Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko |
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Putin bu gün Bakıya gəlir – danışıqlarda 3 kritik mövzu |
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Trump y Putin una historia de amor Entrevista a Luke Harding |
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Putin’in beyni ilk kez açıkladı: Türklerle baş edin bakalım… |
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Putin Is Losing Russia’s Far East |
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Tiết lộ của TT Putin về lý do Nga chuyển hệ thống phòng thủ tên lửa S-300 cho Syria |
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Trump and Iran: The Big Winner is Vladimir Putin |
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Vladimir Putin’s Purported New Holiday Home Is Unbelievably Lavish |
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Probleme pentru Chelsea din cauza lui Putin Ce s-ar putea întâmpla cu clubul |
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Putin İsrail ile ilişki kesecek cesarette biri değil |
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Alex Jones in urma cu putin timp din Statele Unite: „Situatia risca sa escaladeze! Suntem la un pas de razboi mondial…” |
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Festivalul Umorului “Constantin Tãnase”: lucruri mai putin stiute despre “Nãsãilã” » |
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Giải mã “cao thủ kính râm” bí ẩn túc trực bên Tổng thống Putin |
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Netanyahu yenə Putinə zəng etdi – Təyyarə vurulması müzakirə edildi |
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Putin znova zaprl vodjo opozicije Alekseja Navalnega |
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Personenkult um Putin und der Fall Skripal Valeriy Pyakin 17092018 |
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2054: Putin decodiert |
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Rusia: el aumento de la edad de jubilación impulsada por Putin provoca protestas masivas |
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Vladimir Putin Azərbaycana nə ilə gəlir – ŞƏRH |
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Netanyahu a Putin: Los misiles S-300 en Siria “aumentarán los peligros en la región” |
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Putin Abbas Abbasovun oğlunu xilas edəcəkmi |
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Willie Nelson Wants To Smoke Marijuana With Trump And Putin |
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Putin: Koneen alas ampuminen tapaturmaisten seikkojen summa |
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“Putin İlham Əliyevdən konkret nə istəyəcək” – Ayaz Mütəllibov cavab verir… |
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Em protesto contra Putin Pussy Riot invade o gramado na final da Copa do Mundo |
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Soviet Labs Putin Pump 40 Servings |
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Randy Newman’s “I Love LA” Music Video Director Returns 30 Years Later to Direct New Video for “Putin” |
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VK analyses the birth chart of Vladimir Putin |
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Putin bu gün Bakıya gəlir – Danışıqlarda 3 kritik mövzu |
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Boyle Fitzpatrick diverge on vote on Trump Putin summit |
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Netanyahu a Putin: Los misiles S-300 en Siria “aumentarán los peligros |
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Putin Netanyahu’ya resti çekti… ‘Uçağımızın düşürülmesi İsrail Hava Kuvvetleri’nin eylemi’ |
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Putin a židé |
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We say this as a reminder to people that the world of politics where Putin Trump et al operate is chock-full of very sticky complicated issues that oftentimes preclude the ability of leaders such as them from doing or even SAYING what they would like to do or say at any given moment and that therefore all those armchair warriors posing as self-proclaimed experts on the convoluted nature of geo-politics who are famous for making up their minds within a microsecond of some dramatic event taking place should PERHAPS restrain themselves a bit and wait and see what happens a day week month or even a year later before adding their own voices to that present wall of noise being generated by Judea Inc in bringing about certain geo-political aims and ends |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Die meinen das ernst – Der Spiegel: Putin ist an allem Schuld! |
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Anne Applebaum: Putin’s meddling in Ukraine has pushed it more toward … |
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From Catherine II to Vladimir Putin: Russia’s Christian Foreign Policy |
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De como Putin resolveu os problemas da Europa ao passar com La Merkel |
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Der Gegner als Partner: Trump Putin und die NATO – Gastbeitrag in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik |
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Putin and Erdogan Plan Syria-Idlib DMZ as I Recommended |
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Wacky Claim 2: Pam Anderson Cozies Up to Putin the “Animal Lover” |
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Video: Ylli i Kroacisë provokon Rusinë dhe Putin: Lavdi Ukrainës |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin nói về việc chuyển tên lửa S-300 cho Syria |
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“Got ya!”: Prankster Putin Withdraws Troops From Crimea |
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Vladimir Putin’s most prominent critic Alexey Navalny is let out of Russian jail then arrested again |
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Putin ready for further meetings with Trump – ambassador |
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Putin shfaqet “i dashuruar” me arsimin islam në Rusi: i pret rrugën destruktivitetit! |
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RUSSLAND IST BEREIT! Putin hält inspirierende Rede bei Vostok-2018 Manövern |
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Письмо Президенту России Владимиру Путину – Letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin |
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Putin’den ilginç düğün hediyesi |
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Putin: El poder visto desde dentro |
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Neuestes ZDF-Propaganda-Machwerk: “Trump amp Putin: Komplott gegen Amerika” |
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Matters Arising From President Trump’s Helsinki Meeting With Putin |
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ed note–remember this is the same Putin whom certain characters covering a broad spectrum within the ‘trooth muuvmnt’ claim is a Jew and who is secretly ‘working for the Jews’ and who just a day or so ago used the fact that Putin had not ordered a nuclear strike against Israel as ‘proof’ of his Judaic lineage and affections |
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Trump Putin Handshake Helsinki 2018 GIF |
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House Of Trump House Of Putin: The Untold Story Of Donald Trump And The Russian Mafia |
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Daily Delight: Willie Nelson Wants To Smoke Marijuana With Trump And Putin |
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Lucruri mai putin știute despre creierul omului Abilități ale creierului care demonstrează că suntem capabili de orice |
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After 7 years Putin’s Favorability Ratings Drop among Georgian Citizens |
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Putin’s Patriarch |
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Tragedie in Italia cel putin 22 de morti dupa ce un viaduct pe care se aflau masini s-a prabusit peste o zona rezidentiala langa Genova |
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Netanyahu a Putin: Los misiles S-300 en Siria “aumentarán los peligros… |
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Zilele de 16-17 august vor fi libere pentru bugetari Cand vor fi ele in Italia cel putin 22 de morti dupa ce un viaduct pe care se aflau masini s-a prabusit peste o zona rezidentiala langa Genova |
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Əsəd təcili Putinə zəng etdi vacib qərar qəbul edildi |
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Perché Putin fino ad ora non ne ha sbagliata una e sarà al centro dei giochi per un bel po’ |
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Putin’in eski korumasından Navalni’ye tehdit: Senden biftek yapacağım |
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3 Vladimir Putin |
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Bend It Like Boris Trumpet Like Trump amp Push It Like Putin |
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Putin-kritiker var fri i sekunder – |
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Putin and Russia’s Strategic Priorities |
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Uomini Putin e no Scalfari |
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Maas hat Putin gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt |
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Vladimir Putin and His Most Nefarious Crimes |
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Putin sniper tüfeğinin başına geçti: 600 metreden hedef vurdu |
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Putin nimetas Venemaa meediaväljaannete prioriteedid välismaal |
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Only You Can Defeat Vladimir Putin |
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Τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία και Putin-Netanyahu |
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Columbus Dispatch – What Ohio GOP Congressman said about Trump-Putin Summit |
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Putinův kritik Navalnyj byl po propuštění opět zadržen Ve vězení stráví dalších 20 dní |
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Time jurnalı Putin və Tramp əks olunan yeni üz qabığını dərc etdi: Çarın bütün adamları |
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„Trump schaut zu Putin auf“ |
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Nur Trump und Putin können neues gefährliches Wettrüsten noch verhinden: Erwartungen und Forderungen an das Gipfeltreffen in Helsinki Götz Neuneck |
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Bershidsky: Putin boi się Trumpa Rosja łagodzi działania w Syrii OPINIA |
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Putin bu gün Bakıya gəlir – danışıqlarda 3 kritik mövzu |
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Profesor Krejčí: Sýrie a Izrael Je to vážné Putin protesty vydrží Děsím se co přijde po ztrátě moci USA protože… |
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Šok z pravdy u Moravce: kdy se opět stalo Rusko nepřítelem USA Když Putin zabránil drancování |
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Putin Resolves Russian/Israeli Threatens Israel After Shooting Down Of Russian Plane |
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Croatian Footballer Explains Why He Passed Up Putin Handshake at 2018 |
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Russia Hopes S-400 Advanced Missile Shield Contract During Modi-Putin Summit |
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Prominent Putin Critic Released from Jail Then Immediately Rearrested |
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L’F-16 che si è fatto ombreggiare dall’Ilyushin attirandogli il fuoco dell’antiaerea siriana è costato a Tel Aviv la fine dei raid con cui ha colpito incessantemente la Siria dall’inizio della guerra Un altro passo verso la pace per Putin e Assad e un’altra garanzia da dare questa volta a Israele contro l’Iran e contro gli Hezbollah |
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Vladimir Putin’s Rise To Power – Full Documentary HD |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome and Putin on the Front Lawn |
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Putin dice a Netanyahu que rechaza versión israelí de derribo de avión en recomendamos !!! |
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Putin prueba el nuevo rifle de francotirador de Kalashnikov |
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Erste Annäherung in Helsinki: Eine Bilanz des Treffens zwischen Trump und Putin Wolfgang Zellner |
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Oberbefehlshaber der Russischen Armee Putin |
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Disinfo News: On Helsinki US Envoy Hits Back at Putin’s Ukraine Claim |
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Foliile va protejeaza de soare deoarece acestea reflecta pana la 70 din energia solara caldura Instalatia de climatizare functioneaza mult mai putin lucru ce duce la un consum mai scazut de carburant si o poluare mai redusa pentru mediu |
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La strategia russa poggia sull’arte del compromesso di Vladimir Putin e può essere l’unica percorribile ora che la vittoria è alla sua portata di mano |
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Time’ın yeni kapağı: Putin’in oligarkları Trump ekibinin içine nasıl sızdı |
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Putin öffnet Schritt für Schritt die Archive |
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Putin Unveils ‘Invincible’ Nuclear Weapons |
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Putin nemá na výběr Musí Izraeli umožnit operace v Sýrii |
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Is Vladimir Putin evil 1/3 |
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Putin zbroi w nowoczesną broń przeciwlotniczą ludobójczy reżim Asada |
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Vin ingheturile Avem un nou cod galben in toata tara Anuntul facut de meteorologi cu putin timp in urma – FOTO |
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Szczyt Trump-Putin w Helsinkach |
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What lessons Trump Putin can learn from the 1986 US-Soviet summit |
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Putin und die Chance für Frieden in Nah- und Mittelost…jedoch nicht so wie Herr Frolow es darstellt…Israel muss genau bedenken was es tut das schrieb ich bereits…!! „ET“ |
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‘Tahran Zirvesi’nin canlı yayınlandığından Erdoğan ve Putin’in haberi yoktu’ |
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Putin Gives Trump World Cup Soccer Ball In Hacky Metaphor |
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Síria – Unz Review – Andrei Martyanov Tradução da Vila Vudu Já recomeçou A Rússia deve atacar Israel não “obliterar1 Israel” Putin… |
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Putin je špatný stratég: z Ukrajiny někdejšího spojence vyrobil úhlavního nepřítele Ruska |
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Tổng thống Putin lên tiếng về việc Nga cấp S-300 |
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„Ein wütender russischer Präsident Wladimir Putin und die russische orthodoxe Kirche könnten der anti-goyistischen jüdischen Gruppe den Heiligen Krieg erklärt haben und könnten eine Flugverbotszone für Israel verhängen bis es den Golan an Syrien zurückgibt die Belagerung des Gaza aufhebt atomar abrüstet und die West Bank Ost-Jerusalem und alles gestohlene Land an Palästina und den Libanon zurückgibt“ |
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Saakaşvili: Putin asanlıqla Ermənistanı buraxmayacaq |
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Pam Anderson’s Putin Gaffe |
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Las 10 frases que dijo Vladimir Putin que consternó a todo el mundo por redes sociales |
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Viktor Orban strikes back at EU Visits Moscow to do business with Putin Video |
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Putin hat genug: “Israel ist nicht berechtigt internationales Gesetz zu ignorieren” |
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Người dân Việt Nam khóc thét tung hô Tổng thống Vladimir Putin sau khi |
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Putin düşürülen Rus uçağı hakkında konuştu: Türkiye’ninkiyle kıyaslanmamalı |
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Putin nəyə görə məhz indi Bakıya gəlir |
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Imperialism First!: European Leftists Abandon Anti-Fascist Legacy to Embrace Putin and Assad |
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Adnan Khashoggi the Moscow Apartment Bombings and the Rise of Putin |
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Vladimir Putin |
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President Donald Trump has rejected a proposal by Vladimir Putin to allow Russian officials to inter… |
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Exclusive Interview with Putin |
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FT: Putin’s Party Suffers Regional Poll Defeats over Pension Anger |
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O cladire din Romania pe lista celor mai uimitoare cladiri din lume mai putin cunoscute: |
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Trump y Putin celebrarán cumbre el próximo mes |
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Tính toán của Tổng thống Nga Putin khi bàn giao S-300 cho Syria |
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Fokus: Russland Putin Forsvaret Nyheter |
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Nước Nga thời hậu Putin – Phần cuối |
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Putin-Erdoğan görüşmesi başladı: Bölgeye yeni bir umut getireceğiz |
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Rusya’nın hamlesi sonrası İsrail’le ilk temas: Putin yineledi |
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The Idlib Ceasefire Deal Proves How Far Putin Has Come Out on Top |
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Putin bu gün Bakıya gəlir -danışıqlarda 3 kritik mövzu |
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Kremlin doğruladı: Putin ve Erdoğan 17 Eylül’de Soçi’de bir araya gelecek |
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Michele Fiore’s Bizarre Calendar Out Putins Putin |
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Karjakin har rast ned i vekt Nå håper Putin at Russland bryter glemte å søke UDI nå må hun forlate ungene og Norge etter 20 år i landet |
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Tổng thống Putin lên tiếng về việc Nga cấp S-300 cho Syria |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin’den Vietnam’a bağımsızlık günü kutlaması |
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Who knew Israel has both Trump amp Putin by the balls |
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Putin: Neue Weltordnung ist im letzten Stadium ihres europäischen Masterplans |
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RT Chief: The World Loves Vladimir Putin Polls Disagree |
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Przed spotkaniem Trump-Putin: amerykańscy senatorowie z wizytą w Rosji |
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Cel putin asa… |
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TOŢI ROMÂNII au aceasta posibilitate de a plati mai putin ! |
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Putin Azərbaycana “hədiyyə” ilə gəlir – Kreml başçısının Bakı |
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Putin bác bỏ lời giải thích của Israel vụ trinh sát cơ Il-20 bị bắn nhầm |
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Netanyahu Calls Putin Blames Syria Iran |
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Putin Bakıda Qarabağ məsələsini müzakirə edəcək – Açıqlama |
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Putin e Erdogan firmaram um bom acordo sobre Idlib |
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Putin und die Chance für Frieden in Nah- und Mittelost |
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Τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία και Putin-Netanyahu O Netanyahu προειδοποίησε κατά τη μεταφορά σοφιστικέ όπλων στη Συρία |
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The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia |
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Putin to president Bashar Al-Assad: Syria will hand over the S-300 system |
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Aurus Senat: Vladimir Putin’s New Presidential Duster and its Chances of Becoming Successful in Pakistan |
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Putin och Frankrike vinner |
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D Trampas pakartojo gerbiantis V Putiną |
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Putin objasnio Netanijahuu zašto će Rusija dati Siriji S-300 |
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Putin sobre el derribo del Il-20 en Siria: Tomaremos medidas que… |
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Die Neue Weltordnung bringt Hornissennester in eure Länder sagte Putin zu einer Kreml-Reisegruppe Und nun werden sie von ihnen gestochen |
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President Niinistö Met Putin in Sochi on Wednesday – Agree on Most Things |
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”WSJ”: To dowód że Putin chce robić problemy USA i sojusznikom |
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Vladimir Putin Azərbaycana niyə gəlir – ŞƏRH |
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Putin hotar nya mönsterlandet |
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Donald Trump “dobló las manitas” ante la presencia de Vladimir Putin en Helsinki |
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Trump y Putin ¿una reunión para luchar contra los extraterrestres |
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Putin: Başarılı kadınlar arttıkça dünya kazanacak! |
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Merkel zur Aufgabe der neuen Kommission Gleichwertige Interview in der WELT mit über 2350 atürzt Netanyahu spricht mit russischem Präsidenten Putin |
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Would Visiting the US Help Vladimir Putin ‘Humanize’ His Adversary Fact: Putin Visited Nine Times |
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Thảm kịch máy bay Il-20: Ông Putin ‘chĩa mũi nhọn’ vào Israel |
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Netanyahu Putinə zəng etdi – “İl-20” müzakirəsi |
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Volker: Putin i-ar fi sugerat atât lui Obama cât şi lui Trump împărţirea lumii în „zone de responsabilitate” |
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Breaking: Putin Wants to Create International Coalition with PHL and China as Founding Members |
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Column: Putin no Petrov and Arkhipov yes! |
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Sun deletes model’s ‘Putin wants to kill me’ story amid claims of Salisbury poisoning hoax |
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Los deslices de Trump en la cumbre con Putin |
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Putin’den Netanyahu’ya sert suçlama Suriye’ye yeni S-300 yollama kararı |
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Putin offers “Peace treaty” to Japan but Tokyo wants islands back |
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Donald Trump refuses Putin’s proposal to let Russia interrogate US citizens |
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Putin e Trump prontos para uma Coalizão Planetária contra a ameaça espacial |
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Bundle: Krieg Terror Weltherrschaft God Bless you Putin |
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Netenyahu’dan Putin’e S-300 Uyarısı |
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Putin vince le elezioni in Russia con il 766 affluenza record del 6749 |
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Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Released From Prison Re-Arrested ‘Seconds’ Later |
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Putin Azərbaycana “hədiyyə” ilə |
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Putin: Politikerna inom EU lockar ju själva till sig invandrarna – med skyhöga bidrag |
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Soçi’deki Putin-Erdoğan görüşmesi sona erdi: Öne çıkan başlıklar |
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Putin satisfecho con sus lazos con Beijing |
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5 rayon dərhal Azərbaycana qaytarılmalıdır – Putin Paşinyanı divara dirədi – VİDEO |
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Putin i Erdogan dogovorili demilitariziranu zonu u samo četvrtinu budžeta troši na lijekove i opremu |
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3 Minute Putin Speech from 2013: Why the State Should Support the Church |
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Putin: İdlib’in Durumu Endişe Verici |
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President Putin Visits Stunning Recently Restored “New Jerusalem” Monastery Russian TV News |
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Vladimir Putin’s Most Prominent Critic Was Released From Jail Arrested On His Way Out amp Sentenced to Another 20 Days in Detention |
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Putin: La Victoria Del Líder Más Joven Del Mundo Es Un Gran Golpe Para El Nuevo Orden Mundial |
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Remember it is only the Jews who benefit from the murmuring campaign that Putin is ‘their boy’ and therefore should not be trusted a strategy they employed in the past with Arafat Ghaddafi Ahmadinejad etc |
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Putin-kritiker var fri i noen sekunder – så ble han fengslet… |
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Putin Azərbaycana səfər Krediti olanlara VACİB XƏBƏR |
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Putin bu gün Bakıya gəlir |
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S-300 delivery to Syria ‘adequate’ response to protect Russian servicemen – Putin to Netanyahu |
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Putin Israel and the downed Il-20 |
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Putin’s invasion has backfired as the people of Ukraine push back against anything Russian |
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Trump diz que quer construir “relação extraordinária” com Putin |
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Putin v háji Nedivte se a čtěte je to prý vážné a v Rusku se mnohé hýbe |
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Russia: pro-Putin PR organisation was created by Tory Party donors and “approved” by David Cameron |
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Putin: İdlib’de toplanan terörist gruplardan endişe duyuyorum |
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Rusia Dalam Genggaman Putin |
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Putin Bakıda Qarabağ məsələsini müzakirə edəcək |
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Putin wprost o NWO pedofilach i satanizmie będziemy bronić chrześcijańskich wartości |
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Putin hayeri exerni masin |
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Anne Applebaum: Putin’s meddling in Ukraine has pushed it more toward Europe |
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Putin sagt deutlich: ich lasse es nicht zu das meine Brüder und Schwestern in Deutschland und EU wegen einer Globalen Elite abgeschlachtet werden durch illegale Eindringlinge… |
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PCRoberts: Putin zaváhal – a Sýrie ztratila provincii Idlib |
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14 Things You Should Know About Russian President Vladimir Putin |
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i think shoigu has won the argument with putin about how to handle this |
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Putin sagt deutlich: „ich lasse es nicht zu das meine Brüder und Schwestern in Deutschland und „EU“ wegen einer „Globalen Elite“ abgeschlachtet werden durch illegale Eindringlinge“… |
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Il “pivot to Asia” che voleva Obama Ora è diventato un obiettivo della Russia Così Putin vuole prendersi l’Est del mondo |
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Ukraina me frikë nga rusët kërkon ndihmën e Amerikës Putin dërgon Flotën për të shkatërr |
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Putin se enfrenta por primera vez a las urnas tras la polémica sobre la reforma de la jubilación |
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Indonezia mai putin batuta ep 7 Ubud e prea comercial Fa doar cativa pasi din centrul orasului si vei redescoperi paradisul pierdut |
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Umwege für Putin und Dengue-Berge: 18’043 km – xx km wird laufend aktualisiert |
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Swans: from ancient Greece to Swan Lake to Putin’s Russia |
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Russia amp China Join Military Forces Putin Stockpiling Gold Banks Dropping |
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Putin anuncia que reforzará la seguridad de los militares rusos en Siria |
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Selvi’den İdlib yorumu: Belli ki Erdoğan ile Putin arasında gizli mutabakat var |
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Putin’s Ideology Being Established in the Armed Projects |
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Putin ha annunciato la vendita alla Siria di un sofisticato sistema di difesa aerea |
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PUTIN: U Rusiji nikada neće biti gej parade jer to narod i crkva neće dozvoliti! Ja sam prolazan… |
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Trump und Putin – ein prekäres Patt |
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Putin və Əsəd telefonla danışdı 24 Sen 16:51 |
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Putin: Başarılı kadınlar arttıkça dünya |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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