Vladimir Putin: Rusko-srpski odnosi su na visokom nivou |
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Putin xəstələnib Kreml narahatlığını gizlətməyə çalışır |
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Dutch FM resigns after lying about Putin… |
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PUTIN ČESTITAO SRBIMA DAN DRŽAVNOSTI: Rusko-srpski odnosi na visokom nivou! Toplo se prisećam… |
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Ministro holandês demite-se após inventar encontro com Putin |
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AFERA PRED IZBORE PUTIN BESAN! Eskort dama se obratila Putinu – |
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AFERA PRED IZBORE PUTIN LJUT: Eskort dama se obratila Putinu – tvrdi da je pretrpela grupno silovanje od strane oligarha i zvaničnika VIDEO |
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Putin Abbas bincang konflik Timur Tengah |
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Poroşenko Putinə zəng etdi: Nələr müzakirə olundu |
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Vladimir Putin qələbəni oğurlayır Qərb susur! – “Bütün dünya fırıldaqçını yaxşı tanıyır amma…” |
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Rusia no inundará el mercado con crudo según se comprometió Putin |
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Putin: Rusko-srpski odnosi na visokom nivou |
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Putin sprečio rat Izraela i Irana novi sukob samo pitanje vremena |
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Trump and Putin had another undisclosed conversation at G20 |
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Putin və Poroşenko əsirlərin mübadiləsini müzakirə ediblər |
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The Moscow Times Launches ‘Generation P a Lifetime Under Vladimir Putin’ |
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KAD PUTIN ISPRIČA VIC: Došao američki špijun u KGB da se preda… VIDEO |
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Rusya bu söylentiyle çalkalanıyor: ‘Putin çok hasta’ |
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Putin Admits He Does Not Have A Smartphone |
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PUTIN sprečio rat Izraela i Irana |
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Problem kids of the Putin era in films by Valeria Gai Germanika |
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Putin had talks with President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas |
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PUTIN vydává mezinárodní zatykač na George Sorose mrtvý nebo živý |
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Richard Appelbom: Putin är farligare än Trump |
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“Putin ose kaos” Situata mund të përkeqësohet edhe më shumë |
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Leonid Bershidsky: Putin is struggling to keep his wars separate |
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Dramatic moment US fighter jet obliterates Russian tank in Syria raid that wiped out hundreds of fighters and dozens of Vladimir Putin’s soldiers |
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Me zë të ngjirur ka anuluar çdo aktivitet Putin i sëmurë rëndë |
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Trump Tells Putin: Now Is The Time For An Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal |
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Zijlstra quits after lying about Putin meeting |
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LyingDutchman: Der niederländische Außenminister und seine Putin-Lüge Video |
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Šok z pravdy u Moravce: kdy se opět stalo Rusko nepřítelem USA Když Putin zabránil drancování |
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VIDEO: Putin QampA 2017 |
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WATCH: The Unknown Putin part 1 |
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Trump Reveals To Putin More Advances Are Expected To Scrap North |
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FCSB – Lazio: Cota 10 pentru cel putin un gol marcat in prima repriza! |
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Putin və Poroşenko telefonla danışdı |
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Frauenmarsch in Berlin Kalergi-Plan Putin und Trump George Soros |
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WATCH: The Putin Files: PBS interviews John Beyrle |
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Nói dối về cuộc gặp với Putin Ngoại trưởng Hà Lan từ chức |
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Poroşenkodan Putinə gözlənilməz ZƏNG |
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Can Putin Keep His Promise To OPEC |
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Putin osobne nariadil anexiu Krymu tvrdí bývalý ruský zákonodarca |
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Holandský minister odstúpil a na príčine je Putin! |
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Cum poti sa verifici clasa bonus-malus la asigurarea RCA pentru a plati mai putin |
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Putin renunció a participar en debates electorales por televisión |
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Putin had to approve Russian attack on US troops |
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Vladimir Putin doborât de guturai |
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Taking Putin’s Word For It |
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Die Dämonisierung von Präsident Wladimir Putin muss aufhören Video |
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Poroşenko Putinə zəng elədi |
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OPEC’s Barkindo says has Putin’s word Russia won’t flood oil market… |
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King Salman discusses Syria situation oil market stability with Vladimir Putin |
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Menlu Belanda Mundur Setelah Berbohong Soal Putin |
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Луганское направление: боевики ужесточили обстрелы у Реву в отставку! В Киеве вышли против министра социальной политики видео От Мефистофеля до Мифа В Киеве презентовали фильм о Кто если не мы «Зубники» на передовой видео РФ в ответе В Киеве в 19ый раз спросили: Мячом по… В Киеве прошла акция «Stop Putin stop |
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Chanceler holandês renuncia após mentira sobre encontro com Putin |
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Putin čestitao Dan državnosti Srbije Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić primio je ambasadora Ruske Federacije Aleksandra Čepurina koji mu je uručio pismo-čestitku predsednika Vladimira Putina povodom Nacionalnog dana – Dana državnosti |
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Vladimir Putin amp other presidential candidates release income details 2011 |
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Dutch foreign minister’s decade-long claim that Putin personally told him about plans for ‘Greater Russia’ exposed as barefaced lie |
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Who is Vladimir Putin and why do “we” hate him so |
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Putin’s Russia Relentlessly Attacked By Deep State We the People Also |
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Trump’s FBI chief just exposed the truth behind White House response to Putin meddling |
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Ρωσία: Πρόταση από την εκλογική επιτροπή να μην προβληθεί το ντοκιμαντέρ του O Stone για τον Putin πριν τις εκλογές |
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13/2/18: Putin discusses Mideast with Trump hosts Abbas Channel 7/Yahoo |
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Israel-Suriah Memanas Ini Reaksi Putin |
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Putin: myth amp reality |
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Ngoại trưởng Hà Lan từ chức vì đặt điều về Putin |
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A Moscú sin Kaláshnikov Crónica sentimental de la Rusia de Putin envuelta en papel de periódico |
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Deutschland und Putin |
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Kreml sieht in Nawalny keine Konkurrenz für Putin |
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Professor Stephen F Cohen: Vladimir Putin has almost nothing in common with the Western media’s presentation of him |
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Pronto alla guerra: l’impressionante sistema antimissile di Putin |
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Dutch minister quits after lying about Putin |
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The Moscow Times: Russian state channel urged to postpone Oliver Stone’s Putin doc until after elections |
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Siv skal sjekke om Putin blir valgt korrekt |
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Putin’s Private Army in Syria: Officially Illegal the Kremlin Denies It but the Evidence Is in the Numbers |
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Vladimir Putin – INTJ |
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Trump Putin discusses Palestinian peace deal N Korea’s nukes |
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Russian State Channel Urged to Postpone Oliver Stone’s Putin Doc Until After Elections |
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WATCH: The President a profile of Vladimir Putin from Russian TV |
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Bohong Soal Putin Menteru Luar Negeri Jerman Mengundurkan Diri |
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Cateva glume si bancuri sa ne si distram putin |
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FIFA’s Infantino visits Putin to discuss World Cup preparations |
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18:44 Kral Selman Putin ile görüştü |
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Tension mes Trump e Putin Avioni amerikan bombardon tankun rus në… |
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Russia condemns ‘Kremlin list’ of Putin associates |
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Putin İslam dünyasının dostu mu |
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Vladimir Putin i sëmurë anulon disa takime – Kremlini thotë se |
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İstifa eden Hollanda Dışişleri Bakanı: Putin’le görüşme yalanı siyasi hayatımda yaptığım en büyük yanlıştı |
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Hollannin pääministeri vältti epäluottamuslauseen Putin-kohusta |
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Tomas Karlsson: Wallström borde oroa sig mer för Putin än för Trump |
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Dutch FM Resigns After Admitting He Lied About Putin’s ‘Greater Russia’ Plot |
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Den irske presidenten truer med atomkrig: – Jeg vil ligge med Putin! |
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Putin no participará de los debates electorales en televisión |
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Putin takes taxes |
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Stalin Did Not Succeed in Building Northern Railway and Neither Will Putin |
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Rusia: Pasageri blocaţi în frig din cauza avionului lui Putin |
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Trump shouldn’t trust Putin on Syria–or anything else |
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Putin’s Fears and Grievances |
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Putin is ziek En dat was hij nog bijna nooit |
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Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The |
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Putin und Trump – ein Gespann Ein Versuch hinter die Worte zu blicken |
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3 idei geniale pentru bucatarii mici! Spatiile de stocare ce ocupa putin loc |
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Putin təyyarə qəzasında həlak olmuş şəxslərin ailələrinə başsağlığı verib |
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John McCain Claims FISA Memo Only Helps Putin – Trey Gowdy Puts Him In His Place |
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Putin yalanı istifa getirdi |
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Playing the Putin Card-The Left Denies Defeat |
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Megyn Kelly To Interview Vladimir Putin |
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Hollanda dışişleri bakanı istifa etti: ‘Putin’le görüştüm’ diyerek yalan söyledim |
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Putin ile görüştüm diyerek yalan söyleyen bakan istifa etti |
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Söyün Sadıqov: Putin üçün bu seçkilərdə qələbə qazanmaq çətin olacaq- Rusiyadakı seçkilərin təhlili eksklüziv olaraq |
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Is Putin Capable of Crafting a Pragmatic F |
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In Translation: Friends in the New Term: What Awaits Putin’s Associates After 2018 Five rules for the state oligarchy |
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Failed Opportunity: How America’s flawed Russian policy aided the rise of Vladimir Putin |
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Kusturica: ‘Judo master Putin’ knows how to counter NATO’s encirclement |
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Rusya’dan çarpıcı iddia: Putin çok hasta |
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Nói dối về cuộc gặp Tổng thống Putin Bộ trưởng |
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Trump Putin Phone Call |
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Советник главы Якутии занял первое место в конкурсе на слоган движения Putin Team |
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Putin və Poroşenko barışdılar |
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Ukrainian President Poroshenko holds telephone talks with Putin |
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Leyg um Putin-fund – leggur frá sær |
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Rusya Lideri Vladimir Putin Külliye’de! |
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Martín Onti: La inteligencia de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: „Viele US- und EU-Politiker sind geisteskrank“ |
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L’ascesa al potere di Vladimir Putin |
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Putin State Council Presidium on developing Russian regions’ industrial capacity |
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Rosja/ Putin odwołuje spotkania media spekulują na temat przyczyn |
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Putin and Megyn Kelly Discuss the Russian Hacking “Conspiracy” Video |
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Putin čestitao Vučiću Dan državnosti: Računam da nastavk saradnje za dobrobit naša dva bratska naroda |
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Putin’s Embrace of Bashar Assad |
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Ministri i Jashtëm hollandez jep dorëheqjen sepse gënjeu për takimin me Putin |
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President Putin Reveals Possession Of 9/11 Satellite Imagery Evidence Indicating USA Gov’t Complicity In |
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Vladímir Putin lidera intenciones de voto en Rusia |
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Die Queen gegen Plastik Protest-Tanz gegen Putin größtes Solarkraftwerk der Welt |
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Kremlinul a confirmat că a avut loc o convorbire telefonică Poroşenko-Putin |
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El misterioso silencio de Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Strawberry tycoon among Putin challengers confirmed |
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Su-30SM jets escort presidential plane ahead of Putin’s unannounced vi |
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Putin: Saya Bicarakan Konflik Israel-Palestina dengan Ratakan Desa Rakhine Ingin Hilangkan Sejarah Rohingya |
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Ngoại trưởng Hà Lan từ chức vì đặt điều về ông Putin |
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“Nunesburgers” amp denial from the MSM while Politico blames Putin |
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While Russia’s Defense Ministry didn’t mention mercenaries in its statement it did say 25 “Syrian” fighters were injured without elaborating It accused the US of using its “illegal presence” in Syria as an excuse to “seize economic assets” even as it kept lines of communication with the US open Assad’s government in Damascus called the US military action “barbaric” and a “war crime” The death toll from the skirmish already about five times more than Russia’s official losses in Syria is still rising according to one mercenary commander who said by phone that dozens of his wounded men are still being treated at military hospitals in St Petersburg and Moscow Most of those killed and injured were Russian and Ukrainian many of them veterans of the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine according to Alexander Ionov who runs a Kremlin-funded group that fosters ties to separatists and who’s personally fought alongside pro-government forces in Syria Grigory Yavlinsky a longtime Russian opposition politician who helped steer democratic reforms after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 called on the authorities to come clean about what happened ‘If there has been mass deaths of Russian citizens in Syria then the relevant authorities including the general staff of the Russian armed forces have a duty to inform the country about this and decide who bears responsibility” Yavlinsky who is running against Putin in next month’s election said on Twitter US drone DESTROYS tank as Trump’s forces ‘KILL scores of Russian troops in Syria AN AMERICAN drone destroyed a Russian-made T-72 battle tank in Syria in self-defence according to US Central Command amid reports US forces in the region have killed scores of Russian mercenaries On Saturday US forces destroyed a Russian-made T-72 tank in Syria after pro-Assad forces opened fire on US special ops and Syrian Democratic Forces SDF Colonel Dillon confirmed the news adding: “The tank had been maneuvering with coordinated indirect fire on a defensive position occupied by Syrian Democratic Forces and coalition advisers The defensive position was within effective range of the hostile weapons systems Coalition officials maintained regular contact with Russian counterparts via established deconfliction lines to avoid misperceptions and miscalculations that could endanger each other’s forces” US forces have been fighting alongside the SDF for years while Russia has been training and equipping pro-Assad forces in the region |
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The Corporation : Russia and the KGB in the Age of President Putin |
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Lý do khác thường khiến Tổng thống Putin hủy hàng loạt sự kiện |
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– American rebel forces repel attack by mercenaries in the east – The 200-plus deaths dwarf official Russian toll in the war Bloomberg 13 October 2018 US forces killed scores of Russian mercenaries in Syria last week in what may be the deadliest clash between citizens of the former foes since the Cold War according to one US official and three Russians familiar with the matter More than 200 contract soldiers mostly Russians fighting on behalf of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad died in a failed attack on a base held by US and mainly Kurdish forces in the oil-rich Deir Ezzor region two of the Russians said The US official put the death toll in the fighting at about 100 with 200 to 300 injured but was unable to say how many were Russians The Russian assault may have been a rogue operation underscoring the complexity of a conflict that started as a domestic crackdown only to morph into a proxy war involving Islamic extremists stateless Kurds and regional powers Iran Turkey and now Israel Russia’s military said it had nothing to do with the attack and the US accepted the claim Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called the whole thing “perplexing” but provided no further details President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on reports of Russian casualties saying the Kremlin only tracks data on the country’s armed forces Putin talked with US President Donald Trump by phone Monday but the military action in Syria wasn’t discussed he said ‘This is a big scandal and a reason for an acute international crisis” saidVladimir Frolov a former Russian diplomat and lawmaker who’s now an independent political analyst “But Russia will pretend nothing happened” Putin with Iran’s help turned the tide of the seven-year war by committing air- and manpower to buoy Assad’s beleaguered forces in 2015 quieting US calls for the Syrian leader’s immediate removal With Islamic State which once controlled large swaths of Syria now largely defeated rival powers and militias are fighting in various combinations to fill the vacuum Russia Iran Israel and Turkey have all had aircraft shot down in or near Syria this month |
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The Long Hangover: Putin’s New Russia and the Ghosts of the Past |
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Mengaku Bohong Bertemu Putin Menlu Belanda Mengundurkan Diri |
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In the run-up to the 2018 presidential election we’re trying to separate myth from reality in the Putin persona Is he personally corrupt Worth 200 billion Was he a KGB thug Does he want to rebuild the Soviet Union |
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Trump Reveals To Putin More Advances Are Expected To Scrap North… |
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Putin insta a Netanyahu a evitar la confrontación regional |
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Moscow Meeting Canceled After Dutch Foreign Minister Resigns for Lying About Meeting Putin |
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Putin ile görüşmesi hayali çıkan Hollanda Dışişleri Bakanı istifa etti |
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La Russia di Putin |
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Why Putin chose Trump to get even with Clinton |
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WATCH: the Dutch Foreign Minister in 2016 lying about Putin to |
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Putin: ¿socialista o zarista |
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Scarlett Johansson Vladimir Putin more featured in upcoming PBS docs this |
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Ted Nugent – Vladimir Putin – The KKK |
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Putin čestitao Vučiću Dan državnosti: Rusko-srpski odnosi na visokom nivou! FOTO |
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Krik hádka aj potlesk v parlamente Koaliční poslanci neumožnili Galkovi vysvetliť kauzu odpočúvania pre jeho zdravotný predstavil zákon o regionálnej investičnej pomoci: Prepisujeme historické čísla pokiaľ ide o Spencerová: Chudáci Američania Taká superveľmoc ale ten Putin si s nimi robí čo chce Asi dobrý oddiel |
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Berbohong soal Putin Menlu Belanda Mundur |
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Tension mes Trump e Putin Avioni amerikan bombardon tankun rus në Siri VIDEO |
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Ponomaryov: Putin Personalisht ka Urdhëruar Aneksimin e Krimesë Ish-ligjvënësi rus Ilya Ponomaryov |
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Putin’le görüştüm yalanı skandala sebep oldu! |
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La roccaforte di Putin |
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Tension mes Trump e Putin Avioni amerikan bombardon tankun rus në Siri gjerman e kapin maqedonasin me goma të shqyera ai i përgjigjet: “Kajne Problem”! |
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Vladimir Putin Net Worth: It’s Complicated |
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Rusiyada hər kəsin pıçıltı ilə danışdığı şok iddia : Putin ağır xəstədir… |
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Poroshenko y Putin discuten por teléfono un nuevo canje de prisioneros |
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VIDEO: “Rethinking Putin: A talk by Prof Steven F Cohen” |
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Putin: Ich werde die Illuminati besiegen |
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Here’s Why President Putin Doesn’t Have A Smartphone |
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Donald Trump habló con Vladimir Putin sobre el conflicto entre Israel y los palestinos |
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Perché Putin fino ad ora non ne ha sbagliata una e sarà al centro dei giochi per un bel po’ |
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Dutch foreign minister quits over lie about meeting Putin |
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Советник главы Якутии стал победителем конкурса на лучший слоган движения Putin Team |
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Putin Is Demonized While Democracy Fails In Amerika |
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ISHOD SASTANKA U MOSKVI: Abbas odbija medijaciju SAD-a Putin podržao Palestinu |
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Gënjeu për takimin me Putin Ministri i Jashtëm i Holandës jep dorëheqjen: S’kam mundësi… |
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Фамилия на английском Путин — PUTIN |
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Putin se niega a realizar debates presidenciales televisados |
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Brain Drain in Putin’s Russia |
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Wednesday newspaper round-up: RBS Zuma Putin |
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Dlaczego Putin odwołuje spotkania Media spekulują na temat przyczyn |
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Top Putin advisor: We want to stop cyber warfare now just have to convince US and NATO |
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Putin’s Congress of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs |
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Dimite el ministro de Exteriores holandés al inventar una entrevista con Putin |
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Populisti e sovranisti non preoccupatevi dei migranti ma di Putin |
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‘Putin’le görüştüm’ diyen bakan istifa etti |
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KAD PUTIN ISPRIČA VIC: Došao američki špijun u KGB da se |
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Korejci utratili za olympiádu 13 miliard dolarů Putin 51 miliard V čem je rozdíl |
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Trump Putin talk Palestinian peace efforts North Korea’s nukes |
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La comunicación no verbal del primer encuentro entre Trump y Putin en el G-20 |
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Donald Trump Is the Odd Man Out With Putin and Xi |
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AFP: Dutch FM resigns after lying about Putin meeting |
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Bohong Soal Putin Menlu Belanda Mundur dari Jabatannya |
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Here’s The List of Top Republicans Who Took Russian Money During 2016 Maddow: Here’s The Reason Putin/Russia Wanted Trump Elected |
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Fra Putin til kong Gustav: Kongehuse og regeringschefer mindes prins Henrik |
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President Vladimir Putin Kremlin Moscow Президент Владимир Путин Кремль Москва |
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Is Putin profoundly corrupt or “incorruptible” |
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Trekker seg etter å ha løyet om Putin-møte |
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Azərbaycan Prezidenti Vladimir Putinə başsağlığı verib |
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Putin meets Abbas conveys greetings from Trump |
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Abás debate con Putin mecanismo de discusión del problema palestino similar al iraní |
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Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’ |
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V Putin Suriya Milli Dialoq Konqresində yaşanan problemlərə rəğmən əldə olunan nəticənin mühüm nailiyyət olduğuna |
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John McCain Claims FISA Memo Only Helps Putin Trey Gowdy Puts Him In His Place |
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Глава «Многодетных мам» Мария Семенова рассказала почему решила вступить в Putin Team |
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‘The most important quality in a modern leader is decency’ – Putin |
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Dutch foreign minister admits to lying about meeting Vladimir Putin |
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Putin insta a Netanyahu a evitar la confrontación … |
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“Shpik” një takim me Putin/Jep dorëheqjen ministri i jashtëm holandez |
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Glenn Greenwald: Dutch Official Admits Lying About Meeting With Putin: Is Fake News Used by Russia or About Russia |
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Dutch minister quits after lying about Putin meeting |
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Dutch foreign minister admits lying about meeting Putin in 2006 |
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Satu Panggilan Telefon Putin Cegah Perang Iran-Israel |
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Якутянин стал победителем в конкурсе на лучший слоган для движения Putin Team |
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Obama’nın Türkiye’de yaptırdığı darbeyi Putin nasıl Şah-Mat etti” 15 Temmuz darbesinde MOSSAD izi! |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Stephen Colbert Cracks Homophobic Joke About Trump And Putin |
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Putin’s spokesperson Peskov: Kremlin has no information on Russian deaths in Syria |
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BOOM! Sen Tom Cotton Asks FBI Director Wray if Dossier Author Was Employed by Putin-Linked Oligarch – WRAY WON’T ANSWER! VIDEO |
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Sfatul unei studente la Medicină: „Dacă există dorință va exista și putință” |
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Sverige vägrar EU utrikesminister avgår – påstås ha träffat Putin |
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15:28 Qaz balonuyla “terror” Fazilin dağılan tifaqı Putinə qalan ümid – Səbuhi Məmmədli yazır |
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As Chabad emissaries expelled from Russia chief rabbi sees a friend in Putin |
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Dutch Foreign Minister steps down for lying about meeting with Putin |
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Ministrul de Externe din Olanda a demisionat după ce a minţit cu privire la prezenţa sa în cursul unei întâlniri cu Vladimir Putin |
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Presidential Parody Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin Cat Toy |
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ADVANTAGE: PUTIN – politics |
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Putin has phone talks with Qatar Bahrain on Gulf row |
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BREAKING: Vladimir Putin’s car in ghastly crash official driver killed |
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Ngoại trưởng Hà Lan từ chức sau khi thừa nhận ‘đặt điều’ về Putin |
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‘Putin’le görüştüm’ diyen Hollanda Dışişleri Bakanı yalan söylediğini itiraf ederek istifa etti |
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Dutch FM resigns after admitting lie about meeting Putin |
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ISPOVEST: Trudila sam se u sesu davala sebe preko max samo da me šta je pilot posljednje rekao kontroli leta Putin naredio istragu |
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TAGS: advantage putin |
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Putin aviaqəzaya düşəcəkmiş |
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Putin čestitao Vučiću Dan državnosti |
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Vladimir Putin advierte que los súper soldados genéticos podrían ser “más letales que una bomba se reune con JOH y divide más al Partido Liberal |
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Vladimir Putin’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment |
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Putin a la prensa corrupta que quiere hacer creer que Rusia tuvo algo que ver co |
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Putin Thi Olympic |
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Securitising Putin IV: the rationale behind Russia’s new “digital laws” |
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Niederländischer Außenminister ist wegen einer Lüge über Putin zurückgetreten! |
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RALAT BERITA: Bohong Soal Putin Menteri Luar Negeri Belanda Mengundurkan Diri |
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Trump discusses Israel-Palestine peace peal with Putin |
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Putin ordena investigar fatal accidente de avión ruso |
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6 lucruri mai putin stiute despre cazinourile online si offline |
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Ərdoğan Putinə başsağlığı verib |
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Was kommt nach Putin Kai Ehlers im Gespräch mit Boris Kagarlitzki |
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Old Age and Claustrophobia in Putin’s Russia |
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Vladimir Putin meets FIFA president Gianni Infantine to discuss World Cup |
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Guardian’s “Putin stealing election” shows new wave of Russia-hate |
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Trump y Putin hablaron del conflicto Nacional presentó a sus refuerzos Reinaldo Lenis y Rafael DelgadoDeportes |
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Professor Stephen F Cohen on the constantly falsely accused Vladimir Putin |
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Putin had to approve Russian |
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Rusiyada hər kəsin pıçıltı ilə danışdığı şok iddia : Putin ağır xəstədir |
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:: Livrare in mai putin de 24/48 ore Transport gratuit de la 2 anvelope Plata 100 securizata Consultanta de calitate :: |
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Putin’s Russia: Nemesis of the New World Order — 2nd Version |
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Qaz balonuyla “terror” Fazilin dağılan tifaqı Putinə qalan ümid – Səbuhi Məmmədli yazır |
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La vida secreta de Vladimir Putin y su relación con la élite Rothschild |
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Vladimir Putin health fears Russian leader CANCELS appearances as he admits rare ILLNESS |
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Are aproape 50 de ani si nu se poate opri din marirea sanilor! Mai are putin si bustul ii explodeaza! Imagini senzationale cu blondina VIDEO |
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«Adalid» de la izquierda latinoamericana bajo el paraguas del tenebroso Putin |
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OPEC’s Barkindo says has Putin’s word Russia won’t flood oil market – CNBC |
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Das Lindenblatt auf Putins Schulter – oder warum Putin auf Wahlkampfreisen geht |
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Ponomaryov: Putin personalisht ka urdhëruar aneksimin e Krimesë |
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Putin Is Struggling to Keep His Wars Separate Op-ed |
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Donald Trump habló con Vladimir Putin sobre el conflicto entre |
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PUTIN ČESTITAO VUČIĆU DAN DRŽAVNOSTI: Računam na nastavak saradnje za dobrobit naša dva bratska naroda! |
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Putin raises issue of annexing Crimea at ‘small’ meeting on the night of Feb 22-23 2014 |
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Strategien entwickeln – Der BWLer und die Außenminister tritt nach Lüge über Putin zurück |
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Un ministru olandez a demisionat după ce a recunoscut că a mințit despre o întrevedere cu Putin |
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Putin se acatarra en plena campaña electoral pero mantiene su agenda… |
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Maduro consegna a Putin il controllo del petrolio del Venezuela |
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Vladimir Putin o el golpe de efecto permanente |
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So how does Putin feel today |
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Krieg um jeden Preis – Sunnitische Allianz will in Syrien Außenminister tritt nach Lüge über Putin zurück |
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Putin hasta: Programlar ilk kez iptal! |
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Akui Berbohong Soal Putin Menteri Luar Negeri Belanda Mundur |
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Vladimir Putin confirms supermarket explosion was TERROR attack |
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Niederlande: Außenminister wegen Aussage über Putin zurückgetreten |
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The Bastards of Big Data: You can’t blame Putin for all of this bullshit |
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OPEC’s Barkindo says has Putin’s word Russia won’t flood oil market |
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Putin: Islam Bagian Tak Terpisahkan dari Kehidupan Spiritual di Rusia |
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Putin vyvyšuje Korán islám |
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Putin hasta oldu |
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Putin se acatarra en plena campaña electoral pero mantiene su agenda oficial |
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how putin hacked world football |
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Jonathon Cook – Guardian: Now Putin is hacking the Oscars! |
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Putin’s Niece’ Catfished Trump Aide Offered Kremlin Meeting |
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‘None of the above’ candidate asks Supreme Court to remove Putin from presidential race |
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