Putin yunanlara söz verdi |
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Ərdoğan Poroşenkonun bu xahişini Putinə çatdırdı |
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Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə olundu – FOTO |
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Ukaynada Putin və Medvedevin maskası ilə 2 türk qarət olundu |
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US made Russia will create nuclear missiles Putin warns |
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Ərdoğan ukraynalı dənizçilərin sərbəst buraxılması barədə xahişi Putinə çatdırıb |
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Ərdoğan Putinə müraciət etdi: “Onları azad edin” |
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» Trump Draws Attention to Controversial Role of Putin-Friendly Former German Chancellor |
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Putin: Srbija uskoro… |
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Putin Dan Maduro Bertemu |
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Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə olundu – Foto |
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Opinion: Putin Must Be Punished |
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Putin: Türk Akımı Yunanistan üzerinden Avrupa’ya bağlanabilir |
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Seyful İslam Kaddafi Putin’i Krizi Çözmesi İçin Libya’ya Müdahil Olmaya Çağırdı |
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Ermənistana qarşı elan olunmuş müharibə – Putin yeni “cəbhə” açır |
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Putin schlägt Eurasischer Wirtschaftsunion gemeinsamen Ölmarkt vor |
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Erməni KİV: “Putin İlham Əliyevi seçdiyini növbəti dəfə nümayiş etdirdi” |
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Greek PM says after meeting Putin diplomats expulsion row has ended |
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Putin y Maduro firmaron acuerdos mil millonarios para petróleo oro y defensa |
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Russia’s Sobchak doesn’t blame Putin for 2002 hostage crisis |
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Trump und Putin zerlegen die EU |
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Ukraine’s Poroshenko implicates NATO in his duel with Putin |
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Russia will do the same if US makes nuclear missiles: Putin |
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Çipras’dan Putin’e: Türkiye’nin Rus silahları almasından endişeliyiz |
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Daca ai cel putin 9 dintre aceste trasaturi esti printre oamenii… |
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Dear Mr Trump: Don’t Appease Putin at the Expense of Eastern Europe |
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Angela Merkel kontra Władimir Putin |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e ziyaret! |
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Putin probes Ukraine’s sea lanes sovereignty |
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Putin’den Erdoğan uyarısı! Dünyaya böyle duyurdu |
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Daca ai cel putin 9 dintre aceste trasaturi esti printre oamenii inteligenti! |
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Putin zum INF-Ultimatum der USA auf deutsch Video |
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Putin Punching Bag |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e Türkiye mesajı: Endişeliyiz |
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Nhìn lại những khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ khi Trump – Putin gặp nhau |
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Elevii vor petrece mai putin timp la scoala Numarul orelor a fost redus |
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GOP rejects Dem consideration in Trump-Putin sit-down documents |
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Putin ile Çipras Kremlin Sarayı’nda görüştü |
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Putin zum INF-Ultimatum der USA auf deutsch will mit 98 Milliarden Rubel Mangel an medizinischem Personal verringern |
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The Week In Russia: The Blame Game Population Problems And ‘Putin’s Justice’ |
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Ərdoğan Poroşenkonun xahişini Putinə çatdırdı |
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Ərdoğan Putinə nəyi xahiş etdi |
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Putin Pencil Holder |
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The Trump Campaign Happened at the Right Time for Vladimir Putin |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e Türkiye mesajı! |
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Kremlin: Putin doesn’t feel snubbed by Trump canceling talks |
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Putin: Uskoro završetak pregovora sa Beogradom o povlašćenoj trgovini |
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John Barrasso: Simt presiunea exercitată de Putin care încearcă să intervină în scrutin |
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Putin And Mohammed bin Salman High-Five Each Other Today While Trump Sits Alone |
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Putin Maduroya pul taxıl silah vəd edib –Venesuela prezidenti Moskvadakı razılaşmaları açıqladı |
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Putin’den Yunanistan’a ‘TürkAkım’ mesajı |
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The Trump Organization Allegedly Offered Putin a Free Penthouse in the New Moscow Trump Tower |
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8 Bush: War in das Kennedy-Attentat verwickelt Im Juli 2007 schlug Bush dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin vor einen neuen Kalten Krieg zu beginnen wobei Russland vorgab Chinas Verbündeter zu sein Mit diesem Kalten Krieg als Tarnung würden die G7 Russland und Japan ihre Militärbudgets erhöhen bis sie sich alle umdrehen um China anzugreifen und es in sechs Länder aufzuteilen Bis vor kurzem war das die Handlung die mit all den gefälschten antirussischen Hysterien verfolgt wurde |
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Putin və Medvedyevin maskası ilə oğurluq etdilər |
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Crisi USA-Russia: sarà Putin a vincere |
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Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is being delightfully welcomed at G20 Summit: Putin |
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G-20: El saludo y breve diálogo de Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin |
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Putin macht Rogosin zu seinem Spezialvertreter für internationale startet erfolgreich zwei saudi-arabische Satelliten |
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Đọc chuyên sâu Chuyên gia Pháp: Yếu kém khoản này lãnh đạo phương Tây đừng mơ đuổi kịp được ông Putin |
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Bill Clinton Met Putin Before Uranium One Deal Podesta Group Implicated |
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Putin appointed acting Governor of the Sakhalin region |
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6 utilizari mai putin stiute ale piperului |
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Putin explains his refusal to talk with Ukrainian President Poroshenko |
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Salta l’incontro tra Trump e Putin al G20 in Argentina |
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Greek PM talks turkey with Russian media ahead of Putin meeting |
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Putin İsraildən Qüdsü Fələstinə qaytarmağı tələb etdi |
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Russia-Ukraine Conflict: US Military Sends Putin a Warning with ‘Extraordinary Flight’ Over Ukraine |
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Trump Derangement Syndrome and Putin on the Front Lawn |
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Abe Putin meet in Argentina |
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Tsipras takim me Putin për “shkrirjen” e marrëdhënieve Greqi-Rusi |
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Sistemul solar este menit sa dispara De fapt de cand Soarele a inceput sa straluceasca energia sa lumina si caldura rezulta din reactiile nucleare care transforma hidrogenul intr-un gaz ceva mai greu heliul Dar in mai putin de 5 miliarde de ani tot |
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Vladimir Putinə yarış dəbilqəsi hədiyyə edildi |
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“For the record I have ZERO investments in Russia” Donald Trump first starts denying any business ties to Russia July 26 2016 “I mean I have nothing to do with Russia I don’t have any jobs in Russia I’m all over the world but we’re not involved in Russia” Donald Trump July 27 2016 “I know nothing about Russia I know — I know about Russia but I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia I don’t deal there I have no businesses there I have no loans from Russia” Donald Trump October 10 2016 His sons had already admitted taking loans from Russia “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS NO LOANS NO NOTHING!” Donald Trump January 11 2017 “I don’t know Putin have no deals in Russia and the haters are going crazy – yet Obama can make a deal with Iran 1 in terror no problem!” Donald Trump February 7 2017 “I had nothing to do with it I have nothing to do with Russia I told you I have no deals there I have no anything” Donald Trump February 16 2017 “Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems and played up by the media in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!” Donald Trump blaming Hillary and the media February 26 2017 “I have had dealings over the years where I sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago I had the Miss Universe pageant — which I owned for quite a while — I had it in Moscow a long time ago But other than that I have nothing to do with Russia” Donald Trump perhaps in a slip admits that he did have some deals going on in Russia May 11 2017 “I have nothing to do with Russia I never did” Donald Trump goes back to firm denial July 20 2018 “I have nothing to do with Russia” Donald Trump October 29 2018 “There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won in which case I would have gotten back into the business and why should I lose lots of opportunities We decided — I decided ultimately — not to do it There would have been nothing wrong if I did do it” Donald Trump on the deal he denied existed November 29 2018 “Oh I get it! I am a very good developer happily living my life when I see our Country going in the wrong direction to put it mildly Against all odds I decide to run for President amp continue to run my business-very legal amp very cool talked about it on the campaign trail Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia Put up zero money zero guarantees and didn’t do the project Witch Hunt!” Donald Trump admits he was working on a “very legal and very cool” deal in Russia at a time when he was denying he had any deals in Russia November 30 2018 |
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Maduro Kunjungi Rusia Putin Siap Bantu Venezuela |
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Info: Putin va Lukashenko gaz narxi masalasida bahslashdi — yangiliklar |
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Can the world recover from Trump Putin and the collapse of optimism |
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Martial law in Ukraine: Putin warns against ‘reckless’ moves |
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Putin vyvyšuje Korán Islám |
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Putin wants to capture Ukraine he wants the old Russian Empire back: Ukraine President Poroshenko |
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Majoritatea oamenilor au vazut cel putin o eclipsa totala de luna Aceasta are loc cand intreaga Luna trece prin umbra Pamantului In acest caz Soarele si Luna se afla in parti opuse Pamantului Daca vedeti o eclipsa de luna vizibila doar noaptea in anum |
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‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Bursts into the Public Sphere Calls Putin a ‘Slow Learner’ |
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Podcast / Tony Wood and James Meek: Russia Without Putin |
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Ieri 19:40 – Mircea Miclea: Proiectul Romania educata e o colectie de pareri Sa vii dupa 4 ani cu teme de discutie nu cu solutii strategice e cam putin Interviu |
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The false belief that Putin will save the White Race: Putin amp Russia are DEEPLY in with the JEWS amp Bankers |
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Putin bails out Maduro with 6B Russian investments in Venezuela |
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Putin told why the Ukrainian authorities imposed martial law in the country |
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Fra protesjé til diktator Putin’s Witnesses |
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Maduro se aferra a su alianza con el gobierno de Putin |
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Putin: Güney Avrupa Yunanistan üzerinden Türk Akımı’na Başkanı Bilecik’ten itiraf: Aynı trende olmak aynı yolun yolcusu yapmaz |
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Putin və Lukaşenko hər kəsin qarşısında mübahisə etdi |
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Cómo es la suite presidencial que eligieron Vladimir Putin y Brad Pitt en Buenos Aires |
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Putin: Güney Avrupa Yunanistan üzerinden Türk Akımı’na bağlanabilir |
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Putin İrana gedir |
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İlham Əliyev və Putin Paşinyana YERİNİ GÖSTƏRDİ -VİDEO |
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Trump’s anti-Putin advisers are hung out to dry again |
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Οι πραγματικές δηλώσεις του Vladimir Putin |
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Your daily Sobchak doesn’t blame Putin for 2002 hostage crisis |
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Putin’s Missile Envy Doesn’t Bode Well for International Stability |
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VENEZUELA: Maduro arriva a Mosca per incontrare Putin |
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URGENTE: Israel: Putin irritado com a Síria por derrubar o avião de reconhecimento |
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Një makinë super luksoze ja ‘bunkeri’ i ndërtuar sipas kërkesave të Putin/ Foto |
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FACT CHECK: Is ‘Empty Barrel’ A Racist Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal |
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In Moscow Wary Tsipras Meets With Putin Photos |
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Invata sa nu mai pui totul la suflet si vei suferi mai putin |
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Putin otkazao posetu Srbiji Vučić otkazao paradu |
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Edward Goldberg: Vladimir Putin now the most successful leader in the world |
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Salminen Veronika: Putin |
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ABŞ Qara dənizə döyüş gəmi göndərir – Putin əsəbidir – VİDEO |
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Putin Tsipras meet in Moscow |
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Putin is testing Western resolve in Ukraine |
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WEIRDEST G20 EVER Putin high-fives MBS and Trump says get me outta here! |
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Putin: Tidak Ada Diskusi Pembebasan Kru Ukraina |
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Maduro y Putin cierran negocios: Rusia invertirá 6000 millones de… |
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İki Türk’e Putin maskeli gasp! |
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Türkiyə Prezidenti Rəcəb Tayyib Ərdoğan ukraynalı hərbçilərin azad edilməsi ilə bağlı xahişi Rusiya lideri Vladimir Putinə çatdırıb Ərdoğan bu barədə… |
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Federasiya prezindeti Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə etdi |
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Putin abogó por cumbres regulares entre Rusia India y China para estrechar cooperación |
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Trump plans to give 50m penthouse to Putin in Moscow |
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Is Putin the Most Successful Leader in the World |
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Vladimir Putin Called Out as Judo Fraud |
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Putin cancels France trip amid rift over Syria |
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Ich Putin – Ein Portrait 2012 |
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Putin’den Türk Akımı projesi açıklaması |
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Proponen canjear grito de mexicanos por ¡Eeehh Putin! |
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La nuova strategia finanzia di Maduro e l’ultima alleanza petrolifera con Putin |
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Video: Putin’s ‘bunker of wheels’ arrives at G20 in style |
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Putin: Russia will produce banned missiles if the US withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty |
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Wichtiges Interview und Kurzvideo von PUTIN – live |
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Putin: We Need to Revive Our Christian Roots Not Communist Ones |
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Putin’s Terrorism Is Becoming Active Again as the Midterms Approach |
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Putin fährt per Hyperloop zum CDU-Parteitag und und reicht seine Examensarbeit über Steuererleichterungen ein – Vermischtes 02122018 |
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Nicolás Maduro recibirá apoyo de Vladimir Putin |
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Fmr Russian Ambassador: President Trump Meeting ‘Complete Victory’ For Putin |
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Toți oamenii încă de mici citesc mult Desigur astăzi în epoca științei a literaturii și înaintării ei trebuie ca omul să citească mult dacă nu citești ești ca orb Citești tu și îți îndemni copilul să citească încă din primii săi ani pentru a nu eșua în viață Copilul tău dacă este instruit citește filosofie îi citește pe antici pentru a-și putea forma spiritul Citește cărți legate de societate enciclopedii cărți de știință și multe altele pentru a putea stabili un contact cu realitatea momentului în care trăiește pentru a putea înțelege omul din fața lui și a comunica cu el pentru a fi adecvat cerințelor și condițiilor vremii sale și a nu fi un om nehotărât Toate acestea sunt folositoare Nu sunt însă de ajuns și nici nu le putem citi toți Vorbim despre viața duhovnicească cu referire la cărțile pe care trebuie neapărat să le citim deoarece ne sunt de folos în călătoria noastră spre Cer Sunt acele cărți pe care atunci când le citești știi că vorbește însuși Dumnezeu Acestea sunt unelte ale vieții duhovnicești și fără ele este cu neputință să ajungă cineva în Rai Nu este cu putință să se facă referire numai la cele pe care Biserica noastră le-a distins prin istoria ei prin viața și prin sângele ei și pe care ni le-a dat spre desfătare zilnică Acele cărți în care nu citești gânduri criterii și judecată omenească ci în care găsești gândirea lui Dumnezeu Duhul lui Dumnezeu în care vorbește Însuși Dumnezeu Cei ce le-au scris sunt instrumente insuflate de Dumnezeu aflate în slujba Duhului Sfânt Predică ținută în biserica Sfântul Nicolae din Trikala la 24 ianuarie 1971 de Arhimandritul Emilianos Simonopetritul |
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Vladimir Putin speranță cu privire la Grecia |
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La OPEP en manos de Vladímir Putin |
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Putinə Rusiyaya pis baxırlar |
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Trump cancela su reunión con Putin por la crisis en Ucrania |
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Putin: Ako SAD napuste sporazum i mi ćemo! |
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Putin verstehen: Russische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Ära Wladimir Putin |
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What did Russian President Putin Achieve in Singapore by Ian Storey |
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Maduro logra apoyo de Vladimir Putin |
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Vladimir Putin: Life Coach |
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Jean Todt: Schumacher-signiertes Geschenk für Wladimir Putin |
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Saif Gheddafi si rivolge a Putin: “Ecco come riunificare la Libia” |
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CULISE! Cine este avocatul din Baroul Timis care a obtinut fabuloasa achitare a lui Nikolaus Mann dupa ce afaceristul fusese condamnat la nu mai putin de 15 ani de inchisoare |
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5 Beneficii Mai Putin Stiute Ale Mandarinelor |
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What Putin’s Offer at Helsinki Should Tell Congressional Blog via Email |
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Putin’s Christian Vision |
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Escalada nuclear: no arrojemos a Putin en manos de Jinping |
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Putin och Frankrike vinner |
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Mr Putin Butt Plug |
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Bine faci bine primesti si prin noi putin platesti! |
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Maduro firma acuerdos cooperaciones con Putin y la pobreza empeora |
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Üzgüçülük estafeti prezindeti Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə etdi |
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BOMBA! Putin uključuje Srbiju u veliki savez: Beogradu niko neće smeti ništa! |
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Putin ile Çipras Kremlin Sarayı’nda görüştü |
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Russia vs USA: Putin says dialogue is NOT WORKING – talk now is OUT |
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Putin’den Avrasya Ekonomik Birliği’ne dolarsız ödeme sistemi geliştirme önerisi |
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Putin y Maduro abordarán posible ayuda financiera de Moscú a Venezuela |
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When Does Vladimir Putin’s Russia Send In Troops |
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Rússia e Putin peças chave da Nova Ordem Mundial |
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‘African presidents too corrupt’ Putin |
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Trump’s Cowardice After Kerch Strait Incident Is Green Light for More Aggression by Putin On Eve of G-20 in Buenos Aires Congress Must Block Another Secret Appeasement Tryst with Russian Dictator! |
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10-15 mai putin |
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Prez Duterte at Russian Prez Putin nag-usap sa APEC Digong inimbitahan sa Moscow |
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Rusia condena cualquier intento de cambiar la situación en Venezuela por la fuerza: Putin |
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Tänk om man ändå vore ett Putin-Troll och fick betalt från Kreml! Halleluja! |
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İlham Əliyev və Putin Sankt-PeterBurqda Paşinyana yerini göstərdi-Foto/video |
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Dlouholetý Putinův kritik zemřel při tragické nehodě Přejel ho silniční válec |
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Secretario de Defensa de EEUU arremete contra Putin |
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Descopera proprietatile mai putin cunoscute ale uleiului de rapita |
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Tsipras and Putin planning the next day in Greek-Russian relations |
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Putin rechaza ultimátum de EEUU sobre misiles |
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Putin nije odlikovao Vučića! Dokazi da je Vučić slagao da je dobio orden |
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Edward Goldberg: Vladimir Putin now the most successful leader in the … |
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Dan Eliasson som nu är generaldirektör för MSB måste vara något i hästväg eftersom han kan vandra runt på olika ställen i statens tjänst! Är han månne en slaktare Någon som vet vad han har för utbildning Dan Tore Eliasson född 14 augusti 1961 i Sköns församling i Medelpad är en svensk ämbetsman och tidigare socialdemokratisk statssekreterare Han har varit generaldirektör för Migrationsverket och Försäkringskassan samt rikspolischef och är nu alltså på MSB! Lite konstigt är det allt! Om jag är ett Putin-Troll kanske han är en puppet-master inom Deep State! |
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Radio Biafra runs campaign to lobby Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: Ρεαλιστική η συμμετοχή της Ελλάδας στα ενεργειακά projects – Στήριξη Τσίπρα στη Μόσχα για τους αγωγούς |
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Após encontro com Putin Maduro anuncia contratos de US 5 bi na área do petróleo |
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Putin Maduroya pul taxıl silah vəd edib –Venesuela prezidenti Moskvadakı razılaşmaları açıqladı |
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Invading Ukranus Just Putin your ass |
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President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras |
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MARRËVESHJA/ Tsipras takim me Putin për shkrirjen e marrëdhënieve Greqi-Rusi |
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Putin rejects US claim of Russia breaking arms treaty |
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Putin Delivers a New ‘Sputnik I’ Shock: ‘Now They Will Listen to Us!’ |
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Trump Putin Bumper Sticker |
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Cohen and Sater Reportedly Colluded on Moscow Tower with Dmitri Peskov Putin’s Right Hand Man Beware Secret Sellouts at G-20 Sherrod Brown Shows GM Plant Closings Stem from 50 Tax Cut on Foreign Profits Built into GOP Tax Scam If Sir Neville Chamberlain Had Faced a Special Counsel 1938 Munich Appeasement Tragedy Might Have Been Avoided GOP Lockstep Fails to Install Farr as Federal Judge Senate Defies Trump on Yemen December 7 May Bring Trump’s New Pearl Harbor in Form of Government Shutdown |
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Putin: Güney Avrupa Yunanistan üzerinden Türk Akımı’na bağlanabilir |
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Ermənistana qarşı elan olunmuş müharibə – Putin |
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Maduro y Putin cierran negocios: Rusia invertirá 6000 millones de dólares en Venezuela |
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Exclusive film preview: Putin’s Witnesses / EN |
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Все на митинг 13 августа! 13 августа в 1900 – начало ОБЩЕГО надпартийного митинга в защиту Юрия Мухина его товарищей по ИГПР ЗОВ и всех политзаключенных Место: станция метро Ул 1905 года Призываю участвовать всех красных и белых Наша задача – показать что мы не намерены терпеть охранительный маразм когда схватить могут уже и за мысли отстоять наше право на референдум отрезвить власть Задача – взять планку в 5 тысяч участников Именно с этого порога 5 тысяч на митинге власть начинает бояться и считаться с нами Прошу всех распространять информацию в Сети Прошу созывать всех на митинг Тем временем и в Севастополе нарастает конфликт между косолапым губернатором Меняйло и городским советом заксобранием во главе с АЧалым Вопреки решению заксобрания Меняйло все-таки отдал байкерам Залдостанова 270 га за гроши у горы Гасфорта при том что байкеры в своих праздниках используют лишь 5 га Вопреки решению закобрания Севастополя никакие общественные слушания по использованию этой земли не проводились Меняйло саботирует требование заксобрания о подробном отчете: кому и сколько земель раздали Четыре закона принятых во втором чтении на последней сессии ветированы губернатором Меняйло плюет на севастопольцев Откровенно Обстановка в Севастополе все больше напоминает противстояние между мэрией Лужкова-Ресина и Моссоветом в 1992-1993 гг когда земли и недвижимость в Москве раздавались задешево друзьям мэрии Тогда это был например Мост Гусинского в Севастополе – ночные волки Залдостанова но суть одна и та же Переход конфликта в Севастополе в открыту фазу все вероятнее Кирилл Барабаш и Алексей Суханов – Обращение к Бастрыкину Виктор Илюхин ПУТИН ВРАГ РУССКОГО НАРОДА ! От края и до края от моря и до моря берeт винтовку народ трудовой ot kraya i do kraya Виктор Илюхин о Вооруженных силах правительстве путине и его дружбане сердюкове Неплохой получился бы президент из этого достойного человека – Виктора Ивановича Илюхина Жаль – замечательный был боец! Уважение и вечная память этому светлому человеку! Раскрыл всю суть гнилого пyтина и его xoлyeв о пyтине за месяц до убийства Путин Обама NATO Война битва Украина Putin Obama NATO War Ukraine Игра на смерть Кощея Бессмертного Тектоническое и Климатическое Оружие ХААРП Седьмая симфония Ленинград и испытание математических моделей Сейсмофондом в Рутенбергии https://vimeocom/72770739 spetsialnie tekhnicheskie usloviya obespecheniya seismostoykosti https://vimeocom/85677533 buro krestyaninform Ковальчук Ю К Оккупация Ротенбергии https://vimeocom/81379891 gazetazemlyarossii https://vimeocom/80171057 obsledovanie neboskrebov vsemirno torgovogo tsentra new york city Барабаш и Алексей Суханов – Обращение к Бастрыкину Илюхин ПУТИН ВРАГ РУССКОГО НАРОДА ! |
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Varvid jag skrev den här Vem är chef! Har inte han varit på Migrationsverket Försäkringskassan och Polisen Jo! Blev något bättre Nä! Men det var inte meningen heller Sist kraschade valmyndighetens sajt rakt ut i nyllet på svenska folket men ändå är det inga som tror på valfusk mer än jag och några till Resten sväljer rubbet! Inga journalister gräver Ja! Jag har också blivit anklagad för att vara ett betalt Putin-Troll! Wow! Till saken hör att jag gärna skulle vilja vara ett! Ha ha ha! |
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UK Intel Claims Putin Aims to Make Libya “New Syria” to Pressure West – Reports |
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Discurso anual de Vladímir Putin ante la Asamblea Federal de Rusia 2018 EN ESPAÑOL |
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Putin zum INF-Ultimatum der USA auf deutsch |
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İlham Əliyev və Putin Sankt-Peterburqda Paşinyana YERİNİ GÖSTƏRDİ – FOTOFAKT |
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După ce Putin a acceptat să susțină reducerea livrărilor de petrol la cererea OPEC prețul barilului de petrol a crescut cu 3 26 de dolari în doar câteva ore |
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Wife of Ukrainian officer appeals to Putin to release him |
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Putin və Medvedevin maskası ilə 2 türk soyuldu – 20 min dollar |
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Republica Moldova : Vladimir Putin și Traian Băsescu personalităţile politice în care alegătorii au |
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Putin Pentagonu: Ako se naoružate i mi ćemo |
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PUTIN O ULTIMATUMU SJEDINENJIH DRŽAVA O RAKETAMA SREDNJEG DOMETA: Ako se povuku iz sporazuma onda se i mi povlačimo |
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L’ascesa al potere di Vladimir Putin |
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Putin preti da će da razvija nuklearne rakete ako SAD urade isto |
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Ərdoğanın Salmana Trampın Putinə saymazyana davranışı – Bakı-Amsterdam əlaqələri üçün imkanlar var |
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Dėl planavimo darbų programos tvirtinimo Putinų kvartalo bei Panemunės kvartalo dalies detaliojo plano koregavimui rengti TPD reg Nr T00006082 koregavimas aktualu žemės sklypui Lauko g 4 |
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SNL: Trump is jealous of Putin and MBS’s budding G20 bromance |
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Putin’s Russia Just Delivered A Very Serious Message to President Trump |
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Əliyevlə Putin nələri müzakirə edəcək – Kreml açıqladı |
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Yunanistan Başbakanı Çipras Putin’e Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan silah satın alımlarından duyduğu endişeyi iletti- -TASS |
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Thanks To Putin Moving To Russia Just Got Easier |
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Min bir gecə nağılı: Putin çocukları kırıyor və yaxud Əsədin 4 kərə öldürülməsi boyu |
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Maduro fue a pedirle ayuda a Putin |
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Putin asegura que Rusia seguirá apoyando a Venezuela |
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Presidente Nicolás Maduro felicitó al Presidente Putin por el Mundial Rusia 2018 |
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Bất chấp hình ảnh ông Putin bị bôi xấu công chúng thế giới tin Nga quan trọng hơn Mỹ |
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Ərdoğan Putin xahiş edib |
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Putin tapşırdı: SSRİ-də doğulanlara vətəndaşlıq veriləcək – YENİ QAYDALAR |
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– BOOM!President Trump/Putin Only Way to Stop DeepState/NWO-Military Tribunal GET READY!🇺🇲️🤙🇨🇦️🇵🇭️ |
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Imagen de Vladimir Putin cae en todo el mundo |
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Tsipras expresa a Putin su preocupación por el suministro de armas a Turquía |
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Trump says Clinton team funding for Russia info ‘a rally across Russia on Putin’s 65th birthday |
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Putin Gets Personal – Explains Why He Never Takes His Cross Off |
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Putin fordert ein gemeinsames Zahlungssystem zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Souveränität |
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Putin Dice Que Rusia Se Verá Obligada A Responder Si EEUU Abandona Tratado Nuclear |
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Putin vysvětlil odmítnutí telefonovat s Porošenkem |
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Vladimir Putin acuerda con Maduro apoyo económico y militar para Venezuela |
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Putin: Rosja odpowie na wycofanie się USA z układu INF |
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Vladimir Putin: Războiul va continua în estul Ucrainei câtă vreme autoritățile actuale vor rămâne la putere |
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Al Jazeera: Wife of Ukrainian officer appeals to Putin to release him |
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Trump And Putin Ready To Battle Again |
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12/07 10:06İlham Əliyev və Putin “Şelkunçik” baletini izlədilər – FOTO |
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Putin Ancam Bakal Kembangkan Rudal Nuklir yang Dilarang Perjanjian INF |
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Putin y Erdogan acuerdan crear una zona desmilitarizada en Idlib |
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“Putin Sees and Hears it all: How Russia’s Intelligence Agencies Menace The UK |
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Puchar w Polsce 4 Putin z Sandomierza |
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Comunicatul de presa aferent proiectului „UNIT 4 RMPD – Ucenicie si stagii pentru somerii non-NEET din regiunile mai putin dezvoltate” |
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Russia will build missiles if US leaves treaty President Putin warns |
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Newsweek: US military sends Putin a warning with ‘extraordinary flight’ over Ukraine |
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Letter to President Vladimir Putin June 2013 |
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Putin şi-a exprimat speranţa că relaţiile „tradiţional călduroase” ale Rusiei cu Grecia au fost restabilite |
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In abrupt switch Trump cancels Putin meeting cites Ukraine crisis |
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Putin v přípravném kempu NHL |
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Is May scared of Putin British showing double standards over Russia says Ken Livingstone |
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Putin y Erdogan buscan un acuerdo sobre la provincia siria de Idlib |
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Entendi o plano do Putin só não sei se confio |
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Putin le da un salvavidas a Maduro que no lo salva |
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PM confronts Putin Saudi crown prince at G20 summit |
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Putin: “Melania’yı rahat bırakın!” |
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Russian President Putin to visit Turkey for trilateral talks between Russia Turkey and Iran |
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Guvernul s-a razgandit Nu mai creste salariul minim la 2350 lei pentru cei cu vechime in munca de cel putin 15 ani |
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Just as I Predicted Three Years Ago Trump and Putin Are Working Together to Drive Turkey Out of NATO and into the Soviet Union |
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Conferenza stampa congiunta di Vladimir Putin con il primo ministro greco Alexis Tsipras |
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Vlad The Impaler- the Putin Pencil Holder |
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Putin dijo que va a seguir el “camino del acercamiento” entre Rusia y Argentina |
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Путин Обама NATO Война битва Украина Putin Obama NATO War Ukraine Игра на смерть Кощея Бессмертного |
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Putin’den Türkakım Mesajı |
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How Does Putin maintain his health |
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Putin Campeón |
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The fate of the Trump-Putin meeting at the G20 |
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Proiect de lege: Mamele cu cel putin 3 copii vor primi indemnizatie lunara pe viata |
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Are Putin and Mohammed bin Salman Getting Ready for Another High-Five |
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5 suptilnih dokaza da Putin mrzi Vučića |
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Ajutoare de incalzire pentru mai putin de 700 de familii din Barlad |
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Putin promete apoyo a Nicolás Maduro |
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Daca efectuati un pariu cu cota totala cel putin egala cu 200 in cazul in care pierdeti un singur meci de pe bilet castigati de 10 ori valoarea mizei pariatePentru a primi acest castig trebuie ca pe tichet sa existe doar evenimente cu cote mai mici de 700 |
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Trump’s Scheming with Kremlin for Moscow Tower Extended Through Primary Season into Mid-June 2016: Fixer Michael Cohen Confesses in Manhattan Federal Court He Lied to Congress to Minimize Don’s Exposure Putin’s Official Deputy Dmitri Peskov Implicated in Contacts |
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Con su implementación se fortalecerán las telecomunicaciones en el país Maduro y Putin también firmaron acuerdos en otras áreas |
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Exclusive film preview: Putin’s Witnesses / CZ |
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Putin maskesiyle Türkleri soydular |
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Putin odobrio zakon: Žena ima pravo da ubije čoveka koji ju je silovao! |
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Rationally of course this makes little sense Nemtsov may have been an opposition leader but under Putin’s regime opposition hasn’t meant much and is meaning less and less |
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Protesters rally across Russia on Putin’s 65th birthday |
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Trump Putin Make Russia Great Again Short Sleeve T-Shirt |
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Łukaszenko i Putin posprzeczali się o ceny gazu VIDEO |
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Putin ve Rusya resti çekti Karşılık veririz |
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G20 Trump annuncia e poi cancella l’incontro con Putin Il L’Europa tra sovranismo e integrazione |
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Putin: Güney Avrupa Yunanistan üzerinden Türk Akımı”na bağlanabilir |
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10:35 İlham Əliyev və Putin “Şelkunçik” baletini izlədilər – FOTO |
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Cabral despre tatal sau: A plecat putin si s-a intors dupa 13 ani |
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Putin’s Reign of Terror the Permanent Revolution in Our Time |
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Trump Had ampaposInformalampapos Conversation With Putin At G-20 Summit |
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Putin’s Remarks on Use of Nuclear Weapons Are Confusing But Unlikely to Constitute a Shift in Nuclear Posture |
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Putin desafiante: si EEUU construye misiles Moscú hará lo mismo |
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Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip on bombings |
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Neuestes ZDF-Propaganda-Machwerk: “Trump amp Putin: Komplott gegen Amerika” |
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He Sought to End Vietnam Syndrome of Reluctance to Seek Military Solutions His Presidency Started Catastrophic Series of Middle East Wars That Still Weaken Country His Job Creation Record the Worst Since Herbert Hoover 60 Years Earlier His Embrace of Racist Eugenics a Scandal Trump Peddles Hyped Account of His Trade Talks with Emperor Xi Wall Street Is Eager to Be Gulled Mattis Reveals Putin “Mucked Around” with 2018 US Election Kremlin Bigwig Peskov Confirms Contacts with Cohen About Trump Tower Moscow Is Don Being Jettisoned by Moscow Putin’s Pilgrimage to Pskov Home of Moscow the Third Rome Doctrine |
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No More Secret Appeasement of Foreign Adversaries US Must Exit Yemen War UK Chancellor of Exchequer Hammond Sees Brexit Depression with 10 GDP Decline in Hard Brexit 4 Cut Under Agreed Departure Trump Makes Things Worse for May by Condemning Her Deal Argentine Judges Consider Arresting MBS for Genocide in Yemen Time to Declassify CIA Report on Kashoggi Murder Trump’s Epistemology of Irrationality: “I Have a Gut” Meaning Irrationalism Prevails and No Facts Can Be Determined Putin’s Popularity in Russia Cratering Due to Five-Year Hike in Pension Age |
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Putin îi transmite lui Bashar al-Assad că Rusia să-și apere suveranitatea |
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Putin tiene que ser castigado |
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Africa Is Just A Cemetery For Africans – Russia President Putin |
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Uite cum arată cea mai nouă casă de vacanță a lui Putin Are faianță cu inserții de aur peste tot un centru spa subteran și chiar un radar împotriva spionilor Nu-mi vine să cred cum arată interiorul! |
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US destroyers and aircraft send a message to Putin |
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Latest Syria Russia News What will Trump do amp how will Putin respond War is once again on the horizon as the Deep State uses the alleged chemical attack near Damascus to further their established goal of seizing Syria annihilating Iran and killing any Russian who gets in the way of world domination |
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Putin: Rosja może włączyć Grecję w projekty dostaw gazu do Europy |
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Wir halten nichts von Spielchen PUTIN / TRUMP – GAME OVER FREUNDE ´ auf Kosten Europas Meine Meinung zur Situation heute Abend |
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Pse vetëm Putin u soll ngrohtë me Bin Selman në Argjentinë |
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Putin anunció la construcción de una central nuclear en Argentina y cancilleria lo desmintió |
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Querer regentar el mundo de manera unipolar es ilegítimo e inmoral: Vladímir Putin |
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Macri junto a Putin: Logramos firmar una declaración con coincidencias profundas |
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Putin Ukraynanı məğlub edə bilməyəcək – Herbst |
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Die Welt: Kde Kyjev zakazuje Putin povoluje! |
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Ayuda económica y técnico militar abordará Maduro con Putin este 5Dic |
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Trump Meetings with Putin Xi MBS and Other Dictators at Argentina G-20 Are Threats to US National Security |
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Russian President Putin Allegedly Calls Africa a Cemetery |
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Trump propuso discutir un acuerdo con Xi Jinping y Putin para frenar “una carrera de armas incontrolable” |
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PUCHAR W POLSCE 4 Putin z Sandomierza |
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Putin: Sabemos que la situación en Venezuela sigue siendo complicada |
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Ajutoare de incalzire pentru mai putin de 700 de familii din… |
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Putin promete apoyo al presidente Nicolás Maduro |
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İlham Əliyev və Putin “Şelkunçik” baletini izlədilər – Foto |
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Putin: Russia may allow Greece join gas pipeline projects |
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Topolánek: Putin a Sarkozy Sraz trpaslíků na špičkách |
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In Response Trump Discovers Russia’s Kerch Strait Aggression as Pretext to Call Off Meeting with Putin at G-20 Given Key Role of Felix Sater What Did FBI Know and When Did They Know It Mueller Indicted Twelve GRU Agents on Eve of July Helsinki Sellout Now Special Counsel Again Puts Brakes on Appeasement Just Before Meeting with Russian Dictator Fed Signals Interest Rates Are Close to Neutral but Warns of “Particularly Large” “Drop in Asset Prices” |
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Paşinyan Putinə yalvardığını niyə gizlədir |
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Putin le da un salvavidas a Maduro que no lo boda de ensueño de Nick Jonas y Priyanka en la India |
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Kremlin sours on Trump after Putin snubs |
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EAWU kurz vor Abschluss eines Freihandelsabkommens mit Merkel macht Putin Merkel sichert Unterstützung zu |
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putin efort cu produsele potrivite |
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vladimir putin |
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Russia Will Build Missiles if US Leaves Treaty Putin Warns |
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Nicolás Maduro llega a Rusia para reunirse con Vladímir Putin |
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Stilul Art Nouveau apãrut la sfârsitul anilor 1890 a durat mai putin de un deceniu dar în acest rãstimp trãsãturile sale de bazã au pãtruns în toate aspectele artei si design-ului În 1895 un negustor de artã de origine germanã Samuel Bin |
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Tầm nhìn lớn của Putin qua Diễn văn Munich 2007 |
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La direzione del’ANAS a nome di tutta l’associazione augura al presidente Putin buon lavoro per il suo quarto mandato |
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