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Newly Elected Slovak Female President Zuzana Chaputova To Undergo Sex Change Surgery In Order To Be Accepted At Vladimir Putin’s Round Table |
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Putin: Russians Ukrainians are ‘one people’ |
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“Ərdoğan Putin vasitəsilə ABŞ-ı çətin vəziyyətdə qoydu” |
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Putin expresa su preocupación por escalada de tensión entre EUA e Irán |
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Putin buna görə prezidentlikdən imtina edə bilər |
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Presiente Putin llamó a las personas trans «Transformers» |
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Putin: İpotek faiz oranları yüzde 10’dan düşük olabilir |
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Alijansa puca po šavovima: PUTIN UBACIO „TROJANSKOG KONJA“ U NATO! – VIDEO |
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Trump gives Putin light-hearted warning: ‘Don’t meddle in the election’ |
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Putin uses G-20 to strengthen alliances soothe tensions |
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Putin: Rusi i Ukrajinci čine jednu naciju |
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Putin seçim sonrası Ukrayna’daki durumu değerlendirdi |
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Putin Says He ‘Sympathized’ With Trump Before US Election |
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Bolsonaro espera que Putin ayude a «resolver la crisis de Venezuela» |
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Putin: Konfrontacija Amerike i Irana zabrinjavajuća odvija se u blizini ruskih granica |
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PUTIN OČITAO LEKCIJU I POGODIO U SRŽ: Amerikanci i borci za LGBT prava besni |
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Putin: Brine me sukob SAD i Irana blizu naših granica |
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SPACE PIRATE PUTIN Dumps Nuclear Treaty with America… Trump Buzzing Whole World Fuzzing! |
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Vize sorunu: Putin Yeni Kararname İmzalayacak! |
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Bolsonaro: “Espero que Putin ayude a resolver la crisis en Venezuela” |
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Putin calls Russian and US relations getting worse |
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Vladimir Putin: Rusya’nın Yaşayan Efsanesi |
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Lukashenko calls on Putin to ‘finalise integration strategy’ |
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“Tamamilə dəqiqdir ki oliqarxlar Trampın rəqiblərinə pul veriblər” – Putin bu haqda ilk dəfə danışdı |
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Putin ve Kim’den ABD ve Batı’ya mesaj: Buraya |
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Putin ABŞ-İran ixtilafından narahatdır – “Növbəti qaçqın dalğası…ola bilər” |
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Putin’den dünya medyasının önünde Atatürk övgüsü |
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Putin: Selden zarar görenlere bütçeden fon tahsis edilecek |
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Məşhur rejissor Putinə görə qızını pravoslav edə bilər |
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Ein Putin-Freund sponsert Schweizer Botschaftsparty |
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Tổng thống Putin lên tiếng khi Mỹ – Iran “căng như dây đàn” |
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Putin’s Christian Vision |
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Hard Man Putin May Be Showing Softer Side to Russia’s Neighbors |
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Declar că am cel putin 18 ani împlinițI la data începerii promoției |
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Bolsonaro confía en que Putin ayude a resolver la situación venezolana |
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Moscow Concerned About US-Iran Confrontation Near Russian Border – Putin |
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ON JE NOVI VLADAR SVETA Putin PRESREĆAN: Dve VOJNE SILE stale na njegovu stranu Ameri se hvataju za glavu |
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Kenapa Presiden Putin Tak Bisa Disadap |
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Presiden Erdoğan Gelar Pertemuan Bilateral dengan Trump dan Putin di KTT |
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Russia ready to cooperate with US on Afghanistan says Putin |
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Putin: We Need to Revive Our Christian Roots Not Communist Ones |
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Trump says he’ll talk to Putin at G-20 but what they say ‘is none of your business’ |
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ABC CBSNews NBCNews CNN MSNBC nprnews NYTimes WashingtonPost TheHill Politico FoxNews on Twitter: Gap continues to widen between Trump and intelligence community on key issues from MichaelNovakhov 21 sites: Current News: Putin and Putinism – News Review: Flexible Stagnation: How Lukashenka Has Held On To Power For 25 Years In Belarus – Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty |
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Última Hora Venezuela – Putin lanza fuerte advertencia a la dictadura de Maduro – 19 Julio 2019 |
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Putin im O-Ton über Klimawandel und globale Probleme der Zukunft |
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Putin-Trump Sepakat Militer Bukan Solusi Krisis Iran |
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Savoini Salvini: «Lo conosco da 25 anni come persona corretta se c’è reato sono «Putin mi ha assicurato di non aver finanziato la Lega» |
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Putin: Russians Ukrainians are ‘one people’ |
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25 ay sonra ilk temas: Putin ile Zelenskiy telefon görüşmesi yaptı |
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Putin Siap Fasilitasi Abbas dan Netanyahu Satu Meja Bagaimana Caranya |
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Haberler gt DÜNYA Putin’den Davos çıkışı: Prestijimizi etkilemez |
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Vladimir Putin in Crimea to mark 5 years of annexing the peninsula |
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Tổng thống Putin yêu cầu Nga phải bước vào cuộc đua Blockchain |
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Russians Demonstrate Against Putin Over Health Care Controversial Projects |
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Why visit Georgia Because Putin doesn’t want you to |
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Ông Putin lần đầu thừa nhận có cháu ngoại |
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Putin: Yorulsaydım prezidentliyə namizədliyimi irəli sürməzdim |
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Bravo24: ANTONIO LEDEZMA:La necesidad de la INTERVENCION/JUAN FERNANDEZ:Putin y el gas |
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Rachel Maddow on Trump-Putin Helsinki Meeting and Subsequent Kremlin and White House Misinformation in the Official Transcripts of the Event from MSNBC on Comcast Cable Television on WARFARE |
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Chinese buyers imitate Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Survive New World Order Assassination Attempt! |
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Want to know why the west hates Putin |
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Amerikalı rejissor Putinə “xaç atası” olmağı təklif etdi |
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Putin: ABD ve İran arasındaki çatışma endişe verici 20 Temmuz 2019 11:22 |
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Ông Putin không được Ba Lan mời dự lễ kỷ niệm bắt đầu Thế chiến II |
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Putin má novou limuzínu Od vznikající ruské značky Aurus |
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Putin spoke about the “road to nowhere” because of the “crackdown” |
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Kremlin to rewrite Russian constitution to keep Putin in power |
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Weichspüler sollte langsam ausverkauft sein es wäre traurig wenn wir auf Maaßen warten müssen und auf den lieben Trump der mit Putin am Händchen die Parade der Buntenwehr abnimmt schönes Bild was |
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Kremlin: Putin dan Macron Bahas Perjanjian Nuklir Iran |
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Trump and Putin Mind Games Remind Cold War Era |
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Putin and Trump talk at last and face each other in Ukraine |
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Oliver Stone Asks Putin to Be His Daughter’s Godfather |
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Panarin’s criticism of Putin ‘absolutely unprecedented’ |
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Putin Says Russians and Ukrainians Are ‘One People’ |
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Bolsonaro espera que Putin ayude a resolver la cuestión de Venezuela |
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Putin’in Pragmatistten Megalomaniac’a Korkunç Evrimi |
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Concerned about US-Iran confrontation near Russian border: Putin |
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Despre „Alianța Kozac” „pactul Putin-Merkel” dușmani inventați și deținători ai adevărului |
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¡ARRASTRADO! Bolsonaro le jala a Putin y le pide que ayude a resolver la situación de Venezuela |
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PUTIN OPASNO ZAPRETIO ALBANIJI: Ako ne napuste KOSOVO i Makedoniju u KRATKOM roku Rusi dolaze na Balkan u SAHRANJENA 11 DANA VRIŠTALA I ZAPOMAGALA IZ KOVČEGA: Kada su rođaci otvorili GROB njeno telo bilo je toplo!VIDEO |
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Russians Ukrainians are ‘one people’: Putin |
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Putin: Obama “Idiot” For Adopting Socialism |
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Panarins hårda kritik mot Putin – Jag tror att han… |
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Putin Abbas highlight Egypt’s role in Palestinian reconciliation |
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Trump pushes allies on trade says his talk with Putin at G-20 ‘is none of your business’ |
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MAY 24 2003 – Sir Paul McCartney was given a personal guided tour of the Kremlin by Premier Vladimir Putin |
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Tập C Bình: TT Putin là ‘người bạn tốt nhất’ |
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Putin expresa su preocupación por escalada de tensión entre EUA… |
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Audio/Video- Talking Artemi Panarin On Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: ABD ve İran arasındaki çatışma endişe… |
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Rus Bakan “Türkiye partner ülke” diye Putin’i İnnoprom Fuarı’na davet Türk Halkları Festivali:“Çatır Dağ’da Toplantı” |
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Putin Says He ‘Sympathised’ With Trump Before The US Election |
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«President Asphjell» delte talerstol med Putin |
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Bolsonaro: Espero que Putin ayude a resolver la crisis en Venezuela |
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Putin laughs off Comey questions |
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Putin Skripal’in İngiliz istihbaratı tarafından zehirlendiğine inanmıyor |
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Putin: Yorulsaydım prezidentliyə… |
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Hé lộ công nghệ đặc biệt trên đôi giày của Tổng thống Nga Putin |
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Putin incontra l’amministratore delegato della Royal Dutch Shell Ben van Beurden |
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Dünyanın gözü bu Azərbaycan şəhərində: Putin Ruhani və Ərdoğanın gözlənilməz görüşü |
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La guerra contra Putin lo que no cuentan sobre Rusia |
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Kremlin nhờ giải thích vì sao sự ủng hộ cho ông Putin tụt giảm |
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Vladimir Putin puede ser el primer presidente en dominar el tiempo |
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Bu işdə İngiltərə xüsusi xidmət orqanlarının əli yoxdur – Putin |
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Putin Russians Ukrainians are ’one people’ |
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Tổng thống Putin lên tiếng khi Mỹ – Iran “căng như dây đàn” |
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Rusia: Miles de opositores exigen a Putin elecciones municipales libres |
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Putin nə deyəcək |
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Prime Minister Modi discusses counter-terror climate change with Putin and Xi |
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Trump and Putin to meet in July Russian state media says |
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Putin: İran və ABŞ qarşıdurması Rusiyaya da mənfi təsir edəcək |
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Putin afirma que el caza furtivo Su-57 es el mejor avión militar del mundo |
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Someone Spotted A Steak At The Grocery Store That Looks Just Like Vladimir Putin And We Can’t Stop Staring |
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Vladimir Putin diz que ”’simpatizava”’ com Donald Trump desde antes das eleições de 2016 |
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Putin liberalizmi köhnəlmiş sayır |
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What Putin’s supposed “death” of liberalism means for human rightsWhat Putin’s supposed “death” of liberalism means for human rights |
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Дискуссия «Russia Beyond Moscow» на конференции «Russia Under Putin» |
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The network has ridiculed Putin for his personal life |
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Daisy Bates looking through her window as National Guard tries to stop students from going to school 1957 original Ronald McDonald 1963 See more images: https://tco/JQABM3lS7y iceberg which is suspected to have sunk the Titanic The photographer noticed red paint on the ice 1912 Jobs with Lee Byung-chul the founder of Samsung Group 1983 More images: https://tco/MK3UFLJHjF 1959 Henry Fonda and his daughter Jane Fonda Putin and his childhood friends in 1969 More pics: https://tco/sjAx2zPhVz Jackson and Steven Tyler at the opening of Studio 54 NYC 1977 Spanish anti-Fascist prisoners at Mauthausen deploy a banner to salute the Allies See more photos here: https://tco/OtX5yfk4UK Fonda visits anti-aircraft gun position in Vietnam 1972 similarities between JFK and Lincoln Laville was serving at the Marine Air Base in Cherry Point North Carolina on June 3 1944 when the building she was teaching a class in caught fire She initially escaped the blaze but returned to assist her fello See more photos here: https://tco/b6qoAGCb6m |
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Dear President Putin and Russian People |
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Defienden el Papa y Putin a cristianos |
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Putin: ABD ve İran arasındaki çatışma endişe verici |
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Putin: Zelenski gəldi amma vəziyyət dəyişmədi |
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5 Years Since Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine: Has Putin’s Gamble Paid Off |
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Macron: ‘Ruhani Putin ve Trump’la Görüşeceğim’ |
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WATCH: Putin Says He Was Baptized by Patriarch Kirill’s Father in 1952 |
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Putin: Skripal’in zehirlendiğine inanmıyorum |
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Evo Morales se reúne con Putin en Rusia con una agenda para … |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby Tak to budete koukat… VIDEO |
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Preocupa a Putin tensión entre EU e Irán |
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Poland: Putin’s attendance at WWII anniversary would be inappropriate |
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Conte: «Né con Putin né con Trump il mio Governo sta con gli italiani» |
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Putin görüşlərinə niyə yubanır |
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¿Jalando mecate Bolsonaro elogia a Putin y le pide esto para Venezuela |
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Putin i Si pozvali Ameriku da vrati nuklearno oružje na svoju SE OVO DOGODILO U LONDONU Kristijano pokušao je da uhvati lopticu posle Novakovog servisa |
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Putin visits Tehran for talks on Syria nuclear deal |
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Putin: rusos y ucranianos son “un solo pueblo” |
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Putin’s “State of the Nation” Speech Examined |
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Alone in the it just me or does Putin look strikingly similar to read |
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Review: We Need To Talk About Putin |
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Bolsonaro espera que Putin ayude a resolver “la cuestión” de Venezuela |
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Dear President Putin |
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Trump y Putin tuvieron una extensa conversación sobre Venezuela Corea del Norte y China |
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‘Putin’s Rasputin’ The Heart of Russia’s War Machine |
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Test your Vladdishness with our quiz to see if you are a Vlad lad or just Putin it on |
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Putin Continues ‘Union State’ Push For Possible Fifth Term Path |
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Putin ABŞ-İran qarşıdurmasından danışdı – Narahatıq |
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Putin tepki gösterdi gizli kameralarla kesilen trafik cezaları iptal edilecek |
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Cel putin 33 persoane au murit dupa ce un barbat ar fi dat foc la sediul unui studio de animatie in Kyoto/ VIDEO |
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Najväčším porazeným bude Putin Ukrajinu čakajú ďalšie voľby ktoré ovládne Zelenskyj |
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Tập Cận Bình: TT Putin là ‘người bạn tốt nhất’ |
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Putin ABD ile İran arasındaki çatışma konusunda endişeli |
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Panarins hårda kritik mot Putin – Jag tror att han inte längre kan skilja på rätt och fel |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Bolsonaro a Putin : Ayude a «resolver la cuestión de Venezuela» |
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Moscow Officials Sued For Allowing Gay Couple to Turkey Out of NATO Would Be a Gift to Putin |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby |
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New York Rangers’ Artemi Panarin criticizes Vladimir Putin in interview on YouTube |
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VOA – Chủ tịch Trung Quốc Tập Cận Bình coi Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin là “bạn tốt nhất” khi hai nhà lãnh đạo này gặp nhau ở Moscow hôm 5/6 trong bối cảnh quan hệ giữa Mỹ với Trung Quốc và Nga ngày càng căng thẳng… |
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Putin: Rusija i Ukrajina treba da se intergišu |
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Reteta ta costa mai putin decat te astepti |
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Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced – PHOTO VIDEO |
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Putin Geuss and Habermas |
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Panarins hårda kritik mot Putin – Jag tror att han inte längre kan skilja på rätt… |
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Associated Press: Putin says Russians Ukrainians are ‘one people’ |
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The Times: Forget my health – it’s Putin you should worry about says Merkel |
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Báo Nga: Tổng thống Putin đi giày thể thao trị giá 22 triệu đồng |
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Schumer: Americans ‘will wonder’ if Putin has dirt on Trump |
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US-Russian relations America Syria and Putin’s bluff |
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Putin: Russians Ukrainians are ‘one Osborne to play Midland in August |
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Putin: I Voted |
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¿Jalando mecate Bolsonaro elogia a Putin y le pide esto… |
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Putin vägrar att benåda ukrainske regissören |
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Vladimir Putin’den açıklama: Gerilim endişe verici |
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Putin says Russia not aiming to divide EU |
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Varșovia: Prezența lui Putin la marcarea începerii celui de-al doilea război |
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Putin Ukraina bilan munosabatlar tiklanishi shartlarini ma’lum qildi |
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Putin může ukazovat měkčí stranu ruským sousedům |
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Ultima oră! Cutremur puternic în urma cu putin timpVezi unde s-a simtit cel mai tare |
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Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un meet |
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Putin’le ‘selfie’ yarışı |
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USA Today: Russian NHL star criticizes Putin in interview on YouTube |
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Vladimir Putin zakázal skryté měření rychlosti argumentuje veskrze logicky |
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Putin: “ABŞ-la İran arasındakı gərginlikdən |
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La próxima cumbre entre Trump y Putin podría ser en Argentina |
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Dodon luat peste picior de o televiziune rusească după întrevederea cu Putin |
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Putin raketalar boʻyicha oʻta muhim qonunni imzoladi |
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Putin greets Ghani on 98th Independence Day of Afghanistan |
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TAKO TO RADE RUSI: Na forumu “Armija 2019” Putin pokazao svetu svoju silu! VIDEO |
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MOscow – Russia’s Putin Says He ‘sympathized’ With Trump Before US Election Yesterday 06:30 PM Moscow – Russian President Vladimir Putin said he had sympathized with Donald Trump before the 2016 presidential election that swept Trump to power because of his desire to restore normal relations with Russia In an interview with US filmmaker Oliver Stone dated June 19 and published on the |
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Vladimir Putin Visit India 2018- Deal on S-400 missile Signed |
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Russia’s Putin Says He ‘Sympathized’ With Trump Before US Election |
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Putin: Russians Ukrainians are ‘One People’ |
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4 Vị tổng thống Donald Trump – Tập Cận Bình – Putin – Shinzo Abe |
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Tamamilə dəqiqdir ki oliqarxlar Trampın rəqiblərinə pul veriblər” – Putin bu haqda ilk dəfə danışdı |
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Natalia Oreiro le pidió a Vladimir Putin un pasaporte ruso |
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Panarins hårda kritik mot Putin – Jag tror att han inte längre kan skilja… |
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Yuan y oro: la estrategia de Putin para que Rusia abandone el dólar |
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Putin iskreno: Rusija i Ukrajina treba da se integrišu mi smo jedan narod! |
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Putin: “Nicaragua siempre puede contar con la ayuda de Rusia” |
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Remember the Trump/Putin private two-hour meeting We know what was said according to Special Collection Service source |
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Putin: Vjerujem da su Rusi i Ukrajinci jedan narod jedna nacija |
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9:54 ”Minionul” lui Putin din Italia |
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Putin extinde procedura facilitată de obținere a cetățeniei ruse la toți locuitorii regiunilor separatiste din Donbas |
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Shell promised Vladimir Putin a full tank |
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Alberto Cruz: La popularidad de Putin en Rusia está menguando por sus políticas neoliberales vídeo |
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Chủ tịch Tập Cận Bình: TT Putin là ‘người bạn tốt nhất’ |
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Putin: Rusija i Ukrajina treba da se intergišu mi smo jedan narod |
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Ərdoğan Putin vasitəsilə ABŞ-ı çətin vəziyyətdə qoydu |
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Putin moving to stifle Russian critics |
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