Merkel to meet Putin in Moscow for talks on Mideast crises |
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Merkel ve Putin Orta Doğu’yu görüştü |
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FRANCISCO POLEO: Guaidó será reelecto si Maduro no le cumple a Putin |
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Kremlin Says Merkel Putin to Discuss Middle East Crisis in Moscow |
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Merkel trifft Putin |
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Libia: senza Europa si va verso spartizione tra Putin ed Erdogan come in Siria |
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Erdoğan: İdlib Putin ile konuşacağız temennim biz bu ateşkesi sağlayalım |
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TürkAkım vanasını Erdoğan ve Putin açacak |
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Lukaşenko Putinə zəng etdi |
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Putin a invitat-o pe Merkel la Moscova Despre ce vor discuta |
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Putin’s Rule Turns 20: Many Russians Find Stability A New Generation Sees Stagnation |
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Trump violated the advisor because of Putin: details of the scandal |
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Další Putinův šach-mat Zatímco Američané teprve plánují Rusové už uvádějí do provozu |
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O saptamana de scoala mai putin si 2 vacante in plus: Ministerul Educatiei a anuntat structura anului scolar 2020-2021 |
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Merkel va pleca la Moscova la invitaţia lui Putin pentru a discuta despre tensiunile din Orientul Mijlociu |
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Germany’s Merkel to Meet Putin in Moscow on Saturday |
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Merkel e Putin encontram-se sábado e debatem aumento da tensão SAPO/Lusa |
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Putin’in özel uçağı İstanbul’a geldi! |
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Putin says Russia to help safeguard Syria’s sovereignty |
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Putin’s Federal Assembly Address |
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Polish president won’t attend Yad Vashem event unless given chance to ‘refute Putin’s lies’ |
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Në prag të një Lufte të Tretë Botërore Putin fton Merkel për takim në Moskë |
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Putin planifică să vină în Republica Moldova în acest an |
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Vizită a Angelei Merkel la Moscova la invitaţia lui Vladimir Putin |
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JAIME GRANDA: 2020 y la POLEO: Guaidó será reelecto si Maduro no le cumple a Putin |
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Në prag të një Lufte të Tretë Botërore Putin fton Merkel për takim në… |
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Navalny About Regular Searches at The Offices of Anti-Corruption Foundation And Navalny LIVE Ruslan Shaveddinov’s Illegal Link To Novaya Zemlya “The Fight Against Citizens’ Income” The Scandals of United Russia And Putin’s Hockey Player |
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To Keep Putin Out Belarus Invites the US and China In |
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Putin Trump’a terör saldırılarını engelleyen istihbarat için teşekkür etti |
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Putin’in “yenilmez” silahı Avangard kullanıma hazır ! |
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Trump and Putin dance the Syrian peace two-step |
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Putin’s Pattern Proves the Point |
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Merkel To Meet Putin Amid Tension On Iranian Top General’s Killing |
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Putin puts Russian navy units on alert |
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Financial Times: Putin w niebezpieczny sposób przeinacza fakty |
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Putin Ermənistanın həbsdə olan keçmiş prezidentinə dözüm arzuladı |
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Obserwuj Putin zyskuje nowego potężnego wroga |
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Oh No Not Poland Versus Putin Again! |
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Mixail Qusman: Putin Rusiyanın Azərbaycanla münasibətlərə böyük əhəmiyyət verdiyini göstərdi |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Second Meeting After Washington Postponed Plans |
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Alles Zufall oder was Hinweise auf „himmlische Begleitungen“ für Ereignisse auf der Erde: Merkel Putin und mehr |
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VRASJA E GJENERALIT IRANIAN/ Merkel takim me Putin në 11 janar Diskutohet për |
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Deutsche Welle: Putin invites Merkel to Russia over Iran crisis |
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Alexei Navalny: Putin is the Tsar of corruption |
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Merkel se va duce sâmbătă la Moscova pentru a vorbi cu Putin despre criza iraniană |
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Brytyjskie media: Putin propaguje stalinowską wersję historii |
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The Putin Pageviews |
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Putin Thanks Trump For Sharing Intelligence Preventing Terror Attack In Russia |
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Vladimir Putin Sums Up The New World Order In 5 Words |
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Israeli policy on Syria 2015-2017: The Putin-Netanyahu love-fest amp being a ‘Good Neighbour’ |
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Erdoğan ile Putin arasındaki kritik görüşme başladı |
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Putin’den Türkiye ve gelişen ikili ilişkilere dair yeni açıklama |
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VIDEO: Putin o dôvodoch vypuknutia 2 svetovej vojny a pripravenosti Sovietskeho zväzu pomôcť Čaputová bola z prezidentských kandidátov najlepším riešením Slováci pri jej zvolení za prezidentku nepodľahli rodovým stereotypom |
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Rokita: Putin pisze na nowo historię Polski Rokita: Putin pisze na nowo historię Polski |
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Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria |
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Merkel Putin to discuss Middle East crisis in Moscow |
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Sweep of Putin’s African Ambitions Coming into Sharp Focus |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin 8 |
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Vladimir Putin Gerçekten Medyada Gösterildiği Gibi Başarılı Mı |
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Putin will den Klimawandel nutzen |
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Trump joins Stalin Putin Hitler on list of Peace Prize hopefuls |
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Putin still peddles Stalin’s version of history |
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Legea asteptata de TOTI romanii! Iohannis a semnat DECRETUL in urma cu putin timp |
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Igor Dodon criticat pentru scumpirea patentei: Spunea că e prieten cu Putin |
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Putin’s Propaganda Closely Linked to Centuries-Old Byzantine Irrationalism Current Version Owes Much to Cynical Nihilism of Nineteenth Century Hesychasm’s Mystical Goal of the Cloud of Unknowing Shares Much with Kremlin’s Propaganda |
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The Assad-Putin Armageddon |
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Kremlin runs scared of the anti-Putin shaman |
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Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel |
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Putin and Zelensky Greet Each Other For New Year |
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Radio Biafra runs campaign to lobby Vladimir Putin |
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Historical Gaslighting: Putin Denies War Guilt of 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact Advances Absurd Claim That Poland Started World War Two! |
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Maxine Waters Claims Trump Agreed to Lift Sanctions in Exchange for Putin’s Election Help Admits She ‘Doesn’t Have the Facts to Prove It’ |
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Predictii Baba Vanga 2020: sfârşitul lumii asasinat Putin tsunami în Anul Nou |
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The Real World Trump–Putin Summit |
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Erdoğan’dan Putin’e 8 Ocak mesajları |
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A MUST READ — Putin’s Hour Is At Hand |
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Vì sao YELTSIN lựa chọn PUTIN là người kế nhiệm |
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Putin Erdoğan’ı aradı başsağlığı diledi |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Second Meeting… |
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Human Rights in Russia Chechen authorities approved by Putin |
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Mixail Qusman: Putin Azərbaycanla münasibətlərə Rusiyada böyük əhəmiyyət verildiyini göstərdi – MÜSAHİBƏ |
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Merkel trifft sich am Samstag mit Putin |
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Kanselir Jerman akan Bertemu Putin di Moskow |
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Putin wünscht Merkel und Steinmeier ein gutes neues Jahr |
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10 000 kr till den som hittar papegojan Putin |
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Buy at least one of these Vladimir Putin calendars from Russia to start your year off right |
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Tổng thống Putin thử súng trường bắn tỉa mới nhất của Nga |
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Temelini Putin ve Erdoğan Nisan’da atacak |
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Tổng thống Vladimir Putin kêu gọi người dân Nga đoàn kết nhân dịp Năm mới 2020 |
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Putin thanks Trump for information that helped prevent acts of terrorism in Russia in phone call |
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CONGRATS! Exactly 20 Years Ago Putin Came To Power Russia Today Is Stronger Than Ever! Rossiya 1 |
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Rusya’da Mart 2018’de yapılan başkanlık seçimleri öncesi Putin bir basın toplantısı düzenleyerek “Sa… |
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White House Confirms Putin Called Trump To Thank US For Intelligence |
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Putin and Macron Discuss Concerns Over US Killing of Top Iranian General Soleimani – Kremlin |
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His Master’s Voice: Impudently Meddling in US Internal Politics Putin Spouts White House Talking Points That Impeachment Is Fabricated by Democrats Not Happy with 2016 Outcome and Destined to Fail Scaramucci Greets Russian Dictator as His Successor in Post of White House Comms Director! |
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Erdoğan ve Putin basın toplantısı düzenledi |
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On short notice US fast-response force flies to to meet Putin in Moscow for talks on Mideast crises |
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Rokita dla wPolitycepl: Putin pisze na nowo historię Polski Rokita dla wPolitycepl: W putinowskiej Moskwie Polska jest obiektem wielkiej uwagi Jest państwem frontowym i znaczącym Stąd te ataki |
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As Putin Marks 20th Anniversary of Moscow Apartment Bombings That Helped Him Seize Power from Yeltsin He Casts Eyes on Belarus: Takeover of Minsk by Moscow Could Be Spun as New Country Bypassing Current Term Limits and Letting Putin Rule Go On Acquiring Belarus Would Give Russia Border with Poland and Lithuania with Option to Link Up with Kaliningrad Exclave Cutting Off Baltic States from Rest of NATO! |
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Criza momentului pe masa liderilor europeni: Angela Merkel va discuta cu Vladimir Putin despre criza dintre Statele Unite şi Iran |
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Rusia: Putin reafirma su apoyo a Maduro y a todas las |
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Putin’s annual press conference: key remarks on Ukraine |
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Polish president won’t attend Yad Vashem event unless given chance to ‘refute Putin’s lies’ |
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Cumperi mai mult si platesti mai putin |
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Financial Times: Putin w niebezpieczny sposób przeinacza fakty 28 min |
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A US-Iranian War – What Does Putin Want |
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Putin: Dünyada artık istediğimiz noktayı vurabiliriz |
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Putin Undang Trump untuk Berkunjung ke Rusia |
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Putin invites Merkel to Russia to discuss Middle East crisis |
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Putin Trump’a terör saldırılarını engelleyen istihbarat… |
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Vladímir Putin reafirma su respaldo a «todas las autoridades legítimas» en |
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Xi Putin hail ‘extraordinary’ bilateral ties in New Year greetings |
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Russian President Putin receives an Artwork by Pavel Mitkov |
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The false belief that Putin will save the White Race: Putin amp Russia are DEEPLY in with the JEWS amp Bankers |
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Peace talks resurrected: What to expect from Zelensky Putin in Paris |
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Putin Salahkan AS atas Bubarnya Perjanjian Senjata Nuklir |
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11:26 – DigiSportro: Chipul lui Dan Nistor dezlipit de pe autocarul lui Dinamo A batut putin vantul si i-a luat urechile! Cum arata acum |
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Gewaltiger Brückenschlag: Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat den Bahnverkehr zur Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel Krim freigegeben Tägliche Verbindungen sind aus Moskau und St Petersburg geplantBild: Sergei Malgavko/TASS/dpa |
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Palmistry – El Okuma Sanatı Avuç içi okumak Yunanlılar ve Mısırlılar tarafından gelecekle ilgili ayrıntıları keşfetmek için kullanılan antik bir yöntemdir Palmistry kayıtları avuç içi okuma tekniği taş devrine kadar uzanmaktadır Son yıllarda mağaralarda bu döneme ait insan el resimlerini temsil eden imgeler keşfedilmiştir Bu bulgu o günlerde insanların vücudun bu kısmına özel bir ilgisi olduğunu gösteriyor Bu tür resimlere Fransa’daki Lascaux’da ve İspanya’daki Santander mağaralarında rastlanır ancak çoğu Afrika’daki mağaralardadır Yunanasitan’daki el okuma sanatları ise Hindistan kültüründen geliyor Aristoteles bu durumu 2500 yıl önce kaleme aldı Pek çok el okuma tekniği var ancak bugün avuçlarınızdaki “X” harfini ve anlamını okumayı öğrenelim Moskova’daki TSI Üniversitesi’ne göre Avuçtaki X’in arkasındaki gizem başlıklı son raporda dünya çapında 2 milyon kişi üzerinde çalışılarak X işareti ile arasındaki bağlantı keşfedildi Çalışmalar Vladimir Putin veya Abraham Lincoln da dahil olmak üzere dünyanın en dikkat çekici adamların da dahil olduğunu gösteriyor Sonuçlar bu işarete sahip insanların çok güçlü bir karaktere sahip oldukları ve kaderlerinin planlanmaması gerektiğini söylüyor Bu bireyler başarılarını planlamazlar sadece başarıları hayatlarında görünür hale gelir Bu insanlar hemen ayırt edilir insanları çok iyi tanırlar ve asla onlara yalan söyleyemezsiniz Deneyebilirsiniz ancak başarılı olamazsınız Psişik yanlarının baskın olmasının yanı sıra bu insanlar fiziksel olarak da çok güçlüdür Çalışmalar bu insanların hastalıklara yatkın olmadığını ve başkalarının hayatlarını da değiştirebileceğini gösteriyor Yani avuçlarında X harfi olan bu insanlar büyük liderlerdir ve kolayca unutmazlar Kaynak : Healthylifetricksorg Edit / demetyildirimcom palmistry kadim antik psişik elfalı psychicreading |
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Vladimir Putin June 2016 : ” You people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction While they US pretend that nothing is going on I don’t know how to get through to you anymore” |
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Obama contra Trump Putin e Erdogan: Golpes podem derrotar governos eleitos |
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Çavuşoğlu: Putin’le Süleymani’nin öldürülmesi ve İdlib konusu ele alınacak |
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President Erdoğan meets with President Putin of the Russian Federation |
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Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin |
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Putin’in Türkçe bilgisi |
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Putin’in yeni kararı Türkiye-Rusya ticaretine nasıl yansıyacak! |
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Angel Putin |
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Vladimir Putin genio y figura |
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Putin: I have not decided to race The attack on Korea will fail |
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Republished with permission Source Article from Related Posts Germany says Trump threat to impose sanctions on Iraq ‘not very helpful’ BERLIN — US President Donald Trump’s threat to slap sanctions on Iraq should Baghdad expel Running Scared: Trump Threatens Iraq with “Great Big Sanctions” if Forced to Abandon Air base “We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there It cost billions of dollars Iran holds all the cards in coming Middle East conflict with US – unless Trump is ready to drop a tactical NUKE Iran means business“Our reaction” Iranian general Hossein Dehghan said at the weekend “will be wise Trump Bringing Home Americans by Getting Iraqi Parliament to Expel US Troops from Country Source Article from Hits: 8 Knesset lawyer mulling rules for PM’s immunity denies recusing self January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ The Knesset legal adviser on Monday denied reports that he had recused himself from dealing with the criminal cases against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arguing that revelations that his wife was part of the team of prosecutors who worked on the cases did not put him in conflict of interest and alleging attempts to “intimidate” him On Sunday Eyal Yinon authored a legal opinion saying the interim Knesset could convene the House Committee that would debate the prime minister’s request for immunity Netanyahu had sought to delay the immunity proceedings until after the March elections as a majority of lawmakers in the current Knesset oppose his bid Hebrew-language media reported earlier that Yinon’s wife Amit Merari who works for the state prosecution was involved in formulating the criminal indictments against the premier She and Yinon both signed a conflict of interest document in 2017 declaring that he would not deal with issues related to cases she has worked on according to Channel 12 Get The Times of Israel’s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up Following the reports Likud MK Miki Zohar the faction whip contacted Yinon’s office urging him to recuse himself Multiple news website subsequently reported that Yinon had recused himself but also contended that there had been nothing wrong with his involvement in the recent deliberations on whether the parliament could discuss the premier’s immunity request after it had been dissolved ahead of March elections since it was a matter of principle rather than the specific case A Knesset spokesperson initially said there had been no official announcement on the matter However it later issued a statement saying that “contrary to the reports the Knesset legal adviser does not intend to recuse himself from dealing with the procedural matters currently on the table” The statement said Yinon “strongly rejects the conflict of interest argument leveled against him” claiming his current deliberations are on internal procedural matters of the Knesset rather than the immunity request itself The spokesperson noted that the conflict of interest argument relating to Yinon’s wife’s work had not been heard when Yinon previously ruled there was no obligation to form a House Committee to discuss an immunity request by Likud MK Haim Katz who is set to be charged with fraud and breach of trust in two separate cases “Raising the claim of conflict of interest only following yesterday’s legal opinion which evidently is not liked by some of the parties involved is a cynical and artificial matter aimed at intimidating the Knesset legal adviser” the statement charged adding that Yinon was abiding by the provisions of his conflict of interest document The Blue and White party on Sunday presented Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein with what it said was support from 65 MKs to convene a committee to discuss the immunity request a move okayed by Yinon Edelstein responded by asking Yinon for more information on whether he had powers to green-light or block the panel from forming prompting Benny Gantz’s centrist party to say it would seek Edelstein’s ouster if he vetoed the move The developments marked a possible setback for Netanyahu moving the Knesset one step closer to quickly deliberating and almost certainly rejecting his request to be shielded from prosecution in three criminal cases that could spell the end of his political career According to Yinon Netanyahu’s request Hebrew must be weighed by the House Committee before it can be voted upon by the whole plenum Due to the lack of a functioning legislature amid a year-long ongoing political deadlock and with new elections set for March 2 there is currently no functioning House Committee to consider the request In his initial legal opinion released Sunday Knesset adviser Yinon said there was no legal obstacle stopping the lawmakers from setting up a House Committee to decide on immunity for Netanyahu assuming there was majority support for such a move He also said that the Knesset could not be compelled to set up a committee despite the charges against the premier and his request for immunity possibly giving Edelstein room to refuse to allow the process to go forward MK Zohar derided the Knesset legal adviser for his opinion that the panel could convene before the upcoming elections “To allow the Knesset to be used as a political card by the left during an election recess is hugely absurd” Zohar said Netanyahu requested immunity last week but is reportedly banking on lawmakers being unable to swiftly set up a committee and discuss his request thus pushing off the process until after the March elections As Knesset speaker Edelstein must okay any meeting of Nissenkorn’s Arrangements Committee which deals with procedural parliamentary issues such as the makeup of other committees and is needed to create the House Committee Since Netanyahu currently doesn’t have a majority of 61 lawmakers to support his immunity request his Likud party wants the decision on the matter to be delayed until the next Knesset hoping such a majority could then be found within a more amenable set of lawmakers Last week Blue and White fumed that Edelstein was delaying proceedings to shield Netanyahu after the speaker refused to consider the request Netanyahu is charged with fraud and breach of trust in three cases as well as bribery in one of them He denies wrongdoing and has accused police and state prosecutors of an “attempted coup” against him Under a 2005 change to the Knesset immunity law members of the legislature no longer receive automatic immunity from prosecution but must request it from the plenum when relevant Netanyahu’s request made last week essentially sets up the upcoming March 2 election as a referendum on him and his legal troubles The Likud leader’s allies have presented the police probes and judicial proceedings as an undemocratic attempt to remove him from power and have begun campaigning on the idea of voting Likud as a way of protecting the prime minister from prosecution Times of Israel staff contributed to this report Source Article from Related Posts Dem Rep Who Set Impeachment Rules Has Been Convicted For Bribery Perjury and WORSE Democratic Florida Rep Alcee Hastings who helped set the rules for Trump’s impeachment vote as US Set To Finalize New Rules To Limit High-Tech Exports To China Officials in the Trump administration are putting the final touches on a new set of Top Court Rules Cops Can No Longer Stop People After Claiming to Smell Marijuana Matt Agorist The Free Thought Project Waking TimesMaryland — In case after infuriating case the Court Of Appeal Told That UK Government Rules On Gender-Neutral Passports Are ‘Unlawful’ The British government’s rules on gender-neutral passports are “unlawful” and breach human rights Judges at Hits: 8 Oil price keeps rising as industry drilled by Iran-US conflict January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ PROVIDENCE Rhode Island AP — The global benchmark for crude oil rose above 70 a barrel on Monday for the first time in over three months with jitters rising over the escalating military tensions between Iran and the United States The Brent contract for oil touched a high of 7074 a barrel the highest since mid-September when it briefly spiked over an attack on Saudi crude processing facilities Stock markets were down as well amid fears of how Iran would fulfill a vow of “harsh retaliation” “The market is concerned about the potential for retaliation and specifically on energy and oil infrastructure in the region” said Antoine Halff a Columbia University researcher and former chief oil analyst for the International Energy Agency “If Iran chose to incapacitate a major facility in the region it has the technical capacity to do so” Get The Times of Israel’s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up The US killed Iranian Gen Qassem Soleimani in Iraq on Friday Early Sunday as Iran threatened to retaliate President Donald Trump tweeted the US was prepared to strike 52 sites in the Islamic Republic if any Americans are harmed Fears that Iran could strike back at oil and gas facilities important to the US and its Persian Gulf allies stem from earlier attacks widely attributed to Iran The US has blamed Iran for a wave of provocative attacks in the region including the sabotage of oil tankers and an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure in September that temporarily halved its production Iran has denied involvement in those attacks “Targeting oil infrastructure could raise prices and bring worldwide economic pain and put Iran on the front burner” which might be exactly the kind of message its leaders are looking to send said Jim Krane an energy and geopolitics researcher at Rice University Compared to other methods of attack targeting energy sites also “doesn’t kill a lot of people” Krane said “It’s capital-intensive it’s not people-intensive It’s a safer option in terms of the virulence of reprisal” It would still wreak havoc on the global economy he said because of the way that oil markets affect other energy-intensive industries such as airlines shipping and petro-chemicals Global stock markets have been sliding since Friday European indexes were down over 1 on Monday after Asia closed lower Wall Street was expected to slide again on the open with futures down 06 Brent crude was up 107 at 6967 a barrel putting it up almost 6 since before the Iranian general’s killing At the same time some experts say the effect of a Middle Eastern geopolitical crisis on oil prices may not be as great as it once was The US energy industry for instance can ramp up shale oil production in places such as Texas “We’re in this new territory where the world oil markets are more dynamic and can tolerate this disruption more than they used to” said Michael Webber a mechanical engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin Tensions between the US and Iran have steadily intensified since Trump’s decision to withdraw from a 2015 nuclear deal and restore crippling sanctions But after the attack on Saudi Arabia’s crucial Abqaiq oil processing facility in September Halff said the “market was able to dismiss it pretty quickly partly because there was a perception that shale oil was pretty abundant” After that incident the price of oil surged over 14 in a day but lost those gains over the next two weeks Halff said the killing of Iran’s top general is different “This is not something that can be repaired” he said “You can repair a facility You can’t bring somebody back to life There’s no turning back” Source Article from Related Posts World financial markets slide on alarm over rising Mideast tensions BANGKOK AP — World shares fell Monday as financial markets were rattled by escalating tensions The wolf that ate Wall Street: US economy roars amid rising income inequality The sound of popping champagne bottles will soon echo across Manhattan this holiday season as Planned blackouts hit the West Bank in response to rising debt As the clock struck midday in Ramallah on Monday November 18 the bustling city center Fed’s Second 42-Day Repo Oversubscribed As Rising Repo Rate Confirms Year End Liquidity Rush One week after the Fed’s first 42-day term repo which for the first time allowed Hits: 8 Germany says Trump threat to impose sanctions on Iraq ‘not very helpful’ January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ BERLIN — US President Donald Trump’s threat to slap sanctions on Iraq should Baghdad expel US troops based there “is not very helpful” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Monday “I don’t think you can convince Iraq with threats but with arguments” Maas told Deutschlandfunk radio warning that years-long efforts to rebuild Iraq “could all be lost” if the situation escalates Trump earlier vowed to hit Iraq with sanctions “like they’ve never seen before” if US troops are forced to leave the country Get The Times of Israel’s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up The threat came after Iraqi lawmakers voted on Sunday to request the government end an agreement with a US-led international coalition to fight the hardline Islamist group IS in the region Tensions have soared following the killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani by a US drone strike in Baghdad on Friday A furious Tehran has since announced a further step back from its commitments to the 2015 nuclear accord leaving the future of the hard-fought pact in doubt Chancellor Angela Merkel and Maas will travel to Moscow Saturday for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid escalating tensions following a US drone strike that killed an Iranian general a German government spokesman said Merkel will discuss “the current conflict troublespots” with Putin including the Iran and Iraq crisis following the US assassination in Baghdad as well as the conflict in Syria and unrest in Libya Steffen Seibert said European leaders have called for an urgent de-escalation of tensions but Maas admitted that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had hoped for more full-throated backing from allies “Apparently he wasn’t too happy that we didn’t 100 percent support America’s actions” Maas said after Pompeo spoke by phone with his German French and British counterparts Maas said it was important that the European Union presented a united stance so it could play a meaningful role in helping to cool tempers “Our own security interests are massively affected by the fight in Iraq against international terrorism against IS so we have a responsibility here” he said “I think it’s necessary that the EU foreign ministers quickly convene in Brussels to coordinate a European position” He also said Germany France and Britain would decide this week how to react to Iran’s decision to forego the limit on enrichment it had pledged to honor in the nuclear agreement “We can’t just accept this without responding” Maas said “It certainly doesn’t make things easier and it could be the first step towards the end of the deal and that would be a great loss” Source Article from Related Posts Trump Threatens “Very Big Sanctions” on Iraq “Like They’ve Never Seen” If US Troops Leave CJ Opinion — Following a vote by the Iraqi parliament to remove foreign troops from the nation Running Scared: Trump Threatens Iraq with “Great Big Sanctions” if Forced to Abandon Air base “We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there It cost billions of dollars Iran holds all the cards in coming Middle East conflict with US – unless Trump is ready to drop a tactical NUKE Iran means business“Our reaction” Iranian general Hossein Dehghan said at the weekend “will be wise Trump Bringing Home Americans by Getting Iraqi Parliament to Expel US Troops from Country Source Article from Hits: 8 World financial markets slide on alarm over rising Mideast tensions January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ BANGKOK AP — World shares fell Monday as financial markets were rattled by escalating tensions in the Middle East following the killing by a US air strike of an Iranian general Germany’s DAX dropped 19 to 1296893 and the CAC 40 in Paris gave up 13 to 596766 In London the FTSE 100 lost 11 to 754092 The future contract for the SampP 500 declined 07 while that for the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 08 After a brief respite thanks to a preliminary agreement between Washington and Beijing that staved off a further escalation of trade tensions world markets have been hit by a fresh onslaught of worries Get The Times of Israel’s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up An Iranian general who replaced the leader killed by the US airstrike in Baghdad vowed Sunday to take revenge as Tehran abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying Esmail Ghaani’s threat came as the backlash over the US killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani mounted with Iraq’s parliament calling for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil US President Donald Trump said the attack was ordered because Soleimani was plotting to kill many Americans The Pentagon took steps to reinforce the American military presence in the Middle East in preparation for reprisals from Iran The air strike marks a major escalation in the conflict between Washington and Tehran and investors sought safety in US government bonds sending their yields lower The price of gold rose Asian economies depend heavily on oil from the Middle East and oil prices surged with benchmark US crude oil up 85 cents or 13 to 6389 per barrel It jumped 31 to 6305 per barrel on Friday Brent crude used to price international oils rose 111 or 16 to 6971 per barrel It rose 235 or 35 to close at 6860 per barrel on Friday The Nikkei 225 index in Japan slid 19 to 220486 on Monday while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index lost 08 to 2822619 In South Korea the Kospi lost 1 to 215507 The SampP ASX 200 was almost unchanged at 673570 The Shanghai Composite index also was flat at 308341 India’s Sensex slipped 2 to 4165271 Shares also fell in Taiwan and Southeast Asia The dollar fell to 10797 Japanese yen from 10809 yen on Friday The euro rose to 11189 from 11159 On Friday the SampP 500 dropped 07 to 323485 ending with a 02 loss for the week The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 08 to 2863488 The Nasdaq lost 08 to 902077 and the Russell 2000 index of smaller company stocks gave up 04 to 166087 The major stock indexes were coming off record highs after closing out 2019 earlier in the week with the best annual performance by the SampP 500 and Nasdaq since 2013 The price of gold which investors buy in times of uncertainty as a safe haven of value rose 2800 or 18 to 158030 per ounce Bond prices rose The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 178 from 179 late Friday a big move Lower bond yields bring down the interest rates that banks charge for mortgages and other consumer loans making them less profitable Source Article from Related Posts No American Is Safe Anywhere in the World Starting with Mike Pompeo and Family By Gordon Duff Senior Editor There were rules to war always ignored even conventions which “The World Will be the Battlefield” Following Iran Escalation Says CFR President “The world will be the battlefield” if war follows the recent escalation in tensions between CFR President Says The World Will Be The Battlefield After Iran Escalation The President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard N Haass says that Soleimani murder SITREP: reactions from around the world January 04 2020 January 04 2020 Chris Faure for The Saker Blog This previous sitrep is Hits: 8 Military court convicts Palestinian terrorist for 2018 murder of Ari Fuld January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ A West Bank military court convicted a Palestinian teenager of murdering Israeli-American Ari Fuld in a 2018 stabbing attack at the West Bank’s Gush Etzion Junction The Judea Military Court court found 18-year-old Khalil Jabarin guilty of one count of intentionally causing death — the court’s equivalent of murder — and three counts of attempted murder Jabarin stabbed Fuld a father of four multiple times in the back and neck as he was standing outside a supermarket near the Gush Etzion Junction in the central West Bank Get The Times of Israel’s Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up After he was stabbed Fuld pursued and shot his assailant who was attempting to attack a shop employee possibly saving her life He then collapsed and was rushed to a hospital but succumbed to his wounds Fuld’s family lauded the court’s ruling and called for Jabarin to be given the maximum punishment But apparently recognizing that the court would not hand down a sentence harsher than life in prison the family said the only way to prevent future terror attacks is to give the death penalty to all perpetrators Although the death penalty formally exists in Israeli law it has only ever been used once — in 1962 in the case of Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann one of the architects of the Holocaust It is technically allowed in cases of high treason as well as in certain circumstances under the martial law that applies within the IDF and in the West Bank but currently requires a unanimous decision from a panel of three judges and has never been implemented Right-wing lawmakers among them Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman have sought to advance legislation compelling the court to hand down death sentences for convicted terrorists but have faced opposition from many in the security establishment who argue that the extreme measure would not deter violence Joining the Fuld family in calling for the death penalty Education Minister Rafi Peretz said in a statement that while “the conviction of Ari Fuld’s murderer is a right step in the right direction if the intention is to allow the perpetrator to obtain a bachelor’s degree and enjoy other treats in jail then it is on us to carry out a serious internal reckoning of how we arrived at this situation” Addressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Naftali Bennett directly the Fuld family called on them “to protect the citizens of Israel on all fronts to deepen our hold in our homeland to strengthen sovereignty in all parts of the homeland without collapsing to terror” Last January Israeli security forces demolished Jabarin’s home in Yatta near Hebron carrying out the controversial policy that the IDF says helps deter future terror attacks In Jabarin’s case it appeared as though his family had attempted to prevent him from carrying out the attack The IDF said Jabarin’s mother had gone to the Meitar checkpoint in the southern West Bank and warned soldiers at approximately the same time the stabbing took place that her son planned to commit an attack Jabarin who was shot by Fuld and another armed civilian at the scene was taken to Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus in moderate condition with multiple gunshot wounds hospital officials said at the time He was indicted a month later Fuld 43 was born in New York and later moved to the West Bank settlement of Efrat A well-known Israel advocate and right-wing activist he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Distinction — the third-highest award that can be granted by the Israel Police Source Article from Related Posts Rose McGowan Issues Formal Apology to Iran for Death of Terrorist Soleimani Hollywood actress Rose McGowan has issued a formal apology to the Islamic Republic of Iran The Burkina Faso terrorist time bomb is about to blow and it might take down West Africa The landlocked West African nation of Burkina Faso is a time bomb that’s about to Guardian Atlantic contributor acts as a Syrian terrorist mouthpiece on Twitter and if you don’t like it you’re a Russian stooge A funny thing happened recently on Twitter A journalist who contributes to the Guardian Foreign Mystery man who used narwhal tusk to subdue London Bridge terrorist identified LONDON — A mysterious figure who used a rare narwhal tusk to help subdue a Hits: 8 Running Scared: Trump Threatens Iraq with “Great Big Sanctions” if Forced to Abandon Air base January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ “We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there It cost billions of dollars to build long before my time We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on Sunday The punitive measures that the US is ready to slap on its supposed ally in the fight against Islamic State IS formerly ISIS will be even harsher than the crippling sanctions already in effect against Tehran the president said “If they do ask us to leave if we don’t do it in a very friendly basis we will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame” Trump’s warning to Iraq comes after Iraqi MPs passed a resolution championed by the country’s caretaker prime minister asking the Iraqi government to expel foreign troops by cancelling a request for military assistance from the US-led coalition The resolution adopted earlier on Sunday envisions that some foreign troops might stay in Iraq for training purposes but the number of foreign instructors deemed necessary should be reported back by the Iraqi authorities ‘We are not allowed to touch Iran’s cultural sites It doesn’t work that way’ Trump also doubled down on his threat to wipe out Iranian cultural sites in retaliation for potential future attacks from Tehran which has vowed to avenge the assassination of its top general Qassem Soleimani by the US Accusing Iran of “torturing” and “maiming” American soldiers in suicide attacks and by planting roadside bombs Trump hinted that attacks on US troops justify potential war crimes – the destruction of a nation’s cultural heritage “They’re allowed to kill our people They’re allowed to torture and maim our people They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites It doesn’t work that way” Trump’s statement on Saturday that the US might fire upon 52 sites that are important to Iran’s people and culture has courted controversy in the US with many of the Trump administration’s critics noting that Washington would mimic the methods of its declared adversary Islamic State – which is notorious for damaging and destroying globally-significant cultural sites in Syria and Iraq Tensions between the US and Iran have been mounting ever since a series of US airstrikes against the Shia Kataib Hezbollah militia in Syria and Iraq on December 29 killed at least 25 fighters triggering a siege of the US Embassy in Baghdad that saw demonstrators chanting “death to America” and setting checkpoints on fire The US blamed the showdown at its diplomatic compound on Tehran and its “proxies” On Thursday the US launched a drone strike at a convoy travelling near Baghdad International Airport killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani along with senior Iraqi militia leaders The murder of Soleimani who played a key role in the fight against IS in Syria and Iraq has drawn outrage across Iran and Iraq with Tehran vowing to avenge the assassination calling it “an act of international terrorism” Washington meanwhile insists that Soleimani was the mastermind behind a spate of attacks on American personnel including at the US Embassy and says he was plotting new assaults Source Article from Related Posts Trump Threatens “Very Big Sanctions” on Iraq “Like They’ve Never Seen” If US Troops Leave CJ Opinion — Following a vote by the Iraqi parliament to remove foreign troops from the nation Germany says Trump threat to impose sanctions on Iraq ‘not very helpful’ BERLIN — US President Donald Trump’s threat to slap sanctions on Iraq should Baghdad expel Iran holds all the cards in coming Middle East conflict with US – unless Trump is ready to drop a tactical NUKE Iran means business“Our reaction” Iranian general Hossein Dehghan said at the weekend “will be wise Trump Bringing Home Americans by Getting Iraqi Parliament to Expel US Troops from Country Source Article from Hits: 8 No American Is Safe Anywhere in the World Starting with Mike Pompeo and Family January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ By Gordon Duff Senior Editor There were rules to war always ignored even conventions which the US quit when it also quit war crimes courts when it quit arms treaties reneged on trade agreements and began raping the world American assassination and rendition programs have since the neocon sponsored attacks on 9/11 killed over 100000 Nearly a third were innocent women and children knowingly murdered 45 more were “collateral damage” Quite probably none were terrorists but some hundreds at best were resistance fighters How much is an American soldier worth now Is there a price on the head of every American military member around the world The answer is…wait and see but probably yes Three Americans are dead already that we know of the number may be much higher Revenge assassinations of Americans will be reported as drug overdoses suicides car wrecks and the old standby helicopter crashes like the one that killed the SEAL team that faked the bin Laden murder It begins from the UK Independent news suppressed in the US: One Hour Ago: Three Americans have been killed in a militant attack on a military base in Kenya A member of the US military and two contractors were killed in the attack by Somalia’s al Shabaab militant group on the Manda Bay Airfield in Lamu county close to the Somali border The military’s Africa Command confirmed the deaths and said two Americans who work for the US Department of Defence were also wounded in the attack A Kenyan police report seen by Reuters said the Islamist militants also destroyed two planes two US helicopters and numerous American military vehicles during their assault The Kenyan military said five militants had been killed in the attack There were no immediate reports of Kenyan casualties In a statement earlier on Sunday al Shabaab claimed it had destroyed seven aircraft and three military vehicles without providing other details It also published pictures of masked gunmen standing next to an aircraft in flames What will the cost be for Secret Service protection for Mike Pompeo seen by a third of the world as “terrorist in chief” along with Espey and Bolton Are their families included on the death lists America hasn’t been so good at protecting presidents or presidential candidates and certainly not Democratic senators they die like flies There are nearly 4 million Iranians in the US 2 million in Europe controlling nearly 2 trillion dollars in wealth Is it too late to say “We didn’t mean it” The door is opened car bombs at football games more mass killings through the ones we do have almost invariably are tied to CIA and Mossad operatives killers without job histories who never went to school people no one ever met…and fake narratives defended by lawsuits against authors and journalists…always in rigged courts with crooked judges It isn’t going to work this time How do the rest of us know who not to stand next to America certainly can’t begin to call itself “the land of the free” anymore That ship sailed long ago and things only got worse under the endless new repressive presidential edicts against free speech and personal privacy at the hand of Trump Now we all face the ax a nation that puts kids in cages Maybe God hates us Biography Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues Duff has traveled extensively is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries He is also a trained chef wine enthusiast avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology Gordon’s Archives – 2008-2014 Source Article from Related Posts World financial markets slide on alarm over rising Mideast tensions BANGKOK AP — World shares fell Monday as financial markets were rattled by escalating tensions “The World Will be the Battlefield” Following Iran Escalation Says CFR President “The world will be the battlefield” if war follows the recent escalation in tensions between CFR President Says The World Will Be The Battlefield After Iran Escalation The President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard N Haass says that Soleimani murder SITREP: reactions from around the world January 04 2020 January 04 2020 Chris Faure for The Saker Blog This previous sitrep is Hits: 4 Iraqi PM Confirms Soleimani on Diplomatic Mission at the Request of the United States January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ “Yesyes Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandus”“Yesyes Soleimani”“NoNo America”“NoNo Israel”MPs are chanting inside the hall pictwittercom/t4brkHuVwR — Mustafa Salim Mustafasalimb January 5 2020 Notes by the Senior Editor Trita Parsi will forgive me for this note of displeasure one only a combat veteran has the right to make someone who has fought in an American disaster in my case Vietnam Those who participated in the murder of Soleimani are cowards and scum and should rot in hell This is the single most dishonorable act by the American military since the Mai Lai massacre Read why below Honorable American veterans have been shamed to the breadth of our existence by the unique level of sniveling cowardice exhibited by all involved Marines Army and Air Force By Dr Trita Parsi for Veterans Today 1 Iraqi prime minister says Soleimani was in Iraq for a mediation effort Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi has made some shocking revelations that put the assassination of Soleimani in a completely different light He told the Iraqi parliament on Sunday that he “was supposed to meet Soleimani on the morning of the day he was killed he came to deliver me a message from Iran responding to the message we delivered from Saudi to Iran” Iraqi PM arriving for vote on American expulsion If this account is true Trump — perhaps deliberately — acted to scuttle an effort to reduce tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia But it also shows that as the United States was signaling that it would not go to war with Iran — as Trump did earlier this summer — this compelled Saudi Arabia and the UAE to begin quiet negotiations with Iran to resolve their tension As long as the Saudis and the Emiratis felt they could push the US to go to war with Iran they had no interest in diplomacy with Iran The US’s military protection of these countries essentially disincentivized them from pursuing peace In the past few months under the impression that Trump had opted against war they began careful diplomacy with Tehran The US should have welcomed this development But the killing of Soleimani may have at the same time killed that effort and once again given Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Emiratis a license to continue recklessness and destabilization 2 Soleimani’s death has unified Iran Rather than being a blow to Iran the assassination of Soleimani has fueled nationalist sentiments in Iran and unified the political elite as well as the country The crowds of mourners in the cities where his casket has been taken were in the hundreds of thousands if not millions Only a few months ago there were widespread protests against the Iranian government which were met with brutal force and repression Now Iranians are protesting alongside the government not against it 3 Iraqi Parliament voted to expel US forces The Iraqi parliament on Sunday voted to expel all US military forces from Iraq as a direct consequence of the Soleimani assassination Iraqis have tried to walk a fine balance between the US and Iran but the assassination made that balance untenable Iraqis don’t want their country to become the arena for a US-Iran war and the US military presence made that risk all too likely While many will point out that this is a victory for Soleimani and Iran it is also important to note that this is also what the American public wants In fact this is what Trump promised them he’d do The US military presence in Iraq does not add to US national security Instead it increases the threat of what would be a disastrous US-Iran war The US does not need to have 5000 troops in Iraq to assist in the fight against ISIS Trump should welcome the vote and bring American military servicemen and women home to be with their families 4 Pompeo’s absurd claim that war with Iran started with the nuclear deal “This war kicked off when the JCPOA was entered into” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action This is an astonishing statement In Pompeo’s view the US and the entire international community save Israel Saudi Arabia and the UAE entering an agreement to block Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb was tantamount to starting a war What threatens Pompeo is not war It’s peace He is doing everything he can to ensure that tensions with Iran don’t get resolved For him the “war” to start a war with Iran started when the US embarked on a path of resolving its tensions with Iran 5 Iran announces further reductions in its commitments to the JCPOA Iran has announced the fifth reduction of its commitments to the JCPOA This is not tantamount to Iran quitting the JCPOA as it has left the door open to recommit itself to all of the restrictions of the nuclear agreement if the US lifts sanctions on Iran Those sanctions it should be mentioned are a violation of the JCPOA as well as the United Nations Security Council Resolution that embodies the JCPOA Nevertheless this is a step that will further increase tensions and from Press TV: A handout picture released by Iraqi Prime Minister’s Media Office shows Iraq’s caretaker prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi L attending a parliamentary session on January 5 2020 Photo via AFP Iraq’s Caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has said that Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani was set to deliver Tehran’s reply to an earlier Saudi message regarding de-escalation talks mediated by Baghdad when he was assassinated Abdul-Mahdi made the remarks during an extraordinary parliamentary session in the capital which led to the adoption of a law demanding the withdrawal of US forces from the country on Sunday the National Iraqi News Agency reported The premier said that he was due to meet Soleimani at 8:30 am local time on Friday before the US assassinated the general a few hours earlier The revelations come as Baghdad has been mediating talks between Tehran and Riyadh following a recent uptick of tensions the region Sunday’s parliamentary vote was held in response to Washington’s Friday airstrikes targeting Soleimani and his comrades Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units PMU was also killed in the attack The lawmakers in line with their national and regulatory responsibilities singed the four-point draft Iran’s judiciary has said that the attack took place despite Soleimani being a “formal” and “high profile” guest of the Iraqi government Iraq has filed a formal complaint to the UN chief and the UN Security Council over the US assassination of Lt Gen Soleimani and and the second-in-command of Iraq The Sunday vote comes as many Iraqi figures and parliamentary factions have been long demanding the withdrawal of US troops from the country specifically following a series of unclaimed airstrikes on PMU forces Abdul-Mahdi also revealed in his Sunday remarks that Washington had confirmed to Baghdad that Tel Aviv was behind a number of the attacks “America informed us that Israel bombed the warehouses of the PMU last summer” he said calling on the parliament to take all measures to end the presence of foreign forces in Iraq Rockets rock Baghdad’s Green Zone Also on Sunday the Iraqi military reported that three Katyusha rockets fell in Baghdad two of which landed inside the capital’s heavily fortified Green Zone housing government buildings and foreign missions Witnesses told AFP that the rockets had landed close to the US embassy without further elaborating on probable casualties No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack Biography Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues Duff has traveled extensively is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries He is also a trained chef wine enthusiast avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology Gordon’s Archives – 2008-2014 Source Article from Related Posts United Methodists agree to split over homosexual marriage – is Drag Queen Story Hour coming to Sunday services Natural News At the start of the new year the embattled United Chelsea Manning Responds To United Nations Rapporteur’s Call For Her Release UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: Release Chelsea Manning immediately — Alexandria VA — This week Nils The United Methodist schism is all about RACIST white pro-LGBTQ progressives muscling out ethnic minorities faithful to Bible One of the world’s largest Christian denominations has decided to move to splitsville The United United Nations: USA Broke International Law by Killing Soleimani The United Nations has condemned the killing of Iranian terrorist leader Gen Qasem Soleimani claiming Hits: 4 Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ No magic intercepts were needed we now learn from Iraq to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani We now learn that the ambush was staged through diplomatic channels drawing Soleimani to Iraq in order to receive an offer of reduced sanctions from President Trump General Qassem Soleimani landed in Iraq to meet with PM Adel Mahdi who was to be given a message for Iran by President Trump He was murdered instead the diplomatic note from Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to the Iranian envoy Soleimani was in fact an invitation to an ambush Soleimani flew from Damascus and was killed as he left the diplomatic check-in at the Baghdad International Airport Iraq had been acting as intermediary between Tehran and Washington with General Soleimani acting as diplomatic representative of Iran Soleimani had been asked by the Iraqi government to organize and train the forces that defeated ISIS a process that was continuing as it had been continuing in Syria in partnership with Russia and Turkey as part of the Astana Coalition Source Article from Related Posts Iraqi PM Confirms Soleimani on Diplomatic Mission at the Request of the United States “Yesyes Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandus”“Yesyes Soleimani”“NoNo America”“NoNo Israel”MPs are chanting inside the hall pictwittercom/t4brkHuVwR— Mustafa Salim You don’t need to mourn Qassem Soleimani to be deeply worried In 18th century Vienna where intellectuals and flaneurs liked to hob nob in the city’s Iran’s New Top Military Commander Vows To Remove America From The Region As Vengeance For Soleimani Overnight we reported that the power vacuum at the top of Iran’s elite Quds Force Rose McGowan Issues Formal Apology to Iran for Death of Terrorist Soleimani Hollywood actress Rose McGowan has issued a formal apology to the Islamic Republic of Iran Hits: 4 Los Angeles Under Attack …AGAIN…DAY 2…Chemtrails Be Concerned – VERY CONCERNED January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ Here we go again!!! Los Angeles CA is under attack again Read below the article below that some 10000 plus people have already read to better understand the Monsters who are behind it all Here are some images from this past weekend January 4-5 2020 here in Los Angeles Saturday 142020 images just below Sunday 152020 image just below Los Angeles CA under attack during this past weekend of August 3 2019 Enough is Enough! Editor’s note: There have been breakthroughs this year as the mechanisms for control – in particular smearing those who “out” the games played with human life – become implausible There is no audience for the accusation of “conspiracy theory” or “wingnut” made about anyone who speaks out not when the US now officially complains that its own diplomats are subject to “magic brain waves” used by the “Chinese” You just can’t just make this stuff up We found out long ago that DARPA was working on weather control The UAE is using an early system to attempt to bring rain and catch a bit of unseasonably cold weather They have spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars thus far Real systems those that manipulate the jet stream to fish out polar freezes or create major storms went on the market a decade ago We’ve looked at vaccine issues We have found that the anti’s are filled with recruited and paid wingnuts to make up fake conspiracies so the real ones – poisoned vaccines and “designer viruses” – will fall on deaf ears For some of you read this twice and be more careful about who you believe Now Steve Robertson will open with chemtrails The game is afoot Gordon Duff A Braveheart article series The Deep State New World Order Khazarian Mafia or Cabal use the obvious and in every day plain sight the barrage of chemtrails or geoengineering that bombards each of us our family and friends every day as a litmus test of how asleep humanity is and how far they can push their agendas of global enslavement and population control The Deep State New World Order Khazarian Mafia or Cabal use the obvious and in plain sight daily barrage of Chemtrails or geo-engineering that bombards each of us our family and friends every day as a litmus test of how asleep humanity is and how far they can push their agendas of global enslavement and population control FORGET NOT THE WORDS OF: DR EDWARD L BERNAYS the Founding Father of Public Relations: “We are governed our minds are molded our tastes formed our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it… …The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country” FORGET NOT THE WORDS OF: JOHN F KENNEDY’S speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27 1961 some two years before his assassination: “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence —-on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of election on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military diplomatic intelligence economic scientific and political operations… …Its preparations are concealed not published Its mistakes are buried not headlined Its dissenters are silenced not praised No expenditure is questioned nor rumor printed no secret revealed It conducts the Cold War in short with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match” JOHN F KENNEDY BEFORE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS SEPTEMBER 25 1961 To this end we shall urge proposals extending the United Nations Charter to the limits of man’s exploration of the universe reserving outer space for peaceful use prohibiting weapons of mass destruction in space or on celestial bodies and opening the mysteries and benefits of space to every nation We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control We shall propose finally a global system of communications satellites linking the whole world in telegraph and telephone and radio and television The day need not be far away when such a system will televise the proceedings of this body to every corner of the world for the benefit of peace Learn About the Monsters Behind It All: Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within part 1 of 4 Part I: The Spells of a Wicked Agenda Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within part 2 of 4 Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible Israel’s Trojan Horse of Christian Mind Control Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within Part 3 of 4 Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance Dark Secret of the Wizards of Oz and Your Hero With Part 4 of 4 Part IV: Witches and Warlocks of Controlled Opposition PSYOP and False Flag Deceptions WATCH THIS MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENTARY: StopChemTrailsNowcom Another great research resource: Source Article from Related Posts RED ALERT: Internet to be policed by communist China under new UN crackdown targeting online speech Natural News With Russia’s help communist China has convinced the United Nations FBI Confirms Maxwell Others Are Under Investigation For Epstein Ties Sources inside the FBI have reportedly confirmed that the bureau is investigating British socialite Ghislaine Investigator: Hunter Biden Under Criminal Probe for Burisma-Linked Money Laundering Hunter Biden is the subject of a criminal investigation relating to money laundering with Burisma A Criminal State Under investigation DECEMBER 22 2019BY GILAD ATZMON By Gilad atzmon “If you have the law hammer the Hits: 5 Undercover police arrest prominent Israeli anti-occupation activist January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ Undercover police officers arrested prominent Israeli anti-occupation activist Jonathan Pollak at his workplace Monday morning after he repeatedly refused to appear in court over a private prosecution filed against him by a far-right organization The three officers arrived at the Haaretz building in south Tel Aviv where Pollak works as a graphic designer and took him into custody In December 2018 Local Call reported that far-right group Ad Kan launched a private prosecution attempt against three Israelis including Pollak for participating in protests against the West Bank separation barrier Ad Kan’s private prosecution the first of its kind against anti-occupation activists accused the defendants of “attacking IDF soldiers and Border Police officers” When Israeli authorities did not see it fit to charge the three activists Ad Kan — which came to prominence in the last few years for sending its employees to infiltrate human rights organizations and record their every move with hidden cameras — took matters into their own hands Pollak however repeatedly refused to appear in court saying he did not recognize the legitimacy of a system that maintains a “military dictatorship” over “subjects that lack all basic democratic rights” in the West Bank and Gaza or are “second-class citizens” in Israel Despite two bench warrants issued against him at the request of Ad Kan in July and September as well as an arrest warrant issued in December Pollak continued to attend demonstrations in the West Bank and Jerusalem on a regular basis Atty Tzur Felk who represents Ad Kan noted in a recent hearing in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court that he repeatedly notified police in real time that Pollak was attending the demonstrations yet the police did not arrest him Following the July bench warrant police officers repeatedly arrived at Pollak’s apartment to take him into custody When the officers were unable to locate him Ad Kan requested that the court update Pollak’s address to that of the Haaretz building Since then officers have come to Haaretz on several occasions yet until Monday morning had been unable to locate Pollak Atty Felk even claimed that the police told him that Pollak’s co-workers were covering for him Pollak’s repeated refusal to appear in court means he can legally be held in custody indefinitely or until he agrees to post bail and attend hearings at the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court “It is unbelievable that the police acts as the private militia of an extreme-right organization that filed a baseless private prosecution without any jurisdiction to do so” said Atty Gaby Lasky who is representing the two other defendants in the prosecution “It is sad that the court is lending a hand to such a severe violation of the right to liberty” In July of last year Pollak was physically assaulted by two assailants as he left work The attackers reportedly yelled “leftist asshole” as they beat him before one of them pulled out a knife and lightly wounded him in the face and arms Neither of the assailants have been caught This article was first published in Hebrew on Local Call Read it here lt!– –gt Source Article from Related Posts Edward Snowden Explains How Your Cellphone Has Become an Undercover Surveillance Device By now it should be crystal clear to anyone paying attention that individual autonomy and Project Veritas announces major undercover exposé of CNN next week Project Veritas the activist conservative group credited with taking down ACORN and dealing significant Sarasota Sheriff’s Office Arrest 25 Pedophiles in Undercover Sting Twenty-five pedophiles have been arrested by Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office as part of an undercover Head of Israel lobby group exposed by undercover film resigns Asa Winstanley Lobby Watch 3 July 2019 The Israel Project’s Josh Block has stepped down Hits: 8 You don’t need to mourn Qassem Soleimani to be deeply worried January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ In 18th century Vienna where intellectuals and flaneurs liked to hob nob in the city’s fabled cafe scene there was said to have been an infamous saying: “What’s in the newspaper today Are the Turks killing or are they being killed” The quote was meant to caustically symbolize the safety of the European metropolis and its emotional distance from the Ottoman Empire which had come so close to conquering the city just decades before Such emotional distance was characteristic of many of the initial American reactions to the shocking news that Qassem Soleimani the powerful commander of Iran’s Quds Force responsible for the country’s military operations abroad had been eliminated while visiting Iraq in an assassination ordered from the White House This is typical The “forever war” has been a feature of American life for decades although a relatively small number of American lives have been lost in this conflict Meanwhile total misery and destruction is reserved for people from lands whose names most Americans struggle to pronounce As an Iranian socialist living in the United States my own reactions couldn’t be more different I might be as physically far from Baghdad as my Manhattan neighbors but my life and that of my loved ones are bound to events in the Middle East with a thousand threads From the outset I had two sets of reactions to the news: shock and worry for what may come and a moment of reflection of who Soleimani was and what his life and death meant for our region Allow me to start from the first Like most Iranians I was immediately gripped with that scariest of questions: what if war is to break out between Iran and the United States America’s assassination of Soleimani a top military leader of a sovereign nation contravenes the most basic aspects of international law — a body of civil regulations that the United States has honored more in breach This was also a reckless provocation a high-risk play of brinksmanship so obviously and pathetically linked to Donald Trump’s political calculations in an election year As American teenagers were wistfully joking about “World War Three” on Twitter even the best-humored people from the Middle East could hardly let out a laugh People from places such as Aleppo or Basra know too well bitter taste of war they’ve seen it in the last few years: entire families destroyed and broken entire societies collapsed There is nothing abstract about war It is felt by blood and flesh of human beings As an opponent of the Iranian regime I have been barred from visiting my homeland for more than 11 years — a fate shared by tens of thousands of fellow Iranian dissidents To visit friends or family we are forced to meet in neighboring countries such as Turkey Azerbaijan Georgia and the United Arab Emirates These visits have become harder and harder since the economic sanctions hurt the purchasing power of average Iranians and as the visiting options of Iranian passports have become increasing narrower Just last week I was in Tbilisi which is now filled with Iranians who have left their beleaguered nation for a second chance at life I travel to Tbilisi often and it is there that I have managed to meet up with my cousins aunts and uncles and where I recently took my grandmother to see the city’s old mosque Less than 24 hours after I left Tbilisi for New York news of the Soleimani assassination broke As I was gripped with worries of a possible war I thought of my beautiful 23-year-old cousin and her endless laughter She works in a clothing store and wants to start a fashion brand some day I thought of that other cousin who once studied in the holy city of Mashhad in order to become a cleric We still exchange books tips I thought of my grandmother and all the sadness she has lived through Her children were arrested as leftist activists in the early years after the 1979 evolution Her nephew was killed in the devastating Iran-Iraq War Her grandchildren left Iran for exile Somehow she still manages to smile and be kind to everyone including the neighborhood cats Wars don’t discriminate An attack on Tehran could put an end to the lives of this very real people whom I loved and many more like them But I would be a hypocrite if I feared for the lives of my fellow Iranians while forgetting about thousands of Syrian and Iraqi lives destroyed by Soleimani and his acolytes If I feared for war on Iran but forgot the many war crimes committed by the soldiers of my own nation under the command of Soleimani in the Arab nations of our region If I forgot the very real fear that grips millions of Israelis when Soleimani’s allies promise the destruction of Israel just as their leader Ayatollah Khamenei brazenly denies the Holocaust Yes it is possible to both loath the US assassination of Soleimani as a dangerous provocation and to shed no tears for Soleimani On social media I saw many family members in Iran mourning Soleimani as a “war hero” who had fought ISIS while conveniently forgetting his violent suppression of the revolutions in Syria and Iraq I couldn’t afford to forget for two reasons First my social media feed included a Syrian friend living in New York who was unable to hide his glee at the death of a man who had been responsible for the killing of so many of his compatriots “My first wish for the new year is granted” he said on Facebook I saw similar reactions from other Syrian friends living in Beirut Berlin California and Brazil — all of whom had been forced out of their countries by that brutal war in which Syria’s brutal dictator Bashar Assad remained in power with Soleimani’s help The second reason was my identity as an internationalist leftist For me the best of the global left has long been its tradition of cosmopolitan solidarity — one that stands up to the misdeeds of one’s own nation abroad Just as many European Marxists refused to back “their own” armies in the bloodbath of First World War and just as American socialists stood up to the crimes of the US in Vietnam it is the duty of Iranian progressives to stand up to the nationalist myths that Tehran propagates and oppose Iranian interventions in the region The name “Soleimani” had become synonymous with oppression in countries such as Syria and Iraq In 1867 Karl Marx said that the British workers could not be free so long as their country continued to withhold freedom from the Irish Today it is clear that Iranians won’t see freedom so long as the Islamic Republic helps prop up the tyrant of Damascus suppresses the protests in Iraq and Lebanon and threatens the people of Israel with destruction The death of Soleimani might help the regime in Tehran spread its nationalist poison but socialists must make clear a simple truth: the interests of ordinary people of this region the people of Tabriz Mosul Homs Nablus and Ashkelon are one and the same — opposition to war opposition to economic deprivation and opposition to autocracy It is the job of progressives to build a political front that represents these transnational interests beyond the borders that divide us lt!– –gt Source Article from Related Posts Obama Says He Is Worried Radical 2020 Democrats Will Turn Voters Away Former President Barack Obama warned a group of leftist donors that radical 2020 Democratic candidates Jane Fonda Is ‘Worried’ About Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Jane Fonda has said that she “worries” about fellow climate activist Greta Thunberg “She understands Comey Dismisses DOJ Criminal Probe: I’m Not Worried About a SINGLE Thing Fired FBI director James Comey appeared at Politicon 2019 on Saturday boasting he wasn’t concerned about the 9 out of 10 US Jews worried about anti-Semitism: Poll Hits: 4 Golden Globes’ showy tears for Australian fires perfect example of how some disasters seem to matter more than others January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ The global outpouring of hysteria and grief regarding the raging fires that have so far engulfed almost 12 million acres in Australia is a fascinating insight into geopolitics society and human behaviour It’s not that the Australian fires aren’t massively destructive And yes we get that Anglo-Saxon celebrities naturally feel closer to many of their colonial brethren not to mention that much of the Hollywood A-list comes directly from Down Under But it does expose that some natural disasters make for better celebrity and media PR than others whatever the actual impact 2019 saw many fires across the planet most notably in the Amazon Congo and Indonesia Last summer saw 67 million acres of Siberian wilderness burn down near the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions in just two months the cloud of smoke generated was reported to have been the size of all the European Union countries combined but social media was quiet and there wasn’t a donation page or celebrity auction in sight Also on rtcom We’re saved! Golden Globes serving plant-based meals to ‘send a signal’ about climate change Golden Globes and actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge star of TV series Fleabag said last night that she would auction off her Ralph amp Russo couture suit and send all proceeds to the Australian Fire Relief A kind gesture but would she have done the same for Africa or Russia The last few months have seen 24 people tragically lose their lives in Australia but the worldwide media focuses on the country’s famous herbivorous marsupials to gain attention for the disaster While billions of animals died across the globe in 2019 could it be the case that Siberian foxes and bears just aren’t strong clickbait in contrast to cute koalas and kangaroos Or is it that Siberia is just “off the Western map” In any case during the blazing summer of 2019 not many seemed to care Whatever the reason it’s time to start caring Maksim Yakovenko head of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring said that Russia is facing many changes “In the future we will be facing lasting heat waves drying soils and so the temperatures will be rising not exponentially but at a significant pace higher than on average across the world That is why the climatic situation will deteriorate in Siberia” It’s important to note that the biggest wildfire in world history also occurred in Russia in 2003 The Siberian Taiga Fires saw 47 million acres burn over 19 million hectares and 4 times the size of the current Australian bushfires killing countless moose deer elk bears foxes and reindeer Russia due to its northern latitudes is taking on the brunt of the last decades’ global warming something most public figures in the West profess to be a pressing concern It would be considerate not to play geographical roulette on what global catastrophe or fire is more important and instead all “shout from the rooftops” with the same support and passion to help each other regardless of the location But I doubt Hollywood will take that on board Source Article from Related Posts EXTINCTION approaching: Glowing blue tears in China’s seas are TOXIC and steadily growing every year warn scientists Natural News To tourists and curious onlookers the sparkling blue glow surrounding The End of the World Will Bore You to Tears — Propaganda Watch December 2 2019 By corbettreport The most horrible events are reported on under the most Second referendum policy is likely to make Labour’s ‘Manifesto of Hope’ end in tears It’s been called ‘A Manifesto of Hope’ and billed as the most radical programme for Taste of freedom: Paris chocolatier tears down towering edible Berlin Wall VIDEO ‘ link: events: onReady: function ifga ampamp mediaMute false Hits: 9 Iran holds all the cards in coming Middle East conflict with US – unless Trump is ready to drop a tactical NUKE January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ Iran means business “Our reaction” Iranian general Hossein Dehghan said at the weekend “will be wise well considered and in time with decisive deterrent effect” Dehghan also noted that Iran was not seeking a wider confrontation with the US “It was America that has started the war Therefore they should accept appropriate reactions to their actions The only thing that can end this period of war is for the Americans to receive a blow that is equal to the blow they have inflicted” Also on rtcom ‘Remove America from the region’: New head of Iran’s Quds Force promises to avenge Soleimani’s killing Dehghan is no run-of-the-mill former Iranian general officer but was one of the major decision makers within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC during the Iran-Iraq War and later went on to command the IRGC Air Force before eventually being appointed Iran’s minister of defense After stepping down from that position Dehghan became a special advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic Ali Khamenei His words must be viewed as representing those of Khamenei himself Iran’s three likely targets A closer assessment of Dehghan’s statement when considered in the context of the vote by the Iraqi Parliament this Sunday to remove all foreign troops from Iraq provides clarity as to what the US and the Middle East can expect from Tehran First and foremost the response will not be carried out by proxy The attack will be military in nature Assaults on the oil and gas infrastructure of America’s Gulf Arab allies similar in nature to the drone attacks on Saudi oil production facilities last May are not in the works The same holds true for shipping transiting the strategic Strait of Hormuz as well as US diplomatic facilities in the region Also on rtcom Trump threatens Iraq with ‘very big sanctions’ unless it pays back BILLIONS for an airbase if US troops are forced to withdraw Likewise Iran must respect the will of the Iraqi Parliament regarding the operation of foreign troops on its soil which means that the response will most probably not be conducted against US military forces currently stationed in Iraq This does not mean US troops and facilities in Iraq will be immune to attack Khaitab Hezbollah the Iraqi militia whose leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was killed in the same attack that took Qassem Suleimani’s life have pledged their own retaliatory attacks separate from those promised by Iran There are a host of viable US military targets in the Persian Gulf region that are of high enough stature as to qualify as “an equal blow” in the eyes of Tehran Three come to mind the concentration of US forces based in Kuwait the headquarters of the 5th Fleet in Bahrain and the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar Of these three only one Al Udeid Air Base has a direct connection to the Suleimani assassination the drones that fired the missiles that killed Suleimani were operated from there Al Udeid is host to critical US command and control facilities as well as the bulk of the American combat aircraft operating in the region It is well within the range of Iranian ballistic missiles and armed drones which could be expected to operate in concert with one another to defeat air defenses and then saturate the base with precision strikes which could destroy hundreds of millions of dollars of aircraft and equipment and potentially kill and wound hundreds of US service members Trump’s all tweets no capacity President Trump has promised that the US will not tolerate any attack against its personnel or facilities “If they do anything” he told reporters referring to Iran “there will be major retaliation” Earlier Trump had tweeted a very explicit warning telling Iran that he had already designated some 52 sites inside Iran “some at a very high level amp important to Iran amp the Iranian culture” for destruction “Those targets” Trump declared “and Iran itself WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD The USA wants no more threats!” Also on rtcom Trump says US will strike 52 Iranian sites ‘VERY FAST amp VERY HARD’ if Tehran moves to avenge general’s death Trump’s threat however rings hollow First his tweet constitutes de facto evidence of a war crime Section 5162 of the US Department of Defense Law of War Manual prohibits threats to destroy cultural objects for the express purpose of deterring enemy operations and as such would likely not be implemented by US military commanders for whom niceties such as the law of war which forbids the execution of an unlawful order are serious business Of more relevance however is the fact that Trump has been down this road before when he threatened massive military retaliation against Iran for shooting down an unarmed drone over the Strait of Hormuz last May At that time he was informed by his military commanders that the US lacked the military wherewithal to counter what was expected to be a full-spectrum response by Iran if the US were to attack targets inside Iran In short Iran was able to inflict massive harm on US and allied targets in the Middle East region and there was nothing the US could do to prevent this outcome Also on rtcom 3000 more US troops headed to Middle East after Baghdad strike that killed Soleimani Little has changed since May that would alter the military balance of power between the US and Iran If Iran were to strike a US facility such as the Al Udeid Air Base and Trump were to order a response then Iran would most likely unleash the totality of its military capability and those of its regional proxies to devastate the military and economic capabilities of those targeted These strikes would most likely include oil production facilities in Kuwait Saudi Arabia and the UAE in addition to US military facilities and diplomatic missions Seen in this light Trump’s threats of retaliation appear to be little more than words that cannot be backed up by reality Pushing the red button for Fordow However there was a second significant development in the region on Sunday in addition to the vote by the Iraqi Parliament to cut ties with the US military Also on rtcom Enrichment based on technical needs: Iran rolls back on 2015 nuclear deal The Iranian government announced that it was ending all restrictions on the enrichment of uranium in effect nullifying the Iran nuclear agreement the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action or JCPOA which the US withdrew from in May 2018 While Iran has stated that these measures were reversible if the US returned to the agreement the newly unconstrained enrichment capability puts Iran well inside the one year “breakout” window ie the time needed by Iran to produce enough fissile material for a single nuclear device of one year that underpinned the prime purpose of the JCPOA In doing so Iran has inadvertently opened itself up to a preemptive nuclear attack by the US The centrifuges that could be used by Iran to produce enriched uranium capable of being used in a fissile device are housed in a hardened underground facility located near the town of Fordow No conventional munition currently in the US arsenal can destroy Fordow Only a modified B-61 nuclear bomb can do the job Trump has hinted that any future war with Iran would not be a drawn-out affair And while the law of war might curtail his commanders from executing any retaliation that includes cultural sites it does not prohibit the US from using a nuclear weapon against a known nuclear facility deemed to pose a threat to national security This is the worst-case scenario of any tit-for-tat retaliation between Iran and the US and it is not as far-fetched as one might believe Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you Source Article from Related Posts The Two Charts You Need To Ignore Or Rationalize Away In 2020 Unless You’re A Bear Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog If you believe you’ve front-run the herd Michigan County Threatens to Demolish Amish Homes Unless They Give Up Religious Beliefs and Upgrade December 20 2019 By Sean Walton After harassing the Amish community for years regarding its Netanyahu will fall in September experts predict — unless Trump releases peace plan! Benjamin Netanyahu’s long reign as Israel’s prime minister will likely end after the September election Josh Hawley moves to end immunity privileges for big tech monopolies unless they protect free speech Natural News Sen Josh Hawley R-MO has emerged as the leading reformer Hits: 9 Mother of all ironies: US veterans are returning to Vietnam ‘for a better life’ January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ Vietnam Laos Cambodia For many Americans those names invoke powerful memories and images of unspeakable violence and perhaps the last places on earth to consider visiting Yet not only are more US veterans and retirees visiting Southeast Asia an increasing number have decided to call it home The reason Many point to affordable healthcare cheap rent and a rising standard of living “Aging American boomers are living a lifestyle reminiscent of Florida Nevada and Arizona but in Vietnam” the Los Angeles Times recently reported “Monthly expenses here rarely exceed 2000 even to live in a large unit…including the help of a cook and a cleaner” That just might be the mother of all ironies Retired US soldiers and average American retirees would rather take their chances living abroad among their erstwhile enemies than trying to make ends meet on their pensions back home in the US That doesn’t say much about the condition of capitalism in America Indeed let’s not forget that Vietnam is socialist which is about as close to a four-letter swear word in the US as you can get Yet none of that seems to matter to the new arrivals some of whom were sent to the Asian jungles many years ago to help eradicate the ideological convictions of Washington’s sworn enemy Also on rtcom US revisits Vietnam Syndrome in Afghanistan after 17 years of war and destruction Although the Vietnamese government won’t reveal the exact number of American veterans and retirees now living permanently in the country it is no secret the country has relaxed its visa requirements for many foreign citizens Americans included Cambodia another nation that suffered immensely during the war years is also proving to be very accommodating to foreigners with pensions to spend As way of anecdotal evidence I reached out to an American acquaintance of mine – I will call him ‘John’ since he requested to remain anonymous – who has been living in Ho Chi Minh City also known as Saigon for the last five years with his Vietnamese wife who he met while studying at university Since relocating to Vietnam he has noticed a “definite” increase in the number of foreigners especially among Americans and all of them seem to have different stories to tell “Many of them served in Vietnam and wanted to reconnect to a place that had such an emotional impact on their lives others are retirees who wanted some adventure and decided to visit this part of the world never guessing they would end up staying” he said while emphasizing that the country surprises many visitors “Not only are the Vietnamese friendly and accommodating but food rent and public services like healthcare are extremely affordable Plus you are never far away from beautiful beaches” More bang for the buck For some US veterans and retirees those factors are proving irresistible as they are coming around to the grim conclusion that their monthly pensions and Social Security benefits barely cover the necessities Unless they were able to scrimp and save during their working or warring years – and statistics indicate the majority could not – then they may be in for a surprise Also on rtcom Cheney warns US against Middle East pullout as even Washington Post digs up proof his War on Terror was ‘UNWINNABLE’ Although Donald Trump recently introduced legislation that extends medical coverage to more US veterans the plan is already straining under the pressure to accommodate everyone who qualifies That’s bad news for millions of veterans many of whom desperately need physical and mental treatment To underscore their problems an estimated 17 veterans are committing suicide every single day In fact the total number of suicides among veterans has increased four of the last five years on record according to the Military Times Veterans are 15 times more likely to commit suicide than Americans who never served in the military For female veterans the likelihood of suicide is 22 times greater Would moving to a more affordable place – like Southeast Asia – ease their tensions It seems that an increasing number of US veterans and retirees are willing to take the risk and find out despite the painful legacy of the Vietnam War which deeply scarred Americans and Vietnamese alike Between March 1965 and May 1975 over 50000 US soldiers and many times more on the opposing side among civilians and soldiers lost their lives as part of Washington’s bungling effort to stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia According to Vietnam’s official statistics up to 2 million civilians lost their lives on both sides of the protracted conflict Also on rtcom If Trump is a threatening tyrant why did Democrats just agree to give him 730bn for the military Today many Americans must be asking themselves a simple question: was all that death and destruction on both sides of the war really worth it Even for those who survived the protracted war they received no hero’s welcome back home In fact they were largely shunned by society Meanwhile thousands of these veterans still suffer the physical and psychological effects of combat yet cannot receive the minimal amount of medical care Now the former killing fields not only look more attractive they have become home for many Will future generations of Americans learn the lesson of this terrible tragedy If history teaches Americans anything it is that it will always be repeated RobertBridge Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from Related Posts From Vietnam to Afghanistan All US Governments Lie CONVERSATION — The Washington Post has after more than two years of investigation revealed that senior foreign Why Does ‘Israel’ Think It Can Threaten Iran With Own Vietnam In Syria — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog By Staff It has become crystal clear that the US and ‘Israel’ are not satisfied Vietnam War fighting for opium Vietnam War fighting for opium Reddit Email Print Australia saw the start of a heroin One day in Vietnam with Gordon Gordon’s mismatched duel with a crewed 50cal NVA machine gun and his M-16 by Jim Hits: 10 Are critics right about Guy Ritchie’s ‘The Gentlemen’ being ‘stained with racism’ January 7th 2020 Jesus Christ ✝ We’re only a week into 2020 and the PC-police are already on patrol for anything and everything that does not conform to their box checking standards The latest cultural target of this woke rage is Guy Ritchie’s ‘The Gentlemen’ the director’s return to the gangster genre after spending years making Hollywood blockbusters like ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and last year’s ‘Aladdin’ In UK cinemas now and opening in US theaters on January 24 ‘The Gentlemen’ has been accused of being an “equal opportunity offender” and “stained with racism” ‘The Gentlemen’ follows a gangster Matthew McConaughey as he runs into trouble trying to sell off his profitable drug empire in order to retire with his wife Like Ritchie’s early work ‘The Gentlemen’ looks to be a ridiculous and fast-moving ensemble British crime movie with actors chewing the scenery Some critics are not amused though It appears they believe Ritchie’s signature brand is a bit outdated for these culturally bubble-wrapped times “Jews women the working class gay people black people the entirety of East Asia — every imaginable demographic gets their moment to be targeted and denigrated The only thing ‘The Gentlemen’ finds worth celebrating is the bravado of white masculinity” a review from the Independent reads The writeup goes on to call ‘The Gentlemen’ Ritchie’s “angriest” film and one “long past its sell-by date” The primary example of the “racism” the review accuses the movie of lies with dialogue spoken by Fletcher a tabloid newspaper employed character portrayed by actor Hugh Grant “Early on he Fletcher introduces Henry Golding’s Dry Eyes character as a ‘Chinese Japanese Pekingese’ Bond-type before swapping the ‘l’ for an ‘r’ in the phrase ‘licence to kill’ There’s no doubt Ritchie intends for his audience to laugh here” the Independent’s review states Reviews from The Guardian and several other outlets have targeted ‘The Gentleman’ over not only Grant’s character but other characters’ dialogue in the movie several direct hits on political correctness and the film’s main characters mostly being white Also on rtcom ‘Ford v Ferrari’: The return of masculine cinema The criticism of ‘The Gentlemen’ has less to do with the film itself and more to do with the current issue in culture of people surrounding themselves more and more with the ever-changing woke standards promoted by keyboard-wielding social justice warriors This leads them to lose sight of the nuance and complexities ingrained in storytelling Yes yes we are talking about a Guy Ritchie movie here curse you 2020 for making me think this much about a Guy Ritchie movie but we are at the point where even a silly Guy Ritchie movie is flying straight over people’s heads This should not have to be explained but a character speaking dialogue in a movie is not the character’s creator speaking dialogue This is a separation these reviews don’t recognize They seem to want every character in every film to talk like a liberal arts professor This is a flick about British gangsters for crying out loud Also on rtcom Nike-hawking irony-free zone Colin Kaepernick attacks ‘American imperialists’ for ‘plundering non-white world’ after Iran hit Stories are supposed to challenge and be layered whether they are a goofy Guy Ritchie caper or a historical drama about car racing Critics are moving away from absorbing films as stories and instead breaking the entire experience down to out-of-context facts and then using those facts to judge the film based on box checking liberalism Does the film have too many white people Too many men Are there enough speeches about social justice Does the dialogue spoken by characters offend in any way If you fail any of those questions then your movie is in trouble in the media today Guy Ritchie’s ‘The Gentlemen’ is not racist It’s the same sort of movie the director built his reputation on in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s with films like ‘Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ and ‘Snatch’ The difference between those movies and his latest work is that in the 20 years that have passed culture has been suffocated by puritanical liberals who are clueless about how art is meant to challenge and affect us Source Article from Related Posts What’s an anti-inflammatory diet Understand its benefits 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