Sanctions on Russia to stay whoever wins US vote – Putin ally |
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Sát ngày bầu cử Mỹ ông Putin bất ngờ khen ông Trump tiết lộ con số kỳ lạ giữa Mỹ-Nga |
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Putin said Russia is expected to begin mass vaccinations by the end of the year |
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Asegura Vladimir Putin que las vacunas rusas son seguras |
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Putin’s Nation State Model |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının iclasını topladı |
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Putin’den Karabağ’la ilgili FLAŞ Türkiye açıklaması |
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12th VTB Capital Russia Calling – Investment Forum addressed by President Vladimir Putin |
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Putin: “Dağlık Karabağ müzakerelerinde Türkiye de olmalı” |
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Putin’den Dağlık Karabağ için Türkiye çağrısı |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının üzvləri ilə Qarabağı müzakirə etdi |
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КАК ВЛАДИМИР ПУТИН ИГРАЕТ В ХОККЕЙ! Vladimir Putin play hockey |
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Boli cu transmitere sexuala mai putin cunoscute II |
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Vladimir Putin’den Karabağ ve Türkiye İle İlgili açıklama! |
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Ruble Slides as Putin Announces Government’s Resignation |
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Russia open to return of occupied lands in Karabakh to Azerbaijan: Putin |
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Ərdoğandan Putinə KRİTİK QARABAĞ TƏKLİFİ: Rusiya ilə birgə – GİZLİ DETALLAR |
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TT Putin tóm gót chân Achilles của Erdogan: Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ lạnh gáy lập tức điện tới Moscow |
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Nichts Neues im Kreml: Präsident Putin arbeitet |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin: ‘Russia Is Not Afraid Of Anything I Do Not Know About President Erdoğan’s Attitude Towards The Ottoman Legacy But I Know That Our Bilateral Trade Exceeds 20 Billion’ |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurası ilə Qarabağ məsələsini müzakirə etdi |
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Cu siguranta ati auzit si poate mancat cel putin o data in viata strogranoff de… |
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Cập nhật Rộ tin 4500 lính Nga ở Armenia bị tấn công Azerbaijan khẩn cấp lên tiếng – TT Putin ra tay giải quyết xung đột ở Karabakh |
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Über Wladimir Putin Privatisierung Separatismus und Geheimpolizei |
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Putin’den çok önemli Türkiye açıklaması |
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Sát ngày bầu cử Mỹ ông Putin bất ngờ khen ông Trump tiết lộ “con số kỳ lạ” giữa Mỹ-Nga |
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Cum a accelerat vaccinul lui Putin răspândirea virusului în Rusia |
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Putin’s plot to subvert the US election: How does it work and does it matter |
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‘Mi envenenamiento fue un proyecto personal de Putin’ |
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Putin koronavirus peyvəndlərinin effektivliyindən danışdı: Sovet məktəbi sağdır |
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Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump |
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Vacunas rusas Sputnik V y EpiVacCorona contra COVID-19 son seguras y eficaces: Putin |
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Putin Tucker FBI |
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Putin Trump ve Macron’dan ortak açıklama: Dağlık Karabağ’da |
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Saudi King Salman Putin Meet Discuss Oil Partnership Vaccine Production |
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Putin decrees development of Arctic with more nuclear icebreakers |
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Putin’den Türkiye ve Erdoğan açıklaması |
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Putin: Erdoğan esnek ve güvenilir bir ortak |
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Putin’den çok konuşulacak Türkiye teklifi |
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Putin’s Foreign Policy has United West against Russia and Some Russians Against Him Shevtsova Says |
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I think where Donald Trump loses most hawkish republicans is when he talking about how much he likes Vladimir Putin That should make any person who believe in the American exceptionalism incredibly uncomfortable |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby Tak to budete koukat… VIDEO |
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Putin afirma que no habrá confinamiento en Rusia pese al récord de casos y muertes |
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President Vladimir Putin condolences to French President Emmanuel Macron over the |
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Russia ready to produce Covid vax at foreign sites of partners: Putin 0 |
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Sistemul solar este menit sa dispara De fapt de cand Soarele a inceput sa straluceasca energia sa lumina si caldura rezulta din reactiile nucleare care transforma hidrogenul intr-un gaz ceva mai greu heliul Dar in mai putin de 5 miliarde de ani tot |
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Erdoğan’dan Putin’e flaş Karabağ teklifi |
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Vladímir Putin anuncia el registro de una segunda vacuna rusa contra el COVID-19 |
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Majoritatea oamenilor au vazut cel putin o eclipsa totala de luna Aceasta are loc cand intreaga Luna trece prin umbra Pamantului In acest caz Soarele si Luna se afla in parti opuse Pamantului Daca vedeti o eclipsa de luna vizibila doar noaptea in anum |
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Trump Putin meeting shifts from discourse to discord |
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ANS ÇM Putin və Ərdoğanın telefon danışığının gizli təfərrüatları barədə – VİDEO |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının iclasını çağırdı – Gündəm Qarabağdır |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasını topladı – Qarabağ müzakirə edildi |
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Putin Karabağ ve Türkiye Hakkında Konuştu! |
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Putin ohlásil doktrínu která nemá obdoby Jeho slova otřásla Američany i západními partnery |
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Wenn nicht Putin wer dann Oder wie Demokratie funktioniert |
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Über Tschetschenen und Wladimir Putin |
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Wow Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden! Says They Have ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communism |
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Putin urges to avoid others’ mistakes in fighting coronavirus |
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Del submarino nuclear chino a los Diez Mil Hijos de Putin |
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Über Wladimir Putin und seinen Kollegen Adolf Hitler |
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Lucruri mai putin știute despre creierul uman |
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Putin: Rusiyada genişmiqyaslı məhdudiyyətlər tətbiq mitinqdə iştirak etmək üçün insanların Minskə gətirildiyi bildirilir |
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Putin speeds up Russian political shake-up details new power centre |
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Putin anuncia vacunación contra Covid-19 masiva a fin de año |
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Putin’s Plot to Subvert the US Election: How Does It Work and Does It Matter |
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Acces egal la tratamente medicale și niciun compromis în fața lui Putin: cum leagă UE solidaritatea internă de o mai mare putere în afară |
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Imagine my surprise of the likes of Alexander Dugin the so named Putin’s Rasputin claiming ideas derived from Rene Guenon! |
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“Qarabağ münaqişəsinin asan həll yolu yoxdur” – Putin |
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Nga kêu gọi NATO nghiên cứu kỹ đề xuất của Tổng thống Putin về INF |
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• Son dakika Putin’den ‘Dağlık Karabağ’ çağrısı: Çatışmalara son verin! |
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Inside Putin’s Plot to Subvert US Election |
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Stilul Art Nouveau apãrut la sfârsitul anilor 1890 a durat mai putin de un deceniu dar în acest rãstimp trãsãturile sale de bazã au pãtruns în toate aspectele artei si design-ului În 1895 un negustor de artã de origine germanã Samuel Bin |
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Nazarbayev’den Putin ve Zelenskyy’e Çağrı |
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Anna Nemtsova: Armenia fears Putin isn’t coming to help in Nagorno-Karabakh |
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Ông Putin: “Dù tôi nói gì Nga vẫn bị cáo buộc nhúng tay vào cuộc bầu cử Mỹ” |
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A Russian Billionaire With Close Ties To Putin Made Suspicious Payments To Nobu |
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“Alexander Dugin’s influence on Russian foreign policy is an object of speculation mostly on the level of gossip In the West he is often times dubbed new Rasputin probably because mainstream opinion maker’s intelligence doesn’t seem to reach further of pattern recognition clue: the beard While it’s hard to believe that esteemed professor sees himself as “Russia’s greatest love machine” it is impossible to overlook that some of the moves Russian foreign policy makes are fairly concordant to his opinions and affirm much of what he is saying Diplomatic victory over the West during the first phase of Syria crisis cannot be denied and it is hard to escape the fact that Reagan’s term “Evil empire” is coming dangerously close to denote the USA itself However there is a great danger in idealizing the Eurasian project spearheaded by Russian Federation Uncritical glorification of the rising might of Russia although understandable shouldn’t lead to forgetting the famous saying about “enigma wrapped in secret” In other words Westerner must never forget that he doesn’t know and – as is implied in Dugin’s logic – maybe even cannot know what goes on behind Putin’s stone face Further it is questionable how really can one reconcile militant Evolian mysticism with ascetic wisdom of Guenon which Dugin apparently tries to do It is a pity that West is more or less ignorant of Guenon’s consequent spiritual descendant Hungarian Bela Hamvas man far more experienced in enduring than exercising the violent force but who nevertheless almost single handed kept the flame of Tradition alive for all Eastern Europe What he and Guenon were able to do is to point the finger and say: this is Corruption Nothing more nothing less And that in itself made them revolutionaries Resistance of the sort Alexander Dugin advocates could prove no less immoral than the aggression of the West and in fact can hardly be reconciled with the religious attitude of Traditionalism |
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“Agreed with Putin” Lukashenko said that Russia at the first query |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin khẳng định mục tiêu quan trọng |
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Putin Beri Lampu Hijau Kembalikan Karabakh ke ini: |
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Putin: Rusiyada genişmiqyaslı məhdudiyyətlər tətbiq edilməyəcək |
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Putin Calls For Turkish Involvement In Nagorno-Karabakh Talks |
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Putin potpisao zakon: List Miroslavljevog jevanđelja se vraća Srbiji |
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Toplantı iptal edilmişti! Erdoğan ve Putin – Bursa Kazan Biz Kepçe |
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‘Karabağ’ için kritik gelişme! Lider Erdoğan’ın Putin’e yaptığı teklif ortaya çıktı… |
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Putin’den Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Türkiye açıklamaları |
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US rejects Putin’s offer to extend nuclear arms treaty |
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Мужская футболка с простым лицом Vladimir Putin модная унисекс брендовая 2019 |
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Russian Mig-31 Test-Firing the Hypersonic Missile Putin Announced – PHOTO VIDEO |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının iclasında Dağlıq Qarabağdakı vəziyyəti müzakirə… |
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• Putin’den yeni açıklama: İkinci aşı da tescillendi! |
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Putin election victory: What next for Russia |
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Lider Erdoğan’ın Putin’e yaptığı tarihi teklif ortaya çıktı! ‘Karabağ’ için kritik gelişme |
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Putin’den Türkiye’ye Çağrı! |
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Putin’in kiralık katilleri Wagnerler kim |
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Putin : China is still the driver of whole world economy amp Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded |
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Russia’s Coronavirus Vaccine Faces Production Problems Putin Says |
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Putin Trump ve Macron’dan ortak açıklama: Dağlık Karabağ’da derhal ateşkes sağlanmalı |
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I can’t deny to agree with the above words expressed by Dugin but I would be the first to recognize at my lack of knowledge about Dugin’s political intentions and his dealings with Putin and as to what extent Putin himself take Dugin’s advise in his political dealings or it’s just a ‘spiritual’ ideological adviser of a philosophical nature rather than a de facto policy maker Do not know it’s said he doesn’t even hold a job at the Kremlin journalist Alexander Nevzorov: “if we had had Sergey Kurginyan and Dugin instead of Putin there would have been hell for all of us to pay they would have unleashed a European and World War without a shadow of a doubt without considering consequences at all” But “Dugin and Kurginyan do not have the slightest impact on what is going on in the Kremlin and do not even get coaching there” |
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Putin: Spremni smo da radimo sa bilo kojim američkim predsjednikom |
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Russia’s Putin and France’s |
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Covid: Putin diz que vacinas russas são seguras e eficazes |
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Trump’s ideal Strong man Putin orders Nationwide Mask Mandate as US Flounders under weak Leadership |
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Watergate Sleuth Investigates Trump’s Troubling Calls With Putin Erdogan |
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Putin Qarabağla bağlı Təhlükəsiz Şurasının topladı |
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Präsident Putin wendet sich an die NATO mit unglaublichem Vorschlag |
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Putin despre RM înainte de alegeri: „Nicăieri cu excepția pieței rusești producția moldovenească nu este solicitată” Statistica spune altceva |
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The white house has denied the preparation of the meeting trump and Putin |
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Putin nə deyəcək |
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The Pussy Riot Trial In Russia: Punk Rock Dissent Against Putin |
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Putin Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının iclasında Dağlıq Qarabağdakı vəziyyəti müzakirə edib |
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Russia Registers Virus Vaccine Putin’s Daughter Given It |
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Russian doctors who criticize Putin’s coronavirus response have been mysteriously falling out of hospital windows |
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Vacunas rusas contra COVID-19 son seguras y eficaces: Vladimir Putin |
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Putin abre la mano a un acuerdo para equilibrar el precio del crudo |
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Putin Kills – Sextremist protests against Russian Aggression in Ukraine |
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Putin’in sabrı taştı |
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Putin described the problem with vaccine production |
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Putin pronesl zásadní vyjádření ohledně migrace které nemá na světě obdoby |
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President Vladimir Putin condolences to French President Emmanuel Macron over the tragic terrorist attacks in the church of France |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin công bố vaccine COVID-19 đầu tiên của thế giới |
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Putin asegura que las vacunas rusas contra el covid-19 Sputnik V y EpiVacCorona son seguras y eficaces |
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Putin calls for peace talks on Nagorno-Karabakh involving Turkey By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali |
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Sonuna kadar Putin |
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Putin’s Russia has registered “first” co |
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