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Your Zakat has changed thousands of lives across Canada You have helped refugees single parents people with disabilities elderly converts and many more We strongly believe that Zakat strengthens social cohesion and is a catalyst for the entire community being successful We promise to use your Zakat in the most impactful way to transform the Canadian Muslim Community for a greater amp Advisors |
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As a refugee births born – a record high – view |
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All ‘Jews’ today are the Khazars converts and Edomites some call them the Khazarian Mafia KM hellbent on a World Government as was the ruling Jewish class in the times of Jesus Herod was an Edomite after Esau Malachi 1: 3 Romans 9:13 not Jacob Israel These Jew Fraudsters believe themelves to be Israelites Hebrews or from the royal tribe of Judah claim the Bible Consignor gives themselves mandate to rule the whole world Psalm 2: 6-9 Psalm 2: 10-11 Deuteronomy 20: 10-14 Deuteronomy 20 : 12-17 Isaiah 60: 5 60: 10-11 60:12 60: 14-16 Psalm 2: 8 and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah most of the apostles were Israelites only one of them was Jewish Judas The first time Jews are Mentioned in the Bible is in II Kings 16: 6105: 44 111: 6 Jesus was a Galilean or resident of Galilee Matthew 26:69 John 7:41 and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century where we find Israel was at war with the Jews and drave the Jews from elathane The ‘Jews’ in ‘Jesus’ time were Edomites/Turkic Edom or Edomite had BEEN translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea The original King James version of the Bible 1611 translated IDUMAEANS-Judean into Iewes The first Jews were Judaism says to kill Christians February 23rd 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Judaism says to kill Christians Related Posts Zionism Contradicts Judaism Zionism Contradicts Judaism New York historian journalist and lecturer Alfred M Lilienthal was the leading 20th Judaism is the Template for the NWO January 22 2019 Some may call it Communism but I call it what it On Alice Walker Judaism and Palestine By looking to the Jewish religion as the source of Israeli cruelty Walker is making Why Judaism Hates Christ- Leon de Poncins Karl Marx wrote: The Jew emancipated himself by making himself master of the money-market Fish Swim Birds Fly–‘Hanukkuh a celebration of Judaism’s legacy of liberty wisdom freedom and tolerance’ Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts Hits: 458 israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs December 27th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs This was posted on Facebook directly by the Christian Palestinian victims Related Posts Essel- How the Cabalists Stole God The study of true philosophy consists in knowing not what men have thought but WHAT IS How Britain stole 45 trillion from India By Jason Hickel Source Lord Louis Mountbatten the last Viceroy of India and his wife How Britain’s Royal Jews stole 45 trillion from India How Britain’s Royal Jews stole 45 trillion from India And lied about it by Jason How An Amateur Rap Crew Stole Surveillance Tech That Tracks Almost Every American How An Amateur Rap Crew Stole Surveillance Tech Gaza Freedom Flotilla 2018: Israel stole our boat amp imprisoned us but we spoke up for Palestine The aim was simply to break the illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip by sea Hits: 549 Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Related Posts Minneapolis Installs Sharia Hotline to Report Americans Who Criticize Islam The city of Minneapolis has set up a hotline for residents to report citizens who Sweden Legalizes Wife Beating Under Sharia Law Swedish lawmakers celebrated International Women’s Day by legalizing wife beating within the Islamic community citing German Taxpayer Finances Sharia Loving Refugee Who Has Two Wives and Six Children A documentary about a Syrian family on Germany’s Spiegel TV has caused controversy in the Michael Hoffman: America is under Talmudic law not Sharia law Michael Hoffman: America is under Talmudic law not Sharia law My bedtime reading is the Muslim Psychologist Demands Sharia Law In Australia In the latest bit of insanity from the left-wing a Muslim psychologist has claimed that Hits: 385 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The War On Drugs hoax Related Posts Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs in Children May 31st 2019 By Kelly Brogan MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World Originally published Your Microbiome On Drugs May 24th 2019 By Kelly Brogan MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World For those Philly to Set Massive Precedent and Stop Arresting People for Drug Possession – of ALL Drugs Matt Agorist The Free Thought Project Waking TimesPhiladelphia PA — Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner Philadelphia District Attorney Wants to Stop Prosecuting People for Drugs By John Vibes Philadelphia has one of the worst heroin problems in the country and Mexico Wants to Decriminalize All Drugs and Get the US to Do the Same By Elias Marat In a bold move Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador—commonly referred to Hits: 409 The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The real enemy is at home Related Posts Our Worst Enemy Controls Our Money May 30 2019 Left Humanity is controlled by psychopathshenrymakowcom The above-stated difference in the BATTLE ROYALE “FBI Director Christopher Wray has become the enemy of the People” — Former US Attorney Video FBI Director Wray amp CIA Director Haspel Both Stonewall AG Barr Source Article Viruses to stop cholera infections – the viral enemy of deadly bacteria could be humanity’s friend In the latest of a string of high-profile cases in the US a Waging War on Iran without Turkey Is Turkey Sleeping with the Enemy The Russia -Turkey -Iran “Triple Entente” Note to readers: please click the share buttons above Author’s Note and Update Recent Humanity’s greatest enemy the Jew Humanity’s greatest enemy the Jew Hits: 418 The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ ✝ The Satanic Cult that rules the world Related Posts Mike Pence declares war on the world at West Point It was an address littered with war talk that was so extreme it was more World through the aperture A selection of photos shot recently from around the world: A surfer rides the Trader: Bond Yields Signal All Is Not Right With The World While global stocks remain near record highs global bond yields are at their lowest since The Lies About World War II Exposed by Historians — WW2 Was Churchill’s War Not Hitler’s In the aftermath of a war history cannot be written The losing side has no ‘New chapter in African unity’: World’s largest free trade zone to become reality this week The African Continental Free Trade Area AfCFTA will come into force on Thursday It Hits: 454 Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch Baal Related Posts Authorities find 123 missing children in just ONE day More than 120 missing children have been found in just one day during a wide-scale For Nobody’s Eyes Only: The Truth About Missing Govt Files amp The Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories Government agencies have under duress declassified millions of pages of documents in recent years But The Pentagon’s Missing TRILLIONS: What You Need to Know Dr Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research These Haunting Red Dresses Memorialize Murdered And Missing Indigenous Women These Haunting Red Dresses Memorialize Murdered And Missing Indigenous Women Above Photo: In 2016 5712 Cyclone Idai death toll reaches 732 hundreds still missing PHOTOS VIDEO Survivors are struggling to deal with the aftermath of the huge disaster with an estimated Hits: 443 The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” Related Posts The Myth of a Disunited and Dysfunctional Palestine Is an Israeli Invention The International Conference on Palestine held in Istanbul between April 27-29 brought together many speakers Father of invention: Chinese creator wins over millions with incredibly useless devices VIDEO Shuai Geng quit his job last year to pursue a life of idle pursuits producing RT’s 1917LIVE book wins Adweek’s Project Isaac Award for Print Invention DOWNLOAD THE BOOK HERE“1917LIVE: The Russian Revolution in Tweets” was published following a year-long interactive If You Think Invention Secrecy Is A “Conspiracy Theory” You’ve Just Been Proven Wrong… Next Story Government secrecy is running rampant in an age where more and more people John McAfee’s New Invention Is Taking The Fight To The CIA Never afraid of speaking truth to power and educating the masses about the powers that Hits: 2864 How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Related Posts US Workers Are Paying High Taxes But Without Any Of The Benefits The OECD may not be able to include employer-based health insurance premiums into its model Funding The Green New Deal Without Raising Taxes And Creating Massive Debt Funding The Green New Deal Without Raising Taxes And Creating Massive Debt As alarm bells Ocasio-Cortez Vows to Raise Our Taxes but Refuses to Pay Her Own Democrat Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has refused to pay an outstanding tax bill to the IRS NAZI BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY spent YOUR TAXES building ZEPPELIN BOMBERS DID YOU KNOW the NAZI JEW BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY spent YOUR TAXES building ZEPPELIN BOMBERS Paris protests are about rising gas taxes but the dishonest American media won’t tell you why: “Climate change” Natural News When POTUS Donald Trump said during his 2016 campaign that Hits: 391 Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups Related Posts Indian police deny arresting Bollywood actors in terrorist suspect mix-up Indian news channel TV9 Gujarati and Asian News International reported on Wednesday that following an Israeli military and medical equipment found in another terrorist base in Syria The Syrian security forces recently uncovered another large cache of military and medical equipment left Terrorist massacre of children in Syrian Christian town of Al Suqalibiyah on borders of North Hama and Idlib Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire This morning the 12th May 2019 the remnants of terrorist The Gwadar Terrorist Attack Exposed the International Media’s Double Standards youtube twitter facebook rss Source Article from Why the US Labeled Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a Terrorist Organization It can be readily demonstrated that the proffered US justifications for labeling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Hits: 268 ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Related Posts Venezuela: Amnesty International in Service of Empire Uncle Sam has a problem in his South American “backyard” with those uppity Venezuelans who Understanding your need to use a stock brokerage service Every investor worth his or her salt knows that buying Nazi Racialist Ideology in Service to Trump Derangement Syndrome February 14 2019 by Norman Ball for The Saker Blog A full year ago ‘Fing migration agency’: Callers to Swedish govt service baffled by ‘rude‘ greeting Instead of the familiar female voice which usually addresses those phoning the agency early-morning callers Digital Sovereignty A Public Service Internet for Europe Protecting Users’ Personal Data The French Government announced in October that the National Assembly and Army Ministry would no Hits: 405 How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Related Posts Why They Killed Jesus April 19 2019 Source Article from From Jesus Christ to Julian Assange: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State John W Whitehead Guest Waking Times“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is Jesus Christ was not a Jew Jesus Christ was not a Jew Jesus Did It Buddha Did It Muhammad Did It – The Healing Tradition of Fasting January 29th 2019 By Nick Polizzi Guest writer for Wake Up World What do Jesus Muhammad Jesus was not a Jew JESUS WAS NOT A Jew Benjamin H Freedman Jewish Historian – Researcher – Scholar From Hits: 529 Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Related Posts Indian police deny arresting Bollywood actors in terrorist suspect mix-up Indian news channel TV9 Gujarati and Asian News International reported on Wednesday that following an Israeli military and medical equipment found in another terrorist base in Syria The Syrian security forces recently uncovered another large cache of military and medical equipment left Terrorist massacre of children in Syrian Christian town of Al Suqalibiyah on borders of North Hama and Idlib Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire This morning the 12th May 2019 the remnants of terrorist The Gwadar Terrorist Attack Exposed the International Media’s Double Standards youtube twitter facebook rss Source Article from Why the US Labeled Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a Terrorist Organization It can be readily demonstrated that the proffered US justifications for labeling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Hits: 385 Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ ✝ Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Related Posts Mike Pompeo Visits Third Temple Sanhedrin Synagogue—Why Video Source Article from How Could a Christian Do This Synagogue Shooter Replies May 28 2019 Source Article from California synagogue dedicates Torah to woman killed in terror attack POWAY California — A Southern California synagogue where a gunman killed a woman and wounded The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews The Jewish Origins of the Jesuits By REPORT: Linda Sarsour Raised 160k for Synagogue Shooting Victims Only 10k Was Donated According to an Israeli strategist Linda Sarsour of Women’s March fame raised 160000 Hits: 365 Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ ✝ Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime Related Posts Another Donald Debacle: Poland’s ‘Fort Trump’ and Holocaust Victims Compensation It’s no surprise that Trump’s new vanity project in Poland – to name a military MSM Normalizing Pedophilia in Reality Show Calling it “Age Gap Love” A mainstream media station owned by Viacom is running a show accused of promoting pedophilia Councilman Endures Threats to Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse in Philly Earlier this year we reported that while Phoenix Arizona has had the dubious distinction of The Gender Bender Agenda In the world today there is an agenda well-underway which is purposely subverting and transforming 82 Arrested in Massive Multistate Child Exploitation Sting ATLANTA – A high school band director A youth group leader A fireman A county Hits: 414 Iranian protesters burn Israeli flags on Quds Day June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran on Friday for an annual Quds Day march in solidarity with Palestine during which they burned Israeli flags and an effigy of US President Donald Trump Source: Ruptly Source Article from Related Posts Jerusalem Haredi protesters flee after women strip down to bras Scores of police in Jerusalem backed up by officers on horseback trying to break up 1000 Protesters Against 5G in Switzerland Telecom Industry Has Provided No Scientific Evidence That 5G is Safe May 19 2019 By BN Frank Last month Activist Post also reported about 5G opposition Hundreds of Gaza protesters shot by Israeli forces risk limb amputation 11-year-old boy who lost his leg after Israeli soldiers opened fire on “Great March of Trump Silent: Saudi’s Executed Innocent Protesters Fabricated Confessions Fake Charges Jonas Alexis – Ian Greenhalgh Kevin Barrett – Bob Nichols Preston James – Michael Shrimpton Carol Duff – Johnny Punish Sudan Protesters Demand ‘Immediate’ Civilian Rule Sudan Protesters Demand ‘Immediate’ Civilian Rule Above Photo: Demonstrators have refused to end their rallies since Hits: 16 In message to Muslim leaders Rouhani calls for unity against Trump’s Mideast plan June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned that a US-devised plan targeting the Palestinian nation dubbed “the deal of the century” has “dangerous regional aspects” and urged leaders of Muslim countries to counter the plot and defend Palestine “At a time when the Muslim world needs maximum solidarity convergence and cooperation in the face of a common enemy we are unfortunately witnessing some divisive measures aimed at diverting the Muslim world’s public opinion from the Palestinian issue as the main issue of the Muslim world” Rouhani said in a Friday message to Muslim leaders attending an emergency summit in Islam’s holiest city of Mecca Saudi Arabia He criticized Muslim states for refusing to show “an appropriate reaction” and remaining indifferent to the so-called “the deal of the century” saying the “ominous plot” seeks to destroy the Palestinian cause and promote occupation and aggression against all Muslim countries “This plan has dangerous regional aspects and its owners are trying to destroy the absolute right of the Palestinian people to determine their own fate and establish a sustainable independent government in their own historic land with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital” Rouhani said The Iranian president added that the US’ recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital and the relocation of Washington’s embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city as well as declaring Israeli sovereignty over Syria’s Golan Heights show Washington’s “overt hostility not only against the Palestinians but against the entire Muslim world Such measures are in blatant violation of principles of international law and all resolutions and decisions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC and the beginning of a dangerous trend against Muslim nations Rouhani pointed out He said Muslim countries should end their disputes and use the Mecca summit to counter “the dangerous conspiracy of deal of the century” and defend Palestine Expressing Iran’s readiness to cooperate with Muslim countries to introduce an urgent plan to counter the “big threat against the Muslim world” Rouhani called on all OIC member states to use the opportunity of the Mecca summit to counter the “dangerous conspiracy of ‘the deal of the century’ and defend Palestine” Back in July Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called US President Donald Trump’s plan for the Palestinian territories a “satanic” scheme saying it is a non-starter Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” for the Palestinian territories is a “satanic” plan that will fail “The Americans have named their satanic policy on Palestine ‘the deal of the century’ but they should know that by divine grace this ‘deal of the century’ will never materialize To the dismay of the enemies the Palestinian issue will not be forgotten and al-Quds will remain the Palestinian capital” Ayatollah Khamenei told a group of officials in charge of the annual Hajj pilgrimage He added that the US-devised plan also intends to prepare the ground for the Zionists’ dominance over the Muslim and Arab worlds while paying the price of its implementation from the pocket of regional and Muslim states Read more: US peace plan will ‘ruin everything’ gained from previous efforts toward peace: Russia Resistance groups regional nations to foil US ‘deal of century’ plot: Iran Iran says won’t let ‘deal of the century’ pass Trump Mideast envoy: ‘Deal of century’ not out before June 10 Iran’s security chief: US-hatched ‘deal of century’ will be failure Source Article from Related Posts Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Could Pave Way for Palestinian Unity Palestinian groups Fatah Hamas and others should not confine themselves to simply rejecting the Trump ‘New chapter in African unity’: World’s largest free trade zone to become reality this week The African Continental Free Trade Area AfCFTA will come into force on Thursday It Tribal nationalism vs global unity By Graham Peebles Change discontent and uncertainty are some of the most prominent characteristics of Israel’s Plan To ‘Worsen Conditions’ For Palestinian Prisoners Is An Opportunity For Unity Israel’s Plan To ‘Worsen Conditions’ For Palestinian Prisoners Is An Opportunity For Unity Above Photo: Tehran Muslim unity conference marked a defeat for US Saudis cleric says Tasnim – Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Hits: 10 China to prepare own blacklist of entities amid US trade war June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ China’s Commerce Ministry says it will unveil a blacklist of “unreliable” foreign firms and individuals amid a trade war initiated by the United States On May 16 the US Commerce Department added Chinese telecom giant Huawei to a list of entities with which US companies cannot engage in trade unless they get a license from authorities although a 90-day reprieve was later issued Gao Feng a spokesman for China’s Commerce Ministry announced on Friday that Beijing would be releasing its own list of “unreliable entities” It will include “foreign enterprises organizations or individuals that do not comply with market rules deviate from a contract’s spirit or impose blockades or stop supplies to Chinese enterprises for non-commercial purposes and seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises” the Chinese official explained He said detailed measures to be taken against the companies placed on the list would be released soon US President Donald Trump initiated what is effectively a trade war with China last year when he first imposed unusually heavy tariffs on imports from the country Since then the two sides have exchanged tariffs on more than 360 billion dollars in two-way trade The Huawei ban prompted American Internet giant Google and its Android mobile operating system to suspend business with the Chinese tech giant US Internet giant Google and its Android mobile operating system suspend business with Huawei — the world’s second-biggest smartphone maker — after Trump blacklisted the Chinese tech firm Beijing and Washington have held talks to settle the issue but to no avail so far Their latest round of trade negotiations ended earlier this month without conclusion Earlier Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Hanhui accused Washington of practicing “naked economic terrorism” by engaging in the trade war on China A senior Chinese official says the United States is practicing “naked economic terrorism” by engaging in a trade war on China ‘Trump is lying’ Trump said on Thursday that the US tariffs had had a “devastating effect” on the Chinese economy Beijing denied Trump’s claim and dismissed it as a “lie” “The US side has said such lies not just once or twice Every time China exposes them in time but the US seems to be very persistent even obsessed and keeps repeating these lies” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a regular press briefing on Thursday China opposes the US tariff hikes saying they are harmful not only to China and the US but to the whole world Washington for its part says a primary goal of the aggressive tariff strategy is to decrease the trade imbalance with China which totaled 379 billion dollars in 2018 Bloomberg reported on Thursday that China would be halting purchases of soybeans from the US Source Article from Related Posts Trade War: China Accuses US of ’Naked Economic Terrorism’ By Staff Agencies China accused the United States of “naked economic terrorism” on Thursday as Beijing Full-blown US-China Trade War Rare Earths – US Has So Much to Lose China Barely Feels the Loss The United States sees the trade dispute it has with China as one of many Taiwan military drills significant given US-China trade war: Press TV correspondent Press TV correspondent Steven Ribet says Taiwan drills are very significant this year given the fact Corporate Trade Tribunals Used By Mining Companies Against Communities And Governments For decades now corporations have used this power to demand massive compensation for public interest The Decline of Jamaica’s Trade Union Movement in the Era of Capitalist Globalization Jamaica’s development project was largely influenced by Western expansionism and colonialism Colonialism was predicated on Hits: 25 Gaza holds anti “Deal of the Century” conference June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Ashraf Shannon Press TV Gaza Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip have attended a conference on the eve of International Quds Day The event was held under the auspices of the Tehran based International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada Source Article from Related Posts Trump Putin G20 Trump boxed in on Iran as Putin holds key to prevent war in Persian Gulf The Duran Published on May 15 2019 Blog of Staś Staś Source Article from ‘No Social Backlash To Anyone That Holds Islamophobic Views’ ‘No Social Backlash To Anyone That Holds Islamophobic Views’ Above Photo: A French police officer ‘Resist Rockwool’ Holds Sit-In Of Senator Joe Manchin Office Washington DC — West Virginia residents occupied US Senator Joe Manchin’s office today to demand Yellow Vest Movement Holds 9th Act Macron Pledges National Dialogue Yellow Vest Movement Holds 9th Act Macron Pledges National Dialogue Above: Yellow vest protesters demonstrate peacefully Photos: ESCAP holds session on disaster info management in Tehran Why Iran’s positive OPEC spin won’t last Oil Price |
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Hi My name is name hidden a recognized refugee in Ireland with Stamp 4 1951 Convention travel document I have seen that UK signed an agreement called EUROPEAN AGREEMENT ON ABOLITION OF VISAS FOR REFUGEES in this link: link removed That says holders of the convention travel document are exempt from visa if the visit is less than 3 months is that still applicable |
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I would like to make an appointment to discuss the legal side of myself marring a refugee here in the UK Can I please ask some one to contact me and to arrange an appointment Thank you |
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What’s Wrong with Zionism June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Blog of Staś Staś Source Article from Related Posts How ‘Teen Vogue’ Indoctrinates Teens: “This Idea That the Body is Either Male or Female is Totally Wrong” Teen Vogue a magazine marketed directly to young people posted a video on YouTube where If your poop stinks to high heaven and you have to wipe incessantly you’re eating wrong Natural News There are all kinds of diets health fads supplements and Washington Had the Wrong Approach to US-China Trade Talks from the Start The long-running trade talks between the US and China seem to have unfortunately fizzled out Facial Recognition Tech Tested By UK Police Was Wrong 96 Of The Time According To Big Brother Watch By Aaron Kesel Facial recognition is highly flawed Activist Post has consistently reported numerous studies Who’s Anti-Bernie and Why They’re Wrong Joan Brunwasser Senior Editor for OpEdNews and co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform speaks with Hits: 21 Israel’s Role In 9/11 FBI evidence supports prior knowledge or complicity PHILIP GIRALDI • MAY 28 2019 June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ The tale of 9/11 will just not go away largely because it is clear to anyone who reads the lengthy 9/11 Commission Report that many issues that should have been subject to inquiry were ignored for what would appear to be political reasons The George W Bush Administration quite obviously did not want to assume any blame for what had happened and that bias also extended to providing cover for US “allies” most particularly Saudi Arabia and Israel Those who have sought the truth about 9/11 have been persistent in their attempts to find out information that was suppressed but they have been blocked repeatedly in spite of numerous FOIA requests Now eighteen years after the event there has been something like a breakthrough penetrating the wall of silence erected by the government FBI reports on the possible Israeli role in 9/11 were released on May 7th and they serve to support speculation by myself and other former intelligence officers that Israel at a minimum had detailed prior knowledge of what was to take place More than that Israeli intelligence officers working in the United States might well have enabled certain aspects of the conspiracy To recount some of what is already known and suspected one should first examine the 2016 release of a heavily edited and redacted 28 pages long annex to the 9/11 Commission Report that explored the Saudi Arabian role in the terrorist attack The section concluded that the Saudi government may have played a direct role in 9/11 by assisting two of the hijackers including a dry run exercise intended to learn how to get into a plane’s cockpit There was also considerable evidence suggesting that wealthy Saudis and even members of the Royal Family had been supporting and funding al-Qaeda But far exceeding the Saudi role is the involvement of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad which was not subject to any serious inquiry or investigation by US intelligence or police agencies Israel in spite of obvious involvement in 9/11 was not included in the 9/11 Commission Report despite the existence of an enormous Israeli intelligence operation freely working in the United States that was known to the FBI Some of those Mossad officers were notably filmed celebrating as the Twin Towers were burning and collapsing In the year 2001 Israel was running a massive spying operation through a number of cover companies in New Jersey Florida and also on the west coast that served as spying mechanisms for Mossad officers The effort was supported by the Mossad Station in Washington DC and included a large number of volunteers the so-called “art students” who traveled around the US selling various products at malls and outdoor markets The FBI was aware of the numerous Israeli students who were routinely overstaying their visas and some in the Bureau certainly believed that they were assisting their country’s intelligence service in some way but it proved difficult to actually link the students to undercover operations so they were regarded as a minor nuisance and were normally left to the tender mercies of the inspectors at the Bureau of Customs and Immigration American law enforcement was also painfully aware that the Israelis were running more sophisticated intelligence operations inside the United States many of which were focused on Washington’s military capabilities and intentions Some specialized intelligence units concentrated on obtaining military and dual use technology It was also known that Israeli spies had penetrated the phone systems of the US government to include those at the White House In its annual classified counterespionage review the FBI invariably places Israel at the top for “friendly” countries that spy on the US In fact the pre-9/11 Bureau did its best to stay on top of the problem but it rarely received any political support from the Justice Department and White House if an espionage case involved Israelis By one estimate more than 100 such cases were not prosecuted for political reasons Any Israeli caught in flagrante would most often be quietly deported and most Americans who were helping Israel were let off with a slap on the wrist But the hands-off attitude towards Israel shifted dramatically when on September 11 2001 a New Jersey housewife saw something from the window of her apartment building which overlooked the World Trade Center She watched as the buildings burned and crumbled but also noted something strange Three young men were kneeling on the roof of a white transit van parked by the water’s edge making a movie in which they featured themselves high fiving and laughing in front of the catastrophic scene unfolding behind them The woman wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police who responded quickly and soon both the local force and the FBI began looking for the vehicle which was subsequently seen by other witnesses in various locations along the New Jersey waterfront its occupants “celebrating and filming” The license plate number revealed that the van belonged to a New Jersey registered company called Urban Moving Systems At 4 pm the vehicle was spotted and pulled over Five men between the ages of 22 and 27 years old emerged and were detained at gunpoint and handcuffed They were all Israelis One of them had 4700 in cash hidden in his sock and another had two foreign passports Bomb sniffing dogs reacted to the smell of explosives in the van which had very little actual moving equipment inside According to the initial police report the driver identified as Sivan Kurzberg stated “We are Israeli We are not your problem Your problems are our problems The Palestinians are the problem” The four other passengers were Sivan’s brother Paul Yaron Shmuel Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari The men were detained at the Bergen County jail in New Jersey before being transferred the FBI’s Foreign Counterintelligence Section which handles allegations of spying After the arrest the FBI obtained a warrant to search Urban Moving System’s Weehawken NJ offices Papers and computers were seized The company owner Dominick Suter also an Israeli answered FBI questions but when a follow-up interview was set up a few days later it was learned that he had fled the country for Israel putting both his business and home up for sale The office space and warehouse were abandoned It was later learned that Suter has been associated with at least fourteen businesses in the United States mostly in New Jersey and New York but also in Florida Suter and his wife Omit Levinson Suter were the owners of 1 Stop Cleaner located in Wellington Florida and Dominick was also associated with Basia McDonnell described as a Polish “holocaust survivor” as a business partner in yet another business called Value Ad Florida was a main focus for the Israeli intelligence operation in the US that was directed against Arabs The five Israelis were among 140 Israelis arrested after 9/11 most of whom had military backgrounds including some who were trained in “intelligence” The five were held in Brooklyn initially on charges relating to visa fraud FBI interrogators questioned them for more than two months Several were held in solitary confinement so they could not communicate with each other and two of them were given repeated polygraph exams which they failed when claiming that they were nothing more than students working summer jobs The two men that the FBI focused on most intensively were believed to be Mossad staff officers and the other three were volunteers helping with surveillance The Israelis were not exactly cooperative but the FBI concluded from documents obtained at their office in Weehawken that they were targeting Arabs in New York and New Jersey most particularly in the Paterson NJ area which has the second largest Muslim population in the US They were particularly interested in local groups possibly linked to Hamas and Hezbollah as well as in charities that might be used for fund raising The FBI also concluded that the Israelis had actually monitored the activities of at least two of the 9/11 hijackers To be sure working on an intelligence operation does not necessarily imply participation in either the planning or execution of something like 9/11 but there are Israeli fingerprints all over the place with cover companies and intelligence personnel often intersecting with locations frequented by the hijackers Apart from the interrogations of the five men from Weehawken the US government has apparently never sought to find out what else the Israelis might have known or were up to in September 2011 There are a lot of dots that might well have been connected once upon a time but the trail has grown cold Police records in New Jersey and New York where the men were held have disappeared and FBI interrogation reports have been inaccessible Media coverage of the case also died though the five were referred to in the press as the “dancing Israelis” and by some more disparagingly as the “dancing Shlomos” Inevitably the George W Bush White House intervened After 71 days in detention the five Israelis were released from prison by Attorney General John Ashcroft put on a plane and deported Two of the men later spoke about their unpleasant experience in America on an Israeli talk show one explaining that their filming the fall of the Twin Towers was to “document the event” In 2004 the five men sued the United States government for damages alleging “that their detention was illegal and that their civil rights were violated suffering racial slurs physical violence religious discrimination rough interrogations deprivation of sleep and many other offenses” They were represented by Nitsana Darshan-Leitner who in the previous year had founded the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center which seeks to bankrupt groups that Israel considers to be “terrorists” Shurat HaDin is closely tied to the Israeli government Now it is just possible that the Urban Moving Israelis were indeed uninvolved in 9/11 but nevertheless working for Mossad which the Israeli government even subsequently admitted but the new evidence suggests that the Israelis almost certainly had considerable prior knowledge and were likely involved in what developed The new information reveals that minutes after the first plane struck the World Trade Center five Israelis had taken up position in the parking lot of the Doric Apartment Complex in Union City New Jersey where they took pictures and filmed the attacks while also celebrating the fall of the towers and “high fiving” One eyewitness interviewed by the Bureau had seen the Israelis’ van circling the building parking at 8:00 am that day more than 40 minutes prior to the attack indicating prior knowledge of what was about to happen The eyewitness testimony is supported by copies of photos taken by the men that the FBI seized The photo reproductions were obtained via a FOIA request made by a private citizen and are of poor quality deliberately made so by the FBI to conceal faces and other details They constitute only 14 of over seventy photos taken by the Israelis Nevertheless they clearly demonstrate that a celebration was going on One photo intriguingly shows Sivan Kurzberg holding a lit lighter in front of the Manhattan Skyline on September 10th one day before 9/11 It was apparently taken at the Doric Complex on a reconnoitering visit made on that day and suggests that Kurzberg was simulating the attack on the towers on the following day Why would the Israelis do it Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described 9/11 initially as “a good thing” He was later quoted as saying somewhat more expansively “We are benefiting from one thing and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq” To be sure 9/11 was a gift to Israel and it is a gift that keeps on giving America is at war in a number of Muslim countries and its troops blanket the Middle East to include a base in Israel dedicated to the defense of that country It is all a result of the Global War on Terror and the GWOT started with 9/11 And just maybe it was a fire that was ignited by Israel Source Article from Related Posts UCLA’s anthropology grad student association supports Dr Rabab Abdulhadi and Dr Kyeyoung Park over accusations of anti-Semitism Editor’s Note: The following is a statement from the Anthropology Graduate Student Association at the Cory Booker Supports Jailing Americans Who Don’t Give up Their Guns Cory Booker backs legislation that would throw Americans in jail for owning “assault weapons” if Ilhan Omar Supports Group That Produced Child Beheading Skit Democratic Rep Ilhan Omar is a supporter of the radical group that produced the video The “Deal of The Century” Won’t Go Through: Split Among Palestinians Supports Israel 1/3 By Elijah J Magnier Source For over a year now the Israeli “Deal of the VENEZUELAN EX-SPY CHIEF THAT SUPPORTS GUAIDO DETAINED OVER SUPPOSED LINKS TO COCAINE TRAFFICKING South Front 13042019 Click to see full-size image On April 12th Venezuelan ex-spy chief Hugo Carvajal was Hits: 13 CultureWars LogosRising Health and Logos – Push Health Podcast amp E Michael Jones June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ CultureWars LogosRising Source Article from Related Posts PODCAST: The other Palestinian march of return The 972 Podcast heads to the destroyed village of Khubbeiza to hear what Nakba Day PODCAST: Witnessing regime change in Sudan as a refugee in exile The Sudanese refugee community in Israel watched ecstatically as long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir was deposed PODCAST: What just happened A post-election debrief A lot of work goes into creating articles like the one you just read Mike Piper Truth Movement Sucks The Ugly Truth Podcast Oct 4 2010 – part 4 Online researcher and columnist Staś View all posts by Staś Source Article from Mike Piper Truth Movement Sucks The Ugly Truth Podcast Oct 4 2010 – part 4 Online researcher and columnist Staś View all posts by Staś Source Article from Hits: 18 This Cycle’s Most Dangerous Bubble In Three Charts June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Authored by John Rubino via DollarCollapsecom One of the lessons of the past few decades’ boom/bust cycles is that each financial bubble emerges in a different asset class In the 1970s it was precious metals in the 1980s junk bonds in the 1990s tech stocks and in the 2000s mortgage-backed bonds Today the only one of these with a reasonable chance of blowing up the economy is Big Tech which is wildly overvalued by any historical measure But a better candidate for the title of most dangerous bubble is emerging: Corporate debt specifically the “almost junk” portion of that market Let’s start with the ongoing surge in overall corporate borrowing which as a percentage of GDP is now back to the high achieved during the Great Recession and higher than before the previous two recessions: But not all corporations are misbehaving The clear and present danger is coming from BBB rated debt which means low-rated borrowers that aren’t quite as dicey as actual junk borrowers This category was less than 1 trillion in the 2000s housing bubble and has since about tripled Meanwhile the terms of these loans are increasingly of the “covenant-lite” variety that don’t require companies to keep their finances within reasonable boundaries This kind of bond is now 80 of the speculative-grade or leveraged loan market up from just 6 in 2006 Here’s how this probably plays out As low-quality borrowers’ interest costs soak up an ever-larger share of their earnings they’ll start dropping into junk status This will lead investors to demand higher yields for the remaining BBB bond issuers Higher borrowing costs will then push more iffy companies into junk and so on until lenders stampede for the exits shutting off access to capital for all but the top corporate borrowers Credit-starved companies will start dying spooking the stock market and that will be that for this expansion The new problem this time around is that potentially bad debts are everywhere from emerging market dollar-denominated bonds to Italian sovereign debt Chinese shadow banks US subprime auto loans and US student loans All are teetering on the edge just waiting to be nudged into the abyss by some external crisis So trouble in one sector can metastasize in ways that the global financial system hasn’t seen since the 1930s forcing central banks to do some truly extraordinary things Which is the real story here: Not the coming crisis but the monetary authorities’ reaction to the crisis Source Article from Related Posts Three French citizens sentenced to death by Iraqi court for joining ISIS A court official who spoke to the press on condition of anonymity said the trio The alt media will soon be gone along with Trump and the Constitution: the three stages of a revolution Natural News Most people in this country fail to recognize where they Israel Damaged over 800 Gaza Homes in Three Days youtube twitter facebook rss Source Article from Yemeni forces allies shoot down three Saudi-led reconnaissance drones Yemeni army forces supported by allied fighters from Popular Committees have intercepted and targeted Three New WordPresscom Color Schemes Your website’s dashboard should be as welcoming to you as your website’s home page is Hits: 3 Final May UMich Sentiment Survey Sinks From Flash Highs June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ UMich Sentiment survey ‘expectations’ soared in the preliminary data sending the headline to its highest since Jan 2004 but the final prints were marked down notably Against expectations of 1015 and flash print of 1024 highest since Jan 2004 the final data for UMich sentiment printed 1000 the highest since Aug 2018 only This is still the highest “expectation” print since Dec 2003 albeit notably lower from 960 flash to 935 final and current conditions slipped from 1123 in April 1124 flash to 1100 final for May Middle-income Americans saw sentiment weaken as the top and bottom income cohorts rose… Buying attitudes towards homes and household durables tumbled… As UMich notes the combination of higher inflation and lower spending provide conflicting signals for monetary policy with the divergence further heightening if as is likely the trade war escalates Will the Fed risk higher inflation with lower interest rates or risk higher unemployment with higher interest rates Either choice would threaten the highest level since 2002 in consumer confidence in the government’s policies to keep both unemployment and inflation at reasonably low levels see the chart below The economic optimism now expressed by consumers is characteristically different than when the Index first reached the May level in the mid 1960s In the earlier era optimism was primarily based on expected growth in incomes in the current era optimism is based more on expected income and job security The shift is partly the legacy of the Great Recession and partly due to an aging population This shift has been reflected in personal economic evaluations as well as in political choices The proportion of consumers who anticipated an economic downturn during the next five years fell to 38 the lowest level since 2004 Source Article from Related Posts UMich Sentiment Soars As ‘Hope’ Explodes To 15-Year Highs After a small dip in April UMich sentiment was expected to modestly rebound in May Big Pharma’s Worst Nightmare Survey Finds Most Medical Pot Users Quitting Prescription Drug Use Matt Agorist The Free Thought Project Waking TimesA new survey published this month in the Survey of ‘profession ethics’ finds Members of Congress rated lower than telemarketers Politicians lawyers telemarketers and journalists sit at the low end of a new survey asking Pew Survey: Out Of 27 Nations Polled Zero Want More Immigrants to Move to Their Country Pew Survey: Out Of 27 Nations Polled Zero Want More Immigrants to Move to Their Survey Shows 40 of Millennials Think It’s OK To Burn US Flag A survey has revealed that one in five American millennials views the US flag as Hits: 3 Disinflation: The Elephant In The Room June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Via the Economic Cycle Research Institute ECRI Most analysts –and the Fed – don’t understand that inflation cycles are different from business cycles Understanding this key reality allowed our clients to be properly positioned for the drop in bond yields ECRI’s co-founder Geoffrey H Moore who created the original leading index of the business cycle over half a century ago developed the US Future Inflation Gauge USFIG to predict those separate inflation cycle turning points The USFIG also leads inflation expectations see chart The USFIG turned down early last year and by summertime it was clear that a fresh inflation cycle downturn was taking hold That inflation cycle downturn wasn’t obvious to the Fed which hiked rates in September and December Despite being forced to pivot hard early this year Fed Chairman Powell just this month called low inflation “transitory” Bond markets were also caught flat-footed with the 10-year treasury yield around 3¼ in October and again in November as inflation expectations remained high through last fall Highlight: businesscycle’s Lakshman Achuthan on the economy: “I don’t think there’s a recession imminent but there’s also no clear signs — at least in the US — of a strong revival ahead which had been kind of the exception after the Fed pivoted earlier this year” pictwittercom/qHlkQzUIWz — Yahoo Finance YahooFinance May 30 2019 This is the elephant in the room crushing bond yields It’s really about the inflation cycle Mobile users can view the interview here Click here to review ECRI’s recent real-time track record For information on ECRI professional services please contact us Follow businesscycle on Twitter and on LinkedIn Source Article from Related Posts China Seizes Over 2700 Elephant Tusks in Massive Bust In one of the biggest busts in recent years Chinese officials have seized 2748 elephant Dozens of rescuers rush to help as elephant struggles to survive 35-foot plunge into well VIDEO Farmer V Gurusamy was the first to discover the trapped animal after he heard strange Elephant-sized mammal dating from the age of the dinosaurs throws theory of evolution into disarray During the age of the dinosaurs the story often told is that the thunder lizards Noble Elephant Warrior Kills Indian Boy to Defend His Tribe Octavio Rivera Daily Stormer October 1 2018 Just listen to those diabolic Peeved pachyderm: Elephant attacks moving car in Karnataka India injuring 6 An elephant attacked a moving car at Kidu near Bilinele in Subramanya of Dakshina Kannada Hits: 4 Chicago PMI Rebounds Hovers Near 28-Month Lows June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ After unexpectedly collapsing in April to Jan 2017 lows MNI’s Chicago PMI rebounded modestly in May from 526 to 542 slightly above expectations of 540 Under the hood only 4 components rose from last month Business barometer rose at a faster pace signaling expansion Prices paid rose at a faster pace signaling expansion New orders rose at a faster pace signaling expansion Inventories rose and the direction reversed signaling expansion Supplier deliveries rose at a slower pace signaling expansion Production rose at a faster pace signaling expansion Order backlogs fell and the direction reversed signaling contraction ‘Soft’ Survey data continues to be unsupportive of the hope priced into stocks… But then again so is everything except global money supply This data comes after dismal China PMI data and weak German retail sales and CPI Source Article from Related Posts Iran’s rial rebounds but problems far from over Iran’s currency began to slump last December when the government cut interest rates on saving Wall Street rebounds as US amp China hold talks to de-escalate the trade tensions US stocks recovered on Tuesday following the publication of a report that Washington and Gold Rebounds After Biggest Three-Day Decline Since 2008 Spurs Purchases Nicholas Larkin and Glenys SimBloomberg Sept 27 2011 Gold gained for the first time in Gold rebounds more than 1 pct ahead of Obama speech Rujun Shen Reuters Sept 8 2011 Gold prices bounced back more than 1 percent on Two Palestinian prisoners in Israel on hunger strike for over one month Ramallah QNN – Two Palestinian prisoners held in administrative detention in Israel completed today 37 Hits: 8 Beijing Has Reportedly Developed Plan For Rare-Earth Export Ban June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Despite last night’s disappointing PMI print the latest sign that the trade-war backlash is hurting the mainland economy especially since the credit injections from earlier this year are fading into the distance Beijing is apparently undeterred and on Friday it continued to ratchet up threats about invoking the “nuclear option” of curbing exports of rare earth metals to the US a move that would cause significant disruptions to supply chains for everything from microchips to to fighter jets Beijing has reportedly prepared a plan to cut off exports of rare earths to the US Bloomberg reports though it didn’t offer any details about what this plan might entail Beijing has readied a plan to restrict exports of rare earths to the US if needed as both sides in the trade war dig in for a protracted dispute according to people familiar with the matter The government has prepared the steps it will take to use its stranglehold on the critical minerals in a targeted way to hurt the US economy the people said The measures would likely focus on heavy rare earths a sub-group of the materials where the US is particularly reliant on China The plan can be implemented as soon as the government decides to go ahead they said without giving further details China produces 80 of the world’s rare earth metals – which contrary to what their name might suggest are actually more plentiful than precious metals like gold However most rare earths imported by the US travel through intermediaries before arriving at US ports Washington exempted the critical metals which are used in a broad range of high-tech products from tariffs One analyst cautioned that nothing is yet set in stone “Currently it’s still just a possibility that China may ban or do some kind of restrictions” Racket Hu a researcher at Shanghai Metals Market said in a Bloomberg TV interview “But if it does happen then we believe prices of rare earths will surge” he said citing what happened in 2010 when China curbed shipments to Japan Indeed it appears traders are already starting to price in the export curbs as the VanEck Vectors Rare Earth ETF has risen off its 2019 lows since Trump’s Huawei blacklisting elicited threats of retaliation from Beijing Though miners including Australia’s Lynas are scrambling to open new mines… …the new capacity likely won’t be ready in time to prevent significant supply disruptions should Beijing make good on its threats Source Article from Related Posts Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Mediumcom Julian Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samuelson has told the Russian member of UN mission detained reportedly injured in Kosovo raids Mikhail Krasnoshchekov a Russian national and member of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Joe Biden Reportedly Linked to Early Stages of Russia Probe Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden was reportedly involved in the early stages of the Russia Shipyard Evacuated After Bomb Reportedly Discovered Aboard Nuclear Submarine Staff at Barrow’s shipyard in Devonshire have been evacuated following reports that a Looking for ‘Russian’ spooks: RT checks out Brussels café reportedly used to spy on EU officials The European External Action Service EEAS is said to have cautioned EU staff against visiting Hits: 3 iPhones Harvest and Transmit Massive Amounts of Data While You Sleep June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ By Tyler Durden iPhones are surprisingly active in the middle of the night according to a report by Washington Post Technology writer Geoffrey Fowler Fowler tracked his iPhone’s activity recently finding that dozens of companies were receiving information at all hours On a recent Monday night a dozen marketing companies research firms and other personal data guzzlers got reports from my iPhone At 11:43 pm a company called Amplitude learned my phone number email and exact location At 3:58 am another called Appboy got a digital fingerprint of my phone At 6:25 am a tracker called Demdex received a way to identify my phone and sent back a list of other trackers to pair up with And all night long there was some startling behavior by a household name: Yelp It was receiving a message that included my IP address -— once every five minutes – WaPo Also not lost on Fowler was the irony of a January Apple advertisement which claimed “What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone” iPhone apps passing information in the middle of the night include Microsoft OneDrive Intuit’s Mint Nike Spotify The Washington Post and IBM’s the Weather Channel “One app the crime-alert service Citizen shared personally identifiable information in violation of its published privacy policy” Fowler notes With the help of privacy firm Disconnect Fowler encountered over 5400 trackers in just one week – mostly within apps that send his information to third party companies Over the course of a month the unwanted trackers were on track to upload 15 gigabytes of data “This is your data Why should it even leave your phone Why should it be collected by someone when you don’t know what they’re going to do with it” said former NSA researcher Patrick Jackson who is currently Disconnect’s chief technology officer Jackson used special software to analyze Fowler’s iPhone “I know the value of data and I don’t want mine in any hands where it doesn’t need to be” he said In a world of data brokers Jackson is the data breaker He developed an app called Privacy Pro that identifies and blocks many trackers If you’re a little bit techie I recommend trying the free iOS version to glimpse the secret life of your iPhone Yes trackers are a problem on phones running Google’s Android too Google won’t even let Disconnect’s tracker-protection software into its Play Store Google’s rules prohibit apps that might interfere with another app displaying ads Part of Jackson’s objection to trackers is that many feed the personal data economy used to target us for marketing and political messaging Facebook’s fiascos have made us all more aware of how our data can be passed along stolen and misused — but Cambridge Analytica was just the beginning Jackson’s biggest concern is transparency: If we don’t know where our data is going how can we ever hope to keep it private –WaPo App Trackers are akin to the cookies used on websites that monitor and report your activity around the internet In apps however there’s virtually no notice that this is happening and they’re difficult to block So why do the trackers activate in the middle of the night Some appmakers set them to harvest data whenever the phone is plugged in or they think it won’t interfere with other functions According to Fowler “These late-night encounters happen on the iPhone if you have allowed “background app refresh” which is Apple’s default” In the case of Yelp the company said their app’s behavior wasn’t actually a tracker rather an “unintended issue” that’s been mimicking a tracker According to the company Fowler’s discovery only affects 1 of its iOS users especially those who have made reservations through Apple Maps “At best it is shoddy software that sent Yelp data it didn’t need At worst Yelp was amassing a data trove that could be used to map people’s travels even when they weren’t using its app” notes Fowler Popular food delivery app DoorDash is another harvesting offender – which uses a tracker called Sift Science to get a ‘fingerprint’ of your phone – including device name model ad identifier and memory size as well as an accelerometer motion reading to help identify fraud so they say Three other trackers used by DoorDash monitor the app’s performance including one called Segment which routes data such as the delivery address name email and cell carrier of the phone’s owner DoorDash’s other five trackers including Facebook and Google Ad Services help it understand the effectiveness of its marketing Their presence means Facebook and Google know every time you open DoorDash The delivery company tells me it doesn’t allow trackers to sell or share our data which is great But its privacy policy throws its hands up in the air: “DoorDash is not responsible for the privacy practices of these entities” it says All but one of DoorDash’s nine trackers made Jackson’s naughty list for Disconnect which also powers the Firefox browser’s private browsing mode To him any third party that collects and retains our data is suspect unless it also has pro-consumer privacy policies like limiting data retention time and anonymizing data –WaPo Some of the other companies mentioned including Microsoft Nike and the Weather Channel insist that their trackers are to improve performance The Intuit-owned Mint says it uses Adobe’s marketing tracker to better advertise to Mint users The Washington Post awkward told their employee that the trackers “were used to make sure ads worked” Spotify simply directed Fowler to their privacy policy Citizen the app for location-based crime reporting said in their privacy policy that they wouldn’t share “your name or other personally identifying information” When Fowler ran his test however he found that “it repeatedly sent my phone number email and exact GPS coordinates to the tracker Amplitude” It was only after Citizen was contacted about this that they removed the Amplitude tracker “We will do a better job of making sure our privacy policy is clear about the specific types of data we share with providers like these” said Citizen spokesman J Peter Donald who added “We do not sell user data We never have and never will” What does Apple have to say about all of this Fowler was disappointed at the orgy of data harvesting happening at all hours and asked “isn’t Apple supposed to be better at privacy” “At Apple we do a great deal to help users keep their data private” Apple said in a statement “Apple hardware and software are designed to provide advanced security and privacy at every level of the system” Survival Solar Battery Charger – Free Today! “For the data and services that apps create on their own our App Store Guidelines require developers to have clearly posted privacy policies and to ask users for permission to collect data before doing so When we learn that apps have not followed our Guidelines in these areas we either make apps change their practice or keep those apps from being on the store” said Apple Except that Fowler found that very few apps using third-party trackers were actually disclosing the names of those companies or how they protect his data Getting more deeply involved in app data practices is complicated for Apple Today’s technology frequently is built on third-party services so Apple couldn’t simply ban all connections to outside servers And some companies are so big they don’t even need the help of outsiders to track us The result shouldn’t be to increase Apple’s power “I would like to make sure they’re not stifling innovation” says Andrés Arrieta the director of consumer privacy engineering at the Electronic Frontier Foundation If Apple becomes the Internet’s privacy police it could shut down rivals –WaPo Disconnect’s Jackson suggested that Apple might consider adding controls built into the iOS which would give people more visibility or require apps to clearly disclose when they’re using third-party trackers “If I opened the DoorDash app and saw nine tracker notices it might make me think twice about using it” concludes Fowler Indeed By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge This article was sourced from The Mind Unleashed Subscribe to Activist Post for truth peace and freedom news Follow us on Minds and Twitter Provide Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Next post Source Article from Related Posts Nightmare fuel: New Pokemon app will monitor you while you sleep Sleep will work in conjunction with the next generation of the Pokemon Go Plus device Iran not interested in ‘empty’ talks while US conducts ‘economic terrorism’ “Iran is not interested in empty rhetoric and pays more attention to behaviors and will Iran is strategically superior while Washington is getting confused إيران تتفوّق استراتيجياً وواشنطن ترتبك Iran is strategically superior while Washington is getting confused مايو 23 2019 Written by Nasser Israel Attacks Syria Two Consecutive Nights While Hosting Eurovision Finals State TV says military shot down ‘hostile targets coming from direction of US speaks of peace talks while ‘holding a gun’ at Tehran – top Iranian official “The actions of American leaders in exerting pressure and launching sanctions … while speaking of Hits: 9 Taxpayers Shell Out Record 675m After Cops Deprived Man of Water for 7 Days Until He Died June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ By Matt Agorist As TFTP reported in 2017 a jury found probable cause to bring criminal charges against seven jailhouse employees in the dehydration death of Terrill Thomas for cutting off the water to his cell until he died of dehydration Since then three of the officers were found guilty and handed down insultingly low sentences And now the taxpayers are taking the brunt of the responsibility as Thomas’ family receives a 675 million settlement “It reflects the callous disregard for Terrill Thomas’ life” Ed Budge a Seattle-based attorney who was part of the legal team representing Thomas’ estate told CNN on Wednesday “We are satisfied that the settlement reflects the atrociousness of what happened and it’s an appropriate result for this case” During an inquest in 2017 multiple inmates testified that they heard the 38-year-old beg for water—for days After being locked in a cage with no water for seven days Thomas finally died Thomas a mentally ill inmate had been placed in solitary confinement for seven days Throughout his time in his jail cell it was reported not once was he allowed the customary one hour of free time in the yard In a seeming protest to his conditions Thomas clogged the toilet prompting the officers to shut all the water not just the toilet water off to his cell After hearing from nine jail employees NBC News reported at the time that the jury deliberated for two hours before recommending charges be filed with one simple word “Yes” However the jury’s decision would not lead to much accountability Lt Kashka Meadors who ordered the water to be cut off to Thomas’ cell pleaded no contest to abuse of residents in a penal facility ending her criminal case according to CNN affiliate WITI Officer James Ramsey-Guy who obeyed the order to shut off the water to Thomas’ cell took a similar plea deal Meadors received just 60 days of work release while Ramsey-Guy received only 30 “I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy…it’ll take you away I feel like I passed away losing my father I don’t have him anymore I’m not going to be who I used to be” said Terrill Barns Thomas’ son Then-Sheriff David Clarke — whose jail Thomas was dehydrated to death in — responded to the incident at the time saying the following on Facebook: This is part of a process I respect the process Jury recommendations are just that The next step in the process is for DA Chisholm to decide if actual charges will be brought forth There will be no speculation of what will happen until it happens After the incident Clarke resigned from his position He faced no charges despite his supervisory roll over the entire situation Thomas’ settlement is reportedly the largest in history for a federal civil rights case involving an in-custody death Avoiding The Eye – Ships Free Today! Unfortunately we at TFTP wish it were an isolated incident but it seems jails all across the country are now using water as a reward/punishment Just last year we reported on the eerily similar case of Madison Jenson who may have died from intentional dehydration for not being given intravenous fluids after having diarrhea and nausea for days on end Jenson requested medical assistance but never received it She too was neglected Her father called for everyone in the jail to be fired as well as the sheriff Jenson’s family can rest assured with the attention Thomas’ case is receiving his lawyers are likely watching very closely to those proceedings and will demand equal attention be given to her case as well Although Jenson’s death happened in Utah and not in Wisconsin the news that yet another person has died from dehydration should sound the alarm bells for jails all across the country to at least make sure every inmate’s basic needs are being met That means water for every prisoner whenever they well ask for it Subscribe to Activist Post for truth peace and freedom news Follow us on Minds and Twitter Provide Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Next post Source Article from Related Posts Chemicals in California Tap Water Predicted to Cause Over 15000 Cases of Cancer New Study Shows Uranium Radium Arsenic These chemicals are known to cause cancer Now thanks to a shocking Man Faces 20 Years In Prison For Leaving Food And Water in Desert For Migrants By John Vibes / Truth Theory A college professor and charity worker is Toxic water: Scientists are concerned about the increasing number of dangerous chemicals in our environment Natural News We live in a time where we have all manner CRAZY CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT: Reservoir Water Being Polluted with Toxic Black Balls that Release Chemical Contaminants—really for what purpose Video Source Article from UNESCO international water conference United Nations Iran – Looking from space satellite imagery shows the abundant masses of water Hits: 5 The US Press: Is It Guilty Of Sedition Former CIA Agent Kevin Shipp Thinks So June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ May 31 2019 By Catherine J Frompovich Alexandra Bruce editor at Forbidden Knowledge TV produced the following narrative based upon the Greg Hunter interview with Kevin Shipp a former CIA agent-officer on May 30 2019 Get ready for some unbelievable discussions The Shadow Government has been pretty much in an unbridled fashion controlling the Congress controlling the Judiciary and controlling the President of the United States and no one has stood up against it until enter Donald J Trump a candidate that they did not figure on who is not bound financially or otherwise – this Shadow Government or their threats and he has got them quaking in their boots because they’ve been engaged in illegal surveillance they’ve been engaged in a false counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign literally planting spies in the Trump campaign and I can guarantee you that they are scrambling like rats trying to get off a ship They’re now pointing fingers at each other Comey’s pointing fingers at Clapper’s pointing fingers at Comey’s me pointing fingers at Loretta Lynch and on another there they are scared because if this stuff is declassified the American people will see how they have broken the law and some of these parties what they have done amounts essentially to treason that they literally were spying and attempted a coup against a duly elected sitting president of the United States… … Every time you see CNN or The Washington Post for example quote sources quote intelligence sources quote high-level sources they’re referring to the CIA feeding them information to twist that the reporting that goes out to the American people… … It’s very difficult to prosecute journalists and it should be so prosecuting some of the executive members of MSNBC CNN and the Washington Post I don’t think that’s going to happen and maybe it shouldn’t because we want our press to remain free and free to be wrong although in this case they were manipulated so I don’t think they’re going to be held legally accountable…we wish they would be charged but since they’re journalists they’ll use that as their cover against prosecution and it will probably unless these documents reveal a direct intentional role without without sic a reasonable doubt then you could probably go into the prosecution realm but the umbrella protection over journalists is pretty strong what they’ll do I think is clearly indict to the government officials who were involved … Profit outside the rigged system! Protect yourself from tyranny and economic collapse Learn to live free and spread peace! Counter Markets Newsletter – Trends amp Strategies for Maximum Freedom GREG HUNTER: There are some people out there saying that some of these journalists took money If they have a paper trail where they took money they took bribes and intentionally put out false stories are they toast KEVIN SHIPP: They’re toast In that case you got them In that case you can indict them and in that case you can charge them for Sedition CJF emphasis Kevin Shipp – Blackmail Spying by Obama and Clinton 38:49 minutes Survival Solar Battery Charger – Free Today! Catherine J Frompovich website is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians nurses and holistic healthcare professionals She has been a consumer health issues researcher and holistic health advocate since the late 1970s she continues researching and writing in retirement Her career in holistic healthcare began in the early 1970s when she had to save and restructure her life resulting from having “fallen through the allopathic medical paradigm cracks” Catherine has written numerous books The following can be purchased on Amazon books: Eat To Beat Disease Foods Medicinal Qualities 2016 Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines 2013 A Cancer Answer Holistic BREAST Cancer Management A Guide to Effective amp Non-Toxic Treatments 2012 Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick 2009 Lord How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process 2008 Subscribe to Activist Post for truth peace and freedom news Follow us on Minds and Twitter Provide Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: How To Survive The Job Automation Apocalypse with subscription Previous post Next post Daily Newsletter Must See Videos May 31 2019 Technology Is Becoming Indistinguishable From Reality May 31 2019 The US Press: Is It Guilty Of Sedition Former CIA Agent Kevin Shipp Thinks So May 30 2019 In The War On Free Speech Assange Says: “Everyone Else Must Take My Place” May 30 2019 Lots of Data Collected on People – Including You – Using “Smart” Roads and Public Transportation Systems May 30 2019 Police To Use TSA-Style Scanners To Spy On People In Public Places Most Viewed Articles of the Week Army Virtue-Tweet Backfires: 1000s Expose… May 27 2019 Midwest Crop Catastrophe — New USDA Crop… May 27 2019 “Google Earth on Steroids”: New US Army… May 29 2019 Law Enforcement’s National Threat Assessment… May 28 2019 Trump Administration Wants to Exempt Some Light… May 27 2019 Source Article from Related Posts Former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp Goes Public Exposing The Deep State COUP Against America Greg Hunter of USAwatchdogcom has just released a bombshell interview with former CIA officer Kevin Shipp who Kevin Shipp: Clinton Criminal Syndicate is Nexus of Everything Shipp explains Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate She was Iran protests: General declares ‘sedition’ defeated Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts Armed Forces Spokesman: US plotting new sedition in Iran FNA- Deputy Chief of Staff and Spokesman of Iran’s Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri William Griffin and the Great Sedition Trial of 1944 Franklin D Roosevelt’s infamous Sedition Trials in 1944 had as their aim the final annihilation Hits: 6 « Older Entries |
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Ride For Justice – In Support of World Refugee Day |
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149 Refugees Evacuated from Libya to Popular Today |
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In pics: From refugee to Afghan World Cup star talismanic tale of Rashid visit Meghan Markle’s baby gift him 250 bubble blower |
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Refugee integration evidence study published by Scottish Government |
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In the 5th century Faxian visited Sri Lanka and lived there for two years with the monks Faxian obtained a Sanskrit copy of the Mahīśāsaka Vinaya at the Abhayagiri Vihāra c 406 The Mahīśāsaka Vinaya was then translated into Chinese in 434 by Buddhajiva and Zhu Daosheng This translation of the Mahīśāsaka Vinaya remains extant in the Chinese Buddhist canon as Taishō Tripiṭaka1421 The 7th century pilgrim Xuanzang first learned for several years at Nālandā and then intended on going to Sri Lanka to seek out further instruction However after meeting Sri Lankan monks in Chola who were refugees he decided not to visit: At the time of Hiuen Tsang’s visit the capital of Chola was visited by 300 Bhikshus of Ceylon who had left the island in consequence of famine and revolution there On the pilgrim telling them of his intended visit to Ceylon for instruction they told him that there were no Brethren there superior to them Then the pilgrim discussed some Yoga texts with them and found that their explanations could not excel those given to him by Śīlabhadra at Nālandā |
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How and why George Soros Created The European Refugee Crisis |
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Once a refugee in USA now head of one of Liberia’s biggest NGOs Faith Akovi Cooper is a woman taking charge |
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PRC’s UNGA Event Calls for Urgent Action to Work out Palestine Refugee Crisis |
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US Threats to Dismantle Palestinian Refugee Agency Trigger Ethiopian City Lost in the Shadow of South Sudan’s War |
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From Refugee Camps To Runways: Nyakim is Here to Shake Up the Modeling Industry |
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You are donating to : Refugee Sponsorship |
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“Refugees should ultimately build their own country” – Dalai Lama |
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The Hoax:False Demonstrations Against Chinese Refugees in Seoul South Korea |
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Jail for refugee’s killers |
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Trump Bullies Asian Countries Into Accepting Deported Refugees Who Fled After Vietnam War |
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Initiatives to Return Syrian Refugees What have they achieved in nine months |
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Amid worsening conditions in Yemen more Somali refugees opt to return |
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What if North Korean refugees fleeing war land in Japan |
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Prioritizing relationships while assisting refugees and immigrants to integrate into the Greater Jacksonville Area |
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Sydney Nova Scotia on track to welcome Syrian refugees |
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California governor pardons Cambodian ex-refugees facing deportation |
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Terrorized by ISIS Yazidi refugees find welcoming community in Nebraska |
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Vulnerabilities extend beyond refugee populations – AGORA finds shared pattern of urban poverty among host and refugee populations living in Kampala |
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The Refugees Act 1998 |
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Refugee Day Film Screening: Border Politics |
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Lessons from the story of Anh Do the ‘happiest refugee’ in |
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Refugee Hub |
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Greece’s Schools Have 12500 Refugee Students in Class |
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Refugee 2000 Play Streaming |
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The Refugees |
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Refugee 2000 Film-Streaming |
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‘Hostile environment’: Theresa May’s policy driving refugees into charity criticised for links to packaging industry |
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The Life of a Refugee |
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More than 12000 refugee children attended Greek public schools |
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Refugees Deeply |
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Biblical Refugees |
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Georgia has one of the most successful refugee resettlement and support programs in the country |
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Refugee Shelter Paintings at The Barbican |
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Syrian refugee helps others get a jumpstart in Canada |
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Refugee Crisis |
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Tracing WW1 Belgian refugees in the UK workshop |
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All Refugees In AmericaDeserve Compassion |
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UN moves 149 refugees asylum seekers from Tripoli to Rome |
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A Palestinian Refugee Volunteers to Help His Community Flourish |
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Resettling Refugees |
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Ability Links kicks goals for young refugees |
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Japan not taking in refugees says it must look after its citizens first |
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Refugee Voices |
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Refugee Council of Australia |
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Society Refugee |
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New Georgia center as good to environment as refugees it will serve |
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“As the world stage swells with supremacist demagogues of all hues and our screens with endless slaughter ethnic cleansings and refugee “swarms” the often electrifying Indian author and essayist Pankaj Mishra has delivered a caustic archaeology of “unreason””—Mic Moroney Irish Times |
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Iranian Refugee: Trump’s Muslim Ban Stranded My Uncle Green Card Holder In Iran |
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Syrian Refugee Support |
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Gisèle Lewis – Driving with Refugees |
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The eternal refugee |
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Serving Refugee and Immigrant Neighbors Together |
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Help Refugees: open call for Northern France funding applications |
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World Refugee Day Book Discussion |
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2 Refugee JourneyS |
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Refugee SIDP Camp |
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Award-winning refugee filmmaker unlocks creativity and talents ahead of Refugee Week |
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Patron of Refugee Tales |
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WEAVE – innovating for refugee women |
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Refugee support in Germany: a question of impact |
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“Essere un’attivista di Refugees Welcome Italia mi sta insegnando una cosa fondamentale: ognuno di noi nel suo piccolo può cambiare le cose l’importante è mettersi in gioco” |
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EMR – SYR Refugee Emergency Appeal |
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Refugees and Immigrants Find Community in Tacoma Choir |
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The Pop Culture Collaborative is a new philanthropic resource dedicated to expanding the landscape of pop culture narratives of people of color immigrants and refugees and Muslims |
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19 July 2016 – Refugees transform walls into work… |
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New Andrew W Mellon Foundation Grant to AUW Expands Education Access for Refugees |
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Angelina Jolie Urges to Save Rohingya Refugees |
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How to alleviate the refugee crisis |
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Who Are those Syrian Refugees Really |
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Iranian refugee who was forced by Australian immigration to stay on far flung Manus Island wins prestigious literary prize |
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Finance Assistant at the Norwegian Refugee Council |
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CDP Global Refugee Crisis Fund |
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Million Refugees Displaced |
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‘The Key’ a VR story about dreams and refugees wins Storyscapes prize at Tribeca – agency Virtue introduces genderless voice Q to challenge biases in technology – wins the TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech – TechCrunch |
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Finance Officer at the Norwegian Refugee Council |
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Mapping Refugee Culture and Innovation Sites in Uganda |
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The Digital Career Institute was born as an initiative to integrate refugees into digital jobs Today it is committed to train anyone who wants to pursue a tech career |
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Rest in Peace Nirvana — A Refugee Hearing in Utopia |
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Boxes: refugee Ando Hakob wants to be Switzerland master – view |
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Trudeau’s Canada: Non-Citizen “Refugees” Sue Canadian Govt Regarding Daycare |
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Stories from Refugees and their Employers |
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UNHCR repatriates 4300 Somali refugees from Yemen since 2017 |
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Slovakia accepts only Christian refugees Muslim Migrants have to go to Saudi Arabia |
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Refugees: The truth |
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‘Hostile environment’: Theresa May’s policy driving refugees into destitution |
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Refugees Served |
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comPOTT: Refugees’ Kitchen – Küchenmobil von Künstlern und der TV-Lehrredaktion an der Universität mit Sendungen und Beiträgen rund um die spanische Insel Mallorca |
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Trump’s Policies Are Harming Refugees Worldwide |
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YMCA Program Helps Refugee Women in Winston-Salem Start Businesses Support Their Families |
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PALESTINE REFUGEES : Poverty Challenges and Prospects |
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Carrying out God’s command to welcome and bring lifelong transformation to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota |
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Refugee Program |
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More Refugees Coming to New Zealand |
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❤️ 🗺️Refugee Resource Map |
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support for homework concentration on refugees but also free for Hallooweenfest in der SchwalBe |
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UN evacuates hundreds of refugees out of Libya |
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Charity fears that South Sudanese refugee children |
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comPOTT: Refugees’ Kitchen – Küchenmobil von Künstlern und der TV-Lehrredaktion an der Universität Duisburg-Essen |
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Identity Politics and India’s Refugee Policy |
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2 Un attivista di Refugees Welcome presente nella tua città ti aiuterà a costruire il tuo progetto di accoglienza |
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Update on Help Refugees’ Northern France operations |
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Refugee economic immigrant policies |
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Refugees and Posts |
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Java Café Global Conversations: World Refugee Crisis and the United Nations |
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Marist students journey with refugees in May pilgrimage |
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3 Refugee settlement |
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Scheer vows crackdown on those trying to ‘game’ Canada’s refugee system |
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Disney will also be withdrawing its past and present content from Netflix in the months ahead That effectively reduced the Marvel shows on Netflix to the corporate equivalent of refugees |
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Building a thriving community alongside local churches caring for refugees and immigrants |
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Refugees In Israel |
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Policy for Israel’s Refugees |
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Refugee food festival 2019 |
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40000 Nigerian refugees in Cameroon ordered back to Nigeria ― MSF |
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Helping refugees overcome barriers to employment |
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Robert Pattinson Attends The HFPA Charity Events For Refugees May 19 2019 |
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Gov Herbert to be honored for his work on behalf of refugees |
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PA State Rep Margo Davidson reflects on her visit to Turkish refugees in Greece |
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Student Activity: A Community Service-Learning with Rohingya Refugee in Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Al-Ikhwaniah Puchong |
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Refugees and Migration |
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World Refugee Day |
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Sylvia Fojo MAMaster in Educationwith emphasize in ValuesComputer Science and Grade teacher MIEExpert refugees ISTECommunityChampion Education is thefoundation of asociety La educación esla base de unasociedad hacktheclassroom Tranformémosla Transformeducation |
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UN: African refugees evacuated from Libya to Italy more help needed |
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ERF Policy Conference on: Employment Education and Housing in Jordan: The Impacts of the Syrian Refugee Influx |
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4 Refugees in Australia |
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Download Film Refugee in HD-Qualität 720p |
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Privacy International Participates in Global Virtual Summit on Digital Identity for Refugees |
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Hanging in the Balance: Challenges in Relocating a Post-secondary School from a Thai Refugee Camp to a Ceasefire area in Us |
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Help Refugees and The Worldwide Tribe when you buy this silk scarf |
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Teaching About The Syrian Refugee Crisis |
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Veterans Before Refugees T-Shirt |
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1001 Meals Launches in Zaatari Refugee Camp |
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Over 170 refugees rescued off the Libyan coast crossing the Mediterrenean Sea to Europe |
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A Prayer for World Refugee Day |
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7 ways climate change affects refugees |
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MakeSomething Partnership for Refugees |
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Pakistan Promises Nationality for Pakistan-born Afghan Refugees |
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Invasion of Europe – Split opinions in the EU as some call for military action against refugee crisis |
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Meet the Refugee Week Leaders |
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Empowering Children of Refugee Camps in Athens |
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Jave Café Global Conversation: How the UN is Tackling the World Refugee Crisis – in General and in the Kakuma Refugee Camp |
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Islamic State militants enter Europe on “refugee” boats |
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Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience |
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Protecting Refugees |
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Hope in a refugee settlement |
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UNHCR Fondazione Milan offering ‘Sport as therapy’ project for refugees in Niger |
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Tim Daiss: Hits: 32 Israel to hold new elections after Netanyahu fails to form coalition June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Mona Kandil Press TV Ramallah The Israeli Knesset has voted to dissolve itself paving the way for a new election The vote came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a coalition before a midnight deadline Source Article from Related Posts Israel continues to Jam peace deal and TrumpISRAEL GOES BACK TO ELECTIONS AS NETANYAHU FAILS TO FORM COALITION Israel continues to Jam peace deal and TrumpISRAEL GOES BACK TO ELECTIONS AS NETANYAHU FAILS Israel to Hold New Election After Netanyahu Fails to Form Coalition Government It was a rough day for Israel’s “Prime Minister for life” Benjamin Netanyahu after Israeli Head of Arab party jokes Netanyahu would end the occupation recognize the Nakba in exchange for fifth term as prime minister This afternoon with an hour to go before the deadline passed for Benjamin Netanyahu to Down to the wire: Netanyahu scrambles to form coalition as deadline approaches Time is running out for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he struggles to form Foer cuts Netanyahu a break Brooks doesn’t Franklin Foer has a report on Hungarian PM Victor Orban in the Atlantic Last week Hits: 12 Why are Israeli liberals suddenly courting a far-right nationalist June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Liberman’s political maneuvering may just bring about King Bibi’s downfall but that doesn’t mean secular liberals should forget the reasons they opposed him all these years Avigdor Liberman holds a press conference following the dissolving of the Knesset and ahead of the new elections Tel Aviv May 30 2019 Flash90 Avigdor Liberman has over the past decade exerted a greater impact on Israel’s political discourse than any other lawmaker In just a few years he made once unthinkable ideas — such as stripping Palestinian citizens of their citizenship and forcing them to swear oaths of loyalty to the Jewish state — part of the mainstream discourse Today Israeli liberals and their intelligentsia are ready to ignore or brush aside Liberman’s racist hyper-nationalist remarks and polices while crowning him the savior of Israeli democracy Writing in Haaretz the newspaper that represents Israel’s secular liberal elite Editor-in-Chief Aluf Benn calls for Liberman who torpedoed Netanyahu’s coalition building efforts by refusing to bring his party into the government and pushed the country into another election to replace the prime minister — or at the very least to enter into a power-sharing agreement Raviv Drucker one of Israel’s most prominent columnists and one of Netanyahu’s most outspoken critics in the media said in a radio interview that he would be voting for Liberman in the upcoming elections Meanwhile Haaretz‘s Chemi Shalev calls Liberman an “anti-hero” who could “save Israeli democracy from self-destruction” by bringing about Netanyahu’s political demise Just a decade ago it would have been impossible to imagine someone like Liberman whose Yisrael Beiteinu party represents older Russian-speaking immigrants to Israel becoming one of the country’s most powerful political players — let alone the hope of Israel’s secular liberals Today his party has only five seats in the Knesset but Liberman has amassed so much power that he can bring down a government by refusing to compromise on the issue of exempting ultra-Orthodox men from military conscription which he knows is non-negotiable for the ultra-Orthodox parties on whose support Netanyahu depends Secular liberals are cheering Liberman on They see Netanyahu as the arch-villain of Israeli politics steering the country from a flawed democracy into an abyss of tyranny with the end of the rule of law and annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories And they view the ultra-Orthodox as parasites living off the hard work of the majority of Jewish Israelis who serve in the army and pay hefty taxes as well Israeli liberals are not completely wrong Netanyahu’s election victory would likely have brought with it an immunity law that would secure his premiership even under indictment for multiple corruption scandals It would allow his settler allies to undo the High Court’s power of judicial review paving the way for a slew of laws to annex the occupied Palestinian territories That victory would have further empowered the ultra-Orthodox parties whose representatives have grown more extreme and obstinate in their demands over the years Liberals are hoping that Liberman will stop the systematic hollowing out of Israel’s democratic institutions Last week tens of thousands of Israelis responded to a call from Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party gathering in Tel Aviv for an enormous demonstration to rally opposition factions against the new government But in the end all it took was the obduracy of one strongman who leads a party that barely scraped into the Knesset to stop King Bibi Blue and White leader Benny Gantz seen at an opposition rally in central Tel Aviv May 25 2019 Oren Ziv/Activestillsorg Perhaps the problem lies not with Liberman who has never hidden his racism or his authoritarian political ideology but with those who are willing to suspend their allegiance to their core values and accept him as an ally if doing so will topple Netanyahu Avigdor Liberman has explicitly called for the execution of Palestinian members of Knesset He has called left-wingers kapos He lives in a settlement and supports settlement expansion Liberman attended the trial of Elor Azaria the IDF soldier who was sent to prison for shooting an incapacitated Palestinian in the head and demanded his acquittal He then replaced Moshe Ya’alon as defence minister after the latter refused to support Azaria To oust Netanyahu and beat back the ultra-Orthodox Israel’s liberals will put all this aside They will forget that Liberman who was a night club bouncer before he entered politics assaulted a 12-year-old boy and bruised another for allegedly hitting his son They will forget that his party has been mired in corruption scandals for years Their hatred for Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox — whom they view as a blot on their image of an “enlightened” Israel — burns so brightly that at this point they will take what they think they can get We may never know why Liberman decided that this was the moment to try and bring down his former boss He has always been a gambler risking his own party’s viability by pushing through a bill to raise the electoral threshold to four seats He might pay a high price for thrashing Netanyahu if come election day on September 17 his party fails to win the minimum number of votes to enter the Knesset But Liberman it seems wants to be kingmaker — to be the one to take down Netanyahu and crown someone in his stead even if it means going down himself Israeli liberals will play ball as long as it serves their interests Source Article from Related Posts Yoga pants with built-in gun pockets are suddenly wildly popular with Millennials Natural News With all the perverted Jared Fogles and Harvey Weinsteins probing As US and Western Allies Suddenly Push Peace in Yemen Can Their Endgame be Trusted SANA’A YEMEN — Mohammed Ali al-Houthi the head of Ansar Allah’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee welcomed Iranian VP: US can’t suddenly abandon Treaty of Amity Tasnim – Iran’s vice president for legal affairs denounced the US announcement of its withdrawal Blip or trend Regional elections suddenly become less predictable in Russia In the end it was a landslide Nationalist opposition candidate Sergei Furgal of the Liberal Tesla car owners suddenly discover the NIGHTMARE of trying to get repairs for a vehicle that’s out of warranty Natural News The very first Tesla fans who pre-ordered their own Tesla Hits: 15 A US-led military alliance is closing in on Russia – what you need to know June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Just this month Estonia signed a defense co-operation agreement with the United States the third and final Baltic state to do so The news of this strengthening military alliance has come at about the same time as the entering into force of another defense cooperation agreement this time signed with the United Arab Emirates UAE The US-Estonia agreement was signed at the Pentagon and reportedly covers defense cooperation for the two nations through to the year 2024 though it provides little detail on what will take place over the next five years let alone a dollar figure as to the amount the US taxpayer will contribute However what we do know according to a US Defense Department release is that the areas of cooperation will likely include “capability development and defense-related aid training exercise cyber defense the Estonian Defense League training areas and host nation support” It also seems likely that Estonia will be looking to host more military exercises on its soil including cyber-based exercises As it transpires Estonia is one of the most advanced countries in the world when it comes to the use of cyber technology famous for the implementation of its so-called e-government even Skype was created by Estonians and much of Skype’s technical work still runs from the Baltic state According to Stratfor the world’s “leading geopolitical intelligence platform” Estonia has become a leader in issues of cybersecurity The nation is currently home to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Control Center of Excellence Also on rtcom ‘Approaching competitive’ US 2nd Fleet seeks to confront Russia in Arctic The latest development once again flies directly in the face of the already debunked theory that the Trump administration was not only appointed by the Russian government but continues to receive its orders from Russian President Vladimir Putin In reality the new defense cooperation agreement is part and parcel of a US-Baltic Strategic Dialogue which began in November last year On a side but also intriguingly relevant note the US has also launched a multimillion-dollar strategy to get allies Albania Bosnia Croatia Greece North Macedonia and Slovakia off Russian military equipment The plan is being implemented so rapidly that State Department officials are expecting to expand the program within the next few weeks Such a strategy is set to make an already lucrative US-owned defense industry even more lucrative but for some reason you will never see Rachel Maddow on MSNBC complaining that Donald Trump is in the pockets of the military industrial complex despite the overwhelming evidence that Trump has prioritized the sale of US weapons systems overseas Estonia’s commitment to NATO Estonia is already a member of NATO and the EU having joined the North Atlantic military organization in 2004 It famously is one of the handful of members to meet its NATO commitments of spending over two percent of its gross domestic product GDP on defense and is also in the process of modernizing and strengthening its military Estonia’s current ambassador to the US Jonatan Vseviov once told Defense News that NATO was the “cornerstone of our security” Vseviov is of the opinion that NATO does a lot of good work on defense “and deterrence” – which can be a direct reference to one country and one country only Just recently a major news agency from the Baltic region said that a Russian military aircraft had made a brief minute-long incursion into Estonian airspace Don’t get me wrong the timing of this recently signed agreement is probably just a coincidence but I think the geopolitical issues at stake speak for themselves As part of the “deterrence” Vseviov also explained that discussions had been underway between Estonia Latvia and Denmark to set up a Multinational Division North to complement what Poland has already established NATO for its part has done nothing but praise Estonia for its contribution to the military alliance Also on rtcom A world aching for peace amp stability can no longer afford NATO An ‘entangling’ nationalist alliance The United States is currently legally obligated to “defend” approximately over a quarter of the world’s population While diehard American patriots may become aroused at the idea of an ever-expanding US empire one should know that this idea is directly at odds with the ideals of the founding fathers who supposedly fathered your “great” nation As Thomas Jefferson said in his pledge “Peace commerce and honest friendship with all nations Entangling alliances with none” Those who want to make America “great again” could perhaps heed some of the advice of those very people they claim to be inspired by Take for example the topic at hand: a newfound defense agreement with Estonia Estonia has emerged as one of the strongest faces of the right-wing populist movement sweeping across the European continent Its nationalist EKRE won 19 out of 101 seats in parliament and was invited to form a coalition government with Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas READ MORE: Anti-establishment parties scored big in EU elections since bloc became ‘problem amp not solution’ The ludicrous part is that while Estonia has jumped on the anti-immigration sentiment sweeping through much of Europe available statistics don’t support the idea that Estonia has an immigration issue of any sort According to Stratfor Estonia is facing a declining population mainly because emigration rates are high and birthrates are lacking Politico also notes that Estonia with a population of only 13 million has only taken in 206 refugees since 2015 with 80 of those same refugees having already left the country Washington’s Huawei hypocrisy… US government is instrument of American corporations How the Estonian nationalists have been able to sell what can only be described as the complete myth of an influx of refugees and migrants into their country is beyond me but whatever they have been selling has been working to stir up a Trump-esque platform inside the country Using slogans like it wants to protect an “indigenous Estonian” population under “threat” while it rallies against the EU immigrants same-sex relationships and feminism the EKRE has gone from strength to strength A significant part of Estonia is made up of ethnic-speaking Russians making this all problematic for both the US and the nationalists If the US wants to isolate Estonia from Russia it still has to contend with this significant minority As Washington should have learnt in Ukraine this is not a minor issue to contend with As for the right-wing party they will have to somehow come to grips with an already diverse local population which is likely to not see eye-to-eye with its nationalist vision Still just like in Ukraine the US has found a convenient and useful friendship with nationalist elements – as long as it means that Washington can push back further and contain Russia Because at the end of the day whether they are known neo-Nazis or known radical Islamists as long as they are anti-Russian they are a friend of the US the worst-known interpretation of the phrase: the enemy of my enemy is my friend Think your friends would be interested Share this story! Source Article from Related Posts Trump admits that Russia helped him get elected then quickly retracts US President Donald Trump has acknowledged for the first time that Russia helped “me INF treaty suspension enables Russia to develop new arms and boost national security – Moscow Valentina Matvienko who chairs the Federation Council made a statement shortly after president Vladimir Putin Pentagon tells same old story: Russia ‘PROBABLY’ violating nuke treaty… that US never ratified Lt Gen Robert P Ashley Jr the head of the Pentagon’s intelligence arm disclosed during Russia amp China Boycott US Led Conference To End Israeli-Palestinian Conflict China and Russia will not participate in a US-led conference to promote what they call ‘Highly likely’ again: Lavrov says blaming Russia is trendy as ‘Moscow hand’ seen in Austria scandal Moscow’s top diplomat shared his take on the Austrian government crisis fuelled by corruption allegations Hits: 15 Shhh It’s not fracking it’s freedom gas June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ In a real press release the US undersecretary of energy Mark Menezes says that increasing export capacity from the Freeport liquefied natural gas LNG terminal off the coast of Texas is “critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world” The potential for fart jokes here is endless but let’s not even go there Also on rtcom ‘Molecules of freedom’! US Energy Department rebrands LNG as ‘freedom gas’ Now if you thought “freedom gas” was the very worst phrase ever concocted by government propagandists hold onto your hats for the next one The release also quotes assistant secretary for fossil energy Steven Winberg who waxes lyrical about these uniquely American “molecules of freedom” for export Wait a second Isn’t government propaganda supposed to be at least mildly sophisticated At least enough so that it doesn’t instantly produce a cacophony of incredulous laughter “Freedom gas” has to be the best indication yet that the American government thinks its citizens are monumentally stupid What could be the opposite of freedom gas Oppression gas Oh that’s right Russian gas Nah it’s probably just a coincidence that this whole rebrand attempt has happened alongside US efforts to convince European countries to ditch cheaper Russian gas and opt for its more expensive LNG Adopt your best caveman voice and say it with me: Russian gas bad American gas good It’s so completely nuts that it almost sounds like a prank like the person who hit ‘send’ on this release added those humiliating expressions out of sheer mischievousness Sadly that is not what happened It seems the emergence of “freedom gas” can be traced back a few weeks to when US energy secretary Rick Perry briefed press in Brussels encouraging diversification away from terribly oppressed and unfree Russian gas Seventy-five years after “liberating Europe from Nazi Germany” the US is “again delivering a form of freedom to the European continent” and “rather than in the form of young American soldiers it’s in the form of liquefied natural gas” Perry opined Asked by a EURACTV reporter if “freedom gas” was how it should be described Perry said: “I think you may be correct in your observation” Leaving aside his inaccurate historical comparison the Soviet Union played a far larger role in defeating Nazi Germany than the US did Perry obviously took a shine to the phrase and decided it was good enough to employ as an official term “Liberty Coal” is next I guess — Ken Goodrich KenGoodrich May 29 2019 Even if US LNG was the cleanest most environmentally-friendly happiness-producing substance known to man calling it “freedom gas” would still sound totally ridiculous The fact that so much of it comes from the massively environmentally destructive practice of fracking –banned in multiple states and countries– just makes it pure garbage propaganda Indeed the negative impacts of “freedom gas” production are well-documented There’s the contaminated water supplies the seismic activity and the potential impacts on the climate – some experts believe fracking could be even worse for the environment than coal Ah yes freedom gas is so free that in 2013 two kids aged seven and 10 years old were given what was supposed to be a lifelong ban on ever even talking about fracking after their parents reached a settlement with an energy company claiming its activity had destroyed their 10-acre farm in Pennsylvania and caused headaches and nosebleeds Asked if the gag order applied to the whole family including the children an attorney initially said it did and they would “certainly enforce it” although the company later said that would not be the case So it’s freedom gas in Europe but if you live near a fracking plant in the US you’d better watch out for your health – and don’t even think about complaining Who needs clean air and uncontaminated water when you can have patriotic slogans We’ve had freedom fries Now we’ve got freedom gas US government officials are really only one step away from officially renaming them “freedom bombs” After that they could perhaps try to rebrand their violent regime-change operations around the world as “freedom coups” The punitive economic measures imposed in the run-up to them could become “freedom sanctions” – and resulting fatalities might seem more palatable if we start calling them “freedom deaths” Over to you CNN Like this story Share it with a friend! Source Article from Related Posts “Freedom not conditional liberty Sovereignty not limited autonomy Peace not subjugation” Dr Riad Malki Chatham House the international affairs think-tank in London recently invited Dr Riad Pete Buttigieg misleads America on health freedom doesn’t support women’s right to say no to vaccines Natural News During a recent town hall Pete Buttigieg one of the Freedom Of Speech Is About More Than The First Amendment Op-Ed by Gary Chartier Facebook’s recent bans on controversial figures including Nation of Islam leader Freedom Rider: Pompeo’s Truth About Lies The Secretary of State’s candid remarks remind us that US foreign policy is intended to Pro-freedom Kashmir goes for polls amid threats of possible attacks Shahana Butt Press TV Kashmir As the third phase of India’s parliamentary election Hits: 19 Washington’s Huawei hypocrisy… US government is instrument of American corporations June 1st 2019 Jesus Christ ✝ Like his boss President Trump and many others in Washington Pompeo seems blind to an alternative glaring reality The US government is the consummate instrument of American corporations Its congenital service to corporate profit-making is the real national security risk to American citizens and a global security threat for all people of the world due to the wars that Washington unswervingly pursues on behalf of US corporate interests The irony could not be richer President Trump has banned Huawei from US markets by executive order on the grounds that the company’s smartphones could be spying devices for the Chinese government This move by a nation whose government espionage agencies were exposed using every US telecom tech and social media company as a conduit for their global harvesting of private citizens’ data as well as that of foreign heads of state Also on rtcom ‘Naked economic terrorism’: China rails against trade war provocateurs amp bullies Moreover the White House claim that Huawei is an instrument of Beijing state authorities is a risible form of guilt projection The Trump administration’s ban on Huawei is nothing more than US government abusing its state power to hamper a Chinese competitor from outperforming American tech corporations Huawei’s products are reputedly cheaper and smarter than US rivals Some observers also point out that the Chinese technology is invulnerable to hacking by the American spy agency the NSA further adding to its consumer appeal Outperformed on market principles the US government takes a legalistic propagandistic sledge hammer to smash Huawei from the marketplace in order to bestow an unfair advantage to inferior American corporations So just who exactly is being an instrument for whom Governments in all nations of course use their legislative fiscal and policy resources to try to build up key companies for their national economic development It’s standard practice throughout history and the world over Governments can use subsidies and grants to boost companies or tariffs to shield them from foreign competition Also on rtcom Huawei ban will harm over 1200 American firms amp billions of global consumers company warns The US however is a stellar example of how government intervenes strenuously at every stage in the market to benefit private corporations Without massive injections of public money for grants tax deductions subsidies and so on American corporations would not have risen to the scale they have as Michael Parenti documents in ‘Democracy for the Few’ This relationship of course negates the myth of US “free market capitalism” In reality American corporations are publicly supported entities whose profits go to private shareholders The overarching agent for this process of centrally-planned corporate capitalism is the American government From its earliest days as a European colony it was the newfound federal authorities who rolled back frontiers with the native Americans through genocidal wars in order to benefit cattle and cereal companies mining magnates transport and telecoms oil firms and firearms manufacturers In its young years as an imperial power it was Washington that organized and dispatched federal troops to wage wars in the Caribbean and Latin America – all for the sole benefit of Wall Street and the expanding agro-industry Retired Marine Major General Smedley Butler in his 1930s book ‘War is a Racket’ described the American military as a henchman for US corporate profits But without the government acting as recruiter financier and commander-in-chief the US Army could not function as a henchman for the corporations Let’s take a few specific examples in history to illustrate the instrumental role of the US government in advancing or defending corporate interests In 1953 President Eisenhower authorized the coup in Iran organized by the CIA and Britain’s MI6 A main objective of that intervention was to seize Iranian oil Five US corporations subsequently exploited the Iranian feast until the revolution in 1979 kicked them out along with the American puppet dictator Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi It’s a fair bet that current military threats from the Trump administration against Iran are prompted by a strategic desire to reclaim American corporate interests Also on rtcom US-China trade war could cost global economy 600 billion In 1954 Guatemala’s elected leader Jacobo Arbenz set out to nationalize underused agricultural land to benefit the rural poor His land reforms involved expropriating properties belonging to the American-owned United Fruit Company as William Blum details in ‘Killing Hope’ Acting on United’s interests Washington intervened with a CIA-backed coup against Arbenz which subsequently led to decades of mass murder of indigenous Guatemalans under US-backed military dictatorships Following the Cuban revolution in 1959 one of the main protagonists for US military invasion of the island and for covert sabotage operations was the American soft drinks industry headed up by Coca-Cola and Pepsi They feared the nationalization of sugar plantations by the Castro government would hit their profits There are also suggestions that President John F Kennedy may have been assassinated by powerful US state forces working in cahoots with American corporate interests because he didn’t adopt a sufficiently aggressive policy towards Cuba after the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961 Related to JFK’s assassination was his reluctance to go to war in Vietnam in the early 1960s which big oil companies and weapons manufacturers were all avidly pushing His successor the Texan Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson who was close to both industries duly obliged by paving the way for all-out war in Indochina after 1964 Up to two million Vietnamese were killed as were some 58000 US troops Millions more maimed The corporations made huge profits from the decade-long slaughter But the US economy began a long descent that continues today from incurring fiscal debts over Vietnam which prompted Washington to abandon the gold standard and heralded the age of funny money with the dollar acting as an overrated international reserve currency Many more examples could be cited to illustrate how US government – both the White House and Congress – are agents for corporate profits often to the horrendous detriment of international peace and the common good of ordinary Americans Trump’s backing of Saudi war in Yemen is ‘business decision’ The 2003 war on Iraq – killing over one million civilians and maiming tens of thousands of Americans – was widely seen as a pretext for grabbing Iraqi oil for US corporations like Halliburton for whom then vice president Dick Cheney was previously an executive board member The present warmongering towards Venezuela by Washington is openly touted by White House National Security Advisor John Bolton as being about US corporate lust for the country’s oil reserves – which are reckoned to be the biggest on the planet Out of the top 12 corporate financial donors to politicians in Washington three of them are weapons companies: Boeing Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman a fourth is oil titan Exxon-Mobil There is an obvious correlation between corporate bidding and foreign policies embarked on by US governments which leads to conflict and wars which in turn repays these corporations with soaring profits The American government is the best instrument that corporate money can buy Thus when Trump Pompeo and other Washington political and media prostitutes pontificate and rail against Huawei just remember: these talking heads are bought and paid for – lock stock and barrel Like this story Share it with a friend! 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