AP FACT CHECK: Trump Putin and the no-collusion chorus |
10 |
Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela |
9 |
Trump discusses ‘Russian Hoax’ in long call with Putin |
7 |
Trump ile Putin telefonla görüştü |
6 |
Trump and Putin discuss nuclear weapons Mueller report |
5 |
PUTIN I TRAMP RAZGOVARALI TELEFONOM Dodovoreno intenziviranje dijaloga SAD i Rusije |
5 |
Putin y Trump hablaron largo y tendido sobre caso Venezuela |
4 |
Trump asegura que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela |
4 |
Blithering Idiots Express Fear That Putin Will Rig 2020 Election For Trump |
4 |
Trump amp Putin Agree: “There Was No Collusion” – No Mention Of Russia’s Interference In Private Call |
4 |
Trump y Putin hablaron largo y tendido de Venezuela y en esto quedaron… |
4 |
Trump says he Putin discussed new nuclear pact possibly including China |
4 |
Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela durante una extensa llamada telefónica |
4 |
Trump says he spoke with Putin about ‘Russian hoax’ didn’t warn him against 2020 election meddling |
4 |
USA: Donald Trump spricht mit Wladimir Putin über Mueller-Ermittlungen |
4 |
Trump: Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela |
4 |
Trump talks to Putin on ‘Russian Hoax’ but not potential |
4 |
ING devine putin mai transparenta in reclamele la credite dar nu vrea sa fie un model de corectitudine pe piata bancara |
4 |
Los Testigos de Putin: una mirada a las entrañas del poder |
3 |
Trump habla con Putin sobre Venezuela y pide que se permita una «transición pacífica» |
3 |
Presidentët Trump dhe Putin bisedë telefonike për Venezuelën |
3 |
Russia Reconsidered: Putin Power and Pragmatism |
3 |
“Tramp Putinə dedi ki…” – Prezidentlərin görüşü haqda sensasion iddia |
3 |
Trump e Putin conversam sobre transição pacífica na Venezuela |
3 |
Malul Canalului Dunare Marea-Neagra s-a prabusit in mai putin de 24 de ore |
3 |
Broadway e doar o strada fara cel putin un spectacol |
3 |
Trump dice conversación con Putin se centró en ayuda para Venezuela |
3 |
Trump y Putin hablan sobre Corea del Norte |
3 |
Kurt Volker poparł koncepcję rozmów Zelensky-Putin |
3 |
Tin ảnh: Hai ông Trump – Putin có quá nhiều việc phải bàn |
3 |
Donald Trump și Vladimir Putin au vorbit o oră la telefon |
3 |
Putin: Müsəlmanlara oxşayın! Onlardan misal götürün! – SƏBƏB |
3 |
Had a very positive conversation with Putin on Venezuela says Trump |
3 |
Trump điện đàm với Putin về Venezuela và một số vấn đề khác |
3 |
Trump bisedë të gjatë telefonike me Putin: Ju tregoj para se të fillojë gjuetia e shtrigave |
3 |
Qlobal güc müharibəsində Venesuela effekti – Tramp Putinə qarşı çıxacaqmı |
3 |
Situata në Venezuelë Trump bisedë telefonike me Putin |
3 |
Trump hails ‘very positive’ Venezuela talks with Putin |
2 |
Wojna paszportowa Ekspert: Putin chce osłabić Zełenskiego i Ukrainę |
2 |
Putin Trump discuss Korean Peninsula Venezuela over phone |
2 |
Putin ve Trump 15 saat telefonla görüştü |
2 |
Trump Putin discuss nuclear weapons Mueller report |
2 |
Trampla Putin telefonda 90 dəqiqə nədən danışıb |
2 |
Negociando la salida del Dictador: Trump habla con Putin sobre Maduro |
2 |
Discuţie telefonică între Trump şi Putin despre posibilitatea unui nou acord nuclear |
2 |
Trump: Putin Tak Ingin Terlibat di Venezuela |
2 |
Trump and Putin talked about Mueller report Venezuela and North Korea during phone call |
2 |
NBC News Corrects False Report That Trump Discussed McGahn Testimony With Putin |
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Trump y Putin dirimen el futuro de Venezuela |
2 |
Trump calls Putin and talks of ‘Russian hoax’ |
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Tertulia PD: Maduro no te subas a ese avión o por qué Putin sostiene aún a la dictadura chavista |
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Venezuela y Corea del Norte centran las conversaciones entre Putin y Trump |
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Vladimir Putin: Azərbaycan-Rusiya Forumunun konstruktiv dialoq şəraitində keçəcəyinə ümid edirəm |
2 |
Trump reitera a Putin la necesidad de una transición pacífica en Venezuela tras hablar por teléfono más de una hora |
2 |
4 Vị tổng thống Donald Trump – Tập Cận Bình – Putin – Shinzo Abe |
2 |
Vine și Putin la mitingul PSD de la Iași! Cu un autobuz cu șenile și turelă! |
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Trump: Putin ‘Not Looking at All to Get Involved in Venezuela’ |
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Russia: “Costruiremo blocco di paesi per fermare eventuale attacco Usa contro Venezuela” ma Bolton sfida Putin e riunisce consiglio di guerra a Washington |
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Putin Rusya’yı Küresel İnternet Ağından Çıkaracak Yasayı İmzaladı |
2 |
Trump says he had ‘a very good call’ with Putin sees… |
2 |
WATCH: Trump Says of Putin Election Meddling Conversation: ‘We Didn’t Discuss That’ |
2 |
Media venezuelani: “Attacco Usa contro Caracas è imminente” Telefonata Trump – Putin aerei da ricognizione Pentagono già in zona |
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¡Acuerdo entre Trump y Putin! EEUU abandonaría Ucrania y Putin abandonaría a Maduro |
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Trump says did not raise election meddling with Putin in phone call |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby Tak to budete koukat… VIDEO |
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Bị tố giật dây Venezuela ông Trump lập tức điện đàm với Tổng thống Putin Hai nguyên thủ của Mỹ và Nga vừa có cuộc điện đàm kéo dài hơn một tiếng đồng hồ thảo luận về những vấn đề thế giới đang dõi theo đặc biệt là Venezuela thỏa thuận hạt nhân và |
2 |
Trump ja Putin keskustelivat puhelimessa Muellerin Venäjä-tutkinnan tuloksista |
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Trump și Putin pun lumea la cale prin ”telefonul roșu” |
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‘Anything is possible’: Trump talks North Korea peace after phone call with Putin |
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Trump-Putin bàn về hiệp ước hạt nhân mới có sự tham gia của Trung Quốc |
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Trump y Putin tratan crisis en Venezuela |
2 |
Trump cambia postura sobre Venezuela y Rusia tras conversación con Putin |
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Donald Trump calls Vladimir Putin talks of ‘Russian Hoax’ |
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Trump dice que habló con Putin sobre acuerdo nuclear para reducir armas |
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Marca de la Bestia en Rusia: Vladimir Putin busca Implantar el |
2 |
Trump habla con Putin sobre situación de Venezuela |
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Trump and Putin spoke today about conclusion of Mueller probe |
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Putin y Trump han discutido la situación en Venezuela y Corea del Norte en conversación telefónica |
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Trump dijo que Putin no quiere meterse en Venezuela |
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Putin ve Trump ne konuştu |
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Trump ile Putin Telefonda Görüştü |
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Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
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Putin və Tramp arasında telefon danışığı oldu |
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READ: Sarah Sanders Says Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ‘Knew There Was No Collusion’ After Leaders Speak |
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Trump and Putin just talked about the Mueller report |
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Putin’s last term: Taking the long view |
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Trump: Putin no busca intervenir en Venezuela |
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Trump to Putin: Your Intervention in 2016 Election Was “Russian Hoax” |
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Trump y Putin discuten la situación de Venezuela… por teléfono |
2 |
Watch What Trump spoke to Putin about |
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President Trump Vladimir Putin Discuss Mueller Report Over Phone Call |
2 |
Trump Tortures Hapless Foes With Surprise Putin Chat For Another EPIC Troll |
2 |
Trump y Putin conversaron sobre crisis política de Venezuela |
2 |
Trump says he had ‘a very good call’ with Putin sees ‘tremendous potential’ for Russia relationship |
2 |
Donald Trump habla con Vladimir Putin de Venezuela y pide permitir una “transición pacífica” |
2 |
EU está con el pueblo de Venezuela Trump le dice a Putin |
2 |
Trump y Putin hablaron por teléfono sobre Venezuela |
2 |
Trump Calls Reporter ‘Rude’ for Asking If He Pressed Putin on Election Meddling: ‘We Didn’t Discuss’ |
2 |
Ərdoğan Putin və Trampın telefon danışığının DETALLARI MƏLUM OLDU: NATO-dan da bir təmsilçi olsun – VİDEO |
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Tổng thống Putin thông qua luật tạo mạng nội bộ riêng cho nước Nga |
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Marca de la Bestia en Rusia: Vladimir Putin busca Implantar el Chip a sus Ciudadanos |
2 |
Donald Trump couldn’t resist calling Putin about Mueller Report Russian Hoax |
2 |
Putin ve Trump’tan 15 saatlik görüşme |
2 |
Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela y buscarán… |
2 |
VAŠINGTON I KIJEV ZALEĐENI: Putin poslao poruku o crvenim linijama Rusije koje se ne smeju preći |
2 |
Trump ve Putin Çin’in dahil olduğu nükleer anlaşma olasılığını görüştü |
2 |
Possible new N-accord discussed as Trump and Putin hold phone talks: WH |
2 |
Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela y estudiaron alternativas diplomáticas |
2 |
Trump y Putin hablan una hora y media sobre Venezuela |
2 |
Putin y Trump discutieron vía telefónica situación en Venezuela y Corea del Norte |
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Donald Trump aseguró que Vladímir Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela |
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Trump amp Putin Doing ‘An End Zone Dance’ Over Mueller Investigation Findings |
2 |
Trump y Putin hablaron más de una hora sobre Venezuela |
2 |
Niega Trump interés de Putin en Venezuela |
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Trump says he didn’t tell Putin not to meddle in 2020 during their hour-long phone call |
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Trump Says Putin Not ‘Involved’ in Venezuela Despite US Claim |
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Trump’s Surreal Phone Call With Vladimir Putin |
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Trump contradice su Gobierno y dice que Putin no quiere meterse en Venezuela |
2 |
Putin podpisał dekret o uproszczonym obywatelstwie dla niektórych Ukraińców |
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Putin y Trump discutieron sobre Venezuela durante una extensa conversación de 90 minutos |
2 |
Putin Trampa Venesuela böhranına müdaxilə etməyəcəyini deyib |
2 |
¿ Cambio de planes Trump pidió a Putin permitir una transición pacífica en Venezuela |
2 |
Putin zahájil trolling Zelenského Ten je ale zběhlejší |
2 |
Putin y Trump hablaron por teléfono sobre Venezuela |
2 |
Trump y Putin: ¿Sellando el destino de Venezuela |
2 |
Putin and Trump Speak Over The Phone About Mueller Report |
1 |
Putin potpisao zakon koji proširuje kontrolu vlasti nad internetom |
1 |
Trump Has First Call with Putin Since Mueller Report |
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Putin Trampla telefonda danışdı – “Venesuelada hakimiyyəti devirmək” |
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Ibu Negara Mulai Menbentuk ‘Gelombang Putin’ Pertahan Kedaulatan Islam |
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Vladimir Putin Doesn’t Think There Was Any Collusion Alright |
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Trump dhe Putin flitet për marrëveshjen e re të mundshme bërthamore |
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Προάγγελος στρατιωτικής επέμβασης των ΗΠΑ στη Βενεζουέλα η επικοινωνία Trump με Putin – Σε ετοιμότητα έθεσε τον στρατό ο Maduro |
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Putin’s “State of the Nation” Speech Examined |
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Trump Putin discussed Venezuela Mueller during hour-long call |
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Agora quem dá a bola é o Putin |
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Trump a anunţat că a avut o discuţie telefonică lungă şi foarte bună cu Vladimir Putin |
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La nuova frontiera della russofobia: una balena al soldo di Putin |
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Russian Authorities Expedite Snow Removal When Vladimir Putin’s Opponent’s Name Is Written in It |
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18:37 Προάγγελος στρατιωτικής επέμβασης των ΗΠΑ στη Βενεζουέλα η επικοινωνία Trump με Putin – Σε ετοιμότητα έθεσε τον στρατό ο Maduro |
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Putin Just Attacked Ukraine’s Sovereignty Yet Again |
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Hermann Tertsch: Putin según Brodsky |
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Trump says he did not confront Putin on election interference in post-Mueller call |
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Google Demonetizes Our Article On Putin Congratulating Women For Taking Care Of The Home In Russia Society |
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Putin Announces New Hypersonic Weapon Wi |
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Avertismentul INFRICOSATOR pe care i la transmis Stephen Hawking lui Donald Trump cu putin timp in urma: “Decizia lui Trump poate să împingă Pământul dincolo de acest…” |
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Washington – Trump Tweets He Putin Discussed ‘Russian Hoax’ |
1 |
Trump y Putin sostienen diálogo telefónico sobre la posibilidad de un |
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Trump reaches for big moment with Putin |
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Trump y Putin hablan sobre Corea del Norte Venezuela y acuerdo |
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Trump dice que conversación con Putin se centró en ayuda para Venezuela |
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Nga công bố chi tiết lịch trình họp thượng đỉnh Kim – Putin |
1 |
Felon voting measure goes to Fla governor — A2Landlord settles discrimination case — A2Killion appointed to MLK Commission — A3Two women receive prison time for drugs — A7Police arrest man with 26 warrants — A7Harrisburg man faces two counts of forgery — A7What happens next for Venezuela — A8US evaluates military options in Venezuela — A8Unemployment reaches 49-year low — A8Ebola outbreak deaths reach 1000 in Congo — A8Trump discusses ‘Russian Hoax’ in call with Putin — A8New Death Cafe discusses taboo topic — A9Biden to test appeal among black voters in SC — A10Democrats discover unity attacking Barr — A10House Speaker urges investments in child care — A10Strong cyclone forces 12 million from homes — A114 Palestinians killed 2 soldiers wounded — A12Woman accused in Kim Jong Nam’s killing released — A12Duncan leads A-State offensive surge — B1Cubs beat Cards for 5th win in row — B1Blazers Bearcats earn state baseball berths — B1Wet Derby on tap as Baffert eyes history — B4Musk doubles down on investment — B5Investors gather to learn from Buffett each other — B5NC lawyer Cheslie Kryst named Miss USA 2019 — B7 |
1 |
Machtmensch Putin: Das ZDF beim Fabrizieren von Propaganda ertappt |
1 |
Trump Putin speak for 1st time since Mueller report release |
1 |
Una llamada: Putin y Trump hablaron por la situación en… |
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Trump y Putin tuvieron una extensa conversación sobre Venezuela Corea del Norte y China |
1 |
WORLD PREMIERE: Putin It Out There |
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PRESS SEC: Trump Spoke to Putin about Mueller Report Venezuela N Korea and Nuke Treaty |
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Trump vyhlásil že Putin nemá záujem miešať sa do diania vo Venezuele |
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Trump y Putin exploran por teléfono una salida negociada a la crisis de Venezuela |
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Trump-Putin traktat të ri bërthamor |
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NATO-dan da bir təmsilçi olsun – Ərdoğan Putin |
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In Heated Interview Putin Says “A |
1 |
Trump afirma que Putin no quiere meterse en nacional tendrá la participación de 60 pilotos |
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The Only Thing That Scares Vladimir Putin And Many Others |
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Trump habla con Putin de Venezuela y pide permitir una transición acusa al MAS de tener nexos con el narcotráfico y ratifica que será del MAS deriva en investigación en contra de Mesa él dice que buscan inhabilitarlo |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby |
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Trump Had ‘Long And Very Good’ Talk With Putin |
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DJ Trump telefonoval do Moskvy Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin si s ním promluvil |
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Trump tuvo una conversación «muy positiva» con Putin sobre situación de Venezuela 3May |
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Putin Will Put Russia Behind an Internet Curtain |
1 |
Bill Maher shreds Trump for his buddy-buddy call with Vladimir Putin |
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Trump in Putin govorila po telefonu |
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Malcolm Nance Destroys Trump For Showing ‘Slavish Devotion’ To Vladimir Putin |
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Sorcha Faal — Putin Agrees to Emergency Meet with US After |
1 |
Trump says he had ‘a very good call’ with Putin sees ‘tremendous potential’ for Russia Insights amp Trends |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Putin: Rosja rozważa uproszczony tryb nadania obywatelstwa dla wszystkich Polexit czy rewolucja w UE |
1 |
Putin y Trump dialogaron sobre crisis en Venezuela |
1 |
Putin si dnes telefonoval s Trumpem Trump označil hovor za velmi produktivní |
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Trump teve uma conversa com Putin: o que os dois presidentes discutiram |
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Cilia Flores se escapó a Punta Cana “en un avión que le mandó Putin” dice Jaime Bayly Fotos |
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Hearts of Demons on Fire Putin and His Secret Baptism Is Christian Bigotry Behind Western Media’s Rage and Demonization of Putin and Russia |
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Trump y Putin peleando una guerra de poder en Siria |
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Extra Extra: Trump amp Putin Had A Long Chat This Week About How ‘There Was No Collusion’ |
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President Trump: ‘Putin Not Looking To Get Involved In Venezuela’ |
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Putin’s Comments About Satanism amp P |
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„Putin nezuřil až se třásl Lež Třásla se vzteky jen Albrightová Maruška ze Smíchova“ Břetislav Olšer předkládá své životní zážitky |
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NBC News Issues Correction For Trump-Putin Claim |
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Trump habla con Putin de Venezuela y pide permitir una transición pacífica |
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Trump says he had ‘a very good call’ with Putin sees ‘tremendous potential’ for |
1 |
Trump ile Putin Venezuela krizini görüştü |
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🕔 25 aprel 2019 Vladimir Putin: Bu Poroşenko siyasətinin mütləq uğursuzluğudur |
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¡LO ÚLTIMO! Rick Scott afirma que Putin acordó con Trump retirar a sus tropas de Venezuela Lo que supuestamente pidió a cambio |
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VELIKA RUSKA VOJNA VEŽBA: Putin lično lansirao četiri balističke rakete! |
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Trump y Putin enfrentando a Siria |
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Hemmelig Putin-kritiker med 1 million følgere står endelig frem |
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Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela2019-05-03 |
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Putin’s Rise to Power and His Fight Agai |
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Ông Trump hứng bão chỉ trích sau cuộc điện đàm với ông Putin |
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“Putin Kim Çen İnin beynini yudu dedi get…” – ŞƏRH |
1 |
Putin Kills – Sextremist protests against Russian Aggression in Ukraine |
1 |
A Beautiful LOVE ACTUALLY Remake Starring Trump and Putin |
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Secret Bilderberg Group Meeting Will Discuss Putin Trump and War |
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Trump: «A Putin le gustaría que algo positivo sucediera en Venezuela» |
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¿De qué hablaron Trump y Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Trump y Putin: ¿Sellando el destino de 226 paquetes de cocaína con destino a Holanda |
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Trump calls Putin talks about ‘Russian hoax’ |
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Trump le pide a Putin permitir “transición pacífica” en Venezuela |
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Trump: Putin not looking to get involved in Venezuela |
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Twitter on Putin |
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İlham Əliyev Vladimir Putinə başsağlığı verdi |
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Trump goes on tear sharing tweets about Putin North Korea’s Kim and far-right YouTube star |
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Trump e Putin falam sobre Venezuela onde Guaidó convoca novos protestos |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un |
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Trump Putin Israel amp Chabad: A Tr |
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Putin: WWIII may be end of civilization |
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Russian President Putin has a ‘200 billion fortune |
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‘Es más fácil para Trump hacer un trato con Putin en Siria que en Venezuela’ |
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CNN Panel Goes Off on Trump-Putin Call |
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Donald Trump i-a bulversat din nou pe americani Ce gest ar fi făcut Putin la telefon |
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Trump habla con Putin de Venezuela y exige una “transición pacífica” |
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Fokus: Russland Putin Forsvaret Nyheter |
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Hai ông Putin và Trump đã nói gì với nhau trong một tiếng rưỡi điện đàm |
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Trump’tan Putin açıklaması |
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Xi Putin Modi agree to increase trilateral cooperation |
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Conoce detalles de la conversación de Trump y Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Putin aprueba ley sobre la soberanía del Internet ruso ‘Runet’ |
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Trump y Putin analizaron la situación de Venezuela en una llamada telefónicaInternacional |
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Trump’s Parting Words to Putin in |
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Tổng thống Trump hứng bão chỉ trích sau cuộc điện đàm với ông Putin |
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Hai tổng thống Trump và Putin đề cập một thỏa thuận hạt nhân đa phương mới |
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Trump reveló que la conversación con Putin se centró en el envío de ayuda humanitaria a Venezuela |
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Donald Trump habla con Vladimir Putin de Venezuela y pide permitir una transición pacífica |
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White House: Trump Putin Discuss Possible New Nuclear Accord |
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Trump oo aflagaadeeyey Wariye waydiiyey waxa ka jiro inuu u digay Putin |
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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin Beyonce Jim Carrey Cristiano Ronaldo Messi pot fi văzuți la Cluj! |
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Ərdoğan Trampla telefon söhbətinin detallarını Putinə danışdı |
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Putin le sugirió a Trump que deje de intentar derrocar al gobierno de Maduro |
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Introduceti toate numerele mai putin ultima cifra |
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Presidentët Trump dhe Putin bisedë telefonike për raciste kundër shqiptarëve befason gazetarja serbe Bën shqiponjën me duar dhe thotë… |
1 |
Will Trump and Putin Begin Remaking the |
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Putin sworn in for fourth presidential t |
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Anderson Cooper: Trump Sounds More Concerned About Denying His Own Culpability Than Addressing Putin’s |
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Washington – Trump Putin Discuss Nuclear Weapons Mueller Report |
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Schumer Mocks Trump for Gossiping ‘About Fox News Conspiracy Theories’ With Putin |
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Khủng hoảng Venezuela 3/5: Tổng thống Trump điện đàm với ông Putin về tình hình Venezuela |
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Hablaron Putin y Trump sobre caso Venezuela |
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“Trump y Putin al teléfono por Venezuela” en “El noticiero A24” por Luis Rosales – 03/05/19 |
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Putin And Trump Tell G20 Leaders ‘NWO Is Finished’ Right To Their Faces |
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After Trump’s Putin-Venezuela Remarks Maddow Asks: Are Pompeo and Bolton Enjoying Their Jobs Right Now |
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Putin on Mueller investigation: It’s ‘to |
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Putin’den yeni hamle! Rusya için yerli ve milli internet |
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Putin: rozważamy uproszczenie udzielania paszportów dla wszystkich Ukraińców |
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Trump y Putin hablaron por teléfono sobre la situación en Venezuela |
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Putin y Trump ya hablan sobre la realidad y el futuro de Venezuela |
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Trump brags about chummy phone call to Putin to mock ‘Russian |
1 |
Trump Putin discussed outcome of Mueller probe as part of hour-long phone conversation White House says |
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Trump si Putin au discutat despre posibilitatea semnarii unui nou acord nuclear |
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Trump to Putin: Your Intervention in 201 |
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Putin Saakaşvilini müdafiə edib |
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“Es más fácil para Trump hacer un trato con Putin en Siria que en Venezuela” |
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Rick Scott afirma que Putin acordó con Trump retirar a sus tropas de Venezuela |
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Este viernes Putin y Trump conversaron más de una hora por teléfono sobre… |
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Phản ứng của Tổng thống Ukraina Zelensky trước tuyên bố của Tổng thống LB Nga Putin về việc Nga sẽ ồ ạt cấp hộ chiếu cho các công dân Ukraina ở Donbass |
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Trump y Putin hablan sobre Venezuela |
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Senior Russian Minister Believes Putin is ‘Fond of’ Digital Economy |
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Trump contradice a su Gobierno y niega que Putin esté implicado en Venezuela |
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Donald Trump Contradicts Top Aides With Reversal After Putin Phone Call |
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Jack Matlock on Russia and the US Reagan and Putin |
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Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela en una extensa llamada telefónica |
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Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela y Guaidó llamó a nuevas protestas |
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Atención: Donald Trump revela lo que le dijo Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin hablaron más de una |
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Trump Putin discussed Venezuela in phone talks: WHouse |
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Trump Freaks Out At Reporter For Asking If He Stood Up To Putin On Phone Call |
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Putin na Westerplatte AD 2019 |
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You have many questions Putin has many answers |
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Putin y Trump discutieron la situación en Venezuela y Corea del Norte en conversación telefónica |
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Putin: New World Order Are In Final Stages Of Their European Masterplan |
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Trump y Putin hablaron telefónicamente sobre Venezuela |
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Trump Says His Meeting With Putin Was Be |
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Den fantastiska och godhjärtade människan Vladimir Putin |
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İsveçrə qəzetindən Putin və Məhəmməd bin Salman haqqında sərt sözlər |
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When Putin Met Bin Sally // Putin’ |
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Once Again Trump Fails to Press Putin on Electoral Interference |
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PUTIN POMRSIO KONCE AMERI I TURCI NA IVICI SUKOBA! Najmoćnija NATO vojna baza Indžirlik seli se kod ljutih neprijatelja Ankare! VIDEO |
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PUTIN AMINOVAO: OSVETA JE POČELA POLETELI RUSKI AVIONI! Trese se zemlja pucaju prozori sve leti u paramparčad! |
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Trump Gave Putin ‘Green Light’ to Meddle in 2020 Election Ex-FBI Boss Says |
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Tramp Putinə niyə zəng etdi – İsti şərh |
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ŠTA SE OVO SPREMA! Putin hitno šalje 20 moćnih suhoja Su-30SM u vojnu bazu van Rusije – Moskva izdala naređenje! VIDEO |
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Vladimir Putin ordena Prohibir a los Testigos de Jehová en toda Rusia |
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Gündem yakıcı görüşme yapıcı: Putin ve Trump 15 saat telefonda konuştular |
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Trump calls Putin for first time after release of Mueller report |
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Tramp Putin Wenezuelany ýadro ylalaşygyny we Mueller hasabatyny maslahatlaşdy |
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Trump chats with Putin in a marathon phone call |
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Trump y Putin hablaron por teléfono más de una hora sobre Venezuela |
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Britain in panic as Trump-Putin summit l |
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Schumer jabs Trump over Putin ‘no collusion’ call |
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Trump i Putin ta deliberá riba Venezuela i hopi mas |
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Trump Counters His Own Aides Says Putin Not Looking To “Get Involved” In Venezuela |
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Trump told Putin about the need for a peaceful transfer of power in Venezuela |
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¡ASÍ LO SOLTÓ! Trump dijo que su conversación con Putin se centró en “ayuda para Venezuela” |
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Vladimir Putin is Ready To Give Info About The Aliens on Earth |
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Dette diskuterte Trump og Putin |
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Trump ile Putin 15 saat telefonda görüştü |
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President Trump and Putin discuss Mueller report Venezuela crisis |
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Putin qayıdıb və hərbi dəniz donanmasına səfərbərlik əmri verib |
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Putin və Tramp arasında kritik müzakirə |
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Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela y buscarán una “solución positiva” |
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Trump şi Putin au discutat despre posibilitatea semnării unui nou acord nuclear |
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Trump conversa por telefone com Putin sobre Venezuela e Coreia do Norte |
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Russia: “Costruiremo blocco di paesi per fermare eventuale attacco Usa contro Venezuela” ma Bolton sfida Putin e riunis… |
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Despite Mueller Report Findings Trump Didn’t Discuss Russian Interference With Putin in Recent Call |
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Reporters were very rude after Trump’s phone call with Putin |
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Conversación con Putin se centró en ayuda para Venezuela: Trump |
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Ex-FBI Official: Trump Gave Putin ‘Green Light’ to Interfere in… |
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Hablan Trump y Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Putin and Trump ‘Gossiped about Fox News conspiracy theories” Says Chuck Schumer |
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Putin y Trump han discutido la situ… |
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Tramp: Putin ne želi da se meša u Venecueli |
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THE HELSINKI STING! Trump and Putin Make |
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Ex-FBI Official: Trump Gave Putin ‘Green Light’ to Interfere in 2020 Election |
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A Valentine’s Day Ski Date for Putin and expensive celebrity engagement rings of all time |
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Trump sai shown Putin voiton Suomi vuorokauden poikkeustilan – Tältä näytti kun Trumputin pysäytti Helsingin |
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CNN Panel Goes Off on Trump-Putin Call: They’re Joking About Russia Attacking Our Democracy |
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Adam Schiff says Donald Trump betrays our national security after president discussed Russian hoax with Putin |
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Trump la fel de naiv ca de obicei în privinţa implicării ţarului Putin în Venezuela |
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Economic blackmail passportization as occupation: what Putin is actually saying to Zelenskyi |
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La situación en Venezuela fue uno de los temas que abordaron los presidentes de Rusia Vladímir Putin y Estados Unidos Donald Trump |
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Guerra Nuclear chegando graças aos EUA:Presidente Putin em reunião com Lavrov e Shoigu sobre o Tratado INF |
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Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin hablaron más de una hora de… |
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Schumer hits Trump over Putin: They ‘gossiped about Fox News conspiracy theories’ |
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Trump pide a Putin permitir una transición pacífica en Venezuela |
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Putin defendió a Maduro y le advierte a Trump sobre intervencionismo |
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Trump Putin discussed new nuclear pact |
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Vladimir Putin ordena Prohibir a los Testigos de Jehová en toda |
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Гимн Putin Team Тимати Smash Григорий Лепс Полина Гагарина и др – Путеводная Звезда |
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Trump diz que Putin discutiu um novo pacto nuclear… |
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Trump ile Putin telefonda görüştü |
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Trump pide cabeza de Maduro a Putin Noticias Venezuela 04 mayo 2019 noticias de venezuela |
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Trump habla con Putin y le aclara que apoya a Guaidó |
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EEUU tras acuerdo Trump/Putin: Con Venezuela “todas las opciones siguen sobre la mesa” |
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SVIJET U PANICI: Ova izjava podigla je obrve najmoćnijih ljudi svijeta je li moguće da je Putin premjestio nuklearni arsenal u Venezuelu |
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Trump Putin talk aid for Venezuela |
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Kremlin Confirms Putin Has Received Trum |
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Inca putin despre mine : |
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Trump na Rais wa Urusi Vladimir Putin Wateta kwa Simu Kuhusu Mgogoro wa Venezuela Korea Kaskazini |
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European nations mourn their dead and prepare for the next wave of “imminent” terror attacks President Putin warns that the New World Order are in the final stages of their “70 year masterplan for Europe“ and the process will only speed up from here“The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries” Putin told a Kremlin tour group “And now they are poking them” |
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Trump talks to Putin on ‘Russian Hoax’ but not potential election interference |
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La bufala del “delfino di Putin” |
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Google Demonetizes Our Article On Putin Congratulating Women… |
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Trump reitera a Putin necesidad de transición pacífica en Venezuela |
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Putin defendió a Maduro y le advierte a Trump sobre ocultará los me gusta de los perfiles de sus usuarios |
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Trump Discusses ‘Russian Hoax’ in Long Call with Putin |
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Trump: «Tuve una larga y muy buena conversación con Putin discutimos sobre Venezuela» |
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Trump y Putin hablaron telefónicamente sobre la situación en Venezuela |
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With Russia’s new government Putin trans |
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SLP tendrá promoción mundial: Miguel conversación telefónica entre Putin y Trump sobre caso Venezuela |
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Ông Trump và ông Putin có cuộc điện đàm hơn 1 giờ đồng hồ |
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Trump Putin Discuss Possible New Nuclear Accord – White House |
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One of the smartest and richest people in the world is Vladimir Putin the Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin might be the richest man in the world according to experts who believe he could have a net worth of 200billion |
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War with Russia: From Putin amp Ukraine to Trump amp Russiagate |
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Putin to Bolton: Russia Surprised With U |
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Iker Casillas dopo l’infarto l’amara notizia sulla sua carriera: tifosi le decisioni di Trump e Putin tra morti e rivolte: |
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Trump and Putin talked about the Mueller report – but not Russian meddling in 2020 |
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Trump a Putin chcú pozitívne zmeny vo Venezuele |
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Trump says he had a ‘long and good’ phone call with Vladimir Putin about trade Venezuela and the Mueller report |
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¿Cómo entender a Putin Para ojos occidentales su comportamiento es casi caricaturesco entre cómico y amenazante como el malo de una |
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NBC News makes embarrassing correction to its Putin-Trump-McGhan article |
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Discuție Trump – Putin privind semnarea unui nou acord nuclear eventual cu participarea Chinei |
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Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki VIDEOS |
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Putin y Netanyahu discuten sobre la situación en Siria durante una reunión en Moscú |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to destroy the New World Order for degrading family values and weaponizing sex on global societyPutin effectively killed the ideology of the New World Order saying it was his duty to uphold family valuesPutin: “As head of state today I believe it’s my duty to uphold traditional values and family valuesPutin also recently accused the Western Elites of attempting to normalize pedophilia as another method of abandoning family values claiming that the are creating a culture of excessive exaggerated political correctness that will destroy western civilization if it’s not dealt with |
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Trump y Putin hablan sobre Venezuela para permitir una “transición política” |
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Trump y Putin tuvieron una extensa conversación sobre Venezuela |
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Putin: Zelenski Tanrı deyil |
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VIDEO Dan kada je jedna Hrvatica po prvi puta osvojila razgovor Putin-Trump: mijenjaju li SAD odnos prema Rusiji zbog svojih |
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Putin və İlham Əliyev Pekində görüşdü- YENİLƏNİB |
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Putin y Trump han discutido la situación en Venezuela y Corea del Norte en conve… |
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George Soros Plot To Overthrow Putin amp Control Russia Exposed In Leak |
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Putin bu işlərə qarışmaq istəmir – Tramp |
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Trump Putin discuss possible new nuclear accord: White House |
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Cum sa fii fericit sau macar ma Cum sa fii fericit sau macar mai putin trist Lee Crutchley |
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The Latest: Trump says he and Putin discussed Mueller report |
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President Putin Visits Stunning Recently Restored “New Jerusalem” Monastery Russian TV News |
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Trump spoke with Putin about ‘Russian hoax’ |
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Carta abierta a Vladimir Putin |
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Ông Trump và ông Putin thảo luận hiệp ước hạt nhân mới có sự tham gia của Trung Quốc |
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Putin’s Endgame: An Interview with Zvi Magen |
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“Honestly I Think The Guy Who Should Be Running Europe Is Mr Putin” |
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Trump Putin ile görüşmesini değerlendirdi |
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Putin Warns Of Global “Chaos” |
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A influência de Putin na Venezuela um desafio para os EUA |
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Chủ tịch Kim Jong-un mời Tổng thống Nga Putin thăm Triều Tiên |
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Putin demands better pipeline Druzhba oil arriving: Belarus |
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Vladimir Putin Signs ‘Sovereign Internet’ Law to Further Tighten Government Control of the Internet |
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Material textil din in 100 de o calitate excelenta spalat in procesul de finisare cu enzime biologice ceea ce face tesatura mai moale si mai putin sifonabila decat alte materiale din in Intrucat inul este un material cu contractie va recomandam sa |
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”Europa kan inte lita på att USA skyddar oss mot Putin” |
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Trump Phones Putin to Own the Libs |
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Trump conciliador con Putin durante un diálogo telefónico por la crisis en Venezuela |
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Trump undgik det mest betændte spørgsmål i samtale med Putin |
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Putin shopping : |
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Putin and Trump Talk Nothing Changes |
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Tập Cận Bình sẽ làm chủ tịch suốt đời và Putin trúng cử nhiệm kỳ thứ tư: CHIẾN THẮNG HAY CHIẾN BẠI |
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Trump Reassures Putin: Mueller Report Is Just A ‘Russian Hoax’ |
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Trump Putin Discuss Mueller Probe and ‘Russian Hoax’ |
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The Atlantic Politics amp Policy Daily: Putin the Word Out |
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Putin: Russia will abandon nuclear arms |
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Putin’s Major Shift In Policy Sam |
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Merkel and Putin meet for talks in Berli |
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Trump-Putin Diskusi Panjang dari Korut Hingga Venezuela |
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Putin Signs Law To Ban All Forms Of Crue |
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Putin Azərbaycanla münasibətlərdən danışdı |
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Trump Putin y Guaidó lo tenían todo acordado con Maduro para su exilio pero Cabello se negó a caer |
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Putin Starts Fourth Term by Sacking Seve |
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Trump y Putin hablaron más de una hora sobre la crisis en Venezuela y estudiaron alternativas diplomáticas |
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Kremlin reports Putin Trump discuss Russia-US relations North Korea Venezuela … |
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The White House reported on telephone talks Trump and Putin |
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You Are Free on Trump Putin Summit: HEL |
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NU este alesul lui Putin |
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During this photo-op between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump Putin couldn’t help letting his feelings be known about the globalist leaders gathered at the G20 A woman in the crowd asked Putin if he was smiling because he genuinely likes Donald Trump Putin kept smiling but said “I am smiling because the New World Order is finished” |
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15 Stunden lang: Putin und Trump sprechen über Venezuela und Ukraine |
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Trump says he and Putin discussed getting humanitarian aid to Venezuela |
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Trump Said He Talked to Putin About the “Russian Hoax” During Phone Call |
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Democrats Scream ‘Treason!’ Because Trump Talked To Putin On the Phone |
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Putin’s Christian Vision |
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Trump: Did not address election meddling with Putin |
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Putin və Tramp bir-birindən nəyi öyrənmək istəyib –… |
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Trump ve Putin’den ‘Yapıcı’ Telefon Görüşmesi |
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Putin Won – Time Magazine Annoyed That He Does More Than Sitrep |
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Trump Putin Discuss Nuclear Accord Venezuela Mueller Report Says White House |
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A plot to overthrow Vladimir Putin and destabilize Russia by billionaire globalist George Soros has been revealed in leaked documents |
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Trump calls Putin talks of ‘Russian Hoax’ 0 |
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Trump y Putin hablaron sobre la situación de Venezuela |
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North Korean leader warns of return to tension Trump thanks Putin |
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Putin Çin lideri ilə görüşdü: 100 milyardlıq dövriyyə… |
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Putin ile Trump 15 saat görüştü |
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Американец создал видеоклип в поддержку Владимира Путина Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin “Рутин Тутин Путин” |
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10 Gündür Kendisinden Haber Alınamayan Rus Lider Putin’in Umre’de Olduğu Ortaya Çıktı » |
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Trump says he Putin discussed new nuclear |
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Trump Calls Putin To Exchange High-Fives Over End Of Mueller Probe |
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Anne Applebaum on Putin and Soviet Russia |
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Trump y Putin hablan sobre Corea del Norte Venezuela y acuerdo nuclear |
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Tra Guaidò e Maduro arriva la telefonata Trump-Putin di U De Giovannangeli |
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Trump Talks to Vladimir Putin About Russian Hoax |
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“Antes Que Nada” la campaña de Nike sobre fútbol el MeToo editoriales rechazan publicar memorias de Woody visita a River Plate al sobre Detenciones Arbitrarias de la ONU considera desproporcionada la dijo que Putin “no está pensando en intervenir en Cuevas se metió en semifinales del ATP de dijo que decisión de Petrobrás es una manifestación del neoliberalismo |
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Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela Quiere que ocurra algo positivo y yo siento lo mismo |
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Trump to Putin: Your Intervention in 2016 Election |
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FROM EXTERNAL considers Putin’s statement on dependence of Ukraine’s gas as start of talks Saturday May 4 2019 |
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Why Vladimir Putin is still laughing |
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Trump says he spoke with Putin about ‘Russian hoax’ didn’t warn him against 2020 election and Sansa of ‘Game of Thrones’ remind us never to doubt the power of sisterhood |
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NBC News issues correction for Trump-Putin claim |
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Putin e Trump discutem situação da Venezuela |
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Discuție Trump – Putin privind semnarea unui nou acord nuclear eventual cu participarea Chinei |
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Why Vladimir Putin Is Still Laughing |
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Putin’s Orthodoxy: A few words abo |
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Kremlin: Putin ve Trump 15 saat görüştü |
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Confirman conversación telefónica entre Putin y Trump sobre caso Venezuela |
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Kim Jong-un de regreso a Corea tras cumbre con Putin |
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6 utilizari mai putin stiute ale piperului |
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Trump Putin discuss Venezuela in phone talks |
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“Putin no está pensando en intervenir en Venezuela Y yo… |
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WATCH: Putin Says He Was Baptized by Patriarch Kirill’s Father in 1952 |
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Trump y Putin tuvieron una larga conversación sobre Venezuela Corea del Norte y China |
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Sarah Sanders mistakenly exposes Trump for lying about Putin call |
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Theresa’s £900000 unreliable witness: What judge branded wife of one of Putin’s ex-cronies who enjoyed cosy dinner with PM as the murky past of the Tory donor is revealed |
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Usa pronti a rovesciare Maduro Poi è intervenuto Putin |
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Retrato de Putin en ‘Limonov’ |
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Putin y Trump conversaron más de una hora por teléfono sobre situación de Venezuela este 3May |
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Reteta ta costa mai putin decat te astepti |
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Den noble Vladimir Putin |
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Trump bisedë të gjatë telefonike me Putin: Ju tregoj para se të fillojë gjuetia… |
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Trump habló con Putin de Venezuela y pide permitir una “transición pacífica” |
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Cómo es el ejército de Venezuela y qué medios tiene para responder a una intervención de Estados y Putin: ¿Sellando el destino de Venezuela |
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Trump says he spoke with Putin about ‘Russian hoax’ didn’t warn him against 2020 election meddling |
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Trump brags about chummy phone call to Putin to mock ‘Russian hoax’ |
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Putin bu işlərə qarışmaq istəmir – Tramp |
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Galileo Gambits: Trump Putin amp Pizzagate |
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El Colmo de la Presunción: Trump se Jacta de Haber Tenido Una Muy Buena Conversación Con Putin |
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Telefonski razgovor Putin-Trump: mijenjaju li SAD odnos prema Rusiji zbog svojih |
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La secretaria de prensa Sarah Sanders dijo a periodistas que Trump había dejado en claro a Putin que Estados Unidos Leer mas |
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India takes fatal hit as Fani turns to Bangladesh Ebola deaths in DR Congo hit 1000 Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako greet Japanese well-wishers for first time Breeding shrank horse diversity: study Philippines assigns fake-news busters ahead of elections Trump Putin discuss new nuclear pact Asteroid flattens New York City in simulation Bolsonaro calls on students to film teachers Alaska’s thaw threatens prehistoric sites Death of allergic boy hit with cheese ‘unprecedented’ World News Quick Take Colombo warns of more terror attacks Deliberate mislabeling of seafood ‘rife’ in South Korea Cyclone kills three in India Bangladesh Afghanistan summit demands ceasefire Malaysia appoints first female justice North Korea cuts rations to a record low UN says |
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Trump After Call With Putin: Tremendous Potential for Great Ties With to our daily news alerts: |
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Trump Invites Putin To White House Ahead |
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‘Will work with what we have’ – Putin ‘n |
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Trump approached Putin at G20 conversat |
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Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela durante una extensa llamada laboral abre discusión en Ñuble |
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Putin Rusiya pasportları ilə bağlı fərman imzaladı |
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Generația Putin Generația Putin Benjamin Bidder |
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Trump habló con Putin sobre Venezuela |
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Trump y Putin hablan por teléfono más de una hora sobre crisis de Venezuela |
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Por telefone Putin e Trump discutem crise na Venezuela e possível acordo nuclear |
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Trump asegura que Putin no quiere intervenir |
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Venezuela últimas noticias en directo: Putin y Trump hablan por teléfono sobre la crisis de Venezuela |
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Putin’s New Year Address 2019 VID |
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Vladimir Putin promulgó ley para que Rusia tenga su propia red de internet |
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We all know who’s Vladimir Putin right And we also know that the famous Russian President Vladimir Putin is very straightforward and trustworthy person Well yes and I really think that you’ll be amazed when we tell you that he has shown that he has never been afraid of fighting several opponents on different fronts Now it appears that he has a new target in his sights – the Illuminati Just take a look at the article below to find out more about this |
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Trump e Putin conversam sobre a crise na Venezuela |
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JUST IN: President Trump Just Left them Speechless After His Phone Call with Putin |
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Interpreting President Putin’s Speech At |
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Trump afirmó que sostuvo una conversación telefónica con Putin para tratar el tema de Venezuela |
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Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Ru… in this very interesting world is possible but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great econom… will the Radical Left Wing Media apologize to me for knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so… great to watch this! Our Movement |
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Trump and Putin discussed outcome of Mueller probe as part of hourlong phone conversation |
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Trump y Putin tuvieron una extensa conversación |
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The Putin-Trump Helsinki Summit Can Prod |
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Russian President Putin expected to visit Pakistan next month |
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Putin má novou limuzínu Od vznikající ruské značky Aurus |
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Putin’s New Year Message to Russians in Translation |
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Trump y Putin abordan por teléfono la situación en Venezuela mientras el Pentágono estudia opciones militares |
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Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflectio |
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Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela según Trump |
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Trump Discusses ‘Russian Hoax’ In Call With Putin |
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On Day Of Ukrainian Presidential Election Confirmation Putin Makes Further Moves To Absorb Donbass |
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Trump and Putin talk of Russian Hoax |
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Trump y Putin abordan la situación crítica que afronta Venezuela actualmente |
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Trump og Putin med et times langt telefonmøte om Venezuela atomvåpen og Johan 57 opplevde marerittet etter treningsøkt: – Jeg følte at jeg ble kvalt |
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Conferencia de Prensa de Putin G20 |
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Trump Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion White House says |
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Trump e Putin discutem situação da Venezuela |
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Trump calls Putin after Gorbachev warning |
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Miercuri 24 aprilie 2019Academia de Politie ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” a luat act cu surpindere despre regretabilul incident petrecut cu foarte putin timp in urma in care un angajat al institutiei noastre a amenintat o cunoscuta jurnalista de investigatii |
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Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced – PHOTO VIDEO |
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Media venezuelani: “Attacco Usa contro Caracas è imminente” Telefonata Trump – Putin aerei da ricognizione Pentagono g… |
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Los comentarios de Putin sobre el satanismo y la pedofilia dentro de la política están resultando ser ciertos |
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Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela durante extensa llamada telefónica |
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White House: Trump Putin Discussed Mueller Report On Hour-Long Call |
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Trump Putin Discuss Possible New Nuclear Accord: White House |
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Putin: It’s My Duty To Destroy The New World Order For Degrading Family Values |
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Putin Expects New Big Projects With Foreign Participation in Arctic |
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Putin and Trump set to meet in Paris on |
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Putin puts Russia’s interests first |
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Presidents Putin And Trump Talked Over An Hour In An Early Morning Phone Call |
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Australia’s Pro-Palestine Pro-Putin Celebrity Priest: Meet Fighting Father Dave |
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Ərdoğanla Putin NATO-nu qıcıqlandıran addım atıb |
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Trump tweets he Putin discussed ‘Russian Hoax’ |
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What is an ideal outcome of Trump-Putin |
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Dicen esposa de Maduro vino a Punta Cana en avión enviado por Putin y en caso de apriete sería el destino del dictador |
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Putin foe Browder says London is ‘magnet’ for money launderers |
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melts down as Trump talks Venezuela with Putin… and ‘feels same way’ |
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Trump calls Putin talks of ‘Russian Hoax’ |
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Trump y Putin sostuvieron larga conversación telefónica sobre Venezuela |
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Trump contradicts his own advisers says Putin ‘not looking’ to get involved in Venezuela |
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Trump dice que Putin no quiere intervenir en y Finanzas |
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Trump y Putin hablaron por teléfono de Venezuela |
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Embajador Santos Calderón para EVTV: Maduro ha convertido a Venezuela en una guarida de Trump dio detalles de su conversación con Putin |
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Trump afirma que Putin no quiere intervenir en Venezuela |
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Trump’la Putin arasında çok kritik görüşme |
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Trump y Putin hablaron de la crisis en Venezuela |
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Trump dijo que Putin “no está pensando en intervenir en Venezuela” |
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Trump Putin discuss possible new nuclear accord White House says |
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Con esta jugada Putin se comió a EEUU en el tablero venezolano: Necesitamos paz y petróleo |
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Donald Trump contradicts top aides by suggesting Putin not meddling in Venezuela |
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From Catherine II to Vladimir Putin: Russia’s Christian Foreign Policy |
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Chuck Schumer Mocks Trump for Gossiping With Putin |
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Trump y Putin hablaron por teléfono y abordaron diferentes cuestiones |
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Putin’s Speech Shows an Unrelentin |
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Golpe en Venezuela: Putin cruzó a Trump por sus intentos de derrocar a Maduro |
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Tapper: Trump is Giving Putin’s View on Venezuela ‘Almost as If He Is the Spokesman for the Kremlin’ |
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Trump discusses ‘Russian Hoax’ in long call with Putin |
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Trump y Putin mantuvieron una conversación telefónica sobre Venezuela |
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Putin It Out There |
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Kremlin confirma conversación de este viernes entre Putin y Trump |
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Trump y Putin hablaron sobre Venezuela durante una extensa llamada de 400 millones y locales destruidos deja incendio en Vega Monumental de Temuco |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Signs Russian Internet Bill |
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TRUMP TWEETS: Kim Jong Un and Putin |
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Triều Tiên xác nhận ông Kim Jong-un sẽ đến Nga họp thượng đỉnh với ông Putin |
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Este viernes Putin y Trump conversaron más de una hora por… |
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Michael Reagan: Why Putin is still laughing |
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José Domingo Pérez: Archivan investigación por filtración del acuerdo con Jong-un y Vladimir Putin: las claves de su histórico encuentro |
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Putin and Trump Enjoy Colluding in Plain Sight |
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După ce a vorbit cu Putin la telefon Trump a declarat că liderul de la Kremlin nu încearcă să se implice „deloc” în Venezuela |
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Trump y Putin mantienen una conversación telefónica sobre Venezuela |
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Προάγγελος στρατιωτικής επέμβασης των ΗΠΑ στη Βενεζουέλα η επικοινωνία Trump με Putin – Στα πρόθυρα εμφυλίου η χώρα |
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