Why Putin’s Pal Germany’s Ex-Chancellor Schroeder Isn’t On A Sanctions List |
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Putin Instructs Officials to Tone Down Anti-Americanism Bloomberg Reports |
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Tổng thống Pháp tuyên bố ngang tài ngang sức với ông Putin |
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Putin Sarkisyana zəng etdi |
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Putin in 1976 |
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Obama VS Putin |
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EU y sus aliados no podrán derrocar a Bashar al Assad por la fuerza: Putin |
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Putin: Rusya yakın zamanda tarımda dünya lideri olacak |
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Suriye’den çekilme Putin’in ziyareti İran’a uyarı… |
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Blitz di Forza Nuova Vicenza nelle vicinanze delle base Del Din: con Putin e con Assad Italia fuori dalla Nato! |
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La insensatez de Putin puede llevar a la peor de las guerras |
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Dalana dirənən Sarkisyana Putin ZƏNG ETDİ – İkinci müharibə başlayır |
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Interview: Professor Lankina on Russia’s elections the spy poisoning episode and Putin’s foreign policy |
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Putin and Merkel discuss Syria and Nord Stream 2 |
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A Guide to Getting Along in Putin’s Russia |
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Groß geworden der Junge: Macron lässt vor Putin die Muskeln spielen |
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Book Excerpt: Pepe Escobar On Putin Praetorians |
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Putin Sarkisyandan soruşdu: “Yerevanda nə baş verir” |
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Tổng thống Putin muốn hạ nhiệt căng thẳng với Mỹ |
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President Putin telephone conversation with President of Iran |
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WOW: Two Months Ago Putin PREDICTED That Russia Will Be Banned From Winter Olympics by IOC |
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¿Predijo Baba Vanga el ascenso de Putin al poder y un conflicto global |
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Putin: I Voted |
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Putin and Trump trying to walk back Syria strike and sanctions tensions |
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Putin vann valet – vad händer nu i Ryssland och världen |
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Şok iddia: “Putin əmr edib ki məmurlar” – Blumberq |
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Putin Sərkisyanı təbrik etdi |
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Putin nechce konfrontáciu: Nariadil úradníkom krotiť protiamerickú rétoriku |
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Califica Putin de “acto de agresión” ataque contra Siria |
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Jirkovou optikou 318 A co ty Putin nebo fašisti |
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Sərkisyanı ilk təbrik edən Putin oldu |
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Dân Mỹ muốn ông Trump mời TT Putin đến Nhà Trắng để làm lành |
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PUTIN Is Coming For Your Bloody Toaster!!! |
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ABŞ zərbə anını Kremlə qəsdən dedi S-400-lər isə… – Putin sarsıldı |
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Nimeni nu va putea mișca din loc zidul puterii lui Putin |
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Macron içince mi ‘Putin’le eşitim’ dedi |
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ABŞ zərbə anını Kremlə qəsdən dedi S-400-lər isə – Putin sarsıldı |
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5 Ways Russian “Macho” President Putin Resembles a Minion |
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Kipling Kuznetsov and Putin Praetorians |
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Ərdoğanla Putin arasında telefon danışığı olub |
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Frieden zwischen Nord- und Südkorea in Sicht Dank Putin Trump und Xi |
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Putin i Tramp u mitologijama naroda BiH |
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The Saker Reviews: Putin’s Praetorians |
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Putin Prediksi Perang Dunia Akan Pecah Jika AS dan Sekutunya Terus |
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Zimny czekista Putin bierze się za Facebooka Możliwe zamknięcie serwisu w |
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probabilmente non basterà la pazienza e prudenza di Putin |
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Putin’ Russia condemns in the strongest possible terms the attack against Syria |
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How many Crimeans voted for Vladimir Putin |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin Rusya’nın önümüzdeki yıllarda tarım piyasasında dünya liderleri |
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Tiết lộ chấn động của Putin |
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Trump still willing to meet Putin |
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Vladimir Putin proves Russia’s new Kinzhal Missile is the best in the world Video |
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Putin Said to Seek Trump Deal Even After Sanctions Syria Attack |
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What to Expect From Putin’s Re-election |
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Çipras ile Putin Akdeniz’i görüştü |
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To resist Putin we need to create belt of successful countries around |
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Úder na Sýrii byl aktem agrese a porušením mezinárodního práva řekl telefonicky V Putin A Merkel |
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Putin Issues ONE Word WARNING To Trump That Just Put the Entire Planet On EDGE |
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Anunnaki Strike Back Against Putin |
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Dan Bittman declaratii neasteptate facute in urma cu putin timp: O sa se traga cu tunul la moartea mea |
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NSA nimmt wohl auch deutsche Putin-Freunde Hiwis Financiers Sponsoren und Media-Kunden in Ueberwachung |
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Putin el indiscutible zar de Rusia |
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Putin Sarkisyandan soruşdu: “Yerevanda nə baş təxminən yarım milyon mütəxəssisə ehtiyac var |
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PUTIN: Der Mann der Washington’s Regime Change Amoklauf gestoppt hat |
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Putin Mengutuk Keras Serangan Gabungan AS Inggris dan Prancis Menggempur Rezim… |
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O Novo Putin: o que esperar da Rússia nos próximos seis anos |
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PANIKA U BRITANIJI PUTIN POČEO NAPAD: Odmazda za Siriju biće strašna… |
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Tổng Thống Putin Ăn Sáng Tại Nông Trại Cực Kỳ Thân Thiện 😀 |
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Putin’s ‘inner circle’ |
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112ua: Merkel Putin to meet against Syria crisis |
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Anunt facut de Vin Diesel in urma cu putin timp In ce film mare urmeaza sa joce starul |
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President Putin Visits the Orenburgsky State Nature Reserve |
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Umfrage: Putin vs Trump – Wer ist gefährlicher |
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Almanların Putinə qəribə sevgisinin – 10 səbəbi |
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Merkel sprijin pentru Putin în Siria/ UPDATE: Merkel anunță că se va întâlni cu liderul rus |
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Mai este putin pana la Targul de Carte si Muzica Libris Brasov 2018 |
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Macron y Abe estarán con Putin en próximo Foro Económico de San Ojalá podamos hacer ver a Griezmann que el equipo seguirá creciendo |
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Лидер «Уральских пельменей» о Putin Team фразе Серебрякова о русских и ссоре с Нетиевским |
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Trump – Putin |
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Vladimir Putin “I slept with a SHOTGUN beside my bed” |
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Something Trump Putin should collude on |
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Putin: Tripartite aggression on Syria violates int’l norms |
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Meet the Former Google Executive Challenging Vladimir Putin’s Favorite Congressman |
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PUTIN hace una promesa: ‘Voy a derrotar a los Illuminati’ |
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Here you will find all you need to know about the genesis of the 1990s Russian oligarchs the dirty deals of the Yeltsin mafia everything from the plunder of Soviet gold to the dodgy operations of the elder Bush’s brother the incredible Yamashita gold story the “privatization coupon” scam the way the Harvard mafia run the Russian economy – all the way to Putin’s uphill battle throughout the 2000s to turn Russia into a functioning economy as NATO kept marching east |
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Putin congratulates Aliyev on winning Azerbaijan’s presidential election |
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Putin hakkab pärast uuesti presidendiametisse vannutamist sõitma tema enda käsul ehitatud uue Vene limusiiniga |
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Putin Brings Back The Cold War |
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Putin and Rouhani discuss Western strike on Syria |
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La conspiración internacional Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin |
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12:47 Putin kosmik peykləri vura biləcək silahlar hazırlayır |
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Putin’s Quest For Alien Tech In Antarctica |
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Idol talaga! Duterte believes Putin will do right thing in Syria |
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Trump still willing to meet Putin despite rising US-Russia tensions says White House |
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Cem Özdemir: Autoritäre Herrscher wissen sie können sich auf Putin verlassen |
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INTERNACIONALES ‘Soy igual a Putin’ le dice Macron a los periodistas por un trago |
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‘Better Putin Than Nikki Haley’ — Ann Coulter Just Went Hard On Twitter |
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Putin: Die Menschen sind wütend weil Politiker der Elite dienen und nicht den sind keine Privatpatienten |
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Atac cu cutitul la o scoală din Rusia Un elev a ranit cel putin patru persoane |
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Bo Pellnäs: Putin är bara ute efter makt |
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Conclusión de la reunión Putin-Trump: La colaboración de Rusia es fundamental |
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Dear President Putin and Russian People |
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Außenpolitische Aggressivität ist Putin wichtiger als die Russen |
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Vladimir Putin: Life Coach edited by Robert Sears |
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US needs to be forceful in dealing with ‘aggressive’ Putin: George W Bush |
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Best Exercise Program: Ronald Reagan vs Vladimir Putin |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Putin Gang Stunned by Theresa May’s Resolve |
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Putin nic o tym nie wie Ukraińskie służby ujawniają: Rosyjscy najemnicy na państwowych statkach w drodze do Syrii |
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Putin hökumətdə dəyişikliklərdən danışdı |
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What Next The Implications of Putin’s Reelection |
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Lo más Putin de “acto de agresión” ataque contra Siria |
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PUTIN vydává mezinárodní zatykač na George Sorose mrtvý nebo živý |
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NATO intercepts Russian jets near Estonia as Putin prepares military buildup |
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Khi thế hệ trẻ của Nga không chọn iPhone mà chọn Putin |
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Documento dell’esercito: la strategia statunitense per ‘detronizzare’ Putin in rapporto agli oleodotti potrebbe provocare la Terza Guerra Mondiale |
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Putin’in Suriye Özel Temsilcisi Türkiye’ye geldi |
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President Putin Congratulates Zimbabwe 38 |
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Putin: Rusia vencerá a la NASA en llegar a Marte en busca de vida Edwin Vergara: Relaciones sospechosas |
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„Putin muss Assad Beiträge |
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Putin nasıl yükseldi |
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Medios Internacionales confirman que Vladimir Putin es Judío |
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GUERRA IN SIRIA/ Da Erdogan a Trump e a Putin |
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Let’s get real: It’s time to move on from the Putin-dominated Military Posture: Ground Forces Order of Battle |
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Dear President Putin |
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ISTRČAO SE PRED NOVINARIMA Makron popio pa rekao nešto zbog čega mu se Putin smeje |
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What Putin’s Reelection Means for Russia and the World |
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Satira No p’ quacche cose Mattarella Trump Putin Assad e Tonin u cumbagn mije! IL VIDEO |
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MUST-WATCH: 22 million Russians tune in to premier of anticipated ‘Putin’ documentary |
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L-au linistit cel putin pentru o vreme Ce amenda i-au ars politistii unui sofer cu BMW care isi tura motorul pe Podul Michelangelo la Timisoara in creierii noptii |
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Ankarada Putin-Ərdoğanla görüşdü |
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Putin odbył rozmowę telefoniczną z Merkel o Syrii i Nord Stream 2 |
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Putin sa po útoku v Sýrii dostal pod paľbu kritiky Rusov Tvrdia o ňom že je mäkký29 451 |
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Putin no tiene intenciones de cancelar el mundial de Rusia 2018 |
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Putin Said To Seek Trump Deal Even After Sanctions Strikes |
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Russia latest: Putin puts FIFTEEN countries on alert over Salisbury |
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Putin’s Pivot: 4 New Features of Russian Foreign Policy |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Putin Merkel Agree To Help Resume Political Efforts on Syria: Kremlin |
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Whining and crying: US propaganda machine kicks in as President Trump congratulates Vladimir Putin on election victory |
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A reînceput Războiul Rece Trump i-a dat o smetie lui Putin prin intermediari |
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Russian election: opportunity for Putin or Poroshenko |
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telegram Russia blocks Google amp Amazon IP addresses saying they’re used by Telegram app Putin just banned Xeni Jardin |
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Rusia a las urnas: todos los caminos conducen a Putin |
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PRAVDA – The Trump administration is looking for a replacement for the American military contingent in the north of Syria If the United States agrees with Saudi Arabia the situation in the south of the country will become a lot more intense as Iran and Israel stand on the brink of war Does it all depend on Putin’s decision who still remains angered with the most recent bombings of Syria CONTINUE READING |
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Vladimir Putin Calls for Spiritual Values |
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Why Russia Voted for Putin in 2018 and What’s Next |
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Vladamir Putin Akan Kembali Memimpin Rusia Untuk Masa Priode 2024 |
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Putin Ordena la Cacería de Cristianos: Espías de la KGB se |
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Putin: “Gli Stati Uniti consentono ai terroristi di aggravare la catastrofe umanitaria con il loro attacco alla Siria” |
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Zimny czekista Putin bierze się za Facebooka Możliwe zamknięcie serwisu w… |
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Disclaimer Ausschlußklausel: Im Folgenden finden Sie einen Überblick über die aktuelle Situation basierend auf Gerüchten aus verschiedenen Quellen die wahrheitsgemäß oder korrekt sein können oder nicht – Trump and Putin are bluffing a war in order to bluff a stock market crash The Alliance will not allow the stock market to Sonneneruptionen |
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Trump’s support of Putin puts our nation at risk |
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Where is Putin |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Warns Of Global “Chaos” If West Hits Syria Update 4/16/18 – Blizzard Sets Snow Records – Mississippi Tornado – Claude Blots Energy Video |
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O cladire din Romania pe lista celor mai uimitoare cladiri din lume mai putin cunoscute: |
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Putin Rejisi! |
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Putin nikome neće popustiti |
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Más tarde en una rueda de prensa Angela Merkel aseguró que sostendrá un encuentro con el presidente ruso Vladímir Putin en un futuro muy próximo ya que resulta necesario debatir cara a cara la situación en Ucrania las cuestiones relacionadas con el gas y el tema de Siria |
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¿Canceló Putin |
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Putin impresioniran Kolindom rešio Agrokor |
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Putin is President again as he storms to victory |
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Stephen Cohen’s Comments on Putin Trump Meeting on Tucker Carlson Last Night Were Extraordinary – Must See |
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Tổng thống Putin tuyên bố sẽ tái tranh cử vào năm 2018 |
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Oliver Stone Talks Politics Government Corruption Trump Putin and Clinton Video |
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Putin 7 dərəcə şaxtada gölə girdi – VİDEO |
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Viele darunter der russische Präsident Putin haben gefragt warum die USA einen illegalen Angriff auf Syrien starteten bevor die Inspektoren für chemische Waffen den Ort des angeblichen chemischen Angriffs untersuchten |
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I russi più influenti degli ultimi 100 anni: Vladimir Putin |
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Mai putin de o luna pana la cel mai important eveniment pentru industria prelucrarii metalelor METAL SHOW are loc intre 17 si 20 aprilie la ROMEXPO |
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I et anstændigt samfund ville vi have bilfrie genkomst er over os i form af Trump Putin Erdoğan og Orbán der ynder at spille hulemand og slå sig på brystet |
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Viele darunter der russische Präsident Putin haben gefragt warum die USA einen illegalen Angriff auf Syrien starteten bevor die Inspektoren für chemische Waffen den Ort des angeblichen chemischen Angriffs begrüßt Kriegsverbrechen und „MEERESMONSTER“ In Der Antarktis ENTDECKT |
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BRITANCI U PANICI: Putin bi porazio moćnu NATO armiju za… |
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Vladimir Putin is Immortal and a Time Traveler! |
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Want to know why the west hates Putin |
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Erdogan’s position in Sochi Negotiations Overthrown by Putin |
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Vladimir Putin’s Official Salary And Assets Revealed |
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Putin Tegaskan Serangan ke Suriah Tindakan Agresi dan Langgar Hukum Internasional |
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Putin sprzyja polskim „Frankowiczom” i jak wygrać wybory w wielkich miastach |
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How Putin’s Folly Could Lead to a Middle East War |
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¿Profecía de Isaías Putin Advirtió que EEUU Desataría el Infierno si |
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WATCH THIS! Pres Duterte – Pres Putin – Pres Trump has now a toy figure from a Famous Toy artist SHARE THIS! |
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Erdogan- Putin telefonom |
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Po leteckých úderech v Sýrii pokračují Asad a Putin bez problémů ve své brutální válce |
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Sufletul uman are 21 de grame sau mai putin – 001 grame |
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Editorial: Russia is the enemy So why does Trump keep cozying up to Putin |
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Verificarea istoricului masinii in 4 pasi si in mai putin de 5 VIN |
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pre 14h ISTRČAO SE PRED NOVINARIMA Makron popio pa rekao nešto zbog čega mu se Putin smeje |
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Putin izjavio saučešće Džordžu Bušu starijem |
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Cảnh báo ớn lạnh của Putin |
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Putin aseguró que habrá un caos global si Occidente vuelve atacar Siria |
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Kurz telefonierte mit Putin wegen Syrien-Krise |
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Dressed Up for a Riot: Misadventures in Putin’s Moscow |
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Bundeskanzlerin Merkel telefoniert mit Präsident Putin |
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Gogosi fierbinti si pufoase in mai putin de 20 de minute Da te rog – Asa se fac nu necesita dospit |
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Filtraciones alertan sobre posible atentado magnicida contra Putin en cumpre del G-20 |
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Putin still wants deal with Trump even after sanctions Syria attack |
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Putin Prediksi Perang Dunia Akan Pecah Jika AS dan Sekutunya Terus… |
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Ich kann immer noch nichts erkennen von dem was dieser Hässliche Deutsche auf dem US-Thron an Positivem in der Geschichte hinterlassen möchte Ich habe eine Idee was dieser Hässliche Deutsche für die Welt leisten könnte indirekt! Das höchste für ihn ist die Verwendung der nuklearen Option Sollte ihm das gelingen 2016 and not in 1990 ends the age of the Cold War And this end is not the so-called end of history! Here some dystopia in greeting the new populist age where people do not believe in God but in very very strong governments and presidents – and in nothing! The populist age stands in a long tradition: After the war is before the war! The feeling that one is immeasurably disadvantaged the refusal of any kind of conversation and community the establishment of concepts of enemy hate and the use of violence arguments against economic wisdom – these are all ingredients of a war collective or a war nation If The Cold War is over Which way leads to the next hot war What kind of war you have to expect You cannot see the future! – But this wisdom is sufficient todayCan dystopian visions help us At least to see what is on the game In the history of homo sapiens weapons which are once designed and produced are used as well What could be the next use of nuclear weapons Perhaps a hydrogen bomb over Mexiko to finally get rid of all the migrants from the south Or a smaller nuclear bomb over Munich in order to blackmail Germany and to establish a reign of terror by russian administrators and german marionettes What could be the results A world partly dictatorship partly in the hand of the Mafia partly totalitarian which is stable In the beginning the russian and US billionaires and secret servicemen who master the world using all the knowledge people have given to social networks are one hug and a soul But with time being all narcissistic egoists breaks between them occur The gamblers loose control the militarists take over the power And in a little while perhaps a generation later the friends of apocalypse and the generals could finally get the nuclear armageddon they are waiting for since the years after World War II! Or the final nuclear battle will be started by China in self-defense If you do not like these examples try your own!! One of the greatest populists so far was Adolf Hitler! It is hard to defeat Hitler in quality and in number of murders killings atrocities perversities he is responsible for With nuclear biological and chemical weapons this is possible! Okay! There is a billionaire man who publicly attacked a woman by talking about the blood of menstruation she is loosing as the reason why she – being TV-jounalist – has critized him in a TV-discussion during the presidential election campaign Afterwards this woman got anonymous threats that she and her family will be killed Through fear she engaged personal protection She wrote this in a book published after the election When this man was choosen the president of the nation with the biggest military power in history and the most sophisticated instruments for observation of people – a man who has plenty of people behind him who like to kill for him – a man who commands the mightiest police forces and secret services then with him all ingredients are together to defeat Hitler as the worst murderer of history I don´t assert that this is from the outset his intention But in the view of his personality of his adherents of the history of mankind and of the given technologies it could be the result A dystopia can not see the future It is about the future as we see it from today It is always a little dumb and blind But maybe she can see dangers In four years when the president has lost his reelection campaign against the female candidate of the Democrats he launchs a intercontinental ballistic missile with several hydrogen heads over China in order to calm his deeply wounded ego Or the candidate of the Democrats was assassinated three months before Or the effects are not so direct – the president ruins the USA and the world economy by what is called crony capitalism The ruin of the international freedom follows later Perhaps in the end of this age humanity does not count 8 billion but only 8 million people In some areas on the earth they try to restart human civilization Or it is the other way round The wall is being built the illegal immigrants are thrown on the outside Inside the eternal reign of the republican party is becoming increasingly powerful unpredictable dangerous China is isolated from the world economy In Europa the populist leaders who love Putin give him access to everything he wants And the people for whom individual personal self-determination is essential to their life they see their only hope in the ABC-apokalypse according to the motto of the Cold War: Better dead than red! Usually the reality is not so striking as in these dystopias! In the epoch of Cold War it was capitalism which should protect the world from a hot war If capitalism which has tried to help all people is replaced by crony capitalism which only helps the billionaires and their friends then this is a great step towards war! But a great war in this age includes with high probability the use of weapons of mass destruction! And there they are the categories of these dystopias Perhaps the political scenario of these days does not end in an atomic war Perhaps a political scenario in ten or twenty years ends in an atomic war As long as the weapons of mass destruction exist they can be used This realization is the opposite of banal! If the world civilization destroys itself then the reasons will be banal It will be through the usual factors that have determined the history of mankind too often: narrow-mindedness fear hatred greed egoism self-esteem arrogance II Der Geschichtsengel von Astrid Nettling mit Walter Benjamin Er hat das Antlitz der Vergangenheit zugewendet Wo eine Kette von Begebenheiten vor uns erscheint da sieht er eine einzige Katastrophe die unablässig Trümmer auf Trümmer häuft und sie ihm vor die Füße schleudert Das Bild von Paul Klee ist dasselbe geblieben Doch Benjamin erblickt nun etwas anderes in dem dargestellten Engel: Der Neue Engel ist ihm zum Engel der Geschichte geworden der keine Hymnen vor Gott mehr singt Sein göttlicher Ursprung hat sich ihm völlig verdunkelt Mit seinen aufgerissenen Augen – tiefschwarz nunmehr von Trauer und Entsetzen – starrt er jetzt auf ein Geschehen das wir die Menschen Geschichte nennen das sich im Blick des Engels jedoch als ein heilloses katastrophisches Geschehen offenbart Er möchte wohl verweilen die Toten wecken und das Zerschlagene zusammenfügen Aber ein Sturm weht vom Paradiese her der sich in seinen Flügeln verfangen hat und so stark ist dass der Engel sie nicht mehr schließen kann Dieser Sturm treibt ihn unaufhaltsam in die Zukunft der er den Rücken kehrt während der Trümmerhaufen vor ihm zum Himmel wächst Das was wir den Fortschritt nennen ist dieser Sturm Von seinem göttlichen Ursprung losgerissen wird der Engel nun selbst unaufhaltsam von der Geschichte fortgerissen Von seinem einstigen Erleuchtet-Sein ist ihm nur die Erkenntnis der katastrophischen Kehrseite geschichtlichen Fortschritts geblieben Unauslöschlich ist dies seinem erstarrten Blick wie in schwärzeste Kohle eingebrannt ohne diesem Geschehen Einhalt gebieten zu können III What the current US-Administration 2017 would do if they had to face an attaque like 9/11 Krieg gegen einen Diktator führen Nein auf keinen Fall! Das wäre viel zu langwierig Und die Gefahren für amerikanische Soldaten wäre viel zu groß Volle Särge die in die Heimat zurücktransportiert werden sind das Gegenteil von guter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Was könnte aus der Kombination von absoluter Menschenverachtung populistisch aufgestachelten Rufen nach Rache und den waffentechnologischen Fähigkeiten einer Supermacht entstehen Eine Wasserstoffbombe auf Mekka werfen während der Hadsch Throw a hydrogen bomb on Mekka during hadsch Das würde passen – und schon sind Hitler Mao Stalin uvm zwar immer noch Monster-Killer aber in der guten alten Zeit Das sind keine Vorhersagen sondern benchmarks! Was könnte passieren nicht was wird passieren Wie wäre die Welt nach dieser Untat nach diesem Verbrechen Ein paar Millionen unschuldiger Menschen mit einem Schlag vernichten! Kann man sich das vorstellen Kann man sich das auch nur annähernd vorstellen Sicher nicht !!! Die Welt wäre nicht mehr dieselbe Aber wir wissen heute nicht was das bedeuten würde wie sich die Welt dadurch verändern würde So richtig begreifen kann man solche Ereignisse immer nur mit der Zeit wenn man sie verdaut und vor allem wenn man ihre längerfristigen Wirkungen wahrnimmt und erkennt So wie hier rein fiktiv überfallen einen vielleicht ein paar Ahnungen wie das wäre Was für eine Art Entsetzen würde sich verbreiten Welche Hilflosigkeit Und ich rede hier nicht von den Menschen die Angehörige Freunde Bekannte bei dieser Let´s nuke them!-Aktion verloren haben oder noch verlieren werden durch Krebserkrankungen etc Die sind mit ihrer persönlichen Trauer beschäftigt und sind den Rest ihres Lebens von dem Trauma betroffen Sie werden vielleicht nie mehr glücklich Ich rede von dem Rest der Menschheit die dieses Desaster als Zuschauer erlebt haben Wir die Menschheit der homo sapiens sapiens wären in ein neues Zeitalter katapultiert worden Was wären die Folgen Wäre das ein Dammbruch für den Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen Oder wäre es ein Startsignal für die Abschaffung von Massenvernichtungswaffen Die gute Nachricht hier und jetzt wenn ich das schreibe ist dass ein solcher Akt des Megamassenmordes nicht stattgefunden hat Wir wissen auch nicht ob die US-Administration sich tatsächlich zu so einer Massenmordaktion hinreissen lassen würde Wir hoffen inständig dass das nie passieren möge Es wäre wohl eine sehr idealistische Vision zu glauben dass alleine die pure Existenz der aktuellen US-Administration genügen würden um ein Umdenken über die Bedeutung der politischen Macht zu erzeugen Aber eigentlich wäre das die einzige Hoffnung die man jetzt haben kann dass die dystopischen Visionen die diese US-Administration an der Macht auslösen eine neue Wahrnehmung der Gefahren erzeugt unter derem Bann die Menschheit steht Wenn man sich das Verbrechen vor Augen stellt Millionen unschuldiger Menschen mit einem Schlag zu ermorden dann sind es nicht nur die Menschen in der US-Administration die für dieses Verbrechen steht Es sind die Massenvernichtungswaffen die dazu die Gelegenheit geben! Schlechte und grausame Herrscher gab und gibt es ohne Zahl Die moderen Hochzivilisation macht den Unterschied und stellt die Menschheit vor die Alternative sich grundlegend zu ändern oder durch die Dominanz böser Dummheit unterzugehen In the following text I present some utopian ideas how a world looks like where the knowledge to build weapons of mass destruction exists but nevertheless no weapons of mass destruction The question is: What sort of division of powers is actually necessary for the world civilisation in 21th century These ideas are a result of thinking about Adolf Hitler What would have happened if he had had access to weapons of mass destruction |
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Rusia reelige a Putin con más del 70 de los votos a su… |
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Rusia: Putin arrasó en las elecciones “La realidad local nos impuso resolver los problemas de Seguridad Vial de un modo coordinado y planificado” |
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The Combat Is Isolating Russia However That Isn’t Stopping Putin |
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Los líderes de Rusia y Alemania Vladímir Putin y Angela Merkel debatieron en una conversación telefónica el deterioro de la situación en Siria informó el Kremlin en un comunicado |
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Il misterioso “morbo di Putin” che uccide i giornalisti |
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French President claims he’s ‘equal to Putin’ – immediately gets shredded on Twitter |
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Tổng thống Putin muốn giảm căng thẳng với Mỹ |
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Putin Meets 7 Newly Arrived Foreign Envoys – OpEd |
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Încă o lovitură pentru Putin! SUA pregătește un nou val de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei |
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Russia celebrates the start of the school year and the Day of Knowledge as Vladimir Putin delivers the national open lesson focused on the Future |
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Wirtschaft Syrien-Konflikt Nur so kann Putin dem Westen wirklich schaden |
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Armas nucleares russas impossíveis de interceptar – Putin |
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El comunicado advierte que Putin y Merkel expresaron la disposición a apoyar la reanudación de los esfuerzos políticos y diplomáticos sobre Siria y destacaron la importancia de una investigación objetiva por parte de la misión de la OPAQ en el país árabe |
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George W Bush: US needs to be forceful in dealing with ‘aggressive’ Putin |
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Wiktor Tschumak: Putin braucht einen Krebstumor in der Ukraine der uns auffressen soll 2 |
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The real Vladimir Putin the one your mom never told you about! |
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Putin retoma la Guerra Fría en El Caribe de la mano de Raúl Castro y Nicolás Maduro |
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Câți bani a câștigat Putin |
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Putin se pronuncia sobre ataques dos EUA na Síria e apela a reunião extraordinária na ONU |
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Sanctions Sting in Russia but Putin Isn’t Softening 8:55 AM ET |
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Können wir bitte mal über die „Generation Putin“ reden |
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Russia: Putin goes to the polls minus opposition in presidential election |
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Em tensa conversação Putin adverte Netanyahu a se afastar da Síria ao que Netanyahu responde: – Israel vai parar o Irã |
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Nuevos ataques contra Siria causarán caos internacional: Putin |
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El prototipo de limusina para Putin pasa con éxito las pruebas de choque |
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Pentru a-ti oferi livrare rapida si in siguranta am ales sa lucram cu cei mai buni curieri din Romania De aceea toate comenzile se livreaza cu ajutorul partenerilor nostri de incredere FAN Courier Cu o retea nationala de livrare optimizata si eficienta piesele comandate de pe site-ul nostru ajung la tine uneori si in mai putin de 24 de ore de la comanda Poti alege livrarea la domiciliu a pieselor la service sau le poti ridica de la unul din sediile FAN Courier din tara |
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Ce imagine a postat Liviu Cristian Iacob criminalul din padure cu putin timp inainte sa-si ucida iubita |
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Ce imagine a postat Liviu Cristian Iacob criminalul din padure cu putin timp |
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The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Not If But When Putin Will Take The Baltics |
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Van Putin tot Merkel |
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Putin Nih Macron le Theresa May Cu Ralrin Apek Hna |
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“Putin pristrihol krídla”: Rusko nechá členské štáty NATO bez transportných lietadiel |
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Putin i Trump u mitologijama naroda BiH |
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Vladimir Putin é reeleito presidente da Rússia |
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Putin’in Deklare Edilmemiş Stalin Pişmanlığı: Türkiye’yi… |
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18 aprile 2018Merkel e Putin svettano su tutti gli altri |
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Putin congratulates Zim |
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Putin e Xi devem rir-se da forma como temos traído os nossos princípios |
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Putin 11 generalı işdən uzaqlaşdırdı |
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Putin phones PM Modi in amid war threat to discuss ‘exclusive |
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Putin e Xi devem rir-se da forma como temos traído os nossos quer que forças árabes substituam os seus militares na Síria |
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Rouhani phones Putin warning global chaos if Western strikes on Syria |
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Asimismo Vladímir Putin y Angela Merkel abordaron el proyecto Nord Stream 2 que busca elevar la seguridad energética de la Unión Europea informó la oficina de prensa del Kremlin Ambos líderes compartieron opiniones respecto a la realización de ese proyecto señaló el organismo |
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Macron and Merkel Ask Putin About Nibiru |
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Tensione in Siria: anche l’India si schiera al fianco di Putin |
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Putin: úder USA a spojenců po Sýrii je aktem agrese a porušením mezinárodního práva |
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Putin „condamnă în cel mai serios mod” atacul din Siria iar Canada și Australia susțin acțiunile SUA |
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Merkel apunta a reunión con Putin |
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Trampdan Putinə inanılmaz dəstək – Rəsmi məktubla |
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Documento dell’esercito: la strategia statunitense per ‘detronizzare’ Putin in rapporto agli oleodotti potrebbe provocare |
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EXCLUSIVE: How The Russian Church Influenced Putin To Save Christians in Syria Video |
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Vladimir Putin’s Commandos Have Killed ISIS Warlord Hiding Out In A |
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Putin condena el ataque a Siria pero no amenaza con represalias |
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Após vencer Putin se reunirá com seus adversários de eleições |
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Cum sa fii fericit sau macar ma Cum sa fii fericit sau macar mai putin trist Lee Crutchley |
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Redditi dichiarati Vladimir Putin battuto dal vice premier Khloponin |
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Putin acusa EUA de ajudarem terroristas em ataque contra a Síria |
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Advierte Putin de caos global si EU vuelve a atacar Siria |
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Putin tvrdo proti teroristom: Nemôžeme dovoliť aby vydierali celý svet |
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Putin Sarkisyandan İrəvanda nə baş verdiyini soruşub |
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Ataque de EEUU a Siria es una agresión contra el Estado soberano: Putin |
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6 år till med Putin |
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Putin Humiliates Self in Front of Trump Looks More Like Obama Than Russian Strongman |
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Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin sposoban je da sa svojom moćnom armijom razbije NATO u paramparčad z… |
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Söyün Sadıqov: Putin üçün bu seçkilərdə qələbə qazanmaq çətin olacaq- Rusiyadakı seçkilərin təhlili eksklüziv olaraq |
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President Putin’s four-peat victory an attractive sign for Russian economy |
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En la entrevista de Stone Putin muestra claridad de criterio y cercanía personal |
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30 Rusko – Vladimír Putin |
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Anamaria Prodan marturii dureroase despre ultimele clipe ale mamei sale! Ce i-a spus Ionela Prodan cu putin timp inainte de a muri |
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Verificarea istoricului masinii in 4 pasi si in mai putin de 5 minute |
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Analysis: Putin sits back as US allies strike Syria |
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Sufletul uman are 21 de grame sau mai putin – 001 grame |
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Ông Trump nói sẽ gặp ông Putin trong chuyến thăm châu Á |
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The revolution began in Armenia: Soros sends greetings to Putin |
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The Fight With the West Is Isolating Russia But That Isn’t Stopping Putin |
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Putin Flies with the Cranes |
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A Very Useful Crime: Launching Information War against Putin and Russia |
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Captain Euro and Putin Discuss Sanctions |
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As Engdahl notes if we don’t understand what happened in Russia in the 1990s it’s absolutely impossible to contextualize the neocons and US Think Tankland’s deep hatred and 24/7 demonization campaign of Putin’s Russia |
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Cum se face tortul-crema de zahar ars Am facut greseala sa il prepar de Pasti si nu doar ca s-a terminat repede dar ieri m-au rugat toti sa il mai fac inca o data si s-a terminat in mai putin de o ora |
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Rusia 2018: Putin negociará pase directo de Panamá al Mundial |
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Angela Merkel cere întâlnire cu Vladimir Putin: CONFLICTUL cu Rusia e tot mai aproape |
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Russian presidential election 2018: Rigged in favor of Vladimir Putin |
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President Vladimir Putin Kremlin Moscow Президент Владимир Путин Кремль Москва |
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Putin o Siriji: Novi napadi Zapada dovest će do haosa |
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TRUMP WARNS PUTIN: Tweets Threat At Russia Over Support For ‘Animal Assad’ |
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Avem un nou cod galben Anuntul facut de meteorologi cu putin timp in urma – FOTO |
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Documento dell’esercito: la strategia statunitense per ‘detronizzare’ Putin in rapporto agli |
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Russia: pro-Putin PR organisation was created by Tory Party donors and “approved” by David Cameron |
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Atac la o scoala din Rusia: cel putin patru persoane 2 eleve si o profesoara au fost ranite dupa ce au fost injunghiate de un elev – VIDEO |
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President of Poodlestan: “I am an Equal of Putin” |
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ALERTA DE RAZBOI SUA si CHINA la un pas ce MAREA CONFRUNTARE dupa un INCIDENT NAVAL deosebit de grav petrecut in Marea Chinei de Sud cu putin timp in urma Beijingul acuza Washingtonul |
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Merkel and Putin discuss Syria and Nord Stream 2 pipeline |
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Putin y Merkel dispuestos a impulsar proceso político en Siria abril 17 2018 |
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Putin pristrihol krídla francúzskym ozbrojeným silám Vojenské náklady členských štátov NATO už nebudú prepravovať Ruslany |
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Putin annuncia lo sviluppo di devastanti armi atomiche |
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Info: Putin qizining fondi 2017-yilgi rekord darajali xarajatlari haqida hisobot |
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Putin’s Praetorians Pledge for Timothy Kapustkin Via RT Charities |
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Vladimir Putin and the ‘Dead Hand’ |
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Fake News about Putin and Jews |
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Putin ”Dünyanın her yerini vuracak kapasiteye sahibiz” |
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Toată lumea cu ochii pe Putin: Cum va riposta Rusia după ce SUA și Marea Britanie au bombardat Siria |
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