Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
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Tổng thống Putin đề xuất sửa hiến pháp cấp tốc |
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Putin Yaxın Şərqin ən qaynar bölgəsinə gedir |
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Putin’in yeni hedefi parlamentoyu güçlendirmek |
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Poland calls on Putin to tell truth at WWII event in Israel |
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Putin Şimali Qafqazı ona tapşırır |
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Putin İsrail ve Filistin’e gidiyor |
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Vladimir Putin Wants to Rewrite the History of World War II |
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Putin’s Xi’s ruler-for-life moves pose challenges to West |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Putin Is Planning a Partial Retirement The Russian president may never leave the political stage-but he’s now ready to take a step back” – Alexander Baunov/ Carnegie Moscow |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Russia’s Putin sends his constitutional proposals to Parliament” – AP Wake of Putin’s ‘Coup’ Russia’s Top Opposition Leader Refrains From Action |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Dmitry Medvedev quits to ‘smooth’ Vladimir Putin’s path to endless power: Russian PM and entire cabinet stand down” – The Times London |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Won’t Just Go Into The Siberian Sunset In 2024 |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Putin Ushers In New Prime Minister Signaling Bid to Boost Economic Legacy” – Wall Street Journal/ Thomas Grove Georgi Kantchev |
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Netanyahu on Putin meeting: Hoping for good news |
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Obama VS Putin |
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Russian parliament backs Putin’s pick for PM after ‘January Revolution’ |
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Putin’in yeni hedefi parlamentoyu güçlendirmek |
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Putin It Out There: Working the refs |
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Phe đối lập Nga sắp biểu tình phản đối TT Putin ‘nắm quyền trọn đời’ |
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Russia’s Sobchak doesn’t blame Putin for 2002 hostage crisis |
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Author: Trump assumed he knew the most about Putin |
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Trump and Putin dance the Syrian peace two-step |
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Putin’s meaningless coup |
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Putin Begins the Transition of His Own Power |
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Putin avertizează că le va închide „gurile murdare” celor care încearcă să rescrie istoria celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial |
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Vladimir Putin Visit India 2018- Deal on S-400 missile Signed |
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Putin sends his constitutional proposals to Russia’s Parliament |
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Putin’s problem and Russia’s future |
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Six Highlights From Putin’s State of the Nation Address |
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Putin anuncia reforma constitucional para retener el poder tras su mandato |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile bir araya geldi |
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Putin submits reform plans to Russian parliament |
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Putin – yearly press conference: Да сдохни уже немчура тупая! Противно тебя видеть и противно тебя слышать! Всe егозит с наслаждением на Ново-Абверовском хую своей Рязанско-Татарской воровской жопой и делает вид что хочет соблазнить весь мир всe что движится и не движится Сдохни уже дурак! И прикуп свой Сочинский сдай в кассу давно пора – M N |
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Putin trình dự thảo hiến pháp mới |
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Er hat es wieder getan: Putin lässt Merkel und Co bei Libyen-Konferenz in Berlin warten |
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Putin Predictions of Yore: What the Pundits Thought 20 Years Ago |
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The point of Putin’s rambling almost one hour presentation was to justify his secret Intelligence Cooperation Agreement with Germany by recalling the similar past historical agreements |
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Governo apresentou demissão e Putin aceitou |
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President Putin FOREVER CNN amp Native American Try To Take Down Bernie Sanders |
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Vladimir Putin a transmis Parlamentului de la Moscova propunerile sale de amendare a Constituţiei |
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Putin’s Stagnant Year Economic Headwinds Challenge Kremlin Ambitions In 2020 And Beyond |
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Ông Putin trình dự thảo sửa đổi hiến pháp điều chỉnh quyền lực tổng thống |
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Chuyên gia: Cải cách Hiến pháp không phải để Putin thâu tóm quyền lực mà nhằm củng cố nước Nga |
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Russia’s cabinet resigns and it’s all part of Putin’s plan |
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Russia’s displeasure with Israel simmers as Putin readies to visit for Yad Vashem event |
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The Guardian: Preşedinte criminal şi incompetent Putin este duşmanul propriului popor Preşedintele rus a manipulat nivelurile puterii ca să guverneze perpetuu Perspectiva este groaznică pentru Occident şi pentru Rusia |
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Putin dopo Putin: una lunga transizione |
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Guyonan Putin Dan Assad: Trump Harus Ikuti Jejak Murid Yesus Di Damaskus |
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Hinde Pomeraniec: «La relación de Putin con América Latina no tiene nada de ideológico» |
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Putin Sends His Constitutional Proposals to Parliament |
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Chai thủy tinh 500ml – Putin |
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Martial law in Ukraine: Putin warns against ‘reckless’ nominees for Lahore by-polls ‘left in the lurch’ |
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Preşedintele Vladimir Putin ține discursul anual priv… |
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Your daily Sobchak doesn’t blame Putin for 2002 hostage crisis |
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Erdogan Putin meet in Istanbul ahead of launch of TurkStream |
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Ông Putin bất ngờ miễn nhiệm Tổng Công tố Nga gửi đề xuất sửa hiến pháp lên quốc hội |
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MSZ: Putin powinien szanować pamięć ofiar MSZ: Putin powinien szanować pamięć ofiar |
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Putin’s Russia الرعد والبرق |
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ព័ត៌មានជាតិ ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ Like ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស 21/1/2020 10:02 pm ភ្នំពេញ ៖ Read more ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ 21/1/2020 9:47 pm ព័ត៌មានជាតិសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម លុចស៊ីស RX300 បុកដាច់បង្គោលភ្លើង និង ទម្លុះសសរផ្ទះ 21/1/2020 9:37 pm ព័ត៌មានថ្មីៗសន្តិសុខ និងសង្គម រដ្ឋបាលខេត្តកំពង់ចាមថា ស្មៅ គឺដោយសារខ្វះទឹកស្រោច 21/1/2020 7:18 pm ជាតិទូទៅព័ត៌មានជាតិ សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន 21/1/2020 7:12 pm ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិ ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិសុខភាព Like Update: មនុស្សស្លាប់ឡើងដល់ ៦នាក់ និងជិត 21/1/2020 5:19 pm SARS Read more ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិ 21/1/2020 3:28 pm ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិសុខភាព ចិននិយាយថា WHO ត្រៀមកោះប្រជុំ 21/1/2020 2:16 pm ព័ត៌មានអន្តរជាតិ លោក Putin 21/1/2020 1:44 pm KPT ក្មេងស្រីអ៊ីរ៉ង់អាយុ ១២ ឆ្នាំទទួលពិន្ទុ IQ ខ្ពស់បំផុត ផ្ដួលអ្នកប្រាជ្ញល្បីៗ 21/1/2020 1:09 pm RX300 បុកដាច់បង្គោលភ្លើង និង ទម្លុះសសរផ្ទះ ស្មៅ ហ៊ុន សែន មនុស្សស្លាប់ឡើងដល់ ៦នាក់ និងជិត WHO ត្រៀមកោះប្រជុំ |
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¿Putin y Trump están intercambiando Ucrania por Venezuela |
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Putin presenta la enmienda a la Constitución que limita a dos los mandatos de Bancos se reúne con funcionario del Tesoro de EEUU |
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January 17 2020The Rise Of Gog Putin Positions Himself To Influence Russia For Life |
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Izraelski Haarec: w prawdziwej polityce Putin jest ważniejszy od Polski |
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Preşedintele Vladimir Putin ține … |
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Iurie Ciaika a plecat din funcţia de Procuror General al Rusiei Pe cine propune Putin în locul acestuia |
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Jailed Israeli backpacker Naama Issachar may be pardoned by Putin this week |
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Putin’s moves leave Russian opposition with few options |
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Putin envía reformas constitucionales al Parlamento |
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Thượng nghị sĩ đảng Dân chủ John McCain chỉ trích Trump vì đã chúc mừng Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin tái cử nhiệm kỳ thứ Tư |
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Trump vlerëson ftesën e Putin mendon të marrë pjesë në festimin ushtarak rus |
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Dyer: Putin bids for post-retirement influence but not for immortality |
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Putin e Macron al telefono Cremlino: su futuri contatti personali |
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Cumhurbaþkaný Erdoðan ile Putin bir araya geldi |
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RUSI – Komiteti i parlamentit miraton ndryshimet e Putin-it në kushtetutë |
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Preşedintele Vladimir Putin ține discursul … |
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Putin’in önerdiği başbakan adayı onaylandı |
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Erdoğan ile Putin zirve öncesi buluştu |
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Vladimir Putin Says ‘Transition’ Crucial After Political Shake-Up In Russia |
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Russian prime minister and government resign after president Putin speech |
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Kremlin insists Putin-Johnson meeting was ‘constructive’ |
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Erdoğan-Putin’den Berlin’de ortak açıklama |
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Krisen in Nahost: Mehr Macht für Putin |
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Putin: Transferimi i gazit rus përmes Turqisë në Evropë do të ketë efekt në ekonominë evropiane |
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Brussels is silent about Putin’s offensive on Poland |
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Putin Gets ‘Nothing But Praise’ From Merkel at Kremlin Talks German Media Claims |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “By The Numbers: 20 Years Of Putin’s Russia” – RFE/RL/ Kristyna Foltynova |
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You have many questions Putin has many answers |
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Putin: Russia India China make weighty contribution to Eurasian security |
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Will Robots Lead to Widespread Joblessness and Economic Putin Is Not Reforming the State He’s Taking Power for Himself |
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Putin: Full-Scale Traffic Across Crimea Bridge to Begin in July |
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”Putin vill bädda in sig i makten” |
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Putin önermişti! Rusya’nın yeni başbakan adayı Mihail Mişustin oldu |
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Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference |
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Blockchain Industry Heading Towards Putin’s Prediction of New Digital Order |
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Putin Expected to Undermine the US in the Middle East |
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Putin predao nacrt izmjena Ustava |
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Ieri 19:10 – Ce vrea Putin sa obtina prin modificarea Constitutiei |
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Nach Putin ist vor Dezember 2019 – Februar Jahre Jahre Friedliche Revolution amp Mauerfall |
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What’s Putin up to and who’s the next PM of Russia Experts |
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Putin İsrail və Fələstinə gedir |
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Kremlin: ‘Putin ve Erdoğan zirvede Libya’yı da görüşülecek’ |
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Russian Opposition Wants Big Protest Over Putin’s Plan to ‘Rule for Ever’ |
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Vladimir Putin – President of Russia |
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Prezydent A Duda dla izraelskiej TV: Prezydent Władimir Putin rozpowszechnia kłamstwa historyczne |
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Putin-Abe Görüşmesi: Kuril Adaları Sorunu’nda Barış Arayışları |
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Putin si hledá pozici ze které bude kontrolovat Rusko i po roce 2024 říká novinář Soukup |
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Putin szykuje dla siebie nową rolę by rządzić Rosją dłużej |
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Gobierno ruso dimite después del discurso de Putin al Parlamento |
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Putin speeds up Russian political shake-up details new power centre Read More |
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William Dunkerley: “Washington Times Flimflams Readers on Putin’s ‘Disastrous’ Reign” |
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Presidente palestino pretende examinar con Putin la situación en la región |
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Russian Opposition Vow to Protest Putin’s ‘Rule for Life’ Constitutional Changes |
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İranda Putin haqda yazılan “Rus əfsanəsi” kitabının təqdimatı oldu |
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RUSİYADA PREZİDENT SEÇKİSİ BAŞA ÇATDI:Putin qalib gəldi Qrudinin ikinci Jirinovski isə üçüncü oldu – MSK nəticələri açıqladı Yenilənib |
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Corina Caragea vacanta cu picanterii in Thailanda: „Mai avea putin si imi lega picioarele dupa gat” |
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Putin Denies He Wants to Remain in Power Indefinitely |
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Russian North is Dying but Putin’s Media Policies Ensure Most Won’t Find Out |
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Back in the USSR Putin’s Plans for Russia’s Neighbour Belarus |
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UN warns against war as Putin says Soleimani’s death inflames Mideast situation |
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Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel |
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Nazarbayev’den Putin ve Zelenskyy’e Çağrı |
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UK PM Warns Putin Not To Repeat Chemical Attacks On Britain |
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We’re Putin It Out There |
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Putin submits constitutional reform plan to parlia |
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Martial law in Ukraine: Putin warns against ‘reckless’ moves |
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Putin baş prokuroru da işdən çıxartdı |
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Rusya lideri Putin’den Esed’e çağrı: Trump’ı Şam’a davet et |
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Putin predlaže razrješenje državnog tužioca |
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RUSSIALINK: “Common moral ethical values of all religions in Russia ensure state stability of country – Putin” – Interfax |
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Putin dërgon në parlament propozimet për ndryshime kushtetuese |
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Bolivia masivas en el gabinete de Putin tras su discurso en el Parlamento |
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De la 1 august societatile platesc CAS si CASS cel putin la nivelul salariului minim brut pe tara Vezi exceptiile si cateva exemple |
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Mulus Langkah Putin untuk Berkuasa Seumur Hidup |
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Putin the immortal |
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PM Inggris Peringatkan Putin Soal Kasus Racun Skripal |
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¿Putin y Trump están intercambiando Ucrania por |
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Will Putin Help Turn Venezuela into Another Syria |
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RUSSIALINK: “Putin instructs State Duma to draft proposals on national register of mass graves of victims of political repressions” – Interfax |
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Bronisław Wildstein: Putin’s goal is to rob Poland of its credibility |
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Vladimir Putin is the Only Leader the West has |
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Putin: Zdá sa že v EÚ parlamente viacerí nevedia čítať alebo písať |
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Putin Rejects ‘President For Life’ Dreams Russian Realities |
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Putin’s Russia Punching Above Its Weight Keeps Adversaries Off Balance – The New York Times |
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RUSSIALINK: “Common interests should prevail in Russian-NATO relations – Putin” – Interfax |
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Tüm dünyaya açıkladı! İşte Putin’in yeni hedefi |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin İle Görüştü |
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Anatol Țăranu: „Putin selectează acum figura care îi va fi fidelă totalmente” |
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Vị Nguyên soái Liên Xô cuối cùng được ông Putin tặng đồng hồ là ai |
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Putin’s proposed amendments to Russian Constitution reject primacy of international law |
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How much money makes Vladimir Putin Net worth |
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Mother of jailed American-Israeli backpacker Naama Issachar believes Putin will pardon her this week |
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Putin descarta idea de liderazgo de por vida |
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Russian Prime Minister And His Cabinet Resigns After President Putin Proposed New Constitutional Changes |
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Opoziţia rusă anunţă miting împotriva reformei constituţionale a lui Vladimir Putin |
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Verfassungsordnung versus politische 20 Jahre Putin – Rückkehr der Innenpolitik |
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Stay put: on Vladimir Putin’s Cabinet reshuffle |
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Putin congratulates Trump on his birthday |
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Ni iki Putin ashaka mu mubano mushya w’u Burusiya na Afurika waherukaga mu Ntambara y’Ubutita |
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The Trump-Putin summit: What can the US hope to gain |
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Ven Putin trata de perpetuarse en el poder con gran reforma |
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Putin anayasa tasarısını sundu: Başkan 2 dönem görev yapabilecek |
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RUSSIALINK: “Russian Women Are Getting Married 8 Years Later On Average Official Data Says” – Moscow “Common moral ethical values of all religions in Russia ensure state stability of country – Putin” – Interfax |
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Trump to cancel meeting with Putin over Russia Ukraine maritime clash |
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Birleşik Rusya Partisinin kurucusu kimdir-Putin’i başkan yapan parti |
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Padres de inmigrantes mexicanos llegan a Utah con programa de Gobierno de Rusia tras informe de Putin |
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Tập Cận Bình sẽ làm chủ tịch suốt đời và Putin trúng cử nhiệm kỳ thứ tư: CHIẾN THẮNG HAY CHIẾN BẠI |
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Rusia Dalam Genggaman Putin |
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: Libyen-Gipfel in Berlin: Alle warten auf Putin |
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Pulling a Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin’s power play for modern Russia is not what you think |
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Tổng Thống Nga Putin Kêu Gọi Đảm Bảo An Ninh Toàn Cầu |
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Polonia pide a Putin que diga la verdad en evento en Israel |
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Russian government quits as Putin plans to stay in power past 2024 |
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Life After Putin by Dmitry Orlov |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Richer Than Bill Gate And Jeff Bezos Combined |
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CHP’nin Erdoğan-Putin rahatsızlığı tavan yaptı |
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Putin poslao u parlament paket ustavnih amandmana |
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RUSSIALINK: “Healthcare funding to exceed 4 of Russian GDP in 2020 – Putin” – Interfax |
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Zeman: Putin je silná politická osobnosť a iba blázon to môže popierať |
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Putin İsrail və Fələstinə səfər edəcək |
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Putin and Assad Caught on Video Making Biblical Jokes While Mocking Trump in Damascus |
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Putin instructed to increase the share of modern weapons in the |
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Putin konstitusiýa girizilmegi teklip edilýän üýtgetmeleri parlamente ýollady |
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Her er Putin og Merkel hjertens enige Det får Trump til å se rødt |
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Putin heads to Turkey after surprise visit to Syria amid US-Iran tensions |
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Tổng thống Ukraine Zelensky tiết lộ về quan hệ với Tổng thống Nga Putin |
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Bất ngờ miễn nhiệm Tổng Công tố TT Putin chuẩn bị ‘trảm’ hàng loạt quan chức cấp cao Nga |
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Cfarë po ndodh me presidentin Putin |
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Putin’in sabrı taştı |
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Alberto Fernández se reunirá en Israel con Putin con el tema Venezuela en la mira |
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¿Busca Vladimir Putin perpetuarse en el poder |
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Putin: ne gubimo nadu da će libijski sukob biti riješen |
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Who Stole Hillary’s Cheese: Putin Comey or Huma |
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Trump says Clinton team funding for Russia info ‘a rally across Russia on Putin’s 65th birthday |
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Dr Naimski: Wszelkie działania suwerenne Polski są wbrew interesom Rosji Putin stosuje metody sprzed pół wieku VIDEO |
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Putin’s “State of the Nation” Speech Examined |
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Protesters rally across Russia on Putin’s 65th birthday |
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Roman Dobrokhotov: Putin’s reforms could lead to his political demise |
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Seru! Kronologi 20 Tahun Vladimir Putin Memimpin Rusia |
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Gobierno ruso renuncia tras anuncio de reformas de Putin |
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Putin’s local election losses are a sign of his worsening reputation |
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Putin yeni hədəflərini AÇIQLADI |
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The Graphic Truth: Putin in Power |
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Pardon deal for Naama Issachar advances prior to Putin arrival in Israel |
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Putin İsrail ve Filistin’e gidiyor |
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Putin Volkswagen nedir |
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THE REBIRTH OF SOVIET RUSSIA: CIA PLOTTING JANUARY 2020 MILITARY COUP D’ÉTAT IN RUSSIA SPECIFICALLY TO ASSASSINATE OR REPLACE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN WITH HARDLINE COMMUNIST DICTATOR JANUARY 19 2020: CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland to Assassinate or Remove Russian President Vladimir Putin from Power via Military Coup D’état in Russia in January 2020 in Aftermath of David Chase Taylor’s December 25 2019 Expose Entitled ‘The Birth of Nazi Russia’ Which Politically-Speaking Deballed ie Castrated the Once Powerful Putin Regime |
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Putin İrəvanda Köçəryanla görüşəcək |
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Putin Ingatkan Qatar Pentingnya Berdialog Langsung dengan Teluk untuk Mengakhiri Krisis Diplomatik |
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Istoria cadourilor de Craciun: lucruri mai putin stiute despre arta de a darui |
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Putin Da on Facebook |
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18:32 Hermitage Capital: Ο Putin θέλει να γίνει τσάρος και στη Μέση Ανατολή |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın Putin’le görüşmesi başladı |
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Vladimir Putin İstanbula gəlib |
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Kremlin: Putin Will Discuss Possible Pardon With Netanyahu During Visit To Israel |
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Impeachment trial begins Putin’s tech push Who has mercs in Libya WH banishes Russia aide And a bit more |
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Vladimir Putin 1952 – present |
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Retrato de Putin en ‘Limonov’ |
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Unde e Putin Moment amuzant la summitul privind situația din Libia VIDEO |
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Putin și-a trimis propunerile de modificare a Constituției în Parlament Ce vizează acestea |
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ANKASAM İnfografik: Erdoğan-Putin Zirvesi |
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លោក Putin ១២ ឆ្នាំទទួលពិន្ទុ IQ ខ្ពស់បំផុត ស្មៅ និងមន្ត្រីពាក់ព័ន្ធ ឃុំព្រែកត្នោត ៣០០គីឡូ ត្រូវជំនាញចាប់បាន អានកុំខាន! |
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Zmiany w konstytucji Rosji Putin wniósł projekt ustawy |
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THAI DANCER – Sos de chili dulce – putin picant – 300ml / produs in Thailanda |
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Putin sends political plan to MPs in quick-fire Russia reform push |
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Niech Putin nie wykorzystuje pamięci o ofiarach Holokaustu do polityki |
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Putin propone limitar a dos los mandatos presidenciales en Rusia |
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Putin Umumkan Akan Memulai Penarikan Pasukan Rusia dari Suriah |
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Vladimir Putin talked with US President Donald Trump over the phone |
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Aliağa Belediyesi hazır beton Erdoğan’ın Putin’le görüşmesi başladı |
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FOTO/// Icoane cu chipul lui Vladimir Putin vandute pe strazile din Rusia cu peste 22 de mii de lei |
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Putin envía al Parlamento su reforma exprés de la Constitución de Rusia |
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Trump vlerëson ftesën e Putin mendon të marrë pjesë në festimin… |
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‘Putin’s Chef’ Charged with Organizing ‘Troll Factory’ to Interfere in US |
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KGB y nostalgia ¿Quién es Vladímir Putin |
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“Tượng đài” Putin trong 20 năm lãnh đạo nước Nga |
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Putin’s pipelines to power |
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Poles Apart: Putin Poland and the Nazi-Soviet Pact |
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Ersatz für den ist in Libyen und Syrien Putin und Erdogan ausgeliefert |
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Bella Italia-insule mai putin cunoscute pe |
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Putin’den Türkiye ve Erdoğan açıklaması |
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Putin restores the GULAG by legalizing slave labor of convicts |
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JRL NEWSWATCH: “Want to Insult Putin It Will Cost You 462 Russia’s new lèse majesté law helps turn the president into a laughingstock” – Bloomberg/ Leonid Bershidsky |
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Putin has Succeeded by Luck and By Challenging Arrangements Many Thought Couldn’t Be but His System is Wearing Out Shelin Says |
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After all Putin has for some time been grappling with the question of his own future He has created a hyper-presidential system with no meaningful checks on the Kremlin’s power |
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Zákulisné ťahy boj o moc a rošády figúrok Ako si Putin chystá únikovú cestu z Kremľa |
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BESMRTNI PUTIN! Evo kako ruski predsednik planira da zadrži MOĆ U SVOJIM RUKAMA čak i kad ne bude više na čelu države! |
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Quyết định bất ngờ của Tổng thống Nga Putin |
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Putin and Netanyahu to Discuss Jailed Backpacker’s Fate |
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Putin Says To Ignore His Actions Believe Him When He Says That He Doesn’t Want To Revive The USSR |
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Russian president Vladimir Putin signs law to label journalists as ‘foreign agents’ |
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Schiff Pelosi and Putin Are Partners in Illegal WMD Arms Deals |
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‘I’m sure the Russian people will Support me’: Putin is confident of becoming Russia’s Leader for life after Changing the Constitution |
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Russia’s Putin warns of possible global war |
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Zakayev: “DAEŞ’i Putin Kontrol Ediyor” |
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Putin oo ka faaiideysanaya khilaafka Mareykanka iyo Waqooyiga Kuuriya lana kulmaya Kim |
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OPERATION BLACKJACK: THE RUSSIAN PEARL HARBOR: CIA PLOTTING JANUARY 18 2020 RUSSIAN ATTACK AND/OR INVASION OF THE AMERICA AND/OR CANADA POSSIBLY BIO-CHEMICAL AND/OR NUCLEAR IN NATURE JANUARY 18 2020: CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Russian Attack and/or Invasion of America and/or Canada on January 18 2020 Exactly 2812-Days After Vladimir Putin Became President of Russia Back on May 7 2012 Exactly 488-Days After Conclusion of Largest Ever Russian Attack amp Invasion Exercise Entitled ‘Vostok 2018’ in Siberia Back on September 17 2018 amp Exactly 28531-Days After CIA Staged Japanese Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii Back on December 7 1941 |
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Marius Bostan fost ministru al Comunicațiilor: Vânzarea Telekom România către cozile de topor ale regimului Putin este de neacceptat |
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Putin’s Hour Is At Hand |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Strikes Africa Again |
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Boris Johnson Warns Vladimir Putin Over ‘Brazen’ Salisbury Attack and Says Russia Needs to End Its “Destabilising” Activities |
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Putin und Erdogan werden den Europäern das Feld nicht will mehr Geld und Zeit um Lastwagen auf die Schiene zu bringen |
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Portnikov: Putin declared war on Ukraine |
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Vladimir Putin Xi Jinping launch ‘historic’ Russia-China gas pipeline |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin pays visit to Crimea in a submarine |
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Siedem godzin które wstrząsnęły Rosją Czyli jak Putin zostaje dożywotnim „przywódcą narodu” |
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Putin Da on Package Services |
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Putin Sends Proposed Constitutional Changes To Parliament |
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Wuih! Putin dan Assad Tertawakan Donald Trump |
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Putin Says He Hasn’t Sent Russian Mercenaries to Libya |
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Iranul de azi este mai periculos decât Iranul unde în decembrie 1989 Ceaușescu făcea ultima sa vizită Wildstein: Putin’s goal is to rob Poland of its credibility |
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Putin’den doğum oranını artırma planı |
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A Putin and Trump Engraving on Your TeethRead more |
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Russia’s Displeasure With Israel Simmers As Putin Readies To Visit For Yad Vashem Event |
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Sacudida de ingenieros de Putin que podría mantenerlo en el poder por más tiempo |
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Russian parliament to review Putin PM pick after shock overhaul |
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Chai thủy tinh Putin 500ml |
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Putin İstanbul’da… |
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“Bunu etməyəcəyik çünki” – Mirziyoyevdən Putinə şok cavab |
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Putin Outlines Sweeping Powers for State Council in Shakeup |
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Trump and Putin Change the US – Russia Conversation |
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İstanbulda Ərdoğanla Putin arasında danışıqlar başlayıb |
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opinie Petru Bogatu: La primăvară Putin va purta un război pentru refacerea URSS |
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Putin is more dangerous than ever |
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Russian a deal before Putin pen to paper: 7 things to know for January 21 |
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