Soccer activists campaign for release of Bahraini refugee |
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Call for human refugee policy |
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Indian Citizenship will be given to all bengali refugees says Amit Shah |
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In partnership with UNHCREuro-Med launches international campaign to support refugees |
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The Refugee Hub – a place of welcome |
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What future for the international protection of refugees in Europe |
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Giving refugees a voice |
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Frontex’s new mandate a controversial EU approach to the refugee crisis |
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100 Classrooms for Refugee Children in the Middle East |
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Utopian Mob Hotel Welcomes Paris Community and Refugees for the Holidays |
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Attacked in school a Syrian refugee speaksfor the first time |
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Rape and murder of a 14 year old girl by a refugee |
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Turkey aims to form safe zones in Syria for refugees to return |
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Nahom Yohannes music at refugees camp |
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On April 4 1967 exactly one year before his assassination the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr stepped up to the lectern at the Riverside Church in Manhattan The United States had been in active combat in Vietnam for two years and tens of thousands of people had been killed including some 10000 American troops The political establishment — from left to right — backed the war and more than 400000 American service members were in Vietnam their lives on the line Many of King’s strongest allies urged him to remain silent about the war or at least to soft-pedal any criticism They knew that if he told the whole truth about the unjust and disastrous war he would be falsely labeled a Communist suffer retaliation and severe backlash alienate supporters and threaten the fragile progress of the civil rights movement King rejected all the well-meaning advice and said “I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice” Quoting a statement by the Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam he said “A time comes when silence is betrayal” and added “that time has come for us in relation to Vietnam” It was a lonely moral stance And it cost him But it set an example of what is required of us if we are to honor our deepest values in times of crisis even when silence would better serve our personal interests or the communities and causes we hold most dear It’s what I think about when I go over the excuses and rationalizations that have kept me largely silent on one of the great moral challenges of our time: the crisis in Israel-Palestine I have not been alone Until very recently the entire Congress has remained mostly silent on the human rights nightmare that has unfolded in the occupied territories Our elected representatives who operate in a political environment where Israel’s political lobby holds well-documented power have consistently minimized and deflected criticism of the State of Israel even as it has grown more emboldened in its occupation of Palestinian territory and adopted some practices reminiscent of apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow segregation in the United States Many civil rights activists and organizations have remained silent as well not because they lack concern or sympathy for the Palestinian people but because they fear loss of funding from foundations and false charges of anti-Semitism They worry as I once did that their important social justice work will be compromised or discredited by smear campaigns Similarly many students are fearful of expressing support for Palestinian rights because of the McCarthyite tactics of secret organizations like Canary Mission which blacklists those who publicly dare to support boycotts against Israel jeopardizing their employment prospects and future careers Reading King’s speech at Riverside more than 50 years later I am left with little doubt that his teachings and message require us to speak out passionately against the human rights crisis in Israel-Palestine despite the risks and despite the complexity of the issues King argued when speaking of Vietnam that even “when the issues at hand seem as perplexing as they often do in the case of this dreadful conflict” we must not be mesmerized by uncertainty “We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision but we must speak” And so if we are to honor King’s message and not merely the man we must condemn Israel’s actions: unrelenting violations of international law continued occupation of the West Bank East Jerusalem and Gaza home demolitions and land confiscations We must cry out at the treatment of Palestinians at checkpoints the routine searches of their homes and restrictions on their movements and the severely limited access to decent housing schools food hospitals and water that many of them face We must not tolerate Israel’s refusal even to discuss the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes as prescribed by United Nations resolutions and we ought to question the US government funds that have supported multiple hostilities and thousands of civilian casualties in Gaza as well as the 38 billion the US government has pledged in military support to Israel And finally we must with as much courage and conviction as we can muster speak out against the system of legal discrimination that exists inside Israel a system complete with according to Adalah the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel more than 50 laws that discriminate against Palestinians — such as the new nation-state law that says explicitly that only Jewish Israelis have the right of self-determination in Israel ignoring the rights of the Arab minority that makes up 21 percent of the population Of course there will be those who say that we can’t know for sure what King would do or think regarding Israel-Palestine today That is true The evidence regarding King’s views on Israel is complicated and contradictory Although the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee denounced Israel’s actions against Palestinians King found himself conflicted Like many black leaders of the time he recognized European Jewry as a persecuted oppressed and homeless people striving to build a nation of their own and he wanted to show solidarity with the Jewish community which had been a critically important ally in the civil rights movement Ultimately King canceled a pilgrimage to Israel in 1967 after Israel captured the West Bank During a phone call about the visit with his advisers he said “I just think that if I go the Arab world and of course Africa and Asia for that matter would interpret this as endorsing everything that Israel has done and I do have questions of doubt” He continued to support Israel’s right to exist but also said on national television that it would be necessary for Israel to return parts of its conquered territory to achieve true peace and security and to avoid exacerbating the conflict There was no way King could publicly reconcile his commitment to nonviolence and justice for all people everywhere with what had transpired after the 1967 war Today we can only speculate about where King would stand Yet I find myself in agreement with the historian Robin DG Kelley who concluded that if King had the opportunity to study the current situation in the same way he had studied Vietnam “his unequivocal opposition to violence colonialism racism and militarism would have made him an incisive critic of Israel’s current policies” Indeed King’s views may have evolved alongside many other spiritually grounded thinkers like Rabbi Brian Walt who has spoken publicly about the reasons that he abandoned his faith in what he viewed as political Zionism … During more than 20 visits to the West Bank and Gaza he saw horrific human rights abuses including Palestinian homes being bulldozed while people cried — children’s toys strewn over one demolished site — and saw Palestinian lands being confiscated to make way for new illegal settlements subsidized by the Israeli government He was forced to reckon with the reality that these demolitions settlements and acts of violent dispossession were not rogue moves but fully supported and enabled by the Israeli military For him the turning point was witnessing legalized discrimination against Palestinians — including streets for Jews only — which he said was worse in some ways than what he had witnessed as a boy in South Africa … Jewish Voice for Peace for example aims to educate the American public about “the forced displacement of approximately 750000 Palestinians that began with Israel’s establishment and that continues to this day” … In view of these developments it seems the days when critiques of Zionism and the actions of the State of Israel can be written off as anti-Semitism are coming to an end There seems to be increased understanding that criticism of the policies and practices of the Israeli government is not in itself anti-Semitic … the Rev Dr William J Barber II … declared in a riveting speech last year that we cannot talk about justice without addressing the displacement of native peoples the systemic racism of colonialism and the injustice of government repression In the same breath he said: “I want to say as clearly as I know how that the humanity and the dignity of any person or people cannot in any way diminish the humanity and dignity of another person or another people To hold fast to the image of God in every person is to insist that the Palestinian child is as precious as the Jewish child” Guided by this kind of moral clarity faith groups are taking action In 2016 the pension board of the United Methodist Church excluded from its multibillion-dollar pension fund Israeli banks whose loans for settlement construction violate international law Similarly the United Church of Christ the year before passed a resolution calling for divestments and boycotts of companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories Even in Congress change is on the horizon For the first time two sitting members Representatives Ilhan Omar Democrat of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib Democrat of Michigan publicly support the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement In 2017 Representative Betty McCollum Democrat of Minnesota introduced a resolution to ensure that no US military aid went to support Israel’s juvenile military detention system Israel regularly prosecutes Palestinian children detainees in the occupied territories in military court None of this is to say that the tide has turned entirely or that retaliation has ceased against those who express strong support for Palestinian rights To the contrary just as King received fierce overwhelming criticism for his speech condemning the Vietnam War — 168 major newspapers including The Times denounced the address the following day — those who speak publicly in support of the liberation of the Palestinian people still risk condemnation and backlash Bahia Amawi an American speech pathologist of Palestinian descent was recently terminated for refusing to sign a contract that contains an anti-boycott pledge stating that she does not and will not participate in boycotting the State of Israel In November Marc Lamont Hill was fired from CNN for giving a speech in support of Palestinian rights that was grossly misinterpreted as expressing support for violence Canary Mission continues to pose a serious threat to student activists And just over a week ago the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute in Alabama apparently under pressure mainly from segments of the Jewish community and others rescinded an honor it bestowed upon the civil rights icon Angela Davis who has been a vocal critic of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and supports BDS But that attack backfired Within 48 hours academics and activists had mobilized in response The mayor of Birmingham Randall Woodfin as well as the Birmingham School Board and the City Council expressed outrage at the institute’s decision The council unanimously passed a resolution in Davis’ honor and an alternative event is being organized to celebrate her decades-long commitment to liberation for all I cannot say for certain that King would applaud Birmingham for its zealous defense of Angela Davis’s solidarity with Palestinian people But I do In this new year I aim to speak with greater courage and conviction about injustices beyond our borders particularly those that are funded by our government and stand in solidarity with struggles for democracy and freedom My conscience leaves me no other choice Michelle Alexander |
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Chicken pox at Rohingya Refugee Camps in Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh |
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The real truth behind Refugees scandal UNHCR Catastrophe |
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PMHS Students Plan Refugee Simulation Exercise This Wednesday Jan 30 Parents Also Invited to Attend |
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Refugees and Asylum |
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Somaliland sends 31 refugees back to Ethiopia |
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Foreign Policy: Refugees and Global Migration |
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A Turkish couple spent their wedding day feeding 4000 refugees |
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Chased by police Syrian refugee child falls to death in Beirut |
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Passage to Freedom: Teaching about Refugee Crisis in ESL/EFL |
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A total of 236 migrants and refugees arrived on the northern Aegean islands |
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How Were Refugees Protected in the Islamic Early Middle Ages |
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Gir – The Last Refugee |
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Shocking Investigation: How Western Mainstream Media Attack Syrian Refugees |
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Algeria should stop detaining Palestinian refugees treat them as asylum seekers |
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24 billion annually of our tax dollars on immigration and refugees |
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Refugee Resettlement Watch |
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Despite the advancing sea coastal-erosion refugees in Odisha keep returning to their former homes |
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Empowering Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan |
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„Zbiórka przeżycia” dla Refugeepl |
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UK Has to Take Back Refugees under Dublin Rules despite Brexit EU’s Top Court Rules |
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In first ‘organized’ refugee returns from Jordan dozens of Jan 16 2019 |
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Refugee Legal Aid Information for Lawyers Representing Refugees Globally |
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Washington Kurdish Institute condemns brutal attack on Makhmour Refugee Camp |
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‘Trojan Barbie’ examines ancient women refugee camps under modern lens |
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Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
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Sunlight drives refugees’ water systems in Bangladesh |
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Am 5September auf die Straße! Keinen Fußbreit dem Nazi- und Rassistinnen-Pack! Refugees Welcome! |
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African Refugees: The Untouchables of Our Time |
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In cooperation with the Holy See the IHRA organized the two-day conference on “Refugee Policies from 1933 until Today: Challenges and IHRA issues the fourth publication in its academic publication series Refugee Policies from 1933 until Today: Challenges and Responsibilities |
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“Peace is a dream it can become a reality… but to build it we must be capable of dreaming” Nelson Mandela Intercultural hostility and the exploitation of resources on the African continent have triggered a succession of armed conflicts resulting in millions of innocent lives lost and refugees seeking hope in a better life elsewhere Communities annihilated Villages and cities torn to the ground Nations in chaos Remembering the victims through the universal value of peace can help to lay the foundation for the creation of an inclusive and cohesive society Contemplation memory and compassion are the values that commemorative architecture must convey in order to build a better world Jury |
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A Collaborative Approach to Promoting Continuing Care for Refugees: Philadelphia’s Strategies and Lessons Learned |
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Rosebuds Syrius – Refugee women Syria |
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Compensation to Palestinian Refugees and the Search for Palestinian–Israeli Peace |
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Healthcare Recommendations For Recently Arrived Refugees: Observations from EthnoMed |
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Indonesia and USA: Impact of Refugee Crisis |
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Jewish Refugees on Revelation TV |
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Rescued refugees stranded off Sicily as Italians and Dutch squabble over their fate |
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Shanghai To Expand Jewish Refugee Museum |
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Greenpeace United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR American Bird Conservancy |
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The role business can play in tackling the refugee crisis |
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Scandal: human trafficking of Iranian women and refugees |
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Completely Alone! Does Switzerland provide sufficient protection for unaccompanied refugee minors from the Middle East |
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IKEA Foundation backs development impact bond for refugees |
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The Syrian refugee crisis and its repercussions for the EU |
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Refugee or migrant Words matter |
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The Truth about the Refugees with Danny Ayalon |
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Refugee Arrivals To Wisconsin US Plunge For Second Consecutive The Invasive Longhorned Tick Has Potential To Reach Wisconsin |
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Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi Woman ‘given refugee status’ |
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The will to learn: how education helps save young refugee lives |
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Pick you pursuit to load The New Odyssey: The Story of Europe’s Refugee Crisis English Edition book |
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European Migrant Crisis Escalates: Italy Impounds German NGO Refugee Ship |
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10 Things That Are Way More Likely to Kill You Than A Refugee Our First Interstellar Visitor |
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Refugee Resources |
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The Refugee Camps of Twentieth-Century Britain—Historian Jordanna Bailkin Discusses Her Groundbreaking New Book Unsettled |
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Sudanese refugees protest over poor livi |
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Victims of a Broken System: A Syrian Refugee Family’s Struggle for Healthcare in Lebanon |
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Time To Pay Attention: China Is Building Refugee Camps Prepping For |
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Canada: Syrian refugee youth arrested in bomb plot another Muslim released |
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Refugees and the Test of Morality |
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Uganda launches 583 million five year Health Sector Integrated Refugee Response… |
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Soccer activists FIFA meet over Bahrain refugee emergency |
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Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung German Network Refugee Research |
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Centralising resources for refugee legal aid globally |
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Vol 20 – Vulnerable Populations Fall 2018Vol 19 – Violence November 2018Vol 18 – Special Edition – Health in India Fall 2018Vol 17 – Climate Change Fall 2018Vol 16 – Special Edition – MeToo Fall 2018 Vol 15 – NCD Fall 2018Vol 14 – Potpourri Fall 2018Vol 13 – Special Edition – Food May 2018Vol 12 – Public Policy Winter 2017-18Vol 11 – Special Edition – Potpourri Summer 2016Vol 10 – Special Commentary – Zika May 2016Vol 9 – Refugee Health April 2016Vol 8 – Special Edition – Hospital Readmissions April 2016Vol 7 – Racism – Power Politics and Privilege July 2015Vol 6 – Health Systems May 2015Vol 5 – Health Care April 2015Vol 4 – Special Commentary – Clinical Trials February 2015Vol 3 – Racism January 2015Vol 2 – Changing Health Behaviors October 2014Vol 1 – Health Equity May 2014 |
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Rohingya Refugees extend helping hand for Kerala flood victims |
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This lawyer once worked to deport refugees Now she protects them |
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Cox’s Bazar host to Rohingya refugee camp to be hard hit by climate change |
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Gary Welton: Refugees and the national debt |
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Finland: 15 Nonwhite Invader-Refugees arrested in Sex Abuse Gang Investigation |
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Statewide Refugee Mental Health Summit |
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The Carters’ latest offering is set in the Louvre – for one day the art gallery was occupied by people you usually never see in its paintings … Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z have arrived at the Louvre for a sightseeing day that coincides with the making of their Apeshit video Referencing the Louvre’s world-renowned permanent collection juxtaposed with contemporary dancers occupying this hallowed space Apeshit makes some pithy if scattershot comments on racism slavery and the dominance of western neoclassical aesthetic standards … The video is topped and tailed by the Mona Lisa Smirking tight lipped she side-eyes Jay-Z and Beyoncé whose bright blaxploitation power suits outshine her matron’s weeds and announce that just for one day the Louvre is going to be occupied by people you usually never see in its paintings You just know that Lisa’s going to call security Dancers of all colours gyrate in front of the image of French pomp Imperial arrogance and self-gratification: The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine Of the painting I’ve never seen so many white people in one place before and I’ve been to Bestival That said replacing painted sprawled objectified naked white nameless historical women with writhing objectified naked nameless 21st-century women of all colours as they are 40 seconds later when they’re lying like logs on the steps doesn’t seem a great leap forward to me One of the most potent moments is the image of the reclining Madame Recamier Painted in the 1800s it shows a rich wife in neo-classical garb reclining on a couch Beyonce adds what is not in the picture but would have been: two black dancers posing as servants in head-wraps still and docile at the woman’s feet the silent unremembered and invisible labour behind the woman’s wealth and finery Indeed Apeshit is partly a reminder of all the non-white faces that have been erased from history or dropped in tokenistically to add a bit of exotic colour The aftermath of colonialism and slavery and the ongoing scandal of the refugee crisis is beautifully referenced in a shot of The Raft of the Medusa as Jay-Z sings: “Can’t believe we made it” The Raft is an image of enslaved and subjugated people who have lost all hope but that of life luckily for Beyoncé and Mister Beyoncé they are now “living lavish” on top of that But how far have we come Apeshit rounds off with the Portrait D’Une Négresse whose sardonic look implies that plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose She and so many other women of colour have seen it all before and the pace of change is painfully slow Painted six years after the abolition of slavery this woman is given a painting of her own – but remains nameless and inert with one breast out for everyone to ogle The Guardian |
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Refugee-focused nonprofit 1951 Coffee Company heads to Berkeley |
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The EU-Turkey Refugee Deal: A Durable Solution |
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the Refugee highway |
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Recent Immigration and Refugee Board Decisions Feed |
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From Living in a Kenyan Refugee Camp to |
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Also Green Living Guy interviewing Michael Nash from Climate Refugees from Seth Leitman on Vimeo In conclusion here’s Seth’s book signing at the GROVE in Los Angeles His signed copy of my poster is still there Here is the interview with Tamara Henry |
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Ilhan Omar: from refugee camp to Congress |
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Training in Refugee Law |
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Aid Box Convoy – vital supplies to refugee camps in France |
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Germany sends refugees back to Syria |
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Europe’s Refugee Crisis and the Human Right of Access to Health Care |
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SHARE Network Regional Conference Housing for Refugee Inclusion |
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Neo-Beat Underground Yaşam Formlarına Dönüyor… OpRefugee |
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Pope Francis stands for education in the margins: refugee children and youth |
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The question amp answer community for refugee topics |
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Labour mobility for refugees and asylum seekers: Mending or eroding protection systems |
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Hail the Refugee Maintainers: Economic Inclusion and the Refugee Admissions Program |
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Ariane euphonie – soundscape of a refugees’ Greek camp |
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Case C-713/17 Ayubi: A refugee is a refugee is a refugee even with temporary right of residence |
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Psychosocial care is necessary in supporting refugees |
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Report on the rights of newcomer and refugee children |
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In first ‘organized’ refugee returns from Jordan dozens of Syrians head back to Damascus suburb |
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Call for chapter proposals: Immigrants Refugees Asylum-Seekers and Forensic Linguistics |
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Search RefuGeeks |
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Photo Essay: Dinner With Syrian Refugees |
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Rohingya Refugee community collected relief fund for Kerala Flood Relief |
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An American Refugee |
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Refugees from Rakhain State |
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How to ensure Ethiopia’s ‘Jobs Compact’ works for refugees |
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Ethiopia allows almost 1 million refugees to leave camps and work |
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RefuGeeks |
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Fajr Capital Foundation signs partnership agreement with UNHCR to “support and protect refugees around the world” |
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Cross Cultural and Refugee Services |
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Thousands of Muslim Refugees Suddenly Fl |
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CALD refers to culturally and linguistically diverse groups who are migrants and refugees from Asian Middle Eastern Latin American and African MELAA backgrounds |
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Tent-Home in Farik Farm Refugee Camp |
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Zdelegalizować w Polsce działalność wszystkich fundacji GSorosa np Refugees Welcome Polska |
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Refugee Resettlement: An Important Vut Neglected Part of Global Health |
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Refugee Council responds to Home Secretary’s Ministerial comment on Channel crossings |
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Voice of Israel: Jewish Refugees |
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Centre for Refugee and IDP Studies CESI |
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How Were Different Actor Groups Intertwined During the 2015 Refugee Crisis |
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Providing Education to the Syrian Refugees: ‘No Lost Generation’ a Promising Initiative |
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Today over 2 million Afghan refugees Lets help them |
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Multi Kulti amp TEDxBG: Refugees |
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Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe |
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PRESS RELEASE – Public Talk on “Afghan Refugee Situation: Contextualizing the Role of Pakistan and UNHCR” |
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Group of 83 refugees to return from Tamil Nadu |
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The digital assistant Capiche will use crowd-based AI to help refugees integrate into their new communities |
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SPOTLIGHT The Stateless Placeless Desert Shot in placeless deserted landscapes these images examine the timeless relationship between body and home in contemporary Iranian society as well as for the swelling number of refugees around the world Photographs by Gohar Dashti Read More |
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NYC union workers stand with refugees EXCEPT Local 100 President John Samuelsen at Battery Park protest Does he secretly support Trump |
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Stephen Miller said he ‘would be happy if not a single refugee’ came to the US according to ex-Trump aide |
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Syrian Refugees are rescued |
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United Sikhs Supports European Refugees Since January 27 United Sikhs has Provided over 150000 meals |
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There’re still over 16 refugee camps in Jaffna |
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À la recherche du temps perdu Interview with Mr Yavuz Aydin Turkish judge currently a refugee in the European Union |
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Need ham kids helping refugees |
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Euro-Med: The death of 14-year-old Ahmed Zoubi is a product of growing racism against refugees in Lebanon |
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Iranian Refugee Portrait Leads Hoda Afshar to Win Australia’s Top Photography Award |
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Rohingya Refugee Food Aid 2 Delivered |
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Blame Outbreaks on Vaccine Avoidance Not Refugees |
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RASA: Supporting Scotland’s Refugees |
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Hoda Katebi Is Launching a Fashion Production Co-Op for Immigrant and Refugee Women in Chicago |
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Jobs At The Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Sofia Tour for Refugees |
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Norway Looks to Strip 1600 Migrants of Refugee Status Send Them Back to Somalia |
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Queer Refugees Welcome |
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Karen Alliance for Refugee Education |
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Reproductive health care for Rohingya refugees |
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Refugee Crisis Appeal |
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Refugee Feed |
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A Note on Syrian Refugees in the Gulf: Attempting to Assess Data and Policies |
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Transfer all refugee children from Nauru |
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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR — PLANET EARTH IN BLACK AND WHITE group |
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Bangladesh: Refugee Crisis |
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There is now a loose consortium of influential academics pundits and businesspeople known as “New Optimists” dedicated to promoting the proposition that we are living in the best of times If they are all correct how do we explain what looks and feels like the world’s collective descent into chaos over the past decade-and-a-half The optimists overlook the experience of a substantial mass of humanity for whom the world – even after being purged of the ills of the past centuries and endowed with modern technology – remains a forbidding place The optimists’ exaltation of modernity is accompanied by the myth that modernity has created benefits for all … The majority are “more divided than ever” as Tim Marshall who is a contributor to The National notes in his new book … Everywhere there is evidence of people retreating into narrow identities Marshall unlike the western commentators who rushed to pronounce this the Chinese century is not seduced by the glitz of Shanghai’s skyscrapers His eye is trained on the human cost of China’s progress: the disparities generated by it the exodus from village to city the loss of individual dignity Beijing is altering the demographics of Buddhist Tibet which it violently subsumed in the 1950s and Muslim Xinjiang by flooding them with Han Chinese It is in Beijing’s ethnic engineering that Marshall espies “the greatest threat to the prospects of long-term prosperity and unity in China” Looking at India Marshall contends that the subcontinent has not fully recovered from the invasions of the past millennium The people on the peripheries continue to be haunted by the division of India to create Pakistan and the subsequent partition of Pakistan to birth Bangladesh Bengalis in India resent the influx of migrants from Bangladesh because they are mostly Muslim India has erected state-of-the-art fences on its eastern border But as vast swathes of Bangladesh are poised to sink into the waters as sea levels rise where will the climate refugees of the future go Marshall’s chapter on the European Union is the most powerful Ever since Britain voted to leave Europe extraordinary claims have been made for the EU But if the EU is the nec plus ultra of political co-operation why did so many people choose to turn away from it “The EU” Marshall writes “has never really succeeded in replacing the nation state in the hearts of most Europeans” The EU hierarchs’ revulsion for nationalism doesn’t negate the importance many attach to national identity As Marshall warns in his chapter on Britain to “dismiss people who enjoyed their relatively homogeneous cultures and who are now unsure of their place in the world merely drives them into the arms of those who would exploit their anxieties – the real bigots” By magnifying religion and culture as the causes of division Marshall exposes himself to the charge of advancing a deterministic view of the world Yet this is where Divided draws its strength from As Raymond Aron said in response to French intellectuals who sought to blunt Algerian demands for independence with talk of progress under French rule “it is a denial of the experience of our century to suppose that men will sacrifice their passions to their interests” Marshall can’t be faulted for identifying the sources of those passions He has written frankly about the world We deny this at our own peril Kapil Komireddi |
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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
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Home Affairs to open refugee office in Maitland |
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Chief Inspector report on Home Office safeguarding: Refugee Council response |
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With resettlement opportunities dwindling and overall funding becoming increasingly unpredictable UNHCR is looking at new ways to support refugees in Indonesia be more self-sufficient and ready to seize the moment |
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Small schools in Zaatari Refugee Camp |
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Where Syrian refugees and immigrants live in Connecticut |
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OSA’s Appeal Letter about Oromo Refugees in North Africa and the Middle East |
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UN Refugee Agency UNHCR New Updates and Galleries |
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Ahmed Hussen on Immigration Services Saudi Refugee Rahaf Mohammed |
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60 Rohingya babies born daily in Bangladesh refugee camps |
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Please do not encourage or support copyright violations of our website please read the Captain’s Blog 17000 Passenger Manifests in 17 Volumes plus numerous other passengers listed in Special Projects Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10 Volume 11 Volume 12 Volume 13 Volume 14 Volume 15 Volume 16 Volume 17 Volume 18 Emigration in the 19th Century from the municipality of Borghorst City and County of Burgsteinfurt by name Passenger lists to the US including Port of Arrival Brazil arrivals Arrivals in countries other than the US and Brazil and Extracts of the baptism register for the Catholic parish of St Nikomedes Emigrants from Burg Steinfurt by name Passenger lists to the US Including Port of Arrival Other emigration by name Extracts of the baptism register for the Catholic parish of St Joh Nepomuk and Extracts of the birth register of the Jewish Parish Jacobite Rebellion Ships ISTG German Departures ISTG NY Arrivals Austria Poland Galicia Irish to Argentina WW2 Refugees to Australia 1903 Project Halifax NS Canada Depart amp Arrivals Maritime News Immigrant Pictures The ISTG Compass The Adoption ExperiencePostcards Journals amp Diaries |
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Euro-Med launches “Falk Award” for human rights and refugees |
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Patron of Refugee Tales |
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Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi teen refugee arrives in Canada |
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What’s New Ready to Help – Improving Resilience of Integration Systems for Refugees and other Vulnerable Migrants |
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The training opportunities on offer are a lifeline for refugees Less than 14000 refugees about half of them from Afghanistan are living in Indonesia – one of the world’s most populous countries While the country is generously hosting these refugees until longer-term solutions can be identified they do not have the legal right to work and it is difficult for them to attend university |
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Refugee Quota Arrivals and Settlement for the last five years |
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Refugee Kamzy Gunaratnam to Mayor |
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The white farmer is the dark shadow of the ANC on guard with pangas axes rifles guns and kitchen irons ready to brutally burn and torture farmer and wife the white farmer is present at all food markets charities and schools for black children the white farmer peers through the hearts of EVERYONE this white farmer just wanted to feed the whole nation of South Africa black and white the white farmer is brave and a refugee in a whole world that turned a blind eye |
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Ministering in the Midst of a Refugee Crisis: How the Local Church Can Respond |
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Children deserve to grow up in a world free from fear surrounded by those who love them—enabling them to live life in all its fullness The world would be shocked by seeing the conditions that the children living in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar are facing instead Make no mistake that this crisis is a children’s emergency These children’s worlds have been torn apart brutally They have gone suddenly from living in a community where they know the neighborhood having close friends a routine a good variety of food and safe places to play to a chaotic overcrowded and frightening unknown place Many are orphaned and lost living in a perpetual state of anxiety After all this we cannot expect Rohingya children to overcome the traumatic experiences they’ve suffered when further exposed to insecurity and fears of violence in the camps But at least we can pray and ask for help for these children’s safety and a better future |
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Lindsay Lohan ‘accuses refugee family of child trafficking’ |
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US and Global Refugee Protection System |
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Rohingya Refugee Children |
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It’s very cold and wet!Refugees need your help today Please help |
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Refugee to lead Holocaust Memorial Day |
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Refugee Education 1 |
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Refugees International is a global independent advocacy organization that successfully challenges governments policymakers and administrations to improve the lives of displaced people around the world |
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A04: Planning the Ideal Refugee Camp |
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Attacked in school a Syrian refugee speaks for the first time |
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Migration amp Refugee Services |
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Refugee Community Center Creates Partners for Ministry |
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Jewish Refugees: |
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Közösségi programok menekült és bevándorló nőknek / Community programs for refugee and immigrant women |
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Santa Claus: Climate Refugee |
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Refugee Integration Monitoring |
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WikiLeaks urged its 5 million followers to disrupt a charity for refugees |
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Sewn by Refugees in Nashville |
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Zaatari’s children: poverty conflict and displacement in refugee camp |
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Skill Development Center for Refugees inaugurated in Mewat |
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Refugees in Protracted Exile Need Long-Term Solutions to Education Gap |
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Torture and Suicide in Australia’s Refugee Detention Centres |
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The New Odyssey: The Story of Europe’s Refugee Crisis English Edition PDF |
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Immigration amp Refugee Services |
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Refugees International |
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Live Love Refugee |
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For Venezuelan Refugees There’s No Safe Haven in Curacao |
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We’re changing the classroom experience of refugee and migrant students with interrupted education |
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Growing numbers of migrants and refugees returned to appalling conditions in Libya |
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According to UNHCR there are more than 65 million refugees around the world over half of whom are |
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Time to find home for refugees and asylum seekers: ACBC |
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This is Home: A Refugee Story |
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The Forgotten Refugees film |
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-Improvement of the linguistic competence in English to all the participant pupils-Increase the competence of our teachers through the formation in innovative and integrative methodologies-Integration of pupils at risk of social exclusion from migration refugees ethnic minoritiesWe are an association of five schools from Italy Ireland Slovenia Greece and Spain with a numerous immigrant population and an important number of pupils in disadvantage situation From the analysis of the needs of our schools arises this project which main objective is to ease the integration of pupils at risk of social exclusion from migration refugees ethnic minorities or pupils with special needs and we will do it through the internationalization of our schools |
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Vol 9 – Refugee HealthApril 2016 |
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Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries |
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Who is a Refugee from Palestine |
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Irwin Cotler on Jewish Refugees |
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Relief programs implemented for Yemeni refugees and needy locals in Djibouti |
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Inside Kakuma Refugee Camp |
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OPM and UNHCR complete countrywide biometric refugee verification… |
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South Sudan refugee crisis – Kids orphan |
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Update on military operation in Nduga – Number of refugees and reported fatalities among indigenous civilians rising |
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Refugee Crisis: Bridging the gap between Old and New Europe |
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Drought and conflict can spur climate refugees |
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Refugee Education 2 |
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Erdogan: Safe zones in Syria will allow refugees to return home |
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Zero‐sum thinking as mediator of the relationship of national attitudes with unwillingness to host refugees in own country |
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Accepting Refugees: Alternative Arguments for Canada |
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Munkaerő-piaci tanácsadás menekült és bevándorló nőknek / Labor market mentoring for refugee and migrant women |
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Canada’s resettlement of mainly Muslim refugees and many just pretending to be is now the highest in the world for first time in 72 years |
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Refugees for Refugees Announce New Album |
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Erdogan: Syrian refugees to leave Turkey |
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Is there an end to tragic fate of Syrian refugees in Lebanon |
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236 Migrants and Refugees Arrived on the Nnorthern Aegean Islands |
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Instructions for migrants Brussels refugee camp October 2015 : Strange and Interesting Pictures |
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Cities like Jakarta are playing a growing role in refugee inclusion Of the world’s 254 million refugees around 60 per cent live out of camps and in cities and urban areas across Asia the Americas Europe the Middle East and Africa |
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Afghan Refugee Blog |
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Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee |
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Refugee Watch amp Refugee Watch Online |
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Yemen : Imprisoned Oromo-Ethiopian Refugees Thrown on Sana’a Streets |
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RefugeesWelcome People Take to Social Media to Show Support for Syrian Refugees |
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Incubating amp Strengthening Solutions for Refugees |
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Secretariat: Southern Refugee Legal Aid Network SRLAN |
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Rights in Exile formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter |
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UN warns of xenophobia: Venezuelan refugees are threatened and attacked |
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41 – Refugees |
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If You Speak Arabic or German Help Google Translate for the Refugees |
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Cameroonian refugee Fleeing violence arr |
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Donate your Sadaqa to Palestine Refugees |
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AEmployers woo refugees amid Austria labor shortage |
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Russia’s Report On Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Refugee Migration Monitoring In Syria January 28 2019 |
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Pope Francis urges ‘decisive measures’ to resolve refugee crisis |
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Refugee Beats Wife With Hammers After Seeing What She Forgot |
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Participate in the WorldRefugeeSunday |
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Violence against women within the Rohingya refugee community |
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Attacks on Venezuelan refugees raise concerns |
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Australian Refugee Footballer Detained in Thailand ‘Losing Hope’ |
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Hear Refugee Women’s |
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Preparing to Help Young Central American Refugees |
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Social payments and refugees |
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Schultz: The Internal Protection Alternative in Refugee Law |
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100 Classroom for Refugee Children in the Middle East |
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For refugees |
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Refugees |
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Ex-Trump aide: Stephen Miller said he’d be happy if no refugee ever again set foot in US |
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The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network APRRN |
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India’s Stance on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis: An International Law Perspective |
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10 Refugees Who are Now World-Famous Personalities |
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Help Christian refugees in Syria and Iraq |
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Dumisani Washington on Jewish Refugees |
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Build by Refugees for Refugees |
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Have you missed Refugee Resettlement Watch |
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The Syrian Civil War: Implications for US Foreign Policy International Terrorism and the Fate of Refugees |
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The Weaponisation of the Refugee |
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Time To Pay Attention: China Is Building Refugee Camps Prepping For Nuclear War |
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Integration of recent refugees and third country nationals into the Austrian labour market |
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Lloyd Axworthy on countering the ‘globalism of indifference’ facing refugees |
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What do you think is the major contributor toward people becomming refugees |
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Fund Collected By Rohingya Refugees for Kerala |
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Aid to the Church in Need Supporting refugee families in Iraq Syria amp the Middle East |
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How the West Weaponizes Refugees it Creates |
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Mayors local authorities social enterprises and citizen groups in these Cities of Light – from Sao Paulo to Vienna Erbil and Kigali – are on the frontlines of the global refugee response fostering social cohesion and protecting and assisting the forcibly displaced in their midst |
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New asylum accommodation contracts awarded – Refugee Council response |
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Youth Refugee Coalition |
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Refugee-Made Soap |
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UN Projects 250000 Refugees Could Go Back To Syria In 2019 |
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645 million of our tax dollars to Syrian refugee fund |
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Rohingya Flee Refugee Camps in Bangladesh |
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We must resist the divide and conquer strategies of the rulers of this country that demonize black and brown people LGBTs and women We must build solidarity with the refugees who are bearing the brunt of these increasingly reactionary times |
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MPC on Refugee Movements |
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Young male refugees struggle with disappointment and mental health issues – InfoMigrants |
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Cameroon allegedly denies refugee status |
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Help Refugees in Greece |
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70000 Refugees in Lebanon at risk as Storms Flood Camps |
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This is a mammoth subject and not just because Donald Trump based much of his success in the US electoral college if not the US popular vote by claiming at every opportunity that he would “build that wall” So Marshall explores how different societies have responded to the changes wrought by our globalised world and how they rise to the challenge of maintaining national identity Trump’s America he argues is “the only major power that can absorb the potential losses of withdrawing from globalisation without seriously endangering itself in the short term” But Trump’s border wall is a rhetorical device that plays on a fear of other peoples It is unlikely ever to be built not least because about two-thirds of southern borderland property and land is in private ownership but it reassures his core voters Next Marshall turns his attentions to China home of the Great Wall where the state has responded to global upheaval by restricting its citizens’ access to the internet This is his cue to explore cyber security and “the Great Firewall of China” As Marshall argues “internet censorship does restrict China’s economic potential” but that is a price that the Chinese Communist Party is willing to pay to maintain both its power and national unity Subsequent chapters examine Israel and Palestine where walls are a necessity but they are “containing the violence – for now” In the wider Middle East Marshall argues that “ironically another wall is needed… between religion and politics” if the region is to escape its troubled past The Indian subcontinent contains the longest border fence in the world which runs for 2500 miles between India and Bangladesh But the area is still struggling to cope with mass migration as well as climate change Seven out of 10 of the world’s most unequal countries are to be found in Africa Marshall focuses on the legacy of colonialism and influences of globalisation which he argues “has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty” while widening the gap “between the rich and not rich” The final two chapters focus on Europe and the UK with Marshall exploring “the new realities of mass immigration and the moral necessities to take in refugees” He shows how population pressures have led to the rise of nationalism and the Far-Right Nonetheless he argues that we still need our nation states because “communities need to be bound together in shared experience” Walls Marshall concedes have their place and we need not necessarily “decry the trend of wall-building… they can also provide temporary and partial alleviation of problems even as countries work towards more lasting solutions especially in areas of conflict” Huston Gilmore |
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Tuberculosis in the Migrant and Refugee Population: Is Silence Deception |
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A refuge little more than temporary: Syrian refugees in Denmark ‘living day by day’ amid threat of tougher refugee policies |
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Multi Kulti Kitchen: Refugees |
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Providing Education for Syrian Refugee Children |
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Refugee-Run Restaurant Voted ‘Nicest Place In America’ Fed Furloughed Workers During Shutdown |
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Refugees Get Off to a New Start with Health Care Services |
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Refugee-Made Goods |
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This is who we’re turning away: debunking the myths about refugees |
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An estimated 693000 Rohingya have been driven into Bangladesh as of April 2018 Over half of them are children who have fled following an extreme escalation of violence with most now living in flimsy plastic tents in overcrowded camps in Cox’s Bazar When hundreds of thousands of terrified Rohingya refugees began flooding onto the beaches and paddy fields of southern Bangladesh it was the children – who made up nearly 60 percent of their number – who caught most of the attention of many people The momentum and scale of arrivals make this the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis Over 1400 children have arrived by themselves after witnessing the deaths of their parents and loved one Today there are an estimated 720000 Rohingya children in Bangladesh and Myanmar in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection – and looking to the outside world for help |
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Lebanese Filmmaker Nadine Labaki on Giving Refugee Children a Voice in Compelling Drama ‘Capernaum’ |
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4 Ways You Can Support Refugees |
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Jewish refugees at the UN |
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