Putin celebra sus 20 años en el poder |
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Putin Dodiku čestitao Božić i Novu godinu FOTO |
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Putin iktidarını uzatmak için hükümeti değiştirdi: Rusya’nın yeni başbakanı Mişustin |
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Putin fast-tracks effort to extend his rule new PM approved |
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Putin’s Unexpected Move Sends Shock Waves Through Russia |
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Putin seçkidən sonra özünə bu vəzifəni verəcək |
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Russian Government Resigns as Putin Proposes Power Extension |
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Putin cements power as Russian lawmakers approve his new PM |
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Putin wants change the Russian government resigns |
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Tổng thống Putin đề xuất ứng viên thủ tướng thay thế ông Medvedev |
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Russia’s cabinet resigns and it’s all part of Putin’s plan |
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Vladimir Putin entre su ex la amante y la conejita de Playboy |
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Rusija Putin i Mihail Mišustin: Šta znamo o novom premijeru Rusije |
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Putin Addresses Cabinet of Minister on Anunnaki in Iran Full Transcript |
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Merkel bei Putin |
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Putin’s new PM promises ‘real changes’ for Russians |
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Putin may be following Xi’s lead in clearing the way to be president for life |
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Putin prezident seçkilərində iştirak etməyəcək |
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Putin designa Mijaíl Mishustin como primer ministro |
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Russian parliament to review Putin PM pick aftershock overhaul |
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Địa chấn chính trị Nga: Tổng thống Putin đã lên kế hoạch rời Kremlin |
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Putin und Assad machen sich über Trump lustig |
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20 năm đồng hành của bộ đôi Putin – Medvedev |
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Putin Minta 5 Negara Bersenjata Nuklir Cegah Terjadinya Perang Dunia |
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Putin propone reformas para mantenerse al mando |
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Putin acelera cambios que podrían mantenerlo en el poder |
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Địa chấn chính trị Nga: Thông điệp gây sốc của TT Putin mở màn chuyển giao quyền lực kịch tính |
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Russian Government resigns following Putin’s state of the nation speech |
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VIDEO/ Putin dhe Bashar Al Assad tallen me Donald Trump: Sikur të kthehej në… |
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Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock Corey Goode Darryl Anka Bashar Benjamin Fulford Cobra Edward Snowden Julian Assange Trump Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media |
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‘Optimism’: Netanyahu and Putin discuss Middle East Israeli jailed in Russia |
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‘Start Here’: House delivers impeachment articles and Putin’s parliament shakeup |
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Russian gov’t resigns after Putin’s annual address |
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Putin engineers shake-up that could keep him in power longer |
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Putin yategetse abarwana muri Libiya bose gushyira intwaro hasi saa sita z’ijoro |
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Shock as Putin names new PM lays out constitutional reforms |
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Ông Putin chuẩn bị cho tương lai |
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Rusia 2024: reforma de Putin y renuncia del Gobierno |
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Putin propone cambios que lo mantendrían en el poder hasta después de 2024 |
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Presidente Putin destroza la ideología de genero |
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Putin dọn đường cho tương lai |
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Putin İstanbul’a geldi |
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Putin indica o chefe da Receita para o cargo de premiê russo |
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Putin engineers shakeup that could keep him in power longer |
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Putin’in sisteme yönelik reform talebi hükümete istifa getirdi |
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Putin: Vatandaşların reel gelirlerinde önemli artış için koşullar yaratmak gerekiyor |
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Putin Expected to Undermine the US in the Middle East |
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Medwedew erklärt Rücktritt der russischen Regierung – Putin schlägt neuen Regierungschef vor |
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Putin’s Russia Development |
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Netanyahu Putin Discuss Fate of Jailed Israeli Backpacker |
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Putin Mishustin’i Başbakan adaylığına önerdi |
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Punya Anak di Rusia Putin Janjikan Rp 106 Juta untuk Pasangan |
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Putin Medvedevi Rusiya Təhlükəsizlik Şurası sədrinin müavini təyin edib |
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Putin reshuffles entire Russian government can now stay in power past term limits |
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Relax! Putin is going nowhere He just tweaked the constitution to stay in power a little bit longer |
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Putin Dissolves Russian Govt Before Rewriting Constitution |
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Russian Government Resigns as Putin Proposes Constitutional Shake-Up |
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Parlemen dukung PM pilihan Putin setelah Revolusi Januari |
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‘Öfkeli Libyalı general Putin’i nasıl oyuna getirdi’ |
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President Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping constitutional changes |
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Putin designó Mijaíl Mishustin como primer ministro |
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Russia: Duma to review Putin PM appointee Mishustin on heels of Medvedev’s resignation |
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Russia’s high minister steps down as Putin broadcasts chronic shakeup |
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Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev submits resignation to Putin |
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Iran crisis: Pentagon Deploys B-52s To Diego Garcia as Putin makes surprise visit to Damascus |
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Machtpolitische Aussagen Putins auf seiner und Putin – einerlei Maß Betrachtung über den staatlichen Umgang mit „Banditen“ |
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Trump joins Stalin Putin Hitler on list of Peace Prize hopefuls |
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Putin szykuje dla siebie nową rolę by rządzić Rosją dłużej |
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Putin ipoteca il suo futuro il governo Medvedev si dimette |
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Putin imzaladı: Rusya’nın yeni başbakanı Mişustin |
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Putin says Russia to help safeguard Syria’s sovereignty |
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Putin appoints Medvedev as deputy chair of Security Council |
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Putin l-a propus premier al Rusiei pe actualul șef al Fiscului Mihail Mișustin după ce guvernul Medvedev a demisionat în bloc |
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Rusiyada tam hökumət istefasının sirləri açılır – dövlət quruluşu dəyişir Putin yeni dövrün də lideri olacaq… |
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Netanyahu and Putin discuss fate of jailed Israeli backpacker Naama Issachar |
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Putin pozvao predsednika Hrvatske u Moskvu na proslavu Dana pobede |
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Điều ít biết về người được Tổng thống Putin đề cử làm Thủ tướng Nga |
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Putin’s Late New Year’s Gift for Russia’s Elites |
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Putin Medvedevin yerinə onu təyin edir – Dövlət Dumasına təqdimat göndərib |
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Putin sacude la Constitución para perpetuar su poder |
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Russian parliament backs Putin’s new prime minister in major political overhaul |
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Two theories about Putin’s move to rebuild Russia’s government |
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Putin’s New PM Hiding Elite Moscow Property – Proekt |
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Putin appoints Mishustin as new PM |
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Paukenschlag: Russische Regierung tritt zurück außer Putin |
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Putin ve Esad’tan Trump Şakası |
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‘Putin Is Not Going Anywhere:’ Reactions To Russia’s Abrupt Political Shake-Up |
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Nga: Ông Medvedev từ chức Tổng thống Putin chỉ định thủ tướng mới Tổng thống Nga Putin vừa chỉ định lãnh đạo Cơ quan thuế liên bang Mikhail Mishustin đảm nhiệm chức vụ thủ tướng nước này sau khi ông Dmitry Medvedev bất ngờ từ chức hôm 15/1 |
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‘Thuyền trưởng’ Putin và ‘cú bẻ lái’ chấn động |
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Scenariile de lucru la Kremlin: cum ar putea Putin să rămână la putere după 2024 |
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Putin Usulkan Perubahan Konstitusi untuk Pertahankan Pengaruh |
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Putin’in Sessiz Darbesinin Ardından Yeni Başbakan Belli Oldu |
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Vladimir Putin plans for future as Russian government… |
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Tính toán quyền lực của Putin khi sửa hiến pháp |
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Iran crisis: Pentagon Deploys B-52s To Diego Garcia as Putin makes |
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Did Putin Just Extend His Rule |
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Netanyahu və Putin arasında telefon danışığı olub |
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Putin Medvedevi bu vəzifəyə təyin etdi |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Rusia Putin nomina a nuevo primer… |
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Rosja: Putin mianował Michaiła Miszustina na premiera |
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Explained How Putin’s Shake-up of Russian Politics Could Keep Him in Power Indefinitely |
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Russian Duma approves Mikhail Mishustin as new PM Vladimir Putin set to retain energy past finish of time period in 2024 |
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Tot ce trebuie să stii despre atacul de panică: simptome și cum îl poți combate în mai putin de un minut: |
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Lei que pro铆be o evangelismo 茅 aprovada pelo presidente Vladimir Putin na R煤ssia |
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Putin Rapid-tracks Effort to Lengthen His Rule New PM Licensed |
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Putin Ushers In New Prime Minister Signaling Bid to Boost Economic Legacy |
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Renuncia el primer ministro Medvedev y todo el gabinete de Putin Presidente de Rusia |
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Putin: “Rusiya prezident respublikası olaraq qalacaq” |
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Viralni VIDEO: Ko bolje pleše Putin ili Bush |
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Tổng thống Putin chính thức bổ nhiệm ông Mikhail Mishustin làm thủ tướng |
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Putin firma decreto con nombramiento de Mishustin como nuevo primer ministro |
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Putin: Rusya nükleer silahlanmada diğer ülkelerin önünde |
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‚Efektivní manažer ale politický outsider‘ Kdo je muž kterého si Putin vybral do čela ruské vlády |
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La dimisión del Gobierno y la propuesta de Putin para reformar la Constitución sacuden Rusia |
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Vladimir Putin Rusiyanın yeni Baş Nazirinin adını açıqlayıb – FOTO |
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As Putin Is About to Discover This Israeli Family Will Do Anything to Get Their Daughter Out of Russia |
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Russian parliament backs Putin’s pick for PM after ‘January Revolution’ |
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Ông Putin sẽ giữ vị trí nào để tiếp tục lãnh đạo nước Nga |
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Russian Government Abruptly Quits After Putin Speech |
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Shocker: Putin gov’t resigns but is it really a power grab |
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Day of Action for a Unique Solution: Build Peace Through a Trump Xi Putin Summit |
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Putin’s political rival reacts to Russian government’s resignation |
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Russian government resignation: what’s just happened and what’s in store for Putin beyond 2024 |
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Vladimir Putin engineers shake-up proposes changes that could keep him in power longer |
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Putin Confirms Mishustin as New Prime Minister |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Vladimir Putin incluyendo el primer ministro de Rusia |
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Rusiyanın yeni Baş naziri bu şəxs ola bilər – Putin namizədini açıqladı |
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Noul premier în Rusia desemnat de Putin este Mihail Mişustinşeful fiscului |
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Sửa hiến pháp: Sự chuẩn bị của Putin sau 20 năm lãnh đạo nước Nga |
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Russian government resigns hours after Putin proposed constitutional changes |
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Putin i Netanijahu: Važno očuvati istinu o Drugom svetskom ratu |
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Report: Russia’s Prime Minister Submits Resignation to Putin |
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The point of Putin’s rambling almost one hour presentation was to justify his secret Intelligence Cooperation Agreement with Germany by recalling the similar past historical agreements |
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Putin – yearly press conference: Да сдохни уже немчура тупая! Противно тебя видеть и противно тебя слышать! Всe егозит с наслаждением на Ново-Абверовском хую своей Рязанско-Татарской воровской жопой и делает вид что хочет соблазнить весь мир всe что движится и не движится Сдохни уже дурак! И прикуп свой Сочинский сдай в кассу давно пора – M N |
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Putin Medvedevə yeni vəzifə təklif edib |
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Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin make fun of Trump in Damascus talk about changing him ‘for the better’ |
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Urgente! Renuncia todo el gobierno ruso luego del discurso de Vladimir Putin ante el parlamento |
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Putin i Netanjahu mówili o wadze prawdy historycznej o II wojnie światowej |
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Russian parliament to review Putin PM pick after shock overhaul |
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Thủ tướng Nga từ chức để Tổng thống Putin cải cách hiến pháp |
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Fără niciun vot împotrivă Duma de Stat a aprobat candidatura propusă de Putin la funcţia de premier al Rusiei |
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Analyst: Putin Proposes Adjustments that May Lend a hand Stay Him in Energy After 2024 |
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PELOSI ON IMPEACHMENT: ‘All Roads Lead to Russia All Roads Lead to Putin’ |
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Putin Pays Backhanded Tribute to Democracy |
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Big Things Happening with US-China Relations Putin Makes a Big Move for the Future of Russia |
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Duma Putin’in önerdiği Mişustin’in başbakan adaylığını onayladı |
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Russian parliament to review Putin PM pick after shock government resignation |
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Netanyahu talks to Putin is ‘constructive’ on Israeli-American backpacker unlock |
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Russian government resigns after Putin proposed constitutional changes |
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Russia ruling party backs Putin’s PM pick aftershock overhaul |
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Putin anuncia una reforma a la Constitución de Rusia y provoca la renuncia de Medvedev y del resto del gobierno |
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Ông Putin chính thức xác nhận không tìm kiếm nhiệm kỳ tổng thống thứ ba liên tiếp |
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¿Qué va pasar con Putin después de 2024 |
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Miza schimbărilor constituţionale de la Kremlin Noua „rocadă” pe care o pregăteşte Vladimir Putin |
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Putin allana el camino para seguir en el poder y designa a nuevo primer ministro |
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Russia moves quickly to make Putin’s new vision a reality |
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Russian government: रूस के प्रधानमंत्री ने कैबिनेट के साथ दिया इस्तीफा पुतिन ने कहा- नाकाम रही सरकार – russian pm medvedev with cabinet submits resignation to putin |
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Tổng thống Putin chỉ định lãnh đạo Cơ quan thuế làm tân Thủ tướng Nga |
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Putin propone a Mijaíl Mishustin como nuevo primer ministro ruso |
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Putin yeni vəzifə yaratdı Medvedevi rəhbər gətirdi |
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Discursul anual tradiţional privind Starea Naţiunii rostit de Vladimir Putin care a dus la demisia guvernului de la Moscova |
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Putin yeni baş nazir təyin etdi |
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Russian govt resigns after Putin calls for constitutional changes |
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Putin Speaks Medvedev Resigns And Russia’s Political World Turns Upside Down |
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Poroşenko speriat de anunţul lui Putin El a văzut în mesajul lui o ameninţare pentru Ucraina |
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Chân dung người được ông Putin ‘chọn mặt gửi vàng’ cho chức tân thủ tướng Nga |
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La hegemonía de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin to Trump: Hit Iran and Face Anunnaki Wrath |
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Tổng thống Putin ký lệnh về việc chính phủ từ chức |
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Russia’s prime minister resigns as Putin seeks constitutional reform |
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ATENCIÓN: Gobierno completo le renuncia a Vladimir Putin |
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Before 9-26-19 Meanwhile south of the border down Argentina way trump ponders the ill winds of his own making swirling around him SNL Sketch People Including Especially Women and Children Seek Shelter from trump’s Malevolence Meanwhile trump Ignores and Hides his Immigrant Underpinnings/Descent trump Cries Real Crocodile Tears As The December 7 2018 NYPost Reflects His Self-Created Deserved Dilemma While People Here and Abroad Weep for the Damage he Has Done trump’s Self-styled Reiteration/Version of ‘Black Like Me’ SNL Sketch Meanwhile ‘Dumb and Dumber’ in ‘Here Comes Mr Mueller’ SNL Sketch Trumpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall trump Shows Holiday Spirit in ‘It’s a Blunderful Life’ SNL Sketch Pity america as trump takes the nation for a ride Don’t Pity trump Pity Those Impacted/Wiped Out By his Failed Businesses Flawed Strategies Blind Loyalty Yes trump’s a lad insane Was there ever any doubt The Police Are Coming For The Materialistic Criminal trumps Christians for trump have they no shame What Would Christ Say To and Of The Likes Of trump Damage Done Sunday Church Will Never Be The Same trump thumbs his nose as a taunt to Mueller’s posse pursuing him to enforce the rule of law flailingly scorning what he terms witch hunt then breaks into this tune while Mueller responds saying the obvious viz so many witches so little time trump Says China Reality Says Porcelain Putin’s Message Reminder and Love Song to trump Where’s Bond James Bond When You Need Him No James Bond traitorous trump crime family no hope but wait up in the sky it’s a bird a plane no it’s click Rational People Pressed Endangered and Ever Decreasing In america Think Beyond The Sea and Escape From The Greedy Heartless Criminal trump et als’ amereeka with the Solution Applicably Common To Solve Both Go Now trump Owns The ShutdownYes his plucky laundered money’s like play money entrepreneurial capitalistic mobster spirit on display failed trump enterprises on advice of son-of-a-mafia consigliere rudy ghouliani trump gives them an offer they’re duty-bound to refuse SNL Sketch A Lot of Disappointed Conservatives Including Matt Drudge Are Singing This Song To Their Sweetheart Different drums beating along the Potomac where apologies abound for that disaster called trump Lots of weepingtears and tribulation abounds in the trump camp now referred to as the cave as in caveman trump Cheers in Russia for their little darlin trump trump dancin lying like a baseturd not presidenting CNN: Anderson Cooper: Make-believe is fine if you’re a kid but not president Historically crazy time for america trump s in way over his head Jesus Save Us Trumped! This is now an unprecedented realistically historically frightfully dangerous time for america and the world Stephen Colbert Is So Shocked By trump’s NYT Interview That He Does An Extra Monologue In a mini-monologue the host of ‘The Late Show’ says the president was incoherent SOTU State Of The Union COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT Vladimir Putin’s State Of The Union Response More State Of The Union COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT Regarding trump Threats Therein As per presidential tradition for good reason trump tax returns back in the cross hairs commentary by STEPHEN COLBERT Doc Ronny’s back -COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT As per presidential tradition for good reason trump tax returns back in the news as Corden Kimmel Colbert Weigh in COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT – STEPHEN COLBERT is again compelled to comment on trump’s fast declining mental state as trump demands investigation of ‘oranges’ Fake National Emergency – The End Is Near SNL Sketch Search Is On for White Padded Room for Mental Case Don trump Mental Deterioration Significantly Worsens This is no joke! Who is this windy bag of st Yes he’s don the con! Reflections Encore Ripples Reverberations Reflecting barr – cover-up’s what he does cover-up’s what they do! Summarizing the mueller report hmmm SNL Sketch Cecily Strong’s Jeanine Pirro Gets Her Rocks Off Over Mueller Report On ‘Weekend Update’ HuffPost Mary Papenfuss HuffPost March 31 2019 SNL Sketch COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT – STEPHEN COLBERT is again compelled to comment on trump’s fast declining mental state as trump demands investigation of oranges Secret Agent Orange Man trump ‘I’m The Captain’ Bill Barr Tells Senators Calling Robert Mueller Report ‘My Baby’ ‘It’s Pointless We’re in Crazytown’: General John Kelly Complains Trump is an ‘Unhinged Idiot’ in Bob Woodward Book Yes bill barr Since you’re in trump’s crazytown you can be the captain and the mueller report can be your baby STEPHEN COLBERT Barges In On William Barr’s Testimony Trump Has Been Living A Double Life REPORT BY STEPHEN COLBERT trump claims he knows a lot about wind – COMMENTARY BY STEPHEN COLBERT he says just call him WINDYBAG or D-BAG or WINDY REPORT BY STEPHEN COLBERT on the mueller report Yes he’s sick psycho trump! Yes he’s the very sick don the con! Yes don the con is sick/very mentally ill! Had to include this one though somewhat off the mark still in the spirit of americarazy Very funny! NBC SNL Sketch courtesy Facebook The Late Show has obtained this exclusive audio recording of President Donald Trump’s call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky – BY STEPHEN COLBERT Seth Meyer Takes ‘A Closer Look’ Well done very funny! trump’s weak end on Weekend Update SNL Had to include this one though somewhat off the mark still in the spirit of americarazy Very funny! SNL Sketch Seth Meyer Takes Yet ‘Another Closer Look’ Well done very funny! STEPHEN COLBERT: Donald Trump Is A Diagnosed Narcissist Nutcase trump! Alec Baldwin’s Trump and friends sing ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ in ‘SNL’ season finale CNN Courtesy Intro of SNL Sketch Don’t Stop Me Now Cold Open SNL Sketch – Complete Competition 2020 for trumpzilla The Late Show with Stephen Colbert – More World Leaders Reveal They Were Pressured By Donald Trump – The Shakedowns Trump-Ukraine Call Log Clearly Demonstrates Quid Pro Quo Demand Yes he’s don the con! In his investigative biography Trump: The Deals and the Downfall reporter Wayne Barrett wrote that Trump’s life intertwines with the underworld and he outlined the real-estate developer’s numerous alleged ties to organized crime including that Trump: Once met Salerno at the Manhattan townhouse of Roy Cohn the infamous sidekick to Joe McCarthy who represented both men according to an eyewitness source who talked to Barrett Was very close to Cohn whom Barrett describes as Trump’s bridge to the mob Had ties to mob associates Shapiro and Sullivan Paid almost double the market price for property in Atlantic City owned by Salvatore Testa a capo in the Scarfo crime family Evaded New Jersey state laws banning casino owners from making political contributions by channeling donations to Mike Mathews then-candidate for mayor of Atlantic City through Shapiro and another mob-tied associate Failed to disclose to state casino regulators that Trump was the target of a bribery probe in 1979 and was questioned in a 1981 racketeering investigation Neither federal probe led to criminal charges noted the Philadelphia Inquirer’s David Johnston in a review of the book Then this as well There’s just no excuse for the FBI/DOJ Pathetic! El Chapo for president or any of the heads of the numerous american crime families as trump – what a sick fraudulent pathetic meaningfully lawless nation america surely is: ‘In his investigative biography Trump: The Deals and the Downfall reporter Wayne Barrett wrote that Trump’s life intertwines with the underworld and he outlined the real-estate developer’s numerous alleged ties to organized crime’ As In Looks Like A Duck Acts Like A Duck Quacks Like A Duck Logic Requires We Conclude trump et als Are Criminals Requiring Prosecution Not Just More Meaningless Rhetoric There’s Plenty Of Embarrassment and hence their coverups To Go Around DOJ / Judicial / Political Circles ie etc etc But No More Excuses one two three strikes usare out |
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Putin signs decree appointing Mishustin Russia’s prime minister |
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Putin apresenta plano para ficar no poder após 2024 e premiê da Rússia renuncia |
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The hunt is on for Putin’s successor |
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Russian prime minister and government resign after Putin proposes constitutional changes |
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Vladimir Putin: Konflik Timur Tengah Bisa Mengarah ke Perang Dunia |
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Stilul Art Nouveau apãrut la sfârsitul anilor 1890 a durat mai putin de un deceniu dar în acest rãstimp trãsãturile sale de bazã au pãtruns în toate aspectele artei si design-ului În 1895 un negustor de artã de origine germanã Samuel Bin |
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Putin hökumətin istefası ilə bağlı fərman imzalayıb |
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Putin Nominates Ex-Tax Chief Mikhail Mishustin As New Russian Prime Minister |
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Entire Russian government to ‘resign’ so Vladimir Putin can alter… |
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Putin đề cử thủ tướng mới |
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10:03 AM – Putin propone convocar un referéndum sobre cambios constitucionales |
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Putin Merombak Konstitusi untuk Melanggengkan Kekuasaan |
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Putin’in yeni başbakan adayı belli oldu |
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Ausland Michail Mischustin Mit seinem neuen Platzhalter-Premier überrascht Putin alle |
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¡Dimiten todos! Renuncia total del gabinete de Vladimir Putin |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin thông báo điều quan trọng |
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Microsoft is Fighting Back Against Putin |
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Russian Government resigns after Putin presented changes |
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Subcomisión del Congreso investiga muertes de niños en la Putin propone cambios que lo mantendrían en el poder hasta después de 2024 |
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Russia’s latest elections weren’t about Putin or were they |
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Russian Government Resigns Following Putin’s Annual State-Of-The-Nation Address |
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Sign the Call for Presidents Trump Putin amp Xi to Convene Emergency Summit To Address Danger of War |
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İstanbulda Ərdoğanla Putin arasında danışıqlar başlayıb |
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Renuncia todo el gobierno ruso tras discurso de Putin |
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What is Putin up to with surprise political shake-up |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Putin tras anuncio de reformas a la Constitución |
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Putin designa a «desconocido» como primer ministro tras anunciar inéditas reformas constitucionales |
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Russian Prime minister Entire Government Resign Over President Putin’s Plan To remain In Power |
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Russia’s Government Resigns As Putin Eyes Shift In Power |
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Không có phiếu chống Duma Quốc gia Nga phê chuẩn TT Putin ký lệnh bổ nhiệm ông Mishustin làm Thủ tướng |
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Russia’s entire cabinet resigned en masse in a plan that would help Putin keep power indefinitely Here’s everything we know |
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Putin visita a Síria e reforça luta contra o terrorismo |
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El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin comenzó a preparar su futuro político al anunciar un nuevo gobiern… |
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Noi detalii despre cvasi-anonimul Mihail Mișustin posibilul succesor al lui Putin la Kremlin |
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Putin Medvedevə Təhlükəsizlik Şurası sədrinin müavini vəzifəsini təklif edib |
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Russia: President Putin aims to tackle fall in birth rate |
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Putin Taps Little-Known Official as New PM |
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Russian parliament backs Putin’s pick for PM after ‘January Stanley shares soar after Gorman boosts performance targets |
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Putin Engineers Shake-up That Could Keep Him in Power Longer |
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Vladimir Putin appoints new prime minister |
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Pas dorëheqjes së Dmitry Medvedev dhe qeverisë së tij Putin emëron kryeministrin e ri të Rusisë |
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Putin Engineers Major Shakeup That Could Keep Him In Power Longer UPDATED |
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Russian Prime Minister Resigns Amid Government Shake-up Under Putin |
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Portnikov: Putin declared war on Ukraine |
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‘Technocratic placeholder’ Putin picks low-profile tax chief as Russian PM |
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Putin Dodiku čestitao Božić i Novu godinu iz Berana riješio matematički problem iz antičkog doba |
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Vladimir Putin chips in a tenner to ‘Ben Ben Bong for Brexit’ crowdfunder |
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Vladimir Putin anuncia cambios radicales en el gobierno |
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Putin Rusiyanın siyasi sistemini dəyişdirir – Konstitusiyaya dəyişikliklər ediləcək |
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Did Russian PM Drop a Grim Hint About Putin’s Power Grab |
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Александр Баунов: Sic transit Putin |
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US resumes fighting ISIS in Iraq Esper’s big reform push Putin’s power move WH broke law with Ukraine aid GAO says And a bit more |
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President Putin’s grand plan |
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Putin Dilantik Sebagai Presiden Rusia untuk Keempat Kalinya |
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What The Witcher 3 tells us about Putin’s WW2 dispute |
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Gobierno ruso anuncia su dimisión tras discurso de Vladimir Putin |
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🔴 ENVIVO 🔴 EL SALVADOR TODAY con BESSY RÍOS Defensora de Derechos todo el gobierno ruso luego del discurso de Vladimir Putin ante el parlamento |
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Putin predložio Mihaila Mišustina za novog premijera Rusije čeka se potvrda Dume |
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Putin assina decreto nomeando Mishustin para cargo de primeiro-ministro da Rússia |
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Ông Putin đề xuất giám đốc Cơ quan Thuế Mikhail Mishustin vào chức Thủ tướng |
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Chân dung người được ông Putin đề xuất làm Thủ tướng mới của Nga |
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What Is Vladimir Putin Up To With Surprise Political Shake-Up In Russia |
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A US-Iranian War – What Does Putin Want |
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Pemerintah Rusia Mundur Usai Pengumuman Putin Ubah Konstitusi |
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Putin propone a Mijaíl Mishustin como primer ministro ruso |
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Russia Putin nomina Mishustin nuovo premier |
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Putin shake-up could keep him in power past 2024 |
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Dimitry Medvedev dha dorëheqjen Putin emëron kryeministrin e ri të Rusisë EMRI |
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Putin recommended to free Norwegian ‘spy’ |
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Putin “Bakı modeli”ni tətbiq etdi – Dəyişiklik |
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Putin acelera cambios en Rusia que podrían mantenerlo en el poder |
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Putin’in yeni başbakan adayı belli oldu |
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Putin Praises Trump For Recalling US Troops In Syria |
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Netanyahu ‘Optimistic’ After Talk With Putin About Releasing Israeli Jailed in Russia |
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Netanyahu Putin Discuss Iran’s Role In Syria during Moscow Meeting |
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Russian Government Resigns After President Putin’s Power Play |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin đề cử thủ tướng mới thay ông Medvedev |
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Putin’s surprise pick for Russian PM addresses parliament |
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Nominalizarea lui Putin pentru postul de premier analizată deja în Duma de Stat |
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Renuncia el gobierno ruso tras el anuncio de reformas de Putin |
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Russian prime minister and the entire government resigned after Putin plan to remain in power for life |
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Otra vez las renuncia de todo el gabinete de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin’s power grab: Russian President sets himself up to rule for LIFE |
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Caktohet kryeministri i ri i Rusisë kush është personi që vendosi Vladimir Putin në këtë post |
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Segunda niña que muere calcinada en lo que va del año el primer ministro Medvedev y todo el gabinete de Putin |
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Reforma de Putin se lleva por delante al gabinete de gobierno |
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Jóvenes jujeños reciben premios por sus «carrozas renuncia de todo el gabinete de Vladimir Putin |
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Russia’s Putin vows ‘symmetric response’ to US missile test |
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Vergi müdürlüğünden başbakanlığa: İşte Putin’in yeni seçimi Mihail Mişustin |
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Russia’s ruling party approves Putin’s pick for new PM |
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Russia’s Government Resigns As Putin Plans Constitutional Changes |
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Rus haber ajansları Vladimir Putin’in çalışmalarından dolayı Medvedev’e teşekkür ettiğini duy |
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Michael Link FDP zu Russland„Putin hält sich alles in Rücktritt deutscher Bischöfe wäre angezeigt gewesen |
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Vladímir Putin firma decreto con nombramiento de Mishustin como nuevo primer… |
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Putin Usulkan Amendemen Konstitusi yang akan Pertahankan Kekuasaannya pasca 2024 |
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Russian PM govt resign as Putin proposes constitutional changes |
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El nuevo primer ministro de Putin promete cambios reales |
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Putin a semnat decretul de numire a lui Mișustin în funcția de premier |
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Putin: Criza demografică o provocare „istorică” pentru Rusia |
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Parlamentul Rusiei a votat premierul anunțat miercuri Putin a și semnat decretul de numire în funcție |
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Putin tuyên bố cả thế giới theo sau Nga trong phát triển vũ khí chiến lược |
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Kommersant yazır ki Medvedevi Putin istefaya göndərib |
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Putin’s Power Play: Shuffle the Cabinet But Keep Command |
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El turismo ruso a Cuba sube un 30 en en pleno el Gobierno ruso tras una propuesta de reforma política hecha por Putin |
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Pas dorëheqjes së Medvedev Putin sugjeron kryeministrin e ri |
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Hier lachen Putin und Assad über Trump |
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Putin is sending a message to the world with his shock announcement – CNN |
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Vladimir Putin a subliniat de asemenea că se vede cu ochiul liber că viaţa paşnică revine pe străzile Damascului |
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Trump Gets A Well-Earned Endorsement From Vladimir Putin |
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Putin picks the way Trump picks Are you a criminal who golfs Or attacks women Raise your hand for a cabinet place https://tco/SNEYLDgsAY |
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Sacudida de ingenieros de Putin que podría mantenerlo en el poder por más tiempo |
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Baba Vanga y sus profecias de Vladimir Putin acerca de su dominio planetario |
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Putin Moves to Shore Up Power as Prime Minister Resigns |
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Putin pays visit to Syrian President Assad |
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Renuncia todo el gobierno ruso tras el discurso de Putin ante el parlamento |
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“Tượng đài” Putin trong 20 năm lãnh đạo nước Nga |
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Russia : Guverinoma yeguye mu gihe Vladimir Putin ategura ejo hazaza |
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Rusya’da Medvedev istifa etti Putin Başbakanlık için Mişustin’i önerdi |
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¿Qué busca Vladimir Putin con su reforma constitucional que llevó al gobierno ruso a dimitir en bloque |
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Russian Premier Abruptly Quits Amid Swirl of Speculation on Putin |
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China says Russia ties not affected by Putin cabinet change |
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Đọc chuyên sâu Bất ngờ ‘gây bão’ chính trường Nga Tổng thống Putin đang chọn con đường giống một nhà lãnh đạo châu Á |
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Putin cambia al primer ministro y prepara su sucesión |
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Putin will rule until day he dies ‘like Stalin’ experts fear as Russians say they’d eat turnips so long as he’s in power |
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10K Russian prime minister and government resign after Vladimir Putin speech |
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Russian government resigned after state of union by Putin |
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Analysis The Dirty Politics Behind Israel’s Capitulation to Putin’s WWII Revisionism |
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Russian government resigns as Putin moves to weaken successor – Business Insider |
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Analyst: Putin Proposes Changes that Could Help Keep Him in Power After 2024 |
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Russia reshuffles government as Putin eyes prolonged power |
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Russian govt resigns after Putin calls for constitutional say govt undermining transparency in regime |
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NÓNG: TT Putin đề xuất điều chỉnh quyền lực của Tổng thống “ưu tiên” hiến pháp Nga hơn luật pháp quốc tế |
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Reformasi Pemerintahan Semua Menteri Putin Mengundurkan Diri |
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Reakcie na situáciu v Rusku: Koniec systému superprezidenta Putin nikam neodchádza len to kamufluje |
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Why buy an rv My LA rent was going up by over 400/month Interestingly pulitzer prize-winning author John Sanford had a snobbish despicable character in one of the many books of his I had read albeit after the fact of my purchase of my holiday rambler Said character lauded and loved his holiday rambler The succinct takeaway by Sanford he states: regardless of the rv model/make ultimately you’re still in a trailer park and all that entails ie for etc As with boats I posit that the only happier day than the day you buy the rv is the day you sell it Indeed it was always something And they could easily make it something sabotage One of the local hillbillies an alleged so-called ‘certified rv tech’ greg mingle diagnosed a need for a new carburetor Well after paying for same and labor it turned out to be not the carburetor He brought a strong arm with him who said his last name meant mafia in italian Mingle confessed he didn’t like LA or San Francisco because unlike san diego the people there were snobby that hillbilly inferiority complex This was around the time of Clint Eastwood’s ‘american sniper’ and in passing he stated is service experience was that of a sniper rated/good for 1200 yards riiiiight ‘american mental case’ you belong with thousand trails san diego county I did secure the services of an honest former military man shortly thereafter who was an absolute genius for such things which included a degree in computer science To litigate this rather small case against mingle in court would not be worth my time and would still require a leap of faith by me in the american system which based on direct experience I do not have Why San diego county Never been there had no idea The couple from whom I bought the rv lived in lakeside in san diego county Then the problem of what park/availability/in proximity etc The only available slots were at a large park run by chicago-based thousand trails yes a nationwide chicago company run by a guinea as I later learned how very capone I did a month-to-month rental of 550 including all utilities I was ahead from a rent perspective Problem: thousand trails did not have the proper permits/zoning for such rentals Other options became suddenly encumbered by politically contrived/motivated problems despite prior acceptance and hence waiver I had bought an additional rv for the mountain location but got resistance as follows Many employees particularly regional employees had real self-esteem inferiority complexes problems some as in one related mountain park having been born and raised in such ie hillbillies etc Then there was the nearness to the border and the defensive attitudes of hispanics as a consequence of the enforcement emphasis by the new administration The person from whom I purchased the second rv for the required week out stay 3 in 1 park and then 1 in the other parkand returned because the same was rejected by the mountain park manager/hillbilly I had to remove same and returned it to the hillbilly from whom I bought the 24 foot itasca rv and took the financial hit Ultimately through another contrived scenario I was required move the 39 ft holiday rambler and moved same to another part of jamul hillbillyland where the hillbilly who owned the itasca owned 40 acres and was setting up an rv park This hillbilly carl dykema seemed to be a hard worker and having a misshapen chest/deformity etc engendered my sympathy never again He also did not have the proper permits see letter from county here Moreover it turned out that as is so for many of the hillbillies pot was his hidden crop for which he served jail time He was a lying scumbag and threatened to lie to the sheriff which all seemed set to music/contrived/set me up He also had other minor fugitives confessed to me along with dykema’s prior pot growing historyhiding out in rvs on the premises who provided manual work in lieu of rent Don’t think same an act of mercy/charity these people were used and abused by dykema hours hiding out camouflaged rvs to avoid detection conditions etc There were nights subsequent to the deputies’ search for the hillbilly fugitive that I lay awake concerned that if they did their worst being in the hills of hillbilly land the same would defy detection This has been among the worst experiences of my life and there should be warning signs throughout san diego county Upon reflection in sum dykema was a sly elusive combination of unconflicted liar criminal mental case sorely in need of psychiatric analysis/therapy he has for quite some time needed but never could nor was inclined to get a hillbilly to be sure but also a cancerous affliction to those whose misfortune it was to be around him bad news! While doing updates here let me further correct a prior posted personal belief viz that Edward Snowden was lamenting his choice of russia vs the us Specifically he’s now worth almost 10 million all post us Similarly trump’s russia ties have not hurt him Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: Putin is handling Trump like a Russian ‘asset’ Business Insider Forget Trump’s national security ‘strategy’ Pay attention to Clapper instead Washington Post |
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Vladimir Putin İstanbula gəlib |
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Putin Baş Naziri təsdiqlədi – DOSYE |
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Cum se pregătește Putin să rămână la putere și după 2024 |
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What the Mueller report tells us about Putin Russia and Trump’s election |
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Putin Reshuffle Shows He Wants to Become Russia’s Supreme Leader: Kasparov |
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Putin föreslår ändringar i konstitutionen |
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Russian parliament backs Putin’s new prime minister in major political overhaul |
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11:48 – Becali cere Inaltei Curti sa-l reabiliteze: DNA trebuie neaparat pus putin la pamant sa lase tara asta sa respire ca au distrus-o |
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Maas hat Putin gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt |
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Putin đã lên kế hoạch rời Kremlin và việc từ chức của Medvedev |
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Renuncia el primer ministro Medvedev y todo el gabinete de Putin |
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Cum vor arata copiii printului Harry si ai fratelui sau William peste 20 de ani: Archie va fi cel putin la fel de aratos ca tatal lui |
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Putin vil holde på makten men russeres drømmer om en lysere fremtid er altfor store |
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Merkel Putin dhe realpolitika |
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Schiff Pelosi and Putin Are Partners in Illegal WMD Arms Deals |
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Putin: “hay que consultar con los venezolanos sobre la convocatoria a unas elecciones presidenciales” |
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Behind Putin’s bid to shift Russia’s balance of power |
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Putin plantea cambios en Constitución rusa |
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Endgame – Russian PM government resigns after Putin’s annual address |
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Russian govt resigns after President Putin’s Address proposes changes to the announces Pakistan’s T20I squad for series with Bangladesh |
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Pe repede înainte: Parlamentul Rusiei a votat premierul anunțat miercuri Putin a și semnat decretul de numire în funcție |
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Russia si dimette governo Putin pronto a lasciare presidenza nel 2024 Così manterrà il potere |
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Putin’s Defamation of Hizb ut Tahrir |
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por Por Ciro todo el gabinete de Putin |
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Putin başbakanlık görevi için o ismi önerdi |
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Putin Baş nazirin təyinatı barədə FƏRMAN İMZALADI |
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Putin yeni baş nazir təyin etdi – FOTO |
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Press review Putin risks ‘political fossilisation’ say Swiss papers |
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Putin’i ‘akılla anlama’ rehberi |
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Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali’nin temeli Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin’in katıldığı törenle atıldı |
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Putin signs decree to appoint tax ex-chief as new Russian PM |
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Sa ai copii Cel putin unul dar daca este posibil 2 3 4 |
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Tony Barber: Putin revamp hinges on the illusion behind Russia’s social contract |
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NA KAKVU JE TO MANIFESTACIJU U MOSKVI POZVAN ZORAN MILANOVIĆ Vladimir Putin sanja da mu na političko-propagandnu demonstraciju moći dođe što više važnih stranih državnika evo tko mu je do sada potvrdio dolazak |
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Putin Appoints New Russian Prime Minister After Cabinet Resigned |
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Russian prime minister amp the entire government resign over Prez Putin’s plan to remain in power indefinitely |
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Trump news: Putin and Assad caught on video mocking Donald Trump during Damascus summit |
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15:35 Mišustin sa stal novým ruským premiérom do funkcie ho navrhol Putin |
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El primer ministro de Rusia Dimitri Medvedev anuncia su dimisión y de todo el gabinete tras el discurso de Vladímir Putin |
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New York Times: Russian parliament approves Putin’s pick for Prime Minister |
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9 Ocak Perşembe 18:00 TUİÇ Fikir Atölyesi 2: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güncel Meseleler Putin Dönemi Rusya-Türkiye İlişkileri ve Avrasyacılık |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Putin ile görüştü |
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Russia ruling party backs Putin’s PM pick after shock overhaul |
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Putin o ismi önerdi: Rusya’nın yeni başbakanı kim olacak |
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Putin hızlı: Anayasa değişiklikleri için çalışma grubunu oluşturdu |
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Renunció todo el gobierno ruso luego del discurso de Vladimir Putin |
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Where to ring in the new Barber: Putin revamp hinges on the illusion behind Russia’s social contract |
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China Raises Ceiling Floor for World’s Atmospheric CO2 Putin’s Latest Call Option Buy |
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Experts Unveil Theories On Putin’s Dramatic Government Power Play |
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Putin obligado a dejar el poder en 2024 prepara su futuro político |
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Sistemul solar este menit sa dispara De fapt de cand Soarele a inceput sa straluceasca energia sa lumina si caldura rezulta din reactiile nucleare care transforma hidrogenul intr-un gaz ceva mai greu heliul Dar in mai putin de 5 miliarde de ani tot |
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Rus Duması Putin’in önerdiği Mişustin’in başbakan adaylığını onayladı |
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Putin: Macedonia is a cradle of all Slavic literacy |
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Ep 242: Kamala drops out Biden gets mad Warren defends Medicare 4 All and Putin spies on Trump |
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Vladimir Putin 1952 – present |
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Putin Türk Akımı projesi anlaşmasını onayladı |
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Russian lawmakers to review Putin’s PM nominee Senate preparing to initiate trial of President Trump Rain wet forecast provide Australia respite from fire US environmental groups file lawsuit over permits given to Formosa Plastics World News Quick Take Himalayan severe weather kills many Cambodia’s Kem Sokha stands trial US’ Pompeo talks with Japan and South Korea as new sanctions hit North Korea Hundreds of Syrians deployed to Libya Plant explosion kills 1 injures at least 9 in Spain Africa battles deadly flood of fake medicine Police fire tear gas as Lebanese ‘week of wrath’ begins Having more sex delays menopause researchers find US Democrats face off over war gender EU accuses Iran of failing to observe nuclear deal Jet dumps fuel that lands on schoolchildren near LA Democrats release documents on eve of Trump trial |
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Tổng thống Putin chính thức phê duyệt ông Mikhail Mishustin làm thủ tướng |
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Libya’s warring sides accept ceasefire after Putin Merkel meet |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin đề cử thủ tướng mới thay thế ông Medvedev |
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Putin shake-up could keep him in power past 2024 as Cabinet resigns |
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Renuncia primer ministro ruso tras cambios de Putin a la constitución |
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Rusia saca de los archivos secretos un video donde se le ve a Putin y al expresidente Bush bailando en un agasajo |
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Ce sa faceti ca sa ametiti mai putin in timpul dansului |
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ĐCSVN – Văn phòng báo chí điện Kremlin thông báo: Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đã đề cử người đứng đầu Cơ quan Thuế LB Nga Mikhail Mishustin kế nhiệm Thủ tướng Nga Dmitry Medvedev – người vừa quyết định từ chức nhằm tạo điều kiện cho ông Putin triển khai các đề xuất cải tổ Hiến pháp |
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Turquía Anuncian la asistencia de Putin y Erdogan a cumbre sobre Libia en Berlín |
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Niemieckie media: Putin kalkuluje jak utrzymać się u władzy |
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Cumhurbaşkanımız Erdoğan ile Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin baş başa görüştü |
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Medvedev – ‘cánh tay phải’ một thời của Putin |
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Putin proposes changes to Constitution names new PM in surprise shakeup |
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Putin ve Merkel Libya konusunu |
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Russia’s government resigns as Putin offers spot on Security Council to Medvedev |
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Trump und Putin – einerlei Maß Betrachtung über den staatlichen Umgang mit „Banditen“ |
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Duma bestätigt Putin-Wunschkandidaten als Regierungschef |
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Russian Lawmakers As Expected Approve Putin’s Choice For PM |
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COMMENTARY: Putin’s plan for unlimited political power |
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Putin come Xi Lo Zar e la nostalgia per la Russia imperiale |
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Yıllar Sonra Ortaya Çıkan Görüntüler: Putin ile Bush Birlikte Dans Etti |
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Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đề xuất sửa đổi Hiến pháp trong Thông điệp Liên bang16/01/2020 |
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CHP Genel Baþkaný Kýlýçdaroðlu: Dýþ politikamýzý Putin belirliyor |
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What Putin’s ‘Out Of Character’ Abrupt Power Move Actually Means |
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Putin shake-up could keep him in power past 2024 as cabinet steps aside |
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Medvedev was Putin’s wingman for years – now Putin wants some distance |
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Dimite todo el Gobierno Ruso después de que Putin propusiera convocar un referéndum sobre cambios constitucionales |
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Dmitri Medvedev apresenta renúncia de seu governo a Vladimir Putin |
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Primeiro-ministro e todo o ministério de Putin renunciam e abrem cenário de incertezas na Rússia |
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Putin znowu będzie miał stres US Army jedzie do Polski |
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Putin Explains the Obvious Russian Mercenaries in Libya Aren’t Working for Him |
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¡En claves! Estas son las reformas que propone Putin que sacuden… |
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Vladimir Putin l-a numit pe Mihail Mişustin în funcţia de preşedinte al Guvernului rus |
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Hafter’den Erdoğan ve Putin’e yanıt |
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Russian PM Resigns As Putin Proposes Constitutional Amendments |
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Putin adelanta a Trump y estrena sus misiles hipersónicos |
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Russian govt quits as Putin plots power grip |
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Có gì đặc biệt trong Thông điệp Liên bang 2020 của Tổng thống Nga Putin |
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Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha proposto un referendum per modificare la Costituzione |
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Presiden Putin Tinjau Proyek Kapal Induk Baru Rusia Uang Prajurit TNI Di Asabri Dikorupsi Prabowo Akan Seret Pelakunya |
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Putin Gave the Command to Continue Repression Against Members of Hizb ut Tahrir |
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Putin’in açıklamaları ve hükümetin istifası ne anlama geliyor |
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Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution |
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Putin in the Mirror of Economy and Constitution |
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Putin Merkel amp Macron All Agree Iran Nuclear Deal Should be Preserved Call for Restraint on All Sides Moving Forward |
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Führt das Merkel Putin an der Nase herum Glaube nicht dass er das schätzt |
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Cine este noul premier al Rusiei desemnat de Vladimir Putin |
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Russian Prime minister Entire Government Resign Over President Putin’s Plan To… |
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Brutalni diktator Putin bo oblast zapustil v krsti tako kot njegov vzornik Stalinnovice |
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Government Decries ‘Provocation’ Protesters Gather as Rustavi 2 TV Anchor Insults Putin Channel Off Air Citing Threats |
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Vladimir Putin chips in a tenner to ‘Ben Ben Bong for Brexit’ producers reassure fans that 007 will always be a violent misogynist |
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Putin pozvao Milanovića u Moskvu za Dan pobede |
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Russland Noch mehr Putin |
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Las 10 frases que dijo Vladimir Putin que consternó a todo el mundo por redes sociales |
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Lukaşenko Putinə zəng etdi |
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Putin Stalin Anayasa vs |
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Putin kararnameyi imzaladı: Mişustin Rusya’nın yeni başbakanı |
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Putin’s political gambit suggests plan to rule Russia forever |
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Here’s what Putin’s reforms and Russia’s political upheaval means |
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View Pravda Posts Most Recent 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 How Pathetic The russians Are! This Contrived Glaring Instance Of Censorship Typifies The Lost Days of a Failed Oppressive and Repressive Soviet Communist Regime Much Like The Leftist Losers In Criminal America Bureaucrat bushes Included along with Hillbilly Buddies clinton et als Their Regressive Longing For The Bygone Days of Failed Ideologies Systems Bureaucratic Inefficiencies Meaningfully Lawlessness and Economic Waste Fraud and Bribery is Fast Becoming The Deleterious Norm In america Where Was Pravda Regarding The Felled Future of Russia In the Persona of Alexander Lebed Who Was Murdered By Putin and His Thugs Lunatic Murderous Madmen As lenin and stalin and Now the kgb lightweight-brainwashed putin Have Much Like in america Under Criminal Hillbilly bushes and clintons Cost Their Respective Nations and The World Immeasurably What A Bunch of Losers The Rooskies are Much Like Their Current Criminal american Counterparts! The foregoing links will be supplanted by a topically indexed page which is primarily what I used the posts for I Will Also Subscribe To More International and Progressive Forums Reproducing Said Posts and Prospectively Posting Anew What a Bunch of Losers! ‘PRAVDA POT CALLS AMERICAN KETTLE BLACK’ Great Lies of the American free press – 05/23/2005 The Bush dictatorship often uses Adolph Hitler’s great lie theory – the political tactic where a leader fabricates great lies The Bush dictatorship also discovered a residual benefit of the great lie theory: People are often so myopic or so embarrassed by their gullibility that even after the great lies are exposed they would rather reward the liar than acknowledge the lieWhile I too Appropriately Disparage the american Press/Media It Should Be Emphasized to the Pathetic/Dumb Russkies That the american Press/Media Is Not Free Is Censored/Controlled Implicitly Pressure Economic and otherwise and Explicitly But that the Russian Press/Media Is Even More A Joke and A Fraud If That Can Even Be Fathomed With The Failed Communist Years Which Cost the Entire World Substantially Living Testament to that Reality! I also agree that the dictator/war criminals bush and company must be prosecuted and removed from office! I Have Begun the Task of Creating a Topically Indexed Page Here 3-3-06: As a show of good faith and comity prior to the typical abomination of a ruling contrary to clear law I briefly set forth the following optimal us course and care little whether same is followed: the criminal state of israel formerly led by king of the jews/terrorist sharon/ now vegetable as he should be is not the ally of any nation but israel by merely enforcing international law as to the Christ-killing jews america would cut the anti-american sentiment in half by enforcing the oslo accords and finalizing the palestinian nation state an additional 25percent reduction by eliminating israel ie for killing 34 american sailors illegally stockpiling nuclear weapons spying on america contriving america’s anti-Arab conflicts etc america’s future in the most positive sense would be secured as incompetent as the republicans are the democrats who voted for the war etc were are and would fair worse for the nation if they were majority in congress the terrorists/criminals within would love it – no position on presidency yet and premature as they conveniently forget the very source of China’s economic preeminence/surplus as payback by clinton for financing clinton ie John Huang communist Peoples Party etc squandering the cold war victory peace dividend and consequent goodwill/surplus made us a global laughing stock covered up numerous crimes and even had them killed americans to do so gave terrorists raison d’etre with ‘wag the dog’ bombings etc Cheney should be forced to resign immediately and be replaced by George macacawitz Allen VA latest reports indicate he is part jewish which makes his positions relative to the mideast highly suspect thus disqualifying him from consideration 10-5-06 or Mitt Romney MA in that precise order of preference After the mid-term elections bush should be forced to resign – he’s a war criminal brain damaged and excessively and embarrassingly dumb incompetent and never really wanted to be president in the first place global criminal cabal daddy hoover bush’s idea Some Iraqi Children Liberated By War Criminal american Cruise Missiles More Recent Liberatees among many others at the Hands of War Criminal americans US Marine falsified report on killings of Iraqi civilians Asked about the incident of US Marines killing of Iraqi unarmed civilians US Deputy Director for Regional Operations Joint Chiefs of Staff Brig Gen Carter Ham said two investigations under way Iraq-USA Politics 5/31/2006 US troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq AP US troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq By KIM GAMEL Associated Press Writer Wed May 31 11:03 PM ET BAGHDAD Iraq – US forces killed two Iraqi women one of them about to give birth when the troops shot at a car that failed to stop at an observation post in a city north of Baghdad Iraqi officials and relatives said Wednesday Nabiha Nisaif Jassim 35 was being raced to the maternity hospital in Samarra by her brother when the shooting occurred Tuesday Haditha inquiry finds false reports: Washington Post WASHINGTON Reuters – A US military inquiry into whether Marines tried to cover up the killings of Iraqi civilians in Haditha will conclude that some officers gave false reports to their superiors who then failed to scrutinize the information according to a newspaper report on Thursday The Washington Post citing an unidentified Army official said the three-month investigation was also expected to call for changes in how US troops are trained for duty in Iraq The investigation is one of two ongoing military probes into the November 19 killings of 24 men women and children in the town of Haditha 125 miles northwest of Baghdad in an area that has seen much activity by Sunni Arab insurgents The newspaper reported that the Army official said there were multiple failures but declined to say whether he would characterize it as a ‘coverup’ as alleged by Rep John Murtha news bio voting record The Pennsylvania Democrat a decorated retired Marine is a vocal critic of the war in Iraq US lawmaker John Murtha pictured 22 May 2006 said that US Marines tried to cover-up the killings in November of some 24 unarmed civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha Probe finds Haditha killings unprovoked Reuters – Wed May 31 4:41 PM ET A video provided to Reuters on March 21 2006 by Hamourabi Human rights group shows bodies being loaded onto a truck which Hamourabi says is of bodies of a family of 15 shot dead in their home in Haditha in western Anbar province Report: False testimony in Haditha probe By NEDRA PICKLER Associated Press Writer Military investigators have evidence that points toward unprovoked murders by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha a senior defense official said last week A US military investigation will conclude that some officers gave false testimony to their superiors The Washington Post reported on its Web site Wednesday night The superiors then failed to scrutinize reports adequately the Post reported Meaningfully Lawless us Slouching Toward September 29 2006 – Suspension of habaeus corpus Geneva Convention abrogation torture promoted ignore meaningful rules of law the american wayWhat they worry No They work for the meaningfully lawless banana republic dictatorship america! What’s the democrat and republican excuse this time They were fooled again Criminals following incompetent war criminal and burnt out moron bush down ineluctable path of decline The Christ-killing jews have and continue to cost the world and america immeasurably and substantially: In the middle of the 19th century the jews created two new world movements: one Communism which was directed at Gentiles preached internationalism and class warfare and was founded by the jew Karl Marx The other Zionism which was specifically for jews preached jewish nationalism and solidarity and the creation of a Zionist state — israel All the Killings With All Those Weapons Given by Americans Essa bin Mohammed Al-Zedjali Arab News The US administration continues to provide Israel its closest ally with the most advanced weapons including the sophisticated Smart and Cluster bombs to be used in its continued war against Lebanon Editorial: Lebanon Holocaust31 July 2006 Israel’s murderous bloody attack yesterday using US-supplied laser-guided missiles represents a new low in subhuman depravity The target was a residential building in the Lebanese village of 8-1-06 benjewman pet-us-am-yahoo aka benjamin netanyahu a zionist jew likud-nut-nic speciously compares cuban missile crisis to the more nazi-like israeli aggression in Lebanon conveniently forgetting in typical lying jew fashion that said crisis was solved diplomatically and without a shot being fired Moreover it is the lawless international law scofflaw israelies who have stockpiles of nuclear weapons while the Lebanese have none but in fairness and justice probably should have some to deter the lawless israelies Bloodthirsty Christ-killing jews bomb hospital and kill many civillians including women and children UN ‘shocked’ by Qana raid which now has been revealed as not being in any proximity to missiles alledgedly fired at israel and which israeli lies were confirmed by israeli insiders who out of conscience revealed same New war criminals’ terrorist israeli/american victims: Ineluctable Conclusion Based On Facts and Reality: criminal Are The Lawless Fraudulent Criminal Scum of the Earth If There Was No israel or america This World Would Be A Better Place Lawless terrorist nation israel is the provocator of war global instability and chaos Fallen Criminal Nation america is Bankrupt Financially and Otherwise Any Ally including taxpayers they’ll never see their squandered social security pensions etc of the Lawless Fraudulent War Criminal Corrupt americans Are Enemies of the Civilized World Founded Upon Meaningful Rules of Law and Civilized Behavior I’m Finished With Lawless Criminal Fraudulent america and Not the Other Way Around! UFOetry: We Never Went To The Moon – The Award-Winning Documentary/Music/Video by John Lee The 40 Billion Scam More than 100 Billion in today’s worthless dollars This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods Iphones etc |
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Medvedev Former President In Putin’s Shadow Resigns As Prime Minister |
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Russian government resigns as Vladimir Putin plans future |
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Where are you Putin that |
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Putin anuncia cambios radicales en el gobierno |
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Russian parliament to review Putin’s PM pick after shock overhaul |
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Putin Umumkan Ubah Konstitusi Pemerintah Rusia Mundur |
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Who is Vladimir Putin जिनके एक इशारे पर बदल रहा है रूस का संविधान |
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Putin Merkel ile Moskova’da görüştü |
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VIDEO/ Gazetari filmon Putin dhe Bashir Al Assad teksa tallen me Trump |
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Putin primul pas în scenariul ”liderul națiunii” |
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Where is Putin Russian President Absent on World Cup Football |
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Putin a semnat decretul Federația Rusă are un nou premier |
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Putin zu Russland als Seemacht auf deutsch Video |
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Expert: Putin si připravuje půdu na odchod Velké divadlo ohledně změn ústavy může být zástěrkou |
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Komentář: Co bude s Putinem rozhodne Putin Jeho režim netaje |
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İstanbulda Ərdoğanla Putin arasında danışıqlar başladı |
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Renunció todo el gobierno de Rusia luego del discurso de Vladimir Putin |
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Anyone who says they know what Putin will do is ‘lying’ says academic |
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Majoritatea oamenilor au vazut cel putin o eclipsa totala de luna Aceasta are loc cand intreaga Luna trece prin umbra Pamantului In acest caz Soarele si Luna se afla in parti opuse Pamantului Daca vedeti o eclipsa de luna vizibila doar noaptea in anum |
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Russia’s Vladimir Putin engineers shakeup that could keep him in power longer |
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Russia government resigns following announcement of reforms to weaken Putin’s successor |
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‘Putin İktidarını Uzatmanın Zeminini Hazırlıyor’ |
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Vladimir Putin plans for future as Russian… |
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Putin chce přežít konec svého prezidentství rozdávat karty a neztratit moc říká Pazderka |
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Escándalo en Rusia: renunció el Gabinete de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin Mixail Mişutsinin Baş Nazir təyin olunması haqqında sərəncam imzalayıb |
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What Changes Is Putin Planning for Russia’s Constitution |
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El impeachment a Trump llega al masivas en el gabinete de Putin tras su discurso en el Parlamento |
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Thông điệp Liên bang của Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin |
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Die Pläne von Wladimir Putin Die Verfassung bin ich Ein Kommentar von Russland-Korrespondent Christian Esch |
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Son dakika! Putin resmen teklifini sundu |
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VIDEO/ Putin dhe Bashar Al Assad tallen me Donald Trump: Sikur të kthehej në rrugën e duhur… |
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Dublarea alocatiilor se amana cel putin jumatate de an – Guvernul ia decizia azi |
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Vladímir Putin maniobra de nuevo para perpetuarse en el poder |
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Putin: ‘Ciddi söhbət etməyin vaxtı çatıb’ |
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Adomėnas: Putin przekroczył wszelkie możliwe granice |
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Putin hökuməti öz piarına qurban verdi – Areşidze |
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20 Jahre Putin: Bleibt Russland im „Wachstumstal“ stecken |
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Shock as Putin names new PM lays out constitutional |
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Niemcy: Putin kalkuluje jak utrzymać się u władzy |
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Putin Proposes for Constitution to Bar Russians Who Have Residency Permits Abroad From Becoming Top Officials |
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Putin Lakukan Reformasi Pemerintahan Semua Menteri Mengundurkan Diri |
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Putin va emite un decret privind amendamentele constituţionale Navalnîi: el vrea să „rămână lider pe viaţă” |
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Renunció todo el gobierno ruso para dar lugar a una reforma impulsada por Putin |
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Putin hält Rede zur Lage der Nation mit deutscher Leserhinweise |
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Ông Putin đề cử Thủ tướng mới |
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Vladímir Putin firma decreto con nombramiento de Mishustin como nuevo primer |
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Usul Ubah Konsitusi Putin Disebut Ingin Berkuasa Seumur Hidup |
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Putin Kembali Melayani Amerika Dan Menjamu Pemimpin Korea Utara |
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Russia: Vladimir Putin announces constitutional reform |
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Turquía: ¿El aliado de Putin en la OTAN |
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Vladimir Putin plans for future as Russian government resigns |
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Putin designa a Mijaíl Mishustin como primer ministro |
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Putin plánuje meniť ústavu Medvedev mu chce svojou demisiou uvoľniť ruky |
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Renuncia de gobierno ruso responde a cambios propuestos por Putin |
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Putin prepara la strada al proprio futuro politico |
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Lãnh đạo Chính phủ Nga từ chức mất cùng lúc hai tướng tài Lavrov và Shoigu: Tính toán khó hiểu của Tổng thống Putin |
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The Dirty Politics Behind Israel’s Capitulation to Putin’s WWII Revisionism |
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Duma Putin’in önerdiði baþbakan adayýný aranýyor mu sahiden |
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Presiden Vladimir Putin Kena Tilang Naik Motor Tak Gunakan Helm |
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Putin’s New Plan to Hold Power Forever |
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Russian government resigns as Putin proposes reforms that could extend his grip on power |
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Putin Names Head of Tax Service Mikhail Mishustin As New Prime Minister |
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Putin Ubah Konstitusi Demi Perpanjang Kekuasaan PM Rusia Umumkan Pengunduran Diri |
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Iran-USA: Putin und Merkel als Entschärfer Video |
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Russian lawmakers approve Putin’s pick for new PM |
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Statsministeren måtte gå på dagen – Det gikk ikke som vi håpet sa Putin |
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Obrigado a deixar o poder em 2024 Putin prepara seu futuro político |
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Doping casts shadow over Putin’s hopes for sporting prestige |
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Netanyahu talks to Putin is ‘optimistic’ on Israeli-American backpacker release |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan – Putin zirvesi başladı! |
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President Vladimir Putin is due to step down in 2024 Are the proposed constitutional changes aimed at securing his place in government |
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Putin says Trump’s impeachment is unjustified |
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Dymisja Miedwiediewa Ekspert: Putin zapowiedział kolejną pierestrojkę |
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Seluruh Kabinetnya Mengundurkan Diri Ada Apa dengan Putin dan Rusia |
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Putin Medvedyevi niyə istefaya göndərdi – Mühüm səbəb |
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Putin propuso reformar la Constitución y renunció todo el gobierno ruso |
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Concertul pentru vioară şi orchestră de Brahms interpretat de Gabriel vor depune o moțiune de cenzură dacă guvernul va Putin l-a numit pe Mihail Mişustin în funcţia de preşedinte |
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Verfassungsreform: Was führt Putin im Schilde |
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Russian political earthquake: Putin sets out plan for Kremlin departure amp Medvedev resigns |
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Angel Putin |
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Nga sẽ sớm nghiên cứu sửa đổi hiến pháp theo đề xuất của Tổng thống Putin |
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Rosja: Putin spotkał się z grupą roboczą ds zmian w konstytucji |
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Putin deu mais um passo para se eternizar no poder |
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Renuncia el gabinete ruso tras anuncio de reformas de Putin |
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What was Russia’s Putin up to after the death of Iran’s Soleimani |
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How Putin Tries to Depoliticize Russia’s Youth |
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Tổng thống Putin tự hào khoe vũ khí bất bại Tướng Mỹ coi nhẹ |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin công bố thông tin quan trọng |
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Chân dung người được ông Putin “chọn mặt gửi vàng” cho chức tân thủ tướng Nga |
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Putin’den Kasım Süleymani’nin öldürülmesine |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Putin incluyendo al primer ministro de Rusia |
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Putin names new PM in surprise reshuffle of top team |
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Russian Government Resigns As Putin Proposes Constitutional Reform |
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Russia’s Entire Government Resigns Putin Picks Chief Taxman to Replace Medvedev at PM |
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¡En claves! Estas son las reformas que propone Putin que sacuden la política rusa |
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8 Ocak 2020: Erdoğan-Putin Ortak Açıklaması |
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Vladimír Putin promluvil v celostátní televizi a padla vláda: Jaká zaklínadla nám pověděl a co bude dál |
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Chính phủ Nga từ chức Putin đề cử Thủ tướng mới hé lộ kế hoạch sửa đổi Hiến pháp |
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Vladimir Putin formaliza nombramiento de Mijaíl Mishustin como primer ministro de Rusia |
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Putin’in başbakan adayı belli oldu |
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Hafter görüşmede ‘sinir krizi’ geçirmiş yetkili ‘Putin bunu unutmaz’ demiş |
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Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güncel Sorunlar: Putin Dönemi Rusya’sı ve Avrasyacılık Fikir Atölyesi: Sonuç Raporu |
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Mijail Mishustin el desconocido que Vladimir Putin nombró como primer ministro |
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International Day of Action for a Unique Solution: Build Peace via Emergency Trump-Putin-Xi Summit |
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Merkel-Besuch bei Putin: Erstaunlich „freundliche“ Töne |
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Vladimir Putin a semnat decretul pentru numirea noului premier al Rusiei |
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Mišustin sa stal novým ruským premiérom do funkcie ho navrhol Putin |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Rusia Putin nomina |
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Renuncia todo el gabinete de Rusia Putin nomina a nuevo primer ministro |
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Ảnh: Những khoảnh khắc khó quên trong 30 năm sát cánh giữa Putin và Medvedev |
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Russian government resigns en masse—what is Putin up to |
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Putin’s Power Shake-up: Here Are Six Takeaways |
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Președintele rus Vladimir Putin l-a numit pe Mihail Mișustin în… |
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Putin’in anayasa değişikliği çağrısının ardından Medvedev hükümeti istifa etti |
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Putin’s cabinet resigns after proposed changes to Russia’s constitution – CBS Evening News |
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Putin: Digər ölkələr çoxdan belə bir qərar qəbul ediblər |
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O presidente da R煤ssia Vladimir Putin sancionou na 煤ltima quinta-feira 7 um “pacote de med |
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Putin ve Selman Aramco saldırısını görüştü |
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Vladimir Putin a dat startul tranziţiei puterii în Rusia |
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La razón por la que todo el gobierno ruso le renunció a Putin |
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COMMENTARY: Putin’s plan for unlimited political power |
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For stories like the Trump-Putin summit Google News needs to be clearer about how its algorithm works and learn to separate commentary from factual reporting Rich Gordon/Nieman Lab |
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What Putin’s Constitutional Shakeup Means |
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Putin’s prime minister submits resignation after Russian leader proposed Cabinet overhaul |
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Putin köhnə siyasi simaları təmizləyir – Zülfüqarov |
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Dan Dungaciu: Demisia Guvernului Rusiei ar putea însemna o reașezare a cabinetului în funcție de interesele strategice ale lui Vladimir Putin |
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A shaman unnerves Vladimir Putin: Shades of Rasputin surround a mystical figure attempting to ply his trade in Moscow |
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Putin: Ustavnim izmenama predsednik i dalje može da smenjuje |
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Putin appoints Mishustin as new Russian PM after |
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‘Putin ve Esad Trump’la dalga geçti’ |
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Pe cine a desemnat Vladimir Putin pentru funcția de premier al Rusiei |
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Liviya savaşı: Putin yoxsa Ərdoğan – Bölgədə yeni sitasiya |
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Medvedev podneo ostavku Putin planira da menja ustav |
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Putin iri məmurlara xarici vətəndaşlığı qadağan etdi – Ağır şərtlər |
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Is Putin attempting to carve out a ‘father of the nation’ role – Al Jazeera English |
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Is Putin attempting to carve out a ‘father of the nation’ role |
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Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đề xuất sửa đổi Hiến pháp trong Thông điệp Liên bang |
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Dimite Gobierno ruso tras mensaje anual de Putin |
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Putin: Rusiya nüvə silahında dünya lideridir |
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Putin Proposes Vote on Constitutional Shake-Up That Could Extend His Rule |
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Ông Putin có những lựa chọn gì để duy trì quyền lực sau 2024 |
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Putin starts the management of what comes after him |
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Putin Medvedevi bu vəzifəyə TƏYİN ETDİ |
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Tổng thống Putin giải tán chính phủ đề xuất sửa đổi hiến pháp |
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Putin propone al jefe del servicio tributario Mijaíl Mishustin como candidato para encabezar el nuevo Gobierno – VisionRDN |
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Fake Dutch ‘moon rock’ revealedPrized moon rock a fake – A PIECE of moon rock given to an overseas politician by the United States is actually a lump of petrified wood museum authorities revealed yesterday ‘Moon Rock’ in Dutch Museum Is Just Petrified Wood Aug 27 2009 Fake moon rock at Dutch national museum Rijksmuseum / AP This rock supposedly brought back from the moon by American astronauts In reality it is just a piece of petrified wood Another piece of evidence that shows again that Apollo program is indeed a fake and a fraud NO HUMAN HAS EVER SET FOOT ON THE MOON! Esoteric Agenda: A Well Produced Well Researched Very Informative and Worthwhile Public Domain Video These are VOB Video Files 420 GB Total Which Can Be Burned Directly to DVD If You Have Difficulty Downloading VOB /MPG Files Then View here By Clicking Or Here Web Site Archived FLV Version of Esoteric Agenda For Greater Perspective Regarding the Increasingly Less Rational Actions Decisions and Events We’re Witnessing Some Background Material Paper: The Psychoanalytic Method PDF Formatted Version Concise Powerpoint Presentations on Central Topics in General Psychology The Evolutionary Trend for Mankind as All Things Old Are New Again – Some Things Never Change Such Humble Beginnings for that Elite Family Called Man and Friends To Learn More About From Whence Man Came This Link’s For You 10-5-09 Postscript: Professor I felt compelled to thank you again for the add not to curry your favor but indeed to express profound thanks inasmuch as this is probably the last formal course at a formal educational institution I’ll ever take and among the most important While I had bought at discount a library-discarded 1993 Anthropology by Embers text though meaning to read same never quite got to it I am astounded by the substantial amount of time involved in the evolutionary process not that I ever stopped to think about it and one must come away with the sense of ‘and all thatfor this’ This course should be required curriculum along with psychology sociology etc but probably won’t be owing to what is as it should be a very humbling educational experience for any member of the human race Regards Al Peia Birthers Gone Wild My Eye Site Wall Street Lunacy 2006 Current Topics 2006 Financial Lunacy 2006 The New Century Phenomenon of Online Dating’s Here and There’s A Website Dedicated to the Ins and Outs no pun intended and Do’s and Don’t’s That’s Worth a Look! Congress is currently considering CISPA – the Cyber Intelligence Sharing amp Protection Act – a bill that purports to protect the United States from ‘cyber threats’ but would in fact create a gaping loophole in all existing privacy laws If CISPA passes companies could vacuum up huge swaths of data on everyday Internet users and share it with the government without a court order I oppose CISPA and I’m calling on Congress to reject any legislation that: Uses dangerously vague language to define the breadth of data that can be shared with the government Hands the reins of America’s cybersecurity defenses to the NSA an agency with no transparency and little accountability Allows data shared with the government to be used for purposes unrelated to cybersecurity Join me in opposing this bill by posting this statement on your own page and using this online form to send a letter to Congress against CISPA: DON’T SACRIFICE CIVIL LIBERTIES IN HR 3523 CYBERSECURITY LEGISLATION I’m writing today to urge you to oppose dangerously vague legislation like HR 3523 and any similar cybersecurity bill that would give unfettered immunity to companies to monitor and share sensitive user data with the government and one another Congress has enacted privacy legislation to protect the sanctity of our electronic communications but bills like HR 3523 and similar cybersecurity proposals eviscerate these well-constructed privacy protections The sweeping language around purposes is so overbroad and vague that it: Would allow companies to monitor and collect any kind of data no matter how sensitive it was even private emails and text messages Would give companies a free pass to share data with anyone at all including other companies and the federal government Gives companies total immunity from being held liable for their actions no matter how many peoples’ privacy is violated Hands the keys to this data to intelligence agencies which lack transparency and public accountability Don’t trample on our civil liberties in a rush to pass cybersecurity legislationOppose HR 3523 and any other dangerously vague and overbroad cybersecurity bill that would give immunity to companies to share almost any information with the government and one another and threaten civilian control of cybersecurity Click Here For The Noteworthy New Stories/Events of 2005 – Note: Noteworthy News Events/Stories Having a Continuing Impact On The Present and Future Are Carried Forward – 2005 Breakinews Can Also Be View By Scrolling Down The Marquee-Linked File Above Click Here For The Noteworthy New Stories/Events of 2004 – Note: Noteworthy News Events/Stories Having a Continuing Impact On The Present and Future Are Carried Forward – 2004 Breakinews Can Also Be View By Scrolling Down The Marquee-Linked File Above For Those Using Apple’s Safari Browser Which May Not Support Marquees Click for Latest Noteworthy News Stories – The Precise Path Is: Comprehensive Daily Summary/Links To News/Headlines Courtesy of Yahoo They’re Killing the List by Quayle Updated August 2009 Summary Chronology of News Events in 2005 Noteworthy New Stories/Events of 2005 – Note: Noteworthy News Events/Stories Having a Continuing Impact On The Present and Future Are Carried Forward Site Search Technology Courtesy Of Free Find freefindcom The Reality Box The Verified Complaint The Affidavit The RICO Statement 2-26-08 ADDENDUM RICO Civil Litigation Summary Letter To Special Agent in Charge Letter To FBI Agent Jeff Rasey Letter To Squad 7 Letter To Local Police With Documents Regarding Criminal Referral Of RICO Crimes In Accordance With Federal District Court Order – Delivered By Hand The ADDENDUM The Declaration/Certification RESPONSE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S CROSS-MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS IN THE SUM CERTAIN AMOUNT OF 5 MILLION DEMANDED IN THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT Filed 10-16-08 and served: Documents Filed/Served/Provided to FBI also on Disk PDF format While my priority remains as it should as to the very large and substantial RICO action venued in the Second Circuit District of Connecticut involving far more egregious wrongful and unlawful conduct than that involved in the relatively small california case plaintiff/appellant does not intend to roll over in what remains of this californiamatter although plaintiff/appellant has substantially compromised the amount demanded to the sum-certain reduced amount requested herein to facilitate resolution hereof As a show of good faith and in the interest of comity toward resolution of the federal RICO action and even this simple and relatively small action I had refrained from updating and disseminating my site interestingly Sam Alito who has committed RICO violations in burying inculpatory RICO related documents while us attorney is apparently being rewarded yet again for his protective complicity see RICO documents in US Files herein: The Verified Complaint The Affidavit The RICO Statement Letter To Local Police With Documents Regarding Criminal Referral Of RICO Crimes In Accordance With Federal District Court Order – Delivered By Hand The ADDENDUM The Declaration/Certification RESPONSE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PROFFER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S CROSS-MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS IN THE SUM CERTAIN AMOUNT OF 5 MILLION DEMANDED IN THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT despite statements as ie nobody is above the law which obviously don’t ring true I wonder what FBI Agent Barndollar sent documents is thinking FBI are the only federal employees that don’t take bribes one way or another and whom I based upon experience and others should trust Polling suggests the people trust neither republicans 11 approval nor democrats 15 with 73 saying there’s little difference note democrat senate minority leader harry reed refuses to return the abramoff money What about ustop gun The Duke – aptly played by mental case scientologist cruise I wonder about the probably unanimous vote of a raise congress for jobs poorly done ie deficits trade and budget 2 trillion price tag on the illegal criminal war in Iraq including prospective vetadmin payouts etc etc That 215 billion in bonuses plus profits costs expenses salaries etc to the wall street frauds that money has to come from some place Only A Small Fraction Of What wall street Does Is A Net Positive For The Economy New Investment Capital The Rest Is Tantamount To A Economically Wasteful Tax On The Economy via ‘churn and earn’ computerized programmed trades Note the suckers’ market rally to suck them in in january 2006 for the supertitious january effect despite the reality of this secular bear market the end of the bull cycle therein and half the corporate profits in coming year 2006 as compared to 2005 with 2005 sustained by unsustainable deficit spending etc and now as in final pre-election result push for bush 2006 mid-terms which fell very short but has provided the same pump-priming of the market as most recently in 1999 which ended quite badly even without the exacerbating effects of huge unsustainable and debilitating debt/deficits deferring/prolonging the inevitable reality even as entire domestic us industries are rendered defunct and with corporate welfare unwisely spent war crimes etcHowever this latest california/la distraction requires elucidation as follows: Response to App Div OSC STATE OF CALIFORNIA ethics complaint Response to SupCt OSC designation of record on appeal The so-called order appealed from How embarrassing for the superior court of the state of california! Typical corrupt banana republic america/california court 1-11-06: The latest regarding degenerate criminal lost angelinos’ continuing aberrant criminal behavior the surging Nissan Motors made a wise rational move in leaving california The california crime stats are understated Drugs and games More Drugs and games LAPD’s Dilligence and Reply The Latest – October 17 2006 2007: Little glamour in LA ‘gang capital of America’ With All the Talk and Focus on Homeland Security the Fact is that California is the Lawless ‘Homieland’ negroe hispanic gangs/criminals radical jews/criminalsie irv rubin etc that is Neither Fit for Life Investment Nor Business new jersey and other parts of the northeast are similarly bad California like the aforesaid denizens is obscene that is utterly without redeeming social value legal definition Rational people would be crazy to come and stay in this diseased mismanaged lawless and home to the uncivilized bubble/bubba/bl st state the california among other numerous states real estate bubble Dateline: 11-22-02 – A New Distinction for Los Angeles: ‘Murder Capital of the Nation’ In light of that set forth herein how could they not have seen that coming LAPD Chief Bratton has described this disgusting california scenario as worse than any crime scenario he has ever seen in his life 3-3-06: The gangs ie negroe hispanic are using molotov cocktails automatic weapons etc in ie Compton CA etc 8-12-06 Before the officers could even open their doors a passenger got out and started raking the car with gunfire from an AK-47 said police spokesman Lt Paul Vernon Officer James Tuck was hit twice in the stomach and a third bullet nearly severed his hand Although Tuck 26 was wearing a bulletproof vest it offered little protection from the high-powered weapon at close range police said The LAPD cruiser was riddled with bullet holes the gunman opened up with the ak47 They actually segregate prisoners in prisons for prisoner safety Law abiding people outside the prisons should be so lucky! That little incompetent macaque/brown monkey villagairosa reports indicate he failed the bar exam 4 times keeps pushing for a takeover of the school district when everyone knows that the dumb spks can’t understand a word the teachers are saying and he still is afraid of the illegal alien word that has added to crime and strained resources beyond limit etc Can you believe that they even railed at police in pursuit of hispanic felons for not warning in spanish MENU TITLE: Gang Crime Recordkeeping Series: NIJ Research in Brief Published: June 1994 NCJ 148345 20 pages Gang Crime and Law Enforcement Recordkeeping by G David Curry Richard A Ball and Robert J Fox ——————- EXCERPT ‘Of the police departments reporting gang crime problems almost all said they recorded the race or ethnicity of gang members As with other types of data noted above there was a difference between recording information and being able to report that information in summary form Of the 72 large city police departments reporting gang crime problems only 25 35 percent provided statistics on the ethnicity of identified gang members of the 38 smaller cities only 12 32 percent provided statistics on ethnicity The ethnic composition of gang members in these cities remains predominantly black 48 percent and Hispanic 43 percent The black groups were made up primarily of African-Americans but also included Jamaicans and blacks of other countries’ The Color of Crime: a report on 1994 crime statistics the most recent available Major Findings: There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime Of the approximately 1700000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category Hispanic offenders are classified as whites which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women Copyright 1999 by New Century Foundation Conquest of the Southwest California by Any Means The ravings of Al Quaeda or other terrorists No Should you be alarmed A resounding YES They MEChA stand for Chicano power the ‘reqonquista’ for Aztlan that’s their little phrase for the Southwest United States and that the United States was stolen from Mexico and they’re going to reconquer it General membership shall consist of any student who accepts believes and works for the goals and objectives of MEChA including the liberation of AZTLAN meaning self-determination of our people in this occupied state and the physical liberation of our land California politicians who have never renounced their membership in the organization include Lieutenant Governor and current ex-officio UC Regent Cruz Bustamente former State Assembly Speaker and Los Angeles mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa failed the bar exam 4 times State Assemblyman Gil Cadillo and State Sen Joe Baca The Time Has Come For Action and Not Words Regarding The Criminals Ab Initio Illegal Immigrants Including the Much Needed Funding and Building of The Wall to Bar These Clearly Negative Third World Banana Republic Scourges On american Society Including the Pump and Dump Anchor Babies For Whom Citizenship Should Be Outlawed 10-4-06 View Pravda Posts Most Recent 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 How Pathetic The russians Are! This Contrived Glaring Instance Of Censorship Typifies The Lost Days of a Failed Oppressive and Repressive Soviet Communist Regime Much Like The Leftist Losers In Criminal America Bureaucrat bushes Included along with Hillbilly Buddies clinton et als Their Regressive Longing For The Bygone Days of Failed Ideologies Systems Bureaucratic Inefficiencies Meaningfully Lawlessness and Economic Waste Fraud and Bribery is Fast Becoming The Deleterious Norm In america Where Was Pravda Regarding The Felled Future of Russia In the Persona of Alexander Lebed Who Was Murdered By Putin and His Thugs Lunatic Murderous Madmen As lenin and stalin and Now the kgb lightweight-brainwashed putin Have Much Like in america Under Criminal Hillbilly bushes and clintons Cost Their Respective Nations and The World Immeasurably What A Bunch of Losers The Rooskies are Much Like Their Current Criminal american Counterparts! The foregoing links will be supplanted by a topically indexed page which is primarily what I used the posts for I Will Also Subscribe To More International and Progressive Forums Reproducing Said Posts and Prospectively Posting Anew What a Bunch of Losers! ‘PRAVDA POT CALLS AMERICAN KETTLE BLACK’ Great Lies of the American free press – 05/23/2005 The Bush dictatorship often uses Adolph Hitler’s great lie theory – the political tactic where a leader fabricates great lies The Bush dictatorship also discovered a residual benefit of the great lie theory: People are often so myopic or so embarrassed by their gullibility that even after the great lies are exposed they would rather reward the liar than acknowledge the lieWhile I too Appropriately Disparage the american Press/Media It Should Be Emphasized to the Pathetic/Dumb Russkies That the american Press/Media Is Not Free Is Censored/Controlled Implicitly Pressure Economic and otherwise and Explicitly But that the Russian Press/Media Is Even More A Joke and A Fraud If That Can Even Be Fathomed With The Failed Communist Years Which Cost the Entire World Substantially Living Testament to that Reality! I also agree that the dictator/war criminals bush and company must be prosecuted and removed from office! I Have Begun the Task of Creating a Topically Indexed Page Here 3-3-06: As a show of good faith and comity prior to the typical abomination of a ruling contrary to clear law I briefly set forth the following optimal us course and care little whether same is followed: the criminal state of israel formerly led by king of the jews/terrorist sharon/ now vegetable as he should be is not the ally of any nation but israel by merely enforcing international law as to the Christ-killing jews america would cut the anti-american sentiment in half by enforcing the oslo accords and finalizing the palestinian nation state an additional 25percent reduction by eliminating israel ie for killing 34 american sailors illegally stockpiling nuclear weapons spying on america contriving america’s anti-Arab conflicts etc america’s future in the most positive sense would be secured as incompetent as the republicans are the democrats who voted for the war etc were are and would fair worse for the nation if they were majority in congress the terrorists/criminals within would love it – no position on presidency yet and premature as they conveniently forget the very source of China’s economic preeminence/surplus as payback by clinton for financing clinton ie John Huang communist Peoples Party etc squandering the cold war victory peace dividend and consequent goodwill/surplus made us a global laughing stock covered up numerous crimes and even had them killed americans to do so gave terrorists raison d’etre with ‘wag the dog’ bombings etc Cheney should be forced to resign immediately and be replaced by George macacawitz Allen VA latest reports indicate he is part jewish which makes his positions relative to the mideast highly suspect thus disqualifying him from consideration 10-5-06 or Mitt Romney MA in that precise order of preference After the mid-term elections bush should be forced to resign – he’s a war criminal brain damaged and excessively and embarrassingly dumb incompetent and never really wanted to be president in the first place global criminal cabal daddy hoover bush’s idea Some Iraqi Children Liberated By War Criminal american Cruise Missiles More Recent Liberatees among many others at the Hands of War Criminal americans US Marine falsified report on killings of Iraqi civilians Asked about the incident of US Marines killing of Iraqi unarmed civilians US Deputy Director for Regional Operations Joint Chiefs of Staff Brig Gen Carter Ham said two investigations under way Iraq-USA Politics 5/31/2006 US troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq AP US troops kill pregnant woman in Iraq By KIM GAMEL Associated Press Writer Wed May 31 11:03 PM ET BAGHDAD Iraq – US forces killed two Iraqi women one of them about to give birth when the troops shot at a car that failed to stop at an observation post in a city north of Baghdad Iraqi officials and relatives said Wednesday Nabiha Nisaif Jassim 35 was being raced to the maternity hospital in Samarra by her brother when the shooting occurred Tuesday Haditha inquiry finds false reports: Washington Post WASHINGTON Reuters – A US military inquiry into whether Marines tried to cover up the killings of Iraqi civilians in Haditha will conclude that some officers gave false reports to their superiors who then failed to scrutinize the information according to a newspaper report on Thursday The Washington Post citing an unidentified Army official said the three-month investigation was also expected to call for changes in how US troops are trained for duty in Iraq The investigation is one of two ongoing military probes into the November 19 killings of 24 men women and children in the town of Haditha 125 miles northwest of Baghdad in an area that has seen much activity by Sunni Arab insurgents The newspaper reported that the Army official said there were multiple failures but declined to say whether he would characterize it as a ‘coverup’ as alleged by Rep John Murtha news bio voting record The Pennsylvania Democrat a decorated retired Marine is a vocal critic of the war in Iraq US lawmaker John Murtha pictured 22 May 2006 said that US Marines tried to cover-up the killings in November of some 24 unarmed civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha Probe finds Haditha killings unprovoked Reuters – Wed May 31 4:41 PM ET A video provided to Reuters on March 21 2006 by Hamourabi Human rights group shows bodies being loaded onto a truck which Hamourabi says is of bodies of a family of 15 shot dead in their home in Haditha in western Anbar province Report: False testimony in Haditha probe By NEDRA PICKLER Associated Press Writer Military investigators have evidence that points toward unprovoked murders by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha a senior defense official said last week A US military investigation will conclude that some officers gave false testimony to their superiors The Washington Post reported on its Web site Wednesday night The superiors then failed to scrutinize reports adequately the Post reported Meaningfully Lawless us Slouching Toward September 29 2006 – Suspension of habaeus corpus Geneva Convention abrogation torture promoted ignore meaningful rules of law the american wayWhat they worry No They work for the meaningfully lawless banana republic dictatorship america! What’s the democrat and republican excuse this time They were fooled again Criminals following incompetent war criminal and burnt out moron bush down ineluctable path of decline The Christ-killing jews have and continue to cost the world and america immeasurably and substantially: In the middle of the 19th century the jews created two new world movements: one Communism which was directed at Gentiles preached internationalism and class warfare and was founded by the jew Karl Marx The other Zionism which was specifically for jews preached jewish nationalism and solidarity and the creation of a Zionist state — israel All the Killings With All Those Weapons Given by Americans Essa bin Mohammed Al-Zedjali Arab News The US administration continues to provide Israel its closest ally with the most advanced weapons including the sophisticated Smart and Cluster bombs to be used in its continued war against Lebanon Editorial: Lebanon Holocaust31 July 2006 Israel’s murderous bloody attack yesterday using US-supplied laser-guided missiles represents a new low in subhuman depravity The target was a residential building in the Lebanese village of 8-1-06 benjewman pet-us-am-yahoo aka benjamin netanyahu a zionist jew likud-nut-nic speciously compares cuban missile crisis to the more nazi-like israeli aggression in Lebanon conveniently forgetting in typical lying jew fashion that said crisis was solved diplomatically and without a shot being fired Moreover it is the lawless international law scofflaw israelies who have stockpiles of nuclear weapons while the Lebanese have none but in fairness and justice probably should have some to deter the lawless israelies Bloodthirsty Christ-killing jews bomb hospital and kill many civillians including women and children UN ‘shocked’ by Qana raid which now has been revealed as not being in any proximity to missiles alledgedly fired at israel and which israeli lies were confirmed by israeli insiders who out of conscience revealed same New war criminals’ terrorist israeli/american victims: Ineluctable Conclusion Based On Facts and Reality: criminal Are The Lawless Fraudulent Criminal Scum of the Earth If There Was No israel or america This World Would Be A Better Place Lawless terrorist nation israel is the provocator of war global instability and chaos Fallen Criminal Nation america is Bankrupt Financially and Otherwise Any Ally including taxpayers they’ll never see their squandered social security pensions etc of the Lawless Fraudulent War Criminal Corrupt americans Are Enemies of the Civilized World Founded Upon Meaningful Rules of Law and Civilized Behavior I’m Finished With Lawless Criminal Fraudulent america and Not the Other Way Around! UFOetry: We Never Went To The Moon – The Award-Winning Documentary/Music/Video by John Lee The 40 Billion Scam More than 100 Billion in today’s worthless dollars This is the MP4 Version Which is Smaller file size / Faster and also great with Ipods Iphones etc |
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Putin consolida su poder con la aprobación de su nuevo Primer Ministro |
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Sorpresiva renuncia de todo el gabinete de Vladimir Putin |
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Quốc tế nổi bật Bài mới của ông Putin |
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‘Putin stays FOREVER’ Ex Russian PM issues ominous prediction after changes announced |
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‘Putin ve Esad Trump’la dalga |
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Putin bën shaka se Bashar al Asad duhet ta ftojë Trumpin në Siri |
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Analyser: En doldis vars koppling till Putin är oklar |
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Renunció el gabinete de Vladimir Putin incluido el Primer Ministro |
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International Day of Action: Trump Putin Xi Must Hold Emergency Summit To Avert War Begin Development |
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Renuncia Gobierno de Rusia tras informe de Putin |
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A río revuelto ganancia de Putin |
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Bất ngờ gây bão chính trường Nga Tổng thống Putin đang chọn con đường giống một nhà lãnh đạo châu Á |
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Putin onayladı! Rusya’nın yeni Başbakanı belli oldu |
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Latest! The entire Russian Government resigns Putin left |
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Putin rearranges the tools in his toolbox |
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Gobierno completo le renuncia a Vladimir Putin |
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Rússia: Putin propõe reformas constitucionais e gabinete de ministros renuncia |
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Even if you think chorale music is not your bag the performances at Laulupidu seen in To Breathe As One will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end You can literally hear one hundred fifty years of tumultuous history crescendoing in triumph over their Czarist and Communist Oppressors It is also a timely reminder of the precariousness of liberty particularly in light of Putin’s expansionist ambitions” — JB SPINS blog |
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Thủ tướng đề cử của Tổng thống Putin lần đầu lên tiếng |
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Putin’s constitutional micmac to continue to reign |
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The Big Hurt The trump Effect They Don’t Care They Really Don’t Care Yes Something’s Bound To Go Wrong trump Lighting Our Fires Civilized Educated Intelligent People In US Say It’s Time To Go Now They Say Lightning Striking There’s Smoke On The Water There’s Smoke In Their Eyes HUFFPOST: Alan Dershowitz Predicts Mueller Report Will Be Very Devastating For Trump – trump breaks into this tune Meanwhile Civilized Educated Intelligent People In US Conclude For Their Own Safety From Psychopath trump- We Got To Get Out Of This Place Yes Civilized Educated Intelligent People In US Are Right – It’s Time To Go Now Trump tells crowd in birthplace of Elvis he looked like the singer growing up WOW What nextOh yeah trump’s Moscow Heartbreak Hotel Yeah that one don that you lied about including Putin’s 50 million gift penthouse from you hmmm trump breaks into the tune A courageous reporter/journalist name witheld for reporter’s protection documents the following lamentable reality: ‘He’s a monster a sick lingering evil that knows no end – it’s clear when you see this clip donald trump keeps topping his own repugnance hatred and lack of compassion It’s as if he doesn’t know how to stop And when speaking about ‘him’ and such adjectives one needs not mention his name anymore In the short clip below Trump is asked how he feels watching children run from tear gas His answer is that of a monster’ As trump defiantly breaks into one of his theme songs |
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Exklusiver Beitrag von Putin „Ein einziges Mal Schwäche zeigen und schon geht’s los“ |
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Putin makes changes as Russia stagnates |
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Putin is sending a message to the world with his shock announcement |
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Putin: “Bu Rusiya-Türkiyə münasibətlərinə qarşı təxribatdır” |
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Putin emëron kryeministrin e ri rus |
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Putin chuẩn bị nắm quyền mãi mãi như thế nào |
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RUSSIA RESIGNS: Entire Russian Govt Is Resigning To Help Putin |
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Putin fast-tracks effort to extend his rule in Russia |
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Địa chấn chính trường Nga: Tổng thống Putin lên kế hoạch rời Điện Kremlin Thủ tướng Medvedev từ chức |
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Juan Pablo Guanipa: La intención del régimen es sabotear la voluntad del pueblo que escogió a esta el gobierno ruso tras el anuncio de reformas de Putin |
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Buhari to meet Putin in Russia |
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Putin plans to hold power beyond 2024 |
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Chính phủ Nga từ chức hàng loạt ông Putin đang toan tính điều gì |
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Did Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev leave a grim clue about Putin’s last punch |
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Putin’in Başbakan Adayı Belli Oldu |
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¿Qué busca Vladimir Putin con su reforma constitucional que llevó al… |
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Cải cách hiến pháp Tổng thống Putin tính đường xa |
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Putin has suggested a bunch of Constitutional amendments Here’s what he wants to change |
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Putin’s cabinet resigns after proposed changes to Russia’s constitution |
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Putin auf deutsch: Lüge zum Tiergartenmord Video |
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57mins Lawmakers approve Putin nominee Mishustin as PM |
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Propone Putin al jefe tributario como primer ministro |
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Ce se ascunde de fapt în spatele demisiei premierului Rusiei Planul lui Putin |
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Người được Tổng thống Putin đề cử làm Thủ tướng Nga có gì đặc biệt |
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“Đốt lò” kiểu Putin: Tịch thu toàn bộ tài sản nếu không chứng minh được nguồn gốc! |
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Rusiyada hökumətin istefası: Putin nə etmək istəyir |
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Russian prime minister resigns as Vladimir Putin plans huge constitutional shake-up |
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Putin Shake-Up Could Keep Him in Power Past 2024 as PM Cabinet Step Aside |
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Putin bereitet mit Arbeitsgruppe Verfassungsänderungen vor |
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Strongman Putin stokes patriotism in small-town Russia |
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Putin Sisi ile telefonda Libya’yı görüştü |
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Video Shows Nancy Pelosi is Batsht Crazy Babbles on About Putin and Russia |
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Putin abre los espacios para sucesión en Rusia |
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U pravoslavnoj crkvi u Damasku PUTIN IZNEO NEVEROVATAN PREDLOG ASADU |
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MEA hits out at China for trying to raise Kashmir issue at Govt resigns as Putin proposes sweeping constitutional reforms |
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Medienreaktion auf das Treffen zwischen Putin und Merkel in Moskau – verhalten |
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Putin’den Kasım Süleymani’nin öldürülmesine ilk tepki! |
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Sorğu: Günü bugün seçki olsa Putinə yalnız 38 faiz səs verilər |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Here Comes Czar Putin – Changes to Russian Constitution and Goodbye Democracy |
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Successo per Merkel A Berlino anche Putin e Pompeo |
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Editorial / Luxemburg hat ein erhebliches / Russisches Parlament bestätigt Mischustin als RegierungschefWenige Stunden nach dem Rücktritt des alten Regierungschefs bekommt Russland gleich einen neuen: Michail Mischustin Er ist der Wunschkandidat des Kremls aber auf dem politischen Parkett kaum bekannt Was will Putin mit dieser Personalie erreichen Nach dem überraschenden Rücktritt der russischen Regierung hat das Unterhaus des Parlaments den Leiter der Steuerbehörde Michail Mischustin planmäßig als… |
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As Putin Schemes to Extend His Reign Expect New Forms of Internet Repression |
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Türk şirketi inşaa etti Putin açılışını yapacak |
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La transizione da Putin a Putin |
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Putin Calls For Systemic Change The ‘System’ Quickly Responds |
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Putin’s new PM promises ‘real changes’ for Russians |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin ký sắc lệnh bổ nhiệm ông Mikhail Mishustin làm Thủ tướng |
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Russia’s cabinet resigns and it’s all part of Putin’s plan |
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Merkel y Putin convocan a conferencia en Berlín |
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Vladimir Putin sa zbavil svojho sluhu |
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Bancul zilei: Putin și Medvedev stau de vorbă |
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15:52 – Rusia lui Putin pe drum catre sistemul Dragnea |
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Rusya’da Hükümet istifa etti! Putin Başbakanlık için Mihail Mişustin ile görüştü |
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Putin Federal Vergi Xidmətinin rəhbərinin namizədliyini baş nazir vəzifəsinə təklif edib |
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Địa chấn chính trị Nga: Tổng thống Putin đã lên kế |
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Machterhalt als Motiv für Putin |
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Putin trifft Arbeitsgruppe für von General Haftar weiter offen |
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Putin obligado a dejar el poder en 2024 prepara su futuro polìtico |
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Russia’s Government Resigns As Putin Moves To Change The Constitution |
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Putin Proposes Sweeping Changes to Russian Constitution Possibly Prolonging His Grip on Power |
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Панарин побеждает Putin Team |
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Thủ tướng Nga Dmitry Medvedev bất ngờ từ chức Vài giờ sau khi Tổng thống Vladimir Putin công bố kế hoạch sửa đổi hiến pháp Thủ tướng Nga Dmitry Medvedev và các thành viên chính phủ thông báo từ chức |
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Cat Saves Toddler From Falling Down government resigns as Putin proposes reforms that could extend his grip on power |
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• Headline: Iran to rejoin JCPOA Putin and Merkel working now |
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Son Dakika: Putin’in sözleri Moskova’yı karıştırdı! Rusya’da hükümet istifa etti |
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Đảng cầm quyền Nga ủng hộ ông Putin chỉ định tân thủ tướng |
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Putin sanciona nomeação de novo primeiro-ministro da Rússia |
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