Trump-Putin: The understandable story |
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Russia Passes Bill That Allows Putin To Stay In Power Past 2024 |
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Vladimir Putin May Remain In Power Till 2036 |
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Putin özünü ömürlük “çar” elan etdi – DÜNYAYA VERDİYİ “VƏSSALAM SÖHBƏT BAĞLANDI” MESAJI |
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Russia Kemerovo fire: Putin cites ‘criminal negligence’ |
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Volodin has told about the details of Putin’s speech on amendments to the Constitution |
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Oksana Bashuk Hepburn: How to stop Putin |
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Ərdoğan-Putin anlaşmasının icrasına başlanıldı – Təcili |
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Vladimir Putin signs new law that could keep him as President of Russia until 2036 |
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Putin says Russia May Participate In Newest Round Of OPEC Cuts |
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President of Russia Vladimir Putin signs new law that could keep him in power until 2036 |
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Vladimir Putin – Speech at State Duma plenary session – Amendments to Constitution |
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Putin’in Gölgesi |
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តោះនាំគ្នា ទៅមើលរឿងពិតមួយចំនួន Putin |
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Putin’den dünyayı şaşkına uğratan çıkış! |
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Ərdoğan-Putin görüşünün pərdəarxası |
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Putin signs Russia’s constitutional reform law |
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“Trgi v rdečem”: Ko imperij udari nazaj ali kako je ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin strmoglavil cene nafte |
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Putin Konstitusiyaya dəyişikliklərlə bağlı qanun layihəsini imzalayıb – Kremldən açıqlama |
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COMMENTARY: The world needs leaders right now but it has Trump Xi and Putin instead |
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Vladimir Putin a întrebat oficial Curtea Constituţională dacă este legal să modifice Constituţia pentru a putea candida din nou la preşedinţie |
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Russian President Putin approves law that could keep him in power until 2036 |
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Serious Matter: Vladimir Putin Signs Bill To Law To Keep as President Of Russia Until 2036 |
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Rus lider Putin’in Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı |
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Thỏ Putin – Usavich |
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TT Putin thông qua chỉnh sửa hiến pháp cho phép ông tái tranh cử |
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Putin says Russia to help safeguard Syria’s sovereignty |
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Putin 2036’ya kadar devlet başkanı olarak kalabilecek |
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Putin aprova reforma que pode mantê-lo no poder mais 16 anos |
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PUTIN – Se l’Italia uscisse dall’Europa troverebbe nella Russia un fedele alleato |
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Putin’s Covid-19 oil shock designed to topple US dollar |
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Putin backs proposal that could keep him in power until 2036 |
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Putin saves Erdogan from himself |
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In Putin’s Footsteps |
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În ce condiții ar putea candida Putin pentru un nou mandat |
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Putin’den açıklama! Ben de rahatsızım |
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The former goalkeeper of Russia are going to vote for trump doubt that Putin will give up power to somebody |
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Occidentul iar s-a supărat pe Putin și pe blitzkriegul lui |
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Putin paves way for another presidential term |
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Corneliu Vlad: Întâlnirea Putin-Erdoğan o șansă pentru detensionarea crizei siriene |
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Putin election victory: What next for Russia |
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08:33 – Putin ar putea ramane la putere pana in 2036 A intrebat Curtea Constitutionala daca este legal sa modifice asa cum vrea Constitutia |
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Putin Moskova’da “yeni BM” yaratıyor |
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Putin : “Rusia akan terus mempertahankan kekuasaan Bashar Assad di Suriah” |
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Портмоне Putin Wallet |
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Toti romanii care intra in tara venind din state cu cel putin 500 de infectati cu coronavirus merg direct la izolare Cine e plasat direct in carantina Masurile anuntate de ministrul de Interne |
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Kompania e fluturimeve u drejtohet punonjësve: Do të shkurtojmë vende pune jemi në rrezik Putin po i shpalli luftë Amerikës në tregun e naftës Kush fiton dhe kush humbet |
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Arkan i Putin su ISTO GODIŠTE: Pojavila se neviđena teorija TOTALNO LUDILO! Pa da li je moguće |
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La ceremonia de investidura estuvo precedida este fin de semana por manifestaciones convocadas por el opositor Alexei Navalny en las que la policía se empleó a fondo y detuvo a unas 1600 personas Tal vez por eso ante la representación de todos los poderes del estado Putin recordó en su investidura su victoria electoral del pasado marzo un resultado el 77 de los votos que es un enorme capital político y un sólido soporte moral por lo que agradeció a la ciudadanía rusa su unidad y confianza en que mucho puede cambiarse para mejor y defender nuestras posiciones en la arena internacional para así recuperar el orgullo por la patria y por nuestros valores tradicionales Una encuesta publicada el 7 de mayo por el Levada Center muestra que el 47 de los rusos cree que Putin logrado devolver el estatus y el respeto a Rusia |
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Putin OTW ke Jakarta Bahas Kemitraan RI |
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Putin 2024-də namizəd ola biləcək – Maneə qaldırılır |
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Putin podpísal novelu ruskej ústavy zaistí mu pokračovanie politickej kariéry do roku 2036 |
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Vladimir Putin asume el papel de Líder del Nuevo Orden Mundial |
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BNN summary of the week: No sickness in the homestead Nemiro’s friendship earns serious punishment Putin for life |
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¿Sabe Putin que se va a morir algún día |
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Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putinʹin başkent Moskovaʹda gerçekleştirdiği tarihi İdlib zirve |
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Putin takes next step to staying in power till 2036 – The Guardian |
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مستند قدرت پوتین – The Power of Putin |
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Amherd geht zu Trumps Säbelrasseln gegen Putin auf Distanz |
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09:32 Putin podpísal novelu ruskej ústavy zaistí mu pokračovanie politickej kariéry do roku 2036 |
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Ông Putin đang khéo léo tiến gần đến nhiệm kỳ Tổng thống Nga mới |
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Con la oposición en la cárcel o el exilio puede ocuparse de ampliar su influencia fuera de sus fronterasUna limusina presidencial 100 rusa para Vladimir Putin |
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Sven Liebich im Interview mit der Washington Post Moskau uber Putin Shirts |
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Arkan i Putin su ISTO GODIŠTE: Pojavila se neviđena teorija TOTALNO LUDILO! Pa da |
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Putin signs Russia’s constitutional reform law |
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Ankara: Erdogan presentará a Putin los objetivos de Turquía de la Operación Escudo de primavera en Idlib |
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Erdoğan ve Putin’in incelediği SU-57’nin özellikleri neler |
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Russia: President Putin Signs Law Amending the Constitution |
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Rusya’da halk Putin’in istifası için sokaklara indi |
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Poco después de la ceremonia Putin confirmó en el cargo al primer ministro Dimitri Medvedev Su candidatura será aprobada hoy por la Duma cámara baja del Parlamento controlada por el partido Rusia Unida Medvedev propuso a su vez designar al hasta ahora ministro de Finanzas Anton Siluanov como primer viceprimer ministro en el nuevo gobierno Precisamente la economía es ahora la mayor urgencia Elevar la edad de jubilación aumentar la carga fiscal a empresas y a particulares y dar más libertad y garantías a la iniciativa privada son las reformas pendientes |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin ký dự luật sửa đổi Hiến pháp |
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Exclusive: Impeachment Inquiry Testimony Reveals Trump Wanted To Please Putin |
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Putin riding Trump t-shirt – what in the heck 😆😆 here |
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Syria: Putin is the leader of the Shiites |
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Putin vrea să fie președinte pe viață A trimis o solicitare la Curtea Constituțională |
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Cuando mañana acaben los desfiles patrióticos del Día de la Victoria comenzará otra operación: buscar un relevo o una nueva jugada maestra que le permita seguir al frente tras el año 2024 Putin de 65 años lleva en el poder -ya sea como presidente o primer ministro- desde 2000 Salvo que se reforme la Constitución -que prohíbe encadenar más de dos mandatos consecutivos- este ciclo de seis años será el último para Putin que poco antes de las eleccionesdescartó la posibilidad de reformar la Carta Magna |
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După o singură apariție publică decapotabila lui Putin se vinde ca pâinea caldă |
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Kremlin’den Koronavirüs Uyarısı: Putin İyi İyi Hissetmeyen Gazeteciler Gelmesin |
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‘Putin’s Chef’ Charged with Organizing ‘Troll Factory’ to Interfere in US |
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President Putin in Paris |
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U Rusiji ćemo imati majku i oca dok god sam ja predsjednik – otkriva Putin |
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‘A Whole New Ecosystem’: Independent Journalism Learns To Survive In Putin’s Russia |
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Meral Akşener’den Erdoğan’a Putin tepkisi! |
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Putin pavimenta el camino para eternizarse en el poder ruso |
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Here’s how Trump is keeping Putin in power |
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”Vor să ne îndepărteze unii de alții”: Putin despre situația din Ucraina |
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Rusya 22 Nisan’da sandık başına gidiyor: Putin beklenen imzayı attı |
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Putin rechaza ampliar su mandato antes de votación parlamentaria |
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Putin propõe proibir casamento homossexual na Constituição |
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Putin: Czy zdajecie sobie teraz sprawę z tego co narobiliście |
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Przekaz w propisowskiej telewizji pisze Putin Kłamstwa TVP na temat Unii Europejskie |
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Tổng thống Vladimir Putin đã ký ban hành luật sửa đổi Hiến pháp |
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SON DAKİKA! Putin ve Esad’ın İstediği Oldu! O Kadar Şehit Neden Verildi |
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Putin ve Esad’tan Trump Şakası |
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Putin approves changes allowing him to stay in power until 2036 |
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Putin’den Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a kahvaltı tavsiyesi |
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Putin và phép xóa cờ chơi lại |
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koettelee poliittista johtajuutta – Trump tai Putin eivät näytä hyvää esimerkkiä |
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The Thailanders into 3rd Year Anniversary TOP BUSINESS ORGANIZATION the Rise of AI 3 ‘Putin’ เตือน โบลิเวีย 129 เวนสไตน์ Harvey Weinstein ตัดสินจำคุก 23 “Cybertruck” สุดล้ำจาก Tesla มียอดสั่งจองพุ่งถึง 150000 คัน เจ้าฟ้าสิริวัณณวรี นารีรัตนราชกัญญา สปริง/ซัมเมอร์ 2020 ภายใต้แบรนด์ SIRIVANNAVARI และ และศูนย์การค้าสยามพารากอน ร่วมกันจัดงาน “Colors of Health” |
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Putin to Flood Russia with Millions of Muslims from former Soviet countries |
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Putin nënshkruan vendimin për ndryshimet kushtetuese |
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Pujian Putin Untuk Erdogan |
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Italia urmeaza scenariul Chinei! In ultimele 24 de ore nu mai putin de 196 de persoane au murit din cauza coronavirusului ajungandu-se la 827 de decese! Numarul persoanelor infectate a crescut cu 2500 fata de ieri la 12500 |
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Putin vendos të “karantinohet” në Kremlin deri në 2036 / Ndryshimet e reja kushtetuese i lejojnë atij të rikandidojë edhe 2 mandate të tjera |
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Putin skrev under sitt eget reformpaket |
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Cel putin 12 oameni intre care cadre medicale si un copilas de 4 ani au fost infectati de tanara iresponsabila care a sfidat izolarea la domiciliu Ea s-a vindecat la Timisoara si a plecat acasa |
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Putin Ərdoğanı dəhlizdə belə gözlətdi – VİDEO |
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Poles Got Upset by Putin’s Words Accusing Russia of Anti-Semitism |
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Putin-Erdoğan Zirvesi Öncesi Esad’dan Açıklama |
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Lời chào kiểu Putin: Mọi máy bay Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ xâm phạm Syria sẽ được S-400 nghênh tiếp! |
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Whys Is Erdogan-Putin Idlib Agreement Doomed To Collapse |
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Putin a semnat reforma constituţională care îi permite menţinerea la putere |
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Con una aprobación de alrededor del 80 muchos rusos consideran a Putin el antídoto a las terribles agitaciones de los noventa que tanto complicaron la subsistencia de los ciudadanos A aquellos doloridos recuerdos se refirió al final de su discurso: Sabemos que en la década de 1990 y principios de 2000 además de los necesarios cambios históricos nuestra patria y nuestro pueblo pasaron por duros desafíos Mucho aunque no todo ha sido restaurado La nueva frontera para Rusia es 2024 100 años después de la muerte de Lenin cuando Putin deberá dejar paso a otro o inventarse otro esquema de poder que lo eternice con éxito |
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Putin Teken Amandemen Konstitusi yang Bisa Membuatnya Berkuasa Hingga 2036 |
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Nga tuần tra miền Bắc Syria ông Putin nói lời sắc lạnh |
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Putin se eterniza en la presidencia de Rusia |
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RFE/RL: Independent journalism learns to survive in Putin’s Russia |
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Putin firmó ley que le permitiría seguir en el poder hasta 2036 Álvaro José Carvajal Vidarte |
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Firma Vladimir Putin ley que lo perpetúa en el poder en Rusia |
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Putin’e sinirlenip çekiçle mağazadaki televizyonları kırdı |
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Vladimir Putin- The Strongest Man From Russia |
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Putin Ağlıyor |
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Carrió lo hizo de nuevo: «El problema no es el coronavirus sino Vladimir Putin» |
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HoangsaParacels: Lãnh đạo việt cộng đua nhau lễ chùa nhưng rất ít khi đi lễ nhà thờ Công Giáo Nay Cộng Sản Nga ủng hộ Putin đưa Chúa Trời vào Hiến Pháp Chắc có lẽ một số đồng chí tasẽ sốt sắng theo đạo Công Giáo |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ile bir telefon görüşmesi yapan Suriyeʹdeki rejimin lideri Beşşar Esedİdlib Gerginliği Azaltma |
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Kalahkan Putin dan Trump Jokowi jadi presiden terpopuler dunia |
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Putin onayladı! Rusya’da büyük değişim |
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Ante su cuarta corona el reto para Vladimir Putin es sacar al país de sus problemas económicos sin renunciar a una desafiante política exterior Le quedan seis años por delante para liberalizar la economía del país pasar de las armas al diálogo en Siria configurando así a Moscú como un nuevo actor en la región mantener a la disidencia en el ‘congelador’ del silencio informativo y el acoso judicial y señalar de una vez por todas un sucesor que pueda asumir el timón de un régimen que ha regresado al corte personalista de algunas etapas de la URSS |
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Putin firmó una ley que le permite perpetuarse en el poder |
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Hạ viện Nga mở đường ông Putin sẽ tranh cử nắm quyền tổng thống đến năm 2036 |
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COVID-19 Update: Menhub Budi Karya Positif Terinfeksi Virus AS Sebut Putin Sebagai Ancaman Lebih Besar daripada ISIS |
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Serious Matter: Vladimir Putin Signs Bill To Law To Keep as |
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Putin a explicat diferența între ”oligarhii” vechi și noi |
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