Putin dice que es improbable que garantías de EEUU generen desnuclearización norcoreana |
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Putin AST Telmanla bağlı qərarını verdi – VİDEO |
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Putin AST Telmanla bağlı qərarını verdi |
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North Korean pioneer would like to talk about Korean settlement issue with Putin |
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Putin AST Telmanla bağlı qərarını verdi – VİDEO |
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Putin Makes it Clear: Russia’s Superweapons Are Reality Already Deployed |
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Ərdoğanla Putin Suriya barədə razılaşdı |
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Diriliş Ertuğrul oyuncularından Putin’in köpeği Kadirov reklamı |
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Putin potpisao dekret Ukrajinci će lakše dobijati rusko… |
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Putin facilita cidadania russa a ucranianos |
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POMPEO: VENEZUELAN DICTATOR MADURO Was On Airplane Ready To Leave Country…Then Putin Stepped In |
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Putin Suggests Tighter Oil Quality Control after Contamination Scandal |
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Yuan y oro: la estrategia de Putin para que Rusia abandone el dólar |
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Putin Signs Internet Isolation Bill Into Law |
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Putin Shows He’s Best Buds With Kim Too |
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Obama VS Putin |
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Putin potpisao ukaz kojim će Ukrajincima biti lakše da dobiju rusko državljanstvo |
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Erdogan bisedë telefonike me homologun rus Putin |
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FOTO DA NIJE ŽALOSNO BILO BI SMEŠNO! Putin i Vučić imaju opoziciju koja liči kao jaje jajetu! |
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Trump and Iran: The Big Winner is Vladimir Putin |
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Líder da Coreia do Norte já está na Rússia para cimeira com Putin |
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Putin Ukrayna Vatandaşlarının Rusya Vatandaşlığı Almasını Sağlayacak Kararnameyi İmzaladı |
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Dün Trump’la görüşen Erdoğan bugün de Putin’le görüştü |
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Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: I Wish Trump Would Phone Putin So They Can Sort Out Venezuela |
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Putin este gata pentru ‘restabilirea completă’ a relațiilor cu Ucraina |
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Putin’s Wholehearted Defense Of BRI Puts Him At Serious Odds With Modi |
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Putin ukraynalılar üçün Rusiya vətəndaşlığını almaq prosedurunu sadələşdirib |
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Paul Gregory: Ridicule is a sound remedy for Putin’s provocations |
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Putin-Kim summit could change equations promote new axis |
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Key to Putin’s Passport Offers to Ukrainians Russia’s Shrinking Labor Force |
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Accident grav la Gastesti Cel putin 5 persoane au fost ranite |
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Putin AST Telmanın qarşısında şərt qoydu |
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Dlaczego Putin złagodził reformę emerytalną |
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Rusia/1 Mai: Peste 100 de arestări în cursul unor manifestaţii anti-Putin |
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Putin expands list of Ukrainians and others eligible for fast-tracked Russian passports |
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Kim Jong Un arrives at the Putin Summit in Russia |
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Putin podpísal výnos uľahčujúci udelenie občianstva ďalším Ukrajincom |
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Manifestações do 1º de Maio contra Putin |
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Putin expands list for Russian passports |
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Uproszczone obywatelstwo Rosji dla niektórych Ukraińców staje się faktem Putin podpisał dekret |
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Vladimir Putin ordena Prohibir a los Testigos de Jehová en toda Rusia |
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Protesta masive kundër Vladimir Putin policia arreston 30 persona |
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Like Yeltsin Like Putin |
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Putin fast tracks Russian citizenship for Ukrainians |
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Putin: ‘Sanções unilaterais exigem reação efetiva da comunidade internacional’ |
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George Friedman vs Vladimir Putin |
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Vladimir Putin a facut ACUZATII GRAVE la adresa Romaniei : „Creează |
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Putin azərbaycanlı prezident ilə görüşdü-Foto |
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Putin And Trump Tell G20 Leaders ‘NWO Is Finished’ Right To Their Faces |
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Russia’s turn from Leninism to Christian Orthodoxy under Putin: choosing opposite path than the hedonist West – Herland Report |
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Nước Nga can thiệp hệ thống định vị toàn cầu để đảm bảo an toàn tuyệt đối cho Tổng thống Putin |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to destroy the New World Order for degrading family values and weaponizing sex on global societyPutin effectively killed the ideology of the New World Order saying it was his duty to uphold family valuesPutin: “As head of state today I believe it’s my duty to uphold traditional values and family valuesPutin also recently accused the Western Elites of attempting to normalize pedophilia as another method of abandoning family values claiming that the are creating a culture of excessive exaggerated political correctness that will destroy western civilization if it’s not dealt with |
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Modificari majore in aspectul si in functionarea Facebook Reteaua va avea un design mai putin incarcat si va fi mai rapida |
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Rusia Peste 60 de persoane au fost arestate pentru că au scandat sloganuri împotriva lui Putin în timpul manifestațiilor de 1 Mai la Sankt Petersburg |
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Putin expresa sus condolencias a Sri Lanka por los brutales ataques Sánchez pide el voto para evitar que España caiga en una «involución» en EEUU a uno de los sospechosos del asalto a la embajada de Corea del Norte en Madrid |
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Putin to World: The passwords to your c-panels please |
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Romania va avea 278 de persoane cu active personale de cel putin 30 de milioane de dolari |
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Encontro entre Putin e Kim Jong Un é confirmado na quinta-feira » |
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Letter calls on Putin to not approve Russia’s ‘sovereign internet’ bill |
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Putin steps Up talks with Beijing Over |
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Putin Floats “Common Citizenship” For Russia Ukrain |
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Putin i Erdogan razgovarali o Libiji i Siriji |
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Putin’s Wholehearted Defense of China’s Belt and Road Puts Him at Serious Odds with India’s PM Modi |
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Putin a semnat decretul de simplificare a acordării cetățeniei Federației Ruse pentru cei care locuiesc permanent în Lugansk și Donețk din Ucraina |
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Putin a semnat decretul prin care extinde lista ucrainenilor care pot obține mai ușor cetățenia rusă |
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TRNN – US Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yeltsin’ – RAI with Stephen Cohen 3/5 |
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Putin çeşitli kategorilerdeki Ukrayna vatandaşlarına Rusya vatandaşlığı alma hakkı tanıyan kararnameyi imzaladı |
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Smooth Transition: New Kazakh Leader Pushes Photoshopped Putin’s Russian Passport Proposal For Ukraine |
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Putin fast-tracks Russian citizenship for more Ukrainians |
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Pannen und Flugunfälle der Regierungsjets – Ist Uschis Personal genügend Was sagt Putin selbst zur Situation in der Ukraine |
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Erdoğan Putin talk ‘close cooperation in Syria’ over phone |
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After Trump walked out North Korea’s Kim is in Russia to meet with Putin |
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Putin: “All the things you were trying to prevent through your policies have already happened You have failed to hold Russia back” |
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Vladimir Putin Set To Give Info About The ALIENS On Earth |
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Putin potpisao dekret Ukrajinci će lakše dobijati rusko državljanstvo |
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PREDSEDNIK RUSIJE PUTIN POTPISAO DEKRET: Pojedini Ukrajinci lakše do državljanstva! |
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Putin Personally Awards Priest’s Family with Seven Children with ‘Order of Parental Glory’ |
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Russian President Putin has a ‘200 billion fortune |
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Erdogan dhe Putin dakordohen për bashkëpunim të ngushtë për çështjen e Sirisë |
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Vladimir Putin dan Kim Jong-un berjanji meningkatkan hubungan… |
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Vladimir Putin has created this Venezuela crisis: Foreign policy analyst |
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Tướng Cương: Điều gì kéo Putin và Kim Jong-un đến hội nghị thượng đỉnh |
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Ukraine’s Second Round Pits Poroshenko versus Putin |
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Zelenskyi doomed to be Putin’s personal enemy Portnikov says |
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Russia: With So Many Political Prisoners What’s Putin Afraid Of |
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Secret Bilderberg Group Meeting Will Discuss Putin Trump and War |
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Kim Jong-un visitará Rusia esta semana para reunirse con Vladímir Putin |
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Putin se ofrece para reconstruir la catedral de Notre Dame tras el devastador incendio |
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Putin’s Christian Vision |
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Putin Spearheads Major Pro-Family Movement in Russia Russian TV News |
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Putin Gives Grant to Teach Family Values – Causes Surge in Opposition to Abortion Premarital Sex |
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Putin və Ərdoğanın iştirakıyla tarixi açılış – Fotolar |
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Vladimir Putin – Arquivos Rússia |
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Kim Putin Have High Hopes for Their First One-on-One Meeting |
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Declar că am cel putin 18 ani împlinițI la data începerii promoției |
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Maduro estava fugindo da Venezuela mas Putin mandou o bigodudo ficar no País |
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Memel Feat Vladimir Putin |
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Why overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela would spell disaster for Putin: Russia stands to lose billions of dollars through unpaid loans access to cheap oil and arms deals if Guaido wins |
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“İlk dəfədir Putin kiminsə tələbini yerinə yetirir” – Politoloq |
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In materialul video de mai jos puteti vedea practic cat de rapid si usor puteti reda stralucirea originala a farurilor automobilului dumneavoastra cu 3 pasi usori in mai putin de 2 minute Puteti face acest lucru singuri in fata casei fara sa mergeti la service sau sa folositi vreo masina sau alte instrumente Uitati-va cat este de usor: |
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Ərdoğanla Putin Liviya və Suriyanı müzakirə etdi |
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A plot to overthrow Vladimir Putin and destabilize Russia by billionaire globalist George Soros has been revealed in leaked documents |
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Putin Suggests Tighter Oil Quality Control after Contamination |
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Putin invites Zelensky to return Saakashvili’s Ukrainian citizenship |
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Neuestes ZDF-Propaganda-Machwerk: „Trump amp Putin: Komplott gegen Amerika“ |
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Putin Red Crocodile Nomokonov Semyon |
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European nations mourn their dead and prepare for the next wave of “imminent” terror attacks President Putin warns that the New World Order are in the final stages of their “70 year masterplan for Europe“ and the process will only speed up from here“The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries” Putin told a Kremlin tour group “And now they are poking them” |
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Putin schürt die richten Millionenschaden im Kanton Bern an |
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Decizia incredibilă luată de Vladimir Putin Cum l-a PEDEPSIT pe fostul ginere |
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Google Demonetizes Our Article On Putin Congratulating Women… |
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Vladimir Putin ordena Prohibir a los Testigos de Jehová en toda |
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Putin ofron pasaporta për ukrainasit |
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Ultiman los preparativos para el encuentro de Vladímir Putin y Kim Jong-un |
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During this photo-op between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump Putin couldn’t help letting his feelings be known about the globalist leaders gathered at the G20 A woman in the crowd asked Putin if he was smiling because he genuinely likes Donald Trump Putin kept smiling but said “I am smiling because the New World Order is finished” |
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Russia may offer fast-tracked passports to Ukrainians: Putin |
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De la 1 august societatile platesc CAS si CASS cel putin la nivelul salariului minim brut pe tara Vezi exceptiile si cateva exemple |
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Tay bắt mặt mừng nhưng Triều Tiên sẽ thất vọng với kế hoạch đưa ông Putin vào cuộc chơi |
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PREDSEDNIK RUSIJE PUTIN POTPISAO DEKRET: Pojedini Ukrajinci lakše do PRVOMAJSKI URANAK U GRAČANICI: Okupio se veliki broj meštana Gračanice i okolnih sela kod javne česme! |
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We all know who’s Vladimir Putin right And we also know that the famous Russian President Vladimir Putin is very straightforward and trustworthy person Well yes and I really think that you’ll be amazed when we tell you that he has shown that he has never been afraid of fighting several opponents on different fronts Now it appears that he has a new target in his sights – the Illuminati Just take a look at the article below to find out more about this |
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Ərdoğan və Putin arasında kritik müzakirə |
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Sankt Peterburge sulaikyta prieš Putiną protestavusių aktyvistų |
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Cúpula entre Putin e Kim serviu para ‘corrigir erros diplomáticos dos EUA’ diz Moscou |
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Analysis: Netanyahu Meets Putin |
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Ocupación como invasión prolongada para la guerra hecha saqueo: incautadas riquezas de Venezuela: diplomático negociado democrático Maduro Jinping Trump Putin aliados ca |
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Los rusos apoyan la intención de Putin de reconstruir Notre Dame |
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Putin: Los saudíes no deberían romper el acuerdo de corte de salida |
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Putin signs law on fast-tracked Russian passports for Ukraine’s rebel regions |
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CRIZA din Venezuela minut cu minut Primul rănit de glonţ Putin |
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One of the smartest and richest people in the world is Vladimir Putin the Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin might be the richest man in the world according to experts who believe he could have a net worth of 200billion |
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Für Putin ist wichtig was wahr erscheint |
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Putin apoya a Kim Jong-un en su pulso con Trump |
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After Victory Putin Steps Into Syrian Minefield |
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George Soros Plot To Overthrow Putin amp Control Russia Exposed In Leak |
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Så kom telefonene fra hele verden: – Jeg vil ikke ha Putin på nakken |
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Fra Maduro e Guaidò l’ombra dello scontro fra Putin e Trump Ecco perché |
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5 Years Since Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine: Has Putin’s Gamble Paid Off |
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El presidente de Italia insta a Europa a no tener miedo a Vladímir Putin |
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Putin extends asylum offer to Comey |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile görüştü |
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Putin It Out There |
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Reuters: Putin signs law on fast-tracked Russian passports for Ukraine’s rebel regions |
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Trump Putin and the Mob |
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Anti-Putin protesters arrested in Saint Petersburg |
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Epilog: Was halten Sie von Regime-Change Vladimir Putin |
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Putin və İlham Əliyev Pekində… |
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Durante su encuentro con Putin Kim Jong-un declaró que EEUU actuó «de mala fe» en la cumbre de Hanoi |
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Putin: Der ewige Präsident Russlands |
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Erdoğan ile Putin’den kritik görüşme |
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PM Modi meets Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin in first trilateral after 12 years |
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Putin in Beijing: What Drives China-Russia Relations |
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Putin: The New Tsar |
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VELIKA RUSKA VOJNA VEŽBA: Putin lično lansirao četiri balističke rakete! |
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Putin potpisao dekret: Ukrajinci lakše do ruskog državljanstva |
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Putin: Chcemy uprościć uzyskiwanie obywatelstwa Rosji przez Ukraińców |
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Tổng thống Putin lại kí lệnh nới quy định cấp quốc tịch Nga cho người Ukraine |
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Putin: Sprawa zanieczyszczenia ropy to poważna szkoda wizerunkowa |
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Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT on the Kim-Putin summit |
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Władimir Putin podpisał dekret o uproszczonym obywatelstwie dla niektórych Ukraińców |
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Di Francesco favorit për stolin e bisedë telefonike me homologun rus Putin |
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„Putin nezuřil až se třásl Lež Třásla se vzteky jen Albrightová Maruška ze Smíchova“ Břetislav Olšer předkládá své životní zážitky |
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Putin Kim jong-un are closer than ever can they both pose threat to US |
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Kim y Putin: cambiando el estado del consejo en Corea |
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Especiales Hijos de Putin: Su historia |
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Saakaşvili: Putin asanlıqla Ermənistanı buraxmayacaq |
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Putin a semnat decretul prin care mai multe categorii de ucraineni obţin mai uşor cetăţenia rusă |
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Putin ‘internet Güvenliği’ Yasasını Onayladı |
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Russland: Wladimir Putin erleichtert Zugang zu russischer Staatsbürgerschaft |
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Trump and Putin Meet Melania’s Yellow Gown – Monologue |
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Vladimir Putin: Moscow Considering Offering All Ukrainians Fast-Tracked Russian Passports |
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Ərdoğan Putinə zəng vurdu |
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Putin delivers a sobering message to the US in Russia’s version of the “state of the union” address: |
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President Vladimir Putin’s Guard Wins Russian Army Beauty Contest |
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Russia will keep offering military-technical help to Damascus in fight with IS — Putin |
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Donald Trump trusts Vladimir Putin more than his own Intelligence Chiefs: Trump could’ve been Replaced as per 25th Amendment |
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FOTO : Inundatii in zona Beiusului In cel putin 3 localitati apele au intrat in curtile oamenilor |
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La putin timp dupa ce a cucerit inimile tuturor cu albumul „Vida” Luis Fonsi refuza vehement |
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A avut loc primul summit între Kim Jong-Un şi Vladimir Putin |
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Tramp və Putin Venesuelada baş verənləri diqqətlə izləyir |
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Putin a semnat decretul prin care mai multe categorii de ucraineni |
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Kim Jong-un y Vladímir Putin mantienen un caluroso primer encuentro |
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Bwa mbere mu mateka Kim Jong-Un agiye guhura na Perezida Vladimir Putin |
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Zwischen Trump und Putin – Zerreißprobe für Europa |
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Return of Kim Jong-un celebrated after Putin summit 2019 video |
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Putin Ukrayna əhalisi barədə qanun imzalayıb |
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Putin’den ABD’de ajanlıkla suçlanan Butina’ya verilen cezaya tepki |
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Putin və Netanyahu Suriya məsələsini müzakirə etdi |
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Putin’s Witnesses |
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Putin: Božić nas objedinjuje oko neprolaznih vrednosti |
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8 cars Vladimir Putin has taken for a spin |
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Putin muốn xây cầu đường bộ nối Nga-Triều Tiên Chính phủ Venezuela tuyên bố đập tan đảo chính |
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You have many questions Putin has many answers |
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Review of Michael McFaul From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: New York 2018 |
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Putin: New World Order Are In Final Stages Of Their European Masterplan |
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Putin pune gaz pe foc A semnat! |
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Dezenas de detidos em manifestação contra Putin no 1º de Maio |
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Video: Lộ phiên bản mui trần của siêu xe chống đạn dành cho Tổng thống Putin |
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Vladimir Putin o el golpe de efecto permanente |
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TT Nga Putin tức giận vì Mỹ kết án nữ công dân Nga tội gián điệp |
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Putin legt im Streit um russische Pässe nach |
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Meinung Merkel und Macron Auf dem Balkan gibt Europa den Ton an – nicht Putin oder Trump |
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I mahniti rusët me bukurinë e saj njihuni me gardisten që mbron presidentin Vladimir Putin VIDEO |
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Radio Biafra runs campaign to lobby Vladimir Putin |
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Google Demonetizes Our Article On Putin Congratulating Women For Taking Care Of The Home In Russia Society |
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Putin simplifica la concesión de la ciudadanía a los ucranianos |
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Navalny Trolls Putin |
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FOTO VIDEO Peste 120 de persoane arestate în timpul manifestațiilor de 1 MAI în Rusia pentru că scandau sloganuri împotriva lui Putin |
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WORLD PREMIERE: Putin It Out There |
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Active Measures – How Putin took the White House |
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Putinův efektní čin v továrně Mercedesu Přijel ruským autem VIDEO |
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Ông Trump cảm ơn ông Putin vì cuộc gặp với Triều Tiên |
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The Only Thing That Scares Vladimir Putin And Many Others |
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La Russia di Putin e l’Europa |
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Servetelele revolutionare de la CLEAR-LIGHTSEU redau stralucirea originala a farurilor cu 3 pasi usori in mai putin de 2 minute asigurand in acelasi timp si un strat protector ce va proteja farurile impotriva matuirii si uzariiToate astea se intampla rapid si usor cu urmatorii 3 pasi: |
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Putin’s Dirty Jewish Joke |
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Putin podpisal odlok za olajšanje pridobitve ruskega državljanstva Ukrajincem |
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Começa a reunião entre Vladimir Putin e Kim em Vladivostok na Rússia |
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Vladimir Putin este de 20 de ani la putere în Rusia Care au fost crizele care l-au adus aici |
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Hillary Pushes The Russia Narrative Warns 2020 Candidates: ‘Don’t Get On The Wrong Side Of Putin’ |
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25/04/2016 RUSIA Putin pretende convertir a Rusia en el mayor exportador mundial de alimentos orgánicos no transgénicos de la industria de la alimentación |
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Russian passport for the Donbass residents – Putin signs the decree |
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Putin müsəlmanları nümunə göstərdi: “Onların çox mühüm cəhəti var…” |
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OPINII ȘI ADEVĂRURI cu putință să fii fericit Și dacă da la ce |
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PUTIN GURA AMERIKU NA MARGINU SVETSKE SCENE: Rusija menja kartu sveta dolazi velika Evroazija |
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Putin-Kim Meet in Vladivostok to Compare Notes on Their Dupe Benedict Donald Trump Decrees Stonewall and Executive Privilege on Testimony to Congress by White House Aides Tax Returns and Subpoenas of Bank and Accounting Records New York AG Gets First Docs from Deutsche Gnostic Themes in US Cable for Easter: Scholars Project Modern Identity Group Themes onto Early Christianity CNN Airs Bogus “Gospel Of Judas” More Recent “Gospel Of Jesus’ Wife” Likely a Forgery Gnostics Were Trolls of Fourth Century AD but Favored by Some Oligarchs Today! |
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Putin jednym podpisem ułatwił Ukraińcom uzyskanie rosyjskiego obywatelstwa |
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Helsinki: TRUMP/ PUTIN – Press Conference – some minutes ago |
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WATCH: Is Putin a Christian |
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Venezuela: Vlademir Putin convenceu Maduro não escapar diz secretário de Estado dos EUA |
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‘Putin’s Chef’ Charged with Organizing ‘Troll Factory’ to Interfere in US |
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Mariya Putina – More than just Vladimir Putin’s Daughter! |
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Rund 2000 Menschen protestierten gegen Präsident Putin |
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Descubren que Putin podría estar entrenando ballenas espías |
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Putin bestätigt den Einfluss der USA auf die Bundesrepublik Beiträge |
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Putin Trump eta gu |
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A Game of Thrones Lesson for the Age of Netanyahu and Putin |
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Putin’den Rus vatandaşlığı teşviki |
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Putin costringe Telegram a condividere i suoi dati |
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Putin Rex: S Ivanov’s resignation and the rise of Putin as The Tsar – by Michael Novakhov |
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TRANSFER SURPRIZA la Real: Zidane vrea sa aduca un super jucator de la Ajax! Clauza de reziliere e incredibila: daca ar lua de la FCSB galacticii ar plati cel putin dublu |
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Staatsbesuch von Präsident Putin |
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Trump Putin Handshake Helsinki 2018 GIF |
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Machtmensch Putin: Das ZDF beim Fabrizieren von Propaganda ertappt |
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Putin na cenzurowanymw Rosji! |
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Proiect de lege: Mamele cu cel putin 3 copii vor primi indemnizatie lunara pe viata |
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Flt-Attin Putin golden cabin |
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Ku nshuro ya mbere Perezida Vladimir Putin yahuye na mugenzi we Kim Jong-unREBA batatu bo mu kanama ka gisirikare kayoboye mu nzibacyuho beguye |
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Kim e Putin selam aproximação |
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Ukraine đòi Nga hủy sắc lệnh hộ chiếu gây tranh cãi của Tổng thống Putin |
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Putin və Ərdoğan İdlibdə vəziyyətin sabitləşməsi üçün sıx koordinasiyanın vacibliyini vurğulayıblar |
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John Bolton and CNN’s John Berman Spar Over Trump-Putin Call: ‘The One That’s Missing the Point is You!’ |
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Putin signs decree on fast-track application of Russian citizenship for foreigners |
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Russian President Putin expected to visit Pakistan next month |
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Gouda o brânză pe care trebuie sa o gusti cel putin o data in viata |
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Putin: It’s My Duty To Destroy The New World Order For Degrading Family Values |
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Audun hadde en teori om den hvite hvalen så kom telefonene fra hele verden: – Jeg vil ikke ha Putin på nakken |
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Putin acepta la invitación de su nuevo amigo Kim de visitar Corea del Norte |
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Pronabec inicia postulaciones a becas para Harvard Oxford y otras Jong-un y Vladimir Putin: las claves de su histórico encuentro |
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Putin face ravagii! Mutare de ultimă oră a președintelui Rusiei |
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Qəddafinin qardaşı sükutu pozdu: Putin olmasaydı |
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Spioana Butina condamnată la 15 ani de închisoare în SUA Ce legătură are cu Putin |
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On Day Of Ukrainian Presidential Election Confirmation Putin Makes Further Moves To Absorb Donbass |
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Poroshenko faces Putin in Ukrainian election – or at least he wants people to think so |
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Putin y Xi Jinping abordaron la situación de Venezuela Siria y Libia |
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Christ is Risen! Putin And Millions of Russians Celebrate The Biggest Christian Holiday Easter |
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Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: I Wish Trump Would Phone Putin So… |
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Miercuri 24 aprilie 2019Academia de Politie ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” a luat act cu surpindere despre regretabilul incident petrecut cu foarte putin timp in urma in care un angajat al institutiei noastre a amenintat o cunoscuta jurnalista de investigatii |
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Russian Center-Periphery Relations from Khrushchev to Putin 1957-2018 |
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Putin’den Türkiye’ye büyük jest! S-400’ün yanında birde |
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Warren Dominates CNN Town Halls and “She the People” Gathering with Strongest Program and Clear Imperative of Impeachment While Trump Raves China Announces Permanent Moon Base in Ten Years Putin and Kim Cross Don Trump Declares Stonewall to Defy Congressional Subpoenas Nixon Attorneys General Mitchell and Kleindienst Were Both Convicted Does Their Fate Await Barr Study of Fascist and Nazi Movements Reveals Misogyny and Contempt For Women as Key Feature of Their Ideology! |
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Leon Aron: There’s a bigger Russian threat than meddling: Vladimir Putin is acting like he wants war |
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Putin habla sobre Venezuela con asistentes de seguridad de… |
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Danzando con Osos: La investidura del cuarto mandato de Vladimir Putin en el poder y el Gabinete de Guerra que esta destinado a formar ante las hostilidades de occidente |
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Venezuela’s current de facto leader leans toward Russia has allowed Putin to deploy nuclear-capable bombers on his soil within range of all of the US and has starved his people with economic mismanagement America has backed an opposition leader after suspect elections in 2018 and now that opposition leader is trying to take control |
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Alianza Qué se juega Putin con su apoyo a Maduro |
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Prima întâlnire dintre Vladimir Putin și Kim Jong-un // FOTO VIDEO |
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Putin Shows He’s Best Buds With Kim… |
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CRIZA din Venezuela minut cu minut Primul rănit de glonţ Putin intervine în favoarea |
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W Putin podpisał dekret o uproszczonym obywatelstwie dla niektórych Ukraińców |
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Zelenskidən Putinə mesaj – “Ukraynalıları pasportunuzla aldatmayın” |
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What Would Kant Tell Putin |
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Is Putin Secretly a Christian Monk |
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Rusia: Putin examina la situación en Venezuela con los miembros del Consejo de tecnológicas siguen al alza pero ya notan presión de los reguladores |
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HMD aduce Nokia 42 pe piata americana pentru mai putin de 200 de dolari |
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Putin: Russia wants to resolve North Korea’s nuclear standoff |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Dl Putin “La prima persoană” 14/03/2014 |
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Putin qalmaqallı sənədi İMZALADI: Kimlər Rusiya vətəndaşı ola bilər |
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