Un “calcio” a Putin appello ai leader europei: “Boicottate i Mondiali” |
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Putin lähtee Trumpin vieraaksi |
9 |
Putin Trampla görüşə hazırdır |
7 |
Russians’ Trust In Putin Drops to Below 50 After Election — Poll |
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Russia says Trump invited Putin to US during phone call |
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The Latest: It was Putin call that had Trump fuming at Flynn |
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Putin i gatshëm të takojë Trumpin |
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Vladimir Putin denies using Chemical Toilet |
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Trampdan Putinə gözlənilməz dəvət |
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Trump ‘promised reciprocal visit if Putin accepted White House invitation’ |
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Nga muốn Trump gửi lời mời thăm chính thức tới Putin |
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Putin aún espera por la invitación de Trump a la Casa Blanca |
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Putin amp Trump will not allow armed confrontation between Russia US – Lavrov |
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LAVROV TVRDI DA NEMA RAZLOGA ZA PANIKU: “Putin i Trump neće dozvoliti da dođe do vojnog konflikta” a evo i kakva se drama odvijala uoči napada saveznika na Siriju |
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Russian Politician Appeals to Putin Over Alleged Death Threats Amid Garbage Protests |
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Rusia espera que Trump concrete invitación a Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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Lavrov: Putin Trampla görüşə hazırdır |
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Putin está “dispuesto a reunirse” con Trump asegura Lavro |
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Objavljeni podaci koliko zarađuje Putin |
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MAE rus citat de RIA Novosti: Donald Trump l-a invitat pe Vladimir Putin in SUA |
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Suriye’den çekilme Putin’in ziyareti İran’a uyarı… |
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Putin kepada Donald Trump: Kami Punya PSK Tercantik di Dunia |
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Russia Says Trump Invited Putin to US During Phone Call |
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WZIOM: Vertrauenswerte für Putin nach den Wahlen gesunken |
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Unclassified Comey Memos: Trump Talked About Putin Sex Workers and Flynn’s Judgment |
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I figli di Assad in un lussuoso resort in Crimea ospiti di Putin |
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Putin ready to meet Trump: Russia |
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Putin kasih tahu Trump Rusia punya PSK-PSK tercantik di dunia |
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Putin dispuesto a reunirse con Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca |
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Revista Time nu l-a inclus pe Putin în top-ul celor mai influenți oameni din lume din 2018 |
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Eurostat: Estonia Danemarca si Romania – tarile cel mai putin dependente de importurile de energie pentru consumul intern |
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Europosłowie wzywają rządy do bojkotu Mundialu w Rosji Putin nie będzie dobrym gospodarzem |
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Trump Putin’i Washington’a Davet Etti |
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Rusia a EEUU: Esperamos que concreten la invitación a Putin para la Casa Blanca |
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Trampla Putin arasındakı söhbət dünyanı sarsıtdı: “Ən gözəl fahişələr bizdədir” – VİDEO |
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Lavrov: Putin on valmis tapaamaan Trumpin presidentti: Pohjois-Korea ei enää vaadi USA:n joukkojen vetämistä pois |
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Putin Bakıdan qayıdan generalı təcili görüşə çağırdı |
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Putin praler af smukke russiske prostituerede over for Trump |
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Lavrov: Putin a Trump nepřipustí vojenskou konfrontaci Ruska a USA |
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Putin está “dispuesto a reunirse” con Trump |
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Putin ne zna koliko zarađuje: “Donesu mi platu ja je uzmem… |
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Vladimir Putin está dispuesto a reunirse con Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca |
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Putin está dispuesto a reunirse con Trump en la casa blanca |
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Comey Memos Leaked Putin Pimped Hookers Trump Doubted Flynn |
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Putin Pernah Bilang ke Trump: Rusia Miliki Pelacur Paling Cantik Dunia |
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Maas hat Putin gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt |
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Thanks To Trump Oil May Spike To 100 – That’s Precisely What Putin Wants |
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Putin i gatshëm të takohet me Trumpin mësohet arsyeja! |
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Tập Cận Bình sẽ làm chủ tịch suốt đời và Putin trúng cử nhiệm kỳ thứ tư: CHIẾN THẮNG HAY CHIẾN BẠI |
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Trump: Putin bana ‘en güzel fahişeler bizde’ dedi |
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Friday News: Comey Memos Putin Bragged to Trump About “Most Beautiful Hookers in the |
2 |
‘Kemi prostitutat më të bukura në botë’ ish-shefi i FBI nxjerr bisedat sekrete të Putin dhe Trump |
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5 Ways Russian “Macho” President Putin Resembles a Minion |
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Saudis Go on full alert after Putin threatens to hit S Arab in reprisal for US attack on Syria |
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Israel Keder Ancaman Putin |
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Điểm tin thế giới chiều 20/4: Tổng thống Trump bất ngờ mời ông Putin sang thăm Washington Nhật Bản sửa đổi luật nhằm tăng cường luật sư ngoại |
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Friday News: Comey Memos Putin Bragged to Trump About “Most Beautiful Hookers in the World” Horrendous GOP Farm Bill Wacked-Out Debate Between Corey Nick… |
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Rusia espera que Trump concrete su invitación a Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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“Putin dhe Trump nuk do të lejojnë një konfrontim ushtarak mes Rusisë dhe SHBA-së” |
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Erdoğan Putin’i arkadan hançerledi |
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Pięć minut od wojny USA – Rosja „Putin walczy o życie” |
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Putin nie wie że wybory są fałszowane Wywiad z Romanem Udotem z organizacji Gołos |
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Dezvaluiri cutremuratoare! Ce i-a spus tatal Prodancei cu putin timp inainte de a muri! |
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PEDOFILIA – Putin approva la castrazione chimica |
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Samo ovako Putin može naštetiti interesima Zapada |
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Portrait of Vladamir Putin – For The Atlantic |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin đã sẵn sàng cho cuộc gặp thượng đỉnh Nga – Mỹ |
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Trump invites Putin to US |
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Putin alerta de ‘caos’ global si atacan de nuevo a Siria |
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Thellohet skandali i paguari i Bashës për të bllokuar negociatat është gjithashtu në borderonë e Putin |
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Putin invitat la Casa Albă de Donald Trump |
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Hé lộ về xe bọc thép mới của Tổng thống Putin |
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Putin a Trump nedovolia ozbrojenú konfrontáciu medzi Ruskom a USA |
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Lộ diện xe bọc thép khủng dành riêng cho Putin |
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Quét tin thế giới ngày 20/4: Tổng thống Putin sẵn sàng tới Mỹ gặp Tổng thống Trump |
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Alex Jones in urma cu putin timp din Statele Unite: „Situatia risca sa escaladeze! Suntem la un pas de razboi mondial…” |
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Vladimir Putinə Bakıdakı sui-qəsdin təfərrüatı |
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Giữa bối cảnh căng thẳng Tổng thống Trump bất ngờ mời ông Putin sang thăm Washington |
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Diam-diam Trump undang Putin ke Amerika |
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El Kremlin espera que Trump concrete su invitación a Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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Kako je Putin ukrotio najgore krimose Rusije |
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Lawrow: Putin bereit sich mit Trump zu treffen |
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Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda Ruushka Oo Xaqiijiyey In Madaxweyne Putin Uu Booqan Doono Washington |
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Blondet: “Putin terrà testa all’Impero del Caos US-raeliano o si piegherà” |
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Putin a Trump: da noi le prostitute più belle del mondo |
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Objavljeno koliko je zaradio Putin u prošloj godini |
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Putin a Trump: abbiamo le prostitute più belle |
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Lavrov asegura que Putin ha aceptado la invitación de Trump para reunirse en Washington |
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Gesellschaft / Russland: Junge Moskauer der „Generation Putin“ |
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Gail Chord Schuleramp Vladimir Putin’sCONSPIRACY LAW |
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Russian FM: Trump invited Putin to White House |
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‘I’m the equal of Putin’ war criminal Macron tells journalists |
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Donald Trump îl cheamă la Washington pe Vladimir Putin Invitația vine in umbră confilctului din Siria |
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InternacionalesEl Kremlin espera que Trump concrete su invitación a Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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Putin hazırdır Trampdan isə bunu gözləyirik – Lavrov |
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Putin zareagował na nową doktrynę nuklearną USA Grozi bronią jądrową |
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Europosłowie apelują o bojkot mundialu w Rosji Putin kpi z europejskich wartości dzisiaj 14:53 |
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Trump naredio napad! SAD i saveznici raketirali Siriju Putin bijesan |
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Putin: Global chaos if West hits Syria again |
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Putin’s hooker quip to Trump |
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In Siria la guerra continua E Assad avanza con Putin |
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Ex-mulher de Putin afirma que o verdadeiro Putin foi assassinado e trocado por um sósia |
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Trump was furious with Michael Flynn for making Putin wait 6 days for return call — after Russian leader was first to offer congratulations |
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Trump convidou Putin para visitar EUA diz Rússia |
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Patriarch Kirill und Putin |
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I memo dell’ex capo Fbi su TrumpProstitute di Putin critiche a Flynn |
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Putin skröt för Trump om ryska prostituerade |
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Vladimir Putin’s Russian Government Inquiry into the Crash of The Polish Air Force One in Smolensk Russia April 10 2010 |
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Como a ferrugem pode aumentar o perigo de lesões nas presidencial de Putin passou nos testes |
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James Comey memos reveal Vladimir Putin boasted about Russian prostitutes to Donald Trump |
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The Guardian yazarı: Erdoğan’ın Putin ve Sisi’den farkı yok |
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Putin İlham Əliyevi təbrik etdi |
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Lavrov: Putin ve Trump çatışmaya izin vermez |
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Trump Strikes Syria Again – Humiliated Putin Has Egg On His Face No Action Talk Don’t Miss |
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Putin vinner valet – frågan är bara hur |
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Expert: Setkání Putin-Trump to už by měla být jenom třešnička na dortu |
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Vladimir Putin’s Salary Revealed: Does Russia’s Strongman Earn as Much as You Think |
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Any more strikes on Syria would make international ties chaotic Putin says |
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Trump: Putin bana ‘en güzel fahişeler bizde’ dedi |
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Abbiamo le prostitute più belle del mondo: il vanto di Putin con Trump |
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Ông Trump không thèm mừng ông Putin thắng cử |
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Putin ‘ready’ for Trump summit Lavrov says |
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In a series of startlingly candid conversations President Donald Trump told former FBI Director James Comey that he had serious concerns about the judgment of a top adviser asked about the possibility of jailing journalists and described a boast from Vladimir Putin about Russian prostitutes according to Comey’s notes of the talks obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday night |
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Vladimir Vladmirovič Putin při rozhovoru setřel moderátorku NBC Megan Kelly |
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Putin znów prezydentem |
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Měl Vladimír Putin razantně odpovědět |
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Propaganda 30 – Putin und der Westen |
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Putin: Rusko sa nebude pretekať v zbrojení prvoradé sú národné záujmy |
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Trump a Putin se předhánějí v pozvánkách ke vzájemné návštěvě |
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President Andrzej Duda may appeal to President Vladimir Putin to return Tu-154M wreckage |
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PLJUSKA MONSANTU I ČITAVOM ZAPADU: Putin naredio uništavanje 7500 tona zapadne |
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Putin’den Trump’a ahlaksız teklif |
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Nga maji i këtij viti Putin do të udhëtoj me këtë super makinë 0 |
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Trump: Putin e Irán son responsables de respaldar al animal de Assad |
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Telegraph: Putin s-a lăudat în fața lui Trump că Rusia are cele mai frumoase prostituate din lume |
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Investigative reporter Elena Milashina on the powerful display of journalism that countered extrajudicial killings in Russia Putin’s inability to control the Internet and where to draw the line in covering Chechnya |
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MOSKVA ZGROŽENA KOMIJEVIM IZJAVAMA: Putin i Tramp nisu razgovarali o prostitutkama! |
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‘Putin i Trump neće dopustiti sukob dviju država a evo kakva se drama odvijala uoči napada Amerikanaca na Siriju’ |
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Limousine presidencial de Putin passou nos testes |
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Steve Chapman – Trump’s strange appeasement of Putin |
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Trump Told Putin He’d Visit Moscow After US Talks Lavrov Says |
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Putin a Trump: Tenemos algunas de las prostitutas más bonitas del mundo |
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Vladimir Putin está «dispuesto a reunirse» con Donald Trump |
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Putin’s enemies are building his weapons |
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Russia’s Syria Pullback Putin’s Fine Art of Quitting |
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Comey ex Fbi rivela tutto su Trump: da prostitute di Putin a critiche a ESG come impattano sulle performance del debito emergente |
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Lavrov: encuentro entre Putin y Trump “no se está preparando” actualmente |
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Putin disse a Trump: Abbiamo le prostitute più belle del mondo |
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Nuevos ataques contra Siria llevarían al caos: Putin |
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Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin |
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PUTIN DESAFÍA A EEUU Y le lanza el guante a Trump en Venezuela ¿cual será la respuesta |
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Gjuha e vetme të cilën e kupton Putin-i |
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Kenapa Erdogan Lembek Tak Berdaya Di Ghouta Karena Zona ‘De-Eskalasi ‘ Jahat Licence To Kill Dan Barter Afrin Dengan Dua Penjahat Perang Putin Komunis Rusia Dan Hassan Rouhani Majusyi’ah Iran Mereka Ekspansionis Non Arab Di Bumi Syam Seperti Bangsa Tartar |
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Il ministro degli Esteri russo: «Putin è pronto a incontrare Trump alla Casa Bianca» |
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Maalintii uu ‘baroortay’ Putin |
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FIFA fo fum: Putin’s World Cup politics |
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Estados Unidos aliado de terroristas da a entender Vladimir Putin |
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Trump talks of jailed journalists and Putin’s ‘hookers’ boast in Comey memo |
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Siria: Merkel y Putin apuestan por impulsar el proceso político en el país |
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Putin Declares Wednesday As National Day Of Mourning For Victims… |
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Các biện pháp trừng phạt Nga không ảnh hưởng cuộc gặp Trump-Putin |
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Putin-Trump diyalogu iddiası: Dünyanın en iyi hayat kadınları Rusya’dadır |
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Accident feroviar in Austria Cel putin 36 de persoane au fost ranite in aceasta dimineata dupa ce doua trenuri s-au ciocnit intr-o gara din orasul Salzburg |
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Putin poszedł drogą Korei Szachownica |
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Patriarch Kirill and Mr Putin |
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Comeyn Trump-muistiot julki: ”Putin oli sanonut että Venäjällä on maailman kauneimmat huorat” |
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Der Putin vom Murgtal |
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Rusya: Trump Putin’i davet etti |
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Putin dispuesto a reunirse con Trump en la Casa Blanca |
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Comey to Maddow: Trump told me he had a conversation with Putin about hookers |
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Profezie 2018 – le previsioni dei veggenti: Cina Putin e Vesuvio |
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Neither Washington nor Moscow: 5 reasons progressives must be wary of playing Putin’s game |
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CLONE Lyudmila PutinaDIFFERENT in COLORINGfrom Larisa Vladimir Putin’sWIFE WHO DIED |
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Text Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin’den Kan Donduran Nükleer Silah Açıklaması! HaberlerMar 1 18:29TurkCraf |
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Putin felicita a Díaz-Canel por su elección como nuevo presidente de Cuba |
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Putin predicts global ‘chaos’ if West hits Syria again |
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Putin está “dispuesto a reunirse” con Trump pese a tensión… |
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Putin Prostituierte und Trumps Protest: Das steht in den Notizen von Ex-FBI-Chef Comey |
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7 Steps to Stop Putin’s Special War on the West |
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En BS 7331590 por euro se ubicó la Novena subasta Putin está «dispuesto a reunirse» con Donald Trump |
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According to Comey memos Putin told Trump about ‘Russian hookers’ |
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Putin ve Nazarbayev Suriye’ye saldırıyı “Hayvanlar ve Biz” sergisi Sabiha Gökçen’de |
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Diplomația rusă susține că Donald Trump l-a invitat pe Vladimir Putin în SUA |
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Putin will in China für „Energie-Ring Asien“ werben |
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Andrey Illarionov Putin’s Former Advisor: IV World War and Smolensk Crash |
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OOF! Stephen Colbert gets a ‘Putin’s cck holster’ sized reality-SLAM for whining about media environment |
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Donald Trump Is the Odd Man Out With Putin and Xi |
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President Putin’s Acceptance Speech |
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Russia Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Anatoliy Golod: The Most Interesting News in The World! |
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Statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin |
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„Maybrit Illner“ zu Syrien: Einigkeit in nur einem Punkt: Keine Lösung ohne Putin |
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Polish journalist Michal Rachon asks Vladimir Putin when he will release the TU-154M wreckage from his tender embraces: |
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Vladimir Putin Ex Wife Lyudmila Putina–Bio Facts and Romantic Details |
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MESOPOTAMIA NEWS „SAMPLER“: Syria’s Disinformation Activists – Putin’s disinformation Queen “Sarah Abdallah” amp others |
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Las confesiones de Putin a Trump según el ex director del FBI James Comey: En Rusia tenemos algunas de las prostitutas más bonitas del mundo |
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E su Putin Mi disse ‘abbiamo prostitute piu’ belle del mondo’ |
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Ron Aledo: “Putin y Trump se admiran mutuamente y tienen una visión geopolítica similar” |
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Putin sollte neue Amtszeit für Kurswechsel nutzen |
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Putin v Drážďanech hrozil demonstrantům kulometem Čím agent KGB Rusům uhranul |
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L’occidente torna a fare la superpotenza La nostra libertà non può essere affidata a Putin |
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Putin e Trump nuk do të lejojnë konfrontim të armatosur mes SHBA-ve dhe Rusisë |
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Hail Censor! How limitations on free speech are boosting Putin’s legitimacy |
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Browder: “Putin is so mad at me” |
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Trump convida Putin a visitar Estados Unidos Presidente russo está disponível |
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Trump raged at Mike Flynn for not telling him PUTIN was FIRST leader to call after inauguration |
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Astana Round 2 – Erdogan Putin Rouhani commit to Syrian territorial reasons why Turkey is holding snap elections |
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Ngoại trưởng Nga: Tổng thống Donald Trump mời ông Putin sang thăm Mỹ |
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Były komisarz UE: Putin dąży do przejęcia kontroli nad krajami Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej |
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Портмоне Putin Wallet |
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Vladimir Putin Called Out as Judo Fraud |
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Lavrov: “I’m 100 Certain Trump And Putin Wouldn’t Allow A Military Confrontation” |
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Trump’tan Putin’e davet |
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Putin Trump Will Not Allow Armed Confrontation Between Russia US: Lavrov |
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10 Amazing Facts About Vladimir Putin |
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Putin je kriv zato što je sposoban |
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Trump fton Putin për vizitë në Uashington |
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Putin Türkiyəyə səfər edib |
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Ngoại trưởng Nga: Tổng thống Putin sẵn sàng tới Mỹ gặp ông Trump |
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Soçi görüşünün bəzi detalları üzə çıxdı: Əliyev Putinə nə deyib… |
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Vladimir Putin judo martial arts hunting and fishing What a badass compared to sissy obama |
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Putin Told Trump “We Have The Most Beautiful Hookers In The World” |
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Rational Review News Digest 04/16/18 — Putin predicts global chaos if US and friends continue war of aggression in Syria Becoming transhuman: The complicated future of robot and advanced sapient rights |
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‘The View’s’ Joy Behar Likens Trump to Kim Jong Un Putin amp Syria’s Assad WATCH |
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Alexei Bayer: Putin’s dangerous cowardice |
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Did Putin Blow up the Whole Polish Government in 2010 |
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Ankarada Putin-Ərdoğanla görüşdü |
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Trump hevur boðið Putin á vitjan í USA |
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Putin o strategicznym związku Kuby z Rosją |
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Putin bragged of hookers’ beauty to Trump Comey memo says |
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Putin: We Need to Revive Our Christian Roots Not Communist Ones |
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Jurgen Roth’s Verschlussakte-S Secret File S – Smolensk MH17 and Putin’s War in Ukraine – at the time of the “Georgian Incident” Defends General Błasik and Captain Protasiuk |
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Ausland Memos des Ex-FBI-Chefs Wladimir Putin und die schönsten Huren der Welt |
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Trump Putin dawet kir Qesra Sipî |
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Rusiyanın gələcək prezidenti necə olmalıdır – Putin danışır |
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Xe của tổng thống Putin vượt qua các thử thách va chạm |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump mời ông Putin thăm Mỹ |
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Video The Kalb Report – Putin’s Trump Card |
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Ce i-a spus Trump lui Putin în timpul unei conversații telefonice |
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Putin Warns India Against Threat To Its Sovereignty |
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Resultado não é importante para mim diz rival de Putin em |
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Tổng thống Trump ‘nhiều lần’ mời Tổng thống Putin đến Nhà Trắng |
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Putin furioso: il raid in Siria «Un atto di aggressione contro una nazione sovrana» |
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Lời đe dọa của PUTIN |
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¿Putin el nuevo zar de Rusia |
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Putin prepared to meet Trump – Lavrov |
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Trump oo ku casuumay Putin inuu booqasho ku tago dalka Maraykanka |
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Presiden Trump Undang Putin ke Gedung Putih |
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Trump’tan Putin’e Beyaz Saray daveti |
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Putin si recherà in Cina a giugno: intense le attività bilaterali in programma |
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BIVŠI DIREKTOR CIA: Putin i Tramp su razgovarali o ruskim kurvama |
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MondoI raid in Siria non sono umanitari e hanno un obiettivo: Putin → |
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Insider Says Trump/Page/Manafort Are on Tape Offering Deal to Putin For Election Hacking |
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“And don’t even ask Putin” – Kadyrov Calls on Russian People to Do Away with a Two-Term Presidential Run Limit |
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Putin should have the courage to accept responsibility for Smolensk: Polish Minister of Defense reacts to Kremlin propaganda |
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Assad regime backed by Putin’s Russia in direct violation of international |
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Trump Strikes Syria Again – Humiliated Putin Has Egg On His Face No Action Talk Only |
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Ông Putin thắng áp đảo tiếp tục làm Tổng thống Nga |
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Sesenta eurodiputados piden boicotear el Mundial de Rusia por la senda autoritaria de Putin |
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Trump Admits Live on MSNBC He Has a Relationship with Putin |
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Vladimir Putin está dispuesto a reunirse con Donald Trump en la… |
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Trump and Putin won’t allow US and Russia to go to war Russian foreign minister Lavrov says |
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Zitat Wladimir Putin |
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Trump Putin Görüşmesi: İnanılmaz Dialoglar |
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Tổng thống Donald Trump mời Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin thăm Mỹ |
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COMEY MEMO: Trump Said Putin Told Him Russia ‘Had Most Beautiful Hookers In The World’ |
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“Agressão a Síria é agressão contra um estado soberano” diz Putin |
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Tổng thống Nga V Putin và những thách thức mới |
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What’s In Those Comey Memos Talk Of Putin Prostitutes Flynn And FISA |
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Dezvaluiri cutremuratoare! Ce i-a spus tatal Prodancei cu putin timp inainte de a |
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Is Vladimir Putin pro-American |
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Comey svergogna Trump: Mi confidò che Putin gli disse che in Russia hanno le prostitute più belle |
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Putin Türkiyədəki danışıqlardan razı qaldı |
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‘Abbiamo le migliori prostitute’Nuovo attacco a Trump e Putin |
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Kur folën Trump me Putin për prostitutat ruse e zbulon ky person! |
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Vladimir Putin Net Worth: It’s Complicated |
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Lavroj: Trump û Putin ti caran destûra derketina şer nadin! |
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Putin i gatshëm të takojë i madh i shqiptarëve për të punuar në Gjermani VIDEO |
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El Kremlin espera que Trump concrete invitación de Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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Trump Putin’le görüşmek üzere Beyaz Saray’a davet etti |
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Released Comey memos: Trump expressed concern over Flynn talked hookers with Putin |
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Putin este gata pentru o întrevedere cu Trump |
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Por qué Putin no tiene prisa con Ucrania |
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Trump convidou Putin a ir à Casa Branca E Putin aceitou |
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Putin: It Is Impossible to Imagine Russia Without Christianity Video |
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United Kingdom and US warn of threats posed by Putin-backed Russian hackers |
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„Máme nejkrásnější děvky na světě“ svěřil se prý Putin Trumpovi |
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Ryssland: Trump bjuder in Putin |
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Putin və Tramp məsuliyyət daşıyır – Lavrov |
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Casa Bianca: presto un incontro tra Trump e Putin |
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12:47 Putin kosmik peykləri vura biləcək silahlar hazırlayır |
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Trump Oo Putin U Fidinaya Martiqaad |
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MOSCÚ Sputnik — El presidente de Rusia Vladímir Putin está de acuerdo para reunirse con su homólogo estadounidense Donald Trump |
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Death of Putin critic Nikolay Glushkov probed as police treat case as murder |
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Donald Trump l-a invitat pe Vladimir Putin în SUA în timpul unei convorbiri telefonice |
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Tenemos las putas más bonitas del mundo: Putin a Trump según exdirector de FBI |
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Ławrow: Trump i Putin nie dopuszczą do wojny USA – Rosja |
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Putin: Die Menschen sind wütend weil Politiker der Elite dienen und nicht den Eingeweihter legt satanische Beherrschung der Welt offen |
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Putin “dispuesto a reunirse” con el presidente de EEUU |
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Trump and Putin Are Both Nationalists – They SHOULD be Colluding Against Globalism |
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‘Putin ve Trump çatışmaya izin vermez’ |
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Putin ready for a meeting with Trump says Lavrov |
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Ryssland: Putin beredd att träffa Trump |
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Ish-shefi i FBI tregon bisedat e Trump me Putin për prostitutat ruse |
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Insider „Q“ enthüllt Verbindungen von Politikern und des Vatikans zum Satanismus Rothschilds und den Reptiloiden: Trump und Putin Teil der Allianz |
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Zbulohet biseda sekrete private mes Putin dhe Trump: Kemi prostitutat më të bukura në botë |
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Comey memos released: Putin bragged to Trump about prostitutes |
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Skripal e il mistero della lettera di perdono inviata a Putin |
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Russia sends Ships and Tanks to Middle East – World Awaits Putin’s Response …Putin “How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction” |
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Putin disse a Trump: «Abbiamo le prostitute più belle al mondo» |
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Putin’in Deklare Edilmemiş Stalin Pişmanlığı: Türkiye’yi… |
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Trump convidou Putin a ir à Casa Branca |
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SD-ordförande lämnar efter Putin-filmerna |
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De Trump a Putin: a aliança Atlântica com a Europa em frangalhos |
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Trump y Putin: Siria retrasa la visita a la Casa Blanca del líder del Kremlin |
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Goodbye US and NATO Putin and Erdogan sign nuclear mega-deal and agree on fast S-400 delivery |
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Förra FBI-chefens anteckningar från mötena – ska ha berättat om märkligt samtal med Putin |
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Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin khẳng định IS đã bị tiêu diệt ở Syria |
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Comey Memos: Putin Stated Russia Has “Most Beautiful Hookers In The World” |
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Putin ne zna koliko zarađuje: “Donesu mi platu ja je uzmem |
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Putin Gets Emotional – Tells Story of His Secret Baptism Video |
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Presidential Parody Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin Cat Toy |
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Putin Has Prepared His Civilians for WW III-What’s Your Government Done for You |
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Trump Putin’i Beyaz Saray’a davet etti |
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Quando Putin disse a Trump: «Le più belle prostitute del mondo» |
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Șulea și Boc s-au înțeles cu Putin pentru folosirea tehnologiei capabile să controleze condițiile atmosferice |
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“Putin və Tramp 100 müharibəyə imkan verməz” – Lavrov |
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Putin torna-se o 2º líder russo a discutir sobre Homens de Preto |
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Video enthüllt: Wie Erdogan amp Putin den Westen austricksen! |
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Russian Presidential Election Results 2018 Putin Leads Putin is expected to win his fourth term |
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Putin NATO and the Turkish Banana Peel |
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Memorándum de James Comey: Vladimir Putin le presumió a Trump la belleza de las prostitutas rusas |
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How Trump’s lies are like Putin’s and how the press should deal |
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Russian FM– ‘Putin and Trump won’t allow a war’ |
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70000 de lei amendă pentru un post de televiziune din RM Motivul Vladimir Putin |
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Former US Ambassador to Germany: “Putin at an impasse” |
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Esclusivo: Skripal la spia russa avvelenata avrebbe scritto una lettera di perdono a Putin Nel frattempo Trump “allontana” i diplomatici del Cremlino |
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Erdoğan Putin’i arkadan hançerledi – Cemal ŞERİK |
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Putin on deliberate destruction of the Middle East by the West! |
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Russia Says Trump Invited Putin to White House |
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Vladimir Putin felicita y apoya nombramiento de Miguel Díaz-Canel como nuevo presidente de Cuba |
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Comey memos: Trump exploded at Flynn over delayed return call to Putin |
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Trump i Putin mají teď pošramocenou pověst ale pro ostatní je to výhra |
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Marimea conteaza Iata de ce e mai bine sa faci sex cu un barbat mai putin dotat – FOTO |
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Friday News: Comey Memos Putin Bragged to Trump About “Most Beautiful Hookers in |
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Cả ông Trump và Putin đều không cho phép xảy |
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Russia Putin stravince le elezioni con il 7665: è al quarto mandato |
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Vladimir Putin y Donald Trump podrían reunirse en la Casa Blanca |
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How Putin kneecapped the UN |
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Putin and Trump will not allow armed conflict between Russia and US – Lavrov |
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14:43 INTERNAŢIONAL: Putin a acceptat invitaţia lui Trump |
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“Nə Putin nə də Tramp ABŞ-Rusiya hərbi qarşıdurmasına imkan verməyəcək” –Lavrovdan açıqlama |
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Vladimir Putin: Russia first |
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Lavrov Rusiya-ABŞ müharibəsi ehtimalından danışdı: Putin və Trampın öhdəlikləri var |
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The Synthetic Public Ideology of Putin’s Russia |
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Lavrov: Putin i Trump neće dozvoliti rat između Rusije i SAD-a |
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Rusya lideri Putin’in yeni limuzini |
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President Putin Visits Stunning Recently Restored “New Jerusalem” Monastery Russian TV News |
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Putin está “dispuesto a reunirse” con Trump pese a tensión diplomática |
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FEMINISMUL SI PERVERTIREA FEMINITATII Cu Parintii Epifanie Teodoropulos si Nicolae Tanase intr-un stil putin mai nonconformist… |
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Kremlin says Trump offered to visit RUSSIA in exchange for Putin coming to Washington |
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Putin bragged of Russian hookers’ beauty to Trump Comey memo says |
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География Putin Team |
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MAE rus: Donald Trump l-a invitat pe Vladimir Putin în SUA |
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VedeteDezvaluiri cutremuratoare! Ce i-a spus tatal Prodancei cu putin timp inainte de a WOW |
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La Propaganda Comunista De Vladimir Putin Al Descubierto |
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Putin está dispuesto a reunirse con Trump según ministro Lavrov |
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Vladimir Putin estaría dispuesto a reunirse con Donald Trump en Washington |
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Saldırı sonrası Putin’den ilk açıklama |
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Putin i gatshëm të takojë Ekzistojnë mundësit që Greqia të pengoj hyrjen e Maqedonisë në NATO |
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Putin: nicht für den Vertrieb von medizinischen Absolventen eilen |
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Putin está dispuesto a reunirse con Trump |
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Putin Trampla görüşə bahalaşacaqmı – TƏHLİL |
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Nga ‘trách’ Trump mời Putin thăm Mỹ rồi không xúc tiến |
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‘Kemi prostitutat më të bukura në botë’ zbulohet biseda SEKRETE e Trump dhe Putin |
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Ông Vladimir Putin gửi điện mừng tân Chủ tịch |
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“Nə Putin nə də Tramp ABŞ-Rusiya hərbi qarşıdurmasına imkan verməyəcək” – Lavrovdan açıqlama |
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Viele darunter der russische Präsident Putin haben gefragt warum die USA einen illegalen Angriff auf Syrien starteten bevor die Inspektoren für chemische Waffen den Ort des angeblichen chemischen Angriffs untersuchten |
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Carl Andersen på 180g: Hård linie overfor Putin ønskes |
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Xe đặc chủng siêu sang mới của tổng thống Putin sắp xuất hiện |
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Actualidad El Kremlin niega que Putin hablara con Trump sobre las prostitutas rusas |
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In Comey memo Trump says Putin hailed hookers |
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Putin invents new lies on Smolensk |
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„Putin přestřihl křídla“: Rusko nechá členské státy NATO bez transportních letadel |
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Putin andiçməyə hazırlaşdığı günlərdə savaşa çəkilir-təhlükəli gəlişmə |
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The Most Interesting News in The World Today! Vladimir Putin Anatoliy Golod Can Do Good World! |
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Putin maşınını satışa çıxardı Fotolar |
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Cựu Tổng thống Mỹ khen ông Putin là chiến lược gia thông minh |
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Tabatierka púzdro obal či krabička na cigarety – PUTIN zlatá |
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Donald Trump Putin Bragged About Russian Hookers According to Comey Memo |
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Wikileaks Putin och Trump stäms av Demokraterna |
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Misiles de Estados Unidos atacan Siria Putin alerta a Trump |
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”Sa att Putin skröt om prostituerade” |
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Lügen: Putin sprach mit Trump nie über russische Prostituierte |
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Russia says Trump invited Putin to White House during phone call |
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Ławrow: Trump i Putin nie dopuszczą do konfrontacji USA – Rosja |
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Ice swimming as Putin on Lake Seliger |
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Trump convida Putin para EUA |
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Putin a Trump: abbiamo le più belle prostitute del mondo il Cremlino smentisce |
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Vladimir Putin taunted Donald Trump about Russian hookers |
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Putin’s next 6 years: shadow of stagnation or light of reform |
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Putin: “caos nelle relazioni internazionali dopo vicende Siria” |
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Kur folën Trump me Putin për prostitutat ruse e zbulon ky |
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Putin hat den Angriff erlaubt |
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Skandal sohbet Putin bana ‘en güzel fahişeler bizde’ dedi |
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Depresioni pas lindjes letra e rrallë e babait: «Vajza ime kur linde të kam biseda sekrete private mes Putin dhe Trump: Kemi prostitutat më të bukura në botë |
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Trump told Comey he talked about hookers with Putin |
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Mësoni arsyen pse Putin kërkon takim me Trumpin |
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George Bush: America should be with Putin not militant but… |
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Putin Plays Russian Roulette |
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trump congratulates putin on election leaders look to |
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VKontakte tagged as ‘Russian Facebook’ controlled by Putin |
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Comey memos claim Trump asked about ‘golden showers’ Putin bragged about Russia’s hookers |
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SERGEJ LAVROV: Putin i Tramp neće dozvoliti sukob dve države |
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‘SNL’ poked fun at Trump’s misspelled tweets and his relationship with Putin 1 year ago |
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Presiden Putin ke Donald Trump: Rusia Punya PSK Tercantik Sedunia |
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Vladimir Putin scores 8 goals in exhibition hockey game |
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Shënimet e Comey Putin iu mburr Trumpit për prostitutat ruse |
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Putin: el zar ruso |
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Nasterea in apa sau cu ajutorul hipnozei Tehnici mai putin dureroase 0 |
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Lavrov: Putin și Trump nu vor admite un al treilea război mondial |
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Donald Trump offers Vladimir Putin ‘White House visit’ |
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Telegram-CEO protestiert oben ohne gegen Putin |
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Siêu xe limousine chống đạn của Tổng thống Putin sắp lăn bánh |
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Ông Putin dẫn trước ông Trump trong cuộc chiến |
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«Trump ha invitato Putin alla Casa Bianca» Vladimir «contento» |
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VENEZUELA Putin reitera su apoyo al gobierno de Venezuela VIDEO ACTUALIZADO |
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FORTALECIENDO LAZOS CON espera que Trump concrete invitación a Putin a la Casa Blanca |
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Putin studentëve rusë në Britani: Menjëherë jashtë |
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Rusija: Putin spreman da se sastane sa Trampom u SAD |
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Trump lud Putin laut russischen Medien nach Washington ein |
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Ławrow: Putin i Trump nie dopuszczą do zbrojnej konfrontacji między Rosją a USA |
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Söyün Sadıqov: Putin üçün bu seçkilərdə qələbə qazanmaq çətin olacaq- Rusiyadakı seçkilərin təhlili eksklüziv olaraq |
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“They Unrolled Anti-Russian Campaign in Record Time” – Putin: Skripal Poisoning Was Planned Lada Ray Predictions |
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Sławomir Dębski: Putin może chcieć przedłużyć swoje władztwo w Rosji Narzędziem do tego może być Białoruś |
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Putin Kills – Sextremist protests against Russian Aggression in Ukraine |
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Lavrov: Putin i Tramp neće dozvoliti oružani sukob Rusije i SAD |
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