Netanyahu “Suriya planı”nı Putin və Trampa verdi |
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Löfven träffar Putin i enskilt möte |
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Vladimir Putin: Decizia lui Trump aduce un nou val de conflicte |
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Putin and Russian media react to Mueller report |
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Putin to visit Kyrgyzstan on March 28 |
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4 Vị tổng thống Donald Trump – Tập Cận Bình – Putin – Shinzo Abe |
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Russia’s Putin to discuss Golan Heights with Lebanon’s president |
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Vladmir Putin yohereje indege zuzuye abasirikare bo gufasha Maduro Amerika ishaka kweguza |
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Mai putin de o luna pana la PetExpo 2019 |
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Maramures: Duminica trecem la ora de vara si vom dormi mai putin |
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PSD a început să miroasă PUTIN câte PUTIN Feisbuchisiștii pesediști au folosit o imagine din Rusia în mesajul prin |
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War with Russia: From Putin amp Ukraine to Trump amp Russiagate |
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Tìm kiếm tàu ngầm Argentina vào giai đoạn sống còn ông Putin đề nghị giúp đỡ |
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Löfven ska träffa Putin |
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Putin envia Tropas Rusas para apoyar a Maduro y comenzar la… |
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Putin Signs Laws Against ‘Disrespecting’ Authorities Fake news |
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Putin is secretly making intelligent agents |
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Putin brani Maderu: Ne dam da Venecuelu unište kao Srbiju 1999 godine! |
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Putin Sees and Hears it All: How Russia’s Intelligence Agencies Menace the UK |
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Vladimir Putin Childhood Story Plus Untold Biography Facts |
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Expert american: Putin își vrea înapoi imperiul și își va urmări țelul într-o manieră sistematică hibridă și total lipsită de scrupule Corupția și statul slab sunt ușile prin care Rusia penetrează |
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Vladímir Putin amenaza con apuntar sus ‘MISILES’ contra EEUU |
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Igor Eidman: „Surkov l-a dat în gât pe Putin” |
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Putin Trump eta gu |
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De ce susține internetul că Vladimir Putin este nemuritor – FOTO |
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Firma Putin adhesión de Crimea a Rusia |
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Putin: Russia Today zlomili dominanciu anglosaských médií |
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Hirono: Putin ‘Must Be Really Happy’ About Mueller Investigation Finding No Conspiracy Between Trump Campaign Russia |
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WORLD NEWS: Drone shows Cyclone Idai’s devastating power Putin reacts to Mueller report MMA superstar Conor McGregor announces retirement |
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Otvorený list k MDŽ Dámam z mítingov Putin a my |
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Vo Venezuele sú ruskí konzultanti Bude Putin brániť Madura silou |
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Putin’s much-hyped nuclear-powered cruise missile is an expensive mess Russia can’t even afford |
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Putin face o mişcare strategică alarmantă! Banca de la Moscova se mută la Budapesta |
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Am 22 de ani cel putin in acest moment – 03022009 dar asta nu-ti spune prea multe despre mine Poate e mult poate e putin dar sunt ai mei Si i-am trait cum am stiut mai bine Am invatat multe am gresit mult am uitat multe am iubit am visat…ajungand ceea ce vei descoperi tu printre aceste randuri |
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Sa vorbim putin despre Kombucha si originile ei! |
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Mai mult cu mai putin |
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Gürcüstan NATO-ya qoşulacaq və Rusiya heç nə edə bilməz — Baş katib Tbilisidən Putinə MEYDAN OXUDU |
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Comisar european pentru sănătate: „Haideți să facem tot ce este cu putinţă pentru a scoate tutunul din O nouă unitate școlară va fi construită la Agigea |
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NATO will lose its next air war to Putin’s ‘formidable beasts’ if it waits for the F-35 to save it |
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Shocked Vladimir Putin Slowly Realizing He Didn’t Conspire With Trump Campaign – Stats |
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Russian Witches Cast Spells to Help Vladimir Putin |
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„Deplina libertate națională” este explicată clar fără putință de interpretări paralele și ea însemna pentru autorii Rezoluției dreptul „popoarelor conlocuitoare” de a se „instrui administra și judeca în limba proprie” de „a fi reprezentat în corpurile legiuitoare” ale României de a fi reprezentat în guvernarea țării |
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Rare Photos of Vladimir Putin When He Was Young — Give You a New Perspective of Russia’s Leader |
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Putin andiçməyə hazırlaşdığı günlərdə savaşa çəkilir-təhlükəli gəlişmə |
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Putin’s World: Russia Against the West and with the Rest |
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Summit-ul NATO și summit-ul Trump/Putin: mizele majore |
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Putin’s last term: Taking the long view |
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Russia hits a snag in developing a hypersonic weapon – after Putin said it was already in production |
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mi amigo putin |
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CNN Analyst Compares Trump’s CPAC Speech To Hitler – Sounded Like ‘Putin Scripted’ Speech |
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COMMENTARY: Rambo Putin Pupitizes Maduro and the Caribbean Marxist Leaders |
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Defamation Tops the Presidential Salvo: Putin has not succeeded in upending the international order |
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Erdoğan İdlib Konusunda Putin’in Sevgisini Kazanamadı |
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Here’s what Jair Bolsonaro Trump and Putin have in common |
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11:04 Agresorul care nu-și recunoaște vina Kremlinul supărat pe polonezi care nu l-au invitat pe Putin |
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Putin Signs Bill Punishing Those Who Insult The State |
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Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel |
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Comisar european pentru sănătate: „Haideți să facem tot ce este cu putinţă pentru a scoate tutunul din supermarketuri“ |
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1 Russia from MichaelNovakhov 114 sites: “putin’s face” – Google News: PackOfLies Does the Kremlin use Trotsky to warn the opposition – StopFakeorg |
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Shocked Vladimir Putin Slowly Realizing He Didn’t Conspire With Trump Campaign click to see stats |
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Vladimir Putin envío militares a explorar un OVNI estrellado en una montaña de Siberia |
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Putin suspende adesão da Rússia a tratado de desarmamento nuclear |
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Putin Çin lideri ilə görüşdü: 100 milyardlıq dövriyyə… |
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Internet hype: Vladimir Putin is the new Chuck Norris |
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Putin’s Reign of Terror the Permanent Revolution in Our Time |
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Economist despre trio-ul Dragnea Vâlcov şi Teodorovici: Distrug sistemul financiar pentru a face loc băncii lui Putin I-au vândut şi trădat pe români |
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Russia Putin Awards |
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Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria |
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Putin und Trump |
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Putin houdt van zijn Russinnen op WereldVrouwendag! |
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De ce troglodiţii români sunt pro-Putin |
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Proiect de lege: Mamele cu cel putin 3 copii vor primi indemnizatie lunara pe viata |
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¡HAY PUTIN…LO QUE TE VIENE ES JOROPO! Cámara Baja de EE UU aprobó proyecto de Ley sobre |
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Tập Cận Bình sẽ làm chủ tịch suốt đời và Putin trúng cử nhiệm kỳ thứ tư: CHIẾN THẮNG HAY CHIẾN BẠI |
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Trump a refuzat să dezvăluie subiectele negocierilor cu Putin |
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Putin Travels to 700 Yr Old Monastery on Largest Lake in Europe |
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Nazarbayev varisini Putinə təqdim edib |
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Putin narazıların son nəfəsliyini də bağlayır – Qərb mediası |
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David Salvo: Putin has not succeeded in upending the international order |
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Unprecedented: Putin Visits the Major Universal Meeting of Russian Bishops Russian TV News |
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Una Venezuela libre de las influencias de la autocracia rusa y de la dictadura cubana es un objetivo por el cual deben luchar todos los demócratas del mundo Putin en Caracas |
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As I Predicted Our Enemy Vladimir Putin Is Breaking Our Alliances and Raising Our Oil Prices Where Is Trump the Traitor Where Is Israel Our Supposed Ally |
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Putin “saxta xəbərlər” qanunlarına imza |
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bolton cannabis china faimly speration imergration ig report independent news podcast north korea putin russia trade war trump unfilter |
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Putin has proof that Irma has been created by US Gov with HAARP Project |
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Putin a promulgat legile privind ‘ştirile false’ şi ofensele la adresa statului |
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Fight Politics: Putin appoints kickboxer as acting head of Kalmykia |
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Nemtsov murder: Putin warned about exactly this type of false flag two years ago |
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Declar că am cel putin 18 ani împlinițI la data începerii promoției |
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Löfven ska möta Putin för första gången |
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Peste caras prajit” la cuptor fara faina cu putin ulei |
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Martin Selmayr je novi Putin Europske unije! |
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2016 collusion cyber election meddling fbi lovers independent news podcast media reaction peter strzok putin summit testimony trump unfilter |
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Ieri 19:15 – CFR a ajuns la al treilea director in mai putin de 3 luni Iata cine este noul sef |
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Venezuela Putin usa la ‘strategia Siria’ Aerei e Militari per difendere Maduro |
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Comisar european: Să facem tot ce ne stă în putinţă să excludem tutunul din supermarketuri |
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Jair Bolsonaro Here’s what Jair Bolsonaro Trump and Putin have in common Xeni Jardin |
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Vladimir Putin considera desconectar Rússia da internet |
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Detartraj cu ultrasunet mai putin intruziv |
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‘Netanyahu Suriye krizinin çözümü için Trump ve Putin’e plan sundu’ |
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Putin signs controversial laws against “unreliable information” and “contempt” for society and state asset manager launches new crypto fund |
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«Теперь Трамп в Putin Team» Что говорят в Америке о визите Овечкина в Белый дом |
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Агент Трамп получает инструкции от главы Putin Team: Соцсети о встрече главы США с Овечкиным в Белом доме Президент США Дональд Трамп принял в Белом доме Александра Овечкина и других хоккеистов Вашингтона Агент |
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As Novas Armas da Rússia 1: O discurso histórico de Putin |
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Comisar european măsură inedită împotriva fumatului: Haideţi să facem tot ce ne stă în putinţă să excludem tutunul din supermarketuri |
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Poland snubs Putin Prague’s Lennon Wall Hungary’s migrant fest… What’s new |
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Putin Must Be Laughing At Us |
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Christopher Walsh InsideSources: Make America ‘Putin-proof’ in 2020 |
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Cuando dos aviones de transporte rusos aterrizaron este sábado 23032019 en el aeropuerto de Caracas algunos observadores pensaron en una posible intervención de Moscú en la lucha por el poder en Venezuela Por: Deutsche Welle Según informes de prensa las aeronaves de tipo Ilyushin-62 y Antonov-124 transportaban a alrededor de 100 soldados uniformados y 35 toneladas de mercancías entre las que se incluyen camiones pesados Se dijo además que el jefe del Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Terrestres rusas el coronel general Vasilii Tonkoshkurov formaría parte de la comitiva y que de camino a Caracas ambos aviones aterrizaron en Siria donde Rusia ha estado involucrada militarmente desde 2015 en apoyo al presidente Bashar al-Assad ¿Vendrá Rusia ahora a jugar un rol similar en Venezuela ¿Asistirá el Kremlin con sus Fuerzas Armadas al presionado presidente venezolano en funciones Nicolás Maduro ¿Sería incluso posible una intervención como la de 1979 en Afganistán Rusia provee a Venezuela armas por miles de millones En Moscú las autoridades competentes han mantenido en principio discreción En los medios de comunicación rusos la llegada a Venezuela de dos aviones de transporte militar se ha tratado como un tema marginal Los militares habrían viajado al país caribeño para sostener conversaciones relacionadas con acuerdos previos de suministro de armas No hay nada “misterioso” en ello aseguraba este lunes 25032019 un informe de la agencia estatal de noticias RIA Novosti citando a un diplomático ruso en Caracas Durante los últimos años Rusia ha estado entregando armas a Venezuela por un valor estimado en más de 10000 millones de dólares incluidos aviones de combate helicópteros sistemas antiaéreos y tanques Pronto ese país latinoamericano habría de contar con una fábrica de ametralladoras del tipo “Kalashnikov” y una fábrica de cartuchos rusos Estos suministros de armas junto con la inversión en la industria petrolera venezolana representan los dos principales intereses de Rusia en esta nación en crisis Ayuda militar “simbólica” En los últimos meses el Kremlin ha desmentido informes sobre una posible presencia militar de Rusia en Venezuela descalificándolos como rumores Se ha especulado entre otras cosas sobre supuestos mercenarios rusos con experiencia en combate en el este de Ucrania y Siria la llamada “Tropa Wagner” Pero Maduro no solicitó ayuda militar en su conversación telefónica con el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin a fines de enero respondió en su momento el portavoz del Kremlin Dmitri Peskov Hasta ahora Rusia ha mostrado más bien simbólicamente su voluntad de ayudar militarmente a Venezuela Así en diciembre de 2018 por ejemplo Moscú envió dos bombarderos de largo alcance del tipo Tupolev-160 a Caracas que participaron en un ejercicio conjunto con la Fuerza Aérea de Venezuela Un pequeño detalle: en aquel momento los bombarderos iban acompañados de las mismas máquinas que ahora han aterrizado en Caracas un Illjuschin-62 y un Antonov-124 Sin embargo esto fue antes de que la crisis se agravara el político opositor Juan Guaidó se declarase presidente interino de Venezuela y fuese reconocido por numerosos países occidentales Los medios rusos mencionan dos posibles razones por las que Moscú ha mostrado hasta ahora reservas para inmiscuirse militarmente en Venezuela Por un lado el Ejército venezolano es allí considerablemente más fuerte que en Siria antes de la intervención rusa Por otro lado la distancia de un país a otro es significativamente mayor y el apoyo logístico a las tropas más difícil En las redes sociales rusas se especula sobre todo que Rusia quiere disuadir a los Estados Unidos de la intervención militar en Venezuela Expertos no descartan nada El alcance de la presencia rusa en el país latinoamericano hasta hoy no permite una comparación con la operación rusa en Siria y mucho menos con la intervención soviética en Afganistán Sobre el verdadero trasfondo de la actual presencia rusa en Venezuela solo se puede especular asegura el experto militar ruso Alexander Golts en conversación con DW: “Tal vez se están preparando para evacuar a Maduro transportar oro o enviar refuerzos para defender a Maduro” aventura Golts y no descarta “nada” |
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‘Must be really happy’: Mazie Hirono’s epically bad take on Mueller and Putin breaks the absurdity meter |
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Fox News’ Steve Hilton: MSNBC and CNN Are the ‘Real Agents of Putin’ |
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Agora quem dá a bola é o Putin |
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Trump y Putin celebrarán cumbre el próximo mes |
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19:01 Putin əsas generalını qəfil Əsədin yanına yolladı – Dəməşqdə sürpriz görüş |
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Putin Unveils ‘Invincible’ Nuclear Scandal Exposes Famous Parents |
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CLOWN SHOW IN PROGRESS: Raw Story thinks they’ve busted Trump ‘entertaining’ another Putin ally in the White House |
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President Putin Wages War on Rap! |
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INF: Trump and Putin Opening Pandora’s Box |
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Vladimir Putin: Savaşa hazırlıkta lideriz! |
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Trump Mueller Russian Collusion Delusion Over amp Putin’s OIL retribution |
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The Truth about Trump amp Putin |
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Masajele pe care trebuie sa la incerci cel putin o data |
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assad bolton chemical weapons cyber attack facebook independent journalism independent news podcast putin russia poisoning syria testimony trump unfilter zuckerberg |
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Chabad Jewish Messiah the Trump/Putin C |
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„FT”: spotkanie Trump-Putin w Argentynie bez amerykańskiego tłumacza |
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Putin costringe Telegram a condividere i suoi dati |
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– BOOM!President Trump/Putin Only Way to Stop DeepState/NWO-Military Tribunal GET READY!️️️ |
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Venezuela: Caracas new blackout Putin sends hundred military |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Second Meeting… |
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Hat das Putin genutzt |
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10:39 Trump a refuzat să dezvăluie subiectele negocierilor cu Putin |
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UNTOLD 2019 – 10000 de abonamente vândute în mai putin de 1 minut! |
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Der US Präsident Donald Trump gratulierte Wladimir Putin zur besten Weltmeisterschaft |
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Putin Su-57 19 มีนาคม พศ Su-35 |
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The Real Putin Stooges |
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‘USA is a great nation but leave us alone!’ 11 quotes that show how Vladimir Putin sees world |
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JUST NU: Löfven ska träffa Putin |
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Putin reformed and modernized Russia but he could make it better |
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Putin “saxta xəbərlər” qanunlarına imza atıb |
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Ermənilərin Putin və Əsədə növbəti xəyanəti |
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KGB-ul la putere Sistemul Putin |
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TOP 10 lucruri pe care nu stiai ca le poti face cu putin otet |
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Putin’s New Missiles Are Having Decidedly Mixed Success |
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Amerykański generał: Putin prowadzi wojnę z NATO przy pomocy „nietradycyjnych operacji wojskowych” |
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US tests missile defense system Putin once said threatened global strategic balance |
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Africa Shifts to Putin NOT the Other Way Around |
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Maybe Now Trump Will Withdraw From Japan To Make Putin Happy Too |
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Ich Putin – Ein Portrait 2012 |
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Vladimir Putin: a lo único que le teme la mafia rusa |
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Pompeo: Mixed Messages to Putin: Don’t Plan Military Action in Venezuela We Won’t Stand By |
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Putin envia Tropas Rusas para apoyar a Maduro y comenzar la batalla contra Donald Trump |
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La Russia di Putin |
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President Erdogan takes tips from Putin in targeting dissidents abroad |
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Putin əsas generalını qəfil Əsədin yanına yolladı – Dəməşqdə sürpriz görüş |
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Trotsky: un cuento de Vladimir Putin con el glamour de Netflix |
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Global Security News from MichaelNovakhov 27 sites: 1 Russia from MichaelNovakhov 114 sites: “putin’s face” – Google News: PackOfLies Does the Kremlin use Trotsky to warn the opposition – StopFakeorg |
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The false belief that Putin will save the White Race: Putin amp Russia are DEEPLY in with the JEWS amp Bankers |
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Super Putin |
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A divorțat de fiica lui Putin a pierdut poziția » |
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Putin’den İlginç Açıklama: Yabancı Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Tamamı Yakında Suriye’den Çekilecek |
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Un gard nou cu putin ajutor |
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Happy to please you Boss! – Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr – Michael Novakhov Mike Nova on New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Operation Trump На совещании с членами Правительства Из альбома к материалу Совещание с членами Правительства 30 января 2019 года Москва Кремль What if the FBI Had Probed Obama By the bureau’s Trump standard he looked like an agent of Iran – WSJ MN: By the same standards Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr witting unwitting or half-witting but certainly not dim-witting And all of them probably are With the one central and key proviso clarification and hopefully the ANSWER: All of them are the assets agents puppets or the useful idiots of the New Abwehr The Demiurge who controls to a large extent the world’s mass media and directs its financial and political systems Und ziz iz not zi conspiracy theory This is the perfectly valid and legitimate and also the greatly under-investigated hypothesis Michael Novakhov 12619 Read more: |
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Mai putin e mai bine Cum sa usurezi |
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7 Die Frau die neben Putin im Regen stand |
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Le Temps: Vladimir Putin dorește să atragă în Rusia circa 10 milioane de imigranți |
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Natalia Oreiro le pide a Putin un pasaporte ruso |
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Filminstruktør Vitalij Manskij: Putin vil skabe et globalt ideologisk alternativ til Vesten Derfor kan han aldrig blive demokrat |
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Netanyaxu Putin va Trampga Suriyadagi inqirozni bartaraf |
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El misil de crucero nuclear de Putin es un desastre costoso que Rusia ni siquiera puede permitirse |
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Russia’s Putin to discuss Golan Heights with Lebanon’s to use Huawei in 5G rollout despite US warnings |
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Putin winning support from far right as well as far left with |
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Netanyahu Tramp və Putinə Suriya planını təqdim etdi |
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