Putin sends his constitutional proposals to Parliament |
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Putin trình dự thảo sửa đổi hiến pháp |
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Putin wants change the Russian government resigns |
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Putin Kadırovu yüksək vəzifəyə gətirir |
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Johnson ve Putin Berlin’de bir araya geldi |
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Putin predao Državnoj dumi nacrt izmena Ustava |
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Putin warns of a possible global war |
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‘Ông ấy đâu rồi’: Video ghi lại hình ảnh các nhà lãnh đạo thế giới bối rối kiếm tìm TT Putin |
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More tax breaks for large families in Russia as Putin seeks… |
3 |
Putin đề xuất miễn nhiệm Tổng Công tố Nga |
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Johnson weist Putin harsch zurecht |
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Putin replaces powerful top prosecutor |
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Boris Johnson tells Vladimir Putin no thaw in UK-Russia relations after Salisbury attack |
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Rusia: Putin presenta al parlamento proyecto de enmiendas |
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WOW! Putin Gives State of Nation Address – Government Response Will Blow Your Mind! |
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Putin presenta la enmienda a la Constitución que limita periodos presidenciales |
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Hơn 1000 người Nga xuống đường biểu tình phản đối Tổng thống Putin |
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Putin Libya konulu Berlin Konferansı’na katıldı |
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Vești proaste de la Moscova penru Igor Dodon Procurorul general al Rusiei a demisionat la solicitarea lui Putin |
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Erdoğan Putin ile sohbet etti |
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Putin a înaintat Dumei de Stat un proiect de lege privind modificările constituţionale Ce prevede acesta |
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Phe đối lập Nga sắp biểu tình phải đối TT Putin ‘nắm quyền trọn đời’ |
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Putin’s New Plan to Hold Power Forever |
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Russian Railways to modernize Mongolian rail system tap transit potential — Putin |
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Putin qeyri-müəyyən müddətə hakimiyyətdə qalmaq istədiyini rədd edir |
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Putin assina decreto nomeando Mishustin para cargo de primeiro-ministro da Rússia |
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The Willful Ambiguity of Putin’s Newest Energy Seize |
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¿Por qué en Bielorrusia muchos temen que Vladimir Putin quiera anexionarse su país |
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In Wake of Putin’s ‘Coup’ Russia’s Top Opposition Leader Refrains From Action |
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Manuver Putin Ubah Konstitusi Rusia |
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Russian Government Resigns As Putin Plots Post-Presidency Power Grab |
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Putin seçkidən sonra özünə bu vəzifəni verəcək |
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Putin zu seinen Verfassungsänderungen auf deutsch Video |
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Libya’da ateşkes: yine Putin yine Erdoğan’la |
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Çexiya Prezidenti: “Putin güclü siyasətçidir” |
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Boris Johnson l-a avertizat pe Vladimir Putin să înceteze ”activitatea destabilizatoare” a Rusiei |
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Putin: Dialog mit der Türkei konstruktiv |
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Tổng thống Putin bất ngờ miễn nhiệm tổng công tố viên |
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Putin sends his constitutional proposals to Russia’s Parliament |
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Dünya’da gözler Rusya’ya çevrildi! Putin adımı attı |
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Putin poslao u parlament paket ustavnih amandmana |
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Cuidado con la admiración de Trump por los autócratas como Putin y Xi |
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Putin submits constitutional reform plan to parliament |
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Sobre la reciente visita de Vladímir Putin a Siria |
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Emevi Camiine Erdoğan gidemedi Putin gitti |
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Oposisi Rusia berencana demo menentang usulan Putin ubah konstitusi |
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Trong lúc châu Âu ‘ngủ say’ Putin biến Matxcơva thành trung tâm chính trị thế giới |
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Erdoğan’dan sitem: Bizim ‘ılımlı muhalif’ dediklerimize Putin ‘terörist’ diyor |
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Erdoğan: Putin ile çağrısını yaptığımız ateşkese uyulursa siyasi sürecin de önü açılacak |
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Mais de mil pessoas protestam contra reforma constitucional de Putin |
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Merkel bei Putin |
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Các lãnh đạo thế giới loay hoay tìm Tổng thống Putin trong lúc chụp ảnh |
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Putin anayasa değişiklikleri tasarısını Devlet Duması’na sundu |
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Quốc tế nổi bật Putin lo ngại cho nước Nga |
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Thủ tướng Anh cảnh báo Tổng thống Nga Putin |
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Tarihi zirvede Putin’den Erdoğan’a büyük övgü |
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Ông Putin bác ý tưởng làm ‘Tổng thống Nga cầm quyền trọn đời’ |
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Putin Sends Sweeping Constitutional Amendments to Lawmakers |
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Erdoğan ile Putin Almanya’da görüştü |
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12:23 – Afront de peste Prut la adresa lui Ionannis: Ce-l intereseaza pe el pe mine mai putin ma priveste! |
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Vladimir Putin propune prevalența constituției ruse în fața dreptului internațional Experți: Este dovada că liderul de la Kremlin percepe SUA ca model de urmat iar nu Uniunea Europeană |
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Where’s Putin |
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Bu gün Putin Ərdoğanla görüşəcək – Berlində |
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Scopul articolului acesta este simplu E un apel catre cei care il citesc: Haideti sa ne straduim sa generam mai putin gunoi! |
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Putin îl înlocuieşte în funcţie pe puternicul procuror general |
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Putin Berlində Boris Consonla şəxsi görüş keçirib – İlk dəfə olaraq |
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Libya’s warring sides accept ceasefire after Putin Merkel meet |
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Russian opposition wants big protest over Putin’s plan to ‘rule for ever’ |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile görüştü |
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Sa ai copii Cel putin unul dar daca este posibil 2 3 4 |
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Merkel təşvişdə: Putin hanı – Video |
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Boris Johnson l-a avertizat pe Vladimir Putin să înceteze activitatea destabilizatoare |
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Erdogan to Putin: Haftar’s aggressive behavior must be stopped |
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Thoughtful comedy film may help bridge generation gap in Francis: Is Belarus Putin’s next target |
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Putin Undang Jokowi Jadi Pembicara Kunci Forum Ekonomi Internasional |
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Mais de 1 mil pessoas protestam na Rússia contra reforma constitucional de Putin |
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Fiecare loc de munca creat in industria de autobuze si autocare din SUA creeaza cel putin trei locuri de munca suplimentare in industriile partenere |
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Putin: Das erste und zweite Kapitel der Verfassung wird nicht geändert |
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Putin supervisiona teste de míssil hipersônico perto da Crimeia |
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VIDEO: Putin Flexes on Merkel Macron Brings Home the Point They Can’t Have a Libya Conference Without Him |
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Nhận định của tờ New York Times về tương lai trong bài viết Putin – Người Bất tử |
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Putin a cerut demisia procurorului general al Rusiei Iurie Ciaika |
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Putin: Werden Geschichtsfälschern „das Maul stopfen“ |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile açıklamalarda bulunuyor |
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Erdoğan: Bundan sonrası Putin ve ekibine ait |
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A gde se izgubio Putin Merkelova i Makron „tražili“ ruskog lidera u Berlinu VIDEO |
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Putin Proposes Changes to Constitution Medvedev Resigns: What’s Going On |
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The BOLD war! Vladimir Putin grandstands in front of world leaders for first time since changing Russian constitution so he can rule for life – as nations meet at German summit on Libya to halt proxy fighting |
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Putin Fires Prosecutor General Yury Chaika Reports Say |
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Điểm tin thế giới sáng 20/01: Quy mô bệnh lạ ở Trung Quốc có thể lớn hơn nhiều so với các báo cáo Người Nga biểu tình phản đối Putin |
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Tổng thống Putin trình dự thảo sửa đổi hiến pháp |
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Putin says he does’t want Russia to return to USSR-era practice of rulers dying in office |
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Lãnh đạo thế giới dáo dác tìm Putin |
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vladimir putin |
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Eks-ambassadør om riksrett: – Putin elsker det |
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Generalstaatsanwalt Tschaika nach Putin-Rede |
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Britain’s Johnson warns Putin over Skripal poisoning |
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Vladimir Putin Takes a Jibe at Greta Thunberg’s UN speech |
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Kuriose Szene: Alle warten auf Putin – und Merkel mimt den Chef-Einweiser last minute news |
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Putin con un oído en el pueblo y otro en el mundo |
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Lucruri mai putin știute despre creierul uman |
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Putin baş prokuroru istefaya göndərib |
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Buhari meets Putin |
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Nước Nga sau 20 năm cầm quyền của Tổng thống V Putin |
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Putin ve Erdoğan Türkiye’nin Libya’ya asker gönderme planını görüşecek |
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Putin hanı – Merkel təşvişə düşdü – VİDEO |
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Telefongespräch Merkel-Putin zur Libyenkonferenz in Berlin |
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Alaçatı Ot Festivali’nde hediyelik eşya standı Erdoğan’ın Putin’le görüşmesi başladı |
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Vladimir Putin Başkan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a Dondurma Ismarladı |
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Thủ tướng Nga từ chức Tổng thống Putin cải tổ hiến pháp giá Bitcoin tại Nga phản ứng |
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Các lãnh đạo thế giới ngơ ngác tìm Tổng thống Putin |
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Putin onunla görüşə hazırlaşır – Bu həftə |
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ZAŠTO JE PUTIN SMENIO MEDVEDEVA Šta to radi Sprema Rusiju posle njegovog odlaska! EVO ŠTA SE DEŠAVA |
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Putin İsraildən Qüdsü Fələstinə qaytarmağı tələb etdi |
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Putin Merkel amp Macron All Agree Iran Nuclear Deal Should Be Preserved Call For Restraint On All Sides Moving Forward |
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Putin: Στα έδρανα της Δούμας το νομοσχέδιο με τις συνταγματικές αλλαγές |
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Putin îl recompensează pe Medvedev după demisia de funcția… |
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Putin and Assad caught on video mocking Trump |
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Alberto Fernández pidió reuniones en Jerusalén con Putin Macron y Netanyahu para explicar su política exterior |
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Putin submits Draft Law on Russian Constitutional amendments to State Duma |
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50 curiozitati Despre pisici Pun pariu ca nu stii cel putin |
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Putin’in akıl hocası Dugin ‘Trump’ın politik intiharını’ açıkladı! |
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„Wer wird Russland nach 2024 regieren Putin!“ – bekannte russische Blogger über anstehende Reformen |
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Iran-USA: Putin und Merkel als Entschärfer Video |
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Putin propone máximo dos mandatos presidenciales por persona en Rusia |
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Putin zwischen Trump und Xi Jinping |
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Putin Medvedevə yeni vəzifə verəcək |
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O futuro de Putin |
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Nuevo Récord de Audiencia: Rachel Madows Entrevista al Ruso Que Más le Sabe a Trump… Después de Putin |
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Putin — Statement |
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Putin Confirms Mishustin as New Prime Minister |
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Putin ile çağrımıza uyulursa |
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Geopolitica/ Putin congela Haftar e guarda a Berlino |
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Angel Putin |
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Renunció el primer ministro ruso y todo el gabinete de Putin |
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Rusiyada tam hökumət istefasının sirləri açılır – dövlət quruluşu dəyişir Putin yeni dövrün də lideri olacaq… |
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Vladimir Putin l-a înlocuit pe puternicul procuror general al Rusiei Iuri Ceaika |
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Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Moscow-based international affairs analyst Mark Sleboda about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent decision to propose several sweeping changes to the country’s constitution |
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Syria: Putin is the leader of the Shiites |
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Mother of Israeli woman jailed in Russia hopes Putin will grant a pardon soon – JNSorg |
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Procurorul general al Rusiei pleacă din funcție Putin i-a găsit înlocuitor lui Ciaika |
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Vladimir Putin își consolidează puterea în stat! Au loc reforme mari în Rusia |
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Russian Government and Prime Minister resign to make way for Putin to become Caesar |
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Putin a criminal and incompetent president is an enemy of his own people |
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Portret de invingatoare: Si cand nu mai poti tu tot mai poti putin! |
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Min bir gecə nağılı: Putin çocukları kırıyor və yaxud Əsədin 4 kərə öldürülməsi boyu |
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Putin və Ərdoğanın inanılmaz planı üzə çıxdı – NATO-nu belə çökdürürlər |
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IZVOR TVRDI: Putin prelazi na novo mesto! |
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Merkel Putin’i ikna etti! |
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Putin presenta la enmienda a la Constitución que limita a dos los mandatos… |
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Vladimir Putin |
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Putin as Greek Titan Graces Moscow Apartment Block’s to Companies to Bid for the Provision of Consultancy Services for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London |
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Putin zu Russland als Seemacht auf deutsch Video |
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Erdoğan ve Putin Akkuyu Nükleer Santrali’nin Temelini Attı |
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With Latest Moves Putin has Put Russia on ‘the Beijing Express’ Savvin Says |
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Kazimierz Smoliński: Putin chce pokazać że był jedynym koalicjantem Zachodu |
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New York Times: Longtime Putin ally removed as Prosecutor General in Russia |
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Putin meets Ukraine’s Zelenskiy for first time at Paris peace summit |
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Veste extrem de bună pentru proprietarii de mașini! Scapă de birul pe Putin își consolidează puterea în stat! Au loc reforme mari în Rusia |
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Başkan Erdoğan Ve Putin’den Görüşme Sonrası Flaş Açıklamalar! / A Haber |
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Russian Oil Deals in Syria Linked to ‘Putin’s Chef’ – Novaya Gazeta |
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Trump Putin y el nuevo invierno islámico |
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Son dakika haberi! Erdoğan ve Putin’den çok önemli açıklamalar |
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Nach Putin ist vor Medienpolitik |
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Putin: Ölkənin internet xidmətləri pulsuz təmin edilməlidir |
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Putin niemal na pewno uderzy w Polskę w Jerozolimie |
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Noul premier în Rusia desemnat de Putin este Mihail Mişustin şeful fiscului |
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Putin a cerut demisia procurorului general al Rusiei Iurie Ciaik… |
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Tổng thống Vladimir Putin trình dự luật sửa đổi Hiến pháp |
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Kılıçdaroğlu: Türkiye’nin dış politikasını Putin yönlendiriyor |
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Putin’s spokesman’s daughter talks of mayhem in Russia which ‘comes from law enforcement’ |
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Ce spune Alexei Navalnîi despre demisia guvernului rus: Putin vrea să rămână lider pe viaţă |
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Pelosi’s And Putin’s Remarkably Similar Abuses Of Power |
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President Putin Rejects Life Presidency Proposal |
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Tổng thống Séc: “Chỉ kẻ ngốc mới phủ nhận sự mạnh mẽ của ông Putin” |
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Putin Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı böyle uğurladı |
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Kunjungi Suriah Putin hadiahkan Al-Quran cetaka |
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Putin’in askeri üs saldırısında kimi ima ettiği belli oldu |
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Is Belarus Putin’s next target |
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‘Transition’ crucial after political shake-up: Putin |
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All roads lead to Putin |
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Dış politikamızı Putin belirliyor Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’ndan bomba açıklama |
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Ieri 22:58 – Premierul britanic l-a avertizat pe Vladimir Putin: Gata cu activitatea destabilizatoare a Rusiei! |
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Vladimir putin yapay zeka hakkında iddialı sözleri |
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Putin predao Dumi na razmatranje nacrt zakona o izmjenama Ustava |
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OPINION: Putin has a new plan to hold power over Russia forever |
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Putin presenta la enmienda a la Constitución que limita a dos los mandatos y el dueño de la clínica que atendió a la modelo Céspedes se benefician con detención domiciliaria |
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Putin Bantah Merekayasa Konstitusi untuk Terus Pertahankan Kekuasaan |
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Putin îl recompensează pe Medvedev după demisia de funcția de premier |
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Longtime Putin Ally Removed as Prosecutor General in Russia |
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Vladimir Putin l-a demis pe procurorul general al Rusiei Iurie… |
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Prezydent Duda zareaguje jeśli Putin znów sfałszuje historię ROZMOWA |
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Nu l-am vazut pe dansul cumva dormind pe coastele sale ci uneori sezand putin iar alteori o franghie spanzurata intr-un colt al acoperamantului chiliei tinand-o cu amandoua mainile se impartasea putin de somn pentru nevoia firii” |
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အာဏာဆက္လက္ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ေရး စြပ္စြဲခ်က္ သမၼတ Putin ပယ္ခ် |
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Putin Removes Top Russian Prosecutor Replaces Him With Investigative Official |
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Climate Change Takes Center Stage in Putin Ally Removed as Prosecutor General in Russia |
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A gde je Putin Merkelova i Makron „izgubili“ ruskog lidera… |
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Diane Francis: Is Belarus Putin’s next target |
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2015: A decedat la Ploiești marele inventator român Justin Capră n 1933 la Magureni nu si-a produs niciodata masinile in serie El dorea sa realizeze masini cat mai mici si care sa consume cat mai putin mai ales in anii 1970 cand criza petrolului afecta pe toata lumeaIn 1958 marele inventator a realizat primul ”rachetonaut” si a cerut sprijin americanilor deoarece oamenii de stiinta români nu-l puteau ajuta |
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Oposisi Rusia Siapkan Demo Besar-besaran Menentang Usulan Putin |
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Mixail Qusman: Putin Azərbaycanla münasibətlərə Rusiyada böyük əhəmiyyət verildiyini göstərdi – MÜSAHİBƏ |
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Rusia: Gobierno ruso renuncia tras anuncio de reforma constitucional presentado por Vladimir Putin |
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Por qué Putin de Rusia tiene una debilidad por Israel y los judíos |
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Kremlin: Putin to discuss Naama Issachar case with Netanyahu |
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Putin proseslərə daha uzunmüddətli nəzarət edə bilər – POLİTOLOQ |
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Putin propone limitar a dos los mandatos presidenciales |
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Netanyahu Putin Discuss Fate of Jailed Israeli Backpacker |
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Nước Nga và cuộc cách mạng của Tổng thống Putin |
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Moscow protest over Putin’s political shake-up fails to gain traction |
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Putin Proposes Vote on Constitutional Shake-Up That Could Extend His Rule |
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Kraft: Warum Putin meinen Super-Bowl-Ring behalten hat |
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Lunatic: Pompeo threatens Putin with Drone Assassination |
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Libya konferansı fotoğraf çekiminde Putin kayboldu |
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Analyst: This is call to action for bad actors like Putin |
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Putin Erdoğan’ı aradı başsağlığı diledi |
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Russian Government Resigns as Putin Proposes Constitutional Shake-Up |
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Mother Of Naama Issachar Hopes Putin Will Grant A Pardon Soon |
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PM Modi and President Putin at EEF 2019 during PM’s visit to Vladivostok |
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Putin presenta alla Dumail ddl di riforma costituzionale |
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Pompeo: “Putin və Ərdoğandan səmimi” |
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Experiment pentru copiii nostri – timp cat mai putin petrecut in fata ecranelor |
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Gözler Rusya’ya çevrildi! Putin adımı attı |
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‘Highly Likely’ Putin and Netanyahu Will Discuss Jailed Israeli During Jerusalem Visit Kremlin Says |
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Putin presenta la enmienda a la Constitución que limita a dos los… |
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Putin will Amtszeit für russischen Präsidenten einschränken |
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Vladimir Putin will not be president for life but he is sure to have power |
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Alex Gibney on Citizen K: Real-life thriller of an oligarch who turned against Vladimir Putin |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin phản đối nhiệm kỳ tổng thống vô thời hạn |
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Putin remite a la Duma proyecto de ley sobre reforma constitucional |
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Rusya’da anayasa çalışma grubu önerilerini Devlet Başkanı Putin’e sundu |
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Tom Luongo: Understanding Putin’s Latest Move |
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Tổng thống Putin ngày càng nâng cao vị thế ở Trung Đông |
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Putin referendum keçirilməsini təklif etdi |
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Владимир Путин – Иисус! Теперь мы знаем больше Putin haqqında ŞOK açıqlama |
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Former Russian Prime Minister Medvedev Has Become Putin’s ‘Scapegoat’ |
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El Mundo por Delante: la estrategia de gatopardo de Putin en Rusia |
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Putin rejects idea of Soviet-style leaders for life |
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Putin: Berlin Conference on Libya brought Russian-Turkish efforts |
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Quốc hội Nga chuẩn thuận thủ tướng mới do TT Putin chỉ định |
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Erdoğan-Putin görüşmesinin saati belli oldu |
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Putin overrasket alle med talen sin Her er fem fremtidige mulige roller for den mektige russiske presidenten |
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Putin cements power as Russian lawmakers approve his new PM |
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Amerika Tarik Serdadu dan Jalan Mulus Putin di Suriah |
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Vladimir Putin fotosessiya jarayonida “yo‘qolib qoldi” |
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Russian President Putin Says He Rejects The Idea Of Soviet-Style Leaders For Life |
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Trump und Putin – einerlei Maß |
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Putin’den yeni kadro değişikliği: Başsavcı Çayka görevden alınıyor |
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Putin: entre Pedro el Grande y el Gatopardo |
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Modell Syrien – hoffen auf Putin |
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Putin submits constitutional amendment package to Parliament |
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Rosja: Putin wniósł do parlamentu projekt ustawy o zmianach w konstytucji |
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What’s happening in Russia: Putin’s proposed constitutional changes explained |
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Putin vows to strengthen Russian navy |
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Son dakika haberi: Putin Anayasal reform paketini parlamentoya sundu |
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Mixail Qusman: Putin Rusiyanın Azərbaycanla münasibətlərə böyük əhəmiyyət verdiyini göstərdi |
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Панарин побеждает Putin Team |
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Putin and Erdogan call for Libya ceasefire as of midnight 12 January amidst increased Libya diplomatic activity |
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• Headline: Iran to rejoin JCPOA Putin and Merkel working now |
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Putin’s opponents will stage huge protest next month against the Russian president’s new ‘rule for life’ constitution changes |
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Obsesia lui Putin cu istoria și Al Doilea Război Mondial |
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Putin’den büyük jest! Moskova’da tarihi |
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Cumhurbaşkanımız Erdoğan Berlin’deki Libya Zirvesi dönüşünde soruları Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ile bir araya geldi |
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Desbordes de ríos genera estado de alerta en estaciones y cuencas del todo el gabinete de Vladimir Putin incluyendo el primer ministro de Rusia |
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Ərdoğanla Putin Berlində görüşdülər |
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President Putin Submitted a Package of Constitutional Amendments to Parliament |
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Putin hanı – Merkel təşvişdə/Video |
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Putin odpálil bombu aby zůstal u moci |
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Russian opposition wants big protest over Putin’s plan to ‘rule forever’ |
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Putin büyük oynuyor |
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Why The Hell Did A Whole Government Resign Vladimir Putin’s Master Plan |
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Opoziţia rusă doreşte să organizeze un amplu protest anti-Putin pe 29 februarie |
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Putin Mehriban Əliyevanı ordenlə təltif etdi |
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Putin: Zdá sa že v EÚ parlamente viacerí nevedia čítať alebo písať alebo nemajú oči |
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The Putin Pageviews |
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Putin submits bill on constitutional amendments to State Duma |
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Putin plans to hold power beyond 2024 |
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A río revuelto ganancia de Putin por JORGE ELIAS |
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Vladimir Putin Sums Up The New World Order In 5 Words |
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