Evo šta je Vladimir Putin poručio jermenskom predsedniku… |
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NEWSWATCH: “The Rusal Case Is a Failure of US Sanctions There are ways to hit Putin’s shadowy cronies without hurting top Russian firms” – Bloomberg/Leonid Bershidsky |
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Əksinqilabçılar səfərbər olundu: Putin proseslərə əl qoydu – Şərh |
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Putin Qərbə ismarış yolladı: İrəvandakı olaylar |
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Putin Karapetyanla Ermənistandakı vəziyyəti müzakirə edib |
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Η σέξι προπονήτρια του Putin ξαναχτυπά |
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Trump y Putin una historia de amor Entrevista a Luke Harding |
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Putin convida Temer para a festa de abertura da Copa do Mundo |
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«Επανάσταση» στην Αρμενία: Ο Soros στέλνει χαιρετίσματα στον Putin |
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The New Putin Worship Is Idiotic and Morally Bankrupt |
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Putin Ramiz Mehdiyevi təltif etdi!- “Şərəf” ordeni Soçidə təqdim olunub |
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El arma del ‘juicio final’ de Putin puede provocar tsunamis y lluvia radiactiva |
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Makan Kuwah Beulangong Bersama Erdogan Trump dan Putin |
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Putin Is a Pawn of the Bankers |
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Tìm kiếm tàu ngầm Argentina vào giai đoạn sống còn ông Putin đề nghị giúp đỡ |
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Putin işə qarışdı – Ermənistanın xarici işlər naziri Moskvaya getdi |
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El mito de Putin |
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Putin’in beyni ilk defa açıkladı: Madem Amerikanız var Türklerle baş edin bakalım |
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İrəvanda qarışıqlıq Qarabağda müharibə BAŞLAYIR – Putin Sarkisyana zəng etdi |
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Putin contra el imperio |
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Zаpаd bi dа nеkаkо dеmоnizuје Putinа аli оn… |
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Putin Ermənistan prezidenti ilə ölkədəki vəziyyəti müzakirə edib |
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SUBJECT: Vladimir Putin the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria |
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Putin Stooge Jill Stein Suspiciously Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate |
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Putin Ermənistan prezidentinə zəng vurdu –Gərginləşən vəziyyət müzakirə edildi |
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İrəvanda mitinq başlayıb Putin Karapetyana zəng vurub |
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Trotz Mega-Rüstung der USA: Putin will weniger Militärausgaben – und mehr Geld für Bildung Gesundheit und Infrastruktur |
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SPREMA SE OFANZIVA NA RUSIJU- Trampova desna ruka: Putin mora da plati cenu… |
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La Propaganda Comunista De Vladimir Putin Al Descubierto |
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NIKOM NIŠTA NIJE JASNO: Šta to Putin radi Otkud sad sve to SVE JE DEO PUTINOVOG PLANA…! |
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SUBJECT: Putin and Trump the Lubavitcher Messiahs |
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İrəvanda mitinq başlayıb Putin Karapetyana zəng vurub YENİLƏNİB-2 CANLI YAYIM |
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Putin – The New Tsar |
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ΤΕΡΑΣ η νέα προεδρική λιμουζίνα του Vladimir Putin! |
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Zitat Wladimir Putin |
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WATCH Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced |
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Benjamin Fulford: Se agota la ofensiva de la élite satánica e inicia el los Rothschild son agentes satánicos y hay una alianza secreta de Trump con Putin |
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Putin’s Russia: a new Cold War |
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Erdogan i Putin razgovarali o zračnim napadima na objavljeno |
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PUTIN JERMENSKOM PREDSEDNIKU: Svi budite suzdržani i odgovorni |
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Çağdaş Türkiyə-Rusiya münasibətlərinin memarları Putin və Ərdoğandır – İlham Rəhimov |
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Šok z pravdy u Moravce: kdy se opět stalo Rusko nepřítelem USA Když Putin zabránil drancování |
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Oberbefehlshaber der Russischen Armee Putin |
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Vladimir Putin: President Of Russia Newsmakers |
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Putin QampA: Annual news conference |
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Putin Brings Back The Cold War |
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Don’t Forget “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise” |
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“And don’t even ask Putin” – Kadyrov Calls on Russian People to Do Away with a Two-Term Presidential Run Limit |
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Vladimir Putin Net Worth: It’s Complicated |
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Para negociar solo con Putin Trump divide a los europeos |
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2 Es gab Operatoren von den Marine- und Armeespezialkräften die Führer von MS13 aufhoben u fremde Intelligenzarbeiter angeschlossen und einige von ihnen zu GITMO nach Kuba schickten3 Mir wurde gesagt dass es eine Reihe anderer Einsätze auf der ganzen Welt von denselben US-Spezialeinheiten gegeben hat4 Viele sehr beunruhigende Informationen werden in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten veröffentlicht Mir wurde gesagt ich solle aufpassen dass während dieser kürzlichen Blackout-Periode keine Informationen eintreffen die auf laufende Operationen zurückzuführen sind um undichte Stellen ausfindig zu machen5 Die Allianz suchte nach Lecksuchern und Verrätern in ihren Reihen und machte ein paar alte Tricks um sie zu identifizieren Mir wurde gesagt dass es funktioniert6 Sie geben Informationen über verschiedene Quellen frei die sich geringfügig unterscheiden und verfolgen die undichte Stelle durch den Unterschied im Intel-Bericht der in Umlauf gebracht wird Das bedeutet dass ich während dieser Zeit nicht berichten sollte was ich gehört habe da einiges davon uninfo war um Lecks in einer Spionageabwehr-Operation auszumerzen7 Uns wird auch gesagt dass Elemente innerhalb der amerikanischen und der russischen Regierung versuchen einen Weltkrieg als Ablenkung von den bevorstehenden Veröffentlichungen zu schüren Sie fürchten dass die Schurken der beiden Streitkräfte von der Kabbala angewiesen werden die anderen anzugreifen Diese Taktik hat in der Vergangenheit bei vielen Gelegenheiten für die Cabal funktioniert8 Denken Sie daran dass wir im Jahr 2015 einen offenen Militärputsch gehabt hätten wenn das Bündnis nicht von DJT TRUMP versichert worden wäre dass er ihre Bemühungen legitimieren würde wenn sie warten würden bis er Präsident ist9 Dieselben Generäle gaben der Cabal bekannt dass sie wenn sie DJT ausschalten würden sofort einen offenen Militärputsch starten und fast die Hälfte der Regierung verhaften und Militärtribunale bilden würden10 Von dem was mir gesagt wird werden Militärtribunale zu 100 gerechtfertigt sein und benötigt werden sobald das Ausmaß des Bösen und der Korruption aufgedeckt ist In allen Fraktionen der Allianz US-Militär/Intel-Seite gibt es ernsthafte Bedenken wie die Öffentlichkeit auf diese Informationen reagieren wird11 Ich weiß man hat uns seit Jahren versprochen dass es Massenverhaftungen geben würde Manche sagen mir dass einige der syrischen Raketenangriffe tatsächlich gegen kabbalistische Ziele gerichtet waren und von Putin genehmigt wurden angeblich nach einem Briefing12 Andere geben mir Informationen dass DJT durch Drohungen gegen seine Familie gefährdet wurde Ich warte auf weitere Informationen in diesen Briefings13 Wie ich bereits sagte Der tiefe Staat hätte sich selbst verhaften müssen da er alle Zweige der Regierung und des Militärs kontrollierte Das sollte nicht passieren bis ein Teil des Deep State aus dem State Department dem DOJ und dem FBI entfernt wurdeDieser Prozess wird länger andauern in den nächsten Jahren oder so Die Dinge werden auf sehr legale und verfassungsmäßige Weise getan um die an den Gegenputschoperationen beteiligten Militärgruppen zu schützen14 Die versiegelten Anklagen sind echt und werden in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge entsiegelt wenn die Zeit reif ist Gerüchte besagen dass einige bereits aufgebrochen wurden15 Ich würde auch mehr falsche Flaggen und Daten-Dumps von beiden Seiten erwarten um den Bewegungen der anderen entgegenzuwirken16 So viel von diesem Krieg wird in den Schatten und durch elektronische einige KI-Hacks riesige Abstürzende militärische Flugzeuge/Gehen in Raketen usw und Gegenspionagemethoden Think Q Military Intelligence! und Infiltrationsoperationen ganz zu schweigen von gefälschten Trainingsmissionen für die Marines und Army SF die das Training als Tarnung benutzen um Verhaftungen vorzunehmen und einige der psychopathischsten Agenten zu töten die als zu gefährlich angesehen werden um sie lebend zu fassen17 Wieder denken Sie MS13 und ähnliche Gruppen die durch inländische und fremde Nachrichtendienste laufen gelassen werden |
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15:31 Suriyada vurulmuş raketlərin sayı Putinə məruzə olundu |
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Povestea lor mi-a cutremurat sufletul incepe asa: M-am casatorit de tanar la numai 25 de ani cu Madalina o fata frumoasa si sincera de la tara Dupa putin timp de la nunta mama a zarit-o pe Madalina la piata cu un alt barbat |
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Majoritatea oamenilor au vazut cel putin o eclipsa totala de luna Aceasta are loc cand intreaga Luna trece prin umbra Pamantului In acest caz Soarele si Luna se afla in parti opuse Pamantului Daca vedeti o eclipsa de luna vizibila doar noaptea in anum |
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Exclusive: China Syndrome – Xi and Putin Partnered in US Election Interference |
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Putin’denTrump’a ! Akıllı ol aklını alırımgösterisi !! |
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Sistemul solar este menit sa dispara De fapt de cand Soarele a inceput sa straluceasca energia sa lumina si caldura rezulta din reactiile nucleare care transforma hidrogenul intr-un gaz ceva mai greu heliul Dar in mai putin de 5 miliarde de ani tot |
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Putin amp the Chabad Mafia VIDEO |
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Andrei Soldatov: „Un pas care dezvăluie disperarea lui Putin” |
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央视纪录片《创新中国 China Reinvents Itself 2018》全6集 国语中字 Frontline: Putin’s Revenge 2017》全2集 英语中字 Surviving The Cut 2010》第二季全6集 国语中字 1080P高清纪录片 |
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Petru BOGATU: Arțagul și-a găsit pârțagul Cum Trump l-a pus la respect pe Putin |
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Putin Snowden and Cojones |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Putin Says US Presidents are Puppets ‘Men in Dark Suits’ Rule DC |
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Bisha e re e Putin që mund të zhdukë një qytet të tërë |
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Smoleńsk: Kniaź Putin zaczyna ujawniać prawdę Zamachu Warszawskiego |
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Three Court Reports that Indict the Putin Regime |
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Putin və Luekaşenko Sərkisyana zəng etdi: Qısa vaxt ərzində |
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Steckt Putin hinter dem Dieselskandal |
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Special Note – 15 March 2018 – More on the Putin assassination narrative Ksenia Sobchak’s path to victory Some examples of NWO assassination propaganda a PS |
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Video The Kalb Report – Putin’s Trump Card |
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¿Debería Putin estar preocupado |
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Putin will eventually be known as Vladimir the Great |
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Putin Prediksi Perang Dunia Akan Pecah Jika AS dan Sekutunya Terus… |
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Putin Wins Russia’s Presidentia |
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Sufletul uman are 21 de grame sau mai putin – 001 grame |
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Putin etirazlara görə təcili İrəvana zəng edib |
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Putin furioso: il raid in Siria «Un atto di aggressione contro una nazione sovrana» |
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2018 Russian Presidential Elections: How Putin Sets the Stage to Win |
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Let’s get real: It’s time to move on from the Putin-dominated UN |
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Sufletul uman are 21 de grame sau mai putin – 001 grame |
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Putin pójdzie tak daleko jak mu na to pozwolimy ROZMOWA |
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Putin v Drážďanech hrozil demonstrantům kulometem Čím agent KGB Rusům uhranul |
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Dėl planavimo darbų programos tvirtinimo žemės sklypų tarp Artojų Pramonės ir Putinų gatvių Alytuje formavimo bei jų tvarkymo ir naudojimo režimo nustatymo detaliojo plano koregavimui rengti TPD reg Nr T00006114 koregavimas |
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Putin sollte neue Amtszeit für Kurswechsel nutzen |
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Forget Sanctions: This Is How Trump Can PUMMEL Putin |
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I simply cannot tell who is stupider anymore Trump or Putin |
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Putin retoma la Guerra Fría en El Caribe de la mano de Raúl Castro y Nicolás Maduro |
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Putin y el primer ministro interino de Armenia examinan la crisis que atraviesa el país |
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Accident devastator in India Cel putin 13 copii au murit dupa ce autobuzul care-i tranporta la scoala s-a ciocnit cu un tren |
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Vladimir Putin – en tsar utan lojala undersåtar |
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Putin təcili İrəvana zəng edib – Etirazlara görə |
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Nabídka Insider: Putinův „Soudný den“ který by mohl vyvolat tsunami! |
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Putin speech adds to freeze in US-Russia relations |
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The Russian Election: If Not Putin Then Who |
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Putin eats matzah all year round says Russia’s chief rabbi |
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Putin zeigt die Instrumente |
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“O lucrare facuta in spatiul public este menita sa atraga atentia si sa faca privitorul sa ridice capul din pamant sau telefon si sa admire putin lucrarea” Interviu cu Sweet Damage Crew |
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Imad K Harb: Trump Snubs Congress in Putin’s Service |
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Nasterea in apa sau cu ajutorul hipnozei Tehnici mai putin dureroase 0 |
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Aleksandr Duqin: Putin Sərkisyanı ona görə dəstəkləyir ki |
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Ông Putin biết trước Cách mạng Nhung tại Armenia |
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Putin predicts global chaos if West hits Syria again |
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Erdogan’s Betrayal of Putin is Coming to Pass |
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Papst verleiht Putin Friedenspreis: Für Festigung des Friedens im Nahen Osten |
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Putin: “Usar la fuerza militar al margen de la ONU favorece al terrorismo” |
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Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin: Missile strikes on Syria ‘act of aggression’ |
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Putin administrasiyasında Paşinyan müzakirələri |
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Stop Putin |
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HAPPY Putin entuziasm nu ar strica LUNI DIMINEATA/ 42 foto inspirationale |
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Prezydent Putin obrońcą naszych wartości |
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Putin 6 nafar o’zbekistonlikka Rossiya fuqaroligini berdi |
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Putin: Einige Länder handeln zugunsten der Terroristen |
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The New Putin: What To Expect From Russia In The Next Six Years |
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Zаpаd bi dа nеkаkо dеmоnizuје Putinа аli оn niје ni Sаdаm ni Мilоšеvić a ni Gаdаfi! |
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Besser noch Putin verstehen als diese Der besondere Hinweis: |
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Mac Slavo April 17th 2018 SHTFplancom Comments 25 Read by 4960 people 131 28 168 Elevating fears of a third world war even higher an ex-Soviet general has come forward declaring a nuclear war between the United States and Russia is unavoidable and “inevitable” Evgeny Buzhinskiy a former Lieutenant-General under the Soviet Union says that Russia will never accept “any kind of defeat” Because Russia is “lagging behind” the US in terms of military power Putin would rather order a nuclear strike than accept defeat on the battlefield Buzhinskiy said Buzhinskiy who joined the USSR’s armed forces in 1968 said the increasingly acrimonious standoff between Russia and the US is “worse than the Cold War” “ Russia will not accept any kind of defeat so the involvement of nuclear weapons is inevitable” he told Channel 4 News US President Donald Trump ordered his military to launch almost 100 missiles at alleged chemical weapons facilities across Syria in response to the “toxic” attack Britain and France also took part in the “perfectly executed strike” that Trump declared “could not have had a better result” tweeting: “Mission accomplished” But the strike against Bashar al-Assad whose government has the backing of Putin has plunged Russian-US relations to new lows with both sides exchanging fierce rhetoric “I think it’s worse than the Cold War which we have been waging for 40 years after the Second World War” he said speaking to presenter Matt Frei according to The Daily Star “In the Cold War time I was in the armed forces and I was quite comfortable I’d say There were definite duels and definite red lines – everybody knew what to do There were no threats no sanctions no isolation no cornering no nothing There was just ideological confrontation but people on both sides knew how far they could go” Buzhinskiy admits that as a grandfather he’s scared of what could happen as this conflict with Russia escalates driven by false flags When asked if the US and Russia might “face off against each other” with nuclear weapons he replied: “Of course I repeat: you cannot control military confrontation between Russia and the United States” Last week Buzhinskiy warned that Putin would respond in kind if “Russian blood is spilled” during the US-led Syria strike “We have several thousand advisers in all military installation in all military units” he said “ If Russian blood is shed then Russia will retaliate” Sleep tight everyone |
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Putin Has Lost Control of the Assad Regime |
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De ce troglodiţii români sunt pro-Putin |
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Mystery Of Arctic Craters Solved PUTIN DONE IT! |
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Lavrov: Putin a Trump nepřipustí vojenskou konfrontaci Ruska a USA |
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Heads Up Huge Backlash! China Condemns Syria Attack Stands Firmly With Russia Plus Russian TV Prepares Viewers for War – Putin Warns US of Consequences Videos click here |
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Vladimir Putin envió congratulaciones al presidente electo |
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Putin kuljetetaan virkaanastujaisiin salaperäisellä limusiinilla – Presidentti ”haluaa nyt parantaa opetusta terveyttä ja tiestöä” |
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Mann ertrinkt in münsteraner Keller EU kündigt Sanktionen gegen Putin an |
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Stilul Art Nouveau apãrut la sfârsitul anilor 1890 a durat mai putin de un deceniu dar în acest rãstimp trãsãturile sale de bazã au pãtruns în toate aspectele artei si design-ului În 1895 un negustor de artã de origine germanã Samuel Bin |
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That time Putin walked out on a speech – in Hamburg |
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Maxine Waters Accuses Trump Of Bribing Putin |
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Putin: Negara-Negara Tertentu Bertindak untuk Keuntungan Teroris |
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Rusia 2018: Animales más representativos del país de Putin llegarán al Perú FOTOS |
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Putin: Certain States Play Into Hands of Terrorists |
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Assad e Putin impediscono agli ispettori di visitare il sito del presunto attacco chimico È una fake news L’OPCW dichiara che è stata l’ONU a rallentarli |
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Putin penetreaza adanc NATO |
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Vladimir Putin dobija novi prevoz |
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Putin wie jak wykorzystywać służby Gen Pruszyński o spra |
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O cladire din Romania pe lista celor mai uimitoare cladiri din lume mai putin cunoscute: |
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Besser noch Putin verstehen als diese Rubtsov amp Olga Kirpicheva: Bach Siciliano g-moll |
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Ornella Muti presentò un certificato medico e andò a cena con Putin |
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Russian Athletes Wont Be Prevented From Competing In Winter Olympics: Vladimir Putin |
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Lokalne volitve v Rusiji: Putin doživel poraz sredi Moskve – Opozicija zmagala v več volilnih enotah v ruski prestolnici |
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Temer é convidado por Putin para festa de abertura da Copa do Mundo |
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Joaquin Flores — ‘Oligarch’ Putin decrees a massive budget-doubling of socialized healthcare |
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The Ides of March and the Fall of Putin |
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Vladimir Putin Ermenistan Cumhurbaşkanı ile görüştü |
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Putin y Trump en la Siria de Fiat Cronos |
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Kako je Vladimir Putin suočio Zapad sa istinom i otvorio vrata pakla VIDEO |
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President of Poodlestan: “I am an Equal of Putin” |
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Putin und Trump – ein Gespann |
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Prayers for Putin America’s endless reimaginings of Russia are nothing new and have never been safe |
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Putin andiçməyə hazırlaşdığı günlərdə savaşa çəkilir-təhlükəli gəlişmə |
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Val de sinucideri în Rusia după ce Vladimir Putin s-a trezit prost dispus azi dimineaţă |
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Inglaterra: El MI5 envenena a otro agente ruso para difamar a Putin en una continua guerra propagandística |
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„Putin reichte dem Westen mehrmals die Hand aber die Hand wurde gebissen“ – Experte |
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Friction between Putin and Kadyrov |
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Putin’s Polling Numbers |
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Putin’in beyni ilk kez açıkladı: Türklerle baş edin bakalım… |
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Geopolítica de la Rusia de Putin con el geopolitólogo Damián Jacubovich |
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Ermənistanda inqilab: Putin nəhayət işə qarışdı |
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Putin’s folly could lead to Mideast war and other comments |
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Wylie Says Bannon Instructed Putin Messaging Test |
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Business Insider: Putinův „Soudný den“ který by mohl vyvolat protivzdušná obrana v Hmeymimu zničila několik útočících dronů! |
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¿Qué tiene que ver la Tierra Plana con la Granja de Trolles Putin |
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Sulla Russia di Putin |
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Trump and why he protects Putin or Russia |
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Globales Zwischenhoch: Putin Krisenmanager – Chance oder Irrtum |
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Putin kuljetetaan virkaanastujaisiin salaperäisellä limusiinilla |
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Western sanctions boost support for Putin |
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Virtutile vindecatoare prea putin cunoscute ale unui fruct de aur: Lamaia |
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A Moscú sin Kaláshnikov Crónica sentimental de la Rusia de Putin envuelta en papel de periódico |
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Putin Wins in Russia’s Presidential Polls |
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By Attacking Telegram Putin Regime has Revealed Itself and Generated Its Own Nemesis Slosberg Says |
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Time Dergisi ‘En Etkili 100 Kişi’ Listesine Putin’i in Turkey and The United States |
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This is how Putin kneecapped the UN Security Council |
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Trump Tariffs Putin’s New Missile amp China’s President For Life |
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Ermənistanda inqilab: Putin işə qarışdı- Video/Yeni |
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“Honestly I Think The Guy Who Should Be Running Europe Is Mr Putin” |
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Putin już po raz czwarty |
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O mundo visto de Moscou parece sorrir para Putin |
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Putin’s Wikileaks Host: “Mob Laundromat” Funded GOP |
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A NUCLEAR conflict between Russia and the US is “inevitable” because Vladimir Putin will never “accept any kind of defeat” an ex-Soviet general has warned |
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Putin’den İpleri Geren Açıklama Asla Onların Olmayacak |
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Trei culori mai putin folosite in bucatarie dar super frumoase |
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What will be discussed during Putin’s visit |
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Atacando a Siria May Trump y Macron Humillan a Putin |
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Russian presidential election 2018: Rigged in favor of Vladimir Putin |
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Ermənistandakı xaos Rusiyanı hərəkətə gətirdi Putin Armenlə danışdı Nalbandyan Moskvaya getdi |
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Cine este cel mai mare mincinos Trump sau Putin |
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Vladimir Putin Ex Wife Lyudmila Putina–Bio Facts and Romantic Details |
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Russian general warns ‘Putin will NOT accept defeat and nuclear war is INEVITABLE’ – DAILY NEWS |
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Putin Predicts ‘Chaos’ if More Strikes on Syria |
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Special Note – 14 March 2018 – Jerusalem in mid-May is looking like a trap March 15 is a high-probability day for a Putin “assassination” Is a massive attack on Syria imminent |
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Overview of Putin’s visit |
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Putin Ramiz Mehdiyevə ”Şərəf” ordeni verdi |
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Cảnh báo của ông Putin sau cuộc không kích của liên quân Mỹ tại Syria |
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Putin’s Family Values |
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Russia’s young people are Putin’s biggest fans |
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17:40 Cine este cel mai mare mincinos Trump sau Putin |
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Cum a ieșit Putin președinte |
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Рэп-баттл Ким – Трамп – Путин / Rap Battle Kim – Trump – Putin |
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Putin’s “Chaos” Warning Should Be Taken Very Seriously |
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Putin a discutat cu Sarkisian actuala situație din Armenia |
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Putin: A man we all hear but know so little |
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Putin Oo Sheegay In Awoowgii Uu Cuntada U Karin Jiray Hogaamiyeyaashii |
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Update 7 – 5 March 2018 – Putin’s Ides of March assassination and March 18 resurrection |
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Vladimir Putinə Bakıdakı sui-qəsdin təfərrüatı |
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Nicolae Negru: Păzea Putin se gândește la noi! |
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Putin on deliberate destruction of the Middle East by the West! |
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Ramiz Mehdiyev Putinə təşəkkür etdi – Səbəb |
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20042018La inmortalidad será una realidad en 2045 asegura de 90 metros: así es el poderío de la ‘máquina del juicio final de Putin’ |
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WATCH Russian General’s WW3 Warning: ‘Nuclear Conflict Is INEVITABLE’ Mac Slavo April 17th 2018 SHTFplancom Comments 25 Read by 4960 people 131 28 168 Elevating fears of a third world war even higher an ex-Soviet general has come forward declaring a nuclear war between the United States and Russia is unavoidable and “inevitable” Evgeny Buzhinskiy a former Lieutenant-General under the Soviet Union says that Russia will never accept “any kind of defeat” Because Russia is “lagging behind” the US in terms of military power Putin would rather order a nuclear strike than accept defeat on the battlefield Buzhinskiy said Buzhinskiy who joined the USSR’s armed forces in 1968 said the increasingly acrimonious standoff between Russia and the US is “worse than the Cold War” “Russia will not accept any kind of defeat so the involvement of nuclear weapons is inevitable” he told Channel 4 News US President Donald Trump ordered his military to launch almost 100 missiles at alleged chemical weapons facilities across Syria in response to the “toxic” attack Britain and France also took part in the “perfectly executed strike” that Trump declared “could not have had a better result” tweeting: “Mission accomplished” But the strike against Bashar al-Assad whose government has the backing of Putin has plunged Russian-US relations to new lows with both sides exchanging fierce rhetoric “I think it’s worse than the Cold War which we have been waging for 40 years after the Second World War” he said speaking to presenter Matt Frei according to The Daily Star “In the Cold War time I was in the armed forces and I was quite comfortable I’d say There were definite duels and definite red lines – everybody knew what to do There were no threats no sanctions no isolation no cornering no nothing There was just ideological confrontation but people on both sides knew how far they could go” Buzhinskiy admits that as a grandfather he’s scared of what could happen as this conflict with Russia escalates driven by false flags When asked if the US and Russia might “face off against each other” with nuclear weapons he replied: “Of course I repeat: you cannot control military confrontation between Russia and the United States” Last week Buzhinskiy warned that Putin would respond in kind if “Russian blood is spilled” during the US-led Syria strike “We have several thousand advisers in all military installation in all military units” he said “If Russian blood is shed then Russia will retaliate” Sleep tight everyone |
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Unergründlicher des Tages: Papst Franziskus – Der Vatikan will einen Friedenspreis an Wladimir Putin verleihen »für die Festigung des Friedens im Nahen Osten und den Schutz der Christen in Syrien« junge Welt |
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Gjuha e vetme të cilën e kupton Putin-i |
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Peter Doran preşedintele CEPA: România un stat-țintă pentru Putin |
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Putin Pit Kluni – izaberite koji vam je najseksi i otkrijte kako zaista izgleda vaš idealan muškarac |
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