Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state 5 hours ago |
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Prankster puts Putin’s portrait in Trump’s place in Colorado |
18 |
Trump and Putin raise possibilities of another meeting |
17 |
Putin: Christianity is the foundation of the Russian state |
13 |
Someone put a Putin portrait in the Colorado Capitol where Trump’s should be |
11 |
Trump and Putin’s RSVP’s: Yes for sure if if if |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state 1 hour ago |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state 3 hours ago |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state new |
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Trump is Open to Visiting Moscow If He’s Invited by Putin |
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Trump and Putin raise possibility of another meeting |
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Il summit Putin-Trump a Helsinki: l’azione è nella reazione |
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Putin warnt vor dem Deep State in den USA: “Diese Leute sind mächtig und stark” |
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Retrato de Putin aparece en Capitolio de Colorado en lugar de Trump |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state 4 hours ago |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state |
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Putin kutsui Trumpin Moskovaan – puhelinneuvottelut eivät riitä |
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Putin předal Trumpovi 160 terabitů brizantních informací od tajných služeb– elity panikaří! |
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The Latest: McConnell says next Trump-Putin meeting can wait |
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Trump και Putin σπίτια σας |
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US Media is Losing Its Mind Over Trump-Putin Press Conference |
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Presidenti Putin fton presidentin Trump në Rusi |
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Afrikada Asiya problemlərinin müzakirəsi – Ərdoğan və Putin arasında |
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FOUND! VIDEO of Chuck Schumer BOWING to Vladimir Putin |
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Putin says Trump can ‘be my guest’ in Moscow White House welcomes idea |
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Encontro de Trump com Putin: o mundo virou de cabeça para baixo |
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PUTIN: Pravoslavlje je učinilo to što ranije nije bilo moguće krštenje je ključni trenutak u našoj istoriji |
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Trump y Putin plantean posibilidades de otra reunión |
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Šéf republikánov v Senáte McConnell víta odklad summitu Trump-Putin |
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Hat Putin Trump nach Moskau eingeladen oder nicht |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow |
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THẾ GIỚI 24H: Mỹ tìm được “vũ khí” đối phó với Iran ông Putin nhận xét “sốc” về Tổng thống Trump |
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Putin ehrt Sbornaja für WM-Leistung |
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Putin muốn gặp Trump ở Moscow |
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NEWSLINK: “Henry Kissinger Pushed Trump to Work With Russia to Box In China The former secretary of state pushed one president to use China to isolate the Soviet Union These days he’s counseling almost the reverse-and officials are listening” – Daily Beast/ASAWIN SUEBSAENG ANDREW DESIDERIO SAM STEIN BETHANY “Putin wanted to interrogate me Trump called it ‘an incredible offer’ Why When foreign affairs are literally personal” – Washington Post/Michael McFaul |
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Necessary readings after the Putin-Trump meeting and tabloid-like media coverage |
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What You Need to Know From the Trump-Putin Press Conference |
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Obama VS Putin |
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RUSSIALINK TRANSCRIPT: “Putin Remarks at an expanded BRICS Summit meeting” – KremlinRu |
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Trump Approval Goes Up After Putin Press Conference |
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Čo si Putin najviac váži na Donaldovi Trumpovi |
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L’azzardo calcistico di Putin: come la Coppa del Mondo si è ripagata da sola |
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Vladímir Putin está dispuesto a visitar Washington y verse con Donald Trump |
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Russian MFA denies Putin and Trump made deal on Kosovo’s partition |
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Putin dispuesto a reunirse de nuevo con Trump en Washington o… |
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Trump está “abierto” a visitar a Putin en Moscú |
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Trump and Putin Hold First Summit Today in Helisinki |
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Donald Trump: “Por lo que a mí respecta Putin es un competidor” |
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”Jam gati të shkoj në Uashington” çfarë i tha Putin-Trump-it pas ftesës së bërë nga presidenti amerikan |
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Putin prefers Aramco to Trump’s sword dance |
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Cumbre del BRICS: el presidente Mauricio Macri tuvo una reunión con Vladimir Putin |
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Trump y Putin reiteran invitaciones a sus países por la prensa |
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Prankster’s Joke Goes Viral Places Portrait Of Putin In Capitol Where Trump’s Should Be |
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The Man Putin Wants To Interrogate |
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Here Is The US Intel Report Accusing Putin Of Helping Trump Win The Election By Discrediting Hillary Clinton |
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Lilia Shevtsova: Rus Elitleri İçin Yeni Zorluk: ‘Rus Halkı Putin’i Bezdiriyor’ |
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Trump and Putin Raise Possibilities of Another Meeting |
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Pussy Riot Wants to Free a Teen Girl Accused of Plotting Against Putin |
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Putin destaca Angola como principal parceiro da Rússia em África – MNE angolano SAPO/Lusa |
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Trump amp Putin in Helsinki: ‘Not a Reaganesque Moment’ |
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Trump görünümlü Putin şov |
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Putin invita a Trump a una reunión en Moscú |
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7/20/2018 Sheldon Richman on Trump Putin and Russia |
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Associated Press: Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state |
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Putin fton Trump në Rusi |
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Vladimir Putin: Imamo jedan sveti dug |
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McConnell praises decision to postpone Trump-Putin meeting |
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ĐT Nga được Tổng thống Putin tặng huân chương vì thành tích World Cup |
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Vladimir Putin Summons His Puppet Donald Trump to Moscow No Puppet No Puppet |
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Wladimir Putin bringt Russen mit Pensionsreform gegen sich auf |
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Putin invites Trump to Moscow |
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Ông Putin tuyên bố ‘sẵn sàng’ tới Washington mời ông Trump tới Moscow |
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David Pratt: Why Putin’s army of spooks have set their sights on a tiny ex-Yugoslav state |
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Putin ABŞ-ın ən böyük strateji səhvini açıqladı |
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Putin lied during interview with Chris Wallace: former president of Georgia |
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US DNI Director Surprised About Trump Putin Invitation |
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LOVITURĂ pentru VLADIMIR PUTIN: Proteste de amploare în MOSCOVA |
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Thông điệp liên bang: Putin khoe siêu vũ khí |
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Ramaphosa: Putin was relaxed about SA’s position on nuclear deal |
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Putin destaca Angola como principal parceiro da Rússia em África – MNE angolano |
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Trump open to visiting Russiaafter Putin invite: White House |
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Putin kutsui Trumpin Moskovaan: Puhelinneuvottelut eivät riitä – Valkoisen talon mukaan Trump suhtautuu kutsuun avoimesti |
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Martin Selmayr je novi Putin Europske unije! |
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Trump – Putin Meeting Mass Media Meltdown amp Disney Dystopia – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room |
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Trump Putin and the Plague on America |
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Invita Putin a Trump a visitarlo en Moscú |
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Putin invites Trump to Moscow but ‘conditions need to be right’ |
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Putin Trampın ən müsbət cəhətini açıqladı |
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Putin: Prelazak na hrišcćanstvo početak ruske države |
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Trump amp Putin’s Conversation Leaked Trump Called His Own US Officials “Stupid” |
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Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state 2 hours ago |
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Bill Maher Leads Attack on Larry Wilkerson over Trump Meeting with Putin |
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Putin: jestem gotowy na spotkanie z Trumpem zaprosiłem go do Moskwy |
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Otkriveno zašto je Putin imao kišobran na ceremoniji Mundijala dok su Kolinda i Makron pokisli do gole kože! |
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Tổng thống Putin bất ngờ khen ông Trump0 |
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PUTIN: Hrišćanstvo je osnova ruske države i određivanje identiteta Rusa |
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Donald Trump espera recibir a Putin en Estados Unidos |
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Who is burning Greece Hybrid wars: Putin the South Stream gas pipeline and the US |
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Putin anuncia que está listo para invitar a Trump a Rusia |
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Cosa cercano di ottenere le forze che incriminano a Trump il suo incontro con Putin |
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Trump Warns Putin – I’ll be Your Worst Enemy |
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NWO-Mächte zittern: Übergab Putin brisante an Trump |
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False Choice: Lick Putin’s Boots or Go to War |
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Majority Of Americans Ready To Welcome Vladimir Putin To The White House |
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Two Hours with Putin vs 30 Minutes on Election Security |
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Hvis Michael Cohens påstande bliver bevist var Trump selv inddraget i den fordægtige forbindelse med Putin-styret |
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VK analyses the birth chart of Vladimir Putin |
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Contra Trump Putin Assad y el yihadismo Por el comunismo libertario y la autoorganización |
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Putin rusları savaşa hazırlaşmağa çağırdı |
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ABD: Putin’i ağırlamaya hazırız |
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Putin odobrio zakon: Žena ima pravo da ubije čoveka koji ju je silovao! |
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Alles wie gehabt – nochmals sechs Jahre Putin |
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El balón de Putin a Trump tiene un transmisor |
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Putin übergab Trump 160 Terabyte an Geheimdienst-Infos über die Eliten – Deep State in Panik |
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Russia’s Vladimir Putin has invited US President Donald Trump to Moscow for a face-to-face mee… |
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¿Qué grado de control ejerce Putin en el universo mediático ruso |
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Kremlin Aide Says Putin Trump Discussed Issue of Donbass Referendum in Helsinki |
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ABD’den Putin’in davetine yanıt |
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EJ DIONNE JR: Putin Trump and the Reactionary International |
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Putin Groomed ‘Brilliant Double-Agent’ Trump |
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Thế giới 24h: Ông Putin mời ông Trump đến Moscow |
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Trump Wants to Look Perfect for Evening with Putin |
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Putin: Hrišćanstvo je osnova ruske države |
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After Putin Summit It’s Time We Start Seriously Calling Trump A Traitor |
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Macri y Putin acordaron ampliar el intercambio comercial |
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Vladimir Putin Igor Akinfejev |
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Putin anunţă că l-a invitat pe Trump la Moscova Răspunsul |
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Trump y Putin plantean posibilidades de otra de Chávez: Maduro se niega a reconocer la hiperinflación |
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Putin śpiewa w Opolu 😀 |
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One of the main deals announced between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Do… |
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Russian President Putin ready to visit US |
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AP News: Trump and Putin’s RSVP’s: Yes for sure if if if |
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Putin: Russia has no plans to reject US dollar |
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Dear Mr Putin Let’s Play Chess |
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Possible Place For Putin-Trump Summit |
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Obama And Putin |
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Imad K Harb: Trump Snubs Congress in Putin’s Service |
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Hoeber rebukes Trump over press conference with Putin |
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Vladimir Putin Goes Off Script And Calls Out Corrupt Faction Of ‘Deep State |
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The man in Putin’s pocket |
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Omul fara chip Incredibila ascensiune a lui Vladimir Putin |
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Statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin |
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Filtraciones alertan sobre posible atentado magnicida contra Putin en cumpre del G-20 |
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Vladimir Putin Donald Trampı Moskvaya dəvət “Aha gəldilər çəkəcəklər yayacaqlar buranı da bağlatdıracaqlar” – REPORTAJ |
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Ông Putin “sẵn sàng” nói chuyện với ông Trump ở Moscow hoặc Washington |
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New Mueller Indictments: Will Trump Insist That Putin Turn Over The Russian Officials Indicted For Interfering In the 2016 Election Trump Minions In Congress Must Decide If They Are On The US Side Or Putin’s |
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Putin susţine că l-a invitat pe Trump la Moscova Casa Albă deschisă la această idee |
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Putin’s foreign policy advisor explains the nature of the second cold war |
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Washington – El presidente Donald Trump está abierto a aceptar la invitación de su homólogo ruso Vladímir Putin de visitar Moscú después de que retrasara su propia oferta de recibir al a Casa Pueblo estrena el primer restaurante solar del país |
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In sfarsit un incitant summit Trump-Putin |
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Trump e Putin: incontro per discutere la minaccia aliena |
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Politics Trump Putin Summit |
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Trump relanza el deshielo con Putin pese a la crisis por la trama rusa |
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Putin Says He Is Ready To Meet With Trump Again |
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Putin Says He’s Ready to Invite Trump to Russia |
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Gli Stati Uniti stanno commettendo l’errore di usare il dollaro come arma politica – Putin |
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Putin avertizează: SUA sunt confuze folosind dolarul ca armă politică |
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What is an ideal outcome of Trump-Putin meeting Russian FM Lavrov tells Larry King |
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Putin l-a invitat pe Trump la Moscova: ”Vom continua convorbirile în condițiile necesare” |
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Russian hacking – No Putin aspired to help but “NSA has moderate confidence” with a fake seal |
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Western Leaders Congratulate Putin for Stealing Another Election |
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Putin pictured with Croatian president at World Cup final Video amp PHOTOS |
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President Putin invites Donald Trump to Moscow |
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17:18 Putin l-a invitat pe Trump la Moscova: ”Vom continua convorbirile în condițiile necesare” |
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Hvis Michael Cohens påstande bliver bevist var Trump selv inddraget i den fordægtige forbindelse med Putin-styret 6 |
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Depois do sucesso da Copa do Mundo Putin já entra na cúpula de Helsinque como maior vencedor |
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Putin: Zaprosiłem Donalda Trumpa do Moskwy |
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Bateria telefonului dureaza putin Ce trebuie sa faci |
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Dem Boots Simcha NYPD Uproots Harvey Putin Recruits Chabad Baker Mutes Jacob Huckabee Toots Shofar amp Brazilian Permutes Rabbi |
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ADw-/titleAD4-Hacked By TURKHACKTEAMORG Putin knowingly and willfully planned airplane attack and the citizen on death This has caused you to be you’re a traitor Now the citizens of nationalist feelings of the Russian People trick The Russian people is a people’s dignity and your bragging will be exposed sooner or later of the When that day comes the Russian people will cut you out of that seatADw-DIV styleAD0AIg-DISPLAY: amp links |
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WORLD WAR LOOMS Putin Needs Help to Stop It |
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Ông Putin và trợ lý có thể đã bị mật vụ Mỹ thu thập thông tin tại |
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Putin’s proposed oil alliance is a pipe dream |
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Helsinki summit: Trump’s meeting with Putin is simply an attempt at an easy win |
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Putin Trumpu: Pridi v Moskvo |
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El Pentágono da luz verde a nueva cumbre Trump- Putin |
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Putin Trump and WC |
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Trumpkin Pastor Gives Russia A Pass Says Putin Was Right To Hack Election TWEET |
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White House Transcript Omits Critical Question From Trump-Putin Press Conference Video |
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Reunión entre Putin y Trump sorprende a estadunide |
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Mattis: No Pentagon Policy Changes Since Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit |
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Prankster puts Putin portrait in Colorado Capitol where Trump’s portrait would be |
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Putin ready to visit US invites US Prez Donald Trump to |
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Anche Putin gioca la carta religiosa Il rapporto con la Chiesa ortodossa |
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Putin Calls Christianity Foundation of Russian State |
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Putin espera que Trump sea su ‘invitado’ en Moscú |
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Mary Dejevsky: Ignore the calls of treason – Trump handled the press conference with Putin well |
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Putin dijo estar listo para otra reunión con Trump El presidente de Rusia |
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19:26 – Trump viseaza ca SUA vor deveni un jucator major pe piata gazelor din Europa Dar Putin ii sta in cale |
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Smoleńsk: Kniaź Putin zaczyna ujawniać prawdę Zamachu Warszawskiego |
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Las elecciones ‘seguras’ el triunfo de Putin |
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Trump and Putin in Helsinki |
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Putin a mușcat mai mult decât poate înghiți: |
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Putin y Trump reiteran invitaciones a sus países por la prensa |
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Trump Putin RSVP’s: Yes if … |
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Adauga un anunt auto gratuit si vinde in mai putin de 30 zile Mii de cumparatori cauta o masina ca a ta |
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Dal sito russo Yandex: “Putin ha iniziato a ripulire i traditori: gli autori del fatto del “Kinzhal” sono già stati puniti” |
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“Waiter There’s a Putin in My Soup!” |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Putin anuncia novo míssil nuclear e ameaça os Estados Unidos |
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FYI: If you write to Sen Bob Casey to complain about Trump-Putin you’ll get an 1800-word novella in reply |
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WATCH Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced |
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‘PULL HIS CLEARANCE’: RWNJs Freak When Clapper Confirms Putin Ordered Election Hacking TWEETS |
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Al via l’incontro Trump-Putin che potrebbe metter fine alle sanzioni E |
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Trump y Putin podrÃan verse otra vez |
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“Perfection Has No Future Tense:” Putin’s Legacy |
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Russia’s Putin says He Invited Trump to Moscow |
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Putin’s Orders: Russia Prepares to Legalize Cryptocurrency Markets by July 2018 |
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The Helsinki Humiliation: US Senator Markey on Trump-Putin Summit |
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Ông Putin và trợ lý có thể đã bị mật vụ Mỹ thu thập thông tin tại Hội nghị Helsinki |
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Chinese hackers targeted IoT-devices during Helsinki Trump-Putin Summit |
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Putin portrait briefly appeared in Colorado Capitol where Trump’s one still missing PHOTO — |
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Präsident Putin ehrt russische WM-Helden |
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Putin’den ErdoÄŸan’a : Hani bana et Trump’a çok sert yanıt |
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Nå reagerer også Trumps egne partifeller etter Putin-møtet |
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Tổng thống Putin: “Tôi sẵn sàng đến thăm Washington” |
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Russia: Putin Explains How He Will Help Africa in the Energy Sector |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Invites President Donald Trump To Moscow: ‘Be My Guest’ |
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Trump delays Washington meeting with Putin |
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Trump lädt Putin ins Weiße Haus ein |
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Russian president Vladimir Putin arrives in Joburg |
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President Trump and president Putin meets face-to-face for a 90 minutes closed door meeting |
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The Trump-Putin Summit Could Have Huge Implications on Syria |
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Prankster puts Putin portrait in Colorado Capitol where Trump’s portrait… |
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Putin: Russia Is Not Rejecting the US Dollar Just Being Cautious |
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Media Amerika Serikat Bocorkan Rahasia tentang Kesepakatan Trump-Putin atas Suriah |
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Putin quiere ir a Washington e invitó a Trump a Moscú |
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After criticism Trump delays second Putin meeting to next year |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 07-20-18 secretario de estado apoya segunda cumbre Trump – Putin |
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Erdoğan Putin ve Ruhani Bir Araya Gelecek |
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The Power of Putin |
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A Million Russians and Putin Kissed the Rib of St Nicholas in 1 Month |
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Zigue-zague entre Israel EUA e palestinos beneficia papel de Putin – |
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Sister Dana sez “The honeymoon in Helsinki with Putin’s puppet aka Traitor Trump has shown just how willing the presi-dense is to sell out America and its foundations its institutions its allies and most of the press—even calling the fourth estate ‘an enemy of the state’ “ |
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Putin nennt Trumps Stärke |
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Trump open to visiting Moscow after Putin invite |
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What Do You Mean Trump And Putin Are Meeting Again |
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Întâlnirea Trump-Putin decriptată Care a fost adevărata miză a summitului dintre cei doi lideri mondiali |
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SASC Chairman John McCain on Trump-Putin Meeting |
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ŠOK: Ruský prezident Putin môže dôchodkovať v Izraeli Bude V Tel-Avive zdedil byt |
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Min bir gecə nağılı: Putin çocukları kırıyor və yaxud Əsədin 4 kərə öldürülməsi boyu |
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Prankster Puts Putin’s Mug In Spot Where President Trump’s Portrait Should Be At Colorado State Capitol |
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Aaron Mate: Debunking the Putin Panic with Stephen F Cohen Video |
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Trump Putin and the New Cold War |
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Vladimir Putin invita a Donald Trump a visitar Moscú |
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Trump to Order Statue of Putin in Washington DC |
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Putin: Hrišćanstvo osnova ruske države |
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Trump is invited to Moscow Putin says |
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Putin: nessuna ritorsione |
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Putin Invites Trump to Visit Moscow |
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Rusų sukilo prieš pensinio amžiaus ilginimą kvietė į pensiją ir V Putiną |
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Aguad acusó a Putin de intervenir en Estados Unidos |
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Summitul Putin-Trump Helsinki 2018 |
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Putin a mușcat mai mult decât poate înghiți: refugiații |
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Trump viseaza ca SUA vor deveni un jucator major pe piata gazelor din Europa Dar Putin ii sta in cale |
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Putin Paşinyana etibar etmir |
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Putin To Lead Russia’s For Another 6 Years After Landslide Victory |
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Best Collection of Funny Putin Pictures |
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“The Taylor Swift of treason”: Jimmy Kimmel offers a theory for why Trump keeps waffling on Putin |
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Putin Trump Epic Meeting Set BBC Investigates BIG D Energy |
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From Russia–Breaking a downward spiral: Trump-Putin meeting a breakthrough regardless of practical outcome |
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Czy Putin ma haki na Trumpa |
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Trump Begins Final Countdown For “The Event” That Will Shake World To Its Core—And That Putin Prepares For By Ordering Longest Bridge In Human History To Be Built |
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Herrera Beutler’s office’s statement on President Trump and Putin |
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Meghan McCain slams Putin summit: Trump “acted like a pathetic puppy who was completely neutered” |
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Benjamin Fulford Mafia chazarska skazana na porażkę w wyniku tajnej umowy Putin/Trump |
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Putin a mușcat mai mult decât poate înghiți: refugiații sunniți din Siria Pulsul planetei |
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Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin |
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Putin İsraildən Qüdsü Fələstinə qaytarmağı tələb etdi |
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“Putin ha abbandonato l’Iran!” come no esattamente come aveva “Tradito Assad!” |
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FBI Chief Mueller Drops Indictments against Russia Intel Ops as Deep State Panics Over Trump-Putin Summit |
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Russia spurning US censure launches second day of Syria strikes from Iran Putin to meet in Moscow 8/9/16 floods peak during ‘peace talk’ push |
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Trump and Putin’s RSVP’s: Yes for sure if if if … |
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Trump-Putin Show: A Shocker to the World But “Fabulous …Better Than Super” to Russians |
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Putin: It is impossible to imagine Russia without You Can Help |
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Putin invites Pres Trump to Moscow |
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Roboţii lui Putin ar putea ajunge în spaţiu în 2019 Ar putea ajuta la construirea bazelor de pe Lună |
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Rusia continúa con los planes para el próximo encuentro entre los presidentes Vladimir Putin y Donald Trump |
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Helsinki l’apparente follia di Trump e Putin che vogliono la pace |
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How Vladimir Putin will take down Donald Trump when he’s no longer useful |
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PUTIN: ‘TRAE A TODOS TUS PARIENTES DE REGRESO A RUSIA La promesa sin cumplir entre el hada Pressina y el rey Elinas |
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Poskytol Putin ukradnuté volebné dáta Trumpovi |
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Free Trade Putin and Other Takes on the Geopolitical Scene |
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A Russian newspaper editor explains how Putin made Trump his puppet |
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Putin: los BRICS no se plantean aumentar el número de miembros |
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Putin Trampla görüşdü |
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La summitul cu Trump Putin pasează rolul de personaj negativ |
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Cristianismo es el cimiento del Estado ruso afirma Putin |
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7/20/18 Sheldon Richman on Trump Putin and Russia |
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Dojdzie do kolejnego spotkania przywódców Rosji i USA Putin zaprosił Trumpa do Moskwy! |
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Putin denomina unità dell’esercito russo da città ucraine |
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Angola: Relações bilaterais com a Rússia reforçadas por João Lourenço e Vladimir Putin |
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In Defense of Trump With Putin |
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Vladimir Putin confirms supermarket explosion was TERROR attack |
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La richiesta di Trump a Putin che prova il fallimento degli Usa |
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NIBIRU: Putin e Trump prontos para a Coligação Planetária para repelir uma ameaça do espaço ! |
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Nhận định đáng suy ngẫm của ông Putin về ông Donald Trump sau lời mời thăm Nga |
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Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook |
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Cel putin 32 de morti in Siria in urma a trei atacuri sinucigase |
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Colorado HeadlinesColorado puts Putin’s portrait in Trump’s place in Colorado |
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Trump: Putin May Be Easier Than NATO |
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Russia’s success in bringing about a rift within the European system which has become the difference between them in a clear events continued between the US and between the role of the researcher to assess the role of investigating his interests This is Maabbar as Vladimir Putin recently said |
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Wladimir Putin kritisiert russische Rentenreform |
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Navzdory kritice kontakty pokračují Putin pozval Trumpa do Kremlu |
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Putin sends his army chief to Israel France and Germany for the first time |
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Trump’s Assault On NATO Is Precisely What Putin Wants |
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Tổng thống Putin bất ngờ khen ông Trump |
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BENJAMIN FULFORD: La mafia khazariana è stata condannata dall’accordo segreto dei Presidenti Putin amp Trump |
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PUTIN hace una promesa: ‘Voy a derrotar a los Illuminati’ |
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Putin Siap Kunjungi Trump di Gedung Putih |
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Iñigo de la Serna deja la política tras casi dos Pentágono partidario de que Trump y Putin se vuelvan a reunir |
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Member of Kingsmen Motorcycle Club pleads guilty:PUTIN’S HELLS ANGELS Inside Vlad’s ‘Night Wolves’ |
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Ngriten hiptezat se në topin që Putin i dhuroi Trumpit ishte një çip-spiun |
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Cancún México – La selva maya ecosistema que comparten México Guatemala y Belice corre alto riesgo por la ineficiencia en la gestión de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas ANP de los tres está “abierto” aceptar invitación de Putin para visitar Moscú |
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Trump Is “Open” to Accept Putin’s Invitation to Visit Moscow |
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Montenegro is Trump’s latest misdirection away from Putin |
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Breath of Fresh Air on Trump/Putin Meeting on Soapbox |
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Prankster Puts Putin’s Mug In Spot Where President Trump’s Portrait… |
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Moscú espera un diálogo “franco” entre Putin y Trump en Helsinki |
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Trump Open To Moscow Visit If Putin Formally Invites Him |
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Orden für Tschertschessow: Putin ehrt Sbornaja für WM-Leistung |
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Putin invita a Trump a Moscú no acepta “por ahora” acudir |
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A devenit mamica dar nu a stat mult timp departe de sport La mai putin de 3 saptamani dupa ce a nascut o fetita Alexandra Mirca a revenit la antrenamente – VIDEO |
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Nancy Pelosi Pushes Egregious Putin Lie To Raise Money |
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Trump Backpedals After Putin Summit |
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Ông Putin: Điểm trừ cho Mỹ điểm cộng cho TT Trump |
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Trump y Putin podrían volverse a reunir en Moscú o Washington |
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Russia Putin Trump Jordan LeBron Julius Caesar and Twitter |
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Putin e Trump verso la spartizione del Kosovo |
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Putin listo para invitar a Trump a Rusia |
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Wearing camouflaged fatigues for his hunting trip Russian Prime Minister Putin |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets FIFA President To Discuss 2018 World… |
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This does not bode well for the Western/colonial world’s future global masters: BRICS trade surges by 30 as global market influence of developing economies grows – Putin |
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Trump e Putin pronti a nuovo incontro Ma il Russiagate continua a tenere banco |
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Henry Makow amp Alexander Gottwald Interview NWO Hitler Putin Anti-Semitism Feminism deutsche UT |
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Trump y Putin planean otra reunión |
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‘Shock’ Poll: Most Americans Support Another Trump/Putin SummitBut Congress Says ‘No!’ |
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Putin awards Russian football team in Moscow after FIFA World Cup click to see stats |
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Cosa significa realmente l’89 di apprezzamento per Putin |
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Vladimir Putin kutsustaan Donald Trumpille: ”Olen jo kertonut tästä hänelle” |
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A Moscú sin Kaláshnikov Crónica sentimental de la Rusia de Putin envuelta en papel de periódico |
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Trump-Putin Summit Fallout: POTUS Entertains Proposal For Russia to Question Ex-US Amb Mike McFaul |
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Trump Grants Putin CIA Clearance |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Putin Pashinian Discuss Eurasian Union |
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Trump Low Expectations For Putin Summit Calls EU “Foe” Head Of EU Council Tweets That US And EU Are “Best Friends” And Whoever Says Otherwise Is Spreading “Fake News” |
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WATCH: DNI Coats Surprised by News of White House Invitation to Putin |
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HELSINKI SUMMIT: Så ska Putin och Trump komma överens – med ”Sten sax i Finland vid presidentmötet av det planerade hoppar av ”Vi ger EU för i din bil kan ha farliga bakterier |
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Putin to Trump: You’re invited to Moscow |
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Russia Insider Mixes Pro-Putin And White Nationalist Propaganda |
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Detienen en Querétaro a Director Responsable de Obra DRO del Colegio relanza el deshielo con Putin pese a la crisis por la trama rusa |
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El balón que le regaló Putin a Trump llevaba un chip conectado |
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Trump invites Putin to Washington rejects his request to interrogate former Ambassador Michael McFaul |
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As Putin brings on Cold War – Phase 2 India must not make the mistake of excessive heroism vis a vis Pakistan |
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Moscow welcomes Trump’s desire to meet Putin mend ties amp curb arms race – Lavrov |
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Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes Of Communication Intercepts |
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“The Russians Would Not Have Gone Into That Meeting Empty-Handed:” Bill Browder on The Trump Tower Meeting and Vladimir Putin’s Russia |
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The Hill: POLL: Most Americans back Trump’s call for follow-up summit with Putin |
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CAOS SIRIA/ Il patto Putin-Trump ha scatenato i kamikaze |
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Hindsight Shows Quite Clearly Why It’s Easier To Trust And Respect Putin |
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Schimb de invitații: Așteptat la Washington Putin îl invită pe Trump la Moscova |
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Is Governor Abbott ‘more powerful than Putin’ Economically it would seem so |
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Putin: Prelazak na hrišćanstvo početak ruske države |
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Der Trump-Putin-Gipfel – ein großer Fortschritt für das neue Paradigma! |
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7 LGBTQ Responses to the Trump-Putin Summit |
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Putin’s gift to Trump had a ‘hidden chip’ |
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Legendary Republican’s Son Perfectly Destroys GOP: “They would elect Vladimir Putin president of the United States” |
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Helsinki 2018: the importance of Trump’s meeting with Putin |
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Israel’s friend Putin |
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Kriegspropaganda und der Trump-Putin Gipfel – Erklärung der Vereinigten Nationalen Antikriegskoalition UNAC – USA |
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Konečně už víme jak přesně Putin otrávil Skripala aneb Jak se |
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Trump y Putin dispuestos a nuevo encuentro en Washington o Moscú |
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Putin ha abbandonato l’Iran! come no esattamente come aveva Tradito Assad! |
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Putin Invites Trump To Moscow For Season Two Of ’50 Shades Of Pee’ |
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Trump meets Putin: the world turned upside down |
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ABD Kongresine Trump’a Putin’le bire bir görüşmeyi yasaklayacak bir tasarı sunuldu |
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New Putin Revelations Just Put Trump’s Tax Return Back Into The Spotlight: Report |
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Putin: Fast 25 Millionen Cyber-Attacken während der WM Woinowitsch einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der UdSSR und Russlands gestorben |
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Putin dispuesto a reunirse de nuevo con Trump en Washington o Moscú |
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Bromista coloca retrato de Putin donde debería ir el de Trump |
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Trump’ın tweeti İsrail’in oyunu ve Erdoğan-Putin görüşmesi |
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PUTIN ZATRESAO EVROPU: Kakvu je misterioznu poruku ruski general saopštio Merkelovoj u četiri oka TO JE TEŽAK ŠOK! |
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After the Helsinki Summit Criticism of Trump and a Win for Putin |
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Awesome Revelations from “The Putin Interviews” |
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Putin will eventually be known as Vladimir the Great |
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Trump Didn’t Decide to Kiss Up to Putin Because Henry Kissinger Told Him It Was a Good Idea |
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Creste afacerea ta in mai putin de un an si fa-o sa functioneze fara tine |
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Trump pertimbangkan penuhi undangan Putin kunjungi Moskow |
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Schůzku Trump-Putin spojenci schvalují budí ale obavy |
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Putin Says He Invited Trump To Meet In Moscow |
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Putin and the Russians never HACKED the Democratic National Committee computers |
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Dette sier Donald Trump og Vladimir Putin etter den personlige nyhetsbrev |
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Signs: THE UNSTOPPABLE BOMB …Putin Boasts of Super Nuke Rocket…”Listen to us now!” Trolling Adam Schiff |
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As controvérsias no encontro histórico entre Donald Trump e Vladimir Putin |
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GOP and Corporate Dems Gain When Democrats Run Against Putin |
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‘Russia says Trump invited Putin to US during phone call |
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Putin says Trump can ‘be my guest’ in Moscow White House welcomes idea |
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Dan paliza a Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca por confiar en Putin |
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Putin and American Ep 12: Kleptocracy and America |
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Vladimir Putin Summons His Puppet Donald Trump to Moscow No Puppet |
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Putin ABŞ-ın böyük strateji xətasını açıqladı |
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Macri se reunió con Vladimir Putin en Sudáfrica |
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Dems Underestimate Putin |
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Femeia care ofera prea mult intotdeauna va primi prea putin in schimb Iata cum poti evita asta! |
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Putin está dispuesto a viajar a Washington para reunirse con Trump |
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Tổng thống Putin mời tổng thống Trump đến Moscow |
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Soccer Ball Vladimir Putin Gave to President Trump Has Built-In Electronic Chip |
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Under pressure White House finally corrects official transcript that omitted Putin saying he wanted Trump to win |
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This is NOT FakeNews! Hear me on Trump/Putin! |
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Is Putin’s Statement About US-Russian “Special Services Cooperating Quite Successfully Together” A Tacit Wink About Interference In US Elections Putin Admits Wanting Trump To Win |
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Passion for guns love for Putin: A portrait of alleged Russian agent’s time in DC |
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Warum der »Tiefe Staat« Putin hasst |
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Putin afirma que invitó a Trump a Moscú pero este espera que se haga formal |
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Putin: American hackers could interfere in US elections |
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Putin Undang Trump ke Moskow |
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Putin invita a Trump a Moscú y está dispuesto a ir |
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Putin fton Trump në Moskë: I ka dyert e hapura |
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Vladimir Putin calls Christianity foundation of Russian state |
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Pädogate und Komplott gegen Trump amp Putin |
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Our Hope for Peace With Iran Might Rest on a Summit Between Trump and Rouhani—Brokered by Putin |
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Putin says Russia doesn’t plan to reject dollar but risks should be stemmed |
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Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin se întîlnesc în privat în sala gotică a palatului prezidenţial finlandez |
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Ahora con Oscar Haza 07-16-18 Trump aceptó negativa de Putin sobre injerencia en comicios |
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Putin Trump’ı Moskova’ya davet etti |
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What is Putin’s Plan Now |
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Putin’in Dil Yasası Çerkescenin Ölümünü Hızlandırıyor ve Toplumu Tahrik Ediyor! |
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Putin akuzon Uashingtonin: Po mbështet kundërshtarin tim |
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Tramp və Putin danışmalıdır ki – Mettis |
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Conor McGregor And Vladimir Putin Watched The World Cup Together And The Internet Was Not Impressed |
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Putin Cənubi Afrikada Ərdoğanla görüşüb |
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Putin Is Killing Millions Of Americans! |
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Museveni salutes Putin’s Russia at Brics summit |
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Mejora la relación entre Trump y Putin con deseo de reunirse |
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Fox News’ Neil Cavuto: Trump’s Press Conference With Putin Was ‘Disgusting’ -VIDEO |
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Putin o el bótox |
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Trump nennt sein Treffen mit Putin einen Segen für Israel – aber ist es das |
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Merkel nói về Trump Putin và châu Âu – không phải về Brexit – Đọc báo cùng IP |
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Patrick Buchanan: Putin’s ‘Evil Empire’ Sort of a Sad Overstatement |
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Rusų sukilo prieš pensinio amžiaus ilginimą kvietė į pensiją ir V Putiną 79 5 |
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Trump open to visiting Moscow after Putin inv |
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Trampın istəyi alınmadı Putin hərəkətə keçdi |
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Xi Putin exchange views on current int’l situation |
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Trump’s Putin Press Conference Just Made Republicans’ Lives Way Harder HBO |
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Putin ftesë Trump-it në Rusi: Nuk mjaftojnë bisedat telefonike |
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Former US ambassador targeted by Vladimir Putin speaks in Bozeman |
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Putin kibeleb esitlema maailmale S-500 vastuseks Lääne algab kõikjal Eestis suure tuleohuga aeg |
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The soccer ball given to Trump by Russian President Vladimir Putin had an Adidas transmitter chip in it |
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Putin says ‘political disputes’ damaging dollar as reserve currency |
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Se tot invita reciproc Dupa ce presedintele Donald Trump l-a chemat pe omlogul sau rus la Washington astazi Vladimir Putin a venit cu o invitatie – VIDEO |
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Putin Needs Behavior Modification… |
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Trump pranon ftesën e Putin |
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State Department Deletes Statement Condemning Russia Over Downing of MH17 Immediately After Trump-Putin Summit |
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Tàu chiến ùn ùn kéo về ‘quê nhà’ của Putin |
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Putin: Lokantaya davet edecektiniz Erdoğan: Ettim Putin: Ama Rus eti Brunson boykotu: Hedef Türkiye turizmi ve THY |
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Pánico en EEUU tras la cumbre de Trump y Putin |
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Iría Putin a EU invita a Trump a Moscú |
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Daca efectuati un pariu cu cota totala cel putin egala cu 200 in cazul in care pierdeti un singur meci de pe bilet castigati de 10 ori valoarea mizei pariatePentru a primi acest castig trebuie ca pe tichet sa existe doar evenimente cu cote mai mici de 700 |
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Trump disposto a visitar Moscovo se Putin formalizar convite |
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Trump and Putin are not Home browse:1612 |
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Putin: Trump vuole altri incontri l’ho invitato a Mosca Il video |
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Keating issues statement on Trump-Putin Summit |
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World View: The Trump-Putin Private Meeting Was Almost Certainly About China |
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¿Moscú o Washington: Putin y Trump esperan concretar su siguiente… |
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Trump aceptaría invitación de Putin para visitar Moscú 27/07/2018 |
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Putin Sends HUGE Message to Trump re: Paris Climate Agreement |
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Szczyt Putin-Trump w Helsinkach: akcja jest w reakcji |
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Angriff auf den Iran rollt – diesmal gefährlicher denn jeDie AIPAC-Vollversammlung erhebt sich zu brausendem Beifall: So viele so krasse Versprechen hat noc Trump-Putin Summit in Western Mainstream Media: A Bad Guy MeetingUS and Russian presidents are equally not much liked – for no good reasons Gone are the times Reliable Partners EU Foreign Policy and the Iran Nuclear Agreement JCPoAThe world is watching how Washington’s vassals fail to stand up for their international reputation Refugees Mass Migration – and a German Government CrisisGermany is facing deeper problems than the ones discussed today – and much tougher choices: The wh Future German-US Relations: A Cursed FateThe quasi-colonialist reclusive regime could yet again pitch Germans against their neighbors In Biological amp Chemical Weapons: Who is the Bad GuyWhile blaming Moscow for its alleged role in the “Skripal” case the US spends millions of dolla Migrationswaffe: Linke jetzt auch am Drücker!Die Linke ist nahezu komplett von den Kartellen unterwandert Das wurde bereits 2010 deutlich als n BEP-Info: Mittelverwendung NM-Verhältnis Amtliches Mittelverwendung BEP unterstützt seit Gründung vor fünf Jahren u a meine publizistische Palästina: Israels Massenmord – Hass macht nichts besser!Freitag 1 Juni 2018: Am illegalen Zaun um den Gaza-Streifen erschießen israelische Scharfschütze Lernstoff: die Befreiung der Germanen von römischer HerrschaftVoller übler Propaganda gegen Germanen und ihr Stammeswesen ist dieses Machwerk der üblichen TV-Ka Aufgeflogen: Terrormanagement mit Asylpolitik – wie Politik und Kartellmedien vertuschenFaszinierend: Seit Jahrzehnten vergeben deutsche Verwaltungen immer wieder deutsche Pässe bevorzugt Polizeiaufgabengesetz PAG – Gestapo-Gesetz: Wer vertraut dieser PolitikKnapp 40000 Menschen strömen in Bayern zusammen weil alle Spaltungs- und Ausgrenzungsversuche u Schicksalsfrage: Was kommt nach IS in Nahost warnt vor einer Niederlage des Islamischen Staats in Syrien und im Irak da der Iran dann Skandal: Wie die taz einen mutmaßlichen Mossad-Mord kommentiertAm Samstag 21 April 2018 wurde der palästinensische Ingenieur Fadi al-Batsch auf dem Weg zur Mos Open question: Mr Zuckerberg are you a Jew or a NaziAt first glance the question seems little sensitive for a German national but times are rough WW3 Merkels Sicherheitsgarantie für Israel ein Sicherheitsrisiko für Deutschland!Gestern hat die Knesset dem unter Korruptionsanklage stehenden israelischen israelischen Regierungsc Gift-Affäre als globaler LÜGENSKANDAL!: Russlands Schuld nicht belegbar!Ein folgenschweres Interview bringt das antirussische Propagandageheul westlicher Massenmedien in de Offener Brief an Heiko Maas – wegen Israels Terror in PalästinaHerr Minister 18 tote und knapp 1500 zum Teil schwer verletzte Palästinenser: Das ist die Bila Wir rufen die AllmachtWir rufen die Allmacht Unsere Göttin Du bist überall so auch in uns: Dein Reich komme Dein W Eitelkeit Lüge und Verleumdung in der alternativen Szene und darüber hinaus: eine gute Lehre in einem guten KampfEs ist wieder passiert wir sind schon wieder zu erfolgreich mit der Neuen Mitte Also muss dringend Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Optimismus als Wille zur ZukunftOptimismus ist in seinem Wesen keine Ansicht über die gegenwärtige Situation sondern er ist eine Aus dem Mitgliederkreis: Fragen an den Bundesvorsitzenden der Deutschen MitteEin verdientes und rechtschaffenes Mitglied der Deutschen Mitte hat mir Fragen gestellt die ich so Rudolf Steiner: ErgebenheitsgebetWir müssen mit der Wurzel aus der Seele ausrotten Furcht und Grauen vor dem was aus der Zukunft he Beginn einer wunderbaren Freundschaft: zweiter Besuch bei den NachtwölfenMitte August dieses Jahres als Alexander „Chirurg“ Saldostanow seine riesige „Bike Show“ na Marina Weisband hat ein Problem mit der Plakatwerbung der Deutschen Mitte Der Titel meiner Antwort könnte möglicherweise auch lauten: Über strukturell aggressiven |
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Wingnut Pastor Thinks We’re Lying About Why We Hate Putin VIDEO |
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National intelligence director shocked by White House invite to Putin |
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Kim Putin či Trump Kto je pre svet najväčšou hrozbou |
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Putin pozvao Trumpa u posjetu Moskvi |
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Hat Putin Trump brisante übergeben |
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COMMENT: Trump’s Iran Decision Gives Gift To Putin |
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Putin ready to visit US invites US Prez Donald Trump to Moscow |
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Putin Trampın ən güclü cəhətlərini sadaladı |
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L’ascesa al potere di Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: Trump can be my guest |
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Proteste gegen «Zar Putin» in hundert russischen in St Petersburg geschlossen |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Another Face-to-Face Meeting |
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US making mistake using dollar as political weapon – Putin |
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Putin bjuder Trump till Moskva |
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Putin: Πονάει η καρδιά μου για τις ανθρώπινες ζωές που χάθηκαν τόσο άδικα στην Ελλάδα |
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Vladimir Putin invites Donald Trump to Russian Federation |
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Putin attacks Trump’s Summit critics |
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PressTV-Trump ‘open’ to meeting Putin in Moscow |
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Putin’s explosive claim US intelligence helped drop 400000000 Russian-linked money into Hillary campaign |
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Putin fton në Moskë Trump |
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Capitol Retort: New juice media privilege Putin pathology |
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RUSSIA Putin alza i toni con la NATO |
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где живет Путин: Where Does Putin Live By Matthew Shaddock |
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El encuentro de Trump y Putin en Helsinki |
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‘Treasonous’ Trump and ‘Putin’s poodle:’ Scathing headlines follow the are using Fitbits and Apple Watches to monitor their heart rate when binging on drugs |
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Putin fick poliseskort till Skansenakvariet |
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Putin odlikovao fudbalske heroje: Rusija je ponosna na vas |
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Putin má novou limuzínu Od vznikající ruské značky Aurus |
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Trump diz que quer construir “relação extraordinária” com Putin |
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Putin gengælder Trumps invitation: ‘Kom til Moskva’ |
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Putin Confronts the American Dystopia |
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Bolton Delivers Offer to Hold Trump-Putin Summit in Washington in 2018 – Kremlin |
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The Mueller Indictments and The Trump-Putin Summit: Triumph of the Deep State7/16/18 – By Ron Paul |
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Putin espera que Trump sea su “invitado” en Moscú |
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BBC Newsnight guest claims ‘Putin WON this summit’ as Trump DID |
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Konečně už víme jak přesně Putin otrávil Skripala aneb Jak se… |
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El vinculo de Washington con Moscú: Vladimir Putin dice que está dispuesto ir a Washington e invita a Donald Trump a Moscú |
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‘We gave Putin a ball but with no listening device’ – Russia coach Cherchesov mocks US spy hysteria |
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Segment with Sabbath: Did Daddy Putin Reject Tribulation Trump’s Invitation |
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Trump Arrives in Helsinki For “Meeting” With Putin Not Summit |
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Trump Rejects Putin’s Proposal To Let Russia Interrogate US Citizens Give Reasons |
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Putin califica restricciones económicas de EE UU como erróneas |
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Putin “quite relaxed” about nuke deal stall: Ramaphosa |
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Head of ‘Putin’s NATO’ Khachaturov is threatened with arrest |
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Putin en Modi sukkel met SA se diplomasie |
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Highlights from Trump’s Meeting with Putin |
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Russian President Putin tells Trump: ‘Be my guest in |
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Episode 2: Trump/Putin Summit Alexa killing Siri why tech stocks aren’t done and more |
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Don Beyer statement on Trump-Putin summit |
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Trump and Putin met |
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Vladimir Putin Summons His Puppet Donald Trump to Moscow No Puppet… |
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Secretario de Defensa de EEUU “a favor” de otro encuentro entre Trump y Putin |
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18:20 Putin: Πονάει η καρδιά μου για τις ανθρώπινες ζωές που χάθηκαν τόσο άδικα στην Ελλάδα |
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RFE/RL: In diplomatic disconnect Trump talks nice with Putin as Congress talks tough |
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Balón que regaló Putin a Trump tiene un microchip |
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Turns Out That Football Putin Gave Trump Has an NFC Chip in It But It’s Probably Harmless |
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E por falar nisso: – PUTIN ADVERTE OBAMA: FALE AO MUNDO SOBRE NIBIRU OU EU O FAREI! – Em outras palavras aqueles que sabem pressionam a que falem aqueles que também sabem porém se calam! Segundo essa notícia o Presidente da Rússia Vladimir Putin expediu um ultimato via ligação telefônica ao Presidente dos EUA acerca do encobrimento da verdade sobre o astro intruso NIBIRU e a desastrosas conseqüências que esses astro poderá acarretar ao nosso planeta Segundo um antigo oficial da KGB os líderes americanos ameaçam uma Terceira Guerra Mundial de modo a mascarar o alerta ao mundo sobre tal perigo! Um agente da Inteligência Britânica revelou que a tal conversa telefônica teria durado sete minutos deixando o Presidente Americano “agitado e aborrecido” A noticia revela ainda que por décadas os líderes russos desejam revelar a verdade sobre uma estrela anã-marrom e os planetas que nela orbitam porém têm esbarrado no encobrimento americano… |
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Vladimir Putin hits the panic button over Donald Trump |
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La venganza contra EE UU es dulce para Putin |
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After the Trump-Putin meeting the world order is in for a shake-up Trump is not Putin’s puppet There’s still time to reverse the embrace of genome editing Trade wars are not ‘good’ or ‘easy to win’ Djokovic found his way out of the sporting wilderness |
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Amid backlash over Helsinki summit Putin invites Trump to Moscow |
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Son Dakika! Erdoğan Putin Üzerinden Trump’a Yüklendi: Aramızdaki Dayanışma Birilerini Kıskandırıyor |
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Rep Rohrabacher ‘Putin’s Favorite’ Dined With NRA Spy In DC |
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¿Moscú o Washington: Putin y Trump esperan concretar su siguiente encuentro |
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Helsinki 2018: when Trump sat down with Putin |
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Nel parlamento del Colorado è spuntato un ritratto di Putin |
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Duiding van de Trump/Putin-chaos bij RNN |
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Putin: Fuerzas en EEUU quieren sacrificar las relaciones con Rusia |
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Putin presses Trump for Moscow meeting |
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Trump under pressure delays second meeting with Putin |
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Assad: Israel esgotou nossa paciência O Irã permanecerá na Síria pelo tempo necessário Putin salvará Israel |
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Check Out President Putin’s Limo Which Cannot Be Bombed Can Stay Underwater Photos |
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Putin’s False Equivalency |
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Davvero Putin è pronto a “scaricare” l’Iran |
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Până la urmă victoria lui Putin a fost una a la Pirus |
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Mr Putin Come to Visalia |
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Updated Putin: Christianity is the foundation of the Russian state |
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Vídeos Rusia muestra en acción las 6 nuevas armas “imparables” que anunció Putin |
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Putin Cameron Panama WordPress and you… |
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Colorado State Capitol Hall of Presidential Portraits Briefly Displayed Putin in Trump’s Place |
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Putin Invites Trump To Russia After Turning Down Trump’s Invitation To Come To DC |
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Trading Places: Aleksandr Dugin’s Putin vs Putin — Guest Post by Ianto Watt |
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Cumbre del BRICS: Macri se reunió con Putin y Xi Jinping para atraer sociales y de DDHH manifestaron contra reforma de Fuerzas Armadas |
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Is fearrde muid Trump agus Putin ag caint ná i mbun cogaíochta |
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The Putin Challenge |
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Call Your MoCs to Demand That Trump Withdraw His Invitation to Host Putin In the Fall |
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Putin jednal s Netaniahu o situaci na BV a v Sýrii |
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Hillary’s Secret Dealings With Putin Revealed!! |
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Putin na obeležavanju 1030 godišnjice KRŠTENJA RUSIJE: Prelazak na hrišćanstvo je početak ruske države FOTO |
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Cyberattacks rose 2 800 percent in Finland before Trump-Putin meeting |
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Atac sangeros comis in urma cu putin timp Tanara de 26 de ani ucisa de sot in salonul unde lucra |
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The Mueller indictments and the Trump-Putin summit: Triumph of the Deep State |
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Trump’s invite to Putin muddies the mid-terms |
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La Propaganda Comunista De Vladimir Putin Al Descubierto |
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Putin: New World Order Are In Final Stages Of Their European Masterplan |
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“Putin’s Witnesses” di Vitalij Manskij |
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Media Roots Radio:12 Russians Indicted Helsinki Putin Panic Trump’s Reversal |
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Israel’s Friend Putin |
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VIDEO – Putin Trump and China: ABC interview with Professor John Keane |
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Come vede il mondo Marcello Foa: da Trump a Putin fino a Salvini e ai Panama Papers |
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GUEST VIEW: Success of Trump-Putin summit missed by most |
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Putin Invites Trump To Help End Syrian War As Russia Bombs Civilian Targets |
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Presidente Assad: Israel esgotou nossa paciência O Irã permanecerá na Síria pelo tempo necessário E Putin Conseguirá salvar Israel das ideias aberrantes de Netanyahu Por Elijah J Magnier |
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Invitaciones van invitaciones vienen: Trump “abierto” a verse con Putin en Moscú |
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Vladimir Putin Extends Invitation To Donald Trump To Meet In Russia |
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Is Putin’s Strategy Finally Beginning To Work |
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hazarian mafia doomed as a result of Putin/Trump secret agreement |
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Prankster Places Putin’s Portrait In Colorado Capitol Where Donald Trump’s Should Be |
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Utilities told to submit plans following tax cut — A2World gazes at total lunar eclipse — A2Police: Man shot at moving vehicle — A6Police: Pills meth found in vehicle — A6Man finds diesel engine in backyard — A6Khan works toward coalition government — A8Trump Putin consider visit — A8Extraordinary drug dog puts cartel on edge — A8Judge names monitor to evaluate border facilities — A8Hundreds attend boat victims’ funeral — A10Senators spar on access to nominee’s secretary work — A10Former Trump ‘fixer’ becomes aggressive — A10Heat fires worsened by climate change — A11Troops search village after Israeli’s death — A12Syrians celebrate retaking town — A12Lawyer who met Trump Jr tied to Russian officials — A12Prescott already using voice as new face of Cowboys — B1Paragould rolls in Legion state opener — B2Cox finishes 24th in walleye tournament — B2Betts homers to lift Red Sox past Twins 4-3 — B4Tech sector pulls stocks lower — B5Week in social media gets worse Twitter hammered — B5Exxon’s gains fail to please Wall Street — B5CBS looks into misconduct claims on CEO Moonves — B7 |
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Putin invita a Trump a una cumbre en Moscú con las condiciones apropiadas |
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Putin’s Threat During The Press Conference With President Trump |
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Tramp Moskvaya Putin isə Vaşinqtona dəvət olundu |
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how putin hacked world football |
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Ông Putin: Truyền thông Mỹ đừng làm người dân hoảng sợ -Xuân Võ Anh |
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Trump says those criticizing his ‘too nice’ stance on Putin are hypocrites |
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Putin: La Victoria Del Líder Más Joven Del Mundo Es Un Gran Golpe Para El Nuevo Orden Mundial |
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Trump ‘treasonous’ after siding with Putin on election meddling |
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Putin says Trump can ‘be my guest’ in Moscow |
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🎧 Putin’s Russian Empire Abolishing ICE Economy Soars and Police Shootings Skyrocket |
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Il ruolo di Assad nel vertice di Helsinki fra Trump e Putin |
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After rejecting invitation to the White House Putin extends his own invitation for Trump to visit Moscow |
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Vladimir Putin se declaró “dispuesto a ir a Washington” |
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Bannon Explains Trump’s Putin Love: The Russians Are Christian |
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… Ao tomar conhecimento de um certo e-mail abordando esse assunto dirigido por Obama à antiga Secretária de Estado e atual candidata à Presidência dos EUA Hilary Clinton Putin telefonou à Casa Branca interrompendo um animado jogo de golf entre Obama e David Cameron Primeiro-ministro Inglês Um trecho do tenso diálogo travado entre eles teria sido esse: – Há muito que temos conhecimento das falsas ameaças americanas Vocês têm impedido a verdade por muito tempo Você e os seus antecessores são adversários de uma verdade que poderia salvar vidas Desde que sua voz está longe de proporcionar grandes impactos darei a você uma chance de falar sobre NIBIRU Se você não o fizer eu farei”! Pois e! A orelha de Obama certamente deve ter ardido bastante! O que não é para menos pois vários delatores do Ocidente saíram das sombras e têm quebrado o silêncio a respeito desse perigo representado por esses astro intruso Até mesmo um físico e astrônomo russo recentemente foi a uma emissora de TV e publicamente falou sobre NIBIRU! As provas portanto se acumulam e produz uma certeza: – NIBIRU ESTÁ AQUI e os governos atualmente tornam-se enfraquecidos para manter o véu de segredo que desesperadamente lutaram por manter durante os últimos trinta anos! |
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The Real Reason the Ruling Class Hates Putin |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin invites US President Donald Trump to Moscow |
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