Putin iki bakanı görevden aldı |
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Kremlin: Putin won’t congratulate Biden until challenges end |
6 |
Russia’s Putin says time for Syrian refugees to return home |
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Putin says Syrian refugees should return rebuild country |
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Diamnya Vladimir Putin Dan Xi Jinping Atas Kemenangan Joe Biden Berbicara Banyak Hal |
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Putin potpisao zakon o zoni slobodne trgovine EAEU sa Srbijom |
4 |
Putin Awaiting Official US Election Result Before Congratulating Winner – Kremlin |
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TB Joshua’s 2020 Prophecy Fulffiled as Vladimir Putin Plans to Quit as Russian President Due To Parkinson’s Disease |
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PUTIN POTPISAO ZAKON: Srbija od danas slobodno trguje sa Evroazijskom unijom |
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Putin espera un resultado oficial para felicitar a Biden como nuevo presidente de EEUU |
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Vladimir Putin will not congratulate Joe Biden until legal action is resolved |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden before ‘official results’ and ‘legal procedures’ are completed |
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Why Putin Xi Bolsonaro and Erdogan haven’t congratulated Biden yet |
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Ông Putin cách chức một loạt bộ trưởng cải tổ nội các |
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President Vladimir Putin Ordered Russian government to |
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Putin Tunggu Hasil Resmi Pilpres AS Belum Beri Selamat Biden |
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Putin Is Mum on Biden’s Victory Foreshadowing Tense Years Ahead |
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Erdogan calls on Putin to encourage Armenia to enter negotiations with good judgment |
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Tổng thống Putin ký sắc lệnh tăng số Phó Thủ tướng của Nga lên 10 người |
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Putin Awaiting Official US Result To Congratulate Winner |
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Rusia y los métodos de Vladimir Putin |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden before ‘official results’ and ‘legal procedures’ are |
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Putin nazirləri istefaya göndərdi |
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Aleksiej Nawalny zabiera głos ws otrucia “Stał za tym Putin” |
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Putin 3 bakanı görevden aldı! |
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President Vladimir Putin Ordered Russian government |
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Vladimir Putin refuzon të urojë Biden për fitoren: Procesi ligjor ende nuk ka mbaruar! |
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Putin no reconoce triunfo de Biden lo hará hasta tener resultados oficiales |
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Ông Putin thay một lúc 5 bộ trưởng lập thêm phó thủ tướng thứ 10 |
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Vladímir Putin tendría Parkinson y planea renunciar en enero según The Sun |
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Putin 4 naziri dəyişir: Hökumətdən kimlər gedir – SİYAHI |
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Putin hasn’t congratulated President-elect Joe Biden as he is ‘waiting for official results’ of vote: Kremlin |
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Elecciones en EEUU: Putin espera resultados definitivos para felicitar a Biden |
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Putin waits to congratulate Biden as Kremlin mimics Trump’s efforts to undermine election |
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Putin : Sıradaki ABD başkanı ile |
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Putin espera un resultado oficial para felicitar al ganador |
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Putin Xi and other strongmen haven’t congratulated Biden yet Their silence speaks volumes |
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PUTIN STAVIO POTPIS NA VAŽAN SPORAZUM ZA SRBIJU: Na ovo smo dugo čekali! Postajemo deo velike unije |
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Ông Tập Cận Bình và Putin chưa chúc mừng Biden đắc cử Tổng thống Mỹ vì đâu |
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Putin May Quit Early Next Year Amid Growing Health Concerns |
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Trump-Putin: Your toolkit to help understand the story |
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Putin ‘waiting on official results’ to congratulate US election winner |
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Putin thotë se do të riritë jetëgjatësinë e njerëzve në Rusi! |
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Cu siguranta ati auzit si poate mancat cel putin o data in viata strogranoff de… |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Awaiting Official Result From US Presidential Election |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until legal action resolved |
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SON DƏQİQƏ: Putin dörd naziri vəzifəsindən azad etdi |
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Putin ustąpi ze stanowiska Po 20 latach “car” Rosji abdykuje! Wszystko przez tragiczny stan zdrowia |
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Putin Ərdoğanın Qarabağ probleminin həlli ilə bağlı təklifini qəbul edib |
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Kremlin: Putin won’t congratulate Biden until challenges end |
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Lý do ông Putin chưa chúc mừng tổng thống Mỹ đắc cử |
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Vladimir Putin Mau Mundur Jadi Presiden karena Parkinson Ini Penjelasan Kremlin |
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Putin neće čestitati Bidenu Kremlj: Moramo čekati |
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Putin says: ‘Pope Francis Is Not A Man Of God’ |
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Russian President Putin will not congratulate Joe Biden until official results are announced |
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Russian President Vladmir Putin to step down as president in January amid fears of Parkinson’s disease |
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Nga dronët e Trump te ligji ‘sekret’ i Putin/ Këto ishin 6 ngjarje të rëndësishme që ndodhën orët e fundit |
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Vladimir Putin would have Parkinson’s and leave power in the coming months |
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Clyburn Suggests Putin Might Be Behind Trump Not Conceding CNN’s Tapper Doesn’t Challenge |
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Putin’s flatlining economy |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until ‘legal procedures’ are settled – POLITICO |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden before ‘official results’ and ‘legal procedures’ are… |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until l |
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Putin announced the change of legislative base of Russia |
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What Vladimir Putin means to Russia: What Some Western don’t Tell You About |
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Zbog čega Putin još uvek nije Bajdenu čestitao pobedu |
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Seçimin çalınmasına izin Dijital Dönüşümü Erdoğan Putin ile görüştü |
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Putin is waiting for official results before congratulating Joe Biden |
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Vladimir Putin espera un resultado oficial para felicitar al ganador de elecciones de EE UU |
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Putin no felicitará a Biden hasta que haya un resultado oficial |
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Putin’den Erdoğan’a taziye mesajı |
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Benzina sul fuoco Così Putin incita Trump |
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Rusya’da flaş gelişme: Putin iki bakanı… |
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Putin: Suriyeliler Evlerine Dönüp Ülkelerinin İnşaasına Başlayabilir |
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Putin Other Leaders To Wait Until ‘Legal Procedures’ Are Completed Before Congratulating Biden |
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Tự do quá trớn: Biden gọi Trump là “chó con của Putin” |
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Putin neće čestitati Bidenu do rješenja pravnog spora američ |
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Vladimir Putin esperará los resultados oficiales para felicitar al presidente de los Estados Unidos |
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Putin: The Great White Hope |
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Putin awaits final results to congratulate winner US president-elect |
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Putin va avea mai multe ședințe cu conducătorii Armatei |
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Vratiće se stabilnost na Balkanu: Bajden pobijedio Putin zaćutao Amerika se riješila štetočine |
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Putin And Assad Hold Video Conference: Refugees Reconstruct |
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Putin open to China-Russia alliance ‘in theory’ |
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Kremlin says Putin will not |
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Putin neće čestitati Bidenu do rješenja pravnog spora američkih izbora |
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Sumpah Setia Jinpinng-Putin Rusia Bakal Hajar Amerika Jika Nekat Serang China |
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Putin Erdogan Macron Archive Qarabağ üç nəfər arasında |
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Putin tendría Parkinson y dejaría el poder en los próximos meses |
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Tổng thống Nga Putin công bố vaccine COVID-19 đầu tiên của thế giới |
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Presidente Putin espera un resultado oficial para felicitar al ganador de las elecciones en EEUU |
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Vladimir Putin Tolak Selamati Joe Biden |
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TURCHIA Erdogan vuole costruire con Putin gli S-500 |
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Pe cine a supărat înfrângerea lui Trump Cum a reacţionat Putin Liderii lumii au recunoscut victoria lui Biden |
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Putin Signs New Law Regarding Forming The Government |
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Giani este urmărit de sateliții lui Putin și ai NATO! |
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Volební mikroanalýza: Trump se inspiroval Putinem A Putin se inspiroval kde Hádejte |
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Vladimir Putin Silent On Biden Win But Gorbachev Sees Reason For Hope |
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Putin y China deciden esperar resultado oficial en EU antes de felicitar a Biden |
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O nouă procedură de numire a șefilor SVR și FSB: Putin a semnat legea |
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Cum a comentat Kremlinul informațiile despre posibila demisie a lui Putin |
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Putin na Rais wa Mexico wagoma kumpongeza Joe Biden |
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Putin held talks with President of Kyrgyzstan |
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Putin zatražio od sirijskih izbjeglica da se vrate i sagrade razorenu zemlju |
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CNN: Why Putin Xi Bolsonaro and Erdogan haven’t congratulated Biden yet |
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Ông Putin miễn nhiệm hàng loạt bộ trưởng |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until legal action resolved |
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President Vladimir Putin meets with the representatives of religious associations |
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De ce Putin nu l-a felicitat încă pe Biden: Explicația Kremlinului |
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Anna Nemtsova: Putin knows he’s in trouble now |
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Putin’s plan to quit as Russian President due to Parkinson’s is fulfilment of TB Joshua’s 2020 Prophecy – Church |
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Putin s-a răzgândit Nu mai vine în Republica Moldova în acest… |
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Putin Won’t Congratulate Biden Until Legal Action Resolved |
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Roman Putin headed “People against corruption” |
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Ərdoğan Putinə Qarabağla bağlı işçi qrupu yaratmağı təklif etdi |
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Putin Won’t Congratulate Biden Yet |
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“A la espera de los resultados oficiales”: Putin aún no felicita a Biden por ganar las elecciones en EEUU |
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Putin: Suriyeli mülteciler artık evlerine dönebilir |
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Putin’s Last Favor for Trump: Refusal to Recognize Biden Win |
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Gorbaçov: Putin e Trump konsensus për të mos frikësuar botën |
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Putin largohet në janar Çfarë po e detyron presidentin që të lërë postin |
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Putin: Scopul Rusiei este consolidarea morală |
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Putin calls for promoting return of 65M Syrian refugees abroad |
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Trump and Moscow Mitch’s GOP: Putin-style Communists/White Supremacists |
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The world leaders who are NOT rushing to congratulate Biden: Putin and China say they will ‘wait until legal processes are complete’ Israel’s Netanyahu goes out of his way to thank Trump after 12-hour silence and Saudi Arabia stays silent |
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Fernández y Putin hablarán hoy viernes para acordar la llegada de |
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UŽIVO Izbori u SAD: Tramp se vratio u starom maniru Putin neće čestitati |
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Putin gives Trump one-year extension to nuclear arms treaty |
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Dövlət başçısı: “Paşinyan hərbi dəstək üçün Prezident Putinə məktub göndərib bununla da öz məğlubiyyətini etiraf edib” |
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1 Crimea: Putin’s Triumph Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia” 2 of 2 |
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Alberto dialogará con Putin este viernes por la vacuna Sputnik V |
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Peskov told about the meeting of Putin and Lukashenko |
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Ərdoğan Putinə Qarabağ üzrə işçi qrupun yaradılmasını təklif etdi |
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Putin parabenizará próximo presidente dos EUA após confirmação de resultado |
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Vladimir Putin won’t congratulate Joe Biden until legal action resolved |
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Russian president Vladimir Putin awaiting official result from US presidential election to congratulate the winner |
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Are Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump |
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Kremlin’de şok gelişme! Putin iki bakanı kovdu |
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Kremlin Explains Putin’s Silence on US Election as Biden Wins |
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Pse po hesht Putin për Biden Reagon njeriu i afërt i presidentit: Sistemi zgjedhor… |
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De ce nu l-a felicitat Vladimir Putin pe Joe Biden „Credem că este corect să așteptăm rezultatele oficiale” |
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Ikke et ord fra Putin |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until ‘legal procedures’ are settled – discovery reveals more about who modern humans evolved with |
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Russian President Putin Delivers Speech at Valdai Discussion Club -2020 – Update |
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Putin a depus flori în Piața Roșie de Ziua Unității Naționale |
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RusslandKreml: Putin gratuliert erst nach Auszählung der Stimmen bei US-Wahl |
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Fil-Ams Protest Trump as a Puppet of Duterte Putin and Autocrats |
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Der ewige Putin |
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Putin ‘gidici’ mi |
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Putin commented on the act of American diplomats |
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Putin awaits ‘official vote count’ to congratulate Biden: Kremlin |
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Putin’in kabinesinde değişiklik! 3 bakan görevden alındı |
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Usa 2020: da Xi a Putin le ragioni dei silenzi |
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Putin má veľa dôvodov obávať sa Bidena Lukašenkovi gratuloval hneď teraz sa neponáhľa |
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Putin Türk Akımı projesi anlaşmasını onayladı |
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Putin Is Doing One Last Favor for Trump and Refusing to Recognize Biden as President-Elect |
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Putin unaware whom to congratulate – Trump or Biden |
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Position Available—Autocrat: PUTIN ‘TO QUIT’ Vladimir Putin 68 ‘stepping down as Russian president early next year amid fears he has Parkinson’s’ |
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Putin “Kami Tidak Menganggap Muslim Sebagai Masalah” |
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Putin instructed to expand the support IT startups |
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Bầu cử Mỹ: Tổng thống Putin chỉ chúc mừng người chính thức đắc cử |
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Putin and Lukashenko will take part in the next “Garden of |
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Alexey Navalny Congratulates Biden As Putin Remains Mum Over Win |
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Putin Ərdoğana başsağlığı verdi |
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EL DERROCHE DE DINERO DEL PASADO GOBIERNO EN LA CAMPAÑA Putin esperará los resultados oficiales para felicitar al presidente de los Estados Unidos |
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Russian president Vladimir Putin awaiting official result from US presidential election |
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Putin potpisao zakon o RAZMENI UMETNIČKIH BLAGA sa Srbijom |
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VAŽAN ZAKON ZA SRBIJU: Putin potpisao otvorena velika vrata za našu zemlju |
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Vladimir Putin ‘to resign early next year amid fears he has Parkinson’s’ |
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Putin is quiet on Biden victory hinting at tense years ahead |
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Putin ABD’nin yeni başkanını tebrik etmek için ‘resmi sonuçları’ bekliyor |
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Russia’s Putin says time for Syrian refugees to return home |
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İngiliz Medyasından Flaş Putin İddiası: Görevini Bırakıyor! |
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Putin’s Security Dialogue Offer To US Very Timely Amid ‘Sleepwalking’ Into Nuclear Crisis |
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18:16 Putin Ρωσία: Πρώτα τα επίσημα αποτελέσματα μετά τα συγχαρητήρια στο Biden |
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Putin won’t congratulate Biden until ‘legal procedures’ completed |
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The Election Who Won Putin Chi or Kim Can’t Wait To Learn! |
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Ərdoğan və Putin Qarabağı müzakirə etdilər: “Ermənistanın işğal etdiyi Azərbaycan ərazilərindən çıxması…” |
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Putin anuncia cambios en el gobierno ruso |
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US Election: Putin awaiting official results from US presidential election to congratulate winner – Peskov |
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Fast Facts |
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Putin se niega a felicitar a Joe Biden esperará a resultados oficiales de elecciones en Estados Unidos |
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