Putin talks arms nuclear deals in India |
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Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
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Putin and the Indian Prime Minister negotiated a deal |
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Modi Putin meet for annual summit |
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India-Russia youth interaction will be important addition to bilateral ties: Putin |
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Donald Trump says he could BEAT Putin in BOXING MATCH SHOWDOWN – ‘I’d do very well’ |
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Putin en el punto de mira |
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Putin: Koneen alas ampuminen tapaturmaisten seikkojen summa |
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Putin blames Trump for rocketing oil prices at Russian Energy Week |
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Putin Hindistana dəstək nümayiş etdirdi |
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Rusların Putinə inamı kəskin azalıb – Rəy sorğusu |
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Putin promuje trzeźwość Mimo to rosyjski miliarder zbił fortunę na tanim alkoholu |
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Putin in India |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin interacting with a group of talented children in New Delhi on Friday UNI PHOTO-134U |
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Eight pacts signed after Modi-Putin summit |
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Putin Şröyderin 5-ci toyuna getməkdən imtina etdi |
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Europe today offers safety to its citizens but beware the Putin/Trump |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the India-Russia Business Summit in New Delhi on Friday Union Minister for Commerce amp Industry and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu is also seenUNI PHOTO-135U |
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The world of Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Modi bakal meterai perjanjian ketenteraan |
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Video: Bất ngờ với phòng Putin trong Học viện tình báo Nga |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin interacting with a group of talented children in New Delhi on Friday UNI PHOTO-132U |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in a group photograph with the talented children in New Delhi on Friday UNI PHOTO-131U |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin interacting with a group of talented children in New Delhi on Friday UNI PHOTO-133U |
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Putin legger skylden på Trump |
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Putin ma poważny problem Tak złych wyników nie było od pięciu |
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NEW DELHI OCT 5 UNI:- President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin addressing at the India-Russia Business Summit in New Delhi on Friday Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister for Commerce amp Industry and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu are also seen UNI PHOTO-137U |
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Putin zvao Slobu i Koštunicu u Moskvu pre 5 oktobra a onda je usledila VELIKA KOŠTUNIČINA PREVARA |
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Vladimir Putin is a votive personality for India Opinion |
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Putin akan persenjatai India dengan sistem pertahanan udara tercanggih |
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Leonid Bershidsky: No Mr Putin the bungled spying won’t blow over |
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Vladimir Putin – दो दिवसीय भारत यात्रा प |
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Putin tanınmış alman siyasətçisinin toyuna getməyəcək |
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Vladimir Putin in India: Headline-grabbing S-400 deal fails to mask the hollowness that defines bilateral ties |
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Putin Bakıya məxfi missiya ilə gəlmişdi – Rusiya mənbələri |
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Putin Paşinyana bunu etməmişdi – VİDEO |
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Tổng thống Trump tự tin so tài boxing cùng ông Putin |
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Tổng thống Putin được tặng ba chiếc tiêm kích |
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PM Modi Vladimir Putin hold restricted meeting |
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Vladimir Putin – दो दिवसीय भारत यात |
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Russian Official With Ties To Putin And Mueller Investigation Dies In Strange Chopper Crash |
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Vladimir Putin llegó a la India para cerrar la venta de misiles antiaéreos rusos S-400 |
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The President of the Russian Federation HE Mr Vladimir Putin calling on the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan on October 5 2018 |
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Rebellious agents leave Putin in the spotlight |
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Și acum sa ne rasfatam putin cu o budinca cu branza de vaci aromata si pufoasa |
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Temer: Putin pode avaliar liberação de carnes |
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Putin: Nema vojne akcije u Idlibu u bliskoj budućnosti |
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Media Roots Radio: 12 Russians Indicted Helsinki Putin Panic Trump’s Reversal |
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UNIAN: Lawyer says Yanukovych appealed to Putin in 2014 since he had no other choice |
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Putin Brands Poisoned Spy Skripal a ‘Traitor’ and ‘Scumbag’ |
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Guarded US Response After India Signs Missile Deal With Putin |
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Vladimir Putin – दो दिवसीय भारत यात्रा पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने किया स्वागत |
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India-Russia trade to cross 30 bn by 2025: Putin |
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FEMEI intr-o JOI oarecare – 45 FOTO prea putin conventionale » |
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Ông Trump nói không “ngán” so tài với ông Putin |
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Putin’s World: Why Russia’s Showdown with the West Will Worsen |
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S-400 Missile Among Key Deals To Be Signed At PM Modi-Putin Bilateral Meet! |
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Watch: Vladmir Putin in India: the significance of the 2018 India-Russia summit |
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Battleship Putin: Welcome to India Opinion |
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Công bố hình ảnh căn phòng TT Putin từng ở tại Học viện tình báo của Nga |
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Only A Few ‘Likes’ For Putin’s Softening Of Controversial Meme Law |
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Putin esitti Japanille rauhansopimuksen solmimista vuoden loppuun mennessä |
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Teken Kontrak Miliaran Dolar Putin-Modi Berpelukan |
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Namo-Putin seal 54 billion Russian missile deal |
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Referendumul primul atac ideologic al lui Vladimir Putin asupra Romaniei |
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Jornalista russo crítico de Putin teve morte forjada |
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Como Putin virou o jogo: a paz através da força |
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Narendra Modi and Vladimir Putin meet for 19th annual summit |
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Putin je bio “Platov”: Ovako je izgledala soba predsjednika Rusije dok je učio |
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“Tsar” Putin became a hero of fresh cartoons |
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Possible Place For Putin-Trump Summit |
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No Mr Putin the Bungled Spying Won’t Blow Over Op-Ed |
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India-Russia trade to cross 30 bn by 2025: Putin 0 |
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I colloqui tra Vladimir Putin e il Primo Ministro indiano Narendra Modi |
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When Putin’s Russia arms India China and the US keep one eye open |
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Enemies envy as Valadimir Putin-Narendra Modi boost Indo-Russian relations |
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Guarded US Response After India Signs Missile Deal With Putin: 10 Points |
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‘Tôi sẽ làm rất tốt’: Người say mê Golf Trump khoe khoang rằng anh có thể đánh bại Putin trong trận đấu quyền anh VIDEO 1 |
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05 Oct 2018 : Putin Modi set to sign 5 billion missile deal |
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Japan wants to discuss peace treaty with Putin says Japan’s Abe |
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Putin e Vuçiç diskutuan për marrëveshjen Serbi-Kosovë |
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Putin: „Das wäre einfach dumm von Europa“ |
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Un sg meci/zi astepti putin pana incepi multumita livescorului |
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Why does Putin continue to call the USA a partner of Russia |
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Cursa mortii Cel putin 13 persoane care se aflau intr-un microbuz de ruta s-au stins intr-un teribil accident produs la Moscova Cum s-a intamplat totul Imagini care pot afecta emotional – VIDEO |
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Atac sinucigaș în Pakistan: cel putin 15 morți ISIS a revendicat atentatul |
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Chiến lược lâu dài của Putin khi trao tên lửa S-300 cho Syria |
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Putin: Aconsejaría a Trump mirar al espejo para buscar al culpable de la subida del petróleo |
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💲 Putin najbogatszym człowiekiem świata |
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Adnan Khashoggi the Moscow Apartment Bombings and the Rise of Putin |
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Bloßstellung Putin erklärt Trump die freie Marktwirtschaft am Beispiel „Ölpreis“ VIDEO |
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PM Narendra Modi amp President Vladimir Putin’s joint statement |
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Os fosfatados e nitrogenados de Putin |
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Panchanama 051018: India-Russia sign 8 pacts during Vladimir Putin’s visit |
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Trump again comments on Helsinki meeting with Putin |
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Russia President Putin rawn |
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Putin: Bulgaria a renunţat la South Stream sub presiune externă / Delian Dobrev: Nu a fost exercitată nicio presiune |
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When Putin’s Russia arms India China and the US keep one |
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Igor Eidman: Spionii lui Putin se simt în Europa ca într-un sanatoriu |
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Open Letter to Mr Putin |
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I colloqui tra Vladimir Putin e il Primo Ministro indiano Narendra Modi si sono tenuti a Nuova Delhi |
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Putin undertegnet upopulær russisk krever 2000 flere arbeidsplasser til psykisk utviklingshemmede |
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Dog Looks Like Putin |
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Putin Kills – Sextremist protests against Russian Aggression in Ukraine |
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Vladimir Putin |
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Z-SUPERNEWS To logiczne że Rosja jest niewinna Putin wypowiedział się o otruciu Skripala 04 Paź 2018 |
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Merkel anunció reunión con Macron Putin y Erdogan sobre Idlib en octubre |
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Lavrov: Trump in Putin ne bi odobrila oboroženega spopada med državama |
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Battleship Putin: Welcome to India |
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Modi-Putin summit: List of pacts signed between India and Russia |
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Vladimir Putin si è congratulato con i docenti russi per la Giornata degli insegnanti |
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Putin: Trump é culpado por altos preços do petróleo |
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Amateur Russian Spies Were Busted Hacking the Chemical Arms Watchdog Here’s Why Putin Won’t Stop |
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Putin’s Helsinki: Tactical Success Strategic Failure |
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Putin assina projeto de lei que aumenta idade da aposentadoria na Rússia |
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Putin-Modi to sign S-400 deal 20 other agreements amid US’ sanction threats |
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Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu |
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World News October 3 2018 Edition: Namibia follows South Africa with pledge to expropriate white-owned land – China’s hi-tech ‘death van’ where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market – Putin: Skripal is a ‘traitor amp scum’ not some rights activist – Iran says missile attack in Syria killed 40 ‘leaders’ of Daesh |
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Putin Bakıya gələcək – Dünya Çempionatını izləmək üçün |
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Vladimir Putin in India likely to sign 20 pacts |
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Cea de-a doua conferinta de presa dinaintea luptei McGregor – Nurmagomedov a fost una mai putin obisnuita: Nu trebuie sa astept pe nimeni – VIDEO |
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Putin’s Hesitation Has Lost Syria’s Idlib Province |
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17:40 Igor Eidman: Spionii lui Putin se simt în Europa ca într-un sanatoriu |
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:: Livrare in mai putin de 24/48 ore Transport gratuit de la 2 anvelope Plata 100 securizata Consultanta de calitate :: |
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Young Axne comment on Trump’s post-Putin statements |
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2358 – “L’Eni è già in crisi è in perdita totale” “L’Eni è già in crisi è in perdita totale Ha un contratto con Putin di 30 anni” Lo afferma Beppe Grillo a “Porta a porta” su Rai1 “Le aziende che verranno a gestire acqua ed energia qui – aggiunge il leader del M5S – sono quelle che prima erano in Grecia e Sudamerica” |
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Putin Modi may sign S-400 |
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Die Putin-Interviews |
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Vladimir Putin no tiene planes aún de visitar México y reunirse con López Obrador |
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Russians Dissatisfied with Putin’s Regime: Kremlin’s Worst Ratings in Five Years |
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Scotia – tara cea mai putin „diversa” |
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O cladire din Romania pe lista celor mai uimitoare cladiri din lume mai putin cunoscute: |
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Putin: American hackers could interfere in US elections |
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Sott: Ten Years On Putin Told Them So by Finian Cunningham Comment: I am so delighted to see this post! Finian has now also picked up the video I published back on June 9th Mid-Day news and has added Putin’s speech in Munich in 2007 to it This second video is one I have literally begged you all to watch many times in order to hear him in his own words unfiltered and not interpreted by others If you have not seen these videos I urge you to listen Putin has not said one thing different than he said back in 2007 people who know Putin personally say that he does not lie I believe this confuses our diplomats they don’t know how to deal with honesty I’m now going to add a very short video to Finian’s post one that I haven’t had time to get out to you but which I think should accompany these two particularly since I think most of my regular Readers have already seen these two videos: |
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Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin se întîlnesc în privat în sala gotică a palatului prezidenţial finlandez |
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VIDEO: Putin Publicly Reaffirms Russia’s Commitment To Defend Christianity |
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¿Amenazas Trump asegura que podría boxear contra Putin… ¡Y ganarle! |
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Narendra Modi Vladimir Putin hold restricted meeting |
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Putin congratulates Russians on Teachers’ Day |
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Putin Bakıya gəldi |
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Putin says no major military action needed in Syria’s Idlib |
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NOVI ŠAMAR SRBIMA: Putin napokon rekao pravu istinu |
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Paul Goble: Russian commentator says Ukrainian autocephaly is a disaster only Putin and Erdogan can block |
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Need a giggle Vladimir Putin’s released his 2019 calendar |
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British allies who IGNORE the mass murder of British citizens by a tory murdering mafia and back them to the hilt over Russia should hang their heads in shame As Theresa May stands up in the commons to pronounce murder on the streets of Britain by two suspects that she claims are Russian and sent by Putin to kill she herself conveniently forgets that she is responsible for policies that have seen mass murder across the UK of the most vulnerable citizens who have been forced to endure psychological and financial torture that led many to see suicide as an easier option Her hypocritical performance suggesting she will protect Britain from foreign powers while she herself heads a murderous regime hell bent on crucifying anyone they regard as NOT worthy is disgraceful Britain’s political mafia’s shameful disregard for the homeless lining the streets and the coffins lining up at the cemetery gates will come back to haunt this bitch who will use any form of subterfuge to distract Britain’s sheeple who fall for the bullshit time and again and THAT we intend NOT to happen Cancer-suffering dad dies with just £8 after DWP stop benefits ruling him ‘fit to work’ Joseph MacMillian died just 15 days before his appeal against having his personal independence payment cut A dad suffering from cancer died destitute with just £8 in his bank account because heartless benefits officials ruled he was fit for work Son Joe 32 had no idea just how poor Joseph MacMillan was but was convinced he was not fit for work due to his illness He said: “He was like a concentration camp victim He was just skin and bones “My dad was on that benefit because he was clearly unable to work and then in March they took it away and he never received it since He was obviously not well enough to work because he died” Joseph had to have his nose amputated because of the disease He also suffered from diabetes pancreatitis a heart condition and anxiety and depression linked to his cancer His death on August 9 came 15 days before his appeal against having his personal independence payment cut He had to postpone an earlier appeal in July because he was too ill to attend But he had been without PIP since March costing him around £550 a month Joe a chef said: “He was on a benefit called PIP but the Tory Government are trying to get people off benefits so he had to go to an assessment “As far as I am aware it is not even a nurse who does some of these things It is a physiotherapist “My dad was quite confused and wouldn’t admit to being as ill as he was “He could get up and down the stairs and make a cup of tea and apparently that fitted the criteria for him not qualifying for PIP” Without cash Joseph relied on charity from his big sister Roseanne Hill 58 The siblings shared a house in Dennistoun Glasgow Caring for his son Elliott three and holding down a full-time job meant Joe didn’t see his dad as often as he would have liked and while he spoke to him on the phone twice a week he had no idea how poor he actually was Joe added: “He died destitute and it was all so unnecessary” A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Mr MacMillan at this difficult time” He added: “Assessments for PIP eligibility are not to do with an individual’s ability to work or not but on what impact their medical condition or disability has on their day-to-day lives” FULL ARTICLE HERE Cancer-suffering dad dies with just £8 after DWP stop benefits ruling him ‘fit to work’ EXTENSIVE ARCHIVES OF THE VICTIMS OF TORY MASS MURDER HERE BBC claims the only credible explanation for Skripal poisoning and everyone else is colluding with Russia Meanwhile lets push more royalist bullshit down the gullible British peasants throats using the very cash they pay us for a dodgy licence fee to watch royalist propaganda |
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What is the Issue b/w Russia and Ukraine Why Putin is |
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Putin Sankt-Peterburqu keçmiş bakılıya tapşırdı |
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Russia spurning US censure launches second day of Syria strikes from Iran Putin to meet in Moscow 8/9/16 floods peak during ‘peace talk’ push |
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Rusiya ittihamları rədd edir Putin isə |
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Putin’s Visit: India And Russia To Sign Defence Deal |
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GOP Refuses To Release Trump-Putin Documents |
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Trump Putin and Race |
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Unknown facts about Vladimir Putin Russia’s famous political looks dashing on latest magazine cover |
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Putin Spearheads Major Pro-Family Movement in Russia Russian TV News |
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VIDEO Angela Rye Discusses Trump/Putin Summit Being An Outspoken Critic of the President and Who She’s Supporting in 2020 |
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Putin und die Chance für Frieden in Nah- und Mittelost |
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Tiết lộ phòng ở của Tổng thống Putin khi còn là học viên trường tình báo |
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“O vətən xainidir əclafdır! …” – Putin Skripala olan nifrətini gizlədə bilmədi |
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Putin rechaza métodos terroristas aplicados contra Venezuela Micro radial |
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Putin no tiene planes de visitar México de momento según el |
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‘So this is what you call a shirtfront’: Julie Bishop describes confronting Putin over MH17 |
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Julie Bishop on Putin encounter: ‘so this is what you call a shirt front’ |
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Putin amp 39 s amp 39 dumb Bonds amp |
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Seful Interpol Costa Rica are o veste de cosmar pentru Elena Udrea Va sta dupa gratii in arest preventiv pentru cel putin doua luni |
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Putin sanciona reforma da previdência que levou a protestos na Rússia |
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Western Leaders Congratulate Putin for Stealing Another Election |
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Russian hacking saga shows there is no limit to what Vladimir Putin will throw at espionage |
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Putin qalmaqallı pensiya qanununu imzaladı –Rusiyada təqaüd yaşı artırıldı |
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Putin’den Hindistan ile askeri iş birliği vurgusu |
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Putin: combate ao terrorismo e economia são principais áreas de trabalho do BRICS |
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Defense acquisitions falling behind Save Taiwan by fighting for Taipei Members’ readiness to leave KMT a good sign Japanese wave goodbye to UK as ‘gateway to Europe’ after Brexit As Chinese influence grows Japanese warship visits Sri Lanka EDITORIAL: Decide what is achievable first Taiwan has a rating system in the making Developing Itu Aba oil deposits too dangerous LETTERS The rise of a cashless Britain is sinking the nation’s poor Vladimir Putin’s botched pension reform only benefits his cronies EDITORIAL: Justice commission must be neutral A step toward religious freedom Taiwan might wake up to red dawn Registration permits a new way of infiltration Fearing debt trap Pakistan rethinks Chinese ‘Silk Road’ China would be smart to heed Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohamad |
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Putin vince su Telegram: l’app cederà numeri e indirizzi alla Russia |
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Putin S-400’ler için Hindistan’da |
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FEMEI intr-o JOI oarecare – 45 FOTO prea putin conventionale |
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Putin’s Bubbling Crisis in the North Caucasus Op-Ed |
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Pacolli: Putin është burrë i mirë VIDEO |
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Putin’s Wikileaks Host: “Mob Laundromat” Funded GOP |
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Mr Putin Goes To Washington Part 4: The Impeachment of President Trump |
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Modi-Putin summit: India signs 5bn deal to purchase Russian S-400 missile system despite US warning |
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Putin’s Visit: India-Russia exchange MoUs for cooperation in various fields |
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Modi-Putin sign 5 bn S-400 air defence quipment deal: What is it |
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Modi-Putin summit: India and Russia sign 5bn deal for five S-400 Triumf missile shield systems |
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How Does Trump’s Guy Get Whole When he Owes Putin’s Guy Millions |
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House Of Trump House Of Putin Craig Unger |
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„Eu mor în fiecare zi” Cum murim în fiecare zi Cum e cu putinţă cu un singur trup muritor să primim moartea de o mie de ori Mulţumită intenţiei şi stând gata să pierim |
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What is the Issue b/w Russia and Ukraine Why Putin is… |
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¿Cómo responderá Putin el derribo del avión ruso en Siria por Israel El análisis de Thierry Meyssan |
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India Russia ink 5 billion S-400 defence deal during Putin visit |
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Finnish brewery launches Putin and Trump beer to cash in on summit |
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Putin encontra Erdogan em Sochi para fazer um acordo separado para a Idlib |
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Strange Times: Putin Calendar 2019 with Priests and his “Miracle Cross” from Israel Putin Tells His Story About the Cross and why it is always with him now |
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Vladimir Putin In India for India-Russia bilateral talks |
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Latest Headlines: IAF’s microlight aircraft meets accident pilots safe Kia Motors India signs four-year partnership with Bengaluru Football C FC Goa announces Xiaomi India as its title sponsor Kailash Satyarthi congratulates Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege for winn Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Indian President Ram Nath Kovin Emirates thrills film buffs with over 1000 movies on board Ranveer Singh Deepika Padukone sportingly dodge questions regarding t India end second day’s play on driver’s seat WI struggle at 94/6 Ashiana Housing scam case: Pakistani leader Shahbaz Sharif arrested in You are an embodiment of dignity and strength: Vivek Oberoi appreciat |
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From Putin’s Russia to a Cinema Near You |
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Putin S-400 รัสเซีย |
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Vladimir Putin Visit India 2018- Deal on S-400 missile Signed |
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Danezii se mira “Românii zi-au schimbat antrenorul cu mai putin de o luna pîna la meciul cu noi” |
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Blunderball! Inside Vladimir Putin’s bunker as he debriefs the Spies Who Fluffed It |
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India-Russia joint statement after PM Narendra Modi-Vladimir Putin meet: Full text |
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Putin en inauguración del Mundial Rusia 2018: “Deseo éxitos a todos los equipos” |
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Putin presjekao: Ruske finansije odvajaju se od američkog dolara |
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Putin promulga aumento de la edad de jubilación en cinco años |
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Putin yaxın dostunun toyuna getməyəcək |
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¡RECHAZO TOTAL! Putin califica de inaceptables terrorismo aplicado en contra de Venezuela |
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Putin Trashes Marx and Lenin: Marxism Was Wrong Family Matters |
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Putin Visits India |
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“Te doy la mano pero tienes que salir de Ucrania” Primer Ministro de Canadá a Putin |
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Ông Putin đi Ấn Độ: Thương vụ S-400 khiến Mỹ đau đầu |
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Putin zur Flüchtlingsrückkehr und Idlib auf deutsch |
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BOMBA a explodat ! Vladimir Putin si „ai lui” sunt la mâna mafiei! |
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Kurd Autonomy: Is it Kerry’s Plan B or Putin’s Plan A |
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Modi Putin hold restricted meeting 0 |
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PM Narendra Modi amp President Vladimir Putin at an exhibition in Delhi |
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World Cup has one winner – Putin |
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Putin amp 39 s amp 39 dumb Bonds amp… |
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Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Released From Prison Re-Arrested ‘Seconds’ Later |
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Is the Putin Option Viable A Response to Clayton Bishop |
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Highlights from Trump’s Meeting with Putin |
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Putin’s Botched Pension Reform Andrei Movchan Oct 2018 |
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Modi Putin hold restricted meeting |
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Presseschau: Stippvisiten von Putin in Europa |
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Putin’s Message to China on Sanctions: Russia Must be Sovereign or She Will Not Exist at All Please consider these words and the political implications not only between Russia and China as ‘Partners’ but for us in the West Do our media really understand Putin and China And yes the one area about which I question David Icke’s understanding: Does David truly understand the Mandate of Heaven Do I I would love to be able to talk with him oh my 🙂 |
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PM Modi-Putin meet today key S-400 defence system deal likely to be inked |
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13:46 – Desi Putin vrea sa renunte la dolar seful bancii de stat nu e de acord: Este imposibil! |
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Putin-vuotoon liittyvässä tutkinnassa seitsemän rikoksesta epäiltyä |
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Predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin izdao je naredbu da se odmah započne izgradnja gasovoda Južni tokamp… |
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Tổng thống Putin tuyên bố mục tiêu tối hậu tại Syria |
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‘I would do very well’: Golf enthusiast Trump brags he could beat Putin in boxing match Now |
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Gogosi fierbinti si pufoase in mai putin de 20 de minute! |
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Putin nói gì khi nghi phạm vụ Skripal bị nghi là tình báo Nga |
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Putin viaja a la India para vender armas energía nuclear y fortalecer aún más los lazos |
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La necessità di un vertice Trump-Putin Di Stephen F Cohen a cura di Giuseppe Germinario |
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Modi Putin hold the restricted meeting |
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Cristiano Ronaldo’s membership loses £76m after rape allegations and Vladimir Putin’s gangster ways revealed |
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Week in Review: The post-truth Putin food chain revealed |
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PM Narendra Modi Vladimir Putin meet for annual summit |
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48mins Youth ties will add value: Putin |
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Putin wróci z Indii z ogromnym kontraktem |
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Putin: Kennedy Was Killed By US “Special Services” |
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Putin Skripal haqqında gözlənilməz ifadələr işlətdi |
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Weltleitwährung: Wie Putin die Abhängigkeit Russlands vom US-Dollar verkleinern will |
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Modi-Putin summit: From S-400 Triumf to manned space flight 8 pacts signed |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin meets PM Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in Delhi |
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17:08 – Referendumul primul atac ideologic al lui Vladimir Putin asupra Romaniei |
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Christian Right Looking to Putin’s Russia |
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Opinion Downing of Russian Plane Exposed Putin’s Court Jew |
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Kommersant: Vučić asked Putin to support his vision of Kosovo recognition |
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Putin und die Chance für Frieden in Nah- und Mittelost…jedoch nicht so wie Herr Frolow es darstellt…Israel muss genau bedenken was es tut das schrieb ich bereits…!! „ET“ |
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Russian President Putin arrives in India likely to sign S-400 Triumf |
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Putin Is Fixing the KHL Championship for Pavel Datsyuk’s Team |
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America – Putin’s oligarchy in the making » |
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No mention of S-400 missile deal in Modi Putin remarks |
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Vladimir Putin reiteró apoyo a Maduro y rechazó injerencia extranjera sobre Venezuela |
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Putin’s new authoritarian Russia |
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Info: Putin beshinchi marta uylanayotgan Germaniya sobiq kanslerining to‘yiga |
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Vladimir Putin leaves for Russia after signing 5 billion dollar defence deal with India |
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Putin llama “sucio bastardo” al espía envenenado en Londres |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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Putin and Modi exchange hugs as India signs Russia missile deal despite sanctions threat |
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Putin’den kritik mesaj: S-400’le kalmayacak |
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The Missed Opportunity of Technological Breakthrough in Putin’s Russia |
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Putin iznio svoje uslove: Strane trupe da se povuku iz Sirije i mi ćemo |
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Golf enthusiast Trump brags he could beat Putin in boxing match VIDEO — RT |
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Putin Dehlidə: 5 milyardlıq saziş imzalandı |
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Putin hält aktuellen Ölpreis für zu hoch |
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David J Bercuson: Putin may not want a fight with Israel but he may get it |
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Putin Bakıya məxfi missiya ilə gəlmişdi RUSİYA MƏNBƏLƏRİ |
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The Putin Challenge |
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Putin snayperlə şou göstərdi – VİDEO |
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07/10 – Aniversário – Frases de Vladimir Putin |
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Zerohedge: Pepe Escobar: Putin amp Xi Top The G61 |
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Putin: Ungarn ist einer der Schlüsselpartner Russlands in Europa |
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Trump afirma que ‘lo haría muy bien’ en una pelea de boxeo con Putin |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin Hindistan’da |
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India-Russia trade to cross 30 bn by 2025 : Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Ərdoğanın şərtini qəbul etdi amma –Kürd komandanlığı isə Afrinə hücum planı üzərində işləyir – TƏHLİL |
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With Russian President Vladimir Putin in India Rosneft slams Indian taxation system |
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Putin erstaunt |
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10 Amazing Facts About Vladimir Putin |
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La comunicación no verbal del primer encuentro entre Trump y Putin en el G-20 |
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1 Putin is ready to go all the way against the US in Syria Where does this place Israel |
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Putin Şröyderin 5-ci toyuna getməkdən |
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El calendario oficial de Vladimir Putin existe y TIENES que ver las fotos |
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Putin: Ümid edirik ki Rusiya və Azərbaycan şirkətləri Xəzər regionunda perspektivli layihələrin reallaşdırılması ilə fəal məşğul olacaqlar |
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Can Russia Survive Her “Partnerships” Has Putin Made A Strategic Miscalculation |
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Libertatea: Omul lui Putin și un susținător al legilor anti-gay la conferința IAA Ce spune |
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Putin warnt Europa es Bulgarien nicht gleichzutun |
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Putin will Gesetz gegen Internet-Extremismus lockern |
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Russian President Putin concludes India visit |
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CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY: Putin Goes Bare Chested Again For 2019 Calendar |
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Trump è una spia di Putin |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Arrives in India |
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Putin o Skripalju: On je ološ i izdajnik |
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Putin llega a la India para cerrar venta de misiles del Pueblo español pide protección temporal a venezolanos en España |
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Putin’s Killer Spies Have Finally Gone Too Far |
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Putin’in istihbarat akademisinde öğrenim görürken kaldığı oda ilk kez görüntülendi |
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Vladimir Putin Arrives in Delhi for Annual Bilateral Summit Russia India Likely to Sign Arms Deal During Meet |
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Vladimir Putin Bakıya gəldi |
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Vladimir Putin in India LIVE updates: मोदी जी ने ऐसे किया स्वागत इन मुद्दों पर होगी चर्चा |
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Putin’den mesaj: S-400’le kalmayacak |
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S-400 deal with Russia focus area for sanctions US warns India ahead of Putin’s India visit |
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Highlights: Vladimir Putin concludes India trip leaves for Russia |
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”Putin-tapauksen takia iso savotta” |
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India Russia Sign 55 Billion S-400 Deal During Modi-Putin Summit |
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Putin Gave an Example to Europe with Bulgaria and its Inability to Defend the National Is Bulgaria a European Success Story or Crisis Waiting to News |
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Władimir Putin o North Stream – 04102018 |
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Əliyev və Putin IX Azərbaycan-Rusiya Regionlararası Forumunun açılışında çıxış etdilər |
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Putin po dlhej príprave zasadil USA mohutný úder |
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Putin in Europa |
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‘You call that a shirtfront’: Putin to Bishop |
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PM Modi Vladimir Putin discuss strategic issues over one-on-one dinner |
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Putin Bakıya məxfi missiya ilə gəlmişdi – Rusiya mənbələri LENTİ |
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05102018 – Putin tanınmış alman siyasətçisinin toyuna getmədi |
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Tabatierka púzdro obal či krabička na cigarety – PUTIN |
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