Bakı qırğını icraçısının şok dosyesi: “Putin tez-tez ona…” – Sonuncu Sovet marşalı |
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Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
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Sandersin qələbəsi Putinə nə vəd edir |
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“Putin istəmir ki Ərdoğan onunla hesablaşmadan – Politoloq |
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Putin Recruits Steven Seagal to Fight Anunnaki |
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Putin Leaves a Political Will the Last Message to the West: Russia’s Territory is Indivisible |
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Rusiyanın planı üzə çıxdı: “Putin-Ərdoğan görüşünədək” – Ankaraya şok təklif |
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Počinje ruska osveta za ubijene snajperiste u Siriji: Putin poslao najelitniju jedinicu SSO protiv turskih specijalaca |
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Senatorlar Putinə sanksiya tələb etdi |
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Putin’s Plain Sight Takeover of Our Government |
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DEJAN LUČIĆ: Amerika ima novog čoveka umesto Mila Đukanovića Putin je zaustavio prevrat u Rusiji – VIDEO |
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Karnavalda Erdoğan’lı geçit: Alman tankıyla Suriye’ye gidiyor ve kontrol Putin’de |
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Putin engineers shakeup that could keep him in power longer |
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Finishing Putin’s fortify of Venezuela no simple feat for US |
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Trump uccide Putin e Assad a Damasco lodano la Madonna per il Natale ortodosso |
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The space project “Vostochny” a corruption scandal in Putin’s government |
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Putin discussed govt resignation with ex-PM beforehand |
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Erdoğan ve Putin görüşmesinde sıcak gelişme |
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Trump’s big Asia trip may include a meeting with Putin in Vietnam |
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‘Xi Jinping Trump and Putin Are on the Same Team’ |
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Rahm Emanuel Claims “Putin and Trump are Picking Their Opponent” in Sanders |
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Putin’le yüzyüze… |
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Vladislav Surkov Sacked by Vladimir Putin from his Post |
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Ruble Slides as Putin Announces Government’s Resignation |
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Putin Moves to Strengthen Russia’s Sovereignty |
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In the cartoons: Putin Barr Rule of law |
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Putin Would Hate President Bernie Sanders |
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Putin Comrade Weathers Bodyguard Slight |
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Tarihi zirvede Putin’den Erdoğan’a büyük övgü |
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De ce promovează Putin propaganda sovietică despre cel de-al doilea Război Mondial |
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Ruske tajne službe otkrile ko sprema biološko oružje protiv Rusije a Putin im poslao zastrašujuću poruku |
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Putin İlham Əliyevi təbrik etdi |
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Dodik Putin 2018 001 Dodik Putin 2018 002 Dodik Putin 2018 003 Dodik Putin 2018 004 |
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Putin ile Erdoğan ‘Tüm anlaşmalara bağlılık’ |
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Sondaj: 64 dintre soferi s-au urcat cel putin o data la volan dupa ce nu au dormit o noapte intreaga 1 sofer din 4 a atipit la volan |
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Bombă în showbiz! Este gravida si avem primele imagini! Florin Salam ce veste primita in urma cu putin timp |
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Trump und Putin scheinen bezüglich Europa dieselben Ansichten zu teilen Seit Beginn seiner Amtszeit bemüht sich Putin um gute Beziehungen zu Europa und vor allem zu Deutschland Trumps Liebe zum alten Kontinent rührt von seinen elterlichen Wurzeln in Deutschland und Schottland her |
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Putin rechaza legalizar el matrimonio igualitario en Rusia |
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Türk şirketi inşaa etti Putin açılışını yapacak |
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Chai thủy tinh Putin 500ml |
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Putin Erdoğan’ı aradı başsağlığı diledi |
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Vladímir Putin |
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From KGB agent to President: The Rise of Vladimir Putin |
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Putin engineers shakeup that could keep him in |
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Bloomberg: Putin w bitwie z Zachodem o pamięć drugiej wojny światowej skrzętnie przemilcza zbrodnie Stalina |
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Putin’le dans! |
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Putin-Netanyahu görüşmesi sona erdi |
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Cumbre Trump-Putin: qué es la finlandización y cómo explica que Helsinki sea la ciudad |
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Putin : Selama Saya Masih Jadi Presiden Pernikahan Sesama Jenis Tidak Akan |
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Mai putin plastic! Sacosele din in sau iuta alternativa perfecta la pungile clasice |
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Sotakoneita vai Putin ei ole tehnyt |
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1 Russia from MichaelNovakhov 116 sites: “russia ukraine” – Google News: Trump’s hypocrisy on corruption is just what Putin wants – West Virginia Public Broadcasting |
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‘As far as I’m president there will be no gay marriage in Russia there will be dad and mum – Putin |
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Erdogan hopes to meet with Putin on March 5 ‘in… |
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Praising Putin could halt Trump’s recent progress |
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Vida pós-Putin |
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Trump Putin meeting shifts from discourse to discord |
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The economic development Ministry estimated the economy of Putin’s proposals in |
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Vladimir Putin a stârnit hohote de râs |
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Son Dakika: Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Putin ile telefonda görüştü: Taraflar tüm anlaşmalara bağlı olduğunu ifade etti |
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Putin: İktidarda Olduğum Sürece Rusya’da Eşcinsel Evlilik Yasallaşmayacak |
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Auf der einen Seite stehen Patrioten wie Trump und Putin Sie wollen ihre Nationalstaaten nicht übergeordneten Kräften opfern das Eigene bewahren und ihre Kulturen nicht der forcierten Assimilierung durch Zuzug von Menschen aus archaischen und destruktiven Gesellschaften unterordnen Beide stehen in krasser Opposition zum Plan der Deep State – Player Rockefeller und Rothschild und George Soros und deren Wunsch nach einer offenen Gesellschaft |
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Mai putin de 5 din consumatorii de gaze sunt pregatiti sa isi negocieze contractele |
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Vladimir Putin Calls for Spiritual Values |
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Putin positivo all’antidoping |
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PM Boris Johnson amp Vladimir Putin Meet Face to Face |
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The Saker Reviews: Putin’s Praetorians |
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Putin’s attempts to ease tensions |
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Putin logra una ley para otorgar más de 8000 euros por nacimiento de cada bebé |
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1 Russia from MichaelNovakhov 116 sites: “Putin” – Google News: Trump’s hypocrisy on corruption is just what Putin wants – West Virginia Public Broadcasting |
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Vladimir Putin |
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Putin in the Mirror of Economy and Constitution |
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Also sollte doch niemand davon ausgehen das Trump und Putin die Verwaltungslosigkeit der Verwaltungs-Simulation BRD einfach ihrer gewohnten Korruption überlassen Grenell twitterte einmal das er die Verwaltung nicht so rosig sieht wie es den äußeren Anschein hatte Er hat sich über den Zustand informiert |
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Bernie Sanders R has condemned reported election interference from Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: Rus ordusu Suriye’deki Rusya’ya yönelik tehditleri önledi |
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Putin und Erdogan im Kampf um Idlib Icon: Spiegel Plus Werden die Waffenbrüder zu Feinden |
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Cuộc báo thù của Putin |
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Ván cược lớn của Tổng thống Putin ở Venezuela giữa lúc Mỹ NATO bối rối |
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Where is Putin Russian President Absent on World Cup Football |
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Putin’s Praetorians Pledge for Timothy Kapustkin Via RT Charities |
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MHP Lideri Bahçeli Grup Toplantısında Putin’e Sert Sözlerle Tepki Gösterdi |
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Intel says Trump is Putin’s favorite for 2020 — and Trump is mad that Dems will use it against him |
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The Stage Is Set for Vladimir Putin’s Palestine Position |
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Schauen Sie sich Putin an einen Blick auf Trump und Sie sollten wissen das beide Verantwortung ausstrahlen so verantwortlich werden sie auch die Fragen der Versorgung im Auge haben es geht lediglich nur um den Zeitraum bis zur Ausgabe von neuem deutschen Geld |
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Russen und Ukrainer sind die gleichen Menschen: Putin in einem neuen Interview |
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‘Suriye Konusunda Putin Merkel ve Macron Arasında İttifak Yok’ |
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Vladimir Putin Başkan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a Dondurma Ismarladı |
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2 Sebastian Lăzăroiu / Dorneanu omul lui Putin în România tocmai a rescris Constituția României fără referendu… |
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Putin vs Erdogan: Quem piscará primeiro |
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Bahçeli Putin’in tavrını eleştirdi |
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Erdogan wants to meet with Putin for Syria talks no later than March 5 |
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Die Kontrolle privater Banken über die Geldschöpfung und Zinsen durch jede Zentralbank in fast jedem Land ist eine dauerhafte Macht über Nationen weit über dem vorübergehenden Zyklus von Politikern Im Jahr 2000 waren diese Nationenplünderer nur wenige Schritte von ihrem weltweiten totalitären Traum entfernt doch ein paar Einzelheiten standen noch im Weg: Wladimir Putin und 393 Millionen amerikanische Waffen Dann kam der orange-gesichtige Donald daher das letzte Puzzlestück welches “Wir das Volk“ benötigten um 250 Jahre des Bankenimperiums zu beenden🙏💗🙏😉 |
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Erdoğan ile Putin arasındaki kritik görüşme gerçekleşti |
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Putin amends Constitution: the further expansion of the Russian Development Goals |
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Iconic Photo of President Reagan Greeting a Young Boy While KGBer Vladimir Putin Dressed as a Tourist in Red Square 1988 |
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Rusia lui Putin joacă la două capete: cu Donald Trump contra lui Bernie Sanders spre al doilea mandat |
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Putin Flies with the Cranes |
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Putin dopo Putin: una lunga transizione |
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Putin ve Kral Selman ‘petrol piyasalarını’ görüştü |
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Vladimir Putin no atacó a iniciativa de |
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Putin bedauert ebenso die Entwicklung in Europa: „In diesen Ländern wird die moralische Grundlage und jede traditionelle Identität geleugnet“ |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: “Putin ile bir araya |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: 5 Mart’ta en kötü ihtimalle Putin ile bir araya gelmemiz söz konusu |
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Putin’e ve Esad’a… |
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Владимир Путин – Иисус! Теперь мы знаем больше Putin haqqında ŞOK açıqlama |
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5 Mevsim Karnavalı’nda dikkat çeken Erdoğan – Putin maketi |
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Unabhängigkeit steckt in ihren Genen Nach fast einem Jahrzehnt der Übernahme der russischen Wirtschaft nach dem Fall der UdSSR 1991 durch die westliche Oligarchie übernahm Putin die Macht und trocknete den russischen Sumpf aus Seitdem zielt jeder seiner Schritte auf die Zerstörung des amerikanischen Imperiums – oder jene Entität welche das britische Imperium 1944 ersetzte was der Name der Neuen Weltordnung ist Das neue Imperium ist im Grunde dasselbe Zentralbanken-Projekt nur mit leicht veränderten Besitzverhältnissen welches die britische Armee durch die NATO als ihre Welt-Gestapo ersetzt hat |
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Mike Bloomberg Raked Over Coals in First Debate PUTIN Releases Pigeons Wearing MAGA Hats in Las Vegas |
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PM Modi and President Putin at EEF 2019 during PM’s visit to Vladivostok |
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Putin : Selama Saya Masih Jadi Presiden Pernikahan Sesama Jenis Tidak Akan Pernah Terjadi di Rusia |
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Beklenen görüşme gerçekleşti Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile telefonda görüştü Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ile telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdi |
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Putin had to ‘snap’ at top economic officials to launch… |
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Dodik Putin 2018 002 |
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Erdoğan: En kötü ihtimal 5 Mart’ta Putin’le görüşürüz |
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Dodik Putin 2018 001 |
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Dodik Putin 2018 003 |
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Yaponiyada Putin adına sambo kuboku keçiriləcək |
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başkan erdoğan putin ile görüştü |
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Will Putin Help Turn Venezuela into Another Syria |
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For stories like the Trump-Putin summit Google News needs to be clearer about how its algorithm works and learn to separate commentary from factual reporting Rich Gordon/Nieman Lab |
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Müharibə riski: Ərdoğan və Putin çıxış yolu tapır – Rus ekspert |
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Why Putin Wants Bernie |
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Singurul factor care-i atribuie importanță lui Igor Dodon în fața lui Putin este angajamentul acestuia de a realiza ”Kozak-2” |
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Contrasting leadership styles: Putin Modi Haseena Publishers at Times LitFest Bengaluru |
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Why Bush is not Putin |
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Lăzăroiu: Dorneanu omul Moscovei l-a transformat pe preşedinte în notar E omul lui Putin în România |
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Kipling Kuznetsov and Putin Praetorians |
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Putin to arrive in New York will take over US |
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Trump Putin Xi der falsche Franziskus und das Neueste vom Ende der Geschichte 3 Teil -1 |
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Putin İstanbula gəlməkdən imtina etdi – SENSASİYA |
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Russian Government Resigns To Make Way For Vladimir Putin’s Constitutional Changes |
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Bruce Plante cartoon: Chaos from Russian president Vladimir Putin |
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Putin speeds up Russian political shake-up details new power centre |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: “Putin’le bu akşamki görüşmenin neticesi bizim oradaki tavrımızı Savunma Sanayi Stratejisi’ konulu sempozyumda konuşan Savunma Sanayi Başkanı İsmail Demir: |
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Putin instructed to create an airline for passenger transportation in the |
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¿Cómo descifrar a Putin en tiempos de crisis |
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Glenn Greenwald: Interference from the national intelligence community is more dangerous than whatever Putin may be trying online |
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The Top 768796 Reasons Putin Wants Trump Re-Elected For GOP Rep Chris Stewart And Idiots Like Him |
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Putin’s Ultimate Goal |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Putin’le telefonla görüştü |
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Başkan Erdoğan Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile telefonda görüştü Edinilen son dakika habere göre görüşmede İdlib’de yaşanan gelişmelerin ele alındığı belirtildi Kremlin’in açıklamasında Putin ve Erdoğan’ın Suriye konusunda ilişkili kurumlar aracılığıyla temaslara devam etme konusunda uzlaştığı belirtildi |
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Erdogan Calls Kremlin to Bail Him From His Idlib Fiasco Pitiless Putin Lines Up Behind His Military |
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Địa chấn chính trị Nga: Tổng thống Putin đã lên kế hoạch rời Kremlin |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin’e Türkmenistan’a davet |
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Book Excerpt: Pepe Escobar On Putin Praetorians |
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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Vladimir Putin |
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Putin ve Lukaşenko petrol konusunda anlaştı soluğu sahada aldı |
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Chi è Vladimir Putin il presidente russo |
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Erdoğan Putin’le görüştü yeni karar çıktı |
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Russia: Bloggers Discuss Crying Putin |
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Karnavalda Erdoğan’lı geçit: Alman tankıyla Suriye’ye gidiyor ve kontrol Putin’de |
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Putinə gözlənilməz sual: Siz 170 dollara dolana bilərsiz – VİDEO |
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Putin Twitimin Ardından Açıklama |
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Silverman: Thanks to Trump and Gardner Putin scored another goal in Colorado Springs |
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Putin must be loving Washington’s meltdown over Russian election interference |
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Putin İstanbula gəlməkdən imtina etdi – Sensasiya |
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Vladimir Putin Sums Up The New World Order In 5 Words |
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Bronisław Wildstein: Putin’s goal is to rob Poland of its credibility |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan Putin’le telefonla görüştü |
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Die US-Truppen haben auch schon einen direkten Ansprechpartner in Berlin Der US-Botschafter in Berlin Richard Grenell wurde vor wenigen Tagen überraschenderweise von Donald Trump zum kommissarischen Direktor aller 17 US-Geheimdienste und als Mitglied des strategischen Beraterstabes im Weißen Haus ernannt Damit hat der Botschafter die vollen Rechte und Machtbefugnisse eines Alliierten Hochkommissars der jederzeit in Deutschland eingreifen kann Er ist auch die erste Adresse für den Vorsitzenden der Alliierten Kontrollrats Wladimir Putin Die US-Geheimdienste und ihr Chef Grenell können also alle Deutschen Dienste und Behörden direkt zu Handlungen oder Unterlassungen anweisen auch den darüber stehenden Politikern |
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Vladimir Putin just signaled that Donald Trump is finished |
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Trump jokes to Putin : Don’t meddle in the election please |
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İrlanda’nın eşcinsel başbakanı Leo Varadkar Putin’le konuşmak istiyor |
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Putin allegedly still uses Windows XP |
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Dodik Putin 2018 004 |
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Are Putin and Mohammed bin Salman Getting Ready for Another High-Five |
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Eric C Anderson talks Trump and Putin on “The Morning Briefing” |
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Zelensky angers Putin as Ukraine considers pulling out of Minsk Agreement Video |
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Putin Ne Kadar Büyük Oynasa Da Rusya Boş Ve Nüfussuz Bir Ülke |
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Devlet Bahçeli: Putin ikili oynuyor |
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Lý do Tổng thống Nga Putin gây áp lực với cấp dưới |
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Putin ve Lukaşenko petrol konusunda |
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President Putin Visits the Orenburgsky State Nature Reserve |
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Bis Trump daherkam kämpfte Putin allein gegen die Neue Weltordnung deren Jahrhunderte alte Besessenheit die Kontrolle des weltweiten Ölmarkts ist da Öl das Blut ist welches durch die Adern der Weltwirtschaft läuft Öl ist tausendmal wertvoller als Gold Frachtschiffe Flugzeuge und Armeen laufen nicht auf Batterien Folglich um sich den Globalisten entgegenzustellen entwickelte Putin die besten offensiven und defensiven Raketensysteme mit dem Ergebnis dass Russland nun jeden unabhängigen Ölproduzenten beschützen kann wie Syrien Venezuela und den Iran |
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Aquarius 2020: Life Electricity Saturn-Jupiter Polaris-Aquarius Helena Roerich Venus in Pisces Mars in Sag Trump Putin-Russia |
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Bahçeli’den Putin’e çok sert reaksiyon: ikili oynuyor |
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