Biography and Life Story of Vladimir Putin Russian President |
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Putin dolazi u Beograd da potpiše sporazum! |
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Fake Account: Twitter Suspends Impostor Vladimir Putin Account |
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Putinə NÖVBƏTİ ZƏRBƏ: Onlar kəşfiyyatın hədəfi olacaq |
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Çipras’ın isteğine Putin’den cevap: Buna Erdoğan karar verir |
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Netanyahu briefs Putin on anti-tunnel operation on Lebanese border: Kremlin |
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Putin’den Çiprasa cevap Buna Erdoğan karar verir |
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Ex-Putin adviser warns of coming Russian attack! |
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Putin: Svet se brzo transformiše ne smemo zaostati |
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Vladimir Putin Childhood Story Plus Untold Biography Facts |
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Putin Trampın əvəzinə Türkiyə prezidenti ilə görüşə bilər |
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Federasiya prezidenti Putinə yarış dəbilqəsi hədiyyə etdi |
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Putin pide a Netanyahu garantizar estabilidad en la operación contra los túneles de Hezbollah |
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HIT! PUTIN U STRIPU SA SUPERMENOM! Šef Kremlja se zakačio sa superherojem i ŠTA MISLITE KO JE POBEDIO |
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Putin pide a Netanyahu que garantice la estabilidad en la frontera entre Líbano e Israel |
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Judo Putin |
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Interviu Thierry Wolton: Visul lui Vladimir Putin un vechi vis sovietic |
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Putin ayılarla qarşılaşmasından danışdı: Onların yanında |
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Putin Resti Çekti Dünya Diken Üstünde |
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Putin and Maduro meet discuss US regime change tactics in Venezuela |
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Greqia i shkel “syrin” Rusisë Cipras-Putin angazhohen për të rivendosur marrëdhëniet |
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Holigans – hybridní chuligáni: proč není pravděpodobné že Putin zorganizoval střety v Marseille |
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Russia will build missiles if US leaves treaty Putin warns |
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What You Need to Know From the Trump-Putin Press Conference |
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“ANTENA JASHTË FAMILJES”/ Vladimir Putin telefonon Edi Ramën: Si të vjedh si ty |
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Putinə növbəti zərbə: Onlar kəşfiyyatın hədəfi olacaq |
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ZBOGOM EVROPO: Putin: Pravim uniju sa Srbijom! |
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Is Putin the Provocateur in the Kerch Crisis |
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Dr Ross: Putin realizuje scenariusz osłabienia Ukrainy |
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8 trucuri mai putin cunoscute pentru eliminarea grasimii de pe abdomen |
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SUBJECT: Vladimir Putin the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria |
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Putin’den Çipras’a cevap! ‘Buna Erdoğan karar verir’ |
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Superman Vs Putin: Propaganda In DC’s Doomsday Clock S |
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Çiprasdan Putinə: Türkiyənin sizdən silah alması |
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Poroshenko predijo la victoria de Putin al posponer la elección del Presidente de Ucrania |
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Ukrayna’da Putin maskesi takıp Türkleri… |
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Donald Trump Promises He Won’t Let Putin Get Past Second Base In Private Helsinki Meeting |
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Putin sagte über die Konsequenzen der Unhöflichkeit der Beamten |
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Vladimir Putin is set to win his fourth term as Russian president with |
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Ceapa este un remediu natural pentru multe probleme de sanatate – Iata 12 intrebuintari mai putin stiute |
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Putin has proof that Irma has been created by US Gov with HAARP Project |
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ANTENA JASHTË FAMILJES Vladimir Putin telefonon |
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Rusiya – OPEC razılaşması hələlik alınmır neft sürətlə ucuzlaşır –Putin karteldən bərabər azaltma kvotası tələb edir |
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Sase persoane au murit iar cel putin 120 au fost ranite in urma unei busculade produse la un club de noapte din Italia – VIDEO |
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Netanyahu informa Putin sobre operação anti-túnel na fronteira com o Líbano – Kremlin |
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Cohen talked to Trump about meeting Putin during 2016 race |
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Putin inicia cumbre trilateral con India y China |
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Netanyahu informa Putin sobre operação anti-túnel na fronteira com o |
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Başbakan Çipras’tan Putin’e: Türkiye’ye S-400 satışından endişeliyiz |
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Putin advarer om alvorlige messe |
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Putin İle Netanyahu Telefonda Görüştü |
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US Energy Secretary Rick Perry delivered a warning to pro-Putin Viktor Orbán |
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Putin ile Netanyahu telefonda görüştü |
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‘Mad Dog’ Mattis calls Putin a ‘slow learner’… then bemoans ‘worsened’ US relations with in Geneva: No military solution in Afghanistan |
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De ce Putin le-a dat rachete nord-coreenilor |
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EU-Russia Relations in the New Putin Era |
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Solicitare către Putin din partea soţiei unui |
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Love Through Hate – Trump and Putin in New York |
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The Putin Challenge |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e: Türkiye’nin Rus silahları almasından endişe duyuyoruz |
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Netanyahu speaks to Putin by phone |
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Putin cria RIC formato trilateral com Índia e China por MKBhadrakumar |
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Üzgüçülük estafeti prezidenti Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə etdi |
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Putin yunanlara söz verdi |
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Trump brand now toxic in Putin’s Kremlin |
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Putin otwiera szkołę dla polityków |
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Putin’s new authoritarian Russia |
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Will Mueller/Putin Investigate Browder |
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Isekai Putin 5 – Chapter 5 |
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Δηλώσεις Πρωθυπουργού και Υπουργού Εξωτερικών Αλέξη Τσίπρα στην κοινή συνέντευξη τύπου με τον Πρόεδρο της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας Vladimir Putin Μόσχα 7122018 |
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Putin və Medvedevin maskası ilə 2 türk qarət olundu |
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James Mattis: Putin jest tak „niepojętny” że znów próbuje nas oszukać |
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FOTO : Inundatii in zona Beiusului In cel putin 3 localitati apele au intrat in curtile oamenilor |
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Putin’s Cold War Kickstarter |
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7:13 AM 12/1/2018 – BOOK REVIEW: Craig Unger – ‘House of Trump House of Putin’ the plot to put a Russian operative in the White House: “This claim surprised the heck out of me: “The most powerful figures in America’s national security—including two FBI directors William Sessions and Louis Freeh … ended up working with Russians who had been deemed serious threats to the United States” |
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La insólita carta de Vladimir Putin a Nicolás Maduro |
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Trump VOA’e Konuştu: ‘Putin’le Uygun Zamanda Görüşeceğim’ Haberi |
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Yunanistan Başbakanı Çipras Türkiye’yi Putin’e şikayet etti! |
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Putin Maduroya pul taxıl silah vəd edib –Venesuela prezidenti Moskvadakı razılaşmaları açıqladı |
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Putin Explains How Obama Created ISIS |
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Putin pide a Netanyahu garantizar estabilidad en la operación contra los… |
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Putin andiçməyə hazırlaşdığı günlərdə savaşa çəkilir-təhlükəli gəlişmə |
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Ərdoğanın Salmana Trampın Putinə saymazyana davranışı – Fotolarda |
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Putin and Saudi crown prince share a joke at G20 |
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Anadolu: Ο Putin επιδιώκει την επέκταση του αγωγού φυσικού αερίου «TurkStream» στην Ελλάδα |
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SUBJECT: Putin and Trump the Lubavitcher Messiahs |
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Putin told about the consequences of rudeness of officials |
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Putin kể chuyện bị gấu bao vây ở Siberia0 |
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Erdogan och Putin kan splittra Bosnien |
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NEVER REMEMBER : Searching for Stalin’s Gulags in Putin’s Russia signed by both |
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Putin avtomobili ilə G20-yə damğa vurdu – Ərəblər də istəyir- FOTOLAR |
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Federasiya prezidenti Putinə dəbilqə hədiyyə etdi |
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Smoleńsk: Kniaź Putin zaczyna ujawniać prawdę Zamachu Warszawskiego |
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El proyecto de la torre Trump en Moscú contemplaba un penthouse para Putin |
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Donald Trump Hires New Russian White House Janitor That Looks Exactly Like Vladimir Putin |
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Putin İlham Əliyevə dost münasibət bəsləyir ÖZƏL-MÖVQE |
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The Power of Putin – Documentary 2018 BBC Documentary |
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Putin razgovarao sa Netanjahuom u vezi Sirije tražio mu JEDNU STVAR |
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Putin Must Be Punished Putin deve ser punido |
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What is the Enneagram Type of Vladimir Putin |
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Putin pret Tsipras në Moskë: Gati të tejkalojmë tensionet greko-ruse |
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‘Passo de atirador’ do Putin desvendado por pesquisadores |
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La minaccia di Putin: ora si passa ai fatti! |
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Andrian Candu a spus la o televiziune americană că președintele rus Vladimir Putin vrea să refacă Uniunea Sovietică |
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Rusia condena los intentos de cambiar la situación en Venezuela por la fuerza dijo Putin |
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FIFA World Cup And The Finale Fanatics Courtesy Of Putin Kolinda And Macron |
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PM Modi meets Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin in first trilateral after 12 years |
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President Putin Prime Minister Medvedev attend United Russia Party’s 18th congress |
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Putin calls for INF dialogue |
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Lý do TT Putin thành công trên chính trường thế giới và đưa Nga đến những thắng lợi vang dội |
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Vladimir Putin o el golpe de efecto permanente |
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The Soccer Ball that Putin Gave Trump Contains a Tracking Chip |
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Putin odhaluje historii Ruska 1 a 2 část |
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Putin Jerks His Puppet Babies Get Tear-Gassed |
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Rusia es clave para el desarrollo futuro de Asia El pivote de Asia de Putin Cinturón y camino de China Hacia una “asociación euroasiática más grande” |
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Çin Kanadanı ağır aqibətlə Putinə yaxın 6 biznesmenə qarşı sanksiya tətbiq edilməsini istəyir |
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What lessons Trump Putin can learn from the 1986 US-Soviet summit |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Allegedly Says ‘Africa Is A Cemetery For Africans’ |
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Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to meet on Dec1 |
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Freiheit für Palästina!Der Freiheitskampf des palästinensischen Volkes und unsere Arbeit für Frieden Gerechtigkeit und g Freedom for Palestine!Our communication to all concerned organizations and individuals on freedom and well-being of all pe Mosul and Raqqa – Remote-Controlled MiseryReports about the two ex-IS cities Mosul and Raqqa drive tears into the eyes of any decent researc Volkstrauertag – der reine WahnsinnDer Volkstrauertag wurde 1919 vom Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge als Gedenktag für die g NATO Exercise Threatens PeaceNATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 exercise propaganda speaks of defense and security – but choice of lo Trump’s INF Treaty GameThe INF treaty covers intermediate range nuclear forces – but Trump’s handling might result in wide „Verschwörungstheorie“: Krach mit RT DeutschViele wundern sich warum Christoph Hörstel zwar für russische Medien schreibt und dort häufig in CDU Regime ChangeGermany’s political elite in turmoil: Angela Merkel leaves the chair of her Christian-Democratic Uni US: last fight for global dominance to start tomorrow morning!Tomorrow morning isn’t just the start of the toughest sanctions in history only to be compared wi Merz statt Merkel! – Schmerz statt Murksel!Jetzt schlägt’s 13!! Selten so klar Recht behalten in 24 Stunden! Dieser Tag in Beiträgen: Gest The Hushed-Up Summit SuccessSeven year-old Syria conflict gets a shiny new peace building format – while western propaganda medi Iran Under US War ThreatImminent US cabinet reshuffle gives a hint on planning This is the special Trump way to fire a m Western Media Murder GamesFrenzy about an alleged fake Russian murder case – near complete silence about French realities Öffentlicher Gesprächstermin bei Gießen: 12 Oktober 2018 Christoph Hörstel wirkt als Publizist und berät Regierungen und Unternehmen Er ist Experte für Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Herr Präsident Putin!Exzellenz sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Putin mit 66 Jahren da fängt das Leben an sang Deutschland: Korrupte Führungselite verliert ihre SpracheEin stinkender Sumpf der Korruption regiert unser Land – überall: Es gibt keinen Lebensbereich der Syria: Erdogan’s Tough ChoicesSochi agreement on the demilitarized Idlib belt offers risks – and opportunities The chain of ev Islam: Hetze und Rassismus in DeutschlandUnfassbare Dinge geschehen jetzt in Deutschland ganz selbstverständlich Storm on Idlib haltedSyria with Russia and Iran give peace a chance Turkey crammed in reinforcements and remains constru Syria: Battle For Idlib Has StartedPossible consequences include financial crash and worldwide war The astonishing part of the late wg Truppenabzug: Briefe an amerikanischen und britischen BotschafterGestern habe ich die Ankündigung veröffentlicht heute gingen die unten beigefügten Briefe raus: Abzug aller US- und UK-Truppen sowie US-Befehlsstellen aus Deutschland!Diese Petition hat 2015/6 insgesamt 105000 Unterstützer gefunden davon 97000 aus Deutschland Macron’s New Security Strategy For EuropeSecurity Partnership To Include Russia and Turkey – How Credible French President Macron issue Macrons neue Sicherheitsstrategie für Europa: im Westen nichts Neues Die jüngsten Äußerungen des französischen Präsidenten Macron zu einer neuen europäischen After Macron’s Statements: The New Situation Is The OldThe recent Macron statements of European security including Russia do not change anything: In fact w |
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Andrian Candu la FoxNews: Suntem în pericol Putin încearcă să… |
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¿Cómo entender a Putin Para ojos occidentales su comportamiento es casi caricaturesco entre cómico y amenazante como el malo de una |
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Twitter Suspends Account That Has Been Impersonating President Putin for 4 Years |
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Vesti proaste pentru toti salariatii care au cel putin 15 ani vechime! Ce se intampla cu salariile lor |
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Putin Sends HUGE Message to Trump re: Paris Climate Agreement |
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Cipras: Staviću kravatu ako mi je Putin pokloni VIDEO |
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Putin nie zna geografii Rosja zaatakowała ukraińską marynarkę wojenną w pobliżu ukraińskich wód agresja Rosja jest głównym za |
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普京拜访俄国原住民 Putin Visits Russia’s Eskimos |
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Putin – Netanyahu Phone Call: Military Cooperation In Syria Must Improve Israeli Minister Says IDF May Go Into Lebanon To Deal With Tunnel Threat |
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Đụng độ Nga – Ukraine ở Biển Đen: Ông Erdogan nhắn nhủ Tổng thống Putin |
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In 2008 Putin learned that brutality paid off |
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Trump ve Putin’le ikili görüşme |
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Israel soldiers fire at Hezbollah activists Lebanon calls them army patrol as Netanyahu briefs Putin on tunnels |
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2 Masina cu cel putin 1 cheie |
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Russia ready to extend TurkStream to Greece: Putin |
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Putin neden cep telefonu kullanm |
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Vladimir Putin And Saudi Crown Prince Pal Around At G20 Summit |
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The Blame Game Population Problems And ‘Putin’s Justice’ |
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Putin priti Tsipras në Moskë: Gati të tejkalojmë tensionet greko-ruse |
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PUTIN ANNOUNCED: Soon the end of negotiations with Serbia |
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Asesor presidencial ruso: Maduro y Putin discutirán sobre comercio e inversiones para Venezuela |
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Marea Adunare Nationala de la Alba Iulia din 1 Decembrie 1918: Secrete si lucruri mai putin cunoscute |
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Sistema mediático y propaganda en la Rusia de Putin |
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Putin: Svet je u stanju moćne transformacije |
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President Putin took part in Russian Geographical Society awarding ceremony |
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Vladimir Putin gets racing helmet as gift from FIA president |
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Putin confirma que no hay nuevos recortes en la producción de petróleo Esperanzas para Estados Unidos Reino Unido |
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Putin promete apoyo a Maduro quien busca en Moscú ayuda financiera |
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Putin – Sự Trỗi Dậy Của Một Con Người |
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Vladimir Putin and His Game – BBC Documentary 2018 |
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Trump KNEW in advance about lawyer Michael Cohen’s bid to set up New York meeting with Putin in 2015 – the same year ‘trusted Russian’ offered ‘political synergy’ to Trump campaign |
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Abogado asegura que tiene un significado que Putin no recibiera a Maduro en el Kremlin |
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Cel putin 6 persoane au murit intr-o busculada dintr-un club de noapte din Italia Peste 100 de raniti – VIDEO |
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Vi forsager Putin og alle hans gerninger og alt hans væsen Vi tror på NATO den Almægtige … |
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A woman who is supposed to be Putin’s daughter appears on TV and a taboo is broken |
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Bei Austritt der USA aus dem INF-Vertrag: Putin kündigt neue russische Mittelstreckenraketen an |
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Michael Cohen conferred with Trump about Putin meeting during election Mueller says |
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Putin neden ‘çak’tı |
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Tsipras meets Putin in Kremlin |
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Inside the history of the Russian city that best explain why Putin wants to host the World Cup |
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Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria |
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Putin má novou limuzínu Od vznikající ruské značky Aurus |
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Towards a New Social Contract in Putin’s Russia |
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Galleri Zetterling: Mubarak’s och Putin kan splittra Bosnien |
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Vladimir Putin and His Most Nefarious Crimes |
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Cohen made contact with Russian to set up Trump-Putin meeting Mueller reveals |
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Borgmästare har hängt sig i ett träd · Paco möter Putin · Regeringen… |
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Guvernul s-a razgandit Nu mai creste salariul minim la 2350 lei pentru cei cu vechime in munca de cel putin 15 ani |
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Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel |
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Vladimir Putin‘s Arctic land grab for Russia |
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Predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin izjavio je da očekuje da će pregovori Evroazijske ekonomske unije … |
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Putin’s Singapore visit signals continued Russia-Asean interest |
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Deep Dish: The Russia-Ukraine Clash Reveals Putin’s Mediterranean Strategy |
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Brands litar inte på Putin |
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Western Leaders Congratulate Putin for Stealing Another Election |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e: ‘Türkiye’nin yeni silahlanma programından rahatsızız’ |
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Woman Said to Be Putin’s Daughter Appears on TV and a Taboo Is Cracked |
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Putin Critics Suspected To Have Been Killed By Him |
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Notes From Underground: Xi Am Putin My Readers On |
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khashoggi case Putin G20 Summit |
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Macht Putin ernst in Libyen- Maxim A Suchkov |
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Putin does not rule out connecting South Europe to Turkish Stream via Greece |
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Putin calls for common dollar-less payment system as key for economic sovereignty |
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Analysis: Russian influence grows even as Putin is viewed negatively |
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Putin ayılarla dostluğundan danışdı |
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Un nuevo misil “invencible” el arma secreta de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin y Maduro expresarán su apoyo a una solución pacífica en Venezuela |
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Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu |
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Sign the petition: Demand Donald Trump hold Vladimir Putin to international standards of free |
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Putin verbietet Fluorid und kontrolliert gerade aktiv: |
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Von der Einseitigkeit der mit Netanjahu: Putin fordert bessere Sicherheitszusammenarbeit in Syrien |
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Putin pojawił się na zjeździe Jednej Rosji by wesprzeć słabnącą podjęliśmy uchwałę upoważniającą do rozmów z różnymi środowiskami ws wyborów do PE opis |
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Maduro agradeció a Putin y países petroleros por reducción de producción |
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Putin’s Mysterious Daughter Makes Rare Public Appearance |
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Rusiya KİV: “Putin məhz Əliyevin əhatəsində oturdu və onunla səmimi söhbətlər zarafatlar etdi” |
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Vladimir Putin confirms supermarket explosion was TERROR attack |
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Trump-Putin summit: US no longer projects coherent identity to the world |
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Trump needs to borrow a page from Putin’s playbook |
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Putin ayılarla qarşılaşmasından danışdı |
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Çipras’tan Putin’e: Türkiye’nin yeni silahlanma programından rahatsızız |
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Putinə onun adı yazılmış yürüş dəbilqəsi hədiyyə edilib |
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Şimaldan hədələr ciddiləşir – “Putin Ermənistandan bazaları çıxarmayacaq!” |
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Andrian Candu la FoxNews: Suntem în pericol Putin încearcă să reconstruiască Uniunea Sovietică |
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Putin’den Çipras’a Türk Akımı yanıtı geldi |
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Vladimir Putin a devenit personaj negativ de benzi desenate… |
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Putin Unveils ‘Invincible’ Nuclear Weapons |
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Many Russian Christians Criticize the Putin Regime But not Church Officials |
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Donald Trump amenaza con cancelar su reunión con Vladimir Putin por la “agresión” rusa a Ucrania |
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Putin And The Saudi Prince Ignore Trump Like An Ex-Boyfriend At Prom |
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Putin UFO Disclosure: Will Vladimir Putin Disclose Alien Presence |
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Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin hold ‘blunt’ meeting at G20 |
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The Putin interviews |
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Putin deyir ki “Hunter killer”in ssenarisi sürrealdır |
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Tsipras Putin see eye to eye on energy diverge on geopolitics |
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Trump says Putin told him there was no Russian hacking! |
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Regulations the answer to pollution Elections will not halt green push Su Chi the ‘consensus’ and election predictions Macron blinks as ‘yellow vest’ protests force fuel tax climbdown Macron’s crisis in France a warning to all of Europe Kerch Strait blockade not guaranteed to ‘make Putin great again’ EDITORIAL: Changing the face of the nation Intentions behind Ma’s new ‘noes’ Learning from other financial scandals LETTERS The final frontier: Who owns the oceans and their hidden treasures ‘Petroyuan’ aiding the international adoption of China’s currency EDITORIAL: KMT not respecting Constitution Beijing touts democracy in Taiwan Next steps after East Asia Summit Convoluted referendum questions led to confusion A new wave of activists look beyond Aung San Suu Kyi |
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As I Predicted Our Enemy Vladimir Putin Is Breaking Our Alliances and Raising Our Oil Prices Where Is Trump the Traitor Where Is Israel Our Supposed Ally |
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Putin traci poparcie Rosjan Ludzie zaczynają zdawać sobie sprawę że jego fatalna polityka wiedzie Rosję ku przepaści |
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Putin odhaluje historii Ruska … |
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Putin expresa la “seria preocupación” de Rusia por la ley marcial en Ucrania |
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News Related Videos On: Vladimir Putin gets racing helmet as gift from FIA president |
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Entender la Rusia de Putin De la |
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Putin defiant on Ukraine crisis despite Trump summit talks threat |
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Putin ayılarla qarşılaşmasından… |
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Putin recibe a Maduro y le expresa su apoyo a Venezuela |
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Putin: “No pretendemos deshacernos del dólar el dólar nos está abandonando |
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Semnal interesant – Vladimir Putin va boicota sesiunea anuală a Adunării |
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Putin alerta EUA que Rússia pode voltar a fabricar mísseis proibidos |
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Acum e o artista de succes insa ascunde un trecut mai putin fericit! Lidia Buble: Am inceput sa muncesc de pe la 14 ani Primul meu job a fost femeie de serviciu – FOTO |
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“Work for the future”: what Putin said at the Congress of the EP |
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Trump Walks Past Putin At G20 Summit Exchanges ‘Pleasantries’ With Saudi Prince |
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Putin ve Suudi Veliaht Prensi ile Dikkat Çeken Selamlaşma |
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Tsipras takon Putin në Moskë |
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Putin’den Türk Akımı açıklaması |
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Cohen talked with Trump about meeting Putin during campaign |
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Putinə Ukraynanın şərqi lazım deyil – Nazarbayev |
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Where is Putin Russian President Absent on World Cup Football |
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PM Modi surpasses Trump and Putin becomes world’s most popular leader on Instagram now |
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Roman Abramovich is ‘on a list of six Putin-linked Russian oligarchs being targeted by UK intelligence to disrupt their ability to travel in retaliation for Skripal nerve agent attack’ |
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E Zuesse: Putin poważnie ostrzega Rumunię i Polskę przed instalowaniem natowskich systemów ABM – „nikt nie słucha” |
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Putin must be punished – Ukraine’s President |
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Putinə yarış dəbilqəsi hədiyyə edildi – Foto |
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Kurd Autonomy: Is it Kerry’s Plan B or Putin’s Plan A |
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