The Latest: Trump Putin discuss virus global energy |
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Putin koronavirusu türklərə bənzədib |
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Putin speaks with Trump on virus oil |
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Putin yaşlı vatandaşlara ek destek sağlanması talimatı verdi |
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King Salman Donald Trump Putin Together in Call on Oil Stability |
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Putin’den Koronavirüs ile Türkleri Kıyasladı |
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Putin uzaydaki kozmonotlarla canlı bağlantı ile görüştü |
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Putin koronayla mücadeleyi Türklerle savaşmaya benzetti |
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Trump og Putin i telefonmøte |
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Médicos acusan a Putin de poner en peligro a toda Rusia por no cerrar Moscú |
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Putin discusses oil with Trump and Saudi King |
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Tramp Putin və Salmanla neftin qiymətini müzakirə etdi |
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TT Putin nổi trận lôi đình: Kẻ nào dám đi đêm vượt mặt Nga phá lệnh ngừng bắn ở Syria |
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Putin aborda con Trump acuerdo OPEP y la crisis del coronavirus |
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Rusya’da korona virüste son durum: Putin Rus Halkı’ndan ne istedi |
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Putin: el socialismo “siempre” lleva a la economía a “un callejón sin salida” |
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Putin: İnsanlı uzay uçuş programlarının geliştirilmesi önceliğimiz |
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5 lý do khiến nước Nga ‘thời đại’ Putin trở nên hùng mạnh |
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Putin koronavirüsle mücadeleyi Türklerle yapılan savaşlara benzetti |
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Putin’in Türklere yönelik tuhaf sözleri tepki çekti! |
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Putin Speaks With Trump on Coronavirus Oil |
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RUSIA: Vladimir Putin anuncia medidas por COVID-19 |
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Rusi se već danima pitaju gdje je Putin |
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¿En verdad Putin tiene controlado el coronavirus en Rusia |
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Trump Putin speak for second consecutive day |
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Russian parliament backs adjustments permitting Vladimir Putin to run once more for president |
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Putin ve Trump petrol üretim kısıntısını görüştü |
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Putin’den koronavirüse skandal ‘Türk’ benzetmesi |
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Putin Coronavirüsle Mücadeleyi Türklerle Savaşa Benzetti |
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Putin petrol üretiminin azaltılması kararından memnun |
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Putin Russia NED |
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Putin Ərdoğandan gizli zəng gözləyib – Erməni icmalçı görəsən hansı zəngə işarə vurur |
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Putin ile Trump telefon görüşmesi o iddiaları yalanladı |
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Putin’den itiraf Rus ekonomisi zor durumda |
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COVID-19: Putin tells officials to ‘get ready’ for fight Iran urges IMF to move on emergency loan |
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Putin nazir müavinini işdən çıxardı |
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The Week In Russia: Putin Pechenegs And Pneumonia |
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Putin’in Suriye itirafı dünyayı şok etti |
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Trump Putin Saudi Crown Prince Trip to Fix Oil Markets – The Wall Aspect road Journal |
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Putin Trump discuss oil prices coronavirus over phone |
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Erdoğan ve Putin’in incelediği SU-57’nin özellikleri neler |
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Putin a vizitat pacienții cu COVID-19 îmbrăcat în costum |
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Putin’s Rules Of Engagement In Syria |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Second Meeting… |
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Trump Holds Conference Call on Oil Deal with Putin Saudi king |
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Putin wurde mit 7667 Prozent gewählt: Ist das noch Demokratie |
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Putin created unit that blew up apartment blocks in 1999 a year |
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I think where Donald Trump loses most hawkish republicans is when he talking about how much he likes Vladimir Putin That should make any person who believe in the American exceptionalism incredibly uncomfortable |
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Görenler inanamadı: İstiklal Caddesi’nde Putin gerilimi |
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Putin is not eternal with coronavirus or not |
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Russia must say “No!” to 16 more years of Putin I have a different vision! |
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Putin koronayla mücadeleyi Türklerle yapılan savaşlara benzetti |
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Putin Trump y el rey saudí dispuestos a cooperar para estabilizar el mercado petrolero |
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KoronavirusRusko: Putin ocenil spolupráci s USA chce ji v boji s virem |
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justsayin takes a look at Trump and Putin |
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Sijoittajat ovat hengettömiä ja perintöveroa menee 13 prosenttia – Milja Sarkolan romaanin päähenkilö suhtautuu rahaan Putin lykkää vastuuta muille – hyllyn perältä löytyi jopa Medvedev ”Vovan” työkalupakin kelpo pikkumeisseli |
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Defining Moment For Putin: Stand Up To Israel |
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Putin To Nationalise Rothschild Central Bank of Russia |
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Putin in the Mirror of Economy and Constitution |
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Descoperire de ULTIMA ORA! De ce sunt romanii MAI PUTIN expusi decat vesticii la imbolnavirea de COVID-19! Anuntul unui medic important din Romania |
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PUTIN NEMILOSRDAN: Smenio Aleksandra Romanova |
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Türk şirketi inşaa etti Putin açılışını yapacak |
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Trump Putin Saudi Crown Prince Scramble to Fix Oil Markets – The Wall Street Journal |
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Putin ile Trump telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdi |
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Îşi mai arată Putin muşchii Spitalele din Moscova sunt în pragul… |
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Tramp Putin və Kral Salman arasında kritik görüşmə – “Nəticəsini görəcəyik |
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Putin: ‘Yeni Silahları Suriye’de Test Ettik’ |
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Putin’s ideas for 2024 |
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Putin’in Selahaddin Eyyubi’nin Mezarını Ziyaret Ettiği İddiası |
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Putin: Yeni silahları Suriye’de kullanarak deneyim elde ettik |
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Putin y Trump volverán a hablar de cooperación para hacer frente a la pandemia |
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Baiatul mai putin cunoscut al lui Arnold Schwarzenegger Joseph Baena a recreat o imagine faimoasa a tatalui sau din 1976 Cat de mult ii seamana |
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Putin i Si pozvali Ameriku da vrati nuklearno oružje na svoju SE OVO DOGODILO U LONDONU Kristijano pokušao je da uhvati lopticu posle Novakovog servisa |
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Putin und Trump ebnen den Weg zum Frieden in Syrien |
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Putin’s Man Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt |
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Ceasefire to no avail ” Putin tracks back in libya” |
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Trump Has “Big Talk” With Putin Saudi King Salman About Oil – OilPricecom |
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Putin Da on Facebook |
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Putin’den Suriye |
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Putin y Trump mantienen una conversación telefónica acerca de la pandemia del coronavirus |
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Photos: Russia sends 60 TONS of ventilators masks respirators and equipment to the US after Putin offers help during phone call with Trump |
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Putin Koronavirüsle Mücadeleyi Türklerle Savaşmaya Benzetti |
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Trump holds oil call with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Russia’s Putin as OPEC Business Network |
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S-300 in Iran ‘no threat to Israel’: Putin briefs Netanyahu on defensive weapons concept |
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Putin Virüs Nedeniyle Ekonominin Zor Durumda Olduğunu Açıkladı |
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Vladimir Putin a stârnit hohote de râs |
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What do Vladimir Putin and Constantine the Great have in com |
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How to Make Precarious Russia Habitable – or What Russians Want in Putin’s Fourth Term |
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Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin |
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Schutz für Christen in Syrien – Lob für Putin aus dem Vatikan |
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Putin uzayda |
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Putin: Ekonomiyi Dr Sayan: Yüzde 25-30’luk işsizlik kimseyi şaşırtmasın… |
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Iran Welcomes Putin’s Idea for Green Corridor in Coronavirus Fight |
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Trump Has “Big Talk” With Putin Saudi King Salman About Oil |
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Fa-ti singur acasa ciocolata intr-un mod simplu si rapid E gata in mai putin de 20 de minute |
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I can’t deny to agree with the above words expressed by Dugin but I would be the first to recognize at my lack of knowledge about Dugin’s political intentions and his dealings with Putin and as to what extent Putin himself take Dugin’s advise in his political dealings or it’s just a ‘spiritual’ ideological adviser of a philosophical nature rather than a de facto policy maker Do not know it’s said he doesn’t even hold a job at the Kremlin journalist Alexander Nevzorov: “if we had had Sergey Kurginyan and Dugin instead of Putin there would have been hell for all of us to pay they would have unleashed a European and World War without a shadow of a doubt without considering consequences at all” But “Dugin and Kurginyan do not have the slightest impact on what is going on in the Kremlin and do not even get coaching there” |
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Imagine my surprise of the likes of Alexander Dugin the so named Putin’s Rasputin claiming ideas derived from Rene Guenon! |
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Commonwealth model offers hope for easing multilateral trade Salman Donald Trump Putin Together in Call on Oil Stability |
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Putin smijenio zamjenika ministra unutrašnjih poslova |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin: ‘Ülkede ekonomiyi durduramayız’ |
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Ein fiktives Gespräch zwischen Trump und Putin |
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Mahfud MD Bertemu Dubes Rusia Bahas Kedatangan Putin ke Tahun Menjanda Gunakan Alat Bantu Seks Yuni Shara Juga Tak Pernah Orgasme |
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Democrats now glad Trump has been Putin’s little bitch after Russia announces new hypersonic weapon |
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Trump i samtal med Putin och Bin Salman |
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Coronavirus deals blow to Putin’s plans to stay in power until 2036 |
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Yasen Class 885M takes Jibe at US Putin strikes back |
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Putin Leaves a Political Will the Last Message to the West: Russia’s Territory is Indivisible |
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“Alexander Dugin’s influence on Russian foreign policy is an object of speculation mostly on the level of gossip In the West he is often times dubbed new Rasputin probably because mainstream opinion maker’s intelligence doesn’t seem to reach further of pattern recognition clue: the beard While it’s hard to believe that esteemed professor sees himself as “Russia’s greatest love machine” it is impossible to overlook that some of the moves Russian foreign policy makes are fairly concordant to his opinions and affirm much of what he is saying Diplomatic victory over the West during the first phase of Syria crisis cannot be denied and it is hard to escape the fact that Reagan’s term “Evil empire” is coming dangerously close to denote the USA itself However there is a great danger in idealizing the Eurasian project spearheaded by Russian Federation Uncritical glorification of the rising might of Russia although understandable shouldn’t lead to forgetting the famous saying about “enigma wrapped in secret” In other words Westerner must never forget that he doesn’t know and – as is implied in Dugin’s logic – maybe even cannot know what goes on behind Putin’s stone face Further it is questionable how really can one reconcile militant Evolian mysticism with ascetic wisdom of Guenon which Dugin apparently tries to do It is a pity that West is more or less ignorant of Guenon’s consequent spiritual descendant Hungarian Bela Hamvas man far more experienced in enduring than exercising the violent force but who nevertheless almost single handed kept the flame of Tradition alive for all Eastern Europe What he and Guenon were able to do is to point the finger and say: this is Corruption Nothing more nothing less And that in itself made them revolutionaries Resistance of the sort Alexander Dugin advocates could prove no less immoral than the aggression of the West and in fact can hardly be reconciled with the religious attitude of Traditionalism |
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Putin: Suriye’de yerli silahların kullanımında deneyim elde ettik |
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Putin Doktrini: Büyük Güç Statüsünün Muhafazası |
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Corona-Krise: Putin sendet „großes Hilfsflugzeug“ in die USA |
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Putin amp Trump Forced into Populist Alliance vs Globalists: The End of Jewish Power |
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ON JE NOVI VLADAR SVETA Putin PRESREĆAN: Dve VOJNE SILE stale na njegovu stranu Ameri se hvataju za glavu |
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How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putin’s Leadership—and the System He Created |
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CANCELLED: Falshfasad: Disavowed Infrastructure and Everyday Marxism in Putin’s PPParadise with Michal Murawski University College London |
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Putin’den koronaya karşı sert tedbirlere destek |
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Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin skandal bir açıklamaya imza attı Koronavirüsle mücadeleyi Türklerle müc… |
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Putin expects to speak with Trump again on virus |
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USA / April 10 2020 Trump Putin Saudi Crown Prince Trip to Fix Oil Markets – The Wall Aspect road Journal |
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Western Nexus fazed by Vladimir Putin |
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Netanyahu Putin agree to cooperate against coronavirus |
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Putin najavio razgovor s Trampom: Partnerstvo u istraživanju svemira |
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Putin: ‘2-3 ay içerisinde korona virüsü yeneceğiz’ |
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Putin believes space cooperation with US successful |
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Duma kararı: Putin’in yeniden başkan olmasının önündeki engeller kaldırıldı |
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Putin Türk Akımı projesi anlaşmasını onayladı |
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STORY 1: What would you do in order to spend the Passover Seder with your familyAt 7am on the morning before Passover 2018 an Uber driver from the Bronx who shall remain nameless came to understand the lengths that some people will go through to get to a sederHe had just responded to a drive request The only information that the Uber driver’s app gave him was that the ride was expected to take more than 45 minutes He figured it was going to be a request for a ride to the airport — and sure enough when he pulled up a family of five proceeded to load luggage into his car The app then indicated that in fact this family was traveling to the airport — just not the airport he was expecting He asked the family: “The Uber app says that you want me to drive you from New York to Logan Airport in Boston That can’t be right” But the family members said “Actually that’s correct” The driver said: “You know the fare is going to be at least 800”They said – “yes”The passengers Jeanne Fisher and her family had already done the math Their flight from LaGuardia Airport to Miami had been cancelled the day before Passover and they found out that the only other flight from the entire northeast into South Florida that would arrive before the Seder that had available seats was leaving from Boston So what choice did they have They had to get to Boston so that they could get to MiamiThe Uber driver laughed but agreed to drive them and decided to take the opportunity to visit his relatives in Connecticut on the way back The ride is not the longest in Uber history but at more than 4 hours it ranks among the longest and most expensive Uber rides of 2018The Fishers made it to Boston Logan Airport in time for their flight scheduled for before 1 pm But then they ran into another problem — their new flight was delayed This time thankfully it was only for 40 minutes and they arrived in Miami at 5:10pm with just enough time to get to their family seder on time I sure hope they gave a good tip to the driver 2 stories are true one is fictional STORY 2: Entrepreneur Aaron Levine of Wilmington Delaware is known to his family and friends for having the most extensive collection of crazy socks He has socks for just about every color every sports team and every holiday But if you are Jewish and you collect crazy socks you learn that it is hard to find holiday socks for Jewish holidays other than Hanukkah This is what inspired Aaron Levine and his childhood friend who is an organic clothing manufacturer to start selling SederSox® Passover-seder-themed socks including the Matzah sock the Seder plate sock and the Plague of Frogs sock among others These socks are made out of breatheable organic cotton — and because of the company’s commitment to environmentalism the socks also incorporate other biodegradable plant-based fibers including wheat fibers They were excited to unveil their product in anticipation of Passover 2018 with the hope that it would be sold in Judaica stores and other retailers as well as on their website But when SederSox® reached the market in February of 2018 Aaron started to get detailed inquiries from some potential retailers and customers asking about exactly how the wheat fibers are produced And Aaron soon learned to his dismay: because the process of producing the wheat fibers involves mixing wheat with water and letting it stand for more than 18 minutes it meets the technical definition of Hametz In other words SederSox® are made with a leavened product that is not supposed to be seen or even owned during the holiday of PassoverThis is why for 2019 SederSox® are no longer made with wheat fibers The remaining 2018 inventory of SederSox® can still be purchased from their website but every order now comes with a note: “According to many rabbis it is a violation of Jewish law to wear SederSox® to your Seder unless the sock is clearly marked ‘Kosher for Passover’” 2 stories are true one is fictionalSTORY 3:Who doesn’t love matzah Well lots of people don’t love matzah But you probably have realized that matzah is on the shelves in many supermarkets all year round And a lot of that matzah on the shelves all year round is not even kosher for Passover There are clearly plenty of people eating matzah year round who are not doing so because they have to but because they want toAnd you will never guess the identity of one major non-Jewish matzah consumer I will give you some hints He is one of the richest and most powerful people in the world He is legendary for his physical fitness He has a special relationship with the Jewish community in his country And … One of his favorite hobbies is using social media to steal elections in other countries Yes you guessed it In 2018 during the Moscow Limmud festival Russia’s chief Rabbi Berel Lazar noted that matzah is one of the favorite foods of Russian president Vladimir Putin throughout the whole year “Putin said matzah is tasty easy and healthy to eat” said Rabbi Lazar “He likes to eat matzah while drinking tea” And whereas Rabbi Lazar’s story has not been independently verified you can be sure that a powerful person like Putin would not tolerate this story being told about him if it weren’t true You know how much Putin hates “fake news” Answers: Story 1 is true see Story 2 is false The prohibition on owning or coming in contact with hametz applies only to hametz items that are fit for consumption Story 3 is true See חג שמח! |
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Reset auf Null: Weitere Amtszeiten für Putin |
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Rusia Médicos acusan a Putin de poner en peligro a toda Rusia por no cerrar Moscú |
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Trump Putin Saudi Crown Prince Scramble to Fix Oil Markets |
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Un bombero y un comunicador se unen para ayudar a ancianos en un pueblo de y Putin discuten sobre el coronavirus y los mercados mundiales de energía |
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Vladimir Putin: Armamentul rusesc va rămâne în continuare competitiv și solicitat |
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Putin-Ərdoğan razılaşması: Hərbi fəaliyyət dayandırıldı |
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Open Skies – With Trump Every Day is Putin’s Birthday |
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Vladimir Putin: Seht Ihr was Ihr angerichtet habt |
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2 Katerina’nın Osmanlı Devletini 11 Kez Yendiği ve Putin’in Heykellerle Mesaj Verdiği İddiası |
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Russia’s Parliament Passes Law Enabling Putin to Run for President Again |
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CAPTAIN TAREK DREAM: Putin: Russia Is Ready To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job |
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Vladimir Putin e la dichiarazione sull’Italia fuori dall’Europa |
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Tiết lộ nội dung cuộc điện đàm bất ngờ giữa Tổng thống Nga Putin với Tổng thống Mỹ Trump |
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Putin nə deyəcək |
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Biden endorsed by Putin puppet Assad apologist |
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Trump speaks with Putin on oil for second straight day |
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Putin Invites Trump to Moscow for Second Meeting After Washington Postponed Plans |
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Coronavirus Crisis Erodes Putin’s Strongman Image Amidst Rumours Of Coverup Of Cases |
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Putin i Trump ruše… |
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Mahfud MD Bertemu Dubes Rusia Bahas Kedatangan Putin ke Indonesia |
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Soiuri de vita de vie hibride Lucruri mai putin stiute |
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Museveni to Meet Putin Next Links |
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Putin and Trump Agree to Pursue Russian-US Consultations on Oil Market – Kremlin |
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Trump Has Big Talk With Putin Saudi King Salman About Oil – OilPricecom |
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How to respond to Putin’s undeclared war |
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Médicos acusan a Putin de poner en peligro a toda Rusia por no cerrar Moscúhace 1 hora |
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Putin expects another discussion with Trump on virus and economy |
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Władimir Putin pozytywnie ocenia ustalenia OPEC |
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Владимир Путин – Иисус! Теперь мы знаем больше Putin haqqında ŞOK açıqlama |
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Putin hands down orders to work on symmetric response to US new cruise missile’s test |
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PUTIN BEZ MILOSTI I U VREME KORONE! Upravo je smenio jednog od ključnih ljudi! |
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What do Vladimir Putin and Constantine t |
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Putin i Tramp razgovarali telefonom! Glavna tema je bila crno zlato! |
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TT Putin nổi trận lôi đình: Kẻ nào dám ‘đi đêm’ vượt mặt Nga phá lệnh ngừng bắn ở Syria |
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Putin aborda con Trump acuerdo OPEP y crisis del COVID-19 |
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Putin najavio novi razgovor o pandemiji sa Trampom |
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Saudi king Trump Putin evaluation significance of cooperation between oil producing worldwide locations – Reuters |
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Trump holds oil call with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Russia’s Putin as OPEC wavers |
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În plină criză a coronavirusului Vladimir Putin a „DISPĂRUT” după ce s-a întâlnit cu un medic infectat |
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Putin gegen Beschränkung der Massenmedien in Russland! |
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Îşi mai arată Putin muşchii Spitalele din Moscova sunt în pragul colapsului din cauza coronavirusului |
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Trump fala sobre reunião ao telefone com Putin e rei saudita: ‘boa’ |
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TAKO TO RADE RUSI: Na forumu “Armija 2019” Putin pokazao svetu svoju silu! VIDEO |
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Rusya’da Sistem Yapı ve Putin’in İktidarı |
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Putin: el socialismo “siempre” lleva a la economía a “un callejón |
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Trump Putin Saudi Crown Prince Scramble to Fix Oil Markets – The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal |
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Greg Myre: The Cold War roots of Putin’s digital-age intelligence strategy |
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İbn Salman Putinə qarşı döyüşü |
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Russia: President Putin Postpones National Vote on Constitutional Changes Amid |
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Vladimir Putin obukao zaštitno odijelo i posjetio oboljele od koronavirusa! |
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Putin rekao da će uskoro sa Trampom ponovo razgovarati o borbi protiv pandemije |
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Saudi king Trump Putin review importance of cooperation between oil producing countries |
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Tỉ lệ ủng hộ Tổng thống Putin bất ngờ giảm mạnh |
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Putin koronavirüs salgını ile ilgili yeni talimatlar verdi |
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Putin e Trump conversaram sobre preços do petróleo e coronavírus |
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PUTIN SVIRA “BOŽE PRAVDE”! Potpuni hit na internetu ljudi ne veruju! VIDEO |
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ITALIJANSKI PREMIJER UPOZORAVA BRISEL: EU rizikuje propast Putin nas ne ucenjuje |
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Hat das Tauwetter zwischen Trump und Putin endlich begonnen |
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Will Putin Help Turn Venezuela into Another Syria |
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Putin anuncia conversación con Trump para tratar cooperación ante pandemia del coronavirus |
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Putin and trump held telephone talks |
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Putin’den Suriye itirafı: Yerli silahlar |
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