signals the branch maintaining the account should consider forwarding the stressed accounts with aggregate loan limits above 10 lakh rupees to the Committee for Stressed MSMEs within five working days for a suitable corrective action plan CAP• As regards accounts with aggregate loan limits up to 10 lakh rupees identified as SMA-2 the account should be mandatorily examined for CAP by the branch itself under the authority of the branch manager /designated official as decided by the bank• The option under CAP may include Rectification Restructuring and Recovery among others MOCK Q484 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Apart from the rotavirus vaccine which among the following new vaccine has been introduced as part of UIP Universal Immunization Programme A Inactivated Polio Vaccine IPVB Hepatitis A VaccineC Chicken Pox VaccineD Hepatitis B VaccineAns ASNIPPET FROM THE NEWS :Health Minister JP Nadda launched Rotavirus vaccine as part of Universal Immunization ProgrammeThe vaccine is being introduced initially in four states which are Andhra Pradesh Haryana Himachal Pradesh and Odisha and will be expanded to the entire country in a phased mannerApart from the rotavirus vaccine three new vaccines are also being introduced as part of UIP including Inactivated Polio Vaccine IPV Measles Rubella MR vaccine and Adult Japanese Encephalitis JE vaccineAbout Universal Immunization Programme• Universal Immunization Programme is a vaccination program launched by the Government of India in 1985• It became a part of Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Programme in 1992 and is currently one of the key areas under National Rural Health Mission NRHM since 2005 MOCK Q483 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following Protected Area Network is associated with the Madrid Action Plan A Biosphere ReservesB Conservation ReservesC Biodiversity HotspotsD Community reservesAns AMadrid Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves MOCK Q482 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Worldwide Cost of Living survey is released by which of the following organization A Organisation for Economic Cooperation amp Development B World Economic ForumC Economist Intelligence UnitD UN Human Rights CouncilAns CEconomist Intelligence Unit released Worldwide Cost of Living Report 2016EIU ranked Singapore as the priciest city while were Lusaka the capital of Zambia was named as the cheapest city of the worldEconomist Intelligence Unit EIU released Worldwide Cost of Living Report 2016 on 10 March 2016 According to the report Mumbai and Bangalore are among the cheapest cities in the worldEIU ranked Singapore as the priciest city ahead of Zurich Hong Kong Geneva and ParisThe Economist Intelligence Unit helps business leaders prepare for opportunity empowering them to act with confidence when making strategic decisionsThe Worldwide Cost of Living survey is released twice a year by the EIU It compares more than 400 individual prices across 160 products and services in 131 cities including food drink clothing household supplies and personal care items home rents transport utility bills private schools domestic help and recreational costs MOCK Q481 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following destinations spread across the states under the Krishna Circuit 1 Nathdwar2 Puri3 Bhadrachalam4 SikarSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 amp 3B 124C 234D 1234Ans BDestinations under Krishna CircuitUnder Krishna circuit 12 destinations spread across 5 states are proposed These are:• Dwarka Gujarat• Nathdwara Jaipur amp Sikar Rajasthan• Kurukshetra Haryana• Mathura Vrindavan Gokul Barsana Nandgaon amp Govardhan Uttar Pradesh• Puri OdishaBesides projects worth more than 300 crores rupees were approved in-principle in Uttar Pradesh under both the circuitsUnder Ramayana Circuit 11 destinations spread across 6 states are proposed These are:• Ayodhya Nandigram Shringhverpur amp Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh• Sitamarhi Buxar amp Darbhanga Bihar• Jagdalpur Chattisgarh• Bhadrachalam Telangana• Hampi Karnataka• Rameshwaram Tamil NaduExpert committee also suggested including Chitrakoot Madhya Pradesh Nashik amp Nagpur Maharashtra and Mahendragiri Odisha in the proposed circuit MOCK Q480 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following is/are the long term FPIs Foreign Portfolio Investors A Sovereign Wealth Funds OnlyB Pension Funds OnlyC Sovereign Wealth Funds Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsD Sovereign Wealth Funds Insurance Funds Pension FundsAns CMarkets regulator the Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI on 29 March 2016 decided to increase the Foreign Portfolio Investors FPI investment limit in Central Government securities This will boost inflows of foreign funds into Indian capital marketsThe limit for long term FPIs Sovereign Wealth Funds Multilateral Agencies Endowment Funds Insurance Funds Pension Funds and Foreign Central Banks in the Central Government securities will be enhanced to 50000 crore rupees from 4 April 2016 and 56000 crore rupees on 5 July 2016 Currently the existing limit is 44100 crore rupees for long term FPIs MOCK Q479 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Fertile Crescent sometimes seen in news A It is the Rajasthan’s state fertile soil that provides food amp firewood to support rural economyB It is the confluence of different biogeographical zones that is very rich in species diversityC It is a tree species found in a part of south India that can serve as a safety hedge against coastal calamitiesD It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle eastAns DFertile Crescent : It is an ancient area of fertile soil amp vital rivers in the middle east-Initiative of UN’s Food amp Agriculture Organisation amp University of Birmingham’s school of Biosciences MOCK Q478 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following statements is/are correct with respect to the Angel Fund 1 It has been launched very recently under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest pa2 The loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 9 months during which no interest rates will be charged Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt has been launched in 2013 by Assam Chief Minister under which the first generation entrepreneurs can get a maximum loan of 5 lakh rupees at 5 interest paThe loan will have a moratorium period of maximum 10 months during which no interest rates will be charged MOCK Q477 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Equity Index consider the following statements :1 It was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate change2 It is the first equity Index linked with the Green BondSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CEquity Index :BNP PAIBAS on 18 sep 2014launched this indexIt was launched in collaboration with the world bank which will help raise funds for products seeking to mitigate climate changeIt is the first equity Index linked with the Green Bond MOCK Q476 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Maharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by which of the following organization A World BankB Asian Development BankC World Bank GroupD Asian Infrastructure Investment BankAns AMaharaja Bonds to develop the infrastructure for the domestic capital markets has been issued by World Bank MOCK Q475 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the Minsk agreement consider the following statements :1 This agreement was based on 11 point peace plan that included the release of hostages 2 The agreement was brokered by the WTO World Trade OrganisationSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThis agreement was based on 12 point peace plan that included the release of hostages The agreement was brokered by the Organisation for security amp cooperation in Europe OSCEUkraine amp pro-Russian rebels agreed on ceasefire agreement called Minsk agreement MOCK Q474 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ A report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by which of the following organizations A UNEP amp WMOB Green Climate FundC UNDP amp UNEPD Global environment FacilityAns AA report titled scientific assessment of Ozone depletion revealed that the ozone layer is well on track to recovery in the next few decades The report has been prepared by UNEP United Nation Environment Programme amp WMO World Meteorological Organisation MOCK Q473 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which of the following given Inclusive Development Index ranking to the countries of the world A World Economic ForumB World Health OrganisationC UN Human Rights CouncilD UNDPAns AThe Inclusive Development Index IDI is an annual economic index introduced by the World Economic Forum System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Economic Progress in 2017 The IDI ranks countries’ economic performance in three pillars: growth and development inclusion and intergenerational equity and sustainability The IDI is a project of the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on the Future of Economic Progress which aims to inform and enable sustained and inclusive economic progress through deepened public-private cooperation through thought leadership and analysis strategic dialogue and concrete cooperation including by accelerating social impact through corporate action MOCK Q472 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ In order to join Euro currency a country must fulfill which of the following conditions 1 Government debt no higher than 70pc of GDP2 Budget deficit below 3pc of GDP3 Low Inflation amp Interest rates Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 3D 123Ans BGovernment debt no higher than 60pc of GDPBudget deficit below 3pc of GDPLow Inflation amp Interest rates MOCK Q471 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has released a report titled “ Environmental Crime Crisis A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns D MOCK Q470 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region A Bombay Natural History Society B World Wildlife FundC Birdlife InternationalD UNEP United nation Environment ProgrammeAns BWorld Wildlife Fund has published a report titled “Mysterious Mekong” mentioning the discoveriesof new exotic species in Greater Mekong Region MOCK Q469 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to ATOMEXPO an International Forum for nuclear power industry consider the following statements :1 It is an initiative of Russia’s state Nuclear Energy Corporation 2 First ATOMEXPO was held in 2009 to define the place amp role of nuclear generation in 21st century Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrect Ans CAtomexpo is a major communication company providing the whole spectrum of services in field of congress-exhibition management event-industry and business presentations worldwideAtomexpo LLC is in the market of communication services since 2009 The company is arranging the business events conducted by State Corporation Rosatom and the companies of the nuclear sector of the Russian industry as well as by the bodies of the RF executive authorities and international companies The company portfolio contains over 500 successfully led projects both in Russia and abroad MOCK Q468 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ With reference to the GSAT 7 consider the following statements :1 Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant coastal regions2 Its solar arrays generate 2100 W of electric powerSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGSAT 7:-Payload of the GSAT 7 is designed to provide communication capabilities to users in distant oceanic regions- Its solar arrays generate 2900 W of electric power MOCK Q467 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following factors is/are considered for cataloging the specimens in the bio Banks 1 Blood type2 Cornea of the eyes3 Hair cells of the human beingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 1Ans DA biobank is a type of biorepository that stores biological samples usually human for use in research Since the late 1990s biobanks have become an important resource in medical research supporting many types of contemporary research like genomics and personalized medicineBiobanks give researchers access to data representing a large number of people Samples in biobanks and the data derived from those samples can often be used by multiple researchers for cross purpose research studies For example many diseases are associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms and performing genome-wide association studies using large collections of samples which represent tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals can help to identify disease biomarkers Many researchers struggled to acquire sufficient samples prior to the advent of biobanksBiobanks have provoked questions on privacy research ethics and medical ethics While viewpoints on what constitutes appropriate biobank ethics diverge consensus has been reached that operating biobanks without establishing carefully considered governing principles and policies could be detrimental to communities that participate in biobank programsVirtual biobanks integrate epidemiological cohorts into a common poolVirtual biobanks allow for sample collection to meet national regulationsTissue banks harvest and store human tissues for transplantation and research As biobanks become more established it is expected that tissue banks will merge with biobanksPopulation banks store biomaterial as well as associated characteristics such as lifestyle clinical and environmental data MOCK Q466 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQWhich among the following is/are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device 1 Deep UV light can be used to sterilize bacteria amp Viruses decontaminate drinking water amp in fluorescence sensors to detect chemicals 2 Significant improvement in the ability to inspect microchips with solid state metrology3 Improved detection of airborne chemical amp biological agents Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DAll of the above are the applications of the Deep UV Laser device MOCK Q465 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term Peace Arc sometimes seen in news A It is an international treaty to change the functioning of the European Union which must be ratified by atleast 3/4th member states of the European Union B It is a voluntary initiative that seeks to increase the maritime cooperation amongst navies of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean regionC It is the Chinese navy hospital ship to provide free medical services to people of BangladeshD It is a multilateral energy security cooperation treaty amongst the members of the East Asia SummitAns CThe ship was launched in 2007 with the stated intention of giving China a platform to provide a better means to providing quicker humanitarian response to disasters around the world but others contend it also allows China to extend the navy’s blue water capabilitiesOn 1 September 2010 the hospital ship embarked on a three-month Harmonious Mission 2010 to the Gulf of Aden with a total of 428 officers including 100 medical workers En route she visited and provided medical treatment to the local people of Djibouti Tanzania Kenya the Seychelles and BangladeshDuring Harmonious Mission 2011 Peace Ark visited Cuba Costa Rica Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago the first Chinese voyage to the Caribbean MOCK Q464 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which one of the following best describes the term SEEDS PROJECT sometimes seen in news A It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Environment amp Forests to conserve nature through action based research education amp public awarenessB It is a Tree Campaign launched by UNEP of planting 1 billion trees in 2007C It is a non-profit research research organization that focuses on management of water amp land resources enhancing food security amp reducing povertyD It is a project which directly captures the images of extra solar planets amp protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars Ans DThe SEEDS Project• This discovery is the part of Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru SEEDS project It is a project which directly captures the images of extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks around thousands of nearby stars by making use of Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea Hawaii• SEEDS is a 5-year project which started off in the year 2009• SEEDS is led by Motohide Tamura at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan NAOJ• Imaging done under this project provides an insight into the orbit atmosphere temperature and luminosity of the planet However the planets are very faint and extremely close to their host stars which is why it is extremely difficult to capture them• The SEEDS project captures the images at near-infrared wavelengths by making use of the novel adaptive optics system of telescope and two instruments: the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics and the InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph The combination of these enables the team to capture the direct images towards fainter planets MOCK Q463 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ H7N9 virus is sometimes mentioned in news with reference to which of the following disease A Bird fluB DengueC Swine FluD AIDSAns AH7N9 virus is referred with Bird flu MOCK Q462 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Which among the following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods5 VegetarianismSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1245B Only 12 amp 4C 1234D All are correctAns CVegetarianism has not been focused under the Greenpeace campaignsThe following areas have been focused under the Greenpeace campaigns 1 Oceans2 Forests3 Nuclear reactors4 Genetically modified foods MOCK Q461 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements :1 Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights2 Amnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CAmnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rightsAmnesty International operates in India with headquarters in Bangalore MOCK Q460 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements about International Committee of Red Cross :1 ICRC was established in 19th century in GenevaSwitzerland2 International Committee of the red cross was awarded the nobel prize in 1917 1944 1963 – on the third occasion jointly with the League of Red Cross societies3 Red cross society was found to protect the human life amp health from the war hostilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans DAll are correct Just memorize it MOCK Q459 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Consider the following statements:1 Human Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income Index2 Life expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 yearsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CHuman Development Index for any nation is calculated as geometric mean of life expectancy Index Education Index amp Income IndexLife expectancy index in HDI is calculated using a minimum value of 20 years amp a minimum value of 85 years MOCK Q458 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDUQ Who among the following releases World Press Freedom Index A Institute for Economics and PeaceB Oxfam InternationalC Reporters Without BordersD World Economic ForumAns CThe 2019 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders RSF shows how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence contributing to an increase in fear The number of countries regarded as safe where journalists can work in complete security continues to decline while authoritarian regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media MOCK Q457QWhich one of the following plants is popularly grown along the road for absorbing vehicular pollutantsA NeriumB NeemC BourgainvilleaD CallotropisAns CThe vine species grow anywhere from 1 to 12 m 3 to 40 ft tall scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year or deciduous if there is a dry season Bougainvillea are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates such as Florida and South Carolina and across The Mediterranean Basin MOCK Q456Q Which of the following statements correctly denotes Bio-fortification A Enrichment of the nutrient quality of the soil using biological agentsB Breeding crops to increase their nutritional valuesC Inrcrease of organo-metallic compounds in the organism through energy flow in an ecosystemD Adoption of genetic variable plants for breeding of high yielding plants Ans BBiofortification is the idea of breeding crops to increase their nutritional value This can be done either through conventional selective breeding or through genetic engineering Biofortification differs from ordinary fortification because it focuses on making plant foods more nutritious as the plants are growing rather than having nutrients added to the foods when they are being processedThis is an important improvement on ordinary fortification when it comes to providing nutrients for the rural poor who rarely have access to commercially fortified foods2 As such biofortification is seen as an upcoming strategy for dealing with deficiencies of micronutrients in low and middle-income countries In the case of iron WHO estimated that biofortification could help curing the 2 billion people suffering from iron deficiency-induced anemia MOCK Q455 Q4 What is a major use of Allethrin A In household insecticidesB In glass manufactureC In steel manufactureD In paints amp varnishesAnsA MOCK Q454 Q Custom duty on non-edible oils has been reduced to encourage soaps amp oleochemicals What are Oleochemicals 1 These are the chemicals derived from the Plant products2 They are analogous to petrochemicals derived from petroleumWhich among the above are correct A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BThese are the chemicals derived from the Plant products amp animal fats MOCK Q453 Q Who among the following are not the members of the Arab League 1 Chad 2 Israel3 South Sudan4 Libya5 OmanWhich among the above is/are correct A 345B Only 1 amp 2C 125D All are the members Ans BThe Arab League was founded in Cairo in 1945 by Egypt Iraq Lebanon Saudi Arabia Syria Transjordan Jordan from 1946 and Yemen North Yemen later combined Yemen There was a continual increase in membership during the second half of the 20th century with additional 15 Arab states and 4 observers being admitted MOCK Q452 Q4 Which of the following is superimposed international boundary A USA –Mexico boundaryB India-Pakistan boundary along Jammu amp KashmirC 38th North parallel boundary between North amp south KoreaD Chile-Argentina boundary along AndesAns BA superimposed boundary is a boundary that has been imposed on an area by an outside or conquering power This boundary ignores the cultural organizations on this landscape MOCK Q451 Q Land reclamation is the subject dealt by :A Ministry of rural developmentB Ministry of agricultureC Ministry of panchayati rajD Ministry of earth sciencesAns BLand reclamation usually known as reclamation and also known as land fill not to be confused with a landfill is the process of creating new land from oceans seas riverbeds or lake beds The land reclaimed is known as reclamation ground or land fill MOCK Q450 QWho among the following founded Theosophical society A Madam Blavatsky amp Annie BesantB AO Hume amp Annie BesantC HS Alcott amp Annie BesantD Madam Blavatsky amp HS AlcottAns AThe Theosophical Society was an organization formed in the United States in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky to advance Theosophy The original organization after splits and realignments currently has several successors Following the death of Blavatsky competition within the Society between factions emerged particularly among founding members and the organisation split between the Theosophical Society Adyar Olcott-Besant and the Theosophical Society Pasadena Judge The former group headquartered in Indiais the most widespread international group holding the name Theosophical Society today MOCK Q449 Q The ‘Kurram’ of Chola period were : A Musicians B Union of villages C Royal officers D Temple artisansAns BChola political system was the only one which still maintained contact with the cultivator on a wild scale and retained characteristics of a centrally organized administration The political status Rajaraja I was certainly different from that of Amoghavarsha the Rashtrakuta ruler or Vishnuvardhana the Hoysala ruler The titles used by the Chola kings were Chakrvartigal or Chakravarti The royal household was run on an elaborate scale and royal patronage was lavish The political role of Purohita priest as known to northern Indian politics underwent a modification in the Chola system The Rajguru priest of the royal family of the Cholas became a confidant and confessor in addition to being the advisor in all matters temporal and sacred For further advice there was an assembly of officer whom the king would consultChola kingdom was divided into provinces mandalam their being generally eight or nine of these Each mandalam was divided into valanadus or districts These in turn were subdivided into groups of villages variously called kurram nadu or kottam Occasionally a very large village would be administered as a single unit and this was called Taniyur The administrative unit was the village and to that extent there was a little significant difference between Chola administration and that of the Guptas However the nature of the village administration was certainly of a very different order The degree of autonomy at village level was something quiet remarkable for the times Chola officials participated in village affairs more as advisors and observers than as administratorsThe basic assumption in the type of village autonomy emerging at this period was that each village should be administered by the villagers themselves For the purpose a village assembly was formed and authority was vested in this assemblyThe general assemblies included most of the local residents and were of three categories: the ur consisted of the tax paying residents of an ordinary village the sabha was restricted to the Brahmans of the village or else was found exclusively in villages gifted to Brahmans and finally the nagaram was found more commonly in trade centers In some villages the ur and the sabha were found together Very large villages had two urs if this was more convenient for their functioning The working of these assemblies differed according to local conditions The ur was open to all male adults of the village but in affect the older members took a more prominent part some of them forming a small executive body for routine matters The sabha had the same system and in addition had the power to constitute smaller committees of any size from among its membersMOCK Q448- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following passage :“The length of the saree in this folk dance is about 3 inches above the heelMusic in this dance is played using Tirio A bamboo flute with seven holesWomen dancers usually wear white or yellow sarees with red borders amp adorn their hair with wild flowersWhich among the following folk dance has been discussed in the above passage A Santhal danceB Karma danceC Bidesiya danceD Jhijhiya danceAns ASanthal dance – Jharkhand Karma dance – JharkhandBidesiya dance – BiharJhijhiya dance-BiharMOCK Q447- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kolkali dance consider the following statements :1 It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as well2Only male dancers can participate in this dance3 It is a highly rhythmic dance with the dancers wielding short sticksSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans CKarma dance: It is basically a tribal dance form undertaken annually on the Karma festival although it is performed on different social occasions as wellMOCK Q446- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following pairs :Community Place1Ahir Haryana2Manganiyars South India3Kambala Nayaka Tamil NaduSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 3D 123Ans CCommunity of people Manganiyars is well known for their musical tradition in North East IndiaAhir community of Gurgaon Haryana is known for th Dhamal danceMOCK Q445- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Lavani Gatka amp Thang-Ta folk dances are associated with the display of military skills by traditional community2 Chhau folk dance blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BGatka Thang-Ta amp Choliya folk dances are associated the display of military skills by traditional community but not Lavani danceChhau folk dance of West Bengal blends both dance amp martial arts employing mock combat techniques This dance is performed during night in an open space called Akhara or AsarMOCK Q444- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1 Caves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika Monks2Bharhut stupa constructed under Mauryas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ABharhut stupa constructed under Shungas shows influence of Greeks on Indian artCaves at Nagarjuni hills was dedicated by Ashoka amp his grandson Dashratha Maurya to the Ajivika MonksMOCK Q443- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Consider the following statements :1Singhi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lion2 Wancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CSinghi Chham folk dance pays homage to the Kanchenjunga peaks which when bathed in sunlight look like a snow lionWancho dance belongs to the state of Arunachal PradeshMOCK Q442- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q With reference to the Kangra Paintings consider the following statements :1Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis2 Theme of painting is mainly elements of nature3 Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D Only 2Ans DRajasthani Paintings : -Paintings were made on the walls of palaces inner chambers of forts amp havellis- Surface of the painting is often divided into the several compartments of different colors in order to separate one scene from another Kangra Paintings :Kangra painting is the pictorial art of Kangra named after Kangra Himachal Pradesh a former princely state which patronized the art It became prevalent with the fading of Basohli school of painting in mid-18th centuryand soon produced such a magnitude in paintings both in content as well as volume that the Pahari painting school came to be known as Kangra paintingsThe distinguishing features of the Kangra painting were: Soft colours including cool blues and greens Lyrical treatment of themesTheme of painting is mainly elements of natureMOCK Q441- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Madhubani Paintings 1 These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists of the Bihar2 No space is left empty in these paintings as the gaps are filled with the paintings of flower animals birds amp even geometric designs3 Three dimensional images are used in these types of paintingsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B Only 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMadhubani PaintingMadhubani painting is one of the many famous Indian art forms As it is practiced in the Mithila region of Bihar and Nepal it is called Mithila or Madhubani art Often characterized by complex geometrical patterns these paintings are known for representing ritual content for particular occasions including festivals religious rituals etc The colors used in Madhubani paintings are usually derived from plants and other natural sources These colors are often bright and pigments like lampblack and ochre are used to create black and brown respectively Instead of contemporary brushes objects like twigs matchsticks and even fingers are used to create the paintings Kalighat Paintings : These are the short lived water color paintings produced in the 19th century by the artists in CalcuttaMOCK Q440- FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTURE WEBSITE Q Which among the following is/are correct with respect to the Basholi style of painting 1 This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal painting2Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DGuler style : This style of painting was inspired by the naturalistic style of the mughal paintingBikaner School : Human figures were shown with tight lips eyes half open small chin amp thin wristBasholi style of painting : Basohli Paintings is a fusion of Hindu mythology Mughal miniature techniques and folk art of the local hills evolved in the 17th and 18th centuries as a distinctive style of painting This style of painting derives its name from the place of its origin – hill town of Basohli about 80 Km from the centre of district Kathua in the state of Jammu amp KashmirThe most popular themes of Basohli Paintings come from Shringara literature like Rasamanjari or Bouquet of Delight a long love poem written in 15th century by Bhanudatta of Tirhut Bihar Gita Govinda and Ragamala These paintings are marked by striking blazing colors red borders bold lines and rich symbols The faces of the figures painted are characterized by the receding foreheads and large expressive eyes shaped like lotus petals The painting themselves are mostly painted in the primary colors of Red Blue and YellowThis style of painting was first introduced to the world in the annual report 1918-19 of the Archaeological Survey of India published in 1921 At that time this style was yet to be properly categorized and studied Ananda K Coomaraswamy was the first to publish them in Rajput Paintings in 1916MOCK Q439- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q What was the reason for the congress to accept dominion status A It would offer a chance to keep India in the commonwealth B It would allow for some much needed continuity in the bureaucracy amp the army C It would provide the economic strength defence potential amp greater value of trade amp Investment in IndiaD All of the aboveAns BThe Congress was willing to accept Dominion Status for a while despite its being against the spirit of Lahore Congress 1929 declaration of “Purna Swaraj” because:-• Congress wanted a quick transfer of power in a peaceful manner• It was important for congress to assume authority and power to check the explosive situation due to communal tension• Dominion Status gave breathing time to the new administration as British officers and civil service officials could stay on till Indians get settled in their new positionsFor Britain Dominion Status offered a chance of keeping India in the Commonwealth even if temporarily Though Jinnah offered to bring Pakistan into the Commonwealth a greater store was laid by India’s membership of the Commonwealth as India’s economic strength and defence potential were deemed sounder and Britain had a greater value of trade and Investment thereMOCK Q438- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM-MODERN INDIA Q Which among the following is/are correct with reference to the Plan Balkan 1 It was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Mountbatten to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi2 This plan was welcomed by the Nehru amp other leaders Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D Plan Balkan was completed and presented on 15-16 April 1947 by Hastings Ismay to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi Due to this this plan was also called “Ismay Plan”• Balkan plan was an alternative plan to Cabinet mission Between March and May of 1947 Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission Plan had become untenable and formulated an alternative plan This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces or to a confederation if formed before the transfer with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for partition of their provinces• The various units thus formed along with the princely states rendered independent by lapse of paramountcy would have the option of joining India or Pakistan or remaining separate The plan was quickly abandoned after Nehru reacted violently to itMOCK Q437- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU-CURRENT AFFAIRS Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme consider the following statements :1 Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 years2 To get benefit of this scheme It is mandatory to get register between the age of 45 years to 59 years3 Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Scheme :Pension benefits to retail traders amp small shopkeepers with annual turnover less than Rs 15 crores Under this scheme shopkeepers amp retail traders will receive a guaranteed monthly pension of Rs 3000 after they reach the age of 60 yearsMOCK Q436- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q With reference to the Tutinama “Tales of Parrot” consider the following statements :1 It is an illustrated version containing 200 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th century2 It is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BTutinama “Tales of Parrot”is an illustrated version containing 250 miniature paintings that was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the later part of the 16th centuryIt is the 14th century Persian series of 52 stories -Adventure stories naraated by the parrot were : Ninght after Night For 52 successive nights are moralistic stories to persuade his owner Khojasta not to commit any adulterous act with any lover in the absence of her husbandMOCK Q435- FRAMED FROM Krishna Reddy-Indian History Q Who among the following Mughal Emperor put emphasis upon aristocracy amp secularism through the Mughal school of paintingA JahangirB AkbarC AurangzebD ShahjahanAns BMughal school of paintings originated in AD during the reign of AkbarThese paintings are based on the close observation of nature amp fine amp delicate drawing These paintings are themed upon aristocracy amp secularismMOCK Q434- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Under the Vote of Credit Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adopted2In Budget 2017 Lok Sabha adopted Vote of CreditSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DVote of Credit – It is granted for meeting an unexpected demand upon the resources of India when on account of the magnitude or the indefinite character of the service the demand cannot be stated with the details ordinarily given in a budget Hence it is like a blank cheque given to the Executive by the Lok SabhaSo far it has not been adopted in IndiaUnder the Vote of Account Lok Sabha authorizes the council of ministers to continue to incur expenditure out of the consolidated fund of India till next appropriation bill is adoptedMOCK Q433- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following motions can be moved in Lok Sabha only 1 Call Attention Motion 2 Adjournment Motion3 Cut Motions4 Censure MotionSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2 amp 4B 134C 234D 1234Ans CAdjournment Motion Cut Motions Censure Motion- can be moved in Lok Sabha onlyCall attention motion in the Rajya Sabha is called Motion For Papersi Adjournment Motion:At the end of the question-hour in the Parliament motion moved by a member when it is desired to draw the attention of the Executive for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importanceii Privilege Motion:A motion moved by a member if he feels that a Minister has committed a breach of privilege of the House or of any one or more of its members by withholding the facts of a case or by giving a distorted version of facts etciii Censure Motion:A motion which seeks to censure the government for its “lapse” If the motion is passed in the Popular House the Cabinet resignsiv ‘No-Confidence’ Motion:A motion moved by a member to express lack of confidence in the government for any reason The motion if allowed be debated upon At the conclusion of such debate a vote of confidence is sought by the government and if it fails to get the required majority of votes it has to resignv Calling Attention Motion:A member may with prior permission of the Speaker call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief Statement regarding the matter or ask for time to make a Statementvi Cut Motion:A motion that seeks reduction in the amount of a demand presented by the government is known as a cut motion Such motions are admitted at the Speaker’s discretion It is a device through which members candraw the attention of the government to a specific grievance or problem There are three types of Cut Motion:a Disapproval of Policy Cut:It means to express disapproval of the policy underlyingb Economy Cut:Asks for a reduction of the amount of the demand by a specific amountc Token Cut:Is a device to ventilate specific grievances within the sphere of the government’s responsibility The grievances have to be specified Usually the motion envisages a small reduc¬tion in the demandMOCK Q432- FRAMED FROM SHANKAR IAS Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Climate Investment Funds 1 The operation of the Financial Mechanism is partly entrusted to the Global Environment Facility GEF2 These funds were approved by MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency in 2008 to address climate changeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DThe Climate Investment Funds CIFs were designed by developed and developing countries and are implemented with the multilateral development banks MDBs to bridge the financing and learning gap between now and the next international climate change agreement CIFs are two distinct funds: the Clean Technology Fund and the Strategic Climate FundThe CIFs are additional to existing Official Development Assistance ODA and aim to enable countries to continue on their development path and achieve the Millennium Development Goals These funds will be operated in close coordination with existing bilateral and multilateral effortsThe funds were approved by the World Bank Board of Directors in July 2008 and on September 26 2008 received pledges of US65 billionThe Climate Investment Funds include the:• Clean Technology Fund• Strategic Climate Fund• Forest Investment Program• Pilot Program for Climate Resilience• Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program and• Private SectorMOCK Q431- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Which among the following statements is/are correct with reference to the Charged Expenditure 1It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the Parliament2 If the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CCharged Expenditure :It is that part of the appropriation bill which does not require approval of the ParliamentIf the appropriation bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha it has no impact on the charged expenditureMOCK Q430- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Parliamentary form of Government consider the following statements :1Members of executive amp legislature may be different hence coordination between them may be weak2Executive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BPresidential Government : Members of executive amp legislature are different hence coordination between them may be weakParliamentary form of Government : Members of executive are appointed from the legislature the ability of executive to influence legislature is highExecutive has a definite majority in Lok Sabha thus a check of legislature over executive is weakMOCK Q429- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q With reference to the Deputy Prime Minister consider the following statements :1 It is the second highest rank in the council of Ministers who are given full powers in the absence of Prime Minister2 It is not a constitutional position3 Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 1 amp 3C Only 3D 2 amp 3Ans DIst statement is a fabricated statementMinisters of State : They are the second highest ranking ministers who are not given independent charge of ministry or department Deputy Prime Minister is not a constitutional positionSupreme Court has held that Deputy Prime Minister also enjoys the rank of a Cabinet MinsterMOCK Q428- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Who among the following is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India A Chief Justice of IndiaB Supreme Court of IndiaC President of IndiaD Attorney General of IndiaAns CPresident of India is considered as the custodian of the Constitution of India Supreme Court is considered as the Guardian of the Constitution of India MOCK Q427- FRAMED FROM LAXMIKANT-INDIAN POLITY Q Consider the following statements :1 Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministers242nd amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A44th amendment act restored the discretion of President to refer the advice back to the council of Ministers Discretionary powers of the President of India are exercised without the aid amp advice of council of ministersMOCK Q426- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q With reference to the Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA consider the following statements :1 TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goods2TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidies3 It contains provisions for technical amp financial assistance in trade facilitation Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 2B 2 amp 3C Only 1D 1 amp 3Ans CTrade Facilitation Agreement TFA : TFA was the first multilateral trade deal in 21 years signed in Bali in 2013 for easing cross border custom rules for faster movement of goodsTFA contains provisions for technical assistance amp capacity building in trade facilitationProvision of Fourth Ministerial Meeting in Doha Qatar 2001 : TFA requires developed countries should reduce the domestic support given to agriculture in the form of Green box subsidiesMOCK Q425- FRAMED FROM RAMESH SINGH-INDIAN ECONOMY Q Which one of the following does not comes under the category of Back Office Outsourcing A Call centre servicesB Banking C Media amp Entertainment D Travel amp HospitalityAns ACall centre services : Front Office OutsourcingBack Office Business Process Outsourcing BPO ServicesAn organization’s back office management can significantly impact its success Large volumes of data accrue on a daily basis from various transactional processes such as order fulfilment applications processing transaction processing billing and collections that require effective back office solutions Invensis is a reputed leader in empowering numerous global businesses and organizations through high quality back office BPO services that promote enhanced business efficiency and improved bottom-lineback office outsourcing services extend across industries such as:• Finance• Banking• Insurance• Healthcare• Manufacturing amp Chemical• Travel amp Hospitality• Media amp Entertainment• Utilities• Logistics and Customs Brokerage• Automotive• Education• Mortgage• GovernmentMOCK Q424- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Which of the following best describes the Blue Carbon Initiative A It is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesB It refers to the technique of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere amp keeping it stored over a long period timeC It is an initiative to understand quantify amp manage greenhouse gas emissions so that rise in temperature by the end of century does not exceed 20 c or even 150c above pre-industrial levelsD It is an international initiative by providing technical amp financial support to targeted developing countries to integrate climate change into their development policies amp budgetsAns AIt is an international initiative to prevent climate change through conservation restoration of marine ecosystems by focusing on Mangroves Salt marshes amp SeagrassesThe Initiative is coordinated by Conservation International CI the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization IOC-UNESCO The Initiative works through two working groups: the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the International Blue Carbon Policy Working GroupMOCK Q423- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q Consider the following :Protected Area Network Fauna1 Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve : Saltwater crocodile2 Seshachalam hills : Sloth bear3 Cold Desert : Snow LeopardWhich of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ASeshachalam hills : Slender LorisPanna : Tiger Chittal Chinkara Sambhar amp Sloth BearMOCK Q422- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q With reference to the Hope Spots consider the following statements :1 Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have very recently been named as the new Hope Spots2 These are declared under the Wildlife protection Act 1972Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-Andaman amp Nicobar Islands amp Lakshadweep Islands have recently Not very recently been named as the new Hope Spots-List of Hope spots is prepared by the IUCN amp Mission Blue-Hope Spots are areas of an ocean that need special protection because of their wildlife amp significant underwater habitatsMOCK Q421- FRAMED FROM Shankar IAS Q In which of the following region in India are you most likely to come across the ‘Golden Langur’ in its natural habitat A Grasslands of Western GhatsB Malabar region of KeralaC Western AssamD Sand deserts of north-west IndiaAns CGolden langur is an Old World monkey found in a small region of western Assam India and in the neighboring foothills of the Black Mountains of Bhutan It is one of the most endangered primate speciesof India The regions of its distribution are very small the main region is limited to an area approximately 60 miles square bounded on the south by the Brahmaputra River on the east by the Manas River on the west by the Sankosh River all in Assam India and on the north by the Black Mountains of BhutanMOCK Q420- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q On account of which of the following reasons Chabahar port is relevant for India 1 Chabahar port will increase dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan2 In October 2017 India began shipment of Rice Wheat amp Pulses to Afghanistan through the Iranian portof Chabahar3 Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 3B 2 amp 3C 1 amp 2D 123Ans A-Chabahar port will reduce dependence of Afghanistan which is a landlocked country on Pakistan- In October 2017 India began shipment of Wheat to Afghanistan through the Iranian port of Chabahar- Indian presence at Chabahar port will help in countering Chinese presence at Gwadar port of PakistanMOCK Q419- FRAMED FROM Indian Express Q With reference to the Official Development Assistance consider the following statements :1 ODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time in 19592Japan is the only developed nation that signed a free trade agreement FTA with IndiaSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns BODA was coined by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation amp Development OECD for the first time is 1969India is the largest recipient of Japanese Official Development Assistance ODA MOCK Q418- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q With reference to the Dongria Kondh consider the following statements :1 These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups worshiping Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain 2 Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupSelect the correct answer using the code given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AKarbi tribe : Racially these belong to the Mongoloid group amp linguistically they belong to the Tibeto-Burman groupDongria Kondh : Of Odisha These are the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups who worship Niyam Raja of sacred Niyamgiri mountain They also won legal battle against Vedanta group over Bauxite mining in the region MOCK Q417- FRAMED FROM Google Books Q Every year a community celebrates a festival Hari Jyoti for planting fruit bearing trees at the beginning of the rains amp the new sowing season Which of the following is such community/ tribe A GondsB Dongria KondhC BondaD KarbiAns AGonds : Of Madhya PradeshKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshKarbi tribe : Of AssamLimbo tribe : Of SikkimBonda : Of OdishaDongria Kondh : Of OdishaKorku tribe : Of Madhya PradeshMOCK Q416- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q To fulfill the Government of India’s mission amp to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Academia Alliance Programme has been formed With whose initiative Academia Alliance Programme has been formed A Niti AyogB Confederation of Indian IndustriesC Startup IndiaD Ministry of New amp Renewable EnergyAns CTo fulfill the Governmentof India’s mission to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country Startup India launched the Startup Academia Alliance programme a unique mentorship opportunity between academic scholars and startups working in similar domains The Startup Academia Alliance aims to reduce the gap between scientific research and its industrial applications in order to increase the efficacy of these technologies and to widen their impact By creating a bridge between academia and industry the Alliance strives to create lasting connections between the stakeholders of the startup ecosystem and implement the third pillar on which the Startup India Action Plan is based – Industry Academia Partnerships and Incubation The first phase of Startup Academia Alliance was kickstarted through partnering with Regional Centre for Biotechnology The Energy and Resources Institute TERI Council on Energy Environment and Water and TERI School of Advanced Studies Renowned scholars from these institutes in fields such as renewableenergy biotechnology healthcare and life sciences were taken on board to provide mentorship and guidance to startups working in relevant arenasMOCK Q415- FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q Consider the following statements :1 In 1916 session Congress accepted theMuslim League demand of separate electorates 2 Communal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CIn 1916 session Congress accepted the Muslim League demand of separate electorates amp the Congress amp The League presented joint demands to the governmentCommunal award accepted all the muslim communal demands contained in the 14 pointsMOCK Q414- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the South Asia Sub Regional Economic Cooperation SASEC consider the following statements :1 SASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivity 2 World Trade Organisation serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns ASASEC program set up in 2001 to promote regional prosperity by improving cross border connectivityIt brings together Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Myanmar Nepal Srilanka Manila Phillipines based Asian development Bank ADB serves as the secretariat for the SAESC member CountriesMOCK Q413- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Permanent Court of Arbitration PCA consider the following statements :1 PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands2 The order is not binding on the countries as it can be appealed in the UN tribunal3 121 member states are the part of the PCA including IndiaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans APermanent Court of Arbitration PCA:PCA was established by treaty at the first Hague Peace Conference at Netherlands in 1899The order is binding on the countries as there is no appeal process in the UN tribunal121 member states 119 members of the United Nations as well as Kosovo amp Palestine are the part of the PCA India is a part to the PCA according to the Hague Convention on 1899 MOCK Q412- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing amp Urban Development APMCHUD consider the following statements :1 Sixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020”2 It was established under the aegis amp support of UN HabitatSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns BSixth edition of the conference held in New Delhi in 2016 with the theme “ Emerging Urban Forms –Policy Reforms amp Governance Structures in the Context of New Urban Agenda”2006 THEME : “ A Vision for sustainable Urbanisation in The Asia Pacific by 2020MOCK Q411- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With respect to the International Trade Centre consider the following statements :1 ITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTO2 They are subordinate to the United Nations amp derive most of their financial resources other than the Union Nation BudgetsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are in correctAns AITC is the joint technical corporation agency of the UN conference on trade amp Development UNCTAD amp World Trade Organisation WTOITC’s regular programme is financed in equal parts by WTO amp UNMOCK Q410- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following crops have been classified under the category of Minor Forest products 1 Tendu Patta2 Bamboo3 Pulpwood 4 SoapnutSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 124B Only 1 amp 3C 134D Only 1 amp 4Ans AThe Major Forest Products comprise Pulpwood Sandalwood Social Forestry that incudes Fuel and Timber The Minor Forest Products include the items such as tamarind curry leaf Tendu Patta gallnut Cane Soapnut tree moss and now Bamboo alsoMOCK Q409- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is “INSTEX” A It is a 2000 ft long device to start clean up in the North Pacific OceanB It is a transaction channel that will allow companies to continue trading with Iran despite US sanctionsC It is a natural gas pipeline being developed with the participation of the Asian Development BankD It is the rule book that sets out how countries will provide information about their Nationally Determined Contributions Ans B• The transaction channel will allow European businesses to trade with Iran despite strict US sanctions• Though the payment channel is a project of Britain France and Germany it will receive the formal endorsement of all 28 EU members• It will support legitimate European trade with Iran focusing initially on the sectors most essential to the Iranian population such as pharmaceutical medical devices and agri-food goods• In the longer term INSTEX aims to be open to third countries wanting to trade with Iran• However INSTEX is not yet operational as it needs Iran to set up a parallel structure of its own which may take some time to complete• While it is aimed at small and medium-sized companies it is expected to send an important message to Iran about Europe’s commitment to keep the nuclear deal aliveObjective The launch of the special payment channel is a clear and practical demonstration of Europe’s commitment to continuing the nuclear dealIt however does not in any way preclude the European Union from addressing Iran’s hostile and destabilising activitiesEurope has toughened its tone on Iran’s ballistic missile programme human rights record and interference in Middle East conflictsMOCK Q408- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana consider the following statements :1 Spouse will not be entitled to receive pension in case of death2 Workers covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation will not be entitled to pension3 It is 100 funded by the Union government Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B 2 amp 3C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans C• The unorganised sector workers with income of less than Rs 15000 per month and who belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years will be eligible for the scheme • Those workers should not be covered under New Pension Scheme NPS Employees’ State Insurance Corporation ESIC scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation EPFO• He or she should not be an income tax payerThe workers of unorganised sector can be home based workers street vendors mid-day meal workers head loaders brick kiln workers cobblers rag pickers domestic workers washer men rickshaw pullers landless labourers own account workers agricultural workers construction workers beedi workers handloom workers leather workers audio- visual workers and similar other occupationsBenefits under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan YojanaMinimum Assured Pension: Each subscriber under the scheme will receive minimum assured pension of Rs 3000 per month after attaining the age of 60 yearsIn case of death during receipt of pension: If the subscriber dies during the receipt of pension his or her spouse will be entitled to receive 50 percent of the pension as family pension This family pension is applicable only to spouseIn case of death before the age of 60 years: If a beneficiary has given regular contribution and dies before attaining the age of 60 years his or her spouse will be entitled to continue the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution or may even exit the schemeEqual contribution by the Central Government: Under the PM-SYM the prescribed age-specific contribution by the beneficiary and the matching contribution by the Central Government will be made on a ‘50:50 basis’MOCK Q407- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which of the following best describes SHREYAS scheme A It is the scheme launched by HRD Ministry to promote entrepreneurship by mentoring nurturing and facilitating startupsB It is the scheme implemented by Sector Skill Council for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsC It is the scheme launched by HRD ministry for translational and advanced research in Science to fund science projectsD It is the scheme implemented by Institution’s Innovation Council for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learningAns CSHREYAS: Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and SkillsFunctioning of the Scheme:The scheme will be operated in conjunction with National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme NAPS which provides for placing of apprentices or trainees up to 10 percent of the total work force in every industry The scheme will be implemented by the Sector Skill Councils SSCs initially in the Banking Finance Insurance Services BFSI Retail Health care Telecom Logistics Media Management services ITeS and Apparel More sectors would be added over time with emerging apprenticeship demandMOCK Q406- FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Sandbag Climate Campaign consider the following statements :1 It was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme2 It addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A–Sandbag or Sandbag Climate Campaign is a Community Interest Company campaigning for changes to European climate change policy especially emissions trading The organisation was launched in 2008 by Bryony Worthington and was the first and founding member of The Guardian’s Environment NetworkSandbag was launched as a campaign on the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme allowing its members to campaign to reduce the number of permits in circulation and to purchase permits and cancel themClimate Vulnerable Forum CVF: The forum addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socioeconomic and environmental vulnerabilitiesMOCK Q405- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana consider the following statements :1 It will provide assured income to all Institutional Land holders of Rs 6000 per year2 It is based on providing guaranteed amount of Rs 1000/- or Rs2000 per hectare in case of drought or loss of crop by the animalsSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D• The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi will provide assured income to small and marginal farmers• All Small and Marginal Farmers SMF with 2 hectares of cultivable land will be provided income support of Rs 6000 per year• The amount will be transferred directly into their account in 3 equal installments• The complete expenditure of Rs 75000 crore for the scheme will borne by the Union Government in 2019-20• Over 12 crore farmer families will be benefitted under the schemeThe scheme is being implemented with effect from December 2018The following categories of beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefit under the scheme A All Institutional Land holders B Farmer families in which one or more of its members belong to following categories: 1 Former and present holders of constitutional posts2 Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers and former/present Members of LokSabha/ RajyaSabha/ State Legislative Assemblies/ State Legislative Councilsformer and present Mayors of Municipal Corporations former and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats3 All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries /Offices/Departments and its field units Central or State PSEs and Attached offices /Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies Excluding Multi Tasking Staff /Class IV/Group D employees4 All superannuated/retired pensioners whose monthly pension is ₹10000/-or more Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees of above category5 All Persons who paid Income Tax in last assessment year6 Professionals like Doctors Engineers Lawyers Chartered Accountants and Architects registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by undertaking practicesMOCK Q404- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q Swadeshi Sangam was formed to ispire the local masses through magic lantern lectures Swadeshi songsWho was/were the members of the Swadeshi Sangam 1 VO Chidambaram Pillai2 Abanindranath Tagore3 Subramania SivaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans AIn Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu VO Chidambaram Pillai Subramania Siva amp Some lawyers formed the Swadeshi Sangam which inspired the local massesMOCK Q403- FRAMED FROM Spectrum- Modern India Q With reference to the Indian National Movement What was Official Secrets Act A Under this act Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of seditionB Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AC It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of pressD Under this act It ensured greater government control over the universitiesAns COfficial Secrets Act : 1904 It was the administrative measure to curb the freedom of press1897 : Natu brothers were deported without trial amp Tilak imprisoned on charges of sedition1898 : Repressive laws under IPC section 124 A were amplified with new provisions under IPC 156 AIndian Universities Act 1904 : greater government control over the universitiesMOCK Q402- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q With reference to the Halogen Light Bulbs consider the following statements :1 White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV rays2 They have the same tungsten filament as the typical incandescent light bulbs 3 Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 3B 123C Only 2D 1 amp 2Ans CFluorescent bulbs : White coating also known as Phosphor coating on the glass absorbs UV light amp protect from the UV raysVapour lamps : Fluorescent coating is often used in these bulbs to add brightnessA halogen lamp also known as a tungsten halogen quartz-halogen or quartz iodine lamp is an incandescent lamp consisting of a tungsten filament sealed into a compact transparent envelope that is filled with a mixture of an inert gas and a small amount of a halogensuch as iodine or bromine The combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament produces a halogen cycle chemical reaction which redeposits evaporated tungsten to the filament increasing its life and maintaining the clarity of the envelope For this to happen a halogen lamp must be operated at a higher envelope temperature 250° C 482° F1 than a standard vacuum incandescent lamp of similar power and operating life this also produces light with higher luminous efficacy and color temperature The small size of halogen lamps permits their use in compact optical systems for projectors and illumination The small glass envelope may be enclosed in a much larger outer glass bulb for a bigger package the outer jacket will be at a much lower and safer temperature and it also protects the hot bulb from harmful contamination and makes the bulb mechanically more similar to a conventional lamp that it might replaceStandard and halogen incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than LED and compact fluorescent lamps and have been banned in many jurisdictions because of thisMOCK Q401- FRAMED FROM The Hindu Q Consider the following statements :1 Origin of Bitcoin is virtually anonymous amp is not monitored by any Central bank or Government2 Anyone with a bitcoin address can send amp receive bitcoins from anyone else with a bitcoin address Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CBitcoin is a cryptocurrency a form of electronic cash It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009 Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining They can be exchanged for other currencies products and services Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017 there were 29 to 58 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet most of them using bitcoin Bitcoin has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions its high electricity consumption price volatility thefts from exchanges and the possibility that bitcoin is an economic bubble Bitcoin has also been used as an investment although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoinMOCK Q400- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Consider the following statements :1In India Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states 2 Government of India Act 1935 provided for three fold enumeration ie Federal Provincial amp CurrentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correct D Both are incorrectAns B-In US Only the powers of the Federal Government are enumerated in the constitution amp the residuary powers are left to the states -Power to make laws with respect to the residuary subjects which are not enumerated in any of the three list is vested in the ParliamentMOCK Q399- FRAMED FROM M LAXMIKANTH Q Which among the following statement best describes “Discretionary Grants” A It empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistance B These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam BiharOrissa amp West BengalC Theses are the grants for promoting welfare of the scheduled tribes in a stateD These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceAns DStatutory Grants : Article 75 empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which are in need of financial assistanceOther Grants : These are the grants in lieu of export duties on Jute amp Jute products to the states of Assam Bihar Orissa amp West BengalDiscretionary Grants :These are the grants that empower both the centre amp states to make any grants for any public purpose even if it is not within their respective legislative competenceMOCK Q398- FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the news what is Talanoa dialogue A It is a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020B It is a process to help countries by forming the rule book to implement the Paris Climate AgreementC It gives countries a common framework for reporting and reviewing progress towards their climate targetsD It provides a global platform for the conservation of Migratory animals amp their habitatsAns A–The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP23 was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn Germany from 6–17 November 2017Although COP23 focused primarily on technical details of the Paris Agreement COP23 concluded with what was called the ‘Fiji Momentum for Implementation’ which outlined the steps that need to be taken in 2018 to make the Paris Agreement operational and launched the –Talanoa Dialogue – a process designed to help countries enhance and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020MOCK Q397 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Consider the following statements :1 Mangroves for the Future MFF has participation of Asian amp African nations only2 IUCN amp United Nation Development Programme UNDP developed MFF in 20063 MFF not only conserves Mangrove forests but includes all types of coastal ecosystems like coral reefsestuaries wetlands etcSelect the correct answer using the correct codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Viet Nam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 laid bare the vital link between coastal ecosystems and human livelihoods It was United States President Bill Clinton’s vision that rebuilding in tsunami-hit areas should improve natural infrastructure and strengthen resilience against future natural disasters In response to this vision IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and the United Nations Development Programme UNDP developed Mangroves for the Future in 2006 Since then MFF has grown to include eight institutional partners plus a growing number of countries At the launch of the Tsunami Legacy report at the United Nations in New York in April 2009 Bill Clinton acclaimed MFF as one of the most positive and forward-looking developments of the post-tsunami periodMangroves for the Future MFF is a unique partner-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development Co-chaired by IUCN and UNDP MFF provides a platform for collaboration among the many different agencies sectors and countries which are addressingchallenges to coastal ecosystem and livelihood issues The goal is to promote an integrated ocean-wide approach to coastal management and to building the resilience of ecosystem-dependent coastal communities Mangroves are the flagship of the initiative but MFF is inclusive of all types of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs estuaries lagoons sandy beaches seagrass and wetlandsMOCK Q396 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which one of the following best describes the term Malacca Dilemma sometimes seen in news A It refers to the demarcation line used initially by the government of republic of China B ONGC Videsh Limited signed a contract with the petro Vietnam to jointly explore petroleum resourcesC It is the Nine Dash line area that covers most of the South China sea amp overlaps exclusive economic zoneD It signifies China’s dependency for the energy needs on West AsiaAns DThe “Malacca Dilemma” is a term coined by their President Hu Jintao2003 on the over-reliance on the Malacca Straitssea-route where 80 of their energy needsoil imports pass en-route from the Middle East Angola etcshipping lanes through the Malacca Straitsbetween Malaysia and Indonesia This area is also prone to piracy sometimesConflict in the region and their effect on China’s geopolitical and energy strategies and other issues that can crop up from time to time together constitute the “Malacca Dilemma”MOCK Q395 – FRAMED FROM GCCA WEBSITE Q Global Climate Change Alliance Initiative for country’s vulnerability to climate change is managed by the :A The European CommissionB The Global Environment FacilityC UNDPD World BankAns AThe Global Climate Change Alliance Plus GCCA is a European Union flagship initiative which is helpingthe world’s most vulnerable countries to address climate change Having started with just four pilot projects in 2008 it has become a major climate initiative that has funded over 70 projects of nationalregional and worldwide scope in Africa Asia the Caribbean and the Pacific This EU initiative helps mainly Small Islands Developing States SIDS and Least Developed Countries LDCs increase their resilience to climate change The GCCA also supports these group of countries in implementing their commitments resulting from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change COP21 in line with the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the new European Consensus on DevelopmentThe GCCA initiative is making a significant contribution towards achieving the overall target of at least 20 of the EU budget spent for climate action All GCCA projects must primarily aim at facilitating the transition to a climate-resilient low-carbon future in line with the 2°C targetGCCA funding increased from EUR 3175 million in the first phase 2007-2014 to EUR 420 million in the second phase 2014-2020 Read more on financial resourcesMOCK Q394 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q Which among the following topics are exempted from the courses covered under the LEAP amp ARPIT PROGRAMME for higher education faculty 1 Establishment of the National Anti-profiteering Authority2 Internet of Things3 Tools techniques and experiments in reducing Greenhouse gases emission4 Methodology of Teaching SanskritSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 2 amp 4B Only 1C 1 amp 3D 124Ans CHRD Ministry launches LEAP and ARPIT programmes for higher education facultyThe courses cover a diverse range of topics such as:Indian culture and Heritage Studies Tribal and Regional languages Urdu French StudiesPedagogical Innovations amp Research Methodology Tools techniques and experiments in Earth ScienceLatest Trends in Pedagogy and Assessment Mathematics Statistics Zoology Chemistry Physics Biotechnology Development and Counselling Marine Science Calculus Real Time Power Analysis and Smart GridNeural Networks and Deep Learning amp Knowledge discovery Civil Infrastructure for Smart City DevelopmentICT in Science and Maths teaching Engineering Mechanics Design Spectrum DIY Manufacturing TechnologyInnovation and Best Practices in Educational Skills Advanced Concepts in Fluid Mechanics Energy Systems EngineeringLeadership and Governance in Higher Education Engineering Mechanics Physics of Semiconductors and Devices Electrical EngineeringPublic Policy and Administration Bio-Medical engineering Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Sciences Chemical EngineeringEnglish Language Teaching Internet of ThingsHindi Literature amp Linguistics Astronomy and AstrophysicsMethodology of Teaching Sanskrit Aerospace Engineering Tourism and Hospitality ManagementEffective Creations and Innovative Researches in Medieval Gujarati Literature Political Science Economics Psychology Development Perspectives in AgricultureLibrary amp Information Science Ethics Human Rights and Environment Anthropology Gender/Women’s studies Law Social and Rural DevelopmentDisaster Management Climate change MOCK Q393 – FRAMED FROM NITIN SIGHANIA Q Which among the following is/are correctly matched :Community Place1 Dangasia Gujarat2 Gond Madhya Pradesh3 Mirgan OdishaSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans DDangasia GujaratGond Madhya PradeshMirgan Odisha MOCK Q392 – FRAMED FROM SPECTRUM HISTORY Q BR Ambedkar is associated With Which of the following 1 Bahishkrita Hitkarini Sabha2 Hindu Mahasabha3 Hindu Code billSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 1C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ALala Lajpat Rai involvement with Hindu Mahasabha leaders gathered criticism from the Naujawan Bharat Sabha as the Mahasabhas were non-secular which did not conform with the system laid out by the Indian National CongressHindu MahasabhaMOCK Q391 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q With reference to the Least Developed Countries Fund consider the following statements:1 This fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEF2 Adaptation amp Mitigation are one of the area of focus of this fundSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AThis fund has been initiated in 2002 by the The Global Environment Facility GEFAdaptation is one of the area of focus of this fundMOCK Q390 – FRAMED FROM INDIAN CULTUREGOV Q Consider the following :Sites Place1 Aalampur Temple : Telanagana2 European Tomb : Gujarat3 Khajurao Monuments : Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 3C 2 amp 3D 123Ans D Other Important Sites :Maharaja Chhatrasal Museum Complex : Madhya PradeshMahabalipuram : Tamil NaduUparkot : GujaratKumarakom : KeralaMOCK Q389 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q389 The Climate Chain Coalition CCC to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain and related digital solutions emerged at :A 2017 United Nations Climate Change ConferenceB One Planet SummitC COP-24 Katowice D Paris Climate SummitAn BThe Climate Chain Coalition CCC was born during the One Planet Summit in December in Paris France The Coalition engages a multi-stakeholder group working on distributed ledger technology DLT to collaborate on mobilizing climate financePlz Note : The 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference was an international meeting of political leaders non-state actors and activists to discuss environmental issues It was held at UN Campus in Bonn from 6–17 November 2017 Also known as: COP23 UNFCCC CMP13 Kyoto Protocol CMA2 Paris AgreementMOCK Q388 – FRAMED FROM IUCN WEBSITE Q “Partnership for Market Readiness” is an initiative which is managed by the :A Global Environment FacilityB World BankC United Nation Environment ProgrammeD UNDPAns BPartnership for Market Readiness ADMINISTERED BY: The World BankAREA OF FOCUS Mitigation DATE OPERATIONAL: 2011MOCK Q387 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q387 With reference to the religious practices in India Sarvastivadin belongs to which ancient school A TheravadaB MahayanismC RajagirikarsD HetuvadinsAns ASarvāstivāda were an early school of Buddhism established around the reign of Asoka third century BCEIt was particularly known as an Abhidharma tradition with a unique set of seven Abhidharma worksMOCK Q386 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q386 With reference to the Initial Coin Offerings ICO consider the following statements :1 It is like Initial Public Offer that refers to the issue of cryptocurrency in consideration of funds received from investors2 17 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017Select the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A27 billion has been raised globally through ICOs between 2014 amp 2017- An initial coin offering ICO or initial currency offering is a type of funding using cryptocurrenciesMostly the process is done by crowdfunding but private ICO’s are becoming more common In an ICO a quantity of cryptocurrency is sold in the form of tokens coins to speculators or investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum The tokens sold are promoted as future functional units of currency if or when the ICO’s funding goal is met and the project launches In some cases like Ethereum the tokens are required to use the system for its purposesAn ICO can be a source of capital for startup companiesMOCK Q385 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q385 Nanotechnology can significantly increase manufacturing at far reduced costs What are the advantages of the Nanotechnology 1 Anti scratch components of the automobiles are possible using the Nanotechnology2 Bullet proof amp stain resistant clothing can be made using the Nanotechnology3 Nanotechnology offer cleaner technologies amp cleaner environmentSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 2B Only 2C 2 amp 3D 123Ans ANano sized particles can acculumate in various body parts such as nasal cavities lungs amp brainDue to their minute size nano particles are able to accumulate in the environmentMOCK Q384 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q With reference to the “India International Exchange” consider the following statements :1 It was opened very recently at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in Gujarat2 With this it will be the third largest International Exchange in the world in terms of order responseSelect the correct answer using the using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns D-It was opened IN 2017 at the International Financial Services Centre IFSC in GujaratBUT NOT VERY RECENTLY – With this it will be the fastest International Exchange in the world in terms of order response with the trade speed of four microseconds-This is better than BSE’s domestic exchange in Mumbai which has an order response time of six microseconds- Singapore is the second fastest International exchange has the order response of 60 microsecondsMOCK Q383 – FRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q383 In Context with the “Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS” consider the following statements :1 It is a greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions2 BECSS works by involving the process of pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biocharSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns A-Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage BECCS is a potential greenhouse gas mitigation technology which produces negative carbon dioxide emissions by combining bioenergy energy from biomass use with geologic carbon capture and storage1 The concept of BECCS is drawn from the integration of trees and crops which extract carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere as they grow the use of this biomass in processing industries or power plants and the application of carbon capture and storage via CO2injection into geological formations2 There are other non-BECCS forms of carbon dioxide removal and storage that include technologies such as biochar carbon dioxide air captureand biomass burial3 and enhanced weatheringAccording to a recent Biorecro report there is 550 000 tonnes CO2/year in total BECCS capacity currently operating divided between three different facilities as of January 2012In the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC BECCS was indicated as a key technology for reaching low carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration targets8 The negative emissions that can be produced by BECCS has been estimated by the Royal Society to be equivalent to a 50 to 150 ppmdecrease in global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations9 and according to the International Energy Agency the BLUE map climate change mitigation scenario calls for more than 2 gigatonnes of negative CO2 emissions per year with BECCS in 205010 According to Stanford University 10 gigatonnes is achievable by this dateAccording to the OECD Achieving lower concentration targets 450 ppm depends significantly on the use of BECCS13An alternative to BECSS is pyrogenic carbon capture and storage PyCCS or biochar14 Which are superior in order to fix carbon in a more stable way: solid C for longer times Carbon dioxide injected into geologic formations eventually leaks back into the atmosphere due to seismic activity and natural faults and problems with the seal of the ancient injection pitsFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q382 Consider the following :Tribes Place1 Bhoksa Uttarakhand2 Misting Sikkim3 Gonds Madhya PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans AMisting tribe is in AssamFRAMED FROM THE HINDU Q381 Which of the following best describes Forward linkages with respect to the economic activity 1 These refer to the transactions with the consumers2 For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2 C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns AForward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the consumers- These linkages are associated with the retail storesBackward linkages :-These refer to the transactions with the suppliers-For food processing industry these linkages are associated with the primary processing centresFRAMED FROM LUCENT PUBLICATIONS Q380 Consider the following :Hill Ranges Place1 Rajpipla : Gujarat2 Mahadeo : Madhya Pradesh3 Maikala range : Andhra PradeshSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A 1 amp 3B Only 2C 1 amp 2D 123Ans CMaikala range : Madhya Pradesh amp ChhatisgarhFRAMED FROM WIKIPEDIA Q379 Consider the following statements :1 Loktak lake the biggest fresh water lake is home to the endangered Sangai deer2 Keibul Lamjao is an integral part of the Loktak LakeSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1 B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns CLok tak lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India and is famous for the phumdis heterogeneous mass of vegetation soil and organic matter at various stages of decomposition floating over it The lake is located near Moirang in Manipurstate IndiaThe etymology of Loktak is Lok stream and tak the endThe largest of all the phumdis covers an area of 40 km215 sq mi and is situated on the southeastern shore of the lake Located on this phumdi Keibul Lamjao National Park is the only floating national park in the world The park is the last natural refuge of the endangered Sangai state animal Rucervus eldii eldii or Manipur brown-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi one of three subspecies of Eld’s deerThe Keibul Lamjao National Park is a national park in the Bishnupur district of the state of Manipur in India It is 40 km2 154 sq mi in area the only floating park in the world located in North East India and an integral part of Loktak LakeThe national park is characterized by many floating decomposed plant materials locally called phumdis To preserve the natural refuge of the endangered Manipur Eld’s deer or brow-antlered deer Cervus eldi eldi or sangai also called the dancing deer listed as an endangered species by IUCN the park which was initially declared to be a sanctuary in 1966 was subsequently declared to be a national park in 1977 through a gazette notification The act has generated local support and public awarenessFRAMED FROM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTUNORG Q378 “Championing Green Growth and Climate Resilience” to promote green growth emerged at :A Global Green Growth InstituteB GreenpeaceC European Environment Agency D World Sustainable Development Summit 2011Ans AThe Global Green Growth Institute GGGI is a treaty-based international organization headquartered in Seoul South Korea The organization aims to promote green growth a growth paradigm that is characterized by a balance of economic growth and environmental sustainability GGGI provides research and stakeholder engagement for green growth plans especially in developing countries aiming to replace the more typical paradigm based on industrial developmentFounded to support green economic growth that simultaneously addresses poverty reduction job creation social inclusion and environmental sustainability GGGI works across four priority areas that are considered to be essential to transforming national economies including energy water land use and green citiesMotto Championing Green Growth and Climate ResilienceFormation 16 June 2010Headquarters Seoul Republic of KoreaMembership 30 Member countriesCouncil chair Ban Ki MoonDirector-General Frank RijsbermanBudget USD 55 million 2018Q377 The term “Climate Neutrality” sometimes mentioned in the news are related to :A World Wild life FundB UNFCCC SecretariatC Biocarbon FundD World wildlife TrustAns BThe UNFCCC secretariat launched its Climate Neutral Now initiative in 2015 The following year the secretariatlaunched a new pillar under its Momentum for Change initiative focused on Climate Neutral Nowas part of larger efforts to showcase successful climate action around the worldThe UNFCCC secretariat UN Climate Change was established in 1992 when countries adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCCWith the subsequent adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015 Parties to these three agreements have progressively reaffirmed the secretariat’s role as the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate changeSince 1995 the secretariat is located in Bonn GermanyThe secretariat provides technical expertise and assists in the analysis and review of climate change information reported by Parties and in the implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms It also maintains the registry for Nationally Determined Contributions NDC established under the Paris Agreement a key aspect of implementation of the Paris AgreementThe secretariat organizes and supports between two and four negotiating sessions each year The largest and most important is the Conference of the Parties held annually and hosted in different locations around the globe It is the largest annual United Nations conference attended on average by around 25000 participants In addition to these major conferences the secretariat organizes annual sessions of the so-called subsidiary bodies as well as a large number of meetings and workshops throughout the yearIn recent years the secretariat also supports the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action agreed by governments to signal that successful climate action requires strong support from a wide range of actors including regions cities business investors and all parts of civil society At UN Climate Change Conferences a large number of events demonstrate how non-Party stakeholders are working with governments and the UN system to implement the Paris AgreementFRAMED FROM NDC PARTNERSHIPORG Q376 With reference to the Special Climate Change Fund consider the following statements :1 It was established in 1991 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate change2 It is operated by United Nation Environment Programme UNEP amp World Meteorological Organisation WMOSelect the correct answer using the codes given below :A Only 1B Only 2C Both are correctD Both are incorrectAns DIt was established in 2001 under UNFCCC to finance projects which enable the adaptation to climate changeIt is operated by Global Environment Facility GEFEXPLANATION :In 2001 Parties to the UNFCCC established the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF to support climate change activities that are complementary to the GEF’s climate change projects with a special focus on the most vulnerable countries The objective of the Special Climate Change Fund SCCF is to support adaptation and technology transfer projects and programs that: are countryFRAMED FROM IUCNORG Q375 Which among the following country is not the member of the “Mangroves for The Future” A Cambodia B MyanmarC LaosD MaldivesAns CMangroves for the Future MFFLocation: Member countries: Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Seychelles Sri Lanka Thailand and Vietnam Outreach countries: Malaysia Dialogue countries: Kenya and TanzaniaDuration: Established in 2006 MFF is currently in its third phase 2015 – 2018 Project Background: The devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunam |