Russian state TV channel airs new program devoted to Putin |
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Putin İrana gedir |
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Vladimir Putin Nostalgic Blindness A Critique of the Russian Federation’s Unsustainable Foreign Policy with Ukraine |
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Putin visited Omsk where he chaired a meeting on socioeconomic matters |
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Mükəmməl siyasətin nəticəsi: Putin Bakını seçir |
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Macron: Putin imagjinon se si ta zhdukë Bashkimin Evropian |
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Putin Gets Love From New State TV Show as Poll Ratings Slide |
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Putin’den İlginç Açıklama: Yabancı Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Tamamı Yakında Suriye’den Çekilecek |
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Bakı üçün əla şans – ruslar Əliyev-Putin görüşünün detallarını açdı |
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The Toll of Putin’s Wars |
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Putin renueva la cúpula de la industria espacial de Rusia |
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Anders Aslund: Want to hit Putin where it hurts Target his friends |
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Despite Putin’s concessions Russians protest pension reform law |
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Putin Rusiyanı Yaxın Şərqdə necə aktiv oyunçuya çevrdi – TƏHLİL |
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Prezydentem Rozenka jest Putin |
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White House Releases Coin Commemorating Trump-Putin Summit |
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Televisora estatal rusa estrena programa dedicado a Putin |
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Macron claims Putin’s dream is to dismantle EU Kremlin says it wants cooperation |
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Vladimir Putin l-a decorat pe şeful OMV cu Ordinul Prieteniei |
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Putin cambió la reforma de las jubilaciones por impopular |
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Limuzina lui Putin lansată pe piaţă şi pentru cetăţenii obişnuiţi Merge sub apă şi rezistă la explozii |
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Lavrov Putin və Paşinyan görüşü haqqında |
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Chances for Trump-Putin Talks in November While Pompeo Plans Meeting With Lavrov |
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Putin Erdogan i Rohani održat će razgovore o Siriji |
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Putinə hörmət edirəm amma o AB-ni – Makron |
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Rzeczpospolita: Serbia vrea corectarea graniței cu Kosovo Învingător în acest demers poate fi Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Paşinyanla görüşəcək – KTMT müzakirəsi |
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Rusiyalı ekspertlər Əliyev-Putin görüşünü necə dəyərləndirir – EKSKLÜZİV |
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Vladímir Putin creará un Jurassic Park real en Siberia |
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Putin Gets Love Love And More Love From New State TV Show |
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Putin’s nuclear ‘doomsday machine’ could trigger 300-foot tsunamis — but the… |
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Roger Waters membru fondator al formației Pink Floyd susține regimul Putin într-un interviu pentru Izvestia |
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Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng sẽ hội đàm với Tổng thống V Putin |
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Russian TV Launches New Putin Show as his Ratings Fall |
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Putin Sneaking up on Europe from the South |
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Media Roots Radio: 12 Russians Indicted Helsinki Putin Panic Trump’s Reversal |
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“A very humane person” – Russian TV channel launches programme about Putin |
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Putin nepřijel do Prahy na tanku takzvaní politologové ze všeho viní Rusko říká Foldyna |
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Revelan que FBI intentó reclutar oligarcas rusos afines a Putin |
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Putin Erdogan Rohani to hold Syria talks Friday: Kremlin |
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Na tržišču limuzina kot jo ima Putin |
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Putin İrana rəsmi səfərə gedir |
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Putin bu ölkəyə səfər edəcək |
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Vita di uno Zar: la conversione di Putin il suo pensiero ciò che la storia chiede da lui |
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Putin câte Putin PSD și Liviu Dragnea vor să reconecteze România |
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Storia e memoria della Russia sovietica nella Russia di Putin |
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Putin Erdogan i Rohani održat će razgovore o Siriji u petak |
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Nawet Putin wie że ludzie żyją coraz dłużej i wiek emerytalny wymaga zmian A my dalej gramy na upadek ZUS |
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E se Putin fosse gia’ uscito dall’elite sogno di una Rifondazione della Civilta’ Occidentale |
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Macron: Putin’in hayali Avrupa Birliği’ni parçalara ayırmak |
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Ruslar Putinə qarşı – Təqaüd böhranı |
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House of Trump House of Putin |
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Il piano in tre mosse per far cadere Putin |
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Alex Jones in urma cu putin timp din Statele Unite: „Situatia risca sa escaladeze! Suntem la un pas de razboi mondial…” |
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Macron: Putin mašta da rasformira Evropsku uniju |
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“Şimal-Cənub” dəhlizinin böyük gələcəyi ilə bağlı Putin-Əliyev anlaşması |
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Trump und Putin – ein prekäres Patt |
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Russian Power Under Putin: Up and Down and Flatline |
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Putin made a telling blunder in a shouting match with Ukraine’s president France’s Hollande says |
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Russia’s Chief Rabbi Reportedly Paid Secret Visit to Iran on Trip Organized by Putin |
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Why did Trump choose to parrot Putin on Montenegro |
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Atac ransomware Iarna se apropie… cel putin pentru HBO |
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– Macron eller Putin |
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Putin a achitat din bani publici corul căzăcesc – cadoul său „privat” la nunta ministrului austriac de Externe FOTO |
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Did Jeff Sessions “Push Back” Against Papadopoulos’ Idea Of Trump-Putin Meeting During The Campaign As Trump Reportedly “Nodded With Approval” |
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Indonezia mai putin batuta ep 2 Vulcanii fumegatori ai Sumatrei |
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Macron promluvil jaký sen má Putin ohledně Evropy |
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Putin Gives World Cup Fans Visa-free Russia Entry All Year |
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– Nå er det totalt en sann Røe Isaksen har lest boken som begynner med setningen: «Europa begår selvmord» Og langt på vei er han enig i forfatterens gjorde som Norwegian og pengene fosset inn – men pilotkorpset mener metoden er en Åkesson ville ikke si at han liker Macron bedre enn Putin Det får Macron til å reagere |
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What lessons Trump Putin can learn from the 1986 US-Soviet summit |
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La comunicación no verbal del primer encuentro entre Trump y Putin en el G-20 |
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The Magnitsky Act – Why Vladimir Putin Wants To Get Bill Browder In His Clutches |
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Rusya’da Anadilleri Kısıtlayan Yasa Tasarısına Karşı Putin’e Mektup Kampanyası |
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When Does Vladimir Putin’s Russia Send In Troops |
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The Putin interviews |
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Ante protestas Putin ofrece concesiones en pensionesInternacional |
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Rússia e Putin peças chave da Nova Ordem Mundial |
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Censoring A Dying Man: US Senator McCain Statement On Trump-Putin Meeting In Helsinki Deleted From Senate Web Site As He Lay Dying Read The Statement Make A Copy For The Record |
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40 Brutal Memes Reacting to Trump’s Treason Summit with Putin |
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La Rusia de Putin vuelve a la realidad |
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Putin qalib olacaq və Qarabağa münasibət… – Politoloq |
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Putin və Paşinyan arasında görüş keçirilə bilər |
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Suriya dramında yeni pərdə – Netanyahudan Putinə şok tələb |
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Putin made a telling blunder in a shouting match with Ukraine’s president France’s Hollande says Nudism 1934 – Emile Armand Xi offers 60bn in financial support to Africa aljazeeracom |
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President Trump Admits Putin Loves Israel loves Bi Bi Quote |
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Putin la CIA e i servizi segreti russi: arresti e misteri |
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Putin’in Deklare Edilmemiş Stalin Pişmanlığı: Türkiye’yi… |
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Lavrov Putin və Paşinyan görüşü haqqında 03 Sen 13:17 |
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Putin çıxış edən kimi dollar və avro |
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Indonezia mai putin batuta ep 1 Bukit Lawang si intalnirea cu orangutanii |
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Pensions: The Third Rail of Putin’s Fourth Term |
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Putin Rusiyanı Yaxın Şərqdə necə aktiv oyunçuya çevirdi – TƏHLİL |
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BREAKING: Putin orders biggest war games in nearly four decades in September |
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Vladimir Putin o el golpe de efecto permanente |
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White House holds first briefing since Trump-Putin summit |
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Putin a pierdut aproape o treime din simpatia alegătorilor după ce a anunţat că vrea să crească vârsta de pensionare |
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Putin: Europe Must Rebuild Syria For Its Refugees |
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Një limuzinë 300 milionë dollarë si e Putin po “çmend” oligarkët rusë njihuni me “bishën” e quajtur Aurus |
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Tensão entre Ucrânia e Rússia após cupincha de Putin ser ‘explodido’ num boteco ucraniano |
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Limuzina 300 milion dollarë kjo është ‘bisha’ e re e Putin |
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Putin Rusiyanı Yaxın Şərqdə necə aktiv oyunçuya çevrdi – TƏHLİL |
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Liên quân mới của Nga tại Iraq – bàn thắng đậm của ông Putin |
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Ausstellung: Daniel Biskup – Russland Perestroika bis Putin |
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Putin Kadyrow und Poklonskaja – Was russische Politiker zum Attentat |
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Russians protest pension reform despite Putin YOU PLEASE TELL ME HOW CAN I SET EXAMPLE PM ASKED FOR |
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Vladimir Putin: What does the world think of Russian president |
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10 insule mai putin cunoscute care merita vizitate macar o data in viata |
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Die SRF-Tagesschau vom 26 Februar ist ein klassisches Beispiel für die manipulative Nachrichtenverbreitung im Syrienkonflikt In der «umklammerten Rebellenhochburg» Ost-Ghuta werde weiter bombardiert heisst es dort Zivilisten suchten verzweifelt Schutz vor den Bomben Es gibt nach dieser Darstellung nur zwei Akteure: die russisch-syrischen Angreifer und ihre Opfer die Zivilbevölkerung Präsident Putin habe aber eine Waffenpause angekündigt wird vermeldet Das will heissen: Das Leben der schutzlosen Opfer hängt von der Gnade der Angreifer ab Die Dschihaddisten die sich kaum an eine Waffenruhe halten kommen in diesem Schema nicht vor Es gibt nur Aggressoren und wehrlose Opfer |
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Wie der Quengelmodus in der Straßenbahn genauso funktioniert wie in der Kundgebung: „Trump-Putin-Ralley“ startet in Leipzig mit knapp 20 Teilnehmenden |
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Finnish brewery launches Putin and Trump beer to cash in on summit |
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Russian pension reform: a “black swan” for Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Poroşenkoya zəng elədi |
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Alexei Navalny calls out Putin’s hypocrisy |
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Why Putin Is Loved By All Video |
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Putin’in yeni makam arabası görücüye çıktı |
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Schenström: Sossarna serverar valfläsk utan Vet inte Åkesson att Putin använder mord som politisk metod |
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Oliver Stone entrevista a Putin cap 2 |
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Putin tasarıyı yumuşattı ama binlerce kişi emeklilik reformuna karşı yürüdü |
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İlham Əliyev və Putin Soçidə görüşdülər – YENİLƏNİB sərəncamı: Bu qurumun ipoteka məsələlərinin səlahiyyətləri artıb |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome and Putin on the Front Lawn |
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Peskov: Hollande’s memoirs on Putin threatening Poroshenko is ‘incorrect information disclosure’ |
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Ukrainian city remembers Jews on Holocaust state TV channel airs new program devoted to Putin |
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Trợ lý lâu năm tiết lộ tính cách của Tổng thống Putin |
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Auswandern aus Russland: Ein russischer Diese Putin-Kondome aus Georgien sind mehr als nur ein Marketing-Gag |
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Putin Fürsten und 150 Euro: Kennen Sie die Polit-Zitate des Sommers |
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President Vladimir Putin |
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In Russia thousands protest against pension law despite Putin’s rollbackSeveral large rallies have taken place in recent months against an unpopular proposal to raise the retirement age |
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BREAKING: Vladimir Putin’s car in ghastly crash official driver killed |
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112ua: White House issues commemorative coin to Trump-Putin Summit |
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Putin blundered while shouting at Ukraine’s president Hollande says: Russian President Vladimir Putin became so enraged during a shouting match with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he revealed he was lying about Russia’s role in a military uprising in eastern Ukraine |
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I en radioutfrågning vägrar Åkesson att välja mellan Macron och Putin I min värld är valet enkelt trots att jag inte är speciellt förtjust i Frankrike eller de presidenter som skakats fram de senaste decennierna – i landet som vill lajva stormakt Men Åkessons ovilja att välja fortsätter att skapa rubriker texter och åsikter Oviljan att välja skall diskuteras till valdagen inläggen |
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The Putin Interviews – Season 1 |
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Art 1 din Legea nr567/2004: În înfăptuirea actului de justiţie munca personalului auxiliar de specialitate constituie un sprijin pentru judecători şi procurori competenţa acestei categorii de personal şi îndeplinirea corectă a sarcinilor care le revin jucând un rol important în buna desfăşurare a întregii activităţi a instanţelor judecătoreşti şi a parchetelor de pe lângă acestea Federatia Nationala Sindicala PROJUST s-a constituit in anul 2007 avand drept scop crearea unei noi imagini asupra reprezentarii membrilor de sindicat in principal prin imbunatatirea comunicarii intre personalul auxiliar din instante si parchete si intre acestia si cei care ii reprezinta in fata autoritatilor statului prin implicarea directa a membrilor de sindicat in luarea deciziilor la cel mai inalt nivel prin constientizarea factorilor politici sociali cat si a opiniei publice despre importanta functiei de personal auxiliar din justitie Federatia Projust a reusit in timpul trecut de la infiintare sa isi atraga alaturi majoritatea personalului auxiliar din instante si parchete dobandind la numai un an de la infiintare reprezentativitate la nivel national In tot acest timp Projust a reusit sa obtina modificari legislative importante in favoarea membrilor sai de sindicat ex: acordarea de locuinte de serviciu decontarea chiriilor si a transportului posibilitatea grefierilor cu studii superioare juridice de a participa la concursul de admitere in magistratura organizat pentru juristii cu cel putin 5 ani vechime includerea in baza salariala a sporului de 10 ce inital era acordat doar anumitor categorii de personal – executari penale/civile De asemenea putem enumera si multe proiecte ale noastre pe care inca nu am reusit sa le implementam dar pe care FNS Projust va continua sa le sustina pana cand vor deveni realitate ex: Ordinul Grefierilor din Romania Projust multumeste tuturor colegilor membri de sindicat sau nu care ne-au sustinut in toata aceasta perioada si au fost alaturi de noi cu ocazia diferitelor actiuni sau miscari sindicale In acelasi timp dorim sa multumim si celor pe care nu am reusit sa ii atragem de partea noastra si celor care nu au participat la actiunile noastre sindicale deoarece datorita lor suntem nevoiti sa ne imbunatatim permanent modalitatea de actiune si comunicare Un sindicat nu reprezinta nimic fara membrii sai Liderii de sindicat nu reprezinta o forta fara membrii de sindicat Sindicatul este puternic datorita puterii curajului si unitatii membrilor sai! Site-ul wwwprojustro doreste sa ofere personalului auxiliar din sistemul de justitie tuturor celorlalte categorii profesionale interesate colegilor din cadrul altor organizatii sindicale mass-mediei si opiniei publice in general posibilitatea de a fi la curent cu activitatea noastra noutatile din domeniu viitoare actiuni sindicale cat si posibilitatea de a ne contacta prin intermediul formularului online disponibil pe site SINDICAT sindicate sn 1 Organizație al cărei scop este apărarea intereselor profesionale economice etc ale membrilor ei 2 Totalitatea membrilor unui sindicat 1 sediu al unei organizații sindicale |
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Nova nedeljna emisija na ruskoj državnoj televiziji ‘Moskva Kremlj Putin’ |
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‘A Very Humane Human’: Putin Gets Love Love And More Love From New State TV Show |
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1 Vladimir Putin |
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”Putin este cel mai uman dintre oameni” – O emisiune a ”popularului” propagandist» |
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Putin hər gün idmana saat yarım vaxt ayırır |
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Putin’s visit to Merkel makes the US nervous |
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Putin Dan Jokowi Diharapkan Segera Bertemu |
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Putin Male Chastity Device With Urethral Tube |
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Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin im Interview zu den neuen Sanktionen der USA gegen Russland |
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Putin Is Fixing the KHL Championship for Pavel Datsyuk’s Team |
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Russian TV launches new Putin show as his ratings fall |
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Russian state television has launched a new program dedicated to Putin |
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HOTSPORT INTERVJU – DIANA MORIĆ: Putin mi je rekao da boljeg borca od mene nije video čast je biti najmlađa penzionerka u Srbiji! |
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MAKRON SE OKREĆE KAKO VETAR DUVA: Putin mašta o tome da rasformira EU! |
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Moscow denies Hollande’s claim that Putin threatened to ‘crush’ Ukraine troops |
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Paul Goble: Falling ratings even more likely to lead Putin to large war than they were before 2014 Larionov says |
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Will Mueller/Putin Investigate Browder |
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Putin: „Ľudia nás stále učia demokracii”…video vo vnútri |
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Putin verí že osoby zodpovedné za vraždu Alexandra Zacharčenko budú náležite potrestané |
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Putin l-a decorat pe şeful OMV cu ‘Ordinul Prieteniei’ |
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The Putin Corporation |
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Strugurii proaspeti sunt mai buni daca ii lasati putin la frigider |
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Neue Fotos von Wladimir Putin beim Wanderurlaub in Sibirien |
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53 Hillary Clinton bragged about being invited to Putin’s ‘Inner |
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Sportul un factor extrem de important in dezvoltarea inteligentei copiilor Picii activi sunt mai putin deprimati – FOTO |
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“Among Democrats meanwhile Netanyahu was one of the least popular with only North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Putin receiving less favorable responses” |
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Macron’dan Putin’e ilginç suçlama |
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Món quà bất ngờ Bộ trưởng Trương Minh Tuấn tặng Tổng thống Putin |
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Cận cảnh phiên bản thương mại của siêu xe thửa riêng cho Tổng thống Putin |
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SNIP!: Diese Putin-Kondome aus Georgien sind mehr als nur ein Marketing-Gag |
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Putin: Azərbaycan prezidenti İlham Əliyev avqustun 30-da Rusiyaya növbəti səfər edəcək |
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Macron’dan Putin’e ağır suçlama: Hayali… |
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Review: ‘Putin’s Kleptocracy: |
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D’ale politicii! Tăriceanu luptă cu „statul paralel“ de la malul mării: „România zilelor noastre s-a apropiat destul de mult de modelul democrației din Rusia lui Putin” Zilele lui Learciu sunt recente |
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Putin je spolehlivý člověk demokrat tvrdil na přelomu tisíciletí Jelcin do telefonu Clintonovi |
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Full Megyn Kelly-Vladimir Putin exchange on Russian interference in US election |
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មិនឲ្យចាញ់ The Beast របស់លោក Trump ឥឡូវរថយន្ដ Aurus Senat របស់ Putin អាចបើកក្នុងទឹកបាន Ford ចង់ងាកពីការផលិតឡានតូច Juventus 3 ប្រកួត 0 គ្រាប់ Juventus រកដល់ទៅ 4 គ្រាប់ |
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Trump wants Putin to visit Washington in the fall White House |
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Ukrayna’daki ayrılıkçı teröristlerin lideri öldürüldü Putin çıldırdı! |
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Raspundem in mai putin de 24 H la orice mesaj |
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Vladimir Putin Sibirya tatilinde! |
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Macron: Putin unistab Euroopa Liidu õppused Vostok-2018 on signaaliks kogu maailmale |
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Putin med Clinton |
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Putin z własnym programem telewizyjnym Będzie zbierał |
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HIGHLY likely the Daeon MUSISIN absolutely delivered Trump and Putin consultation: Syria strike was actually a sneak at on the DEEP STATE/Illuminati |
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La “última indirecta” de John McCain a Trump y Putin durante el funeral del senador de Arizona |
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Is Putin’s Kremlin subverting Israeli democracy A Russia expert thinks so |
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Reprezentantul lui Putin laudă Acordul de Liber Schimb al Moldovei cu UE |
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Vladimir Putin poziral v stilu Beara Gryllsa |
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Macron Putin’in hayalini açıkladı: İşte AB planı |
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Ian King: Fox Business News Feature: Trump-Putin Summit |
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Putin’s Biker Pals Set Up Camp – Complete With Tanks – In Former Military Base In Slovakia For 50th Anniversary Of Soviet Invasion |
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Bloomberg: France’s Macron says Putin’s dream is ‘dismantling’ of Europe |
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Limuzina lui Putin are și o variantă civilă: Iat-o pe Aurus Senat |
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Putin Erdogan och Rohani ska diskutera fred i Syrien |
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Putin Sneaking Up on Europe from the South |
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Trump Putin and the Foolish Leftmedia Video |
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Putin’s Reign of Terror the Permanent Revolution in Our Time |
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Eurasiya Daily: Son 10 ildə ən əhəmiyyətli səfər: ekspertlər Putin-Əliyev görüşü barədə RƏYLƏR |
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Russian Oligarch And Putin Pal Admits To Collusion Secret Are Grilling More Steaks For Labor Day In The “Greatest Economy Ever” |
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Putin wants big business to spend US120 billion to revive economy |
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Kjo është limuzina luksoze e Putin nuk dëmtohet as nga eksplozivët |
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Trump Putin and the Asia-Pacific |
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Putin will OMV-Chef mit Freundschaftsorden Untersuchungskommission erweitert |
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Maas hat Putin gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt |
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Putin’in yeni limuzini Helsinki zirvesi için ilk kez ülke dışında |
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Russian state TV airs previously unannounced Putin show |
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Noi proteste de amploare in Rusia fata de reforma pensiilor cu toate ca Putin a promis ca va face cateva concesii |
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Russians Protest ‘Cannibalistic’ Pension Reform Despite Putin’s Concessions |
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Trump And Putin Put Israel Center Stage – Jul 17 2018 |
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Putin’den Kuzey Kore liderine ‘görüşebiliriz’ mesajı… |
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Putin: US Nurtured Al-Qaeda amp Supported Terrorists In Chechnya |
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Russian Journalists Killed Investigating Private Russian Mercenaries amp Diamond-Gold-Uranium Mining In Africa Wagner Group Connected To Kremlin amp Putin’s Chef Prigozhin Indicted For Interference In US Elections |
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10:21 – Digi24ro: Gestul de sfidare al unui student olimpic la adresa lui Vladimir Putin Oficialilor rusi le-a scapat detaliul din fotografie |
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La guerra contra Putin lo que no cuentan sobre Rusia |
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THEIR VIEW: Putin’s big problem |
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Putin made a telling blunder in a shouting match with Ukraine’s president France’s Hollande says |
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Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria |
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Gestul de sfidare al unui student olimpic la adresa lui Putin: Cum a apărut în fotografia alături de președintele rus |
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Macron’dan flaş Putin iddiası |
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Putin Paşinyanla görüşə bilər |
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Atacurile violente împotriva jurnaliștilor: PSD se inspiră din școala Putin-Erdogan |
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Rinden protesta senadores de la LXIV Putin explica el secreto de su éxito |
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FIFA tells Putin world is ‘in love’ with Russia |
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Doch die unter dem PR-wirksamen Wording «Freunde Syriens» vereinigten NATO-Staaten und ihre Freunde am Golf versuchen seit Kriegsbeginn Putin den Krieg in Syrien in die Schuhe zu schieben Die Klischees aus der Mottenkiste der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Epoche sind wirksam und virulent wie eh und jeh |
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Tiết lộ bí kíp Putin dùng để “khuất phục” Mỹ |
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Macron: Visul lui Putin este să demonteze Uniunea Europeană |
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Politruky nemá jen Putin v Evropské unii fungují „hlídači správného názoru“ již dlouho |
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Putin Wants Big Business to Spend 120 Billion to Revive Economy |
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Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria |
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Putin’s Pistol-Packing Pensioners |
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Putin ve Trump Helsinki’de bir araya geldi… |
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FOREIGN POLICY: Putin u Bosni pravi paravojne formacije |
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Putin annuncia lo sviluppo di devastanti armi atomiche |
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Exclusive film preview: Putin’s Witnesses / EN |
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Er Putin villig til å innlemme Donbass i Russland |
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Putin Akan Bicarakan Kemungkinan Provokasi Idlib selama KTT Tehran |
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Rusiya mətbuatı Əliyev-Putin görüşündən nələr görüşündən sonra Qarabağ münaqişəsi ilə bağlı addımlar atılacaq – Millət vəkili |
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What Putin’s presidential trash talk is all about |
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2 Maurizio Blondet: Putin u svatovima u Beču! |
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Putin Results 2018 |
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Putin Developing Killer Octopus beneath Antarctica Organism 46-B |
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İran Dışişleri Sözcüsü: Ruhani-Putin-Erdoğan zirvesi bölge için yararlı olacak |
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What to Expect From the Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki |
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Bakı üçün əla şans yaranıb Qarabağ – Ruslar Əliyev-Putin görüşünün DETALLARINI AÇDI |
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Protest in Putin’s Russia |
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Vladimir Putin Türkiyədə rəsmi səfərdədir |
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Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel |
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Machtmensch Putin: Das ZDF beim Fabrizieren von Propaganda ertappt |
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Makron: Putin bizim süqutumuzu arzulayır |
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Əliyevlə Putin danışıqları İrəvanı həyəcana boğdu: Paşinyan Moskvaya YALVARIR |
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Just as I Predicted Three Years Ago Trump and Putin Are Working Together to Drive Turkey Out of NATO and into the Soviet Union |
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Putin “chuqur”da yashagan va prezidentlik haqida orzu qilmagan |
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Will Pension Protests ‘Take Down’ Putin |
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Putin İrana səfərə hazırlaşır |
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Reactia lui Putin Obama Merkel si a altor lideri europeni dupa |
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Aurus Senat — Putin-Limousine für jedermann |
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Putin can handle US sanctions but how far will Washington go |
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Ukraine to nominate ‘Donbass’ by Sergei Loznitsa for Goble: Falling ratings even more likely to lead Putin to large war than they were before 2014 … |
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Kremlin rejects Macron’s claim Putin wants to ‘dismantle’ EU |
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Putin genskaber patriotisk afdeling i Ruslands militær |
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Nhận lời mời của Tổng thống Liên bang Nga Vladimir Putin Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng sẽ thăm chính thức Liên bang Nga từ |
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ANKASAM Haber-Analiz: Trump-Putin Zirvesi |
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Władimir Putin bohaterem reality-show w rosyjskiej telewizji |
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Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to meet in Helsinki on July 16th |
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Imad K Harb: Trump Snubs Congress in Putin’s Service |
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Nimeni nu stia ca Mircea Radu e bolnav! Anunțul dureros facut in urma cu putin timp… Ce se întâmplă cu îndrăgitul prezentator Chiar el a spus totul: |
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10:26 Macron: Visul lui Putin este să demonteze Uniunea Europeană |
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Macron zna o čemu mašta Putin |
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Macron: Putin AB’yi parçalara ayırmanın hayalini kuruyor |
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”Putin este cel mai uman dintre oameni” – O » |
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Tổng thống Pháp ‘lạnh nhạt’ với Mỹ nói nhiều về ông Putin |
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Russian Oligarch And Putin Pal Admits To Collusion Secret Meetings |
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Trump y Putin en la lista negra del fallecido John McCain |
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Trofimçuk Əliyev-Putin görüşü barədə: Etibarlı |
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Macron desafía a Putin y Trump |
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Neue einstündige Fernsehshow über Putin im russischen warnt vor Jahrestagung der Walfangkommission vor ”Renaissance” des Walfangs |
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Özel: Başkan Trump ve Melania Trump Putin Zirvesi için Helsinki’ye de toplatıyor: Patlama riski var… |
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Jakutsk Russland – Im fernöstlichen Föderationskreis Jakutien planen russische und südkoreanische Genetiker die Errichtung eines hochmodernen Genetik-Zentrums mit dem Ziel ausgestorbene Tiere der Eiszeit wie das Wollhaarmammut das Wollnashorn und den Höhlenlöwen durch Klonen wiederzubeleben Nachdem Präsident Putin selbst kürzlich vor Ort die volle Unterstützung seiner Regierung zugesagt hatte suchen die Wissenschaftler nun auch internationale Geldgeber |
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White House faces daily protests after Trump appeases Putin in Helsinki |
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Tổng thống Putin nói về chế độ hưu trí gây tranh cãi của Nga |
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Exclusive film preview: Putin’s Witnesses / CZ |
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Polémica por el Titanic nuclear ruso la planta atómica flotante que Putin planea vender al mundo |
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The only American alive today with the Gonads to stop the race to socialize America is Trump The Progressives know this and fear him more than Putin or any other world leader They know if he can be eliminated America can be neutralized without ever firing a shot Watching this self-destruction in action is painful |
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Trump and Putin in Helsinki |
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Trump-Putin Zirvesi’nin Aktörler Bazlı Analizi |
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Vladamir Putin Akan Kembali Memimpin Rusia Untuk Masa Priode 2024 |
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El tenso momento entre un periodista y Vladimir Putin |
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President Vladimir Putin Visit to professional combat sambo tournament |
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How do Putin’s Russia and Trump’s USA Compare |
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Im Januar 2017 veröffentlichte die Internetplattform Wikileaks die Audioaufnahme eines Gesprächs zwischen dem damaligen US-Aussenminister John Kerry und syrischen Oppositionellen vom 22 September 2016 in New York Kerry sagt darin in aller Offenheit die USA hätten der Ausbreitung des Islamischen Staates absichtlich untätig zugesehen um den syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad zu Verhandlungen zu zwingen Und er fügt hinzu es habe keine Verhandlungen gegeben «stattdessen kam ihm Putin zu Hilfe» 2 |
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This Is How Vladimir Putin Manufactures Conflict Between Nations |
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Putin calls St Petersburg explosion terrorist attack |
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Präsident bei Moskau Kreml Putin beim Pilzesammeln zu sehen |
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Papadopoulos: Trump ‘nodded’ at suggestion of Putin meeting |
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Putin actively using Cold War Stasi agent network in Germany Reitschuster says |
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Putin və Əliyev Ermənistanı qorxuya saldı |
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Putin honors four Pakistanis with ‘Friendship Orders’ award |
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Putin revela qué cualidad de liderazgo le ayudó a tener éxito |
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Putin in Kemerowo zu Beratungen über Treibstoff- und Energiefragen |
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Trump-Putin Zirvesi ve Ortadoğu’ya Yansımaları |
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US Experts Largely Negative on Outcome of Trump-Putin Summit Russians Give Mixed Assessment |
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Putin zleca śledztwo ws śmierci Zacharczenki |
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Putin Akan Bicarakan Kemungkinan Provokasi Idlib selama KTT Games Berhasil Indonesia Banjir Pujian |
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Putin İrana rəsmi səfər edəcək |
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Putin po dlhej príprave zasadil USA mohutný úder |
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In Syrien liefern hauptsächlich die Weisshelme die nötigen Bilder Dass diese Organisation von denselben westlichen Staaten aufgestellt wurde und finanziert wird die den Sturz Assads betreiben scheint ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit keinen Abbruch zu tun Und die Tatsache dass diese Helfer nur mit den Aufständischen gegen Assad zusammenarbeiten stört offenbar ebenso wenig Die Weisshelme und einige andere Hilfswerke im Dienste der syrischen Opposition liefern stets pünktlich Dokumentarmaterial wenn es gilt Putin oder Assad für Giftgasattacken oder Bombenangriffe auf Spitäler zu beschuldigen Dementis aus Damaskus oder Moskau werden wenn überhaupt in einem Nebensatz erwähnt Weitere Recherchen dazu sind niemals der Mühe wert: Man glaubt ja zu wissen dass aus Damaskus und Moskau nichts Vertrauenwürdiges kommen kann |
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Putin’s Terrorism Is Becoming Active Again as the Midterms Approach |
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Putin: 2024 keine anschließende Amtszeit |
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Rusiya Prezidenti Vladimir Putin Dmitri Medvedevin RF-nin Baş naziri təyin edilməsi haqqında fərman imzalayıb |
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Putin’den Suriye uyarısı: Kaos çıkar |
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Putin: Leader of Donbass killed in ‘despicable last print edition closes down |
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Macron spune că Putin vrea să distrugă Uniunea Europeană |
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Kremlin Critic Kara-Murza To Be Pallbearer At McCain’s Funeral Even In Death McCain Thumbs His Nose At Putin amp Trump |
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Snyder on Putin and the threats to freedom and democracy |
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Vladimir Putin is set to win his fourth term as Russian president with |
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Gestul de sfidare al unui student olimpic la adresa lui Vladimir Putin |
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epätodellinen olo joskus Macron tai Putin |
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Putin: Kim Jong Un Menang “Ronde Pertama” dari Trump |
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Putin’s Wikileaks Host: “Mob Laundromat” Funded GOP |
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Liên quân mới của Nga tại Iraq – bàn thắng đậm của ông Putin – 2018-09-03T23:00:00 |
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D Trampas pakartojo gerbiantis V Putiną |
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Putin promette di arrestare G Soros chiuderlo in cella e buttare la chiave |
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Optics Then Disappointment: Trump Can’t Deliver Much to Putin |
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El Kremlin asegura que Putin y Trump podrían reunirse tres veces este año |
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Comment: TV show about Putin – the beginning of the personality cult Russia and Russians: a look from Europe DW |
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Tập Cận Bình sẽ làm chủ tịch suốt đời và Putin trúng cử nhiệm kỳ thứ tư: CHIẾN THẮNG HAY CHIẾN BẠI |
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Videos estatal rusa estrena programa dedicado a Putin |
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Vat Vyf! Week 49 van 2017 – Putin se zef kalender en Steinhoff-aandeelhouers is die Jooste in |
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Putin I Voted Magnet |
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USA: así luce la moneda conmemorativa dedicada a la cumbre Putin-Trump lanzada por la Casa Blanca |
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Vladimir Putin se salva después de un supuesto atentado fallido del NWO |
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Putin və Ərdoğan Tehranda bir araya gələcək |
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Emisija Moskva Kremlj Putin na ruskoj državnoj tv |
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TOP 5 destinatii mai putin cunoscute din ROMANIA |
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Papadopoulos Claims Jeff Sessions Supported Trump-Putin Meeting During 2016 Campaign |
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Putin-„Isté západné kruhy by radi zoslabili Rusko asi… |
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Falling ratings even more likely to lead Putin to large war than |
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Putin: ”KamAZ’ Gəncə avtomobil zavodunda lisenziyalı yük maşınlarının buraxılmasını qaydaya salıb’ |
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Measuring National Power: Is Vladimir Putin’s Russia in Decline |
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Beyaz Saray’dan Putin’in davetine yanıt |
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Lewat Telepon Putin Berterima Kasih ke Trump atas Informasi CIA |
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Se levantan contra Putin por elevar la edad de jubilación |
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