Spitzentreffen – Linke und FDP fordern G-7-Gipfel mit Putin |
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Putin przyłapany na wielkim kłamstwie Przysięgał na wszystko! |
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Vladimir Putin denies using Chemical Toilet |
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Vì sao tỷ lệ tín nhiệm của ông Putin sụt giảm |
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Putin vs Europa: ¿Se erige una nueva cortina de hierro |
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Putin Pushes White Guilt |
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If Putin Said About the US What Erdogan Just Said About the US “Alt Media” Would Be Cheering Him Until Breathless |
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Suriye’den çekilme Putin’in ziyareti İran’a uyarı… |
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Trump y Putin una historia de amor Entrevista a Luke Harding |
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Bloomberg: PM Orbán is not another Putin he is more sophisticated |
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Why Putin Wants Syria |
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Obama VS Putin |
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Trump and Putin had another undisclosed conversation at G20 |
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Afganistan: Cel putin 12 morti si 57 de raniti intr-un atentat |
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Entre aliados: Díaz-Canel recibe a Maduro Evo viene en camino y Putin reitera apoyo |
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Putin advierte un caos global si Estados Unidos ataca nuevamente a Siria |
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Putin nie wie że wybory są fałszowane Wywiad z Romanem Udotem z organizacji Gołos |
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Azi e Ziua Pământului Putin nu știe ce să-i ia: Ucraina sau România |
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Ông Putin được mời thăm Mỹ Nga – Mỹ tránh kéo cò súng tại Syria |
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La iglesia ortodoxa de Moscú: hace frío y Putin mucho Putin |
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Silna grupa europosłów domaga się bojkotu mundialu w Rosji! „Putin zrobi |
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Bút mực của Tổng thống Nga Putin được bán đấu giá hơn 77000 đô-la |
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Aleksandr Duqin: Putin Sərkisyanı ona görə dəstəkləyir ki |
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Friday News: Comey Memos Putin Bragged to Trump About “Most Beautiful Hookers in the World” Horrendous GOP Farm Bill Wacked-Out Debate Between Corey Nick… |
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Time loại Tổng thống Putin khỏi danh sách 100 người ảnh hưởng |
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Mau Tahu Putin dan Stalin Waktu Mudanya Mirip Artis Mana |
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SUBJECT: Vladimir Putin the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria |
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Putin dünyanın 100 məşhuru sırasına düşmədi – Taym |
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La Propaganda Comunista De Vladimir Putin Al Descubierto |
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US strikes in Syria without UNSC mandate a violation of international law:Putin |
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Putin Oligarchy and Alt-Media Delusion |
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Putin despre angajati din perspectiva de antreprenor |
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Putin wants Russo-African ties expanded warms up to Nigeria |
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Trump willing to meet with Putin despite rising US-Russia tensions – White House |
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Vladimir Putin to Allow Russian Athletes to Compete at Pyeongchang Olympics As Neutral Athletes |
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Jak se baví internet: Putin a Trump si telefonují k útoku na Sýrii |
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Saudis Go on full alert after Putin threatens to hit S Arab in reprisal for US attack on Syria |
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Bút của Putin được bán với giá 77000 USD |
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SUBJECT: Putin and Trump the Lubavitcher Messiahs |
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Trump-Putin hooker diplomacy: Darcy cartoon |
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Putin a Trump nedovolia ozbrojenú konfrontáciu medzi Ruskom a USA |
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Macron warns against being ‘weak’ with Putin |
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Time loại Tổng thống Putin khỏi danh sách 100 người ảnh hưởng0 |
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Friday News: Comey Memos Putin Bragged to Trump About “Most Beautiful Hookers in the |
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Misiles de Estados Unidos atacan Siria Putin alerta a Trump |
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Macron warns against being ‘weak’ with Putin |
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The Phenomenon of Putin |
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Conclusión de la reunión Putin-Trump: La colaboración de Rusia es fundamental |
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ខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ ហ៊ុន សែន នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃចន្ទ ទី២៣ កោះហៅជនបង្កទាត់ធាក់ និងជនរងគ្រោះ មកបំភ្លឺ ចំនួន៣២នាក់ ក្នុងព្រៃព្រំដែន ហ៊ុន សែន ២២ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៨ SINA កំពុងផ្គើនបទបញ្ជា សម្តេច ហ៊ុន សែន ដល់យប់ជ្រៅ ជនបង្កត្រូវគេព្រួតវាយ ឧកញ៉ា ហួរ ចំរើន នៅខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី មានប្រមាណ១២លាននាក់ ពេលរកឃើញ “ចោរ” ពិតជា… ហួសចិត្ត Video ខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ ហ៊ុន សែន នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃចន្ទ ទី២៣ កោះហៅជនបង្កទាត់ធាក់ និងជនរងគ្រោះ មកបំភ្លឺ ចំនួន៣២នាក់ ក្នុងព្រៃព្រំដែន ហ៊ុន សែន គឹម ជុងអ៊ីល បានស្លាប់ហើយនៅអាយុ ៩២ ឆ្នាំ ព្រោះតែអាណិត Putin ១៥០នាក់ ២២ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៨ SINA ចិន |
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Maulheld Putin |
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Vladimir Putin oo Diyaar U Ah Inuu Trump La Kulmo |
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Fryktar ein «armensk Putin» |
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Women’s Putin Selfie Shirt |
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8 Aυτή είναι η νέα προεδρική λιμουζίνα του Vladimir Putin! 21/4 |
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Kommende nabo til vildsvinehegn: Det minder om Putin 2 |
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Turkey And Iran Ditch The Dollar Putin Smiles And Trump Cries – Economic Collapse Will Be Gradual! |
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Comeysche Lügen: Putin sprach mit Trump nie über russische Prostituierte |
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En enero de 2012 Putin recibió la bendición del icono de la Virgen de Tíjvin en la región de Leningrado al igual que todos los zares desde Iván el Terrible 1530-84 con la excepción del último Nicolás II que fue fusilado por los bolcheviques en gusta: |
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Reteta ta costa mai putin decat te astepti |
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Coloșii Rusiei încep să cadă Decizia lui Putin după sancțiunile americane |
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Putin Sebut Dunia Sedang Kacau |
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İşte Putin gerçeği |
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Putin ha manifestado su alianza a Díaz-Canel para “modernizar” Cuba |
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Why is the President “radio silent” on Putin’s aggression Trump is tougher on Jeff Sessions than on the Russian dictator Obama was weak on Moscow Trump must show steel My interview with Fox News |
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As Putin’s aggression mounts Trump amp team begin to get tougher Much more is needed but it’s movement in the right direction Analysis amp Washington Examiner story on our Russia poll and “The Kremlin Conspiracy” |
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Putin Is Fixing the KHL Championship for Pavel Datsyuk’s Team |
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Putin dice que siempre fue cristiano luego de una “brillante” carrera como criminal en la KGB soviética |
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Trump and Putin Can’t Wait To Get Into Bed With Each Other…Politically |
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Ice swimming as Putin on Lake Seliger |
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De människor som skulle återuppväcka den nya andligheten i Ryssland menade Cayce skulle födas efter 1940 och komma till makten efter c:a 50 år Putin föddes 1952 och tillträdde 1999 Man kan lätt konstatera att Cayces förutsägelser under Stalins höjdpunkt och med det kommunistiska Sovjet strax före andra världskriget stämmer bra med vad vi ser hända just nu Putin är noga med att ge den ortodoxa kyrkan i Ryssland fullt stöd och en framträdande plats i samhället dess företrädare är också representerade i duman Känns det igen |
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Putin Needs A War In Syria |
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Chiếc bút của Tổng thống Nga Putin có giá 77170 USD |
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Does Oligarch Father-in-law Of Lawyer Mueller Sent To Jail Have Kompromat On Putin |
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Putin v Drážďanech hrozil demonstrantům kulometem Čím agent KGB Rusům uhranul |
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Den stora frågan från rubriken är då om jämviktsläget är nått i Mellanöstern och den mentala gränsen mellan öst och väst är fastlagd för rimlig framtid Jag tror det Jag tror samtidigt att Trump väljer att visa sin kompetens som affärsman snarare än politiker och att ett närliggande möte med Putin kommer att innebära en byteshandel där Putin får offra Syrien mot att Trump släpper Ukraina Georgien och Rysslands övriga närområde tillsammans med upphävda ekonomiska sanktioner Trumps problem kommer att bli sionisterna i Tel Aviv och Washington som har tunga intressen i båda områdena och sannolikt inte är lika kompromissvilliga Där avgörs Trumps framtid |
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Trump Blames Putin Iran for Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack |
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Verdens stærkeste Putin |
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Putin a Trump según Comey: «Tenemos las prostitutas más bonitas del mundo» |
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Medyada ‘Putin kitabı’ |
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Macron: ‘Nunca debemos mostrarnos débiles ante Putin’ |
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Putin’s Dance with the Taliban |
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In april s-a nascut Ilici Comunistii l-au sarbatorit astazi pe Lenin Cei drept mult mai modest decat alte dati Fara muzica si cu discursuri mai putin inflacarate – VIDEO |
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Expert: Putin’s fake ‘Dear Abby’ advice swayed US elections |
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Putin says will engage with West after record vote win |
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“And don’t even ask Putin” – Kadyrov Calls on Russian People to Do Away with a Two-Term Presidential Run Limit |
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The disconnects were bizarre with castigating of our friends and allies while the document acknowledges the value of working with our allies Further the main document was short on specific solutions often just pointing to problem areas or goals His language seemed like an off the top confused campaign speeches and having little that is coherent practical or even beneficial Trump defaulted to more hate towards his critics and opponents…except for Putin On China and Russia the document saw them as “strategic competitor” But no solution for interfering in our elections |
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Denn wie es bereits der belgische Kindermordskandal beweist der dort bis zu Ex-König Albert reichen soll und der bis heute seiner Aufklärung harrt dürfte auch Brüssel von London mit reingezogen -und von Trump wie Putin vorgeführt werden |
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Don’t Forget “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise” |
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Putin Gets Emotional – Tells Story of His Secret Baptism Video |
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Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook |
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Cameron appeals to Putin for help in stopping Scottish independence |
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Det handlar med stor sannolikhet om ett oblygt försök från engelsmännen att få det hittills okända receptet på nervgasen från ryssarna för att kunna tillverka motmedel Inte många tror att Putin ett par veckor före det ryska presidentvalet skulle godkänt en sådan medialt uppseendeväckande händelse inte heller att man några månader före fotbolls-VM i Ryssland skulle ansett det vara rätt tidpunkt att mörda några spioner i England som man lika gärna kunde ha avlivat för åratal sedan – om man hade velat det Varje gång Ryssland skall vara värd för ett större mediarelaterat arrangemang senast vid vinter-OS i Socchi händer det saker på världsscenen i syfte att misskreditera Ryssland Detta är numera snarare rutin än undantag |
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Em tensa conversação Putin adverte Netanyahu a se afastar da Síria ao que Netanyahu responde: – Israel vai parar o Irã |
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Wiktor Tschumak: Putin braucht einen Krebstumor in der Ukraine der uns auffressen soll 2 |
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Lavrov: Putin și Trump nu vor admite un al treilea război Cât vor costa alegerile parlamentare din toamna acestui an din Moldova |
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De ce Putin le-a dat rachete nord-coreenilor |
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Exclusive poll: Americans see Putin as “clear amp present danger” to US security but say President Trump must do “much more” to keep US and allies safe Here’s the inside story |
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Does ‘Putin’s Brain’ Believe That The United States Is The Kingdom Of Antichrist |
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US Officials: Russian President Vladimir Putin was Involved in American Election Hack |
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The Resistible Rise of Vladimir Putin |
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NOT A GOOD SIGN: FATIMA WATCH Putin Warns Russian Students Living In Britain: “Come Home Immediately” |
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Keith Simpson asks Foreign Secretary if UK sanctions on Russia are having any effect on Putin |
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Putin will eventually be known as Vladimir the Great |
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Cotton thinks Trump meetings between Vladimir Putin Kim Jong Un could lead to progress |
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Putin interferes in the Scottish referendum on behalf of the SNP and independence |
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L’occidente torna a fare la superpotenza La nostra libertà non può essere affidata a Putin |
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Vladimir Putin PowerPoint Template |
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Merkel y Putin Apuestan por Impulsar un Proceso Político en Siria |
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Putin cancels France trip amid rift over Syria |
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Doar 3 dintre ruși sunt de acord cu Putin |
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Deutschland Ursula von der Leyen „Putin schätzt keine Schwäche Anbiedern macht ihn nicht freundlicher“ |
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Putin Says Russia Will Honor Paris Climate Agreement |
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Den senaste veckan har huvudnyheten i världen varit Theresa Mays påhopp på Ryssland genom anklagelser att Putin skulle ha beordrat morden på den avhoppade spionen Sergei Skripal och hans dotter i Salisbury England PK-media rapporterar lydigt och i falsett om det ofattbara övergreppet mot engelsk lag – ett mord utfört av Ryssland på engelsk mark! |
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Modi Putin summit : Officials working overtime to iron out details of nuke power pact |
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Trump Torn Between Netanyahu And Putin In Syria When Rats Are Cornered They Jump |
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Fostul șef FBI: Putin i-a povestit lui Trump despre frumusețea prostituatelor din Rusia |
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Russian ambassador hands Duterte a personal letter from Putin |
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Putin Wins in Russia’s Presidential Polls |
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Putin’s growing problems in Syria |
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A Moscú sin Kaláshnikov Crónica sentimental de la Rusia de Putin envuelta en papel de periódico |
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Putin wird Welt erobern laut Blindseherin Baba Wanga |
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Western sanctions boost support for Putin |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Đồ cũ của Putin được bán với giá siêu đắt0 |
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Daily Mail: Putin’s government says Russian students should return home from UK so they can go to study in Siberia |
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Trump Backpedals On Putin’s Role In Syria Huckabee-Sanders Blames Russia Russia And Trump’s Other Oil Producing Friends Benefit From Rising Oil Prices |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin sẽ có xe bọc thép riêng trước Tổng thống Mỹ |
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Kremlin: Trump invited Putin to White House but no date set |
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Putin’den İpleri Geren Açıklama Asla Onların Olmayacak |
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La guerra contra Putin lo que no cuentan sobre Rusia |
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Putin’s Wikileaks Host: “Mob Laundromat” Funded GOP |
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A Czar is born Now that Putin has consolidated all Russian power in his hands what must President Trump amp his team do to counter the rising Kremlin threat My new column for Fox News |
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Meet The Midterms: Vladimir Putin Meddles In His Own Election |
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Putin Confronts Megyn Kelly |
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Sa ne mai relaxam putin in lumea asta plina de venin !!! |
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Ja kur ishte Vlladimir Putin në Kosovë |
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Putin ha ordenado la devolución a la Iglesia Ortodoxa de muchas de las propiedades confiscadas por las autoridades soviéticas lo que ha sido criticado por la oposición que la acusa de connivencia con el poder comunista |
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Beunruhigende Mitteilung von Putin – Steht ein Angriff der Nato bald |
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Putin amp Obama Responded to Keshe Peace Roadmap Challenge |
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Daniel Oprita: Sunt putin dezamagit |
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FIFA Fox Putin Celebrate 100 Days To World Cup |
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Xe của tổng thống Putin vượt qua các thử thách va chạm |
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Putin Declares Wednesday As National Day Of Mourning For Victims… |
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“Kemi k…rvat më të bukura në botë” ! Ia ka thënë vërtet Putin Trumpit |
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Miedwiediew spacyfikowany Putin rozerwał frakcję |
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The Trump/Putin Russian collusion evidence pipeline is crazy! Check out this evidence/participant map |
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Paul Goble: Nemets says ‘as long as Trump’s in the White House Putin will remain in the Kremlin’ |
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How Putin Exposed the West – Kill Bill |
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‘As long as Trump’s in the White House Putin will remain in |
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Russia: Bloggers Discuss Crying Putin |
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Putin’i bekleyen sorunlar |
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Der Dilettantismus mit dem das Kabinett von Downing Street diesmal zu Werke ging um den großen Widersacher Putin als Mörder anzuschwärzen kann eigentlich nur die Dringlichkeit illustrieren die die Regierung der Theresa May in Sachen Pädophilieskandal antreibt |
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That relationship has been a linchpin of American policy values and security that Europe remain peaceful united and democratic That meant supporting the EU as a key element to bring to Europe an end of internal warfare Those goals have been strengthened via NATO a unified and strong defense Now sadly needed given Russia under Putin and also in defense of democracy |
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10 Gündür Kendisinden Haber Alınamayan Rus Lider Putin’in Umre’de Olduğu Ortaya Çıktı » |
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China Reinvents Itself 2018》全6集 国语中字 Frontline: Putin’s Revenge 2017》全2集 英语中字 Surviving The Cut 2010》第二季全6集 国语中字 1080P高清纪录片 |
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Ce evenimente vor influența agenda internațională și europeană în 2018: presiunea testelor electorale ajunge și în SUA reformismul lui Macron sau noua ”încoronare” a lui Putin |
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Putin tacha de agresión al ataque de EEUU y sus aliados en Siria |
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Putin Phone Macron Warns of Syria Attacks |
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Andrei Soldatov: „Un pas care dezvăluie disperarea lui Putin” |
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Bút của ông Putin được bán với giá 77000 USD |
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To resist Putin we need to create belt of successful countries around |
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Kjo është bisha ruse e Presidentit Putin – nuk ka tjetër si ajo prodhim i sigurisë së lartë ! |
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Os hackers políticos de Putin |
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TIME’ın ‘En etkili 100 kişi’ listesinde Erdoğan ve Putin sürprizi |
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Scholar examined Putin’s ‘Kleptocracy’ and those who benefit |
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Un șef raional de lângă Moscova i se plânge lui Putin că este amenințat » |
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Putin: New Russian nukes are answer to US leaving arms treaty |
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Putin: w gruncie rzeczy czuję się poetą |
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Green is the new Red: Congress takes aim at Putin’s anti pipeline lobbying |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Trump Threatens Putin “Animal Assad” Over Syrian “Chemical Attack” Russia Warns Of “Grave” Response If US Launches Strike |
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He ignored the issue of Russian interference in our elections Indeed he had praise for Putin and what he call his help in sharing intelligence with Putin on possible terrorist attacks in St Peterburg |
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Putin Spearheads Major Pro-Family Movement in Russia Russian TV News |
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President Putin’s Acceptance Speech |
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Suriyaya raket zərbələri: Trampın sirləri Putinə çatdırdığı üzə çıxdı — “Əl-Cəzirə”dən sensasion İDDİA |
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Gogosi fierbinti si pufoase in mai putin de 20 de minute Da te rog – Asa se fac nu necesita dospit |
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Exclusive: China Syndrome – Xi and Putin Partnered in US Election Interference |
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Trump May Meet Putin In White House |
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Was aber für der britische Oberschicht hierbei besonders gefährlich werden könnte ist was sie sich nun selbst eingebrockt hat mit ihrem Skripalmärchen für Grenzdebile Dass sich in Sachen Kinderschändungen wohl Trump und Putin zusammen tun werden |
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Putin predicts global ‘chaos’ if West hits Syria again |
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PUTIN’S RED LINES A Barrage Of Missile Attacks on Syrian Chemical Arsenal Crossed One Not Others |
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Trump Mad Flynn Delayed Putin Call |
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The real lessons from Vladimir Putin’s re-election |
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Anna Nemtsova: Behind Pussy Riot’s paper plane potest a long history opposing Putin |
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Russia spurning US censure launches second day of Syria strikes from Iran Putin to meet in Moscow 8/9/16 floods peak during ‘peace talk’ push |
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Donald Trump reportedly wrote Vladimir Putin a personal letter inviting him to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant |
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Opinião – A Rússia de Putin como mito de diz que país “precisa da imigração” para resolver problema demográfico |
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Putin seçim öncesi destekçileriyle buluştu |
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Video: Mentan minta ekspor daging babi ke Indonesia Putin tertawa |
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Vladimir Putin is set to win his fourth term as Russian president with |
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This is my Putin Selfie Shirt |
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Could Vladimir Putin reveal aliens exist Kremlin chief asked to lift ‘truth embargo’ |
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Putin-systemet |
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President of Poodlestan: “I am an Equal of Putin” |
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RUSSIA’S REVENGE: Putin orders “Dirty Tricks” campaign of disinformation following Allied raid on Syria |
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NewsDug con Vittorio Lussana: Grillo democristiano Putin solito Zar e Giorgia Meloni che fa a pugni con le news |
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Does This Show Vladimir Putin Disguised As Tourist Meeting President |
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how putin hacked world football |
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BBC reporter Steve Rosenberg confronts Putin |
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Putin Dossier |
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How Trump’s lies are like Putin’s and how the press should deal |
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La advertencia de Vladimir Putin de un “caos” global si Estados Unidos ataca nuevamente |
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World Cup BOMBSHELL: EU Parliament demands BOYCOTT to send message to ‘war criminal’ Putin |
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BREAKING: Pompeo tapped as new Secretary of State Fantastic choice No one gets Putin threat better than he does Experienced Clear-eyed Tough Pro-Israel And he has the ear amp confidence of President Trump Tillerson never did |
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Putin warnt Europäer: WELTORDNUNG IST IN DER der NATO in Serbien 1999: Der Krieg der nicht zu |
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The Most Interesting News in The World Today! Vladimir Putin Anatoliy Golod Can Do Good World! |
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What lessons Trump Putin can learn from the 1986 US-Soviet summit |
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Goodbye US and NATO Putin and Erdogan sign nuclear mega-deal and agree on fast S-400 delivery |
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The Supertank of Putin tank |
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ANTENA JASHTË FAMILJES Putin telefonon Ramën S |
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Video enthüllt: Wie Erdogan amp Putin den Westen austricksen! |
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Giftgaswerkstatt und Bombenterror in Syrien Giftanschlag in Salisbury Diplomatische Krise der EU mit Russland Sezessionsversuche mit Katalonien um Spanien zu zerteilen und so Gibraltar zu behalten Aufhetzen Griechenlands gegen die Türkei die nach Russland umgeschwenkt ist Anschläge in Deutschland Ausrauben der russischen Ex-Oligarchen die ihr Heil in der Flucht nach London suchten als Putin Jelzin ablöste Die Britische Regierung läuft offensichtlich Amok und führt sich in der ganzen Welt auf wie es eben nur das Perfide Albion kann
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Putin ally said to be in touch with Kremlin Assad before his mercenaries attacked US troops |
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Putin and Megyn Kelly Discuss the Russian Hacking “Conspiracy” Video |
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Vladimir Putin ready to meet Donald Trump: Russia |
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Vladimir Putin’s Commandos Have Killed ISIS Warlord Hiding Out In A |
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Putin’s Fourth Term: Stagnation and Succession |
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The Ides of March and the Fall of Putin |
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Sergei Lavrov: Putin ja Trump ei luba USA ja Venemaa sõjalist vastasseisu |
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President Putin exchanges good wishes by phone with… |
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Russia Putin stravince le elezioni con il 7665: è al quarto mandato |
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Putin and Merkel discussed by telephone the situation in Syria |
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Nunca deberíamos mostrarnos débiles ante Putin: Macron |
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Putin asegura que está dispuesto a reunirse con Trump |
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Putin i mafia / Putin and the Mafia |
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Putin andiçməyə hazırlaşdığı günlərdə savaşa çəkilir-təhlükəli gəlişmə |
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Putin znów prezydentem |
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WASHINGTON AP — In a series of startlingly candid conversations President Donald Trump told former FBI Director James Comey that he had serious concerns about the judgment of a top adviser asked about the possibility of jailing journalists and described a boast from Vladimir Putin about Russian prostitutes according to Comey’s notes of the talks … |
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Putin Unveils Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missiles Drone Submarines for Attacking US |
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How Putin interfered for both sides in the Scottish Independence Referendum |
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Russian Roulette The Inside Story Of Putin’s War EPUB PDF MOBI Free Michael Isikoff |
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Russia says Trump invited Putin to US during phone call |
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Time dergisi Putin’i liste dışı bıraktı |
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Trump Putin Bumper Sticker |
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Learn Russian! Not for the faint of heart: Russian Miracle Epiphany Ice Dip Putin US Ambassador |
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Putin förutser globalt kaos om västvärlden attackerar Syrien igen |
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Putin’s folly could lead to Mideast war and other comments |
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PUTIN REKAO NE! — MMF U ŠOKU: Rusija ne da novac Svetskoj banci |
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Blogged: Putin: 95 Of World Terrorist Atracks Are Made By CIA |
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The Trump-Putin coalition for Assad lays waste to Syria: Imperial agreement and carve-up behind the noisy rhetoric |
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Macron warns against being ‘weak’ with Putin Read here |
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Putin in 2013: EU’s Christianity Phobia Means Certain Social Catastrophe Video |
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Putin ballistik raketlərin buraxılışını həyata keçirib – VİDEO |
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Broad coalition of non-Russians launch Internet petition drive against Putin’s language policies |
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Putin və Ərdoğan arasında telefon danışığı olub |
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Putin também vai ter uma “Besta” mas feita na Rússia… |
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Mystery Of Arctic Craters Solved PUTIN DONE IT! |
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Why natural gas from Putin’s Russia has to be imported to New England |
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PLJUSKA MONSANTU I ČITAVOM ZAPADU: Putin naredio uništavanje 7500 tona zapadne |
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De ce troglodiţii români sunt pro-Putin |
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Putin verí že Trump nebude rukojemníkom temných síl |
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Lavrov Putin’in Trump ile buluşmaya hazır olduğunu söyledi |
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Two critical questions: First did Putin order nerve agent attacks in the UK Second are NATO allies like the Baltic States at risk of a Russian attack My new column for The Jerusalem Post |
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Siêu xe của Tổng thống Putin vượt qua bài thử nghiệm đâm va |
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Putin on deliberate destruction of the Middle East by the West! |
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Putin’in yerli ‘Canavar’ı tüm testlerden geçti! |
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Comey ex Fbi rivela tutto su Trump: da prostitute di Putin a critiche a Flynn |
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Nga lý giải tỷ lệ tín nhiệm của Tổng thống Putin sụt giảm |
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Time loại Tổng thống Putin khỏi danh sách 100 người ảnh hưởng nhất |
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Рэп-баттл Ким – Трамп – Путин / Rap Battle Kim – Trump – Putin |
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Fostul șef FBI: Putin i-a povestit lui Trump despre » |
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Querer regentar el mundo de manera unipolar es ilegítimo e inmoral: Vladímir Putin |
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Russia: The rise and decline in Economic Freedom under Putin |
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Putin and the 100 million Deal that Disappeared Investigator Died of “Natural Causes” Weeks After Talking to Journalists |
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Update 7 – 5 March 2018 – Putin’s Ides of March assassination and March 18 resurrection |
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Putin phones PM Modi in amid war threat to discuss ‘exclusive |
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Putin’i Anlamak Türk Basını ve Örnek Alacağınız İnsanların Önemi |
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Discurso anual de Vladímir Putin ante la Asamblea Federal de Rusia 2018 EN ESPAÑOL |
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Putin’in Deklare Edilmemiş Stalin Pişmanlığı: Türkiye’yi… |
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Putin Rusokrasi dan Demokrasi Kita |
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Putin Issues Dire Warning After West’s Syria Strike |
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Actor Steven Seagal Granted Russian Citizenship by Vladimir Putin |
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Investigative reporter Elena Milashina on the powerful display of journalism that countered extrajudicial killings in Russia Putin’s inability to control the Internet and where to draw the line in covering Chechnya |
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Colosii Rusiei incep sa cada Decizia lui Putin dupa sanctiunile americane |
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Russia Hoax: Putin ‘Re-Elected’ With Kabala 77 Vote And ‘666’ – All Are In On It – Fake Gog-Magog WWIII On Schedule |
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Time Dergisi ‘En Etkili 100 Kişi’ Listesine Putin’i Almadı |
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Putin convoca a reunión del Consejo de Seguridad por ataque a Siria |
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Trump Admin Sanctions Putin’s Former Son-in-law Reportedly Punished By Putin Already |
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Modi cerca Putin per l’energia |
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Special Note – 14 March 2018 – Jerusalem in mid-May is looking like a trap March 15 is a high-probability day for a Putin “assassination” Is a massive attack on Syria imminent |
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Vladimir Putin Addresses General Assembly’s Seventieth Session |
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Putin potwór czy zbawca |
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Elecciones rusas: Putin se consagra ganador absoluto en unos comicios en los que participaron Crimea y Sebastopol por primera vez |
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Theo Reuters ngày 20/4 hãng thông tấn RIA Novosti của Nga dẫn nguồn Bộ Ngoại giao nước này cho biết Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump đã mời người đồng cấp Nga Vladimir Putin tới thăm Mỹ và cho biết rất hân hạnh được đón tiếp ông Putin tại Nhà Trắng Hãng tin trên dẫn lời … |
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TOP 5 destinatii mai putin cunoscute din ROMANIA |
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The Killers of Kiev: How Putin Created an Assassin’s Metropolis » |
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Macron warns against being ‘weak’ with Putin — World — The |
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Putin Crafts Spectacle for Re-election Landslide |
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Rus ekspert Ərdoğanın Putini “xeyirxah dost kimi qəbul etdi”yindən yazır: “Putin onu Bəşər Əsədlə barışmağa inandıra bilsə…” – Təhlil |
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The foreign ministers of the Group of Seven industrialized nations met in Toronto on Sunday seeking a common front against what they see as aggression from Vladimir Putin’s Russia |
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Holy Russia and Putin |
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Council for Global Equality Releases Human Rights Rebuke in Advance of Trump-Putin Meeting this Week |
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Yulia Skripal’s fiance ‘in hiding’ amid spy claims connected to Vladimir Putin |
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Trump willing to meet with Putin despite rising US-Russia tensions – |
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“O lucrare facuta in spatiul public este menita sa atraga atentia si sa faca privitorul sa ridice capul din pamant sau telefon si sa admire putin lucrarea” Interviu cu Sweet Damage Crew |
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Putin otrzyma pancerną limuzynę produkcji Porsche i Boscha o mocy 600 KM! |
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The First Days of Putin’s New Term |
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Putin: Kennedy Was Killed By US “Special Services” |
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Hovořili Trump a Putin spolu o nejkrásnějších prostitutkách |
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Women’s Nº1 Putin |
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Putin Erdoğan ile ÜDİK toplantısı için St Petersburg’da görüştü |
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Putin Şoygu ve Genelkurmay Başkanı ile görüştü |
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12:47 Putin kosmik peykləri vura biləcək silahlar hazırlayır |
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Putin: Кто мог бы быть президентом Владимир Путин оригинал |
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‘Esad sana söylüyorum Putin sen anla!’ |
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UK minister directly blames Putin for Test – Fingers knows a lot about your personality |
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Afirma Putin que fue bautizado a escondidas de su padre |
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En la entrevista de Stone Putin muestra claridad de criterio y cercanía personal |
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Putin Erdoğan ve Ruhani ortak basın açıklaması |
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Viva Putin sí Que asesina a sus adversarios políticos con |
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President Putin’s Unedited Full Interview With NBC’s Megan Kelly: “Please listen to me and take to your viewers and listeners what I am about to say …” |
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Special Note – 15 March 2018 – More on the Putin assassination narrative Ksenia Sobchak’s path to victory Some examples of NWO assassination propaganda a PS |
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El presidente ruso Vladímir Putin confesó hoy que fue bautizado a escondidas de su padre un miembro del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética PCUS |
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“Mi madre me bautizó a escondidas de mi padre que era miembro del Partido Comunista Él no era ningún funcionario trabajaba en la fábrica pero era un activista de base del partido en la organización de la fábrica” reconoció Putin citado por las agencias locales |
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Beştepe’de tarihi gün: Akkuyu’nun ilk harcı Erdoğan ve Putin tarafından döküldü |
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Donald Trump Said Vladimir Putin Bragged About Russia’s Hookers According to Comey Memo |
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Erdogan’s Betrayal of Putin is Coming to Pass |
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Defining Moment for Putin: Stand up to Israel |
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Paul Goble: Nemets says ‘as long as Trump’s in the White House Putin will … |
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Vladimir Putin’s geopolitical CHELLANEY The Japan Times |
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Hovořili Trump a Putin spolu o nejkrásnějších Letecký úder proti Sýrii byl v rozporu s mezinárodním právem |
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“They Unrolled Anti-Russian Campaign in Record Time” – Putin: Skripal Poisoning Was Planned Lada Ray Predictions |
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Putin amp the Chabad Mafia |
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Russian FM: Putin Trump won’t allow a war |
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Is Putin to heal Erdogan-Aliyev’s Artsakh ‘bleeding wound’ |
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Putin acusó a Estados Unidos de “empeorar aún más la catástrofe humanitaria en Siria” |
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Einladung nach Washington: Trump sendet Entspannungssignal an Putin |
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O Novo Putin: o que esperar da Rússia nos próximos seis anos |
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Top Putin Aide’s Hacked Emails Reveal Secret Plan to Invade… |
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The Assad-Putin Armageddon |
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Cum sa fii fericit sau macar ma Cum sa fii fericit sau macar mai putin trist Lee Crutchley |
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The Synthetic Public Ideology of Putin’s Russia |
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Putin alerta sobre un caos mundial si Occidente vuelve a atacar a Siria |
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Imad K Harb: Trump Snubs Congress in Putin’s Service |
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Putin intervenes in Scottish referendum on behalf of the union |
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Russian Trust In Vladimir Putin Drops Below 50 After Election |
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Hillary Clinton Blames Putin and Comey for Election Loss |
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Saldırı sonrası Putin’den ilk açıklama |
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Putin Rusya’da şüphelilerin belirli davranışlarını yasaklama yasasını imzaladı |
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Nahles ist neue SPD-Chefin – Was hat sie mit Putin Stoltenberg ist reif für die Psychiatrie |
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Dass die Russen den Angriff zugelassen haben sogar ohne selbst direkt einzugreifen dass sie die Abwehr vollständig der syrischen Luftabwehr überließen damit die ihren Raketenschrott aus Sowjetzeiten loswerden kann dass dieser „Schrott“ dennoch kein Drittel der neuen und smarten Trumpraketen durchgelassen hat – mit all dem konnte das Jesuitenfaktotum im Weißen Haus der Malteserfraktion erneut demonstrieren dass auch ihre modernsten Waffen keine Chance haben die Lufthoheit über Syrien zu gewinnen Dafür werden nun aber GB und Frankreich ihre internationale Reputation verlieren und der Militärisch Industrielle Komplex MIK dumm da stehen Denn die haben sich nicht nur mit Damaskus angelegt sondern mit Moskau und Peking Wenn die jetzt ihre wohl ziemlich beeindruckenden Geheimdiensterkenntnisse gegen Paris und London über deren Giftküchen in Syrien in die UNO-Waagschale werfen dann dürfte dies eine Krise des UN-Sicherheitsrates auslösen an dessem Ende genau die Reform der UN als solcher stehen könnte die Trump Putin und Xi längst anvisiert haben und aus der Frankreich und GB sehr geschwächt hervorgehen werden Ganz abgesehen davon dass diese „Entdeckungen“ die innenpolitischen Krisen dieser beiden Ex-Großmächte noch verschärfen sobald das Licht der Weltöffentlichkeit auf sie geworfen wird |
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Putin -ennustus vuodelta 1914 |
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Putin un creyente confeso agregó: “Así que eso el bautizo me conmovió a mí personalmente y a nuestra familia” |
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Is Putin Funding America’s Environmental Movement |
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Trump Threatens Putin “Animal Assad” Over Syrian “Chemical Attack” Russia Warns |
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Memo Eks Bos FBI: Putin Beri Tahu Trump Rusia Punya Pelacur |
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The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Putin Is Destroying Russia For Short-Term Unsustainable Glory |
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PUTIN vydává mezinárodní zatykač na George Sorose mrtvý nebo živý |
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Rusia este gata: Despre ce au discutat Putin și liderii Cubei |
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Kunjungi Indonesia Putin akan Teken Serangkaian Kerja Sama |
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Un șef raional de lângă Moscova i se plânge lui Putin că este» |
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Astana Round 2 – Erdogan Putin Rouhani commit to Syrian territorial braced for accelerated system transformation |
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Nga lý giải nguyên do tỷ lệ tín nhiệm của Tổng thống Putin sụt giảm |
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