Putin visits Crimea to mark 5th anniversary of annexation |
17 |
Putin firma ley contra noticias falsas y ofensas al Estado |
8 |
Vladimir Putin Nostalgic Blindness A Critique of the Russian Federation’s Unsustainable Foreign Policy with Ukraine |
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Russian Bills Banning ‘Fake News’ Insults Head To Putin For Signature |
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Putin na piate výročie anexie navštívil Krym zúčastnil sa na spustení novej elektrárne |
5 |
Ucraina plânge Rusia sărbătorește cinci ani de la anexarea Crimeei: AROGANȚA făcută de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin signs bill punishing those who insult the state |
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Kasıblığa görə Putinə şikayət edən 12 yaşlı qızın həyatı alt-üst oldu |
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Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der |
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Yəhudilərin pulu olmadığını eşidən Putin zarafatından qalmadı |
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Putin in Crimea as Russia marks five years since annexation |
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Putin potpisao zakon koji zabranjuje vređanje države |
3 |
Özbəkistan KTMT və “Putin İttifaqı”na geri qayıdır |
3 |
JRL NEWSWATCH: “‘Chaotic’ sanctions against Russia have failed says Navalny’ Putin critic claims they miss target and US and UK avoid tackling dirty money” – Financial Times/ Max Seddon |
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Putin inaugura en Crimea centrales eléctricas en quinto aniversario anexión |
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Putin launches two power plants in its full power in Crimea |
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Putin otvorio dvije nove elektrane na Krimu |
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Ex-Putin adviser who died in US had broken neck reports say |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Don’t be evil Vladimir Putin wants to stifle the internet Google should not help him” – The Economist Editorial |
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Obama VS Putin |
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Putin Preparing Russians for War Much as Stalin Did in 1938-1939 |
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Putin İşgalin 5 Yılını Kutlamak İçin Kırım’a Gidecek |
2 |
NYT: Covorul roșu întins de Orban unei bănci rusești condusă de un personaj cu multiple „intrări” în KGB/ Expert: E o ocazie pentru Putin să-și refacă rețele de spionaj afectate după afacerea Skripal |
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Putin Krymyň Orsýete ‘birikmeginiň’ bäş ýyllygyny bellemek üçin ýarymada sapar edýär |
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Daca ai cel putin 9 dintre aceste trasaturi esti printre oamenii… |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Internet v internyet Russians are shunning state-controlled TV for YouTube A worried Vladimir Putin is trying to regain control of Russia’s web” – The Economist |
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Vladimir Putin: Azərbaycan-Rusiya Forumunun konstruktiv dialoq şəraitində keçəcəyinə ümid edirəm |
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Putin shënon 5-vjetorin e aneksimit rus të Krimesë |
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Trump and Iran: The Big Winner is Vladimir Putin |
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Putin pustio struju na Krimu |
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Putin potpisao Zakon protiv lažnih vijesti |
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LIVE Concordia – Hermannstadt 2-2! Meci incredibil la Chiajna: oaspetii au condus cu 2-0 gazdele au revenit rapid! Si totul in mai putin de 20 de minute |
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Rusiya bu tarixdə dağılacaq: Putin gələn il – Şok ssenari |
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Putin potpisao zakone kojim se ograničava rad onlajn medija u Rusiji |
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Putin Signs ‘Fake News’ ‘Internet Insults’ Bills Into Law |
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Putin’s last term: Taking the long view |
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Latest Poll Results Say Trust In Putin Down To Historic Low |
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Putin a promulgat legile privind știrile false și ofensarea pe internet a autorităților și a simbolurilor de stat |
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RUSSIALINK: “Spokesman suggests Putin unhappy with prosecution of businesspeople” – Interfax |
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Cuộc nói chuyện thú vị cuối cùng giữa ông Putin và cựu Tổng thống Israel |
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Putin në Krime në pesëvjetorin e aneksimit |
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VK analyses the birth chart of Vladimir Putin |
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Putin dezinformasiya haqqında qanunu imzaladı |
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Putin Signs Laws Against ‘Disrespecting’ Authorities Fake News |
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Putin’s New Year Message to Russians in Translation |
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What If Putin Invades America In 2020 |
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Putin inaugurează două centrale electrice în Crimeea |
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RUSSIALINK TRANSCRIPT: “Putin Greetings to Russian women on International Women’s Day” – KremlinRu |
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Beyond Putin: Russia’s Generations Y and Z |
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17 điều có thể bạn chưa biết về tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin |
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Daca ai cel putin 9 dintre aceste trasaturi esti printre oamenii inteligenti! |
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O início do fim do reinado de Putin /premium |
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Putin signs laws against ‘disrespecting’ authorities fake news |
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Putin announced to develop land-based hypersonic missile |
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Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der «Vereinigung» |
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Putin In Crimea To Mark Five Years Since Peninsula ‘Rejoined’ Russia |
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Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der Behörde: Ähnlichkeiten bei auf Großbanken-Fusion beflügelt Mikkel Hansen zum dritten Mal Welthandballer |
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World Cup: Putin bans protests alcohol barbecue |
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The Putin interviews |
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Vladimir Putin në Krime për përvjetorin e aneksimit!- Përuron stacionet e energjisë |
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Trump Facing Fury Says He Misspoke with Putin |
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Avertisment mondial! Se anunță un război nuclear GESTUL facut de Vladimir Putin: |
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Putin sărbătoreşte în Crimeea cinci ani de la anexarea peninsulei ucrainene |
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tRump is so interested and supportive of Putin |
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Putin festeggia in Crimea ma Erdogan ci mette lo zampino |
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Simon und Tote in Straßenbahn Schüsse in Utrecht: War es doch ein seit 2014 annektiert Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der Vereinigung |
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Russians protest against online ‘iron curtain’ controls as Vladimir Putin considers tougher internet restrictions ABC News |
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Putin razburja Zahod ob obletnici priključitve Krimskega polotoka |
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10 Amazing Facts About Vladimir Putin |
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Putin imzaladı! 15 bin dolara kadar cezası var |
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Russia votes but outcome is clear: 6 more years of Putin |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Papa ve Putin ile Kudüs’ü Görüştü |
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Thursday 23 July 2015 During a dinner with Forza Italia’s MPs Silvio Berlusconi reveals that his friend Vladimir Putin offered him the Russian citizenship and the post of head of the Economy Ministry |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “When Putin goes will Putinism persist Russians debate” – Christian Science Monitor/ Fred Weir |
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Putin will give fines for fake news |
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Putin’den Erdoğan’a Kırım’daki cami açılışına davet |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Putin to order hit on Moldova president Chisinau press says |
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Putin Wants His Own Internet Bloomberg |
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Why Putin is unlikely to change course after March 18 Part 3: Foreign and Security Policy |
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Putin pustio u rad termoelektrane na Krimu |
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Putin face o mişcare strategică alarmantă! Banca de la Moscova se mută la Budapesta |
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Rusia: Putin a semnat legea care amendează ”jignirea statului” în mediul online și răspândirea ”știrilor false” |
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Nga thông tin về hoạt động quan trọng của Tổng thống Putin |
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Threat of US-Russia clash hangs over Syria French leader speaks to Putin |
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Putin Signed Bill to Ban All Forms of Cruelty to Animals |
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Russian President “Vladimir Putin” said that he had asked the Government to adopt crypto laws by the half of this year |
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Olimpiada de informatica: Cel putin 14 elevi in lotul Maramuresului pentru faza nationala |
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Vladimir Putin viziteaza Crimeea la 5 ani de la anexare |
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„FT”: spotkanie Trump-Putin w Argentynie bez amerykańskiego tłumacza |
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– BOOM!President Trump/Putin Only Way to Stop DeepState/NWO-Military Tribunal GET READY!️️️ |
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Dovid Katz in Jewish Currents: “Putin” as Excuse for by Piece the Holocaust is Being Downgraded in Europe by East European Manipulation of European Union Institutions |
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A fost nevoit să îşi echipeze singur micul monoplan aeroplanul „Vuia 1” pe care a început sa-l construiască în Franţa în 1903 cu multe inovaţii Lucrurile au avansat încet din cauza lipsei banilor Neputîndu-şi permite să achiziţioneze un motor ultrauşor Vuia s-a resemnat sa inventeze un motor cu acid carbonic comprimat care avea avantajul ca era simplu şi putin costisitor însa n-a putut fi pus la punct servind doar pentru demonstratii timpul sau de funcţionare era de aproximativ trei minute |
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Wer ist Wladimir Putin wirklich |
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Przywódca Tatarów: Putin odpowie za Krym przed trybunałem międzynarodowym |
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Putin u posjeti Krimu na petu godišnjicu aneksije |
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How Trump Should Counter Putin in Ukraine and Venezuela |
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Putin thách thức phương Tây ở giữa vùng đất nhạy cảm |
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22:44 Kasıblığa görə Putinə şikayət edən 12 yaşlı qızın həyatı alt-üst oldu |
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“Dávaj si pozor Putin!” Daily Mail sa vyhráža ruský prezident si má dať pozor na americké bombardéry B-52 |
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BREAKING: New Info Released in Death of Ex-Putin Ally |
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FIFA World Cup And The Finale Fanatics Courtesy Of Putin Kolinda And Macron |
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Putin’den Rus kadınların güzelliği için teşekkür: Gören intihardan vazgeçiyor |
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Rusiya prezidenti Vladimir Putin Krıma səfər edib |
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Nga 2018: Putin tiếp tục đưa đất nước vào cảnh khó khăn hơn cô độc hơn |
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Putin arrives in Crimea to mark five years since peninsula ‘rejoined’ Russia |
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Kremlin: Putin And Trump To Meet Briefly In Paris |
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Our take Putin’s shameful “Zapad 17” military exercise demo in regions bordering the eastern democratic lands of NATO and the EU intended to intimidate their peaceful populations needs to be exposed for what it is and countered with stalwart determination That makes it all the more critical for NATO and the EU not to succumb to regional far-right ultranationalist chauvinist Holocaust-revisionist and antisemitic forces in the course of the proceedings Indeed when NATO has a lapse in upholding Western ideals principles and causes especially those for which the Allies fought during World War II and the Holocaust it is incumbent upon genuine friends of NATO to point it out sharp and clear This latest episode also impacts the principle that citizens of Eastern NATO countries deserve the same standards of freedom of speech and democracy as all others It is moreover incumbent on US embassies in the Baltics particularly in Vilnius to stop defaming as “Russian lackeys” those including US citizens these embassies exist to represent! who stand up to far-right Holocaust revisionism and work for human rights in the region |
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Fünfter Jahrestag der Vereinigung: Putin besucht Krim |
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Russia’s Putin threatens to target US if it deploys missiles in Europe |
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Smoleńsk: Kniaź Putin zaczyna ujawniać prawdę Zamachu Warszawskiego |
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Putin: It Is Impossible to Imagine Russia Without Christianity Video |
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Britain says Russian President Putin’s actions ‘tragic’ |
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Vladimir Putin’s ‘Crimea effect’ ebbs away 5 years on |
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Vladimir Putin a sosit în Crimeea – Programul vizitei |
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Happy to please you Boss! – Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr – Michael Novakhov Mike Nova on New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Operation Trump На совещании с членами Правительства Из альбома к материалу Совещание с членами Правительства 30 января 2019 года Москва Кремль What if the FBI Had Probed Obama By the bureau’s Trump standard he looked like an agent of Iran – WSJ MN: By the same standards Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr witting unwitting or half-witting but certainly not dim-witting And all of them probably are With the one central and key proviso clarification and hopefully the ANSWER: All of them are the assets agents puppets or the useful idiots of the New Abwehr The Demiurge who controls to a large extent the world’s mass media and directs its financial and political systems Und ziz iz not zi conspiracy theory This is the perfectly valid and legitimate and also the greatly under-investigated hypothesis Michael Novakhov 12619 Read more: |
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Kim Kardashian has body make-up applied to some intimate areas in behind the scenes snap/Man Given 3-Year Sentence for Insulting Putin |
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Gabbard nói rằng gọi Trump là con rối Putin là nguy hiểm amp ngu ngốc Twitter gọi cô là con rối Putin |
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Russia’s Putin Signs Into Law Bills Banning ‘Fake News’ Insults |
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Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced – PHOTO VIDEO |
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Australia’s Pro-Palestine Pro-Putin Celebrity Priest: Meet Fighting Father Dave |
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Russia’s President Putin signs bill punishing those who insult the state |
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PSD a început să miroasă PUTIN câte PUTIN Feisbuchisiștii pesediști au |
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Russia will keep offering military-technical help to Damascus in fight with IS — Putin |
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Love Through Hate – Trump and Putin in New York |
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Putin Assassination plot |
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Putin ve Kral Selman telefonda görüştü |
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Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der »Vereinigung« |
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The Soviet Army was driven from Afghanistan 30 years ago Putin’s Russia is repackaging it as a patriotic victory |
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Ni Israel ni Irán confían en Rusia pero solo Putin puede prevenir la guerra… |
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Putin in Crimea for Annexation Anniversary Launches Power Stations |
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Ce a făcut Putin la cinci ani de la anexarea Crimeei |
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Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der Vereinigung |
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Putin’den Erdoğan’a Camii açılışına davet |
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Femei care iubesc prea mult sau care gandesc prea putin |
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Al Bano e Putin: le foto esclusive |
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Laut einem Bericht des Institute of Physics of the Earth vom 6 März 2019 der an Premierminister Putin geschickt wurde sollten um den 20 März herum die Westküsten der USA Mexikos Mittel- und Südamerikas ein katastrophales 9-Mega-Erdbeben erleben das einen tödlichen Tsunami mit 30 metrisch hohen Wellen auslösen würde |
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Putin će uskoro pripojiti sebi veliki dio jedne NATO države |
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Putin’s Crimean Actions All about Being Able to Violate Commitments with Impunity Skobov Says |
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Putin launches 2 new power stations in Crimea on anniversary of reunification with Russia |
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Gestul SFIDĂTOR al lui Vladimir Putin la doar câteva zile de la impunerea de noi sancţiuni asupra Rusiei FOTO |
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İsveçrə qəzetindən Putin və Məhəmməd bin Salman haqqında sərt sözlər |
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Tổng thống Putin đến Crimea với loạt hoạt động lớn |
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Putin si coccola la Crimea |
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Vladimir Putin promulgó las leyes que penan hasta con cárcel a quienes publiquen “noticias falsas” u “ofendan al estado” |
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Putin visits Crimea to mark 5th anniversary of California GOP Chairman lists 9 ways America is moving towards socialism |
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Putin potpisao zakon protiv lažnih vijesti |
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Putin inaugura centrais termoelétricas na Crimeia |
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The network was struck by how short Putin called Ukraine arrived in the Crimea: the video caused a stir social media » |
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Alberto Cruz: La popularidad de Putin en Rusia está menguando por sus políticas neoliberales vídeo |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Putin needs more than spending to lift ratings Five years after Crimea was annexed Russian discontent is rumbling” – Financial Times Editorial |
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Putin will travel to Crimea by act in commemoration to the annexation |
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Vladimir Putin considera desconectar Rússia da internet |
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Putin a inaugurat două centrale electrice în Crimeea la cinci ani de la anexarea peninsulei ucrainene de către Rusia |
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Nova kriza na vidiku: Putin neće okupirati neku bivšu sovjetsku zemlju – sljedeća meta Rusije je srce Evrope |
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Lucruri mai putin stiute legate de trecerea la ORA EXACTA DE VARA |
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RUSSIALINK TRANSCRIPT: “Putin at Meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights The President held a meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights” – KremlinRu |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Former Putin advisor who died from falling repeatedly in US hotel room found with a broken neck |
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Militants “DNR” tearfully appealed to Putin: “in Russia We do not need even a passport is not given why to us so all are” » |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “How Chechnya’s Ramzan Kadyrov could destabilise Russia Former warlord who answers only to Putin runs republic as personal fiefdom” – Financial Times/Kathrin Hille |
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Putin vuelve a Crimea para recuperar la popularidad perdida |
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Neither Israel nor Iran Trust Russia But Only Putin Can Prevent War Between Them |
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Vladimir Putin in Crimea as Russia marks five years since annexation |
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Turkey’s president in Moscow for Syria talks with Putin |
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Një ditë para vizitës në Beograd Putin sulmon Kosovën e thotë se Serbia mund të shkojë në BE |
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Rosja jak Chiny Putin tworzy własny internet |
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Ucraina plange Rusia sarbatorește cinci ani de la anexarea Crimeei: AROGANȚA facuta de Vladimir Putin |
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COMMENTARY: Rambo Putin Pupitizes Maduro and the Caribbean Marxist Leaders |
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The Issues On The Table When Trump And Putin Meet |
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♦ Dozens of Western / Anti-Putin scholars sign letter calling on Ukraine to abandon the law |
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10:37 Camera Reprezentanților a SUA a aprobat proiectul de lege privind averea lui Putin și interzicerea recunoașterii anexării Crimeei |
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Germania si pactul cu diavolul Nord Stream 2: gaz cu 20 mai scump din SUA sau la mana lui Putin |
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RUSSIALINK: “Number of terrorist crimes dips from 997 to 9 in Russia over decade – Putin” – Interfax |
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Putin admite que muchos en el mundo no reconocen la anexión de Crimea |
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Putin hukumatni hurmat qilmaydiganlar jazolanishi nazarda |
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Putin signs laws against ‘disrespecting’ authorities fake news |
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Putin kütləvi istefalar hazırlayır |
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Is Trump being played by Putin |
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Interview with Heleen over de Linden in De Gelderlander 7 juli 2018 who helped Putin to build the Crimea Bridge |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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S-A PETRECUT IN URMA CU PUTIN TIMP! Si-a înjunghiat mama soţia s-a tăiat la gât şi apoi a dat foc |
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Daca anterior se stia ca se uzeaza de regula de acoperirea diplomatica sau consulara mai nou se actiona prin intermediul firmelor de afaceri cu obiect de activitate ideal pentru spionaj – prospectarea pietelor sau evaluarea patentelor dandu-se o aura de legalitate unui spionaj practicat pe fataPotrivit unui raport al Oficiului Federal pentru Apararea Constitutiei in Germania activau in 1998 cel putin 200 de agenti rusi in domeniul spionajului economic Alte surse mai indica un numar de circa 3250 de agenti rusi in SUA 29 in Anglia domeniul bazelor de date financiare si bancare si 80 in Austria sub acoperiea firmelor comercialeSpionajul extern in subordinea presedinteluiViaceslav Trubnikov director al SVR dupa Evgheni Primakov avea sa spuna ca: “spionajul este un instrument cat se poate de sensibil iar reformele si perturbarile interne sunt cat se poate de contraindicate Nici un serviciu inclusiv SVR nu este interesat sa manifeste o transparenta excesiva in problemele cu adevarat secrete ale functiei sale” |
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RUSSIALINK TRANSCRIPT: “Putin residential Address to Federal Assembly concluding section dealing with foreign policy” – KremlinRu |
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Vladimir Putin vizitează Crimeea la a cincea aniversare a anexării sale de Rusia |
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Putin to najgroźniejszy człowiek na świecie |
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Na Crimeia Putin leva a melhor em conflito ortodoxo contra a Ucrânia – cumpre mandado em escritório de advogado de Trump – 09/04/2018 |
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Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit stirs fierce criticism |
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Lukashenko asegura a Putin que Bielorrusia está lista para reunificarse con Rusia |
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Putin has no red line when it comes to restoring Soviet Union – Poroshenko video |
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4 Assad in Tehran: Soleimani’s goons snatched him to swear allegiance to Khamenei Putin retaliates |
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Putin To Lead Russia’s For Another 6 Years After Landslide Victory |
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Opposition queries Putin’s ‘landslide’ victory |
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Amritsar Train Accident 61 dead 39 bodies identified Russian President Vladimir Putin offers condolences |
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Russia’s Putin Signs Law Banning Fake News Insulting the State Online |
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Putin vil give bøder for fake news |
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Putin inaugura centrais termoelétricas na Crimeia no 5º aniversário da anexação |
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Trotsky: un cuento de Vladimir Putin con el glamour de Netflix |
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A Million Russians and Putin Kissed the Rib of St Nicholas in 1 Month |
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Putin navštívil Krym |
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Putin firma polémicas leyes sobre noticias falsas y ofensa a símbolos patrios |
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Halbinsel seit 2014 annektiert: Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der «Vereinigung» |
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Putin Is Smiling as He Watches Trump Carry Out His Agenda |
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Evropa Putin razburja Zahod ob obletnici priključitve Krimskega polotoka |
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Putin’s Scientists Predict Mega US Earthquake in ‘Two Weeks!’ |
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Putin İlhakın 5 Yılında Kırım’da |
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Mikhail Lesin ex-Putin adviser found dead in DC hotel room had broken neck – Washington Times |
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De ce a venit Trump la Putin |
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Russia’s Syria Pullback Putin’s Fine Art of Quitting |
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Vladimir Putin sărbătoreşte în Crimeea cinci ani de la anexarea peninsulei ucrainene Reacția NATO și UE |
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Putin ‘sahte haber’ yasasını onayladı |
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Putin danas na Krimu |
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Displays of Support for Stalin a Form of Protest Against Putin Nacke Says |
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Tg Europa Today: dal Parlamento Ue smacco a Putin |
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Putin potpisao zakon koji omogućuje blokiranje interneta |
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Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation on January 7 Traditional friendship and privileged strategic partnership between Russia and India continue to develop dynamicallyRead More |
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Mocne starcie! Ziemiec kontra Śpiewak Mocne starcie! Śpiewak: Wielu w TVP marzy się faszyzm a la Putin Ziemiec odpowiada: To ordynarne pomówienie! |
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PSD a început să miroasă PUTIN câte PUTIN Feisbuchisiștii pesediști au folosit o imagine din Rusia în mesajul prin care anunța că încep lucrările |
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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin Beyonce Jim Carrey Cristiano Ronaldo Messi pot fi văzuți la Cluj! |
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Putin danas na svečanosti obilježavanja pete godišnjice aneksije Krima |
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Putin en Caracas |
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Putin’den Erdoğan’ı Cuma Camii’nin Açılışına Davet Etti |
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Vladimir Putin envío militares a explorar un OVNI estrellado en una montaña de Siberia |
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:: Livrare in mai putin de 24/48 ore Transport gratuit de la 2 anvelope Plata 100 securizata Consultanta de calitate :: |
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Putin will give fines |
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34 Marine Mammal Biologists Urge Putin to Release Orcas and Belugas |
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Why Putin is unlikely to change course after March 18 Part 2: Domestic politics and regime stability |
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Potemkiniada lui Vladimir Putin la Omsk sau cum construieşti parcuri moderne cu televizorul |
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Exclusive: Washington Autopsy Files Reveal Putin Adviser Sustained Neck Fracture |
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Vladimir Putin advierte a Occidente de que subestima el riesgo de una guerra nuclear |
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Flt-Attin Putin golden cabin |
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Russian Sanctions Spurs Putin To Give Up On Nuclear Treaty Managed By Dems “Village Idiots” |
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Putin Says Russia Ready For Cooperation With OPEC If Needed |
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Vizita președintelui Vladimir Putin la fabrica de avioane Gorbunov din Kazan |
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Russia’s Putin signs law banning fake news insulting the state online |
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Przywódca Tatarów: Putin odpowie za |
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Putin’s National Address on Pension Reform |
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Konflikte : Putin besucht Krim zum fünften Jahrestag der „Vereinigung” |
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Putin i Xi požalit će kad Njemačka izgubi povjerenje u SAD |
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Putin Red Crocodile Nomokonov Semyon |
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Dlouholetý Putinův kritik zřejmě spáchal sebevraždu Policie ho našla v jeho bytě se šesti průstřely hlavy |
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Putin has proof that Irma has been created by US Gov with HAARP Project |
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Avem așteptări mari de la viitor și facem tot ceea ce ne stă în putință pentru ca viitorul să fie pe placul vostru Ne place să vă vedem zâmbind ne străduim să vă vedem mulțumiți |
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Five Takeaways From Putin’s State-Of-The-Nation Address |
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Am 18 März 2014 verliert die Ukraine ihre Halbinsel Krim in einer international nicht anerkannten Volksabstimmung Zum Jahrestag feiern Russland und die Krim nun die umstrittene Vereinigung mit einem großen Fest und Kremlchef Putin |
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Putin vizitează Crimeea la cinci ani după anexarea ilegală de către Rusia |
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Wladimir Putin: Nato kritisiert russische Aufrüstung der Krim |
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Una Venezuela libre de las influencias de la autocracia rusa y de la dictadura cubana es un objetivo por el cual deben luchar todos los demócratas del mundo Putin en Caracas |
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Svijet Putin u posjeti Krimu na petu godišnjicu aneksije |
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Planul pervers al lui Putin în Marea Neagră Ce efect va avea asupra securității României |
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Putin firma las leyes que castigan la difusión de noticias falsas y ofensas a símbolos patrios |
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Russian President Putin In Crimea To Mark The fifth Anniversary Of The Peninsula ‘Rejoining’ Russia |
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Putin inaugura las operaciones en dos centrales eléctricas durante su visita a Crimea |
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Watch out Putin! Huge American B-52s that can carry nuclear weapons land at RAF base as part of largest US bomber deployment to the UK since Iraq war |
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Fünf Jahre „Wiedervereinigung“: Kremlchef Putin besucht die Krim |
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Reparatii TV SAMSUNG Reparatii TV LG Reparatii TV BEKO Reparatii Televizoare PHILIPS Reparatii TV HITACHIi Reparatii TV JVC Reparatii TV DAEWOO Reparatii Televizoare TOSHIBA Reparatii Televizoare HYUNDAI Reparatii Televizoare WATSON Reparatii Televizoare VESTEL Reparatii TV TELETECH Reparatii TV TELEFUNKEN Reparatii Televizoare pentru marci mai putin cunoscute |
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Władimir Putin nie dostał zaproszenia na obchody rocznicy wybuchu II wojny światowej |
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Berlusconi reveals that Putin has offered him the Russian citizenship and a post as Economy Minister |
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Italian Musician Banned From Ukraine For Supporting Putin |
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