Конец детской мечты Массовое сокращение на заводе Роскосмоса |
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Ракетата – Союз-5 може да спаси Роскосмос0132 |
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Люди Рогозина Кто должен был спасти «Роскосмос» |
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Почему новый зонд Роскосмоса проведет на Венере всего 3 часа |
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Роскосмос не будет строить стартовый стол для ракеты «Союз-5» на Восточном |
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The invention of the Muslim Terrorist is the latest invention by the Jews to spread fear and dismantle governments that are not yet puppets of the Jewsor have decided to stop serving the Jews justifying raping the World and slaughtering billions of innocent genuine semite and gentile families in every country for power and control annually under the illusion of Freedom Democracy War on Terror or anything else that can justify their invasions and mass murders for their 2 horned God Jewish Rabbi claims Islam is Israel’s broomWe control Islam and we’ll use it to destroy the west Judaism says to kill Christians February 23rd 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Judaism says to kill Christians Hits: 234 israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs December 27th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs israel defence forces stole a pregnant donkey from a Palestinian family in Salfit and used her to train their dogs This was posted on Facebook directly by the Christian Palestinian victims Hits: 185 Jewish Sharia Law December 17th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jewish Sharia Law The more I look at Judaism the more I see that Islam is a just a clone of Judaism And we can see why Jews keep bragging why their crime rate is so low — they just don’t report the crime! From a rare New York Times article one only has to substitute “Muslim” for “Jew” “mullah” for “rabbi” and “Sharia” for “Beth Din” to see that Islam and Judaism are closely tied in Sharia law tradition Ultra-Orthodox Jews have long been forbidden to inform on one another without permission from the rabbis who lead them… Members of this close-knit community who refer to themselves as the “haredim” meaning those who fear God reject modern secular culture and keep strict control over what they consider internal affairs For centuries disputes involving children marriage and business have been decided by rabbinical courts called beth dins which do not report their findings to the secular authorities even when they judge someone guilty Taboos codified long ago during times of persecution discourage community members from informing on other Jews violations can result in ostracism — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Is the Judiac institution of Beth Din nothing more than Islamic Sharia Law Jewish Lawyers screw Christian men in secular courts get their own divorce in Jewish courts While American Christian men are being taken to the cleaners by Jewish lawyers Jewish lawyers have their own divorce proceedings done outside the judicial system they work for Their divorce and their child protective services are done in a Rabbinical Court called a beth din Perhaps what is good for Jews would be good for Christians in place of the plague of “no-fault” divorce Marriage Arbitration in one’s Church would prevent many needless broken homes and their resulting broken children Jewish media-Scribes attack without worries And from this same New York Times article one can deduce why Jewish media-Scribes have been able to impute scurrilous accusations against Catholic Church priests without anyone being able to accuse them of hypocrisy as in the Rabbi child molestation abuses which are hidden from public view Again because the serious and heinous crimes by Jews are not being reported to the proper authorities Catholic priests become prey to these killers We are not talking about the Jewish religious crime of working on the Sabbath not being reported — we are talking about the religious and criminal crime of child abuse NOT being REPORTED Now a growing number of haredi Jews in Brooklyn say they do not think they can get justice from the rabbinical courts which in several high-profile cases have exonerated people who were later criminally convicted of child abuse And although some advocates for victims contend that the district attorney has been too accommodating of the rabbinical hierarchy — a charge that Mr Hynes denies — more families are turning to his office for help Prosecutors say that since last year 40 minors have agreed to testify about abuse in court if necessary And Mr Hynes’s office has been asked for advice by prosecutors with jurisdictions that include other large haredi enclaves in the Northeast — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Indeed Survivors for Justice founder Ben Hirsch confirms that there is abuse of children in the Jewish community and keeping it a secret only helps abusers of Jewish children Children in haredi families are no more or less likely to suffer sexual abuse than others according to several recent studies But Ben Hirsch founder of Survivors for Justice a New York group whose members include haredi Jews molested as children in communities nationwide said the clandestine handling of molestation cases had kept leaders from dealing with the problem and made it easier for predators — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 This site has said so much in its previous article — Rabbi Rap Sheet — “Religious Sensitivities” For Christian child abusers the abuser loses his job — because he is sitting in prison! Then after serving his time in prison he has the additional punishment of the Megan’s Law “Scarlet Letter” hung around his neck when he has to register as a child molester with the authorities reporting where he lives to one and all Not so with Jewish child molesters — who have “religious sensitivities”! David Zwiebel executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America a group representing many haredi factions offered the moderate view… he added that prosecutors should recognize “religious sensitivities” by seeking alternatives to prison to avoid depriving a family of its breadwinner or by finding appropriate Orthodox homes for children removed from abusive families “The district attorney should be careful not to be seen as making a power grab from rabbinic authority” Mr Zwiebel said — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Does this sound like an invitation for abuse — Yes indeed ! And once again Jewish children suffered for the bad decisions of Jewish authorities Advocates for victims say similar views have informed some of the Brooklyn rabbinical leadership’s worst judgments allowing prominent rabbis who were repeatedly accused of abuse to keep their jobs and reputations In 2000 Rabbi Baruch Lanner a charismatic youth leader and yeshiva principal who was the focus of students’ abuse claims for more than 20 years — and was exonerated by a beth din — became the subject of an exposé in The Jewish Week which found more than 60 accusers The article led to a criminal investigation and a seven-year prison term for Rabbi Lanner Another rabbi Yehuda Kolko a grade school teacher at a Flatbush yeshiva was accused of sexually abusive behavior by parents and former students numerous times over 30 years The complaints were dismissed by rabbinical authorities however until New York magazine wrote about them in 2006 — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Jewish Fatwa Muslim Mullahs are well know to issue Fatwas against anyone who demeans Islam in the slightest degree Simply drawing a picture of Muhammad is a death sentence Now we find that Judaism has fatwas as well In a Jewish Fatwa in order to obtain your death sentence all you have to do is report a credible factual crime of child abuse to the appropriate government officials …one rabbi mentioned frequently on blogs cites ancient doctrine that justifies killing someone who informs on a fellow Jew — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 One is left to assume that Jewish “justified killing” can be done by any means available not just by the standard Islamic method of beheading Fear of a Jewish Fatwa Fearing a Jewish Rabbi “Death Wish” Fatwa against him for reporting child abuse here is the troubles which one Jewish father had to go through before he would feel free to report the abuse of his 6-year-old son The father had to get a Jewish “Permission” Fatwa from a Rabbi just to be able to bring justice to his 6-year-old son For committing a “sin” in Judaism can get you killed When his 6-year-old son told him one day that Rabbi Kolko had sexually abused him the father said he resolved to go to the police because he knew that the Brooklyn hierarchy had protected the rabbi in the past But first he made a detour “I booked a flight to Jerusalem” he said “I made an appointment to speak with a very prominent rabbi” who had written sympathetically about abuse victims “He told me it would be OK to report this teacher to the police” the father said “He told me that if I reported him I would not be committing a sin” — Orthodox Jews Rely More on Sex Abuse Prosecution — by PAUL VITELLO October 13 2009 Hits: 96 The War On Drugs hoax December 14th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The War On Drugs hoax Hits: 171 The real enemy is at home August 25th 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The real enemy is at home Hits: 149 The Satanic Cult that rules the world July 22nd 2018 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Satanic Cult that rules the world Hits: 177 Why do Children go missing every year October 2nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Why do Children go missing every year Jewish Blood Libels and Child Sacrifices to Satan Moloch Baal Hits: 160 The Invention of the word JEW July 16th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites Judahites and Judaeans It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 … in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz king of Judah The Syrians “drove the Jews from Elath” who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called “Jews” when more properly they should be called Judahites However the point here is this: the very first time the word “Jew” is found in the modern Bible they are at war with Israel Edomites are therefore descended from Edom Esau whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars That is most of today’s Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria Furthermore this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD adopted the religion of Judaism And it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today’s Jewish people That is Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern “Jews” including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights Consequently the majority of today’s Jewish people are known as “Jews” not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism called themselves “Jews” and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites but especially those belonging to the Judahites Thus “Jews” are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites Hence modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine Similarly Jesus of Nazareth was not a “Jew” he was a Judahite and Jesus Christ was not “King of the Jews” Hits: 1164 How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies July 3rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews swindle our Taxes and Economies Hits: 146 Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups June 23rd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Jews behind every Terrorist Attack School Shootings and Muslim Terrorist Groups Hits: 128 ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service June 20th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews ISIS Israeli Secret Intelligence Service Hits: 141 How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas May 22nd 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews How the Jews mock Jesus Christians and Christmas Hits: 159 Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist May 12th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Confessions of a CIA economic hitman Terrorist Hits: 143 Are you a real Christian May 11th 2017 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Are you a real Christian Or are you led by the devil himself Hits: 134 Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime October 28th 2016 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Israel The Promised Land of Global Jewish Organized Crime Hits: 137 Role of the Dingo in our Ecosystem March 27th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Role of the Dingo in our Ecosystem Dingo role in our ecosystem In 1811 during Australia’s agricultural expansion the first bounty was placed on the native dingo in an attempt to eradicate the species “The effects reverberated throughout Australia’s ecosystems: the removal of the dingo the top order predator lead to the explosion of herbivore populations more poisons the establishment of introduced species and destabilising of the native ecosystem” Read more here: Hits: 17 Now for Confrontation in Space March 27th 2019 Jesus Christ exposed the Jews Now for Confrontation in Space There was much international news in mid-March although little of it was encouraging for those who prefer peace to war handshakes to sabre-rattling and cooperation to confrontation But there was one item of good cheer which showed that friendly cooperation between the US and Russia continues albeit unobtrusively It concerned the International Space Station about which it was reported on March 15 that “A Russian Soyuz rocket carrying NASA astronauts Nick Hague and Christina Koch along with Roscosmos’ Alexei Ovchinin lifted off as planned from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan… Their Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft reached a designated orbit about nine minutes after the launch and the crew reported they were feeling fine and all systems on board were operating normally” Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft docked with the International Space Station about 250 miles over the Pacific Ocean The mission was successful technically and professionally but did not in any way diminish Washington’s anti-Russian bias or its determination to militarize space A forecast for the second quarter of 2019 by the analytical think-tank STRATFOR reflects the Washington Establishment’s line that “Military competition between the United States and Russia will prevail…” but does not record that the military budget of the United States is vastly more than that of Russia or that as headlined in the 2018 Report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute world defence expenditure “falls sharply in Russia but rises in Central and Western Europe” As is well-known the US will spend 716 billion dollars on its military in 2019 but what is not publicised by the Western media is that Russia’s 2019 outlay is 45 billion dollars The word ‘competition’ “the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others” is hardly appropriate when the figures involved are 716 compared to 45 whether these be dollars or coconuts but the competition myth continues supported energetically by Washington’s military-industrial complex — and especially by the generals spurred on by the lure of lucrative post-retirement jobs with manufacturers of military systems Stars and Stripes records that “major US defense contractors have hired hundreds of former high-level government officials in recent years including at least 50 since Trump became president The report lends new visibility to long-standing concerns about a revolving door between the government agencies that award massive contracts for military supplies and services and the businesses that profit from those contracts” Which leads us to General “Fighting Joe” Dunford who at his Senate hearing for appointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said “my assessment today Senator is that Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security” In October 2018 he reiterated that “the Russian challenge is not isolated to the plains of Europe It is a global one” requiring the armed forces of the United States “to be able to project power to an area… and then once we’re there we’ve got to be able to freely manoeuvre across all domains… sea air land space and cyberspace” Naturally he didn’t mention that at the very time he uttered his confrontational challenges there was close cooperation in air land and space between the US and Russia whose astronauts were “able to freely manoeuvre” in harmony adding to world knowledge and engendering trust by jointly conducting research projects in the International Space Station This is in accord with the United Nations ‘Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space’ otherwise known as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 which among other things “establishes basic principles related to the peaceful use of outer space This includes that the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries…” It is the wish of the world — or most of the world — that space should be forever free of weapons The Treaty lays down that “States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction install such weapons on celestial bodies or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner” But although the United States signed and ratified the Space Treaty in 1967 it strongly objected to later attempts to refine it In February 2008 the New York Times reported that “The Russian foreign minister Sergey V Lavrov presented a Russian-Chinese draft treaty banning weapons in space to the United Nations Conference on Disarmament an idea that was quickly rejected by the United States” It is a difficult to imagine why there could be any objection to a treaty aimed at “prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space” but the White House responded that it opposes any treaty that seeks “to prohibit or limit access to or use of space” Indeed the White House said that such a treaty would be impossible to enforce because “any object orbiting or transiting through space can be a weapon if that object is intentionally placed onto a collision course with another space object This makes treaty verification impossible” The US continues to be resistant to any treaty forbidding deployment of weapons in space It was therefore unsurprising when Trump put forward his plan for militarising space in March last year and in August tweeted “Space Force All the Way!” Then he declared on February 19 that “we’re investing in new space capabilities to project military power and safeguard our nation’s interests especially when it comes to safety and defense” and signed a directive ordering the Pentagon to create a Space Force as the sixth branch of the military The result of his brainwave is that the US is going to “project military power” in space which is directly contrary to “the basic principles related to the peaceful use of outer space” noted in the Outer Space Treaty The US refuses to move onwards from the original treaty and on March 20 Newsweek summed up Washington’s policy by noting that “the United States has blamed Russia and China for militarizing space while refusing to sign their joint proposal against placing weapons there” On February 19 while preparations were in full swing for launch of the joint Russia-US mission to the International Space Station three weeks later the White House announced that “President Donald J Trump’s Space Policy Directive-4 is a bold strategic step toward guaranteeing American space dominance” by “establishing the United States Space Force which among other tasks will “organize train and equip our space warfighters with next-generation capabilities” In the words of the US Administration “space is now a warfighting domain just like the air land and sea” so it’s goodbye to a future of harmonious exploration and scientific research in the regions beyond our globe It had been hoped that the Treaty would go far to assist in “maintaining international peace and security and promoting international co-operation and understanding” but Washington has no intention of agreeing to any international law that would prohibit extra-terrestrial weaponisation and Trump’s Space Directive has now set the seal on Washington’s preparedness to confront in space as well as by land and sea and in the air Stand by for Space War Filed under: China Russia USA |
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Роскосмос не планирует создавать стартовый стол для ракеты Союз-5 на Восточном |
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Роскосмос обсудил сотрудничество в космосе с Венесуэлой |
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Роскосмос выдал лицензию компании-создателю биопринтера для работ с космической техникой |
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Конец детской мечты Массовые сокращения на заводе Роскосмоса |
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Soyuz MS-12 Arrives at ISS NASA and Roscosmos Confirm Future Mixed Crews on Soyuz and US Commercial Crew Systems |
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Роскосмос сохранит МКС на орбите в случае выхода NASA из проекта |
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Роскосмос анонсировал первый медицинский беспилотный трамвай |
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