Biden Tried to Buy Putin’s Support for Iraq War With Promise of Oil Money |
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Másfél millió dislike után törölte új számát Vladimir Putin „legjobb barátja” Timati az orosz rapper |
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Putin Dağıstana yeni prokuror təyin etdi |
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VÍDEO Vladimir Putin Felicita a AMLO y advierte CUENTA CON TODO MI APOYO Y MI AYUDA |
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Putin-loving rapper posts the most-disliked Russian YouTube video to date |
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9 Lucruri marunte pe care trebuie sa te concentrezi mai putin |
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Bầu cử Nga: Đảng thân Putin thua 1/3 ghế tại Moscow mất đa số tại Viễn Đông |
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Ermənistanda rusofob dairələrin Putinə “1 mart qəsdi” |
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Putin Lavrovun müavinini işdən azad etdi |
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Israeli Prime Minister to Meet With Putin in Sochi on 12th of September |
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VIDEO Un cântec rap pro-Putin cele mai multe dislike-uri pe segmentul rusesc al YouTube |
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PM Modi and President Putin extended cooperation to India-Russia bilateral ties |
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Tìm kiếm tàu ngầm Argentina vào giai đoạn sống còn ông Putin đề nghị giúp đỡ |
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Putin’den Türkiye’ye oluşum çağrısı |
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Əsəd Suriyanın Putinə borcunu ödəmək istəməyən əmisi oğlanlarını həbs etdirdi |
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Vladimir Putin’s approval rating drops to an all-time low of 112 |
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Putin’s Party Weakened In Moscow Election After Weeks Of Protests |
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Un cântec rap pro-Putin a adunat cele mai multe dislike-uri pe segmentul rusesc al YouTube VIDEO |
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Agente de la CIA infiltrado en el gobierno de Putin |
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Putin Yerevan həbsxanasında Qabağında |
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Will the CIA’s Former Top Spy Fall Prey to Putin’s Murderous Mole Hunt |
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Muscovites Did Not Buy the Kremlin’s Lies But Putin Can Rule Without Their Support |
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SCENARI/ I calcoli di Erdogan e Putin dietro il ricatto all’Ue sui migranti |
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Daughter Of MH17 Suspect Thanks Putin Says ‘We’re Going Home’ |
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Vladímir Putin |
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Koçaryanın azadlığı – Paşinyanın Putinə hədiyyəsi – ŞƏRH |
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Ein gutes Leben für die russische Putin fordert nachhaltiges aus Fernost |
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Contrasting leadership styles: Putin Modi Haseena Jacinda |
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Biden tried to buy Putin’s support for Iraq war with promise of oil money |
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Heidi Klum a primit un cadou mai putin obisnuit de la sotul sau: o bucata din Zidul Berlinului/ VIDEO |
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Makron və Putin Ukraynada durumu müzakirə edib |
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Putin není filozof a Rusko není Mordor tvrdí ve své nové knize Mark Galeotti |
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Putin Tries to Find Asia Beyond Projects |
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Putin Köçəryanla görüş tələb etdi yoxsa – Şok iddia |
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Pertemuan Perdana Erdogan dan Putin di Tahun 2019 |
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PUTIN POTVRDIO: Postoji genetsko oružje koje daju ljudima kroz lekove i vakcine – PLANIRAN NAPAD NA RUSIJU |
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Diebolt Brewing has two hilarious stouts featuring big sex Vladimir Putin |
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‘Traitors must be punished’: Vladimir Putin’s stark warnings to Russians who defect to the West |
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Raz Putin’s blog post On the morning of September 11 2001 my boss called me yelling turn on the news |
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Vladimir Putin still got it VIDEO |
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Mai este în siguranţă în SUA agentul CIA care l-a spionat pe Putin Povestea altor defectori11 |
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Putin’s Murderous Mole Hunt |
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Young Russians are losing trust in the Putin regime |
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Putin și Zelenski au avut o convorbire telefonică după schimbul de prizonieri |
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Moscow lên tiếng về thông tin có “gián điệp CIA” trong chính quyền Tổng thống Putin |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rus lider Putin ile görüşmek üzere |
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Hermann Tertsch: Putin según Brodsky |
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Macron și Putin au discutat despre situația din Ucraina și Iran |
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FAZ: Seçim sonuçları Putin rejimine bir uyarı |
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Polşada İkinci Dünya Müharibəsi Konfransı Paşinyanı rüsvay etdi – Putin getmədisə… |
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Biden Tried to Buy Putin’s Support for Iraq War With Promise of Oil Money |
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Kurd Autonomy: Is it Kerry’s Plan B or Putin’s Plan A |
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Putin yüksek rütbeli 30 subaya yol verdi |
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Egy héttel kitolták a bírósági tárgyalást ahol 6ix9ine állítólagos emberrablóiról millió dislike után törölte új számát Vladimir Putin „legjobb barátja” Timati az orosz rapper |
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Putin anunță un schimb masiv de prizonieri cu Ucraina |
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The Russian university hosting the Kim-Putin summit is eyeing wider cooperation with North Korea |
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Ex-analist CIA: Putin l-a avertizat pe Bush cu 2 zile înainte de atacul din 11 septembrie |
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Wall Street Journal: US sanctions tighten Putin’s circle extend Kremlin’s reach |
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Putin y Trump se convierten en estrellas de un videoclip |
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Le elezioni russe la legacy di Putin e il caso Moscopoli Parla Igor Pellicciari |
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Putin toca techo |
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Happy to please you Boss! – Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr – Michael Novakhov Mike Nova on New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Operation Trump На совещании с членами Правительства Из альбома к материалу Совещание с членами Правительства 30 января 2019 года Москва Кремль What if the FBI Had Probed Obama By the bureau’s Trump standard he looked like an agent of Iran – WSJ MN: By the same standards Putin looks like an agent of Germany or the New Abwehr witting unwitting or half-witting but certainly not dim-witting And all of them probably are With the one central and key proviso clarification and hopefully the ANSWER: All of them are the assets agents puppets or the useful idiots of the New Abwehr The Demiurge who controls to a large extent the world’s mass media and directs its financial and political systems Und ziz iz not zi conspiracy theory This is the perfectly valid and legitimate and also the greatly under-investigated hypothesis Michael Novakhov 12619 Read more: |
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Nga lên tiếng về tin đồn gián điệp của Mỹ ở văn phòng Tổng thống Putin |
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‘Putin’i öven’ rap şarkısı YouTube’da beğenilmeme rekoru kırdı 0 |
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Baluch: Putinův rukojmí Promítání s debatou 23819 Velvyslanectví Ukrajiny v Praze |
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Makron və Putin Ukraynada durumu |
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Putin Seeks to Increase Arctic Gas Deliveries to China |
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Bầu cử Nga: Đảng thân Putin thua 1/3 ghế tại Moscow mất đa số tại viễn đông |
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EEUU sacó de Rusia a fuente que confirmó papel de Vladimir Putin en injerencia a elecciones de 2016 |
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Declar că am cel putin 18 ani împlinițI la data începerii promoției |
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5 Goals Vladimir Putin Wants to Achieve in Syria |
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Putinə Bakıdan şanlı məktubu kim və niyə yazmışdı |
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Putin Team Putin svora Putin harem! |
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Putin on the button for Gidrostroy |
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«Man hält sich für die Zeit nach Putin parat» |
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Putin 30’a yakın yüksek rütbeli subayı görevden aldı |
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Working Meeting Between Vladimir Putin amp Alexey Miller |
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Reteta ta costa mai putin decat te astepti |
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De la 1 august societatile platesc CAS si CASS cel putin la nivelul salariului minim brut pe tara Vezi exceptiile si cateva exemple |
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Putin’s star is fading |
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A Post-Soviet “War and Peace”:What Tolstoy’s Masterwork Explains About Putin’s Foreign Policy |
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Agentul american de la Kremlin ar fi avut acces la Putin |
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Pilotul lui Putin dezvăluiri despre călătoriile liderului de la Kremlin – video |
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It Wasn’t Assad – It Was Putin |
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David Ramsey: Ex-ambassador to Russia will discuss ever-complex Putin at Colorado College |
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O partido de Putin vem perdendo espaço no cenário político do país |
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Erdoğan ve Putin basın toplantısı düzenledi |
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Netanyahu se reunirá con Putin mañana |
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EEUU recuerda a las víctimas de los atentados del 9-11 que enlutaron al de la CIA cercano al presidente Vladimir Putin |
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FOTO SUA recunosc că l-au extras în 2017 pe omul care-l spiona pe Putin chiar la Kremlin Cine este și unde locuiește în SUA |
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They Reveal Proofs That Vladimir Putin is Immortal Being |
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Vladimir Putin Called Out as Judo Fraud |
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Dezvăluiri despre obiceiurile lui Putin în avionul prezidențial |
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1 Russian-Turkish air dogfight over North Syria narrowly avoided Erdogan defies Putin |
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Портмоне Putin Wallet |
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Putin says opposition protesters must abide |
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Putin je uhitio čovjeka koji je tražio gulage |
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Vladimir Putin no atacó a iniciativa de |
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Putin: İkili ticaret hacmini 100 milyar dolara ulaştırmayı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile bir araya geldi |
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Koçaryanın azadlığı – Paşinyanın Putinə hədiyyəsi – ŞƏRH |
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Tradhtarët duhen ndëshkuar paralajmërimi i Vladimir Putin për rusët spiunë të perëndimit |
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Los 20 años de Putin en números |
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Das große Scheitern Macrons und Merkels – Trump Putin und Xi auf Kurs! |
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Lokalni izbori u Rusiji: Putin gubi Moskvu |
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Putin hätte «fast diktatorisch» durchgreifen müssen |
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Putin’s star is fading |
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Putin bunu gözləmirdi: Böyük itki |
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Putin pierde terreno político en Rusia ¿Inicia el fin de su gobierno |
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Former CIA Analyst: Putin Warned Bush About September |
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Rusya’da yerel seçimler: Putin’in partisi Moskova’da büyük kayıp yaşadı |
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Un cântec rap pro-Putin record în Rusia pentru cele mai multe dislike-uri primite pe YouTube |
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When PM Modi was introduced to FIFA chief by Russian President Vladimir Putin |
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Macron prepares for ‘difficult but necessary’ Putin meeting |
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Russian President Putin has just completed a victory tour in the region as the head of a powerful and revived resistance axis |
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World War 3: Putin eyes TEN nuclear submarines as rivals circle on embattled leader |
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El partido de Putin pierde un tercio de sus escaños en las elecciones de Moscú después del verano de protestas |
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Putin Election Defeat Signals Uncertain Future for Russia |
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CIA-iň özüni Putin hakda gizlin maglumatlar bilen üpjün eden bir rus raýatyny 2017-nji ýylda Orsýetden çykarandygy aýdylýar |
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US extracted spy that confirmed Putin role in 2016 US vote: reports |
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Monqolustan Prezidentini “podium”a dəvət etdilər: Putin zarafatlaşdı – VİDEO |
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Putin təyyarədə hansı yeməkdən narazı qalıb – Pilot açıqladı |
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Putin Yerevan həbsxanasında Qabağında pivə |
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For Russia the Exchange of a Key Figure in the MH17 Crash Could Be Quick Fix That This Man the Prized US Asset in the Did Not Buy the Kremlin’s Lies But Putin Can Rule Without Their Support |
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Will the CIA’s Former Top Spy Fall Prey to Putin’s Murderous Mole Hunt – The Daily Beast |
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‘New tools may help ensure India’s food extracted spy that confirmed Putin role in 2016 US vote: |
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AVEA ACCES la Putin: Detalii noi despre SPIONUL AMERICAN de la Kremlin |
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Putin Doesn’t Hold Back: Russian Leader Calls Out US For Constant Violation of All Arms Treaties! |
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Putin ve Macron İran Nükleer |
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Trump pulls out of Putin meeting due to Ukraine crisis |
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El cover de ‘Señorita’ de Putin y Trump es lo más viral de la semana |
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Kremlin: Gián điệp của Mỹ ở văn phòng tổng thống Putin đã bị sa thải mấy năm trước |
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Putin 30 general və polkovniki işdən çıxarıb |
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Tânăra soprană care îl încântă pe Vladimir Putin este brădeancă |
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Zelenski ilə Putin arasında telefon danışığı oldu – TƏRƏFLƏR RAZILIĞA GƏLDİ |
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Putin is Literally Moving Georgia’s Border |
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Trump says will probably meet with Putin at G20 summit |
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Putin mısır tarlasına uçak indiren pilotu ödüllendirdi |
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Erdoğan ve Putin Moskova’da görüştü |
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Putin Is Feeding Erdogan Bitter Medicine on Syria’s Idlib — Slowly |
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Russia Says Trump Initiated Friday’s 15-Hour Call With Putin |
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Va ieși război! S-a aflat numele spionului care a vrut să-l distrugă pe Putin |
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Putin se la quiso dar de chistoso e hizo el ridículo frente a Trump |
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Putin savaş hazırlığı emri verdi |
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Vladimir Putin cumplió 20 años frente al poder |
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USA sacó de Rusia a un informante infiltrado en el círculo cercano de Putin |
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Pro-Putin MC Deletes Video After Getting 15 Million Dislikes |
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Erdoğan ile Putin arasındaki kritik görüşme başladı |
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Đảng của TT Putin tổn thất lớn trong bầu cử ở Moscow |
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Putin revela que ofreció vender los misiles hipersónicos de Trump Rusia |
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Putin: Tradhtarët duhet të ndëshkohen |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Erdoğan ve Putin’e Kazan helikopteri gösterildi |
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Rosja: Putin zagłosował na wyborach lokalnych w Moskwie |
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Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic push in Middle East seals both Syria’s fate and diminishing role of the US in the region |
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Armata europeană: o utopie cu soldăței pe placul lui Putin |
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Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu |
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Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali’nin temeli Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin’in katıldığı törenle atıldı |
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Vladimir Putin- The Strongest Man From Russia |
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Repçilerin Putin şarkısı beğenilmeyen video rekorunu kırdı silindi |
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CIA’nın Putin yönetiminde casusu varmış Acaba başka nerede |
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Un cântec rap pro-Putin cele mai multe dislike-uri pe segmentul rusesc al YouTube |
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Das große Scheitern Macrons und Merkels – Trump Putin und Xi auf „Die Hohenzollern haben Hitler aktiv unterstützt“ |
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Erdoğan Moskova’da Putin’e resmi teklifte bulunmuştu! Su-35 sürprizi |
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Putin l-ar fi avertizat pe Bush cu două zile înainte de 11 septembrie 2001 |
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Reports Of CIA Spy In Putin’s Office Put Lives At Risk Says Mike Pompeo |
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