UN: We’re moving LGBT refugees out of unsafe Kakuma Camp |
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Refugees: employer-in-chief commends success in Integration |
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America Has 14000 Golf Courses And 6000 Refugees Waiting At The Border |
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Probe unearths 300000 ghost refugees in Uganda |
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The Hague cannot ignore refugees from Venezuela |
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The real truth behind Refugees scandal UNHCR Catastrophe |
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New Initiative Brings Coding Bootcamp To African Refugees In Tel Aviv |
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We will deliver critical assistance to refugee families where it’s needed the most on their behalf |
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From Central America to Syria: The Conspiracy against Refugees |
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Record TV Boosts PAP In Collection Of Rwamwanja Refugees Relief Aide |
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Violence greets protesting LGBT refugees in Kenya |
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Euro-Med: Algeria should stop detaining Palestinian refugees treat them as asylum seekers |
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Does Trump’s Push to Deport Vietnamese Refugees Undermine the US Corrections System |
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Explainer: why is Australia adopting the global refugee compact but not the migration compact |
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Utopian Mob Hotel Welcomes Paris Community and Refugees for the Holidays |
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Free Handmade Refugee Prayer Bookmark |
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Beware Those Who Reject Refugees |
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South Sudan: We refugees are divided But we also hold the key to peace |
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Create Jobs for Rohingya Women in Refugee Camps |
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Syrian Refugees Maps |
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Refugee Caravan: Lots of Coverage Little Context |
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What Thrive offers refugee entrepreneurs |
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Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος υποβολής προσφοράς για την προμήθεια ηλεκτρονικού εξοπλισμού στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης του Έργου «Πρόγραμμα στέγασης αιτούντων άσυλο – Accommodation and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees in Tripoli» της Ύπατης Αρμοστείας του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες σε συνεργασία με τον Δήμο Τρίπολης |
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Podcast: The refugees who fled a massacre |
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Former refugee Magid Magid takes up Sheffield Lord Mayor post |
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Is Trump Stand on Vietnam War Refugees Chilling Little Saigon Yet |
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What if North Korean refugees fleeing war land in Japan |
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Watch Highlight your future Study in Austria to find out why Austria is the ideal place to Education for refugees |
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Refugee Interactive Skills for Employment |
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Job vacancy Livelihoods Assistant – The Danish Refugee Council |
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Five things that why you should watch ‘Ranjha Refugee’ |
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Today over 2 million Afghan refugees Lets help them |
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Global Refugee Crisis |
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Refugees Rum – Blending by Chef Ljubomir Stanisic desde 31€ Parte do valor das vendas reverte para o Serviço Jesuita aos Refugiados VER VIDEO PORTES INCLUIDOS |
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Using machine learning and optimization to improve refugee integration |
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Refugee Info Stats |
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Adopt a Refugee |
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You can also support the refugees by purchasing or gifting one of these Edward Snowden approved T-shirts |
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RISE – Refugee Interactive Skills for Employment |
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Dadaab is the world’s largest refugee camp |
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Randy Quaid Wife Appear on Good Morning America: ‘We Are Hollywood Refugees’ |
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There are hundreds of refugee children stranded in NYC right now |
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Freedom for Detained Refugees Project 2png |
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Reuniting Refugee and Asylee Families in the United States |
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PhD position Morisco displacements Invention of the Refugee in Early Modern Europe |
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The Guardian posted 3 accounts from Yemeni support staff working with the Norwegian Refugee Council about their experience of the war and the humanitarian crisis |
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Students help refugees with community integration |
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Salma Hayek Helps Syrian Refugees with UNICEF And Gucci’s Chime For Change |
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Afghan Refugee Blog |
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Refugee Hub |
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Poetry Analysis: Refugee Blues-W H Auden |
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Hard-working Saanvi Dhiman ready to give a notable performance with movie Ranjha Refugee |
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Refugee Composers |
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Palestinian Refugees and The Middle East |
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Impact 101: Journalism and Global Health Climate Refugees Are Being Forced Into Deadly Labor Abroad |
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Our mission is to use education as a catalyst to combat poverty and promote equity for the most vulnerable in our city: refugee children |
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Netanyahu calls US decision to halt funding to UN Palestinian refugee agency a ‘welcome and important change’ |
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Ranjha Refugee 2018 |
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Special Collection on October 14 for UU Burundi Refugees |
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Finance Coordinator/Grant and Compliance National Only at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Viral Video Syrian Refugee Bullied in UK School |
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Denmark refugee legislation criticised |
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Save Syrian refugees before winter freezes them! |
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UNICEF to build schools for refugees in Ethiopia |
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‘SYRIAN’ SCHOOLBOY refugee reported over claims he is a 30 YEAR OLD MAN! |
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Educational Tour: Tiger Hill and Tibetan Refugee Center Lebong |
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White House Considering Further Cuts to Refugee Admittance |
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Nativity Scene Is Depicted As Refugee Family Detained By US |
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Refugee Education Program |
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Review of integration employment and settlement outcomes for refugees launched |
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Chobani CEO Begs Others To Hire Refugees |
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和の手を世界に – Japan For Refugees |
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Rohingya refugees are facing monsoonal rains and flooding |
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At the six month mark the Trump Administration is operating well under a CEILING of 45000 refugees at 10548 admitted so far |
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Managing Director World Refugee School |
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Good Design for a Bad World: Refugees |
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Breath-Body-Mind for Middle East Refugees in Berlin Shelters October 2016 |
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Man Whose Flight Was Cancelled Empathizes With Refugees |
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Refugee Relief in Greece |
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Event Transcript: Refugee Policy in the 21st Century |
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More than 33000 refugees have returned to Syria from Jordan since reopening of Nassib Crossing |
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UNHCR: The UN Refugee Agency Thailand |
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3e édition du Refugee Food Festival à l’occasion du marché de Noël de Strasbourg |
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February 3 • IRIS Run for Refugees |
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Logistic/IT Assistant National position at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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In Bologna established refugees pay their gratitude forward |
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Sudan accused of intensifying crackdown on Ethiopian Refugees |
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SaveHakeem Urgent Action Call: STOP deportation to Bahrain of Australian refugee Hakeem Al Araibi in Thailand |
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“Social Inclusion of Refugees” |
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Bambinooo By Cucula: Enzo Mari X Refugee Colabo |
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Trump administration moves to change immigration policy affecting Vietnamese refugees |
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Information for refugees and immigrants |
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Rap for Refugees – Year One! |
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Refugee Resettlement Watch |
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Let’s learn about Refugees! |
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UN General Assembly Adopts Declaration for Refugees and Migrants |
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About the Refugee Center Online |
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Gun control is not so not forgotten Central Coast coalition seeks donations for Honduran refugees at US Mexico border |
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Local Solutions for Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants |
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World Refugee Day Fundraiser 9png |
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Our Refugee Families |
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I Love HipHop – MZEE bei Rap for Refugees: Year One! in Türchen 12 – Kollegah Türchen 12 – Kollegah Türchen 11 – Sido Türchen 11 – Sido 2004 |
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Algeria should stop detaining Palestinian refugees treat them as asylum seekers |
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We help refugees integrate into society |
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Emergency Plan for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela Launched |
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Armband Refugees 200 EUR |
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Assessing water service levels in Bambasi refugee camp Ethiopia |
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UNICEF to construct schools in refugee camps and host communities in Ethiopia |
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Russia will deport 14 Eritrean refugees – Mestyat Betna |
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Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative |
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First-ever Afghan refugee cricket league formed |
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My Refuge is Humanity:Music and Poetry Celebrating Immigrants amp Refugees in Minnesota |
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Why Refugee Influx is Deemed Detrimental |
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Create a Safe Playground for 50 Refugees in KY |
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Refugee resettlement is a major issue in several Minnesota races |
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Samos Mayor Says Refugees Migrants Belong on Greece’s Mainland |
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Interview with Iraqi Refugee and UChicago Student Hazim Avdal |
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Journeys Drawn: Illustration from the Refugee Crisis |
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Lord Dubs Talks Child Refugees Humanity And Dodgem Cars |
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BASE: Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence |
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Metropolis Magazine features Ennead Lab’s Rethinking Refugee Communities |
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The artisan stitch-bound notebooks created by Syrian refugees |
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Georgia has one of the most successful refugee resettlement and support programs in the country |
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SIDA contribution to Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework CRRF |
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Constantino Brumidi: Immigrant or Refugee Pt 2 |
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restoring dignity to refugees |
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Center Global’s Asylum Seeker/Asylee/Refugee Support Meeting and Dinner |
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Clean energy can save Sh52b at refugee camps |
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Call for proposals: Innovation Competition – Financial Services for from the field: Twelve months of refugee finance in East Africa… |
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North Korean refugee survived prison found Jesus |
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JAAGO brings Breath-Body-Mind to Rohingya Child Refugees in Bangladesh |
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UNHCR the UN Refugee Agency is a lifeline for people displaced by violence conflict and persecution—helping them survive recover and build a better future |
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Croatian activists fight hatred against refugees |
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What’s new Inclusion of refugees through non-formal education 2017: Nordic best practice |
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Refugee Roulette |
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How To Deal with the Refugee Crisis Biblically |
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Iranian Refugee: Trump’s Muslim Ban Stranded My Uncle Green Card Holder In Iran |
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Find out what everyday life in a refugee camp is really like |
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Volker Türk: Listen to What Refugees Are Telling Us |
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Head of Programme at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Hot Plate: Refugee and Immigrant Arts Feast champagne menu at Petit Louis Filipino Festivus pop-up night market at Ekiben and more |
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An update on the Snowden refugees |
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Refugee Admission numbers for FY2018 |
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Dr Joe Thomas Executive Director of PPD visited Rohingya Refugee Camp at Cox’s Bazar |
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Serdem Library opened in refugee camp in Shehba |
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Florida Rep Stephanie Murphy says what we’re all thinking about Trump’s attempt to deport Vietnamese war refugees |
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A Refugee Family Desperate To Cross Border Enters US Thro |
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Philly Church Replaces Traditional Nativity With Refugee Scene |
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Programme Development Manager ICLA at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Brain waste: African immigrants and refugees’ skills and qualifications wasted until four more countries commit to the Addis Convention |
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Reproductive health care for Rohingya refugees |
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One Camp Half a million refugees Countless stories |
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How US Policy Created the Refugee Crisis in Central America |
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1939 First Commercial Flight Over the Atlantic German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Signed Helicopter Invented Refugees on the St Louis Refused Entry Everywhere World War II Begins |
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Australia’s Interpol Alerted Thailand to Arrival of Refugee Bahrain Football Player |
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My Journey From A Refugee In Pakistan To Ceo Of Thrive Refugee Enterprise |
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Orwell’s 1984 the Jewess Refugee |
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WBEZ Chicago: Evangelicals And The Diversity Of Opinion On Refugees |
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Syrian Refugee Policy Evolving in Turkey |
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As Lebanon Educates Syrian Refugee Kids George And Amal Clooney Step In To Help |
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How private enterprise is welcoming refugees – even in a hostile climate |
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Beyond ‘refugees’ |
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Case C-713/17 Ayubi: A refugee is a refugee is a refugee even with temporary right of residence |
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Constantino Brumidi: Refugee or Immigrant |
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Refugees from the drought |
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Glasgow City Council knew about Serco refugee eviction plans ‘for months’ |
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As the United States continues to debate the future of immigrants and refugees families from all over the world are suffering from stresstrauma and anguish We encourage you to support our organization through advocacy volunteer work and the gift of donations |
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New Georgia center as good to environment as refugees it will serve |
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NPC approves 19 contracts worth 119 billion Afghan refugee cricket league formed |
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Put refugee womenback to work |
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Refugee turned citizen feels privileged to have a say |
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Learning English as a Key to Refugee Success |
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Field Office Coordinator National Only at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Offre d’emploi – Officier Education Cameroon National Only chez NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Government Sued Over Refugee Treatment |
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Handling of gangster refugee claimant exposes Canada’s screening weaknesses |
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Without papers welcome: Two Berlin-based reasons refugee-Uni |
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Refugee threatened with deportation |
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14122018 Answering the question: should South Korea accept refugees |
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Trump administration seeking to deport Vietnam War refugees |
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Answering the question: should South Korea accept refugees |
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Ennead’s ASU Beus Center for Law and Society and Ennead Lab’s Rethinking Refugee Communities Featured in Tradline Article About Sentient Building Technology |
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Joint Local Statement on the Uganda refugees’ response 14122018 |
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Refugee Resettlement |
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Refugee Story Chosen for Children’s BIG READ as part of Brighton Festival 2019 |
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Iranian refugee rebuilds signage business in Australia |
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Killing a Refugee – Nachiyar Thirumozhi 89 |
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Recognizing contributions made by refugees in Australia |
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GYA releases report on global individual responsibility in refugee integration |
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19-Year-Old Traveling With Refugee Caravan Gives Birth In th |
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Outreach to New Citizens Immigrants and Refugees |
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International trade fair opens in goes continental pioneered by ex-Ethiopian refugee in Sudan |
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Where We unite Syrian refugees amp Lebanese farmers |
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Let refugees work legally |
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Understanding The Global Refugee Crisis Friday October 26 |
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UNPACKED: Refugee Baggage |
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Refugeepl od lat pomaga cudzoziemcom w Polsce Rząd blokuje fundusze Pomożecie |
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Norwegian Refugee Council Recruitment For 13 Vacant Positions |
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Former refugees explain difficulties faced resettlement rewards |
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Donation Drive for Refugees |
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Youth Refugee Coalition |
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JOHN MENADUE A way out of the politicking on refugees- A repost from 20 August 2018 |
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Offre d’emploi – 08 Assistants ICLA Information Conseil et Assistance Légale chez NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Syria Daily: No Return for Millions of Refugees |
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Eat Tacos Support Refugees |
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Trump administration may target Vietnamese refugees for deportation under new rules |
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500000 refugees aided with Parity blockchain tech |
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Refugee Education Training Advice Service |
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Refugee Man Condemned For Serial Rapes to Prison – Forcefully Entered Homes of Women in Helsinki |
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3500 Syria Iraq refugees displaced again after rain wipes out their tents |
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Refugee Roulette in an Administrative Law Context |
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Water Project amp Rooftop Gardens for Refugees |
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Refugees face long grueling process |
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Some Republican candidates want to suspend refugee resettlement in Minnesota Can they do that |
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Show refugees like Ella you care |
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Turkish Refugees: “I was Harassed in Iran I’m not Safe Here Either” |
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Tech powers The Bike Project’s work in helping refugees navigate new lives |
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German Refugee Slut |
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How Many Refugees Will US Accept This Year |
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Logistic Officer National position at NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Eating refugees – distress and circuses – Political Beauty |
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Read about our work with refugees |
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Atheist Refugee Relief |
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STEPHANIE DOWRICK Facts flung overboard on refugee health – and our nation’s |
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Global individual responsibility in refugee integration: conference report published |
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Local synagogue helping refugees of all faiths this season |
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Shunned by the West 10000 Refugees Seek Asylum In Hong Kong |
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Voices of Civil Society series: How the Turkish Red Crescent fosters stronger cohesion among refugees and local communities |
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Pittsburgh’s Jewish refugee resettlement agency HIAS vow to continue work after threats Squirrel Hill shooting |
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Only 30000 refugees can seek shelter in the US-Trump Administration |
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3 New Job Vacancies Kigoma at The Danish Refugee Council Livelihoods Assistant |
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